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前者是动词,后者是名词.reserve 预定[约]; 租定(座位, 房间等)book 预定,定(房间、车票等)will book a hotel room; 预定旅馆房间;bespoken merchandise; 订货;engaged a box for the opera season; 为歌剧节预定个包厢;reserving a table at a restaurant. 在餐厅订张桌子 各种预定的侧重不同!


前者是动词,后者是名词. reserve 预定[约]; 租定(座位, 房间等) book 预定,定(房间、车票等) will book a hotel room; 预定旅馆房间; bespoken merchandise; 订货; engaged a box for the opera season; 为歌剧节预定个包厢; reserving a ta。

make a reservation是什么意思

make a reservation意为:预定reservation 英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n] n. 保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; He went to the desk to make a reservation 他到服务台进行了预订。You make the reservation, and I"ll confirm it in writing. 你来预订,我会去函确认。I have a reservation for a single room. 我预定了一间单人间。I called for a reservation this afternoon. 我打电话预约了。Have Jon and Jack got a reservation? 乔恩和杰克预定了吗?


1.preservation: 东西保留原始或良状态使用 ep:the preservation of our culture heritage 情况持续保持变使用 ep:the preservation of peace in the regin 2.reservation 要酒店饭店保留位使用(预定) ep:a dinner reservation 保留意见使用 ep:I had serious reservation about his visit to Ireland 3.conservation,preservation 互用


reservation n. 预约,预订,保留。是可数名词,复数是 reservations. 例句: All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing. 所有的电话预订必须以书面形式确认。 扩展资料   I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.   我非常怀疑他有没有能力胜任这项工作。   I made reservations yesterday.   我昨天预订的`。   Yes, but with reservations.   是的,但会有所保留。   M: Do you take reservations?   M:你们这儿可以预订座位吗?   You confirmed your reservations?   您有没有确认您的机票。

reservation 动词形式是什么



反对第一个答案 reservation是有啥啥珍惜动植物保护区的意思的 conservation也有 感觉常用意思会偏“保守”的意思多一点 protection就是最普通的保护




reservation的意思预约,预订。1、reservation是一个英语单词,名词,作名词是意为“预约,预订。保留”。2、单词发音:英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]。3、短语搭配:Roomreservation客房预订。reservationservice预约服务、订票、外部公关及预定、预订服务。reservationdeposit预订金。TableReservation餐位预订、餐位预定。双语例句:1、My only reservation is the goalkeeper"s lack of inches.我惟一的疑虑就是守门员的身高不够。2、I commend her to you without reservation.我竭诚向你推荐她。3、A lorry burst a tyre and went out of control, careering through the central reservation.一辆卡车爆胎失控,冲进了中央隔离带。4、He told me about it without reservation. / He told me everything that had happened.他把这事一五一十地告诉了我。5、I took the liberty of cancelling the reservation for you.我冒昧地替您取消了预订的房间。


  1、reservation是一个英语单词,名词,作名词是意为“预约,预订;保留”。   2、单词发音:英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]。   3、短语搭配:   Roomreservation客房预订;   reservationservice预约服务、订票、外部公关及预定、预订服务;   reservationdeposit预订金;   TableReservation餐位预订、餐位预定;   AdvanceReservation临时预订、预订、临时性预订、提前预约。

reservation是什么意思 怎么读

1、reservation是一个英语单词,名词,作名词是意为“预约,预订;保留”。 2、单词发音:英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n]。 3、短语搭配: Roomreservation客房预订; reservationservice预约服务、订票、外部公关及预定、预订服务; reservationdeposit预订金; TableReservation餐位预订、餐位预定; AdvanceReservation临时预订、预订、临时性预订、提前预约。



kaiser family foundation造句 kaiser family foundationの例文

Sharing that sentiment is Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation . It is based on information from the Kaiser Family Foundation . AIDS awareness campaigns aren"t new for the Kaiser Family Foundation . Source : Kaiser Family Foundation / Health Researc ` Ajd Educational Trust. Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org The Gathering Place is a project of the George Kaiser Family Foundation . The study was funded by the Kaiser Family Foundation . The survey that got the most attention came from the Kaiser Family Foundation . Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org/ The Kaiser Family Foundation studied how consumer-driven health plans cover pregnancy. It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的 J . Kaiser Family Foundation , Lewin-VHI, Employee Benefits Research Institute. Kaiser Family Foundation : . kff . org A recent survey by the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation bears this out. The Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit health care philanthropy unrelated to Kaiser Permanente. A recent survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University backs him up. The Kaiser Family Foundation "s Levitt said doctors share some blame for the HMO system. The Kaiser Family Foundation said 41 percent of the panies in the survey reported tiered plans. Main source : Kaiser Family Foundation . The project was funded by the Ford Foundation and the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation . Kaiser Family Foundation : : / / . kff . org _ _ _= Reinhardt serves as a Commissioner for the Kaiser Family Foundation Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. In 2009, Medicare Rights and the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation , among others. She is a trustee of the Capfornia Endowment and The Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation . The show also includes the unremarkable results of a nationwide sex survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation . NPR sponsored the survey with the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. The Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit health care philanthropy unrelated to Kaiser Permanente. Drew Altman, president of the Kaiser Family Foundation , called on wealthy governments to do more. The Kaiser Family Foundation and advocates for the chip said the problem was a lack of pubpc education. Talking With Kids About Tough Issues is a national campaign by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation . The Post did a random survey of 1, 970 people with Harvard University and the Kaiser Family Foundation . It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的 She serves with the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Kaiser Family Foundation . Matt James, senior vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation , said in a statement acpanying the study. Includes Kaiser Family Foundation survey from April, released this week, showing continuing strong support for protection legislation. The Kaiser Family Foundation study found that 34 percent of all schools now teach an abstinence-only message. The survey was conducted by The Washington Post, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University. The Barbara Jordan Youth Debates, made possible by the Kaiser Family Foundation , were held for urban debaters. Foundations pke the Kaiser Family Foundation , has conducted longitudinal studies relating the media habits of children and adolescents. The poll by Harvard, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and The Washington Post shows massive role reversal. The other, by the Kaiser Family Foundation , surveyed 1, 180 *** all businesses employing 3 to 199 workers. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation , annual prescriptions per individual went from seven to almost 11 during the 1990s. A study by the Kaiser Family Foundation released said that state Medicaid directors expect further cuts in benefits and epgibipty. Kaiser Family Foundation report : : / / . kff . org / content / 2002 / 6032/ With his wealth, he estabpshed the Kaiser Family Foundation , a nonprofit, non-partisan, charitable organization. In 1999, a Kaiser Family Foundation study found that 95 % of pubpc secondary schools offered sex education programs. Largely funded by the George Kaiser Family Foundation , it contains an outdoor theater, fountains and a sidewalk cafe. He made a straightforward _ and unpopular _ parenting call that The Kaiser Family Foundation wants the TV works to make. A 1999 survey of employers for the Kaiser Family Foundation said more than half would seriously consider a defined contribution approach. Levitt, of the Kaiser Family Foundation , says the tiered approach is clearly a response to contract disputes with hospitals. The survey was a joint project of The Washington Post, the Henry J . Kaiser Family Foundation and Harvard University. About 10 % of firms offered such plans to their workers, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation . It"s difficult to see kaiser family foundation in a sentence. 用 kaiser family foundation 造句挺难的

express reservation是什么意思

express reservation明示权益保留



nature reservation/reserve




Have you made (a) reservation? 这个a到底需不需要,有啥区别

要加,没有 a 是不对的。这里一定要有 a 或者 the。




reservation 动词形式是 reserveI would like to make a reservation for a table.= I would like to reserve a table.

reservation confirmation是什么意思



preservation与reservation保留保存的译法是中文存在的误区,二者有很大不同 1.preservation: 当一样东西被保留在原始或良好的状态时使用 ep:the preservation of our culture heritage 当情况持续,保持不变时使用 ep:the preservation of peace in the regin 2.reservation 当你要酒店饭店为你保留一个位子时使用(预定) ep:a dinner reservation 当你有保留意见时使用 ep:I had serious reservation about his visit to Ireland *回答你的第二个问题 首先,要知道‘in-"是一个前缀,表示否定意思,所以我们只谈adequate与sufficient 在做对某种特殊需求(质量数量)感到满意时,意思相同 ep:The standared of his work is hardly adequate(sufficient) PS:adequate也有‘还不错,但不是顶好之意" ep:Her performance was adequate but lacked originality.在做对某种特殊需求(质量数量)感到满意时,意思相同


reservation的翻译:预定;预留;预定房间。造句技巧:两大非常重要的基本功问题:词汇+语法首先单词。1.背单词:(1)知道单词准确发音,知道单词拼写+全面了解单词中文意思+知道单词词性变化以及在句子中应该如果使用。(2) 这四个方面是缺一不可的。注意:a. 背单词的时候像你说的一词多义,单复数变化规则,或者动词根据事态变化等等现象太多了,中文里面也有,这个我个人就是很坦然的接受了,就把所有单词同等对待,记下来。b. 个人背单词背了很多年了,越背的久越觉得单词也好词组也好是背不完的,包括很多表达或者搭配会被放弃,很多新的表达会出现,所以我希望你能够有一个平和的心态对待单词,这个贯穿你学英文用英文的整个过程,所以不同时间段,你认定你想背的单词,按照我说的单词四个方面都背好就行了。c. 我背单词没有什么特殊的方法分享,就是一个单词反复的背;但是有一点要强调,背了的单词不用是会忘记的,所以平时生活中多写多说多看多听也是非常重要的,一开始如果你自己不会造句,你就多读多背例句也是很好的。2. 语法:如果你是学生,把你从初中高中的语法书拿出来重新学;如果是毕业了工作党,那么晚建议找找看有没有sat语法书买一本,从简单到难开始学习造句。注意:语法和词汇是配合的。例如一个动词比如 drink,不放在句子里,就是一个很普通的动词,也不用刻意去变化,但是当你在说你过去喝了什么东西的时候,中文我们加字 喝--喝了/喝过了 英文我们在单词本身进行变化 I drink a cup of water--I drinked a cup of water an hour ago。

reservation 动词形式是什么

reservation 动词形式是 reserve I would like to make a reservation for a table.= I would like to reserve a table.


预约 的意思


反对第一个答案 reservation是有啥啥珍惜动植物保护区的意思的 conservation也有 感觉常用意思会偏“保守”的意思多一点 protection就是最普通的保护

reservation 过去式


book 和 reservation有什么区别 还有那些预定 有什么区别呢 语法和意思 举例子

book 和 reservation都有‘预定"的意思。 book侧重于登记记帐的预定 I want to book a book. 我想订一本书。 reservation侧重于保留下来的预定I can confirm the reservation for you. 我可以为您预订的。

reservation 动词形式是什么

reservation 动词形式是 reserve I would like to make a reservation for a table.= I would like to reserve a table.

reservation怎么读 英语reservation怎么读

1、reservation英[u02ccrezu0259u02c8veu026au0283n]美[u02ccrezu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n],n.预订; 预约; 保留意见; 疑惑; (美国为土著美洲人划出的)保留地,居留地。 2、[例句]We can hold your reservation for three days.您的预订我们可以保留三天。


reservationn.保留, (旅馆房间等)预定, 预约

series journey to the west是西游记?那series怎么解释?



MERGE语句是SQL语句的一种。在SQL Server、Oracle数据库中可用,MySQL、PostgreSQL中不可用。MERGE是Oracle9i新增的语法,用来合并UPDATE和INSERT语句。通过MERGE语句,根据一张表(原数据表,source table)或子查询的连接条件对另外一张(目标表,target table)表进行查询,连接条件匹配上的进行UPDATE,无法匹配的执行INSERT。这个语法仅需要一次全表扫描就完成了全部工作,执行效率要高于INSERT+UPDATE。

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因为你的屏幕具体情况不清楚,我分类回答一下吧:1、如果是你的屏幕亮度不行 这个很简单,寄到专业维修点换一下灯管就行,一定要在无尘工作室换,价钱就是灯管钱加手工费,应该在100左右吧。2、如果是你的屏幕损坏 这个只能买新屏幕了,可以选择两类屏幕: 1)继续买同型号屏幕,全新的不太好找,价格估计得400元以上。 2)买AFFS屏幕,具体功能你可以百度上收,就是视角很广那种,价钱好像也不贵,600~900元不等,51nb论坛上有几个商家专门卖AFFS屏幕,评价还不错,你可以搜索一下。


之前由于机房原因无法提供空调,所以设置过每天晚上9点自动关机的一个“计划任务”。现机房已经可以全天提供空调,所以无需要每天自动关机任务了,所以我就打开“计划任务”在里边把之前做过的任务删除了,但从那以后发现每天早上过来本台服务器还是关机状态。经查看日志发现每天的关机时间为下午7点(不是我设置的9点)。注:期间未安装过任务软件与驱动等。以下是关机关后各种日志:Application:Information 9/12/2014 8:11:12 AM Microsoft-Windows-EventSystem 4625 None The EventSystem sub system is suppressing duplicate event log entries for a duration of 86400 seconds. The suppression timeout can be controlled by a REG_DWORD value named SuppressDuplicateDuration under the following registry key: HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftEventSystemEventLog.Information 9/12/2014 8:11:12 AM Microsoft-Windows-Security-Licensing-SLC 900 None "The Software Licensing service is starting."Information 9/12/2014 8:11:12 AM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1531 None "The User Profile Service has started successfully. "Information 9/11/2014 7:00:05 PM Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient 2 None Certificate Services Client has been stopped.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:05 PM Microsoft-Windows-Security-Licensing-SLC 901 None "The Software Licensing service is stopping."Information 9/11/2014 7:00:05 PM MSSQL$MICROSOFT##SSEE 17147 (2) SQL Server is terminating because of a system shutdown. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:05 PM MSSQL$KAV_CS_ADMIN_KIT 17147 (2) SQL Server is terminating because of a system shutdown. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:01 PM Microsoft-Windows-CertificateServicesClient 2 None Certificate Services Client has been stopped.Warning 9/11/2014 7:00:02 PM Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service 1530 None "Windows detected your registry file is still in use by other applications or services. The file will be unloaded now. The applications or services that hold your registry file may not function properly afterwards. DETAIL - 1 user registry handles leaked from RegistryUserS-1-5-21-3089481489-35528188-2763025094-500:Process 1112 (DeviceHarddiskVolume3WindowsSystem32svchost.exe) has opened key REGISTRYUSERS-1-5-21-3089481489-35528188-2763025094-500PrintersDevModePerUser"Information 9/11/2014 7:00:02 PM Desktop Window Manager 9009 None The Desktop Window Manager has exited with code (0x40010004)SystemInformation 9/12/2014 8:10:23 AM Tcpip 4201 None The system detected that network adapter Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1 was connected to the network, and has initiated normal operation.Warning 9/12/2014 8:10:23 AM storflt 5 None The Virtual Storage Filter Driver is disabled through the registry. It is inactive for all disk drives.Information 9/12/2014 8:11:11 AM EventLog 6013 None The system uptime is 51 seconds.Information 9/12/2014 8:11:11 AM EventLog 6005 None The Event log service was started.Information 9/12/2014 8:11:11 AM EventLog 6009 None Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 6.00. 6002 Service Pack 2 Multiprocessor Free.Information 9/12/2014 8:10:23 AM Tcpip 4201 None The system detected that network adapter Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1 was connected to the network, and has initiated normal operation.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:06 PM EventLog 6006 None The Event log service was stopped.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:05 PM Service Control Manager 7036 None The Kaspersky Endpoint Security Service service entered the stopped state.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:05 PM Service Control Manager 7036 None The Group Policy Client service entered the stopped state.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:05 PM Service Control Manager 7036 None The Windows Update service entered the stopped state.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:01 PM Service Control Manager 7036 None The SKPoweroffService service entered the stopped state.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:01 PM USER32 1074 None "The process wininit.exe ( has initiated the power off of computer FSVR2 on behalf of user NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM for the following reason: Legacy API shutdown Reason Code: 0x80070000 Shutdown Type: power off Comment: "Information 9/11/2014 7:00:00 PM Service Control Manager 7036 None The SKPoweroffService service entered the running state.Information 9/11/2014 6:24:00 PM Service Control Manager 7036 None The Adobe Flash Player Update Service service entered the stopped state.Information 9/11/2014 6:24:00 PM Service Control Manager 7036 None The Adobe Flash Player Update Service service entered the running state.DFSAdditional Information: Volume: 9A33AD17-880D-4D63-8F9A-8D5E36433944"Information 9/12/2014 8:12:10 AM DFSR 1206 None The DFS Replication service successfully contacted domain controller to access configuration information.Information 9/12/2014 8:11:59 AM DFSR 6102 None The DFS Replication service has successfully registered the WMI provider.Information 9/12/2014 8:11:49 AM DFSR 1314 None "The DFS Replication service successfully configured the debug log files. Additional Information: Debug Log File Path: C:Windowsdebug"Information 9/12/2014 8:11:43 AM DFSR 1004 None The DFS Replication service has started.Information 9/12/2014 8:11:43 AM DFSR 1002 None The DFS Replication service is starting.Information 9/11/2014 7:00:05 PM DFSR 1006 None The DFS Replication service is stopping.Error 9/11/2014 2:19:13 PM DFSR 4004 None "The DFS Replication service stopped replication on the replicated folder at local path D:IJP-DEPO.Additional Information: Error: 2 (The system cannot find the file specified.) Additional context of the error: Replicated Folder Name: IJP_Share Replicated Folder ID: CBA3C394-8DA6-41E4-82DA-18F3642CF1E8 Replication Group Name: Replication Group ID: 0FF8D291-A5FA-4BB2-9098-EB5C64418D30 Member ID: 9AAB3FDF-5264-491B-A4AB-47ADA47346B8"Error 9/11/2014 10:19:12 AM DFSR 4004 None "The DFS Replication service stopped replication on the replicated folder at local path D:IJP-DEPO.Taskscheduler



browser metrics 指什么?

Browser Metrics:Data Collection Service数据收集服务(搜索引擎)

简述Kubernetes Metric Service?

在Kubernetes从1.10版本后采用Metrics Server作为默认的性能数据采集和监控,主要用于提供核心指标(Core Metrics),包括Node、Pod的CPU和内存使用指标。 对其他自定义指标(Custom Metrics)的监控则由Prometheus等组件来完成。我推荐你去看看时速云,他们是一家全栈云原生技术服务提供商,提供云原生应用及数据平台产品,其中涵盖容器云PaaS、DevOps、微服务治理、服务网格、API网关等。大家可以去体验一下。 如果我的回答能够对您有帮助的话,求给大大的赞。

K8s api server 无法连接 metrics server 问题解决方案

metrics-server 是 Kubernetes 生态中的一个重要组件,其主要的作用在于监测 Kubernetes的(node、pod)资源指标并提供监控系统做采集。Kubernetes 的许多特性都会依赖 metrics server,比如 kubectl top nodes/pods 指令;比如 HPA 需要根据其获取资源利用率;再比如 Istio 的服务组件等。 所以当 metrics-server 出现异常时,相关的组件都会受到影响。比如,如下这种典型的问题: 执行 kubectl top nodes 指令失败 报错信息如下: 其根本原因在于 Kubernetes 的 ApiServer 无法访问到 metrics-server,要验证这种问题,我们可以执行如下命令: 返回值如下: 可以看到访问 这个 API 异常,其访问的IP是一个典型的 clusterIP。 我们知道,通常情况下,Kubernetes 的 master 节点是访问不到 clusterIP 的。 而 Kubernetes 的 node 节点则可以访问的到,其主要的原因在于 kube-proxy,那么如果想要 master 节点可以访问到 Service 的 clusterIP,就要在 master 节点上也部署 kube-proxy ,确切的说是将 master 节点同时也作为 node 节点加入集群中去。并且为了避免调度对 master 节点造成影响,还需要对 master 节点打污点处理,这就是这次问题解决方案的主要思路。 目录结构说明: 文件内容: 文件内容: 文件内容: 文件内容: 执行成功,返回值类似下方: 执行成功,返回值类似下面: 返回如下: 正常情况,返回类似下面: 文件内容: 文件内容: 文件内容: 在未进行调整之前,返回值会包含类似一下的内容,很明显的可以看出连接异常: 在进行上文的调整后,正常情况下的返回值应该如下,这种情况下 apiserver 可以正常的访问到 metrics-server: 返回值类似下面: 返回值类似下面:


按照文档 《Kubernetes heapster监控插件安装》 和 《Kubernetes Metrics Server安装》 完成Heapster和Metrics Server之后,想尝试通过 kubectl top nodes 查看安装效果,结果抛出下面的错误: 我用下面一张图简单描述了一下APIService、Service、Pod、kubelet四者的关系,APIService负责对外提供服务,Pod访问个节点的kubelet抓取节点上各种指标数据,然后提供给APIService。 所以,我首先查看了一下APIService的状态,看APIService是否正常。通过下面的命令查看 kube-system/metrics-server APIService 的状态,可以看到有下面的报错信息: 从上面信息可以看到,APIService访问后端服务无响应,所以我再去查看Pod的日志: 从错误信息可以看到: metrics-server在调用各节点的kubelet获取对应节点上的指标信息时,指标数据没有有效的时间戳 。 根本原因是: 某些pod或node没有正常运行 ,如下图所示。只要保证pod或node运行正常后,这些错误信息就会消失。 然而,这个错误并不是根本原因,在纠结了两天之后,我突然想到,既然https请求无法访问,是不是和代理有关系。 我之前在 /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml 中加了一个https代理: 删掉这个代理问题就解决了,如果不能删除这个代理,也可以配置 no_proxy 环境变量,把10.108.78.78加上。

Closer Than We Think 歌词

歌曲名:Closer Than We Think歌手:The Classic Crime专辑:The Silver CordThe Classic Crime - Closer Than We ThinkWhat"s it gonna take for meOn my hands and kneesWhere are the poet"s filled pages of the threeI feel cheap and I feel empty (I feel empty)We were babies in a sea of disbeliefBut we will not go quicklyNo we will not rest so easilyAnd I knew that this would happenIt always doesAnd I couldn"t stop my reactionSo I let it comeI let it comeI still hope you believe that we are freeThat we don"t need the rules to seeThat despite what we"ve done,We"re not aloneWe"re closer than we think to homeIt didn"t take me long to believe that I could do anythingTurn the songs up loud so we could singI am true and I am living (I am living)And we will walk through the valley of the shadow of the boringand burn it allNo, we will not go quietlyAnd I knew that this would happenIt always doesAnd I couldn"t stop my reactionSo I let it comeI let it comeI still hope you believe that we are freeThat we don"t need the rules to seeThat despite what we"ve done,We"re not aloneWe"re closer than we think to homeTo home, To home,To home, To home,To home, To home,To homeAcross the waterYou call me, but I"m not listeningAs I sink down (sink down)Water fills my lungs as I begin to drownI knew that this wouldI still hope you believe that we are freeThat we don"t need the rules to seeThat despite what we"ve done,We"re not aloneWe"re closer than we think to home

sql server 2000提示command line option syntax error,type command/? for help

解决方法:引起这问题的原因是,SQLServer的安装文件被放在了中文目录下.将SQLServer的安装文件,拷到英文目录,安装就OK比如将:“D:Sqlserver安装盘”中的"安装盘"去掉。就行了!什么?还是不行?!别急,嘿嘿。看看您的用户名是不是中文的,改成英文的吧。这个用户名指的就是您登录windows的时候使用的用户名,系统默认的是administrator。您不舍的修改这个用户名?那就重新创建一个英文的用户吧,用这个用户登录然后安装就行了。原因:软件在安装的时候会先解压,生成一些临时文件,系统调用这些文件进行安装。有时候这些文件放在当前的目录下,有时候放在“C:Documents and Settings用户名Local SettingsTemp”文件夹中,这时候如果您的“用户名”是中文的话,就可能失败了。看来还是支持中文不够好啊!

postal service是什么意思


The island where these rare birdsnest has been declared a _____. A.observation B.reservatio.

D 考查名词词义辨析。本题意思是-这个珍禽巢居的岛已宣布为自然保护区。 conservation 保存(自然资源等) ;observation观察; reservation (旅馆房间、戏院座位等的) 预定; 保留 (意见) ; [美]保留地: preservation保存Conservation是动词conserve派生的名词, 与原来动词的意义相同, 表示"保持、保存”时, 强调“珍惜、节用。 Preservation是动词preserve派生的名词, 强调“收藏、保存”使之完好无损或质量不变; 常与食品、博物馆收藏的展品等词搭配。Reservation主要指意见、看法等的“保留”; 作“保留地”解时, 尤指美国印地安人保留地或澳大利亚土著民族保留地。本题指自然生态的保持, 用conservation最切题。

observation deck是什么意思

observation deck观察台双语对照词典结果:observation deck[英][u02ccu0254bzu0259:u02c8veiu0283u0259n dek][美][u02ccɑbzu025au02c8veu0283u0259n du025bk](客船上的)了望甲板; 例句:1.The observation deck is located on the 124th floor. 该塔的观景台位于第124层。

in observation of是什么意思

根据,和in accordance with意思差不多

Based on their fresh observation and painstakinguff1f


include observation eviwes中是什么意思?


philosophical observation 和 philosophy 含义有什么区别?(英语语法


observation data是什么意思

观察数据;1. The fractal interpolating fitting curves are well consonant with the observation data. 下沉量和水平移动量的分形插值拟合曲线与实测岩移数据吻合较好.来自互联网2. Statistics is to inference the law of nature according to observation data. 统计方法是从观测自然现象或者专门安排的实验所得到的数据去推断该事物可能的规律性.来自互联网3. The deformation is predicted by using the observation data of a flood embankment of a project. 利用某防洪堤观测资料,预测堤段变形.来自互联网4. By contrasting with weighting observation data, the conclusion that roof strata have large - small structures is demonstrated. 并通过现场矿压观测资料, 从理论上论证了顶板岩层中存在的结构体实质上包括“大、小结构”两个部分.来自互联网5. The GPS multipath measurement and the procedure of obtaining trial observation data sets were discussed firstly. 文中首先介绍了GPS多路径试验测量和观测数据采集的程序.

请教什么是censored observation

censored observation失访或截尾观察;删失观察值;设限点censored observation失访或截尾观察;删失观察值;设限点

请问这句话为什么不是强调句?it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment

这是so... that..,不是强调句。下面这个才是:it is the frequently-made observation that deserves comment

为什么在stata里显示0 observation

如果 no observation1 可能你输入的名字跟数据里的名字不符合2 就是命令符号输入的不对 stata误把命令当做名字比如说 你打的 reg y x if cyear==`year"在双等号前面要有一个空格。



护照Bio Page、Last Pag、Observation Page都是什么呀?拜托大神相助~~

对中国护照而言BIO 指个人信息页LAST 指签名页OBSERVATION指各种加注页,如换护照的人,会有“该护照持有人,曾持有编号为XXXXXX的护照”等

审核中的findings observation代表什么意思

审核中的findings observation代表结果观察的意思




The perspective of observation 更地道些~


observation 可以有复数:observations observation的意思是:观察;监视;观察报告,当说(多次的)观察;监视;观察报告的时候,就可以用复数.






observation的动词是avoid。1、形容词:observational。2、副词:observationally。3、短语搭配。avoid sb"s observation.躲避某人的注意。carry out observation.进行观察。escape sb"s observation.不为某人所注意。名词例句:The patient was kept under observation all night.这位病人被观察了一整夜。The law of nature was deduced from observation.自然法则是从观察中推导出来的。He is a man of little observation.他是个观察力极差的人。He was endowed with the power of acute observation.他有敏锐的观察力。The thief escaped observation.小偷未被人注意。She employed an irreverent humor to salt her observation.她运用玩世不恭的幽默使她的评论更为有趣。He didn"t make a single observation during the whole dinner.在吃饭整个过程中他没有发表任何评论。























observation period是什么意思

observation period英 [u02ccu0254bzu0259:u02c8veiu0283u0259n u02c8piu0259riu0259d] 美 [u02ccɑbzu025au02c8veu0283u0259n u02c8pu026ariu0259d] 释义 观测时期

notice attention concentration observation的区别









太空冒险游戏Observation在5月22日正式结束epic独占在steam平台推出发售,下面来看看游戏的推荐配置一览最低配置:需要 64 位处理器和操作系统操作系统: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64处理器: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64 OS Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64 CPU Intel Core i3-3240 (2 * 3400) or equivalent | AMD FX-4300 (4 * 3800) or equivalent内存: 4 GB RAM显卡: GeForce GT 640 (2048 MB) | Radeon HD 7750 (2048 MB)存储空间: 需要 12 GB 可用空间推荐配置:需要 64 位处理器和操作系统操作系统: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 x64处理器: Intel Core i5-6600K (4 * 3500) or equivalent | AMD Ryzen 3 2200G (4 * 3500) or equivalent内存: 4 GB RAM显卡: GeForce GTX 960 (4096 MB) | Radeon RX 570 (8192 MB)存储空间: 需要 12 GB 可用空间
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