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achieve, flourish, admire,acknowledge写出这几个词的词性、意思?



casual knowledge 基本认识;更多例句筛选1.Those who are able to should also try and pick up at least a casual knowledgeof another Singapore language, besides their mother tongue.除此之外,那些行有余力的人,更应该尝试对母语以外的至少一种本地语言有基本认识;2.To display personal charm in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself.通过一种舒适又自然的手法展示个人魅力,更重要的是可以很好的认识自我。

increase one"s knowledge是什么意思



boost。因为boost还有增加的意思,增加知识更为合理。boost v. 使增长,推动;<美,非正式>偷窃;宣扬,推广。n. 推动,促进;广告,宣扬。promote v. 促进,提倡;升职,晋升;促销,推广;将(运动队)晋级;使(学生)升年级;负责筹办,主办(大型活动,如音乐会或体育比赛);促使(议会私法议案)通过;使(卒)升格为(尤指后等);<英>(先打大牌)使(小牌)赢得一墩;使(催化剂)更活泼。要根据语义选择恰当的词。

knowledge and wisdom 区别

解答:knowledge n. 知识wisdom n.智慧智慧:辨析、判断、发明创造的能力。知识:人们在改造世界的实践中所获得的认识和经验的总和。


knowledge is something that u should learn from sp or someone .u need to think. Information is what u can search from the Internet or some other things. But ,sometime they r the same things. u can see the answer is both konwledge and information.


一个是单词,一个是电脑系统。WINDOWS一般指Microsoft Windows。Microsoft Windows是美国微软公司以图形用户界面为基础研发的操作系统,主要运用于计算机、智能手机等设备。knowledge,英文单词,不可数名词,作名词时意为“知识,学问;知道,认识;学科,人名;(南非)诺利奇”。



knowledge 的动词和形容词形式。马上采纳。帮帮忙,谢谢

knowledge的动词和形容词形式为:动词know,形容词knowledgable词汇详解:knowledge一、读音英 [ˈnɒlɪdʒ]   美 [ˈnɑːlɪdʒ] 二、释义n、知识;学问;学识;知晓;知悉;了解三、语法come to sb"s knowledge:(formal) 被某人知道;被某人获悉扩展资料:knowledge近义词:scholarship词汇详解:一、读音英 [ˈskɒləʃɪp]   美 [ˈskɑːlərʃɪp]二、释义n、奖学金;学问;学术;学术研究三、语法记忆技巧:scholar 学者 + ship 某种关系,状态,性质,情况 → 学问;奖学金

knowledge 什么意思啊?



knowledge中文释义为知识,学问;知道。短语:basic knowledge 基础知识,基本知识。 扩展资料   短语:   knowledge economy 知识经济   knowledge management 知识管理   basic knowledge 基础知识,基本知识   professional knowledge 专业知识;专门知识   例句:   I was fortified by the knowledge that I was in a grandhouse.   知道自己住进了大房子,我感到精神倍增。   The conference included sessions led by people with personal knowledge of the area.   会议包括由对该领域有切身了解的人主持的讨论。   To insist that science provides cast-iron knowledge is to believe in a mirage.   坚信科学提供确凿知识等于相信幻想。   Every affidavit shall state which of the facts deposed to are within the deponent"s knowledge.   所有的`书面证词都必须声明哪一部分宣誓作证的事实是作证者所确知的。   His knowledge of his subject earned him a reputation as an expert.   他对本学科的了解为他赢得了专家的名声。   The study of history must be grounded in a thorough knowledge of the past.   历史研究必须建立在对过去全面了解的基础之上。   An allegory on the theme of the passage from ignorance to knowledge.   一则主题为从蒙昧向知识过渡的寓言。   If you"re starting at ground zero in terms of knowledge, go to the library.   如果你的知识是从零开始,那就去图书馆吧。   His knowledge of French, Italian, and Spanish made him genuinely cosmopolitan.   他的法语、意大利语及西班牙语知识使他成为一个真正的世界人。   The teachers imparted a great deal of knowledge to their pupils.   老师们给学生传授了许多知识。


knowledge的发音为:英 [ˈnɒlɪdʒ];美 [ˈnɑːlɪdʒ]。词义:1、知识;学问;学识  Knowledge is information and understanding about a subject which a person has, or which all people have.2、据......所知  If you say that something is true to your knowledge or to the best of your knowledge, you mean that you believe it to be true but it is possible that you do not know all the facts.3、因知道…而放心  If you do something safe in the knowledge that something else is the case, you do the first thing confidently because you are sure of the second thing.例句:1、A measure of technical knowledge is desirable in this job.   做这项工作最好多懂一些技术知识。 2、He has a wide knowledge of painting and music.   他在绘画和音乐方面知识渊博。 3、There is a lack of knowledge about the tax system.   大家对税制缺乏了解。 4、For years we had little knowledge of what life was like inside China.   以往很多年我们对于中国国内的生活情况所知甚少。 5、He never made a will, to the best of my knowledge.   据我所知,他从未立过遗嘱。

She is thirsty for new knowledge.是什么意思?


it would be universally acknowledged为什么用would be


请问英译 Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge 指的是哪部中国古代书籍?百科类的


novel knowledge 什么意思


the more knowledge we have the more confident是什么意思


cordiality; casual ;knowledgeable 这英语用谐音怎么读?




knowledge 用不定代词代替时用it还 是they

fas dasrfsdhycfv

these knowledge后加is还是are

你好 应该加is 因为知识knowledge不可数

knowledge 不可数 ,为啥a good knowledge?

知识本身不可数 但是加了a good就是“对知识有一个很好的见解”的意思了,所以是可以用a的 不知解释清楚了没,如果还有问题问我

请问the knowledge 和 a knowledge 有什么区别

knowledge 不可数,一般不用 a knowledge但是 也有 He has a knowledge of Chinese.精通中文还有一种,可数,但只作为单数,这个形式用法单一,即a + 形容词 +knowledge(表示一种特定的知识) 如:He has a limited know...

She always teach us a lot of knowledge. 我想问问 不是说knowledge是不可数名词吗 可为啥不用lots of

a lot of = los of 即可修饰不可数名词,也可修饰可数名词

a knowledge of和the knowledge of区别

一、表达实意不同1、a knowledge of:某一方面的知识。例句:As we know, mastering a knowledge of culture and science is most important to us. 正如我们所知,掌握文化和科学的知识对我们来说是非常重要的。2、the knowledge of:知识掌握情况;对…的了解。例句:The knowledge of how to do these processes is explicit. 如何去实施这些过程的知识是很明确的。二、侧重点不同1、a knowledge of:侧重于指比较广泛的某门学科的综合知识。2、the knowledge of:侧重于指比较具体的某种办法的知识。扩展资料:“a knowledge of”的相似组词介绍:a kind of1、表达意思:一种,一类;某种;有一点2、相关短语:a new kind of 一种新的a certain kind of 某一种a snowmsome kind of 雪人3、例句:For me, the money is only a kind of proof, is what I like the game a scoreboards just. 对我而言,金钱只不过是一种证明,是我所喜欢的游戏的一个记分牌而已。

a lot of knowledge这个用法对吗


what knowledge还是what a knowledge




common knowledge什么意思?是公共常识还是…?在句中的用法?哪个是可数名词?

common knowledge就是我们常说的”常识“的意思,其中knowledge是不可数名词。




看情况而定。需要特指就加,不需要就不加。i.e:1. I need someone who can lecture her on arts. Do you have the kind of knowledge that might interests her?2. My knowledge to this kind of bird is very limit.



英语学习:it is common knowledge that…. ( ……..是常识)。。这个需不需要在it is 后加上a 啊?

It is a common knowledge that...是正确的


knowledge(知识)是不可数名词,所以some knowledge不可数。

many knowledge knowledge要用复数吗



knowledge可表示“了解,知道”或“知识,认识,学问”等,是不可数名词。有时在knowledge前可直接加上不定冠词a,表示“对…有某种程度的了解或熟悉”。x0dx0a词汇分析x0dx0a音标:英 ["nɒlɪdʒ] 美 ["nɑlɪdʒ] x0dx0a释义:x0dx0an. 知识,学问;知道,认识;学科x0dx0an. (Knowledge)人名;(南非)诺利奇x0dx0a短语x0dx0aprocedural knowledge 程序性知识 ; [计] 过程性知识 ; 程序知识 ; 程序性的知识x0dx0aKnowledge Graph 知识图谱 ; 知识图 ; 常识图谱 ; 知识图表x0dx0aknowledge representation 知识表示 ; [计] 知识表达 ; 知识表征 ; 知识表现x0dx0aLocal Knowledge 地方性知识 ; [计] 局部知识 ; 地方知识 ; 了解球路情况x0dx0aKnowledge market 知识市场x0dx0a例句x0dx0a1、All knowledge originates from labour. x0dx0a一切知识起源于劳动。x0dx0a2、The student trotted out his knowledge. x0dx0a这个学生炫耀他的知识。x0dx0a3、His speciality was psychology -- one important branch on the great tree of knowledge. x0dx0a他的专业是心理学,这是知识之树上的一个重要分枝。x0dx0a4、The door to knowledge is study. x0dx0a通向知识的门径是学习。x0dx0a5、Never content ourselves with book knowledge only. x0dx0a不可满足于仅仅有一点书本知识。

many knowledge可数吗

knowledge 是不可数, 复数的正确说法是 much knowledge. 例句: No one can have too much knowledge and practice. 知识和实践越多越好。 扩展资料   In my study, I can gain much knowledge.   在我的学习,我可以获得大量的知识。   My head is so small, not so much knowledge.   我的脑袋那么小,装不下那么多知识。   No man can have too much knowledge and practice.   知识和实践对于任何人来说都只能是越多越好。   He acquired much knowledge of repairing computer.   他获得了许多电脑维修知识。


knowledge,英文单词,不可数名词,作名词时意为“知识,学问;知道,认识;学科,人名;(南非)诺利奇”。名词释义:了解,理解 understanding个人的知识、学识、见闻 all that a person knows; familiarity gained by experience学问 everything that is known; organized body of information例句:He is poor in money, but rich in knowledge.他贫于金钱, 但富于学问。She has a detailed knowledge of this period.她对这段时期的情况了解地相当详细。Child as he is, he knows much knowledge of science.尽管还是个孩子,他懂得很多科学知识。用法:knowledge可表示“了解,知道”或“知识,认识,学问”等,是不可数名词。有时在knowledge前可直接加上不定冠词a,表示“对…有某种程度的了解或熟悉”。knowledge后可接of短语作定语或that从句作同位语,表示关于某方面的知识或对某人〔某事物〕的了解或理解,此时knowledge前须加定冠词。knowledge可用some, much, little, more等词修饰。


加S 有E结尾了,+S就可以了


知识是抽象名词 一般是不加 S的


一般是 不可数的,意思是”知识” 当某方面的知识讲是可数的 有”a knowledge of ”这个词组,意思是”一点儿~知识


呃,抽象名词是不可数的.并不是看有没有a,像a kind of 就既可接book,也可接books,a knowledgea of 只是表示某某的知识

knowledge 可数吗? common knowledge (常识)可数吗? 造2个句,谢谢。

有这样的用法: a good knowledge of 意为:通晓,对、、很了解,常与 have/acquire/obtain/develop 等动词搭配但是knowledge它本身是不可数的common knowledge同样不可数This is common knowledge, but a lot of people tend to ignore it.It is common knowledge that fish can"t live without water.

knowledge 可以用many 来修饰吗



可以说a reason 或some reasons,所以它是可树knowledge 知识 是不可数名词

some knowledge可数吗



knowledge是一个集体名词(和people一样)不要加S,许多知识:a lot of knowlege。 knowledge 英:[ˈnɒlɪdʒ];美:[ˈnɑːlɪdʒ] n.知识;学问;学识;知晓;知悉;了解。 knowledge用法及例句 knowledge可以用作名词 knowledge可表示“了解,知道”或“知识,认识,学问”等,是不可数名词。有时在knowledge前可直接加上不定冠词a,表示“对…有某种程度的了解或熟悉”。 knowledge后可接of短语作定语或that从句作同位语,表示关于某方面的知识或对某人〔某事物〕的了解或理解,此时knowledge前须加定冠词。 knowledge可用some,much,little,more等词修饰。 knowledge用作名词的用法例句 He is poor in money, but rich in knowledge.他贫于金钱,但富于学问。 She has a detailed knowledge of this period.她对这段时期的情况了解地相当详细。 Child as he is, he knows much knowledge of science.尽管还是个孩子,他懂得很多科学知识。


1. 了解, 理解2. 个人的知识[学识, 见闻]3. 学问

web site 还有 knowledge 可不可数?~


knowledge 不可数 ,为啥a good knowledge?

知识本身不可数 但是加了a good就是“对知识有一个很好的见解”的意思了,所以是可以用a的 不知解释清楚了没,如果还有问题问我



web site 还有 knowledge 可不可数?~

细化来说,两者均为可数,也可理解为不可数. 在表示概念时,如“网站”“知识”这一概念,则为概念名字,不可数. 在具体指某一种网站时视为可数名词,知识也是同样的,细化到了不同的科目类别,就有可数了


knowledge是不可数名词。knowledge通常用作名词,有学问;了解;知识;认识;知道的意思。 knowledge 英:[ˈnɒlɪdʒ];美:[ˈnɑːlɪdʒ] n.知识;学问;学识;知晓;知悉;了解 knowledge用法 knowledge可以用作名词 knowledge可表示“了解,知道”或“知识,认识,学问”等,是不可数名词。有时在knowledge前可直接加上不定冠词a,表示“对…有某种程度的了解或熟悉”。 knowledge后可接of短语作定语或that从句作同位语,表示关于某方面的知识或对某人〔某事物〕的了解或理解,此时knowledge前须加定冠词。 knowledge可用some,much,little,more等词修饰。 短语搭配 explicit knowledge外显知识;显性知识;明确知识;显性学问 Knowledge Graph知识图谱;知识图;常识图谱;知识图表 procedural knowledge程序性知识;[计]过程性知识;程序知识;程序性的知识 knowledge representation知识表示;[计]知识表达;知识表征;知识表现 Local Knowledge地方性知识;[计]局部知识;地方知识;了解球路情况 Knowledge market知识市场;线知识市场

knowledge 可以用复数吗?

有两重用法一种最常用的是不可数表示知识,如:Her knowledge of English grammar is very extensive.还有一种,可数,但只作为单数,这个形式用法单一,即a + 形容词 +knowledge(表示一种特定的知识)如:He has a limi...

keep reviewing the knowledge in mind?对不对


knowledge begins with practice什么意思中文翻译


a knowledge based system 怎么翻译(专业翻译)


which factor is the most important to your success,your knowledge,your ability,or your capitals?why

Ability,Ability can join knowledge and capital together and maximize my achievement!


knowledgeability英 [ˌnɒlɪdʒə"bɪlətɪ] 美 [ˌnɒlɪdʒə"bɪlətɪ] n.知识丰富的,聪明的双语例句1We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, the methods of testing a person"s knowledgeability remain as primitive as ever they were. 对各个学科所取得的进步或许会感到吃惊,测试人们知识和能力的方法仍像过去一样原始。2Secondly, it discusses the coexistence of knowledgeability and literal arts in naturalistic narratives. 其次,论述了博物叙事的知识性与文学性的共存特征。


中文意思是: 知识能力;知识学;知识性;知能;知识丰富的。读音:[ˌnɒlɪdʒə"bɪlətɪ];美 [ˌnɒlɪdʒə"bɪlətɪ]短语1、knowledgeability knowledgeble 知识丰富的2、knowledgeability and specialization 博与专例句:On the Knowledgeability in Enterprise Management and Administration 翻译:论企业经营管理工作中的知识性扩展资料:近义词1、acumen:聪明,敏锐读音:英 [ˈækjəmən; əˈkjuːmən];美 [ˈækjəmən,əˈkjuːmən] 短语Acumen Fund 聪明人基金 ; 聪明人基金会 ; 纽约商机基金;business acumen 商业头脑 ; 生意头脑 ; 敏锐度 ; 商业才智例句:When you have business acumen, you realize the importance of every job at every  stage of your career. 翻译:当你拥有商业智慧的时候,你就会明白你每一个职业阶段的每一份工作的重要性。2、brightness:亮度;聪明,活泼;鲜艳;愉快读音:英 [ˈbraɪtnəs]  美 [ˈbraɪtnəs] 短语brightness constancy 亮度恒定 ; 明度恒常性 ; 明度常性 ; 亮度恒定性;brightness range 亮度范围 ; 亮度规模 ; 激光束亮度例句:Astronomers describe star brightness in terms of magnitude and luminosity. 翻译:天文学家用星等和光度来描述恒星的亮度。

it is knowledge that has quipped us human beings with the limitless power with which we dominate

应该是equip吧?正是知识赋予我们人类无穷的力量,使我们能支配比我们身体素质还高(还强壮)的存在。it is ...that 是强调句的句式,重点突出knowledge知识with which 是修饰limitless power第二个that从句修饰all beings

求英语作文一篇:Barriers to knowledge transfer


I acquire many knowledge 这样写对吗 learn和acquire有啥区别


profound knowledge是什么意思

  profound knowledge 意思是:深厚的知识

As is widely acknowledged, playing outside helps children&nb...

B 试题分析:考察固定短语  A总的来说 B轮流,进一步 C总的来说 D作为回报句意为:人们普遍认为 室外玩耍可以帮助孩子去了解和探索好奇心,好奇心又进一步促进创新力的发展。根据句意可知:B选项为最佳答案考点:考察固定短语 点评:介词短语一直是命题者常设置的考点和重点,平时要加强记忆。本题的四个选项都很重要,尤其要注意四个短语在具体语言环境中的使用,考生应注意对短语的正确归类和对词义的准确理解



重新安装itunes出现安装程序没有修改文件c:program filesipadacknowledgements.rtf的权限,可以怎样解






acknowledgements not applicable什么意思

acknowledgements not applicable确认不适用acknowledgements not applicable确认不适用






acknowledg(e)ment[Ek5nClidVmEnt]n.承认, 自认, 供认感谢; 致谢(出版物序言常用语)收条, 收帖(收到赠书或样本时的答复)【律】承认书, 自白, 谢罪summary来自拉丁词 summarius[5sQmErI]n-ries 总结;摘要;概略


英语论文致谢Acknowledgements   论文的最后一段都要写一份论文致谢,用于感谢在校学习过程中给予自己帮助和支持的人,让我们开始论文致谢的写作吧。写论文致谢需要注意哪些问题呢?下面是我为大家整理的英语论文致谢Acknowledgements,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。   英语论文致谢Acknowledgements   First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Zhang Hong, for her instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis.   High tribute shall be paid to Ms. Geng Li, whose profound knowledge of English triggers my love for this beautiful language and whose earnest attitude tells me how to learn English.   I am also deeply indebted to all the other tutors and teachers in Translation Studies for their direct and indirect help to me.   Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort int o their comments on the draft.   Finally, I am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement.   Acknowledgements   I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.   My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Zhou Yanxia, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.   Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Wang Jinsheng, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Ms. Wu Qing, Feng Shaozhong and Han Xiaoya, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.   Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. ;

英语翻译Additional recipients to whom acknowledgement is to be sent by IRS


latex中 begin acknowledgement 需要什么宏包


sri lanka eta status acknowledgement什么意思

ETA:Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到港时间ETD:Estimated Time of Departure 预计开航时间

Acknowledgement of Application Thank you for taking the time to review our current opportunities an

承认应用感谢你抽出时间来回顾一下我们的当前的机会承认应用 感谢你抽出时间来回顾一下我们的当前的机会和为完成及代理本申请表,香格里拉中国国际大饭店。我们来复习你的细节和接触你时,我们又能领略到你的应用程序适合。 再一次感谢您什么有趣的发现,加入香格里拉中国国际大饭店

翻译thanks for your acknowledgement


in acknowledgement of什么意思及同义词

in acknowledgement of在确认双语对照例句:1.In acknowledgement of your letter of june. 你6月14日的来信已收悉。2.The employees may directly bring a lawsuit to the people"s court if their claim based on a bill signed in acknowledgement of debt and not involving other labor disputes. 劳动者以用人单位的工资欠条为证据,且不涉及劳动关系其他争议的,可直接向人民法院起诉。3.In acknowledgement of contribution of human capital, we should deal with well the relation between human capital and money capital, evaluation of human capital, prompting and restriction of human capital and its legal liability. 人力资本出资并非不可能,而是存在观念问题。在确认人力资本出资时,应处理好人力资本与货币资本的关系、人力资本的评估、人力资本的激励与约束及法律责任等问题。
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