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蔬菜:leek 韭菜caraway/coriander 香菜spinach 菠菜 spinach ["spinidu0292, -itu0283]cabbage 卷心菜chinese cabbage 白菜celery 芹菜cress 水芹cauliflower 菜花broccoli 西兰花lettuce 莴苣butterhead 球生菜mustard leaf 芥菜romaine 生菜shepherd"s purse 荠菜water shield 莼菜kale 甘蓝菜rape/cole 油菜mater convolvulus 空心菜dried lily flower 金针菜tarragon 蒿菜agar-agar 紫菜greens 青菜day-lily buds 黄花菜hair-like seaweed 发菜preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜salted vegetable 雪里红turnip 白萝卜carrot 胡萝卜summer radish 水萝卜potato 土豆tomato 番茄eggplant 茄子cucumber 黄瓜gherkin 小黄瓜loofah 丝瓜pumpkin 南瓜bitter gourd 苦瓜white gourd 冬瓜sweet potato 地瓜long crooked squash 菜瓜string bean 四季豆pea 豌豆lentil/ hycacinth bean 扁豆soy 大豆marrow bean 菜豆mung bean 绿豆soybean 黄豆kidney bean 芸豆green soy bean 毛豆soybean sprout 黄豆芽mung bean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽lotus root 莲藕water caltrop 菱角lotus seed 莲子garlic 蒜garlic sprout 蒜苗/苔green pepper 青椒hot pepper 辣椒marrow 西葫芦onion 洋葱ginger 生姜garlic 大蒜garlic bulb 蒜头scallion 青葱wheat gluten 面筋chive 香葱sweet pepper 甜椒toon 香椿water chestnut 荸荠yam 山药lily 百合taro 芋头cabbage mustard 芥兰cane shoots 茭白ginger 姜dried ginger 干姜asparagus 芦笋bamboo sprout 竹笋winter bamboo shoots 冬笋button mushroom 草菇mushroom / agaricus 蘑菇dried mushroom / black mushroom 冬菇champignon 香菇needle mushroom 金针菇asparagus 芦笋dried bamboo shoot 笋干tender leaves of chinese toon 香椿fennel 茴香chinese chives 韭黄corn 玉米aloe 芦荟agaric 木耳tremella / white fungus 白木耳水果:pineapple 凤梨watermelon 西瓜papaya 木瓜betelnut 槟榔chestnut 栗子coconut 椰子ponkan 椪柑tangerine 橘子mandarin orange 桔子sugar-cane 甘蔗muskmelon 香瓜shaddock 柚子juice peach 水蜜桃pear 梨子peach 桃子carambola 杨桃cherry 樱桃persimmon 柿子apple 苹果mango 芒果fig 无花果water caltrop 菱角almond 杏仁plum 李子honey-dew melon 哈密瓜loquat 枇杷olive 橄榄rambutan 红毛丹durian 榴梿strawberry 草莓grape 葡萄grapefruit 葡萄柚lichee / lychee 荔枝longan 龙眼wax-apple 莲雾guava 番石榴banana 香蕉 (via)epiphyllum 昙花Brazil 巴西木cactus 仙人掌camellia 山茶花carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花chrysanthemum 菊花dahlia 大丽花daisy 雏菊datura 曼陀罗fringed iris 蝴蝶花fuchsia 倒挂金钟gardenia 栀子India canna 美人蕉jasmine 茉莉lilac 丁香lily 百合mangnolia 木兰花mangnolia 玉兰花morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花)narcissus 水仙花oleander 夹竹桃orchid 兰花pansy 三色堇peony 牡丹peony 芍药phalaenopsis 蝶兰rose 玫瑰rose 月季setose asparagus 文竹touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花,含羞草tulip 郁金香violet, stock violet 紫罗兰water hyacinth 凤眼兰


d开头的英文单词蔬菜和水果: Damson 洋李子; Date 枣子; Date palm 枣椰子; Dew 果露; Durian 榴莲 扩展资料   If it were not for the vapour in the air, there would be no dew.   如果空气中没有水气,就没有露水。   The dew gathered on the leaves.   露水在叶子上凝结。   The green boughs glittered with all their pearls of dew.   绿枝上闪烁着露珠的光彩。   Pearls of dew glistened on the grass.   草地上珠露晶莹。   The morning dew is still wet& early in the morning.   晨露未晞。


椰菜花-cauliflower 马玲薯(薯仔)-potato 芹菜-celery 刀豆-string bean 南瓜-pumpkin 蘑菇-mushroom 茄子-eggplant 椰菜-cabbage 胡萝卜 甘笋-carrot 生菜-lettuce 粟米-corn 青椒-green pepper 洋葱-onion 青瓜-cucumber 豌豆-pea 葫芦瓜-squash 甜菜-beet 菠菜-spinach 西兰花-broccoli 小萝卜-radish 2008-01-19 20:42:21 补充: 苦瓜- Momordica charantia辣椒-chilli番茄-tomato豆角-green bean番薯-sweet potato芦笋-aragus细香葱-chive荞头-pickling onion大白菜-Chinese cabbage韭-leek 01.celery 芹菜 02.carrot 胡萝卜 03.cabbage 甘蓝菜 04.spinach 菠菜 05.cucumber 黄瓜 06.leek 韭葱 07.shallot 青葱 08.onion 洋葱 09.garlic 大蒜 10aragus 芦笋 11.pepper 胡椒;辣椒 12.tomato 番茄 13.eggplant 茄子 14.lettuce 莴苣 15.mustard 芥菜 16.celtuce 芹莴 17.pumpkin 南瓜 18.radish 大菜 19.perilla 紫苏 20.loofah 丝瓜 21.coriander 胡荽 22.cauliflower (白色)花椰菜 23.soybean 大豆 24.zucchini 美洲南瓜 25.pea 豌豆 26.blackberry 黑莓 27.parsley 荷兰芹 28.bean sprouts 豆芽 29.fresh kidney be(informal) 豆角 30.cardoon 南欧洲刺菜蓟 2008-01-19 20:46:54 补充: 31.Coriander 香菜32.mushroom 蘑菇33.corn 粟米34.momordica charantia 苦瓜35.squash 葫芦瓜补充5个~ =] 参考: .dictionary.yahoo/ & myself 1) 生菜-lettuce 粟米-corn 2) 青椒-green pepper 3) 洋葱-onion 4) 青瓜-cucumber 5) 豌豆-pea 6) 葫芦瓜-squash 7) 甜菜-beet 8) 菠菜-spinach 9) 西兰花-broccoli 10) 小萝卜-radish 11) 芦笋 -aragus 12) 苋菜-Amaranth 13) 苦瓜-bitter-melon 14) 芋-Taro 15) 椰菜花-cauliflower 16) 马玲薯(薯仔)-potato 17) 芹菜-celery 18) 刀豆-string bean 19) 南瓜-pumpkin 20) 小茴香-fennel 21) 蘑菇-mushroom 22) 茄子-eggplant 23) 椰菜-cabbage 24) 胡萝卜 甘笋-carrot 25) 大白菜-Chinese cabbage 26) 芥兰-Kai-lan 27) 韭葱-leek 28) 紫甘蓝-Red cabbage 29) 香菜-Coriander 30) 朝鲜蓟-artichoke 参考: Wikipedia -leek韭葱 -cabbage卷心菜 -caulifkower花椰菜 -artichoke朝鲜蓟 -floret -celery芹菜 -fennel茴香 -okra秋葵 -aragus芦笋 参考: dictionary


水果和蔬菜的英语单词有哪些 各类水果蔬菜英文名称翻译 一、蔬菜 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 champignon 香菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato,spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion,leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 二、水果 pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 柚子,文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 persimmon 柿子 apple 苹果 mango 芒果 fig 无花果 water caltrop 菱角 almond 杏仁 plum 李子 honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 loquat 枇杷 olive 橄榄 rambutan 红毛丹 durian 榴 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 lichee 荔枝 longan 龙眼 wax-apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 banana 香蕉... 所有蔬菜的英文有哪些 spinach 菠菜 cabbage 白菜 / 包菜 water convolvulus 空心菜 / 蕹菜 bean sprout 豆芽 lady"s finger 羊角豆 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 brinjal 茄子 french bean 菜豆 / 荷兰豆 chili 辣椒 mustard 芥末 / 菜心 cucumber 黄瓜 long bean 长豆 carrot 胡萝梗 lemon-grass 柠檬草 / 香茅 tomato 番茄 有关蔬菜的英语单词 Potato 马铃薯 Carrot 红萝卜 Onion 洋葱 Aubergine 茄子 Celery 芹菜 White Cabbage 包心菜 Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Cucumber 大黄瓜 Tomato 蕃茄 Radish 小红萝卜 Mooli 白萝卜 Watercress 西洋菜 Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米 Cauliflower 白花菜 Spring onions 葱 Garlic 大蒜 Ginger 姜 Chinese leaves 大白菜 Leeks 大葱 Mustard & cress 芥菜苗 Green Pepper 青椒 Red pepper 红椒 Yellow pepper 黄椒 Mushroom 洋菇 Broccoliflorets 绿花菜 Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食 Coriander 香菜 Dwarf Bean 四季豆 Flat Beans 长形平豆 Iceberg 透明包心菜 Lettuce 莴苣菜 Swede or Turnip 芜菁 Okra 秋葵 Chillies 辣椒 Eddoes 小芋头 Taro 大芋头 Sweet potato 蕃薯 Spinach 菠菜 Beansprots 绿豆芽 Peas 碗豆 Corn 玉米粒 Sprot 高丽小菜心 参考资料:zhidao.baidu/question/2027537 水果和蔬菜的英语单词有哪些? 各类水果蔬菜英文名称翻译 一、蔬菜 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 champignon 香菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato, spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion, leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 二、水果 pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 柚子,文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 persimmon 柿子 apple 苹果 mango 芒果 fig 无花果 water caltrop 菱角 almond 杏仁 plum 李子 honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 loquat 枇杷 olive 橄榄 rambutan 红毛丹 durian 榴 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 lichee 荔枝 longan 龙眼 wax-apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 banana ...... 蔬菜的所有英语单词有哪些 各种蔬菜的英具体如下: string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot, beet 甜菜 agar-agar 紫菜 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 hair-like seaweed 发菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 chives 韭黄 ternip 白萝卜 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 ficus tikaua 地瓜 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 beancurd sheets 百叶 champignon 香菇 button mushroom 草菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 agaricus 蘑菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato, spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion, leek 青葱 各种蔬菜的英文名称怎么说? 中外美食英语饕餮大餐 一、蔬菜 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 champignon 香菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato, spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion, leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 二、水果: pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 柚子,文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 egg-plant 茄子 turnip 萝卜 pepper 胡椒 lotus root 莲藕 kale 甘蓝 potherb mustard 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 bamboo shoots 竹笋 tomato 西红柿 scallion 大葱 amaranth 苋菜 bolt 菜薹 yam 山药 shepherd"s purse 荠菜 water chestnut 荸荠 French bean 扁豆 horse/broad bean 蚕豆 kidney bean 四季豆 bean curd 豆腐 sponge/towel......


蔬菜类:kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 lettuce 莴苣 bamboo shoot 竹笋 carrot 胡萝卜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 bean sprout 豆芽 家禽类:chick小鸡hen母鸡cock公鸡pig猪goat山羊sheep绵羊horse马cat猫rabbit兔子duck鸭子


有关蔬菜的英语单词 Potato 马铃薯 Carrot 红萝卜 Onion 洋葱 Aubergine 茄子Celery 芹菜 White Cabbage 包心菜 Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Cucumber 大黄瓜 Tomato 蕃茄 Radish 小红萝卜 Mooli 白萝卜 Watercress 西洋菜 Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米 Cauliflower 白花菜 Spring onions 葱 Garlic 大蒜 Ginger 姜 Chinese leaves 大白菜 Leeks 大葱 Mustard & cress 芥菜苗 Green Pepper 青椒 Red pepper 红椒 Yellow pepper 黄椒 Mushroom 洋菇 Broccoliflorets 绿花菜 Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食 Coriander 香菜 Dwarf Bean 四季豆 Flat Beans 长形平豆 Iceberg 透明包心菜 Lettuce 莴苣菜 Swede or Turnip 芜菁 Okra 秋葵 Chillies 辣椒 Eddoes 小芋头 Taro 大芋头 Sweet potato 蕃薯 Spinach 菠菜 Beansprots 绿豆芽 Peas 碗豆 Corn 玉米粒 Sprot 高丽小菜心 参考资料:zhidao.baidu/question/2027537 水果和蔬菜的英语单词有哪些 各类水果蔬菜英文名称翻译 一、蔬菜 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 champignon 香菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato,spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion,leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 二、水果 pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 柚子,文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 persimmon 柿子 apple 苹果 mango 芒果 fig 无花果 water caltrop 菱角 almond 杏仁 plum 李子 honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 loquat 枇杷 olive 橄榄 rambutan 红毛丹 durian 榴 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 lichee 荔枝 longan 龙眼 wax-apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 banana 香蕉...>> 水果和蔬菜的英语单词有哪些? 各类水果蔬菜英文名称翻译 一、蔬菜 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 champignon 香菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato, spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion, leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 二、水果 pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 柚子,文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 persimmon 柿子 apple 苹果 mango 芒果 fig 无花果 water caltrop 菱角 almond 杏仁 plum 李子 honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 loquat 枇杷 olive 橄榄 rambutan 红毛丹 durian 榴 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 lichee 荔枝 longan 龙眼 wax-apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 banana ......>> 蔬菜单词有哪些? 常见的蔬菜(vegetables): pepper 胡椒 hot pepper; chilli 辣椒 sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒 tomato 番茄,西红柿 asparagus 芦笋 cucumber 黄瓜 aubergine, eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆 beet, beetroot 甜菜 potato 马铃薯 carrot 胡萝卜 cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin 西葫芦 broad bean 蚕豆 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 garlic 蒜 chive 细香葱 fennel 茴香 cos lettuce 莴苣 marrow 嫩葫芦 melon 香瓜,甜瓜 celery 芹菜 onion 韭 leek 韭菜 radish 萝卜 tarragon 狭叶青蒿 thyme 百里香 mushroom 蘑菇 artichoke 洋蓟 broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟 chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 chicory 苣荬菜 cress 水田芥 cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗 dandelion 蒲公英 French bean 法国菜豆 gherkin 嫩黄瓜 horseradish 辣根 Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜 kale 无头甘蓝 kohlrabi 甘蓝 laurel 月桂 lentil 兵豆 lettuce 莴苣 lupin 羽扇豆 (美作:lupine) parsley 欧芹 parsnip 欧防风 pea 豌豆 rhubarb 大黄 salsify 婆罗门参 sorrel 掌叶大黄 truffle 块菌 turnip 芜菁 watercress 豆瓣菜 Potato 马铃薯 Carrot 红萝卜 Onion 洋葱 Aubergine 茄子 Celery 芹菜 关于蔬菜的单词有哪些 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 蔬菜英文单词 常见的蔬菜(vegetable): pepper 胡椒 hot pepper; chilli 辣椒 sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒 tomato 番茄,西红柿 asparagus 芦笋 cucumber 黄瓜 aubergine, eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆 beet, beetroot 甜菜 potato 马铃薯 carrot 胡萝卜 cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin 西葫芦 broad bean 蚕豆 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 garlic 蒜 chive 细香葱 fennel 茴香 cos lettuce 莴苣 marrow 嫩葫芦 melon 香瓜,甜瓜 celery 芹菜 onion 韭 leek 韭菜 radish 萝卜 tarragon 狭叶青蒿 thyme 百里香 mushroom 蘑菇 artichoke 洋蓟 broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟 chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 chicory 苣荬菜 cress 水田芥 cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗 dandelion 蒲公英 French bean 法国菜豆 gherkin 嫩黄瓜 horseradish 辣根 Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜 kale 无头甘蓝 kohlrabi 甘蓝 laurel 月桂 lentil 兵豆 lettuce 莴苣 lupin 羽扇豆 (美作:lupine) parsley 欧芹 parsnip 欧防风 pea 豌豆 rhubarb 大黄 salsify 婆罗门参 sorrel 掌叶大黄 truffle 块菌 turnip 芜菁 watercress 豆瓣菜 蔬菜的所有英语单词有哪些 各种蔬菜的英具体如下: string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot, beet 甜菜 agar-agar 紫菜 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 hair-like seaweed 发菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 chives 韭黄 ternip 白萝卜 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 ficus tikaua 地瓜 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 beancurd sheets 百叶 champignon 香菇 button mushroom 草菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 agaricus 蘑菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato, spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion, leek 青葱


有关蔬菜的英语单词 Potato 马铃薯 Carrot 红萝卜 Onion 洋葱 Aubergine 茄子Celery 芹菜 White Cabbage 包心菜 Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Cucumber 大黄瓜 Tomato 蕃茄 Radish 小红萝卜 Mooli 白萝卜 Watercress 西洋菜 Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米 Cauliflower 白花菜 Spring onions 葱 Garlic 大蒜 Ginger 姜 Chinese leaves 大白菜 Leeks 大葱 Mustard & cress 芥菜苗 Green Pepper 青椒 Red pepper 红椒 Yellow pepper 黄椒 Mushroom 洋菇 Broccoliflorets 绿花菜 Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食 Coriander 香菜 Dwarf Bean 四季豆 Flat Beans 长形平豆 Iceberg 透明包心菜 Lettuce 莴苣菜 Swede or Turnip 芜菁 Okra 秋葵 Chillies 辣椒 Eddoes 小芋头 Taro 大芋头 Sweet potato 蕃薯 Spinach 菠菜 Beansprots 绿豆芽 Peas 碗豆 Corn 玉米粒 Sprot 高丽小菜心 参考资料:zhidao.baidu/question/2027537 水果和蔬菜的英语单词有哪些 各类水果蔬菜英文名称翻译 一、蔬菜 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 champignon 香菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato,spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion,leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 二、水果 pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 柚子,文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 persimmon 柿子 apple 苹果 mango 芒果 fig 无花果 water caltrop 菱角 almond 杏仁 plum 李子 honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 loquat 枇杷 olive 橄榄 rambutan 红毛丹 durian 榴 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 lichee 荔枝 longan 龙眼 wax-apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 banana 香蕉...>> 蔬菜的英语单词大全 蔬菜英语词汇表 pepper胡椒 hot pepper; chili辣椒 sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum甜椒,柿子椒 tomato番茄,西红柿 asparagus芦笋 cucumber黄瓜 aborigine, eggplant茄子 bean菜豆 beet, beetroot甜菜 potato马铃薯 carrot胡萝卜 cauliflower菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin西葫芦 broad bean蚕豆 cabbage圆白菜,卷心菜 garlic蒜 chive细香葱 fennel茴香 coos lettuce莴苣 marrow嫩葫芦 melon香瓜,甜瓜 celery芹菜 onion韭 leek韭菜 radish萝卜 tarragon狭叶青蒿 thyme百里香 mushroom蘑菇 artichoke洋蓟 broccoli, broccoli硬花甘蓝 Brussels sprouts芽甘蓝 caper刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon刺菜蓟 chervil雪维菜,细叶芹 chick-pea鹰嘴豆 chicory苣荬菜 cress水田芥 cumin, cumin孜然芹,枯茗 dandelion蒲公英 French bean法国菜豆 gherkin嫩黄瓜 horseradish辣根 Jerusalem artichoke洋姜,鬼子姜 kale无头甘蓝 kohlrabi甘蓝 laurel月桂 lentil兵豆 lettuce莴苣 lupine羽扇豆(美作:lupine) parsley欧芹 parsnip欧防风 pea豌豆 rhubarb大黄 falsify婆罗门参 sorrel掌叶大黄 truffle块菌 turnip芜菁 watercress豆瓣菜 水果和蔬菜的英语单词有哪些? 各类水果蔬菜英文名称翻译 一、蔬菜 string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆 green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽 bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜 cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜 dried lily flower 金针菜 mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜 tarragon 蒿菜 beetroot 甜菜根 lettuce 生菜 spinach 菠菜 leek 韭菜 caraway 香菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟 bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 carrot 胡萝卜 water chestnut 荸荠 long crooked squash 菜瓜 loofah 丝瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜 white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜 yam 山芋 taro 芋头 champignon 香菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄 eggplant 茄子 potato, spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕 agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic 大蒜 garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 onion 洋葱 scallion, leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌 二、水果 pineapple 凤梨 watermelon 西瓜 papaya 木瓜 betelnut 槟榔 chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 柚子,文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子 peach 桃子 carambola 杨桃 cherry 樱桃 persimmon 柿子 apple 苹果 mango 芒果 fig 无花果 water caltrop 菱角 almond 杏仁 plum 李子 honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 loquat 枇杷 olive 橄榄 rambutan 红毛丹 durian 榴 strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄 grapefruit 葡萄柚 lichee 荔枝 longan 龙眼 wax-apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 banana ......>> 所有的蔬菜的英语单词 蔬菜类: 南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米 Sweet corn 生菜 莴苣lettuce 白菜 Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜 cabbage 萝卜 radish 胡萝卜 carrot 韭菜leek 木耳 agarics 豌豆 pea 马铃薯(土豆) potato 黄瓜 cucumber 苦瓜 balsam pear 秋葵 okra 洋葱 onion 芹菜 celery 芹菜杆 celery sticks 地瓜 sweet potato 蘑菇 mushroom 橄榄 olive 菠菜spinach 冬瓜 (Chinese)wax gourd 莲藕 lotus root 紫菜 laver 油菜 cole rape 茄子 eggplant 香菜 caraway 枇杷loquat 青椒 green pepper 四季豆 青刀豆 garden bean 银耳 silvery fungi 腱子肉tendon 肘子 pork joint 茴香fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用) 鲤鱼carp 咸猪肉bacon 金针蘑 needle mushroom 扁豆 lentil 槟榔 areca 牛蒡great burdock 水萝卜 summer radish 竹笋 bamboo shoot 艾蒿Chinese mugwort 绿豆mung bean 毛豆green soy bean 瘦肉 lean meat 肥肉speck 黄花菜 day lily (day lily bud) 豆芽菜 bean sprout 丝瓜 towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的,不是食用的) 请给我十个以上的蔬菜英语单词 sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒 chive 细香葱 fennel 茴香 cos lettuce 莴苣 radish 萝卜 tarragon 狭叶青蒿 thyme 百里香 mushroom 蘑菇 artichoke 洋蓟 broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 tomato 番茄,西红柿 asparagus 芦笋 cucumber 黄瓜 aubergine, eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆 beet, beetroot 甜菜 pepper 胡椒 pimiento 甜椒 potato 马铃薯 carrot 胡萝卜 cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin 西葫芦 broad bean 蚕豆 celery 芹菜 onion 韭 leek 韭菜 garlic 蒜 chive 葱 fennel 茴香 cos lettuce 莴苣 marrow 嫩葫芦 melon 香瓜,甜瓜 mushroom, celery 芹菜 onion 韭 leek 韭菜 radish 萝卜 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 chilli 辣椒 marrow 嫩葫芦 melon 香瓜,甜瓜 tarragon 狭叶青蒿 thyme 百里香 mushroom 蘑菇 artichoke 洋蓟 broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟 chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 chicory 苣荬菜 cress 水田芥 cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗 dandelion 蒲公英 French bean 法国菜豆 gherkin 嫩黄瓜 horseradish 辣根 Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜 kale 无头甘蓝 kohlrabi 甘蓝 laurel 月桂 lentil 兵豆 lettuce 莴苣 lupin 羽扇豆 (美作:lupine) parsley 欧芹 parsnip 欧防风 pea 豌豆 rhubarb 大黄 salsify 婆罗门参 sorrel 掌叶大黄 truffle 块菌 turnip 芜菁 watercress 豆瓣菜 蘑菇mushroom 土豆potato 西红柿tomato 花椰菜cauliflower 黄瓜cucumber 南瓜pumpkin 豆bean 豌豆pea vegetable蔬菜 cauliflower 菜花 cucumber 黄瓜 broccoli花椰菜 tomato 西红柿 sweet potato甘薯 potato马铃薯 radish萝卜 carrot胡萝卜 asparagus芦笋 celery芹菜 mushroom蘑菇 pumpkin南瓜 grean beans青菜豆 eggplant茄子 lettuce生菜 pepper辣椒 corn玉米 spring onion葱 ginger姜 garlic蒜 onion洋葱 =








水果:apple,pear,peach,pineapple,watermelon,lemon,melon,strawberry,red bayberry,orange,banana,grape,coconut蔬菜:bean,pea,salad,lettuce,cabbage,patato,broccoli,carrot,tomato,cucumber,red pepper,pepper,green pepper,eggplant,mushroom,cauliflower,Chinese cabbage动物:dog,cat,cow,hen,bird,fish,horse,sheep,pig,rabbit,panda,bear,mankey,elephant,lion,tiger,antelope,brown bear,kitten,camel,gorilla,calf,deer,puppy,duck,duckling,cock,chick,goat,hippopotamus,giraffe,zebra,rhinoceros,kangaroo,lropard,pigeon植物:carnation,rose,poinsettia,lily,chrysanthemum,daisy,hyacinth,orchid,dandelion,tulip,wheat,maize,barley,oats,cactus


1、pepper胡椒;2、hot pepper;chilli辣椒;3、agaric木耳;4、cauliflower菜花;5、soybean黄豆;6、mung bean绿豆;7、sweet pepper; bell pepper;pimiento;capsicum甜椒柿子椒。8、tomato番茄西红柿。9、asparagus芦笋。10、cucumber黄瓜。11、tremella/white fungus白木耳。12、aubergine eggplant茄子。13、beet beetroot甜菜。14、mung bean sprout绿豆芽。15、potato马铃薯。16、carrot胡萝卜。17、cauliflower菜花花椰菜。18、garlic sprout蒜苗/苔。19、pumpkin西葫芦。20、broad bean蚕豆。21、cabbage圆白菜卷心菜。22、wheat gluten面筋。23、garlic蒜。24、chive细香葱。25、fennel茴香。26、cos lettuce莴苣。27、pumpkin南瓜。28、marrow嫩葫芦。29、melon香瓜甜瓜。30、celery芹菜。31、onion韭。32、leek韭菜。33、radish萝卜。34、tarragon狭叶青蒿。35、thyme百里香。36、mushroom蘑菇。37、soybean sprout黄豆芽。38、artichoke洋蓟。39、broccoli brocoli硬花甘蓝。40、Brussels sprouts芽甘蓝。41、caper刺山柑老鼠瓜。42、cardoon刺菜蓟。43、chervil雪维菜细叶芹。44、mater convolvulus空心菜。45、brown mushroom鲜冬菇。46、enoki mushroom金针菇。47、abalone mushroom鲍鱼菇。48、zucchini小西葫芦。49、angled luffa丝瓜。50、aloe芦荟。51、clove丁香。52、aniseed八角。53、cinnamon肉桂。54、licorice草。55、honeydew甜瓜。56、cantaloup香瓜。57、choysum菜心。58、chick-pea鹰嘴豆。59、chicory苣荬菜。60、cress水田芥。61、cumincummin孜然芹。62、dandelion蒲公英。63、Frenchbean法国菜豆。64、gherkin嫩黄瓜。65、Ginger姜。66、Garlic大蒜。67、Water chestnut荸荠。68、Wakame/sea mustard裙带藻(味增汤海带)。69、White gourd冬瓜。70、Wild rice stem茭白。71、Green bean刀豆。72、Taro大芋头。73、Watercress豆瓣菜。74、chicory苣荬菜。75、cress:水田芥。76、cumincummin孜然芹。77、dandelion蒲公英。78、kale羽衣甘蓝。79、Courgette小胡瓜,绿皮番瓜(不可生食)。80、Iceberg透明包菜。81、Celery stalk芹菜梗。82、Chives Flower韭菜花。83、Zucchini美洲南瓜(西葫芦)。84、Mushroom洋菇。85、Watercress西洋菜豆瓣菜。86、Baby corn玉米尖。87、Sweet corn玉米。88、acorn squash小青南瓜。89、Watercress西洋菜豆瓣菜。90、Lotus root莲藕。91、Cilantro芫荽叶。92、Cauliflower白花菜。93、Parsnip欧洲萝卜。94、Bok-choy小白菜。95、Brussels sprout球芽甘蓝(小包菜)。96、Coriander香菜。97、Swede or Turnip芜菁。98、Mustard & cress芥菜苗。99、russet potato褐色土豆。100、Cilantro芫荽叶。


asparagus 芦笋 cucumber 黄瓜 aubergine, eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆 beet, beetroot 甜菜 pepper 胡椒 pimiento 甜椒 potato 马铃薯 carrot 胡萝卜 cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin 西葫芦 broad bean 蚕豆 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 chilli 辣椒 garlic 蒜 chive 葱 fennel 茴香 cos lettuce 莴苣 marrow 嫩葫芦 melon 香瓜,甜瓜 mushroom, celery 芹菜 onion 韭 leek 韭菜 radish 萝卜 tarragon 狭叶青蒿 thyme 百里香 mushroom 蘑菇 artichoke 洋蓟 broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟 chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 chicory 苣荬菜 cress 水田芥 cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗 dandelion 蒲公英 French bean 法国菜豆 gherkin 嫩黄瓜 horseradish 辣根 Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜 kale 无头甘蓝 kohlrabi 甘蓝 laurel 月桂 lentil 兵豆 lettuce 莴苣 lupin 羽扇豆(美作:lupine) parsley 欧芹 parsnip 欧防风 pea 豌豆 rhubarb 大黄 salsify 婆罗门参 sorrel 掌叶大黄 truffle 块菌 turnip 芜菁


蔬菜:pepper 胡椒hot pepper; chilli 辣椒sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒tomato 番茄,西红柿asparagus 芦笋cucumber 黄瓜aubergine, eggplant 茄子bean 菜豆beet, beetroot 甜菜potato 马铃薯carrot 胡萝卜cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜pumpkin 西葫芦broad bean 蚕豆cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜garlic 蒜chive 细香葱fennel 茴香cos lettuce 莴苣marrow 嫩葫芦melon 香瓜,甜瓜celery 芹菜onion 韭leek 韭菜radish 萝卜tarragon 狭叶青蒿thyme 百里香mushroom 蘑菇artichoke 洋蓟broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜cardoon 刺菜蓟chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹chick-pea 鹰嘴豆chicory 苣荬菜cress 水田芥cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗dandelion 蒲公英French bean 法国菜豆gherkin 嫩黄瓜horseradish 辣根Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜kale 无头甘蓝kohlrabi 甘蓝laurel 月桂lentil 兵豆lettuce 莴苣lupin 羽扇豆 (美作:lupine)parsley 欧芹parsnip 欧防风pea 豌豆rhubarb 大黄salsify 婆罗门参sorrel 掌叶大黄truffle 块菌turnip 芜菁watercress 豆瓣菜水果:apple苹果 banana香蕉 watermelon 西瓜 grape 葡萄 柚子 pomelo 山楂 haw / hawthorn 油桃 nectarine 石榴 pomegranate 可可豆 cocoanut 葡萄干 currant 番木瓜 papaya, papaw 番石榴 guava 无花果 fig 杏仁 almond 杏 apricot 欧查果medlar chestnut 栗子 coconut 椰子 ponkan 碰柑 mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗 juice peach 水蜜桃 persimmon 柿子 water caltrop 菱角 almond 杏仁食物:蔬菜:cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜celery 芹菜leek 韭菜caraway 香菜spinach 菠菜carrot 胡萝卜loofah 丝瓜pumpkin 南瓜bitter gourd 苦瓜cucumber 黄瓜white gourd 冬瓜tomato 番茄eggplant 茄子potato, 马铃薯肉:roast 烤肉pork 猪肉ham 火腿bacon 咸肉sausage 香肠chicken 鸡turkey 火鸡duck 鸭fish 鱼水果:Banana 香蕉Grape 葡萄Peach 桃子Orange 橙Strawberry 草莓Mango 芒果饮料:drink 饮料mineral water 矿泉水orange juice 桔子原汁orangeade, orange squash 桔子水lemon juice 柠檬原汁lemonade 柠檬水beer 啤酒white wine 白葡萄酒red wine 红葡萄酒claret 波尔多红葡萄酒cider 苹果酒champagne 香槟酒cocktail 鸡尾酒liqueur 白酒,烧酒whooshing wine 绍兴酒yellow wine 黄酒Kaoliang spirit 高粱酒Wu China Pee 五加皮vodka 伏特加whisky 威士忌brandy 白兰地cognac 法国白兰地gin 琴酒gin fizz 杜松子酒martini 马提尼酒饮料:.红茶 black tea2.绿茶 green tea3.浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea4.砖茶 brick tea5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee6.牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk;white coffee7.速溶咖啡 instant coffee8.可可 cocoa9.牛奶 milk10.全脂奶 whole milk11.奶酪 milk curd12.奶粉 powdered milk13.炼乳 condensed milk14.麦乳精 malted milk15.矿泉水 mineral water16.不含酒精的饮料 soft drink17.汽水 soda water18.桔子水 orangeade19.水果汁 ;果子露 fruit syrup20.烈性酒 liquor;spirit21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine22.甜酒 sweet wine23.不甜的酒 dry sweet wine24.汽酒 bubbing wine25.黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine)26.白葡萄酒 white wine27.红葡萄酒 red wine;port28.雪利酒 sherry29.味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth30.罗木酒 rum31.香槟酒 champagne32.白干;高梁酒 white spirit33.白兰地 Brandy34.苹果酒 cider35.威士忌 whisky36.松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin37.伏特加;俄得克酒 vodka38.五味酒 punch39.鸡尾酒 cocktail40.啤酒 beer41.生啤酒draught beer42.黑啤酒dark beer43.雪碧sprite44.芬达fanta45.可乐coke


常见的蔬菜(vegetable): pepper 胡椒 hot pepper; chilli 辣椒 sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒 tomato 番茄,西红柿 asparagus 芦笋 cucumber 黄瓜 aubergine, eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆 beet, beetroot 甜菜 potato 马铃薯 carrot 胡萝卜 cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin 西葫芦 broad bean 蚕豆 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 garlic 蒜 chive 细香葱 fennel 茴香 cos lettuce 莴苣 marrow 嫩葫芦 melon 香瓜,甜瓜 celery 芹菜 onion 韭 leek 韭菜 radish 萝卜 tarragon 狭叶青蒿 thyme 百里香 mushroom 蘑菇 artichoke 洋蓟 broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟 chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 chicory 苣荬菜 cress 水田芥 cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗 dandelion 蒲公英 French bean 法国菜豆 gherkin 嫩黄瓜 horseradish 辣根 Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜 kale 无头甘蓝 kohlrabi 甘蓝 laurel 月桂 lentil 兵豆 lettuce 莴苣 lupin 羽扇豆 (美作:lupine) parsley 欧芹 parsnip 欧防风 pea 豌豆 rhubarb 大黄 salsify 婆罗门参 sorrel 掌叶大黄 truffle 块菌 turnip 芜菁 watercress 豆瓣菜




Many people think that Western-style soup is high-calorie, However,it‘s wrong. If you can take good control of the raw materials produced at home, you can make the same delicious soup as in the restaurant. I feel good health and nutrition of western-style vegetable soup with materials to do this:First of all: the choice of oil. If you like the smell of butter, then do not care about its energy, we chose it better. If you have tried harder to avoid gaining weight, may be, then like me, the choice of olive oil is very good. From the finished product in terms of taste, is not worse than butter. Of course, this is only my personal feeling it, hehe ~ ~Second: the choice of dairy products. Most Western-style of soup is to use fresh cream. If you do not or you say that based on the above reasons, it can use fresh milk instead, we all know that the cream is extracted from fresh milk out. Bag of milk a day should not give you increase the weight of the burden, not to mention it is the nutrition and health to ensure this.Also: About noodles. Some may think that this soup with wheat flour, meat, president affirmed. To know the taste of Western-style creamy soup is the fried flour by, but we are definitely over, but the amount of 50g. How much of a weight of bread? Also two two-bar, 100g or so. If you think that 50g of flour will make you gain weight, oh ~ ~ that will let you estimate He Liangshui of flesh.Finally: About vegetables. And vegetables can be selected according to their own tastes, it is recommended you with some fibrous vegetables, while paying attention to colored ingredients of choice: black, white, yellow, green, red. The daily table with some colored food is a health guarantee yo ~ ~Practice1, I chose the vegetable is celery (pole and leaves with yo ~ ~ Many people eat the leaves of celery thrown away, really good to waste, does not know the nutritional celery leaf, also unusual blanket), carrots (rich in carotene which hydrolyzed by digestion of vitamin A is important adults and children need nutrition yo ~, persisted in eating can lower blood cholesterol le ~), onions (bacteria, intestines, commonly used to lower cholesterol, vegetables), peas (beans vegetables should be on the table must choose two or three times a week, I use the supermarket and buy the big bags of peas, thawed food can be kind). Cook all clean, all cut into Xiaoding (peas do not need to cut up)2, after the olive oil Heat up a saucepan, stir the garlic smell, the first release Saute the carrots, add onion fried soft, then add celery and pea small bar, with a little salt, cooking wine flavor, and finally adding celery Fry leaves out the back-Sheng3, fried Guo Lifang a little olive oil, low heat stir the flour (flour, I use about 20-30g), Stir flavor, add soup (no soup, seafood powder with water to boil add a good taste the same), rapid stirring, boil and pour it into milk, boil infested after the filter of open dough, then pour soup back to pot. [Food in China]4 Now just add fried vegetables and broth in recipes where labeled paste machine, the more delicate the better (not like the juice, juice will lose a lot of crude fiber material, and the nutrition of vegetables this point no waste)5, the vegetables with the paste into the milk to boil in soup, with a little salt and pepper can be.




tomato potato carriage


subsidary material warehouseVIP alleyaquatic process roomvegetable packaging roomoutside packaging delivery outlet


fruits, vegetable, and plants

有什么外号好听 蔬菜或水果的名称



草甘膦草甘膦是广泛使用的许多除草剂中的有效活性化学成分,它在欧盟的使用受到了严格的监管。欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)和欧盟成员国已完成对除草剂草甘膦的重新评估,它们发布报告指出草甘膦不大可能对人类有致癌风险,同时还提出了一些新的加强控制食品中草甘膦残留的安全措施。这一结论将会在欧盟委员会决定是否继续批准使用草甘膦时作为重要参考,同时也会用于欧盟成员国分别重新评估含草甘膦除草剂的安全性。[1-2] 中文名草甘膦英文名Glyphosate别 称农达化学式C3H8NO5P分子量169CAS登录号1071-83-6熔 点230℃沸 点230℃外 观白色粉末化学名称N-(膦酸甲基)甘氨酸蒸汽密度5 (vs air)按照世界卫生组织的国际癌症研究所(IARC)所分级,单从致癌性看,喝草甘膦水溶液比晒太阳、喝葡萄酒、五粮液、吃咸鱼等我们常吃的食品都还要安全[3-4] 。IARC无权决定草甘膦是否可以安全施用,这是由美国环保局和欧盟的德国风险评估所这样的机构决定的。后两者均认为草甘膦可以安全使用。[3] 草甘膦进入植物6-7天后,即大部分被代谢、分解掉了。[3-5] 正如常见的糖、盐、水,草甘膦只有在摄入量极大的情况下才会对人体产生危害。[3-5] 现有关于草甘膦的遗传毒性研究中,没有一项研究结果值得人类提心吊胆。草甘膦是水溶性的,在大豆油精制提炼过程中,草甘膦被萃取溶解带走,在大豆油里基本上检测不出草甘的残留。在草甘膦发明之前,人类使用的是更加有毒的橙剂和阿特拉津。草甘膦与转基因作物并无直接关系,非转基因作物一样要打除草剂草甘膦[3-5] 。市场前景1、2012美国大旱推动南美种植热情,触发草甘膦需求高增长:全球转基因作物主要为大豆、玉米,两者占据全球转基因作物总种植面积的78%,而美国、巴西、阿根廷转基因种植面积分别占全球43%、18%、15%,同时,该三国也是全球大豆和玉米的主要出口国,2013年4月的大豆出口量分别占全球38%、38%、11%,玉米则占23%、22%、22%。2012年美国大旱使得大豆单产降至2003年来最低,玉米降至1995年以来最低,使全球进口需求转移到南美,同时大豆和玉米的种植毛利达到435、476美元/英亩的历史高峰值。强劲的价格推动了阿根廷和巴西的种植热情,使草甘膦需求提升,我国草甘膦对巴西、阿根廷的出口量有明显增长。2、大豆、玉米种植收益达到历史高位,高需求有望延续至2014年:种植玉米、大豆、小麦的收益水平,从农产品价格高企开始,即达到了历史高位,这使得农民加强种植的动机强烈。虽然近期农产品价格的下滑使得2013/2014年收益预期与2012/13比有所下降,但仍处于较高位置,使得加大种植有利可图。根据USDA对玉米、大豆价格的预测,2013/14种植玉米、大豆的盈利空间仍处于高位,这表明对农药的需求将持续,草甘膦需求景气有望延续至2014年。剂型含量草甘膦有30%、46%水剂、30%、50%和65%、70%可溶粉剂。74.7%、88.8%草甘膦铵盐可溶粒剂和98%、95%草甘膦原药。作物对象编辑茶树——一年生杂草和多年生恶性杂草茶园——一年生杂草、多年生恶性杂草、杂草春夏玉米——行间杂草、杂草春夏玉米田——行间杂草、一年生及多年生杂草冬菜油田——一年生杂草、多年生杂草、杂草防火隔离带、森林防火道——多年生杂草、杂草、杂灌非耕地——多年生杂草、行间杂草、一年生杂草、杂草甘蔗——一年生杂草和多年生恶性杂草、杂草甘蔗田——行间杂草、一年生及多年生杂草柑橘——一年生和多年生杂草、杂草柑橘树、苹果树——杂草柑橘园、苹果园——多年生杂草、行间杂草、一年生杂草、杂草公路、铁路——行间杂草、一年生及多年生杂草、杂草果园——行间杂草、一年生杂草、多年生恶性杂草、杂草剑麻——杂草、一年生杂草、多年生恶性杂草梨园——行间杂草、杂草、一年生杂草、多年生恶性杂草棉花——行间杂草、杂草棉花田——一年生和多年生杂草橡胶园、桑园——行间杂草、杂草、一年生杂草、多年生恶性杂草原药用途:可以用于加工成10%草甘膦水剂,41%草甘膦异丙胺盐水剂,62%草甘膦异丙胺盐水剂。制剂用途草甘膦是一种非选择性、无残留灭生性除草剂,对多年生根杂草非常有效,广泛用于橡胶、桑、茶、果园及甘蔗地。主要抑制植物体内的烯醇丙酮基莽草素磷酸合成酶,从而抑制莽草素向苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸及色氨酸的转化,使蛋白质合成受到干扰,导致植物死亡。草甘膦是通过茎叶吸收后传导到植物各部位的,可防除单子叶和双子叶、一年生和多年生、草本和灌木等40多科的植物。草甘膦入土后很快与铁、铝等金属离子结合而失去活性,对土壤中潜藏的种子和土壤微生物无不良影响。最初应用于橡胶园防除茅草及其他杂草,可使橡胶树提早1年割胶,老橡胶树增产。现逐步推广于林业、果园、桑园、茶园,稻麦、水稻和油菜轮作地等。各种杂草对草甘膦的敏感程度不同,因而用药量也不同。如稗、狗尾草、看麦娘、牛筋草、马唐、猪殃殃等一年生杂草,用药量以有效成分计为6~10.5 g/100m。对车前子、小飞蓬、鸭跖草等用药量以有效成分计为11.4~15g/100m。对白茅、硬骨草、芦苇等则需18~30g/100m,一般对水3~4.5kg,对杂草茎叶均匀定向喷雾。一般阔叶杂草在萌芽早期或开花期,禾本科在拔节晚期或抽穗早期每亩用药量兑水20-30公斤喷雾。已割除茎叶的植株应待杂草丙生至有足够的新生叶片时再施药。防除多年生杂草时一次药量分2次,间隔5天施用能提高防效。防除苹果园、桃园、葡萄园、梨园、茶园、桑园和农田休闲地杂草,对稗狗尾草、看麦娘、牛筋草、 马唐、苍耳、藜、繁缕、猪殃殃等 一年生杂草。草甘膦接触绿色组织后才有杀伤作用。由于各种杂草对草甘膦的敏感度不同,因而用药量也不同。1.果园、桑园等除草 防除1年生杂草每亩用10%水剂0.5-1公斤,防除多年生杂草每亩用10%水剂1-1.5公斤。对水20-30公斤,对杂草茎叶定向喷雾。2.农田除草 农田倒茬播种前防除田间已生长杂草,用药量可参照果园除草。棉花生长期用药,需采用带罩喷雾定向喷雾。每亩用10%水剂0.5-0.75公斤,兑水20-30公斤。3.休闲地、田边、路边除草 于杂草4-6叶期,每亩用10%水剂0.5-1公斤,加柴油100毫升,兑水20-30公斤,对杂草喷雾。4.对于一些恶性杂草,如香附子芦苇等,可每亩地按照200克加入助剂,除草效果好。注意事项编辑1.草甘膦为灭生性除草剂,施药时切忌污染作物,以免造成药害。2.对多年生恶性杂草,如白茅、香附子等,在第一次用药后1个月再施1次药,才能达到理想防治效果。3.在药液中加适量柴油或洗衣粉,可提高药效。4.在晴天,高温时用药效果好,喷药后4-6小时内遇雨应补喷。5.草甘膦具有酸性,贮存与使用时应尽量用塑料容器。6.喷药器具要反复清洗干净。7.包装破损时,高湿度下可能会返潮结块,低温贮存时也会有结晶析出,用时应充分摇动容器,使结晶溶解,以保证药效。8.为内吸传导型灭生性除草剂,施药时注意防止药雾飘移到非目标植物上造成药害。9.易与钙、镁、铝等离子络合失去活性,稀释农药时应使用清洁的软水,兑入泥水或脏水时会降低药效。10.施药后3天内请勿割草、放牧和翻地。选购误区为了购买到性价比高的草甘膦除草剂,专家建议避开以下三大误区。误区1:含量越高就越好自10%草甘膦水剂退市后,33%草甘膦铵盐、41%草甘膦异丙胺盐、37%的钾盐水剂已成为市场主流产品,目前三种水剂有效成分草甘膦酸含量都为30%,也就是说含量达到该标准极为真货。因此,选购时不能简单地判定41%的产品就比33%的好,要注意看产品标签标注的有效成分,尤其是草甘膦酸的含量,一般正规产品的会把有效成分草甘膦酸和草甘膦盐含量都标注出来。一些含量很高如用原药当制剂的产品,因为很难再加入助剂,反而效果不好需要增加用量。误区2:价格越低越好一些草甘膦产品价格低于市场价格太多的,通常会存在有效成分含量低、生产工艺差等问题,除草效果会大打折扣,图便宜反而要买多的药才能达到预期效果。此外,它还具有较大的副作用,会造成土壤板结等问题,还会污染环境。价格太高的也要考虑是否加入了一些隐性成分,注意使用安全问题。误区3:盲目追求产品见效快草甘膦是内吸型灭生性除草剂,它不同于触杀型的农药,内吸有一个传导的过程,相对来说时间比较慢,一般5~7天见效,杂草叶片变黄,半个月左右杂草才会慢慢枯死,所以号称见效快的产品要格外小心了。产品争议不致癌2015年11月15日,欧盟食品安全监管机构(EFSA)公布一项评估报告认为,农药草甘膦“可能不会致癌”,这与2015年7月世界卫生组织(WHO)认定草甘膦可能致癌的结论正好相反,生产草甘膦农药的美国孟山都公司可能重新获得在欧洲的营销许可。致癌2015年初世界卫生组织曾公布了一份研究报告,认定孟山都的农药草甘膦,商品名“农达”可能致癌,这份研究报告来自WHO下属的国际癌症研究机构(IARC)官方网站。报告称,从2001年以来,该机构对美国、加拿大和瑞典的情况进行了调查,有足够的证据显示,草甘膦农药可能会引发淋巴腺癌和肺癌,这是WHO首次确认草甘膦与癌症有关联。


孟山都公司眼中的世界 看看这部电影就知道了


蔬菜的英文单词拼音怎么读啊? vegetable 核心词汇 英 ["vedu0292tu0259bl] 美 ["vedu0292tu0259bl]n.蔬菜;植物;植物人 蔬菜英语单词怎么读呢 vegetables [英]["vedu0292u026atu0259blz][美]["vedu0292u026atu0259blz] n.蔬菜( vegetable的名词复数 ); 生活单调的人,植物人; 菜蔬; greens [英][ɡ"ri:nz][美][ɡ"ri:nz] n.绿叶蔬菜; 绿色蔬菜( green的名词复数 ); 绿色的衣服; 植物; greenstuff [英]["gri:nstu028cf][美]["gru026anu02ccstu028cf] n.蔬菜; 蔬菜英语怎么读 废举得bo 中文谐音这样读 蔬菜英语单词怎么读 顺手采纳答案 蔬菜 的英语单词是vegetable 读音[u02c8vedu0292tu0259bl ,谐音 喂著特暴 蔬菜的英语单词怎样读 蔬菜 vegetable 汉语谐音 外摘特包 蔬菜的英语怎么读 vegetable 英[u02c8vedu0292tu0259bl] 美[u02c8vu025bdu0292tu0259bu0259l, u02c8vu025bdu0292u026atu0259-] 外鸡特宝 蔬菜的英语单词拼音怎么读? 蔬菜的英语是vegetable。 用拼音读法如下: 喂主特步o (o发英文的读音)


vegetable是可数名词。 我喜欢吃蔬菜翻译为:I like to eat vegetables。 vegetable: n.蔬菜;植物人;生活单调乏味的人; 复数: vegetables 扩展资料   They feed mostly on decaying vegetable matter.   它们大多以腐烂的蔬菜为食。   This versatile vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked   这种蔬菜有多种吃法,既可生吃也可烹调后食用。   On his right was a thriving vegetable garden and beyond it a small orchard of apple trees.   他右边是一个生机勃勃的`菜园,菜园的另一边是一个小小的苹果园。   Cook each vegetable separately until just tender   每样蔬菜都单独烹调,煮到稍稍变软就好。




读音是:英['vedu0292tu0259bl]单词:vegetable英['vedu0292tu0259bl]释义:n.蔬菜;植物;植物人adj.蔬菜的;植物的[复数:vegetables]短语:vegetable salad蔬菜沙拉;素沙拉;蔬菜色拉;什菜沙拉近义词:plant英[plɑ:nt]释义:n.工厂,车间;植物;设备;庄稼vt.种植;培养;栽培;安置vi.种植n.(Plant)(英、西、意)普兰特(人名);(法)普朗(人名)[复数:plants;第三人称单数:plants;现在分词:planting;过去式:planted;过去分词:planted]短语:annual plant[植]一年生植物






苦瓜是碱性还是酸性蔬菜 宝石花:落地生根 多年生肉质草本,高40-150厘米。茎直立,多分枝,无毛,带明显,上部紫红色,密被椭圆形皮孔,下部有时稍木质化。叶对生,单叶或羽状复叶,复叶有小叶3-5片;叶两紫色,长2.5-5厘米,基部宽扁,半抱茎;叶片肉质,椭圆形或长椭圆形,长6-10厘米,宽3-6厘米,先端圆钝,边缘有圆齿,圆齿底部易生芽,落地即成一新植株。圆锥花序,项生,花大,两性,下垂;苞片两枚,叶片状;花导钟状,膜质,膨大,长2.5-4厘米,淡绿色或黄白色;花冠管状,长3-4.5厘米,淡红色或紫红色,基部膨大呈球形,中部收缩,先端4裂,裂片伸出萼管之外;雄蕊8,着生于花冠管基部,与花冠管合生,花丝长,花药紫色;心皮4;上部分离,基部连合,花柱细长,基部外侧有1鳞片,呈长方形。蓇葖果,包于花萼及花冠内。种子细小,多数,有条纹。花期3-5月,果期4-6月。燕子掌植株呈多分枝的亚灌木状,茎明显,圆形,表皮绿色或者黄褐色,叶片上有小点点。肉质叶对生,在茎或分枝顶端密生长,肉质叶长卵形,稍内弯,轻微有叶尖,叶色绿色至红绿色,有光泽,温差大的时候叶片的边缘呈红色,叶心绿色,非常美丽,控水和强光照下整个植株呈现非常漂亮的红绿色,一般养殖的颜色为绿色带点红边,缺光状态下植株呈现绿色,花开簇状,小花白色或白粉色,异株授粉,不容易开花。进入冬季,应适当减少浇水次数,保持盆土稍干燥。培管理较粗放,一般不施肥,若长势过弱,可追加一些含钾的液肥或生长季节每月追加一次稀薄的腐熟饼肥水。燕子掌生长适温为15~25℃,越冬温度宜保持7℃以上,低于5℃易受冻害。夏季酷暑和强烈日光对植株生长不利。冬季宜将花盆移至棚内向阳处,使其保持叶片清绿。一般1~2年换盆一次,土壤需疏松肥沃、排水性良好。燕子掌生长较快,为保持株形丰满,浇水不宜过多。浇水要求宁总状花序顶生或与叶对生,圆柱状,直立,通常比叶短,密生多花;花序梗长1-4厘米;花梗基部的苞片线形,长约1.5毫米,上部2枚小苞片线状披针形,均膜质;花梗细,商陆作为肥田的绿肥,其肥效十分显著,鲜茎叶中一般含氮2%~3%、磷0.3%~0.6%、商陆钾2%~4%、其他干物质9%~31%。许多地方生产实践证明,用商陆茎叶作绿肥,其肥效要比其他青草、青叶效果好,除了因为商陆本身含肥分较高之外,还因为其茎叶细嫩,易于腐熟分解,容易被农作物吸收利用。特别是在南方大面积的瘠薄低丘红壤,因酸度高、肥力低、土质黏重、土层浅薄,一般作物和树木很难生长,而种植柑桔、枇杷、龙眼和荔枝等果树需施用肥料。若在红壤荒地的果园中套种商陆,不但能抗干旱、耐瘠薄,而且没有病虫害、容易栽培、产量高,一般每667m2可收鲜茎叶3500~4750kg,所以被称为红壤荒地的先锋绿肥。据报道,用商陆作为绿肥原料给桔树施肥,其产量比对照组提高3%左右。长6-10 (-13)毫米,基部变粗;花两性,直径约8毫米;花被片5,白色、黄绿色,椭圆形、卵形或长圆形,顶端圆钝,长3-4毫米,宽约2毫米,大小相等,花后常反折;雄蕊8-10,与花被片近等长,花丝白色,钻形,基部成片状,宿存,花药椭圆形,粉红色;心皮通常为8,有时少至5或多至10,分离;花柱短,直立,顶端下弯,柱头不明显。干勿溼,干则浇透,盆土偏干些为好。春季生长旺盛,每周可浇水2-3次。高温多溼的夏季,植株处于半休眠状态,应严格控制浇水、施肥。室外栽培时,要避免暴雨冲淋,否则根部积水过多,易造成烂根而死亡。盛夏如通风不好或过分缺水,还会引起叶片变黄脱落。人秋后应逐渐减少浇水。冬季,移入室内养护,可根据室内温度合理浇水。 苦瓜是碱性还是酸性 苦瓜是酸性,它的果实含苦瓜甙(Charantin),是β-谷甾醇-β-D-葡萄糖甙(β-Sitosterol-β-D-glucoside)和5,25-豆甾二烯醇-3-葡萄糖甙(5,25-Stigmastadien-3β-ol-β-D-glucoside)的等分子混合物。尚含5-羟基色胺和多种氨基酸如谷氨酸、丙氨酸、β-丙氨酸、苯丙氨酸、脯氨酸、α-氨基丁酸、瓜氨酸、半乳糖醛酸、果胶[6]。又含类脂(lipid),其中脂肪酸为棕榈酸(palmitic acid);硬脂酸(stearic acid),油酸(oleic acid),亚油酸(linoleic acid),亚麻酸(linolenic acid),桐酸(elacostearic acid)。 苦瓜炒鸡蛋是酸性菜还是碱性菜 蛋白是碱性,蛋黄是酸性 酸性与碱性食物 所谓食物的酸碱性,是说食物中的无机盐属于酸性还是属于碱性.一般金属元素钠、钙、镁等,在人体内其氧化物呈碱性,含这种元素较多的食物就是碱性食物,如大豆、豆腐、菠菜、莴笋、萝卜、土豆、藕、洋葱、海带、西瓜、香蕉、梨、苹果、牛奶等.一些食物中含有较多的非金属元素,如磷、硫、氯等,在人体内氧化后,生成带有阴离子的酸根,属于酸性食物.如猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉、鸭、蛋类、鲤鱼、牡蛎、虾,以及面粉、大米、花生、大麦、啤酒等. 苦瓜是凉性还是温性 苦瓜是酸性还是碱性食物 在健康状态下,人体一般不会受摄入食物的影响而导致酸碱性的改变。目前很多“食物酸碱性”的说法基本是商家的噱头,不是科学的概念。 人体pH值指的是血液的酸碱度。在正常生理状态下,人体酸碱失衡不容易发生,并不存在所谓的“酸性体质”。健康人的血液是弱碱性PH7.4左右。如果身体酸性或碱性短暂增强,呼吸系统将会在几分钟之内反应,加速或减缓排出二氧化碳(酸性),从而在几分钟之内就把PH值调节正常值。肾脏尿液排泄系统和血液系统,也会通过强大的平衡调节PH值,所有没有人的血液是酸性的 (PH<7.0),不存在“酸性体质致病”这种说法。 讲求食物多样化、保证荤素合理搭配是平衡膳食的重要原则。各类食物均含有不同的营养成分,司职不同的健康作用,扮演不同的保健角色,相互不可替代。只有和谐共处,才能最终获得最大的健康收益。而一味追求所谓“碱性”食物,摒弃“酸性”食物,只能从一个极端走向另一个极端,造成新的不平衡。长此以往,最终损害的还是身体健康。 水果蔬菜是酸性还是碱性 水果蔬菜有酸性的也有碱性的。 比如:芦笋、紫菜(干)、柿子等即为酸性果蔬。 但是绝大多数的果蔬均为酸性的。 比如:大豆、菜豆、芸豆、菠菜、莴苣、萝卜、胡萝卜、马铃薯、藕额、洋葱、南瓜、黄瓜、海带、西瓜、香蕉、梨、苹果、草莓等等的果蔬均为碱性的。 白萝卜是酸性还是碱性蔬菜 白萝卜是碱性蔬菜。 白萝卜是一种常见的蔬菜,生食熟食均可,其味略带辛辣味。现代研究认为,白萝卜含芥子油、淀粉酶和粗纤维,具有促进消化,增强食欲,加快胃肠蠕动和止咳化痰的作用。 养生功效: 1、防癌抗癌 萝卜含有木质素,能提高巨噬细胞的活力,吞噬癌细胞。此外,萝卜所含的多种酶,能分解致癌的亚硝酸胺,具有防癌作用。 2、嫩肤抗衰 萝卜中含有丰富的维生素A、维生素C等各种维生素,特别是维生素c的含量是根茎的4倍以上。维生素c能防止面板的老化,阻止黑 *** 斑的形成,保持面板的 *** 。 此外,维生素a和维生素c都有抗氧化的作用,可以有效抑制癌症,也可以预防老化及动脉硬化等。 3、健身防病 白萝卜含芥子油、淀粉酶和粗纤维,具有促进消化,增强食欲,加快胃肠蠕动和止咳化痰的作用。中医理论也认为该品味辛甘,性凉,入肺胃经,为食疗佳品,可以治疗或辅助治疗多种疾病,本草纲目称之为“蔬中最有利者”。 4、清肠排毒 除了维生素,白萝卜中的膳食纤维含量是非常可观的,尤其是叶子中含有的植物纤维更是丰富。这些植物纤维可以促进肠胃的蠕动,消除便秘,起到排毒的作用,从而改善面板粗糙、粉刺等情况。 青椒属于碱性还是酸性蔬菜 粮食谷物类、肉类、鱼类、禽类、蛋类、花生、乳酪制品、核桃等,代谢后都能产生很强的酸性残渣;故是酸性食物。蔬菜、水果、牛奶、白薯、土豆等,代谢后都能产生很强的碱性残渣;故是碱性食物。 酸性:虾 蟹 扇贝 芥末 辣椒 碱性:芒果 李子 葡萄 海苔 苏打水 苏打饼干 蚕豆 柠檬 西柚 土豆 醋 苦瓜是属于酸性还是碱性物质 你好!苦瓜是一种很好蔬菜,其中含有多种氨基酸及钙,磷,铁,胡萝卜素,维生素 B1,维生素 B2,维生素 C 等,具有清热祛心火,解毒,明目,补气益精,止渴消暑之作用.属碱性食物. 苦瓜到底是大碱性还是酸性 你好, 苦瓜是碱性食物,中医上表示其具有清热解毒的疗效。 营养学上划分食物酸碱性的标准,不是根据食物的口味,而是根据食物在人体内分解最终代谢产物的酸碱性来划分的,凡是在体内分解的最终代谢产物是酸性的,就称为酸性食物,反之就是碱性食物。 营养学家认为,鱼、肉、禽、蛋、大米、面粉、油脂、糖类等都是酸性食物;而蔬菜、水果、豆制品、牛奶等都是碱性食物。食醋虽然是酸的,但在人体代谢过程中不会产生酸性物质,而是产生CO2和H2O,所以醋也是一种碱性食物。 碱性食物主要分为蔬菜、水果类,海藻类,坚果类,发过芽的谷类、豆类等。 隔夜的蔬菜是呈酸性还是呈碱性 你好 ,蔬菜和水果大多数是属于碱性的,一般蔬菜建议不隔夜。








果蔬净化器不能去蔬菜的微元素。在规定的时间、空间内产生某种净化物质,并通过净化物质和食材的接触来祛除生鲜食材中可能存在的有害残留”目前市场常见的净化物质有4种,除外大多是这4种技术的两两组合或多合一。净化技术1:臭氧(活氧)—— 臭氧是污染物,会产生二次污染净化技术2:超声波(微气泡)—— 适用面小,只能解决某几种问题净化技术3:电解水(含氯添加)—— 次氯酸清洗食材会产生四氯化碳等有害物质净化技术4:羟基自由基 ——近年来大型专业机构都在使用的新一代食物净化技术




但就是都是由音节拼读起来的 对吗 或者这样问 看到一个单词的音标 知道差不多,只要你领悟了其中的真谛也就会像拼汉语拼音那样容易。 对的,


1.红茶 black tea 2.绿茶 green tea 3.浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea 4.砖茶 brick tea 5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee 6.牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk;white coffee 7.速溶咖啡 instant coffee 8.可可 cocoa 9.牛奶 milk 10.全脂奶 whole milk 11.奶酪 milk curd 12.奶粉 powdered milk 13.炼乳 condensed milk 14.麦乳精 malted milk 15.矿泉水 mineral water 16.不含酒精的饮料 soft drink 17.汽水 soda water 18.桔子水 orangeade 19.水果汁 ;果子露 fruit syrup 20.烈性酒 liquor;spirit 21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine 22.甜酒 sweet wine 23.不甜的酒 dry sweet wine 24.汽酒 bubbing wine 25.黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine) 26.白葡萄酒 white wine 27.红葡萄酒 red wine;port 28.雪利酒 sherry 29.味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth 30.罗木酒 rum 31.香槟酒 champagne 32.白干;高梁酒 white spirit 33.白兰地 Brandy 34.苹果酒 cider 35.威士忌 whisky 36.松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin 37.伏特加;俄得克酒 vodka 38.五味酒 punch 39.鸡尾酒 cocktail 40.啤酒 beer 41.生啤酒draught beer 42.黑啤酒dark beer 43.雪碧sprite 44.芬达fanta 45.可乐coke


1.红茶 black tea 2.绿茶 green tea 3.浓(淡)茶 strong(weak)tea 4.砖茶 brick tea 5.(不加牛奶的)纯咖啡 black coffee 6.牛奶咖啡 coffee with milk;white coffee 7.速溶咖啡 instant coffee 8.可可 cocoa 9.牛奶 milk 10.全脂奶 whole milk 11.奶酪 milk curd 12.奶粉 powdered milk 13.炼乳 condensed milk 14.麦乳精 malted milk 15.矿泉水 mineral water 16.不含酒精的饮料 soft drink 17.汽水 soda water 18.桔子水 orangeade 19.水果汁 ;果子露 fruit syrup 20.烈性酒 liquor;spirit 21.葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的) wine 22.甜酒 sweet wine 23.不甜的酒 dry sweet wine 24.汽酒 bubbing wine 25.黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine(Shaoxing wine) 26.白葡萄酒 white wine 27.红葡萄酒 red wine;port 28.雪利酒 sherry 29.味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth 30.罗木酒 rum 31.香槟酒 champagne 32.白干;高梁酒 white spirit 33.白兰地 Brandy 34.苹果酒 cider 35.威士忌 whisky 36.松子酒;金酒 gin;dry gin 37.伏特加;俄得克酒 vodka 38.五味酒 punch 39.鸡尾酒 cocktail 40.啤酒 beer 41.生啤酒draught beer 42.黑啤酒dark beer 43.雪碧sprite 44.芬达fanta 45.可乐coke




rabbite fed on all kinds of vegetable




维生素A:鱼肝油、蛋、肝、乳都含有较多的维生素A;菠菜、荠菜、胡萝卜、韭 菜、苋菜和莴苣叶中含胡萝卜素量较多。胡萝卜素在人体内可以转化成维生素A。 维生素B族:小米、玉米、糙米、麦粉、豆类、肝和蛋中都含有大量的维生素B,青菜和水果中也富含维生素B。 维生素C:各种新鲜蔬菜、桔柑、橙柚、草莓、柠檬、葡萄、苹果、蕃茄中都含有维生素C,尤其鲜枣中含量高。 维生素D:鱼肝油、蛋类和乳类中含量丰富。 富含维生素C的食物 主要食物来源为蔬菜与水果,如青菜、韭菜、塌棵菜、菠菜,柿子椒等深色蔬菜和花菜,以及柑桔、红果、柚子等水果含Vit C量均较高。野生的苋菜、苜蓿、刺梨、沙棘、猕猴桃、酸枣等含量尤其丰富。 维生素K K1主要存在于植物和动物肝脏中,K2是人体肠道细菌代谢的产物。临床用的K3、K4为人工合成。


  水果(fruit)  apple 苹果  pear 梨  apricot 杏  peach 桃  grape 葡萄  banana 香蕉  pineapple 菠萝  plum 李子  watermelon 西瓜  orange 橙  lemon 柠檬  mango 芒果  strawberry 草莓  medlar 枇杷,欧查果  mulberry 桑椹  nectarine 油桃  cherry 樱桃  pomegranate 石榴  fig 无花果  tangerine 柑子  persimmon 柿子  walnut 胡桃  hazelnut 榛子  peanut 花生  date 枣  chestnut 粟  currant 醋粟  coconut, cocoanut 可可  bilberry 越桔  blackberry, blueberry 黑莓  avocado 鳄梨  black currant 红醋栗  blood orange 红橙  citron, grapefruit 香橼  damson 大马士革李  almond 巴旦杏  nutmeg 肉豆蔻  papaya, papaw 番木瓜  guava 番石榴  pistachio 阿月浑子  prickly pear 仙人掌果  常见的蔬菜(vegetables):  pepper 胡椒  hot pepper; chilli 辣椒  sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒  tomato 番茄,西红柿  asparagus 芦笋  cucumber 黄瓜  aubergine, eggplant 茄子  bean 菜豆  beet, beetroot 甜菜  potato 马铃薯  carrot 胡萝卜  cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜  pumpkin 西葫芦  broad bean 蚕豆  cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜  garlic 蒜  chive 细香葱  fennel 茴香  cos lettuce 莴苣  marrow 嫩葫芦  melon 香瓜,甜瓜  celery 芹菜  onion 韭  leek 韭菜  radish 萝卜  tarragon 狭叶青蒿  thyme 百里香  mushroom 蘑菇  artichoke 洋蓟  broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝  Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝  caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜  cardoon 刺菜蓟  chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹  chick-pea 鹰嘴豆  chicory 苣荬菜  cress 水田芥  cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗  dandelion 蒲公英  French bean 法国菜豆  gherkin 嫩黄瓜  horseradish 辣根  Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜  kale 无头甘蓝  kohlrabi 甘蓝  laurel 月桂  lentil 兵豆  lettuce 莴苣  lupin 羽扇豆 (美作:lupine)  parsley 欧芹  parsnip 欧防风  pea 豌豆  rhubarb 大黄  salsify 婆罗门参  sorrel 掌叶大黄  truffle 块菌  turnip 芜菁  watercress 豆瓣菜  Potato 马铃薯  Carrot 红萝卜  Onion 洋葱  Aubergine 茄子  Celery 芹菜  White Cabbage 包心菜  Red cabbage 紫色包心菜  Cucumber 大黄瓜  Tomato 蕃茄  Radish 小红萝卜  Mooli 白萝卜  Watercress 西洋菜  Baby corn 玉米尖  Sweet corn 玉米  Cauliflower 白花菜  Spring onions 葱  Garlic 大蒜  Ginger 姜  Chinese leaves 大白菜  Leeks 大葱  Mustard & cress 芥菜苗  Green Pepper 青椒  Red pepper 红椒  Yellow pepper 黄椒  Mushroom 洋菇  Broccoliflorets 绿花菜  Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食  Coriander 香菜  Dwarf Bean 四季豆  Flat Beans 长形平豆  Iceberg 透明包心菜  Lettuce 莴苣菜  Swede or Turnip 芜菁  Okra 秋葵  Chillies 辣椒  Eddoes 小芋头  Taro 大芋头  Sweet potato 蕃薯  Spinach 菠菜  Beansprots 绿豆芽  Peas 碗豆  Corn 玉米粒  食品(food)  sandwich 三明治  hamburger 汉堡  coke 可乐  milk tea 奶茶  hot 热的  cold 冷的  juice 果汁  ham 火腿  egg 蛋  egg biscuit 蛋饼  toast 土司  bacon 培根肉  soy sauce 酱油  chili sauce 辣椒  straw 吸管  sweet soybean milk 甜豆浆  salty soybean milk 咸豆浆  steamed bun 馒头  stuffed steamed bun 包子  rice milk 米浆  orange juice 柳橙汁  bread 面包  onion rings 洋葱卷  家居种类  Adjustable bed 可调床  Air bed 气床  Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手  Antique furniture 古式家具  Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具  Armchair 扶手椅  B  Baby crib 婴儿床  Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱  Bamboo furniture 竹家具  Banqueting chair 宴会椅  Barstool 吧椅  Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置  Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜  Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架  Bathroom furniture 浴室家具  Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台  Batten door 板条门  Bed base床架,床套  Bed base set 成套床架  Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具  Bedstead 床架  Bentwood furniture 曲木家具  Beside table 床头柜  Birch door 桦木门  Board-room and conference table 会议桌  Bookcase 书柜  Bookshelf 书架  Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具  Bunk 双层床  Bunk bed 双层床  C  Cabin bed 儿童多功能床  Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具  Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床  CD-video storage cabinet边 音响组合柜  Chair with castors 脚轮椅  Changing table 可调桌  Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜  Child cot 童床  Children"s bed 儿童床  Children"s bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具  Children"s chair 儿童椅  CKD(complete knock down) 整体拆装式家具  Clothes rail 挂衣杆  Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜  Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌  Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌  Combine-unit 组合柜  Composite furniture 复合家具  Console 小桌  Console table (装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌  Contract furniture 订做家具,承建家具  Contract programmes 订做家具  Corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆  Cot 童床(婴儿床)  Couch 长沙发椅  Cupboard 橱柜  Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜  Curtain 窗帘,挂帘  Customized furniture 订做家具  D  Decorative lighting 装饰灯具  Dining room furniture 餐厅家具  Dining room set 起居室配套家具  Dining table 餐桌  Divan 长沙发,沙发床  Dividing wall and fitted wall unit 隔墙板及系列  DIY furniture 自装式家具  Double-bed 双人床  Double function sofa-bed 双人沙发床  Double sided mirror 双面镜  Draughtsman chair 吧椅  Drawer 抽屉  Dressing table 梳妆台  运动  TAIKWONDO 跆拳道  boxer 拳击运动员  boxing glove 拳击手套  boxing shoe 拳击鞋  infighting 近战  straight punch 直拳  uppercut 上钩拳  right hook 右钩拳  foul 犯规  punch bag 沙袋  punch ball 沙球  boxing match 拳击比赛  referee 裁判员  boxing ring 拳击台  rope 围绳  winner 胜利者  loser by a knockout 被击败出局者  timekeeper 计时员  boxing weights 拳击体重级别  light flyweight 48公斤级, 次特轻量级  flyweight 51公斤级, 特轻量级  bantamweight 54公斤级, 最轻量级  featherweight 57公斤级, 次轻量级  lightweight 60公斤级, 轻量级  light welterweight 63.5公斤级, 轻中量级  welterweight 67公斤级, 次中量级  light middleweight 71公斤级, 中量级  middleweight 75公斤级, 次重量级  light heavyweight 81公斤级, 重量级  heavyweight 81以上公斤级, 最重量级  Greek-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤  wrestler 摔跤运动员  standing wrestling 站立摔  on-the-ground wrestling 跪撑摔  bridge 角力桥  free style wrestling 自由式摔跤  bar arm with grapevine 锁臂缠腿  double leg lock 抱单腿拦腿摔  tennis 网球运动  lawn tennis 草地网球运动  grass court 草地网球场  racket 球拍  racket press 球拍夹  gut, string (球拍的)弦  line ball 触线球  baseline ball 底线球  sideline ball 边线球  straight ball 直线球  down-the-line shot 边线直线球  crosscourt 斜线球  high ball, lob 高球  low ball 低球  long shot 长球  short shot 短球  cut 削球  smash 抽球  jump smash 跃起抽球  spin 旋转球  low drive 抽低球  volley 截击空中球





很多很多呢:鲜枣、猕猴桃、橙子、山楂、柚子、草莓、柑橘等。。。青椒、 芥蓝、西兰花、番茄、青菜、韭菜。。。

求厨房英语~!包括食物(蔬菜 水果 肉类等)还有厨具~!

水果类(fruits):西红柿 tomato 菠萝 pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子 shaddock (pomelo) 橙子orange 苹果apple 柠檬lemon 樱桃 cherry 桃子peach 梨 pear 枣Chinese date (去核枣 pitted date ) 椰子coconut 草莓 strawberry 树莓 raspberry 蓝莓 blueberry 黑莓 blackberry 葡萄 grape 甘蔗 sugar cane 芒果 mango 木瓜 pawpaw或者papaya 杏子 apricot 油桃 nectarine 柿子persimmon 石榴pomegranate 榴莲 jackfruit 槟榔果 areca nut (西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange 猕猴桃 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat 蟠桃 flat peach 荔枝 litchi 青梅greengage 山楂果 haw 水蜜桃honey peach 香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon 李子plum 杨梅 waxberry red bayberry 桂圆 longan 沙果 crab apple 杨桃starfruit 枇杷 loquat 柑橘 tangerine 莲雾wax-apple 番石榴 guava 肉、蔬菜类(livestock家畜):南瓜(倭瓜) pumpkin cushaw 甜玉米 Sweet corn 牛肉beef 猪肉pork 羊肉 mutton 羔羊肉lamb 鸡肉chicken 生菜 莴苣lettuce 白菜 Chinese cabbage (celery cabbage)(甘蓝)卷心菜 cabbage 萝卜 radish 胡萝卜 carrot 韭菜leek 木耳 agarics 豌豆 pea 马铃薯(土豆) potato 黄瓜 cucumber 苦瓜 balsam pear 秋葵 okra 洋葱 onion 芹菜 celery 芹菜杆 celery sticks 地瓜 sweet potato 蘑菇 mushroom 橄榄 olive 菠菜spinach 冬瓜 (Chinese)wax gourd 莲藕 lotus root 紫菜 laver 油菜 cole rape 茄子 eggplant 香菜 caraway 枇杷loquat 青椒 green pepper 四季豆 青刀豆 garden bean 银耳 silvery fungi 腱子肉tendon 肘子 pork joint 茴香fennel(茴香油fennel oil 药用) 鲤鱼carp 咸猪肉bacon 金针蘑 needle mushroom 扁豆 lentil 槟榔 areca 牛蒡great burdock 水萝卜 summer radish 竹笋 bamboo shoot 艾蒿Chinese mugwort 绿豆mung bean 毛豆green soy bean 瘦肉 lean meat 肥肉speck 黄花菜 day lily (day lily bud) 豆芽菜 bean sprout 丝瓜 towel gourd (注:在美国丝瓜或用来做丝瓜茎loofah洗澡的,不是食用的) 海鲜类(sea food):虾仁 Peeled Prawns 龙虾 lobster 小龙虾 crayfish(退缩者) 蟹 crab 蟹足crab claws 小虾(虾米) shrimp 对虾、大虾 prawn (烤)鱿鱼(toast)squid 海参 sea cucumber 扇贝 scallop 鲍鱼 sea-ear abalone 小贝肉cockles 牡蛎oyster 鱼鳞scale 海蜇jellyfish鳖 海龟turtle 蚬 蛤 clam 鲅鱼 culter 鲳鱼 butterfish 虾籽 shrimp egg 鲢鱼 银鲤鱼chub silver carp 黄花鱼 yellow croaker 调料类(seasonings):醋 vinegar 酱油 soy 盐 salt 加碘盐 iodized salt 糖 sugar 白糖 refined sugar 酱 soy sauce 沙拉 salad 辣椒 hot(red)pepper 胡椒 (black)pepper 花椒wild pepper Chinese prickly ash powder 色拉油salad oil 调料 fixing sauce seasoning 砂糖 granulated sugar 红糖 brown sugar 冰糖 Rock Sugar 芝麻 Sesame 芝麻酱 Sesame paste 芝麻油 Sesame oil 咖喱粉curry 番茄酱(汁) ketchup redeye 辣根horseradish 葱 shallot (Spring onions) 姜 ginger 蒜 garlic 料酒 cooking wine 蚝油oyster sauce 枸杞(枇杷,欧查果 ) medlar 八角aniseed 酵母粉yeast barm Yellow pepper 黄椒 肉桂 cinnamon (在美国十分受欢迎,很多事物都有肉桂料) 黄油 butter 香草精 vanilla extract(甜点必备) 面粉 flour 洋葱 onion 主食类(staple food):三文治 sandwich 米饭rice 粥 congee (rice soup) 汤 soup 饺子dumpling 面条 noodle 比萨饼 pizza 方便面 instant noodle 香肠 sausage 面包 bread 黄油 (白塔油)butter 茶叶蛋 Tea eggs 油菜 rape 饼干 cookies 咸菜(泡菜)pickle 馒头 steamed bread 饼(蛋糕)cake 汉堡 hamburger 火腿ham 奶酪 cheese 馄饨皮 wonton skin 高筋面粉 Strong flour 小麦wheat 大麦barley 青稞highland barley 高粱broomcorn (kaoliang )春卷Spring rolls 芋头 Taro 山药yam 鱼翅 shark fin 黄花 daylily 松花蛋 皮蛋preserved eggs 春卷 spring roll 肉馅饼minced pie 糙米 Brown rice 玉米 corn 馅儿 stuffing 开胃菜 appetizer 面粉 flour 燕麦 oat 白薯 甘薯 sweet potato牛排 steak 里脊肉 fillet 凉粉 bean jelly 糯米 江米 sticky rice 燕窝 bird"s nest 粟 Chinese corn 肉丸子 meat balls 枳橙citrange 点心(中式)dim sum 淀粉starch 蛋挞 egg tart (dry fruits)干果类 :腰果 Cashew nuts 花生 peanut 无花果fig 榛子filbert hazel 栗子chestnut 核桃 walnut 杏仁almond 果脯 preserved fruit 芋头taro 葡萄干raisin cordial 开心果 pistachion 巴西果 brazil nut 菱角,荸荠 water chestnut (和国内食用法不同,做坚果食用) 酒水类(beverage):红酒 red wine 白酒 white wine 白兰地 brandy 葡萄酒 sherry 汽水(软饮料) soda (盐)汽水sparkling water 果汁juice 冰棒 Ice-lolly 啤酒beer 酸奶 yoghurt 伏特加酒vodka 鸡尾酒cocktail 豆奶 soy milk 豆浆soybean milk 七喜 7 UP 麒麟(日本啤酒kirin) 凉开水 cold boiled water 汉斯啤酒 Hans beer 浓缩果汁 concentrated juice 冰镇啤酒 iced(chilled ) beer 札幌(日本啤酒)Sapporo 爱尔啤酒(美国)ale A级牛奶 grand A milk 班图酒bantu beer 半干雪利 dry sark 参水牛奶 blue milk 日本粗茶 bancha 生啤酒 draft beer 白啤酒 white beer <苏格兰>大麦酒barley-bree 咖啡伴侣coffee mate 零食类(snack):mint 薄荷糖 cracker饼干, biscuit饼干, 棒棒糖bonbon 茶tea (沏茶 make the tea) 话梅prune candied plum 锅巴 rice crust 瓜子 melon seed 冰棒(冰果) ice(frozen) sucker 冰淇凌ice cream 防腐剂preservative 圣代冰淇淋 sundae 巧克力豆 marble chocolate barley 布丁pudding 与食品有关的词语(some words about food):炸 fired 炝 quick boiled 烩 braise (烩牛舌 braised ox tongue) 烤 roast 饱嗝 burp 饱了 饱的 full stuffed 解渴quench thirst (形容食物变坏spoil spoilage) preservative 防腐剂 expiration date 产品有效期 (形容酒品好: a good strong brew 绝味酿 )应各位要求补充的中式西式食物中式早点: 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 饭 类: 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭 Glutinous oil rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面 类: 馄饨面 Wonton & noodles 刀削面 Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面 Duck with noodles 鳝鱼面 Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉 Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤 类: 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 贡丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤 Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 中餐: bear"s paw 熊掌 * of deer 鹿脯 beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参 sea sturgeon 海鳝 salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp,seaweed 海带 abalone鲍鱼shark fin鱼翅scallops干贝lobster龙虾 bird"s nest 燕窝 roast suckling pig 考乳猪 pig"s knuckle 猪脚 boiled salted duck 盐水鸭 preserved meat 腊肉 barbecued pork 叉烧 sausage 香肠 fried pork flakes 肉松 BAR-B-Q 烤肉 meat diet 荤菜 vegetables 素菜 meat broth 肉羹 local dish 地方菜 Cantonese cuisine 广东菜 set meal 客饭 curry rice 咖喱饭 fried rice 炒饭 plain rice 白饭 crispy rice 锅巴 gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥 —noodles with gravy 打卤面 plain noodle 阳春面 casserole 砂锅 chafing dish,fire pot火锅 meat bun肉包子shao-mai烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd豆腐 fermented blank bean 豆豉 pickled cucumbers 酱瓜 preserved egg 皮蛋 salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 dried turnip 萝卜干 西餐与日本料理: menu 菜单French cuisine法国菜 today"s special 今日特餐 chef"s special 主厨特餐 buffet 自助餐 fast food 快餐 specialty 招牌菜 continental cuisine 欧式西餐 aperitif 饭前酒 dim sum 点心 French fires炸薯条baked potato烘马铃薯 mashed potatoes马铃薯泥omelette 简蛋卷 pudding 布丁 pastries 甜点 pickled vegetables 泡菜 kimchi 韩国泡菜 crab meat 蟹肉 prawn 明虾 conch 海螺 escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉 bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋 sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋 over 煎两面荷包蛋 fried egg 煎蛋 over easy 煎半熟蛋 over hard 煎全熟蛋 scramble eggs 炒蛋 boiled egg 煮蛋 stone fire pot 石头火锅 sashi 日本竹筷 sake 日本米酒 miso shiru 味噌汤 roast meat 铁板烤肉 sashimi 生鱼片 butter 奶油


Hello, can I help you? Of course, I"d like some apples. OK.How many apples do you want? I want two kilograms of apple. Here you are. How much are they,piease? They are only 20 yuan. Really cheap, I will buy them.



关于蔬菜,我们都喜欢胡萝卜和沙拉 的英文是什么









大白萝卜Long white radish 香芹Chinese Celery 乌踏菜Tah tsai 秋黄瓜Round cucumber樱桃萝卜Cherry radish 茴香fennel 小叶芝麻菜Small-leaf arugula 菜瓜Small wax gourd玉笋萝卜Long crystal radish 绿叶生菜Green-leaf Lettuce 板叶芝麻菜Broad-leaf arugula 飞碟瓜UFO squash水晶萝卜Crystal radish 紫叶生菜Red wave lettuce 绿菊苣Green endive 丝瓜Sponge gourd心里美Rose-heart radish 奶油生菜Butter head lettuce 红菊苣radicchio 苦瓜Bitter gourd红萝卜Red Radish 球生菜Head lettuce 苦苣Curly chicory 绿西葫芦summer squash胡萝卜Carrot 芥菜Chinese mustard 蕃杏New Zealand spinach 黄西葫芦Yellow summer squash芜菁Turnip 木耳菜Malabar spinach 芥蓝Chinese kale 四季豆Green bean 小油菜Edible rape 紫背天葵Begonia fimbristipulata hance 紫四季豆Purple bean大白菜cabbage 空心菜Water Spinach 秋葵Okra 荷兰豆Snow peas小白菜Small Chinese cabbage 油麦菜Leaf lettuce 菜薹Flower Chinese cabbage 绿豇豆Yard long bean娃娃菜Baby cabbage 菠菜spinach 红大西红柿tomato 紫豇豆Purple yard long bean黄心乌Yellow heart cabbage 蒿子杆Garland chrysanthemum 黄色樱桃小西红柿Golden cherry tomato 扁豆Purple hyacinth bean紫甘蓝Purple head cabbage 茼蒿Round-leaf Garland chrysanthemum 红色樱桃小西红柿Red cherry tomato 花生Peanut白甘蓝Head cabbage 芫荽coriander 园茄子Purple ball eggplant 红薯Sweet potato羽衣甘蓝kale 苋菜Edible amaranth 绿长茄子Long green eggplant 土豆Potato花椰菜cauliflower 蕃薯叶Sweet potato leaves 紫长茄子Long purple eggplant 南瓜pumpkin青花菜broccoli 京水菜mizuna Mustard 小辣椒Hot pepper 冬瓜Winter melon雪里蕻Potherb mustard 红菜头Beet root 彩椒Colored bell pepper 紫苏Red-leaf Perilla莴苣Stem lettuce红忝菜Swiss chard 柿子椒Bell pepper 紫罗勒Dark Opal Basil西芹celery 小松菜Qing tah tsai 黄瓜cucumber 小叶罗勒Minileaf Basil甜罗勒basil 柠檬薄荷Lemon mint 欧芹Curly parsley 胡椒薄荷Pepper mint奶油白菜Butter Cabbage 球茎甘蓝Kohlrabi stem 紫苤蓝Purple Kohlrabi Stem 红豆苗Red Bean Sprout




2001年3月,日本农林省宣布,从4月1日起到10月底,对所有进口农产品实施检疫管理。以神户港为例,由原来每天检疫200多件产品降为每天只能检验41件。而中国出口日本生鲜蔬菜每年高达100万吨,这一非关税贸易壁垒必然影响到中国的蔬菜出口商和生产商。1.大葱、蘑菇及草席问题 2001年日本对从中国进口的大葱、蘑菇及榻榻米用灯草三种农产品实施“紧急限制进口措施”。因为日本这些贸易壁垒措施,导致中国大量蔬菜对日出口公司的倒闭危险。专门做中日蔬菜贸易的日本KIFA公司代表讲,日本对大葱、香菇等蔬菜的进口限制由于没有预先通知,已经向日本发出的货有一大部分由于检疫通不过而烂掉。新鲜蔬菜保质期仅29天,从中国运往日本路途上耗去10天左右,通关过不去,经销部门完全可能血本无归。更重要的是,大部分鲜菜被拒之门外,产地农民必须减产甚至停产。2.冷冻菠菜问题 日本将过去18种冷冻蔬菜检查范围扩大到全部的冷冻蔬菜产品,由于日本没有为冷冻菠菜规定毒死蜱的残留限量标准,因而参照新鲜蔬菜的农残量标准掌握。但是冷冻菠菜是用新鲜菠菜经加热漂烫、冷冻加工而成,缩重很大,通常几千克鲜菠菜才能加工一千克冷冻菠菜,将新鲜菠菜的残留标准套用在冷冻菠菜上是不合理不科学的。根据国际有关规定(CAC),加工品与未加工品的农药残留标准存在差异,如果确有需要,应当分别制定残留限量标准。日本厚生省对进口食品实施的是抽样检测制度。2002年1月4日至6月25日抽检的从中国进口的5341批蔬菜中,共查出农药超标13起,仅占检测量的0.2%,而且绝大部分是菠菜。日本规定的菠菜毒死蜱残留限量存在着严重的歧视性。通常,就同一种农药残留量而言,人均日摄入量越大,其残留限量规定就越严,但日本对各类蔬菜的毒死蜱限量规定却不符合这一常理。在日本,萝卜平均日消费量是47.3克,菠菜平均日消费量是22.8克,菠菜的平均日消费量在各类蔬菜中是属比较少的,但其毒死蜱残留限量却是最严的。我国质检总局进出口食品安全局指出,日本一直是中国蔬菜出口的重要市场,2002年1~7月,中国对日本出口蔬菜量为72万吨,价值6.3亿美元,其中冷冻菠菜为1.9万吨,价值1500万美元。分析人士认为,日本使用的是绿色壁垒手段,其目的是限制中国商品进口。2002年7月间,日本单方面决定加大对中国出口蔬菜检验的抽样比例,并将个别企业冷冻菠菜农药毒死蜱残留超标一事通过媒体炒作。据日方向中国质检总局通报,中国输日冷冻菠菜毒死蜱残留超标率约为6%,但中国质检总局指出所谓超标主要是由日本单方面制定的不科学、不合理的毒死蜱的严格限量所导致的。日本每年进口的4万吨到5万吨菠菜中有99%来自中国。如果日本采用国际标准,我国输日冷冻菠菜残留不合格率将降低50%。


荸荠 荸荠(学名:Heleocharis dulcis (Burm. f.) Trin.),又名马蹄、水栗、乌芋、菩荠等,属单子叶莎草科,为多年生宿根性草本植物。有细长的匍匐根状茎,在匍匐根状茎的顶端生块茎,俗叶荸荠。秆多数,丛生,直立,圆柱状,有多数横隔膜,干后秆表面现有节,但不明显,灰绿色,光滑无毛。叶缺如,只在秆的基部有2-3个叶鞘;鞘近膜质,绿黄色,紫红色或褐色。小穗顶生,圆柱状,在小穗基部有两片鳞片中空无花,抱小穗基部一周;其余鳞片全有花;较小坚果长一倍半,有倒刺;柱头3。小坚果宽倒卵形,双凸状,顶端不缢缩;花柱基从宽的基部急骤变狭变扁而呈三角形。花果期5-10月望采纳




小学生吧?叔叔教你I copy this artical from web.I should have learned harder.Exactly,I don"t even know what these three sentences are talking about.




pepper 胡椒hot pepper; chilli 辣椒sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒tomato 番茄,西红柿asparagus 芦笋cucumber 黄瓜aubergine, eggplant 茄子bean 菜豆beet, beetroot 甜菜potato 马铃薯carrot 卜胡萝卜cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜pumpkin 西葫芦broad bean 蚕豆cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜garlic 蒜chive 细香葱fennel 茴香cos lettuce 莴苣marrow 嫩葫芦melon 香瓜,甜瓜celery 芹菜onion 韭leek 韭菜radish 萝卜tarragon 狭叶青蒿thyme 百里香mushroom 蘑菇artichoke 洋蓟broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜cardoon 刺菜蓟chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹chick-pea 鹰嘴豆chicory 苣荬菜cress 水田芥cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗dandelion 蒲公英French bean 法国菜豆gherkin 嫩黄瓜horseradish 辣根图文并茂,菜场100多种蔬菜英语词汇一网打尽,值得永久收藏!图文并茂,菜场100多种蔬菜英语词汇一网打尽,值得永久收藏!Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜kale 无头甘蓝kohlrabi 甘蓝laurel 月桂lentil 兵豆lettuce 莴苣lupin 羽扇豆 (美作:lupine)parsley 欧芹parsnip 欧防风pea 豌豆rhubarb 大黄salsify 婆罗门参sorrel 掌叶大黄truffle 块菌turnip 芜菁watercress 豆瓣菜Potato 马铃薯Carrot 红萝卜Onion 洋葱Aubergine 茄子Celery 芹菜White Cabbage 包心菜Red cabbage 紫色包心菜Cucumber 大黄瓜Tomato 蕃茄Radish 小红萝卜Mooli 白萝卜Watercress 西洋菜Baby corn 玉米尖Sweet corn 玉米Cauliflower 白花菜Spring onions 葱Garlic 大蒜Ginger 姜Chinese leaves 大白菜Leeks 大葱Mustard & cress 芥菜苗Green Pepper 青椒Red pepper 红椒Yellow pepper 黄椒Mushroom 洋菇Broccoliflorets 绿花菜Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食Coriander 香菜Dwarf Bean 四季豆Flat Beans 长形平豆Iceberg 透明包心菜Lettuce 莴苣菜Swede or Turnip 芜菁Okra 秋葵Chillies 辣椒Eddoes 小芋头Taro 大芋头Sweet potato 蕃薯Spinach 菠菜Beansprots 绿豆芽Peas 碗豆Corn 玉米粒Sprot 高丽小菜心water chestnut荸荠water shield莼菜wax gourd冬瓜yam山药spinach菠菜straw mushroom草菇string bean刀豆lettuce 莴苣marrow 西葫芦laver 紫菜eggplant 茄子the (edible) snake gourd 蛇瓜the melabar gourd 黑子南瓜(无花果叶瓜)the serpent gourd 蛇瓜the spanish gourd 南瓜the sponge[towel] gourd 丝瓜the teasel gourd 刺瓜buttom mushroom 蘑菇brown mushroom 鲜冬菇enoki mushroom 金针菇straw mushroom 草菇oyster mushroom 油菇abalone mushroom 鲍鱼菇zucchini 小西葫芦angled luffa 丝瓜aloe 芦荟clove 丁香aniseed 八角cinnamon 肉桂licorice 草honeydew 甜瓜cantaloup 香瓜choysum 菜心


1.. Eat for a Good and Healthful Life Food keeps us alive. It is our sustenance and our pleasure. But recently, research has shown that the eating habits of the average Americans may be dangerous to future health.The foods Americans now choose are oftentimes too rich in calories and fats, so this article reports a new study: Diet and Health, Implications for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk. The study, conducted by the National Research Council"s Committee on Diet and Health, concludes that balancing nutrition, calories and activity is key to enjoying a long and healthful life.The report recommends that most Americans increase physical activity to a moderate level and make changes in food choices and calories intake to maintain ideal weight. Most of us — even those of us at ideal weight — need to eat less fat so that no more than 30% of our daily calories will come from fat. That means cutting down on red meat and whole milk dairy products. Indeed, eat fish, chicken without skin, lean meats, and low — fat and no — fat dairy products. The report of the Committee on Diet and Health recommends we eat five or more 1/2 — cup servings of vegetables and fruits daily — especially green and yellow vegetables and citrus fruits. Eating more fruits and vegetables doesn"t have to mean increased calories intake. Many plant foods are nutrient — rich; they provide many vitamins and minerals for very few calories. Nutrient — rich foods are particularly important for Americans over 50. As we age, we need to eat less because our bodies need fewer calories to function properly. But we still need full measures of vitamins and minerals to release the energy in our foods and make us feel strong and healthy. 2...The lunch adds the yogurt body is healthier Sooner or later will drink one cup of milk already becomes the good custom which the very many people fostered, but you knew, after the lunch now and then the lunch drank one cup of yogurt, also could play the vital role to the health. Demonstrates according to the statistical data, our daily breakfast 热能供应 occupies the same day total heat energy demand 25% - 30%, therefore, when breakfast drinks one cup of milk can effectively supplement the heat energy; Evening just before going to sleep front drinks one cup is helpful to the increase sleep quality, lets you enter the depth sleeps soundly the condition, but also can guarantee the milk nutrition the full absorption and the digestion. Then, when lunch what advantage drinks the yogurt has? The expert points out, in the yogurt includes massive organic acid and so on lactic acids, acetic acid, they not only entrusted with the yogurt neat sour odor, but also could help it to form delicately 凝乳, thus suppressed the harmful microorganism the reproduction, simultaneously, caused the intestinal tract the alkali to reduce, the acidity increased, promotes the stomach and intestines wriggled with 消化液 the secretion. In addition, along with the yogurt production technology, the production craft unceasingly progresses, some dairy product big brands, like hoodwink the cow and so on, already turned its yogurt product in profit fresh fungus by two kinds 4 kinds, like this not only the yogurt nutritional value had the similar product a is more distinct than enhancement, its help digestion, the suppression harmful fungus function also obtained one step of strengthen. Surely do not despise the yogurt these functions, this finishes eating the lunch regarding these takes a seat no longer moves in front of the computer, is easy to cause the digestion not to be good or the fat accumulates goes to work the class says, is extremely beneficial. At the same time, in the yogurt 酪氨酸 regarding alleviates the human body which the psychological pressure oversized, is highly anxious and anxious initiates exhaustedly has the very big help. Ferments after the lactic acid fungus, pellet and so on in yogurt protein, peptide, amino acid changes small, drifts away 酪氨酸 the content greatly enhances, absorbs is also easier. The after lunch now and then the lunch drinks one cup of yogurt, may let go to work the class relaxes the mood, is all full of energy in the entire afternoon, is more advantageous to improves the working efficiency. According to one newest research discovers, the yogurt also has reduces the radiation damage, the suppression radiates the function which posterity"s lymphocyte number drops. The animal experiment proves, after takes in the yogurt the mouse to radiates bears the stress strengthens, and reduced the radiation to immunity system harm. Faces the computer regarding these long time, every time covers in the electromagnetic radiation goes to work the class says, drinks one cup of yogurt using the lunch time, is extremely beneficial regarding the health. Everybody did not forget, the lunch added the yogurt, the body is healthier! 3..As the saying goes: "Hunger breeds discontent." Today"s society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong ...... dishes outside of Italy, French, Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so on. We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the food. Today, we take a look at the food on the table now. Food is divided into many kinds of vegetables and fruit, beans, meat, cereals, dairy categories, such as fat. Combination of these categories into a food pyramid, all affect our health. Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable meals with more vegetables, fruits, less meat, fat category. Cereals-based food, may be an appropriate increase in beans, dairy products category, and we have to remember that eating only eight full meals, not being choosy food anorexia, can not be overeating, eating clean food is most important. In food, contain a people"s health play an important role in the elements - vitamins. Vitamins are divided into A, B, C, D. Different vitamins have different functions. Vitamin A is usually in red, black, more food, such as carrots, black beans and so on. Its main function is to protect the eyes, can be used to protect their eyesight, the treatment of night blindness and other evidence of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables often, it is conducive to the treatment of scurvy, skin diseases. The discovery also has a story: a ship adrift at sea for several days, many sailors have had scurvy, one of a very serious disease, abandoned on a desert island. This after a number of sailors to eat lemons, did not expect that scurvy disappeared. The news of a spread of 100. Lemon after scientists found a large quantity of vitamin C, used to treat disease scurvy. Vitamin B, D and there are many functions, not in this more. Of course, we should pay attention: do not mix in some food to eat, in order to avoid danger. Such as shrimp and vitamin C at the same time can not eat, crabs can not eat persimmons with

有机蔬菜的报告 英语作文

Organic foods provide a variety of benefits. Some studies show that organic foods have more beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants, than their conventionally grown counterparts. In addition, people with allergies to foods, chemicals, or preservatives often find their symptoms lessen or go away when they eat only organic foods. In addition:Organic produce contains fewer pesticides. Pesticides are chemicals such as fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides. These chemicals are widely used in conventional agriculture and residues remain on (and in) the food we eat.Organic food is often fresher. Fresh food tastes better. Organic food is usually fresher because it doesn"t contain preservatives that make it last longer. Organic produce is often (but not always, so watch where it is from) produced on smaller farms near where it is sold.Organic farming is better for the environment. Organic farming practices reduce pollution (air, water, soil), conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and use less energy. Farming without pesticides is also better for nearby birds and small animals as well as people who live close to or work on farms.Organically raised animals are NOT given antibiotics, growth hormones, or fed animal byproducts. The use of antibiotics in conventional meat production helps create antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. This means that when someone gets sick from these strains they will be less responsive to antibiotic treatment. Not feeding animal byproducts to other animals reduces the risk of mad cow disease (BSE). In addition, the animals are given more space to move around and access to the outdoors, both of which help to keep the animals healthy.Organic meat and milk are richer in certain nutrients. Results of a 2016 European study show that levels of certain nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, were up to 50 percent higher in organic meat and milk than in conventionally raised versions. This may be because organic milk and beef come from cattle that graze on a natural diet of grass, while conventional meat and milk usually comes from animals fed with grain.Organic food is GMO-free. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or genetically engineered (GE) foods are plants or animals whose DNA has been altered in ways that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding, most commonly in order to be resistant to pesticides or produce an insecticide. In most countries, organic crops contain no GMOs and organic meat comes from animals raised on organic, GMO-free feed. -----精小锐

有什么外号好听 蔬菜或水果的名称



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