
阅读 / 问答 / 标签

this formula is keg-only 什么意思

this formula is keg-only这个公式只桶this formula is keg-only这个公式只桶



why do you go to school ___ Saturdays this year? ---- 填什么啊?求助

ON 具体某天 用ON

most of the goods sold in this store为什么不是用be sold

因为be sold 是sold的被动词,两者都代表已售,是原型词sale的过去完成式,只是有没有加主语的区别。

这句英语对吗? If we let this situation continue as it i

as it were

英语This novel was___to be amasterpiece but I found

答案是: D.built up因为 A.built into B.built on C.built around 都要跟 (somrthing)

This is the hour,this is the day ,for our two peoples to rise

this 主语is 谓语the hour, the day 并列 表语for our two peoples 插入语to rise to the heights of greatness(表语的)补语. 用语补充说明表语的状况which can build a new and better world 定语从句, 修饰greatness是一种可以建造更新,更好世界的greatness.

Verilog编译时Multiple event control statements in one always block are not supported in this case.


如果是这些东西this sutff & those stuff 哪个对

这些东西:this stuff 那些东西:that stuff stuff 作名词讲时,是不可数名词,除非有固定的指某一类东西时才有单复数.

JVM is not suitable for this product怎么解决

报错之一: Version 1.4.2_03 of the JVM not suitable for this product.Version1.5 or geeater is required 大概意思好像说JVM虚拟机的环境 1.4版本过低,用1.5版本以上的

The most suitable title for this passage would be__________uff0e


Bubble Toy 的This one歌词。

【bubble toy-this one 】 This one is mine This one is mine And this one is mine This one is mine Bam ba da da la dam, Bam ba da da lu dam (x4) Once, You are mine and I was to liked this guy Now, You are gone and I am still asking why You, went away and left me without my thoughts But, now I found a better one is my boyyy... One is just one is yours But, this one is mine One is good One is bad But, this one is mine Oh, this one is the best And this one is mine They can walk in goodbye Cuz this one is mine Bam ba da da la dam Bam ba da da lu dam (x4) This, rainy toy is better than any guy So, You are gone but I still not asking why It"s, really fun to play with this freaky boy And, He is mine, is better than any toy One is just one is yours But, this one is mine One is good, One is bad But, this one is mine Oh, this one is the best And this one is mine They can walk in goodbye Cuz this one is mine Bam ba da da la dam, Bam ba da da lu dam (x4)

Jscript的问题 this.location.href=

可以用这个思路:<a href="你要跳转的页面" target="help" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup("out");" onClick="MM_nbGroup("down","navbar1","index_r3_c14","images/index_r3_c14_f3.gif",1);"", "help", "resizable=1, scrollbars=1, status=0, location=0, directories=0, menubar=0, toolbar=0,top=60,left=60");"><img name="index_r3_c14" src="images/index_r3_c14.gif" border="0" alt=""></a>把上面的target 设置成你的最大的框架的ID 我这里是help你的应该是你自己定义的ID号就可以实现你要的效果了

英语: 按照我们之前的沟通,可以说As we are communicated this report previously

According to our discussion before, ...这样自然些 而且 are communicated 是被动 这里应该是主动英语喜欢用名词 our communication 或者 discussion 会好写

Is this your handbag?Yes,it is.为什么回答是it is.而不是单单Y


This pair of_____(stocking)is for you.


求老师解答:— This is Janine sp


翻译:who is this book written for?


Taro H5端微信授权链接获取code,回调页面通过this.$router.params获取不到参数 微信授权登录的官方步骤,目前做第一步请求获取code,微信会回调访问redirect_uri 将code返回接口,我们在页面componentWillMount() 中this.$router.params是获取不到的 我们预想的回调结果是这样的:(避免敏感信息,我把请求域名换成了localhost) http://localhost:10086/#/pages/identification/identification?code="xxxxx" 实际返回的结果是这样的: http://localhost:10086?code=071UBEge2snGkI0Szxhe2BPNge2UBEgU&state=123#/pages/identification/identification 这就是导致获取不到的根本原因, 目前解决办法只能解析地址路径的方式获取code 默认是 hash 的路由方式,这样的 #/page/xx/xx ,我们可以修改成 browser 的路由方式可以去掉 #


I taste this project.这个句子是主谓宾结构。主语是I,谓语是taste,this project是宾语。

It is reported that the unemployed____ the great threat of economic crisis this winter

b are facing the unemployed 是失业人员face the threat是面临。。。的危险用进行时表示事件正在发生

In this paper, we have argued that exposing uncommitted data is


This is the arm.This is the leg怎么读?



This is my aunt.这是我的阿姨。谐音读作rei 四 一日麦昂它


有些类的成员函数需要获得自身的std::shared_ptr,但不能就地从this创建,这样会导致多个毫无关系的智能指针引用到同一个对象,导致重复释放【不能传递share_ptr<this>,因为这样会造成2个以上非共享的share_ptr指向同一个对象,未增加引用计数导对象被析构两次】。 std::enable_shared_from_this<>模版类就是解决这个问题。 请看regTo的实现,就需要使用本身的智能指针。 上面regTo函数就需要获得本身的shared_ptr。 注意:调用这个函数的实例必须是构建在shared_ptr上的。因为shared_from_this是从一个weak_ptr构建的一个shared_ptr,这里的weak_ptr是一个shared_ptr弱引用。如果本身没有构建,自然弱引用也是空的。 如果如下所示的使用,则会发生运行时错误: 抛出异常的位置在这里:

who,is this boy,怎么读?

who,is this boy的中文意思是:这个男孩是谁

this is cool.怎么读?





that、this、these、those的区别如下。一、翻译不同1、that的意思是“那个”。2、this的意思是“这个”。3、these的意思是“这些”。4、those的意思是“那些”。二、关系不同1、those是that的复数形式,that是those的单数形式。2、these是this的复试形式,this是these的单数形式。三、用法不同1、that、this、these、those都可以用作指示代词。2、that还可以用于引导多种从句,如主语从句、状语从句、同位语从句和表语从句等等。3、that和those是远指代词。 指时间或空间上较远的人及事物。4、this和these是近指代词。指时间或空间上 较近的人及事物。


setTimeout中函数内的this是指向了window对象,setInterval同理 如果想要让setTimeout中的this不指向window,可以使用以下常用办法: 方法一:使用之前重新指向到一个变量,然后操作这个新的变量 微信小程序中经常见到重新定义this的指向that,之后操作that 方法二: 使用ES6的箭头函数

This is your eye怎么读

回答和翻译如下:This is your eyes.这是你的眼睛。(音译:滴斯,一斯,要,爱斯)

英语用法,this is 和this is the的区别在哪?


that is和this is的区别? 两者都是表达'这是'的意思,但是有什么区别

This is...意为“这是...”,指较近的人或事物;That is...意为“那是...”,指较远的人或事物.例如:   This is a book.这是一本书.That is a foottball.那是一个足球. 【注意】   1.that is 有时可缩写为that"s,但this is 没有缩写形式.   2.Is that... 意为“那是...?”其答语常用it代替问句中的this或that.例如: —Is this your pen?这是你的钢笔吗? —Yes,it is.是的,它是. —Is that your bag?那是你的书包吗? —No,it isn"t.不,它不是.

四年级的this is可以组什么句子?

this is a book.this is my sister.this is your pencil.

用This is造句?

This is a pen.

this is 和it‘s

this:指示代词it:人称代词指示代词(demonstrative pronoun)是表示指示概念的代词,即用来指示或标识人或事物的代词.指示代词与定冠词和人称代词一样,都具有指定的含义,用来起指示作用,或用来代替前面已提到过的名词.指示代词分单数(this / that)和复数(these / those)两种形式,既可作限定词又可做代词,例如:单数 复数限定词:This girl is Mary.Those men are my teachers.代词:This is Mary. Those are my teachers.指示代词在句子中可充当主语、宾语、表语、定语.  1、作主语  This is the way to do it. 这事儿就该这样做.   2、作宾语  I like this better than that. 我喜欢这个甚至那个.   3、作介词宾语  I don"t say no to that. 我并未拒绝那个.  There is no fear of that. 那并不可怕.   4、 作表语  My point is this. 我的观点就是如此.   5、作定语  This room is mine. 这间房间是我的.代词[pronoun简称pron]是代替名词的一种词类.大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能.英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词和不定代词九种.  代词的定义:   代替名词, 形容词或数词的词就是代词.它们指人称和事物 ,但又不说出他们的名字,所以叫做人称代词.代词可分为八类,他们是:   1) 人称代词 5) 疑问代词   2) 物主代词 6) 连接代词   3) 指示代词 7) 关系代词   4) 反身代词 8) 不定代词


this is是“这是”的意思。下面是例句。This brings us to the second question I asked.这就将我们带到了我所提的第二个问题。it is是“它是"的意思。 It"s a cat. 它是只猫。还有This is可用于人或物,例如:This is my friend.或 This is his book.或电话用语This is Mike speaking.It"s 主要用于介绍物.例如:It is a cute dog.

this is缩写

"This is"的缩写是“This"s”,它表示"这是"或"这个是"。在口语和书面表达中经常用来引入一个人、事物或情况的描述。以下将详细介绍一下这个常见的单词。首先,“This is”常用于自我介绍。当我们初次与他人见面时,可以说:“Hi, this is [name]”,以告诉对方自己的名字。这种方式简洁明了,也很常见。其次,“This is”还可用于介绍他人。例如,在社交场合上,你可以说:“This is my friend, [name]”。通过使用“this is”的形式,我们可以向别人介绍我们的朋友、同事或家庭成员等。此外,“This is”还可用于描述一种具体的情况或事物。比如,当我们看到一幅画作时,我们可以说:“Wow, this is a beautiful painting!”或者当我们对一本新书感兴趣时,我们可以说:“I"ve heard great things about this book!”


what is 和 this is的区别是二者的意思不同。what is 的意思是“是什么”。this is 的意思是“这是”。

this is改为一般疑问句

this is 这是 ... This is a bottle.改为一般疑问句: Is this a bottle ?

This is、 是什么意思?



肯定:yes,it is否定:no,it is not.

为什么英语中电话用语表示“这里是…(人名)”用this is,而不用that is呢?

电话英语中,this指代近处的人(电话这端的人),that指代远处的人(电话那端的人) 比如: 电话对话中: This is Linda.Is that Bob? 我是琳达,你是鲍勃吗?

用this is造句?

您好!例:This is an apple.

英文邮件中向别人介绍自己是用I am 还是用this is

My name 和 this is 都可以I am是什么鬼?千万不要这么说



this is的缩写


this is 与 it is 区别

一,指代对象不同this指在对话中正在谈及的事物。而it is中it是不定代词,一般是指曾提到的。二,宾语不同this is的宾语可以是人也可以是物。而it is的宾语只可以是物。例:This is my brother. 这是我的哥哥。It is an apple. 这是一个苹果。三,意思不同this is可用于人或物,这是什么的意思。表示距离说话人近的的物体或对人进行第一次介绍用。it is 是它是什么的意思。表示上面提到的单数可数名词或不可数名词再一次提到时用,并且It is主要用于介绍物。扩展资料:重点词汇:1,thispron. 这,这个,这样,今,本,有个adj. 这,这个adv. 这样地,这么2,itpron. [指无生命的东西,动物,植物]它;这;那pron. 指已提到或将提及的事物,活动,经验,抽象观念等pron. 在不分性别或情况不详时指代pron. 作无人称动词的主语,表示天气,时日,距离,状态,温度等等abbr. 信息技术information technology

英语中的this is用法

用this is。英文邮件中一般最好用被动语态,很少用主动语态。This is很尊敬的说法,很谦虚的说法。一、this1、含义:pron. 这;这个。adj. 这个。adv. 这样;这么2、用法直接源自古英语的this,意为这个。this用作形容词作“这”解时,用于修饰表示在时间、地点、想法上更接近讲话者的事物或人,也可与包括现在的日子或一段时间的词语连用。this可与of短语连用,后接名词性物主代词或名词所有格。Come here and look at this picture.过来看这幅画。二、is1、含义:v. 是(be的第三人称单数一般现在时)2、用法is,英语单词,英音:[iz] 美音:[ɪz],用于第三人称单数现在时。Spain is our favorite holiday spot.西班牙是我们喜欢的度假地点。近义词:that一、含义:pron. 那。conj. 引导从句。adj. 那个;上文提到的。adv. 非常;那么地二、用法:that用作指示代词的意思是“那,那个”。可指前面提到的那件事,也可指在空间或时间上较另一事物远的事物或人,还可指要表明的或要提及的事物、想法等。that用作关系代词时,指人或事物,同时又在从句中充当句子成分。that偶尔也可引导非限制性定语从句。I am well aware that this is a tough job.我深知这是一件棘手的工作。

this is是什么意思?是不是“这就是”的意思呀?


this is 能不能换成this was


this is how that是什么句型

this is how that是表语从句。在复合句中作表语的从句, 就叫做表语从句。表语从句一般放在系动词之后,结构是“主语+系动词+表语从句”。常见的引导表语从句的从属连词有when,where,why,who,how,that。它们都有代词词性,即具备名词性质,所以可以引导主语从句、同位语从句、宾语从句、表语从句全部四种名词性从句。


This is a bookThis is my fingerThis is not my finger

What is this?提问为什么要用“It is”回答呢?可以用this is 回答吗


this is why与this is because的区别?

this is why与this is because的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.this is why:这就是为什么;这是为什么2.this is because:这是因为;因为二、用法不同1.this is why:why的意思是“为什么”,可用作疑问副词,也用作关系副词,还用作连接副词,可以引导名词从句。why作为疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句或省略的特殊疑问句,表示疑问,意思是“为什么”,表示某一动作是不必要的或无意义的。2.this is because:基本意思是“因为”,强调直接造成某种结果的理由和原因,所引导的原因状语从句多置于主句之后,有时为了强调,也可置于主句之前,并用逗号与句子的其他部分隔开。三、侧重点不同1.this is why:强调句式,用来说明结果,后面接某事造成的结果。2.this is because:原因状语从句,用来解释原因,后面接某事造成的原因。

这是我是this is i 还是this is me?

this is me 是 正确的



“Thread t = new Thread(this); t.start();”是什么意思?

Thread t 的意思是声明线程tnew Thread(this) 的意思是把当前的类实例化为一个线程t.start() 的意思是启动该线程。比如当前类里面有一句话是System.out.println("WH!"); 那么启动一个线程控制台就会打印一句"WH!"

关于 java 线程 Thread thread = new Thread(this);


这句话是什么意思? Thread t = new Thread(this); t.start();


英语一年级上:Unit3 This is my num听课记录【三篇】

【 #小学英语# 导语】愿你像那小小的溪流,将那高高的山峰作为生命的起点,一路跳跃,一路奔腾,勇敢地、勇敢地奔向生活的大海。 小学英语频道整理了英语一年级上:Unit3 This is my num听课记录【三篇】,具体如下: 【篇一】 课时:第一课时   教学目标:   1.能听懂、会说、会认单词:dad, mum, family, my.   2.能听懂、会说、会认句子:This is my….   3.会唱歌曲:The Finger Family.   教学重点:   1.能听懂、会说、会认单词:dad(daddy), mum(mummy), family, my   2.能听懂、会说、会认句子:This is….   教学难点:掌握this is 的发音,my 的意思。   教具准备:实物投影,CAI, finger family members.   学具准备:学生带一张家庭照并且做一个Helen 的头饰。finger family members.   教学过程:   Step1: Warm –up   1.Greetings: Good morning .   2.Sing a song: Good morning to you.   3.(Hold up a card of Helen and point to her)Look, this is Helen. (Put the card on the head)Hello, I"m Helen. How are you?(Greet with some student.)   Step 2: Presentation   1.Who wants to be Helen? Choose one to put on the card..Let"s say Hello to Helen.   2.Helen is our new friend. She know nothing about you.I will introduce you to her.   3.T points to a student and says: Helen, this is. say the name of the student. Helen and the student have a greeting.   4.Do the same several times. Write This is on the board. Ask students to look at my mouth and liten ./s//s/, this; / z//z/, is.   5.Students listen and repeat. Ask some one to say the phrases.   6.Ask students to introduce their deskmate to Helen using This is .   7.Helen will introduce her family to you.   8.(CAI) Helen: Look at my family photo. This my mum. This is my dad.This is me.   9.Hold up a card of Mrs Brown . Say This is Helen"s mum. Ask students to listen and learn to say mum.   10.T and Ss put the card of Helen on the head. Point to Mrs Brown and say: This is my mum.   11.The same way to teach This is my dad.   12.Stick the cards(Mrs Brown, Mr Brown, Helen) on the board. This is my mum. This is my dad. This is me. Ask Ss to repeat.   13.Draw a big heart around the three cards.say This is my family. Ask Ss to say family.   14.We all have a family. A happy family. Take off the card of Helen. Say This is my family. Yes or no?   15.Show my family to Ss. Say This is my family. This is my mum. This is my dad. This is me.   Step 3: Consolidation and practice   1.Play a game. Show a photo of one"s family.hide the child and mum. Ask whose mum is this? If it"s yours, you should say This is my mum.Then show the child, check the answer.   2.Like the same: whose dad is this? This is my dad.   3.Like the same: whose family is this? This is my family.   4.Ask some Ss to point their family members and say this is my…   5.Can you introduce your family to us? Ask some to the front to introduce.   Step 4: Learn a new song—the finger family   1. Point to Mr Brown. Say This is my dad. This is my ,daddy, it"s the same.   2.Point to Mrs Brown. Say This is my mum. This is my mummy.mum,mummy, it"s the same.   3.Play the song. Ss listen and see.   4.Take out finger family members. Put dad/mum/me on the first finger. Sing daddy finger, daddy finger, Here I am. Here I am. How are you ,today? Very well, I thank you. Run away, run away.   5.Play the song again. Ss listen and sing.   Step 5 .Homework.   Draw a family photo. call your parents using dad or mum .   Words on the blackboard:   This is my family.   dad(daddy) mum (mummy) 【篇二】 一、教学内容   Page 14 A.Learn to say中的句型This is… .   二、教学目标   能听懂他人使用This is…介绍别人,并能用此句型向他人介绍自己的同学或朋友,语音语调正确。   三、教学重点   能听懂他人使用This is…介绍别人,并能用此句型向他人介绍自己的同学或朋友,语音语调正确。   四、教学难点   能正确听说This is,语音语调正确。   五、教具准备及辅助活动   书中人物头饰、电脑、光盘、“介绍朋友”游戏   六、作业设计安排   课内:练习对话;做“介绍朋友”游戏。   课外:用This is 句型介绍书中U1和U2的人物给爸爸妈妈认识;下节课带好爸爸妈妈的照片。   七、主要板书计划   Unit 3 This is my mum (1)   Hello,… . morning   Hi,… .   Good morning. afternoon.   This is … .   evening   八、教学过程   A. Greetings and warming up   1.继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please. Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。   T:Class begins.   Ss: Stand up.   T: Good morning, boys and girls.   Ss: Good morning, Miss Xia.   T: Sit down ,please.   Ss: Thank you.   2.Sing some songs:“Hello”“Good morning to you.”   B. Free talk   T:Hello,I"m Miss Xia.   S:Hello,I"m… .   T:Good morning/Good afternoon,… .   S:Good morning/ Good afternoon ,Miss Xia.   C. Review   1.师简笔画出示morning /afternoon/evening   Ss listen and find the picture.   Ss listen and find the words.   Ss read the words.   2.任选一幅图创设情境,学生戴上头饰表演互相自我介绍、互相打招呼。   e.g.   morning   S1:Hello,I"m Mike.   S2:Hello,I"m Su Hai.   S1: Good morning, Su Hai.   S2:Good morning ,Mike.   …   D、Presentation and practice   T:Hello, I"m Miss Xia.   S1: Hello,I"m… .   T:Good morning/Good afternoon,S1 .   S1:Good morning/ Good afternoon ,Miss Xia.   师带着S1走到一位学生S2面前   T: Hello,S2.This is S1.   S2:Good morning /Good afternoon,S1.   S1: Good morning /Good afternoon,S2.   …   师板书This is…   Teach: This is … .   1)要求学生看好老师的口型跟读。   2)开火车传一传人物头饰,介绍如: This is Mike.   3)将书中Unit1和Unit2的内容介绍给同桌。如:This is Su Hai.   4)介绍自己的同桌给老师认识。如:Miss Xia ,this is … .   E、Consolidation   1.介绍朋友游戏   一生下位找到自己的朋友并与她/他互相问候,然后拉着该朋友的手再去找另外一位朋友,介绍新朋友给朋友认识,……   S1: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon.   S2: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon.   S1:This is S3.   S3: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon.   S2: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon.   S2: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon.   S4: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon.   S2: This is S3.   S4: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon.   …   3.Have a rest   Sing the songs“Hello”“Good morning to you.”   Listen to the rhyme“Daddy,mummy,I love you.”学生试着跟说。   F.Assign Homework   用This is 句型介绍书中U1和U2的人物给爸爸妈妈认识;下节课带好爸爸妈妈的照片。 【篇三】 一、教学内容   Page 16 D、say a rhyme   Page 17 E、play a game   《活动手册》:Page 7-9 A、B、C   二、教学目标   1、能使用学过的英语与他人做简单的交流和介绍。   2、会说歌谣Daddy, mummy, I love you。   3、能按要求独立完成《活动手册》。   三、教学重点   1、能使用学过的英语与他人做简单的交流和介绍。   2、会说歌谣Daddy, mummy, I love you。   3、能按要求独立完成《活动手册》 。   四、教学难点   能按要求独立完成《活动手册》 。   五、教具准备及辅助活动   书中人物头饰、电脑、光盘、录音机、磁带、《活动手册》   六、作业设计安排   课内:完成《活动手册》,玩指套游戏。   课外: (1)听录音,进行对话,准备口语测试。   (2)鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。   (3)鼓励学有余力的学生学习其他的打招呼用语。   七、主要板书计划   Unit 3 This is my mum(3)   Hello/Hi/,I"m … .   Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening.   This is my mum /dad / teacher.   八、教学过程   A. Greetings and warming up   1.继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please. Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。   T:Class begins.   Ss: Stand up.   T: Good morning, boys and girls.   Ss: Good morning, Miss Xia.   T: Sit down ,please.   Ss: Thank you.   2.Sing some songs:“Hello”“Good morning to you.”   B. Free talk and review   (The teacher looks at individual students and prompts them to answer.)   T: Hello. I"m Miss Xia.   S1: Hello. I"m …   T: Good morning!…   S: Good morning,Miss Xia.   Ss拿起自己的照片,进行全班介绍。   ——This is my mun。   ——This is my dad。   指着老师说This is my teacher,Miss Xia.   开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。   C、Presentation:   1.Say a rhyme   (1)引导学生听歌谣,同时播放自己制作的多媒体,配合歌曲教学.   (2)带领学生学歌词,按照歌曲节奏先做儿歌练习.   (3)带领学生学说唱歌谣,配上动作.   (4)学生齐唱歌曲,并采用轮唱、分男女生唱等形式演唱歌谣。   2.practise   (1)活动1: listen and number.   录音中,Mike 正在将Miss Li介绍给他的父母。让学生听录音,根据Mike 介绍的先后顺序,用数字在相应的人物旁标上序号。   核对答案。   师生互问,生生练习问答。   (2)活动2: Listen and judge.   教师先向学生解释清楚题目的做法.   ——Good morning , Helen。   ——Good morning ,wangbing。   ——Good evening, Su Hai 。This is my mum。   ——Good evening。   请学生听录音,根据录音内容判断判断内容和场景是否相符,相符则为笑脸,否则为哭脸。   (3)学习活动3:draw and say   教师带领学生在图中相应位置画上自己的父亲、母亲。   同桌练习问候对话。   D、Consolidation a game   (1)教师先给学生解释游戏的做法。   (2)引导学生开展游戏活动。   (3)学生制作5个画着Stenven Brown, Jane Brown, Miss Li , Helen 和 Mike 等形象的手指套,并且带着手指套向同学介绍这些人物.   ——This is my teacher/mum/dad.   ——Hello/Hi。   2.部分学生可以当堂完成口语测试:指读课文和单词。也可为其他学生提供示范和榜样。   E、Assign homework   (1)听录音,进行对话,准备口语测试。   (2)鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。   (3)鼓励学有余力的学生学习其他的打招呼用语。

写出下面单词前两个字母组合起来发出的读音相同的单词:why who thin this


写出下面单词前两个字母组合起来发出的读音相同的单词:why who thin this

white, whole, thesis, these

This is an automatic reply, confirming that your e-mail was received.Thank you

This is an automatic reply, confirming that your e-mail was received.Thank you这是一个自动回复,确认您的电子邮件收到了。谢谢

This is an automatic reply confirming that your e-mail was received.Thank you的中文意思


遇到“a valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found”的解决办法

最近碰到一个诡异的问题,真机调试的时候老是会报“a valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found”这个错,开始怀疑是证书或者的profile的问题,于是把证书和profile删掉重新设置,仍然不行,试了一下其他工程,顺利运行,说明证书是没问题的。在仔细看看报错信息,有一个“executable”,所以猜测可能是可执行文件的问题,于是把product中的.app删除,重新运行,问题解决~


dad this is my jones

Mr Jones,this is Miss Green琼斯先生这是格林小姐这个英语怎么读啊?

Mr Jones,this is Miss Green。从事新先生,这是格林小姐谐音读作米四它 周日,rei四 一日 米四 个润

This is War 歌词

He was enslaved, to the dirty system, pero murio (to face the end) mother fucking come onThis was the final missionHis life had just begunIt all had to be so fucked upHis death to me, so fuckedHis face remains so deathless[Chorus]This is warAnd I swear that Im not giving up or giving inThis is war?Then I swear that Im not giving up or giving inGiving upThis is warSociety is a loaded weaponNo one is exempt from the bullet withinEl systema (the system) is a prime exampleDe lo que pasa cuando (of whats to happen next)The streets could be so fucked upHis destiny so fucked upHis face remain so deathless[Repeat Chorus]Dios mio, alma mia, por que me as llevado la vida(god of mine, soul of mine, why have you taken my life)Cuando yo todo te lo he dado (when I have given everything to you)En mi hora de muerte, no me dejes morir (in my hour of need, dont let me die)Necesito otra vida, Necesito que me digas (give me another breath, Speak to me)Is this war? Is this war?This is war

oh,jane,this is my sister kate,怎么读?


英语翻译Mrs.Lee:Is this your dog?Tony :Yes,it is.Why?Mrs.Lee:Wel?

Mrs.Lee:Is this your dog? 李太太:这是你家的狗? Tony :Yes,it is.Why? 托尼:是的,怎么了? Mrs.Lee:Well,your dog chases my cat. 嗯,他在追我家的猫! Tony :Oh,I"m sorry. 哦,抱歉. Mrs.Lee:Please keep your dog on a leash. 请把你的狗拴好. Tony :Yes,ma"am. 好的,没问题. 托尼把他的狗拴在链子上,所以它不能追李太太的猫. Tony binds his dog on a leash,so it can not chase Mrs.Lee"s cat. 请把书放在桌子上. Please put the book on the desk. Tony and Tina are very different.Tony likes music.Tina doesn"t.Tony is an athlete. Tina isn"t. 托尼和蒂娜很不一样,托尼喜欢喜欢听音乐而蒂娜不喜欢,托尼是个运动员而蒂娜不是(托尼很有运动细胞而蒂娜不是). On the other hand,Tina likes movies,but Tony doesn"t.She is a good student,but he isn"t. 另一方面,蒂娜喜欢看电影,而托尼不喜欢,蒂娜是个好学生而托尼不是(蒂娜学习成绩很好而托尼不是). Tony and Tina are brother and sister,but are they alike?No,they aren"t.They"re very different. 虽然托尼和蒂娜是兄妹,但是他们像吗?不,不像.他们很不一样. 这个是小学生的英语吧,很简单还拿出来问,1,英语翻译 Mrs.Lee:Is this your dog? Tony :Yes,it is.Why? Mrs.Lee:Well,your dog chases my cat. Tony :Oh,I"m sorry. Mrs.Lee:Please keep your dog on a leash. Tony :Yes,ma"am. 托尼把他的狗拴在链子上,所以它不能追李太太的猫. 请把书放在桌子上. Tony and Tina are very different.Tony likes music.Tina doesn"t.Tony is an athlete. Tina isn"t. On the other hand,Tina likes movies,but Tony doesn"t.She is a good student,but he isn"t. Tony and Tina are brother and sister,but are they alike?No,they aren"t.They"re very different.


Supposing she has the money this summber, she will go to Singa.supposing conj 假如,假设例:Supposing he is absent, what shall we do? 假使他不在,我们将怎么办呢?《新英汉大辞典》

This_is_my_pencil.It_islong .怎么读?

这是我的铅笔,它是长的。谐音读作rei 四 一日 买 盆搜,一它 一日 狼


No, he isn"t.His name"s Mike.不,他不是。他的名字是迈克

“This woman is of paramount danger.”这句be动词后为何加of?




是sia哪一年unstoppable》是一首由sia第七张专辑《this is acting》

2016 1 29 发行的专辑

天府事变This is china歌词大意!谢谢

This is china 歌词Regardless of all the prejudice in the past抛开过去的种种偏见today i wanna restore the impression you have on my country, China,今天我想重塑大家对于我们中国的印象which have been exactly fabricated by media for a long time而这种印象已经被媒体捏造很久了。As an individual citizen based in south west of the country,作为一个生长在这个国家西南部的独立公民i wanna speak it then我有话要说You guys can know better about what the truth is and你们可以更好地了解什么才是真的,how Chinese people assess their own country了解中国人怎样评价他们自己的国家,and how much we don"t wanna be disputants了解我们有多么不想去和人争辩。First things first, we all know that China is a developing country首先,我们都知道中国是一个发展中国家it has large population and it is really hard to manage她有着庞大的、难以管理的人口数量especially after world war 2, almost perished尤其是在那几乎摧毁了一切的二战之后i mean what i say is true, war is always scary注意,我说的是真的,战争总是可怕的。it is real that the pollution is severe at the present stage的确,现在的环境污染很严重in big cities like Beijing, Tianjin在北京、天津这样的大城市里Always pollution haze总是被雾霾笼罩着Similar to 1950s, London and LA这不是20世纪50年代那时的伦敦和洛杉矶很像吗It"s painful with higher growth rate, you see?看,飞速增长总是伴随着痛苦的People are too busy with business人们为了事业太忙碌了everybody wanna have a better life每个人都想过上好日子Make money, get married挣钱,结婚But they are like the first or sec. generation of rich可惜,他们这第一批富人not well-educated并没有得到很好的教育But now young men like us, aspiring and friendly然而现在,像我们一样的年轻人,虽然有野心,却也很友好This is China这就是中国We love the country,we the Chi-phenomena我们,中国的栋梁,爱着这个国家The red dragon ain"t no evil红色巨龙绝不邪恶But a peaceful place而是和平的所在The beautiful land with rich culture remain此处人杰地灵This is China这就是中国We love the country,we the Chi-phenomena我们,中国的栋梁,爱着这个国家The red dragon ain"t no evil红色巨龙绝不邪恶But a peaceful place而是和平的所在The beautiful land with rich culture remain此处人杰地灵At the second verse在第二段我们要忍痛指出一些问题It"s really painful to point out the problems as they are too much for us to even think about and mention仅仅是提及、想到这些问题,对我们来说也太沉重了The food & drug security event这就是食物和药品的安全问题Melamine Milk had affected 40 thousand babies and they all suffered from malnutrition三聚氰胺牛奶已经影响了四万婴儿,他们正在被营养不良折磨着What"s more, there was the Vaccination issue.更可怕的是疫苗事件Illegal business operation has caused expiration and led to The panic in domestic非法商业交易已经被停止,但也已经导致了全国范围内的恐慌What"s wrong with the businessmen这些商人都怎么了and it"s reasonless to do business riding on them babies无视孩子的生命去做生意简直伤天害理the question is there were still somebody who wanted the situation to be worse问题是,还有人希望事情恶化And their name is他们的名字是you know who你们懂的They will get US Dollar perks总之这样一来他们就能拿到美元收入The Spy, the traitor, the liar and the money making jerks他们是间谍、叛徒、谣棍、只管赚钱的家伙They are leading the public into another extreme and it worked他们正在将公众领入极端,而这也奏效了Also it is shameful to talk about some politicians说起一些政客,也是挺丢脸的because of their corruption and malversation in bidding sessions因为他们在竞标过程中贪污渎职Their sexual pics and the prostitution scandals他们的色情图片和性丑闻are all as a disgrace to the country and its people都是这个国家的人民的耻辱You are prolly also confused about the situation of Taiwan你们大概也会被台湾的情况弄糊涂as you don"t know the relationships between it and mainland因为你们不了解台湾和大陆的关系Actually, for normal citizens, we just want us to be united as one其实作为普通人民,我们只是渴望团结cuz we think we are from one family, the same.因为我们认为大家都来自同一个大家庭This is China这就是中国We love the country,we the Chi-phenomena我们,中国的栋梁,爱着这个国家The red dragon ain"t no evil红色巨龙绝不邪恶But a peaceful place而是和平的所在The beautiful land with rich culture remain此处人杰地灵This is China这就是中国We love the country,we the Chi-phenomena我们,中国的栋梁,爱着这个国家The red dragon ain"t no evil红色巨龙绝不邪恶But a peaceful place而是和平的所在The beautiful land with rich culture remain此处人杰地灵Although the country does have these terrible things to deal with尽管这个国家确实要处理一些严重的事件We"ve made a progress and we are trying to prevent these happening我们已经取得了很大进步,我们也在尽力阻止这类事情发生The power of Chinese people in China are gradually proving在神州大地上的炎黄子孙们正在逐渐证明that we can make a better world as we love peace and harmony我们能共建美好家园,因为我们以和为贵Through developing mobile payment,通过不断发展的移动支付方式we can now use apps to pay in nearly all the situations我们现在能用手机应用软件在几乎任何情境下支付even to make an appointment with the doctors甚至能预约医生We don"t have to wait in line and try so hard, cost so much to just pay to register仅仅是为了挂号,我们已经不需要再麻烦地去排队、付钱了Meanwhile, we can trust the public security同时,我们能信任警察蜀黍cuz the policemen are kind to citizens but crucial to our enemies因为他们对公民和善,对犯罪份子毫不留情We have tight gun control laws and we don"t fear gun slaughtering我们有严格的枪支管控法规,我们不担心枪击事件cuz only cops and soldiers are able to touch it因为只有警察和军人才被允许持枪As for scientific achievement, we have Tu Youyou who discovered astemisinin.在科技成就方面,我们有发现了青蒿素的屠呦呦Also there are KBBF crystal and Shenzhou series in astronomy.还有氟代硼铍酸钾晶体,以及在航天方面的神州系列飞船We are now leading the developing or poor and backward countries我们正在带领着其他的发展中国家和落后国度In technology, economy, science and other aspects在科技,经济,科学和其他方面to make a better world just like the old, old history这都是为了构建一个更加美好的世界,就像多年以前那样Yes, we want the recovery是的,我们想要复兴just for a better living and our great, great China Dream只是为了更好的生活,和我们伟大的中国梦You see?你明白了吗?This is China这就是中国We love the country,we the Chi-phenomena我们,中国的栋梁,爱着这个国家The red dragon ain"t no evil红色巨龙绝不邪恶But a peaceful place而是和平的所在The beautiful land with rich culture remain此处人杰地灵This is China这就是中国We love the country,we the Chi-phenomena我们,中国的栋梁,爱着这个国家The red dragon ain"t no evil红色巨龙绝不邪恶But a peaceful place而是和平的所在The beautiful land with rich culture remain此处人杰地灵

Disturbed-This Moment的歌词中文翻译

You will remember this moment 你将铭记这个时刻As you dig into me 当你挖掘我的内心And from your smile now 从你的微笑It seems as if you liked it 读到你残忍的快感You"d better cherish this moment 珍惜这段时刻吧As you dig into me 当你挖掘我的内心You"ll never get another chance 你将再也没有这样的机会At thisI won"t stand another minute 我在也无法忍受你Of your questioning me 喋喋不休的追问You hear me, bitch, stop 你懂我的意思,女(和谐)表子,住口!The interrogations over 问话结束了!I can"t handle the feeling 我无从控制我的感觉Of your pestering me 当你不停的烦我的时候How would you like 你怎么就这么感兴趣To make my favorite list 我的所有No you can"t reneg 不,你不能违规(RENEGE?)I love to see you beg 我爱你乞讨的样子Dream this moment as you run away 梦想你落荒而逃的一刻You will only separate me from 你只能把我All I believe this moment 同我所信仰的一切分开It will tell the way 这一刻会见分晓You"re the one who on kept on pushing 你就是那个不停逼我的Til I made you bleed 直到我让你流下第一滴血It seems your pride has been stolen 你似乎很为遭窃自豪Since you stood up to me 直到你对抗我的时候I"ll tell you now you know I think I 我现在就告诉你,Really like it 我很喜欢这样So learn a lesson from someone 去学学别人Who will never repeat the many 学学那些Tragic mistakes of his past 从来不让悲剧重演的人I hope you savor this moment 我希望你好好品尝这时刻As you"re still on your feet 当你还活着的时候So keep it quiet now 安静吧I think you"re gonna like it 我想你会喜欢的Words have consequences when 你对我说的每一句都将给你带来厄运They"re spoken to me You better br careful when you"re writing checks 当你对我开罚单的时候,你最好小心Don"t you question how 你干嘛不问问I stand above you 我是如何凌驾于你Now you know the answer 你现在知道了答案Save yourself from danger 让你自己远离危险I cannot forget how all of this began 我不能忘记这一切是如何开始I know you know the answers 我明白你知道答案Save yourself from danger 让你自己远离危险Beaten by a stranger 倒在一个陌生人的脚下Blood still on his hands 你的血还沾在他的手上


① 中文意思就是: 在本次WinDbg任务中不再重复询问。② 这个是WinDbg(微软的Windows调试器)的一个设置。 每次进入WinDbg,执行任务(无论是attach到某个进程,还是加载dump文件等), WinDbg都会询问“Save information for workspace?” 即是否保存当前工作环境的信息。 时间长了, 每次都弹出这个窗口,也的确让人烦, 因此选择“Don"t ask again in this WinDBG session”这个选项, 以后就不会再弹那个窗口了。 当然如果你有某个环境设置需要保存, 你必须自己留心了。
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