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Stainless Steel back Japan Movt是什么手表?

Stainless Steel back Japan Movt 是采用日本石英表机芯技术的电池驱动手表。Stainless Steel back 是表明手表底部(背面)为不锈钢材质。

浪琴手表背后英文是什么意思,是不是假的japan movt stainess steel back


手表背面写着stainless steel back japan movt是什么表?

瑞士库尔沃CYS(Cuervo y Sobrinos)是钟表界的贵族,起源于素有“加勒比珍珠”之称的古巴首都哈瓦那,发展于拥有悠久钟表制造历史的瑞士。CYS具有温暖的怀旧气息与独特的拉丁情怀,以暖色调设计彰显其独有的拉丁血统,表款充满艺术气息,并具有精细而上乘的品质。CYS采用瑞士最好的基础机芯,每一块机芯都经过精心打磨,呈现高端机芯的优秀品质。CYS对腕表系列的命名亦别出心裁,根据每个系列的独特个性,选取古巴著名的雪茄名字与之相配,让每款CYS腕表都洋溢着十九世纪末哈瓦那奔放迷人的生活气息。一百多年来,CYS以独特的魅力吸引了众多社会名流的喜爱--爱因斯坦、海明威、丘吉尔等智者都曾是其忠实顾客。CYS展现了奔放古巴风情与精致瑞典工艺的完美结合,让人为之倾心。

百达翡丽手表价格查询 Philippe 3ATM AUTO MATIC M71900525 S.STEEL SWISS MADE PATEK

PATEK PHILIPPE是百达翡丽 你可以去官网查


表名:百达翡丽PHILIPPE 3ATM AUTO MATTC S.STEEL SWISS MADE PAIER M202 :自动机芯,30米防水,瑞士制造估计不好说,毕竟这样字面了解很含糊,再说可查询百达翡丽的中国官方网站,应该可以找到你想知道的价格







我有一款百达翡丽丽表背写有PATEK PHILIPPE GENEVE STAINLESS STEEL Water Resistant N0:10030 请帮我...


s.steel swiss made patek philippe geneve automatic 7000 这个是手表背面字母,请问这个能看出真假吗

嗯 可以 假的 正品背面盖子没有字 只有在机芯上才有字 金色的 正品也非常贵 最便宜15万人民币 最贵7600万人民币 能戴百达翡丽手表 一定收入非常高的人 高到年入百万 月入百万 日入百万 你是吗?


中文是PATEK PHILIPPE百达翡丽的手表.您可能对手表不了解,这是世界公认排名第一的手表.但不知道您的是否是真品.因为现在造假太多.GENEVE日内瓦.瑞士的一个城市.后盖意思是不锈钢,防水.


I said oh my,OH,MY!what a marvellous tune音符跳动的节奏是这般不可思议It was the best night,最美好的夜晚 never would forget how we moved记忆中的感动,永存于脑海The whole place was dressed to the nines,每一个人都换上了别致的外衣and we were dancing dancing舞动着身体Like we"re made of starlight我们就好像满天的星光Like we"re made of starlight在寂寥的夜空中谱写着绚丽 I met bobby on the boardwalk,我和Bobby相遇在海滨木板路 summer of "4545年的那个夏天Picks me up late one night,Out the window午夜的窗外,传来他来呼唤的声音We were 17 and crazy, running wild, wild十七岁年少的疯狂,犹如脱缰的野马Can"t remember what song it was playing when we walked in遥远的记忆不再清晰,耳边的旋律源于哪一首歌曲The night we snook into a yacht club party那个我们悄悄溜进一个游轮派对的夜晚Pretending to be a duchess and a prince假扮成公爵夫人和王子 I said oh my,我说,OH,MY!what a marvellous tune音符跳动的节奏是这般不可思议It was the best night,最美好的夜晚 never would forget how we moved记忆中的感动,永存于脑海The whole place was dressed to the nines,每一个人都换上了别致的外衣and we were dancing dancing舞动着身体Like we"re made of starlight我们就好像满天的星光Like we"re made of starlight在寂寥的夜空中谱写着绚丽 He said 他说,look at you worrying too much about things you can"t change你总是担心着一些无法改变的事情You"ll spend your whole life singing the blues 你也许会用一生的时光演绎布鲁斯的忧郁,if you keep thinking that way如果你一直坚持自己的想法He was trying to skip rocks on the ocean他尝试着在海面打出水花,saying to me对我说Don"t you see the starlight, starlight?你是否能看见那些天边闪烁的星光?Don"t you dream impossible things?你的梦想是否和那些星星一般遥不可及?Like oh my,OH,MY!what a marvellous tune音符跳动的节奏是这般不可思议It was the best night,最美好的夜晚 never would forget how we moved记忆中的感动,永存于脑海The whole place was dressed to the nines,每一个人都换上了别致的外衣and we were dancing dancing舞动着身体Like we"re made of starlight我们就好像满天的星光Like we"re made of starlight在寂寥的夜空中谱写着绚丽Ooh ooh he"s talking crazy他的言语,有些疯狂Ooh ooh dancing with me牵我的手,翩翩起舞Ooh ooh we could get married我们可以一起在牧师的祝福下说,我愿意Have ten kids and teach them how to dream生十个可爱的小宝宝,教他们如何伸手,摘星,追梦Ooh ooh ooh x4 oh my,OH,MY!what a marvellous tune音符跳动的节奏是这般不可思议It was the best night,最美好的夜晚 never would forget how we moved记忆中的感动,永存于脑海The whole place was dressed to the nines,每一个人都换上了别致的外衣and we were dancing dancing舞动着身体Like we"re made of starlight我们就好像满天的星光Like we"re made of starlight在寂寥的夜空中闪烁 Like we"re made of starlight谱写着绚丽 Like we dream impossible dreams我们的梦是如此遥不可及Like starlight starlight就好像夜空中的星光Like we dream impossible dreams我们的梦是如此遥不可及Don"t you see the starlight starlight你是否能看见那些天边闪烁的星光?Don"t you dream impossible things?你的梦想是否和那些星星一般遥不可及?

water resistant 5bar 805-all stainless steel什么意思

首先弄清bar是什么,bar即"巴" ,1标准大气压=1013百帕(毫巴), 1毫米水银柱高=4/3百帕(毫巴),1百帕(毫巴)=3/4毫米水银柱高 ,所以并非相对标准大气压,而本身就是压力单位,所以对值即是2.5bar。.water resistant 5bar 805-all bar(500/805m) 可游泳淋浴洗澡浮潜(注意!洗澡及淋浴不可为热水,否则水蒸气会侵入。另, 手表在有水情况下不可操作按键跟表冠,游完泳及碰过海水请以清水冲净) d.water resistant 20bar以上 ,专业潜水表,目前有到1000m的 。



Teen Top、beast 有什么cp?



Authentic guarantee的中文翻译Authentic guarantee 正品保证双语例句1The three basic principles of the transaction authentic principle, the guaranteeefficiency principle and the guarantee independent principle should be appliedcompletely. 在担保的基本原则上,我国对外担保应当树立三个基本原则,即交易真实性原则、担保效率性原则和担保独立性原则。




What did you learn at school today ? 今天你在学校学了什么? That"s what the teachers used to say 这就是老师常常说的 But they don"t know但他们并不知道 Don"t understand, do they ?也不理解,不是吗 Why do they always give advice ? 为什么他们总是给出意见 Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" 说什么"要想出色就多思考" When it"s been a long since they had a teenage life 自从他们成了青年就一直如此 What did you learn at school today ? 你在学校学了什么啊今天 That"s what the teachers used to say 老师总是这样说 But they don"t know但他们不知道 Don"t understand, do they ? 也不懂,不是吗 Why do they always give advice 为什么他们总是提出意见 Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" 说什么"要想干的好就多动动脑子" When it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life 自从他们有了自己的生活就一直如此 welling on the past, from back when I was young 回想着从前 当我还年轻的时候 Thinking of my school days and trying to write this song 回想着我的学生时代 努力写下这首歌 Classroom schemes and dreams 学习计划和梦想 Man they couldn"t save me 大人们救不了我 Couse my days were numbered when I signed down on “Avy” 我的日子屈指可数当我被划上Avy的标记 Teenage kicks running out what could we do 年轻人埋怨着逃出了我们所做的一切 I still show respect to my boys who made it through 我依旧对那些顺利过关的孩子表示尊重 And getting told off Mr T how my life would be 继续听T先生责备我日后的生活 Then giving him a signal 然后给他一个信号 So everyone could see 让每个人都看到 Sunshine and shade 阳光与黑暗 Those girls I"d serenade 那些我想使之安静的姑娘啊 Thinking of those sixth form chicks that misbehave 想着那些无拘束的日子 Hoping that those days would go on and on forever 真希望可以永远那样 Every day something new每天都会有些新变化 Just friends running together只有朋友们还在一起奋斗 But suddenly school ends 突然学生时代已结束 Your teenage life gone 青年不再 All your mates are growing up now 所有的同伴都张大了 They"re moving on 他们继续活动着 And now I"m looking back 现在我回望着过去 I"ll tell you what I know 我会告诉你所有我所知 Do you listen to your teacher ? 你听老师的话吗 No I don"t think so 我可不这样认为 "What did you learn at school today?" 今天你在学校学了什么 That"s what the teachers used to say 老师总是这样说 But they don"t know 但他们不知道 Don"t understand, do they ? 也不懂,不是吗 Why do they always give advice 为什么他们总是提出意见 Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" 说什么"样想出色就多动脑子" When it"s been a long time since they had a teenage life 从青年时候开始就没完没了 Now if you treat the kids fine, together they will shine 现在如果你对孩子友善,他们就会与你愉快的相处 Ooh ooh ooh shine 哦 愉快 And if you give the kids time, they won"t do the crime 如果你给他们点时间 他们不会做错什么 Won"t do the crime 不会 Now my bad old ways 现在我那些古老的坏行为 Were during my school days 贯穿了整个学习生活 Messing on those grade A"s 比起那些成绩优异的学生 My life is just a haze 我的生活简直一团糟 I"m going through the struggle 我挣扎着 Five ten and kicking back 又跳着回来了 So I could lock my flow 于是我让自己停下 Lace it up now on the track 缠主前行的道路 Oh yeh I felt the pain 我觉得很痛 Whilst chasing all the fame 追逐着所有的名利 I"m being told I"m nothing 无却被告之一无所获 Just a player in the game 不过是游戏中的一个玩家 But now I walk tall 但我现在走到高处 Stand proud for you to see 我就是你所认为的骄傲 I"m driving these fast cars 我开着那些快车 It"s five stars for me 是我的五星级 "What did you learn at school today?" 今天你在学校学了什么 That"s what the teachers used to say 老师总这样问 But they don"t know 但他们不知道 Don"t understand, do they? 也不懂 不是吗 Why do they always give advice 为什么总是那么多意见 Saying "Just be nice, always think twice" 说什么"要想出色就多动动脑子" When it"s been a long since they had a teenage life 从小就这样....

有没有像katy perry的teenage dream这样的风格的有 *** 的欧美曲子

有没有像katy perry的teenage dream这样的风格的有 *** 的欧美曲子 我推荐的歌都是比较有节奏感的 都不是新歌了~但还是希望你喜欢! 歌手——歌名 Akia——California Mckinney——Sunrise Ldy lickem——Tell me who you are Ateens——Floorfiller Groove coverage——She Groove coverage——Far away from home Groove coverage——7 years and 50 days Ayur——Children of the earth Ashlee Simpson——L.O.V.E 请问有没有像麦当娜《Celebration》这首歌的风格的曲子了啊? 去听麦当娜06年的 舞池告白 吧 几乎都是这样的曲风 当然也可以听 hardcandy 专辑 有没有比较 *** 的音乐,像《Son Of The Sun》 这样的 ,求~ 哥特金属和重金属吧,最出名的within temptation和evanescence和nighish这三只乐队,都是 *** 振奋人心的女声, 其他的如xandria ,Lacuna Coil,Lunatica (推荐),epica,Delain(挺不错的),Sirenia。 我高中的时候特别喜欢那三支乐队,一听就喜欢上。 有没有跟kiss the rain这曲一样风格的曲子 Tears Song From A Secret Garden 这个是神秘园的,很有名,应该听过,他们其他曲子也有很多好听,虽然不是纯钢琴的,有相当部分的苏格兰风笛,但我个人很喜欢,你可以去听听 另外你要的这种并非古典钢琴一类,我手里的这种纯钢琴的曲子有很多是动漫歌曲的钢琴版BGM,个人很喜欢,比方说AIR里的《鸟之诗》,《夏影》,高达的《晓之车》等等,你可以听听看,啊,还有舞-HiME里的《媛星の静けさ》,这个应该比较接近,当然包括宫崎骏的那些动画里的,也是相当有水准的钢琴BGM 有没有像 love story 这样的歌?风格 lenka应该算吧 欧美有呒像BEYOND的风格的歌啊? 听“批头四”拉,60年代的。他们是影响BEYOND音乐道路的乐团之一。很多歌也是反战争讽刺现实社会的。 信我,无错架! 有没有像street life风格的rap 哎,推荐你几首真正经典的吧: life goes on dear mama keep ya head up changes Ghetto Gospel均为2PAC 还有can"t fet about you-NAS empire state of mind- jay-z amazing ft. young jeezy-kanye west believe me-font minor 有没有像nighish和林肯公园这样风格的歌曲 那你就试试 绿日乐队的音乐吧 感觉两个乐队 有相似的地方 有没有像 一直很安静 这样风格的歌? 您好! 我也喜欢阿桑的歌。。。 给您说几首吧-- 寂寞在唱歌 angel 疯了 你要离开的一些 被动 保管 你要离开一些时 开车 开关 。。。希望您满意。。。 It"s my life -bonjovi 有没有其他类似这种风格的歌曲,(听起来很 *** 的) 个人觉得是everyday


board一般都是用作董事会,例如board of directors董事会,理事会的意思 而committee通常都是委员会的意思。 我是从字面上理解的,感觉上前者的机构更庞大更权威。


board 指由董事组成的参与处理特殊种类活动的组织或具有监督权的董事委员会,也就是董事会。committee 指由委员组成并被委派考虑某些事项的特殊群体,也就是委员会。


这歌词翻得我都快哭了 内容很强大 泪流满面 lz快来-----------------------------------------------你真是太可恶了你明明想和我们一起狂欢但这正是你害怕与我们一起的原因没日没夜的会让我死掉让我们开门见山的谈谈那种话题吧有一种触摸会让我感到寒冷 但是我们还没有彼此贴近呢你并不细腻的脖颈仿佛是这个小镇上我唯一能够看见的让我看看你是如何做到的我们还没有贴近呢你让我有了怦然心动的感觉 让我觉得自己脆弱我小心翼翼的前行着 你要好好听我说你快把我弄疯了 你知道我一定难以入眠不幸的是 我所有思绪都被你催眠了你让我就象个不懂事的小女孩 你让我颤抖你对我来说太特别了 就像钻石和珍珠你让我晕眩 无法自拔的掉进漩涡你是我心中的第一名 开始颠覆我的世界你太危险了但是就继续这样下去吧你的动作太可恶了这里只有我们两个人一个夜晚显然不够我需要一些刺激 亲爱的也许是一段动人的对话你让我疯狂的旋转这就开始吧 亲爱的你真的是太可恶太可恶你真的是太可恶太可恶全身充满热情你下一部会做什么 谁知道呢你的笑容那么粘稠 我们还没有贴近呢就像岩石一般坚固你会有多少种方法达到满足让我看看你得到了什么 我们还没有更近呢你让我有了怦然心动的感觉 让我觉得自己脆弱我小心翼翼的前行着 你要好好听我说你快把我弄疯了 你知道我一定难以入眠不幸的是 我所有思绪都被你催眠了你让我就象个不懂事的小女孩 你让我颤抖你对我来说太特别了 就像钻石和珍珠你让我晕眩 无法自拔的掉进漩涡你是我心中的第一名 开始颠覆我的世界你太危险了但是就继续这样下去吧你的动作太可恶了这里只有我们两个人一个夜晚显然不够我需要一些刺激 亲爱的也许是一段动人的对话你让我疯狂的旋转这就开始吧 亲爱的你太危险了但是就继续这样下去吧你的动作太可恶了这里只有我们两个人一个夜晚显然不够我需要一些刺激 亲爱的也许是一段动人的对话你让我疯狂的旋转这就开始吧 亲爱的你明明想和我们一起狂欢但这正是你害怕与我们一起的原因你明明想和我们一起狂欢但这正是你害怕与我们一起的原因

Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth这是什么意思?


下面这句荷兰语怎么翻译,荷兰大神快来帮帮忙: Jan Steen: Etude sur I’Art en Hollande

Jan Steen是个人名Etude sur I"Art en Hollande(法语) = 在荷兰学习艺术De dokter in de oude Nederlandsche toneelliteratuur。=古老荷兰剧本里的一个医生Een detail op de doktersschilderijen van Jan Steen。= 在Jan Steen的医生油画上的一个细节纯人脑翻译!望采纳!

Volunteers Wanted题目的英语作文

Volunteers WantedDo you want to be a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympics? We are in great need of volunteers. If you want to apply for a job, you must meet the following requirements.First, no matter whether you are Chinese or not, you must obey the laws of China. Second, you have to have been born before June 30th 1990 and in good health. Thirdly you must be good at both Chinese and English so that people can understand you easily. One very important thing will be that during the games you are able to work at least seven days running. Finally you are required to take part in all the pre-games training and related activities in order to serve the games better.Are you interested? It"s a good chance to help the world learn about our country. Both Chinese and foreign people are welcome.

英语教师提问用语any volunteer

综述:英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以,因为是可数名词,这种情况用在疑问句中表示some一些的意思,但是也可以用单数,he is kind than any boy,表示任意一个的意思。致力于我国基础英语课堂教学研究、中小学英语教师发展以及英语学科教师教育水平的提升,愿和广大中小学英语教师及相关领域的研究者共同学习、共同进步、共同发展。<p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67435.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67436.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67437.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67438.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67439.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67440.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67441.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67442.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67443.html" target="_self"></a> </p>办刊宗旨:面向广大中小学外语教师、研究基础外语教育的高校学者以及师范院校的外语院系学生,其办刊宗旨是关注英语教育、关注课程改革、关注教学研究、关注课堂教学、关注教师发展、关注学生成长。


As a volunteer of Beijing Olympic gamesAs we all know, one of the biggest of world sports meeting--- Olympic Games meeting will be hold in the capital of our country. It is not only an opportunity to improve our economic of our country but also a chance to let more and more foreign people know China.For one thing, from 2001 to 2008, Beijing will invest 280 billion in the Olympic Games project. Such a huge investment will be a stimulus to the economic development of Beijing and the country as a whole. In hosting the Olympic Games ,Beijing will earn a direct income of approximately US﹩3 billion from the TV relay rights, the game will greatly speed up the pace of building Beijing into a modern international city. Beijing has worked out this plan for its development in the new country.Economic experts have predicted that the 2008 Olympic Games meeting will earn an extensive influence on Chinese economic, building material and commercial services will be more direct. It will be a new growth factor for the economy of our country, and it will create over 1 million job opportunities.For another thing, In 2008,there will be many foreigners come to China , as a civil of China, every one of us should do our best to do something for our country. I want to be a volunteer of Beijing Olympic Games. I have the confidence to be an outstanding volunteer for the different posts, for I acquaint myself with the culture and history of Beijing, master the basic knowledge for Olympic Games. I realized the time flies. I must study English very hard so that I can communicate with the foreigners fluently. And to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games is good for me too. I can make some friends from different countries and learn more about sport, about Olympic. But the first thing to prepare this is study hard, I am confident I will to be a good volunteer and I will show the world: our country and our cities are so perfect in the world



volunteers needed什么意思


as a volunteer 和as volunteers

as a volunteer句子的主语须单数,而as volunteers主语须复数,如: As a volunteer,I should do more to help those children in that area. As volunteers,we should do more to help those children in that area.

英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以吗?

综述:英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以,因为是可数名词,这种情况用在疑问句中表示some一些的意思,但是也可以用单数,he is kind than any boy,表示任意一个的意思。致力于我国基础英语课堂教学研究、中小学英语教师发展以及英语学科教师教育水平的提升,愿和广大中小学英语教师及相关领域的研究者共同学习、共同进步、共同发展。<p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67435.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67436.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67437.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67438.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67439.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67440.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67441.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67442.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67443.html" target="_self"></a> </p>办刊宗旨:面向广大中小学外语教师、研究基础外语教育的高校学者以及师范院校的外语院系学生,其办刊宗旨是关注英语教育、关注课程改革、关注教学研究、关注课堂教学、关注教师发展、关注学生成长。

Thank yuo.volunteers课文翻译

你好!Thank yuo.volunteers谢谢你,志愿者

高中英语作文:Volunteer Life

 As we know, “volunteer” is a kind of “work” that you offer to do it, and also, it is for free.   From schools to shops, from Olympics to world wars, volunteers are everywhere. And to Chinese people, last year is an impresive(impressive) year because of volunteers. In May 12 earthquake and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Gams, volunteers played a really important role. They touched every Chinese"s heart, including me.   I don"t usually have chances to do volunteer"s work, but I have some creative ideas about it. In my opinion, helping others is a kind of volunteer and it is important to our lives. We can"t become a volunteer in poor rural area, but we can help classmates sowe(solve) a math problem; we can"t join the Olympics, but we can take part in a sports meeting in school and develope the spirit of “higher, faster, stronger” in other ways; we can"t go to Wenchuan, but we can send our “gifts” there. In fact, we are volunteering everyday and everywhere, but we ignore it sometimes.   Volunteer is not a simple matter about yourself, it also has great influence to your life, your family, even the world. If there are not volunteers any more, everyone is selfish and vain, the world will be a lonely place. Volunteer can bring people warm and kind feelings and help improve your personality. When you are volunteering, you"ll find the beauty of the world and life and you really feel and touch some hard experience, itable to lead you to treat your family, your life, your fridends(friends) more previously. My dad once told me a story: at the time of Beijing Olympic Games one year"s flashback, some volunteers said that time was really a hard but valuable memory. Sometimes, they had to stand, it was not permitted to argue with tourists; sometimes, they even wanted to cry, but smiles had to be on theirs faces all the time. Volunteer was not an easy job, but they said that they didn"t regret at all —— they responded to China, they won reputation for our nation!   So, volunteer is worth joining and valuing, though it is hard, you have gained the best award —— a kind heart.   Start your volunteer life now!


What busy volunteers they are!

We should be volunteers 议论文

Being a volunteer makes me happy Nowadays,more and more people concentrate on volunteer work .And then,what should we do?Being a volunteer,of course. Becoming a volunteer is not only the need of society,but also a chance of us.Besides,it"s necessary for us to experience the volunteer work. First,we can help other people and get much happiness from it.Second,we can get time to practice our hobbies as much as possible by taking part in volunteer work .Third, we will have more opportunities to achieve our dreams.Bcause it can be helpful for our work in the future. Being volunteers has so many advantages.Why not go for it?

student who volunteer的翻译是什么?

译文:志愿者学生重点词汇:volunteer英[vu0252lu0259n'tu026au0259(r)]释义:n.志愿者;志愿兵adj.志愿的vi.自愿vt.自愿[复数:volunteers;第三人称单数:volunteers;现在分词:volunteering;过去式:volunteered;过去分词:volunteered]短语:Volunteer Park义工公园;志愿者公园扩展资料:词语使用变化:whopron.(代词)1、who用作疑问代词时,意思是“谁”,一般只用来指人,在句中用作宾语或主语。2、who用作限制性或非限制性的关系代词,意思是“…的人,那个…”“他,她,他们”,在句中作主语。3、指某一组织机构的成员时也可用who,此时应用复数形式的谓语。4、在there be,here be后用作主语的关系代词who可以省略。

volunteer 的英语作文

Being a volunteer is greatNo.1 Middle School is proud of three students. They are Xiaohong, Xiaoming and Xiaogang.All of them are voluteers, and they took some voluntary activities. Xiaohong went to a primary school and help the pupils there with reading. Xiaoming went to an animals" hospital to take care of animals. And Xiaogang went to a hospital and sang songs for patients.They all said that even though doing voluntary work was a little tired, they felt happy and proud, because they think themselves useful to the society by helping others.Let"s all learn from them and be volunteers!


volunteer既可以作名词,表示“志愿者”;也可以作动词,表示“资源做;无偿做”等含义。volunteer是可数名词,表示是某个组织的志愿者时,通常用“a volunteer with+组织名称”结构。1.作名词 (1)They are retired and working in the organization as volunteers. 他们已经退休了,在那个组织里做志愿者。 (2)As a volunteer with the Little Village Environmental Protection Organization,she went door to door talking about the dangers of pollution. 作为“小村庄环境保护组织”的志愿者,她挨家挨户地给人们讲污染的危害。 (3)He worked as a volunteer teacher in this school to help the poor children. 他在这所学校任志愿教师,以帮助这些穷困的孩子。 2.作动词 (1)He was always the first to volunteer for such tasks. 他总是第一个自愿做这样的任务。 (2)She worked in a restaurant and also volunteered for teaching dance classes at night. 她在一家餐厅工作,也再晚上自愿教授舞蹈课程。 (3)Over thirty thousand people have volunteered to help out. 超过三万人自愿进行了帮助。 (4)My brother volunteered to play the guitar and sing a song at the school party. 我滴滴自愿在学校晚会上弹吉他、唱歌。 3.常用搭配 volunteer for sth./doing sth.表示“志愿/自动申请某事;志愿/自动申请做某事”。 Volunteer to do sth.表示“自愿/义务/无偿做某事”。

高中英语优秀作文:志愿者 Volunteer

 Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering. It"s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return. It"s like the Leifeng spirit. However, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this trend. For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers. They made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics. Moreover, we can often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people. Even there are some people"s career is volunteer. They are ready to help others. Although the volunteers are much more common, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society.   如今,有越来越多的人加入到志愿服务行业。众所周知,志愿者工作是对社会的无私贡献。就像雷锋精神一样。然而,虽然意识到这一点但还是有很多人愿意奉献于这个行业。例如,2008年北京奥运会有这么多的志愿者。他们为奥运会的成功举行做了很多的贡献。此外,我们经常可以看到,有很多学生去敬老院看望老人给他们带去温暖。甚至有些人的职业就是志愿者。他们时刻准备好去帮助别人。虽然志愿者是越来越常见了,但我们仍然要感谢他们钦佩他们为社会奉献自己。


教师提问是用any volunteers。老师提问的时候一般是对着一个班多个同学提问的。所以volunteer需要用复数。复数在语言学中是词素的其中一种,常和单数相对,在没有双数概念的语言中用于标示多于一个的物件,在有双数概念的语言中则表示多于两个的名词数量。


Being a volunteer is great!   There are lots of volunteers around us now.And they don"t do it for money,they do it only for happy or others.As a young student,helping other people is a major commitment.   If I have a chance to join a volunteer club and to be a volunteer who helps others,I will try my best to help others.In my classroom ,I am good at math and science ,I can help my classmates who are in trouble if I am free.In primary school ,I can help teach young students paint because I am good for drawing.And I am good at singing,so I can sing songs to cheer up the sick people in the hospital.Also,I can help the old people in the old people"s home ,I can clean the floor and do chores ,because I think the old people will be very tired and hard if they do the housework by themselves.   Except these,so many things I can do .Not only I feel good about helping others ,but also I do something useful .So I think I should study hard to improve my skills and I will help others in the future.

volunteer 词性



Volunteer志愿者、志愿兵、自愿,它可以分为三个音节,Vo、lun和teer,第一个音节vo,属于开音节,读作【v?】,第二个音节读作【l?n】,然后再看一下最后一个音节,【teer】属于双元音,读作【t??(r)】,重读在最后这个音节上面读作【?v?l?n?t??(r)】这是英式的发音,美式的发音o要读作长音,r的卷舌音要发出来【?vɑ?l?n?t?r】,volunteer作名词表示志愿者、志愿兵的意思,还可以用作形容词表示志愿的,作动词表示自愿的意思;可以作不及物动词,也可以作为及物动词来使用,Volunteer的词根为volunt,表示意愿、自由意志、自由选择的意思,eer这个后缀指某人,有自愿意志的人,这个单词怎么造句呢?我们来看一下,any volunteers?有人有意愿回答我的问题吗,还可以在这个句子上加一些形容,比如说,Are there any volunteers to help clear up?有自愿帮助打扫卫生的人吗?volunteer志愿者、志愿兵,你记住了吗?

volunteer job 是单数还是复数

是单数。volunteer job志愿工作。英文volunteer的复数volunteers,volunteer的中文志愿者的意思。做名词的话,复数形式的volunteer的意思是:n.志愿者做动词的话,第三人称单数形式的volunteer的意思是:v.(自愿)做。例句:我想当这次活动的志愿者。I want to be a volunteer for this activity.

volunteer 词性



volunteer用法的简单介绍:1、volunteer可作及物动词/不及物动词,可搭配volunteer to使用。2、可作名词,意思为义务工作者,志愿者。过去式volunteered; 现在分词volunteering; 过去分词volunteered。 扩展资料 volunteer用法:1、voluntee即可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,可直接引出引语。volunteer用作不及物动词时,常与for, in关联。例句:They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady.他们主动提出替老太太修缮房子。He volunteered the statement to the police.他主动向警方供出了情况。2、可作名词,释义为义务工作者。We need some volunteers to clean up the room.我们需要一些志愿者来打扫房间。volunteer变形:过去式:volunteered; 现在分词volunteering; 过去分词volunteered。

on volunteers作文

u3000The definition of the word volunteer in Lougnan(Longman) Dictionary is someone who helps others sponstaneously(spontaneously) and willingly. That"s true! Life is a style of enjoying yourself, not only by entertaing and enriding yourself, but also by the process of helping others.u3000u3000Undoubtfully, those volunteers reveal their great love and passion for their country. Love is the eternal theme of the world, Without hove(love), it"s like birds without wings, failing to show its talents of flying, It"s like spring without flowers, burying is charming fragrants in the deep soil. Their volunty work unites China, shouing the world how united Chinese people are shocking the world of its cooperation.u3000u3000People around the country are making their efforts to helping others, which leaves the world an impression that China is a veal country, and all the people here are like brothers and sisters, who cares a lot for others. You can never imagine how touched I was when I watched the TV program called “Moving China”. 13 peasants from tangshang volunteered to help those victims of Sichuang on hearing the tremendous earthquake happened there, leaving all their farm work done in the field they sacrifiled anything and helped others at any cost, for they knew the glant pains the earthquake brings to people. They can never forget how much pains they havendertaken in the earthquake and how much help they have received from the world.. They compared their own feelings to the victims and passed the splrit on. In this sense, people will pass the spirit from generation to queneration, from China to all over the world. Then, how sweet will the World be!u3000u3000I have a dream that one day, I will be a member of the volunteer team. I have a dream that oneday, I"ll make contributions to China however slightest it may be. I have a dream that one day I"ll be a founder of a world Charity, helping people all over the world. I"m firmly convinced that it will not only be a drean for me, but also a drean for people all over China, all over the world, and for the great Global Village.

英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以吗?

综述:英语教师提问用语any volunteers可以,因为是可数名词,这种情况用在疑问句中表示some一些的意思,但是也可以用单数,he is kind than any boy,表示任意一个的意思。致力于我国基础英语课堂教学研究、中小学英语教师发展以及英语学科教师教育水平的提升,愿和广大中小学英语教师及相关领域的研究者共同学习、共同进步、共同发展。<p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67435.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67436.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67437.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67438.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67439.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67440.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67441.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67442.html" target="_self"></a> </p><p> <a href="http://www.szhuirui.com/post/67443.html" target="_self"></a> </p>办刊宗旨:面向广大中小学外语教师、研究基础外语教育的高校学者以及师范院校的外语院系学生,其办刊宗旨是关注英语教育、关注课程改革、关注教学研究、关注课堂教学、关注教师发展、关注学生成长。

My view on volunteers 作文

My View on VolunteersVolunteers play a vital role in society, and their contributions should be highly valued. In my view, volunteers are selfless individuals who dedicate their time and efforts to helping others without expecting anything in return.Firstly, volunteers make a significant impact on the lives of those in need. Whether it"s assisting in community development projects, providing support to the underprivileged, or contributing to environmental initiatives, volunteers bring positive change to society. Their acts of kindness and compassion inspire others and create a ripple effect of goodwill.Secondly, volunteering offers personal growth and fulfillment. By engaging in volunteer work, individuals have the opportunity to develop new skills, broaden their horizons, and gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and perspectives. It fosters empathy, compassion, and a sense of social responsibility.Furthermore, volunteers serve as role models for others to follow. Their commitment to making a difference sets an example for the community, encouraging more people to get involved and give back. Volunteers inspire unity and cooperation, fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness.In conclusion, volunteers are the backbone of any society. Their selfless acts of service bring about positive change and leave a lasting impact on individuals and communities. We should recognize and appreciate their invaluable contributions. I believe that by supporting and promoting volunteerism, we can create a more compassionate and harmonious world.


用法如下:v.(动词)1、volunteer的基本意思是“自动提供,自愿效劳”,指自愿做某项工作或自愿尽某种责任。2、volunteer可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,也可以引出直接引语。3、volunteer用作不及物动词时,其后常跟介词for,in等。短语如下:1、Volunteer Park义工公园;志愿者公园2、Volunteer Army志愿军;义军;义勇军3、soviet volunteer group苏联航空志愿队4、Volunteer Fire Department志愿消防局;志愿消防部门;志愿消防队;志愿者消防队5、Volunteer Service志愿办事扩展资料:词语辨析:offer,present,propose,volunteer这些动词均含“提出、提供”之意。1、offer最普通用词,多指主动提出或提供意见或东西等,但是否接受由对方自行决定。2、present既可指提出意见、建议等,又可指拿出某物供人欣赏或赠送。3、propose指直接而主动地提出问题或建议等,也指在讨论或争辨中提出具体意见或建议。4、volunteer与offer同义,侧重出于自愿,而不是奉命做某事。


Volunteer志愿者、志愿兵、自愿,它可以分为三个音节,Vo、lun和teer,第一个音节vo,属于开音节,读作【vu0252】,第二个音节读作【lu0259n】,然后再看一下最后一个音节,【teer】属于双元音,读作【tu026au0259(r)】,重读在最后这个音节上面读作【u02ccvu0252lu0259nu02c8tu026au0259(r)】这是英式的发音,美式的发音o要读作长音,r的卷舌音要发出来【u02ccvɑu02d0lu0259nu02c8tu026ar】,volunteer作名词表示志愿者、志愿兵的意思,还可以用作形容词表示志愿的,作动词表示自愿的意思;可以作不及物动词,也可以作为及物动词来使用,Volunteer的词根为volunt,表示意愿、自由意志、自由选择的意思,eer这个后缀指某人,有自愿意志的人,这个单词怎么造句呢?我们来看一下,any volunteers?有人有意愿回答我的问题吗,还可以在这个句子上加一些形容,比如说,Are there any volunteers to help clear up?有自愿帮助打扫卫生的人吗?volunteer志愿者、志愿兵,你记住了吗?



英语教师提问用语any volunteer


volunteer 的由来

  Volunteers can be traced back to the establishment of the system of the second world war, but the welfare socialist payable to the existence of volunteers itself is since ancient times already exists, ancient donated medical spraying can be seen as a volunteer the prototype. The origin of western volunteers key concepts built on Roman times of humanity and Christian religious responsibility and redeemed concept, through voluntary work shows the love of humanity and carry forward the religion of goodness. But in recent years, the establishment of the system of volunteers, is in order to make up for the government to social support insufficiency, combine government, business and folk strength for the society has to people who need service.  Volunteer service originated in the early 19th century western religious charity service, volunteer activity in the world has the existence and the development of more than 100 years. According to Beijing university volunteer services and benefits research center (July 16, 2002 formally established, the center is the specialized in voluntary services and benefits research and training institutions. DingYuanZhu director is introduced, the earliest Chinese volunteers from the UN volunteers organization. In 1979 the first UN volunteers came to China in remote areas, engaged in environmental, health, computer and language in the fields of the service. In 1980s, the ministry of civil affairs calls for promote community volunteer service, XinXingJie haiguangsi street is typical of the early developing community services. The early 1990s, China youth volunteer association was established. Such communities volunteers and youth volunteer is currently the largest domestic two teams we volunteer team.  Volunteers have entered China not only, still have the south-north two hyphenates: north call of volunteers, The south is called a volunteer. Hong Kong, between Taiwan called volunteers, Taiwan has special "volunteers method". Many in China do volunteer activity, the volunteers and volunteer always separate and talk, have more very person thinks, the grade of the volunteers slightly higher than volunteers. Actually they are corresponding -- for a word of English.  Volunteer service in recent years more and more become a new international trend. The western scholars have specifically pointed out that "if human development before 500 years is technology revolution underpin global economic development today that man is in a crossroads, facing more and more problems. After 500 years sociology, social service will be the key to live on earth, humanity will also begin to readjust ourselves."  译文:  志愿者制度的确立可追溯至第二次世界大战后福利主义抬头,但志愿者本身的存在则自古以来已经存在,古时候的赠医施药可被视为志愿者的雏型。西方志愿者起源的重要概念建基于罗马时代的博爱精神和基督教的宗教责任及救赎观念,透过义务工作表现出人性的爱及弘扬宗教的善性。而近年志愿者制度的确立,是为了弥补政府对社会支援的不足,结合政府、商界及民间的力量为社会上有需要的人士服务。  志愿服务起源于19世纪初西方国家宗教性的慈善服务,志愿活动在世界上已经存在和发展了100 多年。据北京大学志愿服务和福利研究中心(2002 年7月16日正式成立,该中心是我国第一家专门从事志愿服务和福利研究与培训的机构。)丁元竹主任介绍,中国最早的志愿者来自联合国志愿人员组织。1979 年第一批联合国志愿者来到中国偏远地区,从事环境、卫生、计算机和语言等领域的服务。20世纪80年代中期,民政部号召推进社区志愿服务,天津和平区新兴街就是早期开展社区服务的典型。90年代初,中国青年志愿者协会成立。这样社区志愿者和青年志愿者是目前我们国内最大的两支志愿队伍。  志愿者不仅进入了中国,还有了南北两个叫法:北方称之志愿者;南方则叫义工。香港,台湾两地就叫义工,台湾设有专门的“义工法”。很多在国内从事志愿活动的人,把志愿者和义工总是分开而谈,更有甚者认为,志愿者的档次要比义工略高些。实际它们都对应一个英文单词———volunteer 。  志愿服务最近几年越来越成为一种国际潮流。西方有学者专门指出,“如果说人类发展前500 年是技术革命带动全球的经济发展,那么今天人类正处于一个十字路口,面临的问题越来越多。后500 年社会学、社会服务将成为地球上生存的重点,人类也将开始重新调整自己。”


C项中 是被动态.主语“自愿老师Volunteer teachers ”是复数,所以用are作谓语. 被动态是be动词加上动词的过去分词. need在这里作实义动词,不是一般的情态动词.所以是needed. 第二题.A指 没关系 B指 慢慢看


名词 n. [C]1.自愿参加者,志愿者[(+for)][(+to-v)]The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. 社区服务的志愿者做得很出色。 2.志愿兵,义勇兵Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side. 许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。 3.自生植物----------------------------------1。。。volunteer for sth, volunteer to do sth2;as volunteer 作为志愿者


volunteern.志愿者, 志愿兵adj.志愿的, 义务的, 无偿的v.自愿A person who performs or offers to perform a service of his or her own free will:志愿者:按他或她自己的自由意愿进行或要求进行服务的人:an information booth staffed by volunteers; hospital volunteers.志愿者任职的咨询台;医院志愿人员Law 【法律】 A person who renders aid, performs a service, or assumes an obligation voluntarily.自愿者:自愿给予帮助、进行服务或履行义务的人A person who holds property under a deed made without consideration.无偿受约者:没有报酬而置其财产于一契约之下的人Botany A cultivated plant growing from self-sown or accidentally dropped seed.【植物学】 自生植物:一种由自落的或偶而落下的种子而生长出的植物adj.(形容词)Being, consisting of, or done by volunteers:志愿者的:志愿者的,由志愿者组成的,或志愿者做的:volunteer firefighters; volunteer tutoring.志愿消防员;志愿导游Botany Growing from self-sown or accidentally dropped seed. Used of a cultivated plant or crop.【植物学】 自生的:由自己落下或偶尔落下种子而长成的。用于种植物或庄稼v.(动词)vol.un.teered, vol.un.teer.ing, vol.un.teersv.tr.(及物动词)To give or offer to give voluntarily:志愿提供:志愿地给予或要求给予:volunteered their services; volunteer to give blood.志愿提供他们的服务;自愿献血v.intr.(不及物动词)To perform or offer to perform a service of one"s own free will.志愿:由某人自己意愿进行或要求进行的服务To do charitable or helpful work without pay:义务服务:不受报酬做慈善或有益的工作:Many retirees volunteer in community service and day care centers.许多退休人员在社区服务或育婴中心做义务工作volunteer来自拉丁语 voluntarius 自愿的<voluntas 自愿<volo 我希望


名词;志愿者 动词 志愿,自愿

写一篇高二英语作文。 以volunteer为题目的英语作文。

Being a volunteer is great!  There are lots of volunteers around us now. And they don"t do it for money, they do it only for happy or others。As a young student, helping other people is a major commitment。  If I have a chance to join a volunteer club and to be a volunteer who helps others,I will try my best to help others。In my classroom ,I am good at math and science ,I can help my classmates who are in trouble if I am free.In primary school , I can help teach young students paint because I am good for drawing.And I am good at singing,so I can sing songs to cheer up the sick people in the hospital。Also,I can help the old people in the old people"s home , I can clean the floor and do chores ,because I think the old people will be very tired and hard if they do the housework by themselves.  Except these,so many things I can do . Not only I feel good about helping others , but also I do something useful . So I think I should study hard to improve my skills and I will help others in the future.


教师提问是用any volunteers。老师提问的时候一般是对着一个班多个同学提问的。所以volunteer需要用复数。复数在语言学中是词素的其中一种,常和单数相对,在没有双数概念的语言中用于标示多于一个的物件,在有双数概念的语言中则表示多于两个的名词数量。


volunteer,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词、形容词,作名词时译为“志愿者;志愿兵”,作动词时译为“自愿”,作形容词时译为“志愿的”。一、用法。作主语:Volunteer可以作主语,表示“自愿做某事”,接受宾语:Volunteer可以接受宾语,表示“自愿提供帮助”。跟从句使用:Volunteer可以跟从句使用,表示“自愿做某事”。二、词性。第三人称单数:volunteers。过去分词:volunteered。复数:volunteers。现在进行时:volunteering。过去式:volunteered。三、其他意思。1、志愿兵,即自愿参军服役的人员。2、无偿工作者,即自愿为某项社会公益事业提供服务的人员。3、自愿者,即自愿参加某项活动或事情的人员。volunteer的例句:1、Johnny decided to volunteer at the local soup kitchen to help feed the homeless.强尼决定在当地的救济厨房做志愿者,帮助养活无家可归的人。2、The organization relies on volunteers to help with the annual charity auction.该组织依靠志愿者来帮助一年一度的慈善拍卖。3、 Anda spent her summer vacation volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary, helping to care for the animals and maintain their habitat.安达在暑假里一个野生动物保护区做志愿者,帮助照顾动物并维护它们的栖息地。


volunteer的形容词是voluntary,副词是voluntarily。voluntary的读音:英 ["vu0252lu0259ntri],美 ["vɑu02d0lu0259nteri]adj.自愿的;志愿的。n.(教堂礼拜仪式前后或进行期间的)乐器独奏。 volunteer的用法 n.义务工作者; 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; 志愿兵; 义勇兵; v.自愿做; 义务做; 无偿做; 主动建议(或告诉); 自愿参军; 当志愿兵; 第三人称单数:volunteers 复数:volunteers 现在分词:volunteering 过去式:volunteered 过去分词:volunteered volunteer的中文含义及用法介绍 1、作为名词时,意为义务工作者;志愿者;自告奋勇者;主动做某事的人;志愿兵;义勇兵。 例句:Schools need volunteers to help children to read. 学校需要义务工作者帮助儿童阅读。 Are there any volunteers to help clear up? 有自愿帮助清扫的人吗? She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week... 目前她在当地的一家学校做志愿工作,一周去3天。 They fought as volunteers with the Afghan guerrillas... 他们作为志愿军和阿富汗的游击队员并肩作战。 2、作为动词时,意为自愿做;义务做;无偿做;主动建议(或告诉);自愿参军;当志愿兵。 例句:He volunteered his services as a driver. 他自愿服务充当司机。 They volunteered me for the job of interpreter. 他们擅自指定由我担任口头翻译。 Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen... 玛丽阿姨主动要求清扫厨房。 The room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information... 房间很安静,无人主动提供更多的信息。 Thousands of men volunteered when the war broke out. 战争爆发时,成千上万的人当了志愿兵。


volunteer英 [,vu0252lu0259n"tu026au0259]美 [,vɑlu0259n"tu026ar]n. 志愿者;志愿兵adj. 志愿的vt. 自愿vi. 自愿Volunteer 志愿者,志愿,义工Volunteer Service 志愿服务,志愿者服务台,志愿办事A Volunteer 志愿者


volunteer既可以作名词,表示“志愿者”;也可以作动词,表示“自愿做,无偿做”等含义。当作“志愿干某事”讲时,可以是及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。 volunteer的释义 n.义务工作者; 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; 志愿兵; 义勇兵; v.自愿做; 义务做; 无偿做; 主动建议(或告诉); 自愿参军; 当志愿兵; 第三人称单数:volunteers 复数:volunteers 现在分词:volunteering 过去式:volunteered 过去分词:volunteered volunteer的用法 1.作名词,有志愿者的含义。 We need some volunteers to clean up the room. 2.作及物动词时,有“自愿说出、主动提出”等含义。 He volunteered the statement to the police. 他主动向警方供出了情况。 3.作“志愿干某事”时,可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词。 Volunteer one"s time to do sth. 自愿利用时间干某事。 We all volunteered our help to the homeless people. 我们都自愿帮助了无家可归的人。


volunteer,英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时译为“志愿者;志愿兵”,作动词时译为“自愿”,作形容词时译为“志愿的”。 volunteer 英:[u02ccvu0252lu0259nu02c8tu026au0259(r)];美:[u02ccvɑu02d0lu0259nu02c8tu026ar] n.义务工作者;志愿者;自告奋勇者;主动做某事的人;志愿兵;义勇兵 v.自愿做;义务做;无偿做;主动建议(或告诉);自愿参军;当志愿兵 第三人称单数:volunteers;复数:volunteers;现在分词:volunteering;过去式:volunteered;过去分词:volunteered 记忆技巧:volunt意愿+eer人(专做某种工作或从事某种职业)→自愿去做的人→志愿者 volunteer用法 volunteer可以用作动词 volunteer的基本意思是“自动提供,自愿效劳”,指自愿做某项工作或自愿尽某种责任。 volunteer可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,也可以引出直接引语。 volunteer用作不及物动词时,其后常跟介词for,in等。 例句 He volunteered a statement to the police.他自动向警方供出情况。 Many people volunteer to work on the farms.许多人自动到农场劳动。 They volunteer for good causes.她们自愿做好事。


volunteersn.义务工作者( volunteer的名词复数 ); 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; v.自动提供,自愿效劳( volunteer的第三人称单数 ); 主动建议(或告诉); (未经当事人同意)举荐; 自愿参军,当志愿兵; 例句:1.Scientists had 40 volunteers read various scenarios. 科学家让40个志愿者阅读各种不同的剧本。2.No laws forbid payment to volunteers. 法律没有禁止给予志愿者报酬。

volunteer志愿者 这英语单词怎么读

volunteer 英[u02ccvu0252lu0259nu02c8tu026au0259(r)] 美[u02ccvɑ:lu0259nu02c8tu026ar] n. 志愿者,志愿兵; [军] 义勇军; [植] 自生植物; [林] 先锋树种; adj. 自愿的,志愿的; vt. 自愿去做; 当志愿兵[义勇军]; [例句]She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week目前她在当地的一家学校做志愿工作,一周去3天。[其他] 第三人称单数:volunteers 复数:volunteers 现在分词:volunteering过去式:volunteered 过去分词:volunteered


volunteersn.义务工作者( volunteer的名词复数 ); 志愿者; 自告奋勇者; 主动做某事的人; v.自动提供,自愿效劳( volunteer的第三人称单数 ); 主动建议(或告诉); (未经当事人同意)举荐; 自愿参军,当志愿兵; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Org matches cause-driven volunteers with organizations that need them. Volunteermatch.org专门为事业驱动型志愿者与需要他们的组织牵线搭桥


volunteer[英][u02ccvu0252lu0259n"tu026au0259(r)] [美][u02ccvɑlu0259nu02c8tu026ar] 生词本 简明释义 n.志愿者,志愿兵;[军]义勇军;[植]自生植物;[林]先锋树种 adj.自愿的,志愿的 vt.&vi.自愿去做;当志愿兵[义勇军] vi.志愿,义务服务 vt.志愿提供 复数:volunteers第三人称单数:volunteers过去式:volunteered过去分词:volunteered现在分词:volunteering 易混淆的单词:Volunteer 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词 1.N-COUNT志愿者;义务工作者;义工A volunteer is someone who does work without being paid for it,because they want to do it. She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week... 目前她在当地的一家学校做志愿工作,一周去3天.

not nineteen forever歌词中文翻译

she"s had to peel me off the pavement她不得不剥离我送行的路面trying to insinuate试图影射sometimes im in danger of going too far有时即时在走得太远的危险said would i like to go for tea and toast?说要我喜欢去茶和烤面包片?get your hand off my thigh我的大腿上下车,你的手in the car she turned to me and said在车上她转身对我说you"re not nineteen forever,你永远不19,pull yourselves together拉自己起来i know it seems strange but things they change我知道这似乎有些奇怪,但他们改变的事情older woman and a younger man年纪较大的妇女和一名年轻男子both of them doing all they can他们都在竭尽所能trying to get your attention all night long试图让你注意整夜asked you once, i asked you twice,问你一次,我问你两次,asked you four times问你的4倍if you"d like to dance to that song,如果你想跳舞的那首歌,front crawled the crowd人群前面抓取down the stairs and then i followed you下楼梯,然后我跟着你out in the rain在雨中nowhere to be found, never mind无处可寻,更别说youll probably never look that pretty again刹那间可能永远不会再漂亮的外观,you"re not nineteen forever你永远不19pull yourselves together拉自己起来i know it seems strange but things they change我知道这似乎有些奇怪,但他们改变的事情older woman and ever so slightly younger man老年妇女和非常轻微年轻时god bless the band, they"re doing all they can上帝保佑乐队,他们所做的一切,他们可以you"re not nineteen forever你永远不19pull yourselves together拉自己起来i know it seems strange but things they change我知道这似乎有些奇怪,但他们改变的事情older woman and ever so slightly younger man老年妇女和非常轻微年轻时god bless the band, they"re doing all they can上帝保佑乐队,他们所做的一切,他们可以you"re not nineteen forever你永远不19you"re not nineteen forever你永远不19you"re not nineteen forever你永远不19it"s not me, you"re definately not clever这不是我的,你绝对不聪明


[br__] [ti_θ]。 brush teeth英语正确读音为[br__] [ti_θ] ,中文读音音似“不软题目”。其中θ在英语中,属于辅音中的摩擦音。∫是个清辅音,声带不震动,和汉语中的声母sh很相近,但要注意的是_不卷舌,是个平舌音。_是元音音标,属于单元音、中元音及短元音,发音时嘴巴张开一半,牙齿分开,舌中部抬起,舌尖和舌端贴在下齿,由喉部推出气流发出短促有力的类似“啊”的音。brush作动词是刷或涂抹的意思,teeth可作为名词使用,的意思是牙齿,因此brush teeth的意思是刷牙。动词短语中是Brush teeth,动名词是Brushing。

brush teeth翻译



brush teeth英语怎么读

[br__] [ti_θ]。 brush teeth英语正确读音为[br__] [ti_θ] ,中文读音音似“不软题目”。其中θ在英语中,属于辅音中的摩擦音。∫是个清辅音,声带不震动,和汉语中的声母sh很相近,但要注意的是_不卷舌,是个平舌音。_是元音音标,属于单元音、中元音及短元音,发音时嘴巴张开一半,牙齿分开,舌中部抬起,舌尖和舌端贴在下齿,由喉部推出气流发出短促有力的类似“啊”的音。brush作动词是刷或涂抹的意思,teeth可作为名词使用,的意思是牙齿,因此brush teeth的意思是刷牙。动词短语中是Brush teeth,动名词是Brushing。

A.M. (Two Seventeen Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:A.M. (Two Seventeen Album Version)歌手:Pax217专辑:Two SeventeenPoema - 2 A.M.It was a quarter till eightSecretly glad you were lateI hope you didn"t see me peeking through the windowI didn"t want to seem to eagerI opened the door ready to leave and then my dadwalked us all the way out to the car that was embarrassingIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantOoooooohI laughed a little too loud(I laughed a little too loud)Oh how awkward do I sound(Oh how awkward do I sound)Oh I wondered about halfway through my storyIf you even thought that it was funnyA few times I forgot how to speakBecause you looked so stunningIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantOoooooohWoah everything you wantOoooooohI played (I played)This night (this night)Again (again)And again inside my head (and again inside my head)I hoped (woaaahhh)It could (woaaahhh)Have been almost perfect in the endI guess now I"ll try to fall asleepIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantIt"s 2 amIt"s gonna be another long nightThinking about what could of beenIf I"d of beenA little more this, a little more thatA little more everything you wantOoooooohWoah everything you wantOoooooohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2847809



esteem,respect 我区分不开! 请大家帮帮忙!



《WAVE》《Say My Name》《Light》《Promise》《INCEPTION》等很出圈,受到了歌迷的喜爱。


qualityguarantee不是一个牌子,它的意思是品质保证的T恤衫。质量保证(Quality Assurance)也是质量管理的一部分,它致力于提供质量要求会得到满足的信任。质量保证是指为使人们确信产品或服务能满足质量要求而在质量管理体系中实施并根据需要进行证实的全部有计划和有系统的活动。质量保证一般适用于有合同的场合,其主要目的是使用户确信产品或服务能满足规定的质量要求。质量保证的内容绝不是单纯的保证质量,保证质量是质量控制的任务,质量保证是以保证质量为其基础,进一步引申到提供“信任”这一基本目的。T恤质量好的品牌有:香奈儿、爱马仕、路易威登、飒拉、耐克。1、香奈儿香奈儿是法国的一家私有公司,成立于1909年,香奈儿的设计师最出名的是他们的创造力,其T恤上的设计、面料、完成刺绣已经彻底改变了时尚界,香奈儿是世界上最受关注的品牌之一,为年轻人提供真正的时尚目标。2、爱马仕爱马仕是世界上最古老、最受信赖的时尚产品公司之一,爱马仕的产品虽然很贵,但非常时髦、时尚、华丽。爱马仕的T恤价格从10美元到345美元不等,该公司在世界范围内取得了巨大的成功,并建立了许多商店。

求a-teens的a perfect match中英对照歌

[ti:A Perfect Match绝配][ar:A*Teens][al:][by:POPO][00:04.95]You spend your money on diamonds and pearls你把钱花在钻石和珠宝上[00:09.17]I"d sell my car just to travel the world我卖车只是为了到世界各地旅行[00:12.32]I look broke baby - You got flash我看来一文不值,宝贝-而你却是亮点[00:15.33]But even so we"re a perfect match.但是尽管如此 我们却是一对绝配 [00:19.44][00:22.54]You"re into fashion, dinners, and art你进入流行,晚宴,和艺术,[00:24.90]I know the "South Park Series" by heart我了解"南方公园"系列[00:25.88]You conversate baby - I talk trash你考虑周到-我说垃圾话[00:27.98]But even so we"re a perfect match.但是尽管如此 我们依然是一对绝配 [00:28.55][00:30.58](Let the girls sing让女孩唱歌)[00:31.11]We"re like night and day - White and black我们就像夜间和日间-白色和黑色[00:31.57]But what we have is a perfect match但是我们依是绝配 [00:32.24]When I say this - You say that当我说这个,你说那个[00:32.49]But love comes easy "cause opposites attract但爱情来得容易因为异性相吸.[00:32.76][00:33.05](Aaaatract)[00:34.22]You keep your clothes looking crispy and clean (So clean)你把你衣服保持的干净利落[00:34.44]I got holes all over my jeans而我的牛仔裤上全是洞洞[00:34.63]You love "Grease" baby - I love "Snatch"你的爱"油脂"宝宝-我爱"抢夺"(这句译得好奇怪)[00:34.82]But even so we"re a perfect match.但是尽管如此 我们依然是一对绝配 [00:35.03][00:35.26]We"re like night and day - White and black我们就像夜间和日间-白色和黑色[00:35.48]But what we have is a perfect match但是尽管如此 我们依然是一对绝配 [00:35.67]When I say this - You say that当我说这个,你说那个[00:35.89]But love comes easy "cause opposites attraaaaact.我们会打败常规而在一起[00:36.15][00:36.37]I know - we"ll beat the odds together,我知道,我们会打败常规而在一起[00:36.60]We"ll keep our love intact - And prove that opposites attract.我们会完美无缺的保存我们的爱情,证明异性相吸[00:36.89][00:37.50](The Girls sing)[00:37.95]Ah-Oh-oh wo-woh.[00:38.36][00:38.55](The Boys go)[00:38.73]Ah-Oh-oh, oh-oh.[00:38.89][00:39.04]You spend your money on diamonds and pearls[00:39.18]I"d sell my car to travel the world,[00:39.34]You love "Grease" baby - I love "Snatch"[00:39.50]But that would make us a perfect maaaaaaaatch.[00:39.67][00:39.85]We"re like night and day - White and black[00:40.03]But what we have is a perfect match -[00:40.25](We"re like) Night and day - White and black[00:40.44]But what we have is a perfect match[00:40.65]When I say this - You say that[00:40.85]But what we have is a perfect match[00:41.06]Like night and day - White and black[00:41.27]([00:41.48]But what we have is a perfect match[00:41.71]([00:41.91]When I say this - You say that[00:42.13]([00:42.32]But what we have is a perfect match[00:42.51]([00:42.70]Like night and day - White and black[00:42.90]But what we have is a perfect match[00:43.10](What we have is a perfect match together)[00:43.31]When I say this - You say that[00:43.53]([00:43.72]But love comes easy "cause opposites attract[00:43.90]([00:44.08]Attract[00:44.25]Attract[00:44.43]Attract
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