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我极力劝说他重新考虑我的决定 英文翻译I urge of him to reconsider my decision.老师要求学生们仔细做作业 英文翻译The teacher urge of the students to do homework carefullysuitable比较级:more suitable最高级:the most suitable同义词:proper adj.合适的, 正当的...反义词:unsuitable....................................................................................................................................你们去年一月四号就学到这了,真快啊!我们都21号了才学到这!!!~~~~~

be suit to be suitable for等等的差别

首先要跟你说:没有be suit to这个用法,因为suit是动词(当然也有名词的词性,是衣服的意思)如果你非要用suit的话,那是使......适合......的意思你要问的大概是这个吧:be fit for 和be suit for 的区别:be fit for是具体的 This food is not fit for your visitors. 这食物对你的客人来说不合适。 "After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job." 面试后老板下结论说她能胜任这项工作。 This kind of bikes is fit for the road. be suitable for 有正确的,可接受的含义 books suitable for children 适合儿童阅读的书籍 This toy is not suitable for young children. 这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。 The food is suitable for eating.

关于jdbc连接数据库出现No suitable driver found for com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver报错

etConnection(DBDRIVER, UDBURL去哪了?

suitable 的用法

be suitable for :适合。。。。

Which of the following is a suitable pre-listening activity?


Which of the following is a suitable pre-listening activity?

【答案】:B 考查听力教学。题目问的是:“下列哪个活动是适合在听前环节活动中进行的?”该题考察听力教学中的“听前环节”。听前环节主要包括准备活动;介绍相关背景知识;安排学生通过讨论相关图片.预测文章的内容或学习与该主题相关的词汇。但是A项在听前写相似的文章不合适:而C项“把所有关于文章的主要信息下来”这一活动和D项“做一些练习来突破相关活题的难词汇”的活动适合在while—listening环节做。 故选B。

be suitable to什么意思

be suitable to和be suitable for的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、be suitable to意思:适合于(适于)2、be suitable for意思:适合 ... 的二、用法不同1、be suitable to用法:在句中可用作定语或表语。例句:I would like to know whether you think I am suitable to this job.我想知道你认为我是否适合做这份工作?2、be suitable for用法:用作后置定语,意为“适合…的”。后接介词for引起的短语或动词不定式作定语。例句:It is a fitting evening for a dance.这是个适合於跳舞的夜晚。三、侧重点不同1、be suitable to侧重点:用于一般现在时或一般将来时。2、be suitable for侧重点:用于现在进行时。

be suitable to和be suitable for的区别有哪些

be suitable to和be suitable for的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、be suitable to意思:适合于(适于)2、be suitable for意思:适合 ... 的二、用法不同1、be suitable to用法:在句中可用作定语或表语。例句:I would like to know whether you think I am suitable to this job.我想知道你认为我是否适合做这份工作?2、be suitable for用法:用作后置定语,意为“适合…的”。后接介词for引起的短语或动词不定式作定语。例句:It is a fitting evening for a dance.这是个适合於跳舞的夜晚。三、侧重点不同1、be suitable to侧重点:用于一般现在时或一般将来时。2、be suitable for侧重点:用于现在进行时。

be suitable to和be suitable for有什么不同

be suitable to do 适合做…… be suitable for 适合于

suit 和 suitable 的用法


"Fit"和 "Suitable"有什么区别?

1)suitable 的动词形式是 suit, 与动词 fit 都有“合适”之意,但也有区别。以衣服为例,fit 是指大小尺寸合适,而 suit 则是表示衣服穿着很好看,包括款式和花式都合适。如: (1)Do you think this style suits me? 你觉得这种款式适合我穿吗? (2)These shoes don"t fit me—have you got a larger size? 这鞋我穿着不合适——你们有大一点的吗? (3)It doesn"t suit you to have your hair cut short. 你头发剪短了不好看。 (4)The seven o"clock train will suit us very well. 七点钟的火车对我们正合适。 2) 形容词 suitable 后可接 for sth. 和 to sb.。如: (1)I don"t think I should be suitable for the post. 我认为自己不适合这个职位。 (2)The work was not suitable to me. 那工作不适合我。 3) 形容词 fit 后只能接介词 for, 且句子主语多用人表示。 (1)The new manager isn"t fit for his position. 新经理不胜任他的职务。 (2)would be months before he was fit for work. 要过几个月他才能适合工作。 (3) My sister is just fit for a job as teacher. 我妹妹正适合教师这一工作。 (4)The prime minister was a wise, honest man who was more fit for his office anyone else. 首相是个聪明、诚实的人,比任何人都称职。

be suitable for/ be suitable to/ be fit for的用法区别是什么

首先要跟你说:没有be suit to这个用法,因为suit是动词(当然也有名词的词性,是衣服的意思)be fit for 和be suit for 的区别:be fit for是具体的 This food is not fit for your visitors. 这食物对你的客人来说不合适。 "After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job." 面试后老板下结论说她能胜任这项工作。 This kind of bikes is fit for the road. be suitable for 有正确的,可接受的含义 books suitable for children 适合儿童阅读的书籍 This toy is not suitable for young children. 这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。 The food is suitable for eating.

be suitable for/ be suitable to/ be fit for的用法区别是什么

首先要跟你说:没有be suit to这个用法,因为suit是动词(当然也有名词的词性,是衣服的意思)be fit for 和be suit for 的区别:be fit for是具体的This food is not fit for your visitors.这食物对你的客人来说不合适。"After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job."面试后老板下结论说她能胜任这项工作。This kind of bikes is fit for the suitable for 有正确的,可接受的含义books suitable for children适合儿童阅读的书籍This toy is not suitable for young children.这个玩具不适合小小孩玩。


suitable 英[u02c8su:tu0259bl]美[u02c8sutu0259bu0259l]adj. 合适的,适当的,适宜的,恰当的最高级:most suitable;比较级:more suitable


suitable可以用作形容词 suitable的意思是“适当的,适宜的,恰当的”,指事物与某种场合环境或条件的要求或需要相适应。 suitable在句中可用作定语或表语。 “suitable+ n. ”短语常可后接介词for引起的短语或动词不定式作定语。 扩展资料   例句:   It is suitable for all skin types.   它适合所有皮肤类型。   The size is not suitable.   尺寸不合适。   The land was not suitable for farming.   这块土地不适合耕种。

Fit和 Suitable有什么区别?

1)suitable 的动词形式是 suit, 与动词 fit 都有“合适”之意,但也有区别。以衣服为例,fit 是指大小尺寸合适,而 suit 则是表示衣服穿着很好看,包括款式和花式都合适。如: (1)Do you think this style suits me? 你觉得这种款式适合我穿吗? (2)These shoes don"t fit me—have you got a larger size? 这鞋我穿着不合适——你们有大一点的吗? (3)It doesn"t suit you to have your hair cut short. 你头发剪短了不好看。 (4)The seven o"clock train will suit us very well. 七点钟的火车对我们正合适。 2) 形容词 suitable 后可接 for sth. 和 to sb.。如: (1)I don"t think I should be suitable for the post. 我认为自己不适合这个职位。 (2)The work was not suitable to me. 那工作不适合我。 3) 形容词 fit 后只能接介词 for, 且句子主语多用人表示。 (1)The new manager isn"t fit for his position. 新经理不胜任他的职务。 (2)would be months before he was fit for work. 要过几个月他才能适合工作。 (3) My sister is just fit for a job as teacher. 我妹妹正适合教师这一工作。 (4)The prime minister was a wise, honest man who was more fit for his office anyone else. 首相是个聪明、诚实的人,比任何人都称职。


是适合的意思并且是形容词this clothes is suitable for you这件衣服很适合你



be suitable for和be suitable to的区别是什么?

be suitable to和be suitable for的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同 suitable to意思:适合于(适于) suitable for意思:适合 ... 的二、用法不同 suitable to用法:在句中可用作定语或表语。例句:I would like to know whether you think I am suitable to this job.我想知道你认为我是否适合做这份工作? suitable for用法:用作后置定语,意为“适合…的”。后接介词for引起的短语或动词不定式作定语。例句:It is a fitting evening for a dance.这是个适合於跳舞的夜晚。三、侧重点不同 suitable to侧重点:用于一般现在时或一般将来时。 suitable for侧重点:用于现在进行时。

be suitable for和be suitable to有什么区别呢?

be suitable to和be suitable for的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同 suitable to意思:适合于(适于) suitable for意思:适合 ... 的二、用法不同 suitable to用法:在句中可用作定语或表语。例句:I would like to know whether you think I am suitable to this job.我想知道你认为我是否适合做这份工作? suitable for用法:用作后置定语,意为“适合…的”。后接介词for引起的短语或动词不定式作定语。例句:It is a fitting evening for a dance.这是个适合於跳舞的夜晚。三、侧重点不同 suitable to侧重点:用于一般现在时或一般将来时。 suitable for侧重点:用于现在进行时。


suitable 的动词形式是 suit, 与动词 fit 都有“合适”之意,但也有区别。以衣服为例,fit 是指大小尺寸合适,而 suit 则是表示衣服穿着很好看,包括款式和花式都合适。如:(1)Do you think this style suits me? 你觉得这种款式适合我穿吗?(2)These shoes don"t fit me—have you got a larger size?这鞋我穿着不合适——你们有大一点的吗?

the more suitable?英语选择题。

Bthe more suitable是指两个中更合适的

suitable 的用法

[A] suitable=形容词=适宜的,合适的... 1.The parents found the girl suitable for their son. 2.This tractor is suitable for heavy duty. 3.She had no other dress suitable for the occasion. 4.Was it really suitable behaviour for someone who wants to be taken seriously? 5.Give a few people an idea of suitable questions to ask. 6.He could think of no less suitable moment to mention the idea. 7.Many people applied for the job but not one of them was suitable. 8.We must find a suitable day for our meeting. [B] suitably=副词 1.You"re not suitably dressed.合适地 [C] suitability; suitableness =名词=合适,适宜 [D] suit=动词=适合; 1.This candidate does not suit our qualifications. 2.a color that suits you; a choice that suits us all; that dress suits you...相配 3.They will only release information if it suits them. 4.The climate (in China) suits me very well. 5."suit oneself"=to do what one wants to do=自便:"Please suit yourself when you visit the prison."

I was looking for a birthday gift for my mother, but I couldn’t find ______ suitable. A.some.

B试题分析:句意:我正在给我的母亲寻找生日礼物,但是我找不到一些合适的东西。A.something一些事,用于肯定句; B.anything一些事,用于否定句或一般疑问句; C.nothing 没什么; D.everything一切;根据couldn"tfind可知此处是否定句,故用代词anything。故选B。



玩星露谷物语出现Nosuitablegraphics card found,该怎么办呢?


Which of the following is a suitable pre-listening activity

【答案】:B考查听力教学。题目问的是:“下列哪个活动是适合在听前环节活动中进行的?”该题考察听力教学中的“听前环节”。听前环节主要包括准备活动;介绍相关背景知识;安排学生通过讨论相关图片.预测文章的内容或学习与该主题相关的词汇。但是A项在听前写相似的文章不合适:而C项“把所有关于文章的主要信息下来”这一活动和D项“做一些练习来突破相关活题的难词汇”的活动适合在while—listening环节做。 故选B。?

be suitable for是什么意思

be suitable for英[bi: u02c8sju:tu0259bl fu0254:]美[bi u02c8sutu0259bu0259l fu0254r][释义] 适于; 合适的;


suitable英音:["su:tu0259bl]美音:["sutu0259b!] 形容词 a. 适当的;合适的;适宜的[(+to/for)]He was just not suitable for the job. 他就是不适合干这份工作。 所以上面这两句都是对的


suitable 基本解释如下:adj. 合适的,适当的,适宜的,恰当的。suitable 变化形式比较级: more suitable最高级: most suitable所属分类: CET4TEM4IELTS考 研TOEFLCET6suitable 合适的,适宜的。suit,匹配,适宜,-able,形容词后缀。suitable 用法和例句First up , you need to find a suitable location .第一步,你需要找个合适的地方。Launching and maintaining suitable satellites would be ludicrously expensive .发射和维护合适的卫星将需要异常昂贵的费用。The final challenge I faced in designing a beach-proof electronic kit was selecting a suitable digital camera .我在设计“海滩防护电子套件”上所面对的最后一项挑战是,挑选一部合适的数码相机。It is important to correct such distortions by suitable regulation .因此,通过一些适当的监管来纠正这些扭曲,是十分重要的。In the past , the lauscha fire service directed bus and car drivers to suitable car parks .在过去,劳沙市公交车和小车司机管理的消防设施要适宜停车场的使用。

be suitable to和be suitable for有什么不同

A is suitable for B A适合B((人)物对(人)物)This hat is suitable for you.这顶帽子很适合你.A is suitable to do sth A适合做某事(人(物)对事)Tom is suitable to finish the project.汤姆适合完成这个项目.Be suitable for doing sth=be suitable to do sth

be suitable for 和be suitable to 有什么区别

be suitable to适用于be suitable for合适的;适于 意动用法不同

appropriate / suitable 求区别

appropriate是指适当的 恰当的suitable是指适合的

appropriate / suitable 求区别

组词都表示"合适的、合理的". appropriate a.恰如其分的,非常合适、协调的. proper a.得当的,合理的.主要是从本质上、习惯上、道理上来说. suitable a.合适的.强调合乎要求、没有矛盾或不协调之处. 1.The film is _____ for children. 2.She wore ______ clothes for the party. 3.I think Jane is the most _____ person for the job. 1) appropriate 2) proper 3) suitable


unsuitable的意思是不适合的;不适宜的;不相称的。一、近义词。1、Inappropriate.不适当的。improper.不合适的。2、unbecoming.不合身的。unacceptable.不能接受的。3、unsatisfactory.不能令人满意的。objectionable.该反对的。4、unfit.不合适的。unseemly.不体面的。二、短语搭配。1、unsuitable polishing wheels.磨光轮选择不合适;不合适。2、unsuitable soil.不适宜土壤;不适合的土壤;不适合土壤。3、unsuitable case.不适合案;不合适的情况下。4、unsuitable containerizable cargo.不适合装箱货。双语例句:1、Amy"s shoes were unsuitable for walking any distance.埃米的鞋根本不适合走路。2、He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing.他穿了一双完全不适合登山的鞋子。3、The rides are unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition.这种骑乘不适合紧张型性格的人。4、Some were obviously unsuitable and could be ruled out at once.Others were borderline cases.一些显然不合适,可以马上被排除。另一些勉强合格。

suitable for还可以用什么单词替换。

fitting for / appropriate for,基本能通用吧?

Which of the following is most suitable for the cultivation of linguistic competence?
