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how i wish i could see it,然后说明how用法.我看不懂这个句型,

我多么希望我能看见啊! how 是感叹句的典型标志 how i wish我多么想 多么希望的意思 不是什么特定的句型 只是一个感叹句而已

阅读短文开头为 It seems to us that the earth stand quite still

你想问什么?翻译还是全文?It seems to us that the earth stands quite still. But it is really moving all the time. It turns around a make-believe line through its center. We call this make-believe line the earth"s axis . The two ends of the earth"s axis are called its poles. It makes the earth twenty-four hours travel around its axis once.We look at the sun and say it "rises" and travels across the sky, but the sun doesn"t really do so. It is the turning of the earth which makes us feel as if the sun were moving across the sky. We can"t see that the earth is moving because everything else on the earth is turning with us. As the earth turns around every twenty-four hours, first one half faces the sun and then the other half. When our half of the earth is facing the sun, we say it is day. When our half is away from the sun, we say it is night. It is the turning of the earth that tells us when to go to bed and when to get up.在我们看来,地球总是静止着的.但其实它一直在运动.地球总是绕着一个我们假想的线——地轴不停地旋转。地轴的两端被成为地球的两极。地球绕着地轴旋转一圈需要24小时。我们总是说太阳从东边升起,在天空中穿过。但其实太阳并没有那么做。是因为地球不停地在转使得我们觉得太阳好象在天上走一样。而我们不能感觉地球在运动是因为我们总是跟着它一起在旋转。在地球旋转一圈的24小时中,地球的一面先对着太阳,后面一半时间就是另一面对着太阳。当我们所处的地球的那一面对着太阳的时候,我们就处在白天;而当我们这一面背对着太阳的时候,那就是晚上。是地球的旋转告诉我们什么时候该起床,什么该去睡觉。

time seems to stand still

时间似乎停滞不前。 是这个!!o(∩_∩)o...!!

求高达SEED-D 特别篇 别打碎的世界下篇的插曲

这首歌的确是贵教唱的。但是并不是Joker啊= =|||这首是Zips啊,高达的印象曲额。我把Zips的视频地址贴出来,你可以看看是不是。

Can I see you tomorrow ?


为什么see you tomorrow这个句子tomorrow前不加on?

tomorrow是个定语,用来修饰的,和see you later中的later是一个道理整句话强调的是see you,而不是明天on接具体某天一般是讲事情的时候用的 on Monday,balabalabala




可以回答see you. see you tomorrow是明天见的意思,是礼貌用语。 扩展资料   I would very much like to see you again.   我很想再见到你。   It"s great to see you again.   很高兴再次见到你。   When will I see you again?   我何时能再见到你?   I"ll stop by and see you next time I"m down your way.   下次我去你那一带时会顺道去看你的。   Could I see you when you"ve got an odd moment?   你有空时,我能不能见见你?

怎么回答see you tomorrow

可以回答see you. see you tomorrow是明天见的意思,是礼貌用语,所以回答可以说明天见,简写为:see you. 扩展资料   重点词汇   1、see看见;查看;领会,理解;参观。主教教区;主教权限;牧座。   第三人称单数: sees 现在分词: seeing 过去式: saw 过去分词: seen.   2、you 你;大家;你们,您们;各位。   复数: yous.   3、tomorrow在明天,在明日。明天;最近,不远的将来。   例句:   1、I"ll see you tomorrow, all right?   ——我明天见你,好吗?   2、I"ll be up to see you tomorrow .   ——我明天来看你。

金针菇为什么叫see you tomorrow

金针菇在食用后不易消化,很难被人体吸收分解,所以会基本原样排出,而see you tomorrow的英文翻译为明天见的意思,正好很形象的描述其状态,为了避免出现这种情况,金针菇在食用时最好充分咀嚼后再吞咽。金针菇,别名冬菇、朴蕈、绒毛柄金钱菌等,属真菌界、担子菌亚门、层菌纲、伞菌目、口蘑科、金钱菌属。金针菇在自然界广为分布,中国、日本、俄罗斯、欧洲、北美洲、澳大利亚等地均有种植。金针菇的挑选技巧金针菇挑菌盖半球形的。金针菇菌柄一般上浅下深,如果颜色通体均匀鲜亮,很可能经过漂染或添加剂处理过。金针菇的菌盖要挑选半球形的,菌盖长开的说明老了,菌柄15厘米左右最好。另外,还要留意颜色,白金针菇韧性大,容易塞牙,而黄的香味浓、口感嫩,更好吃。

see you tomorrow下一般怎么回答

可以回答see you. see you tomorrow是明天见的意思,是礼貌用语,所以回答可以说明天见,简写为:see you. 扩展资料   英语礼貌用语:   1、Hello! Hi!是"你好!",见面问好常用到。   2、Goodbye!、See you!是"再见!",Good night!道"晚安!"。   3、同学多日不见面,相见问好"How are you?"近来也有直接翻译中文“好久不见”,就是"Long time no see"(都上英语课本了)。答语常用"I"m fine,Thank you".   4、初次认识新朋友,握手问好"Glad to meet you"、"Nice to meet you".   5、打扰别人问问题,开口先说"Excuse me".   6、别人关心帮助你,感谢用语"Thank you".   7、致谢用语要牢记,That"s OK."没关系"。   8、有了过错表歉意,I"m sorry."对不起"。   9、客人来访把门开,Please come in."请进来"。   10、Sit down, please. "请坐下"。   11、Please have some tea . "请喝茶"。

see youtomorrow 一般怎么回答

可以回答see you. see you tomorrow是明天见的意思,是礼貌用语,所以回答可以说明天见,简写为:see you. 扩展资料   英语礼貌用语:   1、Hello! Hi!是"你好!",见面问好常用到。   2、Goodbye!、See you!是"再见!",Good night!道"晚安!"。   3、同学多日不见面,相见问好"How are you?"近来也有直接翻译中文“好久不见”,就是"Long time no see"(都上英语课本了)。答语常用"I"m fine,Thank you".   4、初次认识新朋友,握手问好"Glad to meet you"、"Nice to meet you".   5、打扰别人问问题,开口先说"Excuse me".   6、别人关心帮助你,感谢用语"Thank you".   7、致谢用语要牢记,That"s OK."没关系"。   8、有了过错表歉意,I"m sorry."对不起"。   9、客人来访把门开,Please come in."请进来"。   10、Sit down, please. "请坐下"。   11、Please have some tea . "请喝茶"。





See You Tomorrow 歌词

歌曲名:See You Tomorrow歌手:Steffen Waltenberger Band专辑:Nu Modern Jazz Vol. 7Shane:Can"t believe its overThat you"re leavingWeren"t we meant to be?Should"ve sensed the dangerRead the warningsRight there in front of meJust stopLets start it overCouldn"t I get one more try?All:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowShane:I forgot to be thereI was selfishI can see that nowMark:I should"ve got to known youShould"ve held youWhen your tears fell downJust stopDon"t make me beg youTell me that you"ll stay the nightAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayI will find a wayNicky:Wait a minuteJust hear me outThis time I promise, I"ll put you firstShane:Turn around nowYour heart can"t let you walk awayI"ll do what it takesAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize (realize), I could change (I can change)I"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowKian:There"s so much I wanna say nowI just wanna make a life with you (don"t walk away)There"s so much I wanna do nowI just wanna make love to youShane:Maybe tomorrow

金针菇为什么叫see you tomorrow

金针菇在食用后不易消化,很难被人体吸收分解,所以会基本原样排出,而see you tomorrow的英文翻译为明天见的意思,正好很形象的描述其状态,为了避免出现这种情况,金针菇在食用时最好充分咀嚼后再吞咽。 金针菇叫see you tomorrow的原因 金针菇叫see you tomorrow主要是因为金针菇很难被人体吸收,食用后会“原样”排出,就如see you tomorrow的意思一样,明天还会看到。 金针菇中含有大量的纤维内和几丁质等物质,而人体中缺乏这类物质的消化酶,不利于人体的消化吸收,所以如果不想出现see you tomorrow,则在食用时应该充分咀嚼。 金针菇和see you tomorrow本身没有对应的意思,只是广大网民的一种戏称,此说法来源于相声演员曹云金在微博发表的调侃,内容即为see you tomorrow。

see u tomorrow什么意思




I love you ,see you together ......I need you...........这是什么歌,

I love you--王若琳

新概念英语3第一篇课文中 Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was f

这是新概念英语第三册第一课里的这里是被动语态Paw prints (爪印)是被看到的,所以用 were seen是人们看到爪印的欢迎追问,新概念好好学,很有用

make let see hear用法

英语中feel有几种不同的意义和用法,如有时可用及物动词,与宾语连用,有时又用系动词,与形容词连用,在表示某些意见时可用进行时,但在表示别的意思时,就不能这样用.现将其具体用法归纳如下: 1、 表示“感觉”、“感到”这时用作及物动词,后面可以加复合宾语.如: I was in the kitchen looking something and I felt the floor move 我正在厨房里作饭并感到地板在动.{feel后跟不定式作宾补时要省略to} I felt something crawling up my arm 我感到有东西在我臂上向上爬. 这时feel不能用进行时态,但要表示某一特定的时刻的感觉时可用can feel. 如: I can feel something in my shoe .我感到鞋里有什么东西. 2、 在表示“通过触摸使人感到有某种感觉”时feel为系动词,后加形容词作表语. Your hand feels cold 你的手摸上去很凉. Silk feels smooth 丝绸手感很光滑. 注意:feel表示这一用法时也不用进行时. 3、 表示“某种自我感觉”时,feel也可跟形容词,但这时可用进行时.如: Do you feel happy ? 你感到幸福吗? I am feeling fine 我现在感觉良好. 4、 feel还可以表示由不接触而产生的“感觉”.如: He felt his heart beating 他觉得他的心在跳. Did you feel the earthquake ?你感到地震了吗? 5、 feel用作及物动词还可以表示“触”、“摸”. Let me feel you pulse 让我摸摸你的脉. Feel the seat ,It is wet 摸这座位,湿着呢. 用作这个意思时,也可用进行时态. ----What are you doing ?你在干什么? ----I am feeling the shirt to see if it is dry yet !我在摸这衬衣,看干了没有. 6、 feel还可表示“以为”“认为”后跟宾语从句,用作此意时不能用进行时.如: I feel you have not been completely honest with me .我觉得你对我并不十分诚实. 7、feel还可以与like 连用,表示“想{want}”或“愿意{would like}”的意思.如: Do you feel like a beer ? 你想喝杯啤酒吗? I do not feel like dancing now. 我现在不想跳舞. hear意思是“听到”,从哪里听到要用from来表示.例如: I"ve heard from Xiao Wu that we"ll start out military training tomorrow. 我听小吴说,我们明天开始军训. Listen to the tape and write out what you hear from Han Mei. 听录音,并写出你从韩梅那里听到的内容. hear from还有一个意思是“收到某人的来信”(=receive a letter from sb.).例如: I heard from my pen friend in the U.S.A. last month. 上个月我受到了美国笔友的来信. I heard from her last week.我上周接到了她的来信. hear of和和hear from含义不同.hear of意思是“听说”,“得知”(某事或某人的存在),常用在疑问句和否定句里.例如: Who is he? I"ve never heard of him.他是谁?我从来没有听说过他. I never heard of such a thing!这样的事我从来没有听说过. 1.make+名词(代词)+动词不定式短语,-ed分词短语,介词短语,名词短语,形容词或形 容词短语.如: To quote from Albert Einstein, science is the attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our sense experience corresponed to a logically uniform system of thought. 引用阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦的话来说,科学是试图使我们头脑中一大堆杂乱无章的感性经验,符合于逻辑上前后一致的思维体系. 须知,不定式短语在主动结构中作宾语补足语时,不带to;但在被动结构中作主语补足语时,不定式短语则必须带to.如: The novel,Of Mice and Men,made the name of Steinbeck known throughout America. 《人鼠之间》这部小说使斯坦贝克的名字在美国家喻户晓. Filth and high prices have combined to make London and other cities depressing places to live in. 污秽和物价上涨使伦敦和其他城市成了令人压抑的地方. We should make these materials of most value. 我们必须使这些材料变得很有价值. It was the determination that made life worth living for so many honest people. 正是这种决心使许多正直的人生活得有意义. 2.make+形容词(短语)+名词短语这是一种倒装结构.为使句子结构保持平衡,通常将较长的名词短语移置补足语之后,不加引导词汇作形式宾语.如: The telescope made possible the observation of the far-off stars. 望远镜使人们能够观察遥远的星球. 国内出版的某些专著把能够用于这一结构中的形容词仅限于“possible”一词.其实,在现代英语中能够用于这一结构中的形容词越来越多.又如: The primary aim of every punctuation mark is to make unmistakable the meanin g of written words. 写作时应用标点符号的基本目的,是使所用词语的意义不致被误解. Mattes says:"but we will simply be making available to a wider public services that already exist.” 马狄斯说:“但是我们只是想使已经存在的服务项目能够面向更广大的公众.” 3.make+it+形容词+不定式短语(从句)不定式短语或从句作宾语时,需移置宾语补语之后,在原来宾语的位置上用引导词it作形式宾语,从而使句子保持平衡.如: In order to make it easier for people to use computers,languages for writing programs have been devised. 为使人们易于使用计算机,便设计出了编写程序的语言. The company made it questionable whether the equipment should be employed at all. 这家公司对到底该不该使用这台设备产生了怀疑. see sb. do表示看到了某个人做的整个动作,强调结果. eg. I saw her cross the street.我看到她过马路了. see sb. doing表示看到某人正在做某事,强调过程. eg. I saw her entering the room.我看到她正走进屋来. 当然如果被动,也可以用see sth. done I saw all the dishes washed.我看到所有的盘子都洗了.

make let see hear用法

英语中feel有几种不同的意义和用法,如有时可用及物动词,与宾语连用,有时又用系动词,与形容词连用,在表示某些意见时可用进行时,但在表示别的意思时,就不能这样用。现将其具体用法归纳如下:1、 表示“感觉”、“感到”这时用作及物动词,后面可以加复合宾语。如:I was in the kitchen looking something and I felt the floor move 我正在厨房里作饭并感到地板在动。{feel后跟不定式作宾补时要省略to}I felt something crawling up my arm 我感到有东西在我臂上向上爬。这时feel不能用进行时态,但要表示某一特定的时刻的感觉时可用can feel. 如:I can feel something in my shoe .我感到鞋里有什么东西。2、 在表示“通过触摸使人感到有某种感觉”时feel为系动词,后加形容词作表语。Your hand feels cold 你的手摸上去很凉。Silk feels smooth 丝绸手感很光滑。注意:feel表示这一用法时也不用进行时。3、 表示“某种自我感觉”时,feel也可跟形容词,但这时可用进行时。如:Do you feel happy ? 你感到幸福吗?I am feeling fine 我现在感觉良好。4、 feel还可以表示由不接触而产生的“感觉”。如:He felt his heart beating 他觉得他的心在跳。Did you feel the earthquake ?你感到地震了吗?5、 feel用作及物动词还可以表示“触”、“摸”。Let me feel you pulse 让我摸摸你的脉。Feel the seat ,It is wet 摸这座位,湿着呢。用作这个意思时,也可用进行时态。----What are you doing ?你在干什么?----I am feeling the shirt to see if it is dry yet !我在摸这衬衣,看干了没有。6、 feel还可表示“以为”“认为”后跟宾语从句,用作此意时不能用进行时。如:I feel you have not been completely honest with me 。我觉得你对我并不十分诚实。7、feel还可以与like 连用,表示“想{want}”或“愿意{would like}”的意思。如:Do you feel like a beer ? 你想喝杯啤酒吗?I do not feel like dancing now。 我现在不想跳舞。hear意思是“听到”,从哪里听到要用from来表示。例如:I"ve heard from Xiao Wu that we"ll start out military training tomorrow.我听小吴说,我们明天开始军训。Listen to the tape and write out what you hear from Han Mei.听录音,并写出你从韩梅那里听到的内容。hear from还有一个意思是“收到某人的来信”(=receive a letter from sb.)。例如:I heard from my pen friend in the U.S.A. last month.上个月我受到了美国笔友的来信。I heard from her last week.我上周接到了她的来信。hear of和和hear from含义不同。hear of意思是“听说”,“得知”(某事或某人的存在),常用在疑问句和否定句里。例如:Who is he? I"ve never heard of him.他是谁?我从来没有听说过他。I never heard of such a thing!这样的事我从来没有听说过。1.make+名词(代词)+动词不定式短语,-ed分词短语,介词短语,名词短语,形容词或形 容词短语。如: To quote from Albert Einstein, science is the attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our sense experience corresponed to a logically uniform system of thought. 引用阿尔伯特??爱因斯坦的话来说,科学是试图使我们头脑中一大堆杂乱无章的感性经验,符合于逻辑上前后一致的思维体系。 须知,不定式短语在主动结构中作宾语补足语时,不带to;但在被动结构中作主语补足语时,不定式短语则必须带to。如: The novel,Of Mice and Men,made the name of Steinbeck known throughout America. 《人鼠之间》这部小说使斯坦贝克的名字在美国家喻户晓。 Filth and high prices have combined to make London and other cities depressing places to live in. 污秽和物价上涨使伦敦和其他城市成了令人压抑的地方。 We should make these materials of most value. 我们必须使这些材料变得很有价值。 It was the determination that made life worth living for so many honest people. 正是这种决心使许多正直的人生活得有意义。 2.make+形容词(短语)+名词短语这是一种倒装结构。为使句子结构保持平衡,通常将较长的名词短语移置补足语之后,不加引导词汇作形式宾语。如: The telescope made possible the observation of the far-off stars. 望远镜使人们能够观察遥远的星球。 国内出版的某些专著把能够用于这一结构中的形容词仅限于“possible”一词。其实,在现代英语中能够用于这一结构中的形容词越来越多。又如: The primary aim of every punctuation mark is to make unmistakable the meanin g of written words. 写作时应用标点符号的基本目的,是使所用词语的意义不致被误解。 Mattes says:"but we will simply be making available to a wider public services that already exist.” 马狄斯说:“但是我们只是想使已经存在的服务项目能够面向更广大的公众。” 3.make+it+形容词+不定式短语(从句)不定式短语或从句作宾语时,需移置宾语补语之后,在原来宾语的位置上用引导词it作形式宾语,从而使句子保持平衡。如: In order to make it easier for people to use computers,languages for writing programs have been devised. 为使人们易于使用计算机,便设计出了编写程序的语言。 The company made it questionable whether the equipment should be employed at all. 这家公司对到底该不该使用这台设备产生了怀疑。 see sb. do表示看到了某个人做的整个动作,强调结果。 eg. I saw her cross the street.我看到她过马路了。 see sb. doing表示看到某人正在做某事,强调过程。 eg. I saw her entering the room.我看到她正走进屋来。 当然如果被动,也可以用see sth. done I saw all the dishes washed.我看到所有的盘子都洗了。

歌词let me see you song for love 焦急罗曼史第九集中出现的

song for love --LYN

一首电音,歌词好像是let me see you shake shake shake let me see you shake you body,

see it again

to see what data the error report contains,click here 谁知道这句话是什么意思, 专业的来说说··

看看什么数据错误报告包含 点这里看看错误的数据包含什么 点这里 大概就是意思 以后像这样看不懂的英语 直接在线翻译

consider as ,see as ,regard as的区别


seek perfection翻译

追求完美:Pursuing Perfect 追求简单:Pursuing Simplicity perfect 本身就是名词,不用加"-tion" simple 的名词是 simplicity

When you are young,you whole life is about to seek for the fun.Then,you grow up learn to be secure!

You are to be responsible for the work as a whole. 【解析】be to do 是将来时态的一种表达方式,侧重“注定”的含义。 eg.You are to blame

英语 我必须寻求进步 怎么说?可以用I must seek for progress ?

您好我觉得这样太佶屈聱牙了,直接用I must move on就可以了 简单明了

seek to加 do 还是doing


Seek for Destiny feat. mintea (春の凑に | 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind | 东方星莲船) 歌词

歌曲名:Seek for Destiny feat. mintea (春の凑に | 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind | 东方星莲船)歌手:Estha专辑:The starry skySeek for DestinyArrange: estha Vocal, Lyric: MinteaOriginal: 春の凑に | 感情の摩天楼 ~ Cosmic Mind(东方星莲船)Album: XL Project - the starry sky (C77)ずっと 何処(どこ)かの星(ほし)の下(もと)で 贵方(あなた)を探(さが)して冷(つめ)たくなったてのひら 爱(いと)しい温(ぬく)もり 求(もと)める思(おも)い出(で)に白(しろ)い息(いき)かけて 温(あたた)かい记忆(きおく)に浸(ひた)る离(はな)れゆくほど强(つよ)くなる 『会(あ)いたい』って本当(ほんとう)は痛(いた)いくらいに 抱(だ)きしめてほしいのにその腕(うで)にさえ届(とど)かなくて 俯(うつむ)いているのねえ贵方(あなた)もどこかで 泣(な)いているの?この流星(ほし)がとまる様(よう)な 不意(ふい)すぎた贵方(あなた)の笑颜(えがお)に见(み)えた 切(せつ)なさ描(えが)く螺旋(らせん)広(ひろ)すぎる空(そら)の下(した)で どの星(ほし)に私(わたし)は爱(あい)を愿(ねが)えばいいの… どうか瞬(またた)いて二人(ふたり)で见(み)たいと话(はな)した 白(しろ)い雪(ゆき) 降(お)り続(つづ)いた1人(ひとり)ぼっちで见(み)る雪(ゆき) 星(ほし)たちが泣(な)いている様(よう)消(け)せない思(おも)い出(だ)残(のこ)して 终幕(エンドロール)なんてEp:「永远(えいえん)のさよなら」なんて 想像(そうぞう)できないよねえ贵方(あなた)もどこかで そう思(おも)ってる…?この流星(ほし)が彼方(かなた)まで 突(つ)け抜(ぬ)けるなら火伤(やけど)したって构(かま)わない 贵方(あなた)のためだからその先(さき)の『白(しろ)い景色(けしき)』の中(なか) 2人(ふたり)はまた爱(いと)しあう为(ため)の再生(リバース)そう 始(はじ)められるもしも その思(おも)い出(で)が白黒(ものくろ)だって2人(ふたり)出会(であ)えば また鲜(あざ)やかに 咲(さ)き始(はじ)めるこの流星(ほし)が彼方(かなた)まで 突(つ)け抜(ぬ)けるなら火伤(やけど)したって构(かま)わない 贵方(あなた)のためだからその先(さき)の『白(しろ)い景色(けしき)』の中(なか) 2人(ふたり)はまたLove already, live with the fate under this starry sky again.

seek 和 seek for 有什么区别?

seek +somewhere;seek for +sthseek somewhere for sth

seek 和 seek for 有什么区别

一般情况下不用seek for,因为这不是词组。除非是这种情况:They are seeking compensation/damages [=they are trying to get money] for their loss. 在这句中for their loss是一个短语,不是什么seek for。Seek1 : to search for (someone or something) : to try to find (someone or something) 找(人或物)u25aa He is seeking employment. [=he is looking for a job]u25aa The office is seeking a salesperson. u25aa The prince is seeking a wife. u25aa Snakes seek the sun to warm their bodies. u25aa thrill-seeking travelers [=travelers who want to have very exciting/thrilling experiences]2 : to ask for (help, advice, etc.) 寻求u25aa You should visit your doctor and seek his advice. u25aa You should seek medical help immediately if you experience any chest pain or shortness of breath. u25aa The church is seeking donations/volunteers.3 : to try to get or achieve (something) 争取 u25aa He sought revenge for his son"s murder. u25aa During the war, she sought asylum in Spain. u25aa They sought refuge in Canada.u25aa The company is seeking new ways to improve service. u25aa The mayor is seeking reelection. u25aa She seeks perfection in her work. u25aa attention-seeking behavior u25aa Immigrants come to America to seek their fortune. [=to try to become rich]

seek out 和seek for的区别是什么


区分seek for 、seek、look for 他们三个有什么不同?

seek for 搜索某样东西 seek for the thief 找贼 seek 在某地方搜索 seek the forest 搜索森林 seek the forest for the thief 在森林里搜索贼 look for 寻找某样东西

seek for help 为什么不加for

因为seek作动词表示寻求时,可以作及物动词。seek一般用于抽象意义,在表示渴望得到某一具体的东西时,常接for或者after。seek可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词,此时seek后面接宾语时,接介词for或者after(意思相同)seek的基本意思是“寻找”“寻求”“谋求”“设法得到”,指怀有很大希望,付出很大努力去寻求某人或某物,也可指对崇高目的或抽象事物的追求、向往或探索。偶尔表示不费吹灰之力的调查。seek还可作“试图”解。seek用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。用作不及物动词时,其主动形式含有被动意义。seek用于be to结构时,尽管主语是seek的逻辑宾语,句子也要用主动结构。

用法上seek sth 就行,还是必须要seek for sth


see for help 另外 有seek for help这个词组吗 能否举例

see sb for help 会见某人以得到帮助. Tom went to see a doctor for help. seek for help 寻求帮助 Tom went to hospital to seek for help. see的宾语是人.seek的宾语是help,后面跟for时作不及物动词讲.这样你理解吗?



seeking 跟looking for的区别是?

seek 一般用于抽象意义,有时也表示渴望得到某一具体的东西,是比较正式的书面用法。可构成seek for,seek after等短语,作“寻找,设法得到”等解。其后可接动词不定式,此时表示“试图,企图”。look for 强调找的过程

seek to加 do 还是doing seek to 跟seek for有什么区别?

一般都是用seek to do sth.请看以下seek to与seek for的区别以及来自有道词典的例句:seek to:争取|追求|力图1.And we would not seek to disturb that.我们不能谋求对他们进行干扰.2.That is what I seek to discov...

seek for,look for,find,serach有什么区别

只能粗略讲一下,想再弄清楚一点,建议查词典(牛津、朗文、柯林斯一类的)~1 seek(for) sth: 跟look for意思差不多,牛津上的解释就是:to look for[第六版],[I, Ipr esp passive 尤用於被动语态, Tn] ~ (after/for sth) look (for sth); try to find or obtain (sth) 寻找; 找到或得到(某事物)[第四版]2 look (for sb/sth): to try to find sb/sth 尽力寻找,寻找的东西可抽象(如solution),也可具体,见下: I can"t find my book-I"ve looked everywhere. ◆ Where have you been? We"ve been looking for you. ◆ Are you still looking for a job? ◆ We"re looking for someone with experience for this post.)3 前面两个(seek for、look for)都是强调“寻找”这一过程,find强调结果——“找到”4 search,意指“搜寻、搜索”,牛津第四版的解释为:搜查(某人); 细查(某物或某处)以搜寻某人[某物]; 搜索,通常用search (for sb/ sth)的结构,同样不知能否“找到”,只是强点要“寻”

seek after seek for 的区别

seek after 追求的东西比较抽象Nowadays politicians seek after power, wealth and position. seek for 追求的比较具体,是向外界寻求的seek for others" assistanceseek 是自己努力追求的seek a college education网上看别人写的

seek,seek for ,seek after,find,find out,look for,search ,search for,区别


seek和seek for的区别

seek:寻找seek for=seek after:追求,寻求不同点在后者有追求的意思。

区分seek for 、seek、look for 他们三个有什么不同?

seek for 搜索某样东西 seek for the thief 找贼 seek 在某地方搜索 seek the forest 搜索森林 seek the forest for the thief 在森林里搜索贼 look for 寻找某样东西

although he is a minor,he has to seek for a job to support his family.老大这儿为什么用seek for?

for 是用来带出後面的句子的,惯性语法问题,应该一般在美国很多人都会说seek for

英语作文 where did you go? where did you do and see? how did you feel?

Where did you go? What did you see? Who did you meet in London? Where did you go? What did you see? What did you buy in London? I went to the park. I saw lots of places. I didn it buy anything at all, but I had a lovely time!

if only you could see the tears 开头唱的第一句歌词 , 请问这首歌名叫什么



data parse error 数据解析错误

when you feel worried or stressed out,everything seems to go wrong at once.

You can"t remember what the teacher says in class. You may _(quarrel吵架)_ with your parents or friends.You may have problems with _(sleep 不确定啊,翻译过来是你可能睡眠有问题)_ ,too. For example,you can"t get to sleep or you still_(feel)_ tired when you get up. Ifyou are _(under:under pressure承受压力)_ too much pressure, maybe it"s time to change your life a bit by doingsomething_(enjoyable)_ It"s important for you to learn to _(relax放松)_ .you can _(listen)_ some quiet,restful music._(Reading)_ a book is a good way to relax,too You should _(stop)_ doing the thing that you are not enjoying,Then take up a new activity or try a new activity or try a new interest. You should also set some goals.For example,_(doing :do exercise 锻炼)_ enough exercise,keeping up with schoolwork and making some new friends第一段:你可能会遇到一些郁闷的事情。第二段:如果承受了太多压力你应该做些有趣的事情。第三段:举例说明了做哪些事情可以放松自己。第四段:如果你做的事情不喜欢,换点事情做。第五段:给自己一些目标,例如。。。 。。。

MISS may,I am calling to( )my appointment with 该选哪个?

选4 打电话让他接听

有一首挺嗨的英文歌歌词好像有...need some love...see you be free


who has seen the wind ?翻译

谁见过风?克里斯蒂娜 罗塞蒂雪漫长云译谁见过风?我未曾你也没有。当垂悬的叶儿颤动,便是风儿拂过。谁见过风?你未曾我也没有。当静静的树儿低首,便是风儿吹过。

Angel In The Night (Soulseekerz Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Angel In The Night (Soulseekerz Radio Edit)歌手:Basshunter专辑:Angel In The NightBasshunter - Angel In The NightYou are my light in the darkYou are the beating in my heartBut that is not enoughWill I ever be by your sideYour hair is dancing in the windYour eyes are burning off my skinAnd I"m so happy when I seeThat you are smiling back at meYou"re living burn marks on the groundThank you God for what I"ve foundI don"t know how, I don"t know whyThat you"re my angel in the nightYou are my light in the darkYou are the beating in my heartLet me hold you nowJust like days before you start to cryYou are my light in the darkYou are the beating in my heartBut that is not enoughWill I ever be by your sideI try my best to satisfyBut all you do is where we make it rightI don"t know what I"m gonna doBut I"m so crazy about youEven if I don"t know where to startEven if my love is tearing me apartI just know that you and meWe were always meant to beYou are my light in the darkYou are the beating in my heartLet me hold you nowJust like days before you stopped to cryYou are my light in the darkYou are the beating in my heartBut that is not enoughWill I ever be by your sideYou"re my angel in the night

Please remind me _______ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. A.where B..


Please remind me ____ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. A.where B.when.

B 试题分析:考查宾语从句:when引导宾语从句,在从句中作时间状语,意为“当……的时候”。根据所提供的情景“I may be in time to see him off.”可判断出说话人请求对方提醒的是走的时间。在这个句子中,he said可看作插入语,remind me when he was going表示“提醒我他什么时候走”。?答案:B点评:宾语从句的考查主要的考查陈述语序和连接词的词义辨析。疑问句做宾语从句的语序往往要变成陈述句语序,但如果疑问词就是主语,就不需要变化语序了。连接词的选用主要是从句子的成分分析,还有从句意判断。

英文歌词中有i see wuwuwuwu和i love you

Brad Paisley - Remind Me (Feat. Carrie Underwood)(Brad) We didn"t care if people staredWe"d make out in a crowd somewhereSomebody"d tell us to get a roomIt"s hard to believe that was me and youNow we keep saying that we"re okayBut I don"t want to settle for good not greatI miss the way that it felt back then I wanna feel that way againBeen so long that you"d forget The way I used to kiss your neck(Carrie) Remind me, remind meSo on fire so in love. Way back when we couldn"t get enough Remind me, remind meRemember the airport dropping me offWe were kissing goodbye and we couldn"t stopI felt bad "cause you missed your flightBut that meant we had one more nightDo you remember how it used to beWe"d turn out the lights and didn"t just sleepRemind me Baby remind meOhhhh so on fire so in loveThat look in your eyes that I miss so muchRemind me,Baby remind meI wanna feel that wayYeah I wanna hold you closeOh If you still love meDon"t just assume I knowOhh baby remind me, remind meOhhh do you remember the way it felt?You mean back when we couldn"t control ourselvesRemind me, yeah remind meAll those things that you used to doThat made me fall in love with youRemind me, oh Baby Remind MeYeah you"d wake up in my old T-shirtAll those mornings I was late for workRemind me, oh baby remind meOh baby remind me, baby remind meYeah you"d wake up in my old T-shirtBaby Remind Me



Chester see everything中文歌词

Chester see everything中文歌词她爱我,离开了我她仍然保持我想要更多,但感觉是空的她必须去吗?我会知道吗?爱与离开我她欺骗我她吻的方式如此误导我以为她会留下来然后她就走了在我关闭你的名字的章节之前有一对夫妇的东西,我从来没有说你的眼睛是美妙的你的微笑太你的笑是会传染的你的心是真的你的触摸有美丽你的吻是爱你是每一个梦想的人的一切你是我的一切这让我坠入爱河已经有一段时间了但我仍然发现我在与我们的最后的再见我以为这份爱会持续现在我生活在过去因为这只是我和我的心的回忆将跳过一个节拍当你靠近的时候现在你从来没有在这里在我找到力量之前让这个去有一对夫妇的东西我需要你知道你的眼睛是美妙的你的微笑太你的笑是会传染的你的心是真的你的触摸有美丽你的吻是爱你是每一个梦想的人的一切你是我的一切这让我坠入爱河你的眼睛是美妙的你的微笑太你的笑是会传染的你的心是真的是的,你的触摸有美丽你的吻是爱你是我的一切是的你是我的一切你是我的一切这让我坠入爱河是的,在爱中Chester see everything英文歌词She loved and left meStill she kept meWanting more, but feelings emptyDid she have to go?Will I ever know?Love and leave meShe decieved meThe way she kissedWas so misleadingI thought that she might stayThen she went awayBefore I close the chapter to your nameThere"s a couple things I never got to sayYour eyes are wonderfulYour smile is tooYour laugh"s contagiousAnd your heart is trueThere"s beauty in your touchAnd your kiss is loveYou"re everything that every guy dreams ofYou"re everythingThat makes meFall in loveIt"s been some timeBut still I findI"m struggling with ourLast goodbyeI thought this love would lastNow I"m living in the pastCause it"s just meAnd memories of how my heartWould skip a beatWhenever you were nearNow you"re never hereBefore I find the strengthTo let this goThere"s a couple thingsI need for you to knowYour eyes are wonderfulYour smile is tooYour laugh"s contagiousAnd your heart is trueThere"s beauty in your touchAnd your kiss is loveYou"re everything that every guy dreams ofYou"re everythingThat makes meFall in loveYour eyes are wonderfulYour smile is tooYour laugh"s contagiousAnd your heart is trueYEAH, there"s beauty in your touchAnd your KISS is loveYou"re everythingYesYou"re everythingYou"re everythingThat makes meFall in loveYeah, in love

Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make something happen

There is no doubt that we should never go out there to see what happens; instead, we should take actions to make things happen. A telling example is Youyou Tu. She and her colleagues made 380 extracts from 2,00 herbs before they finally succeeded in discovering the pure substance qinghaosu, which can be used to treat malaria. As we all know, there were numerous scientists who wanted to find this substance, but it was her firm actions that made her the first Chinese Nobel laureate in medicine.  Why?Reasons are quite simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful. In addition, in an age full of ruthless and relentless competitions, without taking actions to make things happen, we are bound to lose those valuable opportunities. For instance, if Apple had just gone out there to see what happens in mobile phones, it could not have presented the amazing product, iPhone, to us.   Accordingly, we college students should not just be a watcher but a doer. In my humble opinion, we can start from applying what we have learned into practice.  毫无疑问,我们永远不应该走出去看看发生了什么;相反,我们应该采取行动让事情发生。一个生动的例子就是由你。她和她的同事做了380提取物2 00草药才终于发现了纯物质青蒿素,可用于治疗疟疾。我们都知道,有很多的科学家们想找到这种物质,但这是她公司的行为,让她第一个中国医学诺贝尔奖得主。  为什么?原因很简单,可以列出如下。首先,只有采取行动才能找到最好的方法解决我们面临这些问题,但作为一个旁观者,我们可以学到什么有意义的事情。此外,在一个充满残酷和无情的竞争时代,没有采取行动让事情发生,我们注定要失去这宝贵的机会。例如,如果苹果刚刚在手机看看会发生什么,它不可能呈现惊人的产品,iPhone,给我们。   因此,我们大学生不应该只是一个观察者,但一个实干家。依我拙见,我们可以从应用所学付诸实践。

歌词里面有句i can see,是一个男的唱的英歌,前奏有点嗨适合飙车那种情景

 What happened to you  You played the victim for so long now in this game  What I thought was true  Is made of fiction and I"m following the same  But if I try to make sense of this mess I"m in  I"m not sure where I should begin  I"m fallin"  I"m fallin"  Now I"m in over my head  for something I said  completly misread i"m better off dead  and now i can see how fake you can be  this hypocracy"s begining to get to me  it"s none of my concern  dont look to me "cause i dont believe in fame  i guess you never heard i met our makers they dont even know your name  but if i had to say goodbye to leave this hell  and say my time has searved me well  i"m fallin"  i"m fallin"  and now i"m in over my head  with somethin i said competly misread i"m better off dead  and now i cant see how fake you can be this hypocracy"s begining to get to  this came long before those who suffer more  i"m too awake for this to be a nightmare  what"s with my discrase i"ve lost the human race  no one plans for it to low up in their face  who said it was easy to put back all these pieces  who said it was easy to put back all these pieces  and now i"m in  over my head with somethin i said  completly misread i"m better off dead  and now i can see how fake you can be  this hypocracy"s begining to get to me  Over My Head (Better Off Dead)  汉语“你怎么了  在这游戏中你做了太长时间的受害者  我的想法是真实的  却是我虚幻的但我也承认他的真实  如果我尽力  使我周围的这混乱变得有意义  但我不知道该从何开始  我在坠落 我正在坠落落  我我头都大了  完全误解了我说的话  我还是死了算了  现在我终于明白你有多虚伪  这虚伪正在开始影响着我  这和我没关系  别指望我  因为我不慕名利  我猜你还没听说 我见过我们的上帝  他都不知道你的名字  如果我要和这地狱说再见  我会说这时间给了我想要的  我正在堕落 我正在堕落  这在那些遭受痛苦的人之前来到  这噩梦让我不能入眠  这是我的耻辱 我失掉了尊严  没有人会打算让把它完全搞砸  谁说经受这些是很容易的  我头都大了  完全误解了我说的话  我还是死了算了

Andrew Seeley在《歌舞青春》是什么角色?


跪求浪漫的英语句子的缩写 比如 shmily = See how much I love you 越多越好 要浪漫的..

dove=do you love me


seeya 代表 see you awalsjewelry就是珠宝


东丽TORAY是日本的品牌,东丽主要从事工业材料生产,TORAYSEE是超细纤维的一个系列,其中包含工业的,民用的,医疗的,美容的,TORAYSEE是超细纤维的代称,TORAYSEE MC是超细纤维无尘布,MC有白色和蓝色2款,具体深圳华晨阳公司有全部资料,TORAYSEE的超细精确到2微米,其产品在行业内剧中上等,价格也颇高,当然一份价格一分货,品质没的说,

问题来了: 1.A secretary’ clipped tone seems more reje



UC中的新人类NEW-TYPE,是人类步入宇宙的自然进化结果。生活在宇宙中的人类,由于脱离了重力的束缚,使得感知力、反应力大幅提升,进化出有较强精神感应力,对在空间中移动的物体有直观的认识。这种能力表现在战争上就是瞬间的反应、决断力变强。SEED中的新人类COORDINATOR,是人类自己的基因工程的产物。通过因在受精卵阶段就进行基因工程改造,籍此生出高智商和高生理机能的人类。使得人类寿命增长,解决了癌症等不治之症,同时人类自身的记忆力,学习能力,适应力有了极大的提升。00中的变革者INNOVATOR,是基因改造而成(未确定),拥有以GN粒子为媒介的脑量子波的能力,能够与超级量子计算机veda连接。其体内有著大量的人所不拥有的纳米机器,能够防止老化。其最重要的,他们不属于人类。UC是用宇宙纪元,即UNIVERSAL CENTURY00用的是西历,即ADSEED的纪元是CE,即COSMIC ERA三者之间纪元不同,没有必然联系,一般高达迷都是以UC为正传,其他纪元为高达外传





i`ll see what i can do but i can`t p anythi


One day Mr Brown sees................求全文!!!!!!!

One day Mr Brown sees a young woman in the street with some children. He is very surprised (惊讶)because all the children are wearing the same clothes, white caps, blue coats and yellow trousers. “Are all the children yours?” he asks the woman. “Yes, they are.” she answers. “Do you always dress them in the same clothes?” asks Mr Brown. “Yes,” answers the mother, “When we have four children, we dress them in the same clothes, because we don"t want to lose any of them. It"s easy to see our clildren among (在….当中) other children because they are all wearing the same clothes. And now we have ten, we dress them like this because we don"t want to take other clildren home by mistake. When there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them because their clothes are different.

一首英文歌词,很好听的男声,最后两句好像是是see you ??? again。

是west life的my loveMy love 歌手:westlife 专辑:Coast to coast An empty street An empty house A hole inside heart I"m all alone and the rooms Are getting smaller I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had The songs we sang together And oh! my love I"m holding on forever Reaching for a love That seems so far So I say a litter prayer No my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again My love I Try to read I go to work I"m laughing with my friends But I can"t stop to keep myself From thinking I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had The songs we sang togetther And oh! my love I"mholding on forever Reaching for a love That seems so far So I say a litter prayer No my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again To hold you in my arms To promise my love To tell you from my heart You are all I"m thinking of Reaching for a love That seems so far So I say a litter prayer No my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again My love And hope my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again My love

Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich i

Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right离开,到现在为止,奇数,低层次的IT人员,以纠正

______ on a true story, the film is well worth ______ . A.Based; seeing B.Basing; seeing C.

A试题分析:句意:以真实的故事为基础,这个电影很值得一看。base...on以…为基础,常用被动式bebased on。thefilm与base之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式。beworthdoing值得做,固定用法。所以选A。

女孩子唱的英文歌词里面有 good bye my...lover ,good bye my ... I never want to see you on happy ...

qq音乐有,Almost Lover

有首歌歌词好像是i see you looking at me,女生唱的。

Carly Rae Jepsen的《call me maybe》

求一首英文歌!!!男生唱的,歌词里面好像有see to your heart···

《Take Me To Your Heart》么。或者是《Hate To See Your Heart Break》。我只听过这两首与你所说的相近的歌了。前一首是男的唱的,但后一首是女的唱的,前一首可能性比较大

—You have seen the film Rush Hour, haven’t you?—______________. How I wish to see it again!

C 试题分析:句意:--你已经看过电影Rush Hour,对吗?--看过,我喜欢它。我希望我能再看一次!分析:反意疑问句的回答,体现答语中后以事情的描述,是肯定形式答语用Yes,否定形式则为No.从答语中体现为想再看一次,因此表示以前看过,所以用肯定形式回答。故选C

一首英文歌 女生唱的 ,挺动感的,歌词好像有一句see the boys and girls,注

歌曲名:Boys and Girls歌手:专辑:Young Foolish Happy ()- Boys And GirlsIm the mirror and I think im liking what I see,Big, big lights shining bright like in on the TV,My heart pumps as the bass drum jumps,You gotta move when the floorboard jumps,Somethings going on and I think it"s going on right now.All the boys and the girls they"ve got it going on,And when the beat kicks in the feeling in your bones,When the basement packs and the needle drops,You can"t turn back and you just can"t stop.All the boys and the girls (you know you just can"t stop) x2All the boys and the girlsI can see the silhouettes dancing up against the wall,It sure feels good, feels good, yeah we"re gonna lose control,Turn it on, make it strong, a good beat never hurt noone,Kicking up the dust and we"re making every move me know, yeahAll the boys and the girls they"ve got it going on,And when the beat kicks in the feeling in your bones,When the basement packs and the needle drops,You can"t turn back and you just can"t stop.All the boys and the girls (you know you just can"t stop) x4Wooh ooh, baby don"t stop,Wooh ooh, keep the vibe hot,Wooh ooh, baby don"t stop,Wooh ooh, keep the vibe hot.Turn it on, make it strong, a good beat never hurt noone, yeah.All the boys and the girls they"ve got it going on,And when the beat kicks in the feeling in your bones,When the basement packs and the needle drops,You can"t turn back and you just can"t stop.All the boys and the girls (no you just can"t stop) x4
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