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mistake:错误,指日常生活中判断和看法的错误,是可数名词; He made a lot of spelling mistake in the test.error:指违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误;fault:指“过失的责任或性格上的弱点”谢谢采纳 O(∩_∩)O~




If you can take it, you can make it. 能忍方能有所成。如有疑问,请追问!

Has a doctor ever given you a note to take to the…… 你能告诉我关于这句话的文章的中文意思吗


take my phone


she take my phone怎么变一般疑问句?

Does she take my phone?

一首歌里有take my phone 这三个单词,歌名叫什么呀?

The Coldcut <<My telephone>>Telephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneI can live without my telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, can"t you leave it till I"m throughTelephone, we"ve got better things to doI can live without my telephoneMy telephoneIt don"t matter where I amTelephones are in a jamCan"t finish anythingThe telephone is always ringin"Got no job, got no payDon"t let them take my phone awayIn my car or in my homeEverybody"s gettin" it on the phoneEverybody"s gettin" it on the telephoneEverybody"s gettin" it on the phoneEverybody"s gettin" it on the telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, always ringing in my headTelephone, always get me out of bedI can live without my telephoneI can live without my telephoneTelephone, got me hanging on the lineTelephone, wasting all my timeI can live without my telephoneTelephone, now I"m seeing redTelephone, can"t make out what you saidI can live without my telephoneI can live without my telephone

我没带手机 英语 i am mot take my phone 和i do not take my phone 有啥区别 哪个对

后面那个对前面的那个am和take都是谓语,就算是I am not taking my phone改成这个样子,“我没带手机”一般都是表示瞬间动作的状态,也感觉不太对。

摇滚组合take four简介

美国五人摇滚组合"伊凡塞斯" 美国摇滚组合—Paramore(paramore,是一支来自美国的年轻乐队,风格是典型的EMO-PUNK,音乐自然而紧凑,散发着浓厚的流行摇滚元素,乐队目前已发行3张专辑。 Paramore也为一些比较知名的好莱坞影片演唱过歌曲,比如大家熟知的《暮光之城》 ) 美国摇滚组合One Republic 美国当红摇滚组合Maroon 5 美国摇滚组合 Signal the Escape


bring, take和carry这三个词都和“拿、取”有关,但要注意三者之间的区别:bring意为“带来,拿来”,指把某物或某人从另一个地方带到说话的地方来,也可以说是“由远及近”。例如: Bring me your dictionary tomorrow.明天把你的词典给我拿来。take(带走)意为把某物或某人从说话的地方带到另一个地方去,也可以说是“由近及远”,常和介词to构成搭配。例如:Can you help me take the books to the classroom?你能帮我把这些书带到教室去吗?carry意思是“提、扛、搬、携带”,意思较多,但没有方向性。例如:(1)Will you please carry the box for me? 你替我扛那个箱子好吗?(2) Li Dong is carrying water.李东在提水

take away和take away from有什么区别


taking on leadership roles for the younger students是什么意思


一How do you get to school?一I ______ to school. A.by bus B.on the bus C.take the bus D

C 试题分析:by bus乘公交车;on the bus 在公交车上;take the bus乘公交车去;take bus说法有误,bus前需加冠词。句意;你怎样到学校?——我乘公交车去学校。结合语境可知下文缺少谓语动词,take本身可表示乘车去的含义,故选C。点评:解答此类题型的要点是了解各个短语的基本含义及用法的不同,同时注意其表示多个含义的现象,然后结合语境选择合适答案。

Vakataka是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

伐迦陀迦 Vakataka伐迦陀迦(IAST:Vākāu0163aka)是3世纪至5世纪时存在于印度中部和南部的一个重要王国。伐迦陀迦的统治区域包括今印度中央邦和马哈拉施特拉邦的部分地区(主要在德干)。他们是在南印强大的百乘王朝(统治中心在案达罗)分崩离析后趁势崛起的。有些学者认为,伐迦陀迦人可能是来自北方的入侵者塞人的后代。往世书提到伐迦陀迦政权的创建者叫文底耶沙克提,关于此人,历史学家掌握的的史料很少,只是在阿旃陀石窟的第16窟的铭文上提到他出身于婆罗门种姓,是“伐迦陀迦家族的旗手”。对于文底耶沙克提的继承者贵军一世,人们同样所知甚少。他似乎曾与纳加人交战过。由于他的征服活动,伐迦陀迦的领土扩张至北到本德尔肯德,南抵海德拉巴,是南印最大的国家。根据铭文和往世书里半历史半神话的描述,学者们推断在贵军一世死后,伐迦陀迦就分裂了。他的儿子和孙子们分成4个独立的支系。关于其中两个,人们一无所知。另两个支系,分别以其重要中心或都城命名,可称为补罗婆罗补罗-难提伐弹那支系和婆蹉瞿尔摩支系。补罗婆罗补罗-难提伐弹那支系是贵军一世的孙子楼陀罗西那一世创建的,统治中心包括补罗婆罗补罗(在今沃尔塔)和难提伐弹那(在今那格浦尔)。这个支系与北方强大的笈多王朝有联姻关系,这种联姻里最著名的是笈多王朝的旃陀罗笈多二世(“超日王”)的女儿波罗婆嚩底笈多与伐迦陀迦的楼陀罗西那二世结婚。很可能,在这次联姻之后的一段时间里,伐迦陀迦失去了独立性,成了笈多帝国的一部分。补罗婆罗补罗-难提伐弹那支系的最终结局不明,可能是被婆蹉瞿尔摩支系吞并。婆蹉瞿尔摩支系的创建者是贵军一世的次子萨婆西那,其都城在婆蹉瞿尔摩(今沃希姆)。这一支系因与阿旃陀石窟的关系而出名。他们可能是佛教的庇护者,阿旃陀石窟(印度现存最宏伟的佛教石窟群)中有许多部分(第1、2、16和17窟)是在他们的资助下建成的;伐迦陀迦诸王的名字也大多发现于阿旃陀石窟。在5世纪末诃梨西那统治时期,该支系进行了一次大规模扩张,东西两侧都扩张到沿海地区,但似乎之后就立刻衰落了。婆蹉瞿尔摩支系灭亡于6世纪初,原因不明。

1.how do you get to school ? i( )take the bus

often和 is

How do you get to school? I_my bike A ride B take C by D on


What makes the space shuttle is that it takes off like a r...

C 试题分析:考查单词意思,exceptional意思“杰出的”,strange意思“奇怪的”,unique意思“独一无二的”,rare意思“罕见的”,句子意思“起飞像火箭着陆像飞机使航天飞机独一无二”,句子是个从句,第一个是引导词what在从句里做主语,是主语从句;第二个是that引导的表语从句,所以选C点评:单词意思是常考内容,平时要多记多积累,遇到单词意思题时,就很容易做出正确选择

account for意为占据时的近义词 用take……of 应该填什么

take possession of


One Direction(单向组合)是一个英国五人男子组合,成员包括:Liam Payne,Louis Tomlinson,Niall Horan,Harry Styles和Zayn Malik。他们的平均年龄在19岁。 基本介绍 外文名称 :Taken 所属专辑 :Up All Night 歌曲原唱 :one direction 歌曲语言 :英语 公司 :Sony Syco 歌曲信息,歌手简介,中英对照歌词, 歌曲信息 歌曲:Taken 歌手:one direction 语种:英语 Up All Night 唱片公司:Sony Syco 所属专辑:Up All Night 歌手简介 他们作为个人选手通过了The X Factor(英国偶像——一档英国选秀节目,由Simon Cowell创办)第七季(2010)的选拔赛,进入了训练营,却没有成功进入男生组评审之家。在评审Nicole Scherzinger的提议下,这五个青少年被组成了一个组合,从而晋级,One Direction成立于2010年7月23日。最终,One Direction进入了决赛,并且成为了当季比赛的季军。之后签约唱片公司Syco Music。 中英对照歌词 Nowthatyoucan"thaveme现在你已经不再拥有我Yousuddenlywantme你却突然想起我Nowthati"mwithsomebodyelse现在我和别人在一起了Youtellmeyouloveme你却告诉你爱我Isleptonyourdoorstep我曾睡在你家门前的台阶Beggingforonechance求你给次机会NowthatIfinallymovedon现在我终于走了Yousaythatyou"vemissedmeallalong你却说你一直想着我Whodoyouthinkyouare你以为你是谁WhodoyouthinkIam你以为我是谁Youonlylovedtoseemebreaking你只喜欢看我心碎YouonlywantmecauseI"mtaken因为我被别人占有你才想到我Youdon"treallywantmyheart你并不是真的想得到我的心No,youjustliketoknowyoucan不,你只是想确认Stillbetheonewhogetsitbreaking自己仍是我内心的第一位Youonlywantmewheni"mtaken当我离开你才想起我You"remessingwithmyhead你正扰乱我的思绪Girlthat"swhatyoudobest女孩这是你做得最好的一件事Sayingthere"snothingyouwon"tdo口口声说你什么都不会去做Togetmetosayit来迫使我就范You"reimpossibletoresist我不会排斥你ButIwouldn"tbetyourheartonit但我不会为你的心意赌一把It"slikei"mfinallyawake我幡然醒悟Andyou"rejustabeautifulmistake你只不过是个美丽的错误Whodoyouthinkyouare你以为你是谁WhodoyouthinkIam你以为我是谁Youonlylovedtoseemebreaking你只喜欢看我心碎YouonlywantmecauseI"mtaken因为我被别人占有你才想到我Youdon"treallywantmyheart你并不是真的想得到我的心No,youjustliketoknowyoucan不,你只是想确认Stillbetheonewhogetsitbreaking自己仍是我内心的第一位Youonlywantmewheni"mtaken当我离开你才想起我ThankyouforshowingmeWhoyouareunderneathThankyouIdon"tneedAnotherheartles *** iseryYouthinki"mdoingthistomakeyoujealousAndIknowthatyouhatetohearthisButthisisnotaboutyouanymoreWhodoyouthinkyouare你以为你是谁WhodoyouthinkIam你以为我是谁Youonlylovedtoseemebreaking你只喜欢看我心碎YouonlywantmecauseI"mtaken因为我被别人占有你才想到我Youdon"treallywantmyheart你并不是真的想得到我的心No,youjustliketoknowyoucan不,你只是想确认Stillbetheonewhogetsitbreaking自己仍是我内心的第一位Youonlywantmewheni"mtaken当我离开你才想起我Nowthatyoucan"thaveme现在你已经不再拥有我Yousuddenlywantme你却突然想起我

请问“take up” 与“account for ” 作为“占”意思时的区别

take up占得是有型的东西,如座位等account for 是无形的东西


take+account+for考虑到双语对照例句:1."They never take account for what they"ve done," she said in a short telephone interview.

it takes about five days.对five days进行提问.

How long will it takes?

一个成熟的人勇于迎接挑战。 (take on)

He is always ready to help others, in return, everybody likes him. We can"t take on more work. That is the only thing they could count on. He put his only little strength all make out. I am 72 years old, can adjust to the life in China?

get on/off get into/out of ride drive take off/land 分别可以接哪些交通工具?

get on/off :bus,taxi,trolleybus,truck, bike coachget into/out:underground,boattake off/land :helicopter

get on/off 、get into/out of 、ride 、drive、 take off/land 分别可以接哪些交通工具?

get on /off bicycle ,bus ferry train tram get into /out of taxi /ride bicycle motorbike drive bus ferry helicopter plane train tram take off /land helicopter plane

be proud of与take pride in有什么区别

be proud of和take pride in的区别:一、指代不同1、be proud of:以…自豪。2、take pride in:对…感到满意。二、侧重点不同1、be proud of:可接baisomeone。2、take pride in:take pride in多接something。be proud of用法1、That"s a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it.那件作品非常漂亮,你应当为之自豪。2、Every right-thinking American would be proud of them.每一个有正义感的美国人都会为他们感到自豪。3、The interior is planned with a precision the military would be proud of.内部设计一丝不苟,足以让军方引以为豪。4、If I were you, I would be proud of him, too.如果我是你,我也会为他自豪的。

----- What a beautiful day! ----- Yes, it’s _____ that I’d like to take a walk. A.too nice w

C 试题分析:句意:--今天天气真好!--是的,这是这么好的天气,我想出去走走。Such修饰名词,so修饰形容词和副词,句子中weather是不可数名词,nice修饰weather,不加冠词,所以选C。

有没有Robert Frost 写的"The Road Not Taken"的赏析?

选择的路 弗罗斯特(1874-1963),美国诗人 顾子欣 译 黄色的树林里分出两条路, 可惜我不能同时去涉足, 我在那路口久久伫立, 我想着一条路极目望去, 直到它消失在丛林深处. 但我却选择了另一条路, 它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂, 显得更诱人,更美丽; 虽然在这两条小路上, 很少留下旅人的足迹. 虽然那天清晨落叶满地, 两条路都未经脚印污染. 啊,留下一条路等改日再见! 但我知道路径延绵无尽头, 恐怕我难以再回返. 也许多少年后在某个地方, 我将轻声叹息将往事回顾: 一片树林里分出两条路—— 而我选择了人迹更少的一条, 从此决定了我一生的道路. 《未选择的路》是美国诗人罗伯特.弗罗斯特的著名诗篇.罗伯特·弗罗斯特堪称美国20世纪最受欢迎的诗人之一,他一生致力于诗歌的创作,写作并出版了10部诗集. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特(1874-1963)出生于旧金山一个教师家庭,在美国西部度过童年.中学毕业后,他在哈佛大学学习两年后肄业,这前后曾做过纺织工人、教员,经营过农场,并徒步漫游过许多地方,同时他也开始写诗,但他的诗歌最初并未在美国引起注意. 1912年时弗罗斯特已经38岁,这一年他作出了一个重要的选择:放弃他在一所师范学校教书的职业,放弃本来可能更加平坦、安稳的生活,而选择了诗歌.他对自己说:“写诗吧,穷就穷吧.” 夫妻二人商量后,决定到异地去闯一条路,找一个生活水平比较低,但更利于写诗的环境.于是他们卖掉了祖父遗传下来的农场,再加上几年教书所得的一点积蓄,就这样他们来到大海对岸的英国,在离伦敦不远的一个村子里找到了一座木板茅屋的新家.不久之后,他的第一本诗集《孩子的意愿》出版了,很快就以其特有的朴素坦率和真诚赢得了诗人们的好评.美国著名诗人庞德特别撰文推荐,说它是美国很长一段时间以来最好的一本诗集. 1915年弗罗斯特回到美国,在新罕布什尔州经营农场.此后他的诗名日盛,分别于1924,1931,1937,1943年四次获得普利策奖,并在几所著名的大学中任教师、驻校诗人与诗歌顾问.晚年的他已是美国的一个非官方的桂冠诗人.弗罗斯特的诗往往从描写新英格兰的自然景色或风俗人情开始,渐渐进入哲理的境界,他素有“新英格兰诗人”之称.这与他诗中大量描写新英格兰的自然景色或风俗人情有关.波士顿以北多岩石的牧场,殖民地时代的建筑,耐人寻味的石头围墙,以及那里居民粗犷的感情、耕耘生活的艰辛等等,都成为诗人作品取之不尽的素材.他的诗把新英格兰的风貌和当地人的特征一览无余地展现在了读者面前,可以说新英格兰乡间生活的各个侧面,弗罗斯特都写到了. 但弗罗斯特并未沉洒于描绘美丽山川和旖旎景色,他的诗虽然保持了一些传统的形式和格律,气氛也较轻快,但弗罗斯特认识到了生活的复杂性,他通过自然来表达一种象征意义,而不是什么田园式的思乡情调.在他的笔下,生活既悲惨又快活,既有美也有丑,杂乱之中又寓有统一.他善于透过现实中的现象深入浅出地说明深刻的哲理,而这些又与新英格兰的风景描绘结合在一起.他试图在新英格兰寻觅到现代美国业已失去的鲜明色调和激清、纯真,使之成为检验和评论现代文明城市的标准,弗罗斯特的杰出贡献之一正在于此. 弗罗斯特也常被称为“过渡性的诗人”,意指他处在传统诗歌和现代派诗歌交替的一个时期.弗罗斯特的诗歌备受喜爱,原因之一是他的诗风朴实无华,未受过多少学校教育的人都看得懂.当许多诗人热衷于搞诗歌试验时,他却坚持使用日常语言,描写自己观察入微的日常事件,并从中发掘出独特的智慧和哲理,描写上则细致含蓄、耐人寻味,能让人常读常新. 《未选择的路》是弗罗斯特的一首名诗,作于1915年,最初收录于他的第三本诗集《山间》(1916)中.在这首诗中,他把思想情感和富有象征的意象揉合起来,阐明了他对于人生、社会和宇宙的态度.弗罗斯特在诗歌风格上的一个最大特点是朴素无华,含义隽永,把深刻的思考和哲理寓于平淡无奇的内容和简洁朴实的诗句之中.本诗堪称是这方面的典范,其语言质朴自然,但在构思上却非常巧妙. 全诗一共4节,可分为两层.第1-2节为第一层:第1节交代了树林里有两条道路,其中的一条极目望去,消失在丛林深处,诗人处在岔路口,面临着抉择;第2节诗人叙写自己选择了另一条路,它“荒草萎萎,十分幽寂”,但诗人认为它“显得更诱人,更美丽”. 在这里我们可以看到“我”的双重矛盾,第一重矛盾是不能同时涉足两条路.这一重矛盾中诗人描述了“我”站在岔路口,为不能同时涉足两条路而感到的遗憾——一条路平坦通畅,极目可望见它的尽头;而另一条路幽寂荒凉,充满着引人探索的诱惑.第二重矛盾是在明了了不能同时涉足两条路之后,究竟选择哪一条路的问题.在经历了复杂的心理过程之后,“我”终于选择了那条人迹更少的路,想让另一条路留待后日去走,可这显然是作者做出抉择后的一种自我安慰,因为“我知道路径延绵无尽头,恐怕我难以再回返”.但诗人选择了人迹罕至的路并不是草率决定的,虽然他知道另一条路可能平坦通畅,可他仍然选择了那条幽寂荒凉的路. 如果我们联系到诗人自己在写诗与在师范学校教书之间的选择,或许能更深入地理解这首诗.如果说在师范学校教书是一条平坦通畅的生活道路,那么写诗的道路则可以说充满了幽寂荒凉.但在这两种生活中,诗人最终选择了后者,虽然在蓦然回首时,他有时也会想到如果去走前一条路会是怎样,这也是人之常情,也是我们在人生的岔路口都会遇到的困惑. 在第三节中,诗人交代尽管“我”对另一条路也是留恋的,但却宁愿走一条别人很少走的路.这表明了“我”不愿随俗的心迹,沿着选定的路走下去的决心.但从中我们也可以看到此处流露出了一些踌躇,一丝矛盾,可这并非担心自己的选择是一个错误,而是对人只能选择一条路而感到的遗憾.他认识到选择使自己失去了另外的可能性,而那边的风景或许也很迷人,有另外的不为自己所知的乐趣.接下来的第四节,“我”遥想到未来或许会回首往事,或许会意识到此时路的选择决定了一生的命运.这里,诗人将全诗的思绪推到了最高潮,他将“黄色树林”里的两条路与可能不同的人生道路结合了起来,让我们意识到这偶然的选择或许会影响到一个人的一生,诗歌在这里戛然而止,为读者留下了想像与思索的空间. 诗歌的题目是“未选择的路”,在写实层面诗人描写的是在一个树林中,人对不同道路的选择,但我们不难看出,诗歌中所描写的岔路就是人生岔路的象征.在这首诗里,诗人不仅写了他在不同道路间的选择,尤为重要的是,当他选择了一条路的时候,他又对另一条路充满了感情与遐想.在这里,诗人强调了人生的偶然性与神秘性,提醒我们人生本来就有无限丰富的可能性.当我们在一条道路上行走时,本来是会有岔路口可能将我们带到另外的道路上去的,而在我们面临选择时,不同的选择可能会给我们带来不同的命运.这或许是不经意的选择,将来蓦然回首时,我们才可能知道它多么深地影响了我们的生活. 诗人的着眼点是选择本身,但以具体的描写入手,我们首先看到的便是黄色树林中的两条道路,但诗人的笔触却将这朴素场景的描述赋予了更深的含义.在这里,象征手法的运用起到了重要的作用,它使言简意赅的描写具有了丰富的内涵,给读者留下了想像的空间.每一个读者都能够在这首诗中发现自己的生活体验,从而受到触动,引发深深的思索. “路”是此诗最重要的一个意象,既是具体的道路,也具有人生道路的象征意义.古今中外不少诗人作家都曾使用了道路的这种双重意义,比如屈原的诗中有“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”的句子;鲁迅也说,“其实地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路”.他们都赋予了“路”以不同的含义,表达了对人生的不同看法与态度.在此诗中,诗人通过对未选择的道路眷恋与遐想,向我们昭示了人生无限丰富的可能性,以及只能走一条路的遗憾.意识到这一点,或许便为我们开启了另外的可能性. 求采纳

the road not taken中的两条路指什么

美国诗人罗伯特u2022弗罗斯特曾写过一首诗The Road Not Taken《未选择的路》,描写了现实生话中人们处在十字路口时难以抉择的心情。鱼和熊掌不可兼得,选择一条路的同时,也就意味着放弃了另外一种可能性。不一样的抉择造就了不尽相同的人生,学会勇敢地坚定自我,只要是自己的选择,便也无怨无悔。望采纳

the road not taken的诗歌原文

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood,and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference. 黄色的树林里分出两条路可惜我不能同时去涉足我在那路口久久伫立我向着一条路极目望去直到它消失在丛林深处但我却选择了另外一条路它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂显得更诱人,更美丽虽然在这条小路上很少留下旅人的足迹那天清晨落叶满地两条路都未经脚印污染呵,留下一条路等改日再见但我知道路径延绵无尽头恐怕我难以再回返也许多少年后在某个地方,我将轻声叹息将往事回顾:一片树林里分出两条路——而我选择了人迹更少的一条,从此决定了我一生的道路。

the road not taken 两条路象征什么

回答和翻译如下:没有采取这条路。The road not taken.

Take A Chance 歌词

这首歌歌词为:one more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)

take in 与catch on 有什么区别?

前者是接受 后者是理解


回答如下:它们的区别是:1. take a direct flight 直飞。例如:The plane will take a direct flight to Shanghai. 这架飞机将直接飞往上海。2. take to fly是错误的。我们可以说take sb to fly(带、领某人飞)。例如:I will take him to fly.我将带他飞。

never-midneal cretu-吻别(英文版)-张学友的歌词,不是take me to your heart的歌词

您好!给您《Never》吧,演唱:Midneal Cretu 吻别-英文翻唱:Never thought I need someone, someone who could make me smile. 从未想过我需要 能使人微笑的人 Never thought I need someone, someone who could proud now my days. 从未想过我需要 能让我骄傲的人 The day I met you, I could see my dream come true. 自从那天遇到你 我知道我的梦想将实现 I know I can"t let go this dreaming of loving you. 我不能放弃 追求你的梦想 Never find this way, don"t know what to say. 虽然我手足无措 不知说什么 Something is burning deep down in my heart. 我心底的热忱已被燃起 Never being the same, when you come my way. 从未经历过 当你靠近我 Something is telling me we will never part. 是爱在指引 让我们永不分离 Every time I think about you, you"re just the thing I feel so grand new 每次想你 我的心就被你完全占据 Every time I dream about you, you"re always by my side. 每次梦你 你都和我斯守在一起 Promise me you"ll stay, always be with me.答应我留下来 永远陪着我 We"ll be as happy as we can be.我将倾尽全力给你幸福快乐 Promise me you"ll stay, always be by my side.答应我留下来 永远别离开我 No matter what it takes to be. 无论发生什么Never thought I need someone, someone who could make me laugh.从没想过我需要 能使人欢笑的人 Never thought I have someone, someone who"ll always be there for me. 从没想过去拥有 总是伴着我的人 The day I f ound you, I knew you"re the one for me. 自从那天遇见你 我知道你是我要找的人 I will never let you go, no one can take your love away from me. 我不会放手 没有人能夺走你 Never find the way, don"t know what to say. 尽管我手足无措 不知说什么 Something is burning deep down in my heart. 我的心已被你点燃Never being the same, when you come my way.从没有过的经历 当你靠近我 Something is telling me we will never part.是爱指引你和我 Every time I think about you, you just make me feel so grand new 每一次想起你 我无法再做什么 Every time I dream about you, you"re always by my side. 每一次梦到你 你都伴着我 Promise me you"ll stay, always be with me. 请答应留下来 和我在一起 We"ll be as happy as we can be. 我们会非常的幸福快乐Promise me you"ll stay, always be by my side. 请答应留下来 永远别离开我No matter what it takes to be. 再给您LRC歌词吧--[al:Ouyang Yu][ar:Midneal cretu][ti:Never][00:06.6]midneal cretu-never---张学友-吻别[00:16.4][00:23.3]never[00:26.7][00:35.6]never thought I meet someone[00:38.8]someone who could make me smile[00:43.8]never thought I meet someone[00:47.0]someone who could bright (all) my days[00:51.5]the day I imagine ,[00:55.1]I could see my dream come true[00:58.9]I know i can let it go[01:03.8]this opportunity of loving you[01:06.2]never find this way[01:08.1]don`t know what to say[01:09.8]sth. hurts deep town here in my heart[01:13.7]never been the scene[01:15.9]where you come my way[01:18.0]sth. gather me with you will never part[01:21.6]everytime I think about you[01:25.8]you just make my whole,I feel so bran-new[01:29.8]everytime I dream about you[01:33.9]you always by my side[01:37.2]promise me you`ve said,always be with me[01:41.9]we`ll be as happy as we can be[01:45.0]promise me you`ve said,always by my side[01:49.8]no matter what it takes to be[01:57.4][02:26.9][02:33.4]never thought I meet someone[02:36.0]someone who could made me live[02:40.5]never thought I have someone[02:44.0]someone who always be there for me[02:49.2]the day I find you[02:52.1]I knew you are the one for me[02:56.5]I never let you go[02:59.8]No want you take love away from me[03:03.3]never find this way[03:05.3]don`t know what to say[03:07.5]sth. hurts deep town here in my heart[03:11.1]never been to say[03:13.2]where you come my way[03:15.2]sth. gather me with you will never part[03:18.8]everytime I think about you[03:22.9]you just make my whole ,I feel so bran-new[03:27.6]everytime I dream about you[03:31.5]you are always by my side[03:34.6]promise me you`ve said,always be with me[03:39.2]we`ll be as happy as we can be[03:42.4]promise me you`ve said,always by my side[03:46.9]no matter what it takes to be

take friends为什么不用make friends??

make friends 固定短语,交朋友,没有 take friends 的说法。如果是带朋友去某地,用 take my friends to ...... 单独没有take friends 的说法。

make mistakes为什么加s? 那make friends呢

make mistakes是指犯错误.而mistake是可数的且是不止一次的.所以必须要加s哟.例句:I often make mistakes in English译 我经常在英语上犯错误.make friends那就不用说了.多简单啊.例句:I want to make friends wit...

his teacher taking in english。 her teacher taking about writing。

第一句是说“用英语交谈”介词用in,第二句是说谈话的内容,介词用about(talking不是taking)at fast是“一开始”do like this是“这样做”

有人么好听的英文歌曲?比如GEE和Relax,take it easy

cut down

圣安地列斯电台音乐有一个高潮为so right take it easy...... 的叫什么名字啊,

是这个吗?Relax, take it easy

Relax, Take It Easy这首歌有什么背景?

Mika,原名Mica Penniman 1983年8月18日生于黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特一个美黎联姻的家庭(他的父亲是美国人,母亲是黎巴嫩人)。幼年时期随着家人辗转巴黎,他9岁时,全家才在伦敦定居下来。 年幼的Mika喜欢音乐,喜欢在歌曲中说故事。对音乐的爱好,加上他在皇家音乐学院(Royal College of Music)受到的专业训练,让他刚刚露脸就顶着了音乐天才的光环。2006年9月,Mika在BBC Radio 1崭露头角,旋即,在BBC网站的2007年度之声民意调查中,他获得的选票最多。 在mika成为主流歌唱演员之前,他曾经帮别人编写口香糖广告短歌 童年:因为战乱,mika一家不得不在mika十分小的时候带他逃离黎巴嫩,经过了那段充满迷惑和巨变的时光,mika变得十分内向,9岁时曾一度辍学,也正是从那时起他选择了音乐来给予他庇护。 有趣的是mika第一次发现音乐时,他就坚定了那将是他为之付出一生的事业。他曾参加歌唱队很多年,那里他花去所有的时间自学钢琴和作曲。最后mika已经达到了在伦敦的一些歌剧院演出的水平,他也一直在写广告歌曲和一些为英国航空所作的的乘机用曲。 mika的名言:“……随着年龄的增长,我的音乐品位现在很兼收并蓄,但我也一直会回顾那些以自己的天分创造出伟大歌曲的过往的伟大的词曲作家……” 星路:在被英国评论家评选为2007年最有前途的新人之后,mika的第一首单曲grace kelly就于今年1月打榜了,二月就在英国发行了畅销的专辑life in cartoon motion,并且将为3月在美国的发行做好准备。 Mika的首支单曲《Relax, Take It Easy》被BBC Radio 1播放,并受到知名DJ的推崇。2007年1月8日,环球唱片发行了他的单曲《Grace Kelly》,这首歌很快占据英国单曲榜的冠军位置。2007年2月5日,Mika乘胜追击,发行了自己的首张专辑《Life In Cartoon Motion》,他的音乐融合了舞曲,funk,流行和其他的元素。在很短的时间内,他模糊的私生活和音乐才华迅速地为他打开了知名度,人们谈起他时,总是把他和Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Scissor Sisters, Rufus Wainwright和Elton John相提并论。

求Relax, Take It Easy的歌词

took a ride to the end of the lanewhere no one ever goes.ended up on a broken train with nobody i know.but the pain and the longing"s the same.when you"re dyingnow i"m lost and i"m screaming for help alone.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can"t do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.it"s as if i"m scared.it"s as if i"m terrified.it"s as if i"m scared.it"s as if i"m playing with fire.scared.it"s as if i"m terrified.are you scared?are we playing with fire?relaxthere is an answer to the darkest times.it"s clear we don"t understand it,but the last thing on my mindis to leave you.i believe that we"re in this together.don"t scream there are so many roads left.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can"t do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can"t do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can"t do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can"t do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.it"s as if i"m scared.it"s as if i"m terrified.it"s as if i"m scared.it"s as if i"m playing with fire.(relax) scare

Relax, Take It Easy 歌词

歌曲名:Relax, Take It Easy歌手:Mika专辑:Life In Cartoon MotionRelax,Take It EasyMikaAh.............Took a rightto the end of the line whereNo one ever goesEnded upon a broken train with nobody I knowBut the painand the longings the same where the dyingNow I`m lost and I`m screaming for helpRelax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can doRelax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.It`s as if I`m scaredIt`s as if I`m terrifiedIt`s as if I`m scaredIt`s as if I`m playing with fireScaredIt`s as if I`m terrifiedAre you scared?Are we playing with fire?RelaxThere is an answer to the darkest timesIt`s clearwe don`t understand but the last thing on my mindIs to leave youI believe that we`re in this togetherDon`t screamThere are so many roads leftRelax(Ah.............)Relax(Ah.............)歌手叙述http://music.baidu.com/song/1714496

Relax, Take It Easy 歌词

歌曲名:Relax, Take It Easy歌手:Mika专辑:Mika - Live At Itunes Festival LondonSong:Relax,Take It EasySonger:MikaAlbum:Life In Cartoon MotionAh.............Took a rightto the end of the line whereNo one ever goesEnded upon a broken train with nobody I knowBut the painand the longings the same where the dyingNow I`m lost and I`m screaming for helpRelax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can doRelax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.It`s as if I`m scaredIt`s as if I`m terrifiedIt`s as if I`m scaredIt`s as if I`m playing with fireScaredIt`s as if I`m terrifiedAre you scared?Are we playing with fire?RelaxThere is an answer to the darkest timesIt`s clearwe don`t understand but the last thing on my mindIs to leave youI believe that we`re in this togetherDon`t screamThere are so many roads leftRelax(Ah.............)Relax(Ah.............)By:2007年4月12日http://music.baidu.com/song/8073959

Relax, Take It Easy 歌词

歌曲名:Relax, Take It Easy歌手:Mika专辑:Relax / Lollipop BundleSong:Relax,Take It EasySonger:MikaAlbum:Life In Cartoon MotionAh.............Took a rightto the end of the line whereNo one ever goesEnded upon a broken train with nobody I knowBut the painand the longings the same where the dyingNow I`m lost and I`m screaming for helpRelax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can doRelax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.It`s as if I`m scaredIt`s as if I`m terrifiedIt`s as if I`m scaredIt`s as if I`m playing with fireScaredIt`s as if I`m terrifiedAre you scared?Are we playing with fire?RelaxThere is an answer to the darkest timesIt`s clearwe don`t understand but the last thing on my mindIs to leave youI believe that we`re in this togetherDon`t screamThere are so many roads leftRelax(Ah.............)Relax(Ah.............)By:2007年4月12日http://music.baidu.com/song/7565297

求英语歌词翻译成中文 Mika 的Relax Take It Easy 歌词网址http://g.top100.cn/16667639/html/lyrics.html

Relax, Take It Easy放轻松Took a right坚持正义to the end of the line走到防线的最底端Where no one ever goes那个没有人去过的地方Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know站在这个充满陌生人的火车上But the painand the longings the same但是伤痛和渴望依然如此Where the dying 在这个垂死的地方Now I"m lost,and I"m screaming for help现在我迷失了方向,渴望帮助Relax, take it easy放轻松,别紧张For there is nothingthat we can do因为我们现在无能为力Relax, take it easy放轻松,别紧张Blame it on me or blame it on you归咎于我或者归咎于你It"s as if I"m scared好像我也感觉到很恐惧It"s as if I"m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓It"s as if I scared好像我也感到很恐惧It"s as if I"m playing with fire好像我在玩火Scared恐惧It"s as if I"m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓Are you scared你害怕吗?Are we playing with fire我们真的在玩火吗?Relax 放轻松There is an answer to the darkest times在这最黑暗的时刻,这里有一个答案It"s clear we don"t understand很显然,我们也许不明白but the last thing on my mind凡是这是在我心中最后的事Is to leave you就是离开你I believe我相信that we"re in this together我们还会相聚Don"t scream不要害怕there are so many roads left这路依旧有很多路(Relax, take it easy放轻松,别紧张For there is nothingthat we can do因为我们现在无能为力Relax, take it easy放轻松,别紧张Blame it on me or blame it on you归咎于我或者归咎于你)*4It"s as if I"m scared好像我也感觉到很恐惧It"s as if I"m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓It"s as if I scared好像我也感到很恐惧It"s as if I"m playing with fire好像我在玩火Scared恐惧It"s as if I"m terrified好像我也受到了惊吓Are you scared你害怕吗?Are we playing with fire我们真的在玩火吗?

Relax, Take It Easy 歌词

歌曲名:Relax, Take It Easy歌手:Pikku-Orava专辑:Tosi Seedeerelax_take it easymikalife in cartoon motionRelax, Take it easyTook a ride to the end of the laneWhere no one ever goes.Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know.But the pain and the longing"s the same.When you"re dyingNow I"m lost and I"m screaming for help alone.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.It"s as if I"m scared.It"s as if I"m terrified.It"s as if I"m scared.It"s as if I"m playing with fire.Scared.It"s as if I"m terrified.Are you scared?Are we playing with fire?Relax(Love) There is an answer to the darkest times.It"s clear we don"t understand it,but the last thing on my mindIs to leave you.I believe that we"re in this together.Don"t scream – there are so many roads left.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.It"s as if I"m scared.It"s as if I"m terrified.It"s as if I"m scared.It"s as if I"m playing with fire.(Relax)Scared.It"s as if I"m terrified.Are you scared?Are we playing with fire?RelaxRelaxspoken:Same day i want to dress for weddingSame day while i won"t marriedWhat happened, He"s go meeted another girlWhile he was married another girl, I was very very sadI can talk like God take my legsHow he"s made a different lady, I no believe.After one month i am send out to balconySome bomb, come for my eyes. My eyes gone.My eyes gone in bomb, now i have only one eyes.I am sad, until now I no married any man after.http://music.baidu.com/song/2897157

relax take it easy是哪部电影的插曲

Were the World Mine

求Relax,take it easy的中文翻译歌词


求Relax,take it easy的中文翻译歌词拜托各位大神

歌曲:Relax, Take It Easy放轻松 Took a right 坚持正义 to the end of the line 走到防线的最底端 Where no one ever goes 那个没有人去过的地方 Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know 站在这个充满陌生人的火车上 But the painand the longings the same 但是伤痛和渴望依然如此 Where the dying 在这个垂死的地方 Now I"m lost,and I"m screaming for help 现在我迷失了方向,渴望帮助 Relax, take it easy 放轻松,别紧张 For there is nothingthat we can do 因为我们现在无能为力 Relax, take it easy 放轻松,别紧张 Blame it on me or blame it on you 归咎于我或者归咎于你 It"s as if I"m scared 好像我也感觉到很恐惧 It"s as if I"m terrified 好像我也受到了惊吓 It"s as if I scared 好像我也感到很恐惧 It"s as if I"m playing with fire 好像我在玩火 Scared 恐惧 It"s as if I"m terrified 好像我也受到了惊吓 Are you scared 你害怕吗? Are we playing with fire 我们真的在玩火吗? Relax 放轻松 There is an answer to the darkest times 在这最黑暗的时刻,这里有一个答案 It"s clear we don"t understand 很显然,我们也许不明白 but the last thing on my mind 凡是这是在我心中最后的事 Is to leave you 就是离开你 I believe 我相信 that we"re in this together 我们还会相聚 Don"t scream 不要害怕 there are so many roads left 这路依旧有很多路 (Relax, take it easy 放轻松,别紧张 For there is nothingthat we can do 因为我们现在无能为力 Relax, take it easy 放轻松,别紧张 Blame it on me or blame it on you 归咎于我或者归咎于你)*4 It"s as if I"m scared 好像我也感觉到很恐惧 It"s as if I"m terrified 好像我也受到了惊吓 It"s as if I scared 好像我也感到很恐惧 It"s as if I"m playing with fire 好像我在玩火 Scared 恐惧 It"s as if I"m terrified 好像我也受到了惊吓 Are you scared 你害怕吗? Are we playing with fire 我们真的在玩火吗?

国际色情电话DJ串烧第二首歌叫什么名字?relax,take it easy后面那首,男的唱的。串


Relax (Take It Easy) 歌链


mike的relax,take it easy的歌词翻译

应该是 mika 的吧。 去兜风 走到没有路 那个都没有人去的地方 最后沦落到一个破烂的列车上里我一个人都不认识 但是伤痛和渴望依然如此 在那绝望的地方 现在我迷失了,我大叫帮助 轻松点,放轻松点 因为我们没有什么能做的 轻松点,放轻松点 怪我或者怪你吧 就好像我害怕 就好像我也极害怕 就好像我害怕. 就像我在玩火 (害怕) 就好像我害怕 就好像我也极害怕 你怕么 我们在玩火么? 爱,就是黑暗时候的答案 很清楚,但是我们不明白,但是那是我们最后想的事情 就是离开你 我相信我们这是在一起的 不要叫,还有很多路走呢 轻松点,放轻松点 因为我们没有什么能做的 轻松点,放轻松点 怪我或者怪你吧 轻松点,放轻松点 因为我们没有什么能做的 轻松点,放轻松点 怪我或者怪你吧 就好像我害怕 就好像我也极害怕 就好像我害怕. .就像我在玩火 (害怕) 就好像我害怕 就好像我也极害怕 你怕么 我们在玩火么? 说的部分 (这段的词明显84NATIVE讲英语的人说的, 所以有问题,但是这是大概意思) 同一天,我去试穿婚沙 同一天我没结婚 发生什么了,他去和另外一个女孩 他和另外一个女孩结婚了,我当时很伤心 我不能说话,上帝拿走我的腿一样 他怎么能让另外一个女孩,我不相信 一个月以后,我在阳台上 一个炸蛋瞄准了我的眼睛,我的眼睛没了 我的眼睛在炸蛋中.我现在只有一个眼睛 我很伤心,我倒现在都没和哪个男人结婚 过半的优秀采纳率作证。专业回答。值得信赖。完美服务,耐心解答。 欢迎加入QQ问问唯一Hiphop音乐群组。 MixT.ape

Relax,Take It Easy 最后唱完后面内个女人说内几句话是什么意思了,翻译一下


Relax,take it easy歌后面独白什么意思?

去兜风 走到没有路 那个都没有人去的地方 最后沦落到一个破烂的列车上里我一个人都不认识 但是伤痛和渴望依然如此 在那绝望的地方 现在我迷失了,我大叫帮助 轻松点,放轻松点 因为我们没有什么能做的 轻松点,放轻松点 怪我或者怪你吧 就好像我害怕 就好像我也极害怕 就好像我害怕. 就像我在玩火 (害怕) 就好像我害怕 就好像我也极害怕 你怕么 我们在玩火么? 爱,就是黑暗时候的答案 很清楚,但是我们不明白,但是那是我们最后想的事情 就是离开你 我相信我们这是在一起的 不要叫,还有很多路走呢 轻松点,放轻松点 因为我们没有什么能做的 轻松点,放轻松点 怪我或者怪你吧 轻松点,放轻松点 因为我们没有什么能做的 轻松点,放轻松点 怪我或者怪你吧 就好像我害怕 就好像我也极害怕 就好像我害怕. .就像我在玩火 (害怕) 就好像我害怕 就好像我也极害怕 你怕么 我们在玩火么? 说的部分 (这段的词明显84NATIVE讲英语的人说的, 所以有问题,但是这是大概意思) 同一天,我去试穿婚沙 同一天我没结婚 发生什么了,他去和另外一个女孩 他和另外一个女孩结婚了,我当时很伤心 我不能说话,上帝拿走我的腿一样 他怎么能让另外一个女孩,我不相信 一个月以后,我在阳台上 一个炸弹瞄准了我的眼睛,我的眼睛没了 我的眼睛在炸弹中.我现在只有一个眼睛 我很伤心,我倒现在都没和哪个男人结婚 是这个吗?

有一首歌里面有“take take it easy",这是什么歌?是个男的唱的,节奏比较快


Relax,take it easy这首歌第一句到底是took a right(坚守正义)还是to

mika-relax take it easytook a right to the end of the linewhere no one ever goes.ended up on a broken train with nobody i know.but the pain and the longings the same.where the dyingnow im lost and im screaming for help.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.its as if im scared.its as if im terrified.its as if i scared.its as if im playing with fire.relaxits as if im terrified.are you scared?are we playing with fire?relaxthere is an answer to the darkest times.its clear we dont understand but the last thing on my mindis to leave you.i believe that were in this together.dont scream there are so many roads left.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.relax, take it easyfor there is nothing that we can do.relax, take it easyblame it on me or blame it on you.its as if im scared.its as if im terrified.its as if i scared.its as if im playing with fire.relax its as if im terrified.are you scared?are we playing with fire?relaxrelax

relax take it easy 歌词

歌曲名:relax take it easy歌手:Mika专辑:Life In Cartoon Motionrelax_take it easymikalife in cartoon motionRelax, Take it easyTook a ride to the end of the laneWhere no one ever goes.Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know.But the pain and the longing"s the same.When you"re dyingNow I"m lost and I"m screaming for help alone.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.It"s as if I"m scared.It"s as if I"m terrified.It"s as if I"m scared.It"s as if I"m playing with fire.Scared.It"s as if I"m terrified.Are you scared?Are we playing with fire?Relax(Love) There is an answer to the darkest times.It"s clear we don"t understand it,but the last thing on my mindIs to leave you.I believe that we"re in this together.Don"t scream – there are so many roads left.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.Relax, take it easyFor there is nothing that we can do.Relax, take it easyBlame it on me or blame it on you.It"s as if I"m scared.It"s as if I"m terrified.It"s as if I"m scared.It"s as if I"m playing with fire.(Relax)Scared.It"s as if I"m terrified.Are you scared?Are we playing with fire?RelaxRelaxspoken:Same day i want to dress for weddingSame day while i won"t marriedWhat happened, He"s go meeted another girlWhile he was married another girl, I was very very sadI can talk like God take my legsHow he"s made a different lady, I no believe.After one month i am send out to balconySome bomb, come for my eyes. My eyes gone.My eyes gone in bomb, now i have only one eyes.I am sad, until now I no married any man after.http://music.baidu.com/song/14807623

我想要Relax (Take It Easy) 歌词 ( 15点 )

Mika - Relax Take It Easy lyrics Took a right to the end of the line Where no one ever goes. Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know. But the pain and the (longings) the same. (Where the dying Now I"m lost and I"m screaming for help.) Relax take it easy For there is nothing that we can do. Relax take it easy Blame it on me or blame it on you. It"s as if I"m scared. It"s as if I"m terrified. It"s as if I scared. It"s as if I"m playing with fire. Scared. It"s as if I"m terrified. Are you scared? Are we playing with fire? Relax There is an wer to the darkest times. It"s clear we don"t understand but the last thing on my mind Is to leave you. I believe that we"re in this together. Don"t scream – there are so many roads left. Relax take it easy For there is nothing that we can do. Relax take it easy Blame it on me or blame it on you. Relax take it easy For there is nothing that we can do. Relax take it easy Blame it on me or blame it on you. Relax take it easy For there is nothing that we can do. Relax take it easy Blame it on me or blame it on you. Relax take it easy For there is nothing that we can do. Relax take it easy Blame it on me or blame it on you. It"s as if I"m scared. It"s as if I"m terrified. It"s as if I scared. It"s as if I"m playing with fire. Scared. It"s as if I"m terrified. Are you scared? Are we playing with fire? Relax Relax

relax take it easy什么意思


求Relax,take it easy的中文翻译歌词


look at与take a look at有什么区别?

look at 是看,注视的意思take a look at是看一眼,看一下的意思

韩国Kiss组合的take the phone

mv简介  《KISS——因为是女人》,可谓韩国感人MTV中最为经典的一部作品了,   由韩国明星申贤俊和吴慧秀倾情出演的一个爱情故事。在短短   的八分钟里讲述了一次美丽的邂逅,一场凄美的爱情和一个扑朔迷离的   结局,再加上韩国Kiss (女生三人组)那富有磁性而略带伤感的演唱,   使整部作品几乎达到完美的境地,催人泪下。   其实,故事的情节很简单—— 摄影师  男主人公(我们暂且就叫他皓吧)是个摄影师,一个秋日的午后,助手和他一起正在街头给模特拍人物写真,突然有一名女子(我们姑且叫她眸)闯进了镜头,眸回头,和拿着照相机的皓相互凝视,皓觉得她很美。眸鞠躬道歉,并匆匆地走开了……皓冲洗出了偶然得到的那张照片,尽管暗室里的灯光有些昏暗,但他还是觉得她就是那么美,美的圣洁,美的让人心醉。 理发师  眸是个理发师,她正在工作时,意外发现皓来到了理发店,于是,她既惊又喜,便放下手头的活儿,和正在为皓洗头的另一名女工调换,她想帮皓洗头。她仔细地用手试水温,泡沫在他的头上慢慢的多了起来,眸情不自禁地想起初次的相遇,不小心,她将泡沫弄到了皓的眼睛里,她又一次向皓道歉,但让老板娘看见了,并责备她不用心而得罪客人。皓赶紧替眸解围。 皓喜欢飚车  皓喜欢飚车,也喜欢车。眸找到了皓,皓正在工作间里给一辆车拍照。眸羞涩地将皓遗留的帽子还给皓。皓傻傻的笑了.然后眸被皓推上了摄影台,在橙黄色的背景下皓要给她拍照。第一次上台的眸有些不知所措,皓耐心的教她,很快眸进入了角色,每个POSE都很有味道。 开始约会  他们开始约会了。皓带她去飚车,她坐在皓的车后座上眉飞色舞,终点时皓打开香槟庆祝他们得第一。撒向人群的香槟是那么的让人兴奋。暗室里皓仔细地看她的照片,的确,眸是个美人。皓用瓶子上写有ILFORD字样的溶液来处理废弃的照片,同时手机响了,是眸。她需要他,因为外面在下雨,皓顺手将没有盖好的瓶子放到了架板的最上层,然后出门了。雨下得好大,眸在等皓来一起走,朋友走时向她打招呼。皓赶来了,眸高兴的撑开伞,举到皓的头顶。谁知皓自己带有伞,并把它掏出来撑开。眸把伞仍在地上,生气地走入雨中,皓纳闷为什么她不打伞,并赶紧追上眸,撑开伞,几经挣扎他才将她揽入怀里,然后一起走了。 皓的工作室  眸在皓的工作室将自己的一张照片剪下一半,调皮地将它和皓的一张照片拼接出一张他们的合影,然后贴在了墙上,转身时不小心打翻了桌子上的颜料。她的衣服被弄脏了,只好换上了皓的工作服。从暗室里走出来的皓拿着她的照片,他看到穿着自己衣服的眸,不禁眼前一亮,觉得此时的眸别有一番韵味。于是他拿来照相机,给她拍照。相纸用完了,眸去了暗室。当她垫着脚尖想够到放在架子最上层的相纸的时候,有着ILFORD字样的瓶子被打翻了,混浊的液体从瓶口涌出来,溅到了她的眼睛里,眸痛苦地大声叫喊然后倒地……   医院里缠着绷带的眸在痛苦地呻吟,她母亲撕心裂肺的哭声让皓心里像被谁剌上了一把刀:因为自己的不小心,深深地伤害了他和眸的真爱。   回到工作室,皓看着那张他们的“合影”,他只能用砸东西来发泄。 皓又去飚车了  皓又去飚车了。   骞车风驰电掣般地在赛道上奔驰,似乎她就在他身后,就像上次一样,她正在紧紧地用双手环着他的腰……和眸在一起的一幕幕就像车窗外的景物一样迅速地从眼前飞过,但是毕竟不能回到从前了。   皓于终点停车,拔下钥匙递给了别人,收起她送给他的车模,用眸送给自己的围巾仔细的包着,然后撕下了合影中眸的那半张贴在了墙上。他已经一无所有,为了替眸治眼睛,他变卖了自己心爱的骞车和摄影室。助手无奈地看着他离去……   眸眼睛上的绷带终于取掉了。她看到了朋友为她的康复准备的蛋糕,模糊的影像中没有皓的身影。 分手  (眸独白) 今天, 我们分手了, 希望我能够幸福, 能够找到比你更好的人。 你也像其他的男人一样, 忘了说过的一切。 说实话, 我不希望你能够幸福, 我担心你能找到比我更漂亮的女孩子,幸福的过日子, 那你就会真的把我忘记的,我是那麼的难过, 心如刀绞, 我想我爱你爱的太深了, 不要利用可以为爱不惜一切的女人的善良的本性, 身为一个女人, 被人爱是如此的难。 虽然我在骂你, 但我心里是那麼的想你, 因为,把爱视为全部的我——是女人。 为了爱情 付出一切 心甘情愿 请别不要利用女人这柔弱天性 身为女人 原该被一生宠爱 不曾想爱是如此辛苦和艰难 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我身为女人 嘴上把你埋怨 心中仍把你牵挂 爱是一切 只因我身为女人 眸痛苦过了,慢慢地在恢复  眸痛苦过了,慢慢地在恢复。朋友带给她一份杂志,她看到皓给自己拍的照片刊登在杂志的封面上。   后来,眸在一次外出中偶然遇到了双目失明和导盲犬在一起的皓,一阵风吹,放在皓身边椅子上的眸的照片掉在了地上,眸帮皓捡起,还给了他,眸再一次流下了眼泪。原来,皓为了让心爱的眸恢复视力,把自己的眼角膜给了她,为了不连累眸,皓永远的离开了自己心爱的人……   (皓独白) 有一个我深爱著的女人, 虽然我不能和她在一起, 不过,我仍然深爱著她   《KISS——因为是女人》,可谓韩国感人MTV中最为经典的一部作品了,   由韩国明星申贤俊和世界小姐孙太英倾情出演的一个爱情故事。在短短   的八分钟里讲述了一次美丽的邂逅,一场凄美的爱情和一个扑朔迷离的   结局,再加上韩国Kiss (女生三人组)那富有磁性而略带伤感的演唱,   使整部作品几乎达到完美的境地,催人泪下。

Takuya Kimura怎么读

Ta ku ya Ki mu ra他 哭 呀 (克一)木 啦

英文歌曲,开头女的清唱you take me**,you take me**

the tide is high

Taking My Breath Away 歌词

歌曲名:Taking My Breath Away歌手:Icon 专辑:Right Between the EyesTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55325096

baby take me take me away韩语歌叫什么!灰姑娘于四骑士里面的!

my remon jessi

Takes My Breath Away 歌词

歌曲名:Takes My Breath Away歌手:Tuck & Patti专辑:Pure Tuck & PattiTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9146011

Take Us Away 歌词

歌曲名:Take Us Away歌手:Wiretree专辑:Get UpTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/64819372

Take My Brain Away 歌词

歌曲名:Take My Brain Away歌手:The Young Fresh Fellows专辑:Live At The Triple Door December 3rd 2011Take Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/27462464

Take it Away 歌词

歌曲名:Take it Away歌手:Soundtrack专辑:FIFA Manager 11Take Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/61968738

Take It Away 歌词

歌曲名:Take It Away歌手:Reid Paley专辑:Lucky"s TuneTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/16431950

求一首歌词总是出现to take me away的歌 女生唱的 声音很甜 歌词没听清楚 就是lalalalalala to take me

歌曲:Take me away歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:《under my skin》发行日期:2004年语言:英语歌曲的中文译名是带我走。这首歌是艾薇儿第二章专辑《under my skin》里的一首歌曲。take me away 带我走I cannot find a way to describe it我无法言语It"s there inside 所有的情绪深埋在我的心底All I do is hide 苦苦隐藏I wish that it would just go away我盼望一切感觉 都消失如云烟What would you do你的抉择 会是什么You do if you knew 如果你已经知道结局 你会怎么做 What would you do (DO)你会怎么做(Chorus) All the pain所有的苦恼I thought I knew以为我已经身经百战 不会有感觉All the thoughts lead back to you但我的思绪 依旧游移到你的身边 Back to what回到那Was never said暧昧模糊的最初Back and forth来来回回Inside my head在我的心底一一浮现I can"t handle this confusion我已经无法掌控那混沌I"m unable come and take me away 我已无能为力 快带我远离这一切I feel like I am all alone我寂寞 全世界只剩我一人All by myself I need to get around this我要打破这寂寥 My words are cold冷冷的话语I don"t want them to hurt you不要这些话 中伤你的心If I show you就算给你真情告白 I don"t think you"d understand你永远也不会理解 "Cause no one understands (understands, yeah!) 因为 没有人了解我 (Chorus) I"m going nowhere on and on and我无路可逃I"m getting nowhere on and on (take me away) 我无计可施 I"m going nowhere on and on and off我无路可逃 就这样来来回回 And on and off and on 来来回回 (Chorus) Take me away带我走Take me away带我走Break me away粉碎我Take me away带我走

Take It Away 歌词

歌曲名:Take It Away歌手:Butterfly Boucher专辑:Butterfly BoucherTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17703563

Take It Away 歌词

歌曲名:Take It Away歌手:fu manchu专辑:Signs Of Infinite PowerTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/26623825

一个女歌手的歌 歌词中有take me away

http://www.okwma.com/play/playMp3.asp?id=69427take me away 歌手:avril lavigne 专辑:under my skin I cannot find a wayTo describe itIt"s thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI can"t handle this confusionI"m unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI don"t want them to hurt youIf IShow youI don"t think you"d understandCause no one understsandsAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI can"t handle this confusionI"m unableCome and take me awayI"m going nowhereOn and on and...I"m getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayI"m going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI can"t handle this confusionI"m unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me awayTake me away

有一首歌 英文的 有一句 take me away 什么的 快歌 是什么歌?

Take Me AwayI"ve been thinking, trying to findthe way back home, some peace of mindMy world is shrinking I"m losing all touchI just can"t find the things I miss so muchTake me, take me awayI"ve been losing my mind these daysI see so unclearI"ve really gone astrayI ran away from you, I thought I knewhow to leave the problems behind and make it throughThough I"ve been drifting I keep winding back hereConfused by the world I"m longing for you . Stratovarius 的 take me away 的 歌词

take me away什么意思

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