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The choices of subjects做主语的时候,谓语动词应该用复数形式,因为这个the choices,是一个复数形式,意思是科目的选择。所以谓语动词要用复数形式。

“be subject to”是什么意思?

受( )的影响

subject complement是什么意思



subject的读音是:英["s_bd__kt]。subject的读音是:英["s_bd__kt]。subject的详尽释义是n.(名词)臣民,国民对象话题,主题,论题,问题科目,学科原因,主因,起因主旋律主旨主人翁【语法】主语【哲】主观;我,自我【逻】主位。subject的意思是n.话题;科目;主题;题材;主观;[语]主语;n.实验对象;(君主国)国民;adj.易患的;服从的;vt.使服从;使隶属;使遭遇。一、详尽释义点此查看subject的详细内容n.(名词)臣民,国民对象话题,主题,论题,问题科目,学科原因,主因,起因主旋律主旨主人翁【语法】主语【哲】主观;我,自我【逻】主位adj.(形容词)易受...的,易患...的,易遭...的,动不动就...的受支配的,低人一等的以...为条件的隶属的,附属的,从属的有关本题目的,有关本科目的必须得到...的须经...的adv.(副词)在...条件下v.(动词)使服从,使隶属,使附属使遭遇,使蒙受,使受... ,使患... ,使遭受...提供,呈交,交给在...下面加提出, 呈核进行察看二、双解释义n.(名词)[C] 主题,题目 the thing that is dealt with or represented in a piece of writing, work of art, etc.[C] 话题,考虑的问题 sth being talked about or considered[C] 学科,科目; 课程 a branch of knowledge studied, especially in a system of education[C] 主语,主词 (in grammar) a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun, person or thing that performs the action of the verb or about which sth is stated[C] 臣民,国民 person who lives in the land of, is protected by, and owes loyalty to a certain state or especially royal rulerv.(动词)vt. 征服; 使服从 bring, get (a country, nation, person) under controlvt. 使遭受; 经历 cause to undergo or experienceadj.(形容词)[P] 易受?的,倾向于?的,易患?的,可能(有)?的 tending or likely (to have)隶属于?的,受?支配的 governed (by) or dependent (on)受约束〔管辖〕的,不独立的 governed by sb else, not independent取决于?,有待于 ? depending on三、英英释义Noun:the subject matter of a conversation or discussion;"he didn"t want to discuss that subject""it was a very sensitive topic""his letters were always on the theme of love"something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation;"a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject"a branch of knowledge;"in what discipline is his doctorate?""teachers should be well trained in their subject""anthropology is the study of human beings"some situation or event that is thought about;"he kept drifting off the topic""he had been thinking about the subject for several years""it is a matter for the police"(grammar) one of the two main constituents of a sentence; the grammatical constituent about which something is predicateda person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; someone who is an object of investigation;"the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly""the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities"a person who owes allegiance to that nation;"a monarch has a duty to his subjects"(logic) the first term of a propositionAdjective:possibly accepting or permitting;"a passage capable of misinterpretation""open to interpretation""an issue open to question""the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation"being under the power or sovereignty of another or others;"subject peoples""a dependent prince"likely to be affected by something;"the bond is subject to taxation""he is subject to fits of depression"Verb:cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to;"He subjected me to his awful poetry""The sergeant subjected the new recruits to many drills""People in Chernobyl were subjected to radiation"make accountable for;"He did not want to subject himself to the judgments of his superiors"make subservient; force to submit or subduerefer for judgment or consideration;"The lawyers submitted the material to the court"四、例句She dare not mention the subject again.她不敢重提那个话题。Mathematics is her favorite subject.数学是她喜欢的科目。He is said to be writing a paper on this subject.据说他正在写一篇关于这个主题的论文。Hawthorne concedes that normal life can be a subject for art.霍桑承认日常生活可以作为艺术的题材。Art is the object of feeling, and the subject of nature.艺术是情感的客观表现。也是本性的主观反映。The subject of a sentence and its verb must agree in number.句子的主语和动词的数必须一致。We need some male subjects for a psychology experiment.我们需要几个男子作心理学实验对象。Mary is very subject to colds.玛丽很容易患感冒。Students should be subject to the discipline of their university.学生们应该服从学校的纪律。Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe古罗马帝国征服了欧洲大部分。Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe古罗马帝国征服了欧洲大部分。He was subjected to the harshest possible conditions他遭遇了最艰苦的条件。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~address a subject提出问题avoid a subject回避问题bring up a subject提出问题〔主题,学科〕change the subject改变话题〔主题〕choose a subject选择题目〔学科〕comment on a subject评论问题〔学科〕consider a subject考虑问题〔题目〕deal with a subject处理〔论述〕某一问题discuss a subject讨论题目〔问题,学科〕drop a subject放弃一个题目form subjects of daily debate成为每日谈论的话题give up a subject放弃一个题目,学科go into a subject探究某问题grasp subject抓住问题〔主题〕handle the subject处理这问题introduce a subject引进话题,介绍课题leave this subject抛开这个题目master a subject掌握某门课程return to a subject回到话题〔问题〕上来see the subject看待这个问题set the subject(作文)命题,出题study the subject研究这个问题tackle a subject着手处理〔解决〕某问题,着手学习某门课take a subject着手处理某问题,学习某科学treat a subject论述某问题形容词+~attractive subject有吸引力的话题〔题目,学科〕basic subject基础科学British subject英国臣民complex subject复杂的问题compound subject复合主语delicate subject需要慎重处理的事情,微妙〔棘手〕的问题difficult subject难搞的题目〔学科〕disagreeable subject不愉快的话题impersonal subject非人称主语interesting subject有趣的题目〔学科〕loyal subject忠诚的子民main subject〈英〉主要科目〔问题〕major subject〈美〉主要科目medical subject内科病人minor subject〈美〉副科naturalized subject归化的臣民pleasant subject令人愉快的话题separate subject独立的学科simple subject简单的问题suitable subject合适的主题surgical subject外科病人thorny subject棘手的问题vital subject极其重要的问题名词+~composition subject作文题school subjects学校的学习科目~+名词subject matter主题,要点,题材介词+~beside the subject离题on the subject关于这个问题on the subject of谈到,论及,关于on the subject of money谈到钱work on this subject有关这问题的著作~+介词subject for供?的题目subject for complaint抱怨的理由subject for congratulation值得庆贺的事subject for debate供争论的题目subject of a sentence句子的主语subject of public interest公众关心的问题用作动词 (v.)~+名词subject a country征服一个国家subject a tribe征服一个部落subject the world征服世界~+副词subject absolutely完全征服subject willingly心甘情愿地接受~+介词subject to经受?,处于?的统治之下用作形容词 (adj.)~+名词subject province附属省subject tribes受统治的部落副词+~no longer subject不再取决于?exceedingly subject常受制于?scarcely subject几乎不受制于?六、经典引文Many..Lebanese residing in Egypt became French subjects.出自:TimesHis Majesty replied that he could not possibly sit down with a subject.出自:E. LongfordI am a subject of the British Crown. You can"t put me under arrest.出自:A. BurgessThe freest of all the states..became subject to a despot.出自:M. HowittPerpetual conflict between the ruling class and the subject class.出自:T. B. BottomoreThe city had been subjected to Macedonian rule, first by Philip, then by Alexander.出自:J. Heller七、词源解说☆ 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的suget,意为平民,臣民;最初源自拉丁语的subjectus:sub (往下) + jacere (放置),意为放置其下。subject的相关近义词argument、matter、motive、text、theme、topic、submit、subjected、exposed、opensubject的相关反义词independentsubject的相关临近词subjective、subdue、subjects、subjection、subjectify、subject to、subject bid、subject job、subject way、subject for、subject age、subject ego点此查看更多关于subject的详细信息




purpose跟subjects的区别两个单词词义是完全不同的.purpose n. 目的; 意志; 作用; (进行中的) 行动;vt. 有意; 打算; 企图(做); 决意(做);subjects n. 学科; 主题( subject的名词复数 ); 话题; 主语;v. 提交( subject的第三人称单数 ); 使经受; 使遭受; 使服从;


subject [美] [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] [英] [ˈsʌbdʒikt] 名词 (pl. subjects)主题;题目;题材 He has read many books on the subject. 他看过许多关于这一方面的书。 话题;(议论的)对象 科目,学科 English is my favorite subject. 英语是我最喜欢的学科。 【语】主语 (君主国)国民,臣民 原因;缘由;理由 接受实验者,实验品,实验对象 【音】主题,主旋律 【哲】(意识的)主体;主观意识 形容词 易受...的;易患...的 My mother is very subject to headaches. 我母亲动不动就头痛。 Japan is subject to earthquakes. 日本常发生地震。 The prices for steel are subject to change. 钢材价格随时可能有变动。 以...为条件的;须经...的 Our plans are subject to the weather. 我们的计划取决于天气如何。 隶属的,受支配的 While in this country you are subject to its laws. 你们在这个国家就要受其法律的约束。




Subject 主题;科目Hobby 爱好


例子:1.What did you buy yesterday?你昨天买了什么?分析:什么“被买”了?---object2.Who met you at the airport?谁昨天在机场接你的?分 扩展资料 例子: 1.What did you buy yesterday?你昨天买了什么? 分析:什么“被买”了?---object 2.Who met you at the airport?谁昨天在机场接你的? 分析:谁接你?---主动动作,即subject


subject:功课,课程,主题object:物体,细项subject 是主语object 是宾语object 多指代物体或者是目标object1n。1。 物体[C]2。 对象;目标[C][(+of)]3。 目的,宗旨[C]4。 【语】宾语[C]objectvi。1。 反对[(+to)]vt。1。 [Y][+(that)]区别:subject指科目(虚拟的概念,非实物)等事物,较为狭窄的分类范围。object主要指物体,目标,可以碰到或实际存在的,随着语境的变化,这些事物的分类可能时刻进行动态的迁移置换。从一些实际语用现象中可清晰分辨出区别,不论从动态与静态的角度而言。subject1、to be subject to sth 受…的约束;受制于…2、to be subject to sth 易患…

message subject是什么意思





subject[英][ˈsʌbdʒɪkt][美][ˈsʌbdʒekt]n.主题,话题; 学科,科目; [哲]主观; adj.须服从…的; (在君主等)统治下的; v.提供,提出; 使…隶属; 第三人称单数:subjects






subject: 易受...的;易患...的My mother is very subject to headaches.我母亲动不动就头痛。Japan is subject to earthquakes.日本常发生地震。The prices for steel are subject to change.钢材价格随时可能有变动。All charges are subject to change without prior notice.所有收费如有更改,恕不另行通知。

subject combination是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:subject combination学科组合希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳


百度翻译显示:subject 是主语,这个词有“主观、主题”的意思;object是宾语,这个词也有“(客观存在的)物体”的意思。

favourite subject是什么意思



object—对象 subject—主题应该是对~~~








subject 科目的意思。英 [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] 美 [ˈsʌbdʒekt] n.主题,话题; 学科,科目; [哲] 主观; adj.须服从…的; (在君主等) 统治下的; v.提供,提出; 使…隶属;[例句]It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery.是我第一个提到整形手术这个话题的。[其他]第三人称单数:subjects 复数:subjects 现在分词:subjecting 过去式:subjected 过去分词:subjected







subject to是什么意思

subject to 英[ˈsʌbdʒikt tu:] 美[ˈsʌbdʒekt tu] v. 使服从,使遭受; [词典] 容易遭受,受…管制; [例句]The empirical evidence considered here is subject to many qualifications此处提及的实验证据有诸多限制条件。




  what subject do they have的中文翻译  what subject do they have  他们有什么科目


【哲学名词】主体 [subject],与客体(nonego)相对应的存在。哲学上指对客体有认识和实践能力的人、实践的对象,为属性所依附的实体。




subject-by-subject 也就是比较对象point-by-point adj. .逐点详述的 eg:1.他提出了针锋相对的(point-by-point)回应。


subject 英[ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] 美[ˈsʌbdʒekt]n. 主题,话题; 学科,科目; [哲] 主观;adj. 须服从…的; (在君主等) 统治下的;v. 提供,提出; 使…隶属;[例句]It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery.




英:[ˈsʌbdʒɪkt , səbˈdʒekt]美:[ˈsʌbdʒɪkt , səbˈdʒekt]n.主题;题目;话题;题材;问题;学科;科目;课程;表现对象;绘画(或拍摄)题材;adj.可能受…影响的;易遭受…的;取决于;视…而定;受…支配;服从于;例句:They use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.他们用游戏和图画来阐明他们的主题。现在分词:subjecting过去式:subjected过去分词:subjected复数:subjects


subject 英[ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] 美[ˈsʌbdʒekt] n. 主题,话题; 学科,科目; [哲] 主观; adj. 须服从…的; (在君主等) 统治下的; v. 提供,提出; 使…隶属; [例句]It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery.是我第一个提到整形手术这个话题的。[其他] 第三人称单数:subjects 复数:subjects 现在分词:subjecting过去式:subjected 过去分词:subjected


subject1KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 主题;题目;题材He has read many books on the subject.他看过许多关于这一方面的书。2. 话题;(议论的)对象3. 科目,学科English is my favorite subject.英语是我最喜欢的学科。4. 【语】主语5. (君主国)国民,臣民6. 原因;缘由;理由[(+of/for)]7. 接受实验者,实验品,实验对象8. 【音】主题,主旋律9. 【哲】(意识的)主体;主观意识a.1. 易受...的;易患...的[F][+to]My mother is very subject to headaches.我母亲动不动就头痛。Japan is subject to earthquakes.日本常发生地震。The prices for steel are subject to change.钢材价格随时可能有变动。2. 以...为条件的;须经...的[F][+to]Our plans are subject to the weather.我们的计划取决于天气如何。3. 隶属的,受支配的[Z][(+to)]While in this country you are subject to its laws.你们在这个国家就要受其法律的约束。subject2KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 使隶属;使服从[(+to)]How can you subject her will to your own?你怎么可以要她服从你的意愿呢?2. 使蒙受;使遭遇[H][+to]Her conduct subjected her to public ridicule.她的行为使她受众人嘲笑。This country was once subjected to foreign rule.这个国家一度曾受外国统治。The suspect was subjected to cross-examination at the police station.嫌疑犯在警察局受到盘问。3. 提供;呈交

subject to是什么意思



主题; 题目; 问题This is a book on the subject of love.这是一部以爱情为主题的书。话题, 考虑的问题学科, 科目; 课程She"s taking three subjects in her exams.她参加三门课程的考试。主语, 主词adj.常有[常患, 常遭受]…的; 倾向于…的He is subject to fever.他易发烧。须服从…的; 受…支配的We are subject to our country"s laws.我们必须遵守国家的法律。受约束[管辖]的, 不独立的This is a subject tribe.这是个受他人统治的部落。取决于…的, 有待于…的The plan is subject to the manager"s approval.该计划须经经理批准。[s�0�5b�0�4d�0�1ekt]vt.使服从, 征服, 制伏He tried to subject the whole family to his will.他试图使全家人服从他的意愿。 用法词典 subject sub- 在…下面 + ject 投,抛 现代英汉综合大辞典 subject [�0�4s�0�5bd�0�1ikt]n.题目; 问题; 主题学科, 科目(君主国的)国民, 臣民受治疗者; 受实验者; 实验材料; 解剖的尸体原因, 理由具有...气质的人【语】主语【哲】主体, 主观意识, 自我【音】主题; 主旋律【逻】主位, 主辞a subject of conversation谈话的主题a serious subject重大问题a subject for laughter笑柄the main subject in our school curriculum我们学校课程中的主要科目a British subject一位英国国民the subject of an experiment实验对象a subject for complaint抱怨的理由subject and object主体和客体, 主观意识和客观事物 词性变化subject [�0�4s�0�5bd�0�1ikt]adj.受...支配的, 附属的易受[遭, 患]... 的以...为条件[转移]的; 须经[有待于] ...的(to)有关本题[科]目的a subject state附属国subject to the law of the land受国家法律的管辖的be subject to taxation应纳税be subject to damage易受损伤Subject to your consent, I will try again.你要是同意, 我再试一试。The treaty is subject to ratification.此条约经批准后才能生效。The prices are subject to change.价格可能有变动。subject [�0�4s�0�5bd�0�1ikt]vt.[s�0�5b�0�4d�0�1ekt]使服从, 使隶属(to)使受到, 使遭到(to)[罕]提出, 呈交subject another"s will to one"s own使别人的意志服从己意subject a metal to great heat给金属加高热a plan subjected for approval呈请批准的计划 继承用法subject-predicaten.主(语)-谓(语)subject-raisingn.主语上升[转换]subjectabilityn.subjectableadj.subjectless[�0�4s�0�5bd�0�1�0�1ktl�0�1s, -d�0�1ek-]adj.没有题目的, 无主题的subjectlessnessn.无主语subjectlikeadj. 习惯用语a delicate [tender, thorny] subject 敏感的问题, 需要审慎的事情, 令人棘手的问题a sore subject 触人痛处的问题be a subject for (=be the subject of) (讨论, 研究, 实验的)题目[对象, 材料]作为...的理由[原因](be) subject to 服从, 以...为条件, 受...的支配; 须经, 必须得到;易遭[受,发生]change the subject 改变话题on the subject of 关于, 论及short subject (与正片同场放映的)电影短片(如动画片等)wander from the subject (谈话)离题subject matter 题材; 话题; 论题subject oneself to 蒙受subject sb. [sth.] to 使服从于..., 使某人[物]隶属于..., 使某人[物]听从于..., 使受到..., 使经历subject to 在...条件下; 常遭...; 易受...的侵袭; 受控制; 服从...的指挥

subject 意思



subject 学科的意思     又可表示主语   而object   可以表示物体  也可表示宾语



subject to是什么意思?






favourite是什么意思啊 subject是什么意思啊

favourite 英[ˈfeɪvərɪt] 美["fevərɪt] adj. 特别受喜爱的; n. 特别喜爱的人(或物); subject 英[ˈsʌbdʒɪkt] 美[ˈsʌbdʒekt] n. 主题,话题; 学科,科目; [哲] 主观; adj. 须服从…的; (在君主等) 统治下的; v. 提供,提出; 使…隶属;





语法中complete subject, complete predicate, simple subject, simple predicate是什么意思

你可能把 complex 听成了 complete 了。1、Complex subject —— 复合主语:指带有修饰成分(如后置的短语或从句作定语)的主语,如: * The man in the next door came from America. 隔壁的那个人来自美国。——主语 the man 带有介词短语作定语 * The man who lived in the next door came from America. 那个住在隔壁的人来自美国。——主语 the man 带有定语从句2、complex predicate —— 复合谓语:指带有从句或者非谓语动词作修饰成分的谓语部分,如: * The man came to China when he was very young. 那个人很小的时候就来过中国。——谓语部分带有时间状语。 * The man came to China because he wanted to learn Chinese, 那个人因为想学英语来过中国。——谓语部分带有原因状语。3、simple subject ——简单主语,如果把上面例句中主语的后置定语去掉就是 simple subject。4、simple predicate—— 简单谓语,如果把上面例句中的状语从句去掉就成了 simple predicate。


subject是课程lesson 是课


1、意思不同subject:话题;科目;主题;题材;主观;[语]主语lesson:教训;课,功课,课业;榜样,典范2、用法不同subject:是可数名词,基本意思是“主题,题目”,指文章或其他作品的题目或主题,引申可表示“话题,考虑的问题”“科目,学科”。在语法术语中也可作“主语”解。lesson:作“功课,课”解时多用于复数形式;作“一堂课,一节课”解时多用于单数形式;作“教训,经验”“榜样”解是可数名词。3、来源不同subject:14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的suget,意为平民,臣民;最初源自拉丁语的subjectus:sub(往下)+jacere (放置),意为放置其下。lesson:13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的lecon,意为学生学习的东西;最初源自拉丁语的lectionem,意为读,功课。

Subject和lesson 的区别

subject一般是课程.比较抽象,比如我说,你最喜欢什么课?就可以说which subject do you like best? lesson一般只比较实在的课程,比如说我们一天有8节课就可以说:we have eight lessons a day.

principal subjects是什么意思

principal subjects主要科目请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

beauty is subjective 有哪些观点可以论证啊?

美是主观存在的,这个观点作为你方的观点是很好辩证的,因为在美学这门专门研究美的学科中,美就是一个主观存在的东西,因为大凡客观的东西都是可以人为定义的,而美可以被定义吗?以下是我的观点:美学中的普遍观点是,美是一种崇高感。康德美学中,美被划分为纯粹美和理想美。理想美即代表了崇高,纯粹美的产生也是源自于人们的主观感受(在康德的《纯粹理性批判》中,有对人们为什么一致会对某些艺术作品(比如蒙娜丽莎)产生美的感受,如果你想辩证好这个问题,建议你借鉴一下康德的部分观点)朱光潜曾说过一句精妙的话语,概括了美的真谛——“我们可以定义花是红的,但是不能定义花是美的。”颜色是一种被定义了的客观事物,难道我们可以仅仅因为红色而推断出一件事物的美吗?为什么人们对于明星有着各自的喜好呢?不说芙蓉姐姐,我们来说说曾经饱受争议的歌手l.y.c,她的粉丝一大群,讨厌她的人也有一大堆,如果客观上她不美,那么为什么有那么多粉丝喜欢她;如果客观上她很美,那么为什么还有人排斥她呢?要知道人对于美好的东西有着天生地向往。对方辩手请注意,个性也是美的一种体现,这个事例是用来证明,美只是一种主观存在,审美价值的不同决定了人们心中美的所在(至于为什么某些艺术作品或事物能够得到大多数人对于美的共同肯定,可以参照康德美学《纯粹理性批判》中的解释)以下为英文翻译:Beauty is subjective exist, this view as your opinion is very good dialectical, because in this special research beauty aesthetic door disciplines, beauty is a subjective existing things, because a objective things can be factitious definition, and beauty can be defined?The following is my point:Aesthetics, the common view is, the beautiful is a kind of sublime sense.Kant"s aesthetic in, the United States is divided into pure beauty and ideal beauty. Ideal beauty represents a lofty, pure beauty is derived from the people have subjective feeling (in Kant"s "critique of pure reason", why do people have to agree on some works of art will (such as the Mona Lisa) has the beautiful feeling, if you want to dialectical this question, suggest you be drawn lessons from Kant"s aspect)Zhu guangqin once said a words of exquisite, summarized the true essence of beauty-" we can define flowers are red, but can"t define a flower is beautiful." The color is a defined objective things, don"t we can just because red and deduce a thing of beauty?Why do people have their own preferences for star? Don"t say sister lotus, we speak of the controversial once L.Y.C singer, her fans a large group of hate her people also have a lot of, if not objectively her beautiful, so why are there so many fans like her; If objectively she is very beautiful, so why are people rejected her? Want to know the person for the good things have naturally yearning. Each other the opponent please note, individual character is also a reflection of beauty, this case is used to prove, beauty is only a kind of subjective exists, the aesthetic values of different decided the people heart in beauty (as to why some works of art or things can get most people to beauty, can consult common sure Kant"s aesthetic "critique of pure reason, the explanation)希望可以帮到你

tHe says that that that that that that determines is the subject of the sentense. 帮我解释下


categories and subject descriptors 有哪些

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:categories and subject descriptors分类和主题描述希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳


courses是指课程,英语课,数学课subject是主题,lesson指具体的一堂课,class是指上课, 班级

subject 和course的区别




mood只包含 subject和finite吗

语气(mood)包含主语(subject)和限定成分(finite)两个成分,它们的出现和语序决定对语气的选择,由此产生三种不同的语气类型,如陈述语气、疑问语气、祈使语气,有时也包括语气附加词(mood adjunct)。




1、TO 致,给。后接邮件的发送对象,表示期望得到该收件人的响应。2、CC (Carbon Copy)副本抄送。表示没有期待对邮件做出回复。3、BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)密件抄送。在群发邮件时,收信人彼此不认识,为了保护收信人的隐私,可以在地址栏To中填上自己,然后将所有收信人都填在Bcc中。4、SUBJECT 标题,一般是一个名词性短语,例如 Questions About …5、BODY 正文扩展资料To/Cc/Bcc 行的使用第一种用法:实际使用,To 行填写信的读者,这些人以第二人称称呼,Cc 行写可能需要读信的但是不以第二人称称呼的那些人(也可能会在信件末尾附上一小段和他们的话),Bcc 行写需要匿名读信的人,绝对不在信件中以第二人称提到这些人。第二种用法:通常是代表组织或者当寄件人是一个众人项目的策划人时使用,收件人一定是多人,但收件人以 generic 的方式被 addressed。To 行写发件邮箱或者一个用于存档的邮箱,Cc 行空,原本的 To/Cc 行全部写到 Bcc 行。以 generic 的方式称呼 (intended) 收件人。此举有两个好处:收件人之间不需要互相透露电子邮件地址;收件人不会不小心使用 reply all 而打扰其他人。

Subject pronous , possesive adjectives , possesive +noun 翻译成中文

pronous主题,possesive形容词、possesive +名词

mail(tomai,subject,message,additional) additional 这个是什么 谢谢。

additional 这个是添加的;附加的;额外的

贸易中的“subject order”是什么意思?什么订单?

标题所说的订单=captioned order

英语subject matter experts怎么翻译?


After learn the basics of the subject, nothing el

After learning the basics of the subject, nothing else seemed very practical to me.after 是介词,用于其后的动词需要用ing 形式

in accordance with the terms and subject to the conditions of this agreement



subjective:adj. (思想、感情等)主观的;主观的(以个人好恶、观点等为依据) objective:n. 目标; 目的 adj. 客观的; 不带偏见的 curious:adj. 好奇的, 好求知的;奇妙的, 稀奇的








可数 subjects

subject 的翻译



ucl申请的subject是指申请所学专业名称。 Subject一项填写的是所学专业的名称:如汉语言文学(Chinese Language and Literature)、经济学(Economics)等。申请UCL研究生通常需至少取得英国大学二等荣誉学士学位,或认可中国大学学士学位且均分达到80%-85%以上,雅思普遍要求达到6.5分-7.0分。


subject ["sʌbdʒikt,-dʒe-,səb"dʒekt] n.主题;科目;主语;国民 adj.服从的;易患…的;受制于…的 vt.使…隶属;使屈从于…


subject 英["sʌbdʒɪkt] 美["sʌbdʒɪkt] n.话题;科目;主题;题材;主观;[语]主语n.实验对象;(君主国)国民adj.易患的;服从的用作名词(n.)Shedarenotmentionthesubjectagain.她不敢重提那个话题。Mathematicsisherfavoritesubject.数学是她喜欢的科目。


subject 英 ["sʌbdʒɪkt]    美 ["sʌbdʒɪkt]  n.话题;科目;主题;题材;主观;[语]主语n.实验对象;(君主国)国民adj.易患的;服从的vt.使服从;使隶属;使遭遇用作名词 (n.)She dare not mention the subject again.她不敢重提那个话题。Mathematics is her favorite subject.数学是她喜欢的科目。He is said to be writing a paper on this subject.据说他正在写一篇关于这个主题的论文。Hawthorne concedes that normal life can be a subject for art.霍桑承认日常生活可以作为艺术的题材。Art is the object of feeling, and the subject of nature.艺术是情感的客观表现。也是本性的主观反映。We need some male subjects for a psychology experiment.我们需要几个男子作心理学实验对象。用作形容词 (adj.)Mary is very subject to colds.玛丽很容易患感冒。Students should be subject to the discipline of their university.学生们应该服从学校的纪律。用作及物动词 (vt.)Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe古罗马帝国征服了欧洲大部分。Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe古罗马帝国征服了欧洲大部分。
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