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什么是Processing processing n. (资料)处理; 整理; 配置; 工艺(生产方法)设计 v. 处理; 加工( process的现在分词 ); 审阅; 稽核 网路 制造过程; 加工方法; 影象处理 双语例句 Data processing is the series of operations that are carried out on data. 资料处理是按照资料而进行的一系列运算。 processingn.(资料) 处理; 整理; 配置; 工艺(生产方法)设计; v.处理; ( process的现在分词 ) 加工; 审阅; 稽核; 全部释义>> [例句]You want me to start processing?你要我现在就开始处理? 您好,Processing的创始者:Casey Reas与Ben Fry是美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室 (M.I.T. Media Laboratory) 旗下美学与运算小组 (Aesthetics & Computation Group) 的成员。美学与运算小组由著名的计算机艺术家John Maeda领导,于一九九六年成立至今,在短时间内声名大噪,以其高度实验性及概念性的作品,既广且深地在艺术及设计的领域里,探索计算机的运算特质及其带来源源不绝的创造性。极少数人能完美结合并平衡艺术家、设计师和计算机工程师的才华于一身,更重要的是Casey和Ben拥有开放原始码的胸襟。 Casey Reas目前在加州大学洛杉矶分校Media/Arts系任助理教授,同时在义大利艾维里互动设计学院(Interaction Design Institute Ivrea)任助理教授。Casey作品的主要特色是用processing实现生物体的印象派表现,并将成果呈现为多媒体、感测器艺术、数字雕塑、数位印刷等多种形式。Casey经常参加欧洲、亚洲以及美国各地的演讲和展览。他是本届奥地利的林兹艺术节 (Ars Electronica in Linz︰多媒体艺术界规模最大的年度盛事) 的评审委员之一。 网路的兴起激起了许多设计师和艺术家学习程式语言的动机,因为学会了计算机的语言,你才能跟它沟通,这样不只静态的影象和文字,连动态的互动模式都可以成为设计师和艺术家全盘掌控下的精确表现。杰出的设计师和艺术家往往具有病态的控制欲,这是无庸置疑的,所以才会有些人干脆连软体都自己写算了,而且写程式也 是艺术!如何写的简洁,还要清楚明白,中间的学问很大。 谁会去学或是去用Processing呢?大致上是对科学与艺术之间的跨领域表现有兴趣的人。一般的数字艺术家或设计师会以现有的软体(例如PhotoShop,Illustrator,Flash或Director)来从事创作,往往在不知不觉中,被大企业所主导的制式化生产工具,限制了创意及表现形式的可能性。但是如果你刚好拥有撰写计算机语言的能力,你大可以为了实现脑海里的杰作,专门来打造一个能跑它的程式,如此一来,不但作品的内容是艺术,其工具,形式及创作过程本身亦是一桩艺术。 Processing是一种具有革命前瞻性的新兴计算机语言,它的概念是在电子艺术的环境下介绍程式语言,并将电子艺术的概念介绍给程式设计师。它是 Java 语言的延伸,并支援许多现有的 Java 语言架构,不过在语法 (syntax) 上简易许多,并具有许多贴心及人性化的设计。Processing 可以在 Windows、MAC OS X、MAC OS 9 、Linux 等作业系统上使用。目前最新版本为2.2.1。以 Processing 完成的作品可在个人本机端作用,或以Java Applets 的模式外输至网路上释出。 Processing将Java的语法简化并将其运算结果“感官化”,让使用者能很快享有声光兼备的互动式多媒体作品。 Processing的原始码是开放的,和近来广受欢迎的Linux 作业系统、Mozilla浏览器、或Perl语言等一样,使用者可依照自己的需要自由裁剪出最合适的使用模式。Processing的应用非常丰富,而且它们全部遵守开放原始码的规定,这样的设计大幅增加了整个社群的互动性与学习效率。 processing n. (资料) 处理; 整理; 配置; 工艺(生产方法)设计; v. 处理; 加工( process的现在分词 ); 审阅; 稽核; [例句]Tea processing requires both technique and artistry. 茶叶加工对工艺和手法都有要求。 [其他] 原型: process







Britten Sinfonia&Ivor Bolton&Lesley Garrett的《Pie Jesu》 歌词

歌曲名:Pie Jesu歌手:Britten Sinfonia&Ivor Bolton&Lesley Garrett专辑:A Soprano InspiredPie Jesu, Dominedona eis requiemRequiem eternamdona eis, Dominedona eis, Dominedona eis, Dominedona eis, Dominedona eis requiemPie Jesu, Dominedona eis requiemdona eis, Dominedona eis, DomineRequiem eternamdona eis, Dominedona eis, Dominedona eis requiemPie Jesu, Dominedona eis requiemsempiternam requiemsempiternam requiemsempiternam requiemdona eis, Dominedona eis, Dominedona eis, Dominedona eis, Dominesempiternam requiemPie Jesu, Dominedona eis requiemsempiternam requiem



local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals


saosin sleepers

怎么大家 我们没有睡过通过 以点击过表面 它太硬吞下去 判决书是集中 包揽下文. [ prechorus ] 它足够长的,还是他从梦中叫醒,从你的睡眠? [合唱] 我所掌控,一旦它 这已经对前 它仍然是一个在同一 (我们占) 我们似乎这么远的距离 这些东西用我们知道 我们似乎那么远,从我们身边的一切都是 每个动作在我身边 他们在说什么 这使得火烧伤 咀嚼东西,没有人愿意听 他们知道这一切都是金子 [ prechorus ] 它足够长的,还是他从梦中叫醒,从你的睡眠? [合唱] 我所掌控,一旦它 这已经对前 它仍然是一个在同一 (我们占) 我们似乎这么远的距离 这些东西用我们知道 我们似乎那么远,从我们身边的一切都是 所有我们是金(金) 这并不意味着事情 我们都知道,是金(金) 这并不意味着事情

歌曲Saosin - sleepers 翻译

发生在我们身上了全部的做了被睡过它的我们在表面外海拿点击数它的太难忍受它审判是集中在下面的每件事物上。 [Prechorus]它够长的,否则他从你的睡眠叫醒你吗? [合唱]我已经无意中听到它一次这已经继续在它仍然是一在相同的(我们被解释)我们在如此远处似乎从我们过去一直知道的这些事物我们在如此远处从每件事物似乎我们是到处移动我的每一个人他们正在什么也没说那制造火烧伤品尝某事没有人想要听到他们知道每件事物是金色的[Prechorus]它够长的,否则他从你的睡眠叫醒你吗? [合唱]我已经无意中听到它一次这已经继续在它仍然是一在相同的(我们被解释)我们在如此远处似乎从我们过去一直知道的这些事物我们在如此远处从每件事物似。全部我们是金的 (金的)这将不意指一件事物全部我们知道是金的 (金的)这将不意指一件事物]乎我们是给赏金 啊

急 求Saosin-sleepers 鼓谱应有尽有

Saosin的《Sleepers》 歌词

歌曲名:Sleepers歌手:Saosin专辑:SaosinSaosin-Sleepers英文歌词第一站We have been in tune with luckWe slept through itTaking hits off the surface (surface)Its too hard to swallow itThe judgement is concentratingOn everything below.(Was it long enoughor did he wake you up from your sleeping?)I"ve overheard it onceThis has gone on beforeIt"s still one in the same(We are accounted for)We seem so far away fromThese things we used to knowWe seem so far away from everythingEveryone that moves around meThey"re saying nothingThat makes the fire glowSavor something that no one needs to knowThey all think everything is gold(Was it long enoughor did he wake you up from your sleeping?)I"ve overheard it onceThis has gone on beforeIt"s still one in the same(We are accounted for)We seem so far away fromThese things we used to knowWe seem so far away from everythingAll we are is golden (golden)This won"t mean a thingAll we know is golden (golden)This won"t mean a thing

求saosin 的sleepers歌词中文翻译

怎么大家我们没有睡过通过以点击过表面它太硬吞下去判决书是集中包揽下文. [ prechorus ] 它足够长的,还是他从梦中叫醒,从你的睡眠? [合唱] 我所掌控,一旦它这已经对前它仍然是一个在同一(我们占) 我们似乎这么远的距离这些东西用我们知道我们似乎那么远,从我们身边的一切都是每个动作在我身边他们在说什么这使得火烧伤咀嚼东西,没有人愿意听他们知道这一切都是金子[ prechorus ] 它足够长的,还是他从梦中叫醒,从你的睡眠? [合唱] 我所掌控,一旦它这已经对前它仍然是一个在同一(我们占) 我们似乎这么远的距离这些东西用我们知道我们似乎那么远,从我们身边的一切都是所有我们是金(金) 这并不意味着事情我们都知道,是金(金) 这并不意味着事情

Saosin - sleepers中文意思是什么?



由于a/sinA=b/sinB =c/sinC 题中bsinA=√3acosB ,a/sinA=√3b/3cosB 所以√3b/3cosB=b/sinB tanB=√3 B=60° SinC=2SinA,所以c=2a 根据余弦定理 b^2 = a^2 + c^2 - 2·a·c·cosB 9=a^2 + (2a)^2-2a*2a*cosB cosB=1/2 解得a=√3 c=2√3


Firefox profile的属性值是可以改变的,比如我们平时可能需要通过代理上网,可以这样修改:FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();//使用profile ProfilesIni allProfiles = new ProfilesIni(); FirefoxProfile profile = allProfiles.getProfile("default"); driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);// 使用代理profile.setPreference(“network.proxy.type”, 1);// http协议代理配置profile.setPreference(“network.proxy.http”, proxyIp);profile.setPreference(“network.proxy.http_port”, proxyPort);// 所有协议公用一种代理配置,如果单独配置,这项设置为false,再类似于http的配置profile.setPreference(“network.proxy.share_proxy_settings”, true);// 对于localhost的不用代理,这里必须要配置,否则无法和webdriver通讯profile.setPreference(“network.proxy.no_proxies_on”, “localhost”);// 以代理方式启动firefoxFirefoxDriver ff = new FirefoxDriver(profile);

在三角形ABC中,abc分别为内角ABC的对角,已知2a sinA=(2b +c )sinB+(2c +b )sinC。若a =3,求b ...

正弦定理a/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinCsinB/sinA=b/asinC/sinA=c/a2a sinA=(2b +c )sinB+(2c +b )sinC2a=(2b+c)sinB/sinA+(2c+b)sinC/sinA2a=(2b+c)*b/a+(2c+b)*c/a2a^2=2b^2+2c^2+2bca^2=b^2+c^2+bc>=2bc+bc=3bc3bc<=a^2=9bc<=3(b+c)^2=b^2+c^2+2bc>=2bc+2bc=4bc<=12b+c<=根号(12)=2根号(3)

英语suspension of business怎么翻译?

你好!suspension of business暂停营业


Number 503 room 207,Fusanxincun,Nantong,Jiangsu province

帮忙解释 sin of commission 和 sin of omission都啥意思 谢谢了

犯过的罪行(sin of commission) 与忽略的罪行(sin of omission) 给你个句子 There is a sin of omission as well as of commission. 做与不做均是过. 类似于成语 过犹不及的意思

I’ll be missing you的歌词中文版

呀,这这里去大家有前某人振作一点,检查它似乎象我们过去常晃动的昨天我系带了您锁流程的frack到目前为止垂悬在块为面团no"torious 他们知道那生活总不是什么它似乎是 词无法表达什么您意味对我即使您去。我们是仍然leam通过您的家庭,我将实现您的梦想不能在将来等待看如果您将开放门为我回忆某时,夜他们设法遮蔽它,但它再演奏当它真正的感觉艰苦隐瞒不能图象我感觉的所有痛苦给任何东西听见一半您的呼吸我知道您寂静的生活您的生活在deathy 以后我采取的每个步骤,我采取的每行动 每一天,在我祈祷时候我将是缺掉您认为天当您走开了生活采取带打破我将是缺掉您我想念您b 。i.g 。它是亲切的一坚硬与您不我认识您在天堂微笑下来观看我们,当我们祈祷为您每天我们祈祷为您直到天我们再见面在我的心脏是我保留您朋友的地方记忆给我我需要的力量力量i 需要相信我的想法b 。i.g.,我无法定义愿望i 能furn 后面时间的手我们在六。商店为新衣裳和解雇 您我,采取flicks,做命中阶段他们接受了您仍然无法相信您游戏给任何东西听见一半您的呼吸我知道您仍然居住您的生活在死亡以后somebady 告诉我为什么我的前个早晨,当这生活是结束我知道我将看见您的面孔每夜我祈祷,我采取的每个步骤,我采取的每行动 每一天每天通过我得到的一天我们想念您b 。i.g 。并且我们不会停止那是不错,我们想念您b 。i.g 。

his wish is becoming a singer对吗?his wish is to become a singer.这两句有区别吗


Identity Verification Using Blockchain (区块链身份认证)

Model based on Dave Birch"s article: User"s verifiable attributes of the identity, such as name, age or address are hashed, then digitally signed by a trusted body. Hash with the signature then stored on the Blockchain or DLT and users store their verified ID information encrypted on their phone and carry it with them. During the verification process, user provides the relevant original information with the signed data (retrievable address on the Blockchain or DLT) to a 3rd party, and if the 3rd party can reproduce the hash from the provided information, match it with the one stored on the Blockchain and trust the signature, then the identity of the user can be treated as verified. Benefits of using this approach: 用户可验证的身份属性(如姓名,年龄或地址)经过哈希处理,然后由受信任的机构进行数字签名。将签名及哈希数据存储在区块链或DLT中,用户将其验证的身份信息存储在手机中加密并随身携带。在验证过程中,用户向第三方提供相关的原始信息和签名数据(例如区块链或DLT上的可检索地址),如果第三方可以从提供的身份信息经哈希处理后,能将其与存储在区块链上的信息匹配并信任签名机构,那么用户的身份可以视为已验证。 使用这种方法的好处:

Since I Fell For You 歌词翻译

When you just give love当你刚刚献出爱时And never get love并一直没有被爱You"d better let love depart你最好让爱离开I know it"s so and yet I know我知道这样做,我也知道I can"t get you out of my heart我不能将你从我心中抹掉You made me leave my happy home你让我离开我欢乐的家You took my love and now you"re gone你带着我的爱走了Since I feel for you从我对你有感觉开始Love brings such misery and pain爱就带来痛苦和伤痛I know I"ll never be the same我明白我永远不会跟以前一样Since I feel for you自从我对你有感觉It"s too bad这样太不好It"s too sad这样太悲惨But I"m in love with you但是我爱着你You still love me你也依然爱我Then snub me之后冷落我Oh what can I do哦,我该怎么办?I"m still in love with you我却依然爱着你]I guess I"ll never see the light我想我永远见不到光明I get the blues most every night我只是差不多每晚都悲伤Since I feel for you自从我对你有感觉Since I feel for you 自从我对你有感觉


since是自从的意思 before是在~~之前 一段时间 +since 表示从这个时间开始到现在---自从~~~以来 用法上It + ( 现在完成时 ) + 一段时间+ since + ( 一般过去时 ) 例句: 1. It is / has been four days since I caught a cold. 我感冒已四天了. 2. It is / has been two weeks since we met last. 自从我们上次见面以来已过了两周. 一段时间 + before 表示在这个时间之前,或者大约在这个时间上就会发生某事 用法上It + ( 一般将来时 ) + 一段时间+ before +( 一般现在时 ) 例句: It will be five years before he meets you again. 五年之后他就会再见你的. It + be (not) + long before 表示"(不)很久 / 才…"或"(没)过多久就 / …" It was (not) long before …. (谈论过去) It will (not) be long before ….(谈论将来) It was long before she came back. 没过多久她就回来了. It will be long before we meet again. 很久以后我们才会再见面. It will not be long before we turn our hope into reality. 过不了多久我们的希望就会变成现实. 这里it指时间,before是连词,引导时间状语从句.long可用一段时间来替代.

it like singing beir

1What color is it? 2What do you like best? 3What animals do you have? 4What instruments do you like? 5What is the weather like today? 6How many students there are in the class? 7Where is my pen?

fluent和business proficient哪个好

familiar <proficient < skilled < expert 一般不太见到fluent和 proficiency的比较。熟练:proficient流利:fluent表达语言的流利程度,应该是fluent更好。

美国东北大学Application Status Check上一直显示需要Passing English Proficiency Score


the number of doctors in our country has greatly increased since liberation.这里为什么用has

the number of+名词复数,但动词用第三人称单数.表示“……的数量"

I want to be a businessman。改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答?

Do you want to be a businessman?yes,I do

spi 的single Dual quad模式分别代表什么意思?

SPI 的标准模式是有4根管腿:SCLK : Serial Clock (output from master).MOSI : Master Output, Slave Input (output from master).MISO : Master Input, Slave Output (output from slave).SS : Slave Select (active low, output from master).这个就是single的模式,然后Dual的模式是说那个数据线是两根,但是为了不增加管腿,所以上面的MOSI和MISO就变成一次只能是一个方向,要不就是输入要不就是输出。这个其实就是一个半双工的模式。然后qual模式就很好理解了,它就是4根数据线,半双工的工作方式。


sysindexes系统表的功能是记录有关索引和建立索引的表的信息。主要记录指向新表所使用的存储空间的指针和主键名称等信息。通过sysindexes表你可以查看到对应表中含有的索引信息或者主键信息(如果有的话)。并且sysindexes系统表中的indid字段为0或1(表示数据组织结构分别为堆集结构或聚集索引结构)时,从sysindexes表的first字段中可以解析出对应表的数据所在的文件号和页号。且在sysindexes系统表中,只有当indid为0或1时,first才表示存储地址。在SQL SERVER中,堆集SYSINDEXES内有一个记录,其indid=0。聚集索引在系统表SYSINDEXES内的indid=1,root列指向聚集索引B树的顶端即聚集索引B树的根结点地址。非聚集索引在系统表SYSINDEXES内的indid>1,roor列指向非聚集索引B树的顶端即非聚集索引B树的根结点地址。

cluster housing中文翻译

The clustered houses of the village peeped out from the woody hollow below . 村庄里团团簇簇的房屋,从林木葱笼的凹地中探出头来。 Wonderful fact to reflect upon , that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other . a solemn consideration , when enter a great city by night , that every one of those darkly clustered houses encloses its own secret ; that every room in every one of them encloses its own secret ; that every beating heart in the hundreds of thousands of breasts there , is , if some of its imaginings , a secret to the heart nearest it 每个人对别的人都是个天生的奥秘和奇迹-此事细想起来确实有些玄妙。晚上在大城市里我总要郑重其事地沉思,那些挤成一片一片的黑洞洞的房屋,每一幢都包含著它自己的秘密,每一幢的每一间也包含著它自己的秘密那数以十万计的胸膛中每一颗跳动的心所想象的即使对最靠近它的心也都是秘密!

单式家庭房屋是什么意思?single family houses

独立屋在英语里有多种叫法,single-family detached home, single-family home,detached house,single-detached dwelling,separate house, 指房屋在外墙结构和基础设施方面完全不依附于其它建筑物,且能提供至少一户人家居住的房子。自己拥有整块土地和房子。独立屋形式上有平房(Bungalow和Raised-bungalow)、楼房(包括一层半、两层、两层半,甚至三层)和复式(又分后复式Backsplit和边复式Sidesplit)几种。在加拿大独立屋通常有地下室,包括有前院和后院及独立和相连的车库。 独立屋的优缺点 独立屋有优点,也有缺点。优点包括:房屋及周围都属于屋主,活动空间大,且有很大的私密性。在很多情况下(视联邦/州/省/地方法律而定),如果屋主有需要,可以在已有面积上增加更多的房屋。和Condo与镇屋不同,独立屋一般没有管理费。 缺点在于,所有房屋保养及维修费用—屋里屋外,屋上屋下—都得屋主支付。冬天除雪,夏天剪草,都得自己亲力亲为。周边设施也不如Condo和镇屋完备,如Condo和镇屋一般配备有游泳池,健身房和操场等。前后院景观设计、草地保养等,都需要屋主负责。 房间布局 在西方文化里,独立屋一般来说要包括如下一些房间。这些房间的名称,不同国家的称谓稍有不同。 客厅(Living room)--美国以前叫Parlor,但在英国,Parlor一般指餐厅(Dining room)。英国人也称Lounge,澳大利亚称Lounge room。在英国还有称Sitting room 和Drawing room的,但Drawing room一般来说只用于很气派的老房子。客厅通常是房子里最大的房间,用于招待和娱乐客人。 厨房(Kitchen)--准备食物的地方。有些房子的厨房是带餐厅的(eat-in kitchens),烧饭和吃饭都在同一个地方。 卧室(Bedroom)--不管什么类型的住宅,都至少要有一个卧室。 浴室(Bathroom)--通常包括浴缸(Bathtub),抽水马桶(Toilet)和水槽(Sink/Washbasin),也可以有一个淋浴(Shower)。只有Toilet没有Bath 和Shower的,美国和加拿大称之为Half-bath。 除了以上这些最基本的房间以外,独立屋还可以有以下房间。 前厅(Front room)--在美国英语里,Front room指的是你一踏进一幢House的那个空间。比较大的房子,这个空间通常叫Hall, foyer, vestibule, 或者是entry hall;小房子一般是叫titled hallway。简单说来,这就是个放外衣和脱鞋的地方。 在英国英语里,Front room是房子前面的一个客厅(sitting room),和主屋没有通道连接。 餐厅(Dining room)--如果空间允许,用餐可以和厨房分开,在餐厅进行。一般来说,便餐可以在厨房、早餐台(Breakfast Nook,厨房一角吃早餐的地方)和家庭室吃,比较正式的才在餐厅,因此又叫正式餐厅(Formal dining room)。在英国英语里,厨房餐厅在一起叫kitchen-diner(20世纪用语,已过时)、Kitchen-breakfast room, 或Eat-in-kitchen。有的房子还有单独的早餐间。 家庭室(Family room)-- 大多数情况下,家庭室是紧邻客厅(Living room)的非正式客厅(Casual living room)。由于它的非正式性,所以孩子们的玩具可以放在这里;大部分情况下,多媒体的娱乐设备也放在这里。这里是家人和孩子娱乐休闲的地方。 储藏室(Storage room):存放杂物和箱包的地方。如果没有洗衣房,也可以把洗衣机和甩干机放在这里 洗衣房(Laundry room):这是北美和澳洲的叫法,英国英语称Utility room。但在一些英国的豪华老宅子里,也有Laundry,但只叫Laundry,不叫Laundry room。 书房(Study):对于自雇和在家工作的人,这里也可以叫Home Office。 更大更豪华的独立屋,还可能有以下房间: 图书室(Library):在英国英语里,书房(Study)是屋主的私人空间;图书室(Library)则对家人及客人开放。 娱乐室(Playroom):在英国英语里,通常是指孩子娱乐的地方。它和家庭室(Family room)的功能有些交叉。一些大房子这两个房间都有。 酒窖(Wine cellar):如果主人喜欢酒,可以专门有一间屋做酒窖,用来储酒。这里必须要保持特定的温度,光线也要很暗。 工作室(Studio):艺术家和艺术爱好者用来创作的地方。 游戏室(Game room):这是美国叫法,英国叫Games room。一些游戏设施,如台球(Pool/Billiards),乒乓球、飞镖(Darts)等,都可以放在这里。一般来说,房间里会配一个小吧台(Bar)。在英国,如果整个房间都是台球,这个房间就叫台球室(以前叫Billiard room,现在Snooker流行,改叫Snooker room)。 家庭影院(Media room/Home cinema):随着平面电视及环绕立体声越来越便宜,家庭影院也越来越普遍。 音乐室(Music room):表演及练习音乐的地方。18-19世纪很流行,现在的房子一般已经没有音乐室了,除非是从那个年代保留下来的老房子里还有。 Bonus room:从床到弹子戏(Pinball machine),这里什么都可以放。一般来说,独立屋具备了所有的基本房间,但还有空余,就可以来一间Bonus room。这个用法在英国英语里没有。中文里也没有对应词,意思就是这个屋是个“Bonus”,额外的奖励。 术语(Terminology)编辑本段回目录 独立屋这个术语,即使在英语国家,使用也有差别。Single-family home (美/加用法),Detached house (英国/加拿大用法),,Single-detached dwelling(加拿大),Separate house(新西兰)。在英国,如果你说Single-family home,很多人都不知道你在说什么。

business lounge是什么意思

business lounge商务休息室

胃蛋白酶活力单位 FIP-U 什么意思?具体文献中写的是:pepsin (10 FIP-U/mg protein)

去买的地方问问 她们一定知道

rewarding pleasing gratifying fulfilling 有什么区别啊?

These words all describe an experience, activity or fact that gives you pleasure because it provides something you need or want.satisfying that gives you pleasure because it provides something you need or want: It"s satisfying to play a game really well.rewarding (of an experience or activity) that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important; worth doing: Nursing can be a very rewarding career.pleasing (rather formal) that gives you pleasure, especially to look at, hear or think about: It was a simple but pleasing design.gratifying (formal) that gives you pleasure, especially because it makes you feel that you have done well: It is gratifying to see such good results.fulfilling (of an experience or activity) that makes you happy, because it makes you feel your skills and talents are being used: I"m finding the work much more fulfilling now.satisfying, rewarding or fulfilling?Almost any experience, important or very brief, can be satisfying. Rewarding and fulfilling are used more for longer, more serious activities, such as jobs or careers. Satisfying and fulfilling are more about your personal satisfaction or happiness; rewarding is more about your sense of doing something important and being useful to others.a satisfying/rewarding/gratifying/fulfilling experience/feeling(a) satisfying/rewarding/fulfilling job/career/workto find something satisfying/rewarding/pleasing/gratifying

Small Business 小企业(中英文)-技术英语

Small Business 小企业(中英文) One in three businesses lives to be 5. Here is how to be a winner.三家企业中只有一家企业能存在五年,怎样在竞争中成为赢家?Large, multinational corporations may be the companies whose ups and downs seize headlines. But to a far greater extent than most Americans realize, the economy""s vitality depends on the fortunes of tiny shops and restaurants, neighborhood services and factories. Small businesses, defined as those with fewer than 100 workers, now employ nearly 60 percent of the work force and are expected to generate half of all new jobs between now and the year 2000. Some 1.2 million small firms have opened their doors over the past six years or economic growth and 1989 will see an additional 200,000 entrepreneurs striking off on their own. 大型的跨国公司,其兴衰沉浮常是报刊抢登的头版重要新闻的公司。但大部分美国人还远远没能认识到,经济的活力都取决于小商店、小餐馆、街道服务业和工厂的兴衰。小企业一般定义为工人人数不足100人的企业,而现在的小企业雇佣了将近全部劳动力的60%,并预期从现在起到2000年将提供所有新就业机会中一半的工作岗位。在过去经济发展的6年里,大约开办了120万家小企业,在1989年还将有另外20万名企业家轻易地独立开业。Too many of these pioneers, however, will blaze ahead unprepared. Idealists will overestimate the clamor for their products of fail to factor in the competition. Nearly everyone will underestimate, often fatally, the capital that success requires. Midcareer executives, forced by a takeover or restructuring to quit the corporation and find another way to support themselves, may savor the idea of being their own boss but may forget that entrepreneurs must also, at least for a while, be bookkeeper and receptionist, too. According to Small Business Administration data, 24 of every 100 businesses starting out today are likely at have disappeared in two years, and 27 more will have shut their doors four years from now. By 1995,more than 60 of those 100 start-ups will have folded. A new study of 3,000 small businesses, sponsored by American. Express and the National Federation of Independent Business, suggests slightly better odds: Three years after start-up, 77 percent of the companies surveyed were still alive. Most credited their success in large part to having picked a business they already were comfortable in. Eighty percent had worked with the same product or service in their last jobs. 然而,这些开拓者中许许多多人在无准备之下,便热情地干起来。理想主义者将过高地估计争购他们产品的呼声,或者将在竞争中经销失败。几乎每个人都过低估计到成功所需要的资本,这常常是致命的。中层管理人员由于公司兼并或改组的原因,被迫辞去公司里的工作去另谋出路时,可能会欣赏自己做老板的想法,但是他们可能忘记企业家至少也要做一段时间的记帐员和接待员。根据小企业管理局的统计数据,今天开业的100家小企业中有24家可能在2年内倒闭。还有大约有27家从现在起将在4年内破产,1995年那100家新开张的企业中有60多家将会倒闭。由美国运通公司和美国独立商行联合会主办的对3000家小企业的一项新研究显示结果稍为乐观:在企业开业后的3年内,被调查的公司中有77%一直经营良好。大部分人把他们的成功在很大程度上归功于他们选择了适合于自己的行业。80%的人在过去工作中曾从事过同样的商品或服务工作。Thinking through an enterprise before the launch is obviously critical. But many entrepreneurs forget that a firm""s health in its infancy many be little indication of how well it will age. You must tenderly monitor its pulse. In their zeal to expand, small business owners often ignore early warning signs of a stagnant market or of decaying profitablility. They hopefully pour more and more money into the enterprise, preferring not to acknowledge eroding profit margins that mean the marked for their ingenious service or product has evaporated, or that they must cut the payroll or vacate their lavish offices. Only when the financial well runs dry do they see the seriousness of the illness, and by then the patient is usually too far gone to save. 在开办一个新企业之前,对它的发展前景有充分的考虑显然是至关重要的。但是许多企业家忘记了企业在初期的健康状况可能显示不出企业后期的成长过程。你必须小心监测它的脉搏。小企业主在热切扩大经营中常忽视市场萧条或效益下降的早期警告信号。他们希望将愈来愈多的钱投入企业,他们承认利润正在降低,不愿承认他们的服务或产品的市场已经萎缩,也不原承认他们必须削减工人工资或者搬出他们豪华的办公室。只有当财源枯竭时,他们才认识到他们的企业已奄奄一息,面临倒闭。到那时企业已病入膏肓,不可救要。Frequent checks of your firm""s vital signs will also guide you to a sensible rate of growth. To snatch opportunity, you must spot the signals that it is time to conquer new markets, add products or perhaps franchise your hot idea. 对企业的重要症状经常检查可使企业保持适宜的发展速度。要抓住机会,你必须及时瞄准征服新市场的信号,增加产量或者想出你的特棒的点子。

业务主管Business executives是做什么的

1、熟悉公司的相关业务流程,认真贯彻执行公司销售管理规定和实施细则,努力提高自身业务水平。 2、客户的开发:走访、洽谈客户,与客户敲定合作合同、合作细节,付款方式。 3、客户的维护:日常维护(包括商品陈列位、质量、售后及人际关系的维护);特定维护(包括节假日促销活动,特通渠道团购的维护)。 4、客户的二次开发:补充新品、重复一次开发。 5、回款及时(按照相应的客户财务结算流程,及时对账结款):款项如是银行转账应及时查询是否到账,如未到应催款,如到账应及时填写缴款单;款项如是现金,必须当日交至财务并填写缴款单。 6、积极完成规定或承诺的销售量指标,对业务员进行进行指导与检查、控制、监督,保证销售业务按计划、程序顺利进行。 7、负责执行商品的要货、补货、调拨、退货、滞销商品的分析及定期淘汰上报工作。 8、定期对市场和竞争对手进行相关市调,保证工资商品(价格)具有竞争性和获取合理利润的空间。 9、对销售业绩进行考察评估,核算成本,监督及独到下属的目标执行情况,并结合业务市场,制定公司中、长期市场开发计划。寻找制定下一步业务量提升计划和新客户(新业务)机会的切入点。 10、按时完成公司领导交办的其他工作

求:托福 TPO口语第1套Question6参考答案 Question: Using the research described by the profess

1、题目关键词:use the research, explain, mathematical abilities of babies 2、答题要领: (1)point out the scientists" conclusion about the mathematical abilities of babies (2)summarize the research described in the listening material 3、听力材料要点: (1)babies can do basic mathematics as young as five months old (2)in the research, the scientists show the baby puts two dolls one after the other and secretly hide the first one (3)when the baby sees one doll instead of two dolls, he is surprised 4、模板 (1)What the scientists have learned about the mathematical abilities of babies is... (2)The evidence described in the listening material is... (3)Thus we can draw the conclusion that...

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1、是自动下载的,通常教育网都是要通过认证的。2、是做网络审计,不是监控,是记录。根据公安部82号令要求,以备在互联网出现不法问题的时候查验。3、卸载也没用,只要你上网就会自动下载,或通过网页、或通过学校里教育网上网认证客户端。 对你没有影响,只要不要散播不法言论就行。希望能让你满意。

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close to 与 closing to

Aclose to 在本句中意思上相当于almost和nearly。





Officially missing you韩文音译版歌词


我要chasing pavements的歌词和意思

英文I"ve made up my mind, No need to think it over, If i"m wrong I aint right, No need to look no further, This ain"t lust, This is love but, If i tell the world, I"ll never say enough, Cause it was not said to you, And thats exactly what i need to do, If i"m in love with you, Should i give up, Or should i just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere, Or would it be a waste? Even If i knew my place should i leave it there? Should i give up, Or should i just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere I"d build myself up, And fly around in circles, Wait then as my heart drops, and my back begins to tingle finally could this be it Should i give up, Or should i just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere, Or would it be a waste? Even If i knew my place should i leave it there? Should i give up, Or should i just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere Should i give up, Or should i just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere, Or would it be a waste? Even If i knew my place should i leave it there? Should i give up, Or should i just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowhere 中文 我已经弥补了我心目中, 没有必要认为, 如果我是错I是不正确的, 没有必要不要再观望, 这不是欲望, 这是爱,但 如果我告诉世界, 我永远不会说还不够, 造成这不是对你说, 和这就是正是我需要做的, 如果我深爱的你, 我应该放弃, 或者我应该不断追逐行人路? 即使它导致行不通的, 或将它是一个废物? 即使我知道我的地方,我应该离开它呢? 我应该放弃, 或者我应该不断追逐行人路? 即使它导致无处 我要建立我自己, 及苍蝇在周围的圈子, 等待,然后我的心下降, 和我回到开始tingle 最后,这可能它 我应该放弃, 或者我应该不断追逐行人路? 即使它导致行不通的, 或将它是一个废物? 即使我知道我的地方,我应该离开它呢? 我应该放弃, 或者我应该不断追逐行人路? 即使它导致无处 我应该放弃, 或者我应该不断追逐行人路? 即使它导致行不通的, 或将它是一个废物? 即使我知道我的地方,我应该离开它呢? 我应该放弃, 或者我应该不断追逐行人路? 即使它导致无处

歌曲有what can i do?you always is my, i want to sing a song to you的歌词叫什么名字

曲名:Always 歌手:仓木麻衣

sing my song什么意思

唱我的歌 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……也可以理解为原创音乐⑧





有一首歌的歌词:who will sing my song to me?问歌名

你好, 歌曲名是“who will sing to me ”!

有首英文歌.是女的唱的.中间高潮部分有always on my mind, sing my song to you是什么歌? 帅哥美女快来猜

still in love with you

There has been a collision __ a number of cars on the main road to town. a.composing b.consistin

There has been a collision _involving_ a number of cars on the main road to town.c.involving涉及到

Frank Sinatra的《My Way》 歌词

歌曲名:My Way歌手:Frank Sinatra专辑:The Main Event -- LiveFrank SinatraMy WayWriters: Revaux/Francois/AnkaAnd now, the end is near;And so I face the final curtain.My friend, I"ll say it clear,I"ll state my case, of which I"m certain.I"ve lived a life that"s full.I"ve traveled each and ev"ry highway;And more, much more than this,I did it my way.Regrets, I"ve had a few;But then again, too few to mention.I did what I had to doAnd saw it through without exemption.I planned each charted course;Each careful step along the byway,But more, much more than this,I did it my way.Yes, there were times, I"m sure you knewWhen I bit off more than I could chew.But through it all, when there was doubt,I ate it up and spit it out.I faced it all and I stood tall;And did it my way.I"ve loved, I"ve laughed and cried.I"ve had my fill; my share of losing.And now, as tears subside,I find it all so amusing.To think I did all that;And may I say - not in a shy way,"Oh no, oh no not me,I did it my way".For what is a man, what has he got?If not himself, then he has naught.To say the things he truly feels;And not the words of one who kneels.The record shows I took the blows -And did it my way!Yes, it was my way



Opening Theme (Sing Or Die) 歌词

歌曲名:Opening Theme (Sing Or Die)歌手:Dreams Come True专辑:Sing Or Diedan dan kokonosih kanaitaikusonoh monoshi aika monipatehnah eyah mi kaladogmiliarsolohole my handkinitortanaya ahtatoki olomoloko lotah iseijuniomokotah dashow o moiteistarlinahbukutoh o tohteiku leina ekakikalitoh kainoh ydulidohimiteimo izuminuh juteinohskosi kakei yuni yukijutanieh woleh kiteimoh ah yikih ahki ahyuyukikohkotomimomo otei ahkakaluyodan dan kokonosih kaneiteikukonoh moshinukiboh nohnikihnakitohdaneimoya eiyuorkenniteitanizen zen kinishinayuhukeinohonliar kini yitokyishitehlupatehna yiyani paladogmiliarsolohole your handotoktakar mostateidu kuminusukitakeiahnanihbowahshitehye kuiheitai jurmod tahnakoh omonuhbokuwah nanikeinayi shisanihkuliman wahsailehtei shisalokusomeilomor izuminujuneinohmoto kiri tahi batolehahtahadoni iska bihinut kahiwah yadunut nodoorlogihapamalagei badoglomimimaluyodan dan kokonoshi kanaitaikukujitbuntei mushitinna indahkeidohmahikahlunkusuni kini ninei wahshikunaruzen zen kininonahi hu wushiteimohken ken q kinimohdolai kila deikahumi nokaneitaheidonearsomoyohhole my hand

求意大利歌手Laura Pausini的《Yo canto》中文歌词,谢谢!


Let Your Heart Sing 歌词

歌曲名:Let Your Heart Sing歌手:Katharine Mcphee专辑:The Tinker Bell (Songs From and Inspired by)Katharine Mcphee - Let Your Heart SingIt starts with a whisper, a sound on the breezeDancin on moonbeams and shakin the treesOne single note to a chorus returnIt glows like your hope from the moment its bornFlying over rainbows,On the promise of tomorrowLet the truth save the dayAnd you"ll never lose your wayIf you follow, follow the voice in your heartAlways know that"s how to find who you areSo hold on, never let go of your dreamsYou"ll see the magic, believing is where it beginsLife is a beautiful thingLet your heart sing(Let your heart sing,Let your heart sing,let your heart sing)It starts with a secret, a glimmer of lightThe last leaf that falls, the swallow"s first flightA touch of a raindrop, a sparkle of snowThe north star that guides you wherever you goRacing every shadow,Chasing sunlight till the stars glowLet the truth in your heart send you everydayYou"ll never lose your wayIf you follow, follow the voice in your heartAlways know that"s how to find who you areSo hold on, never let go of your dreamsYou"ll see the magic, believing is where it beginsLife is a beautiful thing,Let your heart sing (Sing your song, your whole life long)Let your heart sing (Let your heart jump where you belong)Let your heart sing (Sing your song, your whole life long)Let your heart singLet your heart sing(Let your heart sing,let your heart singlet your heart singlet your heart sing)

Never Let You Go (Single/Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let You Go (Single/Lp Version)歌手:Bloodstone专辑:The Essentials: BloodstoneHeavy clouds, no rainAnd every move causes painReady kiss, but no loveI feel I"m torn in halfArdent look, but no heatIt"s not you really needBaby, now it"s happened with usWe are dancing on broken glassCan"t stand no more -Never, never let you goshe was the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartGentle words, no aimIt seems we"re playing a gameEasy smile, but no funSweet music for no oneClose embrace, but no moreCold Champagne we forgot to pourBaby now it"s happened with usWe are dancing on broken glassCan"t stand no more –Never, never let you goYou are the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartLove"s carving it in my heartwu....Baby now it"s happened with usWe are dancing on broken glassCan"t stand no more –Never, never let you goShe was the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartNever, never let you goShye was the one I"m searching forFlesh of my flesh, bone of my boneLove"s carving it in the stoneNever, never let you goReturn the days we had beforeSoul of my soul, blood of my bloodLove"s carving it in my heartLove"s carving it in my heart

怎样用VB计算sinx的值 用do loop循环,泰勒公式

Private Sub Form_Click()Dim s As DoubleDim n As Integerx = Val(InputBox("请输入x的值", "输入框"))Dos = s + (-1) ^ n * (x ^ (2 * n + 1) / j(2 * n + 1))n = n + 1Loop Until n = 50 "我不太清楚你的那个条件是什么意思,不过取泰勒展开式的前50项对一般的数已经很精确了,而且在x=1200之前不会有数据溢出错误,我再想想有什么改进的方法Print sEnd SubPrivate Function j(n As Integer) As Doublej = 1For i = 1 To nj = j * iNextEnd Function


两个词有很大区别。repeat: 重复(说明/讲述) to say or tell people something more than once重复(发生/做某件事) to happen, or to do something, more than oncerevise:改变(主意)、修改(作文) to look at or consider again an idea, piece of writing, etc. in order to correct or improve it(为了考试)复习 to study again something you have already learned, in preparation for an exam如果有哪里解释的不清楚,欢迎继续追问。

Officially Missing You和弦谱

MympSantos PaoloTamia 以上三位,哪位的?怎麼相同的贴子?已经贴出来了。

英语翻译Do you remember Johnny Dean,the pop singer with funny gl?

你还记得约翰尼迪恩吗,那个戴着有趣的眼睛,头发长长的卷卷的流行歌手? 现在的他换了一副新造型.他的头发不再又长又卷了,变得又短又直了,而且他不再戴眼镜了.但是一些人不喜欢他的新造型.“我不觉得他这样有多好.”来自纽约的鲁斯说,“但是我的妈妈喜欢.”,6,你还记得约翰尼迪恩吗,那个戴着有趣的眼睛,头发长长的卷卷的流行歌手? 现在的他换了一副新造型。他的头发不再又长又卷了,变得又短又直了,而且他不再戴眼镜了。但是一些人不喜欢他的新造型。“我不觉得他这样有多好。”来自纽约的鲁斯说,“但是我的妈妈喜欢。”...,0,你知道Johnny Dean,那个有着有趣的眼镜和长的卷发的流行歌手?好,现在他有个新形象。他不再有长卷发。他有短的直的头发。并且他不再戴眼镜。但是有些人不喜欢他的新形象“我认为他不是那么棒”来自纽约的Ruth说“但是我的妈妈认为” - -! 着篇我学过 不过是我自己翻译的啊~~~ 请多多包涵 我现在是八年级 -,-...,0,英语翻译 Do you remember Johnny Dean,the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?Well,now he has a new look.He doesn"t have long curly hair.He has short straight hair.And he doesn"t wear glasses any more.But some people don"t like his new look.“I don"t think he"s so great.”says Ruth from New York.“But my mom does.”

求Officially Missing You详细歌词

[Verse One]All I hear is raindropsFalling on the rooftopOh baby tell me why"d you have to goCause this pain I feelIt wont go awayAnd today I"m officially missing youI thought that from this heartacheI could escapeBut I fronted long enough to knowThere ain"t no wayAnd todayI"m officially missing you[Chorus]Oh can"t nobody do it like youSaid every little thing you doHey baby say it stays on my mindAnd I, I"m officially[Verse Two]All I do is lay aroundTwo years full of tearsFrom looking at your face on the wallJust a week ago you were my babyNow I don"t even know you at allI don"t know you at allWell I wish that you would call me right nowSo that I could get through to you somehowBut I guess it"s safe to say baby safe to sayThat I"m officially missing you[Chorus][Bridge]Well I thought I could just get over you babyBut I see that"s something I just can"t doFrom the way you would hold meTo the sweet things you told meI just can"t find a wayTo let go of you[Chorus]It officialYou know that I"m missing youYeah yesAll I hear is raindropsAnd I"m officially missing you

热血无赖V1.7不能玩.我下的是游侠直接V.17的,进游戏显示这个,lumaemu.ini is missing 怎么破


Najwajean的《Singing》 歌词

歌曲名:Singing歌手:Najwajean专辑:Till It Breaks「SINGING」作词∶MOMIKEN作曲∶UZ歌∶SPYAIRあんなにも少しの距离の 駅までの短い帰り道も切なくなるくらいに 仆らは ハシャぎすぎていたんだね大人になる为の その时间は 怒りや悲しみもあったけどこれからは嫌でも离れてしまう それぞれ 选んだ梦に向けずっと 握ってた 君と仆が 出会ったキセキの呪文をきっと それが この歌になるからいつでも繋がっていけるさ SINGING oh… oh… oh…思ってみれば お前とも この场所に来なかったら 今でも出会い 笑いあう事さえも なかったのかもな下らない话ばかり重ねて 确実に过ぎ去っていく时间この夜を越える もうひとりの自分不安を越え 成长した自分に会えるきっと 离れても 君と仆は 绊を繋ぐ呪文でどっか 远くの街に居たっていつでも繋がっていれるよ SINGING oh… oh… oh…それは メールじゃなくて カタチじゃなくて ただ 想っていられる流星のような 道を仆らは 歩んでいたんだあの日 感じてた 君と仆の 绊を繋ぐ呪文はずっと これからも响いてくよ仆らは独りじゃないさ SINGING oh… oh… oh…【 おわり 】
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