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take it easy是什么意思


take esay还是take it esay,


take it easy经典语录

Take It Easy是20世纪七十年代美国著名乡村摇滚乐队Eagles(老鹰乐队)的第一支单曲,由Jackson Browne和乐队吉他手Glenn Frey创作,为乐队早期代表作之一,也被看做是乐队的成名曲。歌曲歌词Well, I"ve been running down the road我已行到路的尽头tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负I"ve got seven women on my mind:我的心里有七位女人four that wanna" hold me,四位想把我留在她们身边two that wanna" stone me,两位恨得要扔我石头and one says she"s a friend of mine.还有一位说她是我的朋友Take it easy....放轻松Take it easy....放轻松Don"t let the sound of your own wheels不要让你心里回响的声音之轮drive you crazy.使你疯狂make you crazy.使你疯狂Lighten up while you still can在你还可以的时候轻松应对一切吧don"t even try to understand.甚至不要去穷究追问Just find a place to make your stand, and只需找到你的立足之地,然后Take it easy....放轻松Well, I was standin" on a corner我站在一个角落里in Winslow, Arizona,在Arizona的Winslowsuch a fine sight to see....在看一幅美景It"s a girl, my Lord是一个女孩,我的上帝啊in a flatbed Ford,在一辆敞篷福特里slowin" down to take a look at me.缓速经过为了看我一眼Come on, baby...过来呀,亲爱的Don"t say maybe...不要说也许I gotta" know if your sweet loveis gonna" save me.我知道你甜蜜的爱情可以拯救我We may lose and we may win,我们或聚或离but we"ll never be here again.但是永不能再邂逅此地So, open up by climbin" in, so所以敞开心灵接受我Take it easy....放轻松Well, I"ve been running down the road,我已行到路的尽头tryin" to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负Got a world of trouble on my mind.烦乱的世界缠绕在我的心头I"m lookin" for a lover,我在寻找一个爱人who won"t blow my cover.她不会揭去我的遮掩She"s so hard to find.她是如此难以寻找Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo.....Oooo....Oh, we"ve got it easy我们轻松应对We ought to take it easy.我们必须放轻松

请问有没有“take a easy"这个词组?

只有take it easy没有什么take a easy/take an ease的歇一下是take a break / have a rest

流行美语第342课:take it easy

李华前段时间通过了驾驶执照的考试, 现在可以自己开车了。迈可也坐在她的车里,从他们二人的对话中,李华学到了两个常用语: take it easy和to chew out.   L: 考完试了,现在有了驾照真好。我觉得我能够去任何地方,做 任何想做的事了。   M: I know what you mean. American kids feel the same way when they turn 16 and get their licenses. Too bad you don"t have a car.   L: 那有什么关系,我可以跟你借啊,对不对?哎呀 Hey! What do you think you are doing? Do you want to be killed? Michael,你看那个 骑自行车的孩子,我差点儿撞了他!   M: Hey, hey, take it easy Li Hua! You really scared that kid. He looked really scared.   L: Michael, 你刚才说什么?什么easy?   M: I said take it easy! That means you need to calm down, not get too excited.   L: Take it easy? Take it easy是冷静下来,别太气了的意思? Take是T- A-K-E. It是I-T. Easy是E-A-S-Y,对吧?   M: Yes, you"ve got it. That boy was almost in a very bad accident, and he was startled. You don"t need to make him feel worse.   L: 你说的不错,看样子他都快哭了。   M: Hey, Li Hua, you"re going to be driving on your own soon. I hope you learn to take it easy and not get angry at everyone.   L: 你说的对。要是我冷静开车的话,也许我的车会开的更好。   M: I"m sure you will. You just finished a difficult test. You should take it easy. Let"s go get some lunch, my treat.   L: 你要请客啊?行,我是应该放松放松了。 我要好好享受今天剩 下的时间。   M: Man, Li Hua, you really chewed that kid out.   L: 你指的是刚才骑车的那个小孩?你说我对他怎么了?   M: You chewed him out! I mean you yelled and got angry at him. Chewed, C-H-E-W-E-D; Out, O-U-T.   L: 噢,你是说我发脾气大骂了那个孩子,是吧?   M: That"s right. If someone gets angry and yells at you, and starts criticizing your behavior, they are chewing you out.   L: 原来如此,我也不知道为什么我大骂那个小孩,大概是当时我也 害怕的缘故。   M: Are you upset about something else? You seem to have a bad temper today.   L: 我是有点气,因为昨天刘教授对我生气。因为我该教中文的课, 我去晚了五分钟。刘教授就对我大发脾气。   M: That"s too bad. I don"t like being chewed out like that either. Especially when I know I was wrong.   L: Hey, 那可不是我的错,我自行车的链子又脱落了。 为什么发生 这类事情你总是怪我?   M: Hey, take it easy, Li Hua! Don"t chew me out! I was talking about myself, not you.   L: 我的天,是我不对,不知道我今天是怎么回事。我想跟每个人 发脾气。   M: You must be stressed. First, Professor Liu chewed you out, then you almost ran over the kid on the bike.   L: 你说的对,我真不该对任何人都发脾气。我应该开开心心的。   M: At least you should be happier than I am. Yesterday, my roommate chewed me out. He said I always make a mess in the living room, and he is tired of cleaning up after me.   L: 也许你是把房子弄得很乱,可是你室友也不该对你发脾气啊。   M: He was right, though. I really need to get rid of my bad habits.   今天李华学到了两个常用语,一个是Take it easy,意思是冷静下来,或者放轻松些。另一个是to chew out,意思是发脾气骂人。

take you easy是什么意思?


take it easy是什么意思


take it easy是什么意思


take everything easy


take it easy 是什么意思


take it easy是什么意思


take it easy什么意思


take it easy是什么意思


Take it easy 中文意思是? 一次搞懂叫人「放松、轻松」的英文说法!

Take it easy 的中文意思是指放松、休息的意思,叫你别太拼命,英文相似字是relax。如果有人对你说take it easy这句英文,就是叫你要放轻松点的意思。 下面列举出几个take it easy的英文例句,赶快学起来,下次就会罗! 1. take it easy 放松、休息 take it easy 是叫人放松、轻松点的意思,通常会频繁用在平辈之间,而不是对长辈或是晚辈。 例: A: Well, I"m done. I"m heading home. 我做完了,我要回家了。 B:Any plans? 有任何计画吗? A:Dinner with the family and some NBA. 跟家人吃晚餐看NBA B:Sounds nice! Take it easy~ 听起来不错,放松点吧~ A:You, too! 你也是 例:Tom decided to take it easy this weekend and put off working on the house. 汤姆决定这周好好放松休息,不在家忙工作了~ take it easy, take it easy 中文, take it easy 中文意思, take it easy 意思, take it easy 用法, take it easy 翻译, take it easy 英文例句, take it easy 英文片语, 放松 英文, 轻松 英文

主语为不定代词anyhody的问句如何回答? eg:Can anybody take bo

Yes, I can.

take it easy的中文翻译

take it easy的中文意思是:不要着急;轻松一点;不要激动。take it easy的咧句有:"People are generally being given bad advice to slow down. Take it easy, stop worrying, and retire to Florida," he says.“人们常常听到一些错误的建议,建议你慢下来,但你可以放轻松,别担忧,然后到佛罗里达退休。”他说。

take love easy什么意思


take easy


take easy省略it对不对


wear,take,easy 三个单词中,哪个不同类

easy 不同,是形容词

take everything easy是什么意思




take easy中文意思可以解释为什么?

别着急 慢慢来

take easy是什么意思




take it that 什么意思

take it that…的意思与用法take it that...的意思是“假定……”“猜想……”“认为……”。如:I take it that we are to leave early. 我想我们动身会很早的。I take it that you won"t be working tomorrow. 我觉得你明天不会工作了。I take it that neither of you reads ‘The Times". 我觉得你们俩都不读《泰晤士报》。“I take it that you won"t be back for lunch,” she said as they left.“我想你们不会回来吃午饭了吧。”他们离开时她说道。有时可以省略 that。如:I take it you"re a friend of the Kellings, Mr Burr. 伯尔先生,想必您是凯林家的朋友吧?另外,有时还可以单独使用,起类似插入语的作用。如:You speak French, I take it? 我想你会说法语吧?“You"ve no objection, I take it?”“Of course not.” “我猜你不会反对吧?”“当然不。”

有一个英文歌 第一句歌词是 Hoep when you take that jump

La la la la啦啦啦啦La la la la啦啦啦啦La la la la啦啦啦啦La la la la啦啦啦啦Mustard on the beat啦啦啦啦Uh, tell "em where I"m from嗯 告诉他们我来自哪里Finger on the pump make the sixth straight jump from SoCal疯狂加速 从南加州连续六次加速Hollywood to the slums到好莱坞贫民窟Chronic smoke get burnt by the California sun长期吸烟的我被加州的太阳炙烤着On the west side east coast where you at在西海岸 东海岸的你在哪里Just got to New York like a gnat on a jet刚到纽约 就像飞机上的小昆虫To London, to Brazil, to Quebec到伦敦,到巴西,魁北克Like the whole damn world took effect to Ferg像整个世界都受到Ferg的影响Tell "em告诉他们Lay back, slow down躺下 慢慢说Better represent when we come to your town我们来到 能更好的代表你的城市Lay back, slow down躺下 慢慢说Whatchu represent when we come to your town我们来到 能更好的代表你的城市Say说吧 Get in with the business有关生意的事I"ma be there in a minute我会在一分钟内I just booked a pilot"s ticket订一张巴黎的机票Thinking Russia need a visit想着俄罗斯需要访问I"ma run it to the limit我会极速奔过去And be on my way to Venice去威尼斯L.A. got the people saying la la la la la洛杉矶说着Brooklyn saying la la la la la布鲁克林说着Halcyon saying la la la la la大庄园说着 啦啦啦啦Vegas saying la la la la la拉斯维加斯说着 啦啦啦啦Rio saying la la la la la里约说着 啦啦啦啦Tokyo saying la la la la la东京说着 啦啦啦啦Down under saying la la la la la舞台下的人说着 啦啦啦啦Miami saying la la la la la迈阿密说着 啦啦啦啦Jamaica牙买加 Every city, every state, every country you know每个城市 每个州 你知道的每个国家All around the globe全世界Every city, every state, every country you know每个城市 每个州 你知道的每个国家This is how we go就是这样 Uh tell em where I"m at我们如何去From the plaques to the uh uh嗯,告诉他们我在的地方Everything fat每块脂肪Got Motorola on a track步行去马斯塔德My girls all stack我女孩们成堆When I roll down the window, let me know where you"re当我摇下车窗 让我知道你在哪里Atlanta, North South kick it "lac亚特兰大北部Texas grill, Cadillacs through Miami then back德州 凯迪拉克在迈阿密然后回来To London, Jamaica then France到伦敦,牙买加,然后法国The whole damn world took effect to Ferg, tell"em整个世界都受到Ferg的影响 告诉他们Lay back, slow down躺下 慢慢说Better represent when we come to your town我们来到 能更好的代表你的城市Lay back, slow down躺下 慢慢说What u represent when we come to your town我们来到 能更好的代表你的城市Say说吧Get em with the business有关生意的事When I come from Kansas City我来自堪萨斯城Hit manila till its Christmas圣诞节我将突袭马尼拉Out to India I"ll visit我将访问印度Puerto Rico is exquisite波多黎各是精致的Bring my people back to Venice带我的人回到威尼斯L.A got the people saying la la la la la洛杉矶人说着啦啦啦啦Moscow, saying, la la la la la莫斯科说着啦啦啦啦Espa a, la la la la la西班牙说着啦啦啦啦Kingston, saying la la la la la金斯敦说着啦啦啦啦San Diego saying la la la la la圣地亚哥说着啦啦啦啦Chi-Town saying la la la la la慈圣镇说着啦啦啦啦Germany, saying la la la la la德国说着啦啦啦啦La Punta saying la la la la la拉朋地说着啦啦啦啦Ibiza比沙岛Every city, every state, every country you know每个城市 每个州 你知道的每个国家All around the globe全世界Every city, every state, every country you know每个城市 每个州 你知道的每个国家This is how we go就是这样Every city, every state, every country you know每个城市 每个州 你知道的每个国家All around the globe全世界Every city, every state, every country you know每个城市 每个州 你知道的每个国家This is how we go就是这样L.A got the people saying la la la la la拉斯维加斯的人们说着 啦啦啦啦Amsterdam, saying, la la la la la阿姆斯特丹说着 啦啦啦啦Frisco saying, la la la la la里斯科说着 啦啦啦啦Switzerland saying, la la la la la瑞士说着 啦啦啦啦Sao Paulo saying, la la la la la保罗说着 啦啦啦啦Dubai saying, la la la la la翰内斯堡说着 啦啦啦啦Mexico saying, la la la la la墨西哥说着 啦啦啦啦Stockholm saying, la la la la la斯德哥尔摩说着 啦啦啦啦Jamaica牙买加You on that Cali shit你在卡利Profit feel whatever感觉不错You like to like it你喜欢这样We like seeing it我们让这合法化Yes you can join us now是的,你现在可以加入我们We like to love it我们就是喜欢这样We like to love it我们就是喜欢这样We like to love it我们就是喜欢这样



how do you take that和what do you take that都表示“你怎么认为”的意思吗?


Take that 的 What is Love 中文歌词`


回答It will take后面直接加时间可以吗

可以。It will take three days to hook up our computer system to the university"s. 我需要三天把我的计算机系统与大学的计算机系统相连接。

patience {take that唱的}中英文歌词

TakeThat-Patience  Justhavealittlepatience只是需要些耐心  I"mstillhurtingfromaloveIlost,我还在为失去的爱而伤心  I"mfeelingyourfrustration.我能感到你的失望  Anyminuteallthepainwillstop.这痛苦随时可能停止  Justholdmecloseinsideyourarmstonight,今晚就将我拥入怀中吧  don"tbetoohardonmyemotions在感情上别对我太狠  CauseIneedtime.因为我需要时间  Myheartisnumb,hasnofeeling.我的心麻木了,没有感觉  SowhileI"mstillhealing,所以当我还在疗伤时  Justtryandhavealittlepatience.继续尝试多点耐心  Ireallywannastartoveragain,我真的想重新开始  Iknowyouwannabemysalvation.我知道你想成为我的救助者  TheonethatIcanalwaysdepend.那个我可以永远依靠的人  I"lltrytobestrong.Believeme,我会试着坚强,相信我  I"mtryingtomoveon,我要继续前行  It"scomplicatedbutunderstandme.虽然复杂但请理解我  Yeah,havealittlepatience,Yeah是的,多点耐心,是啊  Causethesescarsrunsodeep,因为这些伤痕如此深刻  It"sbeenhard,挺难  ButIhavetobelieve.但是我有信心  Havealittlepatience,请给点耐心  Havealittlepatience,给点耐心  Woah,CauseI,Ijustneedtime,喔,因为我,我只是需要时间  Myheartisnumbhasnofeeling,我的心还在麻木,毫无知觉  SowhileI"mstillhealing,所以在我疗伤时  justtry,andhavealittlepatience,就试试吧,多点耐心

take that的how deep is your love的MV什么时候拍的


take that-SOS中文歌词

英文下翻译的中文Save oursouls we"re splitting atoms拯救我们的灵魂我们的分裂原子Go tell Eve and go tell Adam去告诉亚当和夏娃Liberate your sons and daughters解放你的儿女 Some are gods and some are monsters有些是神,有些是怪物We"ll get a five minute warning for divine intervention我们准备为提升我们的精神控制下一个五分钟的预警With the satellites falling prepare for ascension在卫星坠落前准备提升为神under mind control在精神控制下We"ll be practising our politics我们将练习我们的政治 Defending all our policies保卫我们所有的政策 Preparing for apocalypse准备为启示Don"t let the hungry serpent see you no不要让饥饿的蛇再见到你No, no, no, no, no不,不,不,不,不 She"ll let you fall asleep then eat you whole她会让你睡着,然后吃你的整体 It"s like a bullet to the head它就像一颗子弹的头部 It"s an SOS, it"s an SOS, oh yes, oh yes, it"s an SOS这是一个求救信号,它是一种求救,哦是的,哦是的,这是一个求救信号 It"s an SOS, it"s an SOS, like a bullet in the head, it"s an SOS这是一个求救信号,它是一种求救,就像一颗子弹在头脑中的,这是一个求救信号 When the levee breaks当大堤决口 And Manhattan sinks与曼哈顿衰退 There won"t be water fit to drink不会有水适合饮用 When the winter"s warm当冬季的温暖And the summer"s cold和夏季的寒冷 The poison stops you looking old停止找到你的毒药 You"l get a five second warning for divine intervention你就会得到一个神圣的五秒干预警告And the satellites are falling prepare for ascension与正在下降的卫星提升做准备 As the earth looks on由于地球在一旁看着 The odds or probability可能出现的几率 Of losing all capacity失去了所有的能力To fun 是有趣的

Take That 的《Like I Never loved you at all》的中文歌词

Where, where are the stars?在哪裏,星星在哪裏The one that we used to call ours那些我们曾经说是我们的Can"t imagine it now现在想像不到We used to laugh til we fell down我们曾大笑直到我们都倒下The secrets we had, now in the past我们的秘密已成过去From something to nothing, tell me从一些事到没有任何事,告诉我How did we lose our way?我们怎麼会变成这样It"s hard to remember, all that we shared很难记起,我们分享过的一切Now we both have seperate lives现在我们都有不一样的生活From lovers to strangers, now alone从爱人到陌生人,现在变成孤独一人There"s no one catching my fall没有人知道我的不开心No one to hear my call没有人听我的倾诉It"s like I never loved you at all就像我不曾爱你你Now you"re so far away现在你在那麼远And I see our stars is fading而我们的星在变暗了One too many times太多的第一次Guess it just got tired of waiting around猜想只是等得很累了The night that we thought,我们所想的那一夜if these walls could talk如果这些墙都可以说话From something to nothing, tell me从一些事到没有任何事,告诉我How did we lose our way?我们怎麼走到这一步It"s hard to remember, all that we shared很难记起,我们分享过的一切Now we both have seperate lives现在我们都有不一样的生活From lovers to strangers, now alone从爱人到陌生人,现在变成孤独一人There"s no one catching my fall没有人知道我的不开心No one to hear my call没有人听我的倾诉It"s like I never loved you at all就像我不曾爱你你So now does he give you love那麼现在他爱你吗(Oh) Is it only me now that"s thinking of,只有我在想这些吗what we had and what we were我们有些什麼我们是什麼(Oh) Did you ever care,你在乎过吗baby was I ever there?我不曾在那裏吗?How did we lose our way?我们怎麼走到这一步It"s hard to remember, all that we shared很难记起,我们分享过的一切Now we both have seperate lives现在我们都有不一样的生活From lovers to strangers, now alone从爱人到陌生人,现在变成孤独一人There"s no one catching my fall没有人知道我的不开心No one to hear my call没有人听我的倾诉It"s like I never loved you at all就像我不曾爱你It"s like I never loved you at all就像我不曾爱过你It"s like I never loved you at all

求Take That的reach out的歌词和翻译

Reach Out - 歌词 歌手:接招合唱团(Take That) 专辑: Beautiful World 公司:环球音乐集团(Universal Music Group) If our arms were reaching outIf our words could only bridge the doubtWill we lose this chance againStrange roads with different signsDon"t even know where we divideAre you my enemy or my friend"Cause I don"t know youAnd you don"t know meIt"s the same sun risingWe all just look to the skyIf we tryWe can work it out somehowIf you don"t know meAnd I don"t know youHow can we be fightingWe"re all connectet it"s trueReaching outIt"s only love that pulls us troughIt"s only love that pulls us troughWe all grieve in different waysIf one tear could wash away the painWe"re all free to have the faith we believeYeahThe world sleeps at different timesWith one turn your day is now my nightWe all live sharing the air that we breathe"Cause I don"t know youAnd you don"t know meIt"s the same sun risingWe all just look to the skyIf we tryWe can work it out somehowIf you don"t know meAnd I don"t know youHow can we be fightingWe"re all connectet it"s trueReaching outIt"s only love that pulls us troughReaching outReaching highReaching outTouching youTouching meIf our arms were reaching outIf our words could only bridge the doubt"Cause I don"t know youAnd you don"t know meIt"s the same sun risingWe all just look to the skyIf we tryWe can work it out somehowIf you don"t know meAnd I don"t know youHow can we be fightingWe"re all connectet it"s trueReaching outIt"s only love that pulls us troughReaching outReaching highReaching outTouching youTouching meReaching outIt"s only love that pulls us trough如果我们的手臂如果我们可能只会怀疑我们失去这次机会再次奇怪有迹象显示,不同的道路桥梁甚至不知道哪里我们划分的文字是你是我的敌人或朋友因为我不知道你和你不知道我这是我们都只是仰望天空如果我们尝试同朝阳伸出我们能做出来以某种方式如果你不认识我,我不知道你如何我们可以战斗我们所有的 connectet 是真正摘出来都是为了把我们拽的槽是把我们拽的槽我们都以不同的方式感到悲伤如果一滴眼泪能洗掉的痛苦,我们要有信心,我们相信世界睡在不同的时间与一转你的一天是我现在的夜晚我们都生活分享我们呼吸,因为我不知道你的空气呀都是免费的只有爱的爱和你不知道我是同一朝阳我们都只是仰望天空如果我们尝试我们也能算出以某种方式如果你不认识我,我不知道你可以我们如何战斗我们是真正摘出它的所有 connectet...(这样可以吗?)

take price in 的汉语意思是什么


take away 和put away 的区别及用法?

take away: 拿走;随身带着;put away, = put things in order/ in the right place, 把(乱的东西)整理好;摆放整齐;归位

put away clean up take out 帮我找一下,用这些词怎么写英语作文?

一、put away,“收拾起来,整理好”;clean up,“把…打扫干净”;take out,“把…拿出去”。以上短语都是写关于做家务(do chores )的书面表达时常用的,类似短语还有do the laundry,do the dishes,sweep the floor,make the bed等等。二、参考短文(注意:只供参考哈)In my opinion, we should help our parents do some chores at home.And we can learn a lot from it.I like to cook food , do the dishes and clean up the kitchen when I am free at home, because it can make me have a rest.Each time I finish my homework, I will put away my books. And I often make the bed and put away my clothes by myself. As you know, I alway keep my room clean.However,I don"t like to take out the trash to the dust bin in our neighborhood,because I have to walk a long way.(以上短文仅供参考,希望对你有帮助。)

take away 和put away 的区别及用法?

take away:拿走;随身带着; put away,= put things in order/ in the right place,把(乱的东西)整理好;摆放整齐;归位

美国宪法里针对总统的take care clause指哪一条?


cancel, take off, put off, put out各词的意思和例句。求高手解答~

cancel 取消;撤消: She cancelled her trip to Paris.她取消了巴黎之行。They decided to cancel the dinner party.他们决定不举行宴会了。take off 起飞;脱下;离开He took off his coat and sat down.他脱下大衣坐了下来。put off 推迟;扔掉;阻止We"ve invited friends to supper and it"s too late to put them off now.我已邀请朋友来吃晚饭,现在取消已来不及了。put out 撵走,赶走,逐出;开除;使(球员等)退场: If you can"t be quiet,I"ll put you out.如果你不安静,我就把你赶出去。熄灭;扑灭;关掉: Please put the light out when you leave the room.离开房间时请把灯关掉

谁能把put off 和 take off 当脱下的含义时有什么区别给我讲明白

put off与take off 的区别 这是两个使用频率非常高且广泛的词组 put off 在不同的句子搭配中,表达不同的含义,如: 表 耽误;延期: put off paying the bills. 拖延付清帐单 表示 设法使…等待:劝说使…拖延下步行动: managed to put off the creditors for another week. 设法说服债主晚一个星期再来 表示 脱下,丢弃,这是和 take off 的作用相同 put off a sweater. 脱下毛衣 表示 使厌恶:使厌恶;使反感,如由于不礼貌: His indifferent attitude has put us off. 他的冷淡态度使我们对他很反感 take off 同样也有很多的不同的用法 表示 脱掉(衣服等): take one"s coat off; take off one"s galoshes. 脱去外衣;脱下套靴 表示 放开: took the brake off. 松开刹车 表示销售时的打折:作为折扣而减价: took 20 percent off. 优惠百分之二十 表示 走开;离开: took off in a hurry. 匆匆地离去 表示被 广泛使用,大受欢迎: a new movie that really took off. 一部极为卖座的新片 表示飞机等的 起飞: The plane took off on time. 飞机准时起飞 表示 取消: took off the commuter special. 取消了特殊通勤 表示 休假:暂时不做(自己工作中的)应做的工作: I"m taking off three days during May. 五月份我将会休假三天

谁能把put off 和 take off 当脱下的含义时有什么区别给我讲明白

put off与take off 的区别 这是两个使用频率非常高且广泛的词组 put off 在不同的句子搭配中,表达不同的含义,如: 表 耽误;延期: put off paying the bills. 拖延付清帐单 表示 设法使…等待:劝说使…拖延下步行动: managed to put off the creditors for another week. 设法说服债主晚一个星期再来 表示 脱下,丢弃,这是和 take off 的作用相同 put off a sweater. 脱下毛衣 表示 使厌恶:使厌恶;使反感,如由于不礼貌: His indifferent attitude has put us off. 他的冷淡态度使我们对他很反感 take off 同样也有很多的不同的用法 表示 脱掉(衣服等): take one"s coat off; take off one"s galoshes. 脱去外衣;脱下套靴 表示 放开: took the brake off. 松开刹车 表示销售时的打折:作为折扣而减价: took 20 percent off. 优惠百分之二十 表示 走开;离开: took off in a hurry. 匆匆地离去 表示被 广泛使用,大受欢迎: a new movie that really took off. 一部极为卖座的新片 表示飞机等的 起飞: The plane took off on time. 飞机准时起飞 表示 取消: took off the commuter special. 取消了特殊通勤 表示 休假:暂时不做(自己工作中的)应做的工作: I"m taking off three days during May. 五月份我将会休假三天

take out 和 put out 的区别

take out 拿出,取出,如take out a piece of paper;put out常用意思有两个:1.伸出,如 put out your hand把你的手伸出去;2.熄灭:Put out the fire.其他意思还有出版;使不方便.

take out 和 put out的区别?reach 和 catch的区别?


求教, put out 和 take out 的用法与区别,最好有例句,谢谢!

put out1. 撵走,赶走,逐出;开除;使(球员等)退场:If you can"t be quiet,I"ll put you out.2. 熄灭;扑灭;关掉:Please put the light out when you leave the room.离开房间时请把灯关掉。3. [美国英语]花钱;贷(款)给某人:Banks are putting out more and more money to people who will buy houses.take out1. 拿出,取出,拔出:He opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook.他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。to have a tooth taken out拔牙2. 扣除,除去;抽去:There are 22 working days,taking out weekends and holidays.扣掉周末和假日,还有22个工作日。He took his commission out before turning in the rest of the money.他扣除自己的佣金后上缴余款。3. 去掉,除掉(污迹等);涤除:You can use petrol to take out that stain.你可以用汽油去掉那个污渍。to take out ink stains洗掉墨水印4. 消除,消灭;摧毁,毁灭(人、武器、建筑物或其他军事目标);抹去,使完结;【军事】压制(火力等):They planned to take out the enemy arsenal by bombing it.他们计划炸毁敌兵工厂。

put out与take out分别是什么意思


求教,put out 和 take out 的用法与区别,最好有例句,

put out1.撵走,赶走,逐出;开除;使(球员等)退场:If you can"t be quiet,I"ll put you out.2.熄灭;扑灭;关掉:Please put the light out when you leave the room.离开房间时请把灯关掉.3.[美国英语]花钱;贷(款)...

take a plan同义词是什么?有2个单词

take a plan 做计划 同义词组 plan to...计划做某事

求一首英文歌 男的唱的 副歌部分歌词像是take me to the moon~~~~~~~拖了很长的音

可以看看是不是talking to the moon-bruno mars

would you like to take a gap year怎么回答

句子would you like to take a gap year的回答是yes,I would like 。would you like to take a gap year的意思是你想参加空档年吗?是由would这个情态动词作为引导词提问的,所以回答就是yes,I would like 。翻译为是的,我愿意去。

would you take a gap year if you could如何回答?

Would you take a gap year if you could回答:I won"t take a gap year because I want to continue my education in college straightly.



大学take a gap year好处

好处有以下几点。take a gap year的意思是休学一年,也就是大学休学一年有什么好处。t第一点,给了自己选择的机会。休学让你自己成为事情的最终决策者,你可以去决定自己的想法,做些自己真正想要做的事情。休学给了你一种可能,比如,你创业失败后可以重新回到学校。第二点,给自己充足修养的时间。比如说,休学可以让生病的人在这一年内有所缓冲。他可以把经历都放在自己的身体上,更有利于自己身体的恢复。比如,像重度抑郁症的学生,他根本没有办法去课堂听课,完成学业。在休学的一年里,他可以好好的治疗下抑郁症。第三个,给了自己思考的时间。大一学生张某,他不喜欢自己的专业,打算退学。当他找到辅导员老师表达意愿的时候,老师建议他先选择休学一年。在这一年里,他可以试着在高中在学习几个月,看看自己的学习态度,或者是去社会上历练下,经历社会的艰辛。

请问一下“take a gap year”是什么意思啊?

对~ gap year 就是休学年


D 解析: 本题是情景对话的考查。考生的关键是抓住I"ll keep none.none说明所拿走的东西至少有三个,而且可以全部拿走,所以选D。

是 by rocket 还是 take rocket ! 网上好像两种都有

C  will fly ;by byrocketby+交通工具做方式状语takerocket做谓语Igotoschoolbybus=Itakeabustoschool欢迎再问哟

Tom takes (a guitar) with him


He wanted to take some servants with him.为什么不用himself而用him?


he takes an umbrella with him里的宾语是哪个?

He takes an umbrella with him.宾语是 an umbrella

Take Me To Your Heart 歌词

hiding from the rain and snow 藏身于雨雪之中trying to forget but i won"t let go 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘攘的街道listening to my own heart beat 却只能听见自己的心跳so many people 这么多的人all around the world 在世界上tell me where do i find 请告诉我在哪里可以找到someone like you girl 像你一样的女孩take me to your heart将我留存心间take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴give me your hand before i"m old给我你的手,在我老去之前show me what love is 问情为何物- haven"t got a clue 在我们彼此离开前show me that wonders can be true 问奇迹上演they say nothing lasts forever 他们说没有什么可以天长地久we"re only here today 我们也能此时相守love is now or never 现在或者永不回头bring me far away 请带我一起远走take me to you heart请爱我吧take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀show me what love is 问情为何物- be my guiding star 让星辰照亮我路it"s easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单standing on a mountain high 站在高山之颠looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天i should go and see some friends 也许我应该去和朋友们在一起but they don"t really comprehend 但他们真的不明白我此时的心情don"t need too much talking 不需要繁琐的言语without saying anything 甚至可以一语不发all i need is someone 我仅仅需要who makes me wanna sing 一个能让我欢乐而歌的人

root 可数吗?是take roots 还是take root 还是 take a root

不可数吧,它是电脑专有名词的话,应该是take root

sign up for、take part in和join in的区别

1.sign up for sign up for意思报名参加,签约参加工作, 签约雇用 2.take part intake part in 意为“参加,参与(某事物或某活动,如movement, revolution, meeting, conference, conversation, war等)”。例如:Switzerland didn"t take part in this war. 瑞士没有参加这次战争。How many countries will take part in the World Cup? 有多少个国家要参加世界杯?3.join injoin in sth. / doing sth.意为“参加”,后面接的宾语一般是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或V-ing。例如:Can I join in the game? 我可以参加这个游戏吗?They all join in singing the song. 他们一起唱这首歌。



drive by take这三个单词哪个不是同类?


求一首歌的歌词,名字叫《take me home county road》

《take me home county road》Almost heaven West Virginia在天堂般的西弗吉尼亚Blue Ridge Mountain,Shenandoah River有蓝岭山脉, 夏南多阿河Life is old there,Older than the trees那儿生灵悠远,比树木更年长Younger than the mountains, Growing like a breeze比群山更年轻,如清风般成长 Country roads, take me home, To the place I belong乡村之路, 带我回家,那儿是我的归宿West Virginia, Mountain Mama西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈Take me home, country roads乡村之路,带我回家All my memories, Gather round her我的一切记忆,都萦绕在她身旁Miners" Lady, Stranger to blue water她是矿工们的圣母,从未见过蓝色海水Dark and dusty, Painted on the sky阴霾与尘灰,印在天空上Misty taste of moonshine, Teardrop in my eye月光朦胧的滋味, 我眼眶中的眼泪Country roads, take me home乡村之路,带我回家To the place I belong那儿是我的归宿West Virginia, Mountain Mama西弗吉尼亚, 大山妈妈Take me home, country roads乡村之路,带我回家I hear her voice in the morning hours, She calls me清晨我听见她的声音, 在呼唤着我The radio reminds me of my home far away收音机使我想起远方的家And driving down the road, I get a feeling开车驶过公路,心中有种感觉That I should have been home, Yesterday, yesterday昨天,昨天, 我早该回到家中Country roads, take me home乡村之路,带我回家To the place I belong, West Virginia那儿是我的归宿, 西弗吉尼亚Mountain Mama, Take me home, country roads大山妈妈, 乡村之路, 带我回家

歌曲名:you make me feel 歌手名:archive 专辑名:take my head 谁帮我找出这歌曲的全中文翻译!赏100!


Take It Off Her (And Put It On Me) 歌词

歌曲名:Take It Off Her (And Put It On Me)歌手:Veda Brown专辑:Private NumbersKe$ha - Take It OffThere"s a place downtown,Where the freaks all come around.It"s a hole in the wall.It"s a dirty free for all.When the darkOf the nightComes around.That"s the time,That the animalComes alive.Looking forSomething wild.And now we lookin" like pimpsIn my gold Trans-Am.Got a water bottle full of whiskeyIn my handbag.Got my drunk text onI"ll regret it in the mornin"But tonight, I don"t give aI don"t give a (I don"t give a)There"s a place downtown,Where the freaks all come around.It"s a hole in the wall.It"s a dirty free for all.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.There"s a place I knowIf you"re looking for a show.Where they go hardcoreAnd there"s glitter on the floor.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.Lose your mind.Lose it now.Lose your clothesIn the crowd.We"re delirious.Tear it down"Til the sun comes back around.N-now we"re getting so smashed.Knocking over trash cans.Eurbody breakin" bottlesIt"s a filthy hot mess.Gonna get fadedI"m not the designated, driver soI don"t give aI don"t give a (I don"t give a)There"s a place downtown,Where the freaks all come around.It"s a hole in the wall.It"s a dirty free for all.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.There"s a place I knowIf you"re looking for a show.Where they go hardcoreAnd there"s glitter on the floor.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.Oh, oh, oh!EVERYBODY TAKE IT OFF!Oh, Oh, Oh!EVERYBODY TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Oooh.Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!Right now! TAKE IT OFF!EVERYBODY TAKE IT OFF!There"s a place downtown,Where the freaks all come around.It"s a hole in the wall.It"s a dirty free for all.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.There"s a place I knowIf you"re looking for a show.Where they go hardcoreAnd there"s glitter on the floor.And they turn me on.When they Take It Off.When they Take It Off.Everybody Take It Off.http://music.baidu.com/song/8692127


TakeYouToRioLyrics {2x} letmetakeyoutorio,rio fly"otheoceanlikeaneagle andwhencanchillin"likeazebo,azebo ohohohohoh,nanana allintogethernow,hangliketheweathernow (riorioohoh,riorio) righthere,showmenow youknowhowtoputitdown (riorioohoh,riorio) yougottalightgirl,turniton,here"smine,turnmeon (riorioohoh,riorio) yougottawildside,letitout,imamakeyoubringitout (riorioohoh,rionanana) shakeitupfast,winditupslownow justmoveyourbodygirl workittothefloor letyourbodygonow,nownow,ohohoh {2x} letmetakeyoutorio,rio fly"otheoceanlikeaneagle andwhencanchillin"likeazebo,azebo ohohohohoh,nanana seethatyouliken"now bythewayyou"redissingnow (riorioohoh,riorio) goaheadandmakeitcount moveyourbody,makeitcount (riorioohoh,riorio) yougottalightgirl,turnit,here"smine,turnmeon (riorioohoh,riorio) yougottawildside,letitout,imamakeyoubringitout (riorioohoh,rionanana) shakeitupfast,winditupslownow justmoveyourbodygirl workittothefloor letyourbodygonow,nownow,ohohoh {2x} letmetakeyoutorio,rio fly"otheoceanlikeaneagle andwhencanchillin"likeazebo,azebo ohohohoh,nanana letmetakeyoutorio showyouallaroundthejaneiro teachemup,nowfeellikeawoman goyourlightshine,girlyouknowyouwanna da-da-da-da-da,da-da-da girlyouknowyouwanna da-da-da-da-da,daohohnanana {2x} letmetakeyoutorio,rio fly"otheoceanlikeaneagle andwhencanchillin"likeazebo,azebo ohohohohoh,nanana getitonemoretime {2x} letmetakeyoutorio,rio fly"otheoceanlikeaneagle andwhencanchillin"likeazebo,azebo ohohohohoh,nanana 是这首吗?



这首歌叫什么?歌词:Take me away

moves like jagger

Never Take Friendship Personal 歌词

歌曲名:Never Take Friendship Personal歌手:Anberlin专辑:Blueprints For City Friendships: The Anberlin AnthologyAnberlin - Never Take Friendship PersonalThere"s a hatchet, got a knifeWhen I awoke there was nothing real in this lifeBut dreams are so intoxicatingwhen you"re doing this aloneGun, rope, brick on the wayBut words have no meaningwhen it"s you that says, "I really do care"No baby I, I really do careInnocence GoneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?In a sense goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?Once a skeptic, now the criticAnd you figured you finallyfound a place of your ownAmongst the cold and timid soulsWhere only failure knows your nameLook around for the closest to blameBut look no further than thehands beneath your armsAnd now you"re six feet downburied with, with your passing fame,fame,fame, FAMEInnocence GoneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?In a sense goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?oh, oh, oh, you lieTell me something more than what you tried to hideIf you can"t find yourselfThen how can i expect to find youoh, oh, oh, you cryTell me something more than what you tryThe greatest tragedy is not your deathbut a life without reasonlife has no purposea life has no reasonlife has no purposeInnocence goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?In a sense goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?Innocence goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?http://music.baidu.com/song/2891605

take me away from here 歌词

歌曲名:take me away from here歌手:Tim Mcgraw专辑:Set This Circus DownMy Body burnsLike there"s a desert deep in meA thirsty soul so unsatisfiedBut there you are like a river to the seaThe one chance I have to change my lifeDarlin", take my away from hereMake it seem like we"re a million miles awayAnother time another placeMake me a different manMove me farther than I"ve ever been beforeShow me that there"s something moreSometimes I feel like I"m trapped inside myselfSpinning wheels up and down, "round and "roundGoing no where just like everybody elseWith no touch, no sight, no soundBut you could take me away from hereMake it seem like we"re a million miles awayAnother time another placeMake me a different manMove me farther than I"ve ever been beforeShow me that there"s something moreGive me hopes and dreams to fill my headPush my heart so I can fly againTake me away from hereMake it seem like we"re a million miles awayAnother time another placeMake me a different manMove me farther than I"ve ever been beforeShow me that there"s something moreTake me away from hereTake me away from hereTake me away from hereTake me away from hereTake me away from herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14027120

take the moment and make it perfect,啥意思


Ari 的 best mistake 歌词中文翻译


go up/set up/stay up/take up 怎么区别?

这组短语都有很多意思, 相信您也非常了解, 我现在列举它们一些特殊的用法:如下: 1.go up: 破产(美国口语),进大学(仅英式英语) 2.set up: 冤枉(口语) 3.stay up: 失眠(古代英语, 类似于现代英语的insomnia 4.take up:克制自己,悬崖勒马(英语方言)


来由是Van样在虐待被绑起来的吾作时,一边动手,一边在那里说"Take it Boy!"而由于扮演Van样的演员的英语发音很标准,所以Take it连读后,由于it中的i是短音i,所以听起来像e或者ie的音最后导致Take it被理解成了Haiye,也就是“平家”于是广大nico乡民认为这一句是在说“平家boy”而结合以前吾作的那句“想变成螃蟹”,


take 英式读音:[te k] 美式读音:[tek] 中文谐音:忒克vt. 采取; 拿,取; 接受(礼物等); 耗费(时间等); vi. 拿; 获得; n. 镜头; 看法; 收入额; 场景; [例句]She was too tired to take a shower她累得连澡都懒得冲。[其他] 第三人称单数:takes 现在分词:taking 过去式:took过去分词:taken


bring it on!take me to your heart
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