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35. He wore dark glasses to avoid _____. (本题分数:2 分。) A、 having been spotted B、 to be spott


The People Even James Bond Avoids 求标题翻译,谢谢!

最简洁的回答: 007的克星 大家都知道James Bond 就是007

whant can we do to avoid a stroke?

你好!whant can we do to avoid a stroke?我们能做什么来避免中风?

what topics should be avoided in initiating conversation in english?用英回答


急!在线等how to avoid misunderstandings十句话中译英

1. Misunderstandings in daily life is very common. Many misunderstandings and unnecessary trouble: destroy friendships bring misfortune.2 many measures to avoid misunderstanding.Don"t use contain ambiguity language. Express meaning is clear, pronunciation. Outstanding points. Don"t pretend to understand. When you are not clearly understood to ask. Understand the gender differences in communication.3 as attention, many misunderstandings could avoid. No misunderstanding, have a better life.

作文题目How to avoid misunderstandings 1. 误解在日常生活中十分普遍; 2. 要避免误解有许多办法;

Directions: Write a composition on the topic: How to Avoid Misunderstandings. Your composition should be no less than 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 误解在日常生活中十分普遍; 2. 要避免误解有许多办法; 3. 只要注意,很多误解可以避免。没有误 解,生活会更美好。是这个题目不?万分怀疑咱们是同一个班的= = 连时间都这么巧童鞋,你是杭师大的不?给你一篇我找到的吧"Why do they keep misunderstanding me?" We often hear people complain. Misunderstanding seems to be one of the most disturbing issues in interpersonal relationships. We often see how it undermines the harmonious relationships between people.Several factors contribute to misunderstanding. First, people with different personal and cultural backgrounds may have diverse perspectives in interpreting one behavior. Second, the language we use as a vehicle of conveying thought can be ambiguous, and various ways of decoding (解码) words may result in barriers in communication. Third, misunderstanding occurs because of a lack of mutual trust. If you have prejudice (偏见) against someone, whatever he says may sound iii intentioned to you.Having gone so far in the exploration of the causes of misunderstanding, we can easily arrive at the ways to avoid them. Firstly, we should be broad minded and be tolerant of the differences among people. Secondly, we should be accurate and appropriate in our handle of language, avoiding misleading words. Thirdly, we should be constructive and patient in dealing with people. If we try hard enough, there will be more understanding and less misunderstanding in this

while avoiding the side effects啥意思


how to avoid being a Internet addict英语高分作文?

Psychologists say that the prevention of children"s Internet addiction, the impact of the family environment, and especially the parent"s education are the most important factors.Here an expert gives a trick to prevent Internet addiction of mental illness, that is, parents can disrupt their children"s online,time without any trace. First, psychologists suggest that parents look for the causes of Internet addiction in children with mental illness, such as introverts, unsatisfactory performance, and conflicts in,interpersonal relationships. Let your children realize the serious consequences of things. Then, the trick of preventing Internet addiction of adolescents" mental illness was gradually used to reduce and limit children"s online time. Next, help children understand the dangers of Internet addiction through various channels. Help your children find alternative interests outside the Internet. Understand the psychological characteristics and network knowledge of children"s adolescent.


avoidance和flight的区别在于意思和用法。Avoidance是一个名词,意为避免、回避,通常指在遇到困难或问题时采取的一种避免的策略。某个人不愿意面对某个问题或责任,就会采取避免的策略。这个策略可能会暂时避免问题的出现,但长期来看并不可取,会使问题更加恶化,甚至会影响个人的情绪和健康状况。Flight是一个动词,意为逃跑、飞行,通常指在遇到危险或威胁时采取的一种逃避的策略。在遭遇自然灾害、恐怖袭击等危险情况下,人们会采取逃跑的策略。这种策略可以暂时保护个人的安全,但如果长期采用逃避策略,会影响个人勇气和自信心,导致对未来的恐惧和不确定。虽然Avoidance和flight都是为了避免某些困难和问题,但是avoidance更多的是指避免某个问题的出现,而flight更多的是指在危险或威胁出现时采取的逃避策略。避免和逃避都是一种应对策略,但在实际生活中大家需要根据具体情况采取不同的策略。用avoidance造句:1、He has been using avoidance as a strategy for dealing with difficult problems. (他一直把避免作为处理困难问题的策略。)2、The company"s avoidance of the issue caused a lot of frustration among its employees. (公司对这个问题的回避引起了员工的很大不满。)3、Her avoidance of the topic was obvious, as she quickly changed the subject. (她明显地回避这个话题,很快就转了话题。)4、Avoidance of conflict is not always the best approach, sometimes it"s better to confront the problem. (避免冲突并不总是最好的方法,有时候直面问题更好。)

how to avoid culture shockuff1f

Why do cultures clash? Culture clashes occur when we judge the behaviour of a person from another culture using our own values.For example, a British approach to time may be that there is never enough and so we use it carefully and make sure we don"t waste it. Another culture may see time as something they don"t need to control so strictly and see a flexible response to things as more useful. These two different approaches can quickly lead to clashes in a business setting.So how can I avoid culture clashes?Well, you can either choose to live the life of a recluse and avoid all contact with other people who are different to you u2026 Or you can look at raising awareness of your own culture, such as what values you have around things like time management and so on.By understanding your own preferences, you will be better prepared when you meet different ways of doing things. Also, keep an open mind, people have reasons to act the way they do u2013 find out what it is and find a way to work with it.How can I become more effective across cultures?Know self - This includes knowing about your own culture (national & regional) and knowing how you as an individual fit the national generalisation (are you typical?). In addition, other aspects to take into consideration are your professional culture (Legal, HR, Accountancy, etc.) and your organisational culture (hierarchical? task-driven? people-centred?).You can either choose to live the life of a recluse and avoid all contact with other people who are different to you u2026 Or you can look at raising awareness.Know others - This includes knowing the other culture or cultures you are working with. When you "know" them then you can begin to understand why they do what they do and think as they do. Part of this is of course the country background (history, language, customs, place in the world, etc.) but more importantly, it must take into account the ways and practices of doing business. This includes the general communication style (direct, indirect), the attitude towards issues involving the use of time as we mentioned it earlier, attitudes towards hierarchy, group or more individualist orientation preferences, attitude towards tasks vs. relationship orientation and how they deal with emotions in the workplace (freely and visible or unacceptable?) and finally the attitude towards rules and regulations, is it hard and fast (the law is the law regardless of circumstances) or is it much more dependent upon the context and prevailing circumstances?Taking people with you - Now you have the above you can begin to formulate a way forward that acknowledges the place you are coming from (self) and where the people you are working with are (others). Whose way is best? Ours? Theirs? A combination? Or neither? These are good questions to ask yourself. The key is - what is the objective? Once you have that clear you can work backwards from there to developing a change process that will be effective.Process check - A key point to keep in mind is to be aware of the "happy compromise". Do not use a notion of "fairness" to develop business processes u2013 only use ways that draw on the best that is on offer from all sides that will be effective whilst at the same time paying due respect on all sides. If you still opt to introduce "your" way after due consideration of all aspects of the situation ensure that you "sell" it into the various cultural contexts in a way that shows understanding and respect whilst at the same time providing a good inter-culturally aware learning and development plan specifically for it.If you are interested in trialling a demo of our revised Managing across Cultures eLearning module, then get in touch with us using the information below.

To avoid confusion是什么意思

To avoid confusion为了避免混淆双语对照例句:1.Substitutes have been suggested-"utility hole" and "air lock serving as a decompression chamber for workers." But thiessen said those references will be left alone to avoid confusion. 有人提议用“故障排查洞”和“给工人减压的气闸”来替换上述两个词,但狄森表示不会采纳这些参考意见以免引起人们的困惑。


To avoid confusion,you"d better explain the question clearly to her.

Why do students commit plagiarism and what can what can be done to avoid it?


To combat tax avoidance schemes involving cessation of old (pre-1974) businesses which enable taxp

一楼胡说! 分明是机译的垃圾。打击避税计划涉及已于1974年前结业的业务,当时纳税人在停业年度的利润不会计算在应评税利润之内。从1979年4月1日起施行第18D(2A)条,会将相当于1974/75课税年度被遗漏的应评税利润作出补加税评(即过渡期款额)。

from it will be absent the seemingly unavoidble

这是病句,应该是 “It will be absent from the seemingly unavoidble modern girls.” 或者 “From the seemingly unavoidble modern girls it will be absent.” 意思是 “这种情况会与那些貌似不可避免的现代女孩子格格不入”。不要把别人写错的句子硬性进行自圆其说的解释。


avoid只能做名词吗? 确实只能做及物动词 avoid [u0259"vu0254id] 基本翻译 vt. 避免;避开,躲避;消除 网路释义 avoid:避免|躲避|避免,回避 avoid obsolescence:防止过时 avoid doing:避免做某事|避免|避免做…… funny能做名词吗? funny不能做名词,what a funny只是省略了funny后的名词。fun既是名词也是动词 sick能做名词吗? sick不可以做名词,它没有名词的词性。1. sick有形容词的词性,可以做形容词,如a sick woman。 2.sick有副词的词性,可以坐副词,修饰动词,表程度,如work sick。 补充一下,看了下面的回答,sick做名词的词性很偏僻,一般常见的是:形容词和副词两种词性。 既能做名词也能做动词 你是要举例吗?以下我随便举例几个,1是做动词,2是做名词: 一、调查(还可以用研究、工作、安排、视察、估计、计算、测量等等) 1、让我们来调查他的个人资料,看看有没有问题。 2、你的调查不全面,会误导公司的决策。 二、争斗(还有斗争、挣扎、比赛、求证、起哄等等) 1、他们争斗了一天,也没有结果。 2、你与他的争斗是毫无意义的。 三、评论(还有讨论、感觉、感受、关注、 *** 、触控等等) 1、你评论这件事情的时候有没有考虑他的感受(这儿是名词)。 2、你对这件事情的评论使他感受(这儿做动词)到了社会的关注。 四、安慰(还有抚摸、打磨、补充、离间、注册、调动、开除等等) 1、他正在安慰一个被开除的员工。 2、你的安慰对她的开除也许有帮助。 五、还有单一的字:网、举、磨、求、担、花、困等等 1、他网了一条鱼。 2、快修补你的网,都没法用了! 1、他花一元钱买了一支笔。 2、院子里开满了花。 读书 看报 听歌 喝茶 吃饭 穿衣 打球 跳水 射箭 拉弓 下棋 骑车 打字 .....太多了 几乎所有的动词经过转换可以当名词用,我们就不多浪费时间了! frongtpage只能做静态 frongtpage只能做静态 frongtpage只能做静态 网页吗 可以做ASP的,甚至其他任何型别的网页。 你只要会编辑原始码就可以了 “约定”这个词能做名词吗 可以作名词。 a +adj能不能做名词 答案是: 是可数名词的单数,否则就不能和what 引导的感叹句互相转换,比如: what a clever he is ! how clever a boy he is ! ? ?手工翻译?尊重劳动?欢迎提问?感谢采纳? ? 名词性物主代词是不是只能做表语呢?!? 不是.也可以做主语或宾语。 例如: Mine is better than yours. 我的比你的好。 (主语) Let me look at yours. 让我看看你的。 (宾语) prise在法语中能做名词吗? prise 本身就是名词,阴性。 la prise de décisions 决策 upon能做连词么,还是只能接名词动名词 upon只能做介词,意为在…上面; 当…时候; 后面接动词Ing形式和名词


avoid,英语单词,及物动词,意为“避免;避开,躲避;消除”。短语搭配:avoid obsolescence防止过时;Avoid Creditor避债。void obstacle避障;congestion avoid拥塞避免。avoid obsolescence防止过时。Avoid Creditor避债。avoid obstacle避障。congestion avoid拥塞避免。Avoid Obstacles避开障碍物。avoid detours避免走弯路。avoid reinfection防止再感染。avoid combat避开战斗。Avoid complications避免并发症。例句:What should you avoid?您应该避免什么?。But how to avoid it?但是怎么来避免呢?So what should you do to avoid the damage?那么你该怎么做来避免损伤吗?。The pilots had to take emergency action to avoid a disaster.飞行员们不得不采取紧急措施以避免灾难的发生。


avoid的用法avoid后面跟动名词形式(也就是动词加ing)例如:You can easily fake up an excuse to avoid going out with him.为避免同他一起外出,你可以很容易地编造一个借口。We should avoid talking with strangers.我们应该避免与陌生人说话。满意请及时采纳,谢谢

avoid 用法

avoid是及物动词,后面可跟名词、动名词,不可接不定式,必须是avoid doing sth. 而不是avoid to do sth.可用于被动结构。avoid的基本意思是避开不希望发生的、不愿忍受的或不想遇上的事情。有时含有先见之明的意味。引申可表示“预防”或“防止”发生某事物。avoid所表达的意图总是达成的,否则就须用try。avoid指“避免(成功)”,若是企图避免却失败的,不可用avoid。例句如下:You should avoid unnecessary repetition. 你应避免不必要的重复。They all avoided mentioning that name. 他们都避免提及那名字。He"ll grab at any excuse to avoid doing the dishes. 他会随便找个借口来逃避洗碗。No one can avoid his own responsibility. 没有人能够逃避自己的责任。


avoid是及物动词,可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不接动词不定式,可用于被动结构。 扩展资料 avoid是及物动词,可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不接动词不定式,可用于被动结构。搭配短语:avoid obsolescence 防止过时、Avoid Creditor 避债、congestion avoid 拥塞避免、Avoid Obstacles 避开障碍物。

Apply to a ciean face . Avoid eye area.的中文意思是什么

Apply to a clean face. 原文都写错了。 应用于干净的脸(就是覆之前把脸洗干净),眼睛部分不要覆,保持5到10分钟,水洗掉或者撕掉。 后面的就不是英文了,像是法文吧,意思一样的。


collision avoidance英 [ku0259u02c8liu0292u0259n u0259u02c8vu0254idu0259ns] 美 [ku0259u02c8lu026au0292u0259n u0259u02c8vu0254u026adns]防止空中相撞; 防撞防撞;避碰;避撞;避免碰撞双语例句1. In this paper, Multi - ship Collision Avoidance Simulation System is chiefly researched. 本文主要研究多船会遇船舶避碰专家系统.2. Dynamic responds of a vehicle during collision avoidance were obtained through simulation.通过仿真获得了平曲线上避让过程中车辆的动力学响应.3. The motion of multi - robots includes collision avoidance, group migration and formation. 多机器人运动主要包括避障避碰 、 群集运动、队形控制三个模块.4. Collision avoidance is a critical problem in the 5 - axis machining of three - dimensional impellers. 在三元叶轮的五坐标加工中,碰撞干涉的有效避免是最为关键的问题.5. Research on collision avoidance is studying around this three factors in many ways and many directions. 海上避碰研究正是围绕这三个要素,从多角度、多方位、各层次和多手段进行详细研究的.


approach-avoidance 回避冲突双语例句1.The research testified the influence of approach-avoidance motive conflict on serve performances. 以验证发球趋避动机冲突对发球绩效的影响。2.He considered psychiatry after graduating fromStanford Medical School in 1975, but his relationship to thefield had an approach-avoidance quality. 1975年从斯坦福医学院毕业后他曾考虑当精神病学家,但他跟这个领域的关系存在趋避特点。

初中英语:这道题的第二个空avoid prevent在这里的区别?

avoid 是避免的意思prevent是阻止的意思,这个空就按照字面意思来理解就可以了



求写一段英语作文(大学四级水平)题目是: No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements

False advertising content is bound to mislead, deceive consumers, the corresponding harm on our society. It is manifested in two aspects: Firstly, it destroys the fundamental basis of truth in advertising to make consumers suspicious of advertising, affecting the positive role of advertising. According to the survey, China"s consumers, 85% of people think that most commodities are not as good as advertised, 66% said that ads need to be resolved at this stage is a false nature; second, due to destruction of truth in advertising , so that the interests of consumers of property and personal interests have been violated. Specifically refers to misleading due to false advertising to enable consumers to purchase their goods or services after the deceived, so that consumers are subject to different levels of property damage is more serious is misleading due to false advertising to consumers may also result in disability or death, similar incidents in China from a planned economy to a market economy step by step process of changing from time to time occur; third, potentially harmful. As the speed of dissemination of false advertisement itself,? Characteristics of a wide area, to the normal operation of the market economy created a huge obstacle to the entire economic system and economic order had a very bad influence, so that consumers do not trust the main market, mutual improved preventive measures, such as the purchase of goods or services, auditing standards, as conditions grow more cautious? strict, an increase of consumers to buy goods or services, the difficulty of transactions between market players are becoming increasingly complex,? Government management, increased investment on the market, this is bound to raise the transaction costs to society caused great waste, a serious obstacle to economic development.广告内容虚假必然会误导、欺骗消费者,相应会对社会造成危害。它表现在两方面:第一,破坏了广告的真实性这一根本基础,使消费者对广告产生怀疑,影响了广告的正面作用。据调查统计,我国消费者中有85%的人认为大部分商品不象广告所宣传的那样好,66%认为现阶段广告需要解决的问题是失实性;第二,由于广告的真实性被破坏,从而使消费者财产利益和人身利益受到侵害。具体是指由于虚假广告误导,使消费者购买其商品或服务之后上当受骗,使消费者的财产受到不同程度损害,更为严重的是由于虚假广告的误导还可能造成消费者伤残或死亡,类似事件在我国由计划经济逐步向市场经济转变过程中时有发生;第三,潜在危害性。由于虚假广告本身传播速度快,辐射面广等特征,给市场经济的正常运行造成巨大的阻碍,对整个经济制度与经济秩序产生了极为不良的影响,使消费者对市场主体不信任,互相提高了防范措施,如购买商品或服务时审核标准、条件越来越谨慎、严格,增加了消费者购买商品或服务的难度,市场主体之间的交易也变得越来越复杂,政府对市场管理的投入加大,这样势必要提高交易的成本,给社会造成极大浪费,严重阻碍了经济发展。希望这段对你有帮助

英语作文:How to avoid being misled by advertisements?(急啊。。。。)

Advertisements fill in every gap in our life in nowadays. On television screens, newspapers, on the street even on the back of the toilet door you are staring at with frustration caused by something else. With this none-stop visual invasion happening around us, how can we keep our eyes straight and mind clear?The real purpose of ads is obvious, they want you to remember what they are trying to sell you, they want you to believe how worthit to exchange they products with your money, they want you to be happy for getting something you"ll never need.So how can we avoid being fooled by those ads? Simple. You only need to ask one question: How do I know?"This carpet spray smells extraordinary...." How do I know? "Our newest product brings up hope for ......" How do I know?"This is the last 5 pieces that you can find in anywhere...." How do I know?Ask the question, why on earth do I have to believe what you tell me on the ads with huge letters and bright flashing colours? I make decisions on what I"m getting and what I"m not. Don"t you ever try to stick your hand in my pocket just with showing some fancy pictures and moving lies. 本人高中生,算是高中水平了吧~~

Avoidlove 是什么意思、?


avoid them if they can,什么意思啊?

avoid them if they can意思是:“如果他们可以的话就避开他们”

avoid doing sth请问诸位先生这是什么意思




avoid doing sth什么意思


shun 和avoid有什么区别啊?


avoid moving是什么意思?


You don"t avoid!什么意思?是病句吗



avoid英音 [ ə"vɔid ] ; 美音 [ ə"vɔid ] 及物动词: 1.避开,躲开2.避免(n./+v-ing)3.【律】使无效;撤销词形变化:形容词:avoidable;副词:avoidably;名词:avoider;时态:avoided,avoiding,avoids。同义词:keep off;invalidate,annul,nullify,quash,void;debar,deflect,fend off,head off,avert,obviate,stave off,ward off。反义词:confront,face,face up;formalise,formalize,validate。



Avoid eye area是什么意思?

Avoid eye area是避开眼部区域意思avoid 英[əˈvɔɪd]美[əˈvɔɪd]v. 避免; 防止; 回避; 避开; 躲避; 避免撞到(某物);[例句]The pilots had to take emergency action to avoid a disaster飞行员不得不采取紧急措施避免灾难的发生。[其他] 第三人称单数:avoids 现在分词:avoiding 过去式:avoided 过去分词:avoided


avoid只能作动词。vt. 避开,避免,预防;[法]使无效,撤销,废止

avoid用法和意义 在线

avoid[英][əˈvɔɪd][美][əˈvɔɪd]vt.避开,避免,预防; [法]使无效,撤销,废止; Avoid big folder structuresHe said we should not try to avoid 1929.



try to avoid是什么句型















avoid英 [əˈvɔɪd] 美 [əˈvɔɪd] vt. 避开,避免,预防;[法]使无效,撤销,废止

avoid to do 还是avoid doing?

avoid doing sth. 是正确语法,意思是“避免做某事”。avoid,英语单词,及物动词,意为“避免;避开,躲避;消除”。短语搭配:如avoid obsolescence防止过时;Avoid Creditor避债;avoid obstacle避障;congestion avoid拥塞避免。“avoid”近义词介绍:eliminate读音:英 [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt]、美 [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt]表达意思:剔除,根除;对……不予考虑,把……排除在外;(比赛中)淘汰;铲除,杀害;(生理)排除,排泄;消去词性:通常在句中用作动词,修饰主语或宾语。例句:Recent measures have not eliminated discrimination in employment.最近的举措还未能根除就业歧视。

avoid 后面接什么

1. 从意思上看,可表示“避开”或“躲避”(keep oneself from)某人或某物;也可表示“防止”(prevent)某事的发生。如:I think she is avoiding me.我想她是在躲着我。Try to avoid accidents. 尽量防止发生事故。I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽量避开他。You should avoid such mistakes. 你应当避免这样的错误。Thus he avoided a heart attack. 就这样他避免了一次心脏病复发。The very wise avoid such a temptation. 真正聪明的人都避开这种诱惑。I realized he was trying to avoid the topic. 我意识到他是在设法避开这个话题。2. 从用法上看,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。如:他避而不答我的问题。正:He avoided answering my questions. 误:He avoided to answer my questions. 要想不受影响是不可能的。要想不受影响是不可能的。正:It was impossible to avoid being affected. 误:It was impossible to avoid to be affected.avoid后面可以接on吗,表示在什么方面避免据我所知,不可以,直接用avoid sth




避免。。+ doing

avoid sb to do还是doing?

avoid doing sth. 是正确语法,意思是“避免做某事”。avoid,英语单词,及物动词,意为“避免;避开,躲避;消除”。短语搭配:如avoid obsolescence防止过时;Avoid Creditor避债;avoid obstacle避障;congestion avoid拥塞避免。“avoid”近义词介绍:eliminate读音:英 [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt]、美 [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt]表达意思:剔除,根除;对……不予考虑,把……排除在外;(比赛中)淘汰;铲除,杀害;(生理)排除,排泄;消去词性:通常在句中用作动词,修饰主语或宾语。例句:Recent measures have not eliminated discrimination in employment.最近的举措还未能根除就业歧视。




避免。avoid doing


  avoid  [英][əˈvɔɪd][美][əˈvɔɪd]  vt.避开,避免,预防; [法]使无效,撤销,废止;  第三人称单数:avoids过去分词:avoided现在进行时:avoiding过去式:avoided  满意望采纳,谢谢!



avoid 是什么意思来着?





avoid 英[əˈvɔɪd] 美[əˈvɔɪd] vt. 避开,避免,预防; [法] 使无效,撤销,废止;


是避免的意思 用法:avoid of doing sth


avoid 英[əˈvɔɪd] 美[əˈvɔɪd] vt. 避开,避免,预防; [法] 使无效,撤销,废止; [例句]The pilots had to take emergency action to avoid a disaster飞行员不得不采取紧急措施避免灾难的发生。[其他] 第三人称单数:avoids 现在分词:avoiding 过去式:avoided过去分词:avoided

avoid是什么意思 avoid的中文翻译及音标

英音 [ə"vɔid] ;,美音 [ə"vɔid] ;, 及物动词: 1.避开,躲开 2.避免(n./+v-ing) 3.【律】使无效;撤销 ,形容词 avoidable,副词 avoidably,名称 avoider,时态 avoided,avoiding,avoids,这两个动词都有“躲避危险”之意。 escape多指避开实际的威胁,暗示威胁或危险正在迫近。 avoid侧重有意识地躲避开要冒险或有危险的事物或情况。,refrain from doing something,stay clear from; keep away from; keep out of the way of someone or something,refrain from certain foods or beverages,declare invalid,prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening,to avoid doing 避免(做)... ,avoid contract 废止合同 ,avoid waste 【经】 防止浪费;避免浪费 ,avoid damage 防止损坏 ,avoid rules 废止法规 ,hard to avoid 难免 ,avoid theft 【经】 防止盗窃 ,avoid creditors 避债 ,avoid obsolescence 防止过时 ,avoid creditor 避债 ,avoid v.[T] 1.避开,躲开2.避免(n./+v-ing)3.【律】使无效;撤销






汉语意思:避免;动词词性;用法:avoid doing sth./sth.例句:Drinking water in time could avoid thirst. 及时喝水可以避免口渴。 Drinking water in time could avoid being thirsty.及时喝水可以避免口渴。


avert是动词,意思是“转移”;而“avoid”是及物动词,意思是“避免,消除”。1,avert偏重的解释是:避开。比如说,我避开他的目光,就用avert——I avert his eyes。2,avoid偏重的解释是:避免。比如说,避免谋事发生,就用avoid——Avoid sth occurs


1、用法不同avoid:是指自己避免做某事,搭配是avoid doing,后面不能接不定式。例如I have done so to avoid seeing the man“我这样做是想避免看到那个人”。escape:是指逃生,意思也与avoid不同,后面往往接from sw,意即从某处逃生。2、释义不同avoid:vt 避免;避开,躲避;消除escape:vt 逃避,避开,避免;被忘掉;被忽视3、造句不同avoid:We have tried to avoid any moralizing 我们已力图避免任何形式的说教。escape:The two officers were extremely lucky to escape serious injury 那两名官员非常幸运地逃过了严重伤害。

avoid sth, avoid to do sth ,avoid doing sth 分别是什么意思

avoidsth避免做某事(已经做过的事)avoidtodosth避免去做某事(还没做的事)avoiddoing避免做某事;逃避做事扩展资料1、You should avoid doing sth. 你应该避免做某事你应该避免做某事。2、was a convenient (and altruistic)excuseto avoid doing whatshe really wanted to do. 这真的是一个方便又无私的方法,避免了让自己做一些傻事3、this issomething most sysadmins desperatelytryto avoid doing. 而这正是大多数系统管理员尽量避免的4、Whydo we avoid doing what we loveto do? 为什么还不去做自己热衷的事情呢5、Harry often cleanshis room asa tactic to avoid doing his homework. 哈里常以打扫房间作为逃避做作业的计策。参考资料百度百科-英语语法










现在英语是很广泛的被应用,有很多的单词和句子,还有语法,其中有一个单词avoid,你知道它的用法有哪些呢? avoid的意思 1、意为避开;躲避时,avoid = keep oneself. 如:The driver took a sharp turn to avoid the kid. 司机急转弯来避开那个孩子。 2、意为防止时,avoid = prevent...from. 如:The rain prevented us from playing football. 雨使我们不能踢足球了。 3、avoid doing sth. 避免做某事。如:I try to avoid contacting with him. 我尽量避免与他接触。 avoid的用法 1、avoid的基本意思是避开不希望发生的、不愿忍受的或不想遇上的事情。有时含有先见之明的意味。引申可表示预防或防止发生某事物。 2、avoid所表达的意图总是达成的,否则就须用try。 3、avoid是及物动词,可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不接动词不定式,可用于被动结构。例句:He avoided answering my questions.他避不回答我的问题。 4、avoid后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。 5、avoid强调有意思地躲开不愉快的或可能发生的危险。avoid也强调消极地避开。 Avoid的副词短语 avoidcarefully 小心地避免;avoidcautiously 小心翼翼地避免;avoidopenly 公开回避;avoidscrupulously 谨慎地避免;avoidstrictly 严格回避;avoidstudiously 小心回避;avoidtotally 完全回避。

【avoid 用法】一次搞懂英文「avoid」用法跟意思

avoid 的中文意思是指「避免」,英文用法跟语法结构通常是「avoid + 名词/Ving」,avoid最常让人误解的用法,就是avoid后面接to,其实avoid的后面不能接to。 下面列出avoid 的英文用法、英文例句,跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧。 1.avoid + 名词 避免… 当avoid后面接名词的时候,代表着某人避免著后面那件人事物。 例: she is avoiding me. 她是在躲着我。 例:I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽量避开他。 2.avoid+Ving 避免… avoid的正确用法:后面只能接动名词,而不能接to。 例:I try to avoid going shopping on Saturdays. 我尽量不在周六去购物。 例:She avoided answering my questions. 她避开回复我的问题。 avoid, avoid 中文, avoid 中文意思, avoid 意思, avoid 用法, avoid 翻译, avoid 英文例句, avoid 英文用法, 英文 avoid 用法


void是空的意思,一般用来表示无参数或者无返回。比如在函数定义的时候可以 用 void func(void);前面的表示函数无返回,括号里表示函数无参数。或者void *可以表示无类型指针,允许被强制转化成任意类型指针。






1. 从意思上看,可表示“避开”或“躲避”(keep oneself from)某人或某物;也可表示“防止”(prevent)某事的发生。2. 从用法上看,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,但是不能接不定式作宾语。
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