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listening to a story 和listening a story 那个对呀?

listening to a story 正确,listen 不及物动词

They often encouraged me to answer questions里面,question为什么加s

记住一句话:可数名词,不带帽子,要穿鞋子。帽子指不定冠词和定冠词,鞋子指复数形式。您这个句子中questions可以换成a question(都是泛指),但不能用the(the在语法上正确,但是是特指,不合语境)。希望帮到您了。

authentic teaching content 和 realistic teaching content 的区别


vans 第一双antentic怎么来的

Vans(范斯)是1966年诞生于美国南加州的原创极限运动潮牌。以极限运动起家,包括滑板、冲浪、BMX、滑雪等。并以滑板运动为根,从生活方式、艺术、音乐和街头时尚文化等注入Vans美学,形成别具个性的青年文化标志,成为年轻极限运动爱好者和潮流人士认同欢迎的世界性品牌。品牌创始人Paul Van Doren 保罗·范·多伦1966年,保罗·范·多伦和他的三个合伙人在美国加州的阿纳海姆创立了Vans这个品牌。1966年,3月16日,在阿纳海姆市百老汇东704号Vans开设了第一家零售店铺。范·多伦橡胶公司(公司最初的名字)有自己的车间,在当时是独一无二的。开张第一天,12位顾客光临了这家店铺,并在下午的时候买走了当天赶制出来的鞋。Authentic是Vans的第一个鞋款。著名运动休闲品牌VANS, 成立于1966年,美国加利福尼亚州安纳海姆街道。制造CASUAL FOOTWEAR而入手下手的。其品牌下生产的款式深受美国、日本、香港等地时尚年轻人的喜爱。第一双 VANS鞋的鞋底由钻石纹组成,此后Paul 为VANS鞋的鞋底加上直线纹,令鞋底更贴地,防止滑倒。主要使用保守的软化制造方式(硫化鞋底)使鞋子具有坚硬的组织。[1]Vans是极限运动和年轻文化的领军品。对于Vans来说,极限运动=滑板,冲浪,滑雪,尾波滑水,小轮车,越野摩托车。年轻文化=极限运动,艺术,音乐,街头文化。


让WindowsXP不再出现内存读写错误计算机系统中运行一些容量较大的程序或者游戏时,系统常常会自动弹出“xx内存不能为read或written”的错误提示,遇到这种故障信息时,我们该如何才能将它有效排除,同时确保下次运行容量较大的程序或者游戏时,系统不会再次出现系统内存读写错误呢?事实上,当我们不幸遭遇上面的故障信息时,我们可以尝试按照如下步骤进行依次排查:移除无效插件程序  在上网冲浪的过程中,许多插件程序会偷偷地安装到计算机系统中,而不少插件程序往往都有防删除的功能,因此这些插件很容易与其他的应用程序发生冲突,从而间接地引起系统内存读写错误的现象。为了给那些大容量的应用程序或游戏提供一个干净、稳定的工作环境,我们最好定期使用类似360安全卫士这样的程序,来查看系统是否被偷偷安装了各种无效的垃圾插件程序,一旦发现的话,那可以直接将它们从系统中及时卸载干净。  手工修复系统服务  与系统内存读写操作有关的Windows Management Instrumentation服务要是发生错误的话,也会导致系统弹出内存读写错误的提示,所以当我们遇到这种错误现象时,可以尝试手工修复一下Windows Management Instrumentation服务,下面就是具体的修复步骤:  首先,用鼠标右键单击系统桌面中的“我的电脑”图标,从弹出的快捷菜单中执行“管理”命令,打开本地系统的计算机管理窗口,在该窗口的左侧显示区域,依次展开“服务和应用程序”/“服务”选项,在对应“服务”选项所在的右侧显示区域中,找到Windows Management Instrumentation服务,并用鼠标右键单击该服务选项,从弹出的快捷菜单中执行“属性”命令,打开服务属性设置界面;  其次在该设置界面的“常规”标签页面中,单击“停止”按钮,将Windows Management Instrumentation服务暂时停止运行。之后,打开计算机系统的资源管理器窗口,在该窗口中依次展开“Windows”、“system32”、“wbem”、“repository”文件夹,然后将“repository”文件夹窗口中的所有文件进行一下备份,备份完成后将该文件夹中的所有内容全部清除掉;  接下来,重新启动一下计算机系统,待系统启动成功后,按前面操作打开Windows Management Instrumentation服务的属性设置界面,单击该界面中的“启动”按钮,相信这么一来Windows Management Instrumentation服务就能正常运行了。  修复系统损坏文件  如果计算机系统不小心感染了病毒或者发生了误删除操作,那么与系统内存读写操作有关的系统文件很可能受到损坏,而这些系统文件一旦受到损坏的话,那么我们就很容易遭遇内存读写故障提示了。所以,我们一旦碰到内存读写错误的提示时,不妨按照如下步骤修复一下系统,看看系统是否存在损坏的文件:  首先使用最新版本的杀毒软件,来对计算机系统进行彻底地病毒查杀操作,因为计算机系统一旦感染了病毒而不进行清除的话,我们即使修复了系统文件,病毒仍然有可能会继续**系统文件,所以及时使用杀毒软件来将计算机中的病毒全部清除干净,可以确保系统文件不会继续受到病毒的威胁。  其次使用系统自带的“sfc”命令,来尝试将受到损坏的系统文件修复到正常状态。在修复受损系统文件时,只要在运行中输入“CMD”,打开“命令提示符”窗口,在其中输入字符串命令“sfc/scannow”,单击回车键后,该命令程序就会对系统每个角落处的系统文件进行搜索扫描,一旦发现系统文件的版本不正确或者系统文件已经损坏的话,它就能自动弹出提示界面,要求我们插入Windows系统的安装光盘,以便从中提取正常的系统文件来替代不正常的系统文件,从而达到修复系统文件的目的。要是系统修复操作成功的话,相信我们重新启动计算机系统时,就不会看到有什么不正常的现象了。  及时释放系统内存  我们知道,在运行一些容量较大的程序或者游戏时,需要消耗相当的系统内存资源,要是此时内存空间不够时,那么系统内存读写错误的故障提示很有可能就会发生。为了有效避免这种错误提示,我们最好在运行容量较大的程序或者游戏之前,应该先将计算机系统重新启动一下,这样能够将系统内存空间充分释放出来;如果计算机内存空间本身就比较小的话,那么我们建议各位最好及时升级内存,以便拓展内存的有效使用空间,以防止由于系统内存不足而造成系统内存读写错误的发生。  当然,在系统自身内存空间不足的情况下,我们应该先将那些随机启动的杀毒软件以及相关即时监控的程序暂时关闭掉,之后再尝试运行容量较大的应用程序或者网络游戏,因为杀毒软件及相关监控程序会在一定程度上消耗一些系统内存资源,将它们关闭可以节省不小的内存空间,从而能够有效避免内存读写错误现象的发生。当然,值得注意的是,我们在运行完大容量的程序或游戏之后,还必须记得及时将相关程序的监控功能全部打开。1


解决方法:先查杀一下病毒,另外如果你安装了浏览增强之类的软件,请卸掉。 例八:从桌面或开始菜单中打开任何一个程序, 出现错误提示:"0x........"指令引用的"0x00000000"内存,该内存不能为"read"。省略号代表可变值。而从运行中打开程序没问题。 解决方法:运行regedit进入注册表, 在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShellExecuteHooks 下,应该只有一个正常的键值"{AEB6717E-7E19-11d0-97EE-00C04FD91972}, 将其他的删除(默认键值当然不要删除)。 例九:我三个月前配了台机子。系统比较不稳定,三个月内已经重装过多次系统,四五天前刚装过系统,可是经常随机地出现Explorer-应用程序错误,“0x4a01259d“指令引用的“0x00000000"内存。该内存不能为 “read"。要终止程序,请单击“确定“。要调试程序,请单击“取消”。如果点确定,windows桌面就不见了。这种问题在之前的系统也出现过,不知道是不是硬件的问题? 解决方法:内存的兼容性问题!遇到这类问题,用户可以自行打开机器把内存的位置调动一下,看问题是否可以解决,如果问题依旧,可与你的朋友调换内存使用。 通过上面的几个例子,可以看到,出现故障的原因有好多种,下面列出已经提到和有可能发生的原因,方便查阅。 问题产生原因原因--解决方法 内存条坏了--更换内存条 双内存不兼容--使用同品牌的内存或只用一条内存 内存质量问题--更换内存条 散热问题--加强机箱内部的散热 内存和主板没插好或和其它硬件不兼容等--重插内存或换个插糟 硬盘有问题--更换硬盘 驱动问题--重装驱动。如果是新系统,要先安装主板驱动 软件损坏--重装软件 软件有BUG--打补丁或用最新的版本。 软件和系统不兼容--给软件打上补丁或者试试系统的兼容模式 软件和软件之间有冲突--如果最近安装了什么新软件,卸载了试试 软件要使用到其它相关的软件有问题--重装相关软件。比如播放某一格式的文件时出错,可能是这个文件的解码器有问题 病毒问题--杀毒 杀毒软件与系统或软件冲突--由于杀毒软件是进入底层监控系统的,可能与一些软件冲突,卸载了试试 系统本身有问题--有时候操作系统本身也会有BUG,要注意安装官方发行的升级程序,像SP的补丁,最好要打上。如果还不行重装系统或更换其它版本的系统了。 此问题已经引起我们的重视并有解决方案,请去我们的官方网站了解及下载相关程序。运行某些程序的时候,有时会出现内存错误的提示,然后该程序就关闭。“0x????????”指令引用的“0x????????”内存。该内存不能为“read”。 “0x????????”指令引用的“0x????????”内存,该内存不能为“written”。 以上的情况相信大家都应该见到过,甚至说一些网友因为不爽于这个经常出现的错误提示而屡次重装系统。相信普通用户应该不会理解那些复杂的十六进制代码。


1、 检查系统中是否有木马或病毒。这类程序为了控制系统往往不负责任地修改系统,从而导致操作系统异常。平常应加强信息安全意识,对来源不明的可执行程序绝不好奇。 2、 更新操作系统,让操作系统的安装程序重新拷贝正确版本的系统档案、修正系统参数。有时候操作系统本身也会有BUG,要注意安装官方发行的升级程序。 3、 尽量使用最新正式版本的应用程序、Beta版、试用版都会有BUG。 4、 删除然后重新创建 WinntSystem32WbemRepository 文件夹中的文件:在桌面上右击我的电脑,然后单击管理。 在"服务和应用程序"下,单击服务,然后关闭并停止 Windows Management Instrumentation 服务。 删除 WinntSystem32WbemRepository 文件夹中的所有文件。(在删除前请创建这些文件的备份副本。) 打开"服务和应用程序",单击服务,然后打开并启动 Windows Management Instrumentation 服务。当服务重新启动时,将基于以下注册表项中所提供的信息重新创建这些文件: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWBEMCIMOMAutorecover MOFs


此情况一般为软件冲突、中毒、驱动故障、系统故障、内存故障等,可通过以下步骤逐一排查解决:1,部分软件需要运行环境才能安装,请先安装.net framwork、visual c++等组件;2,如方法1无效,确认弹出此提示后,对话框左上角的的进程名称是什么,如果是软件的进程,则为软件故障,尝试卸载此软件或安装新版本此软件;3,如果对话框左上角的进程名称是svchost.exe等系统进程,可先卸载最近安装的软件,再重新安装驱动;4,进入安全模式是否有此提示,尝试全盘杀毒;5,尝试扫描硬盘有无坏道,扫描内存;6,如以上排查均无效,可以重装系统尝试下

求助,java Persistence provider问题



建议: 1、 检查系统中是否有木马或病毒。这类程序为了控制系统往往不负责任地修改系统,从而导致操作系统异常。平常应加强信息安全意识,对来源不明的可执行程序绝不好奇。 2、 更新操作系统,让操作系统的安装程序重新拷贝正确版本的系统档案、修正系统参数。有时候操作系统本身也会有BUG,要注意安装官方发行的升级程序。 3、 尽量使用最新正式版本的应用程序、Beta版、试用版都会有BUG。 4、 删除然后重新创建 WinntSystem32WbemRepository 文件夹中的文件:在桌面上右击我的电脑,然后单击管理。 在"服务和应用程序"下,单击服务,然后关闭并停止 Windows Management Instrumentation 服务。 删除 WinntSystem32WbemRepository 文件夹中的所有文件。(在删除前请创建这些文件的备份副本。) 打开"服务和应用程序",单击服务,然后打开并启动 Windows Management Instrumentation 服务。当服务重新启动时,将基于以下注册表项中所提供的信息重新创建这些文件: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWBEMCIMOMAutorecover MOFs



intensify,strengthen,inhance,increase, reinforce 这几个加强的区别




attend和be come to的区别

区别是:attend表示的是“出席”,出席会议,晚会等活动。be come to的意思是苏醒;到达;共计;突然想起。二者意思有较大差别。例句:attend1、We were made to attend meetings every day. 我们每天都得参加会议。2、I have more pressing things to attend to. 我有更紧迫的事情要做。3、I have something to attend to. 我有点事得办一办。4、Who will attend the meeting? 哪些人出席这次会议?be come to1、I do hope you"ll be able to come to the wedding.我确实希望你能来参加婚礼。2、Be sure to come to our party if you have time. 我不确定他们是否能及时完成工程。3、Would you be free to come to a concert on saturday? 您有空来欣赏星期六的演奏会吗?4、Will you please tell the teacher I won"t be able to come to the class today? 你能告诉老师我今天不能去上课吗?

一首歌 有句歌词是这歌listen to my hearbeat song.女声 .电音的感觉



那么这两个单词有什么区别? temporary, 临时的,暂时的,短期的, tentative 相对于 established,fixed, accepted, (确定的,固定的,已被确认的

Listen To My Song 歌词

歌曲名:Listen To My Song歌手:Love专辑:The Blue Thumb Recordings"Listen To Your Heart" I know theres something in the wake of your smile. I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea. Youve built a love but that love falls apart. Your little piece of heaven turns too dark. Listen to your heart when hes calling for you. Listen to your heart theres nothing else you can do. I dont know where youre going and I dont know why, but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye. Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile. The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea. Theyre swept away and nothing is what is seems, the feeling of belonging to your dreams. And there are voices that want to be heard. So much to mention but you cant find the words.http://music.baidu.com/song/8239241

i often play it for an hour each time


she felt nervous each time she had a listening t

因为前面felt已经是过去时,而后面是她一直会做的动作,是在她感到紧张后再做的事情也就是过去的过去做的事情 所以用过去完成时

persistence perseverance区别



perseverance: 毅力, 恒心stamina: 耐力, 后劲, 持久力tenacity: 韧劲, 韧性, 韧度,

请问persistence 同perseverance有咩分别?

Persistence 只是说一件事在不断的发生,没有一个人怎样的费劳力、心机或精神,而通常所需的时间较短。例如,有个上门推销员每天都敲你们,结果在第四天你帮他买了产品,你可以算是被他的persistence屈服了。又或,你打电话给朋友一直都接驳不到,但到你打第十次的时候终于成功了,那你可以说是你的persistence令你驳得到线。 Perseverance 的时间较长,也要付上劳力或段练。例如,一个运动员每天三时便起床去跑步,过了两年的时间,由无名的一个成为体育巨星,你可说是他的perseverance去令他得到现今的地位。 From Yahoo Dictionary : Persistence = 1. 坚持;固执 The old man"s persistence annoyed me. 那个老人的固执使我恼火。 2. 持续;持久 The persistence of the heavy rain hampered the flow of traffic. 持续的大雨阻碍了交通运行。 Perseverance = 1. 坚持不懈;坚忍不拔[U] By perseverance the crippled boy learned how to swim. 那个跛足的男孩通过不屈不挠的努力学会了游泳。 基本上两个字系同义字Synonym 不过 Perseverance多用作不屈不挠 意志坚强 努力不懈 有positive d o既意思. Persistence就中性d 解持久; 甚至好似yahoo第一个解释o既例子 有负面意思 解固执. 参考: yahoo dictionary myself

insistence 和perseverance的区别

Perseverance suggests praiseworthy and enduring patience Perseverance 表明值得赞扬的、坚持到底的耐性(褒义): “Great works are performed, not by strength, but perseverance” (Samuel Johnson).“伟大的作品不是靠力量而是靠毅力来完成的” (塞缪米·约翰逊)。insistence 中性名词 n. 坚持;强调;竭力主张;坚决要求[U][(+on/upon)][+that]We resent your insistence that the debt (should) be paid at once. 我们对你执意让人立即偿还债款的要求感到气恼。 the government"s insistence on a price freeze 政府坚持冻结物价

be frightened at中文翻译

You need n"t be frightened at the dog . 你不必怕那条狗。 There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others 我性子倔强,决不肯让别人把我吓倒。 " that s all right , " was the reassuring answer . " you mustn t be frightened at us “别担心, ”亚瑟安慰道, “不要为我家的人紧张。 " that " s all right , " was the reassuring answer . " you mustn " t be frightened at us . we " re just homely people - hello , there " s a letter for me . “别担心, ”亚瑟安慰道, “不要为我家的人紧张。我们都是不讲究的人? ?嗨,我还有一封信呢! ” " although , " said villefort , " it will be a serious thing for valentine to lose her grandfather s fortune , i do not think that m . d epinay will be frightened at this pecuniary loss “瓦朗蒂娜失去了她祖父的遗产,虽然这事严重, ”维尔福说, “但我并不认为那桩婚事会因此而受挫。 People were frightened at the time , but on looking back they rather pked it ; it was a fine excitement in a quiet country pfe ; and there was even a party of the younger me who pretended to admire him , calpng him a true sea - dog , and a real old salt , and suchpke names , and saying there was the sort of man that made england terrible at sea 人们当时是受了惊吓,可回过头来看,他们相当喜欢这样。在安静的乡村生活中,这是很好的兴奋剂。这里甚至有一群年轻人声称崇拜他,称他是“货真价实的船员” “真正的老水手” ,以及诸如此类的称呼,还说正是因为有他这样的人,英格兰才称雄海上。

new age音乐与easy listening音乐的区别

New Age Music----新世纪音乐,也有译作新纪元音乐的。是一种在上个世纪70年代后期出现的一种音乐形式,原本的用途在于帮助冥思及作心灵的洁净,但后期的创作者不少已不再抱有这种出发点。有一种说法,由于其丰富多彩、富于变换,不同于以前任何一种音乐:它并非单指一个类别,而是一个范畴,一切不同以往,象征时代更替、诠释精神内涵的改良音乐都可归于此内,所以被命名为New Age,即新世纪音乐。其实,正确的原因,在于提倡这种利用音乐心灵洁净的人,源自一个叫作新纪元运动的异端宗教派别。在美国,有一种不吵人的音乐,人们叫它“Easy Listening 轻音乐(LIGHT MUSIC)指介于古典音乐和流行音乐之间的一种通俗音乐形式。轻音乐以通俗方式诠释乐曲,其来源可以是原创,也可以是对古典音乐、流行音乐或者民谣进行改编而成。轻音乐一般以小型乐队加以演奏,结构简单、节奏明快、旋律优美。轻音乐可以营造温馨浪漫的情调,带有休闲性质,因此又得名“情调音乐”(Mood Music)。轻音乐起源于一战后的英国,在20世纪中后期达到鼎盛,在二十世纪末渐被新纪元音乐取代,但时至今日尚有一定影响力。

谁有Hayley Westenra《春よ、来い》的英文歌词,急用!

Through the rain the sunlight warms my heartFragrance sweet, a memory it calls from afarTears of joy flowing deep from my soulAll around, I can feel new life unfoldUp ahead, can"t you see, fills the sky up aboveBreathe the air, oh so sweet, all that I"ve waited forCelebrate the new life that we seeI close my eyes and I feel you near to meOn this day a brand new song to singThankful for all the gifts that spring will bringOh so dear, you hold a place in my heartI feel you near, we"ve been too long apartThrough the years seasons promise anewLoyal friend, "til the end, I"ll be waiting for youUp ahead, can"t you see, how the future unfoldsBreathe the air, oh so sweet, all that I"ve waited forCelebrate the joyous days to comeOn the green grasses we are free to runI feel your touch and I can hear you singThankful for all the gifts that spring will bringCelebrate this young and fragile dreamDon"t you know this is where I"ll always beAs I walk along this lonely roadYour spirit it dances around meLike a river that flows on endlesslyLike a flower the love you give to meCelebrate the new life that we seeClose my eyes, I can feel you near to meOn this day a brand new song to singThankful for all the gifts that spring will bringCelebrate the joyous days to comeOn the green grasses we are free to runI feel your touch and I can hear you singThankful for all the gifts that spring will bringCelebrate the new life that we seeClose my eyes, I can feel you near to meI feel your touch and I can hear you singThankful for all the gifts that spring will bring

hi boy the girl listen to me是什么歌?

刚才帮你查询了一下你所说的这个歌曲,这个歌曲的名字叫做I"m an attitude,是因为是一个英国的歌

搜集一些英文中表示频率的词语(例如:often 、usually) (至少15个)

regularly; frequently; often; always; minutely ;ever;never;once;sometimes; sporadically; periodically; occasionally ;at times; on occasion; once in a while; from time to time; on rare occasions

tom often has

选D 因为时态是一般现在时,所以不用did或者has 用does因为主语是Tom,为 第三人称单数 Tom早上都吃面包,是吗?是的,他都吃面包. 回答要和问的一致,用does问,也用does回答

求Kristen Dunst克尔斯滕·邓斯特的资料,图片什么的


Soin Contour des Yeux Lisse+Retend什么意思?

这款是眼霜. 眼部产品的法文:contour des yeux 法文翻译:contour是周围轮廓的意思;des就等于英文的”of”(单数的时候用de); yeux是眼睛;并在一起就是指眼睛及眼周轮廓,有一些则是写成soin contour des yeux, soin于英文的”care”,有保养,保护的意思...,1,Soin Contour des Yeux Lisse+Retend什么意思 是REVITALIFT的Soin Contour des Yeux Lisse+Retend,是oulanya的

纸张特性中 whiteness和brightness的区别


Music In Me (Extended) 歌词

歌曲名:Music In Me (Extended)歌手:Campaus专辑:Music In MeCassie - Music In Me只听欧美滴!you say you understandand you act like youcan comprehend meyou know its hard for mebut you know i can"t believei want for you to seei want you to wake upcoz this is all meI"m who i wanna bethats why i can"t believeyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meI"m not changing for no onethere"s music in mesee it"s deep it"s in my soulit"s everything I knowand i won"t let it go ohi need you to be strongi need you to be therefrom the start of the songbut still the things you saycan make me turn awayyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meListeni got big dreamsi got plenty music in mei got everythingi need i just need you to believe in me me me..believe in me me me..i got big dreamsi got plenty music in mei got everything i needi just need you to believe in me me me..believe in me meyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in me this is meShaGuar 制作http://music.baidu.com/song/2745214

this river is ten meters deep.这个deep充当什么成分?


now that i have your attention这里的that什么意思

now that是连词短语,意思是“现在已经...”、“既然已...”、“如今...”,不能把that单独拿出来看。


句子中的no judgement cause i won"t listen to可以分成两部分来理解:"No judgement": 这个短语的意思是“不评判”。所以,“no judgement”可以被视为是“不要评判我”的表达。"cause I won"t listen to": 这个短语的意思是“因为我不听”。可以被理解为,“因为你的评判我不会理睬/听从”。因此,整个句子可以被翻译为“不要评判我,因为我不会理睬/听从。”

that is the department store __I often go shopping

where 在这里面等于in which不能直接用which```

The small town has been virtually unchanged in the last ten years.


look into和search into有什么区别? take notice of 和 pay attention to有什么区别?

打比方look into -》我在政府工作,你有东西在审批还没有回复,你拜托我look into这个事search into -》 大学有研究功课要找资料,我search into(找资料)人文地理学那块的资料search into -》 我是警察在调查一件案件,我search into相关的人员资料take notice of -> 我是模特公司的人事部,我take notice of注意到公司的预算给亏空了。take notice of -> 注意到pay attention to ->我小孩天天搞破坏,其实是想我pay attention to(关注)他/她pay attention to ->老师在讲课,学生都 pay attention to(关注)他们自己的手机

求 Life Story by Tennessee Williams的翻译

Life Story(by Tennessee Williams)After you"ve been to bed together for the first time,这是你们第一次一床同眠,共剪西窗烛without the advantage or disadvantage of any prior acquaintance,而事先没有相互之间带有偏爱或偏见的相知相识the other party very often says to you,你们一中的一个伙伴总是会和你说Tell me about yourself, I want to know all about you,和我聊聊你自己吧,我对你的一切都有浓厚兴趣what"s your story? And you think maybe they really and truly do你的经历是什么呢?然后你觉得他们可能真的真的想要了解你的往事sincerely want to know your life story, and so you light up既然他们这么真诚地想要了解你的生命历程,所以你就点燃a cigarette and begin to tell it to them, the two of you一支烟然后开始向他们讲述你的故事lying together in completely relaxed positions你和你的伙伴翻身调整到了一个特别舒服的位置like a pair of rag dolls a bored child dropped on a bed.你们就像一个身处无聊的小孩扔在床上的一对布娃娃You tell them your story, or as much of your story你告诉他们你的往事,或者说你的整个过去as time or a fair degree of prudence allows, and they say,出于时间的流逝或者一种彬彬有礼,谨慎处事的教养,他们说 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, 嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯each time a little more faintly, until the oh回应一次比一次渐微渐弱,直到这个“嗯”字is just an audible breath, and then of course完全变成了听得到的鼾声,然后,理所当然地there"s some interruption. Slow room service comes up总会有些干扰突然出现。比如说缓慢的客房服务送来了with a bowl of melting ice cubes, or one of you rises to pee一碗融化的糖浆,或者你们中的一个突然想要起夜and gaze at himself with the mild astonishment in the bathroom mirror.面对盥洗室的镜子时,他略带吃惊的凝视着自己的镜像And then, the first thing you know, before you"ve had time然后,你所知道的第一件事,在你有时间to pick up where you left off with your enthralling life story,再去陈说你那没有讲完的迷人生命历程前they"re telling you their life story, exactly as they"d intended to all along,他们开始对你讲说他们以前的故事,这是他们期待已久的倾诉and you"re saying, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,你开始对他们的言语回应,嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯,嗯each time a little more faintly, the vowel at last becoming每一次声量都减弱一分,最后这种应答no more than an audible sigh,成为了清晰可辨的鼾息as the elevator, halfway down the corridor and a turn to the left,这种鼾声如同一台出门需要左行却早已卡在半层的电梯,draws one last, long, deep breath of exhaustion让某人呼尽最后的、精疲力竭的、长而深的气息and stops breathing forever. Then?便再也没有了呼吸。然后呢?Well, one of you falls asleep其实,当你们中的一个人进入了永恒的梦乡and the other one does likewise with a lighted cigarette in his mouth,其他人则继续叼着一支点燃的香烟,开始讲述他们的故事,无可厚非地and that"s how people burn to death in hotel rooms.这就是人们怎样在一家旅馆中,燃尽自己的生命

英语from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee怎么翻译?

马丁路德金《我有一个梦想》演讲原文:Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.让自由之声响彻田纳西州的了望山

翻译 Nashville,Tennssee is home of courtry music.


Tennessee FT.Kanye West/Hans Zimmer谁知道这首歌的歌词啊?是首说唱



Aphrodite - S.E.N.S.Palace Memories - S.E.N.S

tennessee waltz 歌词

歌曲名:tennessee waltz歌手:sarah harmer专辑:songs for clemI was waltzing with my darling to the Tennessee WaltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced him to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee WaltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes, I lost my little darling the night they were playingThat beautiful Tennessee WaltzThat beautiful Tennessee WaltzThat beautiful Tennessee WaltzThat beautiful Tennessee Waltzhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14241419

Tennessee Waltz 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Waltz歌手:Patti Page专辑:Legends Of JazzTennessee WaltzPatti PageI was dancing with my darlingTo the Tennessee waltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced her to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee waltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes I lost my little darlingThe night they were playingThe beautiful Tennessee waltzI was dancing with my darlingTo the Tennessee waltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced her to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee waltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes I lost my little darlingThe night they were playingThe beautiful Tennessee waltzhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59568925

Tennessee Line 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Line歌手:Daughtry专辑:Leave This Town (Tour Edition)Daughtry - Tennessee LineI open my lungsTo breathe in forgiveness and loveHaunting me nowReminders of how I used to beAnd on down the roadMy troubles are sure to followLooking out the window,The hell if I know where I will goSo I"ll just keep on drivingOn my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind ,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeWho would"ve known (who would"ve known)That pride is so hard to swallowAs I rest on the shoulder of a road growing colderWith the trouble I own,Should I just keep on driving?On my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeI know I must be doing something rightHead the other way, back to where I started outAsk myself if I can turn it all around tonightAnd stop living with doubt (yeahh)On my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind ,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever made(Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this time)I"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeI"m gonna turn it all around tonight(Turn it all around tonight)(Turn it all around tonight)I"m gonna turn it all around tonightAt the Tennessee line.http://music.baidu.com/song/7502832

Tennessee Waltz 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Waltz歌手:Margaret Whiting专辑:MargaretPatsy Cline - Tennessee WaltzI was waltzin" with my darlin"To the Tennessee WaltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeI introducted to my loved oneAnd while they were waltzingMy friends stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee WaltzOnly you know how much I have lostYes, I lost my little darlin"The night they were playin"The beautiful Tennessee WaltzI remember the night and the Tennessee WaltzI know now just what I have lostYes, I lost my little darlin"The night they were playin"The beautiful Tennessee WaltzOh the beautiful Tennessee Waltzhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8224676

Tennessee Waltz 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Waltz歌手:New Duncan Imperials&Tiny Tim w专辑:Live In ChicagoTennessee WaltzPatti PageI was dancing with my darlingTo the Tennessee waltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced her to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee waltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes I lost my little darlingThe night they were playingThe beautiful Tennessee waltzI was dancing with my darlingTo the Tennessee waltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduced her to my loved oneAnd while they were dancingMy friend stole my sweetheart from meI remember the night and the Tennessee waltzNow I know just how much I have lostYes I lost my little darlingThe night they were playingThe beautiful Tennessee waltzhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15295693

Memphis, Tennessee 歌词

歌曲名:Memphis, Tennessee歌手:Chuck Berry专辑:Hail! Hail! Rock "N" RollLong distance, informationGive me Memphis, TennesseeTrying to find the partyTrying to get in touch with meShe would not leave her numberBut I know who placed the callThe phone-boy took the messageAnd he wrote it on the wallHelp me, informationGet in touch with my MarieShe"s the only one who"d phone me hereFrom Memphis, TennesseeHer home is on the south sideJust beyond the ridgeJust a half a mile from the Mississippi bridgeHelp me, informationMore than that I cannot addOnly that I miss herAnd all the fun we hadWe were pulled apart, becauseHer mom would not agreeHelp me get in touch with herIn Memphis, TennesseeThe last time that I saw MarieShe was waving me goodbyeWith hurry-home drops on her cheekThat trickeled from her eyeMarie is only six years oldInformation, pleaseHelp me get in touch with herIn Memphis, Tennesseehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9367086

Tennessee Line 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Line歌手:Daughtry专辑:Leave This TownDaughtry - Tennessee LineI open my lungsTo breathe in forgiveness and loveHaunting me nowReminders of how I used to beAnd on down the roadMy troubles are sure to followLooking out the window,The hell if I know where I will goSo I"ll just keep on drivingOn my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind ,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeWho would"ve known (who would"ve known)That pride is so hard to swallowAs I rest on the shoulder of a road growing colderWith the trouble I own,Should I just keep on driving?On my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeI know I must be doing something rightHead the other way, back to where I started outAsk myself if I can turn it all around tonightAnd stop living with doubt (yeahh)On my way to L.A.Looking into the rear viewAs the roads fade awayI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeTell me how to make rightEvery wrong turn that I"ve learnedSo this can all end tonightTennessee line (Tennessee line)Just changed my mind ,Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this timeI"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever made(Well it"s my heart I"ll follow this time)I"ve sworn off my past,First to last bad call that I ever madeI"m gonna turn it all around tonight(Turn it all around tonight)(Turn it all around tonight)I"m gonna turn it all around tonightAt the Tennessee line.http://music.baidu.com/song/2160354

Tennessee Jed 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee Jed歌手:Levon Helm专辑:Electric DirtTennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennesseehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2558791



Tennessee waltz(田纳西华尔兹) 歌词

《Tennessee Waltz》原唱:Patti Page作词:Stewart作曲:King面世时间:1950年歌词:I was dancing with my darling To the Tennessee waltz When an old friend I happened to see Introduced her to my loved one And while they were dancing My friend stole my sweetheart from me I remember the night and the Tennessee waltz Now I know just how much I have lost Yes I lost my little darling The night they were playing The beautiful Tennessee waltz I was dancing with my darling To the Tennessee waltz When an old friend I happened to see Introduced her to my loved one And while they were dancing My friend stole my sweetheart from me I remember the night and the Tennessee waltz Now I know just how much I have lost Yes I lost my little darling The night they were playing The beautiful Tennessee waltz


《珍珠港》以古典浪漫气质乐音为核心,从柔情似水的钢琴音调里缓缓的带出悲壮悠扬的古典弦乐,刹那间,如John Barry与Ennio Morricone一般的欧陆浪漫典雅气息盎然飘荡,默默地为这个烽火连天的有情天地献上最诚挚、最写意的祈祷,而季默多年的外向影音传动催化驾驭力,成功的向内凝聚成一波直击心灵的伤感,"Tennessee"、"Brothers"展现季默回归古典音乐的浪漫情怀,而在写意感性之余,也在一些乐段燃烧着战火炼狱里慨然悲壮的胸襟。 此番招兵买马的精英包括:爱尔兰皇家音乐学院毕业,拥有辛辛纳提大学硕士学位,拥有30年丰富作曲编曲历练,担任过「终极警探」、「金色豪门」电影音乐指挥与管弦编曲的Fiachra Trench; 有着希腊/爱尔兰/波多黎各家族背景,执着于欧美剧场界钟情于戏剧与舞蹈演出,84年与多明哥合唱「卡门」的纽约女高音Julia Migenes;精通中提琴、五弦琴、曼陀林、吉他等乐器, 跟过bluegrass、摇滚、蓝调、雷鬼、爵士、居尔特等各类型乐团演奏的德州小提琴跨界奇葩Craig Eastman;创立Hiroshima乐团,担任作曲与制作的长笛与Shakuhachi高手Dan Kuramoto;曾与Ella Fitzgerald、Frank Zappa、Quincy Jones共事,参予过「捍卫战警」、「龙卷风」等原声带管弦编曲工程的洛杉矶长号乐手Bruce Fowler;来自瑞士苏黎世,古典音乐出身,却选择跟B.B.King、Beck同台,甫在「人魔」绽现风采的大提琴家Martin Tillman; 「神鬼战士」担任原著音乐制作、创作与编曲等工程的Klaus Badelt跟「落跑鸡」、「小蚁雄兵」幕后音乐人才Steve Jablonsky、Geoff Zanelli与「急冻任务」里初展电影音乐长才的James S. Levine及「赤色风暴」音乐剪辑Bob Badami。 本专辑已加入mp3共享计划专辑曲目:1. There You""ll Be - Faith Hill Music2. Tennessee Music 3. Brothers Music 4. ...And Then I Kissed Him Music 5. I Will Come Back Music 6. Attack 7. December 7th 8. War 9. Heart Of A Volunteer

Shawn Colvin的《Tennessee》 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee歌手:Shawn Colvin专辑:Fat CityTennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennesseehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8890709

Marcel的《Tennessee》 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee歌手:Marcel专辑:You, Me And The WindshieldTennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennesseehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8041646


[tene"si:,-nu0259-] 田纳西州




[tenu0259"si:] n.田纳西州(美国东南部州) 希望能对你有所帮助~!



tennessee williams的名言翻译

1. Don"t look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you know you will be dead不要指望有一天你能解脱,因为你知道等那一天到来的时候你会死去。生於忧患,死於安乐。 2. A dog starving at his master"s gate predicts the ruin of the state看主人家门口的饿狗就知道家境的衰败。树死先从叶子黄。 3. I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by custom.我宁愿好奇心来打开我的思想也不要让传统习俗关闭它。我宁可因为好奇而使自己虚怀若谷,而不愿因为习俗而使自己墨守成规。 宁愿创新,不愿陈腐。 4. Gather you rosebuds while you may, old time is still a-flying, and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.可以采花的时候,别错过,时光老人在飞驰,今天还在微笑的花朵,明天就会枯死。未雨绸缪。 5.However big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to admire him.不管一个笨蛋有多笨, 总有更笨的人欣赏佩服他。天生我材必有用。/ 比上不足,比下有余。 6. Belief, then, is the great guide of human life信仰是人生的伟大向导。/ 信念是人生的重要处事指南。 7. Other people"s harvests are always the best harvests,but one"s own children are always the best children别人的收获总是最好的,自己的孩子总是最乖的。 8. There is no feasts on earth that does not end in parting天下无不散之宴席。 9. Everyone has some tricks they can do, but each has his own way of doing them.每个人都有他们可做的一些技巧,并且每个人都有自己的做法。八仙过海,各显神通。 10. Those who can lose shall gain, those who wish gain shall lose输得起,才能赢;只想赢,就会输。有意栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。/ 阴差阳错。



我译经典老歌——The Tennessee Waltz(田纳西华尔兹)

歌词译文:真念一思 歌手: Patti Page 作词:Stewart, 作曲:King 田纳西华尔兹/Tennessee Waltz由美国作曲家金作于1948年,美国歌星帕蒂-佩姬在1950年唱了此曲,这是她一生中最成功的歌曲,(此曲被选定为田纳西州州歌)。这首歌的旋律舒缓平和、优美动听,似在讲述女主人公的爱情悲剧,也似在指点人生。不难发现,这首歌表现出女主人公在忧伤之后对感情的得失进行了思考并能坦然接受这一结局的心境,这也正是这首歌想要表达的意图:往日的情怀,往日的悲喜,都已成为过去。在人生之路上.一个人总要承受无数的坎坷和磨难,过分沉湎于伤感之中,就会失去自我及生活中的乐趣...... 这首歌有很多的版本,大多都有着多多少少的各种的作,只有Patti Page演绎得自然、流畅,表达出了那种面对过去内心的伤痛之后,对从前的相爱仍然抱有怀念的,那种痛定思痛的坦然,温柔……令人听之动容......(来自音乐网评) 歌曲及歌手简介: 帕蒂·佩奇原名Clara Ann Fowler。1927年11月8日出生于俄克拉何马州的Muskogee。她是在Tulsa地方的无线电台开始她的职业歌唱生涯的。在周末也偶尔参加一些爵士音乐会。她Patti Page的艺名是在Page Milk赞助的一个节目中起的。即使后来她离开了这档节目,这个艺名却保留了下来。这期间她跟随一支由Jimmy Joy领导的乐队,在全国巡回演出,1947年在芝加哥结束。同年又在Benny Goodman一个附属的小演唱组内唱歌,并赢得了和Mercury唱片公司的一份合同。她的第一支热门曲《Confess-坦白》就是这一年的成绩,而且是第一位流行歌星,制作了自己和自己合唱的录音。在继续取得几首成功的歌曲后,于1950年,她的一支《With My Eyes Wide Open I"m Dreaming-睁眼梦》达到了唱片销售百万张的成绩,这全靠她新型的,自我重唱效果(也被称为帕蒂·佩奇四重唱)。还是在1950年,《All My Love-所有的爱》成了她的第一支榜首曲,在榜首停留了5周。同年,她一生中最成功的歌曲《田纳亚园舞曲》则在榜首停留了好几个月(此曲被选定为田纳西州州歌),被列美国为最佳销售单曲之一。在后来的日子里,这支歌曲不下于6次步入排行榜前40位。在1952年到53年间,佩奇还出了两支大热门曲《我参加了你的婚礼》和《橱窗里的小狗》,都在榜首停留了2个多月。 帕蒂·佩奇还曾有过自己的电视节目,即1955年的‘帕蒂·佩奇秀"。与同时代的其他艺人相比,她对摇滚乐兴起的态度颇有弹性。1956和1957年时,照样以《Allegheny Moon》和《Old Cape Cod》两曲取得第二和第三的地位。在60年代她的歌曲也一直都有上榜。她1965年演唱的电影《Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte》主题曲进入了前10位。她虽然自1968年开始就不进录音棚了,可是一直到上世纪90年代她还仍有一些公开演出。 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!

求《珍珠港》的ost ——《tennessee》的乐谱!!

sorry,I don"t no.








呵呵。是好莱坞头号配乐大师Hans Zimmer(汉斯季默)


田纳西州小档案∶   田纳西州美国南部的一个州。1796年其被接纳为第十六个州。西班牙人于1540年首先到达这一地区,1769年坦尼尔·勃思探索了这一地区,1783年其成为美国的一部分。只存在了很短时间的弗兰克林州(1784-1788年)成为美国俄亥俄河南部地区(1790年)和后来的田纳西州的基础。纳什韦尔为其首府,孟斐斯为最大城市。人口4,896,641 人口∶5,368,200 面积∶42,244 平方英里,面积排名第三十四州 首都∶那士维尔 Nashville   州税∶州税 6%,城市及县可以多收税但不得超过州税的一半,城市和县也可以收 3 到 5% 旅馆税。田纳西州小地理∶   田纳西州长约 432 英里,东起北卡罗来纳州州界的阿巴拉契亚山脉〈Appalachian Mountain〉, 西止密苏里州和阿肯色州东边的密西西比河 〈Mississippi River〉。田纳西州有三个不同的地理环境∶东部、中部和西部。东田纳西是一系列的山峰和谷地,从六千尺高的大烟山脉〈Great Smoky Mountains〉,穿过田纳西河谷到阿巴拉契亚山脉和康勃兰高地 〈Cumberland Plateau〉。   田纳西中部是由东部向西走到达田纳西河第二次流经的区域。这个地区包括中央盆地〈Central Basin〉、高地圈〈Highland Rim〉及那士维尔盆地〈Nashville Basin〉。中央盆地〈Central Basin〉是有名的蓝草地区,田纳西州有名的走马〈Tennessee Walking Horse〉的家。   田纳西州的三条河分别为田纳西河〈Tennessee River、Cumberland River和密西西比河。田纳西河在田州东部是向南流,在西部则是向北流。密西西比河则在田州西部形成州界。   田州有超过 30 个大湖,在田州西北角的 Reelfoot Lake 是 1811 年大地震后地层下陷和淹水所形成的。田纳西谷局 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 在 1930 年代将泥泞不能航行的水道发展成以田纳西河为中心的可通行的防洪设施。   田纳西州的农田占地一千两百四十万英亩,替田州每年带来 20 亿美元的收入。烟草以每单位农地的收入最高,棉花和大豆次之。Knoxville、Nashville 和 Springfield 等地是大烟草集散地,全国三分之一的棉花在孟菲斯棉花交易中心 Memphis Cotton Exchange 转手。 田纳西州观光旅游点∶ American Museum of Science and Energy Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park County Music Hall of Fame and Museum Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Cumberland Science Museum Dixie Stampede Dollywood Frank H. McClung Museum Governor William Blount Mansion Grand Ole Opry 大烟山国家公园 Great Smoky Mountains National Park The Hermitage Hunter Museum of America Art Jack Daniels Distillery Knoxville Museum of Art Museum of Appalachia The National Civil Rights Museum Opryland USA Rattle & Snap Rock City Gardens Rocky Mount Ruby Falls-Lookout Mountain Caverns Shiloh National Military Park Tennessee Aquarium Tuckaleechee Caverns Upper Room Chapel and Museum Wilsons North American Wildlife Museum

GALA的《Tennessee》 歌词

歌曲名:Tennessee歌手:GALATennesseeThe WreckersStand Still, Look PrettyI never had all the answersI never had enough timeBut I sure had all the reasonsWhy you weren"t what I wanted to findI never laid all my cards outYou just wanted to playThe king he waited on my doorstepWhile the joker and me went on our wayChorus:Maybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeThese days everything is all businessNever in ONE place for too longAnd there"s no lack of arms around meBut I still wonder if somewhere I went wrongMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeIn tennesseeAnd I"d wish on every star in theSouthern skyFor that man and our lifeIf I did not think thatMaybe I was much too selfishBut baby you"re still on my mindNow I"m grown and all aloneAnd wishing I was with you tonight"Cause I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in TennesseeYes, I can guaranteeThings are sweeter in Tennesseehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2006106


《Tennessee》创作:Hans Zimmer所属专辑:《Pearl Harbor (Music from the Motion Picture)/珍珠港电影原声》唱片公司:Warner Bros.发行时间:2001年05月22日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐此曲为纯音乐,没有歌词。


tennessee [英]u02cctenu0259"si: [美]u02cctenu0259"si: n. 田纳西州 [例句]In 1923 bettie page was born in nashville tennessee.贝蒂佩姬1923年出生在田纳西州的纳什维尔。更多示例用法请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


中文翻译 句子


Tennessee[英][u02cctenu0259"si:][美][u02cctenu0259"si:]n.田纳西州; Tennessee[人名] 田纳西; 例句:双语英语1.In 1923 bettie page was born in nashville tennessee. 贝蒂佩姬1923年出生在田纳西州的纳什维尔。2.I did three big portraits of tennessee. 我画了三幅田纳西的肖像。3.Could lives have been saved in tennessee? 我们在田纳西这种大洪水中能生存下来么?4.Republicans held on to the senate seat in tennessee. 共和党人则保住了田纳西州的参议院席位。

repair maintenance 和repair做维护意思时有什么区别


repair maintenance 和repair做维护意思时有什么区别

maintenance ,是名词,表示维护,维修,例如家电等的维修。repair 可以做名词,也可以做动词,表示修理,没有维护的意思。1、maintenancen.维持,保持; 保养,保管; 维护; 维修In the future the machines will need spare parts and maintenance.这些机器将来会需要备件和维修保养。She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself.她对车子本身没有进行半点养护。2、repairvt.修理; 纠正; 恢复; 弥补n.修理; 修理工作; 维修状态; 经修理的东西If you are not happy about a repair, go back and complain.如果你对修理效果不满意,可以再找他们投诉。The monks of Ettal keep the abbey in good repair.埃塔尔的修道士把修道院维护得很好。

信用证 packing list contents of each package 是货物名称还是 数量


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前面有个 does,后面要接动词原型

does it often rain there in spring的同义句

Is it often rainy there in Spring?
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