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那些是你的毛衣吗? ( )( )your sweaters?

are that


  1、sweater的英音为[swet(r)],美音为[swetr];n.毛衣,线衣(英国英语指套头无扣的;美国英语可指开襟有扣的)。   2、[例句]Sheworeathicktartanskirtandaredcashmeresweater.她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。   3、[其他]复数:sweaters。

Laurie Anderson的《Sweaters》 歌词

歌曲名:Sweaters歌手:Laurie Anderson专辑:Live In New YorkHard-Fi - SweatQQ : 349777127Sweat til you make your money!They repossessed my guts, boarded up my headTaken everything left us all for deadMy heart is pumping and my shirt is sopping wetThe boss he thinks I"m lazy but he ain"t the one who has to SWEATYou"ve got to, You gotta give it allI"m burning up I"ve gotta get myself checkedSweat til you make your money!Darling I"ve got plans I want more thisAnd if you want to you could come along for kicksYou"re working twice as hard just to get respectThe boss he thinks I"m lazy but he ain"t the one who has to SWEATDignity keeps running out on meScared to fail cos failure won"t repairThe holes in your shoes buy new clothes to wearThey won"t let you forgetYou must SWEAT!They repossessed my guts, boarded up my headTaken everything left us all for deadWorking twice as hard just to get respectThe boss he thinks I"m lazy but he ain"t the one who has to SWEATYou"ve got to, (Sweat!) You gotta give it all (Sweat!)I"m burning up I"ve gotta get myself checkedSweat til you make your money!Why don"t you come a little closer don"t be shyThe night is winding down they"ll soon turn up the lightsWe"re just two people out for all that we can getI just wanna take you home, make you mine, make you SWEATYou"ve got to, (Sweat!) You gotta give it all (Sweat!)I"m burning up I"ve gotta get myself checkedYou"ve got to, (Sweat!) You gotta give it all (Sweat!)I"m burning up I"ve gotta get myself checkedSweat, sweat, SWEAT!http://music.baidu.com/song/1380939


sweater 英 [ˈswetə(r)]美 [ˈswɛtɚ]n. 毛衣,运动衫;出汗(过多)的人,发汗剂; 榨取别人血汗的人(或工厂、公司等);adj. 运动衫的;运动衫式的


sweaters 毛衣毛衣 [ máo yī ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ máo yī ]用毛线织成的上衣。




sweater 英[u02c8swetu0259] 美[u02c8swu025btu025a] 复数:sweaters n. 1.毛衣,线衣(在英国英语中,指套头无扣的;在美国英语中则可指开襟有扣的) 名词 n.1.毛衣,线衣(在英国英语中,指套头无扣的;在美国英语中则可指开襟有扣的) Sweaters are often made of wool.毛衣常由羊毛织成。

a kind of sweaters 一种毛衣 sweater 加不加 s





sweater做名字表示服饰的时候表示毛衣、运动衫;而pullover指的是套头衫,更专指。1、sweater 英[u02c8swetu0259(r)] 美[u02c8swu025btu025a] n. 毛衣,运动衫; 出汗(过多)的人,发汗剂; 榨取别人血汗的人(或工厂、公司等); adj. 运动衫的; 运动衫式的; [例句]She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater.她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。[其他] 复数:sweaters 2、pullover 英[u02c8pu028alu0259u028avu0259(r)] 美[u02c8pu028alou028avu0259(r)] n. 套衫; [例句]Mari refolded the darned pullover and socks.玛丽把织补过的套头衫和袜子重新叠好。[其他] 复数:pullovers

sell sweaters用英语怎么译

1.sell sth.to sb. Tom sells sweaters to him. 后面接宾语... 主+谓+宾 不可能是he 的 你还问题真多可都是没什么实际意思的问题 你只要套就好了 比如 He sells apples to his classmates. 他卖给他同学苹果. 3.没有这个意思 ,不能按中文来想,他在商店卖东西就是 He is a seller in that shop. 4.没别的意思...就这个意思吧.. 5.这个其实不能按着中文来翻译,因为他在商店卖毛衣听起来是动作,但其实应该是一个状态,是1个工作. 所以可以这么说 He sells sweaters in the shop. 后面不用加宾语了


sweater 是毛衣的意思算是冬天把


sweater是可数名词,用作主语的时候,要看是单数还是复数 a sweater是正确的 是的,2 sweaters后面就要用are,a sweater后面就用is

sweaters are made from cotton.对吗?

from改为 of即Sweaters are made of cotton.注be made of 看得出原材料be made from 看不出原材料

sweaters jackets什么意思




my sweater的sweater要加S吗


i have a jacket and sweaters句型对吗?

这样说,免得发生歧义。l have a jacket and some sweaters.

wear hats and sweaters 为什么后面加s?

你这个句子不完整 我要看看主语是什么才能此外你解释





毛衣sweater 是不是可数名词







sweater[英][u02c8swetu0259(r)] [美][u02c8swu025btu025a] 生词本简明释义n.毛衣,运动衫;出汗(过多)的人,发汗剂;榨取别人血汗的人(或工厂、公司等)adj.运动衫的;运动衫式的复数:sweaters以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.N-COUNT毛衣;针织衫A sweater is a warm knitted piece of clothing which covers the upper part of your body and your arms.


sweaters[u02c8swetu0259z] n. 毛衣( sweater的名词复数 ); [例句]I was wearing two sweaters under the green army jacket我在绿军装里套了两件毛线衫。[其他] 原型: sweater




sweater: [ "swet05 ] n. 毛衣例句与用法: 1. I had to put on a sweater since it was raining hard outside. 外面在下雨,我不得不套上一件厚运动衫。 2. He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning. 早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。 3. I"ve gone through the elbows of my sweater. 我的毛衣的肘部都磨破了。 4. He snagged his sweater on the wire fence. 他的毛衣在铁丝网上钩破了. 5. Will this woolen sweater shrink when washed? 这件羊毛衫洗后会缩水吗? 6. She chose the red sweater rather than the pink one. 她选中那件红毛衣而不要那件粉红的. 7. This woolen sweater may keep you warm in winter. 这件羊毛衫在冬天可以保暖。 8. This sweater washes well. 这件套头毛衣耐洗. 英英解释: 名词sweater:1. a crocheted or knitted garment covering the upper part of the body2. a person who perspires同义词:perspirer


sweater[英] [ˈswetə(r)][美] [ˈswɛtɚ]n.毛衣,运动衫; 出汗(过多)的人,发汗剂; 榨取别人血汗的人(或工厂、公司等);adj.运动衫的; 运动衫式的;[例句]She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater.她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。[复数]sweaters


sweater可以用作名词和形容词,可以翻译为毛衣、运动衫,等等。读音:英[u02c8swetu0259r],美[u02c8swetu0259r]。释义:n.毛线衣,运动衫;大量出汗的人,发汗剂。例句:If you don"t want to catch cold, you"d better put on a thick sweater.如果你不想着凉,你最好穿上一件厚针织套衫。变形:复数sweaters。短语搭配:cashmere sweater羊绒衫neck sweater圆领运动衫bolero sweater开胸毛衫acrylic sweater腈纶毛衫sweater coat毛衣外套whose sweater谁的毛衣in sweater穿着毛衣sweater的近义词jumper读音:英[u02c8du0292u028cmpu0259(r)],美[u02c8du0292u028cmpu0259r]。释义:n.跳跃者;跳高运动员;雪橇;[电]跳线;无袖连衣裙;套头衫;连衫裤童装;工作夹克。例句:1、When I was on the track team,I used to be a jumper.过去我在田径队时,我是跳高运动员。2、Her jumper had a darn at the bottom.她的无袖连衣裙下部有一个补丁。其他:复数jumpers。短语:puddle jumper轻型越野汽车jumper stay跨接停留cable jumper连接电缆long jumper跳远运动员jumper bar冲杆

How much is this sweater?(改为同义句)

What"s the price of the sweater?How much does the sweater cost?

there is a sweater_____(hang) on the clothes line. 横线处应该填hung还是hanging?


I can guess you were in a hurry.You _______ your sweater inside out.


sweater inside out

这两个句子一个意思 :你把你的毛衣穿反了 inside out 字面意思:里面的在外面 不就是穿反了吗 have.on 就是穿的意思

英语篇 服装:dress,coat,T-shirt ,redwood ,raincoat ,sweater ,socks ,button ,trousers ,belt

dress【长裙】coat【大衣】T-shirt 【T恤衫】redwood 【红杉】raincoat 【雨衣】sweater 【女士毛衣】socks 【袜子】button 【按钮】trousers 【裤子】belt 【皮带】

sweatshirt and sweater 有甚么分别

I worked in the garment sector and this is my understanding: Sweatshirt: refer to those causal and sporty clothings. 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:o41w-llG3OZV1Mrezdog/images/Custer%2520Killer%2520Sweatshirt 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:yqiEVq5mGs75VMthebrentleeband/images/Merchandise/shirts/Large/sweatshirt 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:QeNg_n7FRO8YNMemerchandise/images/p/EVL/pdSWEVL0001 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:V5BCZ-VALRrerMsewfinecustoms/gameznflix/product-image/sweatshirt 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:wCO_c4c53G8nBMspecialforces/store/customimages/designpage/large-sweatshirt Custer Killer Sweatshirt. Sweatshirt Evil Dead Logo Hooded Sweatshirt sweatshirt large-sweatshirt. Sweater: those to keep you warm and can be part of a formal dressing. 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:nrHVp05fNpQw3Mjapanesecentral/Siryoo/pictureclips/clothes/sweater 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:RaKmvAmPOf3QbMaristofashion/handknit/knitting-kits 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:tmkqUYUvLbM3pMhome.uchicago.edu/~jmeyers/Clothes/sweater 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:NRGk10Uk0RcG9Mknitty/ISSUEfall02/images/anniversary 图片参考:images.google/images?q=tbn:2kFCF7pt-KDZmMbluequillangler/shopsite_sc/storemedia/sweater-mechanic sweater Knitting kits Aran pattern sweater ... a sweater for men and women Anniversary Sweater by Shetha Nolke sweater-mechanic If you go by the book the o words mean the same and are interchangeable: en. *** /wiki/Sweatshirt A sweater (also called sweatshirt pullover jumper and jersey) is a relatively heavy garment intended to cover the torso and arms of the human body (though in some cases sweaters are made for dogs and occasionally other animals) and typically to be worn over a shirt blouse T-shirt or other top. Sweaters tend to be and in earlier times always were made from wool (typically of sheep though possibly of alpaca or other type); however they can be made of cotton synthetic fibres or some bination thereof. sweater 系毛衣 而sweatshirt 系长袖运动衫(冇毛ge) 希望可以帮到你la

求一首英文歌,只记得歌词里面有一句是:I thought you like the sweater I got you

顺便提供这首歌歌词中文翻译:Maroon 5 - Moves Like JaggerJust you shoot for the stars你如流星般划过If it feels right这感觉美妙至极And in for my heart你正中我的靶心If you feel like如果你觉得喜欢Can take me away 你可以带我远走高飞And make it okay使一切都安好如初I swear i"ll behave我发誓 我会去实现You wanted control你想控制全场Sure we waited好吧 我们等一等I put on a show我举办一场狂欢Now I make it现在让你美梦成真You say i"m a kid你说我是个小屁孩My ego is big我的自尊心很强I don"t give a shit我从不胡说八道And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆Baby it"s hard宝贝 这很难呐!And it feel like you"re broken in scar似乎你已经战胜恐惧Nothing feels right一切都觉得不对劲But when you"re with me但当你我相依时I make you believe我会使你深深信赖我That i"ve got the key车钥匙到手了So get in the car快点 上车吧We can ride it我们去兜风Wherever you want你想去的任何地方Get inside it到车里来And you want to stir你想立刻启程But i"m shifting gears但我正在换挡I"ll take it from here我将从这里出发And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆You want to know how to make me smile你想知道如何逗我笑Take control, own me just for the night不要乱来 我想有一个属于自己的夜But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓So watch and learn睁大眼睛 学着点I won"t show you twice我不想演示两次Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right头碰到脚趾了 哦 宝贝 蜷缩在一起But if I share my secret但是如果我分享我的秘密You gonna have to keep it你必须守口如瓶Nobody else can see this无人知晓And it goes like this一切就如此继续Take me by the tongue亲吻我的舌尖And i"ll know you我将了解你Kiss til you"re drunk吻到你沉醉其中And i"ll show you然后我闪亮登场Want the moves like jagger想像jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I don"t even try to control you我从没试图束缚你Look into my eyes and i"ll own you看着我的眼睛 我将属于你With the moves like jagger随着jagger一样摇摆I got the moves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆I got the mooooooves like jagger我变得像jagger一样摇摆

l can wear my new sweater改为否定句?

I can"t wear my new sweater.

I can guess you were in a hurryuff0eYou _______ your sweater inside outuff0e


he is the boy who is wearing a red sweater.

可以 you are clever The boy ( who is shy) is wearing a black coat.括号中的是定语从句who is shy修饰The boy 男孩. 译文:这个害羞的男孩正穿着一件黑外套. The boy (who is wearing a black coat) is shy.括号中的是定语从句who is wearing a black coat修饰The boy 男孩. 译文:这个穿着黑外套的男孩很害羞. 恩 差点没搞明白 自己意会下 你说的那个 语法没错.

in green sweater

Which boy is shaking his head?

forgirls wehave sweater in green for only$30是什么语法

For girls we have sweaters in green for only $30.对于女孩来说我们有绿色毛衣只需要30美元。一般现在时态


the sweater(is)(be)60 yuan. these skirts(are)(be) on the bed. how much(is)(be) this t-shirt how much(are)(be) the shorts? can i (help)(help) you?-yus, please. i need a pen. the sweater (looks)(look) nice. i like it very much.

yours sweater is on the line哪里错了


l want to take that sweater.lt looks nice.中take是什么意思


underwear /sweater 的 后面是is 还是 are ?


there is a sweater_____(hang) on the clothes line. 横线处应该填hung还是hanging?

hanging there be 句型

I can wear my sweater wtih pants tents here是什么意思?

can you wear a sweater here now怎样回答?

Yes, I can. /No, I can"t.


My sweater is on the bed.我的毛衣在床上。因此是对地点提问。就是:Where is your sweater.你的毛衣在哪里?


Cardigansn.开襟羊毛衫 羊毛背心 开襟绒线衫 sweater英 [ u02c8swetu0259(r) ]美 [ u02c8swu025btu025a ]n. 毛衣,运动衫;希望对你有帮助!

sweater cardiga是什么意思


cardigan,pullover和 sweater有甚区别

cardigan (胸前开扣)羊毛衫pullover套头的毛衣;套衫sweater毛线衣;(厚)运动衫

sweater, coat, cardigan有咩分别?

sweater sweater /u02c8swet.u0259u02b3/ US /u02c8sweu0163.u025a/ noun [C] (UK ALSO jumper) a usually woollen piece of clothing with long sleeves which is worn on the upper part of the body: Put a sweater on if you"re cold. a V-necked sweater 通常是羊毛(或其他动物的毛)制的 有长的袖子 穿在上身 中文(自己的见解):长袖上衣(通常是毛衣) coat 1 coat (CLOTHING) /ku0259u028at/ US /kou028at/ noun [C] 1 an outer piece of clothing with sleeves which is worn over other clothes usually for warmth: Do your coat up Joe or you"ll freeze. We need a coat hook on the back of this door穿在外面的衣服 有袖子 盖在其他衣物之上 通常用作保暖 中文(自己的见解):有袖外衣(盖著其他衣服和通常用作保暖) cardigan cardigan /u02c8kɑu02d0.du026a.gu0259n/ US /u02c8kɑu02d0r-/ noun [C] (UK INFORMAL cardy ALSO cardie) a woollen piece of clothing which covers the upper part of the body and the arms fastening at the front with buttons and usually worn over other clothes.是羊毛(或其他动物的毛)制的 盖著上身和手臂 有钮扣在前方 通常盖在其他衣物之上 中文(自己的见解):毛制有钮上衣(盖着手臀和通常盖著其他衣服) Cardigan 唔一定有钮 可以有帽 通常薄身既针织外套就叫cardigan 有帽通常会叫hoodie 叫sweater 都可以 Sweater 可以系外套款或过头款 总之系针织厚身一点就可以叫做sweater


sweater[英][u02c8swetu0259(r)][美][u02c8swu025btu025a]n.毛衣,运动衫; 出汗(过多)的人,发汗剂; 榨取别人血汗的人(或工厂、公司等); adj.运动衫的; 运动衫式的; 毛衫; 针织套衫; 羊毛衣; 双语例句 1She was wearing black slacks and a white sweater.她身穿黑色便裤和白色毛衣。2Amidst the pomp, he showed up in a black Gingham button-down shirt, baggy black sweater and black slacks.在一片盛装的海洋中,他身着黑色条纹系扣衬衫、宽松的黑毛衣以及黑色休闲裤。

求hilltop hoods的cosby sweater的歌词(英文就行了)

Watch me do my thingGet lost into my sing, yeahHot, like New OrleansIn Cosby crew and jeans, yeahDo not awaken, stare a lot and vacantLiving in conditions of the modern matrixOnly bad rhymes running proper nakedOnly point I made you with the bullet was a paperI ain"t here to fight some dude, and fuck around with his spouseI"d rather light your mood and burn it down with the houseEat your heart from the groove on account of the bounceAnd lick her like Tom Cruise, up and down on a couchStatus never mattered, ever acted whether likeChristina Aguilera, just let yourself goMatter Pressure and endeavor that is better leftChristine track a record to let you all knowWould the kings even home usBut to these kingdoms it won"t justSlap a rapper like Solange KnowlesTo the gathering known all that matter like a black holeAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodI feel like Bobby FischerAlways four moves ahead ofMy competition, listen they ain"t gonna stop me everI feel as large as Biggie, swear it could not get betterI feel in charge like Biggie, wearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterI"m a step up every chance when I rumbleThey all call me champ of the JungleIt"s fittingI"m a get drunk and dance like your uncleUntil I"m all hands like your uncleI"m kiddingThe venomous, and then when I enter, then it"s overWhen I"m spitting venom, I"m as generous as OprahYou get a scar! You get a scar! You get a scar!Me drunk in the back of a rental carPat Benatar, love is a battlefieldHere to get you out your seat like a battle drillI"m in the saddle still, a little saddle soreSmash you out the stratosphere, flashy as a matadorWhen I"m dressed like Theo"s DadIn a cougie listening to Kool G RapI won"t beat around the bush like a seventies pornI"ll make you wish that you"d never been bornAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodAnd it"s all goodI feel like Bobby FischerAlways four moves ahead ofMy competition, listen they ain"t gonna stop me everI feel as large as Biggie, swear it could not get betterI feel in charge like Biggie, wearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterTake a ride on the wild side of this alleyWe could fire up the night like Prince HarryFuck the high life, we could vibe likeWe got white lines hanging from behind like we"re just marriedI"ll turn the art form into a bloodsportI make pea soup out of a pea brainThey wanna run the streets like parkourI"d rather run these tracks like a steam trainI feel like Bobby FischerAlways four moves ahead ofMy competition, listen they ain"t gonna stop me everI feel as large as Biggie, swear it could not get betterI feel in charge like Biggie, wearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweaterWearing that Cosby sweater






dresser: 化妆台pajamas: 睡衣closet : 衣柜 sweater;外衣 radio;收音机 skipping;跳过

写出下列单词的复数形式 this that sweater dr



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