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请问catch、 grab、 grasp、 seize、 snatch的区别

catch抓住 grab抢夺grasp抓牢seize抓获seize攫取



snagging test是什么测试



snagit(有 C, rack的), picpick(free)


本意都是形容野兽或狗愤怒时的咆哮,间接形容人. bark:狗叫.没有特定情绪,无论高兴、愤怒,只要是狗叫都可以说 bark snarl:龇牙咧嘴.注意:一定要露牙才算 snarl growl:咆哮.是那种很低的喉音. snarl 和 growl 都可以很形象的形容人的表情.bark 用在人身上较少.


本意都是形容野兽或狗愤怒时的咆哮,间接形容人。bark:狗叫。没有特定情绪,无论高兴、愤怒,只要是狗叫都可以说 barksnarl:龇牙咧嘴。注意:一定要露牙才算 snarlgrowl:咆哮。是那种很低的喉音。snarl 和 growl 都可以很形象的形容人的表情。bark 用在人身上较少。


传奇对抗赛: 传奇红:Xiyang、Juejue、GodV、Smlz、Pyl 传奇蓝:Flandre、SofM、Zz1tai、kRYST4L、Hudie 首局传奇英雄对决,传奇英雄池待后续公布。 斗转星移赤龙不灭,远方传来巨蟒的回响,唤醒记忆深处的星辰,再次点燃那些年风起云涌的热血青春!2021LPL全明星周末为你重现LPL经典传奇对抗。 新生挑战赛: 2021新生挑战赛名单: 上单:neny、Qingtian 打野:XUN、Flora 中路:Shanks、xiaocaobao 下路:Lpc、Kepler 辅助:Zhuo、ON 2020优秀新生名单: 上单:Bin 打野:Wei 中路:Forge 下路:Elk 辅助:yuyanjia 新生挑战赛教练:JackeyLove、icon 新生挑战赛共进行两局,首局依然为粉丝投票决定的10位2021新生对决,次局为2020优秀新生与首局胜者进行对决。两局均为竞技征召模式。

请问高手catch、 grab、 grasp、 seize、 snatch的区别和用法?

catch 是普通用语,有“设法抓住、捉住”的意思; grab 表示以满把满握的动作抓住某物,其所表动作很粗野或很快; grasp 表示牢牢地“抓住”;seize 指“突然用力抓住不使逃脱”;snatch 表示迅速地拉址动作、出其不意地“抓取”。如:1. I caught him by the ear. 我揪住他的耳朵。2. He grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the fire. 他抓住她的胳膊把她从大火中拉了出来。3. He grasped his gun and rushed out. 他抓住枪就冲了出去。4. He seized the gun from the enemy soldier. 他从敌军士兵的手中夺过了枪。


李炫君位置:Top比赛ID:Snake丶Flandre 俱乐部内人气最高的选手,中国最年轻的国服最强王者选手,因为使用“圣枪游侠”这个英雄出名,被粉丝称为“圣枪哥”。他在2014年5月,成功冲上世界最强服务器韩服的最强王者段位(国内韩服王者选手约3-5人),并且一跃成为韩服排名前五十位的选手。天赋秉异,打法创新,操作华丽,他被称为LSPL英雄联盟甲级联赛的最强选手,凭借强大的个人能力,成功带领团队晋级LPL职业联赛。 位置:MID比赛ID:Snake丶BAKA稳健的中单选手,擅长英雄:泽拉斯,沙皇。往往能在游戏中后期给团队带来极大的帮助,曾经登顶国服,是一颗冉冉升起的新星。 位置:JUG比赛ID:Snake 、TomTOM原先是韩服王者排位的路人王,后加入SKT。在Bengi坐冷板凳的那些日子,正是这位打野选手撑起了SKT的野区。他也跟随队伍拿下了LCK春季赛和夏季赛的两次冠军!他的酒桶和挖掘机都是他在赛场上表现十分精彩的英雄。 长期位列韩服前十,号称世界第一乌迪尔。 位置:MID比赛ID:Snake、TANKTANK原先是LCK联赛Najin战队的队员,后于2016年初转入Snake战队与U共同担任中单位置。在韩服拥有两个Rank前十的号。 位置:MID比赛ID:Snake丶U前Doran电子竞技俱乐部中单选手Jie。原EDG电子竞技俱乐部中单。2015年5月加入Snake。非常擅长使用炸弹人、妖姬、发条、狐狸和酒桶等英雄,他因为在比赛和rank中使用炸弹人时的神级操作,被称为国服第一炸弹人,打法稳健,英雄池深厚,细节处理到位,U神作为国内顶尖的中单之一,在对于英雄的理解和熟练度上都是达到了非常高的水平。 位置:ADC比赛ID:Snake丶kRYST4L国内顶级的ADC选手,拥有着激进的比赛风格和精准的操作,2015LPL春季赛五杀德莱文一站成名,在LPL首轮对阵WE的比赛中,凭借精妙的操作,凶悍的打法被广大英雄联盟爱好者们称赞,荣获2015LPL职业联赛首轮MVP选手。 位置:ADC比赛ID:Snake丶Martin擅长英雄:奥巴马,女警,薇恩,飞机。打法稳定,原SHE战队的ADC选手。曾在二队有着优异表现并带领二队获得TGA第四名,2015年正式转入Snake一队。 位置:Jungle比赛ID:Snake丶zzr曾湛然,广东湛江人。高分路人打野,在国服有两个前十的号。性格温和却打法激进,擅长英雄:雷克塞,豹女,艾克。最高记录国服艾欧尼亚第四。2015年在北京德玛西亚杯首秀表现优异,愿其今后堪担大任。 位置:Support比赛ID:Snake丶EllaElla,曾在韩国NLB联赛中征战一个多赛季,拥有丰富的团队指挥经验,擅长锤石、娜美、布隆等英雄。2014年10月加入Snake战队担任辅助位。 位置:Support(替补)比赛ID:Snake丶CoLiNSnake战队队长,经验丰富的辅助选手,LSPL助攻王,有着开阔的进攻视野,最擅长进攻的辅助选手,其阳光帅气的外型也受到很多女粉丝关注。现作为俱乐部窗口逐步向专业解说转型,目前作为特邀嘉宾参与七煌LCK(原OGN联赛)的解说工作。


揾到咁多1.candy 2.potato chips 3.chocolate 4.doughnuts (油炸圈饼) 5.biscuits 6.popcorn (爆谷/爆米花) 7.Chocolate chip cookie (朱古力曲奇) 8.Shrimp Chips (虾片) 9.Jelly bean (jelly belly牌子o个只软糖---软心豆粒糖) 10.Gumdrop (胶姆糖 橡皮软糖) 11.Cheese puffs (芝士松饼/泡芙) 12.Toffee Crisp/Taffy (乳脂糖 太妃糖) 13.Pretzel (椒盐脆饼) 14.Jerky (牛肉干) 15.Dried shredded squid (鱿鱼丝) 16.cracker (薄脆饼干) 17.torte (果仁蛋糕) 18.french fries (薯条) 19.Pocky (百力滋) 20.Mochi (日本麻糬) 21.White Rabbit (milk candy) 白兔糖 cream 23.Kakigori (刨冰) 24.Monaka (豆沙包) 25.Pizza 26.Lollipop (波板糖) 27.Gummy bear (德国熊仔橡皮糖) 28.Corn chip (栗米片) 29.cheese cake 30.jelly 31.M&N 好多都唔似小食= = 参考: ME+WIKI 雪糕-ice cream 薯条-French fries 薯片Chips 糖果Candy/Sweet 饼干Biscults 巧克力Chocolate 蛋卷Egg Roll 花生Peanut 香口糖Chewing gums 吹波胶Bubble gum 牛奶糖Caramel 曲奇Cookies 雪糕Ice cream 爆谷Popcorn 棒棒糖Lolipop 蛋糕Cake 布丁Pudding 啫喱Jelly 参考: 全部自己谂架!希望[最佳] fishball potato chips sweets biscuits chocolate sandwiches French fries hamburger cakes ice-cream soft drinks sausages pudding jelly chicken wings meatballs pancakes instant noodles egg rolls seaweeds Is it enough for you? I hope these can help you!! potato chips chocolate bar crackers cookies peanuts popcorn jelly be candy lollipop cashews nut ice cream gums milkshake coke frozen coke muffins cakes cupcakes fruits cheeseball French fries 著条 Chips 著片 Cookies 曲奇饼 Nuts 刚果 Cakes 蛋糕 Fruit 水果 Sandwich 三明治 Egg tart 蛋挞 Hot dog 热狗 Chocolate 巧克力 Candy 糖果 Ice-cream 雪糕 Jelly 果冻 Popcorn 爆玉米花 Gum 口香糖 Puff 泡芙 Cracker 薄脆饼干 Egg roll 蛋卷 Almond cake 杏仁饼 Nougat 奶油杏仁花生糖;牛轧糖 参考: me+various dictionaries/websites chip candy 参考: me

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我下载了驱动精灵,可惜安装后还是不好用,这是怎么回事Driver InformationCompany AGFA Model SnapScan 310 Operating System Windows XP

“We are now flying stably. Snacks and uff08 uff09 will be provided in half an hour.”

【答案】:B解析:“我们现在飞行平稳。点心和饮料将在半小时内提供。”beverage 饮料;food为不可数名词;peanut的复数表示微不足道的钱;beverage比alcohol 意思更恰当。


snake的英音读[sneu026ak],美音读[sneu026ak]。一、短语搭配1、tiger snake虎蛇;澳洲虎蛇;翻译。2、Green Snake青蛇;翠青蛇。3、Queen snake女王蛇。4、Fox snake狐蛇;狐狸蛇;狡猾锦蛇。5、Dice snake棋斑水游蛇。6、Snake Ridge斯内克岭。7、snake charmer耍蛇者;玩蛇者;催眠蛇的人。二、例句1、The snake sheds its skin once a year.蛇一年蜕一次皮。2、He killed the snake with his bare hands.他赤手空拳打死了那条蛇。3、The cobra is one of the world"s deadliest snakes.眼镜蛇是世界上毒性最剧烈的蛇类之一。4、The fire started late Saturday in tinder-dry grass near the Snake River.大火是星期六晚些时候在斯内克河附近干枯的草地上燃起的。5、The road snaked away into the distance.公路蜿蜒伸向远方。6、A snake was twisting around his arm.一条蛇缠绕在他的手臂上。7、The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.蛇含其尾表示无穷无尽。8、The snake coiled up, ready to strike.那条蛇盘绕起来准备攻击。

翻译一个歌词。歌曲名字:snake charmer




having been bitten by a snake,she was frightened


was bitten by a snake


SQL server创建一个表 字段名称 sno char 10 主键 sname char 8 sex char 2 默认为男

CREATE TABLE dbo.Student ([sno] char(10) NOT NULL,[sname] char(8) NOT NULL,[sex] char(2) default "男",CONSTRAINT PK_Student PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([sno]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 99)

debbie gibson-snake charmer的英文歌词

歌曲名:Snake Charmer歌手:Her Vanished Grace专辑:Colors Vol.1&2 CD1╰ Aritist: Blink-182 ╯Album: NeighborhoodsReleased on September 27, 2011I felt a stutter and a waiverCutting like a razorLike fire through the snowThen straight down to the boneShe creeps up like a spiderAnd wants you deep inside herShe turns you into stoneA twisted little showThat"s how it was to all begin"Cause good girls who like to sinWay back at the starting lineWhere he was on Adam"s mindAnd he was the first to goIn search of the great unknownAnd swallow you yet again"Cause good girls, they like to sinYou are a hero and survivorYour eyes are getting tiredThere"s claw marks under your spineIt happens all the timeThe silent evil daughtersLike sirens on the waterYou"ve been the perfect crimeIt happens all the timeThat"s how it was to all begin"Cause good girls who like to sinWay back at the starting lineWhere he was on Adam"s mindAnd he was the first to goIn search of the great unknownAnd swallow you yet again"Cause good girls, they like to sin...Good girls, they like to sin...Swallow you yet again...Good girls, they like to sin...Good girls, they like to sinThat"s how it was to all begin"Cause good girls who like to sinWay back at the starting lineWhere he was on Adam"s mindAnd he was the first to goIn search of the great unknownAnd swallow you yet again"Cause good girls, they like to sin

求Debbie Gibson唱的Snake Charmer歌词 英文的

歌词: I felt a stutter and a waiver, cutting like a razorLike fire through the snow, then straight down to the boneShe creeps up like a spider, and wants you deep inside herShe turns you into stone, a twisted little showThat"s how it was to all beginCause good girls who like to sinWay back at the starting lineWhere Eve was on Adam"s mindAnd he was the first to goIn search of the great unknownAnd falling yet againCause good girls, they like to sinYou are a hero and survivor, your eyes are getting tiredThere"s claw marks under your spine, it happens all the timeThe silent evil daughters, like sirens on the waterYou"ve been the perfect crime, it happens all the timeThat"s how it was to all beginCause good girls who like to sinWay back at the starting lineWhere Eve was on Adam"s mindAnd he was the first to goIn search of the great unknownAnd falling yet againCause good girls, they like to sinThat"s how it was to all beginCause good girls who like to sinWay back at the starting lineWhere Eve was on Adam"s mindAnd he was the first to goIn search of the great unknownAnd falling yet againCause good girls, they like to sin

FL studio的kick,snare,break,clap分别是什么意思






求辨析:catch clasp clutch grasp grab grip seize snatch 有什么区别

clutch:(通常因害怕或担心)紧握,紧抓,还有n的控制,势力范围,延伸就是离合器踏板,继续延伸一窝(蛋),一小簇人或物clasp n 扣环,搭扣,手提包那种搭扣,有抱紧的意思,搂进怀里的意思,紧紧抓住。clench:攥紧(拳头);(拳头)紧握,通常有生气的时候咬紧牙齿,咬牙切齿,clench your teeth,有生气的意味在里面grasp:紧握,掌控,理解可以看到 clutch 和 clench 自带感情色彩,而clasp和grasp比较中性。

福特野马的shelby,cobra,GT350,GT500,super snake,相互之间都是什么关系?都是怎么回事,什么配置?

shelby GT350,GT500,super snake都是野马的量产高性能版本,这几种都是shelby公司改装的,super snake是shelby公司各版本中最好的一种。shelby cobra不是野马,是另外一款车shelby GT350是1965-1966年左右的车,常被错误地称为cobras。野马每一代都会有很多高性能版本,除了shelby的以外,常见的还有saleen、roush、sms、boss等等

福特野马的shelby,cobra,GT350,GT500,super snake,相互之间都是什么关系?都是怎么回事,什么配置?

巧得很,我有一辆67年的野马V8 4.7 本人也是古典车的收藏和爱好者,我dealer朋友开野马改装和租赁行的,他就有辆GT500,还有一辆敞篷的GT350,正好可以回答你的问题。60年代大名鼎鼎的shelby是改装厂,最初改装福特AC COBRA,后改装福特野马。GT350,GT500,GT350H(我再给你加个GT350H,因为周围圈子里的朋友都会把GT350H和GT350搞错)都是他改装后命名的。后来shelby破产,80年代重组,复刻生产了AC COBRA,并继续改装福特原厂野马,之后他改装的野马都叫shelby GT500。AC COBRA可以查到图片,是一款没篷的长得很奇怪的跑车,当年比赛用的,外形也很经典。60年代一批非常值钱现在,现在拍卖要10万到60万美元(18万美元美国可以买盖拉多新车)。GT350到68,69年停产,因为销量很差,但是确实是非常好的车。现在存世非常少,我记得是2位数的(具体多少忘了),市场上仿品比较多(多是GT350H仿的,等下介绍),真品难得一见,拍卖可以到12到30万美元。GT350H正是在GT350销量低迷的时候,拯救shelby的车型。他是由Hertz租车行问shelby定制的,包括原形车,一共1004辆左右。但是因为这些车全部用于租赁,驾驶人习惯不同,保存条件都比较恶劣。后来Hertz决定全部翻新出售这些车,市价在4万到10万美元。由于GT350性能上的成功而销售上的失败,60年代末,福特和shelby决定用GT500换代GT350。而GT500的推出正值美国发展黄金时代,一炮打响,KR(king of road)款更是备受追捧。现在拍卖价都在10万美元往上至于super snake,可能是近年的车型,我只了解60,70的车型,所以不太清楚。至于这些车的配置,都是V8的,但是引擎都有不同的调教,具体车都不完全一样,需要看。不过很多人的错误观念是这些老车上很多都没有。其实不对,只是在这里附带普及下。都有磁带,立体声音响,点烟口(和现在的一摸一样)。很多也都是自动波,而且有少量附带原厂空调,那时候空调确实是稀罕东西,要加价20%多,我的车就有原厂空调。

snack dessert 使用上有什么不同?

SNACK 指零食,口语化. 1.Usually I only have a snack at lunchtime. 我中午通常只吃点心. 2.The children have a mid-morning snack of milk and biscuits. 这些儿童在早餐与午餐之间有牛奶与饼乾作点心. 3.I prefer to snack when I"m travelling rather than have a full meal. 我旅行时喜欢吃小吃而不吃正餐. 4.We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack. 我们时间很紧,只好胡乱吃了顿小吃. 5.I"m not very hungry a small snack is fine for me. 我不太饿--来点小吃就够了. 而dessert比较正式,并且是“甜食” 1.I like to have ice cream for dessert. 我喜欢在正餐后吃冰淇淋当甜点. 2.Shall we move on to dessert? 咱们上甜食好吗? 3.A dessert of sliced fruit,ice cream,and toppings. 盛有冰淇淋、奶油、水果的甜食 4.A dessert containing primarily oranges and flaked coconut. 柑桔椰子甜食一种主要由桔子和椰片做成的甜食 5.He served us brownies as dessert. 他给我们吃核桃仁巧克力饼作为甜点. 附带一提:中国点心是Dim-sum

the bottled snakes along the wall什么意思

the bottled snakes along the wall沿墙的瓶装蛇the bottled snakes along the wall沿墙的瓶装蛇

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在澳门买的韩国自然乐园SNAIL SOLUTION 80 EMULSION(白色膏状体)怎么用?



ASANA WELLNESS 速效关节止痛补骨素,采用突破性配方,集四大修补关节的天然活性成分:乳香精华、软骨素、青口素及奥米加3,每日为您关节补给所需营养,修补软骨组织,促进软骨生长,减少钙质流失,预防骨质密度下降,保持骨骼强健;同时更是天然消痛消肿的配方,有效舒缓痛楚不适,令您关节恢复润滑健康、灵活自如、顺畅有力。适合颈、脊椎、肩、腰、膝、臀、手腕、手指、交织、脚 等关节痛甫楚不是问题困扰;关节长期受压、筋骨劳损,关节酸软痛楚;出现关节噪音,经常从事体力劳动或重复性动作人士及预防关节退化人士。 令您年轻 ASANA WELLNESS联合国际力量,与您一起,大胆面对解决日超严重的提早老化问题,敢于创新,为您提高高级、高效、可靠、并度身订造的抗老化方案,为全球关注健康的人士,连成瘦的年轻、靓的年轻、健康年轻的愿望,让您重新展现年轻的魅力与风采 全球独有10大补骨补关节功效: 1、7天减轻关节痛楚 6、防止钙质流失 2、改善关节酸痛无力 7、刺激软骨组织生长 3、舒缓关节僵硬 8、修补劳损关节 4、消肿消痛 9、强化关节骨胶原 5、减少关节摩擦声音 10、延缓关节及骨骼退化

29 Esna Park Drive Markham,Ontario,L3R 1C9 Canada 邮编是多少

L3R 1C9

osesna 可以组成哪些单词?

可以组成:season, /ˈsiːzn/ n. 时期;季节;赛季; vt. 给…调味;使适应; vi. 变得成熟;变干燥


咬住下唇-ESNAuc544ub7abuc785uc220 ubab0ub798 ubb3cuace0 ub208 uc9c0uadf8uc2dc uac10uc9c0悄悄的咬住下嘴唇 轻轻的闭上眼睛ub0b4 ubab8uc744 ucc44uc6ccuc624ub294 uc124ub818uc744 uac10ucdb0隐藏住我一涌而上的心动uc660uc9c0 uc790uafb8 uac04uc9c0ub7ecuc6cc ub110 uc0dduac01ud558uba74 ud63cuc790 ub9d0uc744 uac74ub124uac8c ub3fc不知怎麼了 总是感到心里痒痒的 只要想到你 就会开始自言自语Give me a perfect dayOh I"ll stay, by your sideub09c ubc8cuc368 ub0b4 ub9d8 ubc18uc744 ub4e4ud0a8 uac78我对你的心意已经被你察觉了一半uae30ub300ud574ub3c4 uc88buc740 ub0a0uc774 uc62c uac70uc57c uc88buc740 uc77cub9cc uc794ub729 ub2e4uac00uc62c uac70uc57c期待著 好日子将会到来的 只会有满满的好事情迎向我的ud798ub4e0 ub098ub97c uc9c0ucf1c ubc14ub77cubd10 uc904 ud55c uc0acub78c, ub108uc778 uac83 uac19uc740 uae30ubd84 ub4dcub294 uac78守护著辛苦的我的那个人 感觉就是你了I wanna make you mine foreverub04auc5b4uc9c8 ub4ef uc774uc5b4uc9c0ub294 ud574ub9d1uc740 uc6c3uc74c, ub208 ub5a0ubcf4uba74 ub0b4 uac83uc778 uac78像是要断了似的 又连续著的 你那明朗的笑容 当我睁开眼看 就好像会是我的Give me a perfect day. Oh I"ll stay, by your sideub09c ubc8cuc368 ub0b4 ub9d8 ubc18uc744 ub4e4ud0a8 uac78我对你的心意已经被你察觉了一半uae30ub300ud574ub3c4 uc88buc740 ub0a0uc774 uc62c uac70uc57c uc88buc740 uc77cub9cc uc794ub729 ub2e4uac00uc62c uac70uc57c期待著 好日子将会到来的 只会有满满的好事情迎向我的ud798ub4e0 ub098ub97c uc9c0ucf1c ubc14ub77cubd10 uc904 ud55c uc0acub78c, ub108uc778 uac83 uac19uc740 uae30ubd84 ub4dcub294 uac78守护著辛苦的我的那个人 感觉就是你了I wanna make you mine ubd84uba85 uc88buc740 uc0acub78c ub9ccub09c uac78 uac70uc57c uba4buc9c4 uc77cub9cc uc794ub729 ucc59uaca8uc904 uac70uc57c一定会和好的对象相遇的 会有美好的事情在等著我的uc0acub791 ud558ub098ub85cub3c4 ucda9ubd84ud560 uac83 uac19uc740 uac78,只要拥有爱情就充分的足够了Nothing"s better, better than I loveuae30ub300ud574ub3c4 uc88buc744 uc0acub791uc77c uac70uc57c uc88buc740 uc77cub9cc uc794ub729 ub2e4uac00uc62c uac70uc57c期待著 好日子将会到来的 只会有满满的好事情迎向我的ud798ub4e0 ub098ub97c uc9c0ucf1c ubc14ub77cubd10 uc904 ud55c uc0acub78c, ub108uc778 uac83 uac19uc740 uae30ubd84 ub4dcub294 uac78守护著辛苦的我的那个人 感觉就是你了I wanna make you mine评论 | 2014-02-10 22:43热心网友uc544ub7abuc785uc220 ubb3cuace0 uc544ub7abuc785uc220 ubab0ub798 ubb3cuace0 ub208 uc9c0uadf8uc2dc uac10uc9c0ub0b4 ubab8uc744 ucc44uc6ccuc624ub294 uc124ub818uc744 uac10ucdb0uc660uc9c0 uc790uafb8 uac04uc9c0ub7ecuc6cc ub110 uc0dduac01ud558uba74ud63cuc790 ub9d0uc744 uac74ub124uac8c ub3fcGive me a perfect day Oh I"ll stay by your sideub09c ubc8cuc368 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74c ubc18uc744 ub4e4ud0a8uac78uae30ub300ud574ub3c4 uc88buc740 ub0a0uc774 uc62c uac70uc57cuc88buc740 uc77cub9cc uc794ub729 ub2e4uac00uc62c uac70uc57cud798ub4e0 ub098ub97c uc9c0ucf1c ubc14ub77cubd10 uc904 ud55c uc0acub78cub108uc778 uac83 uac19uc740 uae30ubd84 ub4dcub294uac78I wanna make you mine forever

Esna 咬住下唇中文歌词

偷偷咬着下唇 用眼睛轻轻地感知隐藏起充满我身体的悸动不知为什么总是忍不住想起你开始自言自语Give me a perfect day Oh I"ll stay by your side我好像已经有点了解我的心值得期待的美好的日子会来的也会只有好的事情蜂拥而至守护在疲惫的我的身边的那个我感觉他就是你I wanna make you mine forever仿佛消失却又出现的明亮的微笑睁开眼睛 那会是我吧Give me a perfect day Oh I"ll stay by your side我好像已经有点了解我的心值得期待的美好的日子会来的也会只有好的事情蜂拥而至守护在疲惫的我的身边的那个人我感觉他就是你I wanna make you mine forever我分明会和好的人相遇的也会只有精彩的事情来临好像只要有爱就已经足够Nothing"s better better than I love值得期待的美好的日子会来的也会只有好的事情蜂拥而至守护在疲惫的我的身边的那个人我感觉他就是你I wanna make you mine forever



求esna的咬住下唇 谐音歌词





ESNA(E-Skills UK Network Associate)认证考试,考查学员是否拥有以下能力:具备安装、配置、运行中型路由和交换网络,并进行故障排除的能力。获得ESNA认证的专业人士拥有相应的知识和技能,能够通过广域网与远程站点建立连接,消除基本的安全威胁,了解无线网络接入的要求。包括(但不限于)以下这些协议的使用:IP、EIGRP、串行线路接口协议、帧中继、RIPv2、VLAN、以太网和访问控制列表(ACL)。ESAP(E-Skills UK Programmer)认证考试,考查学员是否掌握如何使用微软asp.net开发应用程序。在本认证考试中还会考查您是否掌握构建ASP.NET 4 Web页面,使用预置服务器控件添加功能,使用各种开发工具构建ASP.NET Web站点,创建外观风格一致的Web站点技术,Web站点内实现jQuery和AJAX功能,使用数据库和MicrosoftADO.NET Entity Framework,保护和个性化站点,异常处理以及如何调试和跟踪页面。ESJP(E-Skills UKJava Programmer)认证考试,考查学员是否掌握如何使用标准JavaDevelopment kit(JDK)开发应用程序和applets。在本认证考试中还会考查您是否学会Java语言的语法。如何使用Java来创建图形用户接口(GUI),事件处理机制,例外处理,通过设计与开发各种Java程序来获得实际的编程经验。包括考查文件输入/输出(I/O),多线程和网络的知识。

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约翰·塞纳(John Cena)和布洛克·莱斯纳(Brock Lesnar)私下有矛盾吗?

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2007年2月6日MMA处子战击败金岷秀2007年10月22日,UFC总裁Dana White宣布和WWE前摔角巨星Brock Lesnar签下2年的合同2008年2月2日,UFC81 中,第一回合1分30秒时被Frank Mir踝锁降服2008年8月9日,UFC87中,一致判定击败“疯马”Heath Herring2008年11月15日,UFC91中,第二回合3分07秒 TKO Randy Couture,夺得UFC重量级冠军头衔2009年7月11日,UFC100中,第二回合1分48秒 TKO Frank Mir,卫冕了UFC重量级冠军2010年7月4日,UFC116中, 第二回合3分17秒成功降服Shane Carwin。卫冕了UFC重量级冠军2010年10月23日,UFC121中,第一回合4分07秒被 Cain Velasquez TKO。丢掉了UFC重量级冠军。2011年12月30日,UFC141中,第一回合2分35秒被 Alistair OvereemTKO。输掉比赛并宣布退役,结束了4年的MMA职业生涯。截止12年1月,MMA战绩5胜3负


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snack:[ sn?k ] n.小吃,点心 v.吃零食,吃点心 [ 名词snacker ] [ 过去式snacked 过去分词snacked 现在分词snacking 第三人称单数snacks ] 例句与用法 1.We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack. 我们时间很紧,只好胡乱吃了顿小吃. 2.I"m not very hungry a small snack is fine for me. 我不太饿--来点小吃就够了. cuisine:[ kwi(:)"zi:n ] n.烹饪 例句与用法 1.Chinese cuisine is very different from European. 中国烹饪与欧洲烹饪有很大区别. 2.After that,they might end their day dining in a restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine. 然后他俩可能会去一家中国餐馆吃晚饭,以此来结束一天的活动.

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  潜龙谍影3中英双语全剧本(XIII)- -  (Snake heads toward a field of white flowers. Suddenly, a distant nuclear  blast goes off)  (漫天飞舞的白花中,Boss出现)  Boss: Life" end... (drops the Davy Crockett) Isn"t beautiful? It"s almost tragic. When life ends, it gives off a final lingering aroma. Light is but a farewell gift from the darkness to those on their way to die. I"ve been waiting, Snake, for a long time. Waiting for your birth, your growth, and the finality of today.  Boss: 生命的尽头...不是很美吗?但这种美丽往往都是悲剧性的。当生命走到终点时,它会散发出最后的久久不散的芳香。光明对于那些即将死去的人来说仅仅只是黑暗赠与的最后礼物。我一直在等,Snake,等了很久了。等你出生,等你长大,等待着今天的终结。  Snake: Boss, why are you doing this?  Snake: Boss你为什么要这么做?  Boss: Why? To make the world one again. The world used to be whole. But with the end of the Second World War, the Philosophers began to fight amongst themselves and the world was torn apart. The Cobras, my comrades who trained and fought alongside me, were torn apart as well. The foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes. Ridiculous, isn"t it? Yesterday"s ally becomes today"s opposition. And this Cold War? Think back... When I was leading the Cobras, America and Russia were fighting together. Now consider whether America and Russia will still be enemies in the 21st century. Somehow, I doubt it. Enemies change along with the times, and the flow of the ages. And we soldiers are forced to play along. I didn"t raise you and shape you into the man you are today just so we could face each other in battle. A soldier"s skills aren"t meant to be used to hurt friends. So then what is an enemy? Is there such thing as an absolute timeless enemy? There is no such thing and never has been. And the reason is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms. The world must be made whole again. The Philosophers must be reunited. I will devote my skills to that purpose. And with the Colonel"s money, I will achieve that end. Just as I once created the Cobras. They are my family. I may no longer be able to bear children but I still have a family.  Boss: 为什么?为了让世界重新合为一体。世界本来是一个整体,但是二战结束后,“哲学家”们就开始相互争斗,这使得世界四分五裂。眼镜蛇部队,曾经和我一起训练和战斗的伙伴们也因此各奔东西。政治的怪癖和时间的变迁会让朋友变成敌人,就像风改变它的方向那样简单。很荒谬,是不是?曾经的同盟变成今天的对手。还有这场冷战?想想过去...当我带领眼镜蛇的时候,美国和苏联在一起联手作战,,但我怀疑他们现在彼此都会认为对方是21世纪的敌人。  敌人会随着时间的流逝和时代的变迁而不断改变,而作为军人的我们只能被迫与之战斗。你已经不是我所培养和塑造的Snake了,所以我们才会在战场上面对面的战斗。军人的技能不是用来伤害朋友的,那么什么才是敌人呢?有没有绝对且永恒的敌人呢?不,并不存在也绝不会有。因为我们的敌人正是像我们一样的人,他们只有在一定条件下才会变成我们的敌人。世界必须重新合为一体,“哲学家”们也必须重新集合起来。为了达成这个目标,我一定会尽我所能,再加上上校的资金,一定能实现。就像我当初创建眼镜蛇一样。他们是我的家人,虽然我永远也不能再生小孩,但是我仍然有一个家。  Boss: It was November 1st, 1951. I was in the Nevada desert participating in atomic testing. The name "Nevada" is derived from Spanish... "covered in snow"... "white as snow"... And snow is exactly what I saw in the that Nevada desert. It froze my blood white. Snake, you were an atomic test subject, weren"t you? On Bikini Atoll. That"s part of the reason I was drawn to you. You and I are alike. We"re both slowly being eaten away by the karma of others. We"ll never have the chance to die peacefully of old age. We have no tomorrow. But we can still have hope for the future. In 1960 I saw a vision of the ideal future from space. Three years earlier the Soviet Union had succeeded in launching Sputnik. The first manmade satellite in history, into orbit. This cam as a huge shock to the United States. In response, American threw everything it had into its own manned space flight project, the Mercury project. Even as the Soviets seemed poised to send their first man into space America was still experimenting with chimpanzees in rockets. The government wanted human data. So they secretly decided to send a human being into space. I was the one they chose. At the time they didn"t have the technology to block out cosmic rays and whoever they sent up would inevitably be exposed to heavy radiation. That"s why they chose me. After all, I had already been irradiated once. Of course, you won"t find any of this in the history books. I could see the planet as it appeared from space. That"s when it finally hit me. Space exploration is nothing but another game in the power struggle between the US and USSR. Politics, economics, the arms race - they"re all just arenas for meaningless competition. I"m sure you can see that. But the Earth itself has no boundaries. No East, No West, No Cold War. And the irony of it is, The united States and the Soviet Union are spending billions on their space programs and the missile race only to arrive at the same conclusion. In the 21st century everyone will be able to see that we are all just inhabitants of a little celestial body called Earth. A world without communism and capitalism... that is the world I wanted to see. But reality continued to betray me.  Boss: 1951年11月1日,我参与了在内华达沙漠进行的核试验。“Nevada”这个名字源自西班牙语,意思是“被雪覆盖,如雪洁白”,我也真的在内华达沙漠中看到了“白雪”,那让我血液都凝固了。Snake,你也参与在比基尼岛进行的核试验对吗?这也是我被你吸引的原因之一,你和我一样,我们都是被命运慢慢蚕食的人。我们绝无机会安详地老死,我们没有明天,但是我们仍可以对未来抱有希望。1960年,我从太空中看到了理想的未来景象。早在3年前苏联就成功的发射了Sputnik(史泼尼克号),世界上第一颗人造卫星进入轨道,美国对此非常震惊。作为回应,美国倾其所有来发展载人太空飞行计划——“水银计划”。不过直到苏联准备把他们的首位宇航员送上太空的时候,美国还在火箭里用大猩猩做试验。政府想要人类的数据,所以他们秘密准备将人送上太空。我就是他们选中的人,那时他们并不拥有能够阻挡宇宙射线的技术。无论谁被送上太空,都将受到强烈的辐射,这也是他们选择我的原因,毕竟我受过一次辐射。当然,你不可能找到有关这段历史的任何资料。我可以从太空中看到地球的全貌,当时我被深深的震撼了。太空探索只是美苏权力之争的另一场游戏,政治,经济,军备竞赛,都在进行着毫无意义的斗争,我想你也都看到了。但是地球本身是没有边界的,没有东方,没有西方,没有冷战。讽刺的是,美苏在太空计划和导弹竞赛上耗费巨资,却是为了达到同一个目的。  在21世纪,每个人都会知道我们只是地球这个小小天体上的居民。没有共产主义,没有资本主义,那就是我理想中的世界。但是现实总是背叛我。  Boss: In 1961, I was sent to Cuba to Bahia de Cochinos. It was part of a CIA-sponsored invasion under the guise of taking Cuban exiles back to their country. But the US government betrayed them. Our weak-kneed President held back their air support. Defenseless, the exiles were annihilated by the Cuban army. All I could do was watch in silence. I was set up by the very country I"d sacrificed to much for, by the very government I"d dedicated my life to defending. I was driven from the surface world and I went underground. Then two years ago, I faced The Sorrow - my old comrade - in battle. He was my friend. But one of us had to die. I was left with no choice. The Sorrow gave his life for me. There is no enmity between us. One must die, and one must live. That was the mission. The ones who gave me that mission were the Philosophers. Early in the twentieth century the true holders of power in the United States, the Republic of China, and the newly-formed Soviet Union, gathered together in a secret meeting that would later be known as the Wiseman"s Committee. The secret pact they formed there marked the beginning of the Philosophers. But the last of the original members died in the 1930"s. After that, the organization began to run out of control and the Wiseman"s Committee degenerated into a mere shell of its former self. The Philosophers of today have no sense of good or evil. Their influence extends to countries and organizations involved in every aspect of every war. They have become war itself. That"s how they operate. The sacrifices of war cause a shift in the times. This shift leads to renewed conflict and in turn triggers the next war. Like a nuclear chain reaction, each conflict sparks countless others, forming an endless spiral of war that will continue on for eternity. Do you understand what I"m saying, "Snake?" By consuming me and you the Philosophers intend to keep their cycle going forever. It was my father who explained all of this to me. He was one of them. You see, I am the last remaining child of the Philosophers. But after he revealed the truth my father was killed by that same shapeless, formless organization. And my father isn"t the only thing the Philosophers have taken from me. In June of 1944, the Cobras and I took part in the landing at Normandy. We"d been given a top secret mission to locate and destroy enemy V2 rocket installations. I was pregnant at the time. The Sorrow was the father. I gave birth on the field of battle. A beautiful baby boy... but my child was snatched away from me by the Philosophers.  Boss: 1961年,我被派往古巴的猪湾(Bahia de Cochinos),那是被CIA伪装成将古巴流犯送回祖国的入侵行动的一部分,可是美国政府出卖了他们,我们软弱的总统停止了对他们的支援,毫无防备的流犯被古巴军全部歼灭。我能做的只有默默的观望。我被这样一个为之牺牲太多的国家、这样一个为之用生命来捍卫的政府所欺骗,从此我便从幕前转到了幕后。  2年前,我在战场上遇到了我以前的伙伴—Sorrow,他是我的朋友,但我们其中的一个人必须得死。我别无选择,Sorrow为我献出了生命。我们之间没有任何敌意,但必须一人生一人死,这就是任务,是“哲学家”们给我的任务。在20世纪初期,美国、中国和新建的苏联的掌权者曾经进行过一次秘密会议,后来被称为“智者委员会”。他们在会上拟定的秘密条约也标志着“哲学家”的正式诞生。但委员会最初成员中的最后一人也在30年代就去世了,此后整个组织就处于混乱无序的状态,而“智者委员会”也名存实亡。现在的“哲学家”对善恶已经麻木了。他们的影响力延伸到每个国家和组织,每场战争的的方方面面,他们已经成了战争本身,那就是他们所做的。战争的牺牲导致时代的改变,这种改变会导致新的冲突,成为下一场战争的导火线。就像原子的连锁反应一样,每次冲突都引发无数的反应,形成一个永无止境的战争漩涡。Snake,你明白我所说的一切吗?通过消灭你我,“哲学家”打算让这个漩涡永远存在下去。这一切都是我的父亲告诉我的,他是他们中的一分子。你看,我是“哲学家”们仅存的后代。当我父亲揭露了真相后,就被这个无形的组织干掉了。而且这也不是“哲学家”们从我这里夺走的唯一东西。1944年6月,我和眼镜蛇部队参加了诺曼底登陆,我们被指派了找到并摧毁敌人V2火箭装置的绝密任务。那时我已经怀孕了,孩子的父亲是Sorrow.。我在战场上生下了孩子,是一个漂亮的男孩,但是“哲学家”们从我怀里夺走了孩子。  (The Boss pulls off her cloak and opens the front part of her suit)  (The Boss露出了胸前的蛇状伤疤)  Boss: Look at this scar. This is proof that I was once a mother. I gave up my body and my child for my country. There is nothing left inside me now. Nothing at all. No hatred, not even regret. And yet sometimes at night I can still feel the pain creeping up inside me. Slithering through my body like a snake. I"ve never talked this much about myself before. Thanks... thanks for listening to me. I feel... content. Snake... (pulls out a radio) Commence the operation. (puts radio away) I raised you. I loved you. I"ve given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There is nothing more for me to give you. All that"s left for you to take is my life, by your own hand. One must die and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight. It is our destiny... The one who survive will inherit the title of Boss. And the one who inherits the title of Boss will face an existence of endless battle. I"ll give you 10 minutes. In 10 minutes, MiGs will come and bomb the hell out of this place. If you can beat me in less than 10 minutes, you"ll be able to escape in time. (loads Patriot) Let"s make this the greatest 10 minutes of our lives, Jack.  Boss: 看看这条伤疤,它可以证明我曾经是一位母亲。我为祖国献出了身体和孩子,现在我已经一无所有了,什么都没了。没有仇恨,甚至没有遗憾。但有时候在深夜,我仍能感觉到痛苦在我的体内游走,就像蛇一样爬过我的身体。我以前从没有说过这么多关于自己的事情,谢谢...谢谢你能听我诉说,我感觉...很好,Snake...(掏出发报机)行动开始。我养育了你,我爱过你。我给你武器,传你本领,教你知识。我已经没有什么能给你了,唯一剩下能给你亲手拿去的,只有我的生命。一个必须生一个必须死,没有胜利,也没有失败,活下来的那个必须继续战斗,这是我们的宿命...活下来的人将继承 “Boss”的称号,而这个人将去面对永无止境的战斗。我会给你十分钟的时间,十分钟后这里将被米格战机夷为平地。如果你能在十分钟内打败我,你就可以及时逃生。让我们将这十分钟铸成我们生命中最伟大的时刻吧,Jack。  Snake: Boss!  Snake: Boss!  Boss: You"re a soldier! Finish your mission! Prove your loyalty! Face me!  Boss: 你是一名军人!完成你的任务!证明你的忠诚!出手吧!  (Snake has beaten The Boss. He approaches her and she gives him the microfilm)  (击败The Boss,她给了Snake微型胶卷)  Boss: Take this... keep it safe. It"s our only hope. (hands him the Patriot)  Boss: 拿着这个.......好好保存,这是我们唯一的希望。(把她的枪给了Snake)  Snake: A Patriot... why are you giving me this?  Snake: 一把爱国者...为什么要给我这个?  Boss: Jack... Or should I say... Snake... You"re a wonderful man. Kill me. Kill me now. Do it. There"s only room for one Boss... and one Snake...  Boss: Jack...或者我该叫... Snake... 你是个了不起的人,杀了我,现在就杀了我,动手吧。世界上只能有一个Boss...也只能有一个Snake...  (Snake shoots and kills her. The lowers turn red and The Boss" horse comes by. The scar on The Boss" body turns into a silvery white snake and slithers away. One red petal falls into Snake"s hand; he clutches it)  (Snake亲手终结了Boss)


贪吃Snacky是一个小型库,可帮助您轻松将添加到布局中。 它是根据我自己的需要创建的,并且受启发的软件。Educational insights- the sneaky,snacky squirrel game(贪吃的松鼠)。说实话,桌游,特别是多人版的儿童桌游,在国内还是小众产品,叮当也还没到大范围玩桌游的年龄,之前我就给只给他买了些启蒙级别的。所以这段时间,除了市面上的经典桌游,我还海淘了一些很有特色但冷门的单品;很久之前。我刚接触桌游,觉得这类玩具也太坑了,就这么几块纸板、几个骰子就好几百?但真正玩起来,我才明白了:桌游的价值不在于里面配了多少东西,而在于整个游戏规则和玩法设计的巧妙,百玩不腻,还能开发大脑,锻炼情商。这才是桌游最值钱的部分。只是桌游确实不便宜,所以为了让大家把银子用到最实惠处,这阵时间,丹妈把买回来的桌游,加上之前也入手过的,扎扎实实地和助理玩了一个月,最后才精选出今天本文要推荐的品牌。在介绍这些桌游之前,先解释下,为什么文中都选择了多人对战型桌游。这是因为我发现,后台经常有读者说桌游买回去孩子不爱玩:“丹妈,买了不少桌面游戏,都是一关一关的,娃玩两关就再也不愿意玩了,怎么办?”我问了一圈身边朋友,这还真不是个例!后来我专门咨询了叮当逻辑思维课的老师。才发现,因为孩子玩的都是单人版桌游,重解谜,轻乐趣,自己玩遇到难关,有些孩子就很难坚持下去。当然,也有孩子玩单人版玩得不亦说乎啊。而多人桌游更强调人与人之间的合作与竞争,每次的过程和结果都不一样。总之,与人斗,其乐无穷。


贪吃Snacky是一个小型库,可帮助您轻松将添加到布局中。 它是根据我自己的需要创建的,并且受启发的软件。Educational insights- the sneaky,snacky squirrel game(贪吃的松鼠)。说实话,桌游,特别是多人版的儿童桌游,在国内还是小众产品,叮当也还没到大范围玩桌游的年龄,之前我就给只给他买了些启蒙级别的。所以这段时间,除了市面上的经典桌游,我还海淘了一些很有特色但冷门的单品;很久之前。我刚接触桌游,觉得这类玩具也太坑了,就这么几块纸板、几个骰子就好几百?但真正玩起来,我才明白了:桌游的价值不在于里面配了多少东西,而在于整个游戏规则和玩法设计的巧妙,百玩不腻,还能开发大脑,锻炼情商。这才是桌游最值钱的部分。只是桌游确实不便宜,所以为了让大家把银子用到最实惠处,这阵时间,丹妈把买回来的桌游,加上之前也入手过的,扎扎实实地和助理玩了一个月,最后才精选出今天本文要推荐的品牌。在介绍这些桌游之前,先解释下,为什么文中都选择了多人对战型桌游。这是因为我发现,后台经常有读者说桌游买回去孩子不爱玩:“丹妈,买了不少桌面游戏,都是一关一关的,娃玩两关就再也不愿意玩了,怎么办?”我问了一圈身边朋友,这还真不是个例!后来我专门咨询了叮当逻辑思维课的老师。才发现,因为孩子玩的都是单人版桌游,重解谜,轻乐趣,自己玩遇到难关,有些孩子就很难坚持下去。当然,也有孩子玩单人版玩得不亦说乎啊。而多人桌游更强调人与人之间的合作与竞争,每次的过程和结果都不一样。总之,与人斗,其乐无穷。


And Binggo was his name.同时他的名字是宾果。为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

snake怎么读 snake的读法

1、读音:英[sneɪk] 2、意思: (1)n.蛇(蛇亚目爬行动物的统称);阴险的人;奸诈的人;蛇形物;蛇状物;(欧盟早期的)蛇形浮动汇率制;管道疏通器; (2)vi.蛇行;蜿蜒行进 (3)vt.(用绳)拖,拽;一下下地拉;沿着…蜿蜒前行;


snails,[英][sne_ls]、[美][sne_ls],n.蜗牛; 迟钝的人;蜗牛( snail的名词复数 )。怎么记英语单词,相信很多朋友们也遇到过这种类似的问题,那么对于这类问题如何解决呢?下面就把解决这种问题的方法给大家分享一下,希望可以帮助到大家。要准确理解单词的意思,遇到复杂难记的单词可查词典和查网络。不仅要集中在一定的时间内记单词,还要利用闲暇时间记单词。学会巧记,对于复杂难记的单词要用技巧和方法来记。背完单词后要进行大量的针对性阅读,巩固记的单词。


snake 英[sneɪk] 美[snek] n. 蛇;奸险的人;卑劣的人;蛇形浮动汇率制 vt. 沿…曲折前进(或延伸);<美>/<口>拖,拉(木材等) vi. 曲折前进(或延伸);蛇行,悄悄地爬行 [例句]A boy was playing with a tame snake.一个男孩在玩一条驯服了的蛇。


"Snakes" 和 "summer" 这两个单词的音标不同,因此发音不同。下面是每个单词的音标:- "Snakes": /sneɪks/- "Summer": /ˈsʌmər/可以看到,"Snakes" 的音标中有/dʒ/的音,而 "Summer" 的音标中没有。因此,在发音时两个单词是有区别的,即便在有些方言中,这两个单词的重音位置相同,但因为发音不同,仍然可以从音流上进行区分,例如在美式英语中,两个单词的发音也不一样。


snake,读音:英[sneɪk],美[sneɪk]。释义:n. 蛇;狡诈的人。v. 曲折前行;蛇行;蜿蜒伸展。例句:The snake sheds its skin once a year.蛇一年蜕一次皮。变形: 第三人称单数snakes,复数snakes,现在分词snaking,过去式snaked,过去分词snaked。短语:poisonous snake毒蛇small snake小蛇raise snakes养蛇train a snake驯蛇wake asnake将蛇弄醒snake的近义词viper读音:英 ["vaɪpə(r)],美 ["vaɪpər]。释义:n. 毒蛇;毒蛇般的人。例句:He unwarily tread upon a viper asleep just before his feet.他不小心踩到正睡在他脚前的蛇上。短语:Dodge Viper道奇毒蛇Viper fish毒蛇鱼adder viper蝰蛇Viper Racing道奇蝰蛇赛车Long-nosed Pit Viper蕲蛇


Snake的读法为:英(sneɪk),美(sneɪk)。释义:n. 蛇;狡诈的人。v. 曲折前行;蛇行;蜿蜒伸展。例句:The snake sheds its skin once a year.蛇一年蜕一次皮。变形: 第三人称单数snakes,复数snakes,现在分词snaking,过去式snaked,过去分词snaked。短语:poisonous snake毒蛇。small snake小蛇。raise snakes养蛇。train a snake驯蛇。wake a snake将蛇弄醒。Dodge Viper道奇毒蛇。Viper fish毒蛇鱼。adder viper蝰蛇。Viper Racing道奇蝰蛇赛车。Long-nosed Pit Viper蕲蛇。例句:1、The snake sheds its skin once a year.蛇一年蜕一次皮。2、He killed the snake with his bare hands.他赤手空拳打死了那条蛇。3、The cobra is one of the world"s deadliest snakes.眼镜蛇是世界上毒性最剧烈的蛇类之一。4、The fire started late Saturday in tinder-dry grass near the Snake River.大火是星期六晚些时候在斯内克河附近干枯的草地上燃起的。5、The road snaked away into the distance.公路蜿蜒伸向远方。6、A snake was twisting around his arm.一条蛇缠绕在他的手臂上。7、The snake swallowing its tail is a representation of infinity.蛇含其尾表示无穷无尽。8、The snake coiled up, ready to strike.那条蛇盘绕起来准备攻击。9、The procession snaked its way through narrow streets.队伍沿着狭窄的街道曲折穿行。10、It is often possible to see the vestigial remains of rear limbs on some snakes.在某些蛇身上常可看到退化后肢的痕迹。


蛇英语的英语snake读法:【sneɪk】。1、snake n.蛇;阴险的人;奸诈的人;蛇形浮动汇率制;管道疏通器;无肢蜥蜴。2、serpent n.巨蛇;蛇形管;蛇形号;龙;撒旦;似蛇的爬行动物。短语搭配:1、一条蛇:a snake。2、蛇毒素:venin。3、马鞭蛇:coachwhip;coachwhip snake。4、环颈蛇:ring-necked snake。5、蛇的毒腺:viper"s poison glands。例句:1、蛇无头不行,我们先得选出个头来。Nothing can be accomplished without a leader, so we must choose one first.2、蛇冬眠/爬行/盘绕/蜕皮。Snakes hibernate/crawl/coil/moult.3、一提起蛇,我就起鸡皮疙瘩。The mere mention of a snake raised goose bumps on my skin. 4、一看见蛇她就感到毛骨悚然。She is horrified at the sight of a snake.5、蛇把鸡蛋吞食到肚子里。The snake devoured an egg.6、那条蛇盘绕在树枝上。The snake wreathed itself around/twisted round a branch.
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