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crocodiles的读法音标为英音:[krɒkə"daɪl(z)] 美音:[krɑkəˌdailz]。以下是10句关于“crocodiles”的中英双语例句:鳄鱼是爬行动物中的一种,通常生活在靠近河流、湖泊和沼泽的地区。 The crocodile is a reptile that typically lives in areas near rivers, lakes, and swamps.主题公园的动物表演中通常会有鳄鱼表演,观众可以欣赏鳄鱼游泳和跳跃的场景。 Animal shows at theme parks often include performances by crocodiles, where观众 can watch them swim and jump.鳄鱼是一种肉食性动物,主要以鱼类、水鸟和其他爬行动物为食。 Crocodiles are carnivorous animals that primarily feed on fish, birds, and other reptiles.鳄鱼是世界上最古老的爬行动物之一,已经在地球上存在了超过2亿年。营养价值。 The crocodile is a highly valuable animal, with its skin used to make high-end leather products and its meat having a high nutritional value.在某些文化中,鳄鱼被视为力量和勇气的象征。 In some cultures, the crocodile is seen as a symbol of strength and courage.鳄鱼是保护动物,被列为濒危物种,需要得到保护。 Crocodiles are a protected species and are listed as endangered, requiring conservation efforts.鳄鱼是热带和亚热带地区的生物,在寒带地区非常少见。 Crocodiles are found in tropical and subtropical regions and are rare in polar regions.鳄鱼在水中具有非常强大的游泳能力,可以在水下潜行一段时间。 Crocodiles have powerful swimming abilities and can stay submerged in water for periods of time.尽管鳄鱼在水中很强大,但它们在陆地上移动起来却非常笨拙。 Despite their strength in the water, crocodiles are very clumsy when moving on land.






没有crocodile这种颜色,这是指一种类似鳄鱼皮的纹理。一般有的东西说green crocodile就是指绿色有鳄鱼皮纹理,或者pink crocodile指粉红色有鳄鱼皮纹理


鳄鱼恤——CROCODILE诞生于1952年,系香港爱国企业家林百欣先生创立的知名品牌,50多年来盛名不衰,拥有“鳄鱼恤”、“鳄鱼仔”、“CROCODILE”、“鳄鱼恤CROCODILE1952及图”等知名商标。 而CARoGDEL是一家名为鳄鱼集团(香港)实业有限公司旗下的所谓“香港鳄鱼”产品。该公司出品的CARoGDEL鳄鱼头朝右,身带刺、口含球。乍一看该公司的产品包装及各商场、门店的装修与外观,普通消费者均会以为是鳄鱼恤的产品,其实该品牌属于假冒CROCODILE。 鳄鱼恤早在几年前已对该公司采取过打假行动,并在香港通过法律途径成功将鳄鱼集团(香港)实业有限公司在香港正式注销。然而该公司又在美国注册,并到国家工商总局商标局申请注册商标,最终被商标局予以驳回(现为无效商标)。




crocodile鱼竿是什么牌子? crocodile是什么牌子CROCODILE,鳄鱼恤品牌始于1952年。“鳄鱼恤”是1911年德国人在香港注册的服装商标。1945年德国战败,鳄鱼恤的品牌被香港当局没收




"crocodile",[u02c8kru0252ku0259dau026al],鳄鱼,以下是一些其他动物的英语单词及其用法:Lion(狮子)Lion是指狮子,是非常常见的动物名称。例如:“在非洲草原上,你可以看到很多狮子。”(On the African savannah, you can see many lions.)Elephant(大象)Elephant是指大象,是非常大的陆生动物。例如:“大象是非常聪明的动物,它们可以记住很多事情。”(Elephants are very intelligent animals and can remember many things.)Giraffe(长颈鹿)Giraffe是指长颈鹿,是非常高的动物。例如:“长颈鹿的脖子非常长,可以帮助它们吃到树上的叶子。”(Giraffes have very long necks that help them reach leaves on trees.)Tiger(老虎)Tiger是指老虎,是非常强壮的猫科动物。例如:“老虎是非常危险的动物,需要小心处理。”(Tigers are very dangerous animals and need to be handled with care.)Panda(熊猫)Panda是指熊猫,是中国的国宝之一。例如:“熊猫是非常可爱的动物,它们的黑白相间的外观非常吸引人。”(Pandas are very cute animals with their black and white appearance.)请点击输入图片描述总之,动物的英语单词是我们日常生活中经常使用的词汇。熟练掌握这些单词及其用法可以帮助我们更好地理解和运用英语。








crocky是 形容词,老朽的;体弱的;破旧的,这几种意思。crocodile是名词,鳄鱼的意思。








crocodile的意思是鳄鱼。鳄鱼为肉食性卵生脊椎类爬行动物,是两亿多年前与恐龙同时代的最古老爬行动物,也是迄今生存着的最原始动物之一。鳄鱼因强盛的生命力而生存和繁衍,成为地球上最古老的生物“活化石”之一。鳄鱼属于濒危野生保护动物,被国际上列为I类保护的濒危野生动植物。鳄鱼是高等的爬行动物,它用肺呼吸,心脏分为四个室,它的口腔顶壁上有一块骨质的腭,把鼻腔和口腔隔开,它的牙齿只生在上下颌的齿槽内,而这些都和哺乳动物相似,这说明哺乳动物是由爬行动物进化来的。鳄鱼的两只眼睛长在头部的上端,它除了眼睑以外,还有透明的瞬膜,这种结构使它能适应水中的环境。由于鳄鱼的鼻孔位于上端的背面,里面有瓣膜,所以在它潜入水中时,瓣膜自动关闭,可以防止水流入鼻孔内。鳄鱼的咽部,还有一个薄而富有弹性的膜,当这块膜一关闭,那么其口腔和呼吸道便隔开,因此,它在水中即使张大了嘴,水也不会进入呼吸道及肺部。它那长而粗的尾巴,既是游泳时的 “舵”、又是捕食的工具和御敌的武器。





shed crocodile tears是什么意思


About Nile Crocodile

1. The primary threat to Nile crocodiles in turn are hum. They are threatened by pollution hunting and accidental entanglement in fishing s. The Nile crocodile was hunted primarily for high-quality leather though also for meat and purported curative properties. Therefore the population size of Nile Crocodile is getting *** all. 2. We need to protect them as they have high conservation status. The Conservation Status of the Nile crocodile under the 1996 World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List is "Lower Risk" (Lrlc). The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) lists the Nile crocodile under Appendix I (threatened with extinction) in most of its range; and under Appendix II (not threatened but trade must be controlled) in the remainder which either allows ranching or sets an annual quota of skins taken from the wild. 3. The preferred habitat of Nile crocodiles is along rivers in freshwater marshes or along lakes; in some cases they thrive in more brackish water along estuaries or in mangrove swamps. They are found in most of Africa south of the Sahara Desert extending as far south as Kruger National Park and the Waterberg Massif in South Africa; they also occur in northern Madagascar and along the Nile River basin. Pictures of Nile Crocodile: rei *** egeleider/cpg145/thumbnails?album=246 Map showing distribution of Nile Crocodile: en. *** /wiki/Image:Crocodylus_niloticus_Distribution 参考: en. *** /wiki/Nile_Crocodile

请一篇关于 crocodile 的英语作文 40字

A crocodile is not a fish,but an amphibian.It can live on land or in the water.It has lungs and a heart.It is like a dinosaur.There is an idiom called "a crocodile"s tears".It has really sharp teeth and a large mouth.It eats fish and other animals that live in the sea.Since there are fewer and fewer crocodiles in the world,we must protect them.


【答案】:D解析:选项都和海洋生物有关。We saw a lot of sharks and dolphins... the tropical fishes... 没有提到crocodiles。

crocodile是什么意思 crocodile的意思

1、crocodile的意思是鳄鱼。 2、crocodile的读音:英[u02c8kru0252ku0259dau026al],美[u02c8krɑu02d0ku0259dau026al] 3、[例句]Use the crocodile clips to attach the cables to the battery.用鳄鱼嘴夹把电缆接到蓄电池上。 4、复数:crocodiles


鳄鱼的英文是crocodile;alligator。相关短语:1、大鳄鱼alligator;gavial.2、青鳄鱼sapphire cayman.3、小鳄鱼crocodile;schnappi.4、鳄鱼岛buaya i;pulau buaya.5、鳄鱼的crocodilian.6、鳄鱼洞liangbuaya.7、鳄鱼河crocodile r;crocodilrivier.8、鳄鱼夹alligator clip;crocodile clip;ramp.9、鳄鱼剪crocodile shears.10、鳄鱼街the street of crocodiles.例句:1、The crocodiles boated around in the lilies.鳄鱼在百草丛中浮游。2、All the government shoes are made of alligator hide.公家的鞋都是鳄鱼皮做的。3、We saw hundreds of crocodiles basking on the muddy banks.我们见过数以百计的鳄鱼在泥泞的岸边晒太阳。4、It is actually the possession and retreat of a thundering absolute crocodile.它实际上却是一条庞然大物--鳄鱼--独占的栖所。5、Do you concede that there are alligators in the sewers.你是否承认水道里有鳄鱼?6、An american would be puzzled,to say the least,by a reference to an alligator.如果有人提到鳄鱼,美国人起码会感到迷惑不解。7、In the movement of logs by water the lumber industry was greatly helped by alligators.木材工业过去在水上运输木料时所十分倚重的就是鳄鱼。8、Yes,i keep many pets here,such as dogs,cats,snakes,crocodiles and tropical fish.是的,我这里养了许多宠物,象狗、猫、蛇、鳄鱼和热带鱼。9、She squatted down close to the ground and from her belly there came out one by one a big heap of crocodile eggs.她低低地蹲在地上,从她的肚子里一个接一个地出来一大堆鳄鱼蛋。10、We could see the long snout of the crocodile with its gleaming lines of teeth and the reptile body behind.我们看见了鳄鱼的长嘴巴,口中那一排寒光闪闪的长牙以及后面爬行的身驱。

crocodile是什么意思 crocodile的意思

1、crocodile的意思是鳄鱼。2、crocodile的读音:英[?kr?k?da?l],美[?krɑ?k?da?l]3、[例句]Use the crocodile clips to attach the cables to the battery.用鳄鱼嘴夹把电缆接到蓄电池上。4、复数:crocodiles


crocodile [croc·o·dile || "kru0252ku0259dau026al]n. 鳄鱼; 鳄鱼皮

I’ve got the crocodiles怎么读?

这里的意思应该是 “我抓住了鳄鱼”,潜台词就是别害怕,别担心,我能搞定,交给我吧。

一:Crocodiles lay their eggs and leave them under leaves or sand,and the baby crocodiles only live

(一)鳄鱼把它们的蛋产在树叶或者沙石下,而幼鳄则指居住在炎热的地方它们大部分时间在印度 澳大利亚 非洲以及美洲的河流或者湿泥里度过。鳄鱼的尾巴短而有力,尾巴在鳄鱼游动时就会起到作用 同时尾巴也是有力的武器 因为鳄鱼一旦甩动尾巴就可以立刻将一个成年人或者甚至是一个体积庞大的动物击倒。在它坚硬鳞片的保护下 鳄鱼可以远离危险,鳄鱼只能看见它正前方的物体因为它的头无法左右移动在进食完以后 鳄鱼无法清理自己的口腔 因为它的舌头不能上下摆动。而鳄鸟则会追随在鳄鱼左右吃掉它嘴里剩下的食物 同时帮它清理口腔由于有着坚硬的而又锋利的牙齿 鳄鸟能够捕捉到的食物有很多----也许会是一条鱼 一只动物 在、甚至一个不幸的人,鳄鱼会把它的食物摁在水里 直到其死去。(二)一年 莫尔夫妇被邀请去参加一个在宾馆里举行的圣诞宴会。他们把车亭子外边外边就走了进去。以前莫尔先生从没有喝醉过,因此他很注意平时的喝酒的量,即使他的朋友一直要求他多喝一点。在宴会中 莫尔夫人发现她忘了带自己的包包,因此她就叫她得丈夫去外面的车上给她拿。莫尔先生照做了,但是在他回宾馆门口的路上他听到他隔壁车子的喇叭响了。他以为也许是某个人需要帮助于是拿着包包走了过去。他发现一直小黑熊坐在驾驶座上载按喇叭响。当莫尔先生回到宴会时他告诉他的朋友们有关这熊的事,但是理所当然的人们不相信他因为人们觉得他喝醉了。当莫尔先生带着他们出来去证明这事是真的时,他发现那部有熊在里面的车子已经不见了。在接下来的一周里有很多关于莫尔先生发现的熊的笑话最后莫尔先生在报纸上登出一则广告“如果有人在圣诞节晚上看见一只黑色的熊在世纪宾馆的外观按喇叭 ,请通知。。。”两天后,一位理查德斯夫人打了电话给他说道她和她的丈夫把在那天晚上把他们的宠物熊遗忘在世纪宾馆外面的车上几分钟,在那时候熊按了喇叭。理查德斯夫人并不觉得这有什么不对她说“我们的熊喜欢按喇叭,同时我们也并不介意它那么做当我们不在驾驶汽车的时候”。

crocodiles get sixty teeth中文是什么意思?





crocodile翻译成中文是鳄鱼。crocodile的短语:1、crocodile tears - 假慈悲,虚伪的悲伤表现。2、crocodile skin - 鳄鱼皮,通常指质地坚韧,难以穿透的材料。3、crocodile smile - 鳄鱼微笑,通常指虚假的微笑,隐藏着险恶的目的。4、crocodile rock - 鳄鱼石,是一首由艾尔顿·约翰演唱的流行歌曲。5、crocodile in the river - 河中的鳄鱼,通常用于形容一个人或团体在险恶的环境中生存或竞争。6、to cry crocodile tears - 流鳄鱼泪,表示假装悲伤。7、to have a thick skin like a crocodile - 像鳄鱼一样有厚实的皮肤,表示不在意别人的批评或攻击。8、to snap like a crocodile - 像鳄鱼一样咬人,表示某个人或团体采取攻击性行动。9、to play crocodile - 扮演鳄鱼,表示假装威胁或表现出攻击性。10、to throw someone to the crocodiles - 把某人扔给鳄鱼,表示背叛或遭受报复。11、to have crocodile blood - 拥有鳄鱼的血液,表示冷酷无情或残酷无情。12、to be a crocodile in the swamp - 在沼泽中成为鳄鱼,表示在恶劣的环境中存活和繁衍。13、a crocodile that hasn"t eaten for a year - 一只已经饥饿一年的鳄鱼,表示一个非常饥饿或渴望的人。14、to be stuck between a rock and a crocodile - 被卡在石头和鳄鱼之间,表示遭遇两难境地或陷入危险境地。15、to have a crocodile"s bite - 拥有鳄鱼的咬力,表示某人具有强大的攻击力或咬合力。crocodile的应用crocodile这个词可以用于描述具有爆发力和攻击性的野兽特别是鳄鱼。它还可以用于比喻形容野心勃勃,狡猾和残酷的人或情况,例如"政治上的鳄鱼"或"商业世界中的鳄鱼"。




crocodile的翻译:n.鳄鱼;(做成皮革的)鳄鱼皮;成对纵列行进的人(尤指儿童)柯林斯英汉双解大词典crocodile /u02c8kru0252ku0259u02ccdau026al/ CET6+ TEM4 ( crocodiles )N-COUNT A crocodile is a large reptile with a long body and strong jaws. Crocodiles live in rivers and eat meat. 鳄鱼短语搭配:Philippine crocodile 菲律宾鳄saltwater crocodile 咸水鳄 ; 咸水鳄鱼 ; 河口鳄Siamese crocodile 暹罗鳄Killer Crocodile 杀人鳄鱼潭 ; 夺命大鳄鱼 ; 命大鳄鱼crocodile shears 杠杆式剪断机 ; 鳄鱼剪 ; 鳄鱼剪杠杆式剪床 ; [机] 鳄口剪切机Sir Crocodile 克洛克达尔 ; 克洛可达尔 ; 沙·克洛克达尔Chinese Crocodile 中国鳄Crocodile Meat 鳄鱼肉Crocodile Note 鳄鱼手记


crocodile的读音:英[ˈkrɒkədaɪl],美[ˈkrɑːkədaɪl]。释义:n. 鳄鱼;(做成皮革的)鳄鱼皮;成对纵列行进的人(尤指儿童)。例句:The children walk in crocodiles from the schoolhouse to the dining-room for lunch.


crocodile 鳄鱼


crocodile[英]["kru0252ku0259dau026al] [美][u02c8krɑku0259u02ccdau026al] 生词本简明释义n.鳄鱼;鳄鱼皮革;鳄类动物复数:crocodiles易混淆的单词:Crocodile以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.N-COUNT鳄鱼A crocodile is a large reptile with a long body and strong jaws. Crocodiles live in rivers and eat meat.2.N-COUNT(尤指小学生排成的)长队;(行进车辆排成的)长蛇阵A crocodile of people, especially school children, or vehicles is a long line of them, moving together. The children walk in crocodiles from the schoolhouse to the dining-room for lunch.孩子们排队从校舍去餐厅吃午饭。...a long crocodile of coaches.排成一长串的长途客车

lacoste 与 crocodile的区别

世界上真鳄鱼 只有卡帝乐鳄鱼 , 法国鳄鱼,鳄鱼恤 真东西只有这3个,但是法国的在中国卖的不怎么样,可以说卡帝乐鳄鱼不错吧,知名度很高,相当不错 鳄鱼恤现在不行了,看的很抵挡了,买过卡帝乐鳄鱼的东西你应该质量是没话说的!

Crocodile Rock 歌词

歌曲名:Crocodile Rock歌手:Elton John专辑:Gnomeo and Juliet Soundtrack from the Motion Picture~Crocodile Rock~Made by HandsomeCKI remember when rock was youngMe and Suzie had so much funHolding hands and skimming stonesHad an old gold chevy and a place of my ownBut the biggest kick I ever gotWas doing a thing called the crocodile rockWhile the other kids were rocking round the clockWe were hopping and bobbing to the crocodile rockWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightCrocodile rocking was out of our sightWhen the years went by and rock just diedSuzie went and left a foreing guyLond nights crying by the record machineDreaming of my chevy and my old blue jeansBut they never killed the thrills we gotWhen they up to the crocodile rockLearning fast as the weeks went pastWe really thought the crocodile rock would lastWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightCrocodile rocking was out of our sightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightI remember when rock was youngMe and Suzie had so much funHolding hands and skimming stonesHad an old gold chevy and a place of my ownBut the biggest kick I ever gotWas doing a thing called the crocodile rockWhile the other kids were rocking round the clockWe were hopping and bobbing to the crocodile rockWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightCrocodile rocking was out of our sight

Crocodile Rock 歌词

歌曲名:Crocodile Rock歌手:Elton John专辑:Rocket Man~Crocodile Rock~Made by HandsomeCKI remember when rock was youngMe and Suzie had so much funHolding hands and skimming stonesHad an old gold chevy and a place of my ownBut the biggest kick I ever gotWas doing a thing called the crocodile rockWhile the other kids were rocking round the clockWe were hopping and bobbing to the crocodile rockWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightCrocodile rocking was out of our sightWhen the years went by and rock just diedSuzie went and left a foreing guyLond nights crying by the record machineDreaming of my chevy and my old blue jeansBut they never killed the thrills we gotWhen they up to the crocodile rockLearning fast as the weeks went pastWe really thought the crocodile rock would lastWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightCrocodile rocking was out of our sightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightI remember when rock was youngMe and Suzie had so much funHolding hands and skimming stonesHad an old gold chevy and a place of my ownBut the biggest kick I ever gotWas doing a thing called the crocodile rockWhile the other kids were rocking round the clockWe were hopping and bobbing to the crocodile rockWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightCrocodile rocking was out of our sight

Crocodile Rock 歌词

歌曲名:Crocodile Rock歌手:John Bayless专辑:The Circle Of Life / Bach Improvisations On Themes By Elton John~Crocodile Rock~Made by HandsomeCKI remember when rock was youngMe and Suzie had so much funHolding hands and skimming stonesHad an old gold chevy and a place of my ownBut the biggest kick I ever gotWas doing a thing called the crocodile rockWhile the other kids were rocking round the clockWe were hopping and bobbing to the crocodile rockWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightCrocodile rocking was out of our sightWhen the years went by and rock just diedSuzie went and left a foreing guyLond nights crying by the record machineDreaming of my chevy and my old blue jeansBut they never killed the thrills we gotWhen they up to the crocodile rockLearning fast as the weeks went pastWe really thought the crocodile rock would lastWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightCrocodile rocking was out of our sightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightI remember when rock was youngMe and Suzie had so much funHolding hands and skimming stonesHad an old gold chevy and a place of my ownBut the biggest kick I ever gotWas doing a thing called the crocodile rockWhile the other kids were rocking round the clockWe were hopping and bobbing to the crocodile rockWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightCrocodile rocking was out of our sight

Crocodile Rock 歌词

歌曲名:Crocodile Rock歌手:Elton John专辑:Dad Can"T Sing! Classic Songs For Dad To Destroy Volume 2~Crocodile Rock~Made by HandsomeCKI remember when rock was youngMe and Suzie had so much funHolding hands and skimming stonesHad an old gold chevy and a place of my ownBut the biggest kick I ever gotWas doing a thing called the crocodile rockWhile the other kids were rocking round the clockWe were hopping and bobbing to the crocodile rockWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightCrocodile rocking was out of our sightWhen the years went by and rock just diedSuzie went and left a foreing guyLond nights crying by the record machineDreaming of my chevy and my old blue jeansBut they never killed the thrills we gotWhen they up to the crocodile rockLearning fast as the weeks went pastWe really thought the crocodile rock would lastWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightCrocodile rocking was out of our sightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightI remember when rock was youngMe and Suzie had so much funHolding hands and skimming stonesHad an old gold chevy and a place of my ownBut the biggest kick I ever gotWas doing a thing called the crocodile rockWhile the other kids were rocking round the clockWe were hopping and bobbing to the crocodile rockWell crocodile rocking something shockingMakes your feet just can"t keep stillNever knew me a better time and I guess I never willOh lawdy mama friday nightWhen Suzie wore her dresses tightCrocodile rocking was out of our sight

jewel disease crocodile government even kneel amusement measure definitely believe 的音节有几个

jewel --1jew 2el 二音节 disease--1 di 2sease 二个音节 crocodile--1cro 2co 3dile 三音节government--1go 2vern 3ment 三音节 even--1e 2ven二音节kneel--只有一个音节 不用划分了 amusement--1a 2muse 3ment 三音节measure--1mea 2sure 二音节 definitely--1de 2fi 3nite 4ly四音节believe--1 bel 2 live 二音节嘿嘿 你这5分我能拿得到吧


maybe the crocodile"s nose is sharper than that of alligator.


crocodile和alligator的区别:含义不一样、用法不一样、侧重点不一样。1、含义不一样crocodilen. 鳄鱼alligatorn. 短吻鳄。adj. 鳄鱼皮的2、用法不一样crocodilecrocodile,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“鳄鱼”。短语搭配Philippine crocodile 菲律宾鳄saltwater crocodile 咸水鳄 ; 咸水鳄鱼 ; 河口鳄The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed.这条鳄鱼正沿着河床爬行。alligator作名词指短吻鳄,钝吻鳄,产在美国东南部一种很像鳄鱼但嘴巴较短的动物,是一种鳄鱼的专称。Alligators usually live in hot wet parts of America and China.短吻鳄通常生活在美国和中国的湿热地带。3、侧重点不一样crocodile是鳄鱼的总称,不管什么种类的鳄鱼都可以用这个词。alligator短吻鳄,嘴部较短且宽,根据分布地域的不同,分为American alligator(美洲鳄),体长1.8-3.7米;Chinese alligator(扬子鳄),体长不超过1.5米。


crocodile和alligator的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同crocodilen. 鳄鱼alligatorn. 短吻鳄。adj. 鳄鱼皮的二、用法不同crocodilecrocodile,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“鳄鱼”。短语搭配Philippine crocodile 菲律宾鳄saltwater crocodile 咸水鳄 ; 咸水鳄鱼 ; 河口鳄The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed.这条鳄鱼正沿着河床爬行。alligator作名词指短吻鳄,钝吻鳄,产在美国东南部一种很像鳄鱼但嘴巴较短的动物,是一种鳄鱼的专称。Alligators usually live in hot wet parts of America and China.短吻鳄通常生活在美国和中国的湿热地带。三、侧重点不同crocodile是鳄鱼的总称,不管什么种类的鳄鱼都可以用这个词。alligator短吻鳄,嘴部较短且宽,根据分布地域的不同,分为American alligator(美洲鳄),体长1.8-3.7米;Chinese alligator(扬子鳄),体长不超过1.5米。


Alligator 是指产在美国东南部一种很像鳄鱼但嘴巴较短的动物,是一种鳄鱼的专称. Crocodile 是统称,分为很多种. 世界各地的鳄鱼种类 亚洲: 河口鳄 (Salt-water Crocodile) 最为危险的鳄鱼之一:这种鳄鱼会攻击四足动物,甚至会攻击人类。它的体长在4到4.3米之间,生活在东南亚和澳大利亚北部。 食鱼鳄 (Gavial) 它生活在印度,最长可以长到6.5米,长着与众不同的长而窄的吻——形状酷似煎锅的手柄。虽然这种鳄鱼看起来十分骇人,其实并不是十分危险。 中国鳄 (Chinese Crocodile) 俗称扬子鳄。这可能是所鳄鱼中最濒临灭绝的一种。 也是世界上最稀少的鳄鱼之一,这种鳄生活在长江(扬子江)下游,现今它的野生总数约为700~1000头。 非洲: 尼罗鳄 (Nile Crocodile) 它可能现存鳄鱼中最为凶猛一种。它曾经深受埃及人的敬畏,但如今却惨遭无情杀戮,部分地区绝迹了。 大洋洲: 约翰斯顿鳄鱼 (Johnston"s Crocodile) 为了摆脱水的束缚,这种鳄鱼练就了飞奔的本领。奔跑时四足腾空,宛如驰骋的骏马!它生活在澳大利亚北部的热带地区。 美洲: 美洲短吻鳄 (American Alligator) 捕猎时,它悄无声息;一到求偶季节,它就会变得最为聒噪不安。150米以外就能听到雄性美洲短吻鳄的叫声。 佩滕鳄 (Morelet"s Crocodile) 主要分布在墨西哥,危地马拉及伯利兹。人们认为它的皮质量出类拔萃。 美洲鳄 (American Crocodile) 是同类中体形最大的鳄鱼之一,雄性体长可达5米。它在广饶的美洲各地均有分布。 黑凯门鳄 (Black Caiman) 为获取这鳄鱼皮,人们大肆猎杀黑凯门鳄。某些自然栖息地中再也找不到它的踪迹了。这种鳄鱼分布在北美洲和南美洲。 库维尔侏儒凯门鳄 (Cuvier"s Dwarf Caiman) 这是同类中体形最小的鳄鱼(体长只有1.5米),但它具有得天独厚的防护机能:甚至连它的眼睑都覆盖着骨质鳞片。它生活在南美洲。 眼镜凯门鳄 (Spectacled Caiman) 它体长约2.5米,在美洲几乎所有的地区都可以找到。这种鳄鱼的眼睑上有奇特的褶皱,看起来就像戴了一幅眼镜!

crocodile, alligator有什么区别?


alligator 和crocodile的区别


Alligator 是指产在美国东南部一种很像鳄鱼但嘴巴较短的动物,是一种鳄鱼的专称. Crocodile 是统称,分为很多种. 世界各地的鳄鱼种类 亚洲: 河口鳄 (Salt-water Crocodile) 最为危险的鳄鱼之一:这种鳄鱼会攻击四足动物,甚至会攻击人类。它的体长在4到4.3米之间,生活在东南亚和澳大利亚北部。 食鱼鳄 (Gavial) 它生活在印度,最长可以长到6.5米,长着与众不同的长而窄的吻——形状酷似煎锅的手柄。虽然这种鳄鱼看起来十分骇人,其实并不是十分危险。 中国鳄 (Chinese Crocodile) 俗称扬子鳄。这可能是所鳄鱼中最濒临灭绝的一种。 也是世界上最稀少的鳄鱼之一,这种鳄生活在长江(扬子江)下游,现今它的野生总数约为700~1000头。 非洲: 尼罗鳄 (Nile Crocodile) 它可能现存鳄鱼中最为凶猛一种。它曾经深受埃及人的敬畏,但如今却惨遭无情杀戮,部分地区绝迹了。 大洋洲: 约翰斯顿鳄鱼 (Johnston"s Crocodile) 为了摆脱水的束缚,这种鳄鱼练就了飞奔的本领。奔跑时四足腾空,宛如驰骋的骏马!它生活在澳大利亚北部的热带地区。 美洲: 美洲短吻鳄 (American Alligator) 捕猎时,它悄无声息;一到求偶季节,它就会变得最为聒噪不安。150米以外就能听到雄性美洲短吻鳄的叫声。 佩滕鳄 (Morelet"s Crocodile) 主要分布在墨西哥,危地马拉及伯利兹。人们认为它的皮质量出类拔萃。 美洲鳄 (American Crocodile) 是同类中体形最大的鳄鱼之一,雄性体长可达5米。它在广饶的美洲各地均有分布。 黑凯门鳄 (Black Caiman) 为获取这鳄鱼皮,人们大肆猎杀黑凯门鳄。某些自然栖息地中再也找不到它的踪迹了。这种鳄鱼分布在北美洲和南美洲。 库维尔侏儒凯门鳄 (Cuvier"s Dwarf Caiman) 这是同类中体形最小的鳄鱼(体长只有1.5米),但它具有得天独厚的防护机能:甚至连它的眼睑都覆盖着骨质鳞片。它生活在南美洲。 眼镜凯门鳄 (Spectacled Caiman) 它体长约2.5米,在美洲几乎所有的地区都可以找到。这种鳄鱼的眼睑上有奇特的褶皱,看起来就像戴了一幅眼镜!



where boys become crocodile men文章

When does a teenager become an adult? In any countries, it happens on your 18th birthday, but in some parts of the world, you have to do something special to enter the world of adults.On the island of Papua New Guinea, the Niowra tribe lives near the Sepik River, which is full of crocodiles. The people believe that crocodiles made the Earth and its people. When it is time for teenage boys to become men, a "crocodile ceremony" take place.The boys are taken to a hut called "The Crocodile Nest". The hut is full of. Crocodile teeth and skulls. The boys are told to think of their crocodile "fathers and mothers" to help them to be strong and brave. Then they are beaten several times a day for six weeks and bamboo is used to make cuts on their chests and their backs. The boys play the drums together during their time in the hut-this helps them to feel that they not alone. The Niowra believe that this ceremony makes the boys stronger and braver, so that they can survive in the dangerous forest. They also say that the boys don"t feel the pain if they believe in their crocodile"fathers andmothers".And the amazing thing is that some of the boys sleep through the most painful parts of the ceremony!When the ceremony is over,there is singing and dancing and the crocodile men are given adult responsibilities in the village.


crocodile和alligator的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同crocodilen. 鳄鱼alligatorn. 短吻鳄。adj. 鳄鱼皮的二、用法不同crocodilecrocodile,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“鳄鱼”。短语搭配Philippine crocodile 菲律宾鳄saltwater crocodile 咸水鳄 ; 咸水鳄鱼 ; 河口鳄The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed.这条鳄鱼正沿着河床爬行。alligator作名词指短吻鳄,钝吻鳄,产在美国东南部一种很像鳄鱼但嘴巴较短的动物,是一种鳄鱼的专称。Alligators usually live in hot wet parts of America and China.短吻鳄通常生活在美国和中国的湿热地带。三、侧重点不同crocodile是鳄鱼的总称,不管什么种类的鳄鱼都可以用这个词。alligator短吻鳄,嘴部较短且宽,根据分布地域的不同,分为American alligator(美洲鳄),体长1.8-3.7米;Chinese alligator(扬子鳄),体长不超过1.5米。

crocodile 和allegator的区别是什么?



1.首先您拼写错了。应该是 alligator。短吻鳄(见于美洲和中国的江河湖泊中)2. Crocodile,是 非洲鳄 。2种鳄生活在不同地方,所以有不同的名称。


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