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igcse chemistry syllabus

可以去呢个网睇 igcse chem chemistry/igcse/ 参考: igcse chem good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 请看官方资料: 有2013,2014,2015: Current SyllabusThe syllabus year refers to the year in which the examination will be taken. 图片参考 2015 Syllabus (612Kb)

components of syllabus什么意思

components of syllabus的中文翻译components of syllabus 元器件大纲components英[ku0259m"pu0259u028anu0259nt] 美[ku0259m"pou028anu0259nt] n. (机器、设备等的) 构成要素,零件,成分; 成分( component的名词复数 ); [物理化学] 组分; [数学] 分量; (混合物的) 组成部分; adj. 组成的,构成的; [例句]The different components all have to interface smoothly.不同的部件都必须能顺利接合。[其他] 形近词: opponents proponents exponents


课堂的教学大纲,交际语言教学法的教学大纲和任务型语言教学的教学大纲(syllabus)Classroom teaching outline, communicative language teaching syllabus and task-based language teaching syllabus (syllabus)希望可以帮到你,还望采纳

course syllabus 和 course outline有什么区别

course syllabus课程教学大纲The Cultivation of the Students "Conciousness and Capabilities Under the New Course Syllabus新课程下学生意识和能力的培养course outline课程大纲The Course Outline of the Advanced Diploma of Music Industry ( Technical Production).音乐产业(录音技术制作)高级毕业证书之教学课程大纲。【百度翻译机翻译 】



syllab和i syllabus有什么区别,syllabus有复数形式么?请指教

syllabi 是syllabus的复数形式.大纲,摘要,纲要的意思 syllabus有两种复数形式:syllabuses,syllabi


课程描述,要有课程的基本情况,学分,学时,将的什么内容。微积分一、课程名称:微积分二、学时与学分:176/11三、先修课程:无四、课程描述:微积分在电信专业的应用近二十年来越来越广泛,其涵盖了许多重要领域,如通信技术、电气工程、自动控制以及网络技术等,将现代电信与现代数学方法紧密地结合起来,而微积分是现代数学的基础学科之一。本课程强化数学思想和方法的传递,提升学生的数学素养,并要求学生具有一定的数学计算和解题能力。 五、 主要内容:极限与连续、导数与微分、不定积分与定积分、级数、空间解析几何、偏导数与全微分、二重积分与三重积分、常微分方程等。其中极限的思想、微分中值定理及应用、重积分的计算以及级数理论等是微积分的重点与难点。该课程为概率论、数理统计、线性代数、数字信号处理等后续课程以及相关学科的基础课程学习打下扎实的基础。六、教材及参考书:《微积分》(第二版),华中科技大学数学系编,高等教育出版社。七、考核方式:考试+作业




n. 教学大纲,摘要;课程表

curriculum 和 syllabus 的区别

curriculum 课程,也可表示 简历,履历syllabus 教学大纲


A syllabus is a specification of what takesplace in the classroom, which usually contains the aims and contents ofteaching and sometimes contains suggestions of methodology. A curriculumprovides general statements about the rationale about language, languagelearning and language teaching; detailed specification of aims, objectives andtargets learning purpose; and implementation of a program. A syllabus ispart of a curriculum. Syllabus is often used to refer to sth similar to alanguage teaching approach, whereas curriculum refers to a specific document ofa language program developed for a particular country or region. So we can talkabout a grammatical syllabus or a task-based syllabus, but not a grammaticalcurriculum or a task-based curriculum. Syllabus design is more of a pedagogicalnature, while curriculum development is an educational planning issue.