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2022 SEMA改装展:福特10款车型亮相

易车讯 2022 SEMA改装展在美国拉斯维加斯举行,福特带来了包括Bronco、Bronco Sport、 Maverick、F-150等共10款车型。值得注意的是,福特个性化及高性能零配件业务在过去两年中增长了40%,为用户提供了独特的体验。在这其中,福特Mustang的零配件及改装件销量最高。Bronco这是一款以穿越复杂地形到达海滩钓鱼为目的的改装方案,车辆以Bronco为基础,使用了DANA 60车桥与5.38速比。车辆额外加装了冰箱、270°遮阳棚以及行李拓展系统,可以满足钓友的全部需求。Maverick这是一款以日常工作为主导的改装,可以满足专业工作者的需求。其对货箱部分进行了升级,可存放专业工具。同时,其还加装了太阳能充电板,可外接电源使用电气工具,实现自给自足。F-150 Lightning这是一款基于纯电皮卡打造的赛事后援车,具备过硬的基础性能和支持能力。配备了空气压缩机、调平套件等工具,以及应对比赛的基础改装。值得一提的是,它还能为参加Baja比赛的重型赛车提供焊接操作。根据易车App“热度榜”数据,福特(进口)在同级别竞品中排名第66,日均关注度5.55万。如需更多数据,请到易车App查看。

信号量vs互斥锁(Semaphore vs Mutex)

信号量是一个被线程共享的非负变量。信号量是一个发信号的机制。一个等待一个信号量的线程可以被其他线程通知(signal)。这个机制通过 wait 和 signal 两个原子操作(atomic operations)来实现进程同步。 一个信号量要么允许访问资源,要么不允许访问资源。二者只能选其一。而具体是哪一种,则要看设置。 详情可参考《 信号量:二进位信号量和计数信号量 》这篇文章。 互斥锁其实是一个对象。Mutex的全称是Mutual Exclusion Object,也就是互斥锁是一个互斥对象。它是一种特殊的二进位信号量(binary semaphore),用来控制访问共享区域资源。它包括一个优先级继承机制,以避免扩展的优先级反转问题。它允许当前优先级较高的任务在阻塞状态下维持的时间尽可能的少。然而,优先级继承并不能完全避免优先级反转,而只会最小化其影响。 对于单个缓冲区(single buffer),我们可以将4kb缓冲区分成四个1kb缓冲区。信号量可以与这四个缓冲区相关联。这允许用户和生产者同时处理不同的缓冲区。 互斥锁用于提供互斥,它使得拥有钥匙(key or mutex)的生产者才能访问资源。只要生产者占用了缓冲区(buffer),用户必须等待,反之亦然。在互斥锁的机制中,整块缓冲区始终只能提供给一个线程访问。 下面列举信号量的优点: 下面列举互斥锁的优点: 下面列举信号量的缺点: 下面列举互斥锁的缺点:

J.U.C锁之 Semaphore

Semaphore 名为"信号量"。 Semaphore用来管理内部许可证,当多个线程要访问竞争资源时可以通过Semaphore来控制并发访问竞争资源的线程数。当线程需要访问竞争资源时需要首先获取一个许可证,执行完毕在返还,如果许可证用完则,线程进入同步队列并阻塞。等待许可证返回唤醒。 主要特性 公平性 :支持公平性和非公平性。所谓公平表示在获取锁时逻辑是否要考虑当前正在排队等待线程。按照大白话来说就时公平表示不能插入强占资源。 应用场景 获取许可 释放许可 其他方法 Semaphore 使用AQS实现锁机制,AQS是AbstractQueuedSynchronizer的缩写,翻译过来就是"同步器",,它实现了Java函数中锁同步(synchronized),锁等待(wait,notify)功能。 AbstractQueuedSynchronizer是一个抽象类,我们可以编写自己类继承AQS重写获取独占式或共享式同步状态模板方法,实现锁锁同步(synchronized),锁等待(wait,notify)功能 AQS核心是一个同步状态,两个队列。它们实现了Java函数中锁同步(synchronized),锁等待(wait,notify),并在其基础上实现了独占式同步,共享式同步2中方式锁的实现。 无论独占式还时共享式获取同步状态成功则直接返回,失败则进入CLH同步队列并阻塞当前线程。当获取同步状态线程释放同步状态,AQS会选择从CLH队列head头部节点的第一个节点释放阻塞,尝试重写竞争获取同步状态,如果成功则将当前节点出队。如果失败则继续阻塞。 获取同步状态的线程也可以使用condition对象释放同步状态进入等待队列。只有等待其他线程使用condition.signal或condition.signAll()唤醒被从阻塞状态中释放重新竞争获取同步状态成功后从原来指令位置继续运行。 AQS实现了锁,必然存在一个竞争资源。AQS存在从一个int类型的成员变量state,我们把它称为同步状态,同步状态通常用做判断线程能否获取锁的依据 AQS 实现了锁那么总需要一个队列将无法获取锁的线程保存起来,方便在锁释放时通知队列中线程去重新竞争锁。 实现原理 同步队列又被称为CLH同步队列,CLH队列是通过 链式方式实现FIFO双向队列 。当线程获取同步状态失败时,AQS则会将当前线程构造成一个节点(Node)并将其加入到CLH同步队列,同时会阻塞当前线程,当同步状态被释放时,会把首节点后第一个节点的线程从阻塞状态下唤醒,唤醒的线程会尝试竞争同步状态,如果能获取同步状态成功,则从同步队列中出队。 实现原理 这里取消节点表示当前节点的线程不在参与排队获取锁。 从概念上来说独占式对应只存在一个资源,且只能被一个线程或者说竞争者占用. 从概念上来说共享式对应存在多个资源的是有多个线程或者竞争者能够获取占用. 我们可以编写自己类继承AQS选择重写独占式或共享式模板方法,从而定义如何获取同步状态和释放同步状态的逻辑。 tryAcquire :尝试独占式获取同步状态,返回值为true则表示获取成功,否则获取失败。 tryRelease : 尝试独占式释放同步状态,返回值为true则表示获取成功,否则获取失败。 tryAcquireShared :尝试共享式获取同步状态,当返回值为大于等于0的时获得同步状态成功,否则获取失败。 tryReleaseShared :尝试共享式释放同步状态,返回值为true则表示获取成功,否则获取失败。 由于多个线程可以同时许可同时执行,当然我们选择使用共享同步,Sync需要重写 tryAcquire 获取同步状态条件逻辑, tryRelease 释放同步条件逻辑。其核心点在于使用同步状态做判断。当同状态为0时,许可被使用完了,同步状态大于0,许可被还可用,每次调用 tryAcquire 同步状态-1,每次调用 tryRelease 同步状态+1 内部存在有三个内部类 Sync、NonfairSync 和 FairSync 类。 Semaphore 很多方法都通过代理内部类的方法实现。 公平信号量获取许可 非公平信号量获取许可 释放许可 完整源码





Rosemary Clooney的《Funny Face》 歌词

歌曲名:Funny Face歌手:Rosemary Clooney专辑:Mothers & DaughtersFunny face, I love youFunny face, I need youMy whole world"s wrapped up in youWhen the road I walk seems all uphillAnd the colors in my rainbow turn blueYou kiss the tears awayYou smile at me and say"Funny face (funny face) I love you"Funny face, I love youFunny face, I need youThese are the sweetest words I"ve ever heardFunny face, don"t leave meFunny face, believe meMy whole world"s wrapped up in youAnd when I hurt your feelings as I sometimes doAnd I say those mean things that we know are not trueYou forgive my childish wayYou hold me close and say"Funny face (funny face) I love you"Funny face, I love youFunny face, I need youThese are the sweetest words I"ve ever heardFunny face, don"t leave meFunny face, believe meMy whole world"s wrapped up in youFunny face, I love youFunny face, I need you FADEThese are the sweetest words I"ve ever heardFunny face, don"t leave me

parsley sage rosemary音标

三个词的音标:parsley [u02c8pɑ:sli]sage [seu026adu0292]rosemary [u02c8ru0259u028azmu0259ri]给你补一个thyme [tau026am]ps:这几个词的组合,应该是Scarborough Fair



Rosemary Clooney的《Hey There》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey There歌手:Rosemary Clooney专辑:The Rosemary Clooney Show: Songs From The Classic Television Series风も眠る 静かな午後に君に会える理由を探したあたり前に春はおとずれそよ风は影をふるわせたHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereガラスの割れる音に起こされた午後窓の外には无邪気な声傍にいた母亲は 子供を叱るけどどうしようもないのか困った颜して犬が吠えるHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey therewell I take a moment we need some break timedrowning in the sun lake brown white and yellowshadow is always the same colourI would"ve taken few step further if I knewdestination of this provocationHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey there崩れかけた世界破れた窓から见える空は 高く晴れ渡る风も眠る 静かな午後に理由なんていらない 会いに行くよHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereHey there Hey there Hey there Hey thereAkeboshi - Hey There作诗·作曲 Akeboshiおわり

Rosemary Clooney的《For You》 歌词


Rosemary Clooney的《Sway》 歌词

歌曲名:Sway歌手:Rosemary Clooney专辑:Rosemary Clooney Greatest HitsAnita Kesey - SwayBy HollyChenWhen marimba rhythms start to playDance with me, make me swayLike a lazy ocean hugs the shoreHold me close, sway me moreLike a flower bending in the breezeBend with me, sway with easeWhen we dance you have a way with meStay with me, sway with meOther dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have the magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI can hear the sounds of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowOther dancers may be on the floorDear, but my eyes will see only youOnly you have the magic techniqueWhen we sway I go weakI can hear the sounds of violinsLong before it beginsMake me thrill as only you know howSway me smooth, sway me nowCome on babySway me now, sway me smooth,Sway me nowYeahOooCome sway me nowCome on babyCome on babySwaySwayTake me nowSway



Rosemary Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Rosemary Lane歌手:Bert Jansch专辑:PentanglingEspers-Rosemary LaneWhen I was in service in the rosemary laneI won the good will of my master amberdine"Til a sailor came there one night to layAnd that was the beginning of my miseryHe called for a candle to light him to bedLikewise a silk hankerchief to tie up his hairTo tie up his hair as sailors will doAnd third my pretty polly won"t you come tooThis may be young and foolish she thought it no harmTo lie into bed why to keep herself warmAnd what was done there I will never discloseBut I wish that short night had been seven long yearsNext morning this sailor so early aroseAnd into my bra 3 guineas did throwSaying this I will give and more I will doIf you


两种说法:第一种,迷迭香,学名Rosemarinus officinalis,英文名Rosemary, Polar Plant, Compass-weed,别名“海之朝露”。唇形科,常绿多年生亚灌木,植株若不修剪高度可达150公分,展幅也有60~80公分,叶呈狭长形似松针,边缘反卷,灰绿色革质,干燥后呈针状,花色有蓝色、粉红色、白色。迷迭香有象征忠诚的意思,因此在欧洲的婚礼中也常见新娘子以迷迭香作为配饰,向世人昭告她对爱情的此情不渝。第二种:罗斯玛丽不是一种单独的花名,是指一种水红色的玫瑰,它代表对死者永恒的怀念。

Lenny Kravitz的《Rosemary》 歌词

歌曲名:Rosemary歌手:Lenny Kravitz专辑:Let Love RuleDo you remember when you walked with meDown the street into the square?How the women selling rosemaryPressed the branches to your chest,Promised luck and all the rest,And put their fingers in your hair?I had met you just the day before,Like an accident of fate,In the window there behind your door.How i wanted to break inTo that room beneath your skin,But all that would have to wait.In the carmen of the martyrs,With the statues in the courtyardWhose heads and hands were taken,In the burden of the sun;I had come to meet youWith a question in my footsteps.I was going up the hillsideAnd the journey just begun.My sister says she never dreams at nightThere are days when i know why;Those possibilities within her sight,With no way of coming true.Some things just don't get throughInto this world , although they try.In the carmen of the martyrs,With the statues in the courtyardWhose heads and hands were taken,In the burden of the sun;I had come to meet youWith a question in my footsteps.I was going up the hillsideAnd the journey just begun.All i know of youIs in my memoryAll i ask is youRemember me.


玛丽安·穆尔(1887-1972),美国现代派女诗人,生于美国密苏里州柯克伍德城,1909年毕业于布林莫尔学院。穆尔一生大部分时间生活在纽约,起初是一名图书管理员,1915年开始专职发表诗歌,1952获得普利策诗歌奖。狄金森、穆尔和毕肖普通常被认为是美国三大女诗人。穆尔的诗构造犹如精致的镶嵌术,讲求精确、机智、知性,经常善于讽刺。主要诗文集有:《诗歌》(poems,1921);《观察》(Observations,1924);《诗歌选集》(Selected Poems,1935);《何谓岁月》(What Are Years,1941);《然而》(Nevertheless,1944);《诗和评论集》(Poetry and Criticism,1965);《诗歌全集》(The Complete Poems,1967).

斯卡布罗集市这首歌里Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme这句歌词和哪

Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你要去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那里的一位男孩问好he once was a true love of mine 他曾经是我的爱人。Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫(On the side of a hill in the deep forest green) (绿林深处山冈旁)Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线(Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) (大山是山之子的地毯和床单)Then he`ll be a true love of mine 他就会是我真正的爱人。(Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)Tell her to find me an acre of land 叫她替我找一块地(On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) (从小山旁几片小草叶上)Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Washes the grave with silvery tears) (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)Between salt water and the sea strands 就在咸水和大海之间(A soldier cleans and pulishes a gun) (士兵擦拭着他的枪)Then he`ll be a true love of mine 他就会是我真正的爱人。Tell his to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫她用镰刀收割。(War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Generals order their soldiers to kill) (将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀)And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收割的石楠扎成一束(And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)Then he`ll be a true love of mine 他就会是我真正的爱人。Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你要去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位男孩问好he was once a true love of mine 他曾经是我的爱人。希望您能满意


链接: 提取码:df4h小说名称:机器学习作者:rosemary类型:科幻连载状态:完结字数:107002字简介:该小说讲述了我学习一切,有关人类的一切,在这个时空里,扮演着人类的角色。这是一个未来的“人”返回异世界的故事。想起这样的故事是因为看人工智能带来的感动。我想让这个故事具有最大的随意性和实验性,所以不知何时才会完成,也不知会不会具有可看性。








rosemary精油的使用方法   rosemary精油的使用方法,rosemary精油具有多种功效,比如排毒、止痛、美容养颜等,不管是男士还是女士,都可以用,我就来分享一下rosemary精油的使用方法。   rosemary精油的使用方法1    一、rosemary精油的功效    1、消毒杀菌   迷迭香精油是呼吸系统的良药,它可以净化空气,对于传染病、感冒、气喘、支气管炎、鼻窦炎、咽喉炎等都有帮助。    2、增强记忆   迷迭香精油可以提神醒脑、具有兴奋的功效。可以帮助我们理清思绪,提高记忆能力。对于一些:疲倦、无精打采、犹豫不决、紧张压力等情绪都有帮助。    3、帮助妇科   迷迭香精油可以用“温暖又强烈”迷迭香精油对于月经量少、痛经、以及停经都有帮助,通长针对月经问题,迷迭香精油会与薰衣草精油、玫瑰精油、洋甘菊精油等搭配。    4、保养头发   我一直认为调配任何护理头发、头皮的复方油时,必须要添加的就是迷迭香精油,它对于头皮屑、脱发、头发稀少有很大帮助。    5、排毒减肥   迷迭香精油有利用肝胆排毒、利尿的功效。说道排毒大家就可以联想到减肥,是的迷迭香精油有减肥排毒的功效,还可以收敛紧实松弛的皮肤。    6、保养皮肤   迷迭香精油可以调节油脂分泌,比较适合油性、痤疮皮肤。对于老化松弛的皮肤也具有收敛紧实的功效。对于风湿、肌肉酸痛也有一定作用。    二、纯天然的植物精油都有以下主要功能    1、呼吸系统   植物精油分子通过鼻腔粘膜系统吸收刺激嗅觉神经,嗅觉神经将刺激传至大脑中枢,大脑产生兴奋。一方面,支配神经,起到调节神经活动的功能;另一方面,通过呼吸系统进入肺泡,再通过血液循环进入血液直接输送到全身各部位。    2、神经系统   通过亲和作用直接进入皮下,植物精油分子一方面刺激神经,最终调节神经活动及内循环;另一方面直接作用于内环境等稳定状态,使体液活动加快,从而改善内环境,进一步达到调节整个身心的作用。   刺激交感神经及副交感神经、镇静及催眠、兴奋提神、调整精神状况、抗忧郁、缓解心理压力、修复神经系统。    3、代谢系统   通过亲和作用植物精油分子迅速改善局部组织、细胞的.生存环境,使其新陈代谢加快,全面解决因局部代谢障碍引起的一些问题。    4、促进交换   通过亲和作用植物精油分子进皮下组织,又经体液交换进入血液和淋巴,促进了血液和淋巴循环,加快了人体的新陈代谢。    5、嗅觉神经   气味芬芳,自然的芳香经由进入脑部后,可刺激大脑前叶分泌出内啡肽及脑啡肽两种荷尔蒙,使精神呈现最舒适的状态,这是守护心灵的最佳良方。而且不同的精油可互相组合,调配出自己喜欢的香味,不会破坏精油的特质,反而使精油的功能更强大。    6、循环系统    加速血液、淋巴循环、降低血压。    7、皮肤系统   杀菌作用、抗炎作用、愈合作用、除臭作用、镇静作用、驱虫作用、柔润细腻皮肤。    8、呼吸系统   加强呼吸道的免疫功能、抗过滤性病毒作用、发汗或解热作用、化痰作用;    9、消化器官   止痉挛作用、开胃作用、祛风健胃、促进消化作用、促进胆汁分泌、保肝;    10、免疫系统   抗细菌及抗生素作用、抗病毒作用、细胞防御作用、排毒作用、抗霉菌作用、驱虫作用;    11、肌肉与骨骼   抗炎性、抗风湿性、净化作用、舒缓肌肉组织、排毒作用;    12、内分泌系统   刺激肾上腺及甲状腺、抗糖尿病、降低血压、平衡各分泌系统之间作用、含有仿雌激素、含有植物类固醇。    13、女性生殖系统   抗痉挛作用、调经作用、催乳作用、调整乳汁分泌、影响荷尔蒙分泌、强化子宫作用、催情作用。    14、男性生殖系统   直接作用 :植物精油分子直接杀灭病菌及微生物, 进入人体精油分子能增强人体的免疫力。   rosemary精油的使用方法2    一、迷迭香精油功效与作用   止痛、抗忧郁、抗风湿、抗菌、抗痉挛、收敛、祛肠胃胀气、利脑、利胆、促进结疤、兴奋、帮助消化、利尿、通经。利肝、使低血压升高、利神经、促使病理生长消退或解除、激励、利胃、促发汗、补身。    二、迷迭香精油的应用    1、美容护肤   迷迭香精油有很强的收敛作用,紧缩松弛的肌肤,还可减轻充血、肿胀;它较强的收敛作用,对于减肥后皮肤的收敛,让皮肤紧实有弹性。迷迭香精油刺激的功效对头皮失调特别有帮助,能改善头皮屑并刺激毛发生长。    2、身体保养   迷迭香精油能使脑部及中枢神经充满活力,似可恢复知觉,某些个案中甚至能解除言语、听觉及视觉方面的障碍。能让头痛、偏头痛一扫而空,特别在这些症状是由胃痛引起时。迷迭香精油也能改善晕眩的症状,是极好的神经刺激品,可以帮助麻痹的四肢恢复活力。是止痛剂,但不至于太镇静,可舒缓痛风、风湿痛以及使用过度的肌肉。   迷迭香精油是一种强心剂与心脏的刺激剂,使低血压恢复正常,调理贫血的效果也很好;对肺也有帮助,可改善感冒、气喘、慢性支气管炎与流行性感冒。迷迭香精油减轻肝炎和肝硬化,以及胆结石、黄疸、胆管阻塞。增强消化功能,改善结肠炎、消化不良、胀气和胃痛。   迷迭香精油舒缓月经绞痛,改善流量过少的问题。它利尿的功效有助于减轻经期的水分滞留症状,对蜂窝组织炎、肥胖症也有较好的作用。    3、心灵保养   迷迭香精油可以活化脑细胞,使头脑清楚,增强记忆力。能够缓解紧张的情绪、滞闷和嗜睡。能让人活力充沛,强化心灵,特别是在软弱和疲惫时使用效果尤佳。    4、家居日用   迷迭香有振奋的功效,在衣服或床单旁放一些滴有迷迭香精油的棉团或滴了迷迭香精油的面纸,迷迭香的香味能令人提高自我认同,增强意志力,对抗忧郁。    三、注意事项    迷迭香精油具有高度的刺激性,不适合高血压及癫痫患者;具有通经功效,避免在怀孕期间使用。    四、迷迭香精油的使用方法   迷迭香精油具有很好的收敛效果,可以减肥瘦身,还具有防止肌肤老化的功效,精油用于减肥塑身等美体精油中,可以增强注意力,治疗风湿痛,强化肝脏功能。迷迭香精油使用方法有:迷迭香精油按摩、迷迭香精油熏香。    (一)迷迭香精油按摩    1、改善面部轮廓    使用方法: 葡萄籽油10ml+迷迭香精油3滴+薰衣草精油2滴,按摩面部可以改善面部轮廓。    2、塑身紧致    使用方法 : 基础油20ml+迷迭香精油3滴+薰衣草精油4滴+姜精油3滴,按摩肥胖部位,可以促进循环,减轻皮肤充血浮肿,特别适用于脂肪型肥胖部位。    3、缓解疲劳    使用方法: 甜杏仁油10ml+迷迭香精油2滴+薰衣草精油1滴+天竺葵精油1滴,按摩局部,可以缓解疲劳。    4、按摩发根柔润发丝    使用方法: 甜杏仁油10ml+迷迭香精油3滴+薰衣草精油3滴,按摩发根,可以柔润发丝。    (二)迷迭香精油熏香   使用方法:迷迭香精油3滴+薄荷精油3滴,熏香可以强化心灵

Blood. Sweat & Tears的《Rosemary》 歌词

歌曲名:Rosemary歌手:Blood. Sweat & Tears专辑:No SweatDo you remember when you walked with meDown the street into the square?How the women selling rosemaryPressed the branches to your chest,Promised luck and all the rest,And put their fingers in your hair?I had met you just the day before,Like an accident of fate,In the window there behind your door.How i wanted to break inTo that room beneath your skin,But all that would have to wait.In the carmen of the martyrs,With the statues in the courtyardWhose heads and hands were taken,In the burden of the sun;I had come to meet youWith a question in my footsteps.I was going up the hillsideAnd the journey just begun.My sister says she never dreams at nightThere are days when i know why;Those possibilities within her sight,With no way of coming true.Some things just don't get throughInto this world , although they try.In the carmen of the martyrs,With the statues in the courtyardWhose heads and hands were taken,In the burden of the sun;I had come to meet youWith a question in my footsteps.I was going up the hillsideAnd the journey just begun.All i know of youIs in my memoryAll i ask is youRemember me.




玛丽安·穆尔(1887-1972),美国现代派女诗人,生于美国密苏里州柯克伍德城,1909年毕业于布林莫尔学院。穆尔一生大部分时间生活在纽约,起初是一名图书管理员,1915年开始专职发表诗歌,1952获得普利策诗歌奖。狄金森、穆尔和毕肖普通常被认为是美国三大女诗人。穆尔的诗构造犹如精致的镶嵌术,讲求精确、机智、知性,经常善于讽刺。主要诗文集有:《诗歌》(poems,1921);《观察》(Observations,1924);《诗歌选集》(Selected Poems,1935);《何谓岁月》(What Are Years,1941);《然而》(Nevertheless,1944);《诗和评论集》(Poetry and Criticism,1965);《诗歌全集》(The Complete Poems,1967).

rosemary 这个英文名怎么样?有没有贬义?或者说有没有什么故事?





Rosemary是迷迭香的意思本名:露丝玛莉.凡登布鲁克,法语:Rosemary Vandenbroucke,1981年9月18日-),亚欧混血儿,生于法国南部,香港著名模特和影星,2006年开始加入歌手及时装设计师行列,她首张全唱专辑《In My Dreams》于2006年2月8日推出。她对英语、法语、德语及粤语都很流利。现在集香港名模、演员、歌手、词作者和时装设计师于一身。三围分别是35英寸、25英寸和35英寸半。


如果首字母是大写的话,代表的是人名--罗斯玛丽(女子名).如果纯粹是个单词的话,意思为--迷迭香:一种地中海芳香常绿灌木(药用迷迭香) ,长有淡蓝色或粉红色的花和可用来烹饪和调制香水的灰绿色叶子 .

Rosemary 的花语是什么?


柔斯么瑞 重音在“柔”

rosemary中文什么意思 rosemary的意思

1、rosemary的意思:n.迷迭香(灌木,叶子窄小,气味芬芳,可用于烹调); 2、rosemary的读音:英[?r??zm?ri],美[?ro?zmeri]。 3、[例句]They were served lamb and rosemary and she surprised herself by eating greedily.给他们上的是迷迭香焖羊肉,令她惊讶的是,自己竟然吃得那么起劲儿。 4、复数:rosemaries


《Warehouse Management》(Richards, Gwynne)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: kxub书名:Warehouse Management作者:Richards, Gwynne出版年份:2011-7页数:352内容简介:Warehouses are an integral part of the modern supply chain, involved in sourcing, producing and distributing goods. However, due to the complexities of warehouse operations they can often be one of the most costly parts of the supply chain. Their efficient management is therefore critical for minimizing cost and contributing to an effective and efficient supply chain.Warehouse Management provides a complete guide to best practice in warehouse operations. Covering everything from the latest technological advances to current environmental issues, this book provides an indispensable companion to the modern warehouse. Supported by case studies, the text considers many aspects of warehouse management, including:-cost reduction-productivity-people management-warehouse operationsBacked up with numerous case studies that demonstrate how to apply new technology, minimize spending, and create efficient, stream-lined operations, this book is an invaluable resource for warehouse managers, logistics professionals, operations managers and students of logistics.



大家帮帮忙 翻译下这首歌的歌词 夜愿的gethsemane

2 Gethsemane 耶路撒冷 Toll no bell for me Father 不可为我父摇响钟声 But let this cup of suffering pass from me 因为这杯苦酒将置我于死地 Send me no shepherd to heal my world 无人指引 我亦将挽救我的世界 But the Angel - the dream foretold 因为天使在梦中告诉我 Prayed more than thrice for You to see 将为你所见的再三祈祷 The wolf of loneliness in me 而我内心的孤狼 not my own will but Yours be done... 虽不是我的意愿但是你却已经做到.. You wake up where"s the tomb? 你在哪座坟墓中醒来 Will Easter come, enter my room? 从东方而来,进入我的房间 The Lord weeps with me 上帝为我而落泪 But my tears fall for you 但我落泪却是因你 Another Beauty 另一位美女 Loved by a Beast 爱上野兽 Another tale of infinite dreams 另一个无穷的梦境 Your eyes they were my paradise 你的双眼是我的天堂 Your smile made my sun rise 你的微笑是我的阳光 Forgive me for I don"t know what I gain 原谅我吧 因我不知如何得到 Alone in this garden of pain 独自在伤痛的花园中 Enchantment has but one truth: 被迷惑只因为一个真相: I weep to have what I fear to lose 因为恐惧迷失而哭泣 You wake up where"s the tomb... 你在哪座坟墓中醒来 "I knew you never before 我知道你无法回到从前 I see you never more 我知道你已离去 But the love the pain the hope beautiful one 但是爱人的痛苦期待 Have made you mine "till all my years are done" 掘尽你宝藏直到我死去的那天 Without you 没有你 The poetry within me is dead 我心中的诗篇已死


Toll no bell for me FatherBut let this cup of suffering pass from meSend me no shepherd to heal my worldBut the Angel - the dream foretoldPrayed more than thrice for You to seeThe wolf of loneliness in me...not my own will but Yours be done...You wake up where"s the tomb?Will Easter come, enter my room?The Lord weeps with meBut my tears fall for youAnother BeautyLoved by a BeastAnother tale of infinite dreamsYour eyes they were my paradiseYour smile made my sun riseForgive me for I don"t know what I gainAlone in this garden of painEnchantment has but one truth:I weep to have what I fear to loseYou wake up where"s the tomb?Will Easter come, enter my room?The Lord weeps with meBut my tears fall for you"I knew you never beforeI see you never moreBut the love the pain the hope O beautiful oneHave made you mine "till all my years are done"Without youThe poetry within me is dead

Nelson Riddle Orchestra&Rosemary Clooney的《Angry》 歌词

歌曲名:Angry歌手:Nelson Riddle Orchestra&Rosemary Clooney专辑:Rosie Solves The Swinging RiddleI walk around pretending you were never hereBut the smell of you is everywhereI ache so bad for you I want to shed my skinTry and keep my thoughts from turning into youI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI"m not angry anymoreThere is no wound as deep as a lovers betrayalNo touch as tender as your lover"s handYou were so generous with both I nearly diedTook all my dignity "til there was nothin" left insideI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI just want to forget youErase you, replace you withForgiveness, forgivenessYou were so generous with both I nearly diedTook all my dignity "til there was nothin" left insideI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI just want to forget youErase you, replace you withForgiveness, forgivenessI"m not angryI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angryI"m not angry anymoreI"m not angry











mike tramp的《Wiseman》 歌词

歌曲名:Wiseman歌手:mike tramp专辑:& The Rock?N?Roll CircuzShe said to me, "Go steady on me.Won"t you tell me what the Wise Men said?When they came down from Heaven,Smoked nine "til seven,All the shit that they could find,But they couldn"t escape from you,Couldn"t be free of you,And now they know there"s no way out,And they"re really sorry now for what they"ve done,They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun."Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Really sorry now,They weren"t to know.They got caught up in your talent show,With you pernickety little bastards in your fancy dress,Who just judge each other and try to impress,But they couldn"t escape from you,Couldn"t be free of you,And now they know there"s no way out,And they"re really sorry now for what they"ve done,They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun.Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Where are you now?Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?

James Blunt的《Wiseman》 歌词

歌曲名:Wiseman歌手:James Blunt专辑:Chasing Time: The Bedlam SessionsShe said to me, "Go steady on me.Won"t you tell me what the Wise Men said?When they came down from Heaven,Smoked nine "til seven,All the shit that they could find,But they couldn"t escape from you,Couldn"t be free of you,And now they know there"s no way out,And they"re really sorry now for what they"ve done,They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun."Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Really sorry now,They weren"t to know.They got caught up in your talent show,With you pernickety little bastards in your fancy dress,Who just judge each other and try to impress,But they couldn"t escape from you,Couldn"t be free of you,And now they know there"s no way out,And they"re really sorry now for what they"ve done,They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun.Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Where are you now?Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?

Lavish Green的《Wiseman》 歌词

歌曲名:Wiseman歌手:Lavish Green专辑:Lavish GreenShe said to me, "Go steady on me.Won"t you tell me what the Wise Men said?When they came down from Heaven,Smoked nine "til seven,All the shit that they could find,But they couldn"t escape from you,Couldn"t be free of you,And now they know there"s no way out,And they"re really sorry now for what they"ve done,They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun."Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Really sorry now,They weren"t to know.They got caught up in your talent show,With you pernickety little bastards in your fancy dress,Who just judge each other and try to impress,But they couldn"t escape from you,Couldn"t be free of you,And now they know there"s no way out,And they"re really sorry now for what they"ve done,They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun.Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Look who"s alone now,It"s not me. It"s not me.Those three Wise Men,They"ve got a semi by the sea.Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Where are you now?Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?Got to ask yourself the question,Where are you now?


RosemaryBy Marianne MooreBeauty and Beauty"s son and rosemary—Venus and Love,her son,to speak plainly—Born of the sea supposedly,At Christmas each,in company,Braids a garland of festivity.Not always rosemary—Since the flight to Egypt,blomming indifferently.With lancelike leaf,green but sliver underneath,Its flowers—white originally—Turned blue.The herb of memory,Imitating the blue robe of Mary,Is not too legendaryTo flower both as symbol and as pungency.Springing from stones beside the sea,The height of Christ when he was thirty-three,It feeds on dew and to the bee“hath a dumb language”;is in realityA kind of Christmas tree.

cognitive semantics 和logical semantics区别


cognitive semantics是什么意思


The Housemartins的《Happy Hour》 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Hour歌手:The Housemartins专辑:London O Hull 4Cheryl Cole - Happy HourHow can I know what you needIf you never askHow can I drive you crazyWhen I"ve got no gasHow could we be togetherWhen we"re so far apartYou tell me that you love me then you go and break my heartI"ll admit that I"ve got problems ifYou say that you will help me solve "em yesI realize some days I can be sweet and some I"m sourBut I can"t help but drink you up, cause you"re my happy hourJust becauseI"m never happy when I"m sobered upI"m only good if I can have a cupSome days I"m sweet and some I"m sourBut I can"t help but drink you up, cause you"re my happy hourOnly when, you go away and I can get my fixI"m only good if I can have a sipSome days I"m sweet and some I"m sourBut I can"t help but drink you up, cause you"re my happy hourWhy should I be your womanWhen you"ve got 2 moreWhy should I say that I doWhen I know you don"tWhy should I stay here with youWhen you are always goneAnd why should I be open when you stay so bottled upI"ll admit that I"ve got problems ifYou say that you will help me solve "em yesI realize some days I can be sweet and some I"m sourBut I can"t help but drink you up, cause you"re my happy hourJust becauseI"m never happy when I"m sobered upI"m only good if I can have a cupSome days I"m sweet and some I"m sourBut I can"t help but drink you up, cause you"re my happy hourOnly when, you go away and I can get my fixI"m only good if I can have a sipSome days I"m sweet and some I"m sourBut I can"t help but drink you up, cause you"re my happy hourYou were are all I ever neededYou were all I ever hadYou were all I ever wantedBut you were making me badJust becauseI"m never happy when I"m sobered upI"m only good if I can have a cupSome days I"m sweet and some I"m sourBut I can"t help but drink you up, cause you"re my happy hourOnly when, you go away and I can get my fixI"m only good if I can have a sipSome days I"m sweet and some I"m sourBut I can"t help but drink you up, cause you"re my happy hour


在英语当中,中国人和日本人存在复数的意思,可以看作单数和复数是同形的;即Chinese- Chinese;Japanese- Japanese。对于德国人、英国人和法国人这一类以man结尾的单词,复数形式有细微差别,需要将man变为men;即Englishman- Englishmen、Frenchman- Frenchmen、German- Germans。还有一类比较典型的an结尾的,如美国人,澳大利亚人和加拿大人,直接在后面加上s来表示复数。即American- Americans、Australian- Australians、Canadian - Canadians。扩展资料与表示某国人相似的名词单复数易错点:1、有些个体名词用作抽象名词,在意义上是不可数名词的:He finished school at fifteen.他十五岁中学毕业。这里的school作为抽象名词不可数。2、有不少名词在汉语中是可数的,而在英语中确是不可数的:How much machinery has been installed?装了多少机器?machinery在英语中是不可数的。3、在多数情况下抽象名词用于单数形式,某些时候,也可以在其前面加定冠词或不定冠词:There is a beauty in simplicity.朴实之中有一种美。beauty本身是不可数抽象的。4、一般说来,物质名词是不可数的,因而没有复数形式,但有些物质名词用作可数名词可用来表示“一份”、“一杯”或“一种”等意义:Two beers, please.请来两杯啤酒。这里的beer本来是不可数的,复数可以表示杯的意思。5、有些名词在某些习惯性的用法中,要用复数,成为相互复数:He came up to shake hands with me.他走过来和我握手。这里握手shake hands就是习惯用法。参考资料:百度百科—复数名词

Rosemary Lane 歌词

歌曲名:Rosemary Lane歌手:Bert Jansch专辑:Rosemary LaneEspers-Rosemary LaneWhen I was in service in the rosemary laneI won the good will of my master amberdine"Til a sailor came there one night to layAnd that was the beginning of my miseryHe called for a candle to light him to bedLikewise a silk hankerchief to tie up his hairTo tie up his hair as sailors will doAnd third my pretty polly won"t you come tooThis may be young and foolish she thought it no harmTo lie into bed why to keep herself warmAnd what was done there I will never discloseBut I wish that short night had been seven long yearsNext morning this sailor so early aroseAnd into my bra 3 guineas did throwSaying this I will give and more I will doIf you

日文英译SEMA ERIKA的中文译名叫什么?

瀬间百合香园崎 sonozaki


题主问的应该是cruise main图标吧。应该是低配带定速巡航车型的仪表上会有这个图标。如果cruise main只是文字+外框空心状态,表示此时定速巡航系统正在待命状态,可以随时使用。此时行驶中速度高于40km/h时,按方向盘的set-按键,cruise main图标会变成实心状态,表示车辆现在已进入定速巡航状态。


美国SEMA汽配展展览时间:2014年11月4-7日展览地点:美国拉斯维加斯CONVENTION CENTER展会周期:每年1届展会推荐搭建商:毕加展览

哪些汽车漆面膜品牌参加了美国SEMA SHOW?





semantics:语义学. 词根是sema,等于sign,符号. 这个词是从希腊语里借来的,等同于希腊语里的sēmantikos,7,antics n. 滑稽的动作, 古怪的姿态,1,



F品牌细化为四个级别 雷克萨斯亮相2021 SEMA改装展

易车讯 雷克萨斯亮相2021 SEMA改装展,其带来了全新的雷克萨斯LX600 F SPORT、RC F GT概念拖车以及IS500、IS350两款改装车。在展会中,雷克萨斯宣布了旗下F、F SPORT的战略调整,从2022款雷克萨斯IS500 F SPORT Performance车型开始,F SPORT将扩展到四个级别:F SPORT Design、F SPORT Handling、F SPORT Performance以及F,它们彼此逐级递进。2022款雷克萨斯IS500 F SPORT Performance车型搭载5.0升V8发动机,最大功率472马力,前进气格栅、轮圈等非常夸张,进排气系统、电脑程序以及底盘悬架、制动等都进行了升级。2021款雷克萨斯IS350 F SPORT定位低于前者,其配备了自适应悬架以及限滑差速器,动力部分由311马力的3.5升V6自然吸气发动机驱动。此外,雷克萨斯表示,更多有关F品牌的车型战略及新车细节,很快就会对外公布。



涉及经典车/原型车/改装车/赛车 日产SEMA预告/6车参展

易车讯 日产汽车发布预告,其将参加11月2日至5日在美国拉斯维加斯举办的2021 SEMA改装展,将展出三款新车以及三款特别车型,涉及经典车、原型车、改装车以及赛车。具体参展车型包括:Project Overland Pathfinder、Project Overland Frontier、著名演员Sung Kang的"DocZ,"(1971 Datsun 240Z)、2021 Nissan Frontier MISMO、Altimaniac漂移赛车(2000马力)、日产Z原型车。值得注意的是,2023款日产Z计划2022年春季在美国上市销售,美国市场限量240辆的Z Proto版本也将在本次展览中展出。



6辆整车及零配件参展 福特发布SEMA改装展预告

易车讯 福特汽车日前发布2021 SEMA改装展预告,其将携4辆福特Bronco、2辆福特Bronco Sports以及众多零配件、改装件参展。2021 SEMA改装展将于2021年11月2日至5日在美国拉斯维加斯举行。值得一提的是,Ford Performance Parts将在SEMA改装展中为前驱车型提供5.38:1的齿比,这将显著提高车辆的越野性能。同时,福特还为双门及四门福特Bronco的底盘组件提供了加强件,以增加其高负载下的耐久性。此外,2.3T Ecoboost发动机性能得到了优化,可以通过行车电脑端口进行升级。具体6款车型如下:2021 Bronco RTR Fun-Runner by RTR Vehicles、2021 Bronco by BDS Suspensions、2021 Bronco by Tucci Hot Rods、2021 Bronco BAJA FORGED by LGE-CTS Motorsports、2021 Bronco Sport BAJA FORGED by LGE-CTS Motorsports、2021 Bronco Sport by CGS Performance Products。

2021 SEMA改装展 丰田7车亮相/包含国内在售的Supra

易车讯 在2021 SEMA改装展上,丰田汽车带来了7款产品,其中包括4款全新车型以及去年线上发布的产品。中国用户最具参考意义的是丰田GR Supra,其展示了Heritage Edition以及敞篷版车型。前者最大功率500马力,采用红色涂装,并在外观套件上向经典车型致敬,性能方面升级了动力、制动、悬架以及轮胎等。后者车顶部分可进行拆装,并存放在行李厢中。除此之外,丰田展出的车型均为皮卡及扩展拖车。其中包括“Tacozilla” Tacoma Camper,一款向70年代致敬的露营车;TRD Desert Chase Tundra,采用了包括OME悬架套件的TRD版本;Tacoma Overlanding Concept,一款3英寸升高的官方改装概念车以及TRD Sport Trailer拖车。


Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)专业,和特别一点的设备Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association(AAPEX) 比原装造的同样,或更好




可能是楼主打错了吧。就像1楼说的,是sama 様

英语语言学问题。谁告诉我什么是semantic maker和distinguisher








OC — 信号量使用dispatch_semaphore

总结 :使用dispatch_semaphore时,注意要在异步线程中,不要再主线程操作,容易造成阻塞。 /// 创建一个信号量为0 dispatch_semaphore_t sem = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); /// 使信号量-1, 若信号量 < 0, 在 DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER 下,会一直等待到信号量+1后才能继续执行后续操作。 dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); /// 使信号量+1 dispatch_semaphore_signal(sem); dispatch_semaphore 的使用,不局限于线程的等待,还可以控制线程并发的数量,控制异步任务的执行顺序。此外并发数量的控制在NSOperation中也可以来控制。 别人的优秀Case

阿姑杀羊看母鸡干啥呀是什么歌,Rindu Semalam歌曲介绍

阿姑,杀羊,看母鸡干啥呀,爸比,杀羊,替爸爸加油哈,白喊,白喊,你死冷也白喊,你看,男滴,都得母弟弟姆”,2020年新的一年刚开始,又一首魔性的歌曲在抖音上火了,抖音上火的那个版本是一个小女孩唱的版本,可爱的声音,魔性的曲调,莫名的欢乐大概就是大家喜欢这首歌的原因吧,想要知道歌名的小伙伴们下面就快来跟我一起看看吧。 原本这首歌曲是一首印尼歌曲,歌名叫做《Rindu Semalam》,Titi Kamal,Lyrics by:Yogi RPH,Composed by:Yogi RPH,Arranged by:Donall Kinan Sammy/Yogi RPH,抖音上爆火的版本就是根据这首歌改编的。 Rindu Semalam歌词: Semalam kutahan kutahan semalam Lama lama rindu tak mampu kutahan Tapi sayang cinta mu cuma semalam Kini kau pergi menghilang Aku sayang kamu juga sayang Tapi sayang kita berjauhan Tahan tahan ku sabar menahan Hingga nanti bertemu dirimu Senangnya senangnya Bisa dekat denganmu sungguh senangnya Walau aku tahu kau tak akan lama Sebentar saja ku merasa bahagia Semalam kutahan kutahan semalam Lama lama rindu tak mampu kutahan Tapi sayang cinta mu cuma semalam Kini kau pergi menghilang Semalam kutahan kutahan semalam Lama lama rindu tak mampu kutahan Tapi sayang cinta mu cuma semalam Kini kau pergi menghilang Senangnya senangnya Bisa dekat denganmu sungguh senangnya Walau aku tahu kau tak akan lama Sebentar saja ku merasa bahagia Semalam kutahan kutahan semalam Lama lama rindu tak mampu kutahan Tapi sayang cinta mu cuma semalam Kini kau pergi menghilang Semalam kutahan kutahan semalam Lama lama rindu tak mampu kutahan Tapi sayang cinta mu cuma semalam Kini kau pergi menghilang Semalam kutahan kutahan semalam Lama lama rindu tak mampu kutahan Tapi sayang cinta mu cuma semalam Kini kau pergi menghilang Rindu Semalam抖音版本音译歌词: 阿姑,杀羊,看母鸡干啥呀 爸比,杀羊,替爸爸加油哈 白喊,白喊,你死冷也白喊 你看,男滴,都得母弟弟姆





The Housemartins的《Flag Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Flag Day歌手:The Housemartins专辑:The Housemartins - Live At The Bbc「Flag」旗词曲:川嶋あい 歌:川嶋あい収録:カケラ/Flag 発売日:2008.8.20落としたばかりの涙はあたたかい受け皿を探していた人と自分とを比べるときには身胜手なてんびんを使っていた落书きされた过去たちに笑颜で手を振ることはできないよ暧昧な海を泳いでいるリアルという陆を飞び出してきた生きたいけど生きにくくてこの街に沈んでしまいそう疑いもなく全て信じて谁もが生まれてきたはずなのに人はいつでも寂しい生き物なんだね苦しみから逃げていつもかたくなに自分だけの壳をつくり闭じこもってしまうここにいていいと言ってほしいそばにいてほしいんだあなたは私の存在理由互いに伪りでくったカードを胸に差し出し合っているやるせない会话がいくつものやるせない社会を演じてきたどれだけ前に进んでもやり尽したものは何もない泣き出しそうになる时もある小さなサインに気づいてほしくて半端な梦も爱も全部リセットしたら何か见えるだろう自分の居场所は与えてくれるものじゃない作り出すものだから缲り返していく孤独さえ爱しく思えたならこの世で2つとない自分だけの旗を谁もがためらいながらも手を伸ばして高らかにかかげているんだ生きとしいけるすべてのものには必ず确かな意味がある幸せは自分で作り出すものだろうだからあなたのこと考えるだけで顽张れるそんな私がいる爱して爱されたいんだ ずっと爱して爱されたいんだ いつでも~终わり~

The Housemartins的《Flag Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Flag Day歌手:The Housemartins专辑:Live at the BBC「Flag」旗词曲:川嶋あい 歌:川嶋あい収録:カケラ/Flag 発売日:2008.8.20落としたばかりの涙はあたたかい受け皿を探していた人と自分とを比べるときには身胜手なてんびんを使っていた落书きされた过去たちに笑颜で手を振ることはできないよ暧昧な海を泳いでいるリアルという陆を飞び出してきた生きたいけど生きにくくてこの街に沈んでしまいそう疑いもなく全て信じて谁もが生まれてきたはずなのに人はいつでも寂しい生き物なんだね苦しみから逃げていつもかたくなに自分だけの壳をつくり闭じこもってしまうここにいていいと言ってほしいそばにいてほしいんだあなたは私の存在理由互いに伪りでくったカードを胸に差し出し合っているやるせない会话がいくつものやるせない社会を演じてきたどれだけ前に进んでもやり尽したものは何もない泣き出しそうになる时もある小さなサインに気づいてほしくて半端な梦も爱も全部リセットしたら何か见えるだろう自分の居场所は与えてくれるものじゃない作り出すものだから缲り返していく孤独さえ爱しく思えたならこの世で2つとない自分だけの旗を谁もがためらいながらも手を伸ばして高らかにかかげているんだ生きとしいけるすべてのものには必ず确かな意味がある幸せは自分で作り出すものだろうだからあなたのこと考えるだけで顽张れるそんな私がいる爱して爱されたいんだ ずっと爱して爱されたいんだ いつでも~终わり~

The Housemartins的《Flag Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Flag Day歌手:The Housemartins专辑:London O Hull 4「Flag」旗词曲:川嶋あい 歌:川嶋あい収録:カケラ/Flag 発売日:2008.8.20落としたばかりの涙はあたたかい受け皿を探していた人と自分とを比べるときには身胜手なてんびんを使っていた落书きされた过去たちに笑颜で手を振ることはできないよ暧昧な海を泳いでいるリアルという陆を飞び出してきた生きたいけど生きにくくてこの街に沈んでしまいそう疑いもなく全て信じて谁もが生まれてきたはずなのに人はいつでも寂しい生き物なんだね苦しみから逃げていつもかたくなに自分だけの壳をつくり闭じこもってしまうここにいていいと言ってほしいそばにいてほしいんだあなたは私の存在理由互いに伪りでくったカードを胸に差し出し合っているやるせない会话がいくつものやるせない社会を演じてきたどれだけ前に进んでもやり尽したものは何もない泣き出しそうになる时もある小さなサインに気づいてほしくて半端な梦も爱も全部リセットしたら何か见えるだろう自分の居场所は与えてくれるものじゃない作り出すものだから缲り返していく孤独さえ爱しく思えたならこの世で2つとない自分だけの旗を谁もがためらいながらも手を伸ばして高らかにかかげているんだ生きとしいけるすべてのものには必ず确かな意味がある幸せは自分で作り出すものだろうだからあなたのこと考えるだけで顽张れるそんな私がいる爱して爱されたいんだ ずっと爱して爱されたいんだ いつでも~终わり~

The Housemartins的《Flag Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Flag Day歌手:The Housemartins专辑:Soup「Flag」旗词曲:川嶋あい 歌:川嶋あい収録:カケラ/Flag 発売日:2008.8.20落としたばかりの涙はあたたかい受け皿を探していた人と自分とを比べるときには身胜手なてんびんを使っていた落书きされた过去たちに笑颜で手を振ることはできないよ暧昧な海を泳いでいるリアルという陆を飞び出してきた生きたいけど生きにくくてこの街に沈んでしまいそう疑いもなく全て信じて谁もが生まれてきたはずなのに人はいつでも寂しい生き物なんだね苦しみから逃げていつもかたくなに自分だけの壳をつくり闭じこもってしまうここにいていいと言ってほしいそばにいてほしいんだあなたは私の存在理由互いに伪りでくったカードを胸に差し出し合っているやるせない会话がいくつものやるせない社会を演じてきたどれだけ前に进んでもやり尽したものは何もない泣き出しそうになる时もある小さなサインに気づいてほしくて半端な梦も爱も全部リセットしたら何か见えるだろう自分の居场所は与えてくれるものじゃない作り出すものだから缲り返していく孤独さえ爱しく思えたならこの世で2つとない自分だけの旗を谁もがためらいながらも手を伸ばして高らかにかかげているんだ生きとしいけるすべてのものには必ず确かな意味がある幸せは自分で作り出すものだろうだからあなたのこと考えるだけで顽张れるそんな私がいる爱して爱されたいんだ ずっと爱して爱されたいんだ いつでも~终わり~


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