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good take电影什么意思

由五个单元故事组成的《Good Take》,是香港电影新一代导演的创新作品。其中由曾国祥执导的《水泥》,演员有方中信、周柏豪、叶童等。故事讲述警员9413(周柏豪饰)前往报案地点查案,但却被一妇人及一少女打晕,醒来时被水泥封住半身。其同伴接报到场,却只发现9413遗下的手机、一妇人及一少女的骸骨。导演黄智亨的《囍宴》讲述一个小孩跟?爸爸(张兆辉饰)一起赴妈妈(宣萱饰)的新婚囍宴,童真与成年人的无奈都尽在心头。黄进执导的单元《Good Take》,由卢海鹏、曾国祥、林雪、焦姣演出。这是一个向资深电影从业员致敬的故事,甘草演员泰勒(卢海鹏饰)准备烧炭,与去世的太太一起长眠,却遇上邻居被恶汉追数,泰勒以其精湛演技化险为夷,其后发生更荒诞的事。

good take 水泥什么意思

good take 网络 好镜头; 拍得好; [例句]Our "good take" service are always there for you!我们的“最好选择”服务常在你的身边。进行更多翻译由五个单元故事组成的《Good Take》,是香港电影新一代导演的创新作品。其中由曾国祥执导的《水泥》,演员有方中信、周柏豪、叶童等。故事讲述警员9413(周柏豪饰)前往报案地点查案,但却被一妇人及一少女打晕,醒来时被水泥封住半身。其同伴接报到场,却只发现9413遗下的手机、一妇人及一少女的骸骨。  导演黄智亨的《囍宴》讲述一个小孩跟?爸爸(张兆辉饰)一起赴妈妈(宣萱饰)的新婚囍宴,童真与成年人的无奈都尽在心头。  黄进执导的单元《Good Take》,由卢海鹏、曾国祥、林雪、焦姣演出。这是一个向资深电影从业员致敬的故事,甘草演员泰勒(卢海鹏饰)准备烧炭,与去世的太太一起长眠,却遇上邻居被恶汉追数,泰勒以其精湛演技化险为夷,其后发生更荒诞的事。  杨龙澄执导的《不一定》,讲述泽少(李璨琛饰)被舞小姐芳芳(应采儿饰)扣在床上导致遍体鳞伤,原来背后有一个以其人之道还治其人之身的故事。  导演黄精甫的《吓鬼》,由蔡卓妍、苗侨伟、卢大伟主演。故事讲述Charlene(蔡卓妍饰)挑战鬼屋一夜游,遇上中国僵尸、长发贞子和辫子姑娘,过程又惊又笑。

good take什么意思


good take电影什么意思


Got it、Heard it、Made it、Taken it分别是什么意思?

Got it、Heard it、Taken it都为明白,知道了Made it为成功

Take That的《Shine》 歌词

歌曲名:Shine歌手:Take That专辑:Progress Live"Shine"You, you"re such a big star to meYou"re everything I wanna beBut you"re stuck in a hole and I want you to get outI don"t know what there is to seeBut I know it"s time for you to leaveWe"re all just pushing alongTrying to figure it out, out, out.All your anticipation pulls you downWhen you can have it all, you can have it all.So come on, come on, get it onDon"t know what you"re waiting forYour time is coming don"t be late, hey heySo come onSee the light on your faceLet it shineJust let it shineLet it shine.Stop being so hard on yourselfIt"s not good for your healthI know that you can changeSo clear your head ang come roundYou only have to open your eyesYou might just get a big surpriseAnd it may feel good and you might want to smile, smile, smile.Don"t you let your demons pull you down"Cause you can have it all, you can have it all.So come on, come on, get it onDon"t know what you"re waiting forYour time is coming don"t be late, hey heySo come onSee the light on your faceLet it shineJust let it shineLet it shine.Hey let me know youYou"re all that matters to meHey let me show youYou"re all that matters to me.Your time is coming don"t be late, hey heySo come onSee the light on your faceLet it shineJust let it shineLet it shine.Hey let me know youYou"re all that matters to meHey let me show youYou"re all that matters to me.Hey let me love youYou"re all that matters to meHey so come on yeahShine all your light over me.http://music.baidu.com/song/13024175

Take That的《Shine》 歌词

歌曲名:Shine歌手:Take That专辑:Beautiful World"Shine"You, you"re such a big star to meYou"re everything I wanna beBut you"re stuck in a hole and I want you to get outI don"t know what there is to seeBut I know it"s time for you to leaveWe"re all just pushing alongTrying to figure it out, out, out.All your anticipation pulls you downWhen you can have it all, you can have it all.So come on, come on, get it onDon"t know what you"re waiting forYour time is coming don"t be late, hey heySo come onSee the light on your faceLet it shineJust let it shineLet it shine.Stop being so hard on yourselfIt"s not good for your healthI know that you can changeSo clear your head ang come roundYou only have to open your eyesYou might just get a big surpriseAnd it may feel good and you might want to smile, smile, smile.Don"t you let your demons pull you down"Cause you can have it all, you can have it all.So come on, come on, get it onDon"t know what you"re waiting forYour time is coming don"t be late, hey heySo come onSee the light on your faceLet it shineJust let it shineLet it shine.Hey let me know youYou"re all that matters to meHey let me show youYou"re all that matters to me.Your time is coming don"t be late, hey heySo come onSee the light on your faceLet it shineJust let it shineLet it shine.Hey let me know youYou"re all that matters to meHey let me show youYou"re all that matters to me.Hey let me love youYou"re all that matters to meHey so come on yeahShine all your light over me.http://music.baidu.com/song/10316239

as等于take place吗?


歌词第一句是 some body take my medline 歌名是啥 多谢!!

爱情没什么道理 戚薇

照相应该是take photo还是take photos?

take a photo take photos

take an incomplete 什么意思?


Great changes ___ in the city, and a lot of factories ___. A.have been taken place, have bee..

B 试题分析:考查时态语态:句意:这个城市发生了许多变化,盖起了许多工厂。所以用现在完成时,take place不能用被动,set up和factories是被动关系,用被动。选B。点评:有的动词或动词短语是不及物的,不能用被动式:如happen,live,occur,break out,run out等。


但这要花很长时间(take)英语 But it will take a long time. take some time 花一些时间 take very little time 花很少时间 望采纳! 学好英语要花很长时间 it句型 翻译 你好! 学好英语要花很长时间 It takes a long time to learn English well 刚开始这个这要花很长时间,用日语怎么讲 これをやり始める时は、随分时间がかかります。 去超市要花很长时间吗用英语怎么说 Does it spend a long time to go to the supermarket? 或者 Does it take a long time to go to the supermarket? 你还可以这样更简洁地表达——Is it a long time to go to the supermarket? 这三个句子都能很好地表达这层意思。 很长时间以前英语怎说 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 很长时间以前 Long time ago 希望我的回答对你有帮助。 很长时间 用英语怎么说 很长时间: for a long time或in ages 希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请线上交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O 从这里到你的新学校需要花很长时间 英语翻译 it will takes you hours to get to your new school from here. 英语: 这个汤炖了很长时间,this soup is cooked for a long time 你好! 这个汤是顿了很久的。 用的是一般现在时的被动。表示说话时,这个汤就在现场。 如果用was,则意思有所改变,表示动作已经过去,汤已经不再说话现场,而且也不能用this soup来表示了,会用that/the soup. 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点选“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~ 占很长时间用英语怎么说 take a long time 占用很长时间 It"s been taken up too much time. 占用的时间太多了。 I won"t take up much of your time. 我不会占用你很多时间。 Even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time. 即便风平浪静,坐船旅行也要占用很长时间 用友年结需要花费很长时间吗? 主要还是看软体版本和硬体速度吧,去年U872资料结转话了11小时今年U890资料结转才40分钟,差距太大 检视原帖>>

which is the time it takes a wave crest to travel one wave length

it 指代是the time.说明这个时间就是波峰走过一个波长的时间。如果it指代的是不定式:to travel one wave length, 那么还原整句是:To travel one wave length takes a wave crest,本句句意变为“移动一个波长的距离要一个波峰”,而解释不通。



people tend to underestimate the time that it takes to travel a familiar route.

人们易于低估行进一条熟悉的路线所花费的时间。后面的that从句还原出来是这样的,it takes time to travel a familiar route



lt takes years to really know who somebody is an it takes shared experiences



It takes him half an hour to get to school

Niamh Kavanagh和Anne Takle的资料

只知道一首Anne Takle的nocturne 的歌,其他就不知道了

take up the call 什么意思


annual stocktaking是什么意思


take attendance是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  take attendance,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:查点考勤。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

take apart的汉语意思是什么?


break apart和take apart的区别

break apart 解体; 自行裂开take apart 拆卸; 拆开区别就在于一个是人为性拆开,一个是自己就裂开了

take apart是什么意思

take apart1. 拆开;拆卸(机器等);使…分开:The workers took the engine apart.工人们将引擎拆开了。2. 猛烈抨击;尖锐批评…;将…驳得体无完肤;对…挑剔:Her new novel was taken apart by reviewers.她新出的小说被评论家们评得一无是处。3. 严厉惩罚;(在拳击等运动中)将…彻底打败:The experienced boxer should be able to take a young opponent apart in a few rounds.经验丰富的拳击手应该在几个回合后就能彻底打败年轻的对手。Qatar was really taken apart by China in the match.在这场比赛中,卡塔尔队被中国队彻底击败。4. 仔细检查(或检验);对…深入剖析:He thoroughly takes the German national charater apart in the essay.他在这篇文章里透彻地剖析了德意志民族性格。5. 对…彻底搜查6. [口语]蹂躏;粗暴对待:The bandits took the village apart.土匪们蹂躏这个村庄。7. [俚语]把…撕成碎片;谋杀8. [古语]将…领开

beginners have to learn from their mistakes, _______ they?

1.have to 是一个比较特殊的情态习语,虽然也具有情态动词的功能,但却与其他的情态动词不同。它有人称、数和时态的变化,其否定式和疑问式的构成方式也与情态动词不一样。  2.have to 与其他情态动词一样也是后接动词原形,表示外界的强制作用,强调被迫性。含有不情愿的色彩,常译为“必须,不得不”。3.have to 可用于多种时态,而且不同时态使用不同的形式:一般现在时中,主语为第三人称单数时用has to ; 一般过去时中,用 had to。 have to 还可以用在其他的情态动词之后。例如:  She has to look after her little sister.  她不得不照顾她的小妹妹。  I have to do some washing.  我必须洗洗衣服。  I had to do my homework last night.  昨晚我不得不做作业。  I think he may have to help his Dad in the garden.  我想他可能不得不在花园里帮他爸爸。4.have to 的否定式和疑问式一般要借用助动词do的适当形式构成。have to 的否定式是don"t have to; has to 的否定式是doesn"t have to; had to 的否定式是didn"t have to。have to的疑问式同样也借用助动词do的相应形式构成。例如:  He doesn"t have to do the homework now.  他没有必要现在做作业。  —Do I have to go there now?  我现在就得去那儿吗?  —Yes, you do. (No, you don"t have to.)  是的,你必须去。(不,你不必。)  We didn"t have to answer the question yesterday.  昨天我们没有必要回答这个问题。5.Beginners have to learn from their mistakes, _______ they?属于反义疑问句。6.反义疑问句(The Disjunctive Question 或 Question tags) 即反义附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方赞同。 附加疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。(1)陈述部分肯定句+疑问部分否定句(可记为前肯后否)。例:They work hard, don"t they?他们努力工作,不是吗?Let"s go to the supermarket ,shall we?让我们去超市,好吗?(2)陈述部分否定句+疑问部分肯定句(可记为前否后肯)。例:You didn"t go, did you?你没去,是吗?7.所以后面_______ they?中必须填入have to的否定形式缩略方式。have to 的否定式是don"t have to,这里必须省略have to,所以要用don"t。

求wwe undertaker 的名言 。英文的,加中文意思。

1. REST IN PEACE (安息吧)


樽井 俊美丸山  轩高桥  淳西田 石田代 仁

if you sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap

if you sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap如果你困了睡觉睡觉睡觉

求女生唱的歌名:歌词中是:if you please, if you want,want you take me in your arm

有两首歌的歌词相似You Take My Heart Away-Shirley Basseyif you want me 玛可塔·伊尔格洛娃演唱歌曲

take me hand droy mesayheyheyhey ok抖音


take place of和take the place of有什么不同?

英语的语法中没有take place of用法,而take the place of的意思是“代替”,是及物动词词组,相当于replace,有被动语态。其用法如下:1、Nothing can ever take the place of real love and family togetherness. 什么都不能取代真爱与家庭和睦。2、In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes. 在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。3、Helicopters can to some extent take the place of tanks by spearheading the airborne attack.直升机可以担任空中进攻的前锋,从而在某种程度上取代坦克的地位。4、"Orchards would take the place of the jungle," he rhapsodized. “要让这片丛林成为果园,”他无比兴奋地说。5、Warm air is going up, heavy cool air moves in to take the place of it. 热空气上升时,大量的冷空气填充了它的位置。6、A thousand sails pass by the sunken ship," ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree.& new things ( or forces) will always take the place of the old ones. 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。(刘禹锡《酬乐天》)7、I"ll take the place of my father for a while. 我将暂时代替我父亲。8、Take the place of work of someone on strike. 在罢工中取代某人的工作位置。9、A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 直到后悔取代了梦想,那他才真的老了。

My Mistake (Was To Love You) 歌词

歌曲名:My Mistake (Was To Love You)歌手:Diana Ross&Marvin Gaye专辑:Playlist PlusWe"re so youngAnd we"re so dumbAnd if you dareAnd should I careI could destroy youAnd take you thereAs the spitfires begin their descentAnd tragic, romantic ascentMy love is 100 percentCome back to me, my mistakeCome back to me, my mistakeCome back to me, my mistakeMistake, it was all my mistakeSo suck me throughYour saliva screwsI can"t help myself if I don"t knowThe flaws in youThat were equal toThe mysteries of almost newI have said this so many, many timesI can"t help you out of your mindSo don"t judge me on timeCome back to me, my mistakeCome back to me, my mistakeCome back to me, my mistakeAnd if you pretendPlease try to offend everyoneWe share the same monkey diseasedSo give me my grape of your peaceAnd do what you want as you pleaseCome back to me, my mistakeCome back to me, my mistakeCome back to me, my mistakehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7656239

求Take The Long Way Home的歌词 Bruno Mars的歌曲

OoooOoooOooh Oh Oh OhOooh Oh Oh OhOoooOoooOooh Oh Oh OhOooh Oh Oh OhWe"ve Been Hanging Out All NightEverythings Been So NiceWish I Didnt Have To GoFeeling Sexy In The BentleyTouching Me So GentlyBut I Gotta Get HomeSo Many Things To Tell YaSo long Since I Held YaOoh Boy you Just Dont KnowJust Dont knowSo Heres My PropositionDont speak but Just LIstenBefore We Just Go Down This RoadTake Me The Long Way HomeIm not Trying To Leave You NowAint No Rush So Can You Slow It DownTake Me The Long Way HomeI Know That We Pulling UpCircle Around The BlockSo We Can Touch Some MoreKiss Me While We ThereTouch Me While We ThereJust Take Me The Long Way HomeKiss Me While We ThereTouch Me While We ThereJust Take Me The Long Way HomeWish I Could Stay all NightBut I just Cant TonightCause I Gotta Be Up AT 6 (AM In The Mourning)Boy You Made my Heart MeltWhen You Undid My SeatbeltAnd told me to come give you a kissSo Many Things To Tell YaSo long Since I Held YaOoh Boy you Just Dont KnowJust Dont knowSo Heres My PropositionDont speak but Just LIstenBefore We Just Go Down This RoadTake Me The Long Way HomeAint Trying To Leave You NowAint No Rush So Can You Slow It DownTake Me The Long Way HomeI Know That We Pulling UpCircle Around The BlockSo We Can Touch Some MoreKiss Me While We ThereTouch Me While We ThereJust Take Me The Long Way HomeKiss Me While We ThereTouch Me While We ThereJust Take Me The Long Way HomeSomething About Ya Wants Me Wanna Drive All Night All Night All Night LongI Cant wait to see You The Next Time I see you Take Me The Long Way HomeAint Trying To Leave You NowAint No Rush So Can You Slow It DownTake Me The Long Way HomeI Know That We Pulling UpCircle Around The BlockSo We Can Touch Some MoreKiss Me While We ThereTouch Me While We ThereJust Take Me The Long Way HomeKiss Me While We ThereTouch Me While We ThereJust Take Me The Long Way HomeJust Take Me The Long Way HomeOooh Oh Oh OhOooh Oh Oh OhKiss Me While We ThereTouch Me While We ThereJust Take Me The Long Way HomeOooh Oh Oh OhKiss Me While We ThereTouch Me While We ThereJust Take Me The Long Way Home

推荐几首和《Take A Bow》一样的英文歌曲

你说的谁唱的Take A Bow?


已发~RIHANNA《TAKE A BOW》Tuning:standard with CAPO on the 4th fretChords: C: x32010 G: 320033Am7: x02010 F: 133211 G/B: x20033Bbsus2:x13311 Dm7: xx0211 C/E: 032010Fadd9: 103013......

Rihanna take a bow这首歌的歌词那位有吖,有的请给下


蕾安娜Rihanna - Take A Bow 中文歌词


请问Madonna的"take a bow"这首歌的意思

Take a bow-Madonna 谢幕(麦当娜) Take a bow,the night is over.一鞠躬,夜已尽。 This masquerade is getting older.妆已老。 Light are low,the curtains down.灯已暗,幕已落。 There"s no one here.人都走了 (There"s no one here,there"s no one in the crowd).人们都走了,群众都已散尽。 Say Ur lines,but do U feel them ? 念着你的台词,但你是否感同身受? Do U mean what U say ? 你说的是真心话吗? When there"s no one around.当四下无人的时候。 (No one around)四下无人。 Watching U,watching me,one lonely star.望着你,望着我,一个孤独的明星。 (One lonely star U don"t know who U are).你是个不知道自己是谁的孤独明星。 I"ve always been in love with U(always with U).我已永远爱上你。 I guess U"ve always known it"s true.我猜想你明白这是真的。 (U know it"s true)你知道这是真的。 U took my love 4 granted,why oh why ? 你理所当然的接受了我的爱,为什么? The show is over,say good-bye.这戏已落幕,道别吧! Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye.再见吧! Make them laugh.让他们欢笑。 It comes so easy.是如此容易。 When U get 2 the part.当你演到那段。 Where U"re breaking my heart(breaking my heart).你伤透我心的那一段。 Hide behind Ur smile,all the world loves a clown.隐藏在你笑容后面,这世界都喜欢小丑。 (Just make "em smile the whole world loves a clown).只要逗人发笑,全世界都爱小丑。 Wish U well,I cannot stay.祝你好运,我无法留下。 U deserve an award 4 the role that U played.你应该为你所扮演的角色而获奖。 (Role that U played).为你所扮演的角色。 No more masquerade,U"re one lonely star.卸完妆,你只是个孤独的明星。 Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye. All the world is a stage(world is a stage).世界是个大舞台。 And everyone has their part(has their part).每个人都有自己的戏份。 But how was I 2 know which way the story"d go ? 但我如何知道故事会怎么演下去? How was I 2 know U"d break ? 我如何得知你会伤心? (U"d break,U"d break,U"d break).你会伤心。 U"d break my heart.你会伤了我的心。 I"ve always been in love with U.我已永远爱上你。 (I"ve always been in love with U).我已永远爱上你。 Guess U"ve always known.我想你一直都知道。 Say good-bye ! 再见吧!参考资料:摘自网页

Madonna的《Take A Bow》 歌词

歌曲名:Take A Bow歌手:Madonna专辑:Celebrationtake a bowMadonnaTake a bow, the night is overThis masquerade is getting olderLight are low, the curtains downThere"s no one hereSay your lines but do you feel themDo you mean what you saywhen there"s no one aroundWatching you, watching me, one lonely starI"ve always been in love with youI guess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeSay good-bye, say good-byeMake them laugh, it comes so easyWhen you get to the partWhere you"re breaking my heartHide behind your smile, all the world loves a clownWish you well, I cannot stayYou deserve an awardfor the role that you playedNo more masquerade, you"re one lonely starI"ve always been in love with youI guess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeI"ve always been in love with youI guess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeSay good-bye, say good-byeAll the world is a stageAnd everyone has their partBut how was I to know which way the story"d goHow was I to know you"d breakYou"d break my heartI"ve always been in love with youGuess you"ve always knownYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeI"ve always been in love with youI guess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeSay good-bye, say good-byeSay good-byehttp://music.baidu.com/song/454523

presence 和 take part in的区别

presence 英[ˈprezns]美[ˈprɛzəns]n. 出席; 仪表; 风度; 鬼魂,神灵;[网络] 在场; 存在; 呈现;[例句]They argued that his presence in the village could only stir up trouble.他们认为他在村里出现只会招惹麻烦。[其他] 复数:presences 形近词: absence nonsence presentstake part in 英[teik pɑ:t in]美[tek pɑrt ɪn][词典] 参加…,参与…活动; 插脚; 厕; 预;[网络] 活动; 积极参加; 参加,参与;[例句]You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching.你可以参与从划独木舟到观鸟等各种活动。

蕾安娜新歌《Take A Bow》的歌词拜托各位了 3Q

歌词: Rihanna - Take A Bow BY Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul Ohh, how about a round of applause, Yeah, standin" ovation, Ooh ohh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah. You look so dumb right now, Standin" outside my house, Tryin" to apologize, You"re so ugly when you cry, Please, just cut it out. Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not, Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught, But you put on quite a show (oh), You really had me goin", But now it"s time to go (oh), Curtain"s finally closin", That was quite a show (oh), Very entertainin", But it"s over now (but it"s over now), Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh. Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone), You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on), Talkin" "bout girl, I love you, you"re the one, This just looks like the re-run, Please, what else is on. And don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not (mmm), Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught (mmm), But you put on quite a show (oh), You really had me goin", But now it"s time to go (oh), Curtain"s finally closin", That was quite a show (oh), Very entertainin", But it"s over now (but it"s over now), Go on and take a bow, ohh. And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you), For makin" me believe that you could be paithful to me, Let"s hear your speech out, How about a round of applause, A standin" ovation. But you put on quite a show (oh), You really had me goin", But now it"s time to go (oh), Curtain"s finally closin", That was quite a show (oh), Very entertainin", But it"s over now (but it"s over now), Go on and take a bow. But it"s over now.求采纳

林志炫的《Take A Bow》 歌词

歌曲名:Take A Bow歌手:林志炫专辑:擦声而过 2林志炫 - Take a BowTake a bow, the night is overThis masquerade is getting olderLight are low, the curtains downThere"s no one hereSay your lines but do you feel themDo you mean what you say when there"s no one aroundWatching you, watching me, one lonely starI"ve always been in love with youI guess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeSay good-bye, say good-byeMake them laugh, it comes so easyWhen you get to the partWhere you"re breaking my heartHide behind your smile, all the world loves a clownWish you well, I cannot stayYou deserve an award for the role that you playedNo more masquerade, you"re one lonely starI"ve always been in love with youI guess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeSay good-bye, say good-byeAll the world is a stageAnd everyone has their partBut how was I to know which way the story"d goHow was I to know you"d breakYou"d break my heartI"ve always been in love with youGuess you"ve always knownYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeSay good-bye, say good-byeSay good-byehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1693460

rihanna take a bow的中文歌词翻译

早上好!Rihanna[take a bow]中文歌词 How about a round of applause (给你的)掌声如何 A standing ovation (我)起来(为你)鼓掌 You look so dumb right now 你现在看起来有点麻木 Standing outside my house 呆站在我家门外 Trying to apologize 试著想道歉 You"re so ugly when you cry 你哭起来 还真丑 Please, just cut it out 行行好 就别再装了 [Chorus] Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not 别说啥对不起 因为你根本没觉得对不起我 Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 亲爱的,当我知道你抱歉只是因为你被发现(说谎) But you put on quite a show 但你的确演了一出很棒的戏 You really had me going 你真的已让我相信 But now it"s time to go 但现在是离开的时候了 Curtain"s finally closing 一切终于落幕 That was quite a show 那真是一场精彩绝伦的表演 Very entertaining 娱乐性十足 But it"s over now 但现在 什麼都结束了 Go on and take a bow 所以,鞠躬答谢吧 Grab your clothes and get gone 收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前 You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 你最好在细雨来临前赶快离开 Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one 别再虚情假意的说什麼 女孩, 我爱你,你是我的唯一 This just looks like the re-run 这只是像你的表演重新开演 Please, what else is on 拜托,还有什么新花样 And the award for the best liar goes to you 最佳说谎奖将归你 For makin me believe 因为你让我相信 That you could be faithful to me 你对我是忠实的 Lets hear your speech 让我们来听听你的演说 oh...

谁有蕾哈娜Rihanna《Take a Bow》中英文对照歌词?

Rihanna - “Take a Bow” How about a round of applause (给你的)掌声如何 A standing ovation (我)起来(为你)鼓掌 You look so dumb right now 你现在看起来有点麻木 Standing outside my house 呆站在我家门外 Trying to apologize 试著想道歉 You"re so ugly when you cry 你哭起来 还真丑 Please, just cut it out 行行好 就别再装了 [Chorus] Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not 别说啥对不起 因为你根本没觉得对不起我 Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 亲爱的,当我知道你抱歉只是因为你被发现(说谎) But you put on quite a show 但你的确演了一出很棒的戏 You really had me going 你真的已让我相信 But now it"s time to go 但现在是离开的时候了 Curtain"s finally closing 一切终于落幕 That was quite a show 那真是一场精彩绝伦的表演 Very entertaining 娱乐性十足 But it"s over now 但现在 什麼都结束了 Go on and take a bow 所以,鞠躬答谢吧 Grab your clothes and get gone 收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前 You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 你最好在细雨来临前赶快离开 Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one 别再虚情假意的说什麼 女孩, 我爱你,你是我的唯一 This just looks like the re-run 这只是像你的表演重新开演 Please, what else is on 拜托,还有什么新花样 And the award for the best liar goes to you 最佳说谎奖将归你 For makin" me believe 因为你让我相信 That you could be faithful to me 你对我是忠实的 Let"s hear your speech 让我们来听听你的演说 oh...

Rihanna的Take A Bow 音译歌词

How about a round of applause   (给你点)掌声如何   yeah standing ovation   (我)起来(为你)鼓掌   You look so dumb right now   你现在看起来真是愚蠢   Standing outside my house   呆站在我家门外   Trying to apologize   试着想道歉   You"re so ugly when you cry   你哭起来 还真丑   Please, just cut it out   够了 就别再装了   [Chorus]   Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not   别告诉我对不起 因为你根本没觉得对不起我   Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught   亲爱的,当我知道你抱歉只是因为你被发现(说谎)   But you put on quite a show   但你的确演了一出很棒的戏   You really had me going   你真的已让我相信   But now it"s time to go   但现在是离开的时候了   Curtain"s finally closing   一切终于落幕   That was quite a show   那真是一场精彩绝伦的表演   Very entertaining   娱乐性十足   But it"s over now   但现在 一切都结束了   Go on and take a bow   所以,谢幕离开吧   Grab your clothes and get gone   收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前   You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on   你最好在细雨来临前赶快离开   Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one   别再虚情假意的说什么 女孩, 我爱你,你是我的唯一   This just looks like the re-run   这只是故伎重演   Please, what else is on   拜托,还有什么新花样   And the award for the best liar goes to you   最佳说谎奖将归你   For makin me believe   因为你让我相信   That you could be faithful to me   你对我是忠实的   Lets hear your speech   让我们来听听你的演说

take a bow的中文翻译

How about a round of applause 给你来点欢呼Yeah, standin" ovation 再来个起立鼓掌You look so dumb right now你看起来真傻Standing outside my house站在我家门外Trying to apologize想要向我道歉You"re so ugly when you cry你哭的样子真难看Please, just cut it out拜托 省省吧Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not不要向我道歉,你丝毫没有感到内疚Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 亲爱的 我知道你只是被人发现说谎时感到抱歉But you put on quite a show但是你上演了一出很好的戏You really had me going真的让我相信了你的谎言But now it"s time to go但现在一切将结束Curtain"s finally closing所有的事情都落下帷幕That was quite a show那真是一场精采绝伦的表演Very entertaining 真的很娱乐But it"s over now一切都结束了Go on and take a bow 鞠躬谢幕吧Grab your clothes and get gone 收拾好你的衣物 在我眼前消失You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 你最好在下雨前赶快离开吧Talkin" about girl, I love you, you"re the one说什么我爱你,你是我的唯一This just looks like the re-run 又重新开始表演了Please, what else is on拜托 你还会点什么Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not不要向我道歉,你丝毫没有感到内疚Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 亲爱的 我知道你只是被人发现说谎时感到抱歉But you put on quite a show但是你上演了一出很好的戏You really had me going真的让我相信了你的谎言But now it"s time to go但现在一切将结束Curtain"s finally closing所有的事情都落下帷幕That was quite a show那真是一场精采绝伦的表演Very entertaining 真的很娱乐But it"s over now一切都结束了Go on and take a bow 鞠躬谢幕吧And the award for the best liar goes to you最佳说谎奖归属于你For makin" me believe that you could be faithful to me因为你成功让我相信你对我的忠诚Let"s hear your speech out让我们来听听你漂亮的演说How about a round of applause 给你来点欢呼Yeah, standin" ovation 再来个起立鼓掌But you put on quite a show但是你上演了一出很好的戏You really had me going真的让我相信了你的谎言But now it"s time to go但现在一切将结束Curtain"s finally closing所有的事情都落下帷幕That was quite a show那真是一场精采绝伦的表演Very entertaining 真的很娱乐But it"s over now一切都结束了Go on and take a bow 鞠躬谢幕吧

Take A Bow [Live From Wembley Stadium] 歌词

歌曲名:Take A Bow [Live From Wembley Stadium]歌手:MUSE专辑:Haarp [Live From Wembley Stadium] [Audio]Take A BowMuseBlack Holes And RevelationsCorrupt, you corrupt,And bring corruption to all that you touch.Hold, you"ll behold,And beholden for all that you"ve done.Spell, cast a spell,Cast a spell on the country you run.And risk, you will risk,You will risk all their lives and their souls.And burn, you will burn,You will burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell.You"ll burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell for your sins.Ooohhh.Our freedom"s consuming itself,What we"ve become is contrary to what we wantTake a bow.Death, you bring death and destruction to all that you touch.Pay, you must payYou must pay for your crimes against the earth.Hex, feed the hexFeed the hex on the country you loveAnd beg, you will begYou will beg for their lives and their souls.And burn, you will burn,You will burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell,You"ll burn in hell, yeah you"ll in hell,Burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell for your sins.http://music.baidu.com/song/7935604

take a bow的中文翻译

How about a round of applause 给你来点欢呼 Yeah,standin" ovation 再来个起立鼓掌 You look so dumb right now你看起来真傻 Standing outside my house站在我家门外 Trying to apologize想要向我道歉 You"re so ugly when you cry你哭的样子真难看 Please,just cut it out拜托 省省吧 Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not不要向我道歉,你丝毫没有感到内疚 Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 亲爱的 我知道你只是被人发现说谎时感到抱歉 But you put on quite a show但是你上演了一出很好的戏 You really had me going真的让我相信了你的谎言 But now it"s time to go但现在一切将结束 Curtain"s finally closing所有的事情都落下帷幕 That was quite a show那真是一场精采绝伦的表演 Very entertaining 真的很娱乐 But it"s over now一切都结束了 Go on and take a bow 鞠躬谢幕吧 Grab your clothes and get gone 收拾好你的衣物 在我眼前消失 You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 你最好在下雨前赶快离开吧 Talkin" about girl,I love you,you"re the one说什么我爱你,你是我的唯一 This just looks like the re-run 又重新开始表演了 Please,what else is on拜托 你还会点什么 Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not不要向我道歉,你丝毫没有感到内疚 Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 亲爱的 我知道你只是被人发现说谎时感到抱歉 But you put on quite a show但是你上演了一出很好的戏 You really had me going真的让我相信了你的谎言 But now it"s time to go但现在一切将结束 Curtain"s finally closing所有的事情都落下帷幕 That was quite a show那真是一场精采绝伦的表演 Very entertaining 真的很娱乐 But it"s over now一切都结束了 Go on and take a bow 鞠躬谢幕吧 And the award for the best liar goes to you最佳说谎奖归属于你 For makin" me believe that you could be faithful to me因为你成功让我相信你对我的忠诚 Let"s hear your speech out让我们来听听你漂亮的演说 How about a round of applause 给你来点欢呼 Yeah,standin" ovation 再来个起立鼓掌 But you put on quite a show但是你上演了一出很好的戏 You really had me going真的让我相信了你的谎言 But now it"s time to go但现在一切将结束 Curtain"s finally closing所有的事情都落下帷幕 That was quite a show那真是一场精采绝伦的表演 Very entertaining 真的很娱乐 But it"s over now一切都结束了 Go on and take a bow 鞠躬谢幕吧

蕾哈娜的这首《Take A Bow》的歌词的中文意思是啥?


Take a bow的介绍

1994年,《Take A Bow》谢幕 在没人看好的情况下发行单曲,全美电台收到歌迷一波波的点播电话, Take A Bow冲上了排行榜冠军, 全世界的人都在其无比柔美歌声中和1994年说再见 。著名美剧《老友记》,相信大家都不陌生。对老友迷来讲,《Take A Bow》最重要的地位就是用作插曲,在《Friends》里作为了RossRachel恋曲的开篇,这首凄美哀惋的情歌,的确恰倒好处的衬托出Rachel当时那忐忑期待与失落伤感的内心滋味, 也让老友迷们无不对RR未来的走向更添了几分寄托。

take a bow歌词是什么?

这首歌由Tor Erik Hermansen、Mikkel Eriksen和Shaffer Smith制作并谱写。歌词:Howaboutaroundofapplause,Astandingovation给你的掌声如何?起来为你鼓掌Youlooksodumbrightnow,Standingoutsidemyhouse你现在看起来有点麻木,呆站在我家门外Tryingtoapologize,You"resouglywhenyoucry试著想道歉,你哭起来还真丑Please,justcutitout行行好就别再装了Don"ttellmeyou"resorrycuzyou"renot别说啥对不起因为你根本没觉得对不起我BabywhenIknowyou"reonlysorryyougotcaught亲爱的,当我知道你抱歉只是因为你被发现(说谎)Butyouputonquiteashow,Youreallyhadmegoing但你的确演了一出很棒的戏,你真的已让我相信Butnowit"stimetogo,Curtain"sfinallyclosing但现在是离开的时候了,一切终于落幕Thatwasquiteashow,Veryentertaining那真是一场精彩绝伦的表演,娱乐性十足Butit"sovernow,Goonandtakeabow但现在什麼都结束了,所以,鞠躬答谢吧Grabyourclothesandgetgone,Youbetterhurryupbeforethesprinklerscomeon收拾你的衣服消失在我眼前,你最好在细雨来临前赶快离开Talkin"about,girl,Iloveyou,you"retheone别再虚情假意的说什麼女孩,我爱你,你是我的唯一Thisjustlookslikethere-run,Please,whatelseison这只是像你的表演重新开演,拜托,还有什么新花样Andtheawardforthebestliargoestoyou,Formakin"mebelieve最佳说谎奖将归你,因为你让我相信Thatyoucouldbefaithfultome,Let"shearyourspeechout你对我是忠实的,让我们来听听你的演说oh.扩展资料“Take a Bow”受到来自音乐评论家褒贬不一的评论。在这首歌被作为正式单曲之后,数字间谍的Nick Levine评论其选择的《Good Girl Gone Bad:Reloaded》单曲,歌手可以选择"Breakin" Dishes"作为《Good Girl Gone Bad:Reloaded》的单曲,Levine继续在他的评论中写的,虽然这首民谣成功的讲述了一个失败感情的故事,但他指出,这首歌似乎较之前的音乐来说失了些水准。Levine称,他的理由是,Take a Bow的成绩很好,但这似乎很难继"Don"t Stop the Music"后给人留下深刻印象。滚石的Natalie Zfat给了它三个半颗星星。

Rihanna的take a bow的中英文的歌词!!

How about a round of applause 舞台上 接受众人拍手喝采 A standing ovation 感觉很不错吧 You look so dumb right now 但你现在看起来有点可笑 Standing outside my house 整个人 呆站在我家门外 Trying to apologize 试著想道歉 You"re so ugly when you cry 你哭起来 还真丑 Please, just cut it out 行行好 就别再装了 [Chorus] Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not 别说啥对不起 这有点虚假 Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 当事情爆发 才知道说抱歉 But you put on quite a show 的确 你演了出很棒的戏 You really had me going 把大家全唬的一愣愣的 But now it"s time to go 曲终人散 也该走了 Curtain"s finally closing 一切都已落幕 That was quite a show 精采绝伦的戏码 Very entertaining 娱乐性十足 But it"s over now 但现在 什麼都结束了 Go on and take a bow 下台一鞠躬 滚吧 Grab your clothes and get gone 收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前 You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 最好赶快离开 洒水车都快来了 Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one 别虚情假意的说什麼 「永远爱你,我的唯一」 This just looks like the re-run 根本是胡扯的续集 Please, what else is on 谁知道你打著什麼鬼主意

Take A Bow--Rihanna的中文歌词

How about a round of applause (给你的)掌声如何 A standing ovation (我)起来(为你)鼓掌You look so dumb right now 你现在看起来有点麻木 Standing outside my house 呆站在我家门外 Trying to apologize 试著想道歉You"re so ugly when you cry 你哭起来 还真丑Please, just cut it out 行行好 就别再装了 Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not 别说对不起因为你根本没觉得对不起我 Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 亲爱的,当我知道你抱歉只是因为你被发现(说谎)But you put on quite a show 但你的确演了一出很棒的戏You really had me going 你真的已让我相信 But now it"s time to go 但现在是离开的时候了Curtain"s finally closing 一切终于落幕 That was quite a show 那真是一场精彩绝伦的表演Very entertaining 娱乐性十足 But it"s over now 但现在 什麼都结束了 Go on and take a bow 所以,鞠躬答谢吧Grab your clothes and get gone 收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 你最好在细雨来临前赶快离开Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one 别再虚情假意的说什麼 女孩, 我爱你,你是我的唯一 This just looks like the re-run 这只是像你的表演重新开演 Please, what else is on 拜托,还有什么新花样 And the award for the best liar goes to you 最佳说谎奖将归你For makin" me believe 因为你让我相信That you could be faithful to me 你对我是忠实的 Let"s hear your speech 让我们来听听你的演说 oh...

Rihanna的《Take A Bow》 歌词

歌曲名:Take A Bow歌手:Rihanna专辑:Good Girl Gone Bad: ReloadedTake A BowRihannaOhh how about a round of applauseYeah standin" ovationOoh ohh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYou look so dumb right nowStandin" outside my houseTryin" to apologizeYou"re so ugly when you cryPlease just cut it outDon"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re notBaby when I know you"re only sorry you got caughtBut you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertainin"But it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bow, ohh ohhGrab your clothes and get gone (get gone)You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on)Talkin" "bout girl I love you you"re the oneThis just looks like the re-runPlease what else is onAnd don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not (mmm)Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught (mmm)But you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertaininBut it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bow, ohhAnd the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you)For makin" me believe that you could be paithful to meLet"s hear your speech outHow about a round of applauseA standin" ovationBut you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertainin"But it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bowBut it"s over nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/752971

take a bow中英文歌词

take a bowRihanna - Take A BowOhh, how about a round of applause,Yeah, standin" ovation,Ooh ohh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah.You look so dumb right now,Standin" outside my house,Tryin" to apologize,You"re so ugly when you cry,Please, just cut it out.Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not,Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught,But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh.Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone),You better hurry up before the sprinklers ***e on (***e on),Talkin" "bout girl, I love you, you"re the one,This just looks like the re-run,Please, what else is on.And don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not (mmm),Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught (mmm),But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow, ohh.And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you),For makin" me believe that you could be paithful to me,Let"s hear your speech out,How about a round of applause,A standin" ovation.But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow.But it"s over now.

Rihanna--Take. A. Bow。这首歌的意思是什么。


谁有麦当娜 take a bow的歌词?

分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 欧美明星 解析: Take a bow,the night is over.一鞠躬,夜已尽。 This masquerade is getting older.妆已老。 Light are low,the curtains down.灯已暗,幕已落。 There"s no one here.人都走了(There"s no one here,there"s no one in the crowd).人们都走了,群众都已散尽。 Say Ur lines,but do U feel them ? 念着你的台词,但你是否感同身受? Do U mean what U say ? 你说的是真心话吗? When there"s no one around.当四下无人的时候。 (No one around)四下无人。 Watching U,watching me,one lonely star.望着你,望着我,一个孤独的明星。 (One lonely star U don"t know who U are).你是个不知道自己是谁的孤独明星。 I"ve always been in love with U(always with U).我已永远爱上你。 I guess U"ve always known it"s true.我猜想你明白这是真的。 (U know it"s true)你知道这是真的。 U took my love 4 granted,why oh why ? 你理所当然的接受了我的爱,为什么? The show is over,say good-bye.这戏已落幕,道别吧! Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye.再见吧! Make them laugh.让他们欢笑。 It es so easy.是如此容易。 When U get 2 the part.当你演到那段。 Where U"re breaking my heart(breaking my heart).你伤透我心的那一段。 Hide behind Ur *** ile,all the world loves a clown.隐藏在你笑容后面,这世界都喜欢小丑。 (Just make "em *** ile the whole world loves a clown).只要逗人发笑,全世界都爱小丑。 Wish U well,I cannot stay.祝你好运,我无法留下。 U deserve an award 4 the role that U played.你应该为你所扮演的角色而获奖。 (Role that U played).为你所扮演的角色。 No more masquerade,U"re one lonely star.卸完妆,你只是个孤独的明星。 (One lonely star U don"t know who U are).你是个不知道自己是谁的孤独明星。 I"ve always been in love with U(always with U).我已永远爱上你。 I guess U"ve always known it"s true.我猜想你明白这是真的。 (U know it"s true)你知道这是真的。 U took my love 4 granted,why oh why ? 你理所当然的接受了我的爱,为什么? The show is over,say good-bye.这戏已落幕,道别吧! I"ve always been in love with U(always with U).我已永远爱上你。 I guess U"ve always known it"s true.我猜想你明白这是真的。 (U know it"s true)你知道这是真的。 U took my love 4 granted,why oh why ? 你理所当然的接受了我的爱,为什么? The show is over,say good-bye.这戏已落幕,道别吧! Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye.再见吧! Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye. All the world is a stage(world is a stage).世界是个大舞台。 And everyone has their part(has their part).每个人都有自己的戏份。 But how was I 2 know which way the story"d go ? 但我如何知道故事会怎么演下去? How was I 2 know U"d break ? 我如何得知你会伤心? (U"d break,U"d break,U"d break).你会伤心。 U"d break my heart.你会伤了我的心。 I"ve always been in love with U.我已永远爱上你。 (I"ve always been in love with U).我已永远爱上你。 Guess U"ve always known.我想你一直都知道。 U took my love 4 granted,why oh why ? 你理所当然的接受了我的爱,为什么? The show is over,say good-bye.这戏已落幕,道别吧! I"ve always been in love with U(always with U).我已永远爱上你。 I guess U"ve always known it"s true.我猜想你明白这是真的。 (U know it"s true)你知道这是真的。 U took my love 4 granted,why oh why ? 你理所当然的接受了我的爱,为什么? The show is over,say good-bye.这戏已落幕,道别吧! Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye.再见吧! Say good-bye ! 再见吧!

有take a bow的歌词翻译吗?


Rihanna take a bow mv里讲了什么


Rihanna take a bow MV男主角

"Anothony Gallo"出生日期 1981年5月3日出生地点 美国纽约身高 5呎11吋(1.8米)血统 义大利 / 非洲职业 模特儿内有介绍他为 Rihanna 拍 take a bow MV:http://www.entmoney.com/2009/05/22/keep-your-eye-out-for-super-model-in-the-making-anthony-gallo/

Rihanna有哪些歌像Take a Bow的?


有没有类似像take a bow 这种风格的歌曲?

only hope—mandy moore

麦当娜有首take a bow,有什么含义吗

不合适,我看你歌词是很伤感要离别的意思!!!换个喜庆点的!!!the show is over, say good-bye say good-bye, say good-bye

Take a bow的翻唱

单曲被其他艺人收录林忆莲1997年发行的《美妙世界》专辑翻唱了这首经典佳作林志炫《擦声而过2》收录麦当娜的《Take A Bow》,用他的天使之音重新演绎此歌。

丽安娜.刘易斯Take a Bow歌词的翻译

这个歌不是蕾哈娜的吗?Rihanna - “Take a Bow”How about a round of applause(给你的)掌声如何A standing ovation(我)起来(为你)鼓掌You look so dumb right now你现在看起来有点麻木Standing outside my house呆站在我家门外Trying to apologize试著想道歉You"re so ugly when you cry你哭起来 还真丑Please, just cut it out行行好 就别再装了[Chorus]Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not别说啥对不起 因为你根本没觉得对不起我Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught亲爱的,当我知道你抱歉只是因为你被发现(说谎)But you put on quite a show但你的确演了一出很棒的戏You really had me going你真的已让我相信But now it"s time to go但现在是离开的时候了Curtain"s finally closing一切终于落幕That was quite a show那真是一场精彩绝伦的表演Very entertaining娱乐性十足But it"s over now但现在 什麼都结束了Go on and take a bow所以,鞠躬答谢吧Grab your clothes and get gone收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on你最好在细雨来临前赶快离开Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one别再虚情假意的说什麼 女孩, 我爱你,你是我的唯一This just looks like the re-run这只是像你的表演重新开演Please, what else is on拜托,还有什么新花样And the award for the best liar goes to you最佳说谎奖将归你For makin" me believe因为你让我相信That you could be faithful to me你对我是忠实的Let"s hear your speech让我们来听听你的演说oh...

take a bow是什么意思

take a/your bow (of a performer 演员) to bow to the audience as they are applauding you 谢幕;鞠躬答

求take a bow 的中英文对照歌词(歌手蕾安娜)

歌名:Take A Bow〖鞠躬〗演唱:RihannaMade By 『月光·疾风TT』【QQ:441093762】How about a round of applause〖给你来点欢呼怎样?〗Yeah, standin" ovation〖再来个起立鼓掌〗You look so dumb right now〖你看起来如此笨拙〗Standing outside my house〖呆站在我家门外〗Trying to apologize〖尝试着向我道歉〗You"re so ugly when you cry〖你啼哭的样子还真难看〗Please, just cut it out〖拜托 别在我面前装模作样了〗Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not〖你丝毫没有感到内疚时不要向我道歉〗Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught〖亲爱的 我知道你只是被人发现说谎时感到抱歉〗But you put on quite a show〖但是你上演了一出很好的戏〗You really had me going〖真的让我相信了你的谎言〗But now it"s time to go〖但现在一切将告一段落〗Curtain"s finally closing〖所有的事情都落下帷幕〗That was quite a show〖那真是一场精采绝伦的表演〗Very entertaining〖娱乐性十足〗But it"s over now〖但现在一切将随风而去〗Go on and take a bow〖为这出精彩的表演鞠躬答谢吧〗Grab your clothes and get gone〖收拾好你的衣物 在我眼前消失吧〗You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on〖你最好在细雨来临之前赶快离开吧〗Talkin" about girl, I love you, you"re the one〖说什么我爱你,你是我的唯一之类的话〗This just looks like the re-run〖只能让我感觉你又重新开始表演了〗Please, what else is on〖拜托 你还有什么新骗术〗And don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not〖你丝毫没有感到内疚时不要向我道歉〗Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught〖亲爱的 我知道你只是被人发现说谎时感到抱歉〗But you put on quite a show〖但是你上演了一出很好的戏〗You really had me going〖真的让我相信了你的谎言〗But now it"s time to go〖但现在一切将告一段落〗Curtain"s finally closing〖所有的事情都落下帷幕〗That was quite a show〖那真是一场精采绝伦的表演〗Very entertaining〖娱乐性十足〗But it"s over now〖但现在一切将随风而去〗Go on and take a bow〖为这出精彩的表演鞠躬答谢吧〗And the award for the best liar goes to you〖最佳说谎奖归属于你〗For makin" me believe that you could be faithful to me〖因为你成功让我相信你对我的忠诚〗Let"s hear your speech out〖让我们来听听你漂亮的演说〗How about a round of applause〖给你来点欢呼怎样?〗A standin" ovation〖再来个起立鼓掌〗But you put on quite a show〖但是你上演了一出很好的戏〗You really had me going〖真的把我忽悠了〗But now it"s time to go〖但现在一切将告一段落〗Curtain"s finally closing〖所有的事情都落下帷幕〗That was quite a show〖那真是一场精采绝伦的表演〗Very entertaining〖娱乐性十足〗But it"s over now〖但现在一切将随风而去〗Go on and take a bow〖为这出精彩的表演鞠躬答谢吧〗But it"s over now〖但现在一切将随风而去〗---------------ThE EnD---------------

求英语翻译,take a bow什么意思?


Take a bow的介绍

1994年,《Take A Bow》谢幕 在没人看好的情况下发行单曲,全美电台收到歌迷一波波的点播电话, Take A Bow冲上了排行榜冠军, 全世界的人都在其无比柔美歌声中和1994年说再见 。著名美剧《老友记》,相信大家都不陌生。对老友迷来讲,《Take A Bow》最重要的地位就是用作插曲,在《Friends》里作为了RossRachel恋曲的开篇,这首凄美哀惋的情歌,的确恰倒好处的衬托出Rachel当时那忐忑期待与失落伤感的内心滋味, 也让老友迷们无不对RR未来的走向更添了几分寄托。

谁帮忙翻写《take a bow》这首歌词的谐音?Rihanna唱的那首...

Rihanna - “Take a Bow” How about a round of applause 好饿饱特额ruang德奥夫额普烙丝A standing ovation 额丝单定哦为深You look so dumb right now 油鲁克搜当姆ruai闹Standing outside my house 死单丁奥赛买浩丝Trying to apologize 揣英吐额跑喽宅子 You"re so ugly when you cry 油儿搜阿格里问油苦ruaiPlease, just cut it out 普力丝,加斯特卡特伊特奥特[Chorus] Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re not 东调密油啊骚瑞靠子油啊闹特Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught 北鼻问爱no油啊ong里骚瑞油搞特靠特 But you put on quite a show 巴特油普特昂快特额收You really had me going 油瑞里还的密狗英 But now it"s time to go 巴闹一丝檀木吐够 Curtain"s finally closing 咳ten(英语的10)丝凡了里咳楼京That was quite a show 呆特我思快特额收 Very entertaining 微瑞阴特忒宁But it"s over now 巴一丝欧纹儿闹 Go on and take a bow 够昂安忒咳包Grab your clothes and get gone 瓜不油可楼丝安该刚You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on 油白特哈瑞啊普比佛的 丝彬咳丝抗忙Talkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the one 托king饱特,哥哦,爱老虎油,油啊的万 This just looks like the re-run 迪斯家私来客的瑞软Please, what else is on 普利斯,沃特哎奥丝一丝昂And the award for the best liar goes to you 俺滴额我的佛的百斯特赖儿狗丝涂油 For makin" me believe 佛没king密比里无 That you could be faithful to me 呆特油哭的比菲斯佛吐密Let"s hear your speech 赖斯hi(拼音)油儿丝比吃 oh...你要好好学习啊,写这个我都要崩溃了。。。

take a bow 歌词

不知道你要谁的,这里有Leona Lewis的,Rihanna的。Leona Lewis - Take A Bow The followers are all faded now Along with your lips They will never see the bright of day Cause ill never change but now There"s no turning back Its for the better Baby I disserved more than empty words And promises I believed every word you said And I give you the best I hade Oh. So take a bow. Cause you"ve taken everything else You played the part like I saw you waited so well Take a bow Cause this seen its coming to an end I gave you love. All you give me was pretend Till now.. Take a bow The future bout to change Before you know it the certain closes Take a look around There"s no one in the crowd I"m throwing all the way the pain And you show know that long before it Made me stronger now So take a bow. Cause you"ve taken everything else You played the part like I saw you waited so well Take a bow Cause this seen its coming to an end I gave you love. All you give me was pretend Till now.. Take a bow Well it must have been hard hand Cause I still cant understand That I could never see Just what a fool believed Um Well the lies they start to show Tell me how it feels to know Right now that I wont be around So baby before where ever you are Rihanna - “Take a Bow” How about a round of applauseA standing ovationYou look so dumb right nowStanding outside my houseTrying to apologizeYou"re so ugly when you cryPlease, just cut it out[Chorus]Don"t tell me you"re sorry cuz you"re notBaby when I know you"re only sorry you got caughtBut you put on quite a showYou really had me goingBut now it"s time to goCurtain"s finally closingThat was quite a showVery entertainingBut it"s over nowGo on and take a bowGrab your clothes and get goneYou better hurry up before the sprinklers come onTalkin" about, girl, I love you, you"re the oneThis just looks like the re-runPlease, what else is on

Rihanna的《Take A Bow》 歌词

歌曲:Take A Bow(电影《枕边故事》主题曲)歌手:Rihanna专辑:Take A Bow歌词:Ohh how about a round of applauseYeah standin" ovationOoh ohh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYou look so dumb right nowStandin" outside my houseTryin" to apologizeYou"re so ugly when you cryPlease just cut it outDon"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re notBaby when I know you"re only sorry you got caughtBut you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertainin"But it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bow, ohh ohhGrab your clothes and get gone (get gone)You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on)Talkin" "bout girl I love you you"re the oneThis just looks like the re-runPlease what else is onAnd don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not (mmm)Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught (mmm)But you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertaininBut it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bow, ohhAnd the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you)For makin" me believe that you could be paithful to meLet"s hear your speech outHow about a round of applauseA standin" ovationBut you put on quite a show (oh)You really had me goin"But now it"s time to go (oh)Curtain"s finally closin"That was quite a show (oh)Very entertainin"But it"s over now (but it"s over now)Go on and take a bowBut it"s over now

Take A Bow翻译中文!是什么!

Rihanna的《Take a Bow》 歌词

歌曲名:Take a Bow歌手:Rihanna专辑:Good Girl Gone BadRihanna - Take A BowBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulOhh, how about a round of applause,Yeah, standin" ovation,Ooh ohh yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah.You look so dumb right now,Standin" outside my house,Tryin" to apologize,You"re so ugly when you cry,Please, just cut it out.Don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not,Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught,But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow, ohh ohh.Grab your clothes and get gone (get gone),You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on (come on),Talkin" "bout girl, I love you, you"re the one,This just looks like the re-run,Please, what else is on.And don"t tell me you"re sorry "cause you"re not (mmm),Baby when I know you"re only sorry you got caught (mmm),But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow, ohh.And the award for the best liar goes to you (goes to you),For makin" me believe that you could be paithful to me,Let"s hear your speech out,How about a round of applause,A standin" ovation.But you put on quite a show (oh),You really had me goin",But now it"s time to go (oh),Curtain"s finally closin",That was quite a show (oh),Very entertainin",But it"s over now (but it"s over now),Go on and take a bow.But it"s over now.http://music.baidu.com/song/54480847

林忆莲的《Take A Bow》 歌词

歌曲名:Take A Bow歌手:林忆莲专辑:美妙世界Wonderful WorldTake a bow, the night is overThis masquerade is getting olderLight are low, the curtains downThere"s no one hereSay your lines but do you feel themDo you mean what you say when there"s no one aroundWatching you, watching me, one lonely starI"ve always been in love with youI guess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeSay good-bye , say good-byeMake them laugh, it comes so easyWhen you get to the partWhere you"re breaking my heart Hide behind your smile, all the world loves a clownWish you well, I cannot stayYou deserve an award for the role that you playedNo more masquerade, you"re one lonely starI"ve always been in love with youI guess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeSay good-bye I"ve always been in love with youGuess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byesay good-bye say good-byeAll the world is a stage And everyone has their part But how was I to know which way the story"d goHow was I to know you"d breakYou"d break my heartI"ve always been in love with youGuess you"ve always knownYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeI"ve always been in love with youGuess you"ve always known it"s trueYou took my love for granted, why oh whyThe show is over, say good-byeSay good-bye , say good-byeSay good-byehttp://music.baidu.com/song/544462

有take a bow的歌词翻译吗?

Take a bow-Madonna 谢幕(麦当娜)Take a bow,the night is over.一鞠躬,夜已尽。This masquerade is getting older.妆已老。Light are low,the curtains down.灯已暗,幕已落。There"s no one here.人都走了(There"s no one here,there"s no one in the crowd).人们都走了,群众都已散尽。Say Ur lines,but do U feel them ? 念着你的台词,但你是否感同身受?Do U mean what U say ? 你说的是真心话吗?When there"s no one around.当四下无人的时候。(No one around)四下无人。Watching U,watching me,one lonely star.望着你,望着我,一个孤独的明星。(One lonely star U don"t know who U are).你是个不知道自己是谁的孤独明星。I"ve always been in love with U(always with U).我已永远爱上你。I guess U"ve always known it"s true.我猜想你明白这是真的。(U know it"s true)你知道这是真的。U took my love 4 granted,why oh why ? 你理所当然的接受了我的爱,为什么?The show is over,say good-bye.这戏已落幕,道别吧!Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye.再见吧!Make them laugh.让他们欢笑。It comes so easy.是如此容易。When U get 2 the part.当你演到那段。Where U"re breaking my heart(breaking my heart).你伤透我心的那一段。Hide behind Ur smile,all the world loves a clown.隐藏在你笑容后面,这世界都喜欢小丑。(Just make "em smile the whole world loves a clown).只要逗人发笑,全世界都爱小丑。Wish U well,I cannot stay.祝你好运,我无法留下。U deserve an award 4 the role that U played.你应该为你所扮演的角色而获奖。(Role that U played).为你所扮演的角色。No more masquerade,U"re one lonely star.卸完妆,你只是个孤独的明星。Say good-bye(bye bye),say good-bye.All the world is a stage(world is a stage).世界是个大舞台。And everyone has their part(has their part).每个人都有自己的戏份。But how was I 2 know which way the story"d go ? 但我如何知道故事会怎么演下去?How was I 2 know U"d break ? 我如何得知你会伤心?(U"d break,U"d break,U"d break).你会伤心。U"d break my heart.你会伤了我的心。I"ve always been in love with U.我已永远爱上你。(I"ve always been in love with U).我已永远爱上你。Guess U"ve always known.我想你一直都知道。Say good-bye ! 再见吧!

翻译:take a bow


take a bow这首歌的相关内容??

1994年,电影《Take A Bow》在没人看好的情况下发行单曲,全美电台收到歌迷一波波的点播电话,"Take A Bow"冲上了排行榜冠军,成为Madonna三年来第一首冠军曲,七周的冠军纪录也刷新了她个人自84年来的冠军曲蝉连周数,全世界的人都在其无比柔美歌声中和1994年说再见当然对老友迷来讲,《Take A Bow》最重要的地位就是用在《Friends》里作为了RossRachel恋曲的开篇,这首凄美哀惋的情歌,的确恰倒好处的衬托出Rachel当时那忐忑期待与失落伤感的内心滋味,也让老友迷们无不对RR未来的走向更添了几分寄托take a bow, the night is overthis masquerade is getting olderlight are low, the curtains downthere"s no one heresay your lines but do you feel themdo you mean what you say when there"s no one around watching you, watching me, one lonely stari"ve always been in love with you I guess you"ve always known it"s true you took my love for granted, why oh whythe show is over, say good-byesay good-bye, say good-byemake them laugh, it comes so easywhen you get to the partwhere you"re breaking my heart hide behind your smile, all the world loves a clownwish you well, i cannot stayyou deserve an award for the role that you played no more masquerade, you"re one lonely starall the world is a stage and everyone has their part but how was i to know which way the story"d gohow was i to know you"d breakyou"d break my heart麦当娜资料(太多,去网页看吧)http://hollylee.blog.hexun.com/1448933_d.html
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