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team-work spirit是什么意思

英文:team-work spirit中文:团队合作精神很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

We should develop a strong sense of cooperation and team spirit。这里develop能管team spirit吗?

a strong sense of cooperation and team spirit作动词develop的宾语。of表示名词所有格。

great team spirit同义句

I don"t think my French is good. He should eat nothing. I hope you feel better soon. team spirit团队精神

filled with team spirit为什么用过去分词


DOTA2:team spirit再获胜利,yatoro和TORONTOTOKYO接受采访

TS的1号位选手yatoro在DPC的CIS赛区击败了PC战队后接受媒体的采访,在采访的时候他对对手的表现进行了评价,并且谈到了本赛季TS的计划。关于PC的BP,他表示对方的BP做得非常的不错,只是yatoro不理解对方为什么会起手选择3个核心英雄,这样的做法有点不好。在谈到TS在比赛当中所遇到的困难情况时,他表示TS非常愚蠢的在中路动手,然后糟糕的事情就开始发生。随后在谈到哪支队伍能够在DPC CIS赛区击败TS的时候,他表示自己不知道怎么回答,因为每一支队伍都有得打。现在大家并没有打算想和哪一只队伍去硬刚,他们只是想对抗任何一支队伍,但是对于自己而言,DPC联赛当中的每一支队伍都有不俗的实力。 在谈到DPC首个赛季的计划时,yatoro表示没有什么计划,玩DOTA就是要享受乐趣,做一个优秀的人,并且拼尽全力的打好每一场比赛,不要像今天所发生的这样。在谈到对PC的印象时,yatoro表示,对方第2局玩的非常不错,当然第1局也是如此,只是他们选人没有做好。在DPC的CIS赛区,TS以2-0的比分击败了PC,目前位列DPC CIS赛区的第1名。现在TS已经在前两轮获得了胜利,而PC则在仅仅输给了TS这一场对决,目前战绩2-1. 随后,TS的TORONTOTOKYO也接受了媒体的采访,他谈到了比赛之后的感觉。他表示为了这场比赛获得胜利而感到非常高兴,但是本来这场比赛完全可以更加的简单,但是总而言之,对方还是比较顽强。大家一不注意就会犯错,然后又会很快地被对方打回来,如果能够避免这种情况发生,那么取胜也就非常容易了。 在谈到刷新蓝猫的时候,他表示自己经常出刷新,而且非常的无敌,因为出了这件装备后回蓝速度增快,比血精更好。而且出了这件装备之后,可以获得两个控制技能,所以蓝猫就应该出这件装备。

如何看待TI10 败者组卫冕冠军战队 OG 0:2 不敌 Team Spirit?


有关team spirit的英文演讲稿,并附汉语意思

Regularly swearing at work can help boost team spirit among staff, allowing them to express better their feelings as well as develop social relationships, according to a study by researchers.Yehuda Baruch, a professor of management at the University of East Anglia, and graduate Stuart Jenkins studied the use of profanity in the workplace and assessed its implications for managers.They assessed that swearing would become more common as traditional taboos are broken down, but the key appeared to be knowing when such language was appropriate and when to turn to blind eye.The pair said swearing in front of senior staff or customers should be seriously discouraged, but in other circumstances it helped foster solidarity among employees and express frustration, stress or other feelings.Banning swear words and reprimanding staff might represent strong leadership, but could remove key links between staff and impact on morale and motivation, Baruch said."We hope that this study will serve not only to acknowledge the part that swearing plays in our work and our lives, but also to indicate that leaders sometimes need to "think differently"."Managers need to understand how their staff feel about swearing. The challenge is to master the "art" of knowing when to turn a blind eye to communication that does not meet their own standards."The study, "Swearing at work and permissive leadership culture: when anti-social becomes social and incivility is acceptable", is published in the latest issue of the Leadership and Organisational Development Journal.一项研究表明,员工在工作中常说说粗话有助于促进团队精神,因为这可以使他们更真实地表达情绪及建立社会关系。东安格利亚大学的管理学教授耶胡达u2022巴鲁克和研究生斯图亚特u2022詹金斯共同研究了工作场合的“爆粗”现象,并就管理者应如何处理这一问题提出了建议。研究人员发现,随着一些传统禁忌被打破,员工在工作中说粗话会越来越普遍。(而对于管理者来说,)关键是要分清员工何时讲这样的话是恰当的,以及在什么情况下可以“充耳不闻”。两位研究人员称,应禁止员工在高级职员及客户面前说粗话,但在其它情况下,说说粗话有利于促进员工之间的团结与合作,并有助于减轻压力、发泄不满或其它情绪。巴鲁克说,一些上司禁止员工说粗话或谴责员工说粗话,这可能会显得他的领导能力很“强”,但这样做可能会切断员工之间的重要联系,而且会打击员工的士气及工作积极性。“我们希望这一研究不仅能让人们认识到讲粗话是我们工作及生活中的一部分,同时也要让领导们意识到有时候需要‘换个角度看问题"。”“管理者应该了解员工说粗话时的感受。领导们面临的挑战是知道何时对‘不符合标准"的话语充耳不闻,这也是他们需要掌握的一门‘艺术"。”该项名为“员工爆粗及领导艺术:当爆粗被接受及能带来社会效应时”的研究在《领导艺术及组织发展期刊》最新一期上公布。

高中英语作文 关于写 team spirit 谢谢

I am not fond of basketball, let alone to play it.But I have seen a wonderful basketball game between my class and postgraduate class.It is so wonderful that I cann"t help asking myself "is it real".The answer is pretty yes.I also learn a lot from the game. First ,team spirit is very important.You are sure to fail if you play by yourself.So five members must play together and well orgnized. Second ,you should have a aim.In order to reach it,you should try your best. Last,never give up whatever have happened.Even if you get low scores,you shouldn"t give up.If there is a will,there is a way.If there is a will ,there is also a opportunity.And you can make failure into success.Believe yourself and believe your team.You are the best one.

team spirit还是team spirits?

◆spirit作名词的含义是【精神;心灵;情绪;志气;】 而spirits的含义是【态度;精力】 ●所以【团队精神】应该用【Team spirit】■其他一些短语可以证明用spirits时有另外的含义:例如:Fighting Spirits 争斗心in high spirits 兴高采烈;情绪高涨low spirits 情绪低落;没精打采in good spirits adj. 精神抖擞

你觉得 TI10 总决赛 LGD 和 Team Spirit 的比赛是假赛吗?


build team spirit是什么意思


2019年6月六级第一套试卷作文范文:Team Spirit 相关

The Importance of Team Spirit and Communication in the WorkplaceAs the saying goes, when teamwork kicks in, nobody can beat you. It highlights the critical role that team spirit plays in completing a task. In my view, team spirit and communication are especially important in the workplace.First of all, with the increasingly fierce competition between enterprises, in order to achieve the desired results, cooperation and communication among colleagues are particularly important because they can maximize work efficiency. Secondly, promoting team spirit and communication at work can ensure that everyone understand where the company is going and get them all actively involved in the development of the company. Thirdly, cooperation and communication at work can enhance the interaction between coworkers and form good interpersonal relationships, which is essential to build a friendly, cooperative, and harmonious working atmosphere in the enterprise culture.To conclude, we cannot deny that it is almost always the joint efforts of a whole team that decide the success or failure of a project. Therefore, for everyone in the workplace, we should learn to cooperate and communicate effectively with team members, so as to achieve a win-win situation.范文是希望备考生能以此建立属于自己的写作模板,更好的备战六级。更多六级真题内容,环球青藤资讯将及时与你分享。尽请关注!

帮我翻译一下团队精神(Team Spirit)

Team Spirit concentrated embodies consciousness of the overall situation,cooperation and service spirit as well as group cohesiveness.

team spirit可数吗

team spirit n. 团队精神;合作精神,是不可数名词。 例句: In modern society, team spirit has been attached much importance to. 现代社会高度重视团队精神。 扩展资料   Good communication skills and team spirit.   善于沟通和良好的团队精神。   I also enjoy the team spirit of basketball.   我喜欢篮球及篮球活动中的集体精神。   Can work under pressure and good team spirit.   能够在压力下工作和良好的.团队精神。   This will go a long way in developing team spirit.   这样对团队合作精神大有帮助。   Team spirit is the core of enterprise culture.   团队精神,是企业文化的核心。



Teen Spirit The joyful noise of “Glee.” by Nancy Franklin (May 10, 2010)谁知道这文章的全部翻译?


language is the spirit of the soul.怎么翻译?


The Philharmonia Orchestra的《Spiritual》 歌词

歌曲名:Spiritual歌手:The Philharmonia Orchestra专辑:This Is Jazz # 27SPIRITUALVocal: mican*Album: Alstroemeria Records - Double Counterpoint原曲: 东方怪绮谈 / 霊天 ~ Spiritual Heaven冻り付く部屋 何もない部屋 动けないまま揺れる月连れて行くのね 时を告げない大切な时计流れ流れて 愿った想い 残されたまま空を舞う溶けて行くのね 指でなぞるの 淡い光と白い夜头に响く声 闻きたくないかき消すようにただ耳を塞いだ生まれて消えていく星よ どうしてこんなに绮丽に辉き照らしているのに 涙 溢れてくるの?离れてしまうと知ってて 笑颜で置いていかないでずるいよ届かないなんて いつかどこかで会いたいよ肌を刺す风 背中押す风 乾いた心 咲いた花缲り返すのね 优しくなでて 见下ろす暗闇寄せては返すの 波の间の间に 漂う记忆探してた离せないのね でも离れるの 大切だから置いてくのまた耳を塞いだ 闻こえるから静寂に响くのは温かい声いつかは思い出になって 影さえ色を失って幸せ 空から祈って 谁に愿い托すの?あなたの想い解ってた 形がどこにもなくても痛いよ忘れたくないよ 早く巡り合えるように生まれて消えていく星よ どうしてこんなに绮丽に辉き照らしているのに 涙 溢れてくるの?离れてしまうと知ってて 笑颜で置いていかないでずるいよ届かないなんて きっとすぐに会いに行くよhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8326427
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