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三峡高度差使水流具有能量,带动涡轮机发电。都是运用了能量的相互转换。利用水的重力势能转化为发电机的动能.最终转化为电能 ,






(1)大坝底部做得比较宽,一方面是增大了大坝与坝基的接触面积,减小了对坝基的压强;另一方面是因为水的压强随深度的增加而增大,大坝底部所受的水压较大,所以大坝底部做得比较宽,可以抗击底部较大的水压,以保证大坝的安全. (2)水对坝底的压强为p=ρgh=1.0×10 3 kg/m 3 ×10N/kg×20m=2×10 5 Pa 据船闸的结构特点可知,其在工作时,上端开口,下部连同,即符合连通器的定义,所以船闸是利用连通器的原理工作的. 故答案为:一方面是增大了大坝与坝基的接触面积,减小了对坝基的压强;另一方面因为是因为水的压强随深度的增加而增大,大坝底部所受的水压较大,所以大坝底部做得比较宽,可以抗击底部较大的水压,以保证大坝的安全;2×10 5 ;连通器.






(1)三峡大坝的船闸由上下两个阀门组成一个闸室,当上游阀门打开时,闸室与上游通过阀门组成连通器,使闸室内的水位与上游水位相平;故船闸的原理即为连通器的原理,即三峡大坝的船闸是连通器在实际中的具体应用; (2)轮船是采用空心的办法增大可以利用的浮力; 故答案为:连通器;空心.












利用水利发电,把势能转换为电能。水力发电,研究将水能转换为电能的工程建设和生产运行等技术经济问题的科学技术。水力发电利用的水能主要是蕴藏于水体中的位能。为实现将水能转换为电能,需要兴建不同类型的水电站。水力发电系(Hydroelectric power)利用河流、湖泊等位于高处具有势能的水流至低处,将其中所含势能转换成水轮机之动能,再借水轮机为原动力,推动发电机产生电能。利用水力(具有水头)推动水力机械(水轮机)转动,将水能转变为机械能,如果在水轮机上接上另一种机械(发电机)随着水轮机转动便可发出电来,这时机械能又转变为电能。水力发电在某种意义上讲是水的位能转变成机械能,再转变成电能的过程。因水力发电厂所发出的电力电压较低,要输送给距离较远的用户,就必须将电压经过变压器增高,再由空架输电线路输送到用户集中区的变电所,最后降低为适合家庭用户、工厂用电设备的电压,并由配电线输送到各个工厂及家庭。水力发电的基本原理是利用水位落差 ,配合水轮发电机产生电力,也就是利用水的位能转为水轮的机械能,再以机械能推动发电机,而得到电力。科学家们以此水位落差的天然条件,有效的利用流力工程及机械物理等,精心搭配以达到最高的发电量,供人们使用廉价又无污染的电力。而低位水通过吸收阳光进行水循环分布在地球各处,从而回复高位水源。于1882年,首先记载应用水力发电的地方是美国威斯康辛州。到如今,水力发电的规模从第三世界乡间所用几十瓦的微小型,到大城市供电用几百万瓦的都有。




As with many dams, there is a debate over costs and benefits. Although there are economic benefits such as flood control, clean hydroelectricity and navigation, there are also concerns about the relocation of people, siltation, loss of archaeological and cultural sites and the impact on regional ecosystem While the country benefits from gargantuan potential of electricity generation, we have to face up to various environmental conservation issues concerning geological and ecological environment along both river sides and whole upper reaches. The professional designers of the great dam now have to work out a practical way to prevent and remedy pollution effectively, which has already been the focus of world attention.




  三峡大坝英文导游词 范文 1:   "The filled with clouds, Trinidad jiangling also on the 1st. On both sides of the YuanSheng crow, boats already past thousands of mountains". This is a known "early onset treasure". This poem describes is the beautiful three gorges scenery.   Let us stepping the ancient charm, close to the nature, to see the beautiful scenery of the three gorges!!!!   The three gorges is the floorboard of the qutang gorge, wu gorge and xiling. Between the yichang of hubei province and chongqing fengjie Yangtze river. The three gorges scenery, beautiful, grand and risks, quiet and beautiful. This is really make people intoxicated in it! The mountain of the three gorges, continuous, canopy; The three gorges water, fast water rises, blocking the traffic. Winter, spring water pool back clear, beautiful scenery; In autumn, when the water is cold and dry gas apes sound sad. Of the author, scenery beautiful, fisherman"s song apes bird"s cry fall, all reflect the beauty of the the broken pieces back together!   Now let us into the three gorges, use our hearts to feel the beauty of the broken pieces back together!   三峡大坝英文导游词范文2:   Travellers arriving, ladies and gentlemen:   Everybody is good!!!!! I am your tour guide of the 4th of the Yangtze river three gorges tour. My name is xie, you can call me xiao xie. During the trip, I will try my best to arrange your schedule, make everyone feel happy in the tourism activities.   Now, we stood like a giant cruise ships ChaoTianMen square, set sail soon to start our wonderful journey. Before the start of the journey, I will visit three gorges of Yangtze river to everybody something for everyone to do a brief introduction.   As you all know, the Yangtze river is China"s first river, it started from the roof of the world - the tuotuo river on the qinghai-tibet plateau, the distribution of sichuan thousands of flow from west to east, across China hinterland, more than 6300 km. It loaded with waves of the four seasons song, never-ending straight to the east China sea. The changjiang river is the second only to the amazon river in South America and Africa, the world"s third longest river, the Nile is the cradle of the Chinese nation ancient civilization. It burst through mountains, through the east edge of sichuan basin exits flow formed the magnificent grand, the only one like the grand canyon, the Yangtze river three gorges.   East of the Yangtze river three gorges ends at nanjinguan in yichang, central China"s hubei province, west to chongqing fengjie treasure by the qutang gorge, xiling, wu gorge, 193 km. It is the essence of the Yangtze river scenery, shenzhou gems of landscape, through the ages, glaring charming luster, with numerous Chinese and foreign tourists. My friends, let"s start the magnificent three gorges tour The Yangtze river three gorges, one of the top ten scenic spots in China, the Yangtze river three gorges, spirit aristocracy. Here is the birthplace of Chinese ancient culture, one of the famous big creek culture, in the long river of history shines the radiance; Here, gave birth to China"s great patriotic poet qu yuan and ages; the queen wang zhaojun Castle peak green water, li bai, bai juyi, liu yuxi, had left Fan Chengda, ouyang xiu and su shi, lu you poet literary giant footprint, left many cantos would like; Tells the deep canyons, used to be the three ancient battlefield, it is countless heroes galloping outlet; There are many famous places of interest, treasure ends at nanjinguan, huangling temple,... They hand in photograph reflect with the landscape here, now   Because of the three gorges, Yangtze river is becoming more ambitious, become extraordinarily beautiful landscape. Three gorges scenery is the essence of the Yangtze river scenery, shenzhou gems of landscape, through the ages, the three gorges left a successive dynasties changyou farewell, scholars has been a constant theme along Yangtze river three gorges tourism. The three gorges is due to the Yangtze river, the Yangtze river in the three gorges is proud. The Yangtze river three gorges, the proud.   Ok, give you swim before introduction is here, now together with me, please on our cruise, begin our four-day SanXiaYou of Yangtze river. When boarding, please pay attention to safety!!!!!   三峡大坝英文导游词范文3:   Tourists friends, hello, welcome you to the three gorges tourism. Seven hundred in the three gorges, the grand risk, pull beautiful beautiful, four seasons beautiful scene different style. Winter, spring pool, green west, blame BaiLingFeng, flying waterfall suspended; The summer water rises, the river surging; Your autumn the chill cold, ape cry. Into the three gorges somebody else, tasting the golden orange; On the three gorges dam, majestic momentum. Affectionate three gorges scenery, the people"s enthusiasm, welcome you often swim here. I hope you happy in this trip, a nice day.   TanZiLing scenic spot is a national first batch AAAA level scenic area, is the earliest development of the three gorges dam scenic area, in 1997, the official start of the reception foreign tourists due to its observation deck at the top like a named overturned jars, the scenic spot is located for the dam construction surveying points, elevation 262.48 meters, is the best place to watch the panoramic view of three gorges project, not only can enjoy the three gorges dam on the powerful ZhuangWei, still can watch stand bolt upright a precipice "Yangtze river gorge" fourth two-way five locks.   TanZiLing scenic spot is the commanding heights of the three gorges site, is the best place to watch the panoramic view of three gorges project. TanZiLing for inverting image outside a jar. Scenic area of about 100000 square meters of the whole scenic spots including the observation deck, anaglyph big book, iron and steel group, one hundred million Jiang Shi model room and green belts, and so on, showed the long-standing three gorges culture comprehensive, expressed the people hydration and water as a distinct theme, man can conquer nature.   TanZiLing because its shape looks like a mountain of sichuan people make kimchi named buckle the jar at the top of the hill, elevation 262.48 meters, the three gorges dam is 15.28 square kilometers land within the scope of the commanding heights above sea level, on the top of the TanZiLing observation deck, overlooking the three gorges dam construction, get a good view of the xiling cattle rock"s beautiful scenery and the prospect of new county zigui.   Legend has it that dayu harnessing of 3 a house but not into, in god cow help through KuiMen, pushed open the channel in 400, familiar people gratitude, with a huge boat carrying 24 pig head and a large altar wine to treat. To the accomplishment, but see that god cattle smoke cloud, only left a video in the high mountain, after the people called scalpers rock. The dayu also track god cattle travel, left over from a statue of stone as a souvenir. Touched by people for a long time refused to leave, make huge boat in the river on the waiting, the giant ship into a small island - being built at zhongbaodao island. The ship"s pig into the river, will be 24 in rocks, and the altar wine is on the left bank, unreal TanZiLing and popular. Buddha, it is said that on sunny weather, the breeze peak to peak in the river, wine consumption binge, also really ecstatic.   The entire park in a highly increasing from top to bottom is divided into three layers, showrooms, mainly by the model ten thousand a recently stone, river closure, the three gorges dam foundation, silver version gobbledygook and TanZiLing landscape, such as the observation deck and spectacular fountains and beautiful waterfalls, winding streams, green lawn, this process, in a static dynamic, moving in the static, as if place oneself in the beautiful paradise.




短句吗?the three gorges dam is famous all over the world.


The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, located in Yiling District, Yichang, Hubei province, China. The Three Gorges Dam is the world"s largest power station in terms of installed capacity (22,500 MW). In 2014 the dam generated 98.8 TWh of electricity, setting a new world record by 0.17 TWh previously held by the Itaipú Dam on the Brazil/Paraguay border in 2013 of 98.63.[4][5][6] But in 2015, the Itaipu power plant resumed the lead in annual worldwide production, producing 89.5 TWh, while production of Three Gorges was 87 TWh.[7][8][9]Except for a ship lift, the dam project was completed and fully functional as of July 4, 2012,[10][11] when the last of the main water turbines in the underground plant began production. The ship lift was complete in December 2015.[12] Each main water turbine has a capacity of 700 MW.[13][14] The dam body was completed in 2006. Coupling the dam"s 32 main turbines with two smaller generators (50 MW each) to power the plant itself, the total electric generating capacity of the dam is 22,500 MW.[13][15][16]As well as producing electricity, the dam is intended to increase the Yangtze River"s shipping capacity and reduce the potential for floods downstream by providing flood storage space. The Chinese government regards the project as a historic engineering, social and economic success,[17] with the design of state-of-the-art large turbines,[18] and a move toward limiting greenhouse gas emissions.[19] However, the dam flooded archaeological and cultural sites and displaced some 1.3 million people, and is causing significant ecological changes, including an increased risk of landslides.[20] The dam has been a controversial topic both domestically and abroad.[21]


the Three Gorges




三峡大坝Three Gorges Dam