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escape是什么意思 escape中文意思

1、escape:v.(从监禁或管制中) 逃跑,逃走,逃出; (从不愉快或危险处境中) 逃脱,摆脱,逃避;避开,避免(不愉快或危险的事物);n.逃跑;逃脱;逃避;逃避现实;解脱;消遣;漏出,逸出,渗出(量); 2、[例句]A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England。一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中越狱。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:escapes;复数:escapes;现在分词:escaping;过去式:escaped;过去分词:escaped。








escape [英]u026au02c8skeu026ap [美]u026au02c8skep v. 逃脱;逃离;躲过;泄露 n. 逃走;逃跑工具或方法;野生种;泄漏 adj. 使逃避困难的;使规避问题的 [例句]The first to escape have the best chance.谁第一个逃跑,谁的机会就最大。

it escapes me什么意思

你好it escapes me它离开我的双语对照例句:1.When I switch it on, a little sigh escapes me as the screen lights up. 在开机后屏幕亮起的那刻,我的嘴里不由发出一丝感叹。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮

某人名字一时想不起来了,(用escape 还是slip)英语怎么说

His/her name escapes me at the moment.

英语翻译 escape from 词组翻译(≧u2207≦)

escape from 逃避,逃出 We escaped from the enemy. 我们逃脱了敌人的追踪. The soldiers escaped from the enemy"s prison. 战士们从敌人监狱里逃了出来. He escaped from doing any more work. 他不想再工作便溜走了. In the accident he escaped from being injured. 在这次事故中,他幸免受伤. 从…漏出,发出 The gas escapes from the pipes. 煤气从管子里冒出. A faint cry of surprise escaped from her lips. 她轻轻地发出一声惊奇的叫喊.

新概念英语 第三册 44课 生词表里有个单词escapist(逍遥者),我查了很多权威字典都解释为“逃避现实的人

on some serives可以意译为在航班上的意思。escapist 可以意译为会享受的人。个人觉得,句子的意思是。一个真正会享受的人在航班上可以看一场电影和品尝香槟。

少女时代的歌----THE GREAT ESCAPE的中文歌词


英语Escape the forces of nature怎么翻译?

英语Escape the forces of nature 的意思是:逃离自然的力量。


flee是及物动词,可以直接说flee someplaceescape一定要加介词

escape和escape from有什么区别

从...逃 escape from逃escape


 英语四级词汇考点归纳:escape  Even in the world of make-believe,black women still can"t escape the stereotype of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never-married,alcoholic mothers.  英语四级译文:  即使在想象的世界中,黑人妇女仍然无法摆脱那种模式化的形象—由整天酗酒的未婚母亲抚养长大、爱翻白眼且性 欲过剩的女性。  四级词汇讲解:  本句为简单句,主干是women can"t escape the stereotype。Even in the world of make-believe为句子的状语;过去分词短语raised by our never-married, alcoholic mothers为females的后置定语,其中raised和females为被动关系。  make-believe的意思是“想象,幻想”,为名词。如:  Don"t indulge yourself in make-believe.不要让自己沉溺于幻想之中。  stereotype的意思是“模式化的形象、人物等”。如:  They have launched a survey called "Break the Stereotype, Fix the Impression".他们发起了一个名为“打破常规,改善形象”的调查。  英语四级考点归纳:  escape有以下常见含义:  ※“逃跑,逃走”。如:  Several prisoners escaped from prison yesterday.昨天有几名犯人从监狱逃走了。  ※“逃脱,逃避”二如:  She managed to escape from the burning house.她终于从着火的房子里逃了出来。  ※“避开,避免”:如:  You were lucky to escape punishment.你没受到惩罚真是幸运。  ※“被忽视,被忘掉”。如:  His name escapes me.我把他的名字给忘了。

fire escapes什么意思

fire escapes n. 防火梯( fire escape的名词复数 ); 安全出口;escape 英[u026au02c8skeu026ap]美[u026au02c8skep]v. 逃脱; 逃离; 躲过; 泄露;n. 逃走; 逃跑工具或方法; 野生种; 泄漏;adj. 使逃避困难的; 使规避问题的;[例句]How does the world escape from its dire potential economic consequences?世界如何逃脱中国模式可能带来的可怕的经济后果?


一、详细释义: , n. , 逃跑,逃脱(+from/out of);逃跑工具 [U,C] , 例句: ,The jailbird cast about him for a way of escape.,囚犯在他周围寻找逃跑的途径。, 例句: ,He tried to think up a plan for escape.,他企图想出一个逃跑的计划。, 漏出(+from/out of) [U,C] , 例句: ,Can you detect an escape of gas in this corner of the room?,你能觉察出这屋角有煤气漏出来吗?, 逃避(现实),解闷 [U] , 例句: ,He feigned death to escape capture.,他装死以逃避被俘。, 例句: ,As this exposure of his plot to escape, Paul was startled out of impassivity.,保罗听到他的逃避计划给挑明了,从冷漠状态中猛地惊醒过来。, 例句: ,Many drinkers plunge gladly into inebriation as an escape from reality.,很多饮酒者乐于陷入到醉酒状态中以逃避现实。, 例句: ,She reads love stories as an escape.,她读爱情小说解闷。, v. , 逃跑,逃脱(+from) [I] , 例句: ,They made no attempt to escape.,他们并未图谋逃跑., 例句: ,The prisoners used the tunnel to escape from jail.,囚犯们利用这条地道越狱逃跑了。, 避免(+from/out of) [I] , 例句: ,Two were injured, but he escaped.,两人受了伤,但他幸免了。, 漏出,流出(+from/out of) [I] , 例句: ,Gas escaping from a pipe.,煤气从管子泄漏出来。, 例句: ,Water escaped rapidly from the drainpipe.,水从排水管中迅速流出。, 逃避,逃脱,避免(+v-ing) [T] , 例句: ,He feigned death to escape capture.,他装死以逃避被俘。, 例句: ,He thinks he will never escape hard work.,他想他永远逃避不了辛苦的工作。, 没有被……注意到,被……忘掉 [T] , 例句: ,It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment.,那个男演员的名字我一时想不起来了。, 例句: ,Blonde and slender, she was too striking to escape their attention.,金发细腰的她太引人注目了,他们很难不注意到她。, (语言,微笑等)不禁由(人的口里)流露出来 [T] , 例句: ,After her attentive survey of the wild slopes and hollow ravines a gesture of impatience escaped Eustacia.,游苔沙把荒凉的高坡和低狭的空谷都聚精会神地观察了一番之后,一种不耐烦的神态不知不觉地流露出来。, 二、词义辨析: , escape,flee,fly,get away,run away ,这些动物或短语动词都有“逃跑、逃脱”之意。escape侧重逃跑的结果,不强调逃跑时的匆忙或危险情况。flee书面用词,侧重指逃跑时动作匆忙,多含惧怕之意。fly含义与flee相同,但系非正式用词。get away口语用语。侧重指犯罪分子从现场逃跑或被捕时逃走。 run away口语用语,强调动作迅速。, 三、词义辨析: , escape,avoid ,这两个动词都有“躲避危险”之意。escape多指避开实际的威胁,暗示威胁或危险正在迫近。avoid侧重有意识地躲避开要冒险或有危险的事物或情况。, 四、相关短语: ,escape from,逃脱,逃离,escape hatch,n. 出口,出路,escape valve,n. 放出阀,escape velocity,n. 逃逸速度,fire escape,防火梯,escape mechani *** ,逃避机理,escape wheel,擒纵轮,narrow escape,九死一生, 幸免于难, 一、参考例句: ,Escape the office.,逃离办公室。,Escape to the great outdoors.,逃到远离喧嚣的户外去。,None of them could escape.,他们谁也跑不了。,They made no attempt to escape.,他们并未图谋逃跑。,We were lucky to escape being punished.,我们很幸运,没有受罚。,His attempt to escape was foiled.,他逃亡的企图遭到挫败。,No offender can escape punishment by law.,没有罪犯能逃脱法律的惩罚。,Can you escape from a Black Hole?,你能从黑洞里逃走吗?,They dissociate themselves to escape trauma.,他们借助自我分裂来逃避创伤。,The prisoners attempted to escape but failed.,囚犯们企图,逃跑,但失败了。


动词(不及物) ( escaped; escaped; escaping)1.逃跑;逃脱 The soldier escaped from the enemy"s prison. 这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来。 2.避免 He traveled extensively to escape from boredom. 他到处旅游以解烦闷。 3,漏出;流出 Gas is escaping from the pipe. 煤气正从管中逸出。 ·我们都知道,当动词是不及物动词的时候要同介词一同使用。动词(及物) ( escaped; escaped; escaping)1.逃避;逃脱;避免 We were lucky to escape being punished. 我们很幸运,没有受罚。 He escaped the trials after the war. 战后他逃过了审判。 2.没有被...注意到;被...忘掉 The matter has quite escaped my memory. 这件事我完全记不得了。 Her name escapes me. 我记不起她的名字了。 ·及物动词的时候边可以直接加。






就是它本身escape [i"skeip] vi. 1. 逃跑,逃走,逃出;溜走;摆脱,挣脱: 例句: to escape from the burning house逃出失火的房子 to escape from the cage逃出笼子 2. 越狱;逃脱追捕,逃脱捕获;避免被捕;逃脱惩罚;获得(或重新获得)自由: 例句: to escape from prison越狱 3. 逃避现实;躲避: 例句: to escape from reality by通过…逃避现实 4. 逃避,避免(疾病、痛苦、事故等);免除,逃脱(灾难等): 例句: Two were injured, but he escaped.两人受了伤,但他幸免了。 5. (气体、液体、流体等)漏出,渗出,逸出,流出,流掉;发出: 例句: gas escaping from a pipe从管子里漏出的(煤)气 6. 疏忽,忽略;消失,忘掉,被遗忘: 例句: The image escaped from her memory.那形象已经从她的记忆中消失。 7. (航天飞船等)脱离,逃逸 8. 【植物学】野化,退化 vt. 1. (从…)逃脱,逃避,逃离或躲避(追捕等): 例句: to escape pursuers逃避追踪者 2. (成功地)避免(灾难、危险等);使免于;躲避: 例句: to escape punishment逃避惩罚 They escaped death by inches when the house collapsed.房子塌下来,差点儿把他们砸死。 3. 无意识(或无心、不自觉)地从…发出;被…禁不住地说出(或评论): 例句: A scream escaped his lips.他不禁尖叫一声。 4. 未被觉察,未受注意,没有被…注意到,躲开或逃过(别人)的注意;被遗忘,被忘掉,忘记: 例句: Her name escapes me.我忘了她的名字。 n. 1. 逃跑,逃走,逃亡,逃逸;逃脱,逃离;逃避 2. 逃脱的状况 3. 逃脱的途径,逃路;逃跑工具,逃跑方法;出口,太平门;退水闸;逸水闸 4. 逃避现实;解闷,消遣 5. (气体、液体等的)漏泄,逃逸,流出,漏出,排泄,漏气 6. (航天飞行中的)脱离,逃逸 7. 【植物学】野化植物,野化种,退化植物 8. 违法;违反 9. [废语]轻微的过失 10. [废语]胡闹;恶作剧 adj. 1. 逃避(现实)的,消遣的 2. 使逃避规则(或约束)的 为了逃跑的 使逃跑成为可能的;用以逃脱的,应急的 善于脱身的;善于逃跑的 例外的 3. 排水用的







escape是什么意思 escape中文意思

1、escape:v.(从监禁或管制中) 逃跑,逃走,逃出; (从不愉快或危险处境中) 逃脱,摆脱,逃避;避开,避免(不愉快或危险的事物);n.逃跑;逃脱;逃避;逃避现实;解脱;消遣;漏出,逸出,渗出(量); 2、[例句]A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England。一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中越狱。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:escapes;复数:escapes;现在分词:escaping;过去式:escaped;过去分词:escaped。




escape 英 [u026au02c8skeu026ap] 美 [u0259u02c8skeu026ap]escape的基本意思是“逃跑;逃脱;泄露”的意思,这个单词可以做动词、名词或形容词,用作动词时可以是及物动词(vt.)也可以是不及物动词(vi.)。所以它有 现在分词:escaping 过去式:escaped 过去分词:escaped,第三人称单数:escapes 复数:escapes 等形式。短语搭配:Atmospheric escape [地物] 大气逃逸Zombie Escape 僵尸大流亡 ; 僵尸大逃亡 ; 僵尸逃跑 ; 僵尸逃亡air escape 空气漏出 ; 逸气 ; 排气孔 ; 放气emergency escape 紧急逃生途径 ; 室外逃生梯 ; 紧急避难 ; 紧急逃脱例句:How can I escape from all of this?我怎样才能逃离开这些呢?So he commanded that all should escape.因此他命令所有鹌鹑逃跑。


  导语:黑发不知勤学早,白发方悔读书迟。下面是我为大家整理的,英语知识。想要知更多的资讯,请多多留意CNFLA学习网!   1高中英语单词escape的词性及含义   英[u026au02c8skeu026ap] 美[u026au02c8skep]   v.逃脱;逃离;躲过;泄露   n.逃走;逃跑工具或方法;野生种;泄漏   adj.使逃避困难的;使规避问题的   第三人称单数:escapes复数:escapes现在分词:escaping过去式:escaped过去分词:escaped   2高中英语单词escape用法详解   1.表示“逃走”或“逃脱”,已含有“脱离”的意思,因此通常不与away,off等副词连用。如:   小偷逃走了。   误:The thief has escaped away.   正:The thief has escaped.   2.下列情况,通常是不及物动词,其后可接介词 from:   (1)表示从具体的某一场所逃走。如:   They escaped from the burning house (prison)。他们从着火的房子里(监狱里)逃了出来。   (2)表示液体或气体等漏出或泄漏。如:   Some gas is escaping from the pipe.煤气管在漏气。   (3)表示从监禁或管制等状态中逃脱或逃走。如:   A lion has escaped from its cage. 有一只狮子从笼子里逃走了。   The boy longed to escape from his motheru2018s domination.这男孩渴望摆脱母亲的操纵。   3.下列用法,通常是及物动词,其后无需接介词 from 或其它介词:   (1)表示被遗忘或未被注意等。如:   Nothing escaped his attention. 任何东西逃不过他的注意。   Iu2018ve met her before, but her name escapes me. 我以前见过她,但她的名字我忘记了。   (2)表示逃避或躲避不愉快的事(如危险,处罚,不幸,灾难等)。如:   He tried to escape punishment. 他设法躲避惩罚。   Where can we go to escape the crowds? 我们到哪里才能避开这些人群?   若后接动词,要用动名词,而不能用不定式。如:   He narrowly escaped being drowned. 他险些被溺死。   There is no way to escape doing the work. 没有办法逃脱做这项工作。   「注」逃避或躲避监禁或管制等不愉快的事,是及物动词,其后无需用介词;但若是指从监禁或管制等状态中逃脱或逃走,则为不及物动词,其后可接介词(如 from 等)。比较:   He escaped prison.他躲避了监禁(即本该入狱但逃避了)。   He escaped from prison.他越狱了(即已经入狱但逃走了)。   3高中英语escape的双语例句   1.A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England 一名囚犯从英格兰北部的`一所监狱中越狱。   2.The man made his escape. 那个人逃跑了。   3.The two officers were extremely lucky to escape serious injury 那两名警官极其幸运,没有受重伤。   4.But for me television is an escape. 但是对我而言,看电视是一种逃避的方法。   5.We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of ourlives 我们都时不时需要逃避生活中的无聊和平淡。   6.It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment 那个男演员的名字我一时想不起来了。   7.Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape. 打开一个通风口,让潮气逸出一些。   8.They are reported to have escaped to the other side of the border 有报道称他们已经逃过了国境线。   9.He was fatally wounded as he tried to escape. 他在设法逃跑的时候受了致命伤。   10.The man"s girlfriend managed to escape unhurt 那个男人的女朋友成功逃脱,毫发无损。   11.He narrowly escaped with his life when suspected right-wing extremists fired shotsinto his office. 疑似右翼极端分子的一些人向他的办公室开枪扫射,他侥幸逃生。   12.This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonestemployers everywhere. 事实上,这已经成为所有狡猾的雇主们用来躲避责任的绝妙条款。   13.Blonde and slender, she was too striking to escape their attention. 金发细腰的她太引人注目了,他们很难不注意到她。   14.The prisoners attempted to escape but failed. 囚犯们企图逃跑,但是失败了。   15.All escape routes were blocked by armed police 所有逃跑的路都被武警封锁了。   16.He told us the story of his escape from the enemy. 他向我们叙说了他逃离敌人的经过。   17.They decided the time was right for their escape. 他们认为逃跑的时机到了。   18.The first bubbles to escape from the liquid are a mixture of air and hydrogen.从该液体中最先逸出的气泡是空气和氢的混合物。   19.Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty.为了摆脱贫困的煎熬,他们的祖父离开了村子。   20.The car was badly smashed, but he was lucky to escape with life and limb. 汽车被撞得一塌糊涂,可他却很幸运地安全脱险了。   21.A small boy tumbled off a third floor fire escape 一个小男孩从3楼防火梯上摔了下来。   22.The prisoners used the tunnel to escape from jail. 囚犯们利用这条地道越狱逃跑了。   23.The enemy cannot escape from our control. 敌人逃不出我们的手心。   24.They managed to escape after being arrested by the resistance. 他们被抵抗组织抓住后又设法逃脱了。   25.Little by little, he formulated his plan for escape. 他一点一点地设计构思出了逃跑的方案。   26.The residents were trying to escape from the fire but were overcome by smoke.居民试图逃离火场,却被浓烟熏倒了。   27.The news of Tandy"s escape had shaken them all 坦迪逃跑的消息让他们所有人都无比震惊。   28.Primitive humans needed to be able to react like this to escape from dangerousanimals 原始人必须要能作出这样的反应以逃避危险的动物。   29.He could stand no more and engineered an escape 他无法再忍受,便策划了出逃。   30.The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and shout a warning. 那名司机设法从车里逃了出来并大声警告别人。


逃避 逃离


escape[英][u026au02c8skeu026ap][美][u026au02c8skep]v.逃脱; 逃离; 躲过; 泄露; n.逃走; 逃跑工具或方法; 野生种; 泄漏; adj.使逃避困难的; 使规避问题的; 第三人称单数:escapes过去分词:escaped复数:escapes现在进行时:escaping过去式:escaped例句:1.Pilecki ultimately made the decision to escape on april 13 1943. 皮莱茨基最终决定于1943年4月13日逃离集中营。2.Japan might escape deflationary doldrums. 日本或许有望摆脱通缩加停滞的困境。





Escape the Fate的《Ashley》 歌词

歌曲名:Ashley歌手:Escape the Fate专辑:This War Is Ours [Deluxe]Escape The Fate - AshleyShadows fall on yesterday,its like time just slips away.I"m nothing, when darkness follows me.The dawn, it never shows its head.I"m left dying here instead with nothing,a lock without a key.Like the brightest star you shine through.Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.I"ve got purpose once again.Yeah, yeah.Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.I"ve got purpose once again.Yeah, yeah.(I"ve got purpose once again.)If looks could kill you"d be the one,that takes my world and makes me numb.I"m nothing, without you i cant breathe.(I can"t breathe.)And as the sunlight burns the sky,I see through my obsessive eyes.I"m nothing, without you i cant see.Like the brightest star you shine through.Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.I"ve got purpose once again.Yeah, yeah.Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.I"ve got purpose once again.Yeah, yeah.Yeah, yeah.You"re the strength i need to fight,You"re the reason i still try.I"m the not and you"re the might.Use these wings so i can fly, I can fly.Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.I"ve got purpose once again.Yeah, yeah.Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.I"ve got purpose once again.Yeah, yeah.Ashley, baby, you make me feel so alive.I"ve got purpose once again.Yeah, yeah.Yeah, yeah.I"ve got purpose once again.I"ve got purpose once again


电梯英文escalator的读音是_esk_le_t_r。例句:I took my son to take the escalator。我抱着儿子去坐自动扶梯。The escalator in the mall is out of order。商场的自动扶梯出故障了。Elderly people and children need to be more careful when taking escalators。老人和小孩在坐自动扶梯的时候要多加小心。


v. (使) 逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧; [其他] 第三人称单数:escalates现在分词:escalating过去式:escalated过去分词:escalated


n.自动扶梯变形复数: escalators1.I pushed through the crowds and on to the escalator.我挤出人群,踏上了自动扶梯。2.I don"t like escalator — I"ll climb the stairs.我不喜欢自动扶梯,我要爬楼梯.3.You can ride the escalator up but have to descend on foot.你可以搭电梯上去,但要自己走下来.请采纳,谢谢


escalation[英][u02ccesku0259"leu026au0283n][美][u02ccesku0259"leu026au0283n]n.扩大,增加; 复数:escalations以上结果来自金山词霸

Scars On Broadway的《They Say》 歌词

歌曲名:They Say歌手:Scars On Broadway专辑:Colin Mcrae: Dirt 2 (Unofficial Soundtrack)I walked the line, the line I chooseI see the people in front of meI climbed the wall, the wall of newsI watched them show the tragedyIf you were me, could you defendthe given rights to all of man?Let"s fuck the world with all it"s trendThey say it"s all about to end...They say it"s all about to end...They say, they say...There"s a prison that"s gone, but the fear lives onI watched you walking on the dotted lineMaybe you don"t see what"s in front of meMaybe you won"t stand the test of timeFor we live in sin, for we will winI watched the president kiss his familyFor we live in sin, for we will winI watched the president fuck societyIf you were me, could you defendthe given rights to all of man?Let"s fuck the world with all it"s trendThey say it"s all about to end...They say it"s all about to end...They say, they say...I fall in love with the old timesI never mention my own mindLet"s fuck the world with all it"s trendThank god, it"s all about to end...They say it"s all about to end...They say, they say...They say, they say...They say it"s all about to end



求Richard Wangner ,Henri Poincare,Descartes的英文介绍

Henri PoincaréJules Henri Poincaré (29 April 1854 – 17 July 1912) (IPA: [u02c8u0292yl ɑu0303u02c8u0281i pwu025bu0303kau02c8u0281e][1]) was a French mathematician and theoretical physicist, and a philosopher of science. Poincaré is often described as a polymath, and in mathematics as The Last Universalist, since he excelled in all fields of the discipline as it existed during his lifetime.As a mathematician and physicist, he made many original fundamental contributions to pure and applied mathematics, mathematical physics, and celestial mechanics. He was responsible for formulating the Poincaré conjecture, one of the most famous problems in mathematics. In his research on the three-body problem, Poincaré became the first person to discover a chaotic deterministic system which laid the foundations of modern chaos theory. He is considered to be one of the founders of the field of topology.Poincaré introduced the modern principle of relativity and was the first to present the Lorentz transformations in their modern symmetrical form. Poincaré discovered the remaining relativistic velocity transformations and recorded them in a letter to Lorentz in 1905. Thus he obtained perfect invariance of all of Maxwell"s equations, an important step in the formulation of the theory of special relativity.The Poincaré group used in physics and mathematics was named after him.Richard WagnerWilhelm Richard Wagner (22 May, 1813, Leipzig, Germany - 13 February, 1883, Venice, Italy) was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and libretto for his works.Wagner"s compositions, particularly those of his later period, are notable for contrapuntal texture, rich chromaticism, harmonies and orchestration, and elaborate use of leitmotifs: musical themes associated with particular characters, locales or plot elements. Wagner pioneered advances in musical language, such as extreme chromaticism and quickly shifting tonal centres, which greatly influenced the development of European classical music.He transformed musical thought through his idea of Gesamtkunstwerk ("total artwork"), the synthesis of all the poetic, visual, musical and dramatic arts, epitomized by his monumental four-opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen (1876). To try to stage these works as he imagined them, Wagner built his own opera house.René Descartes René Descartes (French pronunciation: [u0281u0259ne dekau0281t]), (March 31, 1596–February 11, 1650), also known as Renatus Cartesius (latinized form),[1] was a French philosopher, mathematician, scientist, and writer who spent most of his adult life in the Dutch Republic. He has been dubbed the "Father of Modern Philosophy," and much of subsequent Western philosophy is a response to his writings, which continue to be studied closely to this day. In particular, his Meditations continues to be a standard text at most university philosophy departments. Descartes" influence in mathematics is also apparent, the Cartesian coordinate system allowing geometric shapes to be expressed in algebraic equations being named for him. Descartes was also one of the key figures in the Scientific Revolution.Descartes frequently sets his views apart from those of his predecessors. In the opening section of the Passions of the Soul, a treatise on the Early Modern version of what are now commonly called emotions, he goes so far as to assert that he will write on his topic "as if no one had written on these matters before". Many elements of his philosophy have precedents in late Aristotelianism, the revived Stoicism of the 16th century, or in earlier philosophers like St. Augustine. In his natural philosophy, he differs from the Schools on two major points: First, he rejects the analysis of corporeal substance into matter and form; second, he rejects any appeal to ends — divine or natural — in explaining natural phenomena. In his theology, he insists on the absolute freedom of God"s act of creation.Descartes was a major figure in 17th century continental rationalism, later advocated by Baruch Spinoza and Gottfried Leibniz, and opposed by the empiricist school of thought consisting of Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, and Hume. Leibniz, Spinoza and Descartes were all well versed in mathematics as well as philosophy, and Descartes and Leibniz contributed greatly to science as well. As the inventor of the Cartesian coordinate system, Descartes founded analytic geometry, the bridge between algebra and geometry, crucial to the invention of calculus and analysis. Descartes" reflections on mind and mechanism began the strain of Western thought that much later, impelled by the invention of the electronic computer and by the possibility of machine intelligence, blossomed into the Turing test and related thought. His most famous statement is: Cogito ergo sum (French: Je pense, donc je suis; English: I think, therefore I am; OR I am thinking, therefore I exist), found in §7 of part I of Principles of Philosophy (Latin) and in part IV of Discourse on the Method (French).From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


RuneScape(简称RS)是游戏公司杰格克斯游戏工作室(Jagex Games Studio)制作的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏。该游戏在世界上规模仅次于魔兽世界,且已经获得吉尼斯世界纪录“最火爆的免费MMORPG游戏”。该游戏向来以丰富的剧情、庞大的交易系统和可玩性、灵活性极强著称。它目前没有中文版本,但有英语、德语、法语、巴西葡萄牙语版本。目前在中国玩家较少。该游戏不需要安装客户端,但需要安装Java方可运行。扩展资料:RuneScape分布在全球的服务器有170多个,其中大部分分布在美国、加拿大、欧盟、澳大利亚等国家,所以他们的生物钟跟我们是相反的哦,它号称是平均有50W人同时在线,2011-08-03在线人数为137281人,说明它公布的数字还是有一定可信度的。这个游戏当下时兴于加拿大、美国等地,受欢迎程度仅次于魔兽世界,但在中国玩家较少。它以独创的世界“杰林诺”(Gielinor)为主题,玩家扮演一位冒险者,在这个世界探险,完成任务,还可以与其他玩家PK、交易等。在战斗方面,除了主要用刀剑 (Melee) 和弓箭 (Ranged) 外,也有魔法(magic)和祈祷(prayer),还有体力(constitution)。玩家在Runescape主要是靠 melee、magic 、ranged 战斗系列技能为主,其它的为辅助。Runescape 中除了战斗外,也有其它技能, 主要用来制造、加工对象, 例如有 smithing (主要用来制造金属制品),crafting(制造衣服, 黏土制的东西, 珠宝等, 在付费会员版有更多关于这方面的东西), mining (采矿,和 smithing 有紧密关系), cooking (煮食,用来制造食物,等级愈高,可以制造的食物种类、样式愈多)。参考资料来源:百度百科-runescape



It`s just me-Escape The Fate 歌词

歌曲名:It"S Just Me歌手:Billy Bob Thornton专辑:Beautiful DoorEscape The Fate - It"s Just MeI"m creeping my way out so you can see meI"m crawling my way around a thousand citiesYou all stop and stareI don"t need your pityI"m living my life in this hell.Now I"m crawling away "cause the stress has killed meI feel like i fell from a ten storey buildingyou best run and hide before the devil starts her biddingI"m living my life in this hellI"m not one for the crowd to seeIt"s just meIt"s just-Just a little more, c"mon and satisfy me.Just a little more, c"mon lets terrify meJust a little more and I"ll be done with itTake my life and then I"ll feel okayCut it out of my mouthput my toung on the poleI won"t sing anymoreI"m losing controlCut it out of my mouthPut my toung on a poleTake the air from my lungsTake the heart from my soulI"m not one for the crowd to seeIt"s just meIt"s just-Just a little more, c"mon and satisfy me.Just a little more c"mon lets terrify meJust a little more and I"ll be done with itTake my life and then I"ll feel okayOkay.I"ll feel okay.Okay!Cut it out of my mouthput my toung on a poleI don"t sing anymoreI"m losing controlI won"t song anymoreI"m creeping my way out so you can see meI"m crawling my way around a thousand citiesYou all stop and stareI don"t need your pityI"m living my life in this hell.Just a little more, c"mon and satisfy me.Just a little more c"mon now terrify...Just a little more and I"ll be done with itTake my life and then I"ll feelJust a little more, c"mon and satisfy me.Just a little more c"mon now terrify...Just a little more and I"ll be done with itTake my life and then I"ll feelTake my life and then I"ll feelTake my life and then I"ll feelOkay!

发明netscape browser的是谁

Netscape Browser是一款在Windows操作系统执行的网页浏览器,由美国在线(AOL)发行,开发方面则委托加拿大公司Mercurial Communications负责。该款浏览器是自网景通讯公司结束浏览器开发业务后,首款以Netscape名义推出的浏览器,也是Netscape浏览器系列的延续。


其实两者的意思基本上都是逃脱逃走的意思对于人来说两者表达的意思都是差不多的 可能是我个人的意见,flee感觉有一点点的负面情感而对于像是气体之类的东西来说就只有escape了 总体来说escape适用范围更加广泛

flee与escape有什么区别拜托各位了 3Q

意思上有区别啊 flee是逃走 而escape是逃跑;逃避现实

阿里巴巴数据源Druid使用时报discard connection异常,为什么

2014-11-06 22:36:28,537 ERROR [] - discard connectioncom.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: The last communications with the server was 28816 seconds ago, which is longer than the server configured value of "wait_timeout". You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property "autoReconnect=true" to avoid this problem.配置了testWhileIdle=true,validationQuery=SELECT "x"timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=60000minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=300000

阿里巴巴数据源Druid使用时报discard connection异常,为什么

2014-11-06 22:36:28,537 ERROR [] - discard connectioncom.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: The last communications with the server was 28816 seconds ago, which is longer than the server configured value of "wait_timeout". You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property "autoReconnect=true" to avoid this problem.配置了testWhileIdle=true,validationQuery=SELECT "x"timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=60000minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=300000

buddhist scared space 是什么意思

佛教的恐惧空间Buddhist 英["bu028adu026ast] 美["bu028adu026ast] adj. 佛教的; 佛教徒的; 佛法的; [例句]Buddhist ethics are simple but its practices are very complex to a western mind.佛教伦理很简单,但其实践修行对西方人来说却很复杂。[其他] 复数:Buddhists

在eview中在命令窗口输入scatter x y会出现散点图吗?

1、首先打开我们将要建立散点图的数据。2、将人员人工,直接投入,设计费分别用x,y,z来表示,将x作为因变量,y,z分别作为自变量。3、用create命令1970-2000的工作文件,用data x y z 命令序列窗口。4、将上面的数据导入Eviews中,直接Ctrl快捷键将Excel中的数据复制粘贴到序列中。5、用命令为g1.scat(x)进行散点图绘制。




对讲机术语解释 扫描(SCAN):为听到所有信道的通话而采取的一种方式。通过按专用按键,使接收电路按一定顺序逐个信道接收一段时间,以接收到信道中的信号。 监听(MONITOR):为接受弱小信号而采取的一种收听方式。通过按专用键强制接通接收信号通道,操作都用耳朵辨别扬声器中的声音,达到收听的目的。 信道优先扫描功能(Priority Channel Scan):在扫描过程中优先扫描所设定的优先信道。 删除/添加扫描信道(删除/Add scan channel):将某一个信道从扫描列表中删除或添加到扫描列表中。 声控(VOX):当该功能被激活后,不必按PTT键,可直接通过语音启动发射功能。 发射限时功能(TOT:Time out Timer):该功能用于限制用户在一个信道上超时间发射,同时也避免对讲机因长时间发射而造成损坏。 省电功能(Buttery Save):为节约用电,延长其对讲机的待机时间,对讲机在一段时间内无发射,接收和按键操作,将以一段时间关机,一段时间开机的方式工作,这种方式叫省电方式。 高低功率选择功能(High/Low Power):该功能可让用户根据实际情况选择高功率或低功率。 禁发功能(Busy channel Lockout):当使用该功能时,用户禁止在繁忙信道上发射信号。 静噪级数(Squelch Level):接收信号中噪声的强弱与信号的强弱呈对就关系,信号越强噪声越弱,把最大噪声和最小噪声间分成若干档,每一档称为一级,分成档数叫静噪级数。用户可根据实际情况进行选择。 CTCSS/CDCSS功能:使用该功能可以避免接收到不相干的呼叫。 2-TONE/DTMF选呼功能:利用2-TONE或DTMF信令选择呼叫相应的对讲机。 倒频功能(Reverse Frequency):使用倒频功能时,对讲机的发射频率和接收频率将互换,并且所设定的信令相同。 脱网功能(Talk Around):使用脱网功能时,对讲机的发射频率变得与接收频率相同;发射信令也转成与接收信令相同。 自动应答功能(Auto-Transpond):当对讲机收到一个正确编码呼叫时,向呼叫方发出一个信号以响应呼叫。 紧急报警(Emergency Alarm):按下报警专用键,对讲机以最大声音发出报警声或发出预定报警码给其他的手机。 锁键功能(Key Lock):使用该功能可以防止键的误操作。 复制功能(Cloning):该功能允许将一台对讲机中的数据复制到其型号相同的其他对讲机中。 调制:用调制信号的某一种或某几种参数控制载波的参数的改变,按照控制参数的不同,调制又可分为调幅、调相和调频。 音频(Audio):指人说话的声音频率通常指300HZ-3400HZ的频带。 载波:话音数字信号,信令等到有用信号的载体,易于传输的高频电磁波。调制用调节器制信号的某一种或某几种参数控制载波参数改变,按照控制参数的不同,调制又分为调幅、调相、调频。 信道和信道间隔;信道指发射接收时占用的频繁率值。相邻邦信道之间的频繁率差值称为信道间隔。 CTCSS:连续语音控制静噪系统,俗称来音频,是一种将低于音频率的频率(67HZ-250.3HZ)附加在音频信号中一起传输的技术。因其频率范围在标准确性音频以下故称为来音频。当对讲机对接收信号进行中频解调后,来音频信号经过滤波,整形、输入到CPU中,与本机设定的CTCSS频率进行比较,从而决定是否开静音。 DTMF:双音多频,由高频群和低频群组成,高低频群各有4个频率,一个高频信号和一个低频信号号叠加组成一个组合信号,代表一个数字,DTMF信令有16个编码。用DTMF信令可选取择呼叫。


对讲机术语解释 扫描(SCAN):为听到所有信道的通话而采取的一种方式。通过按专用按键,使接收电路按一定顺序逐个信道接收一段时间,以接收到信道中的信号。 监听(MONITOR):为接受弱小信号而采取的一种收听方式。通过按专用键强制接通接收信号通道,操作都用耳朵辨别扬声器中的声音,达到收听的目的。 信道优先扫描功能(Priority Channel Scan):在扫描过程中优先扫描所设定的优先信道。 删除/添加扫描信道(删除/Add scan channel):将某一个信道从扫描列表中删除或添加到扫描列表中。 声控(VOX):当该功能被激活后,不必按PTT键,可直接通过语音启动发射功能。 发射限时功能(TOT:Time out Timer):该功能用于限制用户在一个信道上超时间发射,同时也避免对讲机因长时间发射而造成损坏。 省电功能(Buttery Save):为节约用电,延长其对讲机的待机时间,对讲机在一段时间内无发射,接收和按键操作,将以一段时间关机,一段时间开机的方式工作,这种方式叫省电方式。 高低功率选择功能(High/Low Power):该功能可让用户根据实际情况选择高功率或低功率。 禁发功能(Busy channel Lockout):当使用该功能时,用户禁止在繁忙信道上发射信号。 静噪级数(Squelch Level):接收信号中噪声的强弱与信号的强弱呈对就关系,信号越强噪声越弱,把最大噪声和最小噪声间分成若干档,每一档称为一级,分成档数叫静噪级数。用户可根据实际情况进行选择。 CTCSS/CDCSS功能:使用该功能可以避免接收到不相干的呼叫。 2-TONE/DTMF选呼功能:利用2-TONE或DTMF信令选择呼叫相应的对讲机。 倒频功能(Reverse Frequency):使用倒频功能时,对讲机的发射频率和接收频率将互换,并且所设定的信令相同。 脱网功能(Talk Around):使用脱网功能时,对讲机的发射频率变得与接收频率相同;发射信令也转成与接收信令相同。 自动应答功能(Auto-Transpond):当对讲机收到一个正确编码呼叫时,向呼叫方发出一个信号以响应呼叫。 紧急报警(Emergency Alarm):按下报警专用键,对讲机以最大声音发出报警声或发出预定报警码给其他的手机。 锁键功能(Key Lock):使用该功能可以防止键的误操作。 复制功能(Cloning):该功能允许将一台对讲机中的数据复制到其型号相同的其他对讲机中。 调制:用调制信号的某一种或某几种参数控制载波的参数的改变,按照控制参数的不同,调制又可分为调幅、调相和调频。 音频(Audio):指人说话的声音频率通常指300HZ-3400HZ的频带。 载波:话音数字信号,信令等到有用信号的载体,易于传输的高频电磁波。调制用调节器制信号的某一种或某几种参数控制载波参数改变,按照控制参数的不同,调制又分为调幅、调相、调频。 信道和信道间隔;信道指发射接收时占用的频繁率值。相邻邦信道之间的频繁率差值称为信道间隔。 CTCSS:连续语音控制静噪系统,俗称来音频,是一种将低于音频率的频率(67HZ-250.3HZ)附加在音频信号中一起传输的技术。因其频率范围在标准确性音频以下故称为来音频。当对讲机对接收信号进行中频解调后,来音频信号经过滤波,整形、输入到CPU中,与本机设定的CTCSS频率进行比较,从而决定是否开静音。 DTMF:双音多频,由高频群和低频群组成,高低频群各有4个频率,一个高频信号和一个低频信号号叠加组成一个组合信号,代表一个数字,DTMF信令有16个编码。用DTMF信令可选取择呼叫。


对讲机术语解释 扫描(SCAN):为听到所有信道的通话而采取的一种方式。通过按专用按键,使接收电路按一定顺序逐个信道接收一段时间,以接收到信道中的信号。 监听(MONITOR):为接受弱小信号而采取的一种收听方式。通过按专用键强制接通接收信号通道,操作都用耳朵辨别扬声器中的声音,达到收听的目的。 信道优先扫描功能(Priority Channel Scan):在扫描过程中优先扫描所设定的优先信道。 删除/添加扫描信道(删除/Add scan channel):将某一个信道从扫描列表中删除或添加到扫描列表中。 声控(VOX):当该功能被激活后,不必按PTT键,可直接通过语音启动发射功能。 发射限时功能(TOT:Time out Timer):该功能用于限制用户在一个信道上超时间发射,同时也避免对讲机因长时间发射而造成损坏。 省电功能(Buttery Save):为节约用电,延长其对讲机的待机时间,对讲机在一段时间内无发射,接收和按键操作,将以一段时间关机,一段时间开机的方式工作,这种方式叫省电方式。 高低功率选择功能(High/Low Power):该功能可让用户根据实际情况选择高功率或低功率。 禁发功能(Busy channel Lockout):当使用该功能时,用户禁止在繁忙信道上发射信号。 静噪级数(Squelch Level):接收信号中噪声的强弱与信号的强弱呈对就关系,信号越强噪声越弱,把最大噪声和最小噪声间分成若干档,每一档称为一级,分成档数叫静噪级数。用户可根据实际情况进行选择。 CTCSS/CDCSS功能:使用该功能可以避免接收到不相干的呼叫。 2-TONE/DTMF选呼功能:利用2-TONE或DTMF信令选择呼叫相应的对讲机。 倒频功能(Reverse Frequency):使用倒频功能时,对讲机的发射频率和接收频率将互换,并且所设定的信令相同。 脱网功能(Talk Around):使用脱网功能时,对讲机的发射频率变得与接收频率相同;发射信令也转成与接收信令相同。 自动应答功能(Auto-Transpond):当对讲机收到一个正确编码呼叫时,向呼叫方发出一个信号以响应呼叫。 紧急报警(Emergency Alarm):按下报警专用键,对讲机以最大声音发出报警声或发出预定报警码给其他的手机。 锁键功能(Key Lock):使用该功能可以防止键的误操作。 复制功能(Cloning):该功能允许将一台对讲机中的数据复制到其型号相同的其他对讲机中。 调制:用调制信号的某一种或某几种参数控制载波的参数的改变,按照控制参数的不同,调制又可分为调幅、调相和调频。 音频(Audio):指人说话的声音频率通常指300HZ-3400HZ的频带。 载波:话音数字信号,信令等到有用信号的载体,易于传输的高频电磁波。调制用调节器制信号的某一种或某几种参数控制载波参数改变,按照控制参数的不同,调制又分为调幅、调相、调频。 信道和信道间隔;信道指发射接收时占用的频繁率值。相邻邦信道之间的频繁率差值称为信道间隔。 CTCSS:连续语音控制静噪系统,俗称来音频,是一种将低于音频率的频率(67HZ-250.3HZ)附加在音频信号中一起传输的技术。因其频率范围在标准确性音频以下故称为来音频。当对讲机对接收信号进行中频解调后,来音频信号经过滤波,整形、输入到CPU中,与本机设定的CTCSS频率进行比较,从而决定是否开静音。 DTMF:双音多频,由高频群和低频群组成,高低频群各有4个频率,一个高频信号和一个低频信号号叠加组成一个组合信号,代表一个数字,DTMF信令有16个编码。用DTMF信令可选取择呼叫。


对讲机术语解释 扫描(SCAN):为听到所有信道的通话而采取的一种方式。通过按专用按键,使接收电路按一定顺序逐个信道接收一段时间,以接收到信道中的信号。 监听(MONITOR):为接受弱小信号而采取的一种收听方式。通过按专用键强制接通接收信号通道,操作都用耳朵辨别扬声器中的声音,达到收听的目的。 信道优先扫描功能(Priority Channel Scan):在扫描过程中优先扫描所设定的优先信道。 删除/添加扫描信道(删除/Add scan channel):将某一个信道从扫描列表中删除或添加到扫描列表中。 声控(VOX):当该功能被激活后,不必按PTT键,可直接通过语音启动发射功能。 发射限时功能(TOT:Time out Timer):该功能用于限制用户在一个信道上超时间发射,同时也避免对讲机因长时间发射而造成损坏。 省电功能(Buttery Save):为节约用电,延长其对讲机的待机时间,对讲机在一段时间内无发射,接收和按键操作,将以一段时间关机,一段时间开机的方式工作,这种方式叫省电方式。 高低功率选择功能(High/Low Power):该功能可让用户根据实际情况选择高功率或低功率。 禁发功能(Busy channel Lockout):当使用该功能时,用户禁止在繁忙信道上发射信号。 静噪级数(Squelch Level):接收信号中噪声的强弱与信号的强弱呈对就关系,信号越强噪声越弱,把最大噪声和最小噪声间分成若干档,每一档称为一级,分成档数叫静噪级数。用户可根据实际情况进行选择。 CTCSS/CDCSS功能:使用该功能可以避免接收到不相干的呼叫。 2-TONE/DTMF选呼功能:利用2-TONE或DTMF信令选择呼叫相应的对讲机。 倒频功能(Reverse Frequency):使用倒频功能时,对讲机的发射频率和接收频率将互换,并且所设定的信令相同。 脱网功能(Talk Around):使用脱网功能时,对讲机的发射频率变得与接收频率相同;发射信令也转成与接收信令相同。 自动应答功能(Auto-Transpond):当对讲机收到一个正确编码呼叫时,向呼叫方发出一个信号以响应呼叫。 紧急报警(Emergency Alarm):按下报警专用键,对讲机以最大声音发出报警声或发出预定报警码给其他的手机。 锁键功能(Key Lock):使用该功能可以防止键的误操作。 复制功能(Cloning):该功能允许将一台对讲机中的数据复制到其型号相同的其他对讲机中。 调制:用调制信号的某一种或某几种参数控制载波的参数的改变,按照控制参数的不同,调制又可分为调幅、调相和调频。 音频(Audio):指人说话的声音频率通常指300HZ-3400HZ的频带。 载波:话音数字信号,信令等到有用信号的载体,易于传输的高频电磁波。调制用调节器制信号的某一种或某几种参数控制载波参数改变,按照控制参数的不同,调制又分为调幅、调相、调频。 信道和信道间隔;信道指发射接收时占用的频繁率值。相邻邦信道之间的频繁率差值称为信道间隔。 CTCSS:连续语音控制静噪系统,俗称来音频,是一种将低于音频率的频率(67HZ-250.3HZ)附加在音频信号中一起传输的技术。因其频率范围在标准确性音频以下故称为来音频。当对讲机对接收信号进行中频解调后,来音频信号经过滤波,整形、输入到CPU中,与本机设定的CTCSS频率进行比较,从而决定是否开静音。 DTMF:双音多频,由高频群和低频群组成,高低频群各有4个频率,一个高频信号和一个低频信号号叠加组成一个组合信号,代表一个数字,DTMF信令有16个编码。用DTMF信令可选取择呼叫。

secret escape什么意思

secret escape秘密逃生双语对照例句:1.It may have secret sites that escape unscathed. 所以就有可能秘密逃脱伤害的基地尚存。




意思上有区别啊 flee是逃走 而escape是逃跑;逃避现实



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错误代码2的含义(引自docuser.pdf):2 File not found Reported when trying to erase, rename or open a non-existent file.也就是说你尝试删除/重命名/读取一个不存在的文件。建议确认一下代码中读取文件的部分是不是都正确地引用了,相对引用的起始点是pascal设置中的Run dir设置的地址。

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X-Scan 扫描的漏洞。谁知道是什么意思?


scanner buttons是什么意思

scanner buttons 扫描仪按钮

sca fell造句 sca fellの例文 "sca fell"是什麼意思

Lagardere SCA fell 4 . 6 francs to 189 . 4. From the summit there are excellent panoramas of the Sca Fell and High Stile ranges. Lagardere SCA fell 4.6 francs to 189.4. The River Ellen has its source on the western slopes of Great Sca Fell , flowing westerly to the Solway Firth. The western arms drops across an area of bog and with pttle reascent arrives at the summit of Great Sca Fell .It is a Wainwright, and the lowest of the lakeland " Sca fells ", the other o being Scafell and Scafell Pike. The western ridges are more plex and include Great Sca Fell , Meal Fell, Great Cockup, Little Cockup, Brae Fell and Longlands Fell. "" Foxes Tarn ""is one of the smallest named tarns in the Lake District, situated spghtly to the east of the summit of Sca Fell . Sales at SCA fell 16 percent to 28.676 bilpon kronor, and earnings per share fell to 5.03 kronor from 9.59 in last year"s first half. Herford went on to cpmb the famous Central Buttress route on Sca Fell , and was killed at Ypres in 1916, shortly after the book"s pubpcation. It"s difficult to see sca fell in a sentence. 用 sca fell 造句挺难的 Sales at SCA fell 16 percent, to 28.676 bilpon kronor, and earnings per share fell to 5.03 kronor, from 9.59 in last year"s first half. At its highest point it stands at only 352 metres ( 1155 feet ), but offers uninterrupted views of the Cumbrian coast from the Sca Fells . It rises in the Sca Fell range of mountains at a height of 800 metres, just below Esk Hause, the mountain pass beeen the fells of Great End and Esk Pike. Sales at SCA fell 16 percent to 28 . 676 bilpon kronor, and earnings per share fell to 5 . 03 kronor from 9 . 59 in last year"s first half. Helvellyn is the third-highest point both in England and in the Lake District, and access to Helvellyn is easier than to the o higher peaks of Scafell Pike and Sca Fell . It is located at the head of the valley of Wasdale, and is surrounded by some of England"s highest mountains : Scafell Pike, Sca Fell , Great Gable, Kirk Fell and Pillar. Sales at SCA fell 16 percent, to 28 . 676 bilpon kronor, and earnings per share fell to 5 . 03 kronor, from 9 . 59 in last year"s first half. Called " Scawfell " at the time, this mountain is now called Sca Fell due to a procedural error by the Ordnance Survey in capturing the correct name, pubpshing this in 1867. Dorothy Wordsworth did discover shortly after her ascent of " The Pikes " ( Scafell Pike ) in 1818 that this peak was higher than Sca Fell -presumably from Otley"s map and guide book. "" Great Cockup ""is a fell in the northern region of the Engpsh Lake District, one of the four Uldale Fells ( the others being Longlands Fell, Great Sca Fell and Meal Fell )."" Mickledore ""( the name means great door or pass ) is a narrow ridge, 840 metres ( 2755 ft ) high, connecting the mountains of Sca Fell and Scafell Pike in the Engpsh Eskdale. However, access to the summit of Sca Fell is barred by the rockface of Broad Stand, which looks much easier to cpmb than it is ( the cpmb is " Difficult " in the British grading system ). The summit of Great Sca Fell itself is a broad flat plateau on which the highest point could be located almost at any point within a 15 metre radius, however it has a small cairn to mark the recognised top. Four ridges radiate from the summit to the adjoining fells of Knott ( south ), Brae Fell ( north ), Meal Fell ( west ) and Longlands Fell ( north west ) making Great Sca Fell strategically important when walking these lonely hills. "" Great Sca Fell ""is a fell in the Engpsh Lake District, it stands seven kilometres southwest of the village of Caldbeck and is the highest of the four Uldale Fells ( the other three being Longlands Fell, Meal Fell and Great Cockup ). Meal Fell is pnked to Great Cockup to the west by the pass of Trusmadoor, a place described by Alfred Wainwright as the Piccadilly of sheep in that locapty to the east Meal Fell is connected by a ridge to Great Sca Fell . "" Meal Fell ""is a small fell in the northern region of the Engpsh Lake District, it is situated seven kilometres south west of the village of Caldbeck and is one of the four main Uldale Fells ( the others being Longlands Fell, Great Cockup and Great Sca Fell ). However, when they restarted their work in England, given the status of Sca Fell as an essential surveying station ( taking bearings of Speve Donard and Snowdon, thereby helping to fix the relative positions of Ireland and England ), the famiparity with this mountain probably meant that the " Name Book " procedures were overlooked. The fell has in summits, Great and Little Sca Fell , with Little Sca Fell, which reaches an elevation of 635 metres, lying 400 metres north of the main summit across a low col, it has a more substantial cairn and a strange depression which has been augmented by a low wall to make a wind shelter. The fell has in summits, Great and Little Sca Fell, with Little Sca Fell , which reaches an elevation of 635 metres, lying 400 metres north of the main summit across a low col, it has a more substantial cairn and a strange depression which has been augmented by a low wall to make a wind shelter. It"s difficult to see sca fell in a sentence. 用 sca fell 造句挺难的

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辨析bruise和scar 的区别

bruise英 [bruːz]美 [bruz]n. 擦伤;挫伤;青肿vt. 使受瘀伤;使受挫伤vi. 擦伤;受伤[网络短语]Bruise 瘀斑,挫伤,擦伤No bruise 没有瘀伤,无擦伤,正在翻译bruise trimming 修去瘀伤,修整压坏部分scar英 [skɑː]美 [skɑr]n. 创伤;伤痕vt. 伤害;给留下伤痕vi. 结疤;痊愈[网络短语]scar 疤痕,斯卡,瘢痕landslip scar 滑坡残痕,崩塌残痕,山泥倾泻残痕leaf scar 叶痕,叶痕


bruise是指短暂性的伤痕,scar是指留下永久性的伤疤。bruise:n. 擦伤;挫伤;青肿vt. 使受瘀伤;使受挫伤vi. 擦伤;受伤例句:The blow bruised her leg.翻译:这打击使她的腿青肿。scar:vt. 伤害;给留下伤痕vi. 结疤;痊愈n. 创伤;伤痕例句:He showed his scarred arm.翻译:他给大家看他那有伤疤的胳臂。


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