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taken literally

不曾需要从字面去理解. 1 be meant to do sth ------需要做某事 2 take sth literally ------按照字面去理解sth

it wasnt meant to be taken literally 求解!


There was once a young ballerina who had taken ballet lessons all through her childhood

There was once a young ballerina who had taken ballet lessons all through her childhood. She wanted to be a prima ballet dancer but she wanted to be sure that she had the talent. When a ballet company came to town, she went backstage after the performance and spoke to the ballet master.“I want to be a great ballet dancer but I don"t know if I had the talent,” she said.“Dance for me,” the master said. After a minute or two, he shook his head and said “No, no, no, you don"t have what it takes to be a great ballerina.”The young woman went home heartbroken. She tossed the ballet slippers into the closet and never wore them again. Instead she got married, had children. When the kids are old enough, she took a part time job operating a cash register at a corner shop.Years later, the same ballet company came into town. She attended it and on the way out, she ran into the same old ballet master who was then in his eighties. She reminded him that they had spoken before. She showed him photos of her children and told him about the corner shop job that she was doing. And then she asked, “There is just one thing that really bothers me. How could you tell me that I don"t have what it takes to be a great ballerina?”“Oh, I barely look at you when you danced, that"s what I told all of them who came to me,” he said.“But…but, that"s unforgivable! You have ruined my life, I could have been a great ballet dancer!” she cried.Pause. Hi, readers. At this point, I would like you to pause and think for a while if the old ballet master was right. Let"s continue the story.“No, no…I don"t think so. If you have what it takes, you wouldn"t have paid any attention to what I said.” responded the old ballet master.Well, whose fault is it anyway?Never, never, never give in whatever you do. --Sir Winston Churchill There was once a young ballerina who had taken ballet lessons all through her childhood. She wanted to be a prima ballet dancer but she wanted to be sure that she had the talent. When a ballet company came to town, she went backstage after the performance and spoke to the ballet master.“I want to be a great ballet dancer but I don"t know if I had the talent,” she said.“Dance for me,” the master said. After a minute or two, he shook his head and said “No, no, no, you don"t have what it takes to be a great ballerina.”The young woman went home heartbroken. She tossed the ballet slippers into the closet and never wore them again. Instead she got married, had children. When the kids are old enough, she took a part time job operating a cash register at a corner shop.Years later, the same ballet company came into town. She attended it and on the way out, she ran into the same old ballet master who was then in his eighties. She reminded him that they had spoken before. She showed him photos of her children and told him about the corner shop job that she was doing. And then she asked, “There is just one thing that really bothers me. How could you tell me that I don"t have what it takes to be a great ballerina?”“Oh, I barely look at you when you danced, that"s what I told all of them who came to me,” he said.“But…but, that"s unforgivable! You have ruined my life, I could have been a great ballet dancer!” she cried.

the nickname is already taken是什么意思


the nickname is already taken是什么意思?

the nickname is already taken是指:你目前使用的昵称已经被别人使用。在用来联机的minecraftSP一开始的名字输入界面换个名字再登陆试试?这个提示是指你所登陆的名字已经被别人用了,一般提示这句的时候,就是让你在重新换一个昵称使用。



英语专业的语法高手说说the rate below which inflation has taken off in the past.语法是怎么回事

老师说的是对的,——the rate是指the natural rate of unemployment,below which作为定语修饰the rate, 意为:当(现实的失业率)低于此时就会发生通货膨胀的百分率

用英语怎么说:摆脱困境和责任和感到吃惊 off the hook & taken aback (274)

下载音频李华气喘吁吁地来接Larry 。李华今天要学两个常用语,off the hook和taken aback. LL: Hey, I was about to call you. I was worried something happened to you, because youu2019re really late! LH: 实在对不起Larry, 路上出了点事。 LL: Oh, thatu2019s a good thing in your case! In this situation, off the hook means that you will not be punished for a rule or agreement you violated. The phrase off the hook can also mean that a person is relieved of an unwanted responsibility. LH: 哦,我明白了,off the hook就是脱身,或是摆脱责任的意思。怪不得那个警察说,Iu2019ll let you off the hook with a warning.就是说警告一下,下次注意就行了。 LL: Yeah. Letu2019s get in the car. Donu2019t speed, because you might not be let off the hook this time if an officer catches you! LL: Sure! Youu2019re doing me a favor anyway. Letu2019s get to the car mechanicu2019s shop and see if he fixed the company car my boss lent me for this weekendu2019s business trip. LH: 对啊,最好别让你老板知道公司的车现在正在修车铺里。Youu2019ll be off the hook if your car is fixed. LL: Can you think of any other time that youu2019ve been let off the hook? The last time my boss let me off the hook was hmmm Never! LH: Hahaha! 别急,Larry, 五点以前我们肯定能赶到修车行。 ******LL: Well, it looks like Iu2019m NOT off the hook. My car wonu2019t be ready until next Monday. LL: He ignored me for five minutes, and then I finally yelled excuse me, could I have some service, please? I was really taken aback by his rudeness. LH: Taken aback? 他干嘛推你啊?我们可以告他们! LL: No. u2018Taken abacku2019 means surprised or shocked by something. I was really surprised by his rudeness, because he ignored me even though I was the only customer in the store. LL: Itu2019s ok. He told me that the caru2019s engine needs to be completely redone. It doesnu2019t matter how fast he goes, because he needs to order new parts for replacement. LH: 哦,原来是发动机坏了,要先去买零件,怪不得要那么长时间。Well, Iu2019m taken aback by this whole situation. LL: Iu2019m taken aback by the mechanicu2019s behavior AND the terrible situation Iu2019m in. LH: 我有个主意。要不咱们去租辆车。这样一来,等你老板发现后,就不会那么生气了。 LL: Thatu2019s true. Heu2019ll still be taken aback, but not as much, because Iu2019ll still have a car to use for my business trip this weekend. LH: 快五点了,我们赶紧去租车。 LL: Thanks a lot, Lihua. Iu2019m really taken aback by your kindness! LL: (Laughing) No, itu2019s just that you have gone to a lot of trouble today to help me get out of this horrible situation! LH: 别客气。那我在车里等,你快进去租车吧! LL: (Out of breath) Ok. It looks like Iu2019m off the hook for the weekend u2013 I got the last rental car available. LH: 太棒了,周末开车出去要注意安全噢! 天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是off the hook,指摆脱困境和责任。另一个是taken aback,指感到吃惊。

Man has just taken his first step into space.怎么翻译?


Can you tell me a good place____a holiday? A.take B.to taking C.to take D. taken


Got it、Heard it、Made it、Taken it分别是什么意思?

Got it、Heard it、Taken it都为明白,知道了Made it为成功

a photo of my family This is a photo of my family.It was taken in the Ocean Park by a tourist last


下面这句话中“must have taken”是虚拟语气的用法么?“must”可以用作为构成虚拟语气的情态动词么?

不是。虚拟语气是说 想象。 判定/推断(estimation)和想象(imagination)不同, 是完全区分的概念, 判断是根据实际条件/正常情况来的,想象是根据虚假条件/极不可能的情况来的。那么这些 组合 都有 两种用法 表示 判断 或者 是想象。 我们可以用 情态动词+have+done 推断(could have,should have,might have,may have)/判定(would have,must have)过去的情况,此时依据的是 真实条件/正常情况。也可以用它们来进行 想象,此时依据的条件是 虚假的 if clause,without,或者是有转折的条件but..., 这时候就会和真实情况产生违背,因为只有不同 才会去想象。用你的话做个例子I thought you must have finished your home work last night.说这句话你是根据正常情况来判定的话,那他极大概率是完成了。此时叫判定(推断)又比如 10 years ago i would have been a little girl. (判定) 这明显是和事实符合的。如果是根据 虚假条件,转折条件,这就会和现实相违背。I thought you must have finished your home work last night if u had not been taken out by ur sister. 此时这就叫想象。当然并不是所有的话,都必须有 if 什么的,但是通过当时情景 可以知道 他说这句话是什么意思。 比如she would have apologized to u. 这句话,你打电话和对方说,表示你根据正常情况判断,她会跟你道歉,现实是 她很大概率确实道歉了,也有可能没道歉。但是 这个 “she”要是死了走丢了,此时你说这句话的含义是,你在想象一个虚假的条件she woulda apologized to u (if she were here/ if she were still alive). 这就是现实里 她并没道歉。其实我很不清楚 为什么很多人说话 用到 这些 组合的时候 总是会在乎 客观是不是真的发生了。完全没有关系

英语问法 is this seat taken? 还是does this seat ta


Is this seat taken是什么意思

Is this seat taken 这位子有人坐吗;这位子有人吗;这个位子有人坐吗例句筛选1.bargaining fee Excuse me, is this seat taken?对不起,这个座位有人坐吗?2.Honami : Excuse me , is this seat taken ?打扰了,这个座位有人吗?

consequently,some measures should be taken to。

综上所述,我建议要采取一些措施 因此,要解决这个问题,一定得采取一些措施

被取代是用has taken over还是用has been take over?

应该用have been taken over,因为你的意思含有被动的意味,应该用现在完成时的被动结构,即have been done。

Great changes have been taken place in the way people communicate with each other. In the past ...


a multi-directional opening-up pattern has,by and large, taken shape in china 改写简单句并分析语法

Generally speaking,China has made up a multi-directional opening-up patter. 大体上而言,中国已经形成了多方位的开放体系。 主语为pattern

to do 不定式主动表被动的用法 比如他很容易受骗 He is easy to take in. OR. He is easy to be taken in

同学们都知道动词不定式有主动式和被动式,即 “ to do和 to be done” 之分,但在实际使用中常有用主动形式表示被动含义的情况,比如:1). I have a lot of housework to do today.2). There are so many types of computers for you to choose.3). I think English is not so hard to learn.上述三例中的不定式与其前面的名词之间都存有被动关系,但是都用了不定式的主动式表示被动意义。那么究竟在哪些情行下可用不定式的主动表示被动呢?1. 动词不定式的逻辑主语在句子中出现或暗含在句中如:a. We have many difficulties to overcome.b. Give him some storybooks to read.c. They didn"t think that a proper measure (for them) to take.d. He is not easy (for anyone) to persuade.e. With so many trees to plant, he got up at 5 o"clock the next morning.注意:若句子的主语并非不定式的逻辑主语时,不定式则必须用被动式如:a. I"ll go to New York. Have you anything to be taken to your wife there?b. I have no letter to be typed. Thank you all the same.c. “Have you any clothes to be washed, sir?” asked the maid.a句中take的逻辑主语为I而不是you ; b句中type的逻辑主语是you 而不是I;c句中wash的逻辑主语是 maid 而不是I。2. 在 Sth. / Sb. + adj. + to do 结构中, 若形容词为:easy, difficult, hard, heavy, light, good, nice, pleasant, comfortable, fit, dangerous, interesting, important等等如:The river is dangerous to swim in.The box is too heavy for the boy to carry.The room is comfortable to live in.The problem is difficult to work out.当上述形容词在句中作宾语补足语,后接不定式时,不定式也用主动表被动如: I found him easy to get along with.They don"t think the game interesting to play.3. There be 句型中,用来修饰主语的不定式多用主动式如:There"s nothing to do now. ( = We have nothing to do now)There"s nothing to see. ( nothing worth seeing)注意: 若用不定式的被动式,则表示不同的含义比较:There"s nothing to be done. (= We can do nothing now)There"s nothing to be seen. ( nothing there at all)而 to let, to blame, to seek等不定式,多以主动式表被动意义如:This flat is to let.I am to blame for it.
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