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thinkpad驱动中Intel Dynamic platform是什么

Intel Dynamic platform叫英特尔动态平台一般有触摸屏的笔记本都会带这个玩意,主要功能就是笔记本温度过高的时候给你cpu降频,美其名曰保护系统硬件。可是真的很影响笔记本性能,有的厂商设置的比较保守78度就给你降频了。DELL的xps15甚至cpu速度能从3.4GHz降频到0.78GHz,真的是天上地下。在一些笔记本品牌里,比如联想,BIOS里会带开启关闭这玩意的选项,不需要的时候关闭就好了。偏偏戴尔的BIOS里面没有这个选项,真的很头疼。

tell apart 和 tell from的区别

tell apart 后面不能直接接人活着物 可以用 tell sb apart from sb

tell apart/from/by的区别?


tell apart 和 tell from的区别

用法不同tell A from BA和B区别tell ...apart把...区别开来 apart 后面不跟宾语


respectively :按指定出的或提及的顺序逐一地,例如:I"m referring to each of you respectively. 我将逐个提到你们中的每一个人。separately:作为一个独立的个体存在状态那样分别地,例如:China and the United States are separately the third and the fourth largest country in size in the world. 中国和美国(作为一个独立的个体国家)分别是世界上国土面积第三位和第四位的大国”。

c#中append什么意思 是否和console.writeline有什么联系


oceanlab satellite 歌词 求翻译。

Oceanlab - 卫星 我的爱就像这雪,婴儿最初步骤, 我跟着你到处走你,宝贝。 Oceanlab - 卫星 但你将永远不会实现 作为光的痛苦来唤醒你按照风,带来寒冷,婴儿, 我光在你的灵魂,婴儿火灾。 掉下的羽毛最轻的接触 我的爱可能是无形的 但我的梦想是激励引导你,宝贝你是一个半个地球远 但在我心目中我耳语每一个字你说。 而在晚上睡觉前,你 你求我,你的幸运之星,你的歌声卫星。你唱卫星 你说的祈祷 你说的祈祷你是一个半个地球远 但在我心目中我耳语每一个字你说。 而在晚上睡觉前,你 你求我,你的幸运之星,你的歌声卫星你是一个半个地球远 但在我心目中我耳语每一个字你说。 而在晚上睡觉前,你 你求我,你的幸运之星,你的歌声卫星。





Weather has a strong effect(影响) on people. It influences(影响) health, intelligence(智力)

1. life2. health3. problems4. worse5. storm6. difficult7. feelings8. weathers9. better10. why

在《浪花一朵朵》里面,有一段插曲“i think of you you tell me what to do"很好听,有谁知道这首歌德名

是夏日么么茶的插曲吧?你看看是这个吗?金培达-Thinking Of YouThinking of youhave you ever stood outside a picket fencethat you cansee throughbut you can"t get to the insideyou sit there and waitI look at you and annticipatewhat we could be and what we could doFly the wings of an eagleglide along with the windNo matter how high,I"ll be thingking of you the whole timeFly the wings of an eagleglide along with the windno matter how highI"ll be thinking of you the whole timecarrying this heavy load,I don"t know what to dothe only thing I know is I"m in love with youfly with the wings of an eagleno matter how highI"ll be thinking of youno matter how high,no matter how lowI"ll be thinking of youno matter what I do,no matter where I goI"ll be thinking of youNo matter how high,no matter how lowI"ll be thinking of youno matter what I do,no matter where I goI"ll be thinking of youfly the wings of an eagleno matter how high,I"ll be thinking of you the whole timeyou"ll be on my mind all the timeyou"ll be on my mindI"ll be thinking of you the whole time

If she___to write a real book one day, I will absolutely be the first to read it?

不用去管句子意思,后面是 will 前面就是 is后面是 would 前面就是 were后面是 would have done 前面就是 had done

哪里有STK (satellite tool kit卫星工具箱)这个软件下载呀?7.0以后对中国禁运。或者给个能用的版本。


谁知道哪有STK(satellite tool kit)下载啊,要可以下的

《卫星工具箱1.6》(satellite tool kit)6.1 Pro迅雷快传下载地址

关于STK (Satellite Tool Kit ) 的注册问题


satellite tool kit的介绍

是由美国Analytical Graphics公司开发的一款在航天领域处于领先地位的商业分析软件。STK支持航天任务的全过程,括设计、测试、发射、运行和任务应用。STK提供分析引擎用于计算数据、并可显示多种形式的二维地图,显示卫星和其它对象如运载火箭、导弹、飞机、地面车辆、目标等。STK的核心能力是产生位置和姿态数据、获取时间、遥感器覆盖分析。STK专业版扩展了STK的基本分析能力,包括附加的轨道预报算法、姿态定义、坐标类型和坐标系统、遥感器类型、高级的约束条件定义,以及卫星、城市、地面站和恒星数据库。对于特定的分析任务,STK提供了附加分析模块,可以解决通信分析、雷达分析、覆盖分析、轨道机动、精确定轨、实时操作等问题。另外,STK还有三维可视化模块,为STK和其它附加模块提供领先的三维显示环境。

练习卫星图像拼接(Satellite Image Mosaic)

图像拼接处理(Mosaic Image)的说明图像拼接处理是要将具有地理参考的若干相邻图像合并成一幅图像或一组图像,需要拼接的输入图像必须含有地图投影信息,或者说输入图像必须经过几何校正处理(Rectified)或进行过校正标定(Calibrated)。虽然所有的输入图像可以具有不同的投影类型、不同的像元大小,但必须具有相同的波段数。在进行图像拼接时,需要确定一幅参考图像,参考图像将作为输出拼接图像的基准,决定拼接图像的对比度匹配以及输出图像的地图投影、像元大小和数据类型。MosaicTool视窗由菜单条(Menu Bar)、工具条(Tool Bar)、图形窗口(Graphic View)和状态条(Status Bar)四部分组成。本次实习我们通过两幅陆地资源卫星(l71125026_02620011024_ b10.img,l71125027_02720011024_b10.img)拼接处理,介绍卫星图像的拼接过程。数据存放在D/mosaic下。(1)启动图像拼接工具(Start Mosaic Tools)图像拼接工具可以通过下列两种途径启动:ERDAS图标面板菜单条:Main→Data Preparation→Mosaic Images→Mosaic Tool;ERDAS图标面板工具条:Data Prep图标 →Mosaic Images→Mosaic Tool;打开Mosaic Tool视窗(图5-1)。图5-1 Mosaic Tool视窗(2)加载Mosaic图像MosaicTool视窗菜单条:Edit→Add Images或点击Add图标 ,打开Add Ima ges对话框,如图5-2(a)、(b)所示。在AddImages对话框中,需要设置以下参数:1)拼接图像文件(Image FileName):l71125027_02720011024_b10.img;2)图像拼接区域(Image Area Option):Compute Active Area;3)OK(图像l71125027_02720011024_b10.img被加载到Mosaic视窗中)(同样的过程加载l71125026_02620011024_b10.img);(3)图像叠置组合(Images Stacking)Mosaic Too视窗工具条:点击SetMode for Input Images即图标 ,进入设置输入图像模式状态,Mosaic Tool视窗工具条中会出现与该模式对应的调整图像叠置次序的编辑图标。充分利用系统所提供的编辑工具,根据需要进行上下层调整。这些调整工具包括:图5-2 Add Images对话框1)Send SelectedImage(s)to Top,图标 :将选择图像置于最上层;2)Send SelectedImage(s)Up One,图标 :将选择图像上移一层;3)Send SelectedImage(s)to Bottom,图标 :将选择图像置于最下层;4)Send SelectedImage(s)Down One,图标 :将选择图像下移一层;5)Reverse Order of Selected Image(s),图标 :将选择图像次序颠倒。调整完成后,在Mosaic Tool视窗图形窗口点击一下,退出图像叠置组合状态。(4)色调调整(Color Corrections)Mosaic Tool视窗工具条:点中图标 ,依然在输入图像模式状态下,点击图标 ,打开Color Corrections对话框(图5-3),选择Use Histogram Matching,点击Set出现Histogram Matching对话框(图5-4),参数设置如下:1)Matching Method:Overlap Areas(重叠区域匹配);2)Histogram Type:Band by Band;3)点击OK完成设置。(5)重叠区域交互关系及灰度值设置Mosaic Tool视窗工具条:点击图标 ,进入设置图像关系模式(Set Mode for Intersections)。点击图标 ,打开Set Overlap Function对话框(图5-5)。在Set Overlap Function对话框中,设置以下参数:1)设置相交类型(Intersection Type):No Cutline Exists(没有裁切线);2)设置重叠区像元灰度计算(Select Function):Average(均值);3)Apply(保存设置)→Close(关闭Set Overlap Function对话框)。图5-3 Color Corrections对话框图5-4 Histogram Matching对话框图5-5 Set Overlap Function对话框(6)运行Mosaic工具(Run the Mosaic)Mosaic Tool视窗菜单条:Process→Run Mosaic→打开Output File Name对话框,如图5-6(a)、(b)所示。设置下列参数:确定输出文件名(File Name):125026125027band1.img。Output Options窗口 [图5-6(b)]下设置下列参数:1)确定输出图像区域(Outputs):All;2)忽略输入图像值(Ignore Input Value):0;3)输出图像背景值(Output Background Value):0;4)忽略输出统计值(Stars Ignore Value):0;5)OK(关闭Run Mosaic对话框,运行图像拼接)。(7)退出Mosaic工具(Exit the Mosaic):MosaicTool视窗菜单条:File→Close,系统将会提示是否保存 Mosaic设置,选择No(关闭Mosaic Tool视窗,退出Mosaic工具)。图5-6 Run Mosaic对话框

satellite Tool kit 下载

《卫星工具箱1.6》(satellite tool kit)6.1 Pro迅雷快传下载地址

satellite tool kit的STK/Pro 9.0 专业版

STK 8.1.1专业版为航天领域的专家提供了高级航天分析工具,如附加数据库、轨道预报、姿态调整、坐标类型和坐标系以及遥感器的定义,STK/Pro集合以上强大功能用来解决最具挑战性的问题。STK/Pro包含了尖端的新功能以面向卫星系统专家的需求。STK/Pro是在广泛征求并了解了每天都在使用STK的用户的意见和需求后诞生的直接满足工业需要的产品,极大的扩展了STK 8.1.1的基本功能。  主要功能: 1:内容丰富的数据库:包括三个附加数据库,城市数据库/地面站数据库/恒星数据库;  2:用于可见性分析的约束定义:超过20个约束条件定义飞行器、遥感器、地面站和其它对象之间的可见性,增强用户的分析性能;  3:高精度轨道预报(HPOP):应用高保真力学模型生成不同轨道卫星的星历表,包括:圆轨道、椭圆轨道、抛物线轨道、双曲线轨道,有效范围从地球表面直到月球;  4:长期轨道预报(LOP):精确预报数月或数年的卫星轨道;  5:寿命工具(Lifetime):评估低轨卫星在轨保持圈数;  6:区域目标:可定义N多边形区域,用于地面区域链路计算;  7:附加坐标类型和系统:以不同的方式表现卫星的位置和速度信息;  8:姿态仿真和指向:定义飞行器姿态,包括19种姿态定义;  9:多种遥感器类型:增加了简单圆弧以外的5种遥感器类型:复杂圆弧、半功率、矩形、SAR、自定义。

关于STK (Satellite Tool Kit ) 的注册问题




Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:John Cale专辑:Slow DazzleNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis 30 #1 HitsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Essential Elvis Presley 3.0Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley With Voice & J.D. Sumner & The Stamps专辑:Elv1S - Special EditionNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis 75Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Only Elvis Presley Album You"Ll Ever NeedNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:John Cale专辑:June 1, 1974Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Real ElvisNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:I Am An Elvis FanNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Stan Freberg专辑:The Very Best Of Stan FrebergNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Young Man With the Big Beat (Box set, Original recording remastered)Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis PresleyNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Faith Evans&Kelly Price&Whitney Houston专辑:Whitney The Greatest HitsHeartbreak HotelFaith Evans、Kelly Price、Whitney HoustonThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Oh)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Yeah, Oh yeah)This is a heartbreak hotelWhitney: You said you"d be here by 9Instead you took your timeYou didn"t think to call me, boyHere I sit, trying not to cryAsking myself whyYou"d do this to me oh, babeFaith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to faceI"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to sayChorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (what you do...)look what you did to me (Oh,baby)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry,What you do to me(Made me cry Oh...)Can"t take what you did to meWhitney: Now I see that you"ve been doing wrongAnd played me all alongAnd made a fool of me, baby (Un!)You got it all wrong to think that I wouldn"t find out (Uh!)That you were cheating on me babyHow could you do it to me (Un...Babe)Faith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to face (En...)I"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to say~~~Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (All you did was lies to me baby yeah)Look what you did to me (Can believe what you did to me yeah...)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Wu...)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cryWhat you do to me(Why did you do it?)Can"t take what you did to me (You didn"t have to do it to me, baby)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...My heart)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Wu...This is the heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (We"ve gone to heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (Why~~~ Why did you do it?)(Yeah...) This is a heartbreak hotelChorus: (All I want...) All I really wanted was some of your time(Oh babe...) Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (Oh I really want, now)Look what you did to me (It"s all I really want everyday)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me wrong)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry(Can"t take it no more) What you do to meCan"t take what you did to me (I want is your love)Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your time (All I want it more)Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mind (That you tell me lies...) (Do me, baby) What you do to me (Do me right) (Can"t take it no more)Look what you did to me (Why that you do me that way)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Would you do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry (Do you made me cry...)What you do to me (Oh~~~)Can"t take what you did to meI ain"t gonna take itI ain"t gonna take it no moreI ain"t gonna take it boyI ain"t gonna take it no moreOh, everything that you say was a lieDon"t lie to meTell me ... ...

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:X2 (Elvis Presley/Elvis" Gold Records, Vol.4)Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:All Shook UpNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Willie Nelson专辑:16 Biggest Hits, Volume 2Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Top Ten HitsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The Sound of 1950"s AmericaNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elv1S 30 #1 HitsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Whitney Houston feat. Faith Evans and Kelly Price专辑:Dance Vault Mixes - Heartbreak HotelMiael JacksonHEARTBREAKERDeceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighsShe only knows how low that she can goShe speaks the lines that can control my mindWherever she goes I know my eyes followShe blew a kiss, I swear that it was meantOnly for me, then spoke with her bodyHer only goal is just to take controlAnd I can"t believe that I can"t tell her noChorus:That girl I can"t take herShould have known she was a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through her she"s a heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen it coming heartbreakerThat girl I can"t take herShould have seen right through herShe"s a heartbreakerShe plays a game with such an innocent faceI didn"t know heartbreaking was her caseHer actions confess and put me through the testI was surprised that I was caught insideNow she"s thinking that I will never knowAnd she"ll keep playing until I let her goBut I hope in time that she will finally realizeI"m onto her game and she"ll get played the sameChorus x 2:I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about youStop being without youBut everyone told me so, to stop caring about youAnd start being without youBut I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without youAnd stop talkin" about youAnd what will she say?She will say I was the man that got awayRap

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Lilo & StitchNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:猫王专辑:Live In Las VegasNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Discover Elvis PresleyNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis ForeverNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis "56 - Collector"S EditionNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Albert King专辑:Blues For Elvis: King Does The King"S ThingsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:John Cale专辑:The Island YearsNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Tell Her a Story 歌词

歌曲:Tell Her a Story演唱:Julia Stone作词:Henboy作曲:Cassinel专辑:《Let"s Forget All the Things That We Say》发行时间:2012-02-24 歌词:Tell me a lie, I""m used to itTell me a lie, I""m used to itTell me to my faceTell me to my faceTell me where""s my placeTell me where""s my placeTell her a story, she""s used to itTell her a story, she""s used to itBut tell her to her faceTell her to her faceTell her where""s her placeTell her where""s her placeTell him a lie, he""s used to itTell him a lie, he""s used to itTell him a lie, he""s used to itTell him a lie, he""s used to itBut tell him to his faceTell him to his faceTell him where""s his placeTell me where""s your grace


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Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:猫王专辑:Best Of - Heritage SongNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

I will tell her a story


Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Terence Trent D"Arby专辑:The EssentialNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Cyrus Chestnut专辑:Cyrus Plays ElvisNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:John Cale专辑:GoldNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis: As Recorded at Madison Square GardenNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

lll tell her a story 是什么意思s

l‘ll tell her a story,我要讲给她一个故事。

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:The KingNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Live In Las VegasNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elv1S - Special EditionNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:An Afternoon In The GardenNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis As Recorded Live At Madison Square GardenNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Great PerformancesNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

I will tell her a story改为一般疑问句?

will i tell her story?

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis In DeutschlandNow since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwell:down at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak Hotel.I"m so lonely baby, I"m so lonely,I"m so lonely that I could die.And tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomfor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby, oh so lonely,oh so lonely they could die.The bell hop"s tears keep flowing, the desk clerk"s dressed in black.They been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backand they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonely,they"re so lonely they pray to die.So if your baby leaves and you have a tale to telljust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak Hotelwhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonely,we"ll be so lonely that we could die.

Heartbreak Hotel 歌词

歌曲名:Heartbreak Hotel歌手:Willie Nelson专辑:Original Album ClassicsThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Oh)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Yeah, Oh yeah)This is a heartbreak hotelWhitney: You said you"d be here by 9Instead you took your timeYou didn"t think to call me, boyHere I sit, trying not to cryAsking myself whyYou"d do this to me oh, babeFaith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to faceI"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to sayChorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (what you do...)look what you did to me (Oh,baby)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry,What you do to me(Made me cry Oh...)Can"t take what you did to meWhitney: Now I see that you"ve been doing wrongAnd played me all alongAnd made a fool of me, baby (Un!)You got it all wrong to think that I wouldn"t find out (Uh!)That you were cheating on me babyHow could you do it to me (Un...Babe)Faith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to face (En...)I"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to say~~~Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (All you did was lies to me baby yeah)Look what you did to me (Can believe what you did to me yeah...)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Wu...)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cryWhat you do to me(Why did you do it?)Can"t take what you did to me (You didn"t have to do it to me, baby)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...My heart)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Wu...This is the heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (We"ve gone to heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (Why~~~ Why did you do it?)(Yeah...) This is a heartbreak hotelChorus: (All I want...) All I really wanted was some of your time(Oh babe...) Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (Oh I really want, now)Look what you did to me (It"s all I really want everyday)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me wrong)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry(Can"t take it no more) What you do to meCan"t take what you did to me (I want is your love)Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your time (All I want it more)Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mind (That you tell me lies...) (Do me, baby) What you do to me (Do me right) (Can"t take it no more)Look what you did to me (Why that you do me that way)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Would you do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry (Do you made me cry...)What you do to me (Oh~~~)Can"t take what you did to meI ain"t gonna take itI ain"t gonna take it no moreI ain"t gonna take it boyI ain"t gonna take it no moreOh, everything that you say was a lieDon"t lie to meTell me ... ...

l tell her a story为什么用 her不用she


猫王的Heartbreak Hotel的是一首什么风格的歌曲


猫王歌曲歌词翻译 《heartbreak hotel》 《love me tender》 《and i love you so》 《If i can dream》

well since my baby left mewell i"ve found a new place to dwelloh it"s down at the end of lonely streetat heartbreak hoteli"ll be so lonely baby well i"m so lonelyi"ll be so lonely that i could diealthough it"s always crowdedyou still can find some roomfor broken hearted loversto cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby they"re so lonelyoh they"re so lonely they could diewell the bell hop"s tears keep flowingthe desk clerk"s dressed in blackwell they been so long on lonely sreetthey"ll never, they"ll never get back againand they get so lonely babywhere they"re so lonelyoh they"re so lonely they could diewell if your baby leaves youand you"ve got a sad tale to tellwhen you take a walk down lonely streetto heartbreak hotelwhere you"ll be lonely baby and you will be lonelyyou"re so lonely, you could diealthough it"s always crowdedyou still can find some roomfor broken hearted loversto cry there in the gloomand be so lonely baby where they"re so lonelywell they"re so lonely they could die因为我的孩子离开了我  我发现一个新地方居住  哦,它的底下来了孤独街  在伤心旅馆  我很孤独的孩子好我很孤独  我将会很孤独,我可能会死  尽管它总是拥挤  你还可以找到一些空间  对于破碎的爱好者  哭的黑暗中有  而让他们如此孤单寂寞的婴儿  哦,他们是如此的孤独,他们可能死亡  好铃跳的眼泪源源不断的流向  接待人员穿着黑色的  他们是如此的漫长孤独

需要 This Place Hotel 中文歌词

live in sinten years ago on this daymy heart was yearningi promise i would never ever be returningwhere my baby broke my heart and left me yearningas we walked to the roomthere were faces starringglaring, tearing through mesomeone said welcome to your doomthen they smiled with eyesthat looked as if they knew methis is scaring mewe walked up the stairsstill concealing gloomthere were two girls(sitting in my room)she walked up to my facesaid this is the placeyou said meet you right here at noonthis is heartbreak hotelwelcome to heartbreak hotelso this is heartbreak hotelthis place is heartbreak hotelhope is deadshe thought that i had cheated for another loveri turn my back to see that i am undercovernow i can"t convince this girl there ain"t no othersomeone"s evil to hurt my soulevery smile"s a trial thoughtin beguile to hurt methis is scaring methen the man next door had toldhe"s been here in tears for fifteen yearsthis is scaring mewe came to this placewhere the vicious dweltfound that wicked women(run this strange hotel)there was sefra and sueevery girl that i knewand my baby said love is throughthis is heartbreak hotelwelcome to heartbreak hotelso evil(heartbreak hotel)this place is heartbreak hotelsomeone scare my heart(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)ten years ago today(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)someone scare my heart(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)ten years ago today(heartbreak hotel)hurting my mind(heartbreak hotel)you break my baby"s heart(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)just welcome to the scene

this place hotel 歌词

歌曲名:This Place Hotel歌手:The Jacksons专辑:《Triemph》发行时间:1981年9月This Place HotelThe Jacksonslive in sinten years ago on this daymy heart was yearningi promise i would never ever be returningwhere my baby broke my heart and left me yearningas we walked to the roomthere were faces starringglaring, tearing through mesomeone said welcome to your doomthen they smiled with eyesthat looked as if they knew methis is scaring mewe walked up the stairsstill concealing gloomthere were two girls(sitting in my room)she walked up to my facesaid this is the placeyou said meet you right here at noonthis is heartbreak hotelwelcome to heartbreak hotelso this is heartbreak hotelthis place is heartbreak hotelhope is deadshe thought that i had cheated for another loveri turn my back to see that i am undercovernow i can"t convince this girl there ain"t no othersomeone"s evil to hurt my soulevery smile"s a trial thoughtin beguile to hurt methis is scaring methen the man next door had toldhe"s been here in tears for fifteen yearsthis is scaring mewe came to this placewhere the vicious dweltfound that wicked women(run this strange hotel)there was sefra and sueevery girl that i knewand my baby said love is throughthis is heartbreak hotelwelcome to heartbreak hotelso evil(heartbreak hotel)this place is heartbreak hotelsomeone scare my heart(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)ten years ago today(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)someone scare my heart(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)ten years ago today(heartbreak hotel)hurting my mind(heartbreak hotel)you break my baby"s heart(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)just welcome to the scene

猫王 heartbreak hotel 中文歌词

Well, since my baby left me,自从恋人远离I found a new place to dwell我离群索居.It"s down at the end of lonely street独居在街底At heartbreak hotel在伤心的旅店里.You make me so lonely baby,你让我寂寞I get so lonely,一个人孤寂I get so lonely I could die.孤寂到我想要死去And although it"s always crowded,虽然这旅店经常拥挤You still can find some room.总还有我栖身之地Where broken hearted lovers在那里伤心的人们Do cry away their gloom.用眼泪诉说著忧郁You make me so lonely baby,你让我寂寞I get so lonely,一个人孤寂I get so lonely I could die.孤寂到我想要死去Well, the bell hop"s tears keep flowin",搬行李的小弟眼泪不停And the desk clerk"s dressed in black.柜台後的男人一身黑衣Well they been so long on lonely street他们或许常住在这寂寞的街里They ain"t ever gonna look back.他们早已习惯不回头看过往的事情You make me so lonely baby,你让我寂寞I get so lonely,一个人孤寂I get so lonely I could die.孤寂到我想要死去Hey now, if your baby leaves you,嘿 如果你的爱人也远离And you got a tale to tell.你也有心事要说明Just take a walk down lonely street请你来到这条寂寞的街To heartbreak hotel.请来到伤心旅店里.

迈克尔杰克逊heartbreak hotel歌词

这个不是猫王的吗。。? mj只有一首歌叫heartbreaker 还有个this place hotel 歌词(猫王):Now since my baby left me I"ve found a new place to dwellDown at the end of Lonely Street at Heartbreak HotelI"m so lonely baby I"m so lonelyI"m so lonely that I could dieAnd tho" it"s always crowded you can still find some roomFor broken hearted lovers to cry there in the gloomAnd be so lonely baby oh so lonelyOh so lonely they could dieThe bell hop"s tears keep flowing the desk clerk"s dressed in blackThey been so long on Lonely Sreet they never will go backAnd they"re so lonely baby, oh they"re so lonelyThey"re so lonely they pray to dieSo if your baby leaves and you have a tale to tellJust take a walk down Lonely Street to Heartbreak HotelWhere you"ll be lonely and I"ll be lonelyWe"ll be so lonely that we could die还有个惠特尼休斯顿的:This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Oh)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Yeah, Oh yeah)This is a heartbreak hotelWhitney: You said you"d be here by 9Instead you took your timeYou didn"t think to call me, boyHere I sit, trying not to cryAsking myself whyYou"d do this to me oh, babeFaith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to faceI"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to sayChorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (what you do...)look what you did to me (Oh,baby)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry,What you do to me(Made me cry Oh...)Can"t take what you did to meWhitney: Now I see that you"ve been doing wrongAnd played me all alongAnd made a fool of me, baby (Un!)You got it all wrong to think that I wouldn"t find out (Uh!)That you were cheating on me babyHow could you do it to me (Un...Babe)Faith: Since you"re not around for me to tell you baby face to face (En...)I"m writing you this letter, and this is what I have to say~~~Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your timeInstead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (All you did was lies to me baby yeah)Look what you did to me (Can believe what you did to me yeah...)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Wu...)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cryWhat you do to me(Why did you do it?)Can"t take what you did to me (You didn"t have to do it to me, baby)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...)This is a heartbreak hotel (Oh...My heart)This is a heartbreak hotelThis is a heartbreak hotel (Wu...This is the heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (We"ve gone to heartbreak)This is a heartbreak hotel (Why~~~ Why did you do it?)(Yeah...) This is a heartbreak hotelChorus: (All I want...) All I really wanted was some of your time(Oh babe...) Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mindWhat you do to me (Oh I really want, now)Look what you did to me (It"s all I really want everyday)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Do me wrong)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry(Can"t take it no more) What you do to meCan"t take what you did to me (I want is your love)Chorus: All I really wanted was some of your time (All I want it more)Instead you told me lies when someone else was on your mind (That you tell me lies...)(Do me, baby) What you do to me(Do me right) (Can"t take it no more)Look what you did to me (Why that you do me that way)I thought that you were someone who would do me right (Would you do me right)Until you played with me emotions and you made me cry (Do you made me cry...)What you do to me (Oh~~~)Can"t take what you did to meI ain"t gonna take itI ain"t gonna take it no moreI ain"t gonna take it boyI ain"t gonna take it no moreOh, everything that you say was a lieDon"t lie to meTell me ... ...

Heartbreak Hotel 中文歌词


关于迈克尔杰克逊的This place hotel

Heartbreak Hote 伤心旅店 live in sin 未婚同居 ten years ago on this day 十年前的这一天 my heart was yearning 我无比渴望 i promise i would never ever be returning 我发誓我永不反悔 where my baby broke my heart and left me yearning 绝不回到我的爱人让我伤心的地方并留下我一人无尽渴望 as we walked to the room 当我们走进房间 there were faces starring,glaring, tearing through me 那里有星星形状的,耀眼的,撕裂的脸穿过我的身体 someone said welcome to your doom 有人说这就是你的末日 then they smiled with eyes 然后他们用眼睛微笑 that looked as if they knew me 似乎他们认识我 this is scaring me 这让我觉得恐怖 we walked up the stairs 我们上了楼 still concealing gloom 感觉到绝望 there were two girls 有两个女孩 (sitting in my room) (坐在我房间里) she walked up to my face 她走到我面前 said this is the place 说,这就是 you said meet you right here at noon 你说过中午和你见面的地方 this is heartbreak hotel 这就是伤心旅馆 welcome to heartbreak hotel 欢迎来到伤心旅馆 so this is heartbreak hotel 伤心旅馆就在你脚下 this place is heartbreak hotel 这就是伤心旅馆 hope is dead 希望熄灭了 she thought that i had cheated for another lover 她想已经骗了骗过另一个情人了 i turn my back to see that i am undercover 我转过身发现我是一个地下情人 now i can"t convince this girl there ain"t no other 现在我不能说服自己这女孩就是她 someone"s evil to hurt my soul 邪恶的人伤害了我灵魂 every smile"s a trial thought 每个微笑都是试探 in beguile to hurt me 诱骗我,伤害我 this is scaring me 这让我觉得恐怖 then the man next door had told 站在门边的男人说 he"s been here in tears for fifteen years 他已经在这流了15年的泪了 this is scaring me 这让我觉得恐怖 we came to this place 我们来到这 where the vicious dwelt 邪恶为首的地方 found that wicked women 找到那个邪恶的女人 (run this strange hotel) (经营起这个怪异的酒店) there was sefra and sue 她们是sefra 和 sue every girl that i knew 我知道的每个女孩 and my baby said love is through 我的宝贝说 this is heartbreak hotel 爱离开了伤心旅馆 welcome to heartbreak hotel 欢迎来到伤心旅馆so evil 罪恶 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this place is heartbreak hotel 这地方就是伤心旅馆 someone scare my heart 有人把我心吓坏了 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this is heartbreak hotel 这就是心碎酒店 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆)ten years ago today 十年前的今天 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this is heartbreak hotel 这就是心碎酒店 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) someone scare my heart 有人把我心吓坏了 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this is heartbreak hotel 这就是心碎酒店 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆)ten years ago today 十年前的今天 (heartbreak hotel) hurting my mind 正在伤害我的感情 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) you break my baby"s heart 你伤了我宝贝的心 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this is heartbreak hotel 这地方就是伤心旅馆 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) just welcome to the scene 欢迎来现场

The poor old woman usded to tell her story _____we went to see her


Heartbreak Hotel 中文歌词

在线视频: Catch - Heartbreak Hotel Love, will make a high class fool爱情,会制造出一个高档的傻瓜Oh takes your heart and break the rules啊,它用你的心来破坏规矩Oh, touch your heart啊,抚摸着你的心Oh, touch tour soul啊,抚摸着你的灵魂Years may come and years may go岁月能来,岁月能走Oh heart is high - the heart is low啊,心志会高,心志会低It"s strange and sometimes it makes you blue是非常奇妙的,有时还会令你抑郁着"Cause breaking up, it"s hard to do因为分手是相当困难的We are livin"我们都住进We are livin" in a heartbreak hotel我们住进了一间伤心旅店I"m feeling there"s no love you can say我感觉到你没有爱意可言I"m shooting from my heart我打心底里爱你Shadows of the dark却被黑暗笼罩着We"re livin" and we"re lost without love我们住进,我们迷失,因为失去了爱We"re living" in a heartbreak hotel我们住进了伤心旅店Anyone who has a heart, oh can tell任何有良心的人都看得出来The eyes of a child天真的眼睛里Are weak and are wild藏着狂野和脆弱We are livin" in a heartbreak hotel我们住进了伤心旅店Love will keep you always young爱情会令你永远的年轻Oh you have sorrows - you have fun你会痛苦,你会欢笑Oh, touch your heart啊,抵触着你的心Oh, touch your soul抵触着你的灵魂More you live the more you love, oh see爱得深就比生存更重要The stars on the sky above啊,看看高高在上的星星It"s strange and sometimes it makes you blue非常奇妙地有时竟然会令你伤心难过"Cause breaking up it"s hard to do因为相聚容易别离难

求Heart Break Hotel的歌词

在线视频: Catch - Heartbreak Hotel Love, will make a high class fool爱情,会制造出一个高档的傻瓜Oh takes your heart and break the rules啊,它用你的心来破坏规矩Oh, touch your heart啊,抚摸着你的心Oh, touch tour soul啊,抚摸着你的灵魂Years may come and years may go岁月能来,岁月能走Oh heart is high - the heart is low啊,心志会高,心志会低It"s strange and sometimes it makes you blue是非常奇妙的,有时还会令你抑郁着"Cause breaking up, it"s hard to do因为分手是相当困难的We are livin"我们都住进We are livin" in a heartbreak hotel我们住进了一间伤心旅店I"m feeling there"s no love you can say我感觉到你没有爱意可言I"m shooting from my heart我打心底里爱你Shadows of the dark却被黑暗笼罩着We"re livin" and we"re lost without love我们住进,我们迷失,因为失去了爱We"re living" in a heartbreak hotel我们住进了伤心旅店Anyone who has a heart, oh can tell任何有良心的人都看得出来The eyes of a child天真的眼睛里Are weak and are wild藏着狂野和脆弱We are livin" in a heartbreak hotel我们住进了伤心旅店Love will keep you always young爱情会令你永远的年轻Oh you have sorrows - you have fun你会痛苦,你会欢笑Oh, touch your heart啊,抵触着你的心Oh, touch your soul抵触着你的灵魂More you live the more you love, oh see爱得深就比生存更重要The stars on the sky above啊,看看高高在上的星星It"s strange and sometimes it makes you blue非常奇妙地有时竟然会令你伤心难过"Cause breaking up it"s hard to do因为相聚容易别离难

电影telma y louise中文叫什么



1、HTTP:使用80端口。HTTP属于超文本传输协议,所有的WWW文件都必须遵守这个标准,HTTP是一个客户端和服务器端请求和应答的标准(TCP),客户端是终端用户,服务器端是网站,通过使用Web浏览器、网络爬虫或者其它的工具,客户端发起一个到服务器上指定端口(默认端口为80)的HTTP请求。2、FTP:使用20/21端口。主要是用来传输文件,比如建站常常用来上传主页或者下载文件进行修改,FTP是一个8位的客户端-服务器协议,能操作任何类型的文件而不需要进一步处理,就像MIME或Unicode一样。但是,FTP有着极高的延时,这意味着,从开始请求到第一次接收需求数据之间的时间,会非常长。3、SMTP:使用25端口。SMTP定义了简单邮件传送协议,现在很多邮件服务器都用的是这个协议,用于发送邮件。如常见的免费邮件服务中用的就是这个邮件服务端口。4、TELNET使用23端口。Telnet它是一种用于远程登陆的端口,用户可以以自己的身份远程连接到计算机上,通过这种端口可以提供一种基于DOS模式下的通信服务。扩展资料按端口号可分为3大类:(1)公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到1023,它们紧密绑定(binding)于一些服务。通常这些端口的通讯明确表明了某种服务的协议。例如:80端口实际上总是HTTP通讯。(2)注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到49151。它们松散地绑定于一些服务。也就是说有许多服务绑定于这些端口,这些端口同样用于许多其它目的。例如:许多系统处理动态端口从1024左右开始。(3)动态和/或私有端口(Dynamic and/or Private Ports):从49152到65535。理论上,不应为服务分配这些端口。实际上,机器通常从1024起分配动态端口。但也有例外:SUN的RPC端口从32768开始。每个TCP报文头部都包含源端口号(source port)和目的端口号(destination port),用于标识和区分源端设备和目的端设备的应用进程。在TCP/IP协议栈中,源端口号和目的端口号分别与源IP地址和目的IP地址组成套接字(socket),唯一的确定一条TCP连接。相对于TCP报文,UDP报文只有少量的字段:源端口号、目的端口号、长度、校验和等,各个字段功能和TCP报文相应字段一样。下面以TCP报文为例说明端口号的作用:假设PC1向PC2发起Telnet远程连接,其中目的端口号为知名端口号23,源端口号为1028。源端口号没有特别的要求,只需保证该端口号在本机上是唯一的。PC2收到数据包后,根据目的端口为23判断出该数据包是Telnet数据包,将数据包转发到上层Telnet协议。参考资料来源:百度百科—网络端口
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