
阅读 / 问答 / 标签


一个是一直写 自动换行一个是一次只写一行






WriteLine输出完字符后,会加上回车和换行。 而Write不会。





Console.WriteLine( a+ b == "hello world" );是什么意思

Console.WriteLine( a+b == "hello world" );输出一个bool类型的值,如果a、b这两个字符串连接后为"hello world",则输出true,否则输出false。Console.WriteLine( a+b ); 输出两个字符串连接后的新字符串的值。

python writelines和writeline的区别





是固定的用法,在C#中的方法,只能用于输出Console.WriteLine 后面的 LINE是回车Console.Write 表示没有回车!

C# Winform里面用Console.WriteLine输出也不会报错,那输出到哪了?




C#Console.WriteLine() 方法为什么是静态方法?




c# console.writeline("{0}",n); 怎样让输出结果十个一行

writeline 一行10个10行writeline




Writeline 是输出字符串,Readline是读取字符串



gretel怎么读 英语gretel怎么读

1、Gretel英文名音译是格蕾特,格瑞特尔,葛丽特。 2、[例句]This twist on Hansel& Gretel is a lot different than the childhood story you may remember. 这部改编版的《韩赛尔与格蕾特》电影与你印象中的童年故事有很大不同。



英语八年级下学期第六单元课文2d部分hansel and gretel 思维导图




《糖果屋》/《汉赛尔和格蕾特》/《奇幻森林历险记》(Hansel and Gretel) 根据格林童话名篇改编


用8个英语句子复述hansel and gretel

《伤仲永》原文与翻译原文:金溪民方仲永,世隶耕。仲永生五年,未尝识书具,忽啼求之。父异焉,借旁近与之,即书诗四句,并自为其名。其诗以养父母、收族为意,传一乡秀才观之。翻译:金溪平民方仲永,世代以耕田为业。仲永五岁时,不曾认识书写工具。有一天忽然哭着要这些东西。父亲对此感到诧异,借邻居家的给他,仲永立即写了四句诗,并且自己题上自己的名字。这首诗以赡养父母和使同族人按照辈分、亲疏的宗法关系和谐地相处为内容,传送全乡的秀才观赏这首诗。原文:自是指物作诗立就,其文理皆有可观者。邑人奇之,稍稍宾客其父,或以钱币乞之。父利其然也,日扳仲永环谒于邑人,不使学。翻译:从此,指定物品让他作诗,仲永立即完成,诗的文采和道理都有值得看的地方。同县的人对此感到惊奇,渐渐地人们便以宾客的礼节对待他父亲;有的用钱请仲永题诗讨取仲永的诗作。他的父亲对此感到有利可图,每天拉着仲永四处拜访同县的人,不让他学习。原文:余闻之也久。明道中,从先人还家,于舅家见之,十二三矣。令作诗,不能称前时之闻。又七年,还自扬州,复到舅家问焉。曰:“泯然众人矣。” 翻译:我听说这件事很久了。明道年间,我随从先父回到家乡,在舅舅家见到了仲永,他已经十二三岁了。让他作诗,写出来的诗不能与从前的名声相当。又过了七年,我从扬州回来,再次来到舅舅家,问起方仲永的情况,回答说:“和普通人差不多了。” 原文:王子曰:仲永之通悟,受之天也。其受之天也,贤于材人远矣。卒之为众人,则其受于人者不至也。彼其受之天也,如此其贤也,不受之人,且为众人;今夫不受之天,固众人,又不受之人,得为众人而已耶 ?翻译:王安石说:仲永的通达聪慧就是先天得到的。他的天赋条件比一般有才能的人高很多。他最终成为常人,就是因为他后天所受的教育没有达到要求。像他那样天生聪慧,又聪明到这样的程度,没有受到后天的教育,尚且成为常人;那么,现在那些不是天生聪明,本来平凡的人,又不接受后天教育,恐怕连做一个普通人都不可能吧?

改变句型: Hansel and Gretel find their way back home.

Do Hansel and Gretel find their way home?

英语八年级下学期第六单元课文2d部分hansel and gretel 思维导图


hansel and gretel怎么读


hansel and gretel 初二下故事英文续写,从看到糖果屋往后写。 [

为handsel and gretel 续写一个合理的结局

Hansel and Gretel(糖果屋)大纲(英文)

Once upon a time on the edge of a large forest there lived a poor woodcutter with his wife and their o children Hel and Gretel. One night with hardly any food left in the house the children were sent to bed with only a piece of bread to eat.This made the woodcutter very sad and he did not know what to do. "The only thing we can do is leave them in the forestto fend for themselves " said his wife. He was unhappy about this but agreed.Hel overheard this and crept silently down-stairs and put o crusts of bread in his pocket. The next morning with Gretel leading the way they walked into the forest.Hel walked behind leaving a trail of breadcrumbs. At last they were deep in the forest and the woodcutter told them to have a rest while he worked and he would e back for them later.The sound of his axe soon lulled them to sleep. However when they awoke they were alone and the moon was shining.Gretel began to cry. ""Don"t worry little sister I"ll soon have you home ""said Hel bravely.Poor Hel;when he looked for the trail of crumbs he found the forest birds has eaten every one. ................... 参考: book

hansel and gretel怎么翻译?(童话)




Hansel and Gretel的中英文

Hansel and GretelHansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her hu *** and that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister. •Scene one:The children learn that something bad is going to happen.Gretel:Did you hear our stepmother planning to kill us? Hansel:Don"t worry! I have a plan to save us. Gretel:How can you save us? Hansel:Be quiet! I am going outside to get something in the moonlight. Now, go to sleep. •Scene two:The children wake up.Wife:Get up, lazy children! Hu *** and:Yes, dears. You must e with me to the forest to get wood. Wife:Here is some bread. Don"t eat it until you get to the forest. •Scene three:Gretel learns about Hansel"s plan.Gretel:Hansel, what are you doing? Hansel:I"m dropping white stones along the way. Unless I do, we"ll be lost. Tonight, when the moon is shining bright, we"ll be able to see the stones. #8226;Scene four:The children surprise the parents.Wife:You bad children! What a long time you slept in the forest! Hu *** and:We thought you were never ing back. Wife:Now , go to bed. As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father. Hansel:What, again? I want to go out to look at the moon. Wife:No. you can"t go out now. •Scene five:Hansel has to change his plan.Gretel:What can we do? You have no more stones. Hansel:I"ll drop pieces of bread. As soon as the moon rises, we can follow them instead. •Scene six:The children cannot find the pieces of bread.Gretel:I can"t see any bread on the ground. Maybe it was the birds. Hansel:Never mind! Just keep walking. Unless we do, we won"t find our way out. •Scene seve:The children get lost.Gretel:Hansel,we‘re really lost!Hansel:Listen!That bird"s song is so beautiful that we should follow it.Gretel:Look!It"s leading us to that wonderful house made of bread,cake and candy.Hansel:Let"s eat part of the house!(Then they hear an old woman"s voice from inside the house.)Voice:Who is that?Who is brave enough to eat my house? 翻译:汉瑟和葛丽特汉瑟和葛丽特与他们的父亲和继母住在森林。有一年,天气太干燥了,食物不会生长。妻子告诉丈夫,除非他让孩子们死在森林中,否则整个家庭都会死的。葛丽特听到这,并且汉斯制定了一个计划来拯救自己和他的妹妹。场景一:孩子们意识到将有一些坏事发生。 葛丽特:你听到我们的继母打算杀了我们? 汉瑟:别担心!我有一个计划来拯救我们。 葛丽特:你怎样拯救我们? 汉瑟:安静!我将要到外面去在月光下找一些东西。所以现在,你去睡觉。场景二:孩子们被叫醒。 妻子:快起床,懒孩子! 丈夫:是的,亲爱的。你们要跟我到森林里去取木。 妻子:这里是一些面包。不要吃它,直到你到达森林。场景三:葛丽特了解了汉瑟的计划。 葛丽特:汉斯,你在做什么? 汉瑟:我正沿路撒白石头。如果我不这样做,我们会迷路。今晚,当月亮照耀时,我们就能 看到白色的石头。场景四:孩子们的回归使得父母很惊讶。 妻子:你个坏孩子!你怎么睡在森林里那么长时间! 丈夫:我们以为你不会回来了。 妻子:现在,去睡觉。只要你们醒来,必须与你父亲去森林。 汉瑟:什么,再一次吗?我想外出看月亮。 妻子:不。你现在不能出去。场景五:汉瑟不得不改变他的计划。 葛丽特:我们能做什么?你没有更多的石头了。 汉瑟:我会带一些面包片。当月亮升起的时候,我们可以跟随他们。场景六:汉子们不能找到面包片了。 葛丽特:我看不到地上的任何面包。也许是鸟吃了。 汉瑟:没关系!只要一直走。除非我们这样做,否则我们不会找到我们的出路。场景七:孩子们迷路了。 葛丽特:汉瑟,我们迷路了。 汉瑟:听!那只鸟的歌是如此的美妙,我们可以跟着它。 葛丽特:看!它正引领着我们去到那个由面包、蛋糕和糖果打造的美妙的房子。 汉瑟:让我们吃掉房子的一部分吧。(之后他们听到来自屋里一个老女人的声音。)声音:那是谁?谁那么足够勇敢吃我的房子? 双语对照。希望能帮助你。。O(∩_∩)O~

用英文简洁描述一下Hansel and Gretel

我猜你说的hansel 和 Gretel 是进入糖果屋的那两个吧?hansel is smart because when he let the wicked but blind witch feel his skin,he give out a chicken bone to let the witch think he is still thin.Gretel is intelligent too because she lies to the witch and throw her in the oven.That save hansel and her life.

Hansel and Gretel的详细故事,有几个版本网可以看到土豆视频链接我只找到这两个 希望能帮到你 祝你好运

Hansel and Gretel的英文名怎么说?

Hansel and GretelHansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her hu *** and that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister. •Scene one:The children learn that something bad is going to happen.Gretel:Did you hear our stepmother planning to kill us? Hansel:Don"t worry! I have a plan to save us. Gretel:How can you save us? Hansel:Be quiet! I am going outside to get something in the moonlight. Now, go to sleep. •Scene two:The children wake up.Wife:Get up, lazy children! Hu *** and:Yes, dears. You must e with me to the forest to get wood. Wife:Here is some bread. Don"t eat it until you get to the forest. •Scene three:Gretel learns about Hansel"s plan.Gretel:Hansel, what are you doing? Hansel:I"m dropping white stones along the way. Unless I do, we"ll be lost. Tonight, when the moon is shining bright, we"ll be able to see the stones. #8226;Scene four:The children surprise the parents.Wife:You bad children! What a long time you slept in the forest! Hu *** and:We thought you were never ing back. Wife:Now , go to bed. As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father. Hansel:What, again? I want to go out to look at the moon. Wife:No. you can"t go out now. •Scene five:Hansel has to change his plan.Gretel:What can we do? You have no more stones. Hansel:I"ll drop pieces of bread. As soon as the moon rises, we can follow them instead. •Scene six:The children cannot find the pieces of bread.Gretel:I can"t see any bread on the ground. Maybe it was the birds. Hansel:Never mind! Just keep walking. Unless we do, we won"t find our way out. •Scene seve:The children get lost.Gretel:Hansel,we‘re really lost!Hansel:Listen!That bird"s song is so beautiful that we should follow it.Gretel:Look!It"s leading us to that wonderful house made of bread,cake and candy.Hansel:Let"s eat part of the house!(Then they hear an old woman"s voice from inside the house.)Voice:Who is that?Who is brave enough to eat my house? 翻译:汉瑟和葛丽特汉瑟和葛丽特与他们的父亲和继母住在森林。有一年,天气太干燥了,食物不会生长。妻子告诉丈夫,除非他让孩子们死在森林中,否则整个家庭都会死的。葛丽特听到这,并且汉斯制定了一个计划来拯救自己和他的妹妹。场景一:孩子们意识到将有一些坏事发生。 葛丽特:你听到我们的继母打算杀了我们? 汉瑟:别担心!我有一个计划来拯救我们。 葛丽特:你怎样拯救我们? 汉瑟:安静!我将要到外面去在月光下找一些东西。所以现在,你去睡觉。场景二:孩子们被叫醒。 妻子:快起床,懒孩子! 丈夫:是的,亲爱的。你们要跟我到森林里去取木。 妻子:这里是一些面包。不要吃它,直到你到达森林。场景三:葛丽特了解了汉瑟的计划。 葛丽特:汉斯,你在做什么? 汉瑟:我正沿路撒白石头。如果我不这样做,我们会迷路。今晚,当月亮照耀时,我们就能 看到白色的石头。场景四:孩子们的回归使得父母很惊讶。 妻子:你个坏孩子!你怎么睡在森林里那么长时间! 丈夫:我们以为你不会回来了。 妻子:现在,去睡觉。只要你们醒来,必须与你父亲去森林。 汉瑟:什么,再一次吗?我想外出看月亮。 妻子:不。你现在不能出去。场景五:汉瑟不得不改变他的计划。 葛丽特:我们能做什么?你没有更多的石头了。 汉瑟:我会带一些面包片。当月亮升起的时候,我们可以跟随他们。场景六:汉子们不能找到面包片了。 葛丽特:我看不到地上的任何面包。也许是鸟吃了。 汉瑟:没关系!只要一直走。除非我们这样做,否则我们不会找到我们的出路。场景七:孩子们迷路了。 葛丽特:汉瑟,我们迷路了。 汉瑟:听!那只鸟的歌是如此的美妙,我们可以跟着它。 葛丽特:看!它正引领着我们去到那个由面包、蛋糕和糖果打造的美妙的房子。 汉瑟:让我们吃掉房子的一部分吧。(之后他们听到来自屋里一个老女人的声音。)声音:那是谁?谁那么足够勇敢吃我的房子? 双语对照。希望能帮助你。。O(∩_∩)O~

《Hansel and Gretel》阅读题

Hansel and GretelHansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her hu *** and that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister. •Scene one:The children learn that something bad is going to happen.Gretel:Did you hear our stepmother planning to kill us? Hansel:Don"t worry! I have a plan to save us. Gretel:How can you save us? Hansel:Be quiet! I am going outside to get something in the moonlight. Now, go to sleep. •Scene two:The children wake up.Wife:Get up, lazy children! Hu *** and:Yes, dears. You must e with me to the forest to get wood. Wife:Here is some bread. Don"t eat it until you get to the forest. •Scene three:Gretel learns about Hansel"s plan.Gretel:Hansel, what are you doing? Hansel:I"m dropping white stones along the way. Unless I do, we"ll be lost. Tonight, when the moon is shining bright, we"ll be able to see the stones. #8226;Scene four:The children surprise the parents.Wife:You bad children! What a long time you slept in the forest! Hu *** and:We thought you were never ing back. Wife:Now , go to bed. As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father. Hansel:What, again? I want to go out to look at the moon. Wife:No. you can"t go out now. •Scene five:Hansel has to change his plan.Gretel:What can we do? You have no more stones. Hansel:I"ll drop pieces of bread. As soon as the moon rises, we can follow them instead. •Scene six:The children cannot find the pieces of bread.Gretel:I can"t see any bread on the ground. Maybe it was the birds. Hansel:Never mind! Just keep walking. Unless we do, we won"t find our way out. •Scene seve:The children get lost.Gretel:Hansel,we‘re really lost!Hansel:Listen!That bird"s song is so beautiful that we should follow it.Gretel:Look!It"s leading us to that wonderful house made of bread,cake and candy.Hansel:Let"s eat part of the house!(Then they hear an old woman"s voice from inside the house.)Voice:Who is that?Who is brave enough to eat my house? 翻译:汉瑟和葛丽特汉瑟和葛丽特与他们的父亲和继母住在森林。有一年,天气太干燥了,食物不会生长。妻子告诉丈夫,除非他让孩子们死在森林中,否则整个家庭都会死的。葛丽特听到这,并且汉斯制定了一个计划来拯救自己和他的妹妹。场景一:孩子们意识到将有一些坏事发生。 葛丽特:你听到我们的继母打算杀了我们? 汉瑟:别担心!我有一个计划来拯救我们。 葛丽特:你怎样拯救我们? 汉瑟:安静!我将要到外面去在月光下找一些东西。所以现在,你去睡觉。场景二:孩子们被叫醒。 妻子:快起床,懒孩子! 丈夫:是的,亲爱的。你们要跟我到森林里去取木。 妻子:这里是一些面包。不要吃它,直到你到达森林。场景三:葛丽特了解了汉瑟的计划。 葛丽特:汉斯,你在做什么? 汉瑟:我正沿路撒白石头。如果我不这样做,我们会迷路。今晚,当月亮照耀时,我们就能 看到白色的石头。场景四:孩子们的回归使得父母很惊讶。 妻子:你个坏孩子!你怎么睡在森林里那么长时间! 丈夫:我们以为你不会回来了。 妻子:现在,去睡觉。只要你们醒来,必须与你父亲去森林。 汉瑟:什么,再一次吗?我想外出看月亮。 妻子:不。你现在不能出去。场景五:汉瑟不得不改变他的计划。 葛丽特:我们能做什么?你没有更多的石头了。 汉瑟:我会带一些面包片。当月亮升起的时候,我们可以跟随他们。场景六:汉子们不能找到面包片了。 葛丽特:我看不到地上的任何面包。也许是鸟吃了。 汉瑟:没关系!只要一直走。除非我们这样做,否则我们不会找到我们的出路。场景七:孩子们迷路了。 葛丽特:汉瑟,我们迷路了。 汉瑟:听!那只鸟的歌是如此的美妙,我们可以跟着它。 葛丽特:看!它正引领着我们去到那个由面包、蛋糕和糖果打造的美妙的房子。 汉瑟:让我们吃掉房子的一部分吧。(之后他们听到来自屋里一个老女人的声音。)声音:那是谁?谁那么足够勇敢吃我的房子? 双语对照。希望能帮助你。。O(∩_∩)O~

英语八年级下学期第六单元课文2d部分hansel and gretel翻译

Hansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister.u2022Scene one:The children learn that something bad is going to happen.Gretel:Did you hear our stepmother planning to kill us?Hansel:Don"t worry! I have a plan to save us.Gretel:How can you save us?Hansel:Be quiet! I am going outside to get something in the moonlight. Now, go to sleep.u2022Scene two:The children wake up.Wife:Get up, lazy children!Husband:Yes, dears. You must come with me to the forest to get wood.Wife:Here is some bread. Don"t eat it until you get to the forest.u2022Scene three:Gretel learns about Hansel"s plan.Gretel:Hansel, what are you doing?Hansel:I"m dropping white stones along the way. Unless I do, we"ll be lost. Tonight, when the moon is shining bright, we"ll be able to see the stones.u2022Scene four:The children surprise the parents.Wife:You bad children! What a long time you slept in the forest!Husband:We thought you were never coming back.Wife:Now , go to bed. As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father.Hansel:What, again? I want to go out to look at the moon.Wife:No. you can"t go out now.u2022Scene five:Hansel has to change his plan.Gretel:What can we do? You have no more stones.Hansel:I"ll drop pieces of bread. As soon as the moon rises, we can follow them instead.u2022Scene six:The children cannot find the pieces of bread.Gretel:I can"t see any bread on the ground. Maybe it was the birds.Hansel:Never mind! Just keep walking. Unless we do, we won"t find our way out.u2022Scene seve:The children get lost.Gretel:Hansel,we‘re really lost!Hansel:Listen!That bird"s song is so beautiful that we should follow it.Gretel:Look!It"s leading us to that wonderful house made of bread,cake and candy.Hansel:Let"s eat part of the house!(Then they hear an old woman"s voice from inside the house.)Voice:Who is that?Who is brave enough to eat my house?翻译:汉瑟和葛丽特汉瑟和葛丽特与他们的父亲和继母住在森林。有一年,天气太干燥了,食物不会生长。妻子告诉丈夫,除非他让孩子们死在森林中,否则整个家庭都会死的。葛丽特听到这,并且汉斯制定了一个计划来拯救自己和他的妹妹。场景一:孩子们意识到将有一些坏事发生。 葛丽特:你听到我们的继母打算杀了我们? 汉瑟:别担心!我有一个计划来拯救我们。 葛丽特:你怎样拯救我们? 汉瑟:安静!我将要到外面去在月光下找一些东西。所以现在,你去睡觉。场景二:孩子们被叫醒。 妻子:快起床,懒孩子! 丈夫:是的,亲爱的。你们要跟我到森林里去取木。 妻子:这里是一些面包。不要吃它,直到你到达森林。场景三:葛丽特了解了汉瑟的计划。 葛丽特:汉斯,你在做什么? 汉瑟:我正沿路撒白石头。如果我不这样做,我们会迷路。今晚,当月亮照耀时,我们就能 看到白色的石头。场景四:孩子们的回归使得父母很惊讶。 妻子:你个坏孩子!你怎么睡在森林里那么长时间! 丈夫:我们以为你不会回来了。 妻子:现在,去睡觉。只要你们醒来,必须与你父亲去森林。 汉瑟:什么,再一次吗?我想外出看月亮。 妻子:不。你现在不能出去。场景五:汉瑟不得不改变他的计划。 葛丽特:我们能做什么?你没有更多的石头了。 汉瑟:我会带一些面包片。当月亮升起的时候,我们可以跟随他们。场景六:汉子们不能找到面包片了。 葛丽特:我看不到地上的任何面包。也许是鸟吃了。 汉瑟:没关系!只要一直走。除非我们这样做,否则我们不会找到我们的出路。场景七:孩子们迷路了。 葛丽特:汉瑟,我们迷路了。 汉瑟:听!那只鸟的歌是如此的美妙,我们可以跟着它。 葛丽特:看!它正引领着我们去到那个由面包、蛋糕和糖果打造的美妙的房子。 汉瑟:让我们吃掉房子的一部分吧。(之后他们听到来自屋里一个老女人的声音。)声音:那是谁?谁那么足够勇敢吃我的房子?

英语八年级下学期第六单元课文2d部分hansel and gretel翻译

Hansel and GretelHansel and Gretel lived near a forest with their father and stepmother. One year, the weather was so dry that no food would grow. The wife told her hu *** and that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die. Gretel heard this, and Hansel made a plan to save himself and his sister. u2022Scene one:The children learn that something bad is going to happen.Gretel:Did you hear our stepmother planning to kill us? Hansel:Don"t worry! I have a plan to save us. Gretel:How can you save us? Hansel:Be quiet! I am going outside to get something in the moonlight. Now, go to sleep. u2022Scene two:The children wake up.Wife:Get up, lazy children! Hu *** and:Yes, dears. You must e with me to the forest to get wood. Wife:Here is some bread. Don"t eat it until you get to the forest. u2022Scene three:Gretel learns about Hansel"s plan.Gretel:Hansel, what are you doing? Hansel:I"m dropping white stones along the way. Unless I do, we"ll be lost. Tonight, when the moon is shining bright, we"ll be able to see the stones. #8226;Scene four:The children surprise the parents.Wife:You bad children! What a long time you slept in the forest! Hu *** and:We thought you were never ing back. Wife:Now , go to bed. As soon as you wake up, you must go to the forest with your father. Hansel:What, again? I want to go out to look at the moon. Wife:No. you can"t go out now. u2022Scene five:Hansel has to change his plan.Gretel:What can we do? You have no more stones. Hansel:I"ll drop pieces of bread. As soon as the moon rises, we can follow them instead. u2022Scene six:The children cannot find the pieces of bread.Gretel:I can"t see any bread on the ground. Maybe it was the birds. Hansel:Never mind! Just keep walking. Unless we do, we won"t find our way out. u2022Scene seve:The children get lost.Gretel:Hansel,we‘re really lost!Hansel:Listen!That bird"s song is so beautiful that we should follow it.Gretel:Look!It"s leading us to that wonderful house made of bread,cake and candy.Hansel:Let"s eat part of the house!(Then they hear an old woman"s voice from inside the house.)Voice:Who is that?Who is brave enough to eat my house? 翻译:汉瑟和葛丽特汉瑟和葛丽特与他们的父亲和继母住在森林。有一年,天气太干燥了,食物不会生长。妻子告诉丈夫,除非他让孩子们死在森林中,否则整个家庭都会死的。葛丽特听到这,并且汉斯制定了一个计划来拯救自己和他的妹妹。场景一:孩子们意识到将有一些坏事发生。 葛丽特:你听到我们的继母打算杀了我们? 汉瑟:别担心!我有一个计划来拯救我们。 葛丽特:你怎样拯救我们? 汉瑟:安静!我将要到外面去在月光下找一些东西。所以现在,你去睡觉。场景二:孩子们被叫醒。 妻子:快起床,懒孩子! 丈夫:是的,亲爱的。你们要跟我到森林里去取木。 妻子:这里是一些面包。不要吃它,直到你到达森林。场景三:葛丽特了解了汉瑟的计划。 葛丽特:汉斯,你在做什么? 汉瑟:我正沿路撒白石头。如果我不这样做,我们会迷路。今晚,当月亮照耀时,我们就能 看到白色的石头。场景四:孩子们的回归使得父母很惊讶。 妻子:你个坏孩子!你怎么睡在森林里那么长时间! 丈夫:我们以为你不会回来了。 妻子:现在,去睡觉。只要你们醒来,必须与你父亲去森林。 汉瑟:什么,再一次吗?我想外出看月亮。 妻子:不。你现在不能出去。场景五:汉瑟不得不改变他的计划。 葛丽特:我们能做什么?你没有更多的石头了。 汉瑟:我会带一些面包片。当月亮升起的时候,我们可以跟随他们。场景六:汉子们不能找到面包片了。 葛丽特:我看不到地上的任何面包。也许是鸟吃了。 汉瑟:没关系!只要一直走。除非我们这样做,否则我们不会找到我们的出路。场景七:孩子们迷路了。 葛丽特:汉瑟,我们迷路了。 汉瑟:听!那只鸟的歌是如此的美妙,我们可以跟着它。 葛丽特:看!它正引领着我们去到那个由面包、蛋糕和糖果打造的美妙的房子。 汉瑟:让我们吃掉房子的一部分吧。(之后他们听到来自屋里一个老女人的声音。)声音:那是谁?谁那么足够勇敢吃我的房子? 双语对照。希望能帮助你。。O(∩_∩)O~

我下了伪春菜的Hansel And Gretel,但不知道怎么运行SSP。。

那个,你说的“Hansel And Gretel”的是人格么?是一个文件夹里面带有ghost和shell的样子么?还是扩展名为nar的文件?你有SSP的主程序吧,就是那个蝴蝶结铃铛图标的东西,运行那就行。如果你的人格是文件夹形式的话,就把它放到与那个蝴蝶结图标同文件下的ghost文件夹里,注意要保证你的人格文件中包含ghost和shell文件。这样就可以在右下角工具栏中选择切换召唤人格。如果是nar格式的人格,请先运行SSP并使用自带的初始人格SSPER,然后将nar格式的文件直接拖向它就能安装了。

八下英语p462b翻译《Hansel and Gretel》


hansel and gretel里的hansel能不能当做英语名?如果可以,有什么含义?


英语八年级下学期第六单元课文2d部分hansel and gretel翻译


格林童话《Hansel and Gretel》(《韩塞尔与葛雷特》) 中文版?

续写八年级英语下册的Hansel and Gretel

The first time I saw this picture I thought it must be a sweet love story, but actually it is a story about a big brother and a little sister. They are Hansel and Gretel. Hansel and Gretel are young children whose father is a woodcutter. His wife decides to take the children into the woods and leave them there to be by themselves, so that she and her husband will not starve to death. After the parents have gone to bed, Hansel sneaks out of the house and gathers as many white pebbles as he can, then returns to his room, reassuring Gretel that God will not forsake them. The next day, after their parents abandon them, the children wait for the moon to rise and then they follow the pebbles back home. Once again the stepmother orders her husband to take the children further into the woods and leave them there to die. Hansel and Gretel attempt to gather more pebbles, but find the doors locked and find it impossible to escape from their parents" house. Hansel takes a slice of bread and leaves a trail of bread crumbs to follow home. However, after they are once again abandoned, the children find that birds have eaten the crumbs and they are lost in the woods.

gretel and hansel2攻略

醒来,从树洞得到头巾、鸡腿和信;用鸡腿唤醒汉赛尔,前进。 看到地上有发亮的石头,走过去捡拾未遂,掉入盖着树叶的洞;汉赛尔跟着小精灵走了。 进入了树妖之家,树妖要你点餐,选吃植物2次或拒绝吃蛋糕得到死亡结局1;拒绝吃食物3次可看到被抓的其他小孩变树死亡;选吃人手可得到死人手臂;选择吃非植物食品后喝葡萄酒,在树妖端来蛋糕时,点击酒瓶喝葡萄酒并选择喷出,树妖被烧死,点击得到匕首,解开绳索,前进。 把树妖的手折断,得到树枝,按空格可以抽打物体;抽打书架,得到恶魔之书;抽打被石头堵上的墙壁,露出墙洞,爬出。 到达十字路口,在爬出的那棵树的树根处,拾取骷髅币。 向下前进,来到墓地,拾取癞蛤蟆,返回十字路口。 向左前进,走到捕兽夹上,得到死亡结局2;在捕兽夹旁边站住,使用癞蛤蟆,再拾取得到捕兽夹和骷髅币;看到狼在树林深处跑过,续向左前进。 来到长眼睛树前,拾取金币,拔地上四个白色幼苗,每个幼苗拔3下,树的眼睛全部看着场景右下角,黑色盒子出现,走过去得到灵异眼镜,使用灵异眼镜可以看到树上有猫头鹰,用树枝敲打长眼睛树可以听到猫头鹰叫声;返回十字路口,途中路过原来摆放捕兽夹的场景,使用灵异眼镜可以看到树林深处有许多闪烁的眼睛。 向上前进,拾取树后的骷髅币,按空格使用树枝抽打悬挂树上的银铃,道具商人从树后跑出,购买胡萝卜;继续向右前进可到达妇女家的废墟场景,栅栏阻挡不能进入,但可以使用灵异眼镜看到妇女和她丈夫的故事小电影;返回十字路口。 在十字路口的绳索圈套处放入道具胡萝卜,跑到左侧等待兔子上钩,兔子跑出来以后拉绳索把它吊起来,使用匕首杀死兔子,得到兔子心。 向右前进,看到熊坐在桥上,拍打熊的后背,被熊咬死得到死亡结局3;使用灵异眼镜可以看到捕兽夹的摆放位置,把捕兽夹放在地上,放上兔子心,熊吃兔子心被爆头死,拾取骷髅币。 向上前进,拾取水杯,移动到场景右下方向,对树后伸出的黑手使用死人手臂,得到骷髅钱袋(5个骷髅币);走到场景左下方向,掏树洞得到骷髅钱袋。 向上前进可以到达妇女家的废墟,之前没使用灵异眼镜看小电影的,此时也可以看。 向右边前进,到达沼泽地,自己走入沼泽,继续向前进,被蛇咬死得到死亡结局4;向左返回到熊的场景。 向下前进,进入小鹿场景,拾取钱袋;向右上方向走,跌入陷阱得到死亡结局5;使用灵异眼镜查看红色人头,发现隐藏的石像眼珠。 向下前进,进入蝴蝶场景,使用树枝抽打右侧山坡,树上掉落骷髅钱袋。 向左返回道具商人的地图,向他购买铁锹和地图,使用地图可以到达已经去过的各处(点击地图上的小圆点),使用铁锹可以在有浮土的地方挖掘骷髅币和道具,挖掘已经去过的各处的浮土坑。 使用地图传送到妇女家的废墟场景,使用铁锹挖掘妇女的丈夫在小电影中埋东西的地方,得到斧头。 使用地图传送到墓地,使用灵异眼镜可以看到墓碑上有格莱特和汉赛尔的头像,树梢上有小藤精坐着;使用斧头砍断路上的树根,拾取骷髅币。 向右上前进,到达精灵湖,进入剧情,格莱特看到汉赛尔和小精灵在玩,也跑过去玩,看到水中有小藤精,移动到左侧,跳到树桩上,发生剧情,格莱特被水中的藤精夺走了脸。小精灵看到这种情况,就带着汉赛尔来到蝴蝶场景,想办法救格莱特。 蝴蝶场景,鼠标点击移动小精灵,移动小精灵到左边的蝴蝶上,选择让汉赛尔向左走,拾取剪刀,让汉赛尔使用剪刀,汉赛尔吃下剪刀,吐血死亡得到死亡结局6;拾取剪刀后不给汉赛尔命令,移动小精灵到剪刀旁边,汉赛尔把小精灵剪死得到死亡结局7。 点击拾取铜水壶,让汉赛尔向右走,移动小精灵到右下方向流水洞,接满一壶水后移动到蝴蝶上,选择给汉赛尔喝,汉赛尔的尿使黑色的花枯萎了,点击汉赛尔头像气泡,汉赛尔吃掉了小藤精的藤蔓,小精灵救出长老,长老使用镜子复活了格莱特。 恢复到操纵格莱特,拾取镜子,长老提示镜子是解救被藤精害的人的道具,走到精灵湖右侧,使用水杯盛精灵湖的水;走到汉赛尔身边,与他拥抱;使用树枝可以抽打精灵,精灵就会逃走。 回到墓地使用灵异眼镜,发现树梢的小藤精不见了。 使用地图传送到沼泽地,让汉赛尔背格莱特过沼泽,过程中拾取水中的骷髅币;到达苹果树场景。在苹果树场景使用灵异眼镜可以看到苹果树上有精灵和水滴图案的提示,使用水杯里的精灵湖水灌溉苹果树,苹果树长出了苹果,用树枝抽打可以获得苹果;到右侧旋转机关,拼对图案后得到火把。 向右前进到达骷髅树场景,使用灵异眼镜可以看到骷髅树上每个树洞都有个骷髅头,地上有个隐藏的浮土坑,使用铁锹挖出得到睁眼石板。走入骷髅树旁边的沼泽,跳入沼泽死亡获得死亡结局8;拾取骷髅币。 使用地图传送回小鹿场景,把苹果放入树干,陷阱上长出绿藤,从上面向右走,到达拱桥场景。 桥下水中拾取骷髅币,向右走到达大花朵场景,在树洞取得骷髅钱袋;到右侧机关转盘,把月亮旋转对准闭眼石板,场景变成黑夜,出现荧光蘑菇,吃掉后爆体得到死亡结局9;过一段时间身体恢复正常,再次进入机关转盘,把之前得到的睁眼石板放到中间,并把太阳图案对准睁眼石板,场景变成白天,巨大的花开放,女藤精出现,用镜子吸走她的脸,使用地图传送到妇女家的废墟场景,把脸还给妇女,之后使用灵异眼镜看废墟,发现只剩下房子,妇女和她丈夫都不见了。 回到大花朵场景,使用灵异眼镜可以看到地上有隐藏的道路,通过隐藏道路,进入老人场景,挖出骷髅币,用灵异眼镜照无脸老人,看到老人的小电影,藤精出现,走到两块举起的石头中间,被打死得到死亡结局10;无脸老人身体挡住的路面上可以拾取骷髅币,走到无脸老人正面,用树枝抽打老人,被老人掐死得到死亡结局 11;再次走过两块石头中间,使用铁锹挖出藤精,用镜子吸走他的脸,并捡起帽子,把脸和帽子还给老人,他弹吉他感谢你。对蓝色人头使用灵异眼镜查看,发现里面藏着石像耳朵。 回到大花朵场景,向右下走到达冰窟场景,对绿色人头使用灵异眼镜,发现隐藏的石像嘴巴;在绿色的人头边使用恶魔书念咒语,得到石像嘴巴;进入冰窟使用灵异眼镜可以看到冰封的怪人有隐藏的手,手上拿着冰锥。 回到拱桥场景,指使汉赛尔转动水车,在火柱上点燃火把,回到冰窟场景,进入山洞,点燃2个烛台,被冰封的多手怪人用锥子扎死得到死亡结局12;选择点燃其中任何一个烛台,得到箭矢或骨头。 回到大花朵场景,向右前进,到达悬崖场景,拾取骷髅币,使用树枝抽打汉赛尔,汉赛尔坠崖得到死亡结局13;使用灵异眼镜可以看到石像缺失的部分是眼珠、嘴巴和耳朵,悬崖上有隐藏的吊桥。 到熊的场景中,在湖边用水杯盛水(也可以去精灵湖盛水,作用无区别),回到达悬崖场景,给枯萎的花浇水,秧苗复苏后拔出,得到哭叫的球根,拿着球根回到老人场景,站在蓝色的人头旁边,得到石像耳朵。 找道具商人购买弓箭,回到小鹿场景;用灵异眼镜可以看到隐藏的靶心标记,站在此处射杀小鹿(TAT),在红色的人头处得到石像眼珠。 回到悬崖场景,把石像眼珠耳朵嘴巴安装在石像上,出现吊桥,从吊桥上向右走,遇到狼后往回逃窜,回到悬崖场景后等待狼扑过来,被狼咬死得到死亡结局14;遇到狼后使用弓箭或者骨头,把狼搞定之后,继续向右前进,来到了一个类似哈尔移动城堡的屋子(穿越了),游戏告于段落。 -----------来自u77

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The first time I saw this picture I thought it must be a sweet love story, but actually it is a story about a big brother and a little sister. They are Hansel and Gretel. Hansel and Gretel are young children whose father is a woodcutter. His wife decides to take the children into the woods and leave them there to be by themselves, so that she and her husband will not starve to death. After the parents have gone to bed, Hansel sneaks out of the house and gathers as many white pebbles as he can, then returns to his room, reassuring Gretel that God will not forsake them. The next day, after their parents abandon them, the children wait for the moon to rise and then they follow the pebbles back home. Once again the stepmother orders her husband to take the children further into the woods and leave them there to die. Hansel and Gretel attempt to gather more pebbles, but find the doors locked and find it impossible to escape from their parents" house. Hansel takes a slice of bread and leaves a trail of bread crumbs to follow home. However, after they are once again abandoned, the children find that birds have eaten the crumbs and they are lost in the woods.

英语八年级下学期第六单元课文2b部分hansel and gretel翻译


7.Hansel and Gretel

A long time ago, two children lived near a big forest. The boy"s name was Hansel. His sister"s name was Gretel. The children"s father, Hans, was a woodcutter. He cut down trees in the forest and made beautiful toys and furniture , bowls and boxes. He sold them in the market. He worked every hard. Hansel and Gretel helped their mother, Greta, in the house and garden. They were poor but they were happy. One day Greta died. "On dear!" said Hans. "Now my children have no mother!" he was very sad. One day Hans met a woman in the market. Her name was Anna. After a short time , Hans asked Anna, "Will you marry me?" "Yes!" answered Anna. Soon they were married. "This is your new mother," said Hans to the children. Anna was nice to Hansel and Gretel when Hans was at home, but she often hit them when Hans was at work. They tried to tell Hans but he did not want to listen to them. Hansel and Gretel were very sad. One night the children were in bed. They heard Anna"s angry voice in the kitchen. "They"re bad, naughty children," she said. "And we haven"t got enough food for them to eat. Hans, you must leave them in the middle of the forest. " "No, I can"t They are my children," said Hans. Anna cried and shouted, "But I don"t like them!" Han was tried. "Oh, all right," he said. "I"ll leave them in the forest tomorrow. Now be quite. I want to sleep." Hansel and Gretel were very afraid. Then Hansel had a clever idea. The next morning, he got up at five o"clock and went outside. He collected a lot of small withe stones and put them in his pocket. Then he went back to bed. "Wale up, children!" called Anna at seven o"clock. "You"re going to go to the forest with your father today." The children followed their father into the big forest. Every few minutes, Hansel took a stone out of his packet and dropped it on the ground. They walked and walked. Now they were in the middle of the forest. Hans said. "Pick some beautiful flowers for Anna. I"m going to cut down some trees. I"ll come back soon." Then he went away. "Now we"re lost!" said Gretel. "No, we aren"t," said Hansel. "Look! I dropped a white stone every few minutes. We can follow them, and we"ll find our house." The children followed the stones through the big, dark forest. Soon they were at home again. Anna was very angry when she saw them. That night, Anna shouted at Hans again. The next morning, Hansel got up at five o"clock. He wanted to find some more white stones but the door was locked. He saw some bread on the table so he put some in his pocket. Hans took the children into the forest again. Every few minutes Hansel dropped a small piece of bread on the ground. Soon Hans and the children were in the middle of the forest. Then Hans went away. Hansel looked at the ground. There was no bread. "Some birds ate the bread," shouted Gretel. The children were lost! Soon the children saw a beautiful house. The walls were made of cake. The roof was made of chocolate. The door and windows were made of biscuits and sweets. The door opened. An old woman came out . " Come inside ." she said. Hansel and Gretel followed her into the house. The old woman locked the door. She pushed Hansel into a cage and locked it with a big black lock. "I"m going to cook you and eat you, but you aren"t fat enough yet !" she said. She looked at Gretel. "And you can do all the work in the house." The old woman gave Hansel lots of good food, for example , chicken, meat, cheese, and milk. Every day she said, "Are you fat enough to eat yet ? Let me feel your finger" But Hansel always gave her a chicken bone to feel. "You"re too thin," said the old woman, and she gave him some more food. One morning the old woman became angry. "Why aren"t you fat yet ?" she shouted. "I"m very hungry. I"m going to cook you today!" She shouted to Gretel, "Go and fetch some wood and make a fire under the oven ." Gretel wanted to run away but she also wanted to help Hansel. So she went back to old woman"s house with some wood. She made a fire under the oven. "Now," said the old woman, "Is the oven hot enough?" "I don"t know," said Gretel. "Open the oven door and feel inside," said the old woman. "How?" asked Gretel. "Let me (to) show you," said the old woman. She opened the door of the oven and put her head inside. Quickly, Gretel pushed the old woman into the oven. The key of the cage fell out of her pocket. Gretel closed the door of the oven. Gretel picked up the key. She opened the cage quickly. "Thank you!" said Hansel. "You"re very clever." Then Hansel saw a big box under the table. They opened it and found a lot of gold inside. "Let"s go home and give the gold to Dad!" said Hansel. Hansel put the gold in a big bag. He carried the bag on his shoulder. Then they ran out of the old woman"s house and walked through the forest. The sun was in the sky. There was light in the forest so Hansel and Gretel were not afraid. They walked and walked, then they met a woodcutter. "Can you help us, please?" they asked. "We"re lost." The woodcutter walked through the forest with them and helped them to find their house. Hans was in the garden. He looked sad. He saw the children and shouted, "Hansel! Gretel!" he ran to them and put his arms round them. "Where"s Anna?" asked Gretel. "Anna died last week," said Hans. Hansel and Gretel told their father about the old woman and her house, the cage, the bone and the big oven. Then they opened the bag and showed Hans the gold. "We"ll never be poor again!" said Hans. A forest is a large piece of land with a lot of trees. There are different kinds of forests all over the world. In some places there are different seasons in a year. The trees in the forests in these places usually have large leaves. They use sunlight and water to make food for the tree in the summer. In the autumn, the green leaves change to yellow, orange, rad or brown and fall off the trees. In the winter the trees are bare . Then, in the spring new leaves grow again. In some forests trees are never bare. Leaves do not fall off the trees every year. The threes are always green so we call these forests evergreen forests. These forests are in cold countries with long winters and short summers. Trees in these forests do not need much sunlight. They have needle-shaped leaves. The largest evergreen forest is in Siberia. It is eleven million square kilometres. Some forests are in hot, wet places near the equator . These places have no summer or winter. It is hot all the time . There is always a lot of sunlight and a lot of rain so people call these forests rain forests . The largest rain forest in the world is in South America. It is 6.5 million square kilometers. There are many, many trees and flowers in a rain forest" Many beautiful animals and insects live there, for example, frogs, orangutans, monkeys, snakes and lizards . There are thousands of birds, too. A train forest is a very noisy place! People live in rain forest, too. They know a lot about animals and plants. They collect fruit, roots nuts and other parts of plant to eat. They also catch animals for food. Some people make medicines from plants. Some people cut down the trees to make farms but they do not plant any new trees. Many birds, animals and insects die because they have nowhere to live. Some people do not live in rain forests but they go to rain forests to cut down the trees and sell the wood to make money. Rain forests are very important because many things come from them, for example. wood, bananas, coffee and nuts. But our forests are in danger because people are cutting down too many trees every year. When there are no more trees in a forest and the animals eat the grass and the small plants, the forest becomes a desert. This is a desert. Deserts are very dry places. There are mountains, rocks and sand in deserts. Deserts get very little rain. There are deserts in hot places like Africa and in places like the northern part of China, too. It is very hot during the day and very cold at the night in a desert. There are plants in deserts. Most plants in deserts need very little water to grow. Cacti grow in deserts. They keep water in their thick stems . They have no leaves but (they have ) tiny spines so they do not lose water easily. Animals and insects live in deserts, too. Some of them sleep during the day because it is too hot, and come out to find food at night. Camels are the largest animals in deserts. They have thick fur to keep them cool during the day and (to keep them ) warm at night. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. It is in many countries in Africa. Trees are very important. They are the homes of many birds and animals. They give us food, for example, fruit and nuts. People make different things from trees, for example, paper. How do you find out the age of a tree? Every year the tree grows a little and a ring grows round the trunk of the tree. When people cut down the tree, you can count the number of rings in the truck to tell the age of the tree. In 1964 a woodcutter cut down a tree and counted 4,900 rings inside the tree! Today the tallest tree in the world is a redwood tree in the United States of America. It is 112 meters tall. The smallest trees in the world do not grow in forests. They are bonsai trees. Some bonsai trees are very old, and all bonsai trees are very small. Their leaves and fruit are small, too. People plant bonsai trees in very small trays and do not give them much water. The trees do not die but they grow very slowly.

Hansel and Gretel是什么意思


格林童话《Hansel and Gretel》(《韩塞尔与葛雷特》) 中文版?


hansel and gretel主要内容

hansel and gretel主要内容如下:韩塞尔与葛雷特是一个贫穷伐木工人的小孩。由于害怕食物不足,木工的妻子,也就是小孩们的继母,说服木工将小孩带到森林,并将他们遗弃。韩塞尔与葛雷特听到了他们的计划,于是他们事先集了小石头,这样他们就能沿小石头找到回家的路。在他们回来后,他们的继母再度说服木工将他们丢在森林;不过这次,他们沿路布置的是面包屑。不幸的是,面包屑被森林中的动物吃掉了,于是韩塞尔与葛雷特在森林中迷路了。在森林中,他们发现了一个用面包做的房屋,窗户是糖果做的。房子的主人是一个老妇人,她邀请他们进去屋内并盛宴款待他们。不过,那老妇人其实是一个巫婆,她建了这个房屋来引诱小孩子,这样她就可以把小孩子养肥,并宰来吃掉。她把韩塞尔关起来,并要葛雷特为她服务。当她在准备把韩塞尔煮来吃时,她要葛雷特爬进炉中去确认,不过葛雷特猜巫婆是要把她烤来吃,于是她骗巫婆爬进炉中,并把巫婆活活烫死。在拿走巫婆屋内所有的珠宝后,他们找到回家的路,并与他们的父亲重聚,这时他们的继母已经死了,从此他们过着幸福快乐的生活。hansel and gretel简介出自格林童话,故事讲述的是一对可怜的兄妹遭到了继母的抛弃,流落荒林,最后来到了一座糖果屋,饥饿难忍的兄妹俩迫不及待的吃了起来。但是糖果屋的主人是一个吃人的女巫,她把兄妹俩抓了起来,想要把哥哥养得胖胖的,然后吃了哥哥。但兄妹俩凭借着自己的智慧战胜了女巫,并且找到了回家的路。这个故事告诉小朋友们在困难面前一定要冷静,不要慌张,要用自己的机智去战胜困难。另外有2007年韩国拍摄的同名电影。

八下英语p462b翻译《hansel and gretel》

I"m wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He" an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I"m good at physices,but she"s good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends

英语课文《Hansel and Gretel》

英语课文Hansel and Gretel糖果屋把孩子们丢到森林里去吧!不然,我们都要饿死了呀du!新妈妈说。Take the children into the forest!Otherwise,we will starve to death!Mother said。好,那你就去找食物来呀。Well,then you have to look for food。扩展资料:故事讲述的是一对可怜的兄妹遭到了继母的抛弃,流落荒林,最后来到了一座糖果屋,饥饿难忍的兄妹俩迫不及待的吃了起来。但是糖果屋的主人是一个吃人的女巫,她把兄妹俩抓了起来,想要把哥哥养得胖胖的,然后吃掉。但兄妹俩凭借着自己的智慧战胜了女巫,并且找到了回家的路。这个故事告诉小朋友们在困难面前一定要冷静,不要慌张,要用自己的机智去战胜困难。

TOKIO HOTEL 的by your side歌词翻译


女声英文歌后面歌词是plsase tell the my name。 是什么歌?

long live ------Taylor swift

Hush Now (Stella S Tarantella) 歌词

歌曲名:Hush Now (Stella S Tarantella)歌手:Over The Rhine专辑:Drunkard S PrayerNa na na na naa na naa...Na na na na naa na naa...Well I got a silly little girl, she"s on my mindLook at her, she looks so fineShe"s a best girl i"ve ever hadExcept that she"s gonna make me feel so sadNa na na na naa na naa...Na na na na naa na naa...Hush, hush..I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, broke my heart but that was a dream nowHush, hush..I thought I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, broke my heart but that was a dream nowEarly in the morning, late in the eveningOh gotta believe me honey, i never was a dreamerHush, hush..I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, broke my heart but that was a dream nowHush, hush..I thought I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, broke my heart but that was a dream nowEarly in the morning, late in the eveningOh gotta believe me honey, i never was a dreamerNa na na naa na na naa na naaa..Na na na naa na na naa na naaa..

高分跪求Tarantella in 3rd Class (海上钢琴师插曲)四手联弹钢琴谱!

是《study for three hands》试听:


好像是这个:意大利钢琴家Ludovico Einaudi(鲁多维科·艾奥迪)专辑《 Alexandria》中的 Tarantella 或者是 say yes 王铮亮 希望是的



Please tell me the truth

Please tell me the fact, Please tell me the real thing.He is one of the best students in the schoolI drinks coffee everyday.

篮球赛开场放的歌词有tell me what you see

Mase Feat.Total - Tell Me What You Want,你百度shiping看看Tell me what you want Tell me what you want Just tell me what you want Tell me what you want Tell me what you want Tell me what you want [1] - Tell me what you want for me Take a look at what you see Let me know if this right here Is something you can have for years Tell me what you want for me Take a look at what you see Let me know if this right here Is something you can have for years [Mase] Now Mase be the man wanna see you doing good I don"t wanna get rich, leave you in the hood Girl, in my eyes you the baddest The reason why I love you, you don"t like me cuz my status I don"t wanna see you with a carriage living average I wanna do my thing so we be established And I don"t want you rock in them fabrics Girl, I will give you karats "till you feel you a rabbit Anything in your path, you want you can have Walk through the mall, if you like it you can grab Total it all up and put it on my tab And then tell your friends all the fun you had [Repeat 1][Mase]Hey Mama, won"t you come here to Papa? You don"t like the way your tata"s lookin at Shada? In a 600 ain"t no smokin" cigada Come over here, I think I see your baby faddah Here ya go the number to my casaIf you in a rush you call me manana Whatever you need girlfriend, I got the whole enchilada Just the way you like it, Mase gon" do you propa" Girl, I can tell you was meant for me I can tell by the way you was sent to me While I"m on tour trying to make them centuries And they ask who your man, you better mention me If you don"t you know you got a problemSaid you want no beef girlfriend don"t start none And it just so happens that I"m seeing cash Cuz you messed up a lot just trying to be fast And I ain"t gonna ask who smashed the E-Class Pull up to the crib with the whole front crashed Now you wanna laugh, good thing that"s the past If you ever lie again, girl, that will be your last [Repeat 1][Mase]Now the more you treat me royal I adore you That"s why I don"t mind doing these things for you You did things for me I wouldn"t believe you did That"s why I always want to keep you here In a year or two, girl, I could see you with my kids Girl, you make a thug want to get a legal gig It"s only right we spend our lonely nights Gettin" crazy biz till we awake the kids Don"t get too loud, got respect for you honey To keep it all real, you come second to my money And can you be my ghetto love prophecy? Everybody love you girl, not just me And I know that you really care a lot for me Wanna to see you happy even if it"s not with me [Repeat 1 until fade]

一首歌里有这句歌词tell me what you want for me

Mase Feat.Total - Tell Me What You Want,你百度shiping看看Tell me what you want Tell me what you want Just tell me what you want Tell me what you want Tell me what you want Tell me what you want [1] - Tell me what you want for me Take a look at what you see Let me know if this right here Is something you can have for years Tell me what you want for me Take a look at what you see Let me know if this right here Is something you can have for years [Mase] Now Mase be the man wanna see you doing good I don"t wanna get rich, leave you in the hood Girl, in my eyes you the baddest The reason why I love you, you don"t like me cuz my status I don"t wanna see you with a carriage living average I wanna do my thing so we be established And I don"t want you rock in them fabrics Girl, I will give you karats "till you feel you a rabbit Anything in your path, you want you can have Walk through the mall, if you like it you can grab Total it all up and put it on my tab And then tell your friends all the fun you had [Repeat 1][Mase]Hey Mama, won"t you come here to Papa? You don"t like the way your tata"s lookin at Shada? In a 600 ain"t no smokin" cigada Come over here, I think I see your baby faddah Here ya go the number to my casaIf you in a rush you call me manana Whatever you need girlfriend, I got the whole enchilada Just the way you like it, Mase gon" do you propa" Girl, I can tell you was meant for me I can tell by the way you was sent to me While I"m on tour trying to make them centuries And they ask who your man, you better mention me If you don"t you know you got a problemSaid you want no beef girlfriend don"t start none And it just so happens that I"m seeing cash Cuz you messed up a lot just trying to be fast And I ain"t gonna ask who smashed the E-Class Pull up to the crib with the whole front crashed Now you wanna laugh, good thing that"s the past If you ever lie again, girl, that will be your last [Repeat 1][Mase]Now the more you treat me royal I adore you That"s why I don"t mind doing these things for you You did things for me I wouldn"t believe you did That"s why I always want to keep you here In a year or two, girl, I could see you with my kids Girl, you make a thug want to get a legal gig It"s only right we spend our lonely nights Gettin" crazy biz till we awake the kids Don"t get too loud, got respect for you honey To keep it all real, you come second to my money And can you be my ghetto love prophecy? Everybody love you girl, not just me And I know that you really care a lot for me Wanna to see you happy even if it"s not with me [Repeat 1 until fade]

如何把Intel 的Bios设置为U盘启动


Intel主板BIOS里的hard disk Pre-delay 是什么意思


Tell me something about your city.祈使句的开头一般是动词原形。

一个英文句子的回答方式 一种是:Ask me if I am David. 答 Tell me

criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited

找一首女声的英文歌,挺悲伤的感觉,歌词里有一句是tell me i make a mistake 之类的。。没太听清

不太懂英文 不过because of you这首?

IntelliJ Cannot find declaration to goto----解决方案

按Ctrl+左键,不能进入类或方法的解决办法,提示Cannot find declaration to go to 系统中已经有了该类库,还是找不到类提示 1、close the project in intellij.关闭项目 2、close intellij.关闭idea 3、go to the project folder and delete the .idea folder,去到项目所在目录,删除.idea文件夹 4、restart intellij and open the project (wait for the indexing to finish) and it would work.重新打开项目

【英语】【翻译】如图,no doubt不就相当于definitely吗,感觉前半句应该看作肯定啊?


Tell Me Goodbye(bigban) 罗马音歌词。

见视频(附带罗马音歌词) 日文罗马拼音Letting you go…(here"s somebody…)Letting you go…(here"s somebody…)Yo I got this, yeahstill thinking about this thing a lotyou got me shaken up(Please tell me there"s a way)And it got my head just spinnin" round round round round(Please tell me there"s a way)Don"t wanna take a fallIt"s best to break it upIt"s gonna be better for you, move on(Please tell me there"s a way)Uh huh we break it break itOr thought we make it make itAnd now we cover it upGirl I swear kimi no koto wo ichibyou demoKanashimasenai yakusokuMamoru tame ni wa mo obore mini cooperaErabu michi wa nai karaBaby aimini coopere bun dake kizutsukete shimauAnd I"ve got nothing, nothing to sayTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeDakishimeta te woTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeHanasouBoku wo wasureru koto ni jiyuu ni naru nara BabyTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeGirl you know kimi ga egao wo nakumini coopereku hodoBoku wa jibun no semeru yoNego sameru kotoba mo hikari sae moNani mo kamo miushinauBaby kono kuchibiru ga hanareta shunkan niI"ll never find better, better than youTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeDakishimeta te woTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeHanasouSoba ni iru koto dake ga yasashisa janai to BabyTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeYo and it"s so, soSad it just ain"t happeningWish it could be betterSorry to be scrappingBut I just can"t let yaShouldn"t be less than happyI said look at meI couldn"t live with myself seeing you lackingThe things you deserveBaby you was a part?Must believe that it hurtsthat lead this worldI feel the aching through my bodyit just takes a bigger part of meto be lettin" you goI wish that one soulKimi no koe setsunaku fade away away-ay-ay-ayKaze ni kakikesarete yuku stay stay-ay-ay-ayKore ijou wa I can"t take it,Sono namida don"t cry for meKimi no tame never look back againTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeDakishimeta te woTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeHanasouSoba ni iru koto dake ga yasashisa janai to BabyTell me goodbye, tell me goodbyeTell me goodbye

bigbang tell me goodbye歌词中文音译

Tell me goodbye bigbangLetting you go(here"re somebody)Letting you go(here"re somebody)Yo I got this, yeah[GD]Still thinking about this thing a lot,You got me shaken up (please tell me there"s way)And it got my head just spinnin" round round round~(please tell me there"s way)Don"t wanna take a fall It"s best to break it upIt"s gonna be better for you, more on(please tell me there"s way)Uh huh we break it break itOr thought we make it make itAnd now we cover it up[太阳]Girl I swear gi mi luo guo tuoyi jiu pion tian moka la she ma xie la yi ya gu"s moma lu tv ta lie mi wa amo gu lie xi ganei la bu yiqi ma la yi ga la ha [大成] Baby ai xu da mo dai kie ki zu zu da xi ma wu And I"ve nothing, nothing to say [合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[胜利]ga ki xi mie ta tie yo[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[大成]han la suo~~ bu gu wu wa su li luo bu tu ji li you li lala bady [合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[胜利]Girl you know ki mi ga ei galaku si die gu huo luobu ku wa ji bu wuon xie la lu yolie gu cha mie lu guo duo ma mo gie ka li sha li ei mo la li mu ka wu mi xu xi lan wu[太阳]Baby guo luo gu ji qi lug a ha la ha tu xu han niI"ll never better, better than you [合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[胜利]ga ki xi mie ta tie yo[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[大成]han la suo~~ so ba di yi lu gu tuo da gie ga a sha sha jia la yi duo baby[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[Top][TOP]Yo and it"s so, soSad it just ain"t happeningWish it could be betterSorry to scrappingBut I just can"t let yaShouldn"t(轻) be less than happyI said look at meI couldn"t live with myself seeing you lacking[The things you deserveBaby you was a part?Must believe that it hurtsthat lead this world] 重连唱I feel the aching through my bodyit just takes a bigger part of meto be let you goI wish that weren"t[大成]ki mi nuo ku ei sing tu la ku Fade away away ayayayay[胜利]ka xie li ka tu kie sa lan ye you gu stey stey~~~~[太阳]kuo li yi zu wa I can"t (take it)suo no wa mi da Don"t cry (for me)[大成]ki mi luo ta man Never look back again eh eh eh eh [合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[胜利]ga ki xi mie ta tie yo[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbye[大成]han la suo~~ so ba di yi lu gu tuo da gie ga a sha sha jia la yi duo baby[合]Tell me goodbye tell me goodbyeTell me goodbye.--end--

Intellij IDEA不能自动缩进了,请问该怎么设置

在:Editor-Code Completion页里有个Case sensitive completion,可以设置只第一个字母敏感、完全敏感或者不敏感。打开设置(CTRL+ALT+S)搜索editor,找到“Code Completion”->点击Case sensitive completion后面的选择框,选中None,然后一路确定即可。


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come to tell me 这不是病句, come 是不及物动词,后跟动词不定式to tell me 作目的状语,意思是来告诉我。

KARTELL 将台店怎么样

到这儿才发现,这儿不仅仅是KARTELL的专营店,还有其他很多高端的意大利家具,每一件都称得上是艺术品呢! 大多都是国内没有的牌子,超赞哦~~KARTELL的一把椅子均价也就在2500左右,相对来说还是比较合理的。就是店铺不太好找,停车倒是很方便的

请介绍一下Intel CPU的发展史,现在发展到哪种程度了?世界上除了Intel、AMD还有什么CPU?

intel 最高的i7处理器 纯四核处理器 超线程技术 睿频加速 ! 除了这两大cpu厂商 现在的VIA威盛科技 主板芯片组著名生产商 也开始加入PC电脑处理器研发行列! 可以去网上看一下 最新技术!在现在的单核处理器中同样的频率 威盛生产的处理器要比其他的处理器更节能!但性能不受影响! 而且制造所产生的污染 最小!称为最绿色的处理器!-------------------------------------------------------中网传韵科技 祝您马到成功!诚信-专业-服务-发展

Intel Pentium M 760 和赛扬双核 T1600哪个好?

都是老笔记本了 前者太老了,后者还好用。

intel 奔腾m 1500mhz和celeron-m 4401860mhz那个cpu好一点



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