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《堂吉诃德》(读音tánɡ jí hē dé)原名《奇情异想的绅士堂吉诃德·台·拉·曼》,作者在序言中申明:“这部书只不过是对于骑士文学[3]的一种讽刺”,目的在于“把骑士文学地盘完全摧毁”。但实际上,这部作品的社会意义超过了作者的主观意图。在这将近一百万言的作品中,出现了西班牙在16世纪和17世纪初的整个社会,公爵、公爵夫人、封建地主、僧侣、牧师、兵士、手艺工人、牧羊人、农民,不同阶级的男男女女约七百个人物,尖锐地、全面地批判了这一时期封建西班牙的政治、法律、道德、宗教、文学、艺术以及私有财产制度,使它成为一部“行将灭亡的骑士阶级的史诗”,一部伟大的现实主义文学名著。 作品主人公堂吉诃德是一个不朽的典型人物。书中写道,这个瘦削的、面带愁容的小贵族,由于爱读骑士文学,入了迷,竟然骑上一匹瘦弱的老马洛稷南提,找到了一柄生了锈的长矛,戴着破了洞的头盔,要去游侠,除强扶弱,为人民打抱不平。他雇了附近的农民桑丘·潘沙做侍从,骑了驴儿跟在后面。堂吉诃德又把邻村的一个挤奶姑娘想像为他的女恩主,给她取了名字叫托波索之达辛尼娅。于是他以一个未受正式封号的骑士身份出去找寻冒险事业,他完全失掉对现实的感觉而沉入了漫无边际的幻想中,唯心地对待一切,处理一切,因此一路闯了许多祸,吃了许多亏,闹了许多笑话,然而一直执迷不悟。他把乡村客店当做城堡,把老板当做寨主,硬要老板封他为骑士。店老板乐得捉弄他一番,拿记马料账的本子当《圣经》,用堂吉诃德的刀背在他肩膀上着实打了两下,然后叫一个补鞋匠的女儿替他挂刀。受了封的骑士堂·吉诃德走出客店把旋转的风车当做巨人,冲上去和它大战一场,弄得遍体鳞伤。他把羊群当做军队,冲上去厮杀,被牧童用石子打肿了脸面,打落了牙齿。桑丘·潘沙一再纠正他,他总不信。他又把一个理发匠当做武士,给予迎头痛击,把胜利取得的铜盆当做有名的曼布里诺头盔。他把一群罪犯当做受迫害的绅士,杀散了押役救了他们,要他们到村子里找女恩主去道谢,结果反被他们打成重伤。他的朋友想了许


去做那不可能的梦想 去和那打不败的敌人战斗 承担那无法承受的哀愁 奔向那勇者们都不敢前去的地方 去改正那无法修正的错误 从远处献上纯洁的爱 在你的双臂都已疲累的时候继续努力 伸手去探取那遥不可及的星星 这就是我的理想 去追寻那颗星星 不论希望多麽渺茫 不论路途有多遥远 没有疑惑 永不休止的为正义而战斗 为了天赋的使命 即使被打入地狱也心甘情愿 而我知道 只要我忠於这璀璨的梦想 当我被安葬的时候 我的心将会宁静祥和 而世界也将变得更加美好 因为有个备受责难满身创伤的人 仍然在拼着他最后一丝的勇气 去探取那遥不可及的星星


"Don Quixote" in the novel the hero formerly known as Jiao Alun Suojihada is a township-kun, he read the then popular novel knights of society into the fan, and he is trying to imitate knight go Ranger. From his well-known antiquities in, find a pair of run-down incomplete armor, Don Quixote Delamanqia own name, but also identified a servant Sancho, and a neighboring village milking girl, named Du Erxiniya, as the service of a loved one whom his life. Then ride a skinny horse, away from home. Don Quixote is also, according to his mind the idea of the eccentric act to windmill as a giant, the sheep as the enemy, the victims of slave labor as a knight, a giant head as a wine bag, regardless of indiscriminate, hack chaos kill, sudden, many ridiculous things, his actions not only with people useless, and he is suffering a beating. After his last home bedridden, dying only understand the situation. He intestate, the only heir niece, such as married Knight, on the abolition of their right to inheritance. At first glance, "Don Quixote", I think it"s just a ridiculous vulgarity of making, ownership neurotic "brave spirit" of the performance of most vividly in the book, people increasingly despised him. But a careful look, and felt that the book implies a kind of truth. The nature of people"s most basic goal is to own desperate to make it happen. In the realization of the process, who super-skinny like a root-like sorghum bachelor knight-errant, who Strange Alliance Pina gentleman, always reflecting his integrity, good nature, it is humanity"s most noble spirit, because it is too simple, and only sudden, a number of jokes. Miguel de Cervantes wrote "Don Quixote", the for the hit satire fabrications, the circumstances are bizarre people in the Knights of the novel and its adverse impact. Had intended to write a few short stories, was written was written, his own life experiences and ideals have written into their ideological content becomes richer and more realistic characters, until the Spanish society to the people portrayed disasters brought into Spain at that time that we understand and study the social, political, economic, cultural and customs of an encyclopedia. Miguel de Cervantes in "Don Quixote" in one hand and commented on the problems and expose and criticize the social evils on the one hand praised getting rid of punishing evil and promoting good, helping the poor and weak economic virtues, extolling the gold century style social ideals and goals . All these are common human feelings, it can pass through time and space, for every age, every nation has a sense of reality. Separated by four centuries later, is still moving forward to every reader. "Don Quixote" and appeared in nearly 700 personal objects, describe a very broad picture of life, true and comprehensive reflection of the late 16th century to the early 17th century Spain, the feudal social reality and expose the decline of the Kingdom of Spain is moving toward a variety of conflict, condemning the aristocratic class, shameless, weal and woe of the people expressed their deep sympathy. I thought: It is for this reason that prompted this work by the world in 54 countries and regions, 100 authors selected to become the best classic literature classics




Don Quixote is a Spanish Raman gentleman was a poor place. He was 50 years old, "thin build, clear failure of the face," Knight love reading novels, full of mind is full of some magic ah, contest ah, war ah, love, ah, the pain 呀 so preposterous story. He also is very antiquated and that the books are written true. So he aspire to the impossible, you want to be a knight-errant, "the eradication of all acts of violence, undertake all kinds of hardships and dangers in the future every success industry has, we can pass the name through the ages." He put down a set of ancestral armor-breaking to find out, wipe another rub, face a bad, he used a cardboard Bushang Yi. His family has a skinny horse, he gave it a nicely played the name of "l southwest of Cairo and more", meaning "was originally an inferior horse, and now is a horse in the first." In accordance with the habit of knights, in addition to Macedonian, but also choose a loved one. He selected a farm girl neighboring village Al east sand Tuobo Suo. He gave her named Dursi Nene, which means "sweet, gentle." He also made the rifles, leaving for arm shields, as if like a knight of the. He has to go out three times the record straight. There have been many experiences, and trouble a lot of jokes.