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tell the truth是什么意思


tell you the truth是什么意思


To tell you the truth, I don"t agree with you.中文是什么意思




用expensive interesting beautiful intelligent dangerous exciting 的比较级和最高级造句

This pen is more expensive than that one.Jim"s pen is the most expensive among us.Tom"s book is more interesting than mine.Running is the most interesting sport for me.This clothes is more beautiful than that one.Mary is the most beautiful girl in our class.The tiger is more dangerous than the rabbit.The lion is the most dangerous animal in the forest.she is more intelligent than me.Tom is the most intelligent boy in our class.This movie is more exciting than that one.It is the most exciting movie I"ve ever saw.这些是造句This man is shorter than that womanThis mouse is smaller than that oneThis policeman is weaker than that policewomanHer sisiter is more beautiful than herHis brother is more intelligent than him就是这些了 希望能对你有帮助

bring meet lead leave send catch teach tell say的过去式和过去分词

bring meet lead leave send catch teach tell say的过去式和过去分词Bring -brings - bringing -brought-broughtmeet-meets-meeting-met-metlead-leads- leading- led -ledleave-leaves- leaving -left -leftsend-sends- sending - sent -sentcatch---catches---catching---caught----caughtteach---teaches ---teaching --taught----taughttell---tells---telling ---told---toldsay----says----saying -said---said以上顺序:动词原形----动词三人称单数-----动词进行时态-----动词过去式------动词过去分动词如果满意,请第一时间采纳,谢谢!

bring meet lead leave send catch teach tell say的过去式和过去分词



I asks her to help me water the flowers>> Her is asked (by me) to help me water the flowers.2.She tells me the bad news.>>I is told (by her) the bad news .3.His teacher advises him to read more.>>He is advised (by his teacher) to read more.4.I order him to clean the window.>>He is ordered (by me) to clean the window.5.His mother warns him to study hard.>>He is warned (by his mother) to study hard.6.The doctor suggests her to rest.>>She is suggested (by the doctor) to rest.()中的是可以省略的,用于提示动作的主语,但为了保持句意完整,最好别省略,希望能帮到楼主O(∩_∩)O

ask advise tell 区别

1、ask"询问、请求、要求",含有期望给以回答或作出反应的意思。当你觉得所要求的东西会得到时,或者不可能被拒绝时,最好用ask。如:ask sb. for help;ask sb to do sth.2、advise"建议、忠告",即提供一些自己认为可行的办法帮对方解决某种问题或自己对对方的期望,而对方可以选择不接受。如:医生给病人建议,提供能提高成绩的建议等。它的用法同suggest。用法如下:1. advise + 名词 / 代词 例如: Li Ming advised a swim after school. 李明建议放学以后去游泳。 2. advise + sb. + 不定式短语 在这个句式中,不定式短语作 advise 的宾语补足语。例如: He often advised people to use their brains . 他常常劝人多用脑子。 3. advise + sb. + 特殊疑问词 + 不定式短语 在这个句式中,“特殊疑问词 + 不定式短语”作 advise 的宾语补足语。例如: She advised them how to solve the problem . 她给他们出主意怎样解决这个问题。 4. advise + 动名词 例如: I advised holding a meeting to discuss the matter. 我建议开一个会来讨论这件事情5. advise on sth. 或 advise sb. on sth. 例如: He often advises on this project. 他经常就此项工程提出建议。 6. advise + sb. +against + doing sth. 例如: The lawyers have advised us against signing the contract. ( =The lawyers have advised us not to sign the contract. )律师建议我们不要签订这个合同。 7. advise + 宾语从句 advise 后面接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词应为虚拟语气,即用“ should + 动词原形”, should 可以省略。例如: I advise that you (should) do it right away . 我建议你马上就做这件事情。3、telll“告诉、讲述;区别”;表示“告诉”时,常见用法有:tell sb. sth; tell sb. to do sth; tell sb. that;表示“区别”时,常用于tell the differences between A and B;tell A from B

c---clever h---honest i---intelligent n---noble e---excellent s---smart e---elegant都是什么意思?


Trying to find a job these days is no joke, I can tell you.中的Trying是现在分词还是动名词,

Trying 这里是动名词作主语  try to do 试图做, 尽力做

Translate the sentences into Chinese and tell what kinds of Adverbial Clauses they are.

1. 条件状语 2. 时间状语 3. 时间状语4. 时间状语5. 时间状语6. 时间状语7. 时间状语8. 时间状语9. 地点状语10. 地点状语

Do you know what it means when somebody tells you that he had “a catch-22 experience”?The phras.

CCD 60. 第一段:It has a non-linear narrative structure(非线性的叙述结构)in which events follow the theme rather than the timing, to give us a very strange picture full of contradictions(矛盾).61. 第二段:Whenever you try to behave correctly in a crazy world. There"s a catch(潜在的困难).与C项符合62. 第一段:The phrase “catch-22” comes from a book of the same title by the American writer Joseph Heller published in 1961.




say、saidhold、held reply、repliedtell、toldchange, changed



潘玮柏Tell Me歌词?


intellectual inquiry inherently翻译

原话是 Admittedly, these non-mainstream areas of inquiry address certain human needs, which mainstream science and other areas of intellectual inquiry inherently cannot.intellectual inquiry的意思是对知识和知性的探索研究。inherently是修饰cannot的,和前面不成一体,意思是主流科学“从根本上”就不可能像那些非主流科学一样满足人类特定的一些需求

I dont regret telling her what I thought.

我不后悔告诉他我想的当知道他之后好点 什么意思 不是翻译

Artists used lies to tell the truth

艺术家用谎言揭示真相,而政治家用谎言掩盖真相。 说谎还有理了。

酒吧经常放一首英文歌曲,其中高潮歌词是baby tell me why ,why you let me go

that"s why.

这几个瑞士语单词翻译成中文是什么?Troades,Boccaccio,William Tell,Carmen

Troades (Euripides)Troades (Trojaanse Vrouwen) is een tragedie van de Griekse tragediedichter Euripides. Het werk werd opgevoerd in 415 v. Chr., na de val van Melos.Korte inhoudAan de wallen van het brandende Troje wachten de Trojaanse dames [= het koor] huiverend op hun verdere lot. Het stuk bestaat uit een reeks taferelen waarin het lot van resp. Hekabè, Kassandra, Polyxena en Andromache wordt opgeroepen (in prospectie!). Het stuk is een felle aanklacht tegen de gruwelen van de oorlog.乔万尼·薄伽丘(Giovanni Boccaccio,1313年—1375年),文艺复兴时期的意大利作家、诗人,以故事集《十日谈》留名后世。生平出生于巴黎,家境富裕,受到良好的教育,早年长住那不勒斯,放荡声色,后半生的岁月住在佛罗伦萨。薄伽丘才华洋溢,是一位多产作家,写过传奇、叙事诗、史诗、短篇故事集等。传世的作品有《菲洛柯洛》(1336年)、《似真似幻的爱情》(1342年-1343年)、《十日谈》(1349年—1353年)、《爱的摧残》(1340年)、《爱情十三问》(1340年)、《大鸦》(1355年)等。薄伽丘最出色的作品是《十日谈》,叙述1348年黑死病流行时,十名青年男女在乡村Fiesole山上的别墅避难,终日游玩歌唱,每人每天讲一则故事,十天讲了一百则故事,记有王公贵族,骑士僧侣,也有贩夫走卒,市井平民,情节多姿多彩,成为《十日谈》的主要内容。在《十日谈》中,基督教传教士简直成了恶魔的代名词,贪财好色,甚至无恶不作。《爱的摧残》又名《菲洛斯特拉托》(Filostrato),是用意大利佛罗伦萨方言写成的长篇叙事诗,“Filostrato”是指被爱情击倒的人,内容取材于意大利人圭多(Guido delle Collone)的《特洛伊故事集》(Historia Trojana),描述古希腊神话中的特洛伊战争。1374年,曾鼓励薄伽丘学习希腊文的良师益友彼特拉克病逝,薄伽丘失去了知音,精神上遭受沉重的打击。1375年,薄伽丘在贫交迫中辞世于契尔塔多。曾被他嘲讽的教会没有放过他,挖掘他的坟墓并砸毁墓碑,以示泄忿。威廉‧退尔(William Tell)是瑞士建国传说中的英雄。他因当时无恶不作的总督的命令,不得不痛苦地用箭射儿子头顶上的苹果。之后,他率领群众推翻了这恶毒的总督。退尔向来刚正不阿,为此遭到舞威弄势的当权人的憎恨。他扶弱除暴,不辞辛劳。退尔为人好象大地上的泥土般纯朴,被认为是“典型的瑞士人”。由席勒(Friedrich von Schiller,1759-1805)写下的大众剧本《威廉‧退尔》(Wilhelm Tell),于1804年首次公演以来,今年正值二百周年。《卡门》(Carmen)是比才的一部歌剧。该剧在比才死后才获得成功。美国女高音格拉汀·法拉的无声电影和查理·卓别林的一部有声电影更是扩大了歌剧的名声。20世纪80年代有一次卡门热。1983年几个月内,彼得·布鲁克的改编版《卡门悲剧》上演,在隆达导演弗朗切斯哥·罗斯协同多明哥拍摄了电影卡门。作曲: 乔治·比才 脚本: 亨利·梅拉克, 路多维克·哈列维, 根据 梅里美的同名小说改编 首演: 1875年3月3日巴黎,喜歌剧院 语言: 法语 就在排练的时候已经困难重重,乐队认为音乐太难演奏。合唱团也拒绝演唱演出。观众对首演反映很淡。非传统的内容被体面观众认为是不堪入目的。评论家照旧对作品大肆攻击。首演彻底失败。 但数月后,1875年10月在维也纳的演出却获得了成功。但比才已于6月3日逝世,享年36岁。他是伤心而死呢,还是自杀呢,还是个谜。艰苦排练和首演的失败极大的耗损了他的精力,在一次颈部病痛发作的时候,比才离开了世界。

I can tell you riddles.是什么意思


tell me the meaning of being loney

so many words for the broken heart心碎有太多的言语来形容 it is hard to see in a crimson love在绯红的爱情却无法看见 so hard to breathe难以呼吸 walk with me, and maybe伴我前行,也许 nights of light so soon become光线即将穿透黑暗 wild and free i could feel the sun在自由和狂野里我能感觉到太阳 your every wish will be done你的每一个愿望都将实现 they tell me他们告诉我 chorus show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛 is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗 tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边 there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么 life goes on as it never ends生命的步伐永无止境 eyes of stone observe the trends石头冷眼看潮来潮去 they never say forever gaze它们凝视无语 guilty roads to an endless love罪恶的道路通往没有尽头的爱 there is no control无法控制 are you with me now你现在伴在我的身边吗 your every wish will be done你每一个愿望都将实现 they tell me他们告诉我 chorus repeat show me the meaning of being lonely告诉我寂寞的真谛 is this the feeling i need to walk with这种感觉始终将伴随我吗 tell me why i can not be there where you are告诉我为什么我不能在你的身边 there is something missing in my heart我的心像是缺失了什么 there is nowhere to run无处可逃 i have no place to go无处可去 surrender my heart body and soul包围着我的心我的灵魂 how can it be you are asking me to feel the things you never show你从来没有给过的你怎么叫我感觉得到呢 chorus repeat you are missing in my heart我的心迷失了你 tell me why i can not be there where you are为什么我不能在你的身边呢 chorus repeat

Tell me why. don"t cry. Enjoy loney.什么意思



head heat,meat,told,left,found,made,sent,lost,got

gift intelligent clever 区别?

gift 是 天赋 意义比较大intelligent 是聪明才智 clever 是机灵 小聪明 一般都是说小孩

chatelle xo finest brandy 朋友送的这酒,请问大概多少价值



Stellaris Lithoids Species Packcommonspecies_archetypes最新版!@robot_trait_points = 0@robot_max_traits = 4@machine_trait_points = 1@machine_max_traits = 5@species_trait_points = 35@species_max_traits = 19

写出下列单词的单三形式 live,do,fiy,tell,go, piay,say,teach,watch,study,work,



bought bought saw seen went gone made made did done cost cost said said took taken met met read read ran run kept kept let let told told had had came come was been fought fought




satellite英音:["sætəlait]美音:["sæt!,aɪt]名词 n. [C]1.【天】卫星The number of known satellites in the solar system rose to 32.太阳系里已知的卫星数量增加到三十二个。2.人造卫星The space shuttle orbited a communications satellite.航天飞机将一颗通讯卫星送入轨道。3.随从,追随者,谄媚者Three thousand armed satellites escorted his steps.三千名武装随从紧跟其后。4.卫星国家,附庸国家The former Russian satellites now turn to the West for help.从前俄国的卫星国现在转向西方要求援助。5.卫星城镇;卫星组织The party consolidates its power by building up satellite organizations.这个党通过建立卫星组织巩固它的权力。6.附属设备

protell99元件库中的“CAP"“CAPACITOR"“CAPACITOR FEED"“CAPACITOR POL”各是什么意思和有什么区别?



much/many-more-mostgood/well-better-bestintelligent-more intelligent-most intelligentcareful-more careful-most carefulfat-fatter-fattestredeasy好像不是一个词nice-nicer-nicest



过去式:keep sleep speak sweep swim take tell


tell 的过去式

tell的过去式是told。具体释义如下:tell  英 [tel]   美 [tɛl]  vt.讲述;告诉,说;辨别;吩咐vt.& vi.分辨,辨别;告诉,吩咐;泄漏;保证vi.泄密,告发;(颜色、声音等)显示;识别n.[考古学](古代村落遗址堆积而成的)台形土墩;[方言]讲的话;谈话;传闻第三人称单数: tells   复数: tells 现在分词: telling   过去式: told   过去分词: toldtell的基本意思是用语言或文字“告知”“告诉”“讲述”某事,强调思想的表达,而不强调表达的方式。引申可表示“吩咐”“嘱托”“命令”“确定”“区分,辨别”“泄露秘密”“猜测”“产生效果”等。tell可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可以是名词或代词,也可以是带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。扩展资料近义词区分一、tell, bid, command, order这组词都有命令的意思。其区别是:1、order和bid是及物动词,而command和tell既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词。2、order和command一般指上级命令下级; command是权力用语,更强调下命令的人有权威,特别指军官命令士兵; 而order却可以指某个人对他人下命令,如医生嘱咐病人; tell则多用于日常情况,“吩咐”的意味往往大于“命令”。3、bid态度并不十分强制; command却有“强迫”“命令”“必须服从”的意味; order语气比command弱,不那么正式; tell的语气则更弱。4、跟动词不定式的复合结构时, bid多不带to,而command和order则须保留to。5、order还可表示“次序”或“订货”的意思,而command和bid则没有此意。二、tell, acquaint, advise, inform, notify这组词的共同意思是“通知”,其区别是:1、除tell外是一般用词,其余各词均为正式用词。2、在“通知”的手段上, acquaint主要指向某人提供资料; tell是指将某事直接告诉某人或把某些内容向他人讲述,即口头通知; inform既可指提供有关资料或信息,也可指直接告知某事。notify指正式用书面通知; advise则常用于商业活动,既可指书面通知,即通告,电告,也可指口头告知或电话通知,但不一定是正式的。3、在通知的内容上, acquaint常用于范围广泛的内容复杂的信息; tell多指一个故事或一件事; inform既可指重要的信息,也可指普通的一件事; advise多指商业活动中对方应知晓的信息; notify则指严肃的事或对方应知晓的事,暗含事情紧迫,需立即答复或处理的意味。4、在用法上,这组词均为及物动词,可跟简单宾语或“间接宾语+that/wh-从句”, acquaint还可跟with短语,常用于被动结构; advise还可跟of短语; inform还可跟含“带疑问词的动词不定式和含介词as to或about的复合宾语”; notify还常跟of短语和含动词不定式的复合宾语,常用于被动结构。




可以的 inform当然可以用做被动 比如 某机构被通知。。。inform和tell的区别就在于 inform是正式的通知,一般有文字性、广播性的 公告之类而 tell 你就知道了 就是告诉的意思,日常常用

tell us interesting jokes什么意思

tell us interesting jokes给我们讲一些有趣的笑话吧。

they can also tell you funny jokes是什么意思


tell jokes 造句

He often tells jokes

love to tell jokes什么意思

love to tell jokes爱讲笑话双语对照例句:1.Your efforts are beginning to tell. 你的努力正在开始产生效果。2.Both have engaging stories to tell. 他们都有动人的故事要讲。

telling jokes 中文什么意思


tell jokes的意思

tell jokes [词典] 讲笑话; [例句]I will only tell jokes I know are funny.我只会讲自己确定好笑的笑话。


She tells us jocks. 一般现在时态的简单句:主、谓、宾tell vt. tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事,也可以这么说:tell sth. to sb.

Tell us jokes 等不等于tell jokes to us?

是的 一样意思

he tellls funny jokes to me H还是 he tellls funny jokes for me


tell jokes on sb, tell jokes with sb, tell jokes to sb分别为什么意思?


she likes ______ jokes(tell)

tellingShe likes telling jokes.她喜欢讲笑话。


Hetells hersomejokes.

tell a joke 和 tell jokes有区别吗

tell a joke是讲笑话,tell joke还可以当开玩笑讲

tell a joke 和 tell jokes有区别吗


tell a joke 和 tell jokes有区别吗 那是不是前者表示单数 讲一个笑话 呢

补充:tell a joke可以表示“讲一个笑话”. 没有区别,意思一样,都表示“讲笑话”,只不过形式不同,前面用的是单数形式,后面用的是复数名词jokes.

tell jokes是什么意思

tell jokes讲笑话双语对照词典结果:tell jokes讲笑话; 例句:1.Google: because you tell jokes, or because you jumble his speech? 谷歌:因为你会讲笑话,还是因为你连学他的话都学得很搞笑?

可以说play jokes么?和tell jokes一样吗!


讲笑话是 talk jokes 还是speak jokes 还是tell jokes 还是其他的

tell (sb) jokes

讲笑话为什么是tell jokes

固定搭配 如撒谎是tell lies

tell sb. jokes 是开某人玩笑还是给某人讲笑话

是给某人讲笑话,开某人玩笑是play jokes on sb.

alice is telling jokes jokes为什么要加s?

joke是可数名词,前面没有冠词或限定词时要用复数Alice is telling jokes.= Alice is telling a joke.

tell a joke 和 tell jokes有区别吗 那是不是前者表示单数 讲一个笑话 呢

补充:tell a joke可以表示“讲一个笑话”. 没有区别,意思一样,都表示“讲笑话”,只不过形式不同,前面用的是单数形式,后面用的是复数名词jokes.

He tells us jokes.这里的us和jokes都是该句的宾语吗?是不是双宾语结构?

tells us jokes是双宾语结构,us叫间接宾语,jokes叫直接宾语

talk joke还是tell joke还是say joke

tell a joke.

camus xo卡慕,Hennessy xo轩尼诗,martell马爹利,哪种比较值钱?

Hennessy xo轩尼诗10年灌装700ML的比较贵点,不过要看你那边的市场,martell马爹利09年是XO还是,camus xo卡慕700ML的,这个的话不认识,


heard, slept, took,drank,kept,put,said,sat,thought,told,wrote,spoke,ran

有love story的英语作文? tell a love story

Love StoryThe first meetFrom the man:The autumn arrived, every tree was covered by red maple leaves. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. This was normal to me because every year was like this. But you, a beautiful angle, broke into my world. My heaven lighted suddenly. Are you another part of me?The second meetFrom the woman:I couldn"t say how delighted I was when I met you again. These days I always remembered you. I intentionally slowed down my speed and carefully observed when I washed your hair. Your bushy eyebrows, your straight nose, and your handsome face … I touched your eyes with my soapy hands beyond my control. My boss blamed me but you just smiled to me. I wanted to say sorry but was speechless when you looked at me. I felt very nervous. What happened to me?The third meetFrom the man:As the saying goes that the first time is accidental, second is necessity only, third time is to decreed by fate. I kept you when you came to return my cap which I lost in the barbershop on purpose. I thought I was the happiest man in the world when I took photos for you. From that moment, I was falling in love with you.The love daysFrom the woman:My life changed because of you. I like you to take photos for me. I like your faithful eyes. Only from your eyes could I find different myself. I secretly pasted our photos together. Can you feel my heart?MutationFrom the man:If time can come again, I will certainly not let you to take it. If time can come again, I hope it was me to get hurt. If time can come again, I will do my best to protect you. If time can come again...Doctor told me you might be blind. I don"t believe that! Photographing, racing car are meaningless without you! Darling, please, promise me, you are OK, you will be fine…From the woman:I never saw you when I opened me eyes again. You took your pictures down off the wall. And I knew that you left my world. I did not blame you. I was just sad at our short love. I pretended I was OK. But I knew I would never be myself again.Unexpected meetFrom the woman:I received a magazine with my photo. And I found you. Suddenly, tears endlessly streaming from my eyes. Why did you devote to me? Why were you so stupid?

While ____the sun,the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.


While____the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.

这是带连词的现在分词短语 作状语 相当于 一个 状语从句 答案是 D) orbiting 因为与句子主语是主动关系 故用现在分词 While _orbiting_ the sun,= While _it is orbiting_ the sun当状语从句 的主语 与句子主语 一致 的情况下 可以用分词短语 代替 状语从句

You will be hard put at 500 paces to tell one make from another.帮忙划分一下句子吧

你是在考我吗 你确定?

accuracy;intellectual;distress 这些个英语怎么读??

accuracy [ac·cu·ra·cy || "ækjʊrəsɪ]n. 正确; 准确; 精确性intellectual [in·tel·lec·tu·al || ‚ɪntə"lektʃʊəl]n. 知识分子adj. 智力的, 聪明的, 知性的distress [dis·tress || dɪ"stres]n. 悲痛; 不幸; 穷困v. 使悲痛, 使忧伤, 使苦恼; 使贫困,tell,meet的过去式

过去式 过去分词 met met went gone bought bought caught caught told told made made left left did done sent sent threw thrown sat sat(或sitten) swept swept heard heard lay laid found found read read came come swam swum

,lie ,swim ,cut ,grew ,tell ,run ,bring ,meet 的过去式是什么

这里有 所有不规则动词的过去式 过去分词 下载一份吧

banker teller是做什么工作的英语

你好。banker teller翻译成中文是:银行柜员。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

banker teller是做什么工作的英语


She looks sad. Could you please tell me ____ that prevents her from being as happy as before? ...

A 本题含有强调句型,若把It is···that去掉,则很容易地看出what引导的宾语从句,what在从句中充当主语。故选A。

talk tell happen go call run 的过去式和ing形式

taled told happened went called ran talking telling happening going calling running 请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!


reactionreaddressreadjustreanimatereappearrearrangereassurerevornrestaurantrestrictionsrestartrebootrecapture 再体验recollection 记忆reconfirm 再确认reconstruct 重建reeducate 再教育reproduce 再现 rename 再命名retract(缩回,取回) review(复习)reunion(团圆,重聚)restart(重新开始)reconstruction(重建) remind(提醒)refound(退款)亲,有帮助麻烦给好评哦



talk tell happen go call run 的过去式和ing形式

taled told happened went called ran talking telling happening going calling running 请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!
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