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No one has ever been given more loving and unconditional support than I have been given by you.


求翻译His theory was one of the most revolutionary,I suppose ,that was ever given to science.

ever adv.永远;曾经;究竟,到底;可能. 自己试着理解看。

外面函电短文翻译 pluming and heating supplies

我们是水管和供暖用品的批发分销商。我们对贵公司在《中国商业新闻》所展示的产品感兴趣。 我们希望从中国进口一些商品,想就这可能性,看看您的意见。假如我们能在这方面携手合作,那对我们将是互利互惠的。我们可安排一位代表去中国一趟,亲自到访贵公司作关系。现附上我们最新的产品目录,展示出我们目前已有的产品。我们希望您能发给我们您的完整的产品目录、价目表,及最大折扣的订购数量的报价。 谢谢您关注此事,先在此表示感谢。~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~原文有笔误,该作如下:We are wholesale distributors of plumbing and heating supplies are interested in your products shown in china business press.We would like to hear from you about the possibility of importing the merchandise from China. If we can work together in this line to our mutual benefit. Arrangements can be made for one of our representatives to make a trip to China and contact your office in person.Enclosed please find our latest catalogue showing the items we can carry the present time. We wish you would send us your complete catalogue and a price list quoting the best discount for quantity buying.Thanks you in advance for your kind attention to this matter.

I suppose I can count on you for help in this matter.

I suppose I can count on you for help in this matter.在这件事上,我认为我可以靠你帮忙.count on sb意思是 指望某人for help 求助; 向某人求助.

Tom hopes that more people can send ()【donate】to ORBIS to support their work.


请教各位高手supple 和 flexible都表示柔软灵活的,有什么本质区别呢?

supple 更强调柔软顺从flexible 更强调灵活与弹性

be expected to do 和 be supposed to do 有什么区别


many candidates for parliament were afraid to support abolition______they should lose votes。


求翻译this error put us in a different position,having to resort to other suppliers to fill our

这个错误导致我们处在很困难的境地 我们必须依靠其他申请者来支持我们



implementation support是什么意思


our school is supported by the government改为主动句

The government supports our school.


prove是个常用动词,也是一个多义动词.由于它的用法比较复杂,现归纳如下 一、prove作"证明;证实"解时,用法如下: 1.prove+名词/代词 He has proved his courage in the battle.他已在作战中证明了他的勇气. This further proved the strength of our economy.这进一步证明了我们的经济实力. Can you prove that?你能证实那一点吗? 2.prove+直接宾语(sth.)+to+间接宾语(sb.) The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas to other scientists.困难在于他怎样向其他科学家证实他的想法. Can you prove your theory to us?你能向我们证实你的理论吗? 3.prove+宾语+宾语补足语 (1)形容词作宾语补足语 They proved themselves wise and brave.他们证实自己机智、勇敢. Facts have proved these worries groundless.事实证明,这些忧虑是没有理由的. (2)名词作宾语补足语 She proved herself an able secretary.她证实自己是个能干的秘书. He has proved himself a success.他已证明了自己是个成功者. (3)动词不定式作宾语补足语 All this proved him to be an honest man.这一切都证明他是一个诚实的人. The experiment proved his theory to be important to our research.实验证明他的理论对我们的研究是重要的. 4.prove+宾语从句 Galileo proved that the earth and all other planets move around the sun.伽利略证实地球和所有其它的行星都是绕太阳运转的. But Einstein was able to prove that light coming from the stars was bent as it passed the sun. 然而爱因斯坦却能证明从恒星来的光线当其经过太阳时变弯曲了. Can you prove where you were on May 10th?你能证实五月十日你在什么地方吗? 二、prove作"证明是;结果是;事实说明"解时,用作连系动词,可用于以下句型: 1.prove+形容词 The handbook proved most useful.这本手册证明很有用. The medicine proved satisfactory.结果证明这药疗效令人满意. 2.prove+名词 She proved a very strict teacher.结果证明她是一位非常严格的老师. His efforts, however, proved a failure.但他的努力结果都失败了. 3.prove+介词短语或副词 Perhaps this book will prove of some use to you in your studies.也许这本书会对你的研究有用处. The power station was completed and proved up to standard.这座发电站建成了,证明质量符合标准. 4.prove+动词不定式 As time went on, Einstein"s theory proved to be correct.随着时间的推移,爱因斯坦的理论证明是正确的. She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.结果她可能是最适合干这项工作的人. --------------------------------------用作连系动词,无被动语态 及物动词 vt. 1.支撑,支托,扶持The old man entered the room supported by his grandson. 老人由孙子扶着进了房间。 2.支持,拥护,赞成;资助They supported the Democratic Party. 他们支持民主党。 3.(常与can,cannot连用)忍受,忍耐4.抚养,赡养He has a large family to support. 他要抚养一大家人。 5.为...提供证据,证实Can you give some examples to support your argument? 你能举几个例子来证实你的论点吗? 6.激励,使有勇气(或信心)7.保持;维持,使进行下去The desert climate supports little plant life. 沙漠里的气候使绝大多数植物无法存活。 8.【戏】替...当配角;演...的角色9.【音】为...伴奏所以不是你说的那种区别。。。。。两个都可以接事实及Argument。。。其他方面的不太了解,你在看看,

在ANSYS Workbench 中如何添加 load 和 supports,具体是在那个面添加,轴孔都是用轴承连接的。

wellcare supports的跟腱靴可以代替石膏吗?走起来会觉得很重吗?



可以先看下回收站里是否有此文件夹,若没有,就没有办法恢复了。esupport文件夹文件夹里面的内容主要是 笔记本的预带软件和驱动,若需要相关的软件可以到华硕官网下载。


supply与support的区别? support做名词时,能组成“give sb support”和“give support to sb”吗?

supply 及物动词 vt. 1.供给,供应,提供[O1][(+to/for/with)]Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables. 我们的农场为市场提供水果和蔬菜。 We supply power to the three nearby towns. 我们对附近的三个城镇提供电力。2.补充;满足名词 n. 1.供给,供应[U]They are engaged in the supply of small parts for replacement. 他们从事提供备用小零件的工作。2.供应量;供应品;库存(货)[C]We have new supplies of fur coats. 我们有新进货的皮大衣。3.生活用品;补给品;军粮[P]Our medical supplies are running short. 我们的医疗用品快用完了。4.(议会所通过的)支出[P]5.(个人的)生活费[P]My father has cut off the supplies. 父亲停止给我生活费了。6.替代者[C]support及物动词 vt. 1.支撑,支托,扶持The old man entered the room supported by his grandson. 老人由孙子扶着进了房间。2.支持,拥护,赞成;资助They supported the Democratic Party. 他们支持民主党。3.(常与can,cannot连用)忍受,忍耐4.抚养,赡养He has a large family to support. 他要抚养一大家人。5.为...提供证据,证实Can you give some examples to support your argument? 你能举几个例子来证实你的论点吗?6.激励,使有勇气(或信心)7.保持;维持,使进行下去The desert climate supports little plant life. 沙漠里的气候使绝大多数植物无法存活。8.【戏】替...当配角;演...的角色9.【音】为...伴奏名词 n. 1.支撑,支承[U]2.支撑物,支柱;支持者[C]3.维持生计,抚养;生活费[U]Hunter is the chief support of the family. 亨特是他一家的主要赡养者。4.抚养者,维持生计者[C]5.支持,拥护,赞成;鼓舞[U]We need your support. 我们需要你们的支持。6.【医】支持器,支托[C]7.【戏】配角8.【音】伴奏

support trust是什么意思


正版PES的PC版DVD上有一个“supports xbox 360” ,说明这个可以在XBOX 上兼容?

1、正版PES的PC版DVD上有一个“supports xbox 360” ,说明这个可以在XBOX 上兼容?-_-!!! PC上没必要玩正版的,XBOX360上因为很多人都上LIVE玩,所以才玩正版。你的PC版的标有supports xbox 360,那可能是合版的,你放到360上试试就知道了。2、为什么一定要将DVD 放进光驱才能启动PES2011?(打开游戏会弹出“No disc inserted.Please insert the original "Pro Evolution Soccer 2011" CD/DVD.”把碟放进去就又进去了)正版的盘大部分都是这样,玩游戏必须要把盘放在光驱内,这是个验证,游戏安装后是不读盘的。如果你想免盘玩,可以上网找个免CD的补丁下载下来,或是下载个虚拟光驱的软件,从虚拟光驱中导入游戏的镜像,这样也可以不用光盘的。

fixed supports 和all fixed supports的区别


支持做某事是support to do还是support doing?

to do

支持做某事是support to do还是support doing

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:... 支持做某事是support to do


有。 是三人称单数。supports。麻烦采纳


support 英[su0259u02c8pu0254:t] 美[su0259u02c8pu0254:rt] vt. 支持; 支撑; 帮助; 维持; n. 支撑; 支持者; [数学] 支集; 支撑物; [例句]Mexico had the support of the big western governments.墨西哥拥有西方大国的支持。[其他] 第三人称单数:supports 现在分词:supporting 过去式:supported过去分词:supported 形近词: disport import symport

可以说support sb to do sth. 吗?


support有没有复数形式? 【急】





support 英[səˈpɔ:t] 美[səˈpɔrt, -ˈport] vt. 支持;帮助;支撑;维持 n. 支撑;支持者;[数学]支集;支撑物 第三人称单数:supports;过去分词:supported;现在分词:supporting;... [例句]Is there revenue to support the business?有没有收入支撑这项业务?


support[英][su0259u02c8pu0254:t][美][su0259u02c8pu0254:rt]vt.支持; 帮助; 支撑; 维持; n.支撑; 支持者; [数学]支集; 支撑物; 第三人称单数:supports过去分词:supported现在进行时:supporting过去式:supported例句:1.Shanxi officials might have expected broad support. 山西官员或许曾认为会得到广泛支持。2.We are all for policy support for entrepreneurs. 我们完全赞同政策对于企业家的扶持。



support的用法 大家一起来学习吧

1、过去式“supported”的用法为:He had to be supported home.他只得由人搀扶回家。 2、第三人称单数“supports”的用法为:This evidence supports my argument that she is guilty。这一证据支持了我认为她有罪的推定。 3、动词“Support”用法为:Support the army and cherish the people拥军爱民。 4、support 的英语读音为 [s??p??t]。 5、support做动词时的意思是:支持;帮助;支撑;维持。 6、support做名词时的意思是:支撑;支持者;支集;支撑物。 7、造句: Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down当有人觉得情绪低落时,要努力相互打气。


  1、过去式“supported”的用法为:He had to be supported home.他只得由人搀扶回家。   2、第三人称单数“supports”的用法为:This evidence supports my argument that she is guilty。这一证据支持了我认为她有罪的推定。   3、动词“Support”用法为:Support the army and cherish the people拥军爱民。   4、support 的英语读音为 [s??p??t]。   5、support做动词时的意思是:支持;帮助;支撑;维持。   6、support做名词时的意思是:支撑;支持者;支集;支撑物。   7、造句: Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down当有人觉得情绪低落时,要努力相互打气。

supports and skids是什么包装

货盘:用于装载或搬运货物的垫子,尤其是具有边板并没有底座的。SKID的其他意思还有:滑道 ,滑动垫木 ,楞腿,刹车,.制动器,煞车 (=skid-pan)。 有的时候也会根据实际的包装来确定SKIDS的什么包装单位。木材包装包括:板条箱、盒子、衬料、托盘、垫木以及其他运输辅助用品。(英文翻译为Timber packing includes: Crates, Cases, Dunnage, Pallets, Skids, and any other timber used as a shipping aid.)

supports heart health是什么意思




有support sb to do sth的说法吗



1) back可以做副词,形容词。也可以做动词的支持。这种情况的支持是客观的支持。例如:His defence says it has found a new witness to back his claim 他辩解说已经找到一位新的证人来支持他的辩词。2)support.是直接的, 直观的支持。例如:He supports my opinions.

His family gave him a lot of support.中的support能否用supports,为什么?



supports[su0259"port] n. 支持;支承结构;忍受;[法] 赡养(support的复数)v. 支持,忍受(support单三形式)


support 英[su0259u02c8pu0254:t] 美[su0259u02c8pu0254rt, -u02c8port] vt. 支持;帮助;支撑;维持 n. 支撑;支持者;[数学]支集;支撑物 第三人称单数:supports;过去分词:supported;现在分词:supporting;... [例句]Neighboring units shall provide support.邻近单位应当给予支援。



support是什么意思中文 support的意思

1、support英[su0259u02c8pu0254u02d0t]美[su0259u02c8pu0254u02d0rt]。 2、v.支持; 拥护; 鼓励; 帮助; 援助; 资助; 赞助; 3、n.支持; 拥护; 鼓励; 资助; 帮助; 救助; 援助; 支撑物; 支承; 支柱; 支座; 4、[例句]They have the support of most of the country.他们有大多数国民的支持。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:supports ;现在分词:supporting ;过去式:supported ;过去分词:supported。

询问文章作者态度的英语单词有哪些?比如objective客观 support 赞成等?

objective 客观的 support 赞成支持 sarcastic 讽刺的 oppose 反对 appreciate 赞赏 indifferent 冷漠,事不关己 ambiguous 态度暧昧不清 uncertain 态度不明确 doubtful 怀疑的 critical 批判的


supply可用于被动结构,也可用作名词。supply是及物动词,接名词、代词或what从句作宾语。可用于被动结构,也可用作名词。supply一般不用于supply sb sth结构,而多用supply sth for(to)sb或supply sb with sth 结构。supply用作名词的基本意思是“供给,供应,补给”,是抽象名词,不可数。表示具体的“供给”,特别是其前有形容词修饰时,也可加不定冠词a。supply也可表示具体的“供给之物,存货,现货”等,是可数名词,多用复数形式。例句:1、Poachers have been netting salmon to supply the black market.盗猎者一直在捕捞大麻哈鱼到黑市上去卖。2、We gained a rich supply of data which would normally be inaccessible.我们得到了通常难以获取的大量数据。3、The supply of money in circulation was drastically reduced overnight.流通领域的货币供应量一夜骤减。4、They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation.他们相信控制货币供应量会减少通货膨胀。



supplier engagement什么意思

supplier engagement 供应商合约engagement 英[u026anu02c8geu026adu0292mu0259nt] 美[u025bnu02c8ɡedu0292mu0259nt] n. 约会; 订婚,婚约; 约定,契约; 雇用; [例句]He had an engagement at a restaurant in Greek Street at eight.他8点在希腊街的一个餐厅有个约会。[其他] 复数:engagements

supplier scorecard review是什么意思

supplier scorecard review供应商记分卡评审

微星主板的Windows 10 WHQL Support是什么意思,有什么用




technical support是什么意思

technical support英[u02c8tekniku0259l su0259u02c8pu0254:t]美[u02c8tu025bknu026aku0259l su0259u02c8pu0254rt][释义]技术性支持; 全部释义>> [例句]Trade-support analysts generally monitor computer programs and provide technical support for the algorithms that carry out trades.交易支撑分析师通常要监控计算机程序,并为执行交易的计算机算法提供技术支持。

计算机开机提示the catalyst control center is not supported by the driver version 是什么意思如何解决


电脑老师出现the catalyst contiol center is not supported.....怎么解决?

= = 换显卡驱动

电脑打开后会有一个警告 the catalyst control center is not supported......


我电脑出现the catalyst control center is not supported


歌词里有:“supper dancing queen”的一首歌


matlab 出现terminate statement with semicolon to suppress output错误


英语incredible support怎么翻译?


supporr componnect可以卸载吗

可以卸载重启电脑,完全卸载SupportAssist1.重启您的电脑,打开控制面板,点击卸载程序,找到Dell SupportAssist并将其卸载。接着再查看是否系统依旧存在阻碍了后续安装的相关文件。2.查看选项,再点击隐藏的项目。查找是否存在以下这5个命名的文件夹。C:ProgramDataPCDrC:ProgramDataPC-Doctor, Inc%Appdata%PCDrC:Program FilesDellSupportAssistAgentC:Program FilesDellSupportAssist3.若存在,则将它们删除。删除后,在搜索框中输入regedit,打开注册表编辑器。并找到以下路径文件。若找到了,也将它们删除。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPC-DoctorHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodePC-DoctorHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREDellSupportAssistAgent

英文问题 考虑到的几种说法 considering 还有什么given suppose providing 有些乱 谢谢

given certain circumstancesthought aboutconsidered

—You can have a pet dog, but suppose you get bored with it in a few days.________?--- We won’t,.

A 试题分析:考察交际用语。A然后呢?B好的;C怎么会?D那又怎么样?句意:—你们有一个宠物狗,但是如果有一天你们厌倦它了,然后你会怎么办呢?—我们不会的。我们发誓。根据上下文的句子含义可知A正确。点评:交际用语的考查要根据上下文的含义以及逻辑关系,也要注意中西方文化在表达上的差异,要有跨文化的意识。同时要特别注意西方的文明礼仪在交际用语中的体现,同时也要把语法和句意相融合在一起,在平时的学习中要注意积累一些常见的交际用语的句式。



In order to balance the study and entertainments, every student is supposed to plan the &...

B 考查副词的词义辨析。Simply简单地,carefully认真地,pleasantly高兴地,根据句意,要想达到劳逸结合,学生在计划时间时应该认真。故选carefully。选B。

急求!各位大侠,谁能告诉我运营管理(operations management)和供应链管理(supply chain management)的区

随着全球经济一体化趋势的加剧,“全球化运营”成为现代企业运营的一个重要课题,因此,全球化运营也越来越成为运营学的一个新热点。运营系统的柔性化。生产运营的多样化和高效率是相矛盾的,因此,在生产运营多样化前提下,努力搞好专业化生产运营,实现多样化和专业化的有机统一,也是现代运营追求的方向。   做到这一点,现代运营实践中努力推广柔性运营系统。例如,产品设计中的并行工程、快速原型法、虚拟制造技术、CAD/CAM技术、模块化技术等,产品制造中的数控机床、柔性制造单元、成组技术等。供应链管理成为运营管理的重要内容。企业开始致力于整个供应链上物流、信息流和资金流的合理化和优化,与供应链上的企业结成联盟,以应对日趋激烈的市场竞争。

Suppose that this world and i are different .then that makes us different 是哪首歌中的...

倔强 五月天 英文版


import androidmit(); Editor还支持像用remove() 和 clear()方法从文件中删除参数值。 Activity参数: 共享参数可以被其他应用程序组件使用。但是如果你不想和其他组件分享参数,想要有activity私有参数,你可以在activity的getPreferences() 方法的帮助下实现。getPreference 方法使用带着activity类名字的getSharedPreferences()方法给参数文件命名。。 下边的代码就是获得参数 SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE); int storedPreference = preferencesmit(); 你也可以使用其他方法,就像在数据库中存储activity状态。注意android也包含了一个叫做android.preference的包。这个包定义了类来实现应用程序参数UI

bulk supplies


英文问题 考虑到的几种说法 considering 还有什么given suppose providing 有些乱 谢谢


请教“supper bowl sunday”是什么日子?

大哥(大姐)是不是拼错了这是我们球迷的节日准确的应该是Super Bowl Sunday超级碗冠军奖杯-文斯·隆巴迪杯 超级碗(Super Bowl)是国家美式足球联盟(也成为国家橄榄球联盟)的年度冠军赛,胜者被称为“世界冠军”。超级碗一般在每年1月最后一个或2月第一个星期天举行,那一天称为超级碗星期天(Super Bowl Sunday)。超级碗是比赛的名称,其奖杯名称为文斯·隆巴迪杯(Vince Lombardi Trophy)。参与球队为该球季的美国美式足球联会冠军以及国家美式足球联会冠军。超级碗多年来都是全美收视率最高的电视节目,并逐渐成为一个非官方的全国性节日。另外,超级碗星期天是美国单日食品消耗量第二高的日子,仅次于感恩节。

instant. aqua. suppiying是什么意思

instant:n.瞬间,顷刻;此刻;当月;速食食品,即溶饮料adj.立即的;迫切的;正在考虑的,目前的;即食的[例句]Their instant switching is handy , too.它们也能很方便的瞬间开灯。aqua:n.浅绿色,水绿色[例句]Do mermaid eyes.shimmering ocean blue and aqua green shadows dazzle against any eye color.微光的海蓝色和水绿色的眼影比任何眼影色都耀眼。suppiying:vt.供给;补充;弥补(缺陷、损失等);向…提供(物资等)n.供给物;储备物质;粮食vi.暂代他人职务[例句]u2022 For the iphone 5 lte we also believe this new facility will be used to supply displays.u2022我们认为龟山工厂还将为iPhone5LTE提供显示屏。


self-supporting ["selfsu0259"pu0254:tiu014b] adj. 自营的;自立的;自给的例句1.Their mutual self-supporting pose is continuously almost-falling, like a standing wave in a spring creek. 相互自我支持的姿态就是不断的放低自己,就像春天溪流中的驻波。2.The pavilion is constructed as a monolithic self-supporting construction in white-painted steel, manufactured at a Chinese shipyard. 展馆作为一个单片自我配套结构,用一家中国船厂制造的白色喷漆钢材建成。

support后面加to do sth.还是doing sth.

习惯用法没有support to do 和support doing. 下面是support的用法:support是个兼类词,可用作动词或名词,且含义丰富. 一、用作动词,指“支撑、给某人(物)以积极援助或支持” 1. 支撑,负担(重量),托;搀扶 Is the bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries? She stood up, supporting herself on the arms of the chair. Bill had to support Jill or she would have fallen to the floor. 2. 养(家);维持(生活);负担(费用);维持(坏习惯等) It"s difficult for him to support himself on such a small salary. Air, food and drink are necessary to support life. Our school is supported by the government. He stole from his mother"s savings to support his drug habit. 3. 支持,赞成 His family supported him in his decision. She supports birth control. 4. 证实,证明是对的(真的) He told us facts which supported his idea. These results support my original idea. 二、用作名词 1. 支撑物(可数) If you don"t put a support under that roof it will fall down. One of the supports of the bridge collapsed. 2. 支柱(可数) I am the only support of my family. 3. 支持(不可数) The plan was cancelled (取消) because of lack of support. I thought I"d come and give you a little moral (道义上的) support. 4. 养家,赡养(不可数) On her shoulders falls the support of the whole family. 三、习惯用语和结构 1. in support of支持,证明 (作状语) He even made some experiments in support of his views. He spoke in support of the plan. 2. come to one"s support来支持某人 Would you come to my support? 3. support sb. in sth. 在某方面支持某人 We support the police wholeheartedly in their work against crime

支持做某事是support to do还是support doing

一般没有support to do sth 这个说法,support 作及物动词讲时后面直接加名词.鼓励、支持某人做某事可以说encourage sb to do sth其余搭配有:support sb in (doing)sth 支持某人做某事support doing sth 支持做谋事support sth with sth 用````支撑着````be supportted by sth 由`````支撑着support oneself 自谋生计in support of 支持·····


supports 支持 支持时 态:supported,supporting,supports点击查看……参考例句The judge quoted various cases in support of his opinion.法官引用各种案例采证明自己的意见。不适合You have our whole - hearted support in your experiment .我们全心全意地支持您进行实验。不适合I cannot support a policy of which I have never approved.我不能支持一项我从来未赞成过的政策。不适合Relating to or supporting the doctrine of papal supremacy.支持或和教皇至上教义有关的不适合Those who have supported him will pass for his accomplices.那些支持他的人就要被视为他的从


supporting details具体细节;支持性细节如:main idea from supporting detail从具体细节中得到的想法望采纳 谢谢

是support to do 还是 support doing

习惯用法没有support to do 和support doing.下面是support的用法:support是个兼类词,可用作动词或名词,且含义丰富.一、用作动词,指“支撑、给某人(物)以积极援助或支持”1. 支撑,负担(重量),托;搀扶Is the bridge strong enough to support heavy lorries?She stood up,supporting herself on the arms of the chair.Bill had to support Jill or she would have fallen to the floor.2. 养(家);维持(生活);负担(费用);维持(坏习惯等)It"s difficult for him to support himself on such a small salary.Air,food and drink are necessary to support life.Our school is supported by the government.He stole from his mother"s savings to support his drug habit.3. 支持,赞成His family supported him in his decision.She supports birth control.4. 证实,证明是对的(真的)He told us facts which supported his idea.These results support my original idea.二、用作名词1.支撑物(可数)If you don"t put a support under that roof it will fall down.One of the supports of the bridge collapsed.2.支柱(可数)I am the only support of my family.3.支持(不可数)The plan was cancelled (取消) because of lack of support.I thought I"d come and give you a little moral (道义上的) support.4.养家,赡养(不可数)On her shoulders falls the support of the whole family.三、习惯用语和结构1. in support of支持,证明 (作状语)He even made some experiments in support of his views.He spoke in support of the plan.2. come to one"s support来支持某人Would you come to my support? sth.在某方面支持某人We support the police wholeheartedly in their work against crime

1.Could you tell me whether he ____(come) here soon 2.Thank you for your ______(support).~~~~

1.would come,2,support;supporting3,willingly

supporting documentation是什么意思

supporting documentation支持文件

ios中 Supporting Files什么意思

Supporting Files支持文件例句:1.To begin, create a service project to hold the process and supporting files. 想要开始,就要创建服务项目来保存流程以及支持文件。2.This folder contains supporting files. It cannot be moved, copied, renamed or deleted. 此文件夹包含有支持文件,不能被移动、复制、重命名或删除。
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