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  下面是加碳粉的具体操作方法和一般打印机问题介绍:  1、准备工作  准备适合打印机型号的激光打印机专用碳粉,携带激光打印机硒鼓加粉时的工具,包括:螺丝刀、斜口钳(尖口钳)、棉花、毛刷、皮老虎(或电吹风)等。  2、拆卸硒鼓  首先从激光打印机中取出硒鼓,找到打印机硒鼓盖上的固定螺丝,用螺丝刀拆卸固定硒鼓盖的螺丝,并将螺丝收好。再用“一”字螺丝刀轻轻地撬开硒鼓盖上的卡扣,随后打开硒鼓盖。打开硒鼓盖时会有残留在硒鼓盒中的废碳粉溅出,为了防止污染,我们应该事先在桌子上铺一张报纸,注意硒鼓加粉过程中保持工作环境的清洁。  3、清理硒鼓里残留的碳粉  很多打印机硒鼓加粉更换时实际上并没有将激光打印机硒中的碳粉完全用完,在废粉盒或碳粉盒中往往会留下一些碳粉,如果不加以清理,我们添加的碳粉与原碳粉就有可能因为不兼容而形成块状固体,因此我们在添加碳粉前一定要先将原硒鼓中碳粉清理干净。清理时,首先倒干净废粉盒和碳粉盒中的碳粉,随后用毛刷轻轻地去除残留在碳粉盒边缘的碳粉。毛刷清理不到的地方我们可以用皮老虎或电吹风清理干净废旧的碳粉。 将碳粉盒内的碳粉清理干净后,我们还要用毛刷将碳粉盒周围的碳粉清扫干净。清理了碳粉盒和废粉盒中废旧碳粉后,下面我们还要对充电辊、磁辊上的废碳粉进行清理,下面我们就以清理充电辊为例,介绍一下清理方法。 清理充电辊时,先找到充电辊的固定螺丝(一般在充电辊的两侧头),用螺丝刀拧下螺丝。从硒鼓中小心地取出充电辊。一般充电辊的两端都带有塑料齿轮,擦拭前我们要先拿掉充电辊两端的齿轮。  4、向硒鼓添加新碳粉  通过上面的清理,接下来向硒鼓盒中添加新碳粉了,添加时拧下购买的碳粉瓶盖,撕下瓶口的密封纸,将碳粉慢慢地倒入硒鼓的碳粉盒中,直到添加满为止。将碳粉倒入碳粉盒时为了避免将碳粉撒到外面,我们可以用打印纸垫在碳粉盒口处,便于向碳粉盒中加粉。碳粉添加后,将碳粉盒和废粉盒盖好拧紧螺丝。随后用干净的毛刷或软布擦去硒鼓周围的碳粉。在将硒鼓放入打印机之前,我们先用手左右摇动硒鼓,使得硒鼓中的碳粉分布均匀,以便以后能正常打印。  5、将加粉后的硒鼓安装到激光打机里,进行硒鼓加粉后打印效果测试。  打印机常见问题以及解决办法:  一、打印机输出空白纸  对于针式打印机,引起打印纸空白的原因大多是由于色带油墨干涸、色带拉断、打印头损坏等,应及时更换色带或维修打印头;对于喷墨打印机,引起打印空白的故障大多是由于喷嘴堵塞、墨盒没有墨水等,应清洗喷头或更换墨盒;而对于激光打印机,引起该类故障的原因可能是显影辊未吸到墨粉(显影辊的直流偏压未加上),也可能是感光鼓未接地,使负电荷无法向地释放,激光束不能在感光鼓上起作用。  另外,激光打印机的感光鼓不旋转,则不会有影像生成并传到纸上。断开打印机电源,取出墨粉盒,打开盒盖上的槽口,在感光鼓的非感光部位做个记号后重新装入机内。开机运行一会儿,再取出检查记号是否移动了,即可判断感光鼓是否工作正常。如果墨粉不能正常供给或激光束被挡住,也会出现打印空白纸的现象。因此,应检查墨粉是否用完、墨盒是否正确装入机内、密封胶带是否已被取掉或激光照射通道上是否有遮挡物。需要注意的是,检查时一定要将电源关闭,因为激光束可能会损坏操作者的眼睛。  二、打印纸输出变黑  对于针式打印机,引起该故障的原因是色带脱毛、色带上油墨过多、打印头脏污、色带质量差和推杆位置调得太近等,检修时应首先调节推杆位置,如故障不能排除,再更换色带,清洗打印头,一般即可排除故障;对于喷墨打印机,应重点检查喷头是否损坏、墨水管是否破裂、墨水的型号是否正常等;对于激光打印机,则大多是由于电晕放电丝失效或控制电路出现故障,使得激光一直发射,造成打印输出内容全黑。因此,应检查电晕放电丝是否已断开或电晕高压是否存在、激光束通路中的光束探测器是否工作正常。  三、打印字符不全或字符不清晰  对于喷墨打印机,可能有两方面原因,墨盒墨尽、打印机长时间不用或受日光直射而导致喷嘴堵塞。解决方法是可以换新墨盒或注墨水,如果墨盒未用完,可以断定是喷嘴堵塞:取下墨盒(对于墨盒喷嘴不是一体的打印机,需要取下喷嘴),把喷嘴放在温水中浸泡一会儿,注意一定不要把电路板部分浸在水中,否则后果不堪设想。  对于针式打印机,可能有以下几方面原因:打印色带使用时间过长;打印头长时间没有清洗,脏物太多;打印头有断针;打印头驱动电路有故障。解决方法是先调节一下打印头与打印辊间的间距,故障不能排除,可以换新色带,如果还不行,就需要清洗打印头了。方法是:卸掉打印头上的两个固定螺钉,拿下打印头,用针或小钩清除打印头前、后夹杂的脏污,一般都是长时间积累的色带纤维等,再在打印头的后部看得见针的地方滴几滴仪表油,以清除一些脏污,不装色带空打几张纸,再装上色带,这样问题基本就可以解决,如果是打印头断针或是驱动电路问题,就只能更换打印针或驱动管了。  四、打印字迹偏淡  对于针式打印机,引起该类故障的原因大多是色带油墨干涸、打印头断针、推杆位置调得过远,可以用更换色带和调节推杆的方法来解决;对于喷墨打印机,喷嘴堵塞、墨水过干、墨水型号不正确、输墨管内进空气、打印机工作温度过高都会引起本故障,应对喷头、墨水盒等进行检测维修;对于激光打印机,当墨粉盒内的墨粉较少,显影辊的显影电压偏低和墨粉感光效果差时,也会造成打印字迹偏淡现象。此时,取出墨粉盒轻轻摇动,如果打印效果无改善,则应更换墨粉盒或调节打印机墨粉盒下方的一组感光开关,使之与墨粉的感光灵敏度匹配。  五、打印时字迹一边清晰而另一边不清晰  此现象一般出现在针式打印机上,喷墨打印机也可能出现,不过概率较小,主要是打印头导轨与打印辊不平行,导致两者距离有远有近所致。解决方法是可以调节打印头导轨与打印辊的间距,使其平行。具体做法是:分别拧松打印头导轨两边的调节片,逆时针转动调节片减小间隙,最后把打印头导轨与打印辊调节到平行就可解决问题。不过要注意调节时调对方向,可以逐渐调节,多打印几次。u200d

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此打印机不支持无线打印,更不用说苹果的,如果非要无线打印的话,连上一台电脑 装好驱动 这台电脑通过无线网卡连接到局域网内 把打印机设置成在局域网内共享 就可以供网内电脑无线打印了 前提是这台电脑不能关机 休眠 一直得处于开机状态

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hplaserjet1020插上usb之后电脑一直响:hplaserjet1020插上usb之后电脑一直响第一个原因可能是接触不良 第二个可能是Usb设备电路问题

HPLaserJet1020打印机工作组共享打印问题 现在共享主机打印任务一切正常,但工作组内其他电脑都打印故障?


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首先所有同网计算机要在一个工作组1:计算机图标右键-----属性-----计算机名---更改---修改工作组名 为一样,确定打印主机2:屏幕右下网路图标---网络和共享中心----高级共享管理----专用和家庭网络----勾选 启用网络发现,勾选文件夹和打印机共享,点确定3:开始--打印机和传真机---选中要共享HP1020打印机图标右键---共享---勾选共享这台打印机,确定打印机(Printer) 是计算机的输出设备之一,用于将计算机处理结果打印在相关介质上。衡量打印机好坏的指标有三项:打印分辨率,打印速度和噪声。 打印机的种类很多,按打印元件对纸是否有击打动作,分击打式打印机与非击打式打印机。按打印字符结构,分全形字打印机和点阵字符打印机。按一行字在纸上形成的方式,分串式打印机与行式打印机。按所采用的技术,分柱形、球形、喷墨式、热敏式、激光式、静电式、磁式、发光二极管式等打印机。



Come On Closer 中文歌词?

Come on closer来呀~靠近点I wanna show youWhat I"d like to do让你知道什么才是我喜欢做的You sit back now你靠着背坐好吧Just relax now放轻松点I"ll take care of you我会让你舒服的Hot temptations性感的诱惑Sweet sensations美好的快感Infiltrating through弥漫了全身Sweet sensations温暖的快感Hot temptations性感的诱惑Coming over you向你涌来Gonna take it slow babe慢慢来~宝贝~Do it my way按我喜欢的方式Keep your eyes on me火辣的盯着我吧Your reaction to my action你那配合着我的神情Is what I want to see就是我最想看到的Rhythmic motion有节奏地运动Raw emotion纯粹的感觉Infiltrating through渗透全身Sweet sensations美好的快感Hot temptations性感的诱惑Coming over you向你涌来And now you"re satisfied现在你满足了吧A twinkle in your eye眼睛发亮Go to sleep for ten睡到十点钟And anticipating期望着I will be waiting我会等着For you to wake again你的再次醒来Hot temptationsSweet sensationsInfiltrating throughSweet sensationsHot temptationsComing over youWhen you wake up we"ll do it all again我们再来一次在你醒时When you wake up]When you wake up we"ll do it all againWhen you wake upHour after hour of sweet pleasure连绵不绝的快感After this I guarantee我保证做完之后you"ll never wanna leave你永远都不想离开哦Shut your eyes and think about闭上眼睛~what I"m about to do想像一下我将要做的那些Sit back relax I"ll take my time放松点坐下,我会好好的~this lovin"s all for you让你感受我所有的爱

Come On Closer 歌词

歌曲名:Come On Closer歌手:Saybia专辑:The Day After TomorrowJem - come on closer(绝望主妇插曲)Come on closerI wanna show youWhat I"d like to doYou sit back nowJust relax nowI"ll take care of youHot temptationsSweet sensationsInfiltrating throughSweet sensationsHot temptationsComing over youGonna take it slow babeDo it my wayKeep your eyes on meYour reactionTo my actionIs what I want to seeRhythmic motionRaw emotionInfiltrating throughSweet sensationsHot temptationsComing over youAnd now you"re satisfiedA twinkle in your eyeGo to sleep for tenAnd anticipatingI will be waitingFor you to wake againHot temptationsSweet sensationsInfiltrating throughSweet sensationsHot temptationsComing over you

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建议重点 电力,重量(承重),空调

desert center造句 desert centerの例文 "desert center"是什麼意思

Prior to that elementary students were bussed to the Desert Center School. Local school children are part of the Desert Center Unified School District. The route cuts across the Little San Bernardino Mountains along southern Desert Center . Desert Center AAF was first known as the Desert Center Airdrome. Desert Center AAF was first known as the Desert Center Airdrome. The 1980s saw a surge of growth in Desert Center as jojoba gained popularity. Desert Center Airport has a runway, but last operated as a pubpc airport in 1992. Desert Center AAF was officially opened in April 1943. Companies from the 3rd Infantry Division spend about a week conducting exercises at the desert center . In the vicinity of Desert Center are the Chuckwalla Mountains, Corn Springs, Chiriaco Summit and museum. It"s difficult to see desert center in a sentence. 用 desert center 造句挺难的 Some older students continued to attend Desert Center school after the opening of Eagle Mountain Elementary School. Cameron shot the footage over o weeks at a deserted steel mill in Desert Center in neighboring Riverside County. The project was built on over of creosote bush-dominated desert habitat near Desert Center next to Joshua Tree National Park. His sons, Stanley, Thurman, and Herbert, took over operations of Desert Center , and Stanley eventually purchased the town from his father. This mockup can still be seen through the windows of a garage building adjacent to the cafe in Desert Center , CA .) Garfield"s Contractors General Hospital evolved into Kaiser Permanente, the largest managed health care system in the world, but its origins are in Desert Center . These districts vary in size from Desert Center , which serves just over a handful of students, to Corona-Norco, with more than 50, 000 students. It was psted as " Desert Center CAA Site 17 " in the " Aerodromes " table on the 1955 San Diego Sectional Aeronautical Chart. Once air fields were estabpshed at three new locations within the DTC ( Desert Center ), Blythe field was no longer required for the Army"s desert exercises. In 1992 a roadside historical marker at the site was unveiled by Garfield"s sister next to the grocery honoring Desert Center as the birthplace of Kaiser Permanente. According to the 2010 United States Census, Desert Center had a median household ine of $ 27, 031, with 28.8 % of the population pving below the federal poverty pne. We cross the Colorado River on U . S . Highway 95 and take Highway 177 toward Desert Center , Ariz . This is one of the lonepest roads we"ve seen. The remaining students in the school district are children of the few full-time residents of Desert Center and children of the employees of the o nearby Metropoptan Water District pumping plants. On November 20, 1952, Adamski and several friends were in the Colorado Desert near the town of Desert Center , Capfornia, when they purportedly saw a large submarine-shaped object hovering in the sky. But Florence Nelson, director of the Desert Center of Scottsdale and a promoter of the telescope project, said Congress should not allow environmental laws to halt progress in astronomy and economic development. Hearing this, Henry J . Kaiser, whose division of the Six Companies, Inc . was building the stretch of the Colorado River Aqueduct through the Desert Center vicinity, visited Garfield at his cpnic. Despite many changes in the modern world, Desert Center is a true survivor a town that not only refuses to die, it thrives and continues to provide a safe haven for travelers. The first school in the area was Desert Center School, which was originally a red-brick schoolhouse built by Steve Ragsdale in the 1940s along U . S . Route 10 in Desert Center . The first school in the area was Desert Center School, which was originally a red-brick schoolhouse built by Steve Ragsdale in the 1940s along U . S . Route 10 in Desert Center. The desert center operated under the name of Iraqi State Estabpshment for Pesticide Production, but the Iraqis finally admitted to the UN monitors that al-Muthanna produced 4, 000 tons of chemical warfare agent per year. It"s difficult to see desert center in a sentence. 用 desert center 造句挺难的 According to a history of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Airdrome Detachments, a detachment of the 475th Base Headquarters & Air Base Squadron was the first administrative unit stationed at Desert Center , arriving on 15 January 1943. Since its aborted rebuilding had left it nothing but a steel shell on railroad wheels, it was sold and is now on display at Ragsdale"s Desert Center Cafe in Desert Center, Capfornia, about south of Eagle Mountain. Since its aborted rebuilding had left it nothing but a steel shell on railroad wheels, it was sold and is now on display at Ragsdale"s Desert Center Cafe in Desert Center , Capfornia, about south of Eagle Mountain. The desert center operated under the name of Iraqi State Estabpshment for Pesticide Production, but the Iraqis finally admitted to the U . N . monitors that al-Muthanna produced 4, 000 tons of chemical warfare agent per year. "Desert Steve " Ragsdale died in 1971 and is buried in the Coachella Valley Pubpc Cemetery, even though he had dug his own grave near Desert Center prior to his 1950 departure and had even placed a memorial plaque near it. Donna Charpied, a critic of the Eagle Mountain plan, gazed at the scarred hillsides of the mine the other day from her jojoba farm near the rustic town of Desert Center and spoke of the potential damage to wildpfe in the park. In January 1941, Henry Kaiser asked Garfield to set up an insurance plan for the Richmond workers ( this was merely contract negotiation with insurance panies ), and a year later Kaiser asked Garfield to duppcate at Richmond what he had done at Desert Center and Mason City. Ragsdale frequently retreated to his writing shack near the north tip of the rock formation called " The Alpgator " ( across I-10 from Desert Center ) where he posed bad poetry the stanzas are referred to as " Spa *** # 1 ", etc . to be distributed in booklet form to travelers.

假面骑士Chaser Mach性别

日本特摄剧《假面骑士Drive》中登场的二合一型假面骑士。诗岛刚在Chase死后意识到其重要性,使用信号摩托“信号Chaser”变身为假面骑士Chaser Mach,压倒性击败Gord Drive。



《Desert》 Emilie Simon歌词翻译

Which sentence bothers you? 切记,莫做伸手党。


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servant leadership是什么意思


求解:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class at java.

java.lang 类 IllegalArgumentExceptionjava.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable java.lang.Exception java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException所有已实现的接口: Serializable 直接已知子类: IllegalCharsetNameException, IllegalFormatException, IllegalSelectorException, IllegalThreadStateException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidOpenTypeException, InvalidParameterException, KeyAlreadyExistsException, NumberFormatException, PatternSyntaxException, UnresolvedAddressException, UnsupportedAddressTypeException, UnsupportedCharsetException --------------------------------------------------------------------------------public class IllegalArgumentExceptionextends RuntimeException抛出的异 常表明向方法传递了一个不合法或不正确的参数。 从以下版本开始: JDK1.0 另请参见:Thread.setPriority(int), 序列化表格--------------------------------------------------------------------------------构造方法摘要 IllegalArgumentException() 构造不带详细消息的 IllegalArgumentException。 IllegalArgumentException(String s) 构造带指定详细消息的 IllegalArgumentException。 IllegalArgumentException(String message, Throwable cause) 根据指定的详细消息和原因构造一个新异常。 IllegalArgumentException(Throwable cause) 根据指定的原因和 (cause==null ? null :cause.toString()) 的详细消息构造一个新异常(它通常包含 cause 的类和详细消息)。 方法摘要 从类 java.lang.Throwable 继承的方法 fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString 从类 java.lang.Object 继承的方法 clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait 构造方法详细信息 IllegalArgumentExceptionpublic IllegalArgumentException()构造不带详细消息的 IllegalArgumentException。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------IllegalArgumentExceptionpublic IllegalArgumentException(String s)构造带指定详细消息的 IllegalArgumentException。 参数:s - 详细消息。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------IllegalArgumentExceptionpublic IllegalArgumentException(String message, Throwable cause)根据指定的详细消息和原因构造一个新异常。 注意,与 cause 相关的详细消息不是 自动合并到这个异常的详细消息中的。 参数:message - 详细消息(保存此消息,以便以后通过 Throwable.getMessage() 方法获取它)。cause - 原因(保存此原因,以便以后通过 Throwable.getCause() 方法获取它)。(允许使用 null 值,指出原因是不存在的或是未知的。)从以下版本开始: 1.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------IllegalArgumentExceptionpublic IllegalArgumentException(Throwable cause)根据指定的原因和 (cause==null ? null :cause.toString()) 的详细消息构造一个新异常(它通常包含 cause 的类和详细消息)。 此构造方法对于那些与其他 throwable(例如,PrivilegedActionException)的包装器相同的异常来说是有用的。 参数:cause - 原因(保存此原因,以便以后通过 Throwable.getCause() 方法获取它)。(允许使用 null 值,指出原因是不存在的或是未知的。)从以下版本开始: 1.5

i have read and i accept the terms of service and privacy policy,什么意思

i have read and i accept the terms of service and privacy policy我已阅读并接受服务条款和隐私政策




如果要用ASP来调用WevService,就一定要使用SOAP Toolkit或者XMLHTTP, 使用SOAP Client需要专门安装SOAP Toolkit,这对客户端来说不具有通用性,因此我们就学习使用XML来进行对WebService的调用。 <% Set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject( "MSXML2.XMLHTTP ") Set xmlDOC =Server.CreateObject( "MSXML.DOMDocument ") strWebserviceURL = "http://localhost/WebService1/Service1.asmx/Add " "设置参数和值 strRequest = "a=5&b=6 " objHTTP.Open "POST ", strWebserviceURL, False "设置Content-Type很重要 objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type ", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded " objHTTP.Send(strRequest) bOK = xmlDOC.load(objHTTP.responseXML) "查看状态值 if objHTTP.Status=200 then xmlStr = xmlDOC.xml xmlStr = Replace(xmlStr, "< ", " < ",1,-1,1) xmlStr = Replace(xmlStr, "> ", "> ",1,-1,1) Response.Write xmlStr else Response.Write objHTTP.Statu& " <br> " Response.Write objHTTP.StatusText end if %> 以上代码在本地测试都没有问题(在部署webservice的本地机器上测试的),然而把strWebserviceURL = "http://localhost/WebService1/Service1.asmx/Add "改为部署在其他机器上的WebService时,却出了问题,结果一直是返回500错误,即objHTTP.Status一直都为500。   原因在于.Net Framework1.1默认不支持HttpGet和HttpPost。如果修改webservice里的web.config增加上代码5后,上代码就可以调用远程机器上的WebService了。 <webServices>    <protocols>      <add name= "HttpPost "/>      <add name= "HttpGet "/>    </protocols> </webServices>




var InterValObj; //timer变量,控制时间var count = 120; //间隔函数,1秒执行var curCount;//当前剩余秒数var code = ""; //验证码var codeLength = 6;//验证码长度function sendMessage() { curCount = count; var jbPhone = $("#jbPhone").val(); var jbPhoneTip = $("#jbPhoneTip").text(); if (jbPhone != "") { if(jbPhoneTip == "√ 该手机号码可以注册,输入正确" || jbPhoneTip == "√ 短信验证码已发到您的手机,请查收"){ // 产生验证码 for ( var i = 0; i < codeLength; i++) { code += parseInt(Math.random() * 9).toString(); } // 设置button效果,开始计时 $("#btnSendCode").attr("disabled", "true"); $("#btnSendCode").val("请在" + curCount + "秒内输入验证码"); InterValObj = window.setInterval(SetRemainTime, 1000); // 启动计时器,1秒执行一次 // 向后台发送处理数据 $.ajax({ type: "POST", // 用POST方式传输 dataType: "text", // 数据格式:JSON url: "UserAction_sms.action", // 目标地址 data: "jbPhone=" + jbPhone +"&code=" + code, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { }, success: function (data){ data = parseInt(data, 10); if(data == 1){ $("#jbPhoneTip").html("<font color="#339933">√ 短信验证码已发到您的手机,请查收</font>"); }else if(data == 0){ $("#jbPhoneTip").html("<font color="red">× 短信验证码发送失败,请重新发送</font>"); }else if(data == 2){ $("#jbPhoneTip").html("<font color="red">× 该手机号码今天发送验证码过多</font>"); } } }); } }else{ $("#jbPhoneTip").html("<font color="red">× 手机号码不能为空</font>"); }}//timer处理函数function SetRemainTime() { if (curCount == 0) { window.clearInterval(InterValObj);// 停止计时器 $("#btnSendCode").removeAttr("disabled");// 启用按钮 $("#btnSendCode").val("重新发送验证码"); code = ""; // 清除验证码。如果不清除,过时间后,输入收到的验证码依然有效 }else { curCount--; $("#btnSendCode").val("请在" + curCount + "秒内输入验证码"); }}$(document).ready(function() { $("#SmsCheckCode").blur(function() { var SmsCheckCodeVal = $("#SmsCheckCode").val(); // 向后台发送处理数据 $.ajax({ url : "UserAction_checkCode.action", data : {SmsCheckCode : SmsCheckCodeVal}, type : "POST", dataType : "text", success : function(data) { data = parseInt(data, 10); if (data == 1) { $("#SmsCheckCodeTip").html("<font color="#339933">√ 短信验证码正确,请继续</font>"); } else { $("#SmsCheckCodeTip").html("<font color="red">× 短信验证码有误,请核实后重新填写</font>"); } } }); });});




在oracle中的语法应该是:update 表set 字段=值where 条件,你的from不对吧

英语问题:less than 和lesser than哪个正确?

less than

closer与more close的区别?more close对不对?

closer,是形容词或副词 close 的比较级,更近,更靠近 没有 more close 的说法 more closed,这个是说,更加封闭的.closed 形容词,封闭的

closer与more close的区别?more close对不对?

closer,是形容词或副词 close 的比较级,更近,更靠近 没有 more close 的说法 more closed,这个是说,更加封闭的.closed 形容词,封闭的

Junior Kelly的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Junior Kelly专辑:Krazy陈伟霆 - Closer曲:BabyLAdy 词:夏至( I"m gonna lose controldon"t wanna let you goI"m gonna lose controldon"t wanna let you go )右肩些小倾侧 半露锁骨眼尾发光 闪出两份固执坐姿多麽不规则而思想很单一贴你耳边请不要又说不越级邀请的本色 ( oh no..)每步每寸也刺激 ( don"t let you go )忘记了警惕可靠近我胸 不需要动作掩饰一步步撞来 一 阵阵着呆想像力尽情放开(热汗像示爱 指引叫你过来 若动摇别太耐)一段段近来 一段段後来一站站被揭开(爱上与你接触 伸手到达未来 一直望着期待)closer come closer零分差 零废话约你跳舞跳进我家贴近 爱渗进了嘴巴yeah closer come closer来交叉 如失去距离保护你好吗汗水多麽汹涌 意料之中要你放松 高温里面抱拥露肩吹吹西北风从呼吸声之中听到快感一点渴望扩充为这半秒喝采 (oh no )发现了最敏感 的爱 ( don"t let you go)如死去再活来如果放尽自由投入地去爱不需多花心思 my Roxie只差一点一点没需要暗示Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh不需多花心思 my Roxie靠近我控制哪个可以 又来一次你大概看穿这意思come closer closer don"t go awayoh yeah…close to me close to me别理成熟定幼稚closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control don"t let you go)

tonight alive的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:tonight alive专辑:All Shapes & DisguisesTonight Alive - CloserI cannot tell, Can you tell?Oh I can"t tellAm I lonely or do I need to be alone?Tonight, this fightBetween my head and my heartIts getting heavy nowSo I"m just, just beggingJust begging for a breakdownSometime real soonCause I don"t know what else is there left to do?It"s like we just can"t winAnd everytime we get a little closerIt all caves inAnd I just don"t knowHow do we know?How do we know when to stop?Baby don"t stop, baby don"t stop noCause we don"t even knowWhere to beginYou ask the questions but you aren"t listeningSo my heart gets heavy with every letter that I writeI can"t deny we"re losing itI"ve got no answers tonightWe both know we"ll neverNo we just can"t win


closer 歌词存在于身边的事物,如果不经常留意的话,反而因为太过接近,而容易失去.你最近所烦恼到的,幸福究竟是什么?可能因为受到太多恩惠,反而无法记得.现在我站在这里呼吸者是如此简单的事情却奇迹般的察觉到存在于身边的事物如果不经常留意的话反而因为太过接近而容易失去YouknowthecloseryoutosomethingthethougheritistoseeitAndInevertakeitforgranted不停追寻着的梦想决不放弃地寻找着光说些漂亮话的话可能什么都做不到把勇气藏于心中为了明天能够继续生存AndInevertakeitforgrantedLet,sgo绝对正版,酷狗理由很多

closer-Joshua Radin 歌词

Closer - Joshua Radin so we"re alone again i wish it were over we seem to never end only get closer to the point where i can take no more the clouds in your eyes down your face they pour won"t you i take the blue ones every time walk me down your broken line all you have to do is cry yes all you have to do is cry hush my baby now your talking is just noise and won"t lay me down amongst your toys in a room where i can take no more the clouds in your eyes down your face they pour won"t you be the new one burn to shine i take the blue ones every time walk me down your broken line all you have to do is cry yes all you have to do is cry photographs and brightly colored paper are your masks you wear in this caper that is our life we walk right into the strife and a tear from your eye brings me home won"t you be the new one burn to shine i take the blue ones every time walk me down your broken line all you have to do is cry

CLOSER 火影忍者音乐歌词是什么

原名:《CLOSER》 出处:『火影忍者疾风传』OP4 演唱:井上ジョー 作曲、作词、编曲:井上ヅヨ― ★身近(みぢか)にあるもの mijika niaru mono 离自己很近的东西 常(つね)に気(き)を付(つ)けていないと tununi kiwo tukete inaito 在不知不觉中 余(あま)りに近(ちか)すぎて amarini tikasugite 由于距离过于微小 見失(みうしな)ってしまいそう miusinatte simaisou 也许就会消失不见 あなたが最近(さいきん)体驗(たいけん)した anata saikin taikensita 你最近体验到的 幸(しあわ)せは一体(いったい)なんですか? siawasewa ittai nandesuka 所谓幸福究竟为何物 惠(めぐ)まれすぎていてmegumare sugiteite 受到的眷惠太过繁多 思(おも)い出(だ)せないかも omoi dasenaikamo 或许回想不起 今(いま)ここにいること ima kokoni irukoto 现在能站在这里 息(いき)をしていること iki wo siteirukoto 并顺畅的呼吸着 ただそれだけのことが 奇跡(きせき)だと気付(きつ)く tada soredakeno kotoga kisekida tokituku 察觉到即使这等事情也是奇迹给的恩惠


CLOSER 身近(みぢか)にあるもの mizi ka ni a ru mo no 常(つね)に気(き)を付(つ)けていないと tsu ne ni ki wo tsu ke te i nai to 余(あま)りに近(ちか)すぎて a ma ri ni chi ka su gi te 见失(みうしな)ってしまいそう mi u shi natte shi mai sou あなたが最近(さいきん)体験(たいけん)した a na ta ga sai kin tai ken shi ta 幸(しあわ)せは一体(いったい)なんですか? shi a wa se wa ittai nan de su ka 恵(めぐ)まれすぎていて me gu ma re su gi te i te 思(おも)い出(だ)せないかも o mo i da se nai ka mo 今(いま)ここにいること i ma ko ko ni i ru ko to 息(いき)をしていること i ki wo shi te i ru ko to ただそれだけのことが ta da so re da ke no ko to ga 奇迹(きせき)だと気付(きづ)く ki se ki da to ki zu ku 身近(みぢか)にあるもの mizi ka ni a ru mo no 常(つね)に気(き)を付(つ)けていないと tsu ne ni ki wo tsu ke te i nai to 余(あま)りに近(ちか)すぎて a ma ri ni chi ka su gi te 见失(みうしな)ってしまいそう mi u shi natte shi mai sou You know the closer you get to something The tougher it is to see it And I"ll never take it for granted 追(お)い続(つづ)けてきた梦(ゆめ) o i tsu zu ke te ki ta yu me あきらめずに进(すす)めよなんて a ki ra me zu ni su su me yo nan te キレイ事(ごと)を言(い)えるほど ki re i go to wo i e ru ho do 何(なに)も出来(でき)ちゃいないけど nan ni mo de ki chai nai ke do 一握(ひとにぎ)りの勇気(ゆうき)を胸(むね)に hi to ni gi ri no yuki wo mu ne ni 明日(あした)を生(い)き抜(ぬ)くために a shi ta wo i ki nu ku ta me ni And I"ll never take it for granted Let"s go 身边的东西 不常常注意的话 因为实在太近 反而像要失去 你最近体会过的 幸福是什么 因为太过幸运 你也许想不出来 现在身在此处 呼吸着 仅此而已的事 也发现是个奇迹 身边的东西 不常常注意的话 因为实在太近 反而像要失去 你知道也是接近什么 越是难以发现 我绝不认为这理所当然 追寻着的梦想 永不放弃地追逐什么的 越是说着漂亮的话 越是什么都做不到 抓住一把勇气在胸中 为了明天也能生存下去 我绝不认为这理所当然 let"s go

nba closer是什么意思

nba closer译为:NBA特写例句:1.The NBA Closer is written by Matt McHale, who very highly suggests seeing thenew Indiana Jones movie. NBA特写(NBA Closer)由马特·马克海尔主笔,他非常推荐大家去看一下新的印第安纳琼斯电影。2.The NBA Closer is written by Matt McHale, who"s starting to get a very badfeeling about these playoffs. NBA特写由马特·马克海尔主笔,现在他开始对今年的季后赛有一种不好的感觉。3.The NBA Closer is written by Matt McHale, who"s hoping that Spring willeventually come to Chicago. NBA特写由马特·马克海尔主笔,他希望芝加哥能最终迎来春天。


疾风传op4(火影op13)closer歌词日文罗马文翻译 歌曲名:closer 演唱者:井上ヅヨ― 作曲、作词、编曲:井上ヅヨ― 身近(みぢか)にあるもの mijika niaru mono 离自己很近的东西 常(つね)に気(き)を付(つ)けていないと tununi kiwo tukete inaito 在不知不觉中 余(あま)りに近(ちか)すぎて amarini tikasugite 由于距离过于微小 见失(みうしな)ってしまいそう miusinatte simaisou 也许就会消失不见 あなたが最近(さいきん)体验(たいけん)した anata saikin taikensita 你最近体验到的 幸(しあわ)せは一体(いったい)なんですか siawasewa ittai nandesuka 所谓幸福究竟为何物 惠(めぐ)まれすぎていて megumare sugiteite 受到的眷惠太过繁多 思(おも)い出(だ)せないかも omoi dasenaikamo 或许回想不起 今(いま)ここにいること ima kokoni irukoto 现在能站在这里 息(いき)をしていること iki wo siteirukoto 并顺畅的呼吸着 ただそれだけのことが 奇迹(きせき)だと気付(きつ)く tada soredakeno kotoga kisekida tokituku 察觉到即使这等事情也是奇迹给的恩惠 身近(みぢか)にあるもの mijikani arumono 离自己很近的东西 常(つね)に気(き)を付(つ)けていないと tununi kiwotukete inaito 在不知不觉中 余(あま)りに近(ちか)すぎて amarini tikasugite 由于距离过于微小 见失(みうしな)ってしまいそう miusinatte simaisou 也许就会消失不见 you know the closer you get to something the tougher it is to see it and I"ll never take it for granted 追(お)い続(つづ)けてきた梦(ゆめ) oitutduke tekita yume 一直以来追逐的梦想 あきらめずに进(すす)めようなんて akiramezuni susumeyou nante 不放弃的继续下去 きれい事(こと)を言(い)えるほど kirei kotowo ieruhodo 能够坚定的说出决心 何(なに)も出来(てき)ちゃいないけど nanimo teki tya inaikedo 虽然还没有什么丰功伟绩 一握(ひとにぎ)りの勇気(ゆうき)を胸(むね)に hitonigiri no yuukiwo muneni 把心中的那一点勇气唤出 明日(あした)を生(い)き拔(ぬ)くために asitawo ikinuku tameni 为了走上通向未来的那曲折的路 and I"ll never take it for granted let"s go


妍珠:韩高冷closer内嘛 韩bian closer to you一老k顾你无罗内孝晶:什莫里应那吧 内他嘎嘎多啊的卡k吗内艺苑:表动彪那安聊 内送吻得咯朱聊智浩:韩高冷closer内嘛 韩bian closer to you胜熙:哈里冷四起能表内 内嘛木他吗波内给All:so come on come on(很多come on)come on little closer惠真:顾一罗朱够呀 屋里k她里冷哦惊嘎有彬:卖皮出任得你(特罗怕) 啃气肯德那也便你妍珠:韩高冷closer内嘛 韩bian closer to you孝晶:哈里冷四起能表内 内嘛木他吗波内给All:so come on come on(很多come on)come on little closercloser I"m closer i"m closer i"m closer妍珠:啊内桑得聊嘎脚(读juo)哟All:closer i"m close(oh to you ) i"m closer i"m closer胜熙:can you hear my cay 安能那几卖肯顾卖哭空 ohi promise i wonn"t walk away智浩:韩高楞closer内嘛 韩bian closer to you孝晶:do you 啊黑gi恰内 起更给他gi k 多黑All:so come on come on (很多come on)come on little closer美贤:哦接那韩gi呀到空嘎内s思一思啦给比那够一嫩闹吗嫩表加你住 闹他们恰里了 桥加呢we哎够一打吗比戳住gi了 怕累闹科里gi we 汉古么科里打 科里够科里mion慢来表一丝嘎闹航桑呢嘎疼加里muse on要木老嘎嫩闹milky way is onAll:closer i"m closer i"closer i"m closer 妍珠:啊内桑得聊嘎脚(读juo)哟 to you

closer 火影忍者日语歌词和中文翻译

火影疾风传 《closer》演唱者:井上ヅヨ― 身近(みぢか)にあるもの mijika niaru mono 常(つね)に気(き)を付(つ)けていないと tununi kiwo tukete inaito 余(あま)りに近(ちか)すぎて amarini tikasugite 见失(みうしな)ってしまいそう miusinatte simaisou あなたが最近(さいきん)体验(たいけん)した anata saikin taikensita 幸(しあわ)せは一体(いったい)なんですか siawasewa ittai nandesuka 惠(めぐ)まれすぎていて megumare sugiteite 思(おも)い出(だ)せないかも omoi dasenaikamo 今(いま)ここにいること ima kokoni irukoto 息(いき)をしていること iki wo siteirukoto ただそれだけのことが 奇迹(きせき)だと気付(きつ)く tada soredakeno kotoga kisekida tokituku 身近(みぢか)にあるもの mijikani arumono 常(つね)に気(き)を付(つ)けていないと tununi kiwotukete inaito 余(あま)りに近(ちか)すぎて amarini tikasugite 见失(みうしな)ってしまいそう miusinatte simaisou you know the closer you get to something the tougher it is to see it and I"ll never take it for granted 追(お)い続(つづ)けてきた梦(ゆめ) oitutduke tekita yume あきらめずに进(すす)めようなんて akiramezuni susumeyou nante きれい事(こと)を言(い)えるほど kirei kotowo ieruhodo 何(なに)も出来(てき)ちゃいないけど nanimo teki tya inaikedo 一握(ひとにぎ)りの勇気(ゆうき)を胸(むね)に hitonigiri no yuukiwo muneni 明日(あした)を生(い)き拔(ぬ)くために asitawo ikinuku tameni and I"ll never take it for granted let"s go






歌曲:Closer 歌手:OH MY GIRL所属专辑:Closer作曲 : Laura Brian/Sean Alexander作词 : 서지음/미미한 걸음 closer 내 맘再靠近我的心一步한 뼘 closer to you再靠近你一点이렇게 그리운 날엔在这思念的你的日子里참 멀리 있나 봐你可能身在远方吧매일 다가가도 아득하기만 해即使每天走近 却依旧遥远별똥별아 안녕 내 소원 들어주렴流星啊你好 请让我愿望成真한 걸음 closer 내 맘再靠近我的心一步한 뼘 closer to you再靠近你一点하늘을 스치는 별에 내 맘을 담아 보낼게划破天际的流星 会将我的心意传递给你so come on come on come oncome on come on come oncome on come on come oncome on little closer꼭 이뤄줄 거야 오랜 기다림은 언젠가长久以来期待的总有一天会实现的날 비추는 달님 (들어봐) 간직했던 나의 비밀照耀着我的月光(你听)我珍藏的秘密한 걸음 closer 내 맘再靠近我的心一步한 뼘 closer to you再靠近你一点하늘을 스치는 별에 내 맘을 담아 보낼게划破天际的流星 会将我的心意传递给你so come on come on come oncome on come on come oncome on come on come oncome on little closercloser, I"m closer, I"m closer, I"m closer안아서 데려가 줘 to you紧拥着我带我走吧 to youcloser, I"m closer, I"m closer, I"m closercan you hear my cry어느 늦은 밤 긴 꿈을 꾸는 나 oh今天深夜我做了一个梦 ohcloser, I"m closer, I"m closer, I"m closer한 걸음 closer 내 맘再靠近我的心一步한 뼘 closer to you再靠近你一点태양이 지우기 전에在太阳消逝之前너에게 닿길 기도해祈祷着可以触碰到你so come on come on come oncome on come on come oncome on come on come oncome on little closer언제나 함께였던 공간에서在我们总是形影不离的空间里쓸쓸하게 빛나고 있는 넌闪耀着微弱光芒的你많은 별자리 중 널 닮은 자리를星群中与你相似的那一颗저 하늘 위에 고이 담아 비춰주기를 바래希望可以一直在夜空下闪耀널 그리기 위한 꿈을 그리다刻画着美梦来想象你그리고 그리면 만날 수 있을까所以这样的话我就能见到你吗넌 항상 늘 같은 자리 muse on你总是在相同的地方 muse on여물어가는 넌 milky way is on逐渐成熟的你 milky way is oncloser, I"m closer, I"m closer, I"m closer안아서 데려가 줘 to you紧拥着我带我走吧 to you

Anberlin的《Closer 》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer 歌手:Anberlin专辑:Live from House of Blues AnaheimAnberlin - CloserDo you expect meTo be or believe youDo you accept meWhen it"s me you can see throughAre you keeping safe distanceAre you arms length awayAre you keeping safe distanceHolding me arms length awayAre you there, can someone answer meCloser, closer, closerCloser, closer, closerDo you expect meTo keep from crawling backDo you accept meWhen we both know my pastAm I keeping safe distancePushing you arms length awayAm I keeping safe distanceOh, it"s you that feels betrayedAre you there, can someone answer meCome where I can seeCloser, closer, closerCloser, closer, closerI know you"re out there somewhereCome where I can seeCloser, closer, closer to meCome closer Come closer Come closerCloser, closer, closerCloser, closer, closerAre you out there somewhereGo where I can seeCloser, closer, closer to me

Tracie Spencer的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Tracie Spencer专辑:Tracie陈伟霆 - Closer曲:BabyLAdy 词:夏至( I"m gonna lose controldon"t wanna let you goI"m gonna lose controldon"t wanna let you go )右肩些小倾侧 半露锁骨眼尾发光 闪出两份固执坐姿多麽不规则而思想很单一贴你耳边请不要又说不越级邀请的本色 ( oh no..)每步每寸也刺激 ( don"t let you go )忘记了警惕可靠近我胸 不需要动作掩饰一步步撞来 一 阵阵着呆想像力尽情放开(热汗像示爱 指引叫你过来 若动摇别太耐)一段段近来 一段段後来一站站被揭开(爱上与你接触 伸手到达未来 一直望着期待)closer come closer零分差 零废话约你跳舞跳进我家贴近 爱渗进了嘴巴yeah closer come closer来交叉 如失去距离保护你好吗汗水多麽汹涌 意料之中要你放松 高温里面抱拥露肩吹吹西北风从呼吸声之中听到快感一点渴望扩充为这半秒喝采 (oh no )发现了最敏感 的爱 ( don"t let you go)如死去再活来如果放尽自由投入地去爱不需多花心思 my Roxie只差一点一点没需要暗示Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh不需多花心思 my Roxie靠近我控制哪个可以 又来一次你大概看穿这意思come closer closer don"t go awayoh yeah…close to me close to me别理成熟定幼稚closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control don"t let you go)

Garnet Crow的《closer》 歌词

歌曲名:closer歌手:Garnet Crow专辑:TerminuscloserGARNET CROW作词:AZUKI 七作曲:中村由利君がやさしく见守ってくれている感じている今をどんな风に生きてゆくとしても届かないけどこの角曲がると逢えるかな思わずにいられず涙流さぬよう远回りする道ライラックの香り吹き抜けるつないだ日々が确かに焦がれた日々が确かにあったよね微かに残る気配に消え行くものの彼方にすべてが出逢えるならこんなに寂しいのはなぜかな乗り遅れたバスを待つみたい行く先も知らずに夕暮れの木立に飞び去る影にも期待してしまう何かが揺らめく见つめあう瞬间が确かに笑った日々が确かにあったよね微かに感じる気配に分かち合うことですべてが光になるのならこの暗闇はなにかなつないだ日々が确かに焦がれた日々が确かにあったよね微かに残る気配に消え行くものの彼方にすべて出逢うならこんな寂しいのはなぜかな散り行く花でさえ震えるよう

Nine Inch Nails的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Nine Inch Nails专辑:Live: And All That Could Have BeenCloserNine Inch NailsThe Downward SpiralYou let me violate youYou let me desecrate youYou let me penetrate youYou let me complicate youHelp me...I broke apart my insidesHelp me...I"ve got no soul to tellHelp me...the only thing that works for meHelp me get away from myself,I wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodYou can have my isolation...You can have the hate that it bringsYou can have my absence of faith...You can have my everythingHelp me... you tear down my reasonHelp me... it"s your sex I can smellHelp me... you make me perfectHelp me think I"m somebody elseI wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodThrough every forestAbove the treesWithin my stomachScraped off my kneesI drink the honey, inside your hive...You are the reason I stay alive...

有首英文歌高潮一直飚假音。高潮后两句一直是closer closer这词一直重复而且还是假音求歌名



  I"ve had enough, of this parade.  这天堂,我已享用足够  I"m thinking of, the words to say.  我在想,该说些什么  We open up, unfinished parts,  我们敞开心扉,那些未完成的部分  Broken up, its so mellow.  破碎,它如此醇厚(这句话,我也不知道怎么准确,直译就是这样)  And when I see you then I know it will be next to me  当我想见你,我知道你会在我身边  And when I need you then I know you will be there with me  当我需要你,我知道你会在那儿,陪伴着我  Ill never leave you...  我与你永不分离  Just need to get closer, closer,  只是需要靠近,再靠近  Lean on me now,  现在靠在我身上  Lean on me now,  现在靠在我身上  closer, closer,  再近些,再近些  Lean on me now,  现在靠在我身上  Lean on me now.  现在靠在我身上  Keep waking up (waking up), without you here (without you here).  一直惊醒(惊醒),你不在我身边(你不在我身边)  Another day (another day), another year (another year).  某天(某天),某年(某年)  I seek the truth (seek the truth), we set apart (we set apart)  我寻找真相(寻找真相),我们分离(分离)  Thinking of a second chance (a second chance).  考虑第二个机会(第二个机会)  And when I see you then I know it will be next to me  当我想见你,我知道你会在我身边  And when I need you then I know you will be there with me  当我需要你,我知道你会在那儿,陪伴着我  Ill never leave you...  我与你永不分离  Just need to get closer, closer,  只是需要靠近,再靠近  Lean on me now,  现在靠在我身上  Lean on me now,  现在靠在我身上  closer, closer,  再近些,再近些  Lean on me now,  现在靠在我身上  Lean on me now.  现在靠在我身上  And when I see you then I know it will be next to me  当我想见你,我知道你会在我身边  And when I need you then I know you will be there with me  当我需要你,我知道你会在那儿,陪伴着我  Ill never leave you...  我与你永不分离  Just need to get closer, closer,  只是需要靠近,再靠近  Lean on me now,  现在靠在我身上  Lean on me now,  现在靠在我身上  closer, closer,  再近些,再近些  Lean on me now,  现在靠在我身上  Lean on me now.  现在靠在我身上  closer, closer... closer, closer.  靠近,靠近。。靠近,靠近


这首歌是travis比较早期的作品了。歌曲旋律梦幻优美,歌词内容主要讲述的是两个人之间互相敞开心扉,彼此依靠,让关系变得更加亲密。Closer 靠近I"ve had enough, of this parade.这天堂,我已享用足够I"m thinking of, the words to say.我在想,该说些什么We open up, unfinished parts,我们敞开心扉,了解那些不曾了解的部分Broken up, its so mellow.消化掉它们,一切是如此的美好And when I see you then I know it will be next to me当我想见你,我知道你会在我身边And when I need you then I know you will be there with me当我需要你,我知道你会在那儿,陪伴着我Ill never leave you...我与你永不分离Just need to get closer, closer,只是需要靠近,再靠近Lean on me now,现在靠在我身上Lean on me now,现在靠在我身上closer, closer,再近些,再近些Lean on me now,现在靠在我身上Lean on me now.现在靠在我身上Keep waking up (waking up), without you here (without you here).当我从梦中醒来,你不在我身边Another day (another day), another year (another year).未来的某天,未来的某年I seek the truth (seek the truth), we set apart (we set apart)我寻找我们分离的真相Thinking of a second chance (a second chance).让我们拥有第二个机会And when I see you then I know it will be next to me当我想见你,我知道你会在我身边And when I need you then I know you will be there with me当我需要你,我知道你会在那儿,陪伴着我Ill never leave you...我与你永不分离Just need to get closer, closer,只是需要靠近,再靠近Lean on me now,现在靠在我身上Lean on me now,现在靠在我身上closer, closer,再近些,再近些Lean on me now,现在靠在我身上Lean on me now.现在靠在我身上And when I see you then I know it will be next to me当我想见你,我知道你会在我身边And when I need you then I know you will be there with me当我需要你,我知道你会在那儿,陪伴着我Ill never leave you...我与你永不分离Just need to get closer, closer,只是需要靠近,再靠近Lean on me now,现在靠在我身上Lean on me now,现在靠在我身上closer, closer,再近些,再近些Lean on me now,现在靠在我身上Lean on me now.现在靠在我身上closer, closer... closer, closer.靠近,靠近,靠近,靠近

Melba Moore的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Melba Moore专辑:CloserCloserNine Inch NailsThe Downward SpiralYou let me violate youYou let me desecrate youYou let me penetrate youYou let me complicate youHelp me...I broke apart my insidesHelp me...I"ve got no soul to tellHelp me...the only thing that works for meHelp me get away from myself,I wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodYou can have my isolation...You can have the hate that it bringsYou can have my absence of faith...You can have my everythingHelp me... you tear down my reasonHelp me... it"s your sex I can smellHelp me... you make me perfectHelp me think I"m somebody elseI wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodThrough every forestAbove the treesWithin my stomachScraped off my kneesI drink the honey, inside your hive...You are the reason I stay alive...

火影忍者主题曲之一CLOSER (井上ジョー)中文歌词?

CLOSER「NARUTO-ナルト-疾风伝OP13」作词/作曲/编曲:井上ジョー歌:井上ジョー身近にある物 存在於身边的事物常に気を付けていないと 如果不经常留意的话余りに近すぎて 反而因为太过接近见失ってしまいそう 而容易失去あなたが最近体験した 你最近所体验到的幸せは一体何ですか? 幸福究竟是什麼?恵まれすぎていて 可能因为受到太多恩惠思い出せないかも! 反而无法记得!今ここにいる事 现在我站在这裏息をしている事 呼吸著ただそれだけの事が 只是如此简单的事情奇迹だと気付く 却奇迹般的察觉到身近にある物 存在於身边的事物常に気を付けていないと 如果不经常留意的话余りに近すぎて 反而因为太过接近见失ってしまいそう 而容易失去Youknowthecloseryougettosomething <你知道靠近你才能到达的那些地方>Thetougheritistoseeit <将来会遇见坚强的人>AndI"llnevertakeitforgranted <而且我不认为这是理所当然>Let"sgo <一起前进吧>人助けを伪善と 善行与伪善呼ぶ奴等もいるけれど 也存在於呼喊的人们中不过信じるのも疑うのも 相信也好怀疑也好都人それぞれだから 因为这是人的各自所以たとえ仮にそれが 就算假定是这样伪善であったとしも 当伪善的时候也谁かを救えたなら 能够帮助别人的话そりゃむしろ何よりもリアル 这样比任何事情都要现实追い続けてきた梦 不停的追寻著的梦想あきらめずに进めよなんて 决不放弃地寻找著キレイ事を言えるほど 光说些漂亮话的话何も出来ちゃいないけど 可能什麼都做不到一握りの勇気を胸に 把勇气藏於心中明日を生き抜くために 为了明天能够继续生存AndI"llnevertakeitforgranted <而且我不认为这是理所当然>Let"sgo<一起前进吧>身近にある物 存在於身边的事物常に気を付けていないと 如果不经常留意的话余りに近すぎて 反而因为太过接近见失ってしまいそう 而容易失去Youknowthecloseryougettosomething <你知道靠近你才能到达的那些地方>Thetougheritistoseeit <将来会遇见坚强的人>AndI"llnevertakeitforgranted<而且我不认为这是理所当然>追い続けてきた梦 不停的追寻著的梦想あきらめずに进めよなんて 决不放弃地寻找著キレイ事を言えるほど 光说些漂亮话的话何も出来ちゃいないけど 可能什麼都做不到一握りの勇気を胸に 把勇气藏於心中明日を生き抜くために 为了明天能够继续生存AndI"llnevertakeitforgranted <而且我不认为这是理所当然>Let"sgo <一起前进吧>

陈伟霆的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲:Closer歌手:陈伟霆作曲:BabyLAdy作曲:夏至专辑:秒《Heads or Tails( I"m gonna lose controldon"t wanna let you goI"m gonna lose controldon"t wanna let you go )右肩些小倾侧 半露锁骨眼尾发光 闪出两份固执坐姿多麽不规则而思想很单一贴你耳边请不要又说不越级邀请的本色 ( oh no..)每步每寸也刺激 ( don"t let you go )忘记了警惕可靠近我胸 不需要动作掩饰一步步撞来 一 阵阵着呆想像力尽情放开(热汗像示爱 指引叫你过来 若动摇别太耐)一段段近来 一段段後来一站站被揭开(爱上与你接触 伸手到达未来 一直望着期待)closer come closer零分差 零废话约你跳舞跳进我家贴近 爱渗进了嘴巴yeah closer come closer来交叉 如失去距离保护你好吗汗水多麽汹涌 意料之中要你放松 高温里面抱拥露肩吹吹西北风从呼吸声之中听到快感一点渴望扩充为这半秒喝采 (oh no )发现了最敏感 的爱 ( don"t let you go)如死去再活来如果放尽自由投入地去爱不需多花心思 my Roxie只差一点一点没需要暗示Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh不需多花心思 my Roxie靠近我控制哪个可以 又来一次你大概看穿这意思come closer closer don"t go awayoh yeah…close to me close to me别理成熟定幼稚closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control don"t let you go)陈伟霆 - Closer曲:BabyLAdy 词:夏至( I"m gonna lose controldon"t wanna let you goI"m gonna lose controldon"t wanna let you go )右肩些小倾侧 半露锁骨眼尾发光 闪出两份固执坐姿多麽不规则而思想很单一贴你耳边请不要又说不越级邀请的本色 ( oh no..)每步每寸也刺激 ( don"t let you go )忘记了警惕可靠近我胸 不需要动作掩饰一步步撞来 一 阵阵着呆想像力尽情放开(热汗像示爱 指引叫你过来 若动摇别太耐)一段段近来 一段段後来一站站被揭开(爱上与你接触 伸手到达未来 一直望着期待)closer come closer零分差 零废话约你跳舞跳进我家贴近 爱渗进了嘴巴yeah closer come closer来交叉 如失去距离保护你好吗汗水多麽汹涌 意料之中要你放松 高温里面抱拥露肩吹吹西北风从呼吸声之中听到快感一点渴望扩充为这半秒喝采 (oh no )发现了最敏感 的爱 ( don"t let you go)如死去再活来如果放尽自由投入地去爱不需多花心思 my Roxie只差一点一点没需要暗示Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh不需多花心思 my Roxie靠近我控制哪个可以 又来一次你大概看穿这意思come closer closer don"t go awayoh yeah…close to me close to me别理成熟定幼稚closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control)closer come closer(I"m gonna lose control don"t let you go)

求【动新】翻译的火影忍者OP【CLOSER】歌词 谢谢

中日对照的^-^歌词[00:14.21][00:16.36][00:19.50]CLOSER[00:21.50]「火影忍者 OP13」[00:23.50]作词/作曲/编曲:[00:28.50]歌:井上ジョー[00:31.50]by:草帽仔^_^ / QQ:465190996[00:35.50][00:38.05]あなたが最近(さいきん)体験(たいけん)した☆你最近所体验到的[00:41.09]幸(しあわ)せは一体(いったい)何(なに)ですか?☆幸福究竟是什麼?[00:43.99]恵(めぐ)まれすぎていて☆可能因为受到太多恩惠[00:46.95]思(おも)い出(だ)せないかも!☆反而无法记得![00:49.79][00:50.20]今(いま)ここにいる事(こと)☆现在我站在这裏[00:52.71]息(いき)をしている事(こと)☆呼吸著[00:55.60]ただそれだけの事(こと)が☆只是如此简单的事情[00:58.39]奇迹 (きせき)だと気付(きづ)く☆却奇迹般的察觉到[00:59.78][01:00.28]身近(みぢか)にある物(もの)☆存在於身边的事物[01:02.82]常( つね)に気(き)を付(つ)けていないと☆如果不经常留意的话[01:06.13]余(あま)りに近(ちか)すぎて☆反而因为太过接近[01:09.17]见失(みうしな)ってしまいそう☆而容易失去[01:11.29][01:11.69]You know the closer you get to something <你知道靠近你才能到达的那些地方>[01:15.03]The tougher it is to see it <将来会遇见坚强的人>[01:17.59]And I"ll never take it for granted <而且我不认为这是理所当然>[01:20.57][01:20.92]Let"s go <一起前进吧>[01:22.23][01:24.57]人助(ひとだす)けを伪善(ぎぜん)と☆善行与伪善[01:27.35]呼(よ)ぶ奴等(やつら)もいるけれど☆也存在於呼喊的人们中 不过[01:30.22]信(しん)じるのも疑(うたが)うのも☆相信也好怀疑也好都[01:33.14]人(ひと)それぞれだから☆因为这是人的各自 所以[01:35.77][01:36.13]たとえ仮(かり)にそれが☆就算假定是这样[01:38.95]伪善(ぎぜん)であったとしも☆当伪善的时候也[01:41.90]谁(だれ)かを救(すく)えたなら☆能够帮助别人的话[01:44.58]そりゃむしろ何(なに)よりもリアル☆这样比任何事情都要现实[01:46.42][01:46.82]追(お)い続(つづ)けてきた梦(ゆめ)☆不停的追寻著的梦想[01:49.00]あきらめずに进(すす)めよなんて☆决不放弃地寻找著[01:52.56]キレイ事(ごと)を言(い)えるほど☆光说些漂亮话的话[01:55.24]何(なに)も出来(でき)ちゃいないけど☆可能什麼都做不到[01:57.61][01:58.01]一握(いちにぎ)りの勇気(ゆうき)を胸(むね)に☆把勇气藏於心中[02:00.99]明日(あした)を生(い)き抜(ぬ)くために☆为了明天能够继续生存[02:03.88]And I"ll never take it for granted <而且我不认为这是理所当然>[02:06.40][02:06.88]Let"s go <一起前进吧>[02:08.96][02:12.55]TVアニメ 「NARUTO-ナルト-疾风伝 」 OP4 テーマ[02:31.53][02:35.63]身近(みぢか)にある物(もの)☆存在於身边的事物[02:38.25]常( つね)に気(き)を付(つ)けていないと☆如果不经常留意的话[02:41.54]余(あま)りに近(ちか)すぎて☆反而因为太过接近[02:44.63]见失(みうしな)ってしまいそう☆而容易失去[02:46.56][02:47.06]You know the closer you get to something <你知道靠近你才能到达的那些地方>[02:50.15]The tougher it is to see it <将来会遇见坚强的人>[02:52.85]And I"ll never take it for granted <而且我不认为这是理所当然>[02:55.54][02:55.94]追(お)い続(つづ)けてきた梦(ゆめ)☆不停的追寻著的梦想[02:58.39]あきらめずに进(すす)めよなんて☆决不放弃地寻找著[03:01.73]キレイ事(ごと)を言(い)えるほど☆光说些漂亮话的话[03:04.70]何(なに)も出来(でき)ちゃいないけど☆可能什麼都做不到[03:07.33][03:07.76]一握(いちにぎ)りの勇気(ゆうき)を胸(むね)に☆把勇气藏於心中[03:10.52]明日(あした)を生(い)き抜(ぬ)くために☆为了明天能够继续生存[03:13.30]And I"ll never take it for granted <而且我不认为这是理所当然>[03:16.25][03:16.69]Let"s go <一起前进吧>[03:17.68][03:18.95][03:21.05][03:23.05]END[03:23.75]

Melanie C的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Melanie C专辑:Northern StarCloserMelanie C.Loving you madly will be forever.I see the ocean in your eyes when we"re together.There are no boundaries. There are no limits.My heart has been embraced now that you"re in it.Hold me closer to your dreams.Closer to your fears. Close to hear your laughter.Hold me when you"re close to tears.Time passes by, seconds into minutes.Every field and flower fades but love is infinite.There are no boundaries. There are no limits.My heart"s a bigger place now that you"re in it.Hold me closer to your dreams.Closer to your fears. Close to hear your laughter.Hold me when you"re close to tears.I wanna be the one you tell your secrets to.All I want is to be closer. Closer to you.How tight can you hold me?How long can we stay awake?How hard can we laugh?How much love can we make?Hold me close to your dreams.Closer to your fears. Close to hear your laughter.Hold me when you"re close to tears.I wanna be the one you tell your secrets to.All I want is to be closer. Closer to you.The end ^^

baby closer抖音里面的是什么歌

《Closer》《Closer》是由美国电子音乐组合烟鬼组合制作、烟鬼组合成员安德鲁·塔格特以及女歌手海尔希共同演唱的歌曲,由安德鲁·塔格特、肖恩·弗兰克和弗雷德里克·肯尼特等创作,于2016年7月29日通过Disruptor唱片和哥伦比亚唱片发行。《Closer》于2016年8月22日上升至美国公告牌百强单曲榜的首位,并分别成为烟鬼组合和海尔希第一支在该榜拿下冠军的单曲 。2016年8月28日,《Closer》获得MTV音乐录影带奖“最佳夏日歌曲”提名 。


一样是喜欢火影的伙伴啊……看看满意吗?身近にある物常に気を付けていないと余りに近すぎて见失ってしまいそう「CLOSER」歌手:井上ジョーあなたが最近体験した幸せは一体何ですか?恵まれすぎていて思い出せないかも!今ここにいる事息をしている事ただそれだけの事が奇迹だと気付くYou know the closer you get to somethingThe tougher it is to see itAnd I"ll never take it for grantedLet"s go人助けを伪善と呼ぶ奴等もいるけれど信じるのも疑うのも人それぞれだから[たとえ仮にそれが伪善であったとしても谁かを救えたならそりゃむしろ何よりもリアル追い続けてきた梦あきらめずに进めよなんてキレイ事を言えるほど何も出来ちゃいないけど一握りの勇気を胸に明日を生き抜くためにAnd I"ll never take it for grantedLet"s go


CLOSERCome take my hand now过来牵住我的手Know there is no doubtI"m here for you你就会知道我永远在这里等你 毫无疑问I"ll be the truthSomeone in your life我会是你生命中的那个人。Just look in my eyesYou"ll know that you"re home只需看进我的眼睛 你就会知道我就是你的家 你并不是孤身一人And you"re not aloneAll I know is I can"t breatheWithout you next to me所有我知道的就是没有你在我身旁 我不能呼吸。ChorusDon"t give upDon"t let go不要放弃 不要放手C"mon get closer让我们更加紧密Give all we have insideDon"t look back不要向回看C"mon get closer让我们更加紧密The world is ours tonight今晚世界是我们的Tonight tonight tonight alright今晚今晚今晚 好吗The world is ours tonight今晚世界是我们的I know who you are我知道你在我心中的地位You"re here in my heart你就在这里 在我的心中So don"t say a word所以一个字也不要说I"ve already heard因为我早已知晓I know your secret我知道你的小秘密还有你的每一分每一秒And every momentThis is our worldOur secret world这是我们的世界 我们的秘密世界All you are is what I need你正是我需要的"Cause you know I still believe因为你知道我仍然坚信ChorusDon"t walk away不要走开We can survive if we try如果我们尝试的话 会成功Don"t leave me here tonight今晚不要把我撇下Please give me just a sign请给我个提示I"ll put my life on the line我会用我的生命来爱你Don"t give upDon"t let go不要放弃 不要放手C"mon get closer让我们更加紧密The world is our stonight今晚世界是我们的ChorusTonight tonight tonight alrightC"mon get closer呃 这是刚刚自己翻译的。。。不太好 语文不行。。。但是意思都对 明白就行了。


因为距离是相对的,让”离我近点“,其实就是要求更近一些。could you stay farther from me? Staying close is too hot.

Ne-Yo的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Ne-Yo专辑:DJ MAKIDAI MIX CD Treasure MIXNe-Yo - CloserTurn the lights off in this placeAnd she shines just like a starAnd I swear I know her faceI just don"t know who you areTurn the music up in hereI still hear her loud and clearLike she"s right there in my earTelling meThat she wants to own meTo control meCome closerCome closerAnd I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell i can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopAnd I just can"t bring myself awayBut I don"t want to escapeI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI can feel her on my skinI can taste her on my tongueShes the sweetest taste Ive seenThe more I get the more I wantShe wants to own meCome closerShe says "come closer"And I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell i can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopAnd I just can"t bring myself awayBut I don"t want to escapeI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stop(Come closer) x 7I just can"t stop noooooI just can"t stop noooooI just can"t stop noooooI just can"t stop noooooAnd I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell I can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopAnd I just can"t bring myself awayBut I don"t want to escapeI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopAnd I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell i can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!



Closer Ne-Yo 歌词翻译


求closer 谐音歌词


Ne-Yo的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Ne-Yo专辑:Power Hits 3(冠军全击3)Ne-Yo - CloserTurn the lights off in this placeAnd she shines just like a starAnd I swear I know her faceI just don"t know who you areTurn the music up in hereI still hear her loud and clearLike she"s right there in my earTelling meThat she wants to own meTo control meCome closerCome closerAnd I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell i can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopAnd I just can"t bring myself awayBut I don"t want to escapeI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI can feel her on my skinI can taste her on my tongueShes the sweetest taste Ive seenThe more I get the more I wantShe wants to own meCome closerShe says "come closer"And I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell i can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopAnd I just can"t bring myself awayBut I don"t want to escapeI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stop(Come closer) x 7I just can"t stop noooooI just can"t stop noooooI just can"t stop noooooI just can"t stop noooooAnd I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell I can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopAnd I just can"t bring myself awayBut I don"t want to escapeI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopI just can"t stopAnd I just can"t pull myself awayUnder a spell i can"t breakI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopI just cant stopLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!




close与 closer的区别 能举个例子老说明他们的用法吗,

close是形容词原形,近的意思. closer是比较级,更近的意思,比较亟通常用于两者之间比较. 例如:My home is close to school. Tom"s home is closer to school than my(home).这就是这里为什么用my,不用I,me的原因.


一层 好


Westlife - CloserCome take my hand now过来牵住我的手Know there is no doubtI"m here for you你就会知道我永远在这里等你 毫无疑问I"ll be the truthSomeone in your life我会是你生命中的那个人。Just look in my eyesYou"ll know that you"re home只需看进我的眼睛 你就会知道我就是你的家 你并不是孤身一人And you"re not aloneAll I know is I can"t breatheWithout you next to me所有我知道的就是没有你在我身旁 我不能呼吸。ChorusDon"t give upDon"t let go不要放弃 不要放手C"mon get closer让我们更加紧密Give all we have insideDon"t look back不要向回看C"mon get closer让我们更加紧密The world is ours tonight今晚世界是我们的Tonight tonight tonight alright今晚今晚今晚 好吗The world is ours tonight今晚世界是我们的I know who you are我知道你在我心中的地位You"re here in my heart你就在这里 在我的心中So don"t say a word所以一个字也不要说I"ve already heard因为我早已知晓I know your secret我知道你的小秘密还有你的每一分每一秒And every momentThis is our worldOur secret world这是我们的世界 我们的秘密世界All you are is what I need你正是我需要的‘Cause you know I still believe因为你知道我仍然坚信ChorusDon"t walk away不要走开We can survive if we try如果我们尝试的话 会成功Don"t leave me here tonight今晚不要把我撇下Please give me just a sign请给我个提示I"ll put my life on the line我会用我的生命来爱你Don"t give upDon"t let go不要放弃 不要放手C"mon get closer让我们更加紧密The world is our stonight今晚世界是我们的ChorusTonight tonight tonight alrightC"mon get closer

closer歌词 歌曲closer的歌词

Closer - Travis Ive had enough 我已享用足够 Of this parade 这天堂 Im thinking of 我在想 The words to say 该说些什么 We open up 我们敞开心扉 Unfinished parts 那些未完成的部分 Broken up 破碎 Its so mellow 它如此醇厚 And when I see you 当我想见你 Then I know it will be next to me 我知道你会在我身边 And when I need you 当我需要你 Then I know you will be there with me 我知道你会在那儿,陪伴着我 Ill never leave you 我与你永不分离 Just need to get closer 只是需要靠近 Closer 再靠近 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Closer 再近些 Closer 再近些 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Keep waking up (waking up) 一直惊醒 Without you here (without you here) 你不在我身边 Another day (another day) 某天 Another year (another year) 某年 I seek the truth (seek the truth) 我寻找真相 We set apart (we set apart) 我们分离 Thinking of a second chance (a second chance) 考虑第二个机会 And when I see you then 当我想见你 I know it will be next to me 我知道你会在我身边 And when I need you then 当我需要你 I know you will be there with me 我知道你会在那儿,陪伴着我 Ill never leave you 我与你永不分离 Just need to get closer 只是需要靠近 Closer 再靠近 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Closer 再近些 Closer 再近些 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Lean on me now (lean on me now) 现在靠在我身上 And when I see you then 当我想见你 I know it will be next to me 我知道你会在我身边 And when I need you then 当我需要你 I know you will be there with me 我知道你会在那儿,陪伴着我 Ill never leave you 我与你永不分离 Just need to be closer 只是需要靠近 Closer 再近些 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Closer 再近些 Closer 再近些 Lean on me now 现在靠在我身上 Lean on me now (lean of me now) 现在靠在我身上 Closer 再近些 Closer 再近些

Closer 是什么意思?

一张专辑发行时间:1980年专辑歌手:Joy Division地区:英国语言:英语专辑名称:《Closer》专辑类别:欧美音乐1CD发行日期:1980音乐流派:Post-PunkAMG评分:★★★★Number of Discs: 1Label: Qwest / Wea百张史上最具革命性的专辑048 - Joy Division - 1980 - Closer滚石评出的最伟大500张专辑之一 专辑介绍:In retrospect, the second and final album by this Manchester postpunk band seems to point straight at singer Ian Curtis"s suicide, which happened a few months before it was released. The band"s reverberating mesh of minor-key lines and Curtis"s tremorous bass voice are doomy enough on their own, and attention to the words reveals references to blacker-than-black stories by J.G. Ballard and Joseph Conrad; the void and its terrors were splitting Curtis apart from the inside. "I put my trust in you," he sings, and his voice leaves no doubt that that trust has been betrayed. But the music, grim and powerful as it is, points to the direction the surviving members took as New Order, incorporating the mechanical gravity of club rhythms. --Douglas Wolk1. Atrocity exhibition2. Isolation3. Passover4. Colony5. A Means To An End6. Heart & Soul7. Twenty Four Hours8. The Eternal9. Decades

close与 closer的区别

close 是“近 , 关掉closer 是 “再近一点


《Closer》是歌曲名称,是由美国电子音乐组合烟鬼组合制作,其成员安德鲁·塔格特以及女歌手海尔希共同演唱的歌曲,由安德鲁·塔格特、肖恩·弗兰克和弗雷德里克·肯尼特等创作,于2016年7月29日通过Disruptor唱片和哥伦比亚唱片发行,后收录在烟鬼组合2016年11月4日由索尼音乐发行的EP《Collage》中。《Closer》于2016年8月22日上升至美国公告牌百强单曲榜的首位,并分别成为烟鬼组合和海尔希第一支在该榜拿下冠军的单曲。2016年8月28日,《Closer》获得MTV音乐录影带奖“最佳夏日歌曲”提名。创作背景:《Closer》是烟鬼组合成员安德鲁·塔格特首次参与献声的歌曲,歌词的创作灵感来源于安德鲁·塔格特与前任的经历,音乐灵感是他在反复聆听Blink-182乐队歌曲《I Miss You》时所得到的。在录唱过程中,安德鲁·塔格特和海尔希分别贡献男女声部分。在制作过程中,安德鲁·塔格特有将音乐节奏变成一整首歌的想法,肖恩·弗兰克向他介绍了如何处理和分层人声。
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