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这是因为你用的是“自由形式”的测试题吧? 你若用这种形式的测试题,首先得在页面上插入“控件”中的“单选按钮”。插入单选按钮后,再点击“插入”工具栏中的“转换为自由形式“。 然后,就可以了。

storyline中 在播放完动画后怎么跳到下一ppt



点击工具处的菜单中的动画设置来设置循环播放。Storyline要占的内存比较大点,因为要加上课程播放器的高和宽也要占一点点尺寸。stockx作为全球最大的球鞋购买平台及网站,相信其影响力也是无与伦比的。最近stockx推出了全新的Streetwear板块,版块内以supreme、BAPE及Off-White等大热品牌的售卖为主。美国的主流购鞋炒鞋网站,类似于国内的大型球鞋平台,但是更加专业,货源渠道也更加有保障。权威球鞋交易平台StockX近日宣布涉足街头服饰领域,并开设了以Supreme为主的全新Streetwear版块,同时还引入了来自BAPE及Off-White却笕绕放频淖⒛康テ贰StockX在网站上提供了更加透明化的高低价格显示,买家下单后,卖家需将单品寄到位于底特律的检定中心进行真假鉴别,最后再由StockX完成交付。对于Supreme死忠来说,无疑是一个值得时刻留意的新平台。这个软件你既可以买,也可以卖,它只是一个提供正品检测的中介平台。对于卖家会收一共26%的手续费,买家则无需支付手续费。在这里你需要记住两个非常关键的词:ASK和BID。ASK的意思是卖家售价,比如你看到有Lowest Ask,则证明有卖家喊出了在这里最低的售价。BID表示买家的出价,比如你看到Highest Bid则代表有买家出了最高的买价。





网络课件制作软件Articulate Storyline 简要介绍

Articulate Storyline 是Articulate公司于2015年5月发布的一款新的课件制作软件。它是一个功能强大的、独立的、单机版的E-learning多媒体互动课件开发工具,具有无可比拟的交互功能,可以帮助使用者建立动态的、引人入胜的课件,其中包含模拟、屏幕录制、拖放式交互、单机显示活动以及测试和评估等。 这款软件的功能特点主要有: (1) 支持所有的中文字体,无乱码烦恼。 (2) 有大量的课件模板,既有静态模板又有互动模板,让课件开发变得更快捷、高效。 (3) 有大量生动、实用的矢量图人物角色模板,每种人物还有几十甚至上百种不同的表情和姿势,让课件更加丰富多彩,并可以节省在网上搜索相关图片的时间。 (4) 可以直接导入PPT页面,并进行进一步编辑。 (5) 互动效果的设置简单、便捷,只需在互动功能面板中选择某一项互动功能,并进行相应设置,及可看到所要的互动效果,所见即所得,让初学者更易上手。 (6) 播放器自带声音控制、目录、进度控制条、词典等功能,让课件更加容易控制。 (7) 采用图层化的设计理念和所见即所得的动作触发器机制。Storyline里提供给了21种动作和多种触发器事件,课件编辑者可以结合动作和图层制作出多种多样的交互效果。 (8) 支持更多题型的测试题,有判断题、单选题、多选题、填空题、拖动题等,而且每种题型还有很多样式。此外,还提供了题库集和评估页面。题库集的主要功能是从课件编辑者设置好的题库中随机抽选出特定数目的题目让学习者作答,评估页面是对测试进行打分或者表示感谢。 (9) 集成了屏幕录制功能,课件制作者可以在编辑的同时录制屏幕。录制完毕可以点击Insert直接插入到Storyline场景或幻灯片中。 (10) 支持SCORM 1.2和SCORM 2004标准,同时可以发布为HTML 5,在iPad、iPhone中播放。




收。根据查询storyline3相关信息得知,storyline3收费。 Storyline3是全球最受欢迎的互动电子课件制作工具,具有丰富的图像资源、强大的交互功能、直观的操作界面,能够帮助创建生动有趣的学习内容、可以生动的呈现用户心中的想象。





咨询 怎样写故事线 storyline

故事线不要太明显好么!引用亚里士多德的戏剧storyline(故事线):characters(人物) - 主角缺少了一样东西beginning(开端) - 主角踏上了寻找它的旅途conflict(冲突) - 反派来阻止主人公jeopardy(危险) - 如果反派获胜,主角将失去重要的东西events(事件) - 主角克服困难,解决了问题end(结局) - 主角胜利(喜剧)或失败(悲剧),旅程结束花儿与少年主角:张翰,他缺少了一根筋。。。咳咳,那个,待人接物的情商。开端:被迫踏上了照顾姐姐弟弟的旅程。冲突:爱挑刺爱抱怨的姐姐们。危险:安排不当,得罪了各路前辈,回来没法混演艺圈了。事件:之后肯定会有各种各样的危机,在睿智大姐和能手四姐帮助下,主角一步一步地学习,一个一个克服它们。结局:大家各自进步,愉快结束旅程。ps 那个,亚里士多德故事线的来源是我们老师的课件,在网上慢慢搜索中,先这么放上来吧,他(*^__^*)

电影中,plot和story line有什么区别,急急急急!!

plot一般理解为故事中的一段情节,story line是整个故事


打地鼠游戏,小型打怪游戏。Storyline支持制作打地鼠游戏,小型打怪游戏的游戏。Articulate Storyline是Articulate公司于2012年5月发布的一款课件制作工具软件。这款软件是一个独立的、单机版的E-learning多媒体互动课件开发工具。具有强大交互功能,包括模拟、屏幕录制、拖放式交互、单击显示活动以及测试和评估等,帮助您轻松制作优秀的交互型多媒体课件,该软件使用起来很简单,并且支持简体中文,新用户也能快速上手。




这时也就显现出幻灯片名称的重要性了,如果幻灯片没有明确的名称,可能在这里你就不好找到自己想要拖动的幻灯片或者要插入的目标位置了。 8.多场景的播放控制当有多个场景时,默认情况下,播放器播放完一个开始场景后,会自动停止。等待用户选择进行播放,而不会根据场景的序列号自动进行播放。此时我们可以通过Jump to next slide跳到下一个幻灯片按钮给场景指定Link to Scene链接到场景建立场景间的关系。指定场景后,场景的位置和关系都会发生变化。建立顺序的两个幻灯片由左右变为上下关系,而且用箭头标识出了其关系。这种操作的实质是给该场景的最后一张幻灯片指定后面场景,我们选中“2.1预览”场景,其右边的Triggers触发器已经显示了这种关系。当用户单击下一页按钮是跳到“1 Storyline的视图”场景单击“1 Storyline的视图”场景名称,这里会弹出下面的选项:unassigned未指定 当要删除当前场景和下一个场景的关系时,可以选择这个。 previous scene前一个场景,按场景序号转到前一个场景。 next scene 下一个场景,按场景序号转到下一个场景。其余的都是我们在Story view视图中建立的场景。选择哪个场景就会转到哪个场景。在场景上还可以进行添加新幻灯片、编辑幻灯片、添加屏幕录制、向题库添加内容等操作。这些内容现在不讲,等后面介绍到对应内容大家就会应用了!Storyline的切换视图方法当在制作课件过程中需要切换视图时,有以下三种方法:第一种,推荐的方法,也是任何时候都可以直接进行切换的方法,单击右下角的Story View视图按钮进行切换。第二种,单击Story View视图选项卡进行切换第三种,单击View视图>Views视图组>Story 视图Storyline普通视图的使用Normal View 普通视图,普通视图就是幻灯片视图,是建立和自定义每张幻灯片内容的地方。你可以普通视图上编辑特定幻灯片的任何事物-包括幻灯片设计、幻灯片上的对象、时间轴和动画、状态、触发器等等。你可以在幻灯片上创建和自定义层,然后使用触发器去控制这些层的显示出现。1.如何切换到普通视图如果你在Story view视图中,你可以双击任何一张幻灯片缩略图去查看该幻灯片的普通视图,这也是推荐的方法。或者,你可以在Storyline ribbon上单击View视图选项卡,然后选择Normal View普通视图。或者,如果你是在普通视图以外的视图,你可以通过点击屏幕底部右下角的幻灯片图标快速切换到普通视图。



love story 歌词

uff08Mariah Careyuff09 - Love StoryAy bay it wonu2019t endu2019 wonu2019t endu2019 wonu2019t endLetu2019s talk about loveThis is my love storyBoy meets girl and looks in her eyesTime stands still and two hearts catch fireOff they go rollercoaster rideUp & down and around...Twisted all out they mindsAnd then his friendsSaid "its too soon to settle down"And then her friendsSaid "heu2019s a playau2019 slow it down"They couldnu2019t be who they wasCause it just seemed like loveWasnu2019t on they sideBut this isnu2019t ...Just another love storyTogether weu2019ll make historyI know because itu2019s just too realTheyu2019ll be no end to our love storyAnd this ainu2019t gon end upLike that Casablanca movie...noThis ainu2019t no fairy tale or fictionThis is trulyOurs for the eternityTheyu2019ll be no end to our love storyBaby...Chapter two...When they meet up againSecond time aroundSee but theyu2019re just friendsBut the feelings still strongAnd itu2019s been too longTo be trippinu2019 like they ainu2019t been missingThey on the phone likeAy bay bayLetu2019s meet up todayGots bout an hour or twoYou might as well come thruWe can make it like it wasJust the two of usBack up on that rollercoasterLike we been supposed toCause this isnu2019tJust another love storyTogether weu2019ll make historyI know because itu2019s destinyTheyu2019ll be no end to our love storyAnd this ainu2019t gon end upLike that Casablanca movie...noThis ainu2019t no fairy tale or fictionThis is trulyOurs for the eternityTheyu2019ll be no end to our love storyBaby...Just when it seemedLike all the oddsWere stacked against themThey came back stronger then beforeMatter fact then someStronger then prideLookinu2019 like themLookinu2019 like heru2019 lookinu2019 like himStronger then hateAnd the whole world tooLookinu2019 like meLookinu2019 like youu2019Cause this isnu2019t just another love storyTogether weu2019ll make historyI know because itu2019s destinyTheyu2019ll be no end to our love storyAnd this ainu2019t gon end upLike that Casablanca movie...noThis ainu2019t no fairy tale or fictionThis is trulyOurs for the eternityTheyu2019ll be no end to our love storyBaby...Ay bay bay it wonu2019t endu2019 wonu2019t endu2019 wonu2019t end

谁有taylor swift - the story of us的中英对应歌词?


泰勒斯威夫特的love story的歌词 带汉语翻译 好友贾斯汀比伯《next2you》歌词 带汉语

Taylor Swift - Love StoryWe were both young when I first saw you第一次见到你时,我们都很年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts闭上眼睛,即回到过去I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air夏天的夜风中我站在那里,站在露台上See the lights, see the party, the ballgowns看着闪烁的灯光,看着舞会,看着裙摆舞动See you make your way to the crowd看到你走向人群And say hello, little did I know并说你好,我不知道That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles你就是Romeo,你扔着小石子And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet!"我爹爹嚷嚷:“不要招惹Juliet!”And I was crying on the staircase我站在楼梯上Begging you please don"t go求你:请别走And I said,我说:"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone“Romeo,带我走,去一个我们可以独处的地方I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我会一直等你,我们能做的只能是离开(私奔,呵呵……)You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess你是我的王子,我是你的公主It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这是一个爱情故事,宝贝,只需说,我愿意”So I sneak out to the garden to see you于是我溜到花园里去见你We keep quiet, "cause we"re dead if they knew我们轻轻悄悄,因为如果被人们发现,我们只有死路一条So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while所以闭上你的双眼,暂时逃离此地"Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter因为你是Romeo,我是一个红字(?)”And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet!"而我爹爹又说了:“不要招惹Juliet!”But you were everything to me但你是我的一切I was begging you please don"t go我央求你,请别离开我"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone“Romeo,带我走,去一个我们可以独处的地方I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我会一直等你,我们能做的只能是离开(私奔,呵呵……)You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess你是我的王子,我是你的公主It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这是一个爱情故事,宝贝,只需说,我愿意”Romeo, save me, they"re trying to tell me how to feel“Romeo,救救我,人们试图告诉我该如何感受This love is difficult, but it"s real这份爱很艰辛,但很真实Don"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this mess不要害怕,我们会理出头绪It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这是一个爱情故事,宝贝,只需说,我愿意”I got tired of waiting,我厌倦了等待wondering if you were ever coming around总在想,你是否还会回来My faith in you was fading,我的信念正渐渐消逝when I met you on the outskirts of town在镇外遇见你时And I said,我说:"Romeo, save me, I"ve been feeling so alone“Romeo,救救我,我觉得非常孤独,I keep waiting for you but you never come我一直等你,但你却全不露面Is this in my head, I don"t know what to think"这是否是我的空想,我完全不知道作何感想”He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring他跪在地上,拿出一枚戒指,And said,并说道:"Marry me, Juliet, you"ll never have to be alone“嫁给我吧,Juliet,你再也不会孤独I love you and that"s all I really know我爱你,这便是我确知的全部I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress我跟你爹爹谈过了,去挑一件白色长裙吧It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这是我们的爱情故事,宝贝,只需说,我愿意。”We were both young when I first saw you我们相识时,彼此都很年轻Next 2 You在你身边You"ve got that smile 你拥有了这种微笑That only heaven can make 只有天使才能做到I"ll pray to God every day 我每天都向上帝祷告That you keep that smile 让你保持这种微笑You are my dream 你是我梦寐以求的There"s not a thing I won"t do没有什么事我不能做 I"ll give my life up for you 我愿意把一生献给你"Cause you are my dream 因为你就是我梦寐以求的人And baby everything that I have is yours 我所有的一切就是拥有你You will never go cold or hungry 你永远都不会感到冷和饿I"ll be there when you"re insecure 当你没有安全感的时候,我永远陪在你身边Let you know that you"re always lovely, girl 让你知道你永远都是那么可爱"Cause you are the only thing that I got right now 因为你现在就是我的一切One day when the sky is fallin" 就算有一天,天塌下来I"ll be standing right next to you, right next to you 我会站在你身边,在你身边Nothing will ever come between us 没有什么可以分开我们"Cause i"ll be standing right next to you, right next to you因为我一定会站在你身边,在你身边 You had my child 你有我的babyYou would make my life complete 这使我的人生都完整无缺Just to have your eyes only on me 只要你的眼里只有我一个That"d be mine forever 你就永远是我的And baby everything that I have is yours 我所有的一切就是拥有你You will never go cold or hungry 你永远都不会冷和饿I"ll be there when you"re insecure 当你没有安全感的时候,我永远陪在你身边Let you know that you"re always lovely, girl 让你知道你永远都是那么可爱"Cause you are the only thing that I got right now 因为你现在就是我的一切One day when the sky is fallin" 就算有一天,天塌下来I"ll be standing right next to you, right next to you 我会站在你身边,在你身边Nothing will ever come between us 没有什么可以分开我们"Cause i"ll be standing right next to you, right next to you 因为我一定会站在你身边,在你身边We"re made for one another 我们会为彼此Me and you 我和你And i have no fear 我不会害怕I know we"ll make it through 我知道我们一定会做到One day when the sky is fallin" 就算有一天,天塌下来I"ll be standing right next to you, right next to you 我会站在你身边,在你身边Nothing will ever come between us 没有什么可以分开我们"Cause i"ll be standing right next to you, right next to you 因为我一定会站在你身边,在你身边Stand by my side, side, side 站在我身边When the sky, falls, down 当天空,瀑布,砸下来I"ll be there, i"ll be there 我会在这里,我会在这里You"ve got that smile 你拥有了这种微笑That only heaven can make 只有在天堂里才能看到I"ll pray to God every day 我每天都向上帝祷告That you keep that smile 让你保持这种微笑

为什么轩辕剑3外传天之痕玩一会后出现mani file error story01.ani



真实性。1、story内容是真实的或虚构的,fairy tale更加委婉点,更虚幻,更飘渺,更不切实际。2、story用来陈述故事,已经发生,faliy用来说对未来的想象,还未发生。

fantasy story和fairy tale的区别

tale 1(尤指充满惊险的)故事She was reading tales of adventures.她在读冒险故事.2.传言; 谣言This is a folk tale.这是一个民间传说.3.(精彩但不一定完全真实的)讲述,叙述 4.传说;陈述 n.故事,传说,谎言,叙述,新闻报道 n.The story stirred her sympathy.n.这故事激起了她的同情心.n.故事 n.The story stirred her sympathy.n.这故事激起了她的同情心.n.The story took place in a serene summer night.n.故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜.n.传说 n.This novel has been developed out of a folk story.n.这部小说脱胎于民间传说.n.谎言 n.He took the girl in with his stories.n.他用一套谎言蒙骗了那个女孩.n.叙述 n.The boy"s story has some colour of truth.n.这男孩的一番叙述听来似乎是真的.n.新闻报道 n.He will break the story tomorrow morning.n.他明天上午将发表这篇新闻报道.n.楼层(=storey)n.楼层(=storey) story n.That is a house of six stories.n.那是一栋六层楼的房子.vt.以历史事件为图案装饰

Michael Jackson的《History》 歌词

歌曲名:History歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:History - Past, Present And Future - Book IHistoryMichael JacksonHe got kicked in the backHe say that he needed thatHe hot willed in the faceKeep daring to motivateHe say one day you will seeHis place in world historyHe dares to be recognizedThe fires deep in his eyesHow many victims must there beSlaughtered in vain across the landAnd how many struggles must there beBefore we choose to live the prophet"s planEverybodyEvery day create your historyEvery path you take you"re leaving your legacyEvery soldier dies in his gloryEvery legend tells of conquest and libertyDon"t let no one get you downKeep movin" on higher groundKeep flying untilYou are the king of the hillNo force of nature can breakYour will to self motivateShe say this face that you seeIs destined for historyHow many people have to cryThe song of pain and grief across the landAnd how many children have to dieBefore we stand to lend a healing handEverybody singEvery day create your historyEvery path you take you"re leaving your legacyEvery soldier dies in his gloryEvery legend tells of conquest and libertyEvery day create your historyEvery page you turn you"re writing your legacyEvery hero dreams of chivalryEvery child should sing together in harmonyAll nations singLet"s harmonize all around the worldHow many victims must there beSlaughtered in vain across the landAnd how many children must we seeBefore we learn to live as brothersAnd create one family ohEvery day create your historyEvery path you take you"re leaving your legacyEvery soldier dies in his gloryEvery legend tells of conquest and libertyEvery day create your historyEvery page you turn you"re writing your legacyEvery hero dreams of chivalryEvery child should sing together in harmonyAll nations singLet"s harmonize all around the world


1.interesting 4.~s5.wait 6.children7.waiter?还是问的是waitresses 8.policewomen

求几首好听的英文歌、像Laura Story的Grace之类听着舒心安静的歌

下面的是我比较喜欢听的英文歌推荐楼主去听听Craig David的 don"t love you no more、Johnny、Never Should Have Walked Away、Unbelievable、Walking Away、7 Days、Do You Believe In LoveNe-Yo的Go on Girl、Mad、Because of You、Better Today、So SickBabyface的I Need A Love Song、 with him、Mad, Sexy, Cool、Drama, Love & Lationshipskay-b的Don"t U Walk AwayShayne Ward的No Promises、Back At Once、What About Me、BreathlessBobby Tinsley的Missing You、You、Hope Is Almost Here、I Got TimeTaylor Siwft的 love story、teardrops on my guitar、You Belong With Me、Thug StoryJesse McCartney的Beautiful soul、Because You Live、Take Your Sweet TimeJo De La Rosa的A Little InspirationPlain White T"s的1, 2, 3, 4Urbanize的Warten Auf Dichbough & ize的ein und allesMirah的gotta go homeAtomic Kitten的Tide Is High、Nothing In The World、If You Come To MeLynnsha的Si SeulementThe Weepies的Gotta Have YouCleopatra Stratan的GhitaThe dream的my loveIronik的stay with meNever had a dream come tureMatt Palmer的Rain、float away、AloneAllen iverson的Last nightLoona的AngelSweetbox的We Can Work It Out、Life Is Cool、Read My Mind、Everything"S Gonna Be AlrightMariah Carey的Bye Bye、I Stay In Love、Love Story、Touch My Body、We Belong TogetherSheryfa Luna的J"ai Le DroitMario的How Do I Breathe、I Choose You、Crazy Kind Of LoveA teens的fire flyTATU的Gomenasai、Loves Me NotVanessa Hudgens的Don"t Ask WhyAshlee Simpson的pieces of meTrey Songz的I Need A GirlNelly的DilemmaRossTallanma的lubovBrian Mcknight的someday,someway,somehowShontelle的T-shirtChristina Aguilera的HurtTimbaland的ApologizeColbie Caillat的The Little Things、Bubbly、Feelings Show、OxygenDavid Usher的black black heartEnrique Iglesias的Do you know?The Ting Tings的That"s Not My NameFeist的1234Floortje的Wake upDavid Archuleta的Crush、Barriers、You CanLene Marlin的SITTING DOWN HERE、Here We AreШатунов Юрий的Не говори мне ничего(什么都不要对我说)Elliott Yamin的Fight For Love、This Step Alone、Wait For YouHannah Montana的Nobody"s perfectJ-five的find a wayJordin Sparks的Next To You、Tattoo、See My SideFoundations的Kata NashLeona Lewis的Bleeding loveLimp Bizkit的Behind blue eyesNatasha Bedingfield的soulmateNicole Scherzinger will i am的Baby lovePink的whow knewPlain white的Hey there delilahSarah Connor的love is colour blindSean Kingston的Beautiful girlsSpice girls的HeadliensT pain的LowTamas Wells的valder fieldstars-vitasAkon的sorry,Blame it on me、Sunny Day、Mr.lonely、Beautiful、Sweetest girlEminem的stanAlicia Keys的No oneBeyonce Knowles的Irreplaceable、If I Were A Boy、HaloRihanna的Hate that i love you、Take A Bow、Unfaithful、shut up and driveBoyzone的When you say nothing at allUsher的Burn、How do i say、Can i help youJames Blunt的1973、You"re BeautifulJason Mraz的I"m Yours冯曦妤的A Little Love、Forever Friends另外还有艾薇儿、BLUE、Groove Coverage、Hilary Duff、Katelyn Tarver、Sum41、菲姬Fergie、黑眼豆豆、后街、西城、杰西麦卡尼、凯莉·克莱森、 他们的歌都好听,我就把我自己经常听的些歌弄上来了 推荐你听听看吧,希望您喜欢~


Listen 感觉没有我心脏停掉了节奏(My heart be breakin")泪水曾经愤怒地掉落大声嘶吼Ha!移步向(My pain be creepin")灰眼留恋蓝天让无谓叫嚣变成泡沫含畏缩纯粹执著*原地踏步过多久新起始点站著我关卡都击破 放弃我字典没录入过我们分两头本太阳般体结构Oh oh我降落世界理由I need you and you want me 颗蓝色星体Every, every, everyday 我创造 History.Break it! 破陈旧规 Move it! 让谎言作废(No more shakin" like that)倒数归零会洗净了伤悲 崭新经纬时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度光辉会让我们牵起手飞* RepeatI need you and you want me 颗蓝色星体Oh oh让时间逆向行走该转变时候Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (turn it on)Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up当都寄望给永远所有都推迟下明天或许明天之没有未来留下只有悔恨灰烬和尘埃抓住爱手爱手爱手越爱越完美暖热星球悲伤左手握喜悦右手 我们分享同理由YA! 我们抱紧体诞生瞬间却开始习惯疏离和人世界距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远隔离分开成两边太阳需要分界线One more, two more, three four more瞬间迎接冀望已久梦里完美世界心脏开始跳动极速跳动Doongdoongdoongdoongdoongdoong徘徊过多久新起始点站著我Yeah- EXO-M, EXO-K 要打开我们未来 History我们分两头本太阳般体结构Oh-同颗心脏太阳下我们连线无限延长线I need you and you want me 颗蓝色星体Every, every, everyday 我创造 History.求采纳哦

this story is not new to Chinese children将to改for吗

不可以 因为 not to 不是for 希望帮助到你.

yesterday is history 的整句名言是什么?

是:Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God"s gift, that"s why we call it the present.Dear friends: To realize the value of ONE YEAR 想知道一整年的价值 ask the student who has failed a class 就去问被当过的学生 To realize the value of ONE MONTH 想知道一个月的价值 ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby 就去问曾经早产的母亲 To realize the value of ONE WEEK 想知道一个礼拜的价值 ask the editor of a weekly newspaper 就去问周报的编辑 To realize the value of ONE HOUR 想知道一个小时的价值 ask the lovers who are waiting to meet 就去问等待见面的情侣 To realize the value of ONE MINUTE 想知道一分钟的价值 ask a person who missed the train 就去问刚错过火车的人 To realize the value of ONE SECOND 想知道一秒钟的价值 ask a person who just avoided accident 就去问刚闪过一场车祸的人 To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND 想知道百分之一秒的价值 ask the person who won a silver medel in the Olympics 就去问奥运会银牌的得主 Treasure every moment that you have! 珍惜你所拥有的每一个瞬间 Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. 昨天已成为历史.明日却依然是谜. Today is a gift. 今天是珍贵的礼物. That"s why it is called present*!! 那就是它为什么被称作"当下"的原因. Show your friends how much you care... 让你的朋友知道你有多在乎他们.

翻译:tell a story( ) hot air( ) come clean( )

tell a story( 诉说一个故事)come clean( 让我们回去吧) hot air( 热空气)

如何理解这句话!In blue jeans,fashion reveals itself as a complex world of history and change.

In blue jeans,fashion reveals itself as a complex world of history and change.分析:In blue jeans壮语,in表示“方面、领域、范围”。fashion主语reveals谓语itself宾语,指的是fashionas a complex world of history and change.介词(引导的短语作宾语补语。大意:在牛仔裤方面,时尚展现了自身历史悠久而且变化无穷的复杂世界。

什么是feature story/news ?

更新1: 可否用中文回答!!! A feature story is an article in a newspaper a magazine or a news website that is not meant to report breaking news but to take an in-depth look at issues behind a news story often concentrating on background events persons or circumstances. While there are no clear guidelines on what exactly makes up a feature story they often add a more human touch to reporting while the time elapsed beeen an event and breaking the story is less critical than in traditional news reports.[1] The features themselves are written in a less urgent fashion than news stories sometimes taking several paragraphs to arrive at the main story while trying to engage the reader and keep them reading by employing narrative hooks.[2] Feature stories often delve deeper into their subjects expanding on the details rather than trying to concentrate on a few important key points. The writing style of the articles can be more colorful and employ a more plex narrative structure sometimes resembling the style of a nonfiction book more than a news report. As the print media faces ever stiffer petition from other sources of news feature stories are being more mon because they can be more engaging to read. At many newspapers news stories are sometimes written in "feature style " adopting some of the conventions of feature writing while still covering breaking events. Wire services such as the Associated Press which previously made a point of distributing only news now also include feature stories. The Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing is awarded annually for a distinguished example of feature writing in an American newspaper or magazine giving prime consideration to high literary quality and originality. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Feature_story 特别报导/专题报导?

“my secret story”是什么意思



narrative是指口述出来的事情 story是故事


narrative of story 是文学叙事的意思,可见narrative比story的范围小,有叙事文的意思,story有文学之意,范围更广.


Love Story直译:We were both young when I first saw you.为窝不样问爱分儿骚友。I close my eyes and the flashback starts.爱可露麦爱安则富来百丝大儿。I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air.爱丝但丁则儿 昂额包扛内撒美儿爱儿。See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.C则来 C则趴儿踢 则包刚。See you make your way through the crowd.C友美腰儿味苏则克肉。and say hello; 安C嗨喽。Little did I know 累头弟爱no。That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles,在友卧儿肉密欧 友卧儿丝肉印拍波丝。And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."安麦呆第赛丝嘚味芳朱丽叶。And I was crying on the staircase,安爱卧克让印昂则丝嘚尅丝。begging you, "Please, don"t go." 白跟友噗离丝冻狗。And I said, 安爱赛。"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.肉密欧忒密桑味儿味看逼额浪。I"ll be waiting; all there"s left to do is run.爱奥逼味听 奥则儿来吐度诶让。You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess.友奥逼则噗润丝安爱奥逼则噗润赛丝。It"s a love story baby just say "Yes."诶子额辣丝到瑞 北鼻炸赛耶丝。So I sneak out to the garden to see you.搜爱丝你奥吐则嘎儿顿吐C友。We keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knew.味尅快靠味带诶富则牛。So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while.搜可露丝要儿爱 诶丝给则糖发奥累头外奥。"Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,靠友窝儿肉密欧 爱卧丝卡儿来赖特儿。And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet,"安麦呆第赛丝嘚味放朱丽叶。But you were everything to me; I was begging you, "Please, don"t go,"爸友窝儿爱瑞森吐密 爱窝白跟友噗离丝冻狗。And I said, 安爱赛。"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.肉密欧忒密桑味儿味看逼额浪。I"ll be waiting; all there"s left to do is run.爱奥逼味听 奥则儿来吐度诶让。You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess友奥逼则噗润丝安爱奥逼则噗润赛丝。It"s a love story baby just say "Yes."诶子额辣丝到瑞 北鼻炸赛耶丝。Romeo save me; they"re tryin" to tell me how to feel.肉密欧C密 在踹吐套密好吐费。This love is difficult, but it"s real.则辣诶嘚飞靠 爸诶词瑞哦。Don"t be afraid; we"ll make it out of this mess.冻逼额富瑞 味美尅奥哦则丝麦丝。It"s a love story baby just say "Yes."诶字额辣丝到瑞 北鼻炸赛耶斯。I got tired of waiting, 爱告太欧味听。Wondering if you were ever comin" around.弯的润诶友窝儿抗敏额肉昂。My faith in you was fading.麦飞因友窝 飞丁。When I met you on the outskirts of town.问爱麦友昂则奥丝可儿哦糖。And I said, 安爱赛。"Romeo save me I"ve been feeling so alone.肉密欧C密爱兵飞林搜额浪I keep waiting for you but you never come.爱尅味听发奥友爸友乃窝儿抗Is this in my head? I don"t know what to think"诶丝则因麦害 爱冻no窝吐森。He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,嘿内奥吐则让安噗奥额润安赛。"Marry me, Juliet. you"ll never have to be alone.买瑞密 朱丽叶 友乃窝儿海吐逼额浪。I love you and that"s all I really know.爱辣友安在丝奥爱瑞里no。I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress;爱涛吐要儿呆 狗呸奥额外拽丝。It"s a love story baby just say "Yes."诶子额辣丝到瑞 北鼻炸赛耶斯。Oh, oh. 哦哦。We were both young when I first saw you.为窝不样问爱分儿骚友。《Love Story》是由美国女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特录唱的一首乡村流行歌曲,歌词、曲谱由泰勒·斯威夫特创作,音乐制作由泰勒·斯威夫特、内森·查普曼共同负责。《Love Story》作为推广其所属专辑的首支单曲,于2008年9月12日通过大机器唱片公司发行,后被收录在泰勒·斯威夫特于2008年11月11日发行的第二张录音室专辑《Fearless》。《Love Story》在公告牌百强单曲榜最高排名第四,是泰勒·斯威夫特第五支打入该榜单前五名的单曲。该歌曲被美国唱片工业协会认证为五倍白金单曲,使得泰勒·斯威夫特成为2009年美国数码单曲销量最高的女歌手 。简介:2015年7月,该歌曲在美国已售出587万。2009年6月,这首歌曲MV获得乡村音乐电视奖“年度最佳音乐视频”奖项。2021年4月9日,重新收录于泰勒斯威夫特的重录专辑《Fearless (Taylor"s Version)》中,并进行了重新录制。

求Love Story Taylor Swift的中文谐音歌词不是中文翻译,

为沃波斯样 文艾fer搜U (We were both young when I first saw you)艾克咯斯eyes安代the发啦石办可斯 艾么斯淡定there (I close my eyes and the flashback starts,I"m standing there)ong 额八肯妞撒么儿爱(on a balcony in summer air)司仪(连 see)the 莱次 see the 爬梯,the 不偶(连ball)够嗯斯(See the lights, see the party, the ballgowns)艾see U 妹克哟儿为 斯肉 the 克肉的安的sei黑楼(See you make your way to the crowd,And say hello)类头 帝的 艾 NO(little did I know)的U沃 U 沃斯如因佩本斯 (That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles)安埋戴迪赛的斯逮呃为佛么朱莉诶 (And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet!")安带我斯快因ong the 是得呃开斯 (And I was crying on the staircase)北gin U 皮李思洞够 oh~ (Begging you please don"t go)安带sa (And I said,)若密欧 忒米桑么为wi比呃龙 ("Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone)啊wi为听 欧则斯乐兔独s如 (I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run)哟比the佩瑞斯安大沃比the佩瑞森 (You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess)诶次额老v斯多瑞 北鼻这斯嘚yes *(It"s a love story, baby, just say yes")搜爱死你嘎特兔the嘎等兔see u (So, I sneak out to the garden to see you )wi ki快t阔s wi帝的符they no (We keep quiet cause we"re

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同问 同求 谢谢啦

为什么abaqus 6.10里的history output request里的Domain里,没有connector选项我按“abaqus有限元分析实


谁帮我翻译这段话(摘自 a story of minkind, by van Loon))

in the light of = in view of翻译:刚刚过去的大战,将被视为布匿战争的延续。在那场战争中,古罗马和迦太基为争夺地中海霸权而进行了持续百年的激烈冲突。翻译说明:之所以没有把“in the light of”翻译为“从……视角(观点)看……”,就是为了避免使整个句子拖沓、拗口、费解。为了使句子流畅,直接使用了中国人习惯的那场战争的名称“布匿战争”。

the end of the story 和the ending of the story哪个正确

the end of the story 是故事的结尾,强调故事的后面那一部分。the ending of the story是故事的结局

textbook和story book怎么读

texdook贴克斯博客----------story book斯刀瑞布克

detective story 为题目的英语作文80字速度啊,给分的·

楼上【译文】第一个侦探故事“在莫格街谋杀案”的爱伦坡于1841年4月出版。在侦探界已经在国内只有几十年前,和坡一般认为已经由回忆录(1828年至1829年)的弗朗索瓦欧仁维多克,谁在1817年成立了世界上第一个侦探局在巴黎的影响。爱伦坡的侦探小说法国,长奥古斯特杜平,出现了两个故事,说:“玛丽Roget之谜”(1845年)和“盗取的信”(1845年)。侦探故事很快扩大到新的长度。再给你一篇 我的梦想就是:当一名侦探Everyone has their own dream, my dream is this: When a detectiveThis is an idea I saw from the animated film "Detective Conan" after began. This is a Japanese animation, talking about the small Goro 江户川柯南 and the Maori story of his uncle"s crime detection. As a small detective, Conan always look carefully around the details of each case, multiple brains, diligence and thinking, careful analysis of cases of a causal relationship, do surveys, careful study and ultimately made the right judgments, uncovered the truth behind the scenes fierce. Conan"s story tells us: can not slack on any matter can not be blind to the conclusion, the right to judge, from the careful investigation and analysis. Since then, I became even more love our brains, and often pestered my mother gave me some logical reasoning, Riddles like puzzle title, each time racking their brains thinking are happy experience, but passed a motion moment of their brains to find out more feel extremely happy, particularly a sense of accomplishment, so, I had a dream when the detective. However, my mother said that when the detective is not an easy thing so ah, we must have accumulated a wealth of scientific knowledge, but also a keen observation and careful thinking. In order to achieve my dream, from now on I have to study hard, earnestly listening to the teacher lectures, the foundation, solid; would also like to read, expand their knowledge. Also, when you encounter problems, I will observe, think about training their own thinking and observation capability for the realization of my dream ready. 每个人都有属于自己的梦想,我的梦想就是:当一名侦探。 这个念头是从我看了动画片《名侦探柯南》之后开始的。这是一部日本动画片,讲的是江户川柯南和毛利小伍郎叔叔的破案故事。作为一名小侦探,柯南总是细心观察身边每一个案件的细节,多动脑,勤思考,仔细分析案件的因果关系,做好调查,认真研究,最终作出了正确的判断,揪出了幕后真凶。柯南的故事告诉我们:对任何事都不能马虎,不能盲目地下结论,正确的判断,来自于认真的调查和分析。  自从那以后,我变得更爱动脑筋了,经常缠着妈妈给我出一些逻辑推理、脑筋急转弯之类的益智题,每一次绞尽脑汁的思考都是快乐的体验,而通过动脑筋自己找出答案的时刻更觉得无比快乐,特别有成就感,于是,我有了当侦探的梦想。可是,妈妈说,当侦探也不是一件那么轻松的事啊,既要积累丰富的科学知识,还得有敏锐的观察能力和缜密的思维能力。为了实现我的梦想,从现在开始我要努力学习,认真听老师讲课,把基础打扎实;还要博览群书,扩展自己的知识面。还有,遇到问题时,我会多观察、多思考,训练自己的思维能力和观察能力,为实现我的梦想做好准备。

侦探小说用英文怎么说?是“detective story

可以用:detective novel 引用萨缪尔·贝克特的作品介绍: Molloy,for instance,still retains many of the characteristics of a conventional novel—time,place,movement and plot—and is indeed,on one level,a detective novel. 也可以用:detective story 引用英文网站detective-story: The detective story soon expanded to novel length. 我个人认为用第一个比较好.

侦探小说用英文怎么说?是“detective story ”吗?

Back to december和Love story的中文意思~ Taylor Swift 还有什么好听的歌????

回到12月 爱情故事 好听的mine , enchanted, stay beautiful

英语作文 my love story

The first meet From the man: The autumn arrived, every tree was covered by red maple leaves. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. This was normal to me because every year was like this. But you, a beautiful angle, broke into my world. My heaven lighted suddenly. Are you another part of me? The second meet From the woman: I couldn"t say how delighted I was when I met you again. These days I always remembered you. I intentionally slowed down my speed and carefully observed when I washed your hair. Your bushy eyebrows, your straight nose, and your handsome face … I touched your eyes with my soapy hands beyond my control. My boss blamed me but you just smiled to me. I wanted to say sorry but was speechless when you looked at me. I felt very nervous. What happened to me? The third meet From the man: As the saying goes that the first time is accidental, second is necessity only, third time is to decreed by fate. I kept you when you came to return my cap which I lost in the barbershop on purpose. I thought I was the happiest man in the world when I took photos for you. From that moment, I was falling in love with you. The love days From the woman: My life changed because of you. I like you to take photos for me. I like your faithful eyes. Only from your eyes could I find different myself. I secretly pasted our photos together. Can you feel my heart? Mutation From the man: If time can come again, I will certainly not let you to take it. If time can come again, I hope it was me to get hurt. If time can come again, I will do my best to protect you. If time can come again...Doctor told me you might be blind. I don"t believe that! Photographing, racing car are meaningless without you! Darling, please, promise me, you are OK, you will be fine…From the woman: I never saw you when I opened me eyes again. You took your pictures down off the wall. And I knew that you left my world. I did not blame you. I was just sad at our short love. I pretended I was OK. But I knew I would never be myself again. Unexpected meet From the woman: I received a magazine with my photo. And I found you. Suddenly, tears endlessly streaming from my eyes. Why did you devote to me? Why were you so stupid? The truth From the man: I decided to give my corneas to you. That"s the only thing I can do for you. Please forgive me leaving your world. I can"t take care of you any long. Forget me to find better man. Promise me that you will be happy. Goodbye, my love…Ending From the woman: This time, let me be your eyes forever…O(∩_∩)O~

英语作文 my love story

The first meet From the man: The autumn arrived, every tree was covered by red maple leaves. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. This was normal to me because every year was like this. But you, a beautiful angle, broke into my world. My heaven lighted suddenly. Are you another part of me? The second meet From the woman: I couldn"t say how delighted I was when I met you again. These days I always remembered you. I intentionally slowed down my speed and carefully observed when I washed your hair. Your bushy eyebrows, your straight nose, and your handsome face … I touched your eyes with my soapy hands beyond my control. My boss blamed me but you just smiled to me. I wanted to say sorry but was speechless when you looked at me. I felt very nervous. What happened to me? The third meet From the man: As the saying goes that the first time is accidental, second is necessity only, third time is to decreed by fate. I kept you when you came to return my cap which I lost in the barbershop on purpose. I thought I was the happiest man in the world when I took photos for you. From that moment, I was falling in love with you. The love days From the woman: My life changed because of you. I like you to take photos for me. I like your faithful eyes. Only from your eyes could I find different myself. I secretly pasted our photos together. Can you feel my heart? Mutation From the man: If time can come again, I will certainly not let you to take it. If time can come again, I hope it was me to get hurt. If time can come again, I will do my best to protect you. If time can come again...Doctor told me you might be blind. I don"t believe that! Photographing, racing car are meaningless without you! Darling, please, promise me, you are OK, you will be fine…From the woman: I never saw you when I opened me eyes again. You took your pictures down off the wall. And I knew that you left my world. I did not blame you. I was just sad at our short love. I pretended I was OK. But I knew I would never be myself again. Unexpected meet From the woman: I received a magazine with my photo. And I found you. Suddenly, tears endlessly streaming from my eyes. Why did you devote to me? Why were you so stupid? The truth From the man: I decided to give my corneas to you. That"s the only thing I can do for you. Please forgive me leaving your world. I can"t take care of you any long. Forget me to find better man. Promise me that you will be happy. Goodbye, my love…Ending From the woman: This time, let me be your eyes forever…O(∩_∩)O~

英语作文A story I Love Most

Many widely known love stories exist,but the one that touched me the most was a trivial,yet brave story.True LoveA girl and guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycleGirl:Slow down,I"m scared!Guy:No,this is fun.Girl:No,it"s not.Please,I"m scared.Guy:Then tell me you love me.Girl:I love you,now slow down!Guy:Now give me a big hug.She gives him a big hugGuy:Can you take off my helmet and put it on yourself,it"s bothering me.In the newspaper the next day,a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure.Two people were on it and only one survived.The truth was that halfway down the road,the guy realized his break wasn"t working but he didn"t want the girl to know.Instead he had her hug him and tell him one last time that she loved him.Then he had her put on his helmet so that she would live even if he died.I think that this is a great act of love and romance.The actions were minuscule compared to the likes of "Titanic" but it shows the love they had for each other rivals that of the drowning of that famous ship.True love is never shown in words,it is shown in the actions and things one would do for his/her significant other,the extent that they are willing to sacrifice for each other.It is that love story that touched me the most.Sure,it is short,but reading between the lines,the reader could tell,in the tone that the boy adopted,there are no hesitation,in fact,salvation because he knew the chances that the girl would live was almost certain.I think this is a true act of love,I think that this action,is indeed,the epitome and the foundation of true love.



求迈克尔杰克逊《HIStory: Past, Present, and Future Book I 》专辑的全部歌曲的歌词的中英翻译



Jay-z historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighter)and the battles finally won (give me a lighter)victory is finally ours(lighters up)history so long so long so long so longin search of victory, she keeps saluting meif only we could be together momentarilywe could make love, and make historywhy wont you visit me, until she visit mei be stuck with her sister, her name is defeatshe give me agony, so much agonyshe bring me so much pain so much miserylike missin ya last shot, and fallin to ya kneesas the crowd screams, for the other teami pracitce so hard for this moment victory dont leavei know what this means, im stuck in this routinewhole new different day, same old thingall i got is dreams, nobody else can seenobody else believes, nobody else but mewhere are you victory, i need you desperatlynot just for the moment, to make historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighters)and the battles finally won (lighters)victory is finally ours (yeah) (yeah)history so long so long so long so longso now im flirting with death, hustlin like a gwhile vicotry wasnt watching, took chances repetedlyas a teenage boy, before acnebefore i got proactive, i couldnt face shei just threw up my hoodie, and headed to the streetsthats where i met success, we lived together shortlyand success is like lust, she"s good to the touchshe"s good for the moment, but she"s never enougheverybody"s had her, she"s nothing like Vbut success is all i got, unfortunatlybut im burning down the block, i been in and out of thebut something tells me, that theres much more to seebefore i get killed, cause i cant get robbedso before me, success and death monagei gotta get lost, i gotta find Vwe gotta be together, to make historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighters up)and the battles finally won (lighter up)victory is finally ours (lighters up)history so long so long so long so longnow victory is mine, tastes so sweetshe"s my trophy wife, coming with mewe"ll have a baby, who stutters repetedlywe"ll name him history, he"ll repete after mehe"s my legacy, son of my hardworkfuture of my past, he"ll explain who i berank me amongst the greats, either one, two, or threeif i aint number one, then i failed you victoryaint in it for the fame, that dies within weeksaint in it for the money, cant take it when you leavei wanna be remembered, long after you breathelong after im gone, long after i breathei leave all i am, in the hands of historythats my last will, testimonythis is much more than a song, its a baby showeri been waitin for this hour, history your oursnow that all the smoke is goneand the battles finally wonvictory is finally ourshistory so long so long so long so longnow that all the smoke is goneand the battles finally wonvictory is finally ourshistory so long so long so long so longEnd现在,所有的烟雾消失 和最后的战斗上升 最后我们胜利了历史如此的爱,这么长时间,这么长时间,这么长时间? 在搜索的胜利,她随时 只要我们可以在一起瞬间 我们可以爱,创造历史 为什么你不来看我,我,直到她访问 我将坚持 ,她的名字是失败 她给我的痛苦,如此多的痛苦 她使我非常痛苦 如此多的苦难,愿您的最后一次失踪 和秋天到您的膝盖。 作为观众的尖叫声,为其他队 我喜欢练如此艰苦的胜利为这个时刻不会导致 我知道这意味着什么,我卡在这例行 整个新的不同的一天,但同样的旧事物 所有我的梦想,但没有人可以看到 没有人相信,没有人,但我 你是哪里的胜利,我需要你拼命 不只是暂时。创造历史 和最后的战斗上升(打火机) 胜利的最后我们(是啊,是啊,是啊) 所以我现在逼近死亡 就像一个骗子,而胜利是不看 在反复的机会 作为一个十几岁的男孩,前痤疮 在我主动,我无法面对资产负债表 我只是在我的地方领导街头 我发誓,我会见了成功,我们共同生活不久 就像是一个成功的欲望,巫婆是良好的触摸 女巫是良好的时刻,但她从来没有足够的 每个人的了她,她没有像我一样 成功是我,不幸的是 但我烧毁块 我已经在它失败 而是告诉我,还有更多地看到 之前我杀害,产地来源证我无法抢劫 所以在我面前,成功和死亡绷带 字母i爱会丢失,我总得找到免费 我们来一起创造历史 现在,所有的烟雾消失(打火机的) 和最后的战斗上升(打火机的) 胜利的最后我们(打火机的) 现在的历史是我的,它味道这么甜 她是我的冠军奖杯的妻子,她与我commin 我们有一个孩子谁stutters "反复 他的历史,我们的名字 他重复我的 他是我的遗产,儿子我是一个辛勤工作 未来的我过去,他将解释我是谁 排名箱中的伟人 要么12年或3 ,如果我不是一 然后我没有你们的胜利 是不是在它的名气,即在10周内死亡 是不是它的钱,不能把我当你生活 我要记住你很长时间后呼吸 很长时间后我走了,长在我呼吸 我住所有我,手中的历史 保佑我的最后将作证 这是更为然后一首歌曲 这是一个婴儿淋浴,我一直在等待这个小时 历史上的我们。 现在,所有的烟雾已经消失

Jay-z history歌词

Jay-z historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighter)and the battles finally won (give me a lighter)victory is finally ours(lighters up)history so long so long so long so longin search of victory, she keeps saluting meif only we could be together momentarilywe could make love, and make historywhy wont you visit me, until she visit mei be stuck with her sister, her name is defeatshe give me agony, so much agonyshe bring me so much pain so much miserylike missin ya last shot, and fallin to ya kneesas the crowd screams, for the other teami pracitce so hard for this moment victory dont leavei know what this means, im stuck in this routinewhole new different day, same old thingall i got is dreams, nobody else can seenobody else believes, nobody else but mewhere are you victory, i need you desperatlynot just for the moment, to make historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighters)and the battles finally won (lighters)victory is finally ours (yeah) (yeah)history so long so long so long so longso now im flirting with death, hustlin like a gwhile vicotry wasnt watching, took chances repetedlyas a teenage boy, before acnebefore i got proactive, i couldnt face shei just threw up my hoodie, and headed to the streetsthats where i met success, we lived together shortlyand success is like lust, she"s good to the touchshe"s good for the moment, but she"s never enougheverybody"s had her, she"s nothing like Vbut success is all i got, unfortunatlybut im burning down the block, i been in and out of thebut something tells me, that theres much more to seebefore i get killed, cause i cant get robbedso before me, success and death monagei gotta get lost, i gotta find Vwe gotta be together, to make historynow that all the smoke is gone (lighters up)and the battles finally won (lighter up)victory is finally ours (lighters up)history so long so long so long so longnow victory is mine, tastes so sweetshe"s my trophy wife, coming with mewe"ll have a baby, who stutters repetedlywe"ll name him history, he"ll repete after mehe"s my legacy, son of my hardworkfuture of my past, he"ll explain who i berank me amongst the greats, either one, two, or threeif i aint number one, then i failed you victoryaint in it for the fame, that dies within weeksaint in it for the money, cant take it when you leavei wanna be remembered, long after you breathelong after im gone, long after i breathei leave all i am, in the hands of historythats my last will, testimonythis is much more than a song, its a baby showeri been waitin for this hour, history your oursnow that all the smoke is goneand the battles finally wonvictory is finally ourshistory so long so long so long so longnow that all the smoke is goneand the battles finally wonvictory is finally ourshistory so long so long so long so longEnd现在,所有的烟雾消失 和最后的战斗上升 最后我们胜利了历史如此的爱,这么长时间,这么长时间,这么长时间? 在搜索的胜利,她随时 只要我们可以在一起瞬间 我们可以爱,创造历史 为什么你不来看我,我,直到她访问 我将坚持 ,她的名字是失败 她给我的痛苦,如此多的痛苦 她使我非常痛苦 如此多的苦难,愿您的最后一次失踪 和秋天到您的膝盖。 作为观众的尖叫声,为其他队 我喜欢练如此艰苦的胜利为这个时刻不会导致 我知道这意味着什么,我卡在这例行 整个新的不同的一天,但同样的旧事物 所有我的梦想,但没有人可以看到 没有人相信,没有人,但我 你是哪里的胜利,我需要你拼命 不只是暂时。创造历史 和最后的战斗上升(打火机) 胜利的最后我们(是啊,是啊,是啊) 所以我现在逼近死亡 就像一个骗子,而胜利是不看 在反复的机会 作为一个十几岁的男孩,前痤疮 在我主动,我无法面对资产负债表 我只是在我的地方领导街头 我发誓,我会见了成功,我们共同生活不久 就像是一个成功的欲望,巫婆是良好的触摸 女巫是良好的时刻,但她从来没有足够的 每个人的了她,她没有像我一样 成功是我,不幸的是 但我烧毁块 我已经在它失败 而是告诉我,还有更多地看到 之前我杀害,产地来源证我无法抢劫 所以在我面前,成功和死亡绷带 字母i爱会丢失,我总得找到免费 我们来一起创造历史 现在,所有的烟雾消失(打火机的) 和最后的战斗上升(打火机的) 胜利的最后我们(打火机的) 现在的历史是我的,它味道这么甜 她是我的冠军奖杯的妻子,她与我commin 我们有一个孩子谁stutters "反复 他的历史,我们的名字 他重复我的 他是我的遗产,儿子我是一个辛勤工作 未来的我过去,他将解释我是谁 排名箱中的伟人 要么12年或3 ,如果我不是一 然后我没有你们的胜利 是不是在它的名气,即在10周内死亡 是不是它的钱,不能把我当你生活 我要记住你很长时间后呼吸 很长时间后我走了,长在我呼吸 我住所有我,手中的历史 保佑我的最后将作证 这是更为然后一首歌曲 这是一个婴儿淋浴,我一直在等待这个小时 历史上的我们。 现在,所有的烟雾已经消失 战斗终于崛起

.A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home afte




求my first story 的home罗马音歌词

歌名:HOME演唱:古川本舗作词/作曲/编曲:古川本舗翻訳:时雨日文及罗马音歌词:见えない夜の境界线を盗んで逃げた影法师蛍、飞んだ。 朝を置いて消えたMienai yoru no kyoukaisen woNusunde nigeta kageboushiHotaru, tonda. Asa wo oite kieta暂く続く雨空に溜め息で少し逆らって空っぽの喉を湿らせたShibaraku tsuzuku amazora niTameiki de sukoshi sakaratteKarappo no nodo wo shimeraseta隠れようともせずぽかり 浮かぶ月夜は终わったんだってどうか思い知らせてくれないかそれは无理かなあKakureyou tomosezuPokari ukabu tsukiYoru wa owattan datteDouka omoi shirasete kurenai kaSore wa muri kanaa恋をしたんだ この先もずっと繋いで、繋いで!切れてしまわぬ様に髪に触れて 唇でもっと憎らしい朝が来たKoi wo shitan da, kono saki mo zuttoTsunaide, tsunaide!Kireteshimawanu youniKami ni furete, kuchibiru de mottoNikurashii asa ga kita消えない朝の存在感を浸って汚した影法师蛍とんだ 仆もそうすべきだKienai asa no sonzaikan woHitatte yogshita kageboushiHotaru tondaBoku mo sou subeki da见えない想いの轮郭线を余计にかたどる街の灯を恨めしげに睨み、どうなった?Mienai omoi no rinkakusen woYokei ni katadoru machi no akari woUrameshigeni narami, dou natta?仆がいない明日雨が上がることを君は知っている仆がいない明日云が晴れることを君だけが知っているBoku ga inai asu ame ga agaru koto woKimi wa shitteiruBoku ga inai asu kumo ga hareru koto woKimi dake ga shitteiru恋をしたんだ あなたよりもっと塞いで、塞いで!见えてしまわぬ様に髪に触れて その指でもっとさようなら 言えなかったKoi wo shitanda, anata yori mottoFusaide, fusaide!Mieteshimawanu youniKami ni furete, sono yubi de mottoSayounara, ienakatta君が手を振る先には後悔もないような明日が!望み一つも叶えられない情けなく頼りない梦Kimi ga te wo furu saki ni waKoukai mo nai youna asu ga!Nozomi hitotsu mo taerarenaiNasakenaku tayorinai yume恋をしたんだ 想うよりもそっと愿って叶った 望んだ明日が来た?指に触れた 舌先でそっと味も无いままで!Koi wo shitanda, omou yori mo sottoNegatte kanatta, nozonda asu ga kita?Yubi ni fureta, shitasaki de sottoAji mo nai mama de!恋をしたんだ この先もずっと繋いで、繋いで!切れてしまわぬ様に髪に触れて唇でもっと谁もいない今日が来たKoi wo shitandaKono saki mo zuttoTsunai de, tsundaide!Kireteshimawanu you niKami ni furete, kuchibiru de mottoDare mo inai kyou ga kita见えない夜の境界线を盗んで逃げた影法师蛍、飞んだ。 朝を置いて消えたMienai yoru no kyoukaisen woNusunde nigeta kageboushiHotaru, tonda. Asa wo oite kieta.

请教Taylor Swift 的Love Story电子琴的和弦怎么按,我看她在演唱会的演奏只按几个键,这方面不太懂

这首歌只用到四个和弦,掌握C F G Am就可以弹下来(转调部份上移一个大二度即可)。演唱会上她只按几个键可能按的就是根音,比如C和弦包括CEG三个音,简化的情况下只摁根音C和五音G。只摁根音和五音的和弦演奏方法在吉他演奏中又称power chord(强力和弦)。下面是love story C调的和弦编配,也可以所有和弦上移大二度换到D调,原唱是D调。Love Story Key of CIntro:C G Am FVerse:CWe were both young when I first saw youFI close my eyes and the flashback startsAm FIm standing there on a balcony of summer airCSee the lights, see the party, the ball gownsFI see you make your way through the crowdAmYou say helloGLittle did I knowPre-ChorusF GThat you were Romeo, you were throwing pebblesAm CAnd my daddy said stay away from JulietFAnd I was crying on the staircaseG Am F GBegging you please don"t go, and I saidChorus:CRomeo take me somewhere we can be aloneGI"ll be waiting all there"s left to do is runAmYou"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princessF G CIts a love story baby just say yesVerse 2:CSo I sneak out to the garden to see youFWe keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knewAmSo close your eyesGEscape this town for a little whilePre-Chorus:F G"Cause you were Romeo I was a scarlet letterAm Cand my daddy said stay away from JulietFBut you were everything to me I wasG Am F GBegging you please don"t go, and I saidChorus:CRomeo take me somewhere we can be aloneGI"ll be waiting all theres left to do is runAmYou be the prince i"ll be the princessF GIts a love story baby just say yesCRomeo, save me, they try to tell me how to feelGThis love is difficult, but it"s real,AmDon"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this messF GIts a love story baby just say yes, ohSolo:C G Am FGAridge:Am F C GI got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming aroundAm FMy faith in you was fadingC GWhen I met you on the outskirts of town and I saidChorus:CRomeo save me i"ve been feeling so aloneGI keep waiting for you but you never comeAmIs this in my head, I don"t know what to thinkF GHe knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and saidDMarry me, Juliet you"ll never have to be aloneAI love you, and that"s all I really knowBmI talked to your dad, go pick out a white dressG A DIts a love story baby just say yesOutro:D A Bmuh Oh, uh oh, yesG DWe were both young when I first saw you


break是损坏、断裂等意思. destroy是摧毁、消灭、使终结、使无用、杀死等意思. damage是破坏等意思,有人为的成分,大多对自然吧.


damage 指“价值、用途降低或外表损坏等, 不一定全部破坏, 损坏了还可以修复”, 如:The heavy rain damaged many houses.大雨毁坏了许多房子.destroy 指“彻底毁坏以至不能或很难修复”, 如:That town was destroyed...



怎样区别tale, myth, story ,legend?

tale一般指的是童话故事,比如fairy tale,当然,也可以解释为寓言的意思,要结合具体语境myth是神话故事,比如女娲补天,盘古开天辟地story范围比较广就是故事的意思legend是传奇,比如罗宾汉传奇


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