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跪求这段英文什么意思 But first let me take a selfie

Selfie 是现在西方国家很流行的自拍手法,self 是自己的意思,顾名思义selfie就是自己伸手给自己拍的单人照。好像是2013-2014年之间流行起来的,一瞬间就selfie就完全侵略了INSTAGRAM等社交网站。 这句but first let me take a selfie(等等,我得先来张selfie) 是一首嘲讽现代人对selfie沉迷的程度歌 <#Selfie> - The Chainsmokers 中的一句高频率歌词。 mv裏面是一个在夜店的女生喝酒欢乐和八卦之馀,还得先拍一张selfie. 就是指做什麽之前都得拍张selfie, 就像前几年吃饭前每个人都得拍几张。

let me take selfie怎么读?

为您解答应该是Let me take a selfie.让我来张自拍吧谐音: 来密 特诶可 呃 臊非一

下年DSE retake问题

更新1: 我睇过其他有关边读asso同retake既资料 两边有可能两头唔到岸 但如果我只retake一科英文 机会会唔会大好多? 更新2: 感谢前辈解答 咁讲retake再合cert其实认受性系咪好低? 会唔会jupas都唔可以报? 我如果英文2去到3 就已经去到polyu EIE既收生平均分 如果真系retake 3左 机会大唔大 因为之前我见人地都只话retake几科 都冇前辈讲过retake合cert既问题 另外想问IELTS既分 转番DSE既分系点计 而且八大都承认? 希望前辈不厌其烦再解答小弟 小弟还有好多野唔明 ._. 更新3: 哦.. 明白了 咁姐系可以用DSE成绩 再用IELTS成绩取代英文成绩? 如果系咁既情况我系咪可以用jupas or non-jupas报读 其实我呢句有D唔明白: since you will advance to self-funding program (Associate Degree or Higher Diploma) you will lose JUPAS eligibility 因为有网友情况同我唔会差好多 佢希望读asso同时retake 网友解答系可以 year 1戈时可以自己选择用DSE成绩报jupas或者用asso成绩报non-jupas 其实系咪佢错? 更新4: 极度感谢前辈继续指教 IELTS我明白了 但系我仲有一点唔明白 唔可以申请jupas条件只有4点 a.正在修读经「大学联招办法」获取录的三年制或四年制的全日制或厂校交替制学士学位课程的申请人 b.需合并中国香港中学文凭及中国香港高级程度会考成绩才符合直接向参与院校递交入学申请的申请人 c.未持有中国香港中学文凭成绩﹝过往及/或应届﹞的申请人 d.只持有中国香港高级程度会考成绩的申请人 asso只系副学士非学士学位课程 而且唔系经由jupas报读 我亦有DSE既成绩 亦唔系会考考生 照道理我唔系可以用asso学生同dse考生两个身份共存 再用DSE合cert报jupas咩? 更新5: 对唔住 可能我有D烦 只有10分问咁多野 不过我想了解清楚 希望前辈唔会介意 更新6: 明白了.. 小弟亦唔系想执意又要retake又要读asso 自己只系想俾多个机会自己 retake既话我自己本以为系只差一步 依家明白retake问题 但如果只retake一科 读好英文亦无坏 唔似数学可能学完就算 以后asso亦要用英文读 我个人对自己钟意既科几有信心 虽然asso有师兄讲workload好大 如果我再执意retake有可能handle唔到.. 但系英文加上asso 我想尝试 决定前劳烦前辈解答我最后既问题: 更新7: 1. retake会扣分 但如果DSE成绩已经去到polyu EIE既收生平均分 同时cc IT asso or polyu HD EIE 成绩算优秀 polyu会唔会列入考虑? 2. HD升degree机率几乎没人提过 相信比asso升难几陪有多 但有听过师兄成功升学 如果要polyu HD EIE 升番上degree定系cc IT asso升上EIE degree易D 定系我唔应该谂咁多? 感谢前辈既耐心 真系万分感谢 更新8: 完全明白了 除了感谢不知可以说甚么 我会选读asso retake方面我想先努力一个月再决定 THANK YOU SO SO MUCH You get the entire idea pletely wrong. 1. HKEAA does not have the authority for the acceptance of bined cert. It is up to the accepting institution (like CUHK) to decide. 2. You must have a clear idea on your purpose of retaking an exam (English I assume). Even it is true (all institution will not recognize bined cert.) you can use IELTS instead. 2013-07-20 19:44:32 补充: 1. Let me put it this way - since you will advance to self-funding program (Associate Degree or Higher Diploma) you will lose JUPAS eligibility. I don"t see the point retaking HKDSE will do any good in your case. (The only way you can guarantee JUPAS eligibility is repeat Form 6.) 2013-07-20 19:48:52 补充: 2. PolyU accepts IELTS and TOEFL. These are the tests similar to HKDSE English. You can take them instead (and you have more opportunities to take those tests than HKDSE). Simply saying - unless you repeat Form 6 I don"t see why you have to bother with HKDSE result. 2013-07-20 19:49:11 补充: You have to admit in some cases HKDSE is not designed for everyone. Moving on is the key. 2013-07-21 03:20:39 补充: 1. Non-JUPAS - only non-JUPAS can take qualification other than HKDSE. 2. In most of the cass the most you start Assoicate Degree you can"t apply for JUPAS again. See here for detail: jupas.edu/tc/j4/applications/eligibility/application-via-jupas 2013-07-22 03:36:44 补充: In theory you are right. But remember - most Associate Degree and Higher Diploma programs are anized by those universities. And JUPAS does not override university policies. For example if you have academically disqualified from HKU SPACE do you really think HKU will give you a JUPAS offer? 2013-07-22 03:41:08 补充: I am not stopping you from retaking HKDSE. But again - face the reality. What exactly the chance you will do better next time? My points are simple - options and move on. 2013-07-22 13:54:02 补充: 1. Yes - for all non-JUPAS applications you can submit anything that help. For JUPAS HKDSE only. 2. You have to understand the difference of Higher Diploma and Associate Degree. 2013-07-22 13:55:48 补充: Continued at ment. 2013-07-22 13:57:17 补充: Higher Diploma is a byproduct of the U.K. (3 years) system. Associate Degree is a byproduct of the U.S. (4 years) system. Since the higher education has been changed to 4 years you should know what to choose. Personally it is stupid to introduce both in Hong Kong.

He should take the sack什么意思 谢谢

意思是,他应该是那个被解雇的人.sack 是一袋,解雇的意思

Grasshopper Takeover的《Rosey》 歌词

歌曲名:Rosey歌手:Grasshopper Takeover专辑:GaiaThe Kinks"Rosey Won"t You Please Come Home"歌词Rosy won"t you please come home?Mama don"t know where you"ve beenRosy won"t you please come home?Your room"s clean and no one"s in itOh my rosy, how i miss youYou are all the world to meTake a look and see if you like itIf you like it please come backRosy won"t you please come home?Since you"ve joined the upper classesYou don"t know us anymoreLive and let your troubles passRosy, rosy, will you write and tell meIf you don"t want to come back?I would sacrifice all i haveTo have a happy home once moreRosy won"t you please come home?Two long years have passed awaySince you tried to change your lifeChristmas wasn"t quite the sameRosy, rosy, got any answers?You are miles across the seaAnd i"ll bake a cake if you tell meYou are on the first plane homeRosy won"t you please come home?Mama don"t know where you"ve beenRosy won"t you please come home?Your room"s clean and no one"s in itOh my rosy, how i miss youYou are all the world to meTake a look and see if you like itIf you like it please come backOh rosywill you please come back?http://music.baidu.com/song/15009486

take the stairs是什么意思

take the stairs走楼梯

take the stairs是什么意思

take the stairs意思是爬楼梯。例句:1、You can take the stairs or the lift up. 你可以拾级而上或是乘坐电梯。2、There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs. 成功没有电梯,你得一步一步走楼梯。3、Thanks for your suggestion, but I will take the stairs. 谢谢你的提议,不过我会走楼梯。4、Could we take the stairs? 我们能不能走楼梯?5、There is no elevator to success; you have to take the stairs. 通往成功的路上没有电梯,你只能去一级一级爬楼梯。take的用法:一、 take 表示“乘、坐”某一交通工具。如: My father usually takes a bus to work. 我爸爸常乘公共汽车去上班。 Which bus do you often take? 你经常乘哪一路公共汽车? 注意: take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在表示该交通工具的名词前一般应有冠词等修饰语;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不可用冠词等修饰语。 by 短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如: 格林先生经常乘火车去上班。 Mr Green often goes to work by train. Mr Green often takes a train to work.二、 take 表示“拿、取”之意,后常接宾语,它强调将某人或某物从说话地点带到其他地方去。如: Could you take my schoolbag to the classroom, please? 请你把我的书包拿到教室里去好吗? His mother often takes him to the bookshop. 他妈妈经常带他去书店。 注意:如果表示把某人或某物从别处带到说话地点时,应用 bring .如: Han Mei, please bring me a cup of tea. 韩梅,请给我端杯茶来。 Don"t forget to bring your dictionary here next time. 下次别忘了把你的词典带来。三、 take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为“某人花多少时间做某事”,注意后面的动词前的 to 不可丢掉。如: It takes her twenty minutes to walk to school every day. 她每天步行去上学要花二十分钟的时间。 It takes me half an hour to do my homework in the evening. 晚上我要花半小时做作业。四、含 take 的短语 take exercise 运动;锻炼 take off 脱掉;(飞机)起飞 take a look (at) 看一看 take photos 照相,拍照 take a seat 坐下,坐坐 take a walk 散步 take a rest 休息 take down 取下 take away 拿走 take out 拿出

equity stake是什么意思

英文:equity stake中文:股权可能您的英文不是很完整,导致翻译的结果不是很流畅也许是翻译水平有限,请见谅很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

equity stake, equity firm, equity funds都什么意思呢?

equity stake:股权

She said more is at stake than just resettlement

我觉得这句话可以这么理解:她现在强调的是当前所面临的困境而不是难民的重新安置more than 的用法很多可以参照以下:1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如:(1)Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不只是睡觉。(2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils.凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。2. more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如:(1)I have known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已超过二十年了。(2)More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened. 十多位警察出现在出事地点。3. more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。例如:(1)They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition. 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。(2)I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。4. more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。例如:(1)Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales. 多次做广告意味着增加产品的销售。(2)His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well. 在英语学习方面的进步激励他学好这门课程。5. more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表示“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”之义。例如:(1)The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe. 我难以描述那个山村的美丽。(2)This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle. 这一问题超出了像杰克这样的小孩的解决能力。6. no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。例如:(1)All his education added up to no more than one year. 他接受的所有的学校教育只有一年。(2)Their new flat has no more than 60 square metres. 他们的新居只有60平方米。7. not more than表示“至多,不超过”,例如:Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.躺在地上的那个农家男孩最多十七岁。

区块链共识算法——(二)PoS共识(Proof of Stake)

2011 年 7 月, 一 位 名 为 Quantum Mechanic 的 数 字 货 币 爱 好 者 在 比 特 币 论 坛 首次提出了权益证明 PoS 共识算法. 随后, Sunny King 在 2012 年 8 月发布的点点币 (Peercoin, PPC) 中首次实现. PoS 由 系统中具有最高权益而非最高算力的节点获得记账 权, 其中权益体现为节点对特定数量货币的所有权, 称为币龄或币天数 (Coin days) PoS是考虑到PoW的最大缺陷:浪费资源而提出的,简单来说就是 谁的权益大,谁说了算 。 PoS共识机制(Proof of Stake 权益证明)通过权益记账的方式,解决效率低下、资源浪费、节点一致性等问题。 各个节点需要满足一定的条件(如抵押一定的代币)才能成为验证节点(权益提高),系统通过算法在其中选择一部分作为出块节点(矿工),每隔一段时间重新选择,算法会保证完全随机,不可被操控。只有出块节点才能进行数据处理,争夺记账权。 权益主要由权益因子决定,可以是持币数量,也可以是币龄及两者的结合。 以太坊在之后很有可能会改用PoS进行共识,其更加符合以太坊高效率的特点。

proof of stake算法什么意思

POW:全称Proof of Work,工作证明。这是什么意思呢?这就是说,你获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的有效工作,也就是说,你电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多,这就是根据你的工作证明来执行货币的分配。大部分的虚拟货币,比如比特币、莱特币、瑞泰币等等,都是基于POW模式的虚拟货币(算力越高、挖矿时间越长,你获得的货币就越多)。POS:全称Proof of Stake,股权证明。这又是什么意思呢?简单来说,就是一个根据你持有货币的量和时间,给你发利息的一个制度,在股权证明POS模式下,有一个名词叫币龄,每个币每天产生1币龄,比如你持有100个币,总共持有了30天,那么,此时你的币龄就为3000,这个时候,如果你发现了一个POS区块,你的币龄就会被清空为0。你每被清空365币龄,你将会从区块中获得0.05个币的利息(可理解为年利率5%),那么在这个案例中,利息 = 3000 * 5% / 365 = 0.41个币,这下就很有意思了,持币有利息,非常好!


what at stake is 岌岌可危的是双语例句What is at stake is the very future of the multilateral trading system.多边贸易制度未来的本身目前岌岌可危。But what is at stake is not only economic and financial stability.但是,利益攸关的不仅仅是欧元区的经济和金融稳定。What is at stake is our ability to recognize our own fallibility.最为危险的是我们没有能力认识到自己的错误。



stake on造句

stake on造句如下:释义:入股、把赌注押在上面。造句1、Duty rate on the net stake receipts。净投注金收入的征税税率。2、I would stake all my money on the chess with you。我可以用我所有的钱跟你赌这盘棋。3、stake winnings from one bet on a subsequent wager。在下一局赌博中押上原先的赌金和赢得的赌注。4、I"d stake my life on it, ie I"m very confident about it。我敢拿性命来担保。5、I should be sorry to stake my authority on her obedience。对温顺的她发号施令,我感到遗憾。6、You"re asking me to stake my master steward on a card game?你要求我在这个牌局中用我的管家做赌注?7、Little fella on the end. Definitely. I stake half a pack. Any takers。队尾的那个小子,就他了。我押十根儿,有跟进的么?8、The company is on the verge of bankruptcy and hundreds of jobs are at stake。这家公司正处于破产边缘,几百人濒于失业的境地。

英语翻译: What is at stake

六级题目解答the United Nations issued a report last week warning that humans are destroying nature at such a rate that life on Earth is at risk. When the report came out, it naturally __G_grabed__headlines. But obviously it didn"t hijack the news agenda in the manner of a major terrorist attack or _B_declaration__ of war.the report from the Intergovernment Science-Policy on Biediverdity and Ecosystem Services (ISBES) is clear on what"s at _M_stake_ and what needs to change. IPBES chair Robert Watson says the "_K overwhelming__ evidence" presents an "ominous(凶兆的) picture". “the health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is __C_deteriorating_ more rapidly than ever, " Robert Watson said." We are _F eroding__ the very foundations of our economies, live-lihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide." The report says it"s not too late if we make "transformative change"- fundamental, system-wide reorganization-at every level from local to global, and we need to focus on how to make that happen. first, don"t indulge in despair, because despair leads to inertia and doing nothing means certain _E disaster__. Every actoin to save nature will improve our collective and personal futures and the only way to respond to a threat of this scale is with ___D determined_ action rooted in headstrong optimism. Second, we need relentless focus, just like when paramedics arrive on a scene and use the concept of "triage(伤员鉴别分类)”to ensure the most_O_urgent_ cases get treated first. Saving the national world needs that kind of thinking. We don"t have the _A_capacity__ to do everything at once. We need to make hard choices.懂意思即可,满意请采纳

financial stake是什么意思

financial stake : 金融股权

英语at the stake怎么翻译?


hamburger stake 什么意思

“hamburger steak”汉堡牛排或汉堡煎牛肉饼(注: stake 应写成:“steak” ,steak 就是“牛排”的意思)

一般我们日常说的打赌是用bet 还是stake?

bet一般英语口语经常会说I bet it.

stake risk

stake n.桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金 vt.资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌 vi.打赌 risk n.风险;危险;冒险 vt.冒…的危险

stake 意思好多,哪有个最常用?

n. 木柱,赌注,奖金v. 打赌,下赌注

英语may be at stake怎么翻译?


英语长难句 这个句子中的stake out如何理解?结合结合语境什么意思?求解

table stake是什么意思?


have a stake in是什么意思


The stakes are high是什么意思?

Stakes可以指在竞选或者比赛中获胜的人所赢得的东西。Stakes也可以有另一种意思:赌注。人们在赌场赌博的时候得在柜台买筹码,用来下赌注。当参加赌博的人把堆得高高的筹码放在自己面前的赌台上的话,那意味着他下了很大的赌注。人们这样说: This is a high-stakes gamble,意思是:这是场输赢很大的赌博。换句话说就是:the stakes are high。当然参加这样的赌博是输还是赢关系重大。你注意到了吗?Stake这个词指胜利成果或者赌注的时候往往是复数形式:stakes。 众所周知,美国大选中的stakes正是这个在全世界实力最强的大国的最高领导权,即美国总统的职位,所以选战胜负当然关系极其重大。我们听个例子来体会习惯用语the stakes are high是什么意思。这是一名时事评论员在评论当选总统布什的胜利: 例句-2:The stakes for the year 2000 Presidential election were high for the Republicans. The victory of the party"s Presidential candidate governor George W. Bush means they have taken back the White House after eight years. 他说:对共和党人说来2000年总统大选的成败事关重大。本党总统候选人得克萨斯州州长乔治.布什的胜利意味着共和党人在失守白宫八年之后重新入主白宫。 我们知道美国共和党人在八年前的总统大选中输给了民主党人。当时的当选总统克林顿从共和党总统乔治.布什那里接管白宫。四年后克林顿又当选连任,所以共和党离开白宫已有八年之久。 2000 年大选的成败当然意味着总统职位的得失,而对共和党人说来更是经过长达八年的准备最终是否能收复失地,所以这次大选结果的意义特别重大。

raise the stake什么意思


have a stake in sth.

have a stake in sth与...利害攸关

beef stake 什么意思

Beef steak【牛排】

what is "at stake" in this film?


If you continue to indulge in computer games like this, your future will be at stake.

【答案】:A本题是对介词短语的考查。题干:如果你继续沉迷于电脑游戏,你的未来就危险了。题干划线词at stake意为“处于危险中”。四个选项:in danger意为“处于危险中”,withoutquestion意为“没问题”,on guard意为“站岗,警惕”,at large意为“大多数,详尽地”,所以正确答案为A。

have a stake 在这句话是该怎样翻译?

have a stake in sth 与...利害攸关Each of us has a stake in the future of our country. 我们国家的未来与我们每个人都利害相关




指的是双方共享的利益关系,如投资中应该获得的那一部分。例:With the latest deal, Bank of America has reaped about $14 billion in profit from its stakes since 2009.Equity stake is a share or interest in a business or investment。

personal stake是什么意思? 怎样用?



《生化危机8》中STAKE是非常重要的武器,这也是通关的关键,本次就为大家带来了《生化危机8》STAKE获取、配件及升级攻略,非常全面的内容,想了解STAKE的朋友可以参谋靠,希望能帮到大家。图文攻略 视频攻略 收集攻略 谜题攻略 武器获取 食材位置 宝藏收集 无限子弹 天使头位置 钢琴解谜 宝物部件 需要安装Video 背景解析 结局分析 密码大全 弹药合成 STAKE获取、配件及升级攻略 获得条件:商人处花费300,000列伊购得配件:1、高容量弹夹获得条件:商人处花费180,000列伊购得(2)、改良枪柄获得条件:商人处花费120,000列伊购得升级花费:威力:1级(2000)2级(2500):83,000列伊3级(3000):96,000列伊4级(3500):119,000列伊5级(4000):140,000列伊6级(4500):160,000列伊射速:1级(1.3)2级(1.2):30,000列伊3级(1.1):39,000列伊4级(1.0):53,000列伊5级(0.9):67,000列伊6级(0.8):82,000列伊装弹速度:1级(2.7)2级(2.5):33,000列伊3级(2.3):42,000列伊4级(2.1):56,000列伊5级(1.9):70,000列伊6级(1.7):85,000列伊弹夹弹量(大容量弹夹增加8):1级(18)2级(20):40,000列伊3级(22):55,000列伊4级(24):68,000列伊5级(26):85,000列伊6级(28):100,000列伊最终花费:1,503,000列伊无限子弹:花费120,000CP兑换



stake 和 share 有什么区别?就股份而言

stake[steik]n.树桩sharen.共享, 参与, 一份, 部分, 份额, 参股vt.分享, 均分, 共有, 分配vi.分享[计] 使DOS支持文件共享和锁定


记忆单词“stake”的方法如下:1、关联方法:将单词与某个形象或经验联系起来,从而更容易记住。比如,可以将“stake”与赌博中的赌注联系起来,从而形成“put up a stake”的意义。2、分解法:将单词分成更小的部分,逐一记忆并重组。比如,可以将“stake”分解成“sta-”和“-ke”两部分,分别加以记忆,“sta-”可以联想成“start”,“-ke”可以联想成“cake”,最终记忆为“start cake”,通过为生词增加一些有趣的联想。3、Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check(LSCWC)方法:这个方法可以通过将目光投向单词,理解单词,盖住单词,自己默写单词,再核对的方式来帮助记忆。比如,可以用这个方法记忆单词“stake”,不断重复这个过程直到能够稳定地写下这个单词。4、认真学习语境:学习单词时,需要花时间学习采用该单词的语境,包括单词所在的句子、段落、文章等。通过了解“stake”的用法,学习者可以更好地掌握这个单词的意义和用法,从而更容易记忆这个单词。双语例句:1、The tension was naturally high for a game with so much at stake.对于一场成败攸关的比赛来说气氛自然非常紧张。2、His arms were tied to wooden stakes to hold him flat.他的双臂被绑在木桩上以便使他的身体平展。3、We are lagging behind in the childcare stakes.我们在儿童保育竞赛中落在后面。4、The game was usually played for high stakes between two large groups.游戏通常在两大集团之间进行,下的赌注一般都很大。


stake的意思是桩。Stake,英语单词,动词、名词,作及物动词的意思是“资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌”,作不及物动词的意思是“打赌”,作名词的意思是“桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金;人名;(瑞典)斯塔克”。桩在现在有很多意思,在不同的条件下有不同的意思,随着工程技术的不断发展,新型钢桩和钢筋混凝土桩在工程建设中用途越来越广泛。而不同的桩型特点亦有不同。桩基础属于地下隐蔽工程,尤其是灌注桩,很易出现缩颈、夹泥、断桩或沉渣过厚等多种形态的质量缺陷, 影响桩身结构完整性和单桩承载力,因此必须进行施工监督、观场记录和质量检测,以保证质量,减少隐患。对于柱下单桩或大直径灌注桩工程,保证桩身质量就更为重要。工程技术的不断发展,新型钢桩和钢筋混凝土桩在工程建设中用途越来越广泛。而不同的桩型特点亦有不同。摩擦桩荷载绝大部分由桩周围土的摩擦力承担,而桩端阻力可以忽略不计。双语例句:1、The frequency analysis in dynamic measuring stake using reflect wave method.反射波法动测桩中的频域分析。2、The Side Stake Control Measure Method in the Highway Construction.公路施工边桩控制测量方法。3、Many young people no longer feel they have a stake in society.很多年轻人不再觉得他们与社会休戚相关。

at stake是什么意思

stake[英][steu026ak][美][stek]n.桩; 刑柱; 股份; (在公司、计划等中的)重大利益; vt.用桩支撑; 以…下注[打赌]; 用桩区分,界分; 第三人称单数:stakes过去分词:staked复数:stakes现在进行时:staking过去式:staked例句:1.Goldman sold its stake in rongsheng in january this year. 高盛今年1月出售了其在熔盛的股份。


stake[英][steu026ak][美][stek]n.桩; 刑柱; 股份; (在公司、计划等中的)重大利益; vt.用桩支撑; 以…下注[打赌]; 用桩区分,界分; 第三人称单数:stakes过去分词:staked复数:stakes现在进行时:staking过去式:staked例句:1.Goldman sold its stake in rongsheng in january this year. 高盛今年1月出售了其在熔盛的股份。

otake 是什莫意思


造句 take photos,do part-time work,get ears pierce

I am taken photos when i play basketball. 我打篮球时被拍了照,被动语态一般现在时I have done part time work since my entering the university 现在完成时I was got my ears pierced被动语态的过去时I have achieved my first dream,entering the university现在完成时She has gone shopping for three hours现在完成时A choice should be made by mysef有情态动词的被动语态

女生可以说take a leak 吗?


piu跳舞机里的一首歌曲 有 U TWO还有mistake的,谢谢了 告诉歌名也行,图片如下

U"Two的Mistake 又叫自责

in silently怎么造句 和happen 和 take place

Grading teacher: I am inside the heart, be in silently hate you.Please give it to my wife if anything should happen to me.In most cases, these take place in remote places and the security forces suffer no casualties.

take the quiz什么意思

take the quiz接受测试双语例句1Then, the user will take the quiz. 接着,用户将接受测试。





take a swipe什么意思


ust Take Your Heart 歌词

歌曲名:ust Take Your Heart歌手:ギルド专辑:guildedBackstreet Boys---Back To Your HeartIts not that I cant live without youIts just that I dont even want to tryEvery night I dream about youEver since the day we said goodbyeIf I wasnt such a foolRight now Id be holding youTheres nothing that I wouldnt doBaby if I only knewCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI dont know how it got so crazyBut Ill do anything to set things rightCause your love is so amazingBaby youre the best thing in my lifeLet me prove my love is realAnd made you feel the way I feelI promise I would give the worldIf only you would tell me girlCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartGive me one more chanceGive me one more chanceGive my love to you, give my love, my loveCause no one on this earth loves you like I do,Tell meCHORUSThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your heartI turn back time, To make you mineAnd find a way back to your heartI beg and plead, Fall to my kneesTo find a way back to your heartThe words to say, The road to takeTo find a way back to your heartWhat can I do, To get to youAnd find a way back to your hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/28595623

英语题:spend 和 take的区别

sb. spend sometime in doing sth.=it takes sb. sometime to do sth.

英语词组spend to.cost.pay for.take在用法上有什么区别 急求回答



1.spend:主语必须是人。2.cost:主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示“值”,注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句。3.pay:为“付款、赔偿”之意,主语通常是人。4.take:常用于“占用、花费”时间,其主语通常为形式主语“it”或物。

英语中,take,cost,pay for,spend当花费讲时的用法和区别,好了追加


英语cost pay send take 的用法

spend,cost,take和pay的区别是历年中考试题的必考内容之一,虽然它们都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不尽相同。 spend的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱)。例:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。(2) spend time / money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。例:They spent two years (in) building this bridge. 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。(3)spend money for sth. 花钱买……。例:His money was spent for books. 他的钱用来买书了。 cost的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示“值”, 常见用法如下:(1)sth. costs (sb.) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。例:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。(2) (doing) sth. costs (sb.) +时间,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间。例:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time. 他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词。 注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句。 take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有以下几种:(1) It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。例:It took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。(2)doing sth. takes sb. +时间,做某事花了某人多少时间。例:Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon. 他花了一下午修车。 pay的基本用法是:(1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。(2)pay for sth. 付……的钱。例:I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。(3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。例:Don?蒺t worry!I"ll pay for you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。(4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。 例: They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。(5)pay money back 还钱。例:May I borrow 12 yuan from you? I"ll pay it back next week. 你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你。(6)pay off one"s money还清钱。 spend/cost/pay/take (1)spend的主语通常是人,往往用于以下句型: (sb)spend some money/some time on sth. (sb)spend some money/some time(in)doing sth.例如: I spent fifty yuan on the coat. = I spent fifty yuan (in) buying the coat. 我花50元买了这件大衣。 He spent three days on the work. = He spend three days (in) doing the work. 我干这项工作用了3天。 (2)take常用于“占用、花费”时间,其主语通常为形式主语“it”或物。句式是: It takes/took sb.some time to do sth=Sth.takes sb.some time. 例如: It took me three years to draw the beautiful horses. 画这些漂亮的马花费了我3年时间。 The work will take me two days.这项工作花了2天时间。 (3) pay为“付款、赔偿”之意,主语通常是人,往往是sb. pays some money for sth或pay sb.(some money for sth) 例如: I paid fifty yuan for the coat.我花50元买了这件大衣。 He has paid the doctor 50 pounds for the medicine? 他买药已付医生50英镑。 How much did you pay him? 你付他多少钱? (4) cost的主语必须是某物。spend … on sth./in doing sth.的主语必须是人。pay … for 的主语也是人。It takes + sb.+ 时间(或钱)to do sth.的主语则必须是形式主语It。 动词cost的常用用法是sth.cost (sb.) some money。 如:The dictionary cost me 05 20. 谢谢

片语动词 (Phrasal verbs)|take off、hold up、fill out、blow up

很多片语动词(phrasal verbs)通常一字多义,在阅读文章或收看电视节目时,我们时常需要很快地判断出在某个语境之下的片语动词所拥有的涵义,以免要花很长时间阅读或跟不上剧情。 Go Natural English的讲师Gabby Wallace在影片中提出了四个日常生活常见的片语动词:take off、hold up、fill out、blow up,下次见到这些片语动词时,就可以一句后面所接的受词来理解整个句子罗! 1. Take off 脱去(衣物)、(飞机)起飞 e.g. Please take off your shoes before you e in. 进来之前请先脱掉你的鞋子。 e.g. The plane will take off on time. 飞机将准时起飞。 2. Hold up 延误、抬起来、抢劫 e.g. The airplane hold up on departure. 这班飞机延误起飞。 e.g. Please hold up your right hand. 请举起你的右手。 e.g. Those people in the photos held up the bank last night. 照片中的那些人昨晚抢劫银行。 3. Fill out 填写 (申请书等)、发胖 e.g. She fills out a form before the interview. 她在面试之前先填写了表格。 4. Blow up 炸毁;勃然大怒 e.g. The criminal blew up the building. 那位罪犯炸毁了整栋大楼。 e.g. His mom blew up about his words. 他的妈妈因为他的话而大发脾气。 blow up, blow up 中文, blow up 意思, blow up 用法, blow up 翻译, blow up 英文例句, fill out, fill out 中文, fill out 意思, fill out 用法, fill out 翻译, fill out 英文例句, hold up, hold up 中文, hold up 意思, hold up 用法, hold up 翻译, hold up 英文例句, phrasal verb, take off, take off 中文, take off 意思, take off 片语, take off 用法, take off 英文例句, 勃然大怒 英文, 填写 英文, 延误 英文, 抢劫 英文, 炸毁 英文, 发胖 英文, 起飞 英文

take the vow of poverty什么意思

take the vow of poverty 以贫穷的誓言poverty 英[u02c8pu0252vu0259ti] 美[u02c8pɑ:vu0259rti] n. 贫穷; 缺乏,不足; 贫瘠,不毛; 低劣; And I would do anything for love, and I"ll take the vow and seal a pact. 而我愿意为爱做任何事,而我会发誓和与你约定。



谁知道Madness is like gravity. All it takes is a little push是什么意思?


taketrips的trip 后面为什么加s

trip[英][tru026ap][美][tru026ap]n.旅游,出行; 摔倒,绊倒; 绊(使某人跌倒的动作); 错误,过失; vi.绊倒,绊; 旅行; 轻快地走,跳; vt.使犯错误; 松开(离合器等)以开动;tripsn. 远行(trip的复数)这是一种惯例用法

take trips和go on trips区别?

take trips和go on trips意思差不多。都是去旅行的意思。


你好!举行的英语短语是:take place 举行、发生

请问'take up"与'occupy'有什么区别,用法是什么?

take up sth:填满,占据(某空间或时间) eg:This table takes up too much room.这张桌子太占地方. Her time is fully taken up with wirting.她的时间都用于写作了. occupy:1.占用,占有(房屋、土地等) 2.(军事)占领(国家、阵地等) 3.占据,充满(时间、空间、某人的头脑等)这与take up 相似 4.occupy oneself in doing sth/with sth 忙着做某事,忙于某事 5.担任某职,居某地位 6.作政治方面示威 占领、占据(某建筑物等)The terroristhave occupied the Embassy.恐怖分子占领了大使馆. 这些你查词典就能查出来,学英语要勤于查词典^^加油!

take up和occupy的区别

  take up = 占有  occupy = 占有 明确表示带有预定的意思(you"ll see how in my example)  例:  This parking spot is taken up.  这个泊车位已经被占有了.  (这里表示那儿确实是有一辆车了)  This parking spot is occupied.  这个泊车位已经被占有了.  (这里表示不管现在那辆预定这个位的车在不在那儿,这个位都要被占了 所以我说带有预定的意思--> 比如说给什么重要人物)  take up 指的是某物必定要在那儿 才可以说那个地方被taken up; 但occupy指的事就算某物不在那儿 这个地方也是被occupied了  当然 这两个词也有意思相同的时候:  有如:  The table takes up the corner space.  The table occupies the corner space.  这里都说的是“这个桌子摆放在角落的地方.”




take..one "s degree


by是介词,表示“通过”后面直接加具体的某种交通工具,不加冠词,但是前面往往有动词,比如go to school by bus take是动词,表示“搭乘”,后面加冠词+工具,如take a bus to school in,on都是介词,后面加工具的时候要看具体是哪样交通工具,同样,前面也要加动词,和by不同的是需要加冠词.比如go to Beijing on a bus/in a car

英语take this lousy money怎么翻译?


谁知道Take you.....的歌词翻译、??

歌名:Take You There 所属专辑:Sean Kingston 所属歌手:Sean Kingston We can go to the tropics Sip pina coladas Shorty I could take you there Or we can go to the slums Where killas get hung Shorty I could take you there You know I could take ya (I could take ya...) I could take ya (I could take ya...) Shorty I could take you there You know I could take ya (I could take ya...) I could take ya(I could take ya...) Shorty I could take you there Baby girl I know it"s rough but come with me We can take a trip to the hood It"s no problem girl it"s my city I could take you there Little kid wit guns only 15 Roam in the streets up to no good When gun shots just watch us, run quickly I could show you where As long you"re with me Baby you"ll be alright I"m known in the ghetto Girl just stay by my side Or we can leave the slums go to paradise Baby it"s up to you, It"s whatever you like [Chorus] We can go to the tropics Sip pina coladas Shorty I could take you there Or we can go to the slums Where killas get hung Shorty I could take you there You know I could take ya (I could take ya...) I could take ya (I could take ya...) Shorty I could take you there You know I could take ya (I could take ya...) I could take ya(I could take ya...) Shorty I could take you there Shorty come with me it"s no worry I know the bad men dem where they ah stay Police fly pursuit in a hurry This is no gun play Don"t be scared in a deh West Indies It"s Jamaica, dat"s where I"m from Might see something you"re not used to Welcome to da slums As long you"re with me Baby you"ll be alright I"m known in the ghetto Girl just stay by my side Or we can leave the slums go to paradise Baby it"s up to you, It"s whatever you like [Chorus] We can go to the tropics Sip pina coladas Shorty I could take you there Or we can go to the slums Where killas get hung Shorty I could take you there You know I could take ya (I could take ya...) I could take ya (I could take ya...) Shorty I could take you there You know I could take ya (I could take ya...) I could take ya(I could take ya...) Shorty I could take you there Oh we (oh we) Can go (can go) To a place (to a place) I know you gon like (oh oh oh) The beach (the beach) The breeze (the breeze) West Indies, I call it paradise [Chorus] We can go to the tropics Sip pina coladas Shorty I could take you there Or we can go to the slums Where killas get hung Shorty I could take you there You know I could take ya (I could take ya...) I could take ya (I could take ya...) Shorty I could take you there You know I could take ya (I could take ya...) I could take ya(I could take ya...) Shorty I could take you there

英语阅读理解A MISTAKEN RAPTURE 帮忙翻译一下啊,实在是看不懂…… 不要机器翻的

小女子死亡后通过她行驶的汽车天窗事件最好由数十名目击者描述为"错误的狂喜"期间跨越式。其他 13 人受伤后 20 车海冰堆积造成的人们试图避免击中的女人显然相信狂喜正在发生当她看见 12 人飘在空中,然后通过一个男人,她声称的道路一侧的耶稣。"她开始尖叫,"他后,他是背" 爬上的现成的天窗,纵身一跳,关闭的汽车,顶"Everet 威廉斯,今年 28 岁的 Georgann 威廉斯宣判死亡现场的丈夫说。"我减慢,但她不会等到我停下来,"威廉姆斯说。"她想提发生的事情和相信耶稣要她抬起向天空,"他接着说。保罗 · 麦迪逊,在舞台上的第一次主任说:"这是因为我已经经历了力量,我见过的最奇怪的事"。麦迪逊质疑的人看起来就像耶稣和发现他被打扮成耶稣,途中要化妆舞会时覆盖在床的他皮卡车的 tarp (防水布) 出现松动和释放 12 溃 dolls(玩偶) 装满氦气的向上飘入空中。32,是由几个朋友,他看起来像耶稣,把拉过和解除他的武器,在空气中挫折,并说"回到这里来"就像威廉姆斯的车通过他,和威廉斯太太是确定它是耶稣举起人到天空他们经过的他,根据她的丈夫被告知说厄尼 · 詹金斯谁说他的妻子爱耶稣比什么都重要。当被问及评论 12 娃娃,詹金斯回答说:"这是所有只是对我来说太怪异。我没想到会发生这种事情。"

英语翻译,速度 使之成为一种惯例(rule) 2.采取措施(take) 3.到长城(be

英语take action right now怎么翻译?

英语:take action right now.翻译:即刻采取行动。马上采取行动。

英语____(参加)the club是填join还是take an active part in?


英语中“参加”的几个单词,比如 join take part in等单词的用法,能详细点的,复制也没关系

1.join 表示从参加某一团体并作为其中一员,如果后接人,则表示参加某人的活动,如: Let"s join the children. 我们去参加孩子们的活动. 2.join in 指参加到某些人当中去做某事,这项活动往往正在进行着,如: May I join in the game? 我可以参加这个游戏吗? 3.take part in指参加会议或者群众性的活动等,重在说明句子的主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用,如: John takes part in many school activities. 约翰参加很多学校里的活动 附加: take part in是参加某种活动 take a part in 在...中扮演某个角色 =====*******======*******=======******** 希望可以帮到你哦!望采纳 谢谢!O(∩_∩)O

The Undertaker的个人详细资料

The Undertaker扮演过两个角色:死神(Deadman)和美国混蛋(American Bad Ass)。跟The Undertaker相关的赛事有棺材比赛,活埋比赛,著名的地狱铁笼比赛,和

THE Undertaker 是什么意思??


用英语怎么说:一辈子最要好的朋友和承担起责任来 BFF & take the wheel (293)

下载音频Larry跟李华开车去朋友家参加派对。今天我们要学两个常用语:BFF和Take the wheel. LL: Lihua, we got a really good deal on these gifts for the party. I know my BFF very well, and I"m certain that this type of wine and this kind of cheese are his favorites. LL: Well, Lihua, for your information, BFF is an acronym that stands for Best friend forever. LH: 我明白了,BFF不是你朋友的名字,而是Best friend forever的缩写,用中文说,就是一辈子最铁的哥们。 LL: Exactly. We"re BFF"s because we went to elementary school together and have been friends for almost 20 years. It"s common for young Americans to refer to that kind of long-time friend as a BFF. LL: Of course you can have more than one BFF, Lihua. But our relationship is different because you"re my girlfriend, which can be turned into an acronym too, the word girlfriend can be shortened to GF. LL: That"s right, Lihua. I"m your BF. You"re my GF. And we"re going to my BFF"s party. LH: 慢点,你说得我都快糊涂了。我是你的女朋友,GF;你是我的男朋友,BF; 我们一起去你最铁的哥们家,他是你的BFF. LL: You"re a quick learner, GF! LH: Thanks, BF! LH: 有啊。她的名字叫郭小倩,我们俩的妈妈就是BFF。我们同一年出生,一起长大,经常在一起玩,自然也就成了BFF。 LH: 小倩现在也在美国,是一家公关公司的部门经理。 LH: Well, after you meet my BFF tonight at his party, I look forward to meeting Guo, your BFF. LL: No, Lihua, that"s not what I mean. Get behind the wheel means to get behind the car"s steering wheel and drive. I think you should practice driving more often since you just recently got your driver"s license. LH: 哦,你说的get behind the wheel意思是开车。是啊,新考下来驾照,每次开车我都是一手冷汗,恐怕是得多练练。 LL: Exactly. And that reminds me of another similar phrase, which is take the wheel. LL: No. Those two phrases are completely different. You already know that get behind the wheel means to drive. But the phrase take the wheel means to start taking responsibility for something. LL: I"ll give you an example for take the wheel. A few of my co-workers were laid off this week, so until we can afford to hire more employees, I have to take the wheel on finishing the work they left behind. LL: That"s right. Take the wheel is just another way to say someone is expected to take responsibility. LH: 我还记得小时候,父母经常加班,不在家,我只好take the wheel,照顾妹妹,还要给我们俩人煮饭吃。 LL: I didn"t know you could cook! I wish you would take the wheel on making dinner for me every once in a while! LH: 给你煮饭吃?可以考虑考虑。不过条件是,吃完饭你也要take the wheel请我出去看电影才行! 今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是BFF, 一辈子最要好的朋友。另一个是take the wheel,意思是承担起责任来。
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