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cry on my shoulder什么意思

你好。cry on my shoulder翻译成中文是:靠在我的肩膀上哭泣。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

shoulder paper box是什么意思

shoulder paper box的中文翻译shoulder paper box 肩纸盒

pat sb.on the shoulder是什么意思

【pat sb on the shoulder】意思是【拍拍某人的肩膀;鼓励某人】。双语例句1. He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder. 他轻轻地拍了一下她的肩膀表示鼓励。来自柯林斯例句2. He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 他轻拍了一下她的肩膀让她放心.来自《简明英汉词典》3. He leaned over to give Michael an affectionate pat on the shoulder. 他把身子向前一倾,在迈克尔的肩上热情地拍了一下.来自教父部分4. He gave me a light pat on the shoulder. 他在我肩上轻轻一拍.来自辞典例句5. He gave his younger brother a pat on the shoulder. 他轻轻地拍一下他弟弟的肩膀.

”shoulders”什么意思?(Cry on my shoulders)什么意思?


shoulder one`s way 是什么意思?


cry on ma shoulder是什么意思

呵呵··就是 “(靠在)我肩膀上哭泣”的意思!


shoulder的意思是:肩膀。读音:英 [ˈʃəʊldə] 一、shoulder的多个解释n.肩胛,肩部;前腿连肩肉;前胛肉;路肩;(铅字的)字肩;前肩革;肩状物;肩状部;肩状部;突出部位;(密度曲线的)肩部;肩(戒指上连接指环和镶托的部分)vt.承担;担负;背;扛;用肩推挤vi.推;搡;挤二、辅助记忆1. 搭配词person / garment / road / hide / hill / crag / dune / ring / responsibility / blame / bag / load三、双语例句1. I"ve knackered my shoulder.我伤着肩膀了。2. He has dislocated his shoulder.他的肩膀脱臼了。3. Jake palmed her shoulder lightly.杰克轻轻地抚摸她的肩膀。4. He glanced guiltily over his shoulder.他内疚地回头瞥了一眼。5. He walked backwards, glancing constantly over his shoulder.他后退着走,不断地回头瞥一眼。

shoulder surfer是什么意思


shoulder pouch是什么意思

Shoulder Pouch_翻译Shoulder Pouch 小肩包; [例句]In 1 set including a shoulder bag and a multi-functional wallet in a re-usable zip-around pouch.三合一套装包括一个肩袋、一个多用途皮夹和一个可多次使用的拉链腰包。

shoulder room是什么意思?


A Chip on Your Shoulder词汇典故

  Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.   Every week at this time we tell the story of words and expressions used in American English. Some of them are old. Some are new. Together, they form the living speech of the American people.   Some popular expressions are a mystery. No one is sure how they developed. One of these is the expression, carry a chip on your shoulder. A person with a chip on his shoulder is a problem for anybody who must deal with him. He seems to be expecting trouble. Sometimes he seems to be saying, "I"m not happy about anything, but what are you going to do about it?"   A chip is a small piece of something, like a chip of wood. How did this chip get on a person"s shoulder? Well, experts say the expression appears to have been first used in the United States more than one hundred years ago.   One writer believes that the expression might have come from an old saying. The saying warns against striking too high, or a chip might fall into your eye. That could be good advice. If you strike high up on a tree with an axe, the chip of wood that is cut off will fall into your eye. The saying becomes a warning about the dangers of attacking people who are in more important positions than you are.   Later, in the United States, some people would put a real chip on their shoulder as a test. They wanted to start a fight. They would wait for someone to be brave enough to try to hit it off.   The word chip appears in a number of special American expressions. Another is chip off the old block. This means that a child is exactly like a parent.   This expression goes back at least to the early sixteen hundreds. The British writer of plays, George Colman, wrote these lines in seventeen sixty-two. "You"ll find him his father"s own son, I believe. A chip off the old block, I promise you!"   The word chip can also be used in a threatening way to someone who is suspected of wrongdoing. An investigator may say, "We"re going to let the chips fall where they may." This means the investigation is going to be complete and honest. It is also a warning that no one will be protected from being found guilty.   Chips are often used in card games. They represent money. A poker player may, at any time, decide to leave the game. He will turn in his chips in exchange for money or cash.   This lead to another meaning. A person who finished or died was said to have cashed in his chips. Which is a way of saying it is time for me to finish this program.   (MUSIC)   You have been listening to the VOA Special English program, Words and Their Stories. I"m Warren Scheer.   Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.   现在是美国之音慢速英语词汇掌故节目。   Every week at this time we tell the story of words and expressions used in American English. Some of them are old. Some are new. Together, they form the living speech of the American people.   每周的这个时间,我们都会讲述美式英语中的词汇典故。这些典故中有一些是古老的,有些是新的。它们共同构成了美国人们的生活用语。   Some popular expressions are a mystery. No one is sure how they developed. One of these is the expression, carry a chip on your shoulder. A person with a chip on his shoulder is a problem for anybody who must deal with him. He seems to be expecting trouble. Sometimes he seems to be saying, "I"m not happy about anything, but what are you going to do about it?"   有些常用说法是一个谜,没人能确定它们是如何产生的。其中一个这样的说法就是:carry a chip on your shoulder(准备随时吵嘴、打架的样子 )。这种随时准备干仗的人对任何必须要和他打交道的人来说都是个问题。他似乎在等着找麻烦。有时他的样子看上去就像在说,“我就是对什么都不爽,但你又能怎样吧?”   A chip is a small piece of something, like a chip of wood. How did this chip get on a person"s shoulder? Well, experts say the expression appears to have been first used in the United States more than one hundred years ago.   Chip是指一些东西的碎屑,例如木头碎屑。碎屑怎么会跑到人的肩膀上去呢?专家表示,这种说法似乎在100多年前首次在美国应用。   One writer believes that the expression might have come from an old saying. The saying warns against striking too high, or a chip might fall into your eye. That could be good advice. If you strike high up on a tree with an axe, the chip of wood that is cut off will fall into your eye. The saying becomes a warning about the dangers of attacking people who are in more important positions than you are.   一位作家相信这一说法可能来自一句谚语。这个谚语警告人们砍木头时不要砍的太高,否则碎屑可能会落到眼睛里。这应该是一个很好的建议。如果你用斧头砍树时砍的位置太高,砍掉的木头碎屑就会落到你的眼睛里。这个谚语变成了人们袭击比自己位置更重要的人的危险警告。   Later, in the United States, some people would put a real chip on their shoulder as a test. They wanted to start a fight. They would wait for someone to be brave enough to try to hit it off.   后来在美国,一些人会在肩膀上放上真正的碎屑作为测试。他们想挑起事端,看谁敢将这些碎屑打落。   The word chip appears in a number of special American expressions. Another is chip off the old block. This means that a child is exactly like a parent.   Chip还出现在很多特殊的美国说法中。另一个说法是chip off the old block,意思是酷像父母的`小孩子。   This expression goes back at least to the early sixteen hundreds. The British writer of plays, George Colman, wrote these lines in seventeen sixty-two. "You"ll find him his father"s own son, I believe. A chip off the old block, I promise you!"   这个说法至少要追溯到17世纪初。英国剧作家乔治·科尔曼(George Colman)在1762年这样写道:“我相信,你会发现他就是他父亲的亲生儿子。我向你保证,他们就像一个模子里刻出来的。”   The word chip can also be used in a threatening way to someone who is suspected of wrongdoing. An investigator may say, "We"re going to let the chips fall where they may." This means the investigation is going to be complete and honest. It is also a warning that no one will be protected from being found guilty.   Chip还可以用来威胁涉嫌不法行为的人。调查人员可能会说,“We"re going to let the chips fall where they may.(我们将采取行动不计后果)。”意思是,调查过程将是全面和诚实的。这也是一个警告,即任何人都不能逃脱法律的制裁。   Chips are often used in card games. They represent money. A poker player may, at any time, decide to leave the game. He will turn in his chips in exchange for money or cash.   Chips(筹码)还常用于纸牌游戏中,它们代表的是钱。扑克牌玩家可能随时会决定离开这个游戏。他会把自己的筹码兑换成现金或支票。   This lead to another meaning. A person who finished or died was said to have cashed in his chips. Which is a way of saying it is time for me to finish this program.   这引申出另一个意思。一位完成工作或去世的人会被说成have cashed in his chips(筹码已兑现,引申意思是工作完成或去世了)。用这个说法也能表示,是时候结束这次节目了。

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Have a chip on one"s shoulder.是怎么来的

叫阵,叫板,挑衅的意思.Chip的意思是木板.这一语源于儿童游戏.如果一方的孩子要当首领的话,他放一块木板在自己的肩膀上,问对方的孩子敢不敢把木板打掉.如果有人挑战,那么两个人就要决出输赢.此语由此转喻为“针锋相对”“互不相让”或“好斗”,有时又与汉语的“叫板”近似.例如:the boy is not popular among his peers.The always seems to have a chip on his shoulder.那个男孩在同学中人缘不好,他好像总要别人叫板.此外,该语还可意指“不满”或“对抗”.例如:Mary has got a chip on her shoulder about not having obtained the scholarship.玛丽由于没有得到奖学金而愤愤不平.

Username length should be 4-20 characters and contain alphanumeric text or underscores.


Always turns a cold shoulder to me什么意思啊

对某人冷淡的意思,下面是几个例子我必须要对他冷淡点,要不然他总是缠着我。Imust tip himthecold shoulder, orhewill be pesteringme eternally有总是被解释他作为自负的超然之后我一般过酷和对他冷淡。Havingalwaysinterpretedhisaloofnessasconceit, Ihadgenerallybeencoolandalooftowardhim他以前对我有点冷淡,但是现在看电视的时候它总是蜷缩在我的肚子上,甚至是钻进衣服里。Hewas a bitaloofbefore, nowhe insists on curling up on mybellyduringTVtimes, and even gets himself involved


leg :腿knee:膝盖head:头stomach:胃tongue:舌头shoulder:肩



For short life is we should cherish love themselves 这句话是什么意思



supper和soup有关?一个晚餐,一个汤。而且supper中,sup本身有(小口地) 喝的意思。





有没有shoulder by shoulder这个短语



单数shoulder 肩膀(一个)复数shoulders 双肩祝你开心如意!

与shoulder 到底是什么搭配on还是over



shoulder 英[ˈʃəʊldə(r)] 美[ˈʃoldɚ] n. 肩膀;(衣服的)肩部;山肩;路肩 vt. 担负,承担;肩起,挑起;用肩顶… 第三人称单数:shoulders;过去分词:shouldered;名词复数:shoulders;... [例句]Guillermo put his arm around her shoulder.吉尔勒莫伸开胳膊搂住她的肩膀。


shoulder英[ˈʃəʊldə(r)]美[ˈʃoʊldə(r)]n.肩膀; (衣服的)肩部; 山肩; 路肩vt.担负,承担; 肩起,挑起; 用肩顶…网络担任; 责任; 肩上I do special neck and shoulder exercises.我做专门的颈部和肩部运动




收的儿 音调发音比较类似

shoulder; soldier ; angel 这英语在美式英语中怎么读? 求谐音的读法~



shoulder ["ʃəʊldə] 读作“手的”n. 肩,肩膀;肩部vi. 用肩推挤,用肩顶vt. 肩负,承担


shoulders[英]["ʃəʊldəz][美]["ʃoʊldəz]n.肩( shoulder的名词复数 );(衣服的)肩部;山肩;路肩(公路两侧供车辆紧急停靠的地带)v.承担( shoulder的第三人称单数 );背;用肩顶…;挤双语例句1.She had a shawl draped around her shoulders.她肩上披着一条围巾。2.He was tall and broad with humped shoulders.他身高体宽,双肩隆起。3.Her shoulders were badly sunburned.她的肩膀严重晒伤了。4.He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders.他抱起孩子,让她骑在自己的肩膀上。5.Her long blond hair spilled down over her shoulders.她那淡黄色的长发披垂在双肩。

肩并肩 英语 肩并肩用英语是shoulder to shoulder 还是shoulder by shoulder?

shoulder to shoulder 1.距离非常贴近地;肩并肩地 2.密切合作地 可参见:

shoulder有复数吗 shoulders?有加S的吗


有没有shoulder by shoulder这个短语




歌词中有“shoulder ”的英文歌

You raise me up




是啊,可以说shoulders,shake your shoulders,常说的耸耸肩膀。


should 英[ʃud, ʃəd] 美[ʃʊd] 1.应该 2.有可能 3.将会 1.应该 The day was drawing near when we should have completed the reservoir.我们完成水库工程的日子不远了。The suggestion is that they should start from scratch.提出的建议是, 他们从头开始。You should be careful.你要当心。2.有可能 If I didn"t write them down I should probably forget all about them.如果我不把它们写下来, 就可能忘得一干二净。3.将会 I never realized that some day I should be living in Hong Kong.我从未想到将来有一天会在香港居住。shoulder 英[ˈʃəuldə] 美[ˈʃoldɚ] 过去式:shouldered 过去分词:shouldered 现在分词:shouldering 复数:shoulders n. 1.肩, 肩部, 肩膀, 肩胛 2.背的上部 3.有责任[须承担责任]的人 4.山肩;瓶肩 5.路肩(公路两侧供车辆紧急停靠的地带) 6.(衣服的)肩部 7.前腿连肩肉 vt. 1.背, 扛, 担, 挑 2.用肩顶…, (用肩膀)推开, 顶开 3.承担, 担负 4.挤;闯 名词 n.1.肩, 肩部, 肩膀, 肩胛 I feel a dull ache in the shoulder.我的肩膀感到隐约疼痛。2.背的上部 His shoulders bowed with age.他因年老而佝偻了。3.有责任[须承担责任]的人4.山肩;瓶肩5.路肩(公路两侧供车辆紧急停靠的地带) 6.(衣服的)肩部7.前腿连肩肉及物动词 vt.1.背, 扛, 担, 挑2.用肩顶…, (用肩膀)推开, 顶开 The boy shouldered a basket of fruits.这个男孩扛了一筐水果。3.承担, 担负 The oldest son should shoulder the burdens of the family.长子该担负起家庭的重担。4.挤;闯


shoulder ["ʃəʊldə] 读作“手的”n. 肩,肩膀;肩部vi. 用肩推挤,用肩顶vt. 肩负,承担




不一样,/:shʊd /:shaʊt


shoulder造句如下:1、He felt a hand on hisshoulder.(他感到有只手在他肩上。)2、I clamped a hand on hisshoulder.(我用一只手紧紧抓住他的肩膀。)3、He looped the strap over hisshoulder.(他把带子绕了一个圈挎在肩上。)4、I"ve got a lump on myshoulder.(我的肩膀上有个肿块。)5、She tapped him on theshoulder.(她拍了拍他的肩膀。)6、I do special neck andshoulder exercises.(我做专门针对颈部与肩部的锻炼。)7、A bullet ripped into hisshoulder.(一颗子弹穿透了他的肩头。)8、He was wounded in theshoulder by a ricochet.(他被一颗弹起的子弹打伤了肩膀。)9、He had a heart tattooed on hisshoulder.(他让人给他在肩膀上刺了一颗心形图案。)10、He placed his hand on hershoulder.(他把手搭在她的肩上。)11、He slung the bag over hisshoulder.(他把包一甩,挎在肩上。)12、Ralph tapped me on theshoulder.(拉尔夫轻轻地拍了拍我的肩膀。)13、His head was resting on hershoulder.(他的头正靠在她的肩上。)14、Jane snuggled up against hisshoulder.(简依偎在他的肩膀上。)15、He dislocated hisshoulder in the accident.(他在事故中肩膀脱臼了。)

shoulder surfer是什么意思

百度为您找到相关结果约251个shoulder surfer_百度翻译shoulder surfer [英]ˈʃəuldə ˈsə:fə [美]ˈʃoldɚ ˈsɚfɚ n. 从肩后偷看的人,常常在他人使用电脑、取款机或者填表时偷看,以获... 我种下一颗种子明天春天结出果实你有问题,我来解答芝麻一帮一,问题全无一万千芝麻是一家,团结合作靠大家不明白请及时追问,敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢




shoulder[英][ˈʃəʊldə(r)][美][ˈʃoldɚ]n.肩膀;(衣服的)肩部;山肩;路肩vt.担负,承担;肩起,挑起;用肩顶…复数: shoulders 第三人称单数: shoulders 过去式: shouldered 过去分词:shouldered 现在分词: shouldering双语例句1.He dislocated his shoulder in the accident.他在事故中肩膀脱臼了。2.She cast a furtive glance over her shoulder.她心里不安,回头偷偷瞥了一下。3.Ian placed a hand on her shoulder.伊恩把一只手搭在她的肩上。4.He struck him with a mighty blow across his shoulder.他猛一下砸在他的肩膀上。5.The arrow pierced his shoulder.箭头射入他的肩膀。


shoulder 英[ˈʃəʊldə(r)] 美[ˈʃoldɚ] n. 肩膀;(衣服的)肩部;山肩;路肩 vt. 担负,承担;肩起,挑起;用肩顶… 第三人称单数:shoulders;过去分词:shouldered;名词复数:shoulders;... [例句]His shoulder hurt like hell.他的肩膀疼得要死。






shoulder 英[ˈʃəʊldə(r)] 美[ˈʃoldɚ] n. 肩膀;(衣服的)肩部;山肩;路肩 vt. 担负,承担;肩起,挑起;用肩顶… 第三人称单数:shoulders;过去分词:shouldered;名词复数:shoulders;... [例句]His shoulder hurt like hell.他的肩膀疼得要死。


shoulders读音是英["ʃəuldəz]。shouldersn. 肩膀(shoulder的复数);肩部。原形是shoulder。常用搭rub shoulders with与……接触,并肩。双语例句1、She shrugged her shoulders as if to show that she didn"t care.她耸耸肩好像是说她不在乎。2、Her shoulders were badly sunburned.她的肩膀严重晒伤了。3、Her shoulders heaved with laughter.她笑得双肩抖动。4、She wore a shawl about her shoulders.她披了一件披肩。5、He carried the child on his shoulders.他把孩子扛在肩上。6、He shook her violently by the shoulders.他抓着她的肩膀使劲摇晃。


shoulders读音是英["ʃəuldəz]。shouldersn. 肩膀(shoulder的复数);肩部。原形是shoulder。常用搭rub shoulders with与……接触,并肩。双语例句1、She shrugged her shoulders as if to show that she didn"t care.她耸耸肩好像是说她不在乎。2、Her shoulders were badly sunburned.她的肩膀严重晒伤了。3、Her shoulders heaved with laughter.她笑得双肩抖动。4、She wore a shawl about her shoulders.她披了一件披肩。5、He carried the child on his shoulders.他把孩子扛在肩上。6、He shook her violently by the shoulders.他抓着她的肩膀使劲摇晃。


关于shoulder组词如下:SHOULDER PAD肩垫 ; 肩棉 ;[服装]垫肩 ; 膊头棉    shoulder seam纳膊位 ; 肩缝合线 ; 纳膊位肩缝    small shoulder小肩      shoulder tape肩带 ; 牵带 ; 扁带    shoulder throw肩部投 ; 肩摔 ; 肩背投shoulder presentation横产位 ; 横产式为肩先露 ;     shoulder block肩部撞击 ; 肩阻挡 ; 带肩滑车 ; 用肩阻挡   Shoulder belay肩式保护 ; 肩式维护 ; 肩保护栓      shoulder retractor肩膀牵开器     Shoulders 双肩; 肩部; 肩膀; 海飞丝;    shouldered 带肩销轴   Shouldering 肩挑; 背负;   bearing locating shoulder 轴承定位台肩     had broad shoulders 能担当重任           Shaking My Shoulders 震动着我肩膀have broad shoulders 能担当重任; 身体结实;    drop a shoulder 斜肩晃动calcifying tendinitis shoulder 肩钙化性肌腱炎    square your shoulder 磊落大方; 姿态磊落大方;例句:1.Black and Lupin stood shoulder to shoulder, wands raised.布莱克和卢平并肩站着,举起了魔杖。「哈利波特与阿兹卡班囚徒」2.Square my shoulders or keep my head down?收肩还是头压低一点?「瑞克与莫蒂 第一季(双语)」3.Quick, throw some over your left shoulder.快,往你左肩膀上撒点盐。「 Minute English 六分钟英语」4.Jo jumped at Amy and shook her shoulders.琼跳过来摇晃着艾米的肩膀。「小妇人(精简版)」5.You basically are going to squeeze your shoulders back.顾名思义就是把肩膀往后缩。「科普小杂文」6.Here, put this shawl round your shoulders.拿这围巾盖上点肩膀吧。「雅思听力」7.Okay, maybe let"s not do the shoulders.好吧 不要按肩膀了。「《绝望的主妇》第七季」8.They stand shoulder to shoulder, facing their attacker.它们肩并肩站着,面对着袭击者。「侏罗纪搏击俱乐部」9.If you disapprove, I can only shrug my shoulders.若你不赞同,我也只能无可奈何耸耸肩。「史蒂芬‧金谈写作」10.You can see my shoulders over that left leg.你可以看到我的肩膀在左腿上方。


shoulder [英][ˈʃəʊldə(r)][美][ˈʃoldɚ] n. 肩膀;(衣服的)肩部;山肩;路肩 vt. 担负,承担;肩起,挑起;用肩顶… 复数:shoulders 第三人称单数:shoulders 过去式:shouldered 过去分词:shouldered 现在分词:shouldering 双语例句 1. He dislocated his shoulder in the accident. 他在事故中肩膀脱臼了. 2. She cast a furtive glance over her shoulder. 她心里不安,回头偷偷瞥了一下. 3. Ian placed a hand on her shoulder. 伊恩把一只手搭在她的肩上. 4. He struck him with a mighty blow across his shoulder. 他猛一下砸在他的肩膀上. 5. The arrow pierced his shoulder. 箭头射入他的肩膀.


shoulder ["ʃəuldə]n.肩(膀, 胛, 背); [pl. ]上背部(关节)肩状的部分或突出部; 衣肩[pl. ][喻]担当的能力; 负责【刷】字肩【地理】谷肩;【动】前角; 中胸角; 侧角【军】掮枪姿势【建】路的边缘; 路肩; (筑城)肩角;【机】台肩, 轴肩【航海】吃水线凸出处[弯曲部]shrug one"s shoulders耸耸肩give a child a ride on one"s shoulders让小孩骑在肩上a man with sqaure [broad] shoulders肩膀宽阔的男人with shoulders thrown back挺着胸shift the blame to other shoulders把责任推给别人承担the northwest shoulder of Europe欧洲的西北角This coat is narrow across the shoulders.这件外衣肩窄。If you want to tell me your trouble, I have broad shoulders.如果你想把你的烦恼告诉我, 我乐意听。Don"t drive on the shoulder of the road.不要沿路边开车。 词性变化shoulder ["ʃəuldə]vt.挑起; 承担用肩膀推[挤]shoulder one"s way through the crowd用肩从人群中挤过shoulder ["ʃəuldə]vi.用肩膀推, 使劲推 继承用法shoulderette[,ʃəuldə"ret]n.肩披shoulder-highadj.齐肩高的shoulder-jointn.肩关节shouldermarkn.肩章shouldermountedadj.肩挂式shoulderpeggedadj.肩膀强壮的(指马) 习惯用语a shoulder to cry on [口]能提供慰藉的人; 所祈求的同情be up to one"s shoulders 深深地陷着, 工作忙得不可开交clap [tap] sb. upon the shoulder 拍人的肩膀; 逮捕cold shoulder 冷遇, 白眼come from the shoulder [美]直截了当come to the shoulder 掮枪cry on sb."s shoulder 向某人倾诉以求同情get the cold shoulder 受到冷遇, 讨个没趣give [show, turn] the cold shoulder to 冷落某人, 不理睬某人, 同某人断绝来往have a head upon one"s shoulders [口]懂事, 懂道理have broad shoulder 能挑重担能接受非难, 气量大have sth. on one"s shoulders 承担着(责任等)lay the blame on the right shoulders 责备得当look over one"s shoulder 小心提防over the shoulder 讥讽, 挖苦over the left shoulder [俚]恰恰相反overleap one"s shoulders [美]做得过头;超越自己的能力put on sb."s shoulders (=put on the shoulders of sb., shift on to other shoulders) 把责任推给别人put an old head on young shoulders 叫年轻人懂事, 使年轻人认真负责put [set] one"s shoulder to the wheel 积极工作, 勤奋工作; 帮助人rub shoulders with 和...接触; 并肩; 协力shift sth. from one"sshoulder 推卸某事square one"s shoulders 挺胸(以示轻蔑)stand head and shoulder above sb. 远胜于某人straight from the shoulder 直截了当的[地], 全力以赴的[地]take sth. on one"s own shoulders 自己承担(责任)turn a cold shoulder upon [to] sb. 冷落某人, 不理睬某人with one"s shoulder to collar 紧张地干, 拼命地(工作)shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地, 同心协力地 特殊用法bolt shoulder 螺栓肩chamfered shoulder 倒棱肩cutting shoulder 切口边light shoulder 瓶肩过薄, 薄肩(玻璃制品缺陷)mountain shoulder 山肩shaft shoulder 轴肩shear shoulder 桨叶附根sunken shoulder 塌肩(玻璃制品缺陷)tapered shoulder 锥形(轴)环thin shoulder 薄肩(玻璃制品缺陷)tire shoulder 胎肩umbilical shoulder 脐棱usable shoulder 有效路肩, 可用路肩vegetated shoulder 植草路肩wheel shoulder 轮肩shoulder of baseplate 垫板肩shoulder of earth body 路肩shoulder of spindle 轴肩名词 n.1.肩, 肩部, 肩膀, 肩胛 I feel a dull ache in the shoulder.我的肩膀感到隐约疼痛。2.背的上部 His shoulders bowed with age.他因年老而佝偻了。3.有责任[须承担责任]的人4.山肩;瓶肩5.路肩(公路两侧供车辆紧急停靠的地带) 6.(衣服的)肩部7.前腿连肩肉及物动词 vt.1.背, 扛, 担, 挑2.用肩顶…, (用肩膀)推开, 顶开 The boy shouldered a basket of fruits.这个男孩扛了一筐水果。3.承担, 担负 The oldest son should shoulder the burdens of the family.长子该担负起家庭的重担。4.挤;闯


shoulder英语的读法是 【ˈʃəʊldə(r)】【ˈʃoʊldər】。n.肩,肩膀,肩胛;(衣服的)肩部;肩肘(肉);前腿连肩肉;肩状物;山肩;路肩;瓶肩;肩关节;上背部;担当能力;路肩;(车行道两侧的)紧急停车道。v.承担,担负;扛,背;(用肩膀)推/挤/顶开;为…提供肩状(突出)部。短语搭配:SHOULDER PAD肩垫;肩棉;垫肩;膊头棉。shoulder seam纳膊位;肩缝合线;纳膊位肩缝。small shoulder小肩。shoulder tape肩带;牵带;扁带。shoulder throw肩部投;肩摔;肩背投。shoulder presentation横产位;横产式为肩先露;翻译。shoulder block肩部撞击;肩阻挡;带肩滑车;用肩阻挡。Shoulder belay肩式保护;肩式维护;肩保护栓。例句:1、Investors will have to shoulder some of the costs of reprocessing paperwork.投资者将不得不在收楼文书上面承担一些费用。2、He moved his shoulder experimentally to see if it still hurt.他试着动了动肩看看还疼不疼。3、Sharpe"s leg and shoulder began to ache, a sure sign of rain.夏普的腿和肩开始痛了,这是要下雨的准确迹象。4、The shoulder is a quirky joint and one that"s complicated and prone to injury.人类的肩部是一个奇特的关节系统,极其复杂但容易受伤。5、Presently they were shoulder to shoulder.现在他们肩并肩着。6、(sports) with hand brought forward and up from below shoulder level.(体育)手从肩下向前方或上方带动的。7、On the girl"s shoulder sat a little marmoset scratching its head comically.在女孩的肩膀上坐着一只正在挠头的小猴子。






shoulder 英[ˈʃəʊldə(r)] 美[ˈʃoldɚ] n. 肩膀;(衣服的)肩部;山肩;路肩 vt. 担负,承担;肩起,挑起;用肩顶… 第三人称单数:shoulders;过去分词:shouldered;名词复数:shoulders;... [例句]His shoulder hurt like hell.他的肩膀疼得要死。




shoulder 英[ˈʃəʊldə(r)] 美[ˈʃoldɚ] n. 肩膀;(衣服的)肩部;山肩;路肩 vt. 担负,承担;肩起,挑起;用肩顶… 第三人称单数:shoulders;过去分词:shouldered;名词复数:shoulders;... [例句]His shoulder hurt like hell.他的肩膀疼得要死。您的采纳是对我的回答最大的肯定。手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,谢谢!


是啊,可以说shoulders,shake your shoulders,常说的耸耸肩膀.


shoulder英 ["ʃəʊldə]美 ["ʃoldɚ]n. 肩,肩膀;肩部vi. 用肩推挤,用肩顶vt. 肩负,承担更多释义>>[网络短语]SHOULDER 肩宽,肩膀,肩SHOULDER PAD 肩棉,肩垫,膊头棉



shoulder 短语 所有包括shoulder的短语

a shoulder to cry on [口]能提供慰藉的人; 所祈求的同情be up to one"s shoulders 深深地陷着,工作忙得不可开交clap [tap] sb.upon the shoulder 拍人的肩膀; 逮捕cold shoulder 冷遇,白眼come from the shoulder [...

nose knee shoulder都属于哪一类

nose不同类,属于五官,而knee和shoulder属于身体部位。nose英 [nəʊz]     美 [noʊz]    n. 鼻子;突出部分;嗅觉;v. 嗅到;探听。knee英 [niː]     美 [niː]    n. 膝盖;膝关节。shoulder英 ["ʃəʊldə(r)]     美 ["ʃoʊldər]    n. 肩膀;肩部;v. 承担;扛;肩负;(用肩)推挤。shoulder用法:1、shoulder也可指牲畜的“前腿肉”,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。2、shoulder的复数形式shoulders可作“背的上部”解,即两肩之间的部位,用于比喻,可表示“有责任或须承担责任的人”。3、shoulder用作动词的意思是“扛,担,挑,掮”,指把某物放在肩上,也可表示“用肩顶某人〔物〕”,引申可作“承担”解。

shoulder怎么读 英语shoulder怎么读

1、shoulder英[ˈʃəʊldə(r)]美[ˈʃoʊldər]n.肩; 肩膀; 肩胛; …肩膀的; (衣服的)肩部; 前腿连肩肉; 山肩; 路肩;v.承担; 担负; 挤; 闯; (用肩膀)推开,顶开; 背。 2、[例句]Several weeks after the match, he was still nursing a shoulder injury.比赛过去几个星期了,他仍在疗养肩伤。




shoulder的读音:英 [ˈʃəʊldə(r)] ;美 [ˈʃoʊldər] 。n. 肩,肩膀;肩部vt. 肩负,承担vi. 用肩推挤,用肩顶短语Shoulder to Shoulder 肩对肩 ; 并肩SHOULDER PAD 肩垫 ; 肩棉 ; [服装] 垫肩Cry On My Shoulder 我肩上哭泣 ; 在我肩上哭泣词语辨析serve, conduct, shoulder, tackleserve V服务;供(某人)饭菜;供职、服役 N 发球conduct N 行为,品德,指导,指挥,管理,经营 V 领导,指导,带领shoulder N 肩膀,肩部 V 扛,承担tackle 应付,对付,处理


shoulder的意思是:肩,肩膀;肩部。shoulder,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词。作名词时意为“肩,肩膀;肩部”,作及物动词时意为“肩负,承担”,作不及物动词时意为“用肩推挤,用肩顶”。shoulder的例句:1. The arrow pierced his shoulder.箭头射入他的肩膀。2. She tapped him on the shoulder.她拍了拍他的肩膀。3. He felt a hand on his shoulder.他感到有只手在他肩上。4. I"ve got a lump on my shoulder.我的肩膀上有个肿块。5. Ralph tapped me on the shoulder.拉尔夫轻轻地拍了拍我的肩膀。

you should bend a little是什么意思

你应该稍微退让些. bend原意为弯腰,此处引申为退让,屈服.


情态动词should的用法   导语:情态动词Should的用法有很多,下面是我整理的情态动词should的用法,欢迎参考!   一、Should 表示过去将来时,即从过去观点看将来要发生的是,多用于间接引语中。   We thought that we should never see you again. 我们想我们再也看不到你了。   The BBC weather report this morning said that we should have rain.今天早上,BBC电台天气报告说,今天有雨。   二、Should 表示义务、责任、常译为“应当”,“应该”,或表示一种估计的情况,译成“按理应当”,“估计......”。   Why should I pay him? 为什么我该付给他钱?   They should be there by now, I think. 我估计,他们现在到那儿了。   Should 用于完成时态,表示对过去发生的动作的一种推测,译成“应该已经......”。   You should have washed the wood. (But you haven"t.) 你应该把伤口清洗了。(然而你没有)   三、Should 用于虚拟语气中。   (1)用于It is necessary (important, strange.。。that.。。)中,在美国英语中should 常省去。   It is important that we (should) learn English well. 我们学好英语很重要。   (2)用于It is ordered (suggested)that.。。中,而在美语中should常省去。   It is decided that we (should) finish our work in a week.决定我们要在一周之内完成我们的工作。   (3)用于表示命令、请求、建议、决定等词后面的宾语从句中,在美国英语中should常省去。   He wrote, suggesting that Mr. Wang (should) come to Beijing. 他信中建议王先生到北京来。   The commander ordered that the city (should) be taken in five days.司令员下令必须在五天之内占领这座城市。   (4)should用于表示命令、请求、建议、决定等词后面的表语从句,同位语从句中,在美国英语中should 常省去。   We all agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to Beijing for sightseeing.我们都同意他的意见,去北京观光。   My idea is that we (should) do exercises first. 我的意见是我们先做练习题。   (5)用于if引导的从句中,表示与将来事实可能相反的假设。   If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay home. 如果明天下雨,我们就呆在家里。   四、在条件状语从句中,should 表示“万一”,即可表示不能实现的"假设,又可表示可以实现的假设。   If he should fail to come, ask Comrade Cheng to work in his place.万一他不来,就叫陈同志代替他的工作。   Should it rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. 万一明天下雨,会议就延期。   五、在某些从句中,should 表示惊异、意外等情绪,常译为“竟然”。   It seems unfair that this should happen to me.真不公平,这件事竟然发生在我身上。   六、should 用于主句中,主语是第一人称,表示某一条件下所产生的必然结果,并与事实相反;当主语是第二、三人称时,表示说话人或执笔人的意志或看法。   If I met her, I should tell her about it. 如果我碰到他,我肯定会将此事告诉他。   If he had much money, he should buy it. 如果他有很多钱的话,我就让他买了。   七、当陈述部分含有ought to ,其反意疑问句部分,美国英语中用should . She ought to stay here, shouldn"t her?她该留在这儿,是吗?   八、用于成语中 I should like to......“我想(做)......”   I should like to ask the teacher a question. = I should love to ask the teacher a question. 我想问老师一个问题。 ;

should 的用法



shouldYou should work harder, I think.我认为你应该努力点工作。


初中英语语法should的用法知识点   should的用法:   should用来提出建议和忠告,后边加动词原形,否定句直接在should后边加not.   例如:I think you should eat less junk food.   我认为你应该少吃垃圾食品。   She drives a lot and she seldom walks. So I think she should walk a lot.   她经常开车,很少走路。所以我认为她应该多走路。   Students shouldn"t spend too much time playing computer games.   学生们不应当花太多的时间玩计算机游戏。   学习向别人提建议的几种句式:   (1)I think you should…   (2)Well, you could…   (3)Maybe you should …   (4)Why don"t you…?   (5)What about doing sth.?   (6)You"d better do sth.   练一练   用should或shouldn"t填空   1. I can"t sleep the night before exams.   You ______ take a warm shower before you go to bed.   2. Good friends ______ argue each other.   3. There is little milk in the glass. We _______ buy some.   4. They didn"t invite you? Maybe you ______ be friendlier.   5. I am a little bit overweight. So I think I _______ do exercises every day.   答案:1. should 2. shouldn"t 3. should 4. should 5. should ;


should的用法: 1.用于第一人称疑问句,表征询意见.如: Should I open the window?我可以开窗户吗? 2.should表义务,可用于各种句式,通常指将来.如: You should do what your parents tell you. 你应该照你父母的话去做事. He should do some work,but he doesn"t want to. 他应该做些工作,但是他不想做. 也可指现在.如: You shouldn"t feel so unhappy over such trifles. 对这种小事,你不应该感到这么不高兴. You shouldn"t be sitting in the sun. 你不应该坐在阳光下. 3.should表推测,暗含很大的可能.如: It"s 4:30.They should be in New York by now. 现在是四点半,他们应该到达纽约了. Three weeks should suffice. 三个星期应该足够了. 4.should可在某些从句中,表虚拟语气.如: I suggest that you should stay here as if nothing had happened. 我建议你应该待在这儿,好像什么事也没有发生. She was terrified lest they should go on talking about her. 她感到害怕,唯恐他们再说她的事. If he should drop in,give him my message. 他若来访,就将我的消息给他. 5.should表感情色彩,常用在以why,how开头的疑问句中.如: Why shouldn"t you invite him? 为什么你不邀请他? I don"t see why we shouldn"t make friends. 我不明白为什么我们竟不能成为朋友. How should I know?我怎么知道? ★在that引导的从句中,should也可表惋惜、忧虑、欢乐、惊讶等感情色彩.如: I"m sorry that you should think so badly of me. 你竟把我想得这样坏,我感到遗憾. It is absurd that such things should happen to a family like theirs. 真可笑,这种事竟发生在他们那样的家庭中. ★should还用于一些特殊结构,表感情色彩.如: That it should come to this! 事情竟到了这种地步! To think that it should have happened to me!谁想到这种事竟发生在我身上!


should 一词在中学英语课本中出现频率很高。它的用法灵活、含义丰富,因而一直是历年高考关注的热点。现将其具体用法分述如下: 一 . should 作为助动词 shall 的过去式,可以在间接引语中与第一人称主语搭配,表示过去将来时间。例如: The group leader announced that we should (= would ) begin to work soon. 小组长宣布:我们不久就开始工作。 A week ago, I told him that I should (= would) go to Beijing the next day. 一个星期以前,我告诉他我第二天就去北京。 二 . should 作为情态动词,通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,译作“应该”、“应当”,这时它可以和 ought to, be supposed to 互换使用。例如: You should (= are supposed to ) complete your test in time. 你们应该按时做完你们的实验。 You should (= ought to ) tell your mother about it at once. 你应该立即把此事告诉你妈妈。 In sum, theory should be combined with practice. 总之,理论应该与实验相结合。 三 . should 作为情态动词,可以用在条件状语从句中,表示语气较强的假设,译作“万一”、“竟然”,这时也可将 should 置于从句之首,即将 should 放在主语前面,而省略从属连词 if .例如: If you should fail to come, ask Mrs Chen to work in your place. (= Should you fail to come, ask Mrs Chen to work in your place. ) 万一你来不了,就叫陈夫人代替你。 If anyone should come, say I am not at home. (= Should anyone come, say I am not at home. ) 万一有人来访,就说我不在家。 If it should rain tomorrow, I wouldn"t go. (= Should it rain tomorrow, I wouldn"t go.) 万一明天天下雨,我就不去了。 四 . should 作为情态动词,可以表示谦逊、客气、委婉之意,译为“可……”、“倒……”。例如: I should say that it would be better to try it again. 我倒是认为最好再试一试。 You are mistaken, I should say. 据我看,你搞错了。 He should expect their basketball team to win the match. 他倒是希望他们的篮球队赢得这场比赛的胜利。 Should you like some tea ? 你可喜欢喝茶? 五 . should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的。尤其在以 why, who, how 等开头的修辞疑问句或某些感叹句中常常译为“竟会”、“居然”。例如: How should I know it ? 我怎么会知道这件事? Why should you be so late today ? 你今天怎么来得这么晚? When I went out, whom should I meet but my old friend Xiao Li ! 当我出去时,想不到竟会碰见我的老朋友小李! I don"t see any reason why he shouldn"t be happy. 我不明白为什么他居然不愉快。 六 . should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示有较大可能实现的猜测、推论,通常译为“可能”、“总该……吧”,相当于 be expected to .例如: They should be home by now, I think. 我想现在他们总该到家了吧。 The report was written after a careful investigation, so it should be reliable. 这份报告是经过周密调查后才写成的,所以应该是可靠的。 七 . should 作为情态动词,用在由 so that, for fear that, lest 引导的目的状语从句和 in case (that) 引导的条件状语从句中,有“能够”、“可能”、“会”之意。例如: They got up early so that they should (= could/ might) catch the first bus in time. 他们起得很早以便能及时赶上头班公交车。 He is working hared for fear that he should fall behind others. 他努力工作,唯恐落在别人后面。 We went over the document again and again lest we should miss any of the main points. 我们把文件看了一遍又一遍,唯恐忽略了其中的什么要点。 He took an umbrella in case (that) it should rain. 他带了一把雨伞,以防天下雨。 八 . should 作为情态动词,可以用于下列虚拟语气句中: 1. 用在表示与将来事实相反的条件状语从句中,构成“ If …… should (do sth)……, …… would/ could/ might (do sth.) …… ”句式。例如: If it should (或 were to ) rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off. (= Should it rain tomorrow/ Were it to rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off.) 如果明天天下雨,运动会就会延期举行。 2. 用在 suggest (propose), arrange, plan, decide,, advise, order, demand, request, desire, insist 等表示“建议”、“要求”、“命令”、“决定”、“安排”、“计划”、“主张”的动词后面接的宾语从句中。这里的 should 也可以省略。例如: He suggested/ proposed/ demanded/ advised that they (should) read the rules carefully. 他建议 / 提议 / 要求 / 劝告他们要仔细阅读这些规则。 The doctor ordered that she (should) stay in bed for another week. 医生嘱咐她再卧床休息一个星期。 He insisted that we (should )take up the matter at the meeting. 他坚持要我们在会上提出这个问题。 3. 用在“ It is desired/ suggested/ requested/ ordered/ proposed/ decided ”之后由 that 引导的主语从句中, should 也可以省略。例如: It is requested that Miss Yang (should) give a performance at the party. 人们要求杨小姐在聚会上表演一个节目。 It has been arranged (planned) that they (should) leave the following week. 已经安排(计划)让他们下星期动身。 It has been decided that the meeting (should) be postponed till next Saturday. 已经决定会议推迟到下周六举行。 4. 用在 suggestion, motion, proposal, order, plan, idea, advice, request, decision, requiry 等名词后面接的表语从句或同位语从句中, should 也可以省略。例如: We all agreed to his suggestion (proposal) that we (should) go to Nanjing for a visit. 我们都同意他提出的要我们到南京去游览的建议。( should 用于同位语从句中) My idea/ motion/ advice/ is that we (should) do more eye exercises every day. 我的意见是我们每天应该多做眼保健操。( should 用于表语从句中) 5. 用在“ It is / was necessary/ important/ strange/ incredible ”或“ It is a pity/ a shame/ no wonder ”之后由 that 引导的主语从句中, should 有“应该”、“必须”、“竟然”、“居然”之意。例如: It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。 It is strange that the wheel should turn so slowly. 真奇怪,这个轮子竟然转动得如此之慢。 It is a great pity/ shame/ that he should be so conceited. 真遗憾,他竟会这样自高自大。 九 . “ should have + - ed 分词”结构用来表达下述意义: 1. 表示“应该已经……”,“本来应该……”,即过去该做某事但实际没有做,其否定式“ shouldn"t have + - ed 分词”意为“本来不应该……”。例如: These cells should have been kept in somedry places. 这些电池本来应该放(保存)在干燥的地方。(但实际上没有把它们放在干燥的地方。) You shouldn"t have dept those cells in the damp place. 你本来不该把那些电池放在潮湿的地方。(但实际上已经把它们放到潮湿的地方了。) 2. 表示“(估计)应该已经……”,“大概已经……”,即对过去情况的推测。例如: They left at nine, so they should have arrived (= probably have arrived) home by now. 他们是九点钟走的,现在应该已经到家了。 They should have finished their work, for they began to do it so early. 他们很早就开始工作,现在大概已经干完了。 3. 意为“竟然已经……”,“居然已经……”,即表示说话人对已经出现的事态感到“惊奇、惊喜、怀疑”。例如: I"m surprised that he should have been so foolish. 我很奇怪,他竟然会这么傻。 I"m amazed that Mr Harris should have said nothing about the matter. 这件事,哈里斯先生竟然只字未提,对此我大为惊异。 It is wonderful that you should have achieved so much these years. 这几年你竟然取得如此大的成就,你真了不起。 此外, should 还可以出现在“ should be doing sth ”或“ should have been doing sth ”等句式中,表示“应该正在……”或表示说话人的某种不满情绪。例如: Why should we be sitting here doing nothing? 我们干嘛坐在这里闲着? You should be wearing a mask. 你应当戴着口罩。 She shouldn"t be working like that. She is still so weak. 她不应当那样干。她身体还很虚弱。 You should have been waiting for us. Why haven"t you? 你应当等着我们的。怎么没有等?


should是shall的过去式,但是使用时并不按照过去式来用。它可以表示一种委婉语气,常用于虚拟语气。should用于完成时态,表示对过去发生的动作的一种推测,译成“应该已经”。 表达将来时的几种结构 going to do 表示最近打算进行的事,具有一定的目的性和计划性。(这种安排既有可能是主语做出的,也有可能是别人安排的。) We are going to have a meeting tomorrow. 表示即将要发生的事情,不可避免要发生的事情。(多用于表天气) It"s getting cloudy. It is going to rain. to do 表示按计划要发生的事,一般认为,这种计划是双方约定的,而be going to do所指的安排不一定是双方约定的。 We are going to meet them at the north of the bridge, because it is the only road they can follow. 我们打算去桥的北边堵他们,因为那是他们的必经之路。 We are to meet each other with them at the north end of the bridge.双方约定好要在桥的北边见面。 be to do 还有很多情态用法,be going to do没有以下用法。 You are to wash your hands before every meal.(表需要=need) As Warrent"s parents,you are to set a good example to him.(表责任,义务,相当于must should) Are we to clean the corridor,Mrs Dell?(表征求意见=shall) The temperature is to drop soon.(表示可能性) Would she get cross if I were to sail into her of lying?(表假设)


  should 一词在中学英语课本中出现频率很高.它的用法灵活、含义丰富,因而一直是历年高考关注的热点.现在我将关于should的句子分享给大家。   一 . should 作为助动词 shall 的过去式,可以在间接引语中与第一人称主语搭配,表示过去将来时间.例如:   The group leader announced that we should (= would ) begin to work soon.   小组长宣布:我们不久就开始工作.   A week ago, I told him that I should (= would) go to Beijing the next day.   一个星期以前,我告诉他我第二天就去北京.   二 . should 作为情态动词,通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,译作“应该”、“应当”,这时它可以和 ought to, be supposed to 互换使用.例如:   You should (= are supposed to ) complete your test in time.   你们应该按时做完你们的实验.   You should (= ought to ) tell your mother about it at once.   你应该立即把此事告诉你妈妈.   In sum, theory should be combined with practice.   总之,理论应该与实验相结合.   三 . should 作为情态动词,可以用在条件状语从句中,表示语气较强的假设,译作“万一”、“竟然”,这时也可将 should 置于从句之首,即将 should 放在主语前面,而省略从属连词 if .例如:   If you should fail to come, ask Mrs Chen to work in your place. (= Should you fail to come, ask Mrs Chen to work in your place. ) 万一你来不了,就叫陈夫人代替你.   If anyone should come, say I am not at home. (= Should anyone come, say I am not at home. ) 万一有人来访,就说我不在家.   If it should rain tomorrow, I wouldn"t go. (= Should it rain tomorrow, I wouldn"t go.)   万一明天天下雨,我就不去了.   四 . should 作为情态动词,可以表示谦逊、客气、委婉之意,译为“可……”、“倒……”.例如:   I should say that it would be better to try it again.   我倒是认为最好再试一试.   You are mistaken, I should say. 据我看,你搞错了.   He should expect their basketball team to win the match.   他倒是希望他们的篮球队赢得这场比赛的胜利.   Should you like some tea ? 你可喜欢喝茶?   五 . should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的.尤其在以 why, who, how 等开头的修辞疑问句或某些感叹句中常常译为“竟会”、“居然”.例如:   How should I know it ? 我怎么会知道这件事?   Why should you be so late today ? 你今天怎么来得这么晚?   When I went out, whom should I meet but my old friend Xiao Li ! 当我出去时,想不到竟会碰见我的老朋友小李!   I don"t see any reason why he shouldn"t be happy.   我不明白为什么他居然不愉快.   六 . should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示有较大可能实现的猜测、推论,通常译为“可能”、“总该……吧”,相当于 be expected to .例如:   They should be home by now, I think. 我想现在他们总该到家了吧.   The report was written after a careful investigation, so it should be reliable.   这份报告是经过周密调查后才写成的,所以应该是可靠的.   七 . should 作为情态动词,用在由 so that, for fear that, lest 引导的目的状语从句和 in case (that) 引导的条件状语从句中,有“能够”、“可能”、“会”之意.例如:   They got up early so that they should (= could/ might) catch the first bus in time.   他们起得很早以便能及时赶上头班公交车.   He is working hared for fear that he should fall behind others.   他努力工作,唯恐落在别人后面.   We went over the document again and again lest we should miss any of the main points.   我们把文件看了一遍又一遍,唯恐忽略了其中的什么要点.   He took an umbrella in case (that) it should rain.   他带了一把雨伞,以防天下雨.   八 . should 作为情态动词,可以用于下列虚拟语气句中:   1. 用在表示与将来事实相反的条件状语从句中,构成“ If …… should (do sth)……, …… would/ could/ might (do sth.) …… ”句式.例如:   If it should (或 were to ) rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off. (= Should it rain tomorrow/ Were it to rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off.)   如果明天天下雨,运动会就会延期举行.   2. 用在 suggest (propose), arrange, plan, decide, advise, order, demand, request, desire, insist 等表示“建议”、“要求”、“命令”、“决定”、“安排”、“计划”、“主张”的动词后面接的宾语从句中.这里的 should 也可以省略.例如:   He suggested/ proposed/ demanded/ advised that they (should) read the rules carefully.   他建议 / 提议 / 要求 / 劝告他们要仔细阅读这些规则.   The doctor ordered that she (should) stay in bed for another week.   医生嘱咐她再卧床休息一个星期.   He insisted that we (should )take up the matter at the meeting.   他坚持要我们在会上提出这个问题.   3. 用在“ It is desired/ suggested/ requested/ ordered/ proposed/ decided ”之后由 that 引导的主语从句中, should 也可以省略.例如:   It is requested that Miss Yang (should) give a performance at the party.   人们要求杨小姐在聚会上表演一个节目.   It has been arranged (planned) that they (should) leave the following week.   已经安排(计划)让他们下星期动身.   It has been decided that the meeting (should) be postponed till next Saturday.   已经决定会议推迟到下周六举行.   4. 用在 suggestion, motion, proposal, order, plan, idea, advice, request, decision, requiry 等名词后面接的表语从句或同位语从句中, should 也可以省略.例如:   We all agreed to his suggestion (proposal) that we (should) go to Nanjing for a visit.   我们都同意他提出的要我们到南京去游览的建议.( should 用于同位语从句中)   My idea/ motion/ advice/ is that we (should) do more eye exercises every day.   我的意见是我们每天应该多做眼保健操.( should 用于表语从句中)   5. 用在“ It is / was necessary/ important/ strange/ incredible ”或“ It is a pity/ a shame/ no wonder ”之后由 that 引导的主语从句中, should 有“应该”、“必须”、“竟然”、“居然”之意.例如:   It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去.   It is strange that the wheel should turn so slowly.   真奇怪,这个轮子竟然转动得如此之慢.   It is a great pity/ shame/ that he should be so conceited.   真遗憾,他竟会这样自高自大.   九 . “ should have + - ed 分词”结构用来表达下述意义:   1. 表示“应该已经……”,“本来应该……”,即过去该做某事但实际没有做,其否定式“ shouldn"t have + - ed 分词”意为“本来不应该……”.例如:   These cells should have been kept in somedry places. 这些电池本来应该放(保存)在干燥的地方.(但实际上没有把它们放在干燥的地方.)   You shouldn"t have dept those cells in the damp place. 你本来不该把那些电池放在潮湿的地方.(但实际上已经把它们放到潮湿的地方了.)   2. 表示“(估计)应该已经……”,“大概已经……”,即对过去情况的推测.例如:   They left at nine, so they should have arrived (= probably have arrived) home by now.   他们是九点钟走的,现在应该已经到家了.   They should have finished their work, for they began to do it so early.   他们很早就开始工作,现在大概已经干完了.   3. 意为“竟然已经……”,“居然已经……”,即表示说话人对已经出现的事态感到“惊奇、惊喜、怀疑”.例如:   I"m surprised that he should have been so foolish. 我很奇怪,他竟然会这么傻.   I"m amazed that Mr Harris should have said nothing about the matter.   这件事,哈里斯先生竟然只字未提,对此我大为惊异.   It is wonderful that you should have achieved so much these years.   这几年你竟然取得如此大的成就,你真了不起.   此外, should 还可以出现在“ should be doing sth ”或“ should have been doing sth ”等句式中,表示“应该正在……”或表示说话人的某种不满情绪.例如:   Why should we be sitting here doing nothing? 我们干嘛坐在这里闲着?   You should be wearing a mask. 你应当戴着口罩.   She shouldn"t be working like that. She is still so weak.   她不应当那样干.她身体还很虚弱.   You should have been waiting for us. Why haven"t you? 你应当等着我们的.怎么没有等?


should是情态动词,后接动词原形。should从时态上说是一般将来时态,还没有发生。译为应该;大概是,有可能;将会,常用来征求别人的意见和建议。后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。shall,can,may,must等都是情态动词,它们不能独立作谓语,只能和动词原形一起构成谓语。扩展资料should的用法1、should意为“应该”,表示劝告或者建议。2、should表示命令或者要求。3、should表示预测或者可能。4、should有时表示说话人的失望、愤怒和惊讶。基本句式:否定句:主语+should+not+动词原形+其他成分。一般疑问句:should +主语+动词原形+其他成分?
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