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be annoyed at(还是whit) what sb do

be annoyed with sb. for sth. 对(某人)为(某事)而生气be annoyed with sb. at sth. 对(某人)为(某事)而生气


"annoy" 是一个动词,表示使人厌烦、恼怒或不快。它没有固定的名词形式,但可以通过添加后缀或使用同义词来构成相关的名词。下面是一些常见的与 "annoy" 相关的名词形式:1. Annoyance"Annoyance" 是 "annoy" 的名词形式,表示不悦、烦恼或恼怒的状态或感觉。它可以指某种令人不快的事情、行为或情况,或者是对这种事情的反应。例如,你可能会说 "It"s such an annoyance when people talk loudly on their phones in public"(当人们在公共场合大声讲电话时真是令人讨厌)。2. Irritation"Irritation" 是指 "annoyance" 的类似词汇,表示轻微或持续的不快或烦躁感。这个词可以用来描述因某些小事而引起的滋扰或恼怒。例如,你可能会说 "The constant noise from the construction site is causing irritation"(施工现场持续的噪音让人感到烦躁)。3. Nuisance"Nuisance" 是另一个与 "annoyance" 相关的名词,表示令人讨厌或令人不快的人、事、物或行为。它通常用来指妨碍或打扰日常生活的麻烦事。例如,你可能会说 "The loud neighbors are such a nuisance"(吵闹的邻居真是让人讨厌)。这些名词可以用来描述不同程度和类型的烦恼、恼怒或扰乱。它们帮助我们在表达时更具体地描述我们遇到的困扰或造成不悦的事物。希望以上解释对你有所帮助!如果你还有其他问题,请随时提问。

nuisance 和annoyance怎么区别

nuisance 令人讨厌的干扰annoyance 烦恼希望采纳哦!

nuisance 和annoyance

nuisance 英 [ˈnju:sns] 美 [ˈnu:sns] n. 讨厌的东西(人,行为)麻烦事; 非法妨害,损害; 麻烦事; annoyance 英 [əˈnɔɪəns] 美 [əˈnɔɪəns] n. 恼怒,烦恼; 使人烦恼的事,令人讨厌的人或事;

by no means annoyed是什么意思

by no means annoyed决不烦恼annoyed 英[u0259u02c8nu0254u026ad] 美[u0259u02c8nu0254u026ad] adj. 恼怒的,气恼的; v. 使烦恼,使恼怒,干扰,打扰(annoy的过去式和过去分词); [例句]She tapped her forehead and looked annoyed with herself.她拍打着脑门,看上去在生自己的气。[其他] 形近词: annoyer

I am somewhat annoyed by what he said -- by what 是什么意思?这是什么语法?


He did not thank me for the gift. That is ____ annoyed me.



"annoyance"的发音为 [əˈnɔɪəns]。annoyance的中文意思为n. 烦恼,气恼;令人恼火的事其中,音标的解释如下:"ə" 表示中央元音,发音类似于英语中的 "a"。"ˈnɔɪ" 表示重音在第一个音节上,"nɔɪ" 表示前后两个音节连读。"əns" 表示第二个音节的重音较轻,后面的音节发一个很短的 "ən" 的音。用简单的话描述,你可以按照以下方式分解发音:音节1: "uh",与英语 "a" 相似,但嘴唇放松。音节2: "noy",发音类似于英语中的 "noy"。音节3: "əns",发音时口型放松,发一个短暂的 "ən" 的音。annoyance的词根为anony(v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰),简单介绍它相关的常见知识点:词性: "annoy" 是一个及物动词,需要接收一个宾语,表示对某人或某物进行干扰、刺激或使其感到不快。同义词:irritate(激怒)、bother(打扰)、vex(困扰)、frustrate(使沮丧)等。3. 用法: "annoy" 通常后接宾语,表示对某人或某物的行为、态度或特点等产生不快感。例如: "The loud music is annoying me."(这么大声的音乐让我很烦。)"Her constant interruptions annoy me."(她不断打断让我很恼火。)4. 搭配: "annoy" 可以和其他词组合使用,形成一些固定的搭配用法。例如: "be annoyed with"(对某人感到生气)、"annoy the hell out of someone"(极度惹恼某人)等。

英语作文大全the annoying orange


To any bridegroom, few occasions could be more annoying and embarrassing than struggling with the

个人理解:(won"t听着更顺,当然啦,这个是废话 ^_^) 这里用won"t更能表达当时的情境,香槟塞子不是“不能”pop out,这里边你可以把它堪称你人,你越想把瓶子打开,那个瓶塞就月跟你对着干,被就“不要”被打开。比如说My car just won"t start. 和 My car just can"t start. 用Can 仿佛时说车出问题了,不具备被发动的“能力”而用won"t更多表示说"我也不知道咋回事,它就是打不着火)婚礼上的尴尬瞬间更适合用Won"t。

nuisance, annoyance, frustration, infuriation区别?

nuisance 英 [?nju:sns] 美 [?nu:sns] n. 讨厌的东西(人,行为)麻烦事; 非法妨害,损害; 麻烦事; annoyance 英 [??n???ns] 美 [??n???ns] n. 恼怒,烦恼; 使人烦恼的事,令人讨厌的人或事;


blamed somebody for his annoying behavior指责某人他烦人的行为

The noise of the dog made me ____.A annoy B annoy ing C annoy ed D annoy ance


「what annoys you?什么让你生气了?」 为什么annoy要加s?


annoy with sb.这里的with短语充当是什么成份呢,起什么作用?因为annoy就是及

[A] annoy是及动词=没错! The sound of the printer annoyed 动词 me.[B] 但" annoyed with sb" 是形容词(adjective):1) My mother is annoyed 生气的 with me; 2) He was annoyed 生气的 at her remarks. [C] "annoying" 也可以是形容词(adjective): He has "annoying 讨厌的 habits".


38.I hope you won"t be_______by all my questions.A.troubled B.disturbed C.bothered D.annoyed这道题答案给的是D,annoy与disturb的区别? 查看原帖>>求采纳


e mad at/with *** 生某人的气 be mad about sth 因某事而生气 drive *** mad 使某人抓狂 go mad 大动肝火、非常生气 be annoyed with *** about/at sth 因某事生某人的气 be annoyed with sth 用...惹恼某人 be angry with *** for sth 因某事生某人的气 be angry about /st sth 因某事而生气 argue with *** about/over sth 因某事同某人争吵/争辩 argue for/against 为支持或者反对某事而据理力争


annoy 是动词 sth annoy sb / be annoying例:English learning annoys me very much.英语学习真让我烦心.These flies are annoying .这些苍蝇真使人心烦.annoyed 是形容词 修饰人annoying 也是形容词 修饰物(如上句)例:He looked annoyed.他看起来好像很不耐烦.

英语annoyed at是什么意思

be annoyed at,为....而恼怒,后一般接抽象名词或动词ing表示原因。

初中英语 be annoyed后面接的介词是什么,for还是at还是with,说清楚用法


be annoyed后面接的介词是什么,for还是at还是with,说清楚用法

be annoyed at/about sth.对...很生气 be annoyed with 被...惹恼 对…感到厌烦 be annoyed to do sth.做...感到生气


  be annoyed about的中文翻译  be annoyed about  对生气  双语例句  1  He can hardly be other than annoyed about it.  他当然只会对此感到烦恼。  2  When you are genuinely curious about the way someone reacts or the way they feel about something, it"s unlikely that you will also be annoyed.  当你对某人对某事的反应或感受有真正的兴趣时,恐怕你就不大可能感到气恼。

be annoyed by和 be annoyed with的区别

be annoyed by sth. 通常后面接事件,表示 因。。而烦恼,因。。。而生气。be annoyed with someone. 后面通常接人物,表示 被。。。惹恼了。, 被。。。激怒了希望帮到你

get mad,get annoyed和get angry有什么区别


made him annoyed

不可以填:annoy 因为这里是要突出他 被 打搅,要突出“被”,所以,必须用annoyed,而annoy则无法突出被动态,翻译时必须用被,否则句子不通顺

[A]blamed [B]astonished [C]frightened [D]annoyed


annoy v. 使生气使烦恼


be annoyed by和be annoyed at的区别?

be annoyed by后面接sb. be annoyed at后面接sth.

angry annoyed mad 的区别

annoyed是不愉快,angry是生气.angry语气重一些. get mad表示的是过程 get annoyed表示的是状态 mad 和angry 差不多的 beget angrymad with/at sb/sth


【答案】:D19.D【解析】从下文“Imade up my mind to see...”可知,作者的意思是以前没有看到生活美好的一面, blind意为“看不见的”,这儿指的不是眼睛看不见,而是没有发现.annoyed“恼怒的”.sdly“傻的”, proud"自豪的”均不合句意.

annoyed with sb.还是annoyed with sth.

annoyed with sb.annoyed at annoyed with sb. for sth.对(某人)为(某事)而生气be annoyed with sb. at sth.对(某人)为(某事)而生气


irritate vt.刺激(皮肤或身体部位); 使烦恼(尤指不断重复的事情)bother v. 花费时间精力(做某事); 使(某人)烦恼(或担忧、不安); 给(某人)造成麻烦(或痛苦); 打扰; 搭话烦扰; n. 麻烦; 困难; 令人烦恼的情况(或事物、人); int. 表示对某事或某人烦恼 annoyed adj. 恼怒; 生气; 烦恼; v. 使恼怒; 使生气; 打扰; 骚扰; angry adj.发怒的; 愤怒的; 生气的; 红肿的; 感染的; 发炎的; 狂风暴雨的; 波涛汹涌的; 天昏地暗的;trouble n. 麻烦; 困难; 问题; 忧虑; 苦恼; 疾病; 疼痛; (机器、车辆等的)故障; 困境; 纷争; 额外努力(或工作); 动乱时期; v. 麻烦; 使忧虑; 使烦恼; 使苦恼; 劳驾; 费神; 费事; 费力; 使疼痛;

请问.. annoyed和angry有什麼区别

annoy 是动词 sth annoy sb / be annoying例: English learning annoys me very much.英语学习真让我烦心。 These flies are annoying . 这些苍蝇真使人心烦。annoyed 是形容词 修饰人annoying 也是形容词 修饰物(如上句)例:He looked annoyed.他看起来好像很不耐烦








“annoyed”意思是“恼怒的”annoyed 英[u0259u02c8nu0254u026ad] 美[u0259u02c8nu0254u026ad] adj. 恼怒的,气恼的; v. 使烦恼,使恼怒,干扰,打扰(annoy的过去式和过去分词); [例句]She tapped her forehead and looked annoyed with herself她拍打着脑门,看上去在生自己的气。



mad annoyed angry三个词的用法区别



byMany scholars were annoyed by his injection of politics into academic discussions.他把政治引进学术讨论中,使很多学者感到恼火。adequate for Are the parking facilities adequate for 50 cars? 停车场能装得下50辆车么? 一般指“够”干什么事adequate to do sth一般指某人某物能胜任某事

英语Annoyed by acache怎么翻译?

aPlease provide Transport Mode; 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] a也只是爱与陪伴。 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] aannoyed by 懊恼[translate]




angry是形容词 生气的 而annoyed 也是形容词 但是他的意思更偏向于不安的意思 苦恼的意思


1.I was so annoyed that I felt impelled to write a letter to the paper.我非常恼怒,以致觉得非给报社写封信不可。2.His attitude made me extremely annoyed.他的态度使我十分气恼。3.I"m extremely annoyed at the way he always stares at me in the office.他在办公室里老是目不转睛地盯着我,真把我气坏了。

annoys 与annoyed有什么不同(用法 例句)

两个的用法与annoy一样,只是它们是annoy的第三人称单数形式和过去式。另外,annoyed多了一个形容词的意思,adj ~ (with sb) (at/about sth); ~ (that.../to do sth) rather angry 颇为生气的: He got very annoyed with me about my carelessness. 我太粗心大意, 使他很生气. * I"m extremely annoyed at the way he always stares at me in the office. 他在办公室里老是目不转睛地盯着我, 真把我气坏了. * Will she be annoyed that you forgot to phone? 你忘记打电话了, 她会生气吗? * I was annoyed to find they had left without me. 他们撇下我走了, 使我很不痛快.


“annoyed”可后接“at/about”和“with”。后接“at/about”,即“beannoyedat/aboutsth”,意为“对...很生气”;后接“with”,即“beannoyedwith”,意为“被...惹恼,对…感到厌烦”。 例句: Shetappedherforeheadandlookedannoyedwithherself. 她拍打着脑门,看上去在生自己的气。



irritated 和 annoyed 两个词有区别吗?还是两个词完全可以互换?

irratated 牛津词典上解释为:annoyed or angry 烦恼 恼怒 后跟 at /by/ with sth eg.She was getting more and more irritated at his comments. annoyed 牛津词典解释为:slightly angry 较少用在名词前 常用 annoyed with sb/ at 或者 about sth/ 加 that从句/ annoyed to find or see eg.I was annoyed with with myself for giving in so easily. I was annoyed that they hadn"t turned up. He was annoyed to find himself going red. 二者意思基本一样,但annoyed比irritated 生气的程度更轻一点.另外一点区别就是二者常用短语及结构不一样.上面已经给出常用法.



Nothing could have been more annoying是什麼时态?

这是虚拟语气的用法,could have done 是对过去的虚拟. could have done 表示 本来能够做而没做. 翻译:没有比这更烦人的了.

so annoying?

annoy--v-eg:-She annoyed him with her stupid questions. annoyance--n-eg:-A look of annoyance crossed her face in Korea shop. annoyed----adj--eg:-He was annoyed by her apparent facial indifference. annoying adj---This interruption is so annoying that we shut him up. ---His most annoying habit was murmuring in English radio programme ---which is so annoying. "so"--adv conj noun:- There is no need to worry so annoyingly though he is so annoying ! He spoke so annoyingly that we could hardly hear him talk ! Would you be so kind as to close the door when you leave it"s so annoying ?! His attitude is so annoying in his radio English programme by nonsense. I"m afraid the news is not so annoying for you ! The article was just so annoying that we tear the newspaper up. It"s not so annoying as you would think. I would like to help because things aren"t so annoying. It was not so annoying as last radio broadcasting RTHK. He was not so annoying by "just so much nonsense". So annoying so T.L.Young broad-casting !!!!!!

请英语大神帮我分析下这个句子吧,语法结构: Daily stress, an annoying sense

Daily stress, an annoying sense of disappointment fear that the government knows a lot more about you than you would like it to——these主 are系 obviously some of the ways表 in which technology reduces people"s sense of well-being定语从句.日常生活的压力,一种令人烦恼的失望感、对政府知道你的情况超出你所希望程度的恐惧感——这些显然都是技术降低了人们幸福感的几个方面。Daily stress, an annoying sense of disappointment fear that the government knows a lot more about you than you would like it to同位语,是these的同位语(前置)译文来自:

how annoying

在这句话中that是主语从句,而it是形式主语,这是不能省略it is的 如果it是听者与说话者知道所指,就可以省略. 如: How beautiful it is!天气多好呀! How beautiful!

请帮忙分析一下以下这个句子的各个成分 the idea of his being absent is annoying 谢谢,请尽量详细一点~

整个句子是主系表结构。his being absent 是英语中的语法表达

stop being annoying,为什么加being


you are so annoying是什么意思


英语问题 Nothing could have been more annoying.


求所有带ing ed 的形容词 比如描述心情的: annoying annoyed 越多越好

V+ing 主语通常是 物v+ed 主语通常是 人根据需要 你自己变行吧

really annoying什么意思

really annoying 真烦人I can understand how this behavior might be really annoying to a family member.我能理解这一行为会给一位家庭成员造成怎样真正的困扰。Provided by gtcomMy grades have never been so good, face this problem, really annoying!我的成绩从来都不是那麽好,遇到这问题,真的很烦!如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

how annoyed

答案是B.annoying令人气恼的 这是感叹句,How后只能跟形容词或副词,故C.annoy D.annoys不对. A.annoyed 和B.annoying的区别: annoyed气恼的,主语为人; annoying令人气恼的,主语必须是物.


  意思是惹人讨厌的那个人(物)  满意请采纳,谢谢

Nothing could have been more annoying.这里用的是现在完成进行式表示的是什么意思?

could have been 表示一种猜测的感觉,比如but it could`ve been 翻译成:不过也许是吧。类推:Nothing could have been more annoying. 我翻译为:也许没什么比这更讨厌。

一道英语选择题:Were the people nice? A.They were annoying. B.They were annoyed.

A They were annoyingannoying是让人厌烦的annoyed是感到厌烦的

annoying weeds怎么翻译??



you are annoying你很烦人

He was annoyed with the annoying person


sat语法题: acquaintances of alexei have commented that he is at once annoying because of his

1)这个就是SAT语法考试和高考语法考试不同的地方了.恰如SAT语法中我们要避免beinghaving等说法一样,我们要追求句式的清晰明了、整齐一致.如果按照楼主的意思,选了A的话,这个句子毫无整齐可言;但是如果是E的话,就会有一个“平行”的结构出现,即annoying——delightfubecause of his——because of hisimagination——unpredictability这就是为什么E比A要好得多.2)因为这是一个事实,表示他现在的状态,他就是一个那样的人3)alexei的熟人评论他的不可预测性是恼人的同时他的想象力又是令人喜爱的

nothing could have been more annoying 为什么不是nothing could be more annoyi


求所有带ing ed 的形容词 比如描述心情的:annoying annoyed 越多越好

如果你只是想知道其具体的单词.那么太多了.但是你记住只要是表示人的情感的形容词 大多数都有--ing 和--edexciting excited 令人兴奋的boring bored 令人厌烦,无聊的tiring tired 令人疲倦的 tearing teared gnawing...

what a bore 和annoying 的区别?



-ing形式是主动态 表示 使人感到厌烦的-ed形式是被动态 表示 烦躁的 恼怒的That annoying cat makes me annoyed. 这2个本来就是形容词~~区别就是我上面讲的这些啊-ed是被其他的人或事物弄烦躁了-ing是把其他的人或事物(一般指认)弄烦躁了很多形容词 像 interested interesting excited exciting 都是一样的

annoying dog什么梗


The noise of the dog made me _____.Aannoy Bannoying Cannoyed Dannoyanac

C annoyed adj. 恼怒的,气恼的,烦躁的 此句是形容词作宾补, make sb. annoyed 使人烦躁句意:狗的叫声使我感到烦躁。make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事,annoy为及物动词,后面必须接sb. , 故不能选A。annoying 与annoyed的区别, 实际上就是-ing形容词与-ed形容词的区别当主语为人, 或修饰人作定语, 意为"感到...的"时,就用-ed形容词.I"m interested in the book . I"m annoyed at the dog.当主语为物, 或修饰物作定语, 意为"令人...的",就用-ing形容词. The book is interesting . The dog is annoying .That is an annoying dog .

annoy的形容词annoying为什么直接在y后面加ing ,不是应该去y加ing吗?


sb be annoying 什么意思 为什么表示的是烦人的意思?


annoying flies

annoying是正确的.意思是让人烦恼的苍蝇. annoying让人生气的,修饰物 annoyed.指人生气,修饰人.如:I am annoyed because of the annoying flies.

annoying experience是什么意思


annoyed anooying的区别

annoyed 恼怒的,修饰人,主语是人时用anooying 令人恼怒的,修饰物,主语是物时用




-ing形式是主动态 表示 使人感到厌烦的-ed形式是被动态 表示 烦躁的 恼怒的That annoying cat makes me annoyed. 这2个本来就是形容词~~区别就是我上面讲的这些啊-ed是被其他的人或事物弄烦躁了-ing是把其他的人或事物(一般指认)弄烦躁了很多形容词 像 interested interesting excited exciting 都是一样的
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