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shower oil是什么意思

shower oil沐浴油很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

shower scrub 是什么?


shower在不同词性时的例句 最好标注一下是什么词性

shower 英["u0283au028au0259] 美["u0283au028au025a]n. 淋浴;(倾泻般出现的)一阵,一大批;阵雨vt. 大量地给予;把……弄湿vi. 淋浴;下阵雨I said that if I was really hygienic, and you can now wonder about how often do I shower?但是这真的很棒,对不对?,那么为什么我要说这些呢?,我说过如果我真的很讲卫生的话?You have those shower moments or you"re walking at midnights in some town in New York City and you"ve got this amazing brand-new ideas.你在洗澡的时候,或是你在午夜的纽约城里的小镇,漫步的时候,你会得到很新奇的点子。


hour 的音标是[u02c8au028au0259r];flower的音标是 [u02c8flau028au0259r] ;shower的音标是[u02c8u0283au028ar] .这都是美式的音标所以有[r]这个儿化音.重音是看重音符号在哪儿.[au]读音是奥,[uε]和[uu0259]是一样的,只是写法的区别,读音是物儿,通常读快一点发成一个音.(你可以试着把“味儿”读成轻声)就这三个词而言应该是[a](读音是啊)和[uu0259],这两个发音的结合吧.


shower和grower的区别:意思不同、读音不同。grower 英 ["ɡru0259u028au0259(r)]     美 ["ɡrou028au0259r]    n. 栽培者;生长物。shower  英 ["u0283au028au0259(r)]     美 ["u0283au028au0259r]    n. 淋浴;阵雨;送礼会;(大量)涌泻。v. 冲(淋浴);下(阵雨);倾注。The weatherman predict shower this afternoon.气象预告员说,今天下午有阵雨。The neighbors held a bridal shower for the girl.邻居为姑娘举行了一个准新娘送礼会。The policemen were assailed by a shower of stones.警察遭到一阵石块的袭击。


shower [名词]: 阵雨;淋浴;淋浴器;一大批shower [动词]: 下阵雨;似阵雨般降落;洒落;纷纷降落


I want to take a shower.我想洗个澡。




都有淋浴的意思 shower:淋浴:从喷头出来的水以细流形式喷洒到浴者身上的一种淋浴方式 ,通常安装在头顶上 bath洗澡,沐浴:在水或水蒸汽里浸泡或洗净身体(这需要浴缸之类的可以供浸泡的东西),1,bath是盆浴 shower是淋浴 shower还可以指阵雨,1,shower 是淋浴,站着的 Bath 是在浴缸里的,躺着,通常有很多泡泡,1,bath:盆浴 shower:淋浴,1,支持 gufanslab 的: shower 是淋浴,站着的 bath 是在浴缸里的,躺着,通常有很多泡泡,1,shower 是淋浴, bath 好象可以通用,比较口语化,站着躺着,在家洗在大澡堂洗都可以。,0,


1、名词词性:淋浴器;淋浴间;淋浴;阵雨;阵雪。2、动词词性:(洗)淋浴;洒落;纷纷降落;抛撒;使纷纷降落。3、The water was cold but I took a shower anyway. 水很冷,不过我还是冲了个淋浴。4、They quoted us £ 300 for installing a shower unit. 他们向我们开价300英镑安装淋浴设备。5、I need a shower ─ I wont take long. 我要冲个澡,用不了多长时间。6、The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers. 预报间晴,有阵雨。


shower的读音为[u02c8u0283au028au0259]。短语搭配:take a shower。洗澡;淋浴。shower room。淋浴房;淋浴室;浴室。shower head。淋浴头;莲蓬式喷嘴;淋浴花洒。have a shower。洗个澡;冲凉;洗淋浴。rain shower。雨淋浴;阵雨。shower gel。沐浴露;沐浴乳。meteor shower。流星雨。power shower。淋浴。heavy shower。大阵雨;暴雨。双语例句:1、There may have been the odd light shower just to lay the dust.可能下过零星小阵雨止住了尘土飞扬。2、With its rustic bamboo construction and solar-heated shower, the accommodation looked eco enough.住处有着乡村风格的竹建筑,安装了太阳能淋浴器,看起来还真环保。3、Squeegee the shower doors while the surfaces are still wet.淋浴门表面还未干时就用橡皮刮去刮。4、Do you mind if I take a shower first?我先冲个澡,行吗?5、Look at this lot — what a shower!看看这一群人——简直是一群笨蛋!


Shower是淋浴、一阵、阵雨的意思,Shower是一个双音节词语,分为sho和wer两个音节,第一个sho,里面sh发音为【?】,元音o发音为【a?】,所以第一个音节发音为【?a?】,而第二个音节【wer】 ,w是不发音的,直接发er的音【?(r)】,重音在第一个音节上,所以这个单词读作【??a??(r)】,这是英式发音,美式要把r的卷舌音读出来【??a??r】,shower作名词表示淋浴、阵雨,也可以用作动词,表示把(什么东西)弄湿、下阵雨的意思,我们说洗澡,通常喜欢说take a bath,其实也可以用take a shower;那bath和shower的区别是什么呢?bath指的是躺着洗的浴缸,而shower指的是站着洗的淋浴,I turn on the shower and take a bath,我打开淋浴洗了个热水澡,那天空给我们淋浴,是不是就是下雨的意思啊,所以shower也有下雨的意思,但是要注意,shower表示的是很短暂的雨,阵雨,因为你想一想,你洗澡也不至于洗个一天半天的对不对,It gets cool after a spatter of shower,阵雨过后天气变得很凉快,shower淋浴、阵雨,你学会了吗?


名词1.一阵的雨、雨夹雪或冰雹,突然喷洒的水;大量同时来到的事物2.淋浴设备,喷头,淋浴室 [作定语](a shower cap);淋浴3.【美】礼物赠送会(尤指为即将结婚或分娩的女子举行的)


作名词 1.阵雨, 阵雪 例:The weather was good except for an occasional shower. 除下了一阵大雨外, 天气还是很好的。2.淋浴 例:We have to take several cold showers to keep us cool every day in summer. 夏季, 我们一天得冲几次凉。3.淋浴器;淋浴间 4.一大批;一阵;一连串 5.送礼聚会(为即将结婚或分娩的妇女举行) 作不及物动词 vi.1.下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落 例:It has started to shower; I"m sure to get wet. 天已开始下阵雨, 我一定会被淋湿。2.(洗)淋浴

shower什么意思 shower的中文意思

1、shower:n.淋浴器; 淋浴间; 淋浴; 阵雨; 阵雪;v.(洗) 淋浴; 洒落; 纷纷降落; 抛撒; 使纷纷降落; 2、[例句]She heard him turn on the shower.她听见他打开了淋浴喷头。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:showers、复数:showers、现在分词:showering、过去式:showered、过去分词:showered。

shower gel中文是什么意思



bath用水更多bath和shower都有淋浴的意思,主要区别如下:shower:淋浴,从喷头出来的水以细流形式喷洒到浴者身上的一种淋浴方式 ,通常安装在头顶上;bath洗澡:沐浴,在水或水蒸汽里浸泡或洗净身体(这需要浴缸之类的可以供浸泡的东西)浴缸是按每人90L标准计算,沐浴是按每人45L标准用水量计算,而且淋浴实用性更高


Can I take a shower? 我能淋浴吗?

get in the shower. shower 译为浴室,所以短语是进入浴室的意思?




翻译解释to take a shower是什么意思

  to take a shower  英 [tu: teik u0259 u02c8u0283auu0259] 美 [tu tek e u02c8u0283au028au025a]  [释义]洗个淋浴;  [例句]We will have no water to take a shower.  我们会没有水洗澡。




汉语发音类似于 消玩儿shower 英[u02c8u0283au028au0259(r)] 美[u02c8u0283au028au025a] n. 淋浴; 阵雨; 淋浴器; 一大批; vi. 下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落; vt. 大量地给予; 抛洒,使纷纷降落; [例句]She heard him turn on the shower.她听见他打开了淋浴喷头。




支持 gufanslab 的:shower 是淋浴,站着的bath 是在浴缸里的,躺着,通常有很多泡泡


Shower是淋浴、一阵、阵雨的意思,Shower是一个双音节词语,分为sho和wer两个音节,第一个sho,里面sh发音为【?】,元音o发音为【a?】,所以第一个音节发音为【?a?】,而第二个音节【wer】 ,w是不发音的,直接发er的音【?(r)】,重音在第一个音节上,所以这个单词读作【??a??(r)】,这是英式发音,美式要把r的卷舌音读出来【??a??r】,shower作名词表示淋浴、阵雨,也可以用作动词,表示把(什么东西)弄湿、下阵雨的意思,我们说洗澡,通常喜欢说take a bath,其实也可以用take a shower;那bath和shower的区别是什么呢?bath指的是躺着洗的浴缸,而shower指的是站着洗的淋浴,I turn on the shower and take a bath,我打开淋浴洗了个热水澡,那天空给我们淋浴,是不是就是下雨的意思啊,所以shower也有下雨的意思,但是要注意,shower表示的是很短暂的雨,阵雨,因为你想一想,你洗澡也不至于洗个一天半天的对不对,It gets cool after a spatter of shower,阵雨过后天气变得很凉快,shower淋浴、阵雨,你学会了吗?


作名词时意思是淋浴;(倾泻般出现的)一阵,一大批;阵雨。作及物动词时意思是大量地给予。作不及物动词时意思是淋浴;下阵雨。1、短语搭配shower nozzle喷头;淋浴莲蓬头Autumn Shower秋日骤雨;秋天的骤雨2、例句She is taking a shower.她正在洗淋浴。用法注意事项1、shower用作名词时意思是阵雨,转化为动词意思是下阵雨、似阵雨般降落,引申还可表示像阵雨般大量地给予。2、shower可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。3、shower接with或on可表示倾倒或大量给予某物,用on为英式英语,后接人,用with为美式英语,后接物或事物。


1 洗发,洗头(v) 洗发水(n)

beckr shower 歌词?

确定名字是对的吗....是不是Becky G的shower shower - becky gall i know is there"s something about ya"got me feeling like i can"t be without ya"anytime someone mentions ya namei be feeling as if i"m around ya"ain"t no words to describe you babyall i know is that you take me highcan you tell that ya" drive me crazy?cause i can"t get you outta my mindthink of ya" when i am going to bedwhen i wake up, think of you againyou are my homie, lover, and friendexactly why, you light me up insidelike the 4th of julywhenever you"re around,i always seem to smileand people ask me how,well you"re the reason whyi"m, dancing in the mirror,singing in the showerla da de, la da da, la da dasinging in the showerla da de, la da da, la da daaaa.singing in the shower..all i want, all i need is your lovingbaby you make me hot like an ovensince you came,you know what i discovered?baby i don"t need me anotherno, no, all i know,only you got me feeling so,and you know that i got to have ya"and i don"t plan to let you gothink of ya" when i am going to bedwhen i wake up, think of you againyou are my homie, lover, and friendexactly why, you light me up insidelike the 4th of julywhenever you"re around,i always seem to smileand people ask me how,well you"re the reason whyi"m, dancing in the mirror,singing in the showerla da de, la da da, la da dasinging in the showerla da de, la da da, la da daaaa.singing in the shower..there ain"t no guaranteebut i take a chance on webaby let"s take our time(singing in the shower)and when the times get roughthere ain"t no giving up,cause it just feels so right(singing in the shower)don"t care what others sayif i got you, i"m straightyou bring my heart to life!yea, you light me up inside,like the 4th of julywhenever you"re around,i always seem to smileand people ask me how,well you"re the reason whyi"m, dancing in the mirror,singing in the showerla da de, la da da, la da dasinging in the showerla da de, la da da, la da dayou got me singing in the showerla da de, la da da, la da dasinging in the showerla da de, la da da, la da daaa(ahhh) 望采纳

baby shower gift,wedding shower gift是什么意思?

呵呵,shower gift这其实是和宗教洗礼有关的。

baby shower是什么意思?



Yeah 3x - Chris BrownMove your body, out on the floorPut your troubles aside and start livingAnybody, can let go,Throw away all your problemsCause right now it"s party timeGirl don"t feel outta placeCause I, I"m in love with this feelin"now, and I, I-I-IHope that this will last a whileWe should make it last a whileYou like to drink?, drink, so do weGet my bottles, bring "em to meHold your glasses up, people everywhereNow everybody put your hands in the airSayYeah yeah yeah, girl I wanna, yeah yeah yeah,I wanna see you tonight,Yeah yeah yeah, girl I gotta, yeah yeah yeahI gotta see you tonightOhhh, ohhh, ohhh, let me see your handsOhhh, ohhh, ohhh, tonight is the nightLost in the moment, can"t believeYou"re so beautifulFeels like I"m in a dreamBaby, we"re going somewhereYou"ve never been beforeSo take my hand and come with meGirl don"t feel outta placeCause I, I"m in love with this feelin" now, and I, I-I-IHope that this will last a while,We should make it last a whileYou like to drink?, drink, so do weFill my bottles, bring "em to meHold your glasses up, people everywhereNow everybody put your hands in the airSayYeah yeah yeah, girl I wanna, yeah yeah yeah,I wanna see you tonight,Yeah yeah yeah, girl I gotta, yeah yeah yeahI gotta see you tonightOOhhh, ohhh, ohhh, let me see your handsOhhh, ohhh, ohhh, tonight, tonight is the nightAll the pretty young things at the partyLet me see your hands upAnd if they mad and they don"t wanna partyTell them people get f****dSo, dj turn it loudAnd watch me turn it upDon"t worry about itWe"re here to partySo, jump, jump, jump, jumpGirl I wannaI wanna see you tonightGirl I gottaI gotta I gotta I gotta see you tonightYeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeahI wanna see you tonightYeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeahTonight is the nightTonight is the nightTonight is the night











baby shower 什么意思

baby shower英 [u02c8beibi u02c8u0283auu0259] 美 [u02c8bebi u02c8u0283au028au025a] 词典迎婴派对(在孩子出生前举办的特殊派对)准妈妈派对; 迎婴聚会; 新生儿派对1Her friends organized a baby shower for her when she was expecting. 当她正在期望时她的朋友为她组织了一场婴儿送礼会。2Rhonda was having a baby with my brother and we had a baby shower for her. 朗达是生孩子与我的兄弟和我们有一个婴儿淋浴她。

baby shower 什么意思

baby shower婴儿淋浴双语对照词典结果:baby shower[英][u02c8beibi u02c8u0283auu0259][美][u02c8bebi u02c8u0283au028au025a]迎婴派对(在孩子出生前举办的特殊派对); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.So my mother is not coming to my baby shower? 我妈妈不来参加宝宝的欢迎会?

baby shower是什么意思

在美国各式各样的派对当中,Baby Shower当属最温馨可爱的一种。名为Baby Shower,却不是给婴儿沐浴,而是给准妈妈的一场“物浴”和“灵浴”:在婴儿预产期的前一两个月内,准妈妈的女性好友将准妈妈的女朋友们、女同事们、女亲戚们召集起来,共同把祝福、忠告、礼物连同幽默洒向准妈妈,为的是帮助她做好物质和精神上的双重准备。在这样一个全然女性的喜庆世界里,总是友情浓浓、脂粉气香香、欢笑声阵阵。Baby Shower的由来已久,早在美国殖民地时代,妇女们就聚集在准妈妈的家中,一边缝制婴儿衣服、裁剪尿片,一边传授育儿经。在商品发达的今天,婴儿用品应有尽有,凡想得到的都买得到。大家都带着精心选购的礼物来到派对的场所,或是主办人的家中,或是公司里,或是教堂内。即将出世的宝宝若是个男孩,那么房间布置会是蓝色调;若是个女孩,则是粉色调。房内最宽大舒适的椅子一定是准妈妈的“宝座”, 椅子上还会系着一串蓝色气球,粉色气球。送礼物玩游戏 准妈妈心欢喜头胎的准妈妈一般得到的礼物比较丰厚。从零开始,当然需要较多的帮助。记得我的一位洋亲戚的Shower甚是隆重,姐妹们对这位怀第一胎的准妈妈都非常慷慨,送的仅是衣物就足够让宝宝穿上半年,众人开玩笑说要给这宝宝办时装秀了。此外还有婴儿房装饰品、小床用品、沐浴用品、尿片、玩具等等琳琅满目的礼品。而我两周后参加的一位朋友的Shower则低调多了,大家只是送给她一些婴儿衣物,因她已是第三胎的准妈妈,家里有了不少婴儿用品的积累,朋友们聚在一起主要为庆贺和聊天。崇尚幽默的美国人当然会趁机在派对上搞笑逗乐,其实也是为准妈妈洗“躁”。对于将为人母一职,准妈妈们哪个不是又喜悦又焦躁?派对上的游戏给她们一个放松的机会。比如,让来宾们用婴儿奶瓶喝饮料,看谁喝得最快。这样一个大人喝奶嘴的场面不让人喷笑才怪!给“冠军”颁奖一个小围兜,又会引发一阵笑声。再如,把不同的巧克力各涂在一张新尿片上,看谁最有本事闻得出巧克力的种类。如此形似的尿片,有人见了都会掩鼻。巧克力爱好者们则不惜竞鼻,赢了有巧克力犒劳呢。

baby shower 是什么意思?


(gel douche parfume perfumed Shower gel)什么意思??拜托了各位 谢谢


rain,cloud,storm,shower,ice,wind,snow 这几个单词哪些不可数哪些可数,哪些有动词形式?

你好,可数名词: cloud,storm,shower,不可数名词:rain,ice,wind,snowrain解释为雨季时,往往用复数。这些词都可以作动词。

rain,cloud,storm,shower,ice,wind,snow 这几个单词哪些不可数哪些可数,哪些有动词形式?

可数名词有:cloud,ice,storm,不可数名词有:rain,shower,ice,wind,snow动词原型有:rain下雨,snow下雪 ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

shower gel 是什么东西?

1)Sweet Pea/ Pois de senteur - 香豌豆2)shower gel /gel de douche - 沐浴凝胶(洗身体的),相当于于浴液3)with Lavender Extract hand cream /creme pour les mains -含有熏衣草精华素的护手霜4)bubble bath /bain moussant - 泡澡液(倒进浴盆里泡澡起泡用的)5)body lotion/lotion pour le corps - 护肤霜 (浴后涂到身上的)6)ingredients:sodium sulfate,sodium carbonate,sodium bicarbonate,citric aciid,hydroxypropyl cellulose,fragrance,may contain FD 这个是来自加拿大淋浴的一套用品

gel douche et bain bath and shower gel

翻译为:gel douche et bain bath and shower gel凝胶冲洗等贝恩沐浴露

英语好的帮忙翻译一下:Gel Douche et Bain Bath and Shower Get是洗面奶还是沐浴液啊??


shower gel和shower cream分别是什么意思?有什么不同?




bath and shower gel 是干什么用的

bath and shower gel 沐浴露洗澡用

Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

沐浴露双语对照例句:1.At the side of the bath is what appears to be a single bottle of shampoo or shower gel. 2.Ignite end up putting honey in their bubble bath and soap, while Empire have seaweed intheir soap and shower gel

bath shower gel是什么意思


Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

Bath Shower Gel全部释义和例句>> 沐浴露

luxury shower & bath gel中文什么意思

没看懂你的题!luxury是奢侈的意思。shower 洗澡的意思。。。。



body wash和bath&shower gel的区别




bvlgari gel douche et bain bath and shower gel


急求cream bath和shower gel的区别是什么?

“cream bath”和“shower gel”都是洗澡用的清洁用品,但它们在使用方式和功效上存在一些区别。1. 外观和使用方式:cream bath是不透明的乳液或雪花膏状,通常在盆浴时使用,也就是我们常说的“泡澡”。而shower gel通常是透明的啫哩膏状,适用于淋浴,也就是我们常说的“洗澡”。2. 功效:在功能上,cream bath和shower gel有细微的差别。cream bath可以留有皮肤天然保护膜,使肌肤滋润,同时抵御细菌及毒物的侵袭。而shower gel的pH值中性,对肌肤没有刺激,清洗后能帮助皮肤保持天然保护膜,使肌肤滋润,同时帮助抵御细菌及毒物的侵袭。总的来说,cream bath和shower gel在外观、使用方式和功效上存在一些差异。您可以根据自己的皮肤类型和喜好来选择使用哪种清洁用品。

朋友给我带了两瓶美国用的产品全是英文看不明白!谁给翻译下bubble bath 与shower gel分别是什么意思啊!


英译汉:(1)gel douche shower gel (2)LOTION POUR LE CORPS BODY LOTION


英译汉:(1)gel douche shower gel (2)LOTION POUR LE CORPS BODY LOTION

1.gel douche---是法语,后面跟的那个shower gel 是它的英语翻译,意思是沐浴露 2.lotion pour le corps是法语,后面跟的body lotion是它的英语翻译,意为润肤乳液~ 一楼的不懂,不要瞎说吧

朋友送的一个礼盒,里面有 shower gel,cream bath,body lotion,body scrub ,做什么的,使用顺序?

shower gel就是沐浴露,只是这种是啫喱质地,不含皂基的cream bath就是泡沫浴,(含)奶油浴。body lotion就是身体乳。body scrub身体磨砂膏,去死皮用的。使用顺序的话先沐浴乳,然后视情况使用磨砂膏或者泡沫浴,建议一周一、二次,但是最后身体乳是一定要用的,身上擦干后马上涂哦,腿部由下向上,可以紧致腿部肌肤哦,身体其他部位画圈轻拍,然后再洗手做脸部保湿,因为身体水流失发比较快。

get out of the shower造句

Many people fall when they get out of the bathtub or shower.很多人从澡盆或淋浴室出来时摔跤。It takes at least five or six rings to get out of the shower.感觉最少有五或六个铃声响的那么久。After I get out of the shower, I prefer to towel-dry my hair, not blow dry it.洗澡之后,我更喜欢用毛巾擦干头发,而不是用风筒吹干它。Laura : That"s a bathmat so you don"t drip on the floor when you get out of the shower.萝拉:是浴室的脚踏垫,这样你冲澡只后才不会弄得地上湿淋淋的。I love these gloves! ! They are so much better than a loofah. I love the texture, I always feel clean when I get out of the shower.太喜欢这个手套了,比沐浴棉好用多的多。没次洗澡后我都觉得自己非常非常的干净。So actually nice to get out here and get the first hit, take a shower, get ready, you know, sort of eat something and being active.比较理想的是先来打一会儿,然后洗个澡,准备好,吃一些东西,保持充沛精力。Today, I was home alone. I didn"t expect anyone to be anywhere near home, so when I got out of the shower, I walked to the living room, naked, to get the tv remote for my room.今天,我一个人在家,我没有料到房子周围会有人,于是我走出淋浴间,赤~身裸~体地走到起居室拿电视遥控器回我房间。If you want your fragrance to last longer, spritz on the eau de toilette version as a base after you get out of the shower then apply the more concentrated perf ume to your pulse points.如果你想让香水的味持续时间长一些,那么,在洗完澡以后,先喷些淡香水在身上打底,然后再在脉搏处抹上浓香水。If you want your fragrance to last longer, spritz on the eau de toilette version as a base after you get out of the shower then apply the more concentrated perf ume to your pulse points.如果你想让香水的味持续时间长一些,那么,在洗完澡以后,先喷些淡香水在身上 打底 ,然后再在脉搏处抹上浓香水。So anyway, what happened in Philly was I was starting to get athlete"s foot from all the moisture that collected from putting my slippers on around the house as soon as I got out of the shower.所以无论如何,发生在费城是我开始获得脚癣从所有的水分是从我的拖鞋把周围的房子当我走出淋浴From how you get out of bed, how you shower, how you dress, how you walk, sit, and talk, how you respond to the world, how you act in front of others, and how you think; you"re living out your habits.你的一举一动,从你起床、洗澡、你的穿衣,走路、坐、讲话,以及回应世界的方式,还有你在他人面前如何表现,你的思考方式,你都是生活在你的习惯当中。

have a shower的用法及意思

have a shower 洗澡shower ["06au05] n. 阵雨,淋浴 v. 淋浴,淋湿,下骤雨He go up to his room and have a shower 他回到他的房间洗了个淋浴。

I would like a double room with a shower读到哪里要paus



Shower是一个英语单词,通常指的是淋浴。下面是几个关于shower的句子:I take a shower every morning before going to work. (我每天早上上班前都会洗淋浴。)Don"t forget to bring your towel and shampoo to the shower room. (别忘了把你的毛巾和洗发水带到淋浴室。)The hotel room has a nice shower with hot water. (酒店房间里有一个漂亮的淋浴间,提供热水。)I love to sing in the shower because the acoustics are great. (我喜欢在淋浴间里唱歌,因为那里的音响效果很好。)The bathroom renovation included a new shower installation. (浴室翻新包括安装了一个新的淋浴设施。)总之,shower是一个常用的单词,表示淋浴,可以用于描述日常生活和房屋装修等场合,是英语中重要的词汇之一。

bath room 和shower room 的区别

区别不大,两者应该通用,不会有什么问题。不过我在英国,英国人一般使用“bath room”,基本没听过他们使用“shower room”。你说“shower room”他们应该也能懂,可能就不太地道了吧。


您好,shower sb with sth 中的 shower 为动词,通常有两种意思:1)(许多小东西)雨点般落下(或扔下)2)使如阵雨般落下3)大量给予;倾注4)沐浴而 shower sb with sth 这个短语通常译为【倾注/大量的给予……给……】的含义,既可以是褒义使用,也可以是贬义使用。比如:1).... shower the thief with rotten eggs(朝小偷扔臭鸡蛋)2).... shower her with kisses(热吻她)3).... shower her with gifts(送她大量礼物)4)The bride and groom were showered with rice as they left the church.(新娘新郎离开教堂时大家向他们身上撒大米。)5)The roof collapsed, showering us with dust and debris.(房顶塌了,灰尘和瓦砾洒落在我们身上。)

shower oil是什么意思

shower oil沐浴油

below shower中ow发音是否相同

不同below 英[bɪˈləʊ] 美[bɪˈloʊ] adv. 在下面,到下面; prep. 低于; (表示位置) 在…下面; (表示状态) 在…掩饰之下; (表示比较) 不及; [网络] 以下; 下方; 底下; [例句]He dropped his cigarette butt into the street below.他把烟头扔到下面的街道上。[其他] 形近词: allow ablow aglow shower 英[ˈʃaʊə(r)] 美[ˈʃaʊɚ] n. 淋浴; 阵雨; 淋浴器; 一大批; vi. 下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落; vt. 大量地给予; 抛洒,使纷纷降落; [例句]The shower that we put in a few years back has broken and we cannot afford to replace it.我们几年前安装的淋浴器坏了,但买不起新的来换。[其他] 第三人称单数:showers 复数:showers 现在分词:showering过去式:showered 过去分词:showered 形近词: stower slower showed

take a warm shower是什么意思


shower on是什么意思及反义词

shower on 淋浴器shower 英[u02c8u0283au028au0259(r)] 美[u02c8u0283au028au025a] n. 淋浴; 阵雨; 淋浴器; 一大批; vi. 下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落; vt. 大量地给予; 抛洒,使纷纷降落; [例句]She heard him turn on the shower.她听见他打开了淋浴喷头。[其他] 第三人称单数:showers 复数:showers 现在分词:showering过去式:showered 过去分词:showered


Invigorating-Shower-Gel沐浴露invigorating[英][u026an"vu026aɡu0259reu026atu026au014b][美][u026an"vu026aɡu0259reu026atu026au014b]adj.爽快的; 精神充沛的,爽快的; v.使生机勃勃( invigorate的现在分词); shower[英][u02c8u0283au028au0259(r)][美][u02c8u0283au028au025a]n.阵雨; 淋浴; 淋浴器; 一大批; vi.下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落; vt.大量地给予; 抛洒,使纷纷降落; 第三人称单数:showers复数:showers现在进行时:showering过去式:showered过去分词:showered相关单词:Showergel[英][du0292el][美][du0292u025bl]n.凝胶,冻胶; 定型发胶; vi.形成胶体; 胶化; 第三人称单数:gels复数:gels现在进行时:gelling过去式:gelled过去分词:gelled

after you are done showering是什么结构?


We only have one shower这句话什么意思?

We only have one shower.我们仅仅有一个淋浴头。

after you are done showering是什么结构?


i am showering 这句话对么? 我在洗澡 shower是动词啊

听我的!这句话错了!应该是I"m taking a shower.take a shower是一个词组 take是这个词组的动词

with shower中文翻译

I want to reserve a single room with shower 我想预订一间有淋浴的单人房间。 Executive toilets with shower on every office floor 每标准层均设有行政人员专用洗手间 I can book you a single room with shower for the 26th 我可以为您在26日订一个带淋浴的单人间。 It was a dull day with showers of rain 这是个有阵雨的阴天。 (说话人当时的心情恐怕不怎么好。 ) It " s a room with shower and toilet 这间套房有淋浴和卫生间。 Partly sunny with showers 部分时间有阳光及几阵骤雨 As standard acmodation we offer studio apartments with shower wc and cooking facipties 标准住宿条件为公寓,带淋浴厕所,可做饭。 In the center , there is a pubpc men s bathroom in the gym with shower facipties in the front and the restroom in the back 在奥兰多道场,男众的洗手间和浴室在体育馆里面。 Clerk : according to the records , your reservation is for a single room with shower and air conditioner for o nights 职员:根据记录,您预定的是一个带有淋浴和空调的单人间,两个晚上。 Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly : thou settlest the furrows thereof : thou makest it soft with showers : thou blessest the springing thereof 10你浇透地的犁沟,润平犁脊。降甘霖,使地软和。其中发长的,蒙你赐福。 The trough is forecast to weaken over the next few days , with showers in hong kong being less frequent and more sunshine expected in the latter part of the week 预测该低压槽在未来数天逐渐减弱,本港本周后期骤雨较疏落而阳光会较多。 Mountain wave cloud also known as lenticular cloud , i . e . lens shaped was observed on the hilltop of lantau on 12 august 2003 . the picture was taken at around 2 : 20 p . m . that afternoon at the hong kong international airport looking south - southeast towards lantau with a setting of 1 160s , f8 . 0 and iso - 100 speed . at the time winds were pght to moderate southerly , with showers just passing over lantau an hour earper 相片显示大屿山的山顶正盖著一层波状云也称为荚状云,因其形状如豆荚照片是在二零零三年八月十二日下午二时二十分左右拍摄,地点在香港国际机场朝著东南偏东的方向,用度菲林快门为1 160秒和光圈f8 . 0 。

you know there is meteor shower re

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