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sweatshirt and sweater 有甚么分别

2023-07-12 20:48:33

I worked in the garment sector and this is my understanding: Sweatshirt: refer to those causal and sporty clothings. 图片参考 图片参考 图片参考 图片参考 图片参考 Custer Killer Sweatshirt. Sweatshirt Evil Dead Logo Hooded Sweatshirt sweatshirt large-sweatshirt. Sweater: those to keep you warm and can be part of a formal dressing. 图片参考 图片参考 图片参考 图片参考 图片参考 sweater Knitting kits Aran pattern sweater ... a sweater for men and women Anniversary Sweater by Shetha Nolke sweater-mechanic If you go by the book the o words mean the same and are interchangeable: en. *** /wiki/Sweatshirt A sweater (also called sweatshirt



and jersey) is a relatively heavy garment intended to cover the torso and arms of the human body (though

in some cases

sweaters are made for dogs and occasionally other animals) and typically to be worn over a shirt


T-shirt or other top. Sweaters tend to be

and in earlier times always were

made from wool (typically of sheep

though possibly of alpaca or other type); however

they can be made of cotton

synthetic fibres

or some bination thereof.

sweater 系毛衣

而sweatshirt 系长袖运动衫(冇毛ge) 希望可以帮到你la


by and large是什么意思

by and large大体上; 总的来说,大体而言; 大致如此例句:1、We find that, by and large, China has good laws and regulations, comparable to those of many OECD countries.我们发现,中国有很好的环保法律法规,可以与许多经合组织国家的法律法规相媲美。2、By and large, the only companies ( and by extension their bankers and existing VC backers) attempting IPOs are ones that have viable businesses of meaningful scale.通常来说,公司(以及他们的投资银行家和当前的风投投资者)只有具备相当规模、可靠的商业模式才会考虑尝试。
2023-07-12 17:58:172

by and large放在作文中怎么样

2023-07-12 17:58:482

谁能讲讲短语 by and large 的用法。最好给几个例句。谢了!

对不起!无力解答 就只知道是它的意思是总得来说。
2023-07-12 17:59:083

by and large一般用在什么场合

用在会议或叙述事情上。by and large 大体上,总的来说 用作状语,会议或者对某事或某物的叙述上。
2023-07-12 17:59:141

in turn ,if anything by and large,

by and large 一般是放在句首意为总的说来 这样更好 by and large,if anything in turn. 一般说来,风水轮流转.
2023-07-12 17:59:211


两句当中,前者可用!後者太俚语化。式文件或自荐,可用第一句或:I am basically in line with your company"s interview conditions.
2023-07-12 17:59:312


by 介词1.通过: 其后加名词或动名词加名词,如We go to school by bike 加动名词,如by doing sth She makes a living by cleaning the park .她通过打扫公园谋生。2. 在...旁边He likes standing by the river in the morning . 他早晨喜欢在河边站着3. 不迟于,在... 之前You must finish you homework by 5:00你必须在五点之前完成你的作业4. 用在被动语态里面(你们应该也学过了)后面加动作的执行者,翻译成“被”比如The tree was watered by Lucy树被Lucy 浇过了,即,Lucy 浇了树。中学常用的,也是中考容易出题的,你记住这几个就行
2023-07-12 17:59:403


large 英[lɑ:dʒ] 美[lɑ:rdʒ] adv. 大大地; 夸大地; 详细地; 顺风地; adj. 大的; 大规模的; 大型号的; 广泛的; v. 玩个痛快; (尤指跳舞和饮酒) 作乐; [例句]The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes狗鱼主要生活在大江大湖中。 比较级:larger 最高级:largest
2023-07-12 18:00:011


general speaking
2023-07-12 18:00:347


2023-07-12 18:01:163


2023-07-12 18:01:262


1. 常见介词with引导的复合结构。with的复合结构,也叫with引导的独立主格结构。由with(也可省略)+名词/代词+现在或过去分词/不定式/形容词/介词短语或副词构成。它相当于一个状语从句,表示行为方式/伴随状况/时间/原因或条件。[典例2]_____two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.(2004u2022北京卷)A. With B.Besides C.As for D.Because of解析 A 由句子结构看出,第一空须填入介词,构成介词+宾语+to do的形式,只有with有此用法,由此可知选A。2. 常见介词by的用法。介词by含义较丰富,主要有:靠,凭借,在……旁边等含义。可有by oneself单独,靠自己;by and by不久以后,不一会儿,连续不断地,立刻;by and large总的说来。3. 常见介词through,既可指时间,也可指地点。指时间时表示“在(整整一段时间)中”,指地点时表示“通过,穿过经过4. 1)in表示A地在B地范围之内。如: Taiwan is in the southeast of China. 2) in指时间表示: (1)在某个较长的时间(如世纪、朝代、年、月、季节以及泛指的上午、下午或傍晚等)内。如: in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning, in the evening, etc (2)在一段时间之后。一般情况下,用于将来时,谓语动词为瞬间动词,意为“在……以后”。如: He will arrive in two hours. 谓语动词为延续性动词时,in意为“在……以内”。如: These products will be produced in a month. 注意:after用于将来时间也指一段时间之后,但其后的时间是“一点”,而不是“一段”。如: He will arrive after two o"clock. 3)in表示地点: (1)用于指较大的地方。如: He lives in Shanghai. (2)虽然是很小的地方,如果说话人住在那里,也可用in。商店、学校、机关等,若看作一个地点(point)用at,若看作一个场所(place)用in。如: I met him at the post-office. I"m now working in the post-office.
2023-07-12 18:01:361


英语单词large的用法和解析   “large”大家都知道是“巨大的、宽大的”等意思,可是在不同的语境中还有其他的意思哦!下面是我为大家整理了英语单词large的用法和解析,希望能帮到大家!    一、详细释义:    adj.    大的,宽大的;大规模的    例句:   I want a large box. This is too small.   我要一个大盒子。这个太小了。    例句:   There may be large changes around here generally.   这里将会有全面的大改革。    多的,多量的,多数的    例句:   The concert drew a large audience.   音乐会吸引了大量的观众。    例句:   He tried to earn more money to provide for a large family.   他设法多挣钱以供养一个子女众多的家。    广博的;广泛的    例句:   The President is a man of large experience.   总统是一位经验丰富的.人。    adv.    大,大大地    例句:   Do not write so large.   不要把字写得这么大。    夸大地    例句:   He tends to talk large.   他喜欢讲大话。    二、词义辨析:    big,large,great,grand   这些形容词均含“大的”之意。 big常用词,使用广泛,较口语化。多指体积、重量或容量等方面的“大”,有时也用于描写抽象之物。 large普通用词,含义广,指体积、面积、容量、数量以及程度等方面的大,具体或抽象意义均可用。 great普通用词,可指具体东西的“大”,但更常指事物的重要,人的行为、品格的伟大等,带一定的感情色彩。 grand侧重指盛大、绝大,有气派。    三、相关短语:   at large   a. 1.(囚犯)在逃,逍遥法外 2.一般说来,随便地,整个,全部,总的 ad. 1.详细地   by and large   ph. 大体上,基本上,总的说来,全盘看来,大概   extra large   特大号   large calorie   大卡   large intestine   n.[解]大肠   large-toothed aspen   大齿白杨   law of large numbers   大数定律   bulk large   显得大 显得重要   large order   n. 艰巨的工作   large white   英国大白猪   writ large   用鲜明字体写出的 显而易见的, 容易识别的    四、参考例句:   My room is large.   我的房间很大。   Large means big.   大的就是巨大的意思。   A large vote was polled.   投票踊跃。   The large dog deterred trespassers.   那条大狗吓住了擅自进入者。   He administers a large department.   他管理一家大型商场。   A stag has large horns.   牡鹿有很大的角。   The park is very large.   这个公园很大。   He commands a large vocabulary.   他掌握了大量的词汇。   Beijing is a large city.   北京是一座大城市。   He dissipated his large inheritance.   他挥霍掉他的大笔遗产。 ;
2023-07-12 18:01:431


  下面是我整理的一些关于介词By与through 的区别,欢迎大家阅读!   英语介词By 与 through 的区别:   (1)表示 方法 ,手段。即“用..., 通过...以u2026方式   ”相当于by means of 如:   All work had to be done by hand 所有的工作都是手工进行的。   He makes a living by teaching 他以教书为生。   It happened through no fault of mine.这件事的发生, 并非由于我的任何过错。   He saluted her by raising his hat.他举起帽子向她致意。   She earned money by writing.她靠写作挣钱。   根据;按照to play by the rules按规则比赛   相差His horse won by a nose.他的马以一鼻之差取胜。   (2)表示传达、传递的方式或煤介。如:   How did you send the letter, by airmail or by ordinary mail?   你是怎么发送的这信,是通过航天邮件还是普通邮件?   (3)表示用交通工具、通讯工具后接名词单数,不加冠词。如:   He came by train, but his wife came by bus. 他是乘火车来的,可是他老婆是坐公共汽车来的。   注意下面两句的区别:   Did you come by train? =Did you come in his car / on my bike?   “by +抽象名词”构成的词组有:   by accident / by chance / by diligence / by effort / by force / by heart / by luck / by mistake / by hard work.   (4)指数量增加或减少到的程度,相差。   We lost the match by one goal 我们仅以一球之差输了比赛。   (5)根据,按照   pay sb by the hour /day/week   Sell sth by the pound /meter/ dozen   sell sth by weight/length   As a rule,domestic servants doing odd jobs are paid by the hour 通常,家政服务是按照小时计酬的。   They marched by night.他们夜里进军。   2. through   (1) 表示“以;通过;经由”。如:   He succeeded through hard work.   (2) 空间上通过,透过,经过   Light comes in through the window。光线从窗户进来。   (3) 时间上通过, 自始至终,从头到尾经过   He often works through the night 他常常通宵工作。   注意:在表示手段表示“藉着;以u2026;经由”时,by, through有时也可换用。如:   Through his efforts he succeeded in making so many useful inventions.   By his efforts he succeeded in making so many useful inventions   He became rich through hard work.他靠努力工作而致富。   3、固定搭配   1)through   through:透;彻底   be wet through浑身湿透   through:自始至终,从头到尾   Have you read the letter through?你看完信了吗?   through:情况好;取得成功   I got through with good marks.我考的成绩很好。   through:打通,接通(电话)   Can you put me through to Mr Jones?请帮我接通琼斯先生的电话。   through:做完的; 完成的;完毕的   I"m not through just yet.我还没做完。   through:从头到尾   travel through the country游遍全国   go through a bottle of wine喝完一瓶酒   through the ages 古往今来   You are through.[英]你要的电话接通了。   Are you through?[美]你的电话打完了吗?   2) by   by and by不久以后;不一会儿   by and large全盘;总的来说   in days gone by昔日   put your work by for a minute把你的工作稍搁片刻   These oranges were put by for the winter.   这些桔子被储存起来留冬天吃。
2023-07-12 18:02:051

up and down是什么意思

2023-07-12 18:02:384


pregnancy 英[u02c8pregnu0259nsi] 美[u02c8pru025bɡnu0259nsi] n. 怀孕,妊娠; 丰富,多产; 意义深长; [网络] 怀孕; 怀孕,妊娠; 妊娠; [例句]By and large, the rules for healthy eating are the same during pregnancy as at any other time.总的来说,怀孕期间健康饮食的原则和其他时期是一致的。-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。
2023-07-12 18:02:552


2023-07-12 18:03:112


商务英语报告各构成部分  一般来说,商务英语报告的常见构成部分有:摘要(Executive Summary)、标题(Title)、导言(Introduction/ Terms of Reference)、材料收集方法(Methodology/Proceedings)、调查结果(Findings)、结论(Conclusions)、建议(Recommendations)、附录(Appendices)等。以下就各个部分的内容及其写作方法分别讲解。  (一)摘要(Executive Summary)  一份正式且篇幅较长的报告通常在报告的前面加上摘要。摘要一般不超过一页,是报告的导言、调查结果、结论和建议的内容总结。这部分一般是在整篇报告写好以后再写。非正式或篇幅较短的报告则无需写报告摘要。写摘要时,应注意以下几点:  尽量限制段落的数量,一般可用三段式:报告的目的、报告的调查结果和结论、报告的建议。  摘要写作的时态用一般现在时,因为报告已经存在。  报告摘要中无需引用具体数据。可用“by and large、the vast majority、only a few”等语言表达大概的数据或趋势。  (二)标题(Title)  报告的标题应尽可能概括报告的内容,因为它是整篇报告的信息浓缩,而且标题应该准确、客观,不应像报刊文章标题那样为了吸引读者的注意力而别出心裁。此外,标题应该是名词短语或动名词短语。  (三)导言(Introduction/ Terms of Reference)  在导言部分,扼要地说明一下报告的写作背景和主旨。此外,还应该注明报告提交给何人、何时提交的。如果是事件调查报告应首先说明事件的经过,包括事件发生的日期、时间、地点、情况叙述等。  (四)材料收集方法(Methodology / Proceedings)  报告的这部分应说明收集信息或资料的方法和步骤。在报告中注明提供这一信息可以增强报告的真实性和客观性,尤其是意见调查报告。当然并不是所有的报告都需要收集资料,因此,并非每一种报告都需要提供这部分内容。这部分内容在整篇报告所占篇幅较短,可以写成一个段落。  (五)调查结果(Findings)  报告的调查结果部分是报告建议的依据,其内容应当准确无误,结构清晰,语言流畅、衔接。这部分内容的每一个段落都应当有一个明确的主题句,一般放在段首,这样便于读者摄取这部分的信息。  若报告中需提供图表统计数据或描述行情走势,撰写人应当熟悉这方面写作的常用句型  (六)结论(Conclusions)  报告的结论部分是写报告的人在报告调查结果的基础上对调查结果进行总结和解释。同一调查结果会因为撰写者的不同而得出不同的结论,但这部分不应当包括报告前文中没有提到的新的信息。  (七)建议(Recommendations)  建议往往是许多商务报告写作的最重要部分。一份报告有效程度常常取决于报告中所提供的建议的质量高低。建议部分主要内容为报告撰写人在经过充分的论证后认为应当采取的措施或行动。报告人有时也会描述采取措施后可能出现的后果或情形。  (八)附录(Appendices)  正式的商务报告为了增强报告的说服力或真实性往往会有一些附加材料,因其篇幅较长不宜放在报告当中,只能选择放在附录中。这部分内容可能包括图表统计数据、实验室报告、问卷调查等。当然,简短报告若无此需要则不需增加附录部分
2023-07-12 18:03:243


求辩论赛稿件 是非成败转头空, 何必成败论英雄?! 荆轲刺秦王,以失败告终,但千百年来,人们赞叹他不畏 *** 的英雄气概 诸葛亮,出师未捷身先死,终于没有完成他“兴复汉室”的愿望,但是,至今受人敬仰——甚至四川人依然头戴白巾,作为纪念诸葛亮的方式 拿破仑,最后的结局如何,大家知道,但是,他依旧不折不扣是法国人心目中最伟大的英雄、天之骄子…… 还有太多太多的例子,还需要我们一一列举吗?! 英雄,之所以为英雄,不是因为他们的成功,而是因为他们的英雄气概、为天下谋福利的精神境界、或英勇或机智的行为方式 而不是因为他们的成功与否 成功或失败,技术性的问题,我们可以拿来探讨,探讨英雄们的利弊得失、探讨他们的经验与教训,但是,绝对不是评判他们英雄与否的标准! 青山依旧在,几度夕阳红…… 不论英雄们最终是喜剧收场,还是成为悲情英雄,英雄并不以其成功或失败,而改变了后人对他们的敬仰…… ======== 嘿嘿,看到您这个辩题之后,突然灵光一现,快速写下这些 希望完全原创的这些,能够对您的辩论有所帮助…… 要是觉得好,别忘了加分,我自己对这些还是挺满意的,呵呵 给你一点资料,自己试着看看.希望对你有用: 第一场正方:在校大学生创业利大于弊 第一场反方:在校大学生创业弊大于利 第二场正方:企业用人才为先 第二场反方:企业用人德为先 第三场正方:人和自然可以和谐相处 第三场反方:人和自然不能和谐相处 第四场正方:高校产业化利大于弊 第四场正方:高校产业化弊大于利 第五场正方:网路经济是泡沫经济 第五场反方:网路经济不是泡沫经济 正方 反方 个人的命运是由个人掌握 个人的命运是由社会掌握 便利器具便利 便利器具不便利 发掘人才需要考试 发掘人才不需要考试 民族技艺应该保密 民族技艺不应该保密 理想人才以仁为主 理想人才以智为主 网路对大学生的影响利大于弊 网路对大学生的影响弊大于利 金钱的追求与道德可以并行 金钱的追求与道德可以并行 杜绝盗版,消费者扮演比 *** 更重要的角色 杜绝盗版, *** 扮演比消费者更重要的角色 个性需要刻意追求 个性不需要刻意追求 宽松式管理对大学生利大于弊 宽松式管理对大学生弊大于利 留学归国是个人问题不是社会问题 留学归国是社会问题不是个人问题 通俗文学比文学名著影响大 文学名著比通俗文学影响大 考证热辩论赛稿件 我最近也在打辩论赛;你先解释一下考证热的意思和形成的原因;1,考证热是指在当今强大的社会压力下大学生为证明自己对证书的狂热追求。原因是:就业压力催生考证热,考证提升自身竞争力考证能增加就业砝码,相当一部分大学生认为,能给用人单位留下直观印象的,无非是毕业的院校和所持有的证书。无论能力怎样,院校有名自然会得到认可,而证书则是越多、范围越广越好。沪粤三城市的调查显示,在相同条件下,有资格证者的就业机会是没有资格证的2至3倍,工资收入前者高出后者60%甚至还要多。职业资格证在就业中的份量如此之重,学生们当然趋之若骛。我们知道在竞争激烈的就业前景下,职业资格证书是就业的通行证。职称在就业中将逐步淡化,将不再成为企业招工的标准,而职业资格证书将在就业中占有相当大的地位。所以考证对大学生有很大的利处2.如今很多大学生进入大学荒废学业,是因为没有束缚找不到目标,而当他把考哪个证当目标后,他才就有了学习动力,不至于颓废下去,因而形成一种学习风气。综上所述,考证是利大于弊的。谢谢,希望对你有帮助 求辩论赛的结论稿 3分钟800字呐…… 四辩总结,就是把前面三个人说的观点再重新说一遍,然后升华一下,就行了。 所以,你不应该找网路上来要总结稿。 而应该去找你的队友要他们的讲稿,然后揉到一起,就行了。 "分数代表一切"的辩论赛的稿件 学习好和工作能力强,不是成正比的。 如果想让自己成为一个能够适应社会需要的综合人才,千万不要把自己变成读书的机器,多方面的发展自己,锻炼自己的能力,这点很重要。分数并不能代表真正的能力。 但现在往往是真正有创造力的往往没有高分数,没有高分数就会被教育淘汰,还没有真正的实践,就已经被“扼杀”了,如此回圈。 现在的社会是多放面的考察人才,要的是有创造力和实践力……但是千万别仅仅用成绩来衡量一个人,要永远的记住:三百六十行,行行出状元!要想立足于这个“大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米”的社会,就必须开创自己的一寸土地,拥有一块属于自己的蓝天,就这样一来他们拥有了创造力,有了竞争的实力。 只有少数人打破这种规则,获得成功。 急求英语辩论赛稿词 Criminals, by and large, must be risk-lovers--otherwise they"d be car-wash attendants instead of criminals. Lottery players, by and large, must be risk-lovers--otherwise they"d buy Treasury bonds instead of lottery tickets. You might be tempted to conclude that criminals and lottery players are often the same people. That"s probably the wrong conclusion. After all, risk-lovers enjoy having all their eggs in one basket, which suggests they should pursue either crime or the lottery, but not both. Still, if you want to understand what attracts people to crime, it pays to understand what attracts people to risky activities more generally, so it pays to understand what attracts people to the lottery. 急求辩论赛一辩稿,高手进 手打原创 先来个个人观点,这次的反方赢面大,如果反方不是 开卷不一定有益的话这场正方会轻松,可是反方的立场却是不一定,所以如果正方一但说不好,可能会为反方作垫脚石,就是你们正方要陈诉,开卷一定有益,所以要注意自己在答辩时,正方不要给予中肯的态度。所以建议正方从万物皆有两面性来答,即为不良书刊可以给人警示,而不是我们要杜绝,正如世间不可只有阳光。 正文 开卷即为读书,开启书本之意。自古以来便有读万卷书,行万里路之说。我方认为,万卷皆有裨益,关键在于读者对于书的认识。良书即为益友,也是我们文明发展中的必然产物。高尔基曾说过,书是人类进步的阶梯,如果没有书,我们何来进步而言。有书不读,如同是在浪费世间最珍贵的资源,拖延人类通往跟文明的社会的脚步。但是在文明发展中总会有些不良的事务的产生,这是历史的必然性,正如创世的亚当夏娃,给人类带来欲望的冲击。我们不能逃避这些事务,进步的必然性是从恶中取优。正如警*官面对犯人,我们不能以近朱者赤,近墨者黑,来形容这他们的工作环境。而我们读者也当如是。正因我们知道恶的形态,所以我们亦然深知何为善,若世间无恶所在,人们也断然不会知道善之美。所以开卷必然有益,良书是友,劣作为警钟,一个指导我们走向光明,一个告诉我们黑暗的可怕,相信在座的各位也相信,书如剑,持剑者的心即为剑之善念,秉承光明的信念,敌亦为友! 辩论赛通讯稿 我是大学生记者团责任编辑。 大学生记者团负责报道学校层面的各种大型活动和会议,比如说新生入学,开学典礼、毕业典礼、大型文艺晚会、学术报告、社团招新、社团大型活动、社会实践、运动会等。写出来的稿子刊登在学校的报纸上或其他刊物或网站上。 记者团办公室主要负责记者团内资料的管理,档案的设计,稿件的编辑,报刊的排版等工作。 竞选记者团要具备对新闻的准确定位,建议你补一点新闻稿的知识。包括一篇新闻的架构,各部分内容特点,语言特色等。 竞选记者团肯定会问到如下: 1,文字功底 2,对新闻的认识 3,与人交流的能力 4,自我介绍 5,对记者团的建议。 如果你想竞选办公室 6,编辑、排版的能力 7,严谨的整理资料的作风 8,任劳任怨的精神。。。。 作为一个记者,内向羞涩是大敌。办公室,稳重是敲门砖。 看你的个性发挥吧。 “嫉妒之心不可无” 辩论赛相关稿件有哪些? 一、名词解释: 嫉妒是指人们为竞争一定的权益,对相应的幸运者或潜在的幸运者怀有的一种冷漠、贬低、排斥、甚至是敌视的心理状态。嫉妒是指人们为竞争一定的权益,对相应的幸运者或潜在的幸运者怀有的一种冷漠、贬低、排斥、甚至是敌视的心理状态。嫉妒俗称为“红眼病、吃醋、吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸”等等。嫉妒就内心感受来讲前期依次表现为由攀比到失望的压力感;中期则表现为由羞愧到屈辱的心理挫折感;后期则表现由不服不满到怨恨憎恨的发泄行为。嫉妒是一种比较复杂的心理它包括焦虑、恐惧、悲哀、猜疑、羞耻、自咎、消沉、憎恶、敌意、怨恨、报复等不愉快的心理状态。别人天生的身材、容貌和逐日显出来的聪明才智,可以成为嫉妒的物件;其他如荣誉、地位、成就、财产、威望等有关社会评价的各种因素,也都容易成为他们嫉妒的物件。 二、原因分析: 1、嫉妒源于同一领域的竞争。通过观察,我们可以发现,嫉妒心理是具有等级性的。只有处于同一竞争领域的两个竞争者才会有嫉妒心理和嫉妒行为。一个男子的多个配偶之间,一个女子的多个追求者之间,一个职位的两个竞争者之间,为了争取考试排名第一的同班同学之间,同事之间,同一竞争领域的且经常接触的两个人之间往往爆发激烈的嫉妒心理。人只会嫉妒与自己处于同一竞争领域的表现比自己强的人,而不会嫉妒处于与自己不在一个领域的人,也不会嫉妒同一竞争领域里表现比自己弱的人。周瑜嫉妒诸葛亮是因为诸葛亮和他同处一个领域并且能力比他强;周瑜不嫉妒刘备、曹操、孙权,是因为他们不在同一竞争领域。白雪公主被后母皇后嫉妒,是因为在竞争谁的容貌更美这一领域里白雪公主比后母皇后更漂亮。 2、嫉妒源于某种被破坏的优越感。死心眼的爱情逻辑部落格中说:嫉妒乃是一种被破坏的优越感。也可以称之为优越感被破坏后的心理反应。人只有在自己具有优越感时,并被别人超越才会产生嫉妒,如果不具有优越感他只会表现为自卑和羡慕,而不会有任何的嫉妒。如,我们经常见这样一种情形,小孩看到别人的父母抱他们自己的孩子时会产生羡慕心理,但不会嫉妒。可是当他看到自己的父母抱着的是别人的孩子而不是自己时,他就不乐意了。为什么呢?因为他在别人的父母面前不具有任何优越感,但在自己的父母面前却具有绝对的优越感。这是小孩身上最明显的嫉妒心理。同样,一个一无所有的乞丐决不会嫉妒皇帝的权利、地位、财富,以及获取皇位的机遇,因为与皇帝相比,他从未在这些方面产生个人优越感,没有个人优越感也就不可能产生嫉妒。只有那些可以对皇帝产生优越感的人才会嫉妒皇帝,如,皇帝的兄弟和手握重权权臣等。 3、嫉妒源于猴王心理与报复心理结合。我们每个人在一生下来,就都先天具有一种强烈的自我为尊的意识,即自己是"猴王",是最重要的,是最强的,是不容置疑的第一号人物,这就是人人都有的猴王心理。 三、克服嫉妒心理的方法: 1、要树立正确的人生观嫉妒心较强者目光短浅,气量狭小。因此,必须要有切合实际的目标,自觉破除心胸狭窄、自私自利的思想,从“自我”的小天地里跳出来,开阔眼界和心胸。 2、正确看待他人进步。一个心理健康或胸怀宽广的人,看到战友取得成绩,应当祝贺,自己应该对照先进找差距,同时扬长避短,寻找自己的闪光点,开发自己的潜能,吸取他人的成功经验为自己所用,以求得自身的进步和发展。三要培养健康的好胜心。嫉妒与好胜的共同之处,是不甘心自己落后,总想胜过对方。在工作中争上游不服输是好事,但事事为人先,样样不服输却是不可能的,世界上没有十全十美的事物。应该认识到,不服输,是积极的心态;服输,是为了向别人学习,也是积极的心态;“你行,我让你不行”,这是病态的好胜心发出的嫉妒语,而“你行,我争取比你还行”,则是强者的口号。只有这样,保持积极健康的心态,才能克服嫉妒心理。 当上帝来到中国―辩论赛,求辩论词和辩论稿,急需! 遍地都是上帝的,来到中国也不过是在自己的地方走走,世界上的几种肤色的人可以追溯的这里: 创世记 9:24 挪亚醒了酒,知道小儿子向他所做的事, 9:25 就说:“迦南当受咒诅,必给他弟兄作奴仆的奴仆。” 9:26 又说:“耶和华闪的 神是应当称颂的,愿迦南作闪的奴仆。 9:27 愿 神使雅弗扩张,使他住在闪的帐棚里,又愿迦南作他的奴仆。” 9:28 洪水以后,挪亚又活了三百五十年。 9:29 挪亚共活了九百五十岁就死了。 10:1 挪亚的儿子闪、含、雅弗的后代记在下面。洪水以后,他们都生了儿子。 路加福音 闪是挪亚的儿子,挪亚是拉麦的儿子, 3:37 拉麦是玛土撒拉的儿子,玛土撒拉是以诺的儿子,以诺是雅列的儿子,雅列是玛勒列的儿子,玛勒列是该南的儿子,该南是以挪士的儿子, 3:38 以挪士是塞特的儿子,塞特是亚当的儿子,亚当是 神的儿子。
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众所周知,讨论部分是在结合自己的研究结果基础上,对整个文章的结论的提炼和升华。这一部分是整个论文的精,往往点睛作用。 同时,很多杂志要求结果和讨论分开,这也就更突出了写好讨论的重要性。 那么,我们应该怎样写好讨论部分呢? 下面我借助Jim Hesson and Eveline Farias-Hesson的资料来逐步讲解:general outline of a discussion:Beginning the Discussion Middle of the Discussion Taking Credit For Accomplishments of the Study Indicating the Novelty of the Study Noting Similarity in Findings Noting Differences in Findings Explaining Why Certain Results Were Obtained Concluding the Discussion Discussing Limitations Possible Applications of the Findings A Call for Future Studies Concluding Statement 上面是开始写讨论之前的需要思考的问题,在进行每一部分之前,初级写手需要注意区分结果和讨论的区别:一个主要的区别The discussion section is that it is characterized by a series of points, rather than facts as in the results section (Swales and Feaks, 2004). These points are interpretive rather than descriptive as in the factual reporting in the results section。根据以上的区分,我们可以认为讨论就是“解释性的,或者说明性的阐述几个观点”,讨论的另一个显著特点是:Compared to the results section, it tends to be: more abstract, general, theoretical, related to the real world, concerned with practical applications and implications, as well as engaged in dialogue with the larger field of study (Swales and Feaks, 2004). The discussion section is where you will draw out, delineate and consolidate the meaning of the results, as well as tactfully dialogue with the broader community of your field and attempt to build community consensus on the meaning of your findings (Swales and Feaks, 2004) 以上的表述说明,讨论部分要和研究结果联系起来,作者不能“天马行空”论述一些和自己的研究结果联系不太大,或者是牵强的理论或者观点。和研究结果的具体,特定,并且量化的特点比较起来,讨论部分应该体现出对研究结果更普遍的注解或者评论,所以讨论中每一个部分往往以陈述作者自己的发现开始:in general, (over all, on average, by and large, on the whole, etc.) we found that..........对于整个讨论,或者说讨论的每一个独立的部分,:it may be helpful to think of the discussion as a story, and like other clear and coherent stories, the discussion has a beginning, middle and end (Zeiger, 1999)。 开始:In the beginning of the story, you will introduce the reader to your original purpose, and then name your major findings and present results that support these findings. 中间部分:In the middle, you may show how other work supports your findings; report unexpected results; report on the novelty of the your work; explain conflicting results; suggest why your results are the way they are; explain how results of other studies do not agree with your findings, as well as defending your proposed answer against other possible answers to your main research question. 最后:At the end of the story, you may also discuss the limits of the method and validity of the assumptions as well as describing applications or implications of your findings. 以上就是很概括的描述了写一个讨论部分需要“keep in mind” 的概念。希望对我们写好英语论文都有点帮助。
2023-07-12 18:03:451

in others和on the others 的区别?

in others means say in other ways: 换句话说on the others means : 在其他方面,另一方面这是我的理解
2023-07-12 18:03:532


2023-07-12 18:03:591

求一篇英语作文叫 大学宿舍人际关系 150字以上

My View on Cohabitation of University Stude大学生同居之我见Cohabitation of university students cannot be dodged for much longer.In many countries, cohabitation of university students is accepted and openly practiced.In China it is condemned by the public yet secretly practiced by many.Most universities in the country have regulations against students" cohabitation.But the question remains how rational and effective are those rules.大学生同居的话题是无法避免的。在许多国家,大学生同居是能被接受而且很普遍的。在中国,公众谴责这种行为,但是私下同居屡见不鲜。许多大学明文规定不允许学生同居。但问题是这种规定合理有效么?It is astonishingly easy to find university who will say, in private, that they are cohabiting with an opposite sex.Most say that they know somebody else who does.Because they contend that they are old enough to make such a significant decision, and that they have their right to choose their life style, they sincerely hope that the public abandon biased views against their practice.It is undeniably true that they have done nothing wrong on the part of others.Consequently it is paradoxical to label them as “wrong-doers”.大学生私下的和异性同居出奇的多。他们很多都说他们认识的某人也是这么做的。因为他们认为他们已经够大做这种重大的决定了,他们有权利选择自己的生活方式,他们真诚地希望公众对他们的这种行为摒除成见。无可否认的是他们在其他方面完全没有做错。因此把他们贴上“做错事的人”的标签是荒谬的。Some people fear that cohabitation of university students may pose a detrimental influence to their academic growth.Yet academic growth is by and large determined by one"s intelligence, motivation and environmental factors.If cohabitation can do little with intelligence, it is definitely facilitative to their motivation because they expect to shine at their schoolwork before their partner, which in turn contributes to their future development.Another worry is that university students are too young to wrestle with problems arising from cohabitation.Such worry is groundless when you realize that university students are all functioning as adults by legal standard and that there is no consensus when one is fully mature to grapple with cohabitation headaches.That depends on the individual.有些人害怕大学生同居会对他们的学业有不利的影响。然而学业很大部分是取决于一个人的智力,动力和环境因素的。如果同居对他们的智力没啥影响,那么绝对的能够影响他们的动力,因为他们都想在伴侣前炫耀自己的学业,这会对他们未来的发展有贡献的。另一个担忧就是大学生大年轻很难处理同居中出现的问题。这种担忧是毫无根据的,当你意识到大学生已经完全成长到成年水平,他们能够完全成熟的去处理头疼的同居问题。这取决于个人。In short, we have little to lose if we officially recognize cohabitation of university students.By refusing to do that, it will usher in more inconvenience and confrontation.总而言之,我们赞同大学生同居是没什么损失的。如果不这么做,这只会引起更多的不便和抗议。
2023-07-12 18:04:231


  modern的中文意思   英 [u02c8mu0252dn] 美 [u02c8mɑ:du0259rn]   比较级:more modern最高级:most modern第三人称复数:moderns   形容词 现代的; 近代的; 新式的; 当代风格的   名词 现代人,现代主义者; 时髦人士; [印]现代字体,指印刷中所用的一种字体   相关例句   形容词   1. His office is tastefully furnished with modern furniture.   他的办公室用新式家俱装饰得十分雅致。   2. In the afternoon they went to an exhibition of modern art.   他们下午去参观了现代艺术展。   名词   1. He was making a name for himself as one of the moderns.   他正给自已树立现代派画家的声誉。   modern的单语例句   1. This is where Hong Kong"s experience in modern business management and sport administration according to the law can make a difference for the better.   2. Instead of paying business tax on all transactions in the industrial chain, modern service providers will pay 6 percent VAT.   3. But then we are talking about modern life that this northern part of Gansu Province is not known for.   4. Breakthroughs have been made in restructuring energy enterprises, and a modern enterprise system has by and large taken shape.   5. Many ancient and modern Chinese hold to the belief that each person"s character and fate are deeply affected by the year of their birth.   6. By comparison, today"s Tibet is striding into modern society after shrugging off theocratic feudal serfdom.   7. The first concept to be reshaped by hosting the Olympic Games is perhaps the definition of a " modern metropolis ".   8. It is developed by the interior design company HBA as a fusion of modern and traditional Chinese and Europe styles.   modern的词典解释   1. 近代的;现代的   Modern means relating to the present time, for example the present decade or present century.   e.g. ...the problem of materialism in modern society.   现代社会的实利主义问题   e.g. ...the risks facing every modern marriage...   所有现代婚姻所面临的危机   2. 现代化的;新式的;最新的   Something that is modern is new and involves the latest ideas or equipment.   e.g. Modern technology has opened our eyes to many things...   现代科技开阔了我们的眼界,让我们了解了许多事物。   e.g. In many ways, it was a very modern school for its time...   从很多方面来说,这所学校在当时是非常先进的.。   3. 新潮的;时髦的;摩登的   People are sometimes described as modern when they have opinions or ways of behaviour that have not yet been accepted by most people in a society.   e.g. They were very modern Tories in almost every sense...   从几乎所有意义上说,他们都属于非常新潮的保守主义分子。   e.g. She is very modern in outlook.   她的观点非常新潮。   4. (艺术、舞蹈、音乐、建筑的风格)现代的,近代的   Modern is used to describe styles of art, dance, music, and architecture that have developed in recent times, in contrast to classical styles.   e.g. ...a modern dance company.   现代舞蹈团   e.g. ...the Museum of Modern Art.   现代艺术博物馆
2023-07-12 18:04:321

But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One 42 is the large amount``

42 应该选 C.
2023-07-12 18:04:563

······large enough to be economically viable and integrated by a _____ set of laws.

particular (n.) "a part or section of a whole," late 14c., from particular (adj.). Particulars "small details of statement" is from c. 1600.common (n.) late 15c., "land held in common," from common (adj.). Commons "the third estate of the English people as represented in Parliament," is from late 14c. Latin communis also served as a noun meaning "common property, state, commonwealth."仅供参考,谢谢!
2023-07-12 18:05:031

A study by researchers at Stanford and Beijing Universities of a large Chinese travel 。。。

斯坦福大学和北京高校的研究人员一同对一家中国大型旅游公司进行了研究,这项研究对比了允许在家工作员工的表现和被困在办公室工作员工的表现:在允许在家工作的员工中,工作满意度上升,员工流失率下降了一半,生产率上升了13%。分号前句子主干A study compared the performance of employees with those 。 of a large Chinese travel company 做study的定语, allowed to work from home做employees的定语,who were stuck in the office做those的定语。分号后among the home-workers做状语,后面三小句为并列结构。
2023-07-12 18:05:101

as large as life是什么意思?

as large as life翻译之后,他的意思就是:和生命一样大
2023-07-12 18:05:2615

Motor cars were first made in England just before 1900. The parts for the bodies and engines we...

小题1:D小题2:D小题3:D 试题分析:这篇短文简要的介绍了汽车的生产及发展历史。小题1:根据第一段Motor cars were first made in England just before 1900.描述,可知选D。小题2:根据第一段Then a quicker and cheaper way of making cars was found. Instead of making all the parts at their own works, some car factories asked other factories to make some of them. All the parts were then fitted together in the car factories.描述,可知选D。小题3:根据短文最后一段描述,可知现代汽车制造厂指的是生产汽车的工厂。故选D。点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。
2023-07-12 18:05:511

谁能讲讲短语 by and large 的用法.最好给几个例句.

by and large 大体上,总的来说 用作状语 by and large:taking everything into consideration 大体上; 一般而论; 总的来说: By and large,the company"s been pretty good to me.总的来说,公司对我一直很好.
2023-07-12 18:06:091


enjoy的副词为 enjoyably adv. 愉快地;有趣地;可享乐地; enjoy v.享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣;享有;享受 扩展资料   She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening.   她轻松地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。   People in this country enjoy a high standard of living.   这个国家的人民享有很高的`生活水平。   By and large, I enjoyed my time at school.   总的说来,我在学校很开心。   Even at my advanced age I still know how to enjoy myself!   我虽说是黄昏暮年,也还懂得如何找乐儿!
2023-07-12 18:06:161

高中英语作文常用副词给我找下,越多越好! 提高点档次啊!

开头: 第一 first ,firstly 首先,第一 first of all ,to begin with ,in the first place ,to start with 首先(其次) for on thing (...for another) 一方面(另一方面) on the one hand (...on the other hand ) 一般来说 generally speaking ,in general 起初 in the begining 最初 at first 现在 at present ,now 目前 currently 最近 recently ,lately 结尾: 因此 hence 最后 finally 总之 in conclusion 简言之 in short ,in brief 摘要地说 in summary 简单地说 briefly 最重要的是 above all 结果 as a result 所以 so ,for this reason 终于 at last 如我所述 as I have said 如前所述 as has been noted 最后 eventually 一般来说 by and large 于是 accordingly 的确 indeed ,truly 无疑 undoubtedly ,surely ,certainly 显然 obviously
2023-07-12 18:06:441


on the other hand 另一方面,换句话说。 例句: On the other hand, the idea appealed to him. 另一方面,这个主意对他有吸引力。 扩展资料   The film lost money; reviews, on the other hand, were by and large favourable.   这部电影赔了钱;但从另一方面来看,评论大体上是积极的。   On the other hand, there were the leaves.   另一方面,地上有树叶。   On the other hand, it could just put you in debt.   另一方面,它只可能让你负债。   On the other hand, alternative fuels do have drawbacks.   另一方面,替代燃料确实也有缺点。
2023-07-12 18:07:001


Opening Remarks by Chairman Tang Jiaxuan at the Ministerial Meeting Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am so glad to have you with us in Shanghai in this golden autumn for a review of all the agenda items of the APEC Ministerial Meeting. Allow me to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Government, our warm welcome to all of you. As you have seen for yourselves, Shanghai is a vigorous and dynamic city and an epitome of the rapid economic and social development in China. It is making momentous progress in its modernization drive thanks to the development efforts. The ancient "Oriental Pearl" is shining more splendidly in the new century. The past decade is also one of rapid expansion of regional cooperation and remarkable achievements of APEC. APEC has set up Bogor goals of achieving trade and investment liberalization by 2010 for developed members and by 2020 for developing ones. APEC has created a unique approach featuring a combination of individual and collective actions. It has vigorously promoted the development of a multilateral trading regime and carried out various forms of economic and technical cooperation. There is no doubt that APEC has become one of the most important economic forum in the region and even in the world. It has provided rare opportunities for dialogue and exchange of views by Leaders of member economies in the Asia-Pacific and for discussions on frontier issues related to the global and regional economy. It has played a guiding role in the formulation of policy frameworks on many issues. Therefore, APEC has made positive contribution to maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific and enhancing its economic prosperity and development. The APEC success is attributable not only to the common aspiration of all its members for a sustainable economic growth through cooperation but also to the APEC Approach of voluntarism, consensus-building, flexibility, and gradualism, an approach that suits the region. A more important factor for its success is that it has stood at the forefront and advanced with the times in response to the latest development in the global and regional economy. This is the first APEC ministerial meeting in the new century. We are faced with many new opportunities and challenges. The economic growth of the world and the Asia-Pacific has, on the whole, slowed down. The impact of the terrorist attacks on 11 September on the economy has become visible. How to promote growth and restore confidence in the market is an issue on the top of our agenda. Meanwhile, the development of economic globalization and the New Economy has brought about more benefits and business opportunities for the region and people. But, how to enable people from all sectors to benefit from it without widening the development gaps between them is a challenge we must take up. The multilateral trading system is also at a crucial juncture. The WTO Conference to be held in Doha in November has attracted worldwide attention. In addition, how to give full play to the unique role of APEC, deepen cooperation and maintain steady economic growth in the region against the general economic slowdown in the Asia-Pacific and the world? These are the issues we must address. In view of this, we have decided on the theme of this year"s APEC meetings, that is, "Meeting New Challenges in the New Century: Achieving Common Prosperity through Participation and Cooperation". In the coming two days, we will discuss the following issues centering around this theme: I. Advancing trade and investment. We will further exchange views within APEC on how to contribute to the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference and make specific recommendations on capacity building. The individual action plans for trade and investment liberalization, trade facilitation principles and other new initiatives will be main topics of our discussion. II.Sharing the benefits of globalization and New Economy. We will discuss ways to strengthen the tripartite cooperation among government, business sectors and academic and training institutions on the basis of the outcome of the APEC High-Level Meeting on Human Capacity Building. APEC should establish a more effective participation mechanism in the course of economic and technical cooperation. Meanwhile, we will endorse the e-APEC Strategy, a long-term, action-oriented strategy for APEC to build a digital society in the region. III. Promoting a sustainable economic growth of the Asia-Pacific region. We hope that our discussions will help us to expand consensus on ways to respond to the challenges facing the global economic situation. We should take effective fiscal and financial measures to stabilize the market, restore confidence and facilitate growth so as to enable all the APEC economies to come out, as soon as possible, of the economic slowdown and the shadow of the 11 September terrorist attacks and onto the road to a sustained and steady growth. To this end, we will continue to cooperate with finance ministers, increase dialogues on macro-economic policies among the APEC members and make progress in capacity building in the financial sector, with a view to laying a solid foundation for the future economic development in the region. At the same time, we will forge closer ties with a wide range of groups and organizations and expand exchanges and cooperation with people from all walks of life so as to enable the business community, young people, women and people from other sectors to benefit from APEC economic cooperation. Dear Colleagues, Autumn is a season for harvest. Thanks to the hard work by our officials over the past few months, all the preparation work for this year"s APEC meetings is by and large completed. I am convinced that this Ministerial Meeting will produce rich deliverables in all the above-mentioned fields to be submitted to this year"s Economic Leaders Meeting. I hope that we will not only produce practical results but also inject fresh vigor to APEC development in its second decade and work out a blueprint for its future development. I am sure that I can count on you for your support to China in chairing this meeting. I hope that you will demonstrate a practical, flexible and cooperative spirit in the coming two days. I believe that with your close collaboration, this meeting will be a great success. Thank you. (People"s Daily 10/17/2001)
2023-07-12 18:07:131

单词拼写。 1. The proposal _____ (支持) by a large majority of the?

1. supported 2. announcement 3. applied 4. fiction 5. aboard 6. permanent 7. relationship 8. relatively 9. variety 10. latest,1,单词拼写。 1. The proposal _____ (支持) by a large majority of the teachers was accepted. 2. We were shocked by the ________ (声明) that the mayor was resigning. 3. He spent a lot of time learning _______ (应用) chemistry. 4. I prefer _______ (小说) to poetry. 5. All the passengers ______ (在船上) were waiting for the ship to land at the port. 6. She thought she got a _______ (固定的) job, but now she has been fired again. 7. Density is the ________(关联)between mass and volume. 8. Water has a _________ (相对) high freezing point. 9. A great _____ (各种各样)of reasons were given for his failure. 10. He used the ________(最新的) ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books.
2023-07-12 18:07:321

by disposition啥意思

  by disposition的中文翻译  by disposition  处置  例句:  City University colleges and universities into large-scale, the old campus will be vacated by disposition?  各高校大规模搬入大学城后,空出的老校区将如何处置?
2023-07-12 18:07:401


2023-07-12 18:07:507


2023-07-12 18:08:093


谓语随主语变化一般来说有语法一致,意义一致,和就近一致三原则语法一致就是单数主语用单数谓语;复数主语用复数谓语。最基本的原则意义一致是有些单词有单数和复数两种含义,根据含义来看是单数还是复数,然后决定谓语情况His family are friendly.家人His family is a large one.家庭就近一致又叫就近原则是一些并列主语如there be/here be句型not only but also/neither nor/either or 等Not only he but also I am happy to see you.
2023-07-12 18:08:162

The British isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other

The British isles is made up of two large islands①: One is called Ireland and the other 1 . Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is 2 into three parts: Scotland , Wales and England.   The United Kingdom is that 3 of the British isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the 4 of Britain, and also about oneue011sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The 5 of Ireland is selfue011governing. The 6 name of the United Kingdom is 7 “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.  8 is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the most 9 of the United Kingdom, so people often use the 10 “England” and “English” when they 11 “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little 12 . The Scots in particular are very 13 of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard 14 as English, and have a culture and even a 15 of their own.   Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish 16 ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. 17 , Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still 18 to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland 19 to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.   The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain②, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to 20 British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.
2023-07-12 18:08:252

alice was beginning tu get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank.and of having nothing tu

2023-07-12 18:08:444

英文小对话"man and nature"

2023-07-12 18:08:554

歌词第二句是I watch my life sleeping by,I know the day

歌名:Music My Life演唱:Tim McMorrisI realize for something great I was createdMusic"s my life and for a long time I have waitedTo break free, and live the life that I can seeAs my dream comes to life, just fighting to be meI believe in something greater then selfI believe, there"s more to livin" life then tryin" to get wealthMore to life, then simply working hard to only get byMore to death, then what we think when every one of us diesThere"s more around then we can see, not caught by the eyeSee, I might have started walking but I was born to flyWorld it might have clipped my wings, but that don"t mean I won"t tryMy feet, they may be on the ground, but my heads in the skyGotta dream in my heart, and a gleam in my eyeDropping beats from my birth, till the day that I dieAnd though life is hard, I always keep my face to the skyLooking up to heaven knowing everything will be fineI"ve made up my mind, my life is decidedI write the words and in me music"s simply providedI"d like to take the credit but I know that I"m guidedNow every track blows up, like if two trains have collidedI wasn"t simply created, to live a life under-ratedTo trip and fall in the system, to live a life full of hatredTo blindly agree pay all your duesMan you better be careful, cause there"s a whole lot to loseThe world an evil place and man it"s easy to use itThat why half the time I stay low and I keep on my musicBut like everything else, I"m careful not to abuse itSo that I"m not caught in the hype, give up my love, of worse, lose it, and nowI realize for something great I was createdMusic"s my life and for a long time I have waitedTo break free, and live the life that I can seeAs my dreams come to life, just fighting to be meIt can be tough but I am always moving onAnd with each step you"ll find me moving with my songAnd I know one day I"ll open up my eyesAnd then my time will come, you"ll see me start riseIt"s time to take music backTake it back to when the lyrics had some meaningNot continual demeaningTime to set it back on trackBut every time I try to rise again I find I"m up under an attackPeople crying out because they want something freshBut the music is dead, girls just show fleshI want something with meaning so I"ll rise and protestI fed up living life with all the things I detestAnd now everybody"s fakeAlmost no one realAnd I don"t even care about a signed record dealLivin" lies so large man it"s almost unrealI tell it like it is, it"s just the way I feelAnd now young kids give it up, throw their lives awayAll because they listen to the stupid things we sayBut then they grow up, and they learn, and they prayAnd rehabilitation costs a billion a dayI"m tired of hearing that I cannot be freeI"m tired of hearing that I shouldn"t even want to be mePeople still are having problems with the colour of my skinHey but I"m OK, I take it on the chinMan this is life, some things are messed upMy glass is half full, some don"t even have a cupEvery day I thank God, as I run through this raceAnd do something with my life, before I leave this place, nowI realize for something great I was createdMusic"s my life and for a long time I have waitedTo break free, and live the life that I can seeAs my dreams come to life, just fighting to be meIt can be tough but I am always moving onAnd with each step you"ll find me moving with my songAnd I know one day I"ll open up my eyesAnd then my time will come, you"ll see me start risePolitical correctness is the way of the dayBut I"m not afraid, so let me sayThe problem isn"t us, the problem is youStop blaming other people and look at the things you doToo bad I can"t sing about happy days, birds and butterfliesCause every 10 seconds someone else in the world diesSufferings everywhere but most of us just close our eyesAnd nothing changes anywhere, man, big surpriseI"ve been fed up for way too long to avoid this rantIt"s not that I don"t want to cool down, I simply can"tThe end is coming soon, but hardly anyone believesCause half of us don"t care, and the other half"s deceivedThe key to life is love and that comes from up aboveWake up sleeping world, cause push has now come to shoveNot another generation of lazy, complacent whiningSitting back relaxing while the state of mans declining
2023-07-12 18:09:021

求翻译解释《Glory of Women》这首诗!~ by Siegfried Sassoon

You love us when we"re heroes, home on leave, (1) Or wounded in a mentionable place. (2) You worship decorations" you believe (3) That chivalry redeems the war"s disgrace. (4) You make us shells. You listen with delight, (5) By takes of dirt and danger fondly thrilled. (6) You crown our distant ardours while we fight, (7) And mourn our laurelled memories when we"re killed. (8) You can"t believe that British troops "retire" (9) When hell"s last horror breaks them, and they run, (10) Trampling the terrible corpses-blind with blood. (11) O German mother dreaming by the fire, (12) While you are knitting socks to send your son (13) His face is trodden deeper in the mud. (14) --Siegfried Sassoon Originally published in 1918Analysis: This poem is a very sarcastic poem. It marks the beginning of anti-women literature. Men resented the fact that they had to fight in the war, while the women could stay home and pretend that everything was the same as it always had been. Men and women could not relate to one another as they had before. Line 1: Women only love soldiers that are decorated heroes. When the men are home the women fawn over their heroic deeds, but when the men are away in battle women could not care less. Line 2: "wounded in a mentionable place" can have a couple of meanings. It is common to think that a woman would only want to be with a man that is not disabled in any way. Losing an arm or leg would not be a desirable injury, because they would not be considered real men any more. Soldiers are glorified as heroes and heroes are not crippled. A wound in an unmentionable place could be the mind. Many soldiers experienced psychological issues as a result of everything that they seen in battle. Sassoon had a really hard time when his friend died in battle; he was even sent to a mental hospital under the guise of having shell shock. Many soldiers had a hard time rationalizing all the killing and dying of men who probably did not really deserve to die since they were just fighting to uphold the honor of their countries. Line 3-4: At home, life went on like there was no war going on. When soldiers would come home on the weekends they could not understand how life seemed so unaffected. They were out in the trenches everyday killing and dying. When they came home they were expected to act like the chivalrous gentlemen that they were before the war, but they had a hard time being that man because they had seen too much evil. Societal doctrine did not exist out in the trenches. Line 5: "you make us shells"-in WWI, many women were recruited to munitions factories; this is a job that had only been held by men previously. Working in the factories gave women a new sense of independence and after the war they wanted to continue working. They provided the equipment of death. Line 6: the women loved to listen to their stories of battle; to them they were like scary made-up stories meant for entertainment, but for the soldiers it was their reality. The women did not seem to understand the reality of the war. Line 8: "you mourn our laurelled"-in ancient Rome and Greece, a victorious general was crowned with a laurel wreath. Line 9-11: These lines are pointing out the naivety of women. Women wanted their men out there fighting and being heroic without considering what this actually did to them. They did not understand what it was like to be on the front line and they would act like it was not a big deal to kill. Women are trying to be nationalists, but they have no idea what nationalism really means. Line 11-14: While women are concerning themselves with the frivolities of life, men are out there dying in the mud. Their bodies no longer discernable; they become just another dead body on a large field of dead bodies, while women get to sit at home knitting. Sassoon, Siegfried. "Glory of Women." Norton Anthology of English Literature: Twentieth Century and After. Vol. F. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. New York: Norton, 2006. 1962.这是我在网上找到的,不知道有没有帮助
2023-07-12 18:09:351


2011年08月08日 07时16分,《英语网:自考英语(二)阅读辅导:Work,Labor,andPlay(1)[1]》由liuxue86.com英语我整理. Work, Labor, and Play So far as I know, Miss Hannah Arendt was the first person to define the essential difference between work and labor. To be happy, a man must feel, firstly, free and, secondly, important. He cannot be really happy if he is compelled by society to do what he does not enjoy doing, or if what he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value or importance. In a society where slavery in the strict sense has been abolished, the sign that what a man does is of social value is that he is paid money to do it, but a laborer today can rightly be called a wage slave. A man is a laborer if the job society offers him is of no interest to himself but he is compelled to take it by the necessity of earning a living and supporting his family. The antithesis to labor is play. When we play a game, we enjoy what we are doing, otherwise we should not play it, but it is a purely private activity; society could not care less whether we play it or not. Between labor and play stands work. A man is a worker if he is personally interested in the job which society pays him to do; what from the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his own point of view voluntary play. Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it. The difference does not, for example, coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job; a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker, a bank clerk a laborer. Which a man is can be seen from his attitude toward leisure. To a worker, leisure means simply the hours he needs to relax and rest in order to work efficiently. He is therefore more likely to take too little leisure than too much; workers die of coronaries and forget their wives" birthdays. To the laborer, on the other hand, leisure means freedom from compulsion, so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play, the better. What percentage of the population in a modern technological society are, like myself, in the fortunate position of being workers? At a guess I would say sixteen per cent, and I do not think that figure is likely to get bigger in the future. Technology and the division of labor have done two things: by eliminating in many fields the need for special strength or skill, they have made a very large number of paid occupations which formerly were enjoyable work into boring labor, and by increasing productivity they have reduced the number of necessary laboring hours. It is already possible to imagine a society in which the majority of the population, that is to say, its laborers, will have almost as much leisure as in ear5lier times was enjoyed by the aristocracy. When one recalls how aristocracies in the past actually behaved, the prospect is not cheerful. Indeed, the problem of dealing with boredom may be even more difficult for such a future mass soci 2011年自考一次过关秘诀!点击查看>>
2023-07-12 18:09:421


2023-07-12 18:10:201

《a father and his child 》英语作文

A father"s relationship to his child"s current and future academic success and file level of his or her development in academic potential and scholastic achievement are both factors with some rather interesting implications that educators are beginning to study and appraise. As a matter of fact, "life with father" has been discovered to be a very important factor in determining a child"s progress or lack of progress in school.A recent survey of over 16,000 children made by the National Child Development Study in London revealed that children whose fathers came to school conferences and accompanied their children on outing did measurably better in school than those children whose fathers were not involved in those activities. The study, which monitored children born during a week in March, 1992, from the time of their birth through the years of their early schooling, further revealed that the children of actively involved fathers scored much higher in reading and math than those children whose only involved parent was the mother. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the role played by fathers in the raising of a child. It indicated a much higher level of parental involvement by the father than had been anticipated. Over 66% of the fathers were said to have played a major role in parental responsibility.The study also suggested that the greatest level of paternal parenting took place in the families of only child. As the number of children and financial obligations increases, the father"s apparent interest and involvement with the children decreased. However, no matter what the size or financial condition of the family, a father"s active participation in the child"s development made a definite difference in the child"s progress.The study further revealed that while the frequency of overnight absences reflected a corresponding deficiency of the child"s level in math and reading, a father"s employment on night shifts appeared to have little effect on the child"s academic progress. The data from the study was obtained primarily through interviews from parents, teachers and physicians. The information evaluating the level of the father"s parenting performance was elicited primarily from the admittedly (公认的) subjective observations of their wives.The main discovery made in the study was thatA.children in large families tend to do poorly in school.B.a father"s influence played a significant factor in the level of the child"s academic progress.C.mothers were subjective in evaluating the roles played by fathers.D.there is a correlation between socioeconomic status and scholastic achievement.小马过河网
2023-07-12 18:10:291

you can large your vocabulary

you can enlarge your vocabulary by study hard! 1.ONLY 放于句首作状语时,通常要用倒装结构. EG.1.Only god can help us. 2.Only in this way can you solve the problem. 3.Only if you study hard can you pass the exam. 4.Only then did I realize my mistake. 2.not only...(but also)出现在句首时,如果架连接的是两个句子,常用倒装 EG 1.Not only did we lose all our money,but we also came close to losing our lives.
2023-07-12 18:10:361

旅游英语:Lost and Stolen 丢失与遭盗(双语)

Lost and Stolen 丢失与遭盗 I was wondering if anyone has turned in a passport. 我想知道是否有人归还了一个护照。 When I wanted to pay for my clothes, I realized that my handbag was opened and my wallet disappeared. 当我买衣服付款时,我发觉我的手提包被打开了,里面的钱包不见了。 If we have any information, we"ll let you know as soon as possible. 若我们有什么消息,我们会尽快通知你。 Would you like to give me your ticket and luggage bill? I"ll check with the airliner. 您能给我您的机票和行李票吗?我得和航空公司核实一下。 It is a large leather luggage with my name tag. 一个很大的皮箱,上面有我的名字标签。 I was wondering if anyone has turned in a traveling bag. 我想知道是否有人拾到一个旅行包。 I left my traveling bag on the subway train. I went back for it, but the train was gone. 我把旅行包忘在地铁里了。等我回去找的时候,车已经开走了。 Have you lost your passport? 您丢了护照吗? Where exactly did you use your passport in the store? 您具体在哪儿用来护照? In the suit-dress department. I had to show it to pay for these dresses with my traveler"s checks. 在女装部。买这些衣服付款时,我需要出示护照来使用旅行支票。 Well, let me call the suit-dress department to see if they"ve found a passport. 好,我给女装部打个电话看他们是否捡到了护照。 What"s color of your luggage? 您的行李箱是什么颜色的? Ok. Don"t worry. Please wait here and I will see what I can do. 别急。清在这儿等会儿。我尽力帮您找。 That"s very kind of you. 你真是太好了。 Is this yours? 这是您的吗? You are a great help. 你帮了我一个大忙。 It"s too heavy for you by hand. 您用手提它太重了。 How should I do? 那我该怎么办? Let"s get a cart. I"ll get it for you. 用手推车吧,我去帮您取一辆。
2023-07-12 18:10:431

Tom and Jarry 英文简介

“TOM是一只可爱的猫,十分喜爱恶作剧,JERRY是和TOM生活在一起的小老鼠,他们在生活中相互为伴,总是打闹。猫和老鼠是现实中的天敌,他们两个在一起总是闹出很多麻烦和笑话,美国把猫和老鼠的故事搬上电视,深受大家的喜爱.《猫和老鼠》大约共140个故事,15_20分钟一个. ”你看看这个汉语简介可不可以,可以的话我就给你翻译。
2023-07-12 18:10:502