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三国志11,血色衣冠40 sire要怎么调? 求大神

你是说sire的具体参数设置吗?这个就太多了,我说几个比较常用的吧。 1,提高城市和港口的钱粮、兵装、兵员的储存上限,原版的太不够用了。 2,部队的攻击力改为由统率力决定,原版用武力来决定部队攻击力显然不够明智。当然你可以根据自己的喜三国志11,血色衣冠40 sire要怎么调? 求大神



求助求助,有关三国志11 SIRE的问题



sire不能显示特技是什么原因很复杂,和你的操作很可能相关,鉴于没有提供你的操作流程,只能猜测一下。1-1,MOD一般会提供sire文件,但是如果没有关联的话,打开是default即默认配置,此配置不带特技,如果不小心将默认配置保存到游戏sire配置的话就坑了。此时只有找到备份的源文件了。1-2,按sire的开始游戏,有时候sire会不加载文件。进入游戏后保存,点击载入sire(右上角那个),再载入游戏,一般都会显示出来了。1-3,设置文件错乱。清空我的文档/koei/San11 Tc或者干脆删掉,再加载MOD提供的koei/san11 tc文件夹即可,若未提供即玩即可。TIPS:2-1,win10 sire使用无效,由于作者君目前没有使用win10开发的意愿。2-2,合理的使用流程是确保游戏文件夹和我的文档/koei/san11 tc文件夹正确,打开sire,打开游戏,进入点击画面后10-30秒后点开(保证sire不会跳出),进入游戏。如果没有加载成功。请按上述1-2操作即可。2-3,关于三国志11的MOD,最多的MOD是游侠的三国志专区,点击MOD即进入MOD专区,有很多San11 mod。贴吧里ryan_knight_12吧主是sire和血色衣冠MOD的作者,泄矢青蛙子吧是萌战无双MOD的策源地,广翔公是剑指天下,九州风云,霹雳雷霆等MOD的作者,关于这些MOD的具体问题可以到具体贴吧询问。


方法/步骤 1/6分步阅读 san11pkres.bin放进游戏文件内的Media下面,Media,则直接覆盖你现有的Media文件。2/6 血色衣冠剧本配置.sire是SIRE修改器的补丁。每次启动游戏后,再启动SIRE修改器,然后载入该补丁即可。一定要一直开着修改器。3/6 覆盖前一定要记得备份整个游戏文件,方便找回。最后,人物数据如果不正确,就请重开游戏,并在开始选项选择。4/6 首先你威力加强版能运行的话,直接把血色衣冠复制进去开游戏,开sire,用sire打开血色配置,应用。开始剧本或读取存档,每次继续玩也要重复2。5/6 血色衣冠之类的mod是制作者自己设定各种参数的,血色衣冠应该用的是sire修改器,里面修改了很多东西,很多和原版不一样,就像士气,原版中士气是不影响攻防的。6/6 你占领四郡将桂阳全部建设成农田将有征收或米道特技的人留在此城,只要留一个将零陵郡全部建设成市场(将有富豪或征税特技的武将留在此城,只要留一个就好了。利用两郡钱粮的差价反复买卖用以赚钱赚粮食。

三国志11 sire修改器一定要时刻开着才有效么?







1:不小心压按到耳机控制器,或是耳机控制器存在短路或者粘连。由于 Siri 是可以通过长按耳机凹槽启动的,查看是否碰到了凹槽,或者耳机凹槽按键是否有粘连导致按键一直接触。2:耳机兼容性的问题。可以将耳机留一小部分在外边不要全部插入!有些耳机不兼容,里面线序不一样的,也就是说,不是原装 iPhone 耳机多数都会出现这个情况。3:触碰到耳机上的通话键。4:耳机或是插孔问题。如果是插孔问题,那多多半情况下是因为插孔接触不良,拔除后重新插入即可。那如果是耳机问题,当然是选择更换新的耳机啦。5:插耳机时碰到了 Home键。6:是iOS9添加的智能Siri功能之一,其他的功能还有诸如siri会提供常用app列表、在特定时间地点推荐习惯使用的app。【Siri】Siri是苹果公司在其产品iPhone4S,iPad 3及以上版本手机上应用的一项语音控制功能。Siri可以令iPhone4S及以上手机(iPad 3以上平板)变身为一台智能化机器人,利用Siri用户可以通过手机读短信、介绍餐厅、询问天气、语音设置闹钟等。Siri可以支持自然语言输入,并且可以调用系统自带的天气预报、日程安排、搜索资料等应用,还能够不断学习新的声音和语调,提供对话式的应答。2016年6月13日,在苹果开发者大会WWDC发布了产品siri的新功能。


具体使用方法如下:首先,需要打开Siri(设置-通用-Siri打开)。然后系统会提示“语音、位置、通讯录等信息会发送到苹果云端处理”,点击“启用 Siri”选项。云端处理”,点击“启用 Siri”选项。这样就把 Siri 开启了,我这里系统默认的是中文普通话,如果你想要更改语言的话,请点击“语言”选项。Siri 打开以后,下面就可以开始让她为我们服务了。按住“主屏Home”键不动,即可启动 Siri 。启动了 Siri 以后,可以看到一条波浪线在跳动,这时就可以开始与 Siri 互动了。如果你是第一次使用,不知道应该如何与她交谈。随后可以看到 Siri 的使用功能列表,可以用手指向上滑动来查看更多的功能。在知道了如何与 Siri 沟通了以后,点击屏幕底部的“话筒”即可对 Siri 发布命令了。比如问 Siri “现在几点了”,好可以回答你当前的准确时间。


为什么要把sire的所有字母都大写呢?你指的是“先生”,还是“型号”,或者是“Strategy Innovator&Rules Editor,三国志11游戏规则与全局变量修改器”?我猜是后者,因为所有字母都大写,表示这个词是个缩写词。


sire的读音:英 /u02c8sau026au0259(r);美 /[u02c8sau026au0259r]。1、Sire: I have made you king: my work is done. 陛下,我已经保你当了国王。我的事儿完啦。2、God saw fit to give me strength, sire. 上帝给了我充足的力量,陛下。3、Hunt married three women and sired 15 children. 亨特娶过3个女人,生了15个孩子。4、Comet also sired the champion foal out of Spinway Harvest. “彗星”还跟“斯平威·哈维斯特”生下了这匹出类拔萃的小马驹。5、It is also called Tian-yan ( "The Eye of Heaven"), with a dish the sire of 30 football grounds, deep in the mountains of southwest China"s Guizhou Province. 它也称为天眼(“上帝之眼”),位于中国西南部贵州省的深山里,呈盘状,有30个足球场那么大。6、The effect of sire age structure was relatively low. 相较而言,公牛年龄结构的影响不明显。7、Effect of Population Size of Performance Test on Short-term Selection Result of Sire Line .性能测定规模对父系猪短期选择效果的影响。8、Comparison of several sire evaluation methods for milk yield .种公牛育种值评定方法的比较。



Presence (My Heart S Desire) 歌词

歌曲名:Presence (My Heart S Desire)歌手:Newsboys专辑:Devotion标题:Presence艺术家:AnathemaOne has to come to terms with one"s own mortality.And you can"t really help people who are having problems with mortality,if you"ve got problems of your own.So you have to begin to sort things out,and I thought I had sorted things out until I saw this excerpt from this book, of certainty I shall remember what it said:“Life is not the opposite of death. Death is the opposite of birth. Life is eternal.”And I thought that it"s the most profound words I have ever heard about thatissue and it really put me in peace. And that"s it. What else is there to say? Heh.Life is eternal. Surely the opposite of life is not death, but life is eternal.There is no opposite.And so, what happens is, I suppose, state of pure consciousness, stillness and silence?Yeah, what we are looking for now,we are searching for and we have been searching for,now we"ve become closer to it and now we know it"s already there,is there for ever to seek, it"s there, and it"s going be there, all the time,forevermore.金属梦:66032164

[高分翻译]中森明菜--DESIRE-情热- (求中文歌词)


Sprint A9191 desire hd G10 怎么样 我在淘宝看到一个1500左右的,可信度高吗,我看一般都是2700左右啊,


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KOTOKO的《siren》 歌词

歌曲名:siren歌手:KOTOKO专辑:リアル鬼ごっこsiren作曲/编曲:高瀬一矢作词:KOTOKO呗:KOTOKO収録元:映画「リアル鬼ごっこ」 c/w注音:I"ve sound 音乐联盟谁(だれ)が与(あた)えた 儚(はかな)き生命(いのち)よ真夜中(まよなか)过(す)ぎまで光(ひか)る箱(はこ)の电子音(でんしおん)に悩(なや)まされて结末(けつまつ)见(み)ぬまま 远(とお)き国(くに)のpain火(ひ)の粉(こ)は闇(やみ)の彼方(かなた)で瞬(またた)く无数(むすう)の星(ほし)と 観赏(かんしょう)に耽(ふけ)た鸣(な)り响(ひび)く…きっと何処(どこ)かで か弱(よわ)き者(もの)の抗(あらが)う声(こえ)叩(たた)く痛(いた)みを擦(さす)り付(つ)けては また息吹(いきふ)き返(かえ)す行(ゆ)く先(さき)を悟(さと)らず形(かたち)なき神(かみ)に委(ゆだ)ねて名(な)も无(な)き者(もの)の言叶(ことば)が重(かさ)なる本当(ほんとう)か嘘(うそ)かはどうでもいい満(み)たしきれず壁(かべ)を汚(よご)す魔力(まりょく)を失(うしな)って舍(す)てるはずのpen心(こころ)に×(ばつ)を书(か)くには あまりに细(ほそ)くて上手(うま)くは握(にぎ)れなかった耳(みみ)をふさぐ…今日(きょう)も何処(どこ)かで悲(かな)しい雫(しずく)の砕(くだ)ける音(おと)梦(ゆめ)を见(み)るほど子供(こども)じゃないと笑颜(えがお)歪(ゆが)めて束(つか)の间(ま)の休心(きゅうしん)に触(さわ)らない神(かみ)を探(さが)した【神(かみ)を探(さが)した...】鸣(な)り响(ひび)く…きっと何処(どこ)かで忘(わす)れ去(さ)られた真実(しんじつ)の声(こえ)果(は)ての断崖(だんがい)へ向(む)かう仆(ぼく)らに最後(さいご)の警告(けいこく)常闇(とこやみ)に光(ひかり)を…守(まも)るべき天(てん)はその手(て)に【天(てん)はその手(て)に...】


desire n. 渴望;愿望 undesired adj. 不想要的;不受欢迎的 desirous adj. 渴望的 desirable adj. 合意的;理想的;可取的;动人的 desirability n. 愿望;有利条件;希求;合意 undesirable adj. 不合意的;有害的 one"s heart"s desire 心往下沉 desire to 希望;愿望 desire for 渴望;渴求;希望

desired和 desirab有什么区别

首先,后面那个单词是desirable desirable称心如意的,常用来形容事物令人满足. desired渴望的,形容人对事物的欲望.



desirous desiring desired desirable 的区别?

1 adj. 形容词渴望的;想要的2 n. 欲望v. 请求,想要,渴望(desire的ing形式)3 v. 渴望,要求(desire的过去分词形式)adj. 渴望的;想得到的4 n. 合意的人或事物adj. 令人满意的;值得要的

desirous desiring desired desirable 的区别?

desirous 通常加 of 表示 人 渴望的,盼望的,以人为主语 desiring 是 强调 物 体 令人 渴望的 desired 是强调 人 对某物的渴望 desirable 表示 物体 本身 值得要的,合意的,以事为主语



HTC G7刷了OpenDesire的ROM过后,GPS搜不到星了,求解决方法~~




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求london boy-Harlem Desire歌词

Harlem Desire Lyrics New York, can take your life"big apple" makes you pay the priceIn New York, yeah, yeah,Walk down the avenueMight as well be on the moonIn New York, yeah, yeahOh, look out!There"s trouble in the darkLook out!The trail of the sharkIn New York, yeah, yeahOh, look out!They know all the tricksLook out!Better make it quickYou hear them laughing right behind you:Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHarlem desire!Let our childrun play with toys"n no more guns for little boysThis is my harlem desire!Just one night of peaceful sleepAnd no more fighting in the streets, yeahHa ha ha ha Harlem!In: ha ha ha ha Harlem!In: ha ha ha ha Harlem!In: ha ha ha ha Harlem!Candy"s kinda neatBut "sugar-hill" is bitter sweetIn New York, yeah, yeahSo you cry out, "n never leave"cause Harlem road"s a oneway-streetIn New York, yeah, yeah

女生用Desire Z看着会不会很奇怪?


HTC的desire HD 的处理器是双核的吗?

HTC的desire HD 的处理器是双核的吗? 不是双核,HD的cpu第二代高通MSM8255的单核CPU,主频1GBhz,其中有一个Adreno205的GPU(图形处理器),768MB的RAM(记忆体)。 4X的3次方Y的2次方的次数是??? 4X的3次方Y的2次方的次数是3+2=5 (1)-2的4次方-(4-6)的2次方-12×(-2)的2次方 -2的4次方-(4-6)的2次方-12×(-2)的2次方 =-16-4-12x4 =-16-4-48 =-68. 贺知章的一首咏柳的诗怎么背的 咏柳 碧玉妆成一树高 万条垂下绿丝绦 不知细叶谁裁出 二月春风似剪刀 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 红豆唱的一首吉祥的歌的广场舞 广场舞<送你一首吉祥的歌>,就爱广场舞网有专辑的,很多版本。 hight和tall的区别.hight的用法及tall的用法 tall和high的区别 ⑴说人,动物,树木等有生命的东西,主要用tall,不用high,例如 a tall woman 一个高个子妇女 a tall horse 一个高大的马 ⑵说一个不与地面接触的人和物的高时,要用high,而不用tall,比如人站在桌子上时,飞机飞上天时,例如: He is high up in the tree. 他高高地爬在树上。 The plane is so high in the sky. 飞机在空中这么高。 ⑶指建筑物、山时要tall或high都可以,不过high的程度比tall高。 ⑷high可作副词,tall不能。 ⑸tall的反义词为short, high的反义词为low. 机子上装 的是256的记忆体把它换成512的 嗯... 对的,不需要调什么了,直接就可以开机运行了. 220V的电表比63A大的有多少A的? 单相电表比63A大的有电子式电表(电子式卡表)20(80)A;30(100)A . 20(80)A 最小20A 最大80A ; 30(100)A . 最小30A 最大80A. x是y的25%,y是z的80%,x是z的百分之几? 25% x 80% =20% 2的69次方,3的36次方,4的13次方,排顺序 2^69=8^23 3^36=9^18 4^13 从大到小:2^69、3^36、4^13 还可以取对数计算比较!



Sirenia的《Meridian》 歌词

歌曲名:Meridian歌手:Sirenia专辑:At Sixes And SevensSirenia-----Meridianfavor-------------Daylight adorn her withering lifeforce witha long lost riverthat mend all her woe in its flowMay I redeem my funereal self in thymirror of soul sanctorumto frame every night a delight-----chorus-----Thou stalk the ground,the sea and the winds aroundto haunt me down profound when the night surroundsThou stalk the Stygian stream and the riverineto haunt my hallowed fields and astrayal dreamsI"m at sixes and sevensin the shade of thy heavensNo moon, nor sunMeridianprevail in my oblivionCome with me to seek the suninside MeridianThis time around we danceWe"re chosen ones-------Thou stalk as the unseen in visions undreamedto revel in the deep of life"s malignityThou stalk my manic mind yon it"s horizonto draw that waning sun upon MeridianI"m at sixes and sevensin the shade of thy heavensNo moon, nor sunMeridianprevail in my oblivionCome with me to seek the suninside MeridianThis time around we danceWe"re chosen ones-------Thou art eternal darknessThou art eternal heresyThou art day and nightThou art the flame insideI"ll make my misery thy saturnine

with a sense of humour and a desire to help others can apply句中成分分析

这个句子不完整,没有主语。句中:withasenseofhumourandadesiretohelpothers是介词短语,asenseofhumourandadesiretohelpothers是介词with的宾语(with+ asenseofhumour+andadesiretohelpothers),意思是:“有幽默感并且乐意帮助他人的......“谓语canapply是”可以申请“的意思(apply这里用作不及物动词,意思是“适用”,“申请”。)加个主语就行了,例如:Anyone witha sense of humor and a desire to help others can apply. 任何有幽默感并且乐意帮助他人的人都可以申请报名。这样的句型很多,例如:Awomanwithashoppingbagandhighheelssaunteredontheroad.一个穿高跟鞋并拿着购物袋的女人在马路上闲逛。Awomanwithtwochildrenhascome. 一位妇女带着两个孩子已经来了。

Ghetto desire 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto desire歌手:Adrien Wilcox专辑:Smooth Jazz Chill Out Lounge 2 Uh, hit them with a little ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (my Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns.If I could recollect before my hood days. I sit and reminisce, thinking and bliss on the good days.I stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to m.They tested, it was stressed that they under.And nowadays, things changed. Everyone ashamed to the youth, cuz the truth looks strange.And for me it reversed, we left them a world that cursed, and it hurts.Cause any day theyl push the button.And all commend, like Malcom X and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin?Don make me get teary, the world looks dreary.When you wipe your eyes, seeing clearly.There no need for you to fear me. If you take your time to hear me,maybe you can learn to cheer me. It ain about black or white, cuz wee human. I hope we see the light before it ruined.My ghetto gospel. Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands. And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold.And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns. Tell me do you see that old lady, ain it sad.Living out of bags, plus she glad for the little things she has.And over there there a lady, crack got her crazy. Guess she giving birth to a baby. I don trip and let m fade me,? wee droppin?to another form of slavery. Even now I keep discouraged. Wonder if they take it all back,Will I still keep the courage? I refuse to be a role model.I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottles.I made mistakes, but learned from every one.And when it said and done. I bet this brother be a better one. If I upset, you don stress. Never forget that God hasn finished with me yet. I feel his hand on my brain. When I write rhymes,I go blind, and let the lord do his thing. But am I less holy?Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homeyz.Before we find world peace. We gotta find peace in the war on the streets. My ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel) I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior, Without the sound of guns. Lord can you hear me speak.

A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give away

翻译基本正确 句子结构 理解 也对 看样子 没我什么事了

Black Dub的《Sirens》 歌词

歌曲名:Sirens歌手:Black Dub专辑:Black DubArtist: Angels And AirwavesAlbum: I-EmpireYear: 2007Title: SirensThere"s a weakness at the windowPlace my footprints in the dark roomThere"s lonely voices like a scarecrowIn the hallway like a lost ghostIn the bedroom I see a shadowFrom the moon with light from a candleOn a bed frame lies a girlHer reflection in the mirrorLadada dadada dadada dadala dadaI like your eyes wideLadada dadada dadada dadala dadaI"ve been knocking at your backdoorLadada dadada dadada dadala dadaNervous like a knife fightLadada dadada dadada dadala dadaBe careful what you ask forI do this from time to timeWhere I can never wake from a bad dream (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhen I can never say the things I mean (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I like to watch you as you sleep (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I like to think of you with meIt"s a dark night on the West CoastThen a soft breeze as the sun roseThen the phone rang like a gunshotLike a siren on the beach rockThere"s a message at the riverA certain package here to the deliverWhen the day breaks after nightfallI will be there, you know I willLadada dadada dadada dadala dadaI like your eyes wideLadada dadada dadada dadala dadaI"ve been knocking at your backdoorLadada dadada dadada dadala dadaNervous like a knife fightLadada dadada dadada dadala dadaBe careful what you ask forI do this from time to timeWhere I can never wake from a bad dream (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhen I can never say the things I mean (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I like to watch you as you sleep (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I like to think of you with me (from time to time)I can hear you breathe,I"m feeling the shakeAnd the sound of my heartbeatCan"t let go...Do you know?I"m feeling the painOf my first loveI let it go...Can"t let goI do this from time to timeWhere I can never wake from a bad dream (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I can never say the things I mean (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I like to watch you as you sleep (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I like to taste you as you bleed (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I can never wake from a bad dream (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I can never say the things I mean (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I like to watch you as you sleep (from time to time)I do this from time to timeWhere I like to think of you with me (from time to time)


答案:C、D都可以如果把B改成:are eager to也可以以上三个均表示 “渴望做某事”。be anxious to do常表示 “急于做某事” 也可以表示“渴望做某事”





100张美妆摄影作品告诉你什么是色彩情绪质感 Desiree Mattsson

这是非著名摄影爱好者的第一篇摄影艺术专栏。Desiree Mattsson无疑是这个世界上最好的 时尚 美妆摄影师之一。同时这也是NO-PHOTO的第一篇摄影艺术专栏,把我最喜欢的私藏,最喜欢的摄影师Desiree Mattsson推荐分享给大家欣赏!无论你在哪里看到她的照片,都可以很快捕捉到摄影师鲜明的个人风格及标签:一种高对比的画面,不仅仅是黑白影像的光比及质感,更在于一种暗黑和神秘的氛围。Desiree Mattsson喜欢在画面中表现出一种黑暗的力量,即便是刻画美丽的“妆容色彩”时也依旧如此,甚至使用一些令人感觉毛骨悚然的视觉元素。另一方面,她会以非常干净的画面来呈现,那些浓烈的色彩以及饱满的表情——无论黑白或彩色,最重要的是内在的质感。同时也喜欢表现人的力量和脆弱,没有比这更美丽的东西了。当我们意识到画面和生活一样,不一定都是微笑、光明和完美的时候,就是自己被某种一直束缚的东西解放出来。用黑白来刻画性感的姿态和妆容,正是她独特的表达方式之一。她用戏剧性的影像风格深入我们身体中黑暗的一面,让我们喘不过气来。这种视觉刺激纯粹而强烈,配合上独特的拍摄视角,更加强化了视觉上的这种印象。很是希望在摄影这个行业中能够看到更多的自豪感,我们应该更多一点勇于突破的机会,敢于表现出一种力量,一种表达自己的力量。如果你想发现和创造自己的摄影风格或者说标签,那么遵从于直觉很重要。、摄影重要的是感受,以及不断的深入,不要让自己受到别人的影响,从而找到自我。摄影也是一个找寻自我的过程。本篇一百张Desiree Mattsson的作品的第一集,大家可以看到情绪色彩张力,以及商业质感下的视觉快感。 Desiree Mattsson 作品欣赏

desiree baby讲的什么



没有这个英文名,相似拼法的有Desiree。Disiree,英文女子名,原本为法语女子名,拼作Désirée,英语国家接受这个名字后省略了英文中不使用的符号。词源为拉丁语desideratum,含义为“所需的” 。

The hopes goals,fears and desires widely between men and women,between the rich and the poor.




she is learning that her desires and yours can differ,and that sometime those difference ..

她正在了解到她的欲望和你的(欲望)可以是不同的,有些时候这些差异是重要的,另一些时候则不。She is learning that(引导了一个名词性从句:Her desire and yours can differ.),and (并列连接词)that (引导了另一个名词性从句:sometimes those difference is important and sometimes they are not [important].)



muse唱的 undisclosed desires歌曲翻译

Undisclosed Desires未公开之欲望i know you"ve suffered我知道你所经历but i don"t want you to hide但我不想你掩藏it"s cold and loveless这如此的冷酷和无爱i won"t let you be deniedsoothing我不想让你拒绝慰籍i"ll make you feel pure我将让你感觉纯粹trust me 相信我you can be sure你可被肯定i want to reconcile the violence in your heart 我想调停你内心的暴力i want to recognise your beauty"s not just a mask 我想辨识你的美丽而非面具i want to exorcise the demons from your past 我想驱散你过去的恶魔i want to satisfy the undiscloseddesires in your heart 我想满足你心里那未公开之欲望you trick your lovers你哄骗你的爱人们that you"re wicked and divine你既是恶魔又是天使you may be a sinner你可能是罪人but your innocence is mine 但你的清白是我的please me 取悦我show me how it"s done 让我看看如何完成tease me 戏弄我you are the one你是唯一i want to reconcile the violence in your heart 我想调停你内心的暴力i want to recognise your beauty"s not just a mask 我想辨识你的美丽而非面具i want to exorcise the demons from your past 我想驱散你过去的恶魔i want to satisfy the undiscloseddesires in your heart 我想满足你心里那未公开之欲望please me 取悦我show me how it"s done 让我看看如何完成tease me 戏弄我you are the one你是唯一i want to reconcile the violence in your heart 我想调停你内心的暴力i want to recognise your beauty"s not just a mask 我想辨识你的美丽而非面具i want to exorcise the demons from your past 我想驱散你过去的恶魔i want to satisfy the undiscloseddesires in your heart 我想满足你心里那未公开之欲望

HTC desires无法开机

我会 需要采纳后 私聊 ;留下联系方式

such desire中文翻译

There is no such desire on the part of the growing pig to pmit its rate of fat production . 生长猪没有必要限制它的脂肪生长速度。 Such desires can have no place in a good heart 心地善良的人不会有这样的欲望。 Selfishness originates from the curiosity about , the yearning or the desire for something , and one is prepared to pay a price for such desires in various degrees 自私源于对某些事情的好奇、渴望或欲望,为了得到某些事上的满足,愿意付出不同的代价。 All such desires as lead to no pain when they remain ungratified are unnecessary , and the longing is easily got rid of , when the thing desired is difficult to procure or when the desires seem pkely to produce harm 我们希望消除痛苦,但当这一希望不可能实现时,它就是多余的,当我们欲求的东西可望不可及或这一欲求可能产生危害时,这样的欲求很容易放弃。

It is desired that he _ everything ready by tonight.A will get B would get C will have got D get



lustfuldesires攻略如下:电脑:组装电脑6.0系统:WIN10软件:lustful desires1.01、打开游戏,点击开始。2、点击字幕进行剧情对话。3、点击选择对话选项触发新的剧情。4、点击往前走继续探索获得游戏奖励。5、点击回屋休息恢复角色生命值和体力。




vt. 想要, 意欲, 希望 要求, 请求 He desired a college education. 他想受到大学教育. They desire me to return soon. 他们要我快点回来. I desire an immediate answer of his. 我请他立即回信. She desires that you (should) see her at once. 她要你立即见她. 习惯用语 at sb."s desire 应某人的要求 be all one can desire 令人十分满意, 好得不能再好了 by desire 应邀 have a strong desire to do sth. 迫切想做某事 leave much to be desired 还有许多不足之处, 还有许多地方有待改进 leave nothing to be desired 完美无缺 leave little to be desired 完美无缺 one"s heart"s desire 心愿, 渴望得到的东西 the heart"s desire 心愿, 渴望得到的东西 desire wish want 都含“需要或希望得到”的意思. desire属正式用语, 可代替wish 和want, 强调“主观愿望的热切性”, 含有“强烈希望做某事”的意思, 如: He got the book he desired. 他得到了他渴望得到的那本书. wish语气比desire弱, 一般用于“难以实现或不可能实现的愿望”, 强调“主语的主观愿望”, 指“希望”、“愿”、“想”, 如: I wish I could have a new car. 我多么希望有一辆新车(我要是有一辆新车就好了). want 多用于口语式普通场合, 指“想”、“要”或“需要”, 表示“较弱的偏爱、选择”或“强烈的需要、热爱”, 如: I want a book. 我要一本书. 收起更多词典

desires to与manage to的区别?

desires to 渴望 manage to 设法

desire todo造句

This failure makes me to lose my desire to get the answer.Have a strong desire to do sth. 对做某事有强烈的愿望。




“Desire”是一个英语单词,意思是“渴望、欲望、愿望”等,它可以作为动词和名词使用。作为动词,“desire”表示“渴望、希望、要求”,通常跟一个名词或一个不定式作宾语。例如:She desires a better job.(她渴望一份更好的工作。)He desires to travel around the world.(他渴望环游世界。)I desire that you come to my party.(我希望你来参加我的聚会。)作为名词,“desire”表示“渴望、欲望、愿望”,通常指长期的、强烈的愿望。例如:My desire is to become a doctor.(我的愿望是成为一名医生。)She has a strong desire to succeed.(她有强烈的成功欲望。)His desire for fame and fortune is insatiable.(他对名利的渴望是无法满足的。)此外,“desire”还有一些常用的搭配,如:Have a desire for something(对某事有渴望)Fulfill one"s desire(满足某人的愿望)Burning desire(强烈的愿望)Desire for knowledge(对知识的渴望)需要注意的是,“desire”在使用时常常带有积极的含义,表示对某种事物的渴望或追求。与之相对的词汇是“crave”或“yearn”,这些词汇通常带有更强烈、更痛苦的情感色彩。


desires的意思:欲望。欲望(Desire)是由生物的本性产生的想达到某种目的的要求,欲望无善恶之分,关键在于如何控制。欲望是世界上所有动物最原始的、最基本的一种本能。从人的角度讲是心理到身体的一种渴望、满足,它是一切动物存在必不可少的需求。一切动物最基本的欲望就是生存与存在。简单的来说就是 爱与不满足。欲望的过分膨胀是幸福的敌人,故知足者常乐。调查表明,不与别人比高低所带来的幸福是高收入所带来的幸福的5倍。欲望与本性相交,欲望包括梦想与贪欲。人类的欲望是由人的本性产生的想达到某种目的的要求。人类的欲望是多样的,生存需要、享受需要、发展需要构成一个复杂的需要结构,并随着人们的生活的社会环境和社会历史条件的变化而变化。人类的欲望也是无限的。美国心理学家马斯洛提出科学行为理论。即马斯洛需求层次理论。“对欲望不理解,人就永远不能从桎梏和恐惧中解脱出来。如果你摧毁了你的欲望,可能你也摧毁了你的生活。如果你扭曲它,压制它,你摧毁的可能是非凡之美”。

Devotion And Desire 歌词

歌曲名:Devotion And Desire歌手:bayside专辑:BaysideI"m trying to create something that"s not there.A spark I saw as a bomb,Is just a means to an end.And I was just so happy to be out of my shell again,Don"t think that I really cared for who or what,So for now I"ll just have to keep it shut.If you"re not ready, you"re not ready.Please stop acting like you are.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.My mouth"s shooting blanks.This situation"s unbearable,I"ve gotten vulnerable.Now anyone is free to waltz right in.My temple"s been invaded and there"s,Nobody guarding it.All over this lonely life,But what"s so wrong with being all alone?Alone"s the only way I"ve ever known.You"re not ready, you"re not ready.Please stop acting like you are.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.And I"m pleading cause this kills and it"s still bleeding.My darling, I"m taking my life back to start healing.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.Set myself on fire.

Devotion And Desire 歌词

歌曲名:Devotion And Desire歌手:bayside专辑:Live At The Bayside Social ClubI"m trying to create something that"s not there.A spark I saw as a bomb,Is just a means to an end.And I was just so happy to be out of my shell again,Don"t think that I really cared for who or what,So for now I"ll just have to keep it shut.If you"re not ready, you"re not ready.Please stop acting like you are.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.My mouth"s shooting blanks.This situation"s unbearable,I"ve gotten vulnerable.Now anyone is free to waltz right in.My temple"s been invaded and there"s,Nobody guarding it.All over this lonely life,But what"s so wrong with being all alone?Alone"s the only way I"ve ever known.You"re not ready, you"re not ready.Please stop acting like you are.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.And I"m pleading cause this kills and it"s still bleeding.My darling, I"m taking my life back to start healing.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.Set myself on fire.

HTC Desire HD、HTC HD2、HTC Desire(G7)哪个机子好些?电池方面哪个好些?

Desire HD最好,正在用,屏幕大的都耗电,自己想想选哪个吧

苹果4 和 HTC Desire HD 哪种好点呀。。总的来讲


anxious desire区别

anxious 焦虑desire 欲望这两个单词貌似没什么共同点

Burned With Desire 歌词

For each forgotten kissFor all the memoriesFor all the times aloneSaid all we had to sayYou played your part so wellA modern RomeoYou came on Cupid"s wingsAnd then you flew awayWhen you touched my faceWhen you call my nameI"m burned with desireWhen you touched my faceWhen you call my nameI"m burned with desireBut you left me in the rainah``````For every sleepless nightForever in your armsFor every hour spentLost in the revelryYou broke your promisesNo shame and no regretsYou burned the bridges tooAn endless mysteryWhen you touched my face(So beautiful)When you call my name(My name..)I"m burned with desireWhen you touched my face(So beautiful)When you call my name(My name..)I"m burned with desireBut you left me in the rainWhen you touched my face(So beautiful)When you call my name(My name..)I"m burned with desireWhen you touched my faceWhen you call my nameI"m burned with desireBut you left me in the rain

Sirenia的《Downfall》 歌词

歌曲名:Downfall歌手:Sirenia专辑:Nine destinies and a downfallSirenia--------DownfallfavorI can see you walk out awayTurn your back on all your feelingsSeems you"re loosing yourself againTo a void so devastatingAnd I can"t deny I am the one,The one to blameFor all your loss and your fading flameLife it feels like a frozen winter dreamLike a silent screamLife it feels like a thousand frozen tearsAnd the night dwells within me--------I can see you break down againAll your life you"ve been bound to treasonOn your knees and your tears descendOh your life"s a fallen seasonAnd time can not heal these wounds my friend,Not againSo here you"ll stand to face the endLife it feels like a frozen winter dreamLike a silent screamLife it feels like a thousand frozen tearsAnd the night dwells within me-----------chorus---Beyond the silenceWhere your voices whisper to my heartIn the midst of DecemberOn a night that comes without a starI fall into darknessLike I"ve done a thousand times beforeI"ve burned all bridgesTo the treacherous world outside my door-----------Life it feels like a frozen winter dreamLike a silent screamLife it feels like a thousand frozen tearsAnd the night dwells within me



desired for, aspired to conspired for区别

desire 和aspire都是渴望区别如下:desire 用法是”~+sth 或者~+sb to do sth;aspire ”热望,有雄心,立志“的意思;用法是”~+ to do sth是原形动词do的不同形式。分别用在不同的时态和语态里。一般是did用于一般过去时态。done用于现在完成时态。does 用于一般现在时态。do 是动词原形。

A balladeer的《Sirens》 歌词

歌曲名:Sirens艺术家:A Balladeer专辑名:Panama(2006)编辑人:Seasonsesdamn, this is bad - this is so badI get out of the crash thinking no one survivedbig eyes from the backseatto my surprise I see all three aliveyou"re losing blood in the grass thereon the side of the road in your stripe summer dressthe boy runs off to see youI pick him up, but he must"ve seen some of your legsI swear dear, you"ll be alrightnow don"t you go out on me hereI swear I hear sirens come closethat means help is nearthe autobahn is reflectingrotting fruit in at least 30 something degreesnothing but chaosall these questions, ignoranceFUCK THE POLICE!I swear dear, you"ll be alrightnow don"t you go out on me hereI swear I hear sirens come closethat means help is nearI swear dear, you"ll be alrightnow don"t you go out on me hereI swear I hear sirens come closethat means help is nearnow you listen to meI will bring you back homewill you listen to meI will bring you back homenow you listen to meI will bring you back homehomenow you listen to meI will bring you back homewill you listen to meI will bring you back homewill you listen to meI will bring you back homehomeback from the car-dumpI sit down with the boy on the edge of the bedin a hotel room near Munichremembering what I said
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