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scenerio能指情况吗 比如under this scenerio




抢镜头的意思 动词是 合成词 scene-steal scene-stealing是名词scene-stole 是动词后去式 解释清采用!

Top 100 Celebrity Nude Scenes

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interest用法 places of interest 风景名胜scene风景 包括人的活动在内view 在某处看到的风景attraction 吸引人的事物

scene 和sight的区别

sight 表示“视觉所接受的景象”,但不含有“自觉地使用视觉器官”的意思,而表示“目的物进入了眼帘”。这时它虽是名词,却有动作的含义,常用于 catch sight of 和 at the sight of 等短语中。sight 在用于表示风景时,一般有修饰语来说明“特征”,从而使视觉所接受的印象更为明确,更为具体 …but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk. 但是那公牛突然看到了那个酒汉。 …you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains… ……你可以欣赏那连绵不断的云海的非凡景象…… scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。表示“景色”“风景”时,指所见之物,也可表示动态或静止的室内或室外的场景常被当作一个整体而看的景色。如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。a beautiful mountain scene in front of the guest house.Do you remember the scene in the play where Susan meets Alan for the first time?你记不记得剧中苏珊第一次遇见阿伦的那个场面


1、sight -- “光景”.既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观(多指人工的事物,如大建筑史迹等有名的处所),又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数.如:a sad sight悲惨的场景 ,see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹.它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于:当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜.2、view -- “景色”.普遍用语,常指从远处或高处看到的景象,属于scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换.如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观.The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色.3、scenery -- “景致”、“外景”,指某地乃至国家总的外景或外貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色.如:The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比.4、scene -- “景色”.指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,可与view通用,但还包括其中的人及活动在内.如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕.希望采纳奥!


1. sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,但表示后者的含义时,习惯上要用复数。如:The sight was quite amusing. 这景象使人感到有趣。We saw the sights of Hong Kong by bus. 我们乘公共汽车观看香港的风景。Mary walked round the town, looking at the sights. 玛丽在城里到处转,逛各处景点。2. view主要指从某处看到的东西或景象,有时也指“风景”,尤指自然美景(fine natural scenery)。如:From the window there was a clear view of the mountains. 从窗户往外看是一览无余的群山。The view makes this a good location for a house. 景观使得此处成为建房的好地点。The view was wonderful. If I"d had a camera, I would have taken some photo—graphs. 风景好极了,要是我带有照相机,我就照几张像了。3. scene 多指某一特定或具体场面所表示的“景色”、“场景”等,可以是室内的也可以是室外的、可以是城市的也可以是乡村的、可以是活动的也可以是静态的等。如:There are some pretty scenes in the park. 公园里有几处美丽的景色。As he entered the room, he was confronted by a scene of disorder. 他进入房间,面对的是一幅乱糟糟的场面。4. scenery 是表示“风景”的集合名词(不可数),主要指某一国家或地区的总体“景色”或自然“风景”,并侧重从“美”的角度加以考虑。如:What beautiful scenery! 真是风景如画!We all enjoy mountain scenery. 我们都喜欢山景。The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scenery. 司机不时地停车,以便让我们欣赏风景。


View(n.)---“景色”。普遍用语。指目中所望见的景色。Scene(n.)---“景色”。可与view通用,但多包括了其中的人及其活动。Sight(n.)---“光景”。多指人工的事物,比如大建筑史迹等有名的处所。spot--- 点的意思,可以指旅游点,可以指热点(火山之类的),一般都会有词语限制在前边例:There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。It was our first view of the ocean.这是我们第一次看见海洋。The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery.火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene.港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful.日落的景色是非常美的。We will go and see the sights of New York.我们要去看看纽约的名胜。The Imperial Palace is one of the sights of China.故宫是中国名胜之一。sight指“景色”是可数名词时,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的“景”和“名胜”,但尤指人工制成的景。One of the beautiful sights is the castle.那城堡是美景中的一个。   view和scene所表达的景色都是scenery中的一部分,往往指自然景色。如:Do you enjoy the ten famous views of the West Lake?你喜欢西湖十景吗?There is a lovely view from this window .从这个窗子可以看到一片秀丽的景色。There is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子们在花园里玩耍,好一派欢乐的景象。   另外,scene还可指舞台的场景。

【词语辨析】sight, scene, site三者区别?

site指地址。和另两个词的意思很容易区分。historical site指的是历史遗址。scene指的是眼前的场景,比如车祸的惨象。或者电影中的一幕场景。The scene reminds him of the accident last Christmas.scenery指的是风景、景色。是所有风景的总称。泛指。the secenery of the country。sight既可以指1、眼前的场景,也可以指2、风景,特指某地特有的风景。1、catch sight of 看到... 表示眼睛看到。2、the historical sights指的是名胜古迹,一定要用复数。The historical sights of Beijing are quite attracting.希望能够帮到你!




如何将arcscene导入arcmap步骤如下:1、先建立一个用于储存过程文件的数据库。2、【3D Analyst工具】【转换】【由文件转出】【导入3D文件】。3、点击每个shapefile,选择properties,找到extrusion。4、在Scene里面File→AddData,把shapefile文件导入就好。接下来两步是把Scene的文件转换为DAE,方便导入SU中进行建模处理。

Witnesses _____________three people escape from the scene where the man was murdered.

这题答案选B 重点在于report的用法 report后接动名词作宾语,而不能用不定时作宾语 eg:they reported having met only a cyclist他们说只见到了一个骑自行车的人但是report后可接不定时作宾补 report sb to do sth 望采纳

高手帮忙翻译下 Important is not the scenery on the way, but the mood at the view.


scenery scene view sight 作景色讲有何区别

  1. sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,但表示后者的含义时,习惯上要用复数。如:  The sight was quite amusing. 这景象使人感到有趣。  We saw the sights of Hong Kong by bus. 我们乘公共汽车观看香港的风景。  Mary walked round the town, looking at the sights. 玛丽在城里到处转,逛各处景点。  2. view主要指从某处看到的东西或景象,有时也指“风景”,尤指自然美景(fine natural scenery)。如:  From the window there was a clear view of the mountains. 从窗户往外看是一览无余的群山。  The view makes this a good location for a house. 景观使得此处成为建房的好地点。  The view was wonderful. If I"d had a camera, I would have taken some photo—graphs. 风景好极了,要是我带有照相机,我就照几张像了。  3. scene 多指某一特定或具体场面所表示的“景色”、“场景”等,可以是室内的也可以是室外的、可以是城市的也可以是乡村的、可以是活动的也可以是静态的等。如:  There are some pretty scenes in the park. 公园里有几处美丽的景色。  As he entered the room, he was confronted by a scene of disorder. 他进入房间,面对的是一幅乱糟糟的场面。  4. scenery 是表示“风景”的集合名词(不可数),主要指某一国家或地区的总体“景色”或自然“风景”,并侧重从“美”的角度加以考虑。如:  What beautiful scenery! 真是风景如画!  We all enjoy mountain scenery. 我们都喜欢山景。  The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scenery. 司机不时地停车,以便让我们欣赏风景。

It must be the most beautiful scene when the two


The scenery of Jiuzhaigou Valley _____ the tourists from all over the world. A.appeals to B..

A 试题分析:考查词组:appeal to“吸引”,句意:九寨沟的风景吸引了全世界的游客。是主动式,选A。点评:词组的考查没有捷径,只有加强平时的背诵,包括词组本身的含义,一词多义,以及词组和动词的搭配,做题时别忘了弄懂句意和上下文的逻辑关系,进行判断。学生平时要特别注意这方面的积累。

it is not an optimistic the

1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 分 析: 乐观的态度不是奢侈品,它是我们生活的必需品,一次不相识的人的消极话语竟然影响了作者一天的心情。明白了个中蹊跷后作者意识到:乐观主义者更关心如何解决问题,而不是毫无意义的怨天尤人,我们可以选择哭或是笑、祝福或是诅咒,用什么样的眼光去看待生活?是积极向上,还是垂头丧气?何去何从,由你决定。 1.小题1】考查动词和语境理解。 A. learn学习;得知, B. exercise练习,C. behave行为举止,D. feel感觉。你看待生活的方式将决定你的感受,你的表现,以及你与他人相处得怎样。选D。 2.小题2】 考查副词和语境理解。 A. Certainly当然,B. Additionally此外,C. Contrarily相反,D. Actually事实上。反过来,悲观会制造出一个悲伤无望、无人愿往的黑暗之地。选C。 3.小题3】 考查形容词和语境理解。A. Negative消极的,B. Impractical不实际的,C. Sensitive敏感的,D. Indifferent 漠不关心的。悲观消极的想法、态度和期待也会自成因果。选A。 4.小题4】 考查动词和语境理解。 A. drove 开车,B. walked散步,C. rushed冲出,D. ran跑步。多年前,我驱车去一个加油站加油。选A。 5.小题5】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. common 普通的,B. beautiful美丽的,C. busy忙碌的,D. dull枯燥的。那天天气很好,我的心情也不错。选B。 6.小题6】 考查名词和语境理解。 A. accident事故,B. mistake错误,C. surprise吃惊,D. chance机会。当我去付款时,服务员说我脸色不好,因为我自我感觉很好。所以这话让我大吃一惊。选C。 7.小题7】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. rough粗糙的,B. pale苍白的,C. hurt受伤的,D. yellow黄色的。他毫无顾忌地继续大讲我的气色如何差,还说我肤色发黄。选D。 8.小题8】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. tired累的,B. uneasy不舒服的;心神不宁的,C. bored厌烦的,D. angry生气的。根据上文服务员的话得知,在离开加油站的时候,我觉得有点心神不宁。选B。 9.小题9】 考查副词和语境理解。 A. well好的,B. ugly丑陋的,C. strange奇怪的,D. bad坏的。我把车停在路旁,对着镜子看着自己的脸,我感觉如何?我的脸色有那么差吗?选D。 10.小题10】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. upset不高兴的,B. sad悲伤的,C. sorry抱歉的,D. sick生病的;恶心的。等我回到家里,我已经开始觉得有点想吐。选D。 11.小题11】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. ill生病的,B. fine好的,C. regret后悔,D. lost丢失。从again得知,再次光顾那个加油站时,我还是感觉很好。选B。 12.小题12】 考查动词和语境理解。 A. behave行为举止,B. believe相信,C. look看着;看起来,D. pretend假装。作者明白了个中蹊跷:这个地方不久前把墙漆上了一种抢眼但又难看的黄色,墙面反射的光线使里面的每一个人看起来都好像得了肝炎。选C。 13.小题13】 考查名词和语境理解。 A. conversation对话,B. visit访问,C. bargain 便宜货,D. stay逗留。不知道有多少人有过与我类似的反应,和一个根本不认识的人的一次短短对话竟然改变了我整整一天的心情。选A。 14.小题14】 考查名词和语境理解。 A. work 工作,B. confidence自信,C. health 健康,D. attitude态度。和一个根本不认识的人的一次短短对话竟然改变了我整整一天的态度。选D。 15.小题15】 考查形容词和语境理解。 A. reasonable合理的,B. serious严肃的;认真的;重要的,C temporary临时的,D. slight稍微的。那一句消极的话就大大影响了我的感觉和行为。选B。 考点: 生活态度类文章

求歌词:Broken Social Scene - Churches Under the Stars 的歌词,英文版的。感谢好心人!

with the synthand the soundswe might just believe that we could doall the thingsin our mindswith exacto knives and things that will make you rightall the timesall men trade into worlds where we do loveand definedall the leaves that we can speak aboutwell you knowit aint rightthat the cinder-blocks are taking up our viewfor a whilewith the simple mathematics of our livesand designthere"s a head that"s pointing five degrees to the rightdid you knowthere will only be so many of our kindwe are our liesit goes right down through the suctionon the gridironand the grinddo you know the knee-scrapes represent that we thoughtof designit comes in and holds you out with thoughts of the world not in linedo you think that they"re imaginary heartsit is rightto return to pieces of the circle wherewe had climbedon our military moments will believe us it"s the sounda tick-tock to the world and tells you howyou"ll arrivedo you think that we are momentarycause wewanna lovewanna sit through the creation time at nightwith your thoughtsyou know i am just so literaryfast, weave a songthey come in lectures and sink right throughall the worldsand the rhymeyou know pieces of the poetry go outfor the causedoes it feel like something"s missingtime to concedefor a whilebecause all that"s right is always that"s what"s wrongin your mindi got churches right beneath the stairs in your houseand the timeit"s a tick-tock going out and weary

Selena Gomez & The Scene的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:Selena Gomez & The Scene专辑:Stars DanceSlow DownSelena Gomez & The SceneNow that I have captured your attentionI want to steal you for a rhythm interventionMr. T say I"m ready for inspectionShow me how you make a first impressionOh, ohCan we take it nice and slow, slowBreak it down and drop it low, lowCause I just wanna party all night in the neon lights "til you can"t let me goI just wanna feel your body right next to mineAll night longBaby, slow down the songAnd when it"s coming closer to the end hit rewindAll night longBaby, slow down the songIf you want me I"m accepting applicationsSo long as we keep this record on rotationYou know I"m good with mouth to mouth recitationBreathe me in, breathe me outSo amazingOh, ohCan we take it nice and slow, slowBreak it down and drop it low, lowCause I just wanna party all night in the neon lights "til you can"t let me goI just wanna feel your body right next to mineAll night longBaby, slow down the songAnd when it"s coming closer to the end hit rewindAll night longBaby, slow down the songBreathe me in, breathe me outThe music"s got me goingBreathe me in, breathe me outNo stop until the morningBreathe me in, breathe me outYou know I"m ready for itFor it, for itYeahBreathe me in, breathe me outThe music"s got me goingBreathe me in, breathe me outNo stop until the morningBreathe me in, breathe me outYou know I"m ready for itFor it, for itYeahI just wanna feel your body right next to mineAll night longBaby, slow down the songAnd when it"s coming closer to the end hit rewindAll night longBaby, slow down the songBaby, slow down the songBaby, slow down the song

< Hamlet> Act III, scene I,以“to be ,or not to be”开头的段的中文翻译。

To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether "tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heart-ache and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to, "tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish"d. To die, to sleep;To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub;For in that sleep of death what dreams may comeWhen we have shuffled off this mortal coil,Must give us pause: there"s the respectThat makes calamity of so long life;For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,The oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely,The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay,The insolence of office and the spurnsThat patient merit of the unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus makeWith a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,To grunt and sweat under a weary life,But that the dread of something after death,The undiscover"d country from whose bournNo traveller returns, puzzles the willAnd makes us rather bear those ills we haveThan fly to others that we know not of?Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great pith and momentWith this regard their currents turn awry,And lose the name of action. - Soft you now!The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisonsBe all my sins remember"d.生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。 究竟哪样更高贵,去忍受那狂暴的命运无情的摧残 还是挺身去反抗那无边的烦恼,把它扫一个干净。 去死,去睡就结束了,如果睡眠能结束我们心灵的创伤和肉体所承受的千百种痛苦,那真是生存求之不得的天大的好事。去死,去睡,去睡,也许会做梦! 唉,这就麻烦了,即使摆脱了这尘世 可在这死的睡眠里又会做些什么梦呢?真得想一想,就这点顾虑使人受着终身的折磨, 谁甘心忍受那鞭打和嘲弄,受人压迫,受尽侮蔑和轻视,忍受那失恋的痛苦,法庭的拖延,衙门的横征暴敛,默默无闻的劳碌却只换来多少凌辱。但他自己只要用把尖刀就能解脱了。 谁也不甘心,呻吟、流汗拖着这残生,可是对死后又感觉到恐惧,又从来没有任何人从死亡的国土里回来,因此动摇了,宁愿忍受着目前的苦难 而不愿投奔向另一种苦难。 顾虑就使我们都变成了懦夫,使得那果断的本色蒙上了一层思虑的惨白的容颜,本来可以做出伟大的事业,由于思虑就化为乌有了,丧失了行动的能力。 且慢!美丽的奥菲利亚!女神,在你的祈祷之中, 不要忘记替我忏悔我的罪孽。

莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》 里 act 1, scene iii 麻烦翻译一下


求Hamlet的Act 3, Scene 1, lines 55-86的现代英文解释

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 最好能从“To be,or not to be”到“and lose the name of action”用现代英语作个paraphrase。多谢! 解析: To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, "tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may e When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: there"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscovered country from whose bourn No traveler returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn away, And lose the name of action.--Soft you now! 生存还是死亡,这是一个值得考虑的问题; 默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难, 通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵? 死了;睡着了;什么都完了; 要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。 死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;嗯,阻碍就在这儿: 因为当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊以后,在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。 人们甘心久困于患难之中,也就是为了这个缘故; 谁愿意忍受人世的鞭挞和讥讽、压迫者的 *** 、傲慢者的冷眼、被轻蔑的爱情的惨痛、法律的迁延、官吏的横暴和费尽辛勤所换来的小人的逼视, 要是他只要用一柄小小的刀子,就可以清算他自己的一生? 谁愿意负着这样的重担,在烦劳的生命的压迫下 *** 流汗, 倘不是因为惧怕不可知的死后,惧怕那不曾有一个旅人回来过的神秘之国,是它迷惑了我们的意志,使我们宁愿忍受目前的磨折,不敢向我们所不知道的痛苦飞去? 这样,重重的顾虑使我们全变成了懦夫, 决心的赤热的光彩,被审慎的思维盖上了一层灰色, 伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。 SUMMARY: The phrase "to be, or not to be" es from Shakespeare"s Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act III, scene i. In it, Hamlet rather impersonally considers the attractions of death (which he likens to a sleep) over life, whose pain seems unavoidable. The soliloquy in full follows:To be,or not to be----and lose the name of the action The essential purport of the world-famous monologue in Hamlet is, in condensed form, that our state is so wretched that plete non-existence would be decidedly preferable to it. Now if suicide actually offered us this, so that the alternative "to be or not to be" lay before us in the full sense of the words, it could be chosen unconditionally as a highly desirable termination ("a consummation devoutly to be wish"d" [Act III, Sc. I.]). There is something in us, however, which tells us that this is not so, that this is not the end of things, that death is not an absolute annihilation.[3]

Through Her Eyes [Scene Five] 歌词

歌曲名:Through Her Eyes [Scene Five]歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Metropolis Part 2: Scenes From A MemoryThrough Her Eyes(live)Dream TheaterShe never really had a chanceOn that fateful moonlit nightSacrificed without a fightA victim of her circumstanceNow that I"ve become awareAnd I"ve exposed this tragedyA sadness grows inside of meIt all seems so unfairI"m learning all about my lifeBy looking through her eyesJust beyond the churchyard gatesWhere the grass is overgrownI saw the writing on her stoneI felt like I would suffocateInloving memory of our childSo innocent, eyes open wideI felt so empty as I criedLike part of me had diedI"m learning all about my lifeBy looking through her eyesAnd as her imageWandered through my headI wept just like a babyAs I lay awake in bedAnd I know what it"s likeTo lose someone you loveAnd this felt just the sameShe wasn"t given any choiceDesperation stole her voiceI"ve been given so much more in lifeI"ve got a son, I"ve got a wifeI had to suffer one last timeTo grieve for her and say goodbyeRelive the anguish of my pastTo find out who I was at lastThe door has opened wideI"m turning with the tideLooking through her eyes在那月光皎洁,决定命运的夜晚,她不曾有任何挽回的机会,毫无反抗下牺牲,成了命运的牺牲品如今我已全然了解,我曾经置身於一场悲剧当中,一股哀伤油然而生,一切似乎是那麼的不公平!经由她的眼神,我透视了我的前生毗邻教堂大门的後院,那儿杂草丛生,看到墓碑上的墓志铭,我觉得如同要窒息!在我孩子可爱的记忆中,他们张著大眼多麼天真无邪!我因空虚而饮泣,如同死亡的是属於我的一部份!从她的眼神中,我知道了自己的前世当她的影像在我的脑海中徘回时,我哭得像小孩一般,躺在床上无法入眠!我能想像你失去所爱的感觉,如今我的感觉正是如此!她不曾被给予任何机会,绝望(指Julian的绝望)夺走了她的生命。我有老婆,孩子在这一生当中老天爷赐予我这麼多。在我的前世曾有过这麼悲惨的遭遇,哀悼她并向她道别,再次经历前辈子的痛苦,我终於了解到前世我是谁!灵魂的大门敞开,透过她的眼神,我的心绪如潮汐般的起落!

模拟飞行X打开时显示SCENERY.CFG file error


模拟飞行X打开时显示SCENERY.CFG file error



View(n.)---“景色”。普遍用语。指目中所望见的景色。Scene(n.)---“景色”。可与view通用,但多包括了其中的人及其活动。Sight(n.)---“光景”。多指人工的事物,比如大建筑史迹等有名的处所。spot--- 点的意思,可以指旅游点,可以指热点(火山之类的),一般都会有词语限制在前边例:There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景。It was our first view of the ocean.这是我们第一次看见海洋。The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery.火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene.港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful.日落的景色是非常美的。We will go and see the sights of New York.我们要去看看纽约的名胜。The Imperial Palace is one of the sights of China.故宫是中国名胜之一。sight指“景色”是可数名词时,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的“景”和“名胜”,但尤指人工制成的景。One of the beautiful sights is the castle.那城堡是美景中的一个。   view和scene所表达的景色都是scenery中的一部分,往往指自然景色。如:Do you enjoy the ten famous views of the West Lake?你喜欢西湖十景吗?There is a lovely view from this window .从这个窗子可以看到一片秀丽的景色。There is a happy scene of children playing in the garden.孩子们在花园里玩耍,好一派欢乐的景象。   另外,scene还可指舞台的场景。

求Hamlet的Act 3, Scene 1, lines 55-86的现代英文解释

To be or not to be 翻译成中文好像是“成功还是失败”

能帮我把这首歌翻译一下吗?歌曲:《Mobscene》歌手:Marilyn Manson


怎么在scene control中用代码加载sxd文件

openFileDialog1.Filter = "Scene文档(*.sxd)|*.sxd"; openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); string filename = openFileDialog1.FileName; if (axSceneControl1.CheckSxFile(filename)) axSceneControl1.LoadSxFile(filename); else { IScene pScene = axSceneControl1.Scene; IMemoryBlobStream mbStream = new MemoryBlobStreamClass(); IObjectStream objectStream = new ObjectStreamClass(); mbStream.LoadFromFile(filename); IPersistStream pPersistStream = (ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.IPersistStream)pScene; objectStream.Stream = mbStream; pPersistStream.Load(objectStream); }

She was seen _______ away from the scene of the crime.

都对see sb doing sth (看某人正在做某事)see sb do sth (看某人做某事,看到整个过程)

翻译以下短语。 1. on the scene _____2. the scene of the crime _____3. behind the scenes ____4.

1. 在现场;当场2. 犯罪现场3. 暗中,秘密地,在幕后4. 出现,到场,5. (为……)作好准备,(为……)设置舞台

we have the accused at the scene of the crime 翻译一下这句话。特别是ACCUSED 这个词在这里是什么意思

我们被告在犯罪现场the accused n.被告

Your mind is the scene of the crime怎么翻译?

He reviewed the scene of the crime. 他再观察了犯罪的现场。Criminals often return to the scene of the crime. 罪犯常回到犯罪现场。你的犯罪现场

at the scene of the crime中文翻译

He stated categorically that he was not at the scene of the crime . 他一口咬定当时不在现场。 Or the number 666 ieft at the scene of the crime 或者在犯罪现场留下的数字666 Or the number 666 ieft at the scene of the crime 或者在犯罪现场留下的数字666 The suspect was apprehended at the scene of the crime 嫌疑犯在犯罪现场被捕 By following the footprints left at the scene of the crime 是根据犯罪现场留下的脚印 You " ve been discovered at the scene of the crime 你们在犯罪现场被发现 Her fingerprints match those found at the scene of the crime 她的指纹与犯罪现场的指纹相吻合。 Amy " s brother was caught red - handed at the scene of the crime 艾米的哥哥在犯罪现场被逮了个正著。 You left one damning piece of evidence at the scene of the crime 不过还是在现场漏了一样重要的证据 You left one damning piece of evidence at the scene of the crime 不过还是在现场漏了一样重要的证据 A balpstics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime 一位弹道学家正在犯罪现场提取证据。 The witness stated that she saw the accused at the scene of the crime 证人陈述说她在犯罪现场见过被告。 Back at the scene of the crime , 我们回到犯罪的现场来, Can you testify that you saw the defendant at the scene of the crime 你能证明你亲眼见到被告在犯罪现场吗 You can " t assume he is guilty simply because he was at the scene of the crime 你不能只因为他人在犯案现场就假定他有罪。 In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime 在你的口供中,你供述曾经看到被告在犯罪现场。 In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime 在你的口供中,你供述曾经看到被告在犯罪现场。 I " m afraid you can " t bluff the popce into bepeving that you were not at the scene of the crime 恐怕你是骗不过警方,使他们相信案发时你不在犯罪现场的。 Three witnesses saw her at the scene of the crime and so the popce naturally thought they had an open and shut case 三个目击者证明她在犯罪现场,所以警方认为解决问题的办法已非常清楚。 Then , a detective drives them back to the parking lot to see if any evidence can be found at the scene of the crime 然后,一位侦探开车带他们回到停车场,看看作案现场是否能找到什么线索。 “ there are some pretty stupid criminals around , but to leave your own name at the scene of the crime takes the biscuit "也有一些相当愚蠢的罪犯靠近,但留下自己的名字,在犯罪现场采取饼干" 。 When the newspaper pubpshed his photo , everything fell into place : he was the man i " d seen at the scene of the crime 当报纸登出他的照片时,每件事都再清楚不过了;他就是我在犯罪现场看到的那个人。 Not only did he have a motive , but he had the opportunity ? is footprints were found at the scene of the crime ? nd he had a weapon of the capber used in the shootings 他不仅有作案动机,而且有作案条件,他的脚印在犯罪现场发现,枪击的子弹也和他的武器吻合。

哪些属于经典老牌美剧犯罪现场调查(Crime Scene Investigation)?

wepidajj,你是想问哪些属于经典老牌美剧犯罪现场调查(Crime Scene Investigation)?这个你完全可以去baidu搜索①吓 YYTvO影视 你就知道了,ytjvcp53一般人我还真不会告诉滴~ 你懂 的~求采纳, 采纳不会有孩子滴~~fiifny67

简单的英语题 The policemen compared the suspect’s footprints with _____ found at the crime scene.

选 DThose ,表示 那些指纹(即在犯罪现场发现的指纹)




crime scene photo犯罪现场照片The techniques of composition and viewfinding, which are widely used in artistic photography, are usually neglected in crime scene photo taking.取景构图在各种艺术摄影中广泛引起重视,但在现场照相中常常忽略了取景构图的重要性。

Viewpoint Scene Builder在哪里下载

就是这个,不过只有英文版的,凑合着用吧有一款比较好的编辑软件,Sony Vegas Pro ,只有200M,处理速度快,比会声会影专业,你可以下载原版使用,再下载一个汉化包(MV论坛特别版v1.0)

qt中怎么设置QGraphicsScene *scene 的大小啊,不是QGraphicsView

可以使用setSceneRect()设置QGraphicsScene的大小。如果不设置,则默认为scene中包含所有子元素的边界区域( itemsBoundingRect()函数的返回值)。更详细的说明参看QGraphicsScene的文档,讲解很详细,看下面这段:The scene"s bounding rect is set by calling setSceneRect(). Items can be placed at any position on the scene, and the size of the scene is by default unlimited. The scene rect is used only for internal bookkeeping, maintaining the scene"s item index. If the scene rect is unset, QGraphicsScene will use the bounding area of all items, as returned by itemsBoundingRect(), as the scene rect. However, itemsBoundingRect() is a relatively time consuming function, as it operates by collecting positional information for every item on the scene. Because of this, you should always set the scene rect when operating on large scenes.

QGraphicsScene如何判断当前选中的item是items 中的哪一个

可以使用setSceneRect()设置QGraphicsScene的大小。如果不设置,则默认为scene中包含所有子元素的边界区域( itemsBoundingRect()函数的返回值)。更详细的说明参看QGraphicsScene的文档,讲解很详细,看下面这段:The scene"s bounding rect is set by calling setSceneRect(). Items can be placed at any position on the scene, and the size of the scene is by default unlimited. The scene rect is used only for internal bookkeeping, maintaining the scene"s item index. If the scene rect is unset, QGraphicsScene will use the bounding area of all items, as returned by itemsBoundingRect(), as the scene rect. However, itemsBoundingRect() is a relatively time consuming function, as it operates by collecting positional information for every item on the scene. Because of this, you should always set the scene rect when operating on large scenes.


分类: 外语/出国 解析: scenery, scene, view, landscape 这一组名词都有"景色"的意思。 scenery n.风景,景色,舞台布景,强调从美的角度看,某个国家或地区的总体外貌。 Each year, we spend our vacation in the mountains and enjoy the scenery.我们每年到山区渡假,并欣赏那里的风景。scene n.指从远处看到的某一具体景色、景象,也可以指人物的活动场面;(犯罪的)地点,现场。 They stood gazing the happy scene of children playing in the park.他们站在那里,注视着孩子们在公园里玩耍的场景。 view n.指从远处或窗户看到的视野范围内的风景;观点,看法。 Our house has a view of the park.我们的房子可以看到公园的景色。 landscape n. (自然的)风景,景色;风景画。 The landscape seen from the mountains is green and beautiful.站在群山之巅看到的是一片美丽的绿色。

view ,scenery,landscape都有风景的意思.

朋友这样scenery, scene, view, landscape 这一组名词都有"景色"的意思。 scenery n.风景,景色,舞台布景,强调从美的角度看,某个国家或地区的总体外貌。 Each year, we spend our vacation in the mountains and enjoy the scenery.我们每年到山区渡假,并欣赏那里的风景。 scene n.指从远处看到的某一具体景色、景象,也可以指人物的活动场面;(犯罪的)地点,现场。 They stood gazing the happy scene of children playing in the park.他们站在那里,注视着孩子们在公园里玩耍的场景。 view n.指从远处或窗户看到的视野范围内的风景;观点,看法。 Our house has a view of the park.我们的房子可以看到公园的景色。 landscape n. (自然的)风景,景色;风景画。 The landscape seen from the mountains is green and beautiful.站在群山之巅看到的是一片美丽的绿色。

landscape, scene, and scene of有什么区别?

Landscape、scene 和scene of 在英语中都可以表示景色和场景,但它们的使用场景略有不同。Landscape 通常表示某个物理地貌的自然景观,比如山脉、河流、森林、草原等。它通常包含了许多特征,如地形、植被、天空、水、建筑等。例如: - I love the landscape in the countryside.(我喜欢乡村的自然景观。)- The landscape of the Grand Canyon is breathtaking.(大峡谷的景色令人叹为观止。)Scene 通常表示某个具体的场景或情境,比如在电影、电视、戏剧或小说中描写的场景,或指某个事件或现场。例如:- The crime scene was covered in blood.(现场满是血迹。)- The opening scene of the movie is set in Paris.(电影开头的场景设置在巴黎。)Scene of 则用来描述发生或正在发生的具体事件或情景,是 scene 的一种更加具体和详细的表现形式。例如:- Police officers rushed to the scene of the accident.(警察们赶到了事故现场。)- This is the scene of our family reunion last year.(这是去年我们家庭聚会的场景。)综上所述,这三个词的基本意义相似,但各自使用的范围和场景略有不同。


如果你有才华,就去追求大梦想;如果你觉得能力有限,才华不够支撑起你的野心,那就安静下来,扎进小的失败和挫折中,汲取营养。如果不能成为豹子,那就成为高贵的梅花鹿。请记得: 如果需要反省,一定不是在梦想上下功夫,徘徊不定,而是要在才华上卧薪尝胆,反思它为什么不能日渐丰满。”

求joe 的歌the love scene 中英文歌词。谢谢啦。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

The Love Scene(爱情场景) joeYeah Ooh...hoo...ooh...Well, well, well, well, well, babyHoo...hoo...babyMmm...hmm...mmm...mmm...Listen, baby (这些就不用翻了吧 )(Take one) Baby lyin" on the bed,Exotic fantasies goin" through her head(场景1) 我亲爱的就躺在床上,一些奇怪的想法开始出现在她脑中(Take two) I jump into my SL6,I gotta make my way to the crib mad quick(场景2 )我打开了我的SL6(某牌子音响吧), 我要用我自己的方法让床high的更快(Take three) I see my baby as I step inside,She"s staring at me with those bedroom eyes(场景3)我一进去就看到了她,她正用朦胧的眼神看着我(Take four) Honey sippin" on some Chardonnay,The sex is even better when she"s feeling that way我的爱人正在小口抿着夏敦埃酒,当她那样想的时候**的感觉会更好All I want to do right now is love her down (Ooh)我想做的所有,就是和她**I don"t give a damn about who hears the sound (Ooh...)我不在乎谁会听到这些声响We"ll be in the groove until the sun comes up (Yeah)我们要一直持续,直到天亮Together we"ll get lost inside the love我们就这样一起沉浸在爱情中Let"s make a love scene, steamy and blue让我们来完成这个爱的场景,又湿又huangErotic memories for an audience of two是我们俩个爱的记忆And we"ll make a love scene, let the foreplay begin让我们来做这个场景,让它从前戏开始And replay each moment again and again and again然后重复每一个瞬间,一遍又一遍(Take five) The Jacuzzi"s just "bout ready for us,We step into the water and you tremble at my touch(场景5)按摩浴缸已经准备好了。我们进入了浴缸而且你因我的抚摸而颤抖(Take six) I see you gettin" steamin" hot。Girl, it ain"t just the bubbles that"s been hittin" the spot( 场景6)我看到你好像都让蒸汽发热了。亲爱的,可不仅仅是那些泡泡在触你的**Take it off, take it off, take it off till you get enough (Whoa...whoa...whoa...whoa...)脱下吧,都脱下吧,直到你觉得已经满足Anyway that you like, it"s okay, come and get my love (Whoa...oh...ho...ho...yea...)你想要怎样我都可以,来吧,来得到我的爱Ooh, I"m gonna keep lovin", I"m gonna keep lovin" you, baby(When the curtain drops) Oh我要继续爱你,继续爱你baby(当帘子掉下的时候)We won"t stop (We won"t stop), we won"t stop (我们不要停~(不要停)Girl, I"m down to take a sip from your cup (No, no, no, no, no, no, no)亲爱的,我要继续往下,在你的杯子那里啜饮If you drink from my fountain of love (Oh, ho)如果你在我的爱泉里畅饮"69 was a very good year (Do you remember, girl)1969是一个非常好的时间(女孩 你还记得吗)If you know what I mean, my dear (Ooh, baby)如果你明白我的意思,亲爱的翻译完了 呵呵~

she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk.这句话中over是什么意思,什么用法,翻译

有想要学习英语的朋友,请加 QQ群278863862, we prefer free chat in english there.and we do have a lot native english speakers who can help u a lot,u cant miss it! jOIn us!!!

双面蒙汉娜电影版有句经典台词life is a clime ,but the scenery is new

life is a clime ,but the scenery is new不是这样吗?不记的了、

scenery 复数


You will see____in the hill. A.a few fine sceneries B.few fine sceneries C.many fine sceneries








it has magnificent scenery with high mountains 这部分中的with的含义是"和"的意思吗?

it has magnificent scenery with high mountains 这部分中的with的含义是;有或者“具有”的意思。这个段落的意思是:阿拉斯加是美国面积最大,但人口最少的州,它有壮丽的风景,有高山,包括北美最高峰和广阔的冰川。

a magnificent vivid scene为什么不用magnificently?

maganificent 形容词,修饰 scene,作定语。

magnificent scenery怎么读

1. 绚丽的景色例句:1.Boats tour the extensive harbour facilities and the magnificent scenery of nearby waterways. 泛舟游览港口及附近水道的设施,欣赏沿岸的壮丽风景。

dim scene 歌词 日文与罗马音,谢谢!!

the GazettE - DIM SCENE的歌词(日文.罗马拼音)作诗:流鬼. 作曲:the GazettEazawaraisugita sei de sono kikyuu ya kachi wa nukeochi嘲笑い过ぎた所为でその希求や価値は抜け落ちtonari de nemuru danzetsu wa gukou sou kuzureteku joukei no imi wo kuchiteku imi wo 隣で眠る断绝は愚行 そう 崩れてく情景の意味を朽ちてく意味をmuragaru karasu no moto he nakiyamu made zero ni touhi suru kazu wa ou 群がる鸦の元へ 鸣き止む迄 零に逃避する数は追うibitsu ni magaru arubeki sugata wa nuiawaseru hodo fukaku tokeru 歪に曲がるあるべき姿は缝い合わせる程深く解けるdoukou ni ukaberu genjitsu wa kara mahi shita kokoro* no sei ka 瞳孔に浮かべる现実は壳 麻痹した感情の所为かsora ga togire hikari ga chi ni ochiru nageku koe wo ayasu akago no yume 空が迹切れ光が地に坠ちる 叹く声をあやす赤子の梦nuritsubushisugite tadareteku uso chou no hane de rakka suru ga 涂り溃し过ぎて烂れてく嘘 蝶の羽で落下する蛾kunou no ura de oborete iru ai nakigara ni te wo nobasu boukansha 苦悩の裏で溺れている爱 亡骸に手を伸ばす傍観者haitsukubaru asu wo warau rouba 这いつくばる明日を笑う老婆douka ore no mama de どうか俺のままでatari wo umetsukusu atenaki itami 辺りを埋め尽くす宛て无き痛みme wo toji tomosu uta ni kizu nado iyasenu 目を闭じ灯す歌に伤など愈せぬkabe ichimen ni sakidashita owari daremo ga boukyaku wo negau tabi 壁一面に咲き出した终焉 谁もが忘却を愿う度soushitsu ni yakareta ore no uta wa honogurai kyomu no soko de oboreteru葬失に焼かれた俺の诗は仄暗い虚无の底で溺れてるrararaららら

swear to having seen the accused man at the scene of crime


the policeman could not swear to having seen the accused man at the scene of


there is a scene

21-24 CBDC 21 C 考查推理判断.根据第一段 She was clearly not sorry for her actions and the girl"s mother complained she didn"t take her apology seriously."对不起,"他的女儿很随便地说.她显然不为自己的行为道歉,而女孩的母亲却抱怨说,她没有认真对待自己的道歉.可知强迫孩子道歉没有得到所希望的结果,故选C. 22 B 考查推理判断.根据 But she is apologizing because she is being forced to please the adult or to avert punishment.可知有时候小孩子道歉是为了让大人高兴或是为了逃避惩罚. Avert 是避免.故选B. 23 D 考查细节理解.根据1.My daughter is being taught to say things that are not from her heart.2.She is being taught insincerity(不真诚) is valued over genuineness.3.She is being taught she needs to please others to be loved.1.我的女儿被教导要说的事情,不是从她的心.2.她正在教伪善远大于真实性.3.她在教她需要取悦别人的爱.可知这些都是缺点,故选D. 24.C 考查主旨要义.根据These messages make me uncomfortable and I will not ask my children to apologize.Instead,this is what I think people should teach children:作者建议人们应该好好教育孩子,而不是让他们犯了错误后去道歉.故选C.


Plot是情节,阴谋的意思。 例如 小说的情节,电影中的情节,比较虚Scene是情景,场景。 一般是你可以看到的 例如事故现场的情景;美丽的街景,电影中的场景。

近义词辨析 sight sign signal mark scene scenery 完形填空老是这几个纠结。有详例解释最好

应该是sight sign signal mark scene scenery



The police checking the scene of the crime the mother with her little son

(C ) 1. The police _______ checking the scene of the crime. A. am B. is C. are D. were ( D ) 2. The mother with her little son ______ at my home ________ that snowy night . A. were , at B. was , at C. were , on D. was , on ( D) 3. I think travelling by train is _______ than a rushed trip by air . A. enjoyable B. enjoyabler C. much enjoyable D. more enjoyable ( C ) 4. She asked me ________ I liked dancing . A. what B. when C. whether D. where ( C ) 5. Look ! There are a lot of students _______ on the playground . A. play B. to play C. playing D. are playing ( C ) 6. _____ between 8 am and 10 am this morning , the jewel store was robbed . A. Sometimes B. Some times C. Sometime D. Some time ( C ) 7. Kitty forgot to return the story book to Millie . So Millie said to her , “Remember to ______ the book to me when you ______ to school tomorrow . ” A. take , come B. take , go C. bring , come D. bring , go ( C ) 8. I really don"t know _________ I can do for you . A. who B. that C. what D. which ( A) 9. The Blacks _______ their bags with their books . A. are busy filling B. is busy filling C. are busy to fill D. is busy to fill ( C)10. They are talking about ______ next Sunday . A. where are they going B. where are they going to C. where they are going D. where they are going to ( D )11. The man ______ blue is my father . A. dress B. wear C. put on D. in ( C )12. We don"t know ______ she"ll stay here ________ go home . A. neither , nor B. either , or C. whether , or D. if , and ( B )13. The detective found him guilty _______ stealing the old woman"s diamonds . A. in B. of C. with D. on ( B )14.What do you mean ________ “clean the house” ? A. on B. by C. for D. with ( B )15. ---- What did the teacher say just now ? ---- He said that the earth _______ round the sun . A. go B. goes C. going D. will (A )16. He ______ but could ______ nothing . A. looked , see B. saw , look C. watched , see D. saw , watch ( C )17. He was attacked with a knife and he ________ a lot . 2 A. bleed B. blood C. bled D. bleeded ( C )18. Could you tell me _________ that"s a fast train or not ? ----- It"s a fast train . A. if B. when C. whether D. where ( A)19. I don"t know ______ he will come tomorrow _______ he comes , I"ll let you know . A. whether , if B. if, whether C. when , whether D. that , if

how beautiful the scenery is什么意思?

答案:C 解析:   正确答案为C   这句话的意思是“山上的景色多美呀!”,在翻译“山景”时,我们先看“景色”,“scenery”是一个不可数名词。例如:   We stop to enjoy the scenery.   我们停下来欣赏风景。   I like snow scenery in winter.   我喜欢冬天的雪景。   因此,scenery没有复数形式,选项A和选项D首先是排除的。在选项B和选项C之中,关键是定冠词the的用法。这个句子,是一个感叹句,说话的人对所见到的物和场面发出赞叹,一定是有所指的,否则,我们所说的感叹从何而来?下面我们试看几个例句:   How nice it is to find the book at the corner?   在墙角落找到了这本书太好了!   How important the key is!   这片钥匙多么重要!

scenery landscape view 等表示景色的词语的区别

scenery: 风景,自然景色:The grassland scenery of Tibet is unrivalled.西藏的草原风景是无与伦比的. landscape: 1)风景,景致,景色(可数)The landscape of the Great Wall is like a dragon.长城的全景像一条龙. 2)风景照,风景画(可数)He paints landscapes but his wife paints portraits.他画风景画,而他的妻子则画肖像画. 3)风景绘画(不可数) view侧重一个人从某一角度看到的景象在做与风景有关的解释时的意思是 1)视野,视线My view of the harbour was blocked by the new building.新大楼挡住了我的视线,使我看不见港口. 2)风景,景色(可数)I"ll sit here and look at the view.我要坐在这里观看景色. 这些名词均含“景色、风景”之意 scenery :指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景. landscape :多指在内陆的自然风光. view :普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色.

scene view sight look 的差别

scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义; scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内; sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,必须要用复数




scene 最后一个字母e不发音,只有一个音节,它的音标是[si:n]单词有多少个元音就有多少个音节。


Act比Scene级别上要“大”一点儿,比如: 第一幕是Act one,第一场是scene 1。


[siːn]英音和美音是一样的。n. 场面;情景;景象;事件He described the scene to me.他向我描述了那个场景。according to the scene survey根据现场调查。


是场景功能。尼康D750相机的SCENE是“场景模式”,在这种场景模式下相机可以提供多种拍摄场景供使用者在拍摄的时候选用。使用场景模式拍摄时允许拍摄者通过场景选择对相机设置提出要求,相机会根据这些要求(选定的场景)来全面精确地设置拍摄参数。扩展资料:尼康d750相机的镜头特点:镜头说明兼容AF尼克尔镜头,包括G型、E型、D型镜头(PC镜头受到某些限制)、DX镜头(使用DX 24×16 1.5×影像区域)、AI-P尼克尔镜头以及非CPU AI镜头(仅限于A和M模式)。不能使用IX尼克尔镜头、用于F3AF的镜头以及非AI镜头。电子测距仪适用于最大光圈为f/5.6或以上的镜头(使用最大光圈为f/8或以上的镜头时,电子测距仪支持11个对焦点)。对焦区域单点AF;动态区域AF(9,21或51个对焦点),3D跟踪,群组区域AF,自动区域AF。参考资料来源:百度百科-尼康D750


scene 英 [siːn] ,n.翻译:发生地点;现场;一段情节;景象;场面;情景;景色;发脾气;当众吵闹;活动领域 有两个音节 望采纳



英语翻译 哪个是act,哪个是scene?

第一幕是Act one,第一场是scene 1,这个你看英文版戏剧里面一般都会


scene,名词风景/ 情景/ 景象;形容词需要加后缀形容词ic,形成scenic,表示风景如画般的/ 具有诗情画意特点等。

scene 与view 有什么区别 ???


scene什么意思 英语scene什么意思

1、scene,英语单词,名词,意思是“场面;情景;景象;事件”。 2、双语例句 Why I have to remember that scene? 为什么我会记住那个场景? They were only on scene for an hour. 他们只是在现场呆了一个小时。

【词语辨析】sight, scene, site三者区别?

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