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Absolutely=绝对地 Her wer is absolutely correct. He is a absolutely good father. Certainly=无疑地 I certainly feel you pain. You certainly know what I need. Or Certainly=(用于回答)当然;可以;没问题 A: May I ask you a question? B: Yes certainly!! Definitely=清楚地 肯定地 1 cm is definitely short than 2 cm. A is definitely *** arter than B. 2008-08-23 11:22:12 补充: Sorry mistyped on the 2nd examples: He absolutely is a good father.

christmas season和christmas day区别是什么

给你一段关于来自维基百科关于圣诞节的解释你就明白了:the term "Christmas season" in Western culture was considered synonymous with Christmastide, a term itself derived from Yuletide, which runs from December 25 (Christmas Day) to January 6 (Epiphany)。 翻译过来就是:"Christmas season"圣诞季被认为与“ Christmastide”同义,是从12月25日 (Christmas Day)到1月6日,该词由Yuletide演化而来。 Namely,"Christmas season"是指一段日子,圣诞季,共12天,而 (Christmas Day)指12月25日一天。 参考链接:谢谢,希望你采纳!

空 字的罗马拼音是 sora 还是 zora ?

(1)单独一个“空”字就是读“そら(SO RA)”。然而在许多词中,“空”会被浊化成“ぞら(ZORA)”。如:青空(あおぞら)(A O ZO RA)和你所说的恋空(こいぞら)(KO I ZO RA)。总结:单独一个“空”字就读“そら(SO RA)”,但如果它出现在词中间,有可能浊化为“ぞら(ZO RA)”。(2)“恋”单独一个字的时候,读成“こい(KO I)”。出现在词中有两者读法:こい(KO I)、れん(REN)。如:恋人(こいびと)(KO I BI TO)、恋爱(れんあい)(REN A I)。不存在“KO KI”的读法。(3)“わ(WA)”永远发“WA”。而“は”做助词的时候才会发“WA”(这时候发音和わ一样),其余的时候均发“HA”。
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