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Who的《christmas》 歌词

歌名:《Christmas》歌手:The Who所属专辑:《Tommy 2003 2Cd Deluxe Sacddisc 1 Of 2》发行时间:1970-01-01 流派:流行 发行公司:环球唱片歌词:Father:Did you ever see the faces of childrenThey get so excited.Waking up on christmas morningHours before the winter sun"s ignited.They believe in dreams and all they meanIncluding heavens generosity.Peeping round the doorTo see what parcels are for freeIn curiosity.And Tommy doesn"t know what day it is.Doesn"t know who Jesus was or what praying is.How can he be saved?From the eternal grave.Surrounded by his friends he sits so silently,And unaware of everything.Playing poxy pin ballPicks his nose and smiles andPokes his tongue at everything.I believe in loveBut how can men who"ve never seenLight be enlightened.Only if he"s curedWill his spirits future level ever heighten.And Tommy doesn"t know what day it is.Doesn"t know who Jesus was or what praying is.How can he be saved?From the eternal grave.Tommy can you hear me?Tommy can you hear me?Tommy can you hear me?How can he be saved?Tommy:See me, feel meTouch me, heal me.See me, feel meTouch me, heal me!Tommy can you hear me?Tommy can you hear me?Tommy can you hear me?How can he be saved?

stm32 load程序进板时,显示too many errors to display,而且弹出的窗口显示flash download failed


stm32 c8t6 自己打的板子 下载时候出错 提示 “flash download failed cortex-m3”


STM32出现Flash Download failed jlink调试不了,怎么回事



具体配置过程:1、打开STM32CubeMX,并选择好相应的芯片。文中的芯片为STM32F207VCT6,选择后如下图:2、配置RCC时钟、ETH、PA8以及使能LWIP;由于此处我们的开发板硬件上为RMII方式,因此选择ETH-RMII,若有同志的开发板为MII方式,请参考MII的配置方法,此处只针对RMII;RCC选择外部时钟源,另外勾选MCO1,软件会自动将PA8配置为MCO1模式,该引脚对于RMII方式很重要,用于为PHY芯片提供50MHz时钟;使能LWIP;3、时钟树的相关配置,必须保证MCO1输出为50Mhz,如果这个频率不对会导致PHY芯片无法工作;我这里因为芯片为207VCT6,为了使MCO1输出为50Mhz,做了PLL倍频参数的一些调整,总体如下:(同志们配置时可根据自己的芯片灵活配置,但需保证MCO1的输出为50Mhz)4、ETH、LWIP、RCC相关参数设置;至此,比较重要的都在前面了,但是还有一点仍需要注意,即PA8引脚输出速度,几次不成功都是因为这个引脚没注意。后续的参数设置可以根据同志们自己的需求分别设置,这里给出我的设置供参考;ETH参数保持默认,但中断勾选一下;LWIP参数设置如下:(因为我这里是配置UDP服务器,IP选择静态分配)5、生成工程,做最后的函数修改;给生成的工程添加UDP服务器的初始化以及端口绑定等相关函数;我这里直接将之前的官方例程中的UDP服务器文件加进来,如下:之后将.c文件添加到用户程序,主函数添加Udp的.h头文件;如下:(udp文件的具体内容在后面给出)6、主函数还需要添加一下几个函数,在这里不对函数作用及实现原理讲解,仅做添加说明。附:udp_echoserver相关文件内容(该文件为官方的示例程序,版权归官方,此处做转载)udp_echoserver.c的内容如下:/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/#include "main.h"#include "lwip/pbuf.h"#include "lwip/udp.h"#include "lwip/tcp.h"#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h>/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*//* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/#define UDP_SERVER_PORT 7 /* define the UDP local connection port */#define UDP_CLIENT_PORT 7 /* define the UDP remote connection port *//* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*//* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*//* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/void udp_echoserver_receive_callback(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port);/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*//*** @brief Initialize the server application.* @param None* @retval None*/void udp_echoserver_init(void){struct udp_pcb *upcb;err_t err;/* Create a new UDP control block */upcb = udp_new();if (upcb){/* Bind the upcb to the UDP_PORT port *//* Using IP_ADDR_ANY allow the upcb to be used by any local interface */err = udp_bind(upcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, UDP_SERVER_PORT);if(err == ERR_OK){/* Set a receive callback for the upcb */udp_recv(upcb, udp_echoserver_receive_callback, NULL);}}}/*** @brief This function is called when an UDP datagrm has been received on the port UDP_PORT.* @param arg user supplied argument (udp_pcb.recv_arg)* @param pcb the udp_pcb which received data* @param p the packet buffer that was received* @param addr the remote IP address from which the packet was received* @param port the remote port from which the packet was received* @retval None*/void udp_echoserver_receive_callback(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port){/* Connect to the remote client */udp_connect(upcb, addr, UDP_CLIENT_PORT);/* Tell the client that we have accepted it */udp_send(upcb, p);/* free the UDP connection, so we can accept new clients */udp_disconnect(upcb);/* Free the p buffer */pbuf_free(p);}udp_echoserver.h的内容如下:#ifndef __ECHO_H__#define __ECHO_H__void udp_echoserver_init(void);#endif /* __MINIMAL_ECHO_H */7、至此,所有的工作完成,编译工程,下载至开发板。由于udp_echoserver中绑定的端口号为7,这里我们通过测试工具测试网络的功能,


  STM32Cube 是一个全面的软件平台,包括了ST产品的每个系列。(如,STM32CubeF4 是针对STM32F4系列)。平台包括了STM32Cube 硬件抽象层和一套的中间件组件(RTOS, USB, FS, TCP/IP, Graphics, 等等)。  cubeMX的主要优点:  1.直观地进行STM32选择2.图形化配置3.C代码项目产生,涵盖STM32初始化部分。兼容IAR, KEIL和GCC编译器4.支持Eclips。  2.到ST官网下载软件包和cube库,并安装好。安装过程比较简单,不多赘述。  3.点击NEW Project,新建工程,或者file-->new project也可。  4.下面是选择器件板子,可以根据MCU进行选择,也可以根据board型号选择。  5.常用的板子是STM32F411RE,所以产商选择STMicroelectric,版本选择Nucleo,型号选择F4系列,便可看到列表中有F411选项了。  6.双击F411RE,可以进入pinout引脚配置界面,在这个界面可以配置引脚,可以直接在芯片示意图上配置,十分方便。  7.其他的配置选项如图,有时钟配置,外设配置,功耗计算。  8.时钟配置如图,也是图形化界面,很方便快捷就可以配置好,只需要更改数字就可以得到想要的频率。  9.外设的配置如图,只需要双击要配置的外设即可进行配置,比如我配置GPIO,进入后可见如图窗口,可以选择GPIO的模式,上下拉,输出速度。  10.配置完成后,点击生成工程文件按钮,弹出工程设置窗口,填写工程名,选择目录,选择编译器,可选EWARM,MDK等。最后点击OK,便可生成工程文件了,用编译器打开后,就可以方便地编写代码了,省去了繁琐的配置工作。


stm32的flash中,页一般表示1024字节或2048或4096字节的连续数据块,是flash最小的擦除单元(但最小写入单元可能不是这么大,因为flash擦和写入是两个独立的操作),sector指的是 扇区,一般是很多个页的组合,可以一次性擦除一个扇区,或多个扇区。当你需要擦除多个扇区时,就无需每页的去擦除,因为擦除数据是很费时间的(每页flash擦除时间约几十毫秒)

"christmas is a time to love"歌词

更新1: 头三句系: christmas is a time christmas is a time christmas is a time to love christmas is a time to love歌词: christmas is a time christmas is a time christmas is a time to love christmas is a time christmas is a time christmas is a time to love we often start to worryand people get upset If things don&#39;t all go right on chri *** as Day What we should recemberin all the push an shove Is christmas is a time to love christmas is a time Christmas is a time Christmas is a time to love christmas is a time Christmas is a time Christmas is a time to love May be things don&#39;t sound right or look the way they should and may be they&#39;re not perfectly in tune. It really does&#39;t matter let&#39;s keep our eyes above Cause christmas is a time to love christmas is a time Christmas is a time Christmas is a time to love christmas is a time Christmas is a time Christmas is a time to love 参考: 自己 歌手:Christina Aguilera 专辑:My kind of Christmas Christina Aguilera-Christmas Time When I was young every Christmas Eve I could not sleep Trying to catch that old st. Nick Leaving presents under my tree And every year I&#39;d fall asleep laying in my bed Dreaming of a million sugarplums Dancing in my head Oh how much joy it is at christmas time the spirit of giving is in our lives Oh how much joy it brings to see the one you love This year&#39;s gonna be the best Christmas because There&#39;ll be family and Christmas cheer Peace and goodwill to all men Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home Snekakin&#39;s kiss under the mistletoe I want a white Christmas so let is snow Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home for Christmastime Friends e together as we decorate the tree This is the time of year to live in harmony Angels watch over as we put the kids to sleep And when the awake their *** iling faces Make it all pete… This is the holiday you&#39;re with the family We put aside our differences and let it be Oh how much fun it is to give and receive This time of year love is all we need Open your heart now This is the time for us to give The world needs love now So live and let live families all here The spirit is good cheer the sound of carolers Ringing sweet is my ear everything is all fine You know why it&#39;s Christmastime what! The Prayer / Cecilia On the path of life mountains rise above we&#39;ve been climbing so high to open up the sky chasing a vision of the world that&#39;s in your love when the darkness falls and i fear i&#39;ll lose my sight i just thrill in the sounds of beauty all around it&#39;s your grace that will life me to the sun beyond the heights in the light don&#39;t lose your way it&#39;s just the hatred and the fight in our hearts love will lead us to the sun beyond the heights in the light in the light in the light in the light .baidu/m?f=ms&tn=baidulyric&ct=150994944&lf=2&rn=10&word=The+prayer+&lm=-1 歌词同MP3~~ 歌手:Christina Aguilera 专辑:My kind of Christmas Christina Aguilera-Christmas Time When I was young every Christmas Eve I could not sleep Trying to catch that old st. Nick Leaving presents under my tree And every year I"d fall asleep laying in my bed Dreaming of a million sugarplums Dancing in my head Oh how much joy it is at christmas time the spirit of giving is in our lives Oh how much joy it brings to see the one you love This year"s gonna be the best Christmas because There"ll be family and Christmas cheer Peace and goodwill to all men Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home Snekakin"s kiss under the mistletoe I want a white Christmas so let is snow Everybody is home for Christmas Everybody is home for Christmastime Friends e together as we decorate the tree This is the time of year to live in harmony Angels watch over as we put the kids to sleep And when the awake their *** iling faces Make it all pete… This is the holiday you"re with the family We put aside our differences and let it be Oh how much fun it is to give and receive This time of year love is all we need Open your heart now This is the time for us to give The world needs love now So live and let live families all here The spirit is good cheer the sound of carolers Ringing sweet is my ear everything is all fine You know why it"s Christmastime what! 回答者:qq13686922188 - 试用期 一级 10-31 02:00 参考:


初始化PE2, 绑定了外部中断, 为该中断设置了优先级




PB6/PB7是I2C1 的SCL和SDA端,如果作为普通的I/O口,就一般的配置就可以。GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6 | GPIO_Pin_7;GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_10MHz; //设置速率 GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;//设置你要的模式GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

stm32中GPIO-mode的值,比如GPIO_Mode_IPD = 0x28, GPIO_Mode_IPU = 0x48,是如何设定的?


STM32里面,设置GPIO_Mode_IPU 有什么用,


stm32函数GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;这句话说是复用功能什么意思?一定采纳


STM32里面,设置GPIO_Mode_IPU 有什么用,

STM32F4学习笔记之GPIO(使用固件库)1.使能GPIO的AHB时钟,使用函数: RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOx, ENABLE);2.配置GPIO工作模式用GPIO_Init()函数数据类型说明typedef struct{ uint32_t GPIO_Pin; //引脚配置GPIOMode_TypeDef GPIO_Mode; //GPIO_Mode_IN(输入),GPIO_Mode_OUT(输出),GPIO_Mode_AF(备用),GPIO_Mode_AN(模拟)GPIOSpeed_TypeDef GPIO_Speed;// GPIO_Speed_2MHz,GPIO_Speed_25MHz,GPIO_Speed_50MHz,GPIO_Speed_100MHzGPIOOType_TypeDef GPIO_OType; // GPIO_OType_PP(推挽),GPIO_OType_OD(开漏)

The child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.to及后面是不定式做补语把不用被动

是的。就像:He bought a hamburger to eat.他吃汉堡,汉堡被吃。不定式后用的是主动。

送你一颗圣诞树那个greenchristmastree.exe 怎么卸载。。。。在哪里卸载啊


I do beliene in Christmas 英文歌词加翻译

额 走错了

merry christmas 祝福语 英文

merry christmas的英文祝福语如下:1、圣诞节,愿你心情舒畅,幸福安康。祝圣诞节快乐!Wishing you peace of mind and happine at Christmas.Merry Christmas!2、祝你圣诞快乐,阖家幸福,好运连连。Wishing you a merry Christmas, a happy family and good luck.3、始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。I always mi you and wish you the best of Christmas and a happy New Year.4、圣诞树下,美好许愿,万千祝福,心意不变。Under the Christmas tree, good wishes, thousands of bleings, the same mind.5、圣诞节到,创造幸福生活,攀登事业,健康平安相伴,快乐走过人生!Christmas is coming, creating a happy life, climbing the peak of career, accompanying healthy and safe, happy through life!6、圣诞节来到,请把朋友的思念收点,让祝福变得更加贴心温暖;圣诞节快乐!When Christmas comes, please gather the thoughts of your friends, so that the bleings become more intimate and warm; Merry Christmas!7、愿你圣诞人快乐,幸福生活任徜徉!Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy life!8、圣诞节到了,祝你身体健康,事业成功,家庭美满,快乐围绕!Christmas is coming.I wish you good health, succe in your career, a happy family and happine.9、在圣诞的日子,愿你幸福非常,祝你圣诞快乐,愿你欢乐荡漾。On Christmas Day, may you be very happy, may you have a merry Christmas, and may you have joy.10、祝您圣诞乐开怀,四季永平安!Wishing you a happy Christmas and peace throughout the year!11、祝你圣诞快乐又美妙,幸福生活永围绕!Wishing you a merry and wonderful Christmas and a happy life around you forever!12、在这平安夜里,送上我最真诚的祝福:祝您一生平安!On this Christmas Eve, I send my most sincere wishes: I wish you a safe life!13、愿圣诞的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你的圣诞和新年充满爱。May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright.Have a love filled Christmas and New Year.14、圣诞佳节到来临,祝你合家欢乐,幸福多多!With the coming of Christmas, I wish you a happy family and much happine.15、圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!Christmas is coming.Happy New Year to you.May you be happy all the time!




we have Christmas trees,这里trees加s是表示我们有很多圣诞树,如果不是有很多圣诞树,而是只有一颗,那得在Christmas tree前面加上a,所以在没有a的情况下,tree是要加s表复数的。

We call the tree with _____ (colour) things a Christmas tree.


christmas tree eyelash viper是什么种类的蛇,有毒无毒在什么地区生存等

  全词直译是「圣诞树睫毛蝰蛇」,这种蛇应该是没有的。 Eyelash Viper 这种蛇是存在的,叫「扁斑蝰蛇」,这蛇生活在哥斯达黎加,资料也不好找。 viper 是蝰蛇的意思。蝰蛇都是剧毒蛇。

Oh christmas tree歌词的翻译

啊圣诞树,啊圣诞树,众树数你最美丽  啊圣诞树,啊圣诞树,众树数你最美丽  每年你都带来欢乐,平安夜里添新意  啊圣诞树,啊圣诞树,众树数你最美丽  啊圣诞树,啊圣诞树,叶儿惓惓永不变  枝茂绿荫,夏日繁盛,寒冬霜雪傲绿依旧  啊圣诞树,啊圣诞树,叶儿惓惓永不变  每年你都带来欢乐,平安夜里添新意  啊圣诞树,啊圣诞树,众树数你最美丽

There is a ______ (shine) star on top of the Christmas tree.会加分的


Rockin Around The Christmas Tree 歌词

歌曲名:Rockin Around The Christmas Tree歌手:Dion专辑:Rock N Roll Christmas (World)Billy Gilman - Rockin" Around The Christmas TreeRocking around the Christmas treeAt the Christmas party hopMistletoe hung where you can seeEvery couple tries to stopRocking around the Christmas tree,Let the Christmas spirit ringLater we"ll have some pumpkin pieAnd we"ll do some caroling.You will get a sentimentalFeeling when you hearVoices singing let"s be jolly,Deck the halls with boughs of hollyRocking around the Christmas tree,Have a happy holidayEveryone"s dancing merrilyIn the new old-fashioned way.You will get a sentimentalFeeling when you hearVoices singing let"s be jolly,Deck the halls with boughs of hollyRocking around the Christmas tree,Have a happy holidayEveryone"s dancing merrilyIn the new old-fashioned way.Merry Christmas!

Oh Christmas Tree的中文歌词

Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovelyOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovelyEach year you bring to me delight, meaning in the christmas nightOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovely(From: )Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, with faithful leaves unchangingOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, with faithful leaves unchangingYour boughs are green, in sommers glow and do not fade in winters snowOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, with faithful leaves unchanging(From: )Each year you bring to me delight, meaning in the christmas nightOh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, of all the trees most lovely

light up like a Christmas Tree

应该没错,或者你发原文发过来我再看看。Christmas Tree在西方是幸福的象征,在那一天,家家不论穷贵都要点圣诞树的。light up ,心情愉快,高兴。light up like a Christmas Tree就是高兴到极点。

The Christmas tree是不是三单


Christmas Tree Shops这家商店的简介

简介:the world"s largest Christmas trees shopping portal. We are the one-stop source for everything Christmas! We encourage you to celebrate the spirit of the holiday season, and enjoy the thousands of Christmas products throughout our website. The magic of the winter season is contagious. During December and January, North American neighborhoods are alive with lights, while familiar carols and modern Christmas ballads are heard from radios and voices young and old. Enter our superstore and see for yourself. We have it all.Thousands of Christmas products including Christmas trees, Christmas lights, Christmas tree stands, Christmas wreaths, angels, door & wall coverings, ornaments, decorations, bows & bells, ribbons, nativity products, stockings, hats, and suits, Department 56 Collectibles, animated products and much, much more.

采油树的英文名为什么叫圣诞树Christmas tree?

所谓采油树,就是在采油井上树起一根主干,上面枝生各种仪表,石油人习惯地把这套采油设备形象地称为“采油树”。 而由于其安装在上面的各类仪表看起来就像圣诞树上面的装饰品,因为外国人的单词本来就不多,所以就用圣诞树来代替了。采油树设备是油气开采的重要设备,由套管头、油管头、采油(气)树三部分组成,用来连接套管柱、油管柱,并密封各层套管之间及与油管之间的环形空间,并可控制生产井口的压力和调节油(气)井口流量,也可用于酸化压裂、注水、测试等特殊作业。采油树是油(气)井生产作业中控制井口压力和调节油(气)井流量的重要装置 .·可根据需要设计成普通型或整体式结构 ·可配备气(液)动安全阀 ·可为单翼式或双翼结构型式 ·根据需要,配用节流阀可选固定式或可调式两种结构

O Christmas Tree 歌词

歌曲名:O Christmas Tree歌手:DJ"s Choice专辑:DJ"s Choice - Kids Fun Christmas - Games, Songs & Sing-A-LongsO Christmas TreeO Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging;O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging;Not only green when summer"s here,But also when "tis cold and drear.O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging!O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Much pleasure thou can"st give me;O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Much pleasure thou can"st give me;How often has the Christmas treeAfforded me the greatest glee!O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Much pleasure thou can"st give me.Not only green when summer"s here,But also when "tis cold and drear.O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging!--------END--------

christmas tree 的歌词

ra pa pam pamra pa pam pamra pa pam pamra pa pam pamlight me up with me on top lets falalalalalalalalight me up with me on top lets falalalalalalalathe only place you wanna be is underneath my christmas treethe only place you wanna be is underneath my christmas treelight me up with me on top lets falalalalalalalalight me up with me on top lets falalalalalalalaho ho ho under the mistle toe (ra pa pam pam)yes everybody knows (ra pa pam pam)we will take off our clothes (ra pa pam pam)yes if you want us to we willyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciousyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciouslight you up with you on top lets falalalala (lets go)light you up with you on top lets falalalala (lets go)ho ho ho under the mistle toe (ra pa pam pam)yes everybody knows (ra pa pam pam)we will take off our clothes (ra pa pam pam)yes if you want us to we willyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciousyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is delicioushere here here (ra pa pam pam)the best time of the year (ra pa pam pam)take off my stockings where?i"m spending christmas cheeryes if you want us to we willyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciousyou oh oh oh christmasmy christmas tree is deliciousspace cowboy lady gaga lady gaga and she cowboy lady gaga lady gaga, here we go..cherry! cherry! boom! boom!




圣诞节来历:Christmas also referred to as Christmas Day or Christmastide, is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. His birth, which is the basis for the Anno Domini system of dating, has been determined by modern historians as having occurred between 7 and 2 BC. The date of celebration is not thought to be Jesus" actual date of birth, and may have been chosen to coincide with ancient Roman solar festivals that were held on December 25.

he happily celebrates Christmas with his relative



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