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2023-06-08 10:18:05
TAG: cape sca



  英[u026au02c8skeu026ap] 美[u026au02c8skep]








  误:The thief has escaped away.

  正:The thief has escaped.

  2.下列情况,通常是不及物动词,其后可接介词 from:


  They escaped from the burning house (prison)。他们从着火的房子里(监狱里)逃了出来。


  Some gas is escaping from the pipe.煤气管在漏气。


  A lion has escaped from its cage. 有一只狮子从笼子里逃走了。

  The boy longed to escape from his motheru2018s domination.这男孩渴望摆脱母亲的操纵。

  3.下列用法,通常是及物动词,其后无需接介词 from 或其它介词:


  Nothing escaped his attention. 任何东西逃不过他的注意。

  Iu2018ve met her before, but her name escapes me. 我以前见过她,但她的名字我忘记了。


  He tried to escape punishment. 他设法躲避惩罚。

  Where can we go to escape the crowds? 我们到哪里才能避开这些人群?


  He narrowly escaped being drowned. 他险些被溺死。

  There is no way to escape doing the work. 没有办法逃脱做这项工作。

  「注」逃避或躲避监禁或管制等不愉快的事,是及物动词,其后无需用介词;但若是指从监禁或管制等状态中逃脱或逃走,则为不及物动词,其后可接介词(如 from 等)。比较:

  He escaped prison.他躲避了监禁(即本该入狱但逃避了)。

  He escaped from prison.他越狱了(即已经入狱但逃走了)。


  1.A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England 一名囚犯从英格兰北部的`一所监狱中越狱。

  2.The man made his escape. 那个人逃跑了。

  3.The two officers were extremely lucky to escape serious injury 那两名警官极其幸运,没有受重伤。

  4.But for me television is an escape. 但是对我而言,看电视是一种逃避的方法。

  5.We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of ourlives 我们都时不时需要逃避生活中的无聊和平淡。

  6.It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment 那个男演员的名字我一时想不起来了。

  7.Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape. 打开一个通风口,让潮气逸出一些。

  8.They are reported to have escaped to the other side of the border 有报道称他们已经逃过了国境线。

  9.He was fatally wounded as he tried to escape. 他在设法逃跑的时候受了致命伤。

  10.The man"s girlfriend managed to escape unhurt 那个男人的女朋友成功逃脱,毫发无损。

  11.He narrowly escaped with his life when suspected right-wing extremists fired shotsinto his office. 疑似右翼极端分子的一些人向他的办公室开枪扫射,他侥幸逃生。

  12.This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonestemployers everywhere. 事实上,这已经成为所有狡猾的雇主们用来躲避责任的绝妙条款。

  13.Blonde and slender, she was too striking to escape their attention. 金发细腰的她太引人注目了,他们很难不注意到她。

  14.The prisoners attempted to escape but failed. 囚犯们企图逃跑,但是失败了。

  15.All escape routes were blocked by armed police 所有逃跑的路都被武警封锁了。

  16.He told us the story of his escape from the enemy. 他向我们叙说了他逃离敌人的经过。

  17.They decided the time was right for their escape. 他们认为逃跑的时机到了。

  18.The first bubbles to escape from the liquid are a mixture of air and hydrogen.从该液体中最先逸出的气泡是空气和氢的混合物。

  19.Their grandfather had left his village in order to escape the grinding poverty.为了摆脱贫困的煎熬,他们的祖父离开了村子。

  20.The car was badly smashed, but he was lucky to escape with life and limb. 汽车被撞得一塌糊涂,可他却很幸运地安全脱险了。

  21.A small boy tumbled off a third floor fire escape 一个小男孩从3楼防火梯上摔了下来。

  22.The prisoners used the tunnel to escape from jail. 囚犯们利用这条地道越狱逃跑了。

  23.The enemy cannot escape from our control. 敌人逃不出我们的手心。

  24.They managed to escape after being arrested by the resistance. 他们被抵抗组织抓住后又设法逃脱了。

  25.Little by little, he formulated his plan for escape. 他一点一点地设计构思出了逃跑的方案。

  26.The residents were trying to escape from the fire but were overcome by smoke.居民试图逃离火场,却被浓烟熏倒了。

  27.The news of Tandy"s escape had shaken them all 坦迪逃跑的消息让他们所有人都无比震惊。

  28.Primitive humans needed to be able to react like this to escape from dangerousanimals 原始人必须要能作出这样的反应以逃避危险的动物。

  29.He could stand no more and engineered an escape 他无法再忍受,便策划了出逃。

  30.The driver managed to escape from the vehicle and shout a warning. 那名司机设法从车里逃了出来并大声警告别人。



2023-06-08 09:57:293


escape[英][u026au02c8skeu026ap][美][u026au02c8skep]v.逃脱; 逃离; 躲过; 泄露; n.逃走; 逃跑工具或方法; 野生种; 泄漏; adj.使逃避困难的; 使规避问题的; 第三人称单数:escapes过去分词:escaped复数:escapes现在进行时:escaping过去式:escaped例句:1.Pilecki ultimately made the decision to escape on april 13 1943. 皮莱茨基最终决定于1943年4月13日逃离集中营。2.Japan might escape deflationary doldrums. 日本或许有望摆脱通缩加停滞的困境。
2023-06-08 09:57:561


逃避 逃离
2023-06-08 09:58:113

escape是什么意思 escape中文意思

1、escape:v.(从监禁或管制中) 逃跑,逃走,逃出; (从不愉快或危险处境中) 逃脱,摆脱,逃避;避开,避免(不愉快或危险的事物);n.逃跑;逃脱;逃避;逃避现实;解脱;消遣;漏出,逸出,渗出(量); 2、[例句]A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England。一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中越狱。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:escapes;复数:escapes;现在分词:escaping;过去式:escaped;过去分词:escaped。
2023-06-08 09:58:431


2023-06-08 09:58:514


escape 英 [u026au02c8skeu026ap] 美 [u0259u02c8skeu026ap]escape的基本意思是“逃跑;逃脱;泄露”的意思,这个单词可以做动词、名词或形容词,用作动词时可以是及物动词(vt.)也可以是不及物动词(vi.)。所以它有 现在分词:escaping 过去式:escaped 过去分词:escaped,第三人称单数:escapes 复数:escapes 等形式。短语搭配:Atmospheric escape [地物] 大气逃逸Zombie Escape 僵尸大流亡 ; 僵尸大逃亡 ; 僵尸逃跑 ; 僵尸逃亡air escape 空气漏出 ; 逸气 ; 排气孔 ; 放气emergency escape 紧急逃生途径 ; 室外逃生梯 ; 紧急避难 ; 紧急逃脱例句:How can I escape from all of this?我怎样才能逃离开这些呢?So he commanded that all should escape.因此他命令所有鹌鹑逃跑。
2023-06-08 09:58:581


2023-06-08 09:59:209

逃生(名词) 英语怎么说

Red and desolate, eventually a dream
2023-06-08 09:59:375


2023-06-08 10:00:022


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2023-06-08 10:00:202


就是它本身escape [i"skeip] vi. 1. 逃跑,逃走,逃出;溜走;摆脱,挣脱: 例句: to escape from the burning house逃出失火的房子 to escape from the cage逃出笼子 2. 越狱;逃脱追捕,逃脱捕获;避免被捕;逃脱惩罚;获得(或重新获得)自由: 例句: to escape from prison越狱 3. 逃避现实;躲避: 例句: to escape from reality by通过…逃避现实 4. 逃避,避免(疾病、痛苦、事故等);免除,逃脱(灾难等): 例句: Two were injured, but he escaped.两人受了伤,但他幸免了。 5. (气体、液体、流体等)漏出,渗出,逸出,流出,流掉;发出: 例句: gas escaping from a pipe从管子里漏出的(煤)气 6. 疏忽,忽略;消失,忘掉,被遗忘: 例句: The image escaped from her memory.那形象已经从她的记忆中消失。 7. (航天飞船等)脱离,逃逸 8. 【植物学】野化,退化 vt. 1. (从…)逃脱,逃避,逃离或躲避(追捕等): 例句: to escape pursuers逃避追踪者 2. (成功地)避免(灾难、危险等);使免于;躲避: 例句: to escape punishment逃避惩罚 They escaped death by inches when the house collapsed.房子塌下来,差点儿把他们砸死。 3. 无意识(或无心、不自觉)地从…发出;被…禁不住地说出(或评论): 例句: A scream escaped his lips.他不禁尖叫一声。 4. 未被觉察,未受注意,没有被…注意到,躲开或逃过(别人)的注意;被遗忘,被忘掉,忘记: 例句: Her name escapes me.我忘了她的名字。 n. 1. 逃跑,逃走,逃亡,逃逸;逃脱,逃离;逃避 2. 逃脱的状况 3. 逃脱的途径,逃路;逃跑工具,逃跑方法;出口,太平门;退水闸;逸水闸 4. 逃避现实;解闷,消遣 5. (气体、液体等的)漏泄,逃逸,流出,漏出,排泄,漏气 6. (航天飞行中的)脱离,逃逸 7. 【植物学】野化植物,野化种,退化植物 8. 违法;违反 9. [废语]轻微的过失 10. [废语]胡闹;恶作剧 adj. 1. 逃避(现实)的,消遣的 2. 使逃避规则(或约束)的 为了逃跑的 使逃跑成为可能的;用以逃脱的,应急的 善于脱身的;善于逃跑的 例外的 3. 排水用的
2023-06-08 10:00:271


2023-06-08 10:00:374


2023-06-08 10:00:453


escape 英[u026au02c8skeu026ap] 美[u026au02c8skep] v. 逃脱; 逃离; 躲过; 泄露; n. 逃走; 逃跑工具或方法; 野生种; 泄漏; adj. 使逃避困难的; 使规避问题的; [例句]A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中越狱。[其他] 第三人称单数:escapes 复数:escapes 现在分词:escaping过去式:escaped 过去分词:escaped
2023-06-08 10:00:541


一、详细释义: , n. , 逃跑,逃脱(+from/out of);逃跑工具 [U,C] , 例句: ,The jailbird cast about him for a way of escape.,囚犯在他周围寻找逃跑的途径。, 例句: ,He tried to think up a plan for escape.,他企图想出一个逃跑的计划。, 漏出(+from/out of) [U,C] , 例句: ,Can you detect an escape of gas in this corner of the room?,你能觉察出这屋角有煤气漏出来吗?, 逃避(现实),解闷 [U] , 例句: ,He feigned death to escape capture.,他装死以逃避被俘。, 例句: ,As this exposure of his plot to escape, Paul was startled out of impassivity.,保罗听到他的逃避计划给挑明了,从冷漠状态中猛地惊醒过来。, 例句: ,Many drinkers plunge gladly into inebriation as an escape from reality.,很多饮酒者乐于陷入到醉酒状态中以逃避现实。, 例句: ,She reads love stories as an escape.,她读爱情小说解闷。, v. , 逃跑,逃脱(+from) [I] , 例句: ,They made no attempt to escape.,他们并未图谋逃跑., 例句: ,The prisoners used the tunnel to escape from jail.,囚犯们利用这条地道越狱逃跑了。, 避免(+from/out of) [I] , 例句: ,Two were injured, but he escaped.,两人受了伤,但他幸免了。, 漏出,流出(+from/out of) [I] , 例句: ,Gas escaping from a pipe.,煤气从管子泄漏出来。, 例句: ,Water escaped rapidly from the drainpipe.,水从排水管中迅速流出。, 逃避,逃脱,避免(+v-ing) [T] , 例句: ,He feigned death to escape capture.,他装死以逃避被俘。, 例句: ,He thinks he will never escape hard work.,他想他永远逃避不了辛苦的工作。, 没有被……注意到,被……忘掉 [T] , 例句: ,It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment.,那个男演员的名字我一时想不起来了。, 例句: ,Blonde and slender, she was too striking to escape their attention.,金发细腰的她太引人注目了,他们很难不注意到她。, (语言,微笑等)不禁由(人的口里)流露出来 [T] , 例句: ,After her attentive survey of the wild slopes and hollow ravines a gesture of impatience escaped Eustacia.,游苔沙把荒凉的高坡和低狭的空谷都聚精会神地观察了一番之后,一种不耐烦的神态不知不觉地流露出来。, 二、词义辨析: , escape,flee,fly,get away,run away ,这些动物或短语动词都有“逃跑、逃脱”之意。escape侧重逃跑的结果,不强调逃跑时的匆忙或危险情况。flee书面用词,侧重指逃跑时动作匆忙,多含惧怕之意。fly含义与flee相同,但系非正式用词。get away口语用语。侧重指犯罪分子从现场逃跑或被捕时逃走。 run away口语用语,强调动作迅速。, 三、词义辨析: , escape,avoid ,这两个动词都有“躲避危险”之意。escape多指避开实际的威胁,暗示威胁或危险正在迫近。avoid侧重有意识地躲避开要冒险或有危险的事物或情况。, 四、相关短语: ,escape from,逃脱,逃离,escape hatch,n. 出口,出路,escape valve,n. 放出阀,escape velocity,n. 逃逸速度,fire escape,防火梯,escape mechani *** ,逃避机理,escape wheel,擒纵轮,narrow escape,九死一生, 幸免于难, 一、参考例句: ,Escape the office.,逃离办公室。,Escape to the great outdoors.,逃到远离喧嚣的户外去。,None of them could escape.,他们谁也跑不了。,They made no attempt to escape.,他们并未图谋逃跑。,We were lucky to escape being punished.,我们很幸运,没有受罚。,His attempt to escape was foiled.,他逃亡的企图遭到挫败。,No offender can escape punishment by law.,没有罪犯能逃脱法律的惩罚。,Can you escape from a Black Hole?,你能从黑洞里逃走吗?,They dissociate themselves to escape trauma.,他们借助自我分裂来逃避创伤。,The prisoners attempted to escape but failed.,囚犯们企图,逃跑,但失败了。
2023-06-08 10:01:011


动词(不及物) ( escaped; escaped; escaping)1.逃跑;逃脱 The soldier escaped from the enemy"s prison. 这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来。 2.避免 He traveled extensively to escape from boredom. 他到处旅游以解烦闷。 3,漏出;流出 Gas is escaping from the pipe. 煤气正从管中逸出。 ·我们都知道,当动词是不及物动词的时候要同介词一同使用。动词(及物) ( escaped; escaped; escaping)1.逃避;逃脱;避免 We were lucky to escape being punished. 我们很幸运,没有受罚。 He escaped the trials after the war. 战后他逃过了审判。 2.没有被...注意到;被...忘掉 The matter has quite escaped my memory. 这件事我完全记不得了。 Her name escapes me. 我记不起她的名字了。 ·及物动词的时候边可以直接加。
2023-06-08 10:01:103

fire escapes什么意思

fire escapes n. 防火梯( fire escape的名词复数 ); 安全出口;escape 英[u026au02c8skeu026ap]美[u026au02c8skep]v. 逃脱; 逃离; 躲过; 泄露;n. 逃走; 逃跑工具或方法; 野生种; 泄漏;adj. 使逃避困难的; 使规避问题的;[例句]How does the world escape from its dire potential economic consequences?世界如何逃脱中国模式可能带来的可怕的经济后果?
2023-06-08 10:01:181


2023-06-08 10:01:372


 英语四级词汇考点归纳:escape  Even in the world of make-believe,black women still can"t escape the stereotype of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never-married,alcoholic mothers.  英语四级译文:  即使在想象的世界中,黑人妇女仍然无法摆脱那种模式化的形象—由整天酗酒的未婚母亲抚养长大、爱翻白眼且性 欲过剩的女性。  四级词汇讲解:  本句为简单句,主干是women can"t escape the stereotype。Even in the world of make-believe为句子的状语;过去分词短语raised by our never-married, alcoholic mothers为females的后置定语,其中raised和females为被动关系。  make-believe的意思是“想象,幻想”,为名词。如:  Don"t indulge yourself in make-believe.不要让自己沉溺于幻想之中。  stereotype的意思是“模式化的形象、人物等”。如:  They have launched a survey called "Break the Stereotype, Fix the Impression".他们发起了一个名为“打破常规,改善形象”的调查。  英语四级考点归纳:  escape有以下常见含义:  ※“逃跑,逃走”。如:  Several prisoners escaped from prison yesterday.昨天有几名犯人从监狱逃走了。  ※“逃脱,逃避”二如:  She managed to escape from the burning house.她终于从着火的房子里逃了出来。  ※“避开,避免”:如:  You were lucky to escape punishment.你没受到惩罚真是幸运。  ※“被忽视,被忘掉”。如:  His name escapes me.我把他的名字给忘了。
2023-06-08 10:01:511

escape和escape from有什么区别

从...逃 escape from逃escape
2023-06-08 10:02:013


B 被动语态 escape后动词ing形式
2023-06-08 10:02:181


2023-06-08 10:02:253


flee是及物动词,可以直接说flee someplaceescape一定要加介词
2023-06-08 10:02:332


shareclearlyspendsalesafe完成句子there anything special today"sNeither nor from goingwere allowed toIt if you wanthow to escape from
2023-06-08 10:02:422

毛骗2第12集绍庄拿出御世制人录时插曲是什么 !!!!

不知道,我也找了很久很久 我还给他们发信息呢 都没有给我们回复
2023-06-08 10:02:503

ehcahe 怎么读

没有这个单词,应是:escapeescape英式读音:[u026a"skeu026ap]美式读音:[u026a:skep]中文谐音:诶丝尅泼vt. 逃避,避开,避免;被忘掉;被忽视vi. 逃脱;避开;溜走;(气体,液体等)漏出;(未受伤或只受了一点伤害而)逃脱;声音(不自觉地)由…发出n. 逃跑;逃亡;逃走;逃跑工具或方法;野生种;泄漏双语例句:All escape routes were blocked by armed police 所有逃跑的路都被武警封锁了。[其他] 第三人称单数:escapes 复数:escapes 现在分词:escaping过去式:escaped 过去分词:escaped
2023-06-08 10:03:101


逃出生天英文escape。双语例句:1、My mind a hot,remember we escapes from the holy water temple peace return to chengdu,the tit is kept her father 20 years of maotai stole out.我心头一热,想起我们从圣水寺逃出生天平安返回成都的时候,这妮子把她老爸珍藏二十年的茅台偷了出来。2、Days,but in order to escape was born,must find new growth point of economy.但是为了逃出生天,经济必须寻找新的增长点。3、Violet mist as Yang Jian had anticipated,disperse very quickly,oneself these soldiers will also help by him,to escape birth day,and the expected enemy as god"s general Yang.紫雾果如杨戬所料,极快便散去,自己这些兵将也蒙他所助,得以逃出生天,而那个料敌如神的杨将军却杳无音信。4、Whatever he does,anyway I reinforcements arrived,can escapes,world war I"m not sure can and turning around?管他呢,反正我援军一到,就可逃出生天,说不准还能一战而转败为胜呢?
2023-06-08 10:03:301

英语Escape the forces of nature怎么翻译?

英语Escape the forces of nature 的意思是:逃离自然的力量。
2023-06-08 10:04:091

新概念英语 第三册 44课 生词表里有个单词escapist(逍遥者),我查了很多权威字典都解释为“逃避现实的人

on some serives可以意译为在航班上的意思。escapist 可以意译为会享受的人。个人觉得,句子的意思是。一个真正会享受的人在航班上可以看一场电影和品尝香槟。
2023-06-08 10:04:232

少女时代的歌----THE GREAT ESCAPE的中文歌词

2023-06-08 10:04:301

某人名字一时想不起来了,(用escape 还是slip)英语怎么说

His/her name escapes me at the moment.
2023-06-08 10:04:393

英语翻译 escape from 词组翻译(≧u2207≦)

escape from 逃避,逃出 We escaped from the enemy. 我们逃脱了敌人的追踪. The soldiers escaped from the enemy"s prison. 战士们从敌人监狱里逃了出来. He escaped from doing any more work. 他不想再工作便溜走了. In the accident he escaped from being injured. 在这次事故中,他幸免受伤. 从…漏出,发出 The gas escapes from the pipes. 煤气从管子里冒出. A faint cry of surprise escaped from her lips. 她轻轻地发出一声惊奇的叫喊.
2023-06-08 10:04:451

here is a句子成分

答案是 A.whose 这是定语从句 whose引导定从 并作定从中 的定语 Here is a word whose meaning escapes me Here是引导词 不作句子成分 is是谓语 a word 是主语 whose meaning escapes me是定语 修饰a word 句子意思 这儿有一个 我一时想不起它的意思 的单词 注意 这是 there be 加主语 结构 的变形 is 是不及物动词 存在 的意思 不是系动词 是 的意思 另外 注意 escapes 的翻译
2023-06-08 10:04:521

it escapes me什么意思

你好it escapes me它离开我的双语对照例句:1.When I switch it on, a little sigh escapes me as the screen lights up. 在开机后屏幕亮起的那刻,我的嘴里不由发出一丝感叹。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮
2023-06-08 10:05:002


escape [英]u026au02c8skeu026ap [美]u026au02c8skep v. 逃脱;逃离;躲过;泄露 n. 逃走;逃跑工具或方法;野生种;泄漏 adj. 使逃避困难的;使规避问题的 [例句]The first to escape have the best chance.谁第一个逃跑,谁的机会就最大。
2023-06-08 10:05:193


2023-06-08 10:05:274


2023-06-08 10:06:411


2023-06-08 10:06:481

escape是什么意思 escape中文意思

1、escape:v.(从监禁或管制中) 逃跑,逃走,逃出; (从不愉快或危险处境中) 逃脱,摆脱,逃避;避开,避免(不愉快或危险的事物);n.逃跑;逃脱;逃避;逃避现实;解脱;消遣;漏出,逸出,渗出(量); 2、[例句]A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England。一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中越狱。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:escapes;复数:escapes;现在分词:escaping;过去式:escaped;过去分词:escaped。
2023-06-08 10:06:551

his name escaped me for the moment这里的escape是什么用法?

2023-06-08 10:08:224

escape怎么读 escape如何读

1、英[u026au02c8skeu026ap]、美[u026au02c8skeu026ap] 2、v.逃跑; (从监禁或管制中)逃走; 逃出; (从不愉快或危险处境中)逃脱; 摆脱; 逃避; 避免(不愉快或危险的事物); 逃脱,幸免于难; 被忘掉; 漏出; (不自觉地)由…发出; 3、n.逃脱; 逃避; 逃避现实; 解脱; 消遣; 漏出; 渗出(量); Esc键; 4、[例句]As soon as he turned his back, she would make her escape.他一转身,她就逃跑。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:escapes 复数:escapes 现在分词:escaping 过去式:escaped 过去分词:escaped
2023-06-08 10:08:291


escaped 英[u026au02c8skeu026apt]adj. 溜走;v. 逃脱( escape的过去式和过去分词 ); (气体,液体等) 漏出; (未受伤或只受了一点伤害而) 逃脱; 声音(不自觉地)由…发出;[例句]The escaped prisoner was dragged out of his hiding-place.逃犯从他躲藏的地方给拉了出来。导语:黑发不知勤学早,白发方悔读书迟。下面是我为大家整理的,英语知识。想要知更多的资讯,请多多留意CNFLA学习网!1高中英语单词escape的词性及含义英[u026au02c8skeu026ap] 美[u026au02c8skep]v.逃脱;逃离;躲过;泄露n.逃走;逃跑工具或方法;野生种;泄漏adj.使逃避困难的;使规避问题的第三人称单数:escapes复数:escapes现在分词:escaping过去式:escaped过去分词:escaped2高中英语单词escape用法详解1.表示“逃走”或“逃脱”,已含有“脱离”的意思,因此通常不与away,off等副词连用。如:小偷逃走了。误:The thief has escaped away.正:The thief has escaped.2.下列情况,通常是不及物动词,其后可接介词 from:(1)表示从具体的某一场所逃走。如:They escaped from the burning house (prison)。他们从着火的房子里(监狱里)逃了出来。(2)表示液体或气体等漏出或泄漏。如:Some gas is escaping from the pipe.煤气管在漏气。(3)表示从监禁或管制等状态中逃脱或逃走。如:A lion has escaped from its cage. 有一只狮子从笼子里逃走了。The boy longed to escape from his mother‘s domination.这男孩渴望摆脱母亲的操纵。3.下列用法,通常是及物动词,其后无需接介词 from 或其它介词:
2023-06-08 10:08:371


escape 1 / 0104ske01p; 01ˋskep/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (from sb/sth) get free; get away (from imprisonment or control) (从监禁﹑ 管制中)逃脱, 逃走: Two prisoners have escaped. 有两个囚犯越狱了. * A lion has escaped from its cage. 有一头狮子从笼中逃走了. * She longed to escape from her mother"s domination. 她渴望摆脱母亲的操纵. * (fig 比喻) When life became too difficult, he escaped into a dream world of his own. 生活太困难时, 他就躲进了自己梦幻世界之中. [I, Ipr] ~ (from sth) (of gases, liquids, etc) find a way out (of a container, etc); leak; seep out (指气体﹑ 液体等)漏出, 泄漏, 渗出: There"s gas escaping somewhere can you smell it? 有什麽地方漏煤气了--你闻到了吗? * Make a hole to let the water escape. 弄个洞让水排出. * heat escaping through a window 从窗户散发出的热气. [I, Tn no passive 不用於被动语态, Tg] keep free or safe from (sth unpleasant); avoid 避免或躲避(不愉快的事物); 免除: Where can we go to escape the crowds? 我们到哪里才能躲开这些人群? * escape punishment/being punished 避免惩罚[受罚] * You can"t escape the fact that... 你不 能逃避这样的事实.... [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] be forgotten or unnoticed by (sb/sth) 被遗忘; 未被注意: Her name escapes me, ie I can"t remember it. 我想不起她的名字了. * The fault escaped observation (ie was not spotted) for months. 这故障数月来未引起注意. * Nothing escapes you/your attention, ie You notice everything. 什麽也瞒不了你. (idm 习语) escape (sb"s) `notice be missed or not noticed (by sb) 疏忽; 没注意到: It won"t have escaped your notice that I"ve been unusually busy recently. 你一定注意到了我最近一直忙得不得了. escape 2 / 0104ske01p; 01ˋskep/ n [C, U] ~ (from sth) (act or action of) escaping; instance of having escaped 逃走; 逃脱: Escape from Dartmoor prison is difficult. 从达特穆尔监狱逃走非常困难. * There have been few successful escapes from this prison. 没有什麽人能从这座监狱逃走. * When the guard"s back was turned, she made her escape. 看守人一转过身去, 她就逃走了. [C] means of escaping 逃走或逃生的手段: The fire-escape is at the back of the building. 太平门在建筑物的後面. * [attrib 作定语] The police have just found the escape vehicle. 警方刚找到逃走者使用的车辆. * He showed us our escape route on the map. 他在地图上指出我们逃走的路线. * escape-pipe/-valve, ie to release excess steam or water when the pressure is too great 排出管[阀](压力过高时可释放出过剩的蒸汽或水). [sing] (thing that provides a) temporary distraction from reality or dull routine 暂时逃避现实(的消遣事物): He listens to music as an escape from the pressures of work. 他听音乐以缓解一下工作的压力. [C] leak 漏出: an escape of gas 漏出煤气. (idm 习语) make ,good one"s e`scape manage to escape completely and satisfactorily 设法逃脱.# e`scape clause (also `get-out clause) part of a contract that releases a person, etc from obligations under certain conditions (契约的)例外条款.e`scape-hatch n emergency exit from a ship, an aircraft, etc (船只﹑ 飞行器等的)紧急出口.e`scape velocity speed at which a spacecraft, etc must travel in order to leave the gravitational field of a planet, etc 逃逸速度(宇宙飞船等克服星球引力的速度).
2023-06-08 10:08:511


escape [i"skeip] vt. 逃避,避免;被忘掉 vi. 逃脱;避开;溜走 n. 逃跑;逃亡 [过去式escaped 过去分词escaped 现在分词escaping ]. 或: escape [i"skeip] vi. 逃跑,逃走,逃出;溜走;摆脱,挣脱: to escape from the burning house 逃出失火的房子 to escape from the cage 逃出笼子 越狱;逃脱追捕,逃脱捕获;避免被捕;逃脱惩罚;获得(或重新获得)自由: to escape from prison 越狱 逃避现实;躲避: to escape from reality by 通过…逃避现实 逃避,避免(疾病、痛苦、事故等);免除,逃脱(灾难等): Two were injured, but he escaped. 两人受了伤,但他幸免了. (气体、液体、流体等)漏出,渗出,逸出,流出,流掉;发出: gas escaping from a pipe 从管子里漏出的(煤)气 疏忽,忽略;消失,忘掉,被遗忘: The image escaped from her memory. 那形象已经从她的记忆中消失. (航天飞船等)脱离,逃逸 【植物学】野化,退化 vt. (从…)逃脱,逃避,逃离或躲避(追捕等): to escape pursuers 逃避追踪者 (成功地)避免(灾难、危险等);使免于;躲避: to escape punishment 逃避惩罚 They escaped death by inches when the house collapsed. 房子塌下来,差点儿把他们砸死. 无意识(或无心、不自觉)地从…发出;被…禁不住地说出(或评论): A scream escaped his lips. 他不禁尖叫一声. 未被觉察,未受注意,没有被…注意到,躲开或逃过(别人)的注意;被遗忘,被忘掉,忘记: Her name escapes me. 我忘了她的名字. n. 逃跑,逃走,逃亡,逃逸;逃脱,逃离;逃避 逃脱的状况 逃脱的途径,逃路;逃跑工具,逃跑方法;出口,太平门;退水闸;逸水闸 逃避现实;解闷,消遣 (气体、液体等的)漏泄,逃逸,流出,漏出,排泄,漏气 (航天飞行中的)脱离,逃逸 【植物学】野化植物,野化种,退化植物 违法;违反 [废语]轻微的过失 [废语]胡闹;恶作剧 adj. 逃避(现实)的,消遣的 使逃避规则(或约束)的 为了逃跑的 使逃跑成为可能的;用以逃脱的,应急的 善于脱身的;善于逃跑的 例外的 排水用的 近义词: avoid , avade , elude 短语: escape death by a hairbreadth 死里逃生,九死一生 [亦作 have a hairbreadth escape] escape with life and limb 未受严重伤害而逃脱,无大损伤而逃脱 make (good) one"s (escape) (顺利)逃脱 narrow (或 near, hairbreadth) escape (或 share) 幸免于难,九死一生(常与 have 连用) 变形: escaped , escaping
2023-06-08 10:08:581

escape 用法

escape vi.不及物动词逃跑; 逃脱[(+from)] The soldier escaped from the enemy"s prison.这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来. 避免[(+from/out of)] He traveled extensively to escape from boredom.他到处旅游以解烦闷. 漏出; 流出[(+from/out of)] Gas is escaping from the pipe.煤气正从管中逸出. vt.及物动词逃避; 逃脱; 避免[+v-ing] We were lucky to escape being punished.我们很幸运,没有受罚. He escaped the trials after the war.战后他逃过了审判. 没有被...注意到; 被...忘掉 The matter has quite escaped my memory.这件事我完全记不得了. Her name escapes me.我记不起她的名字了. n.名词逃跑; 逃脱[C][U] He made his escape in disguise.他化装后逃走了. 漏出[C][U] Can you smell an escape of gas?你能闻到漏出的煤气吗? 逃避(现实); 解闷[S] She read detective stories as an escape.她看侦探小说解闷. 逃路; 逃跑工具[C] We must cut off his escape.我们必须切断他的退路.
2023-06-08 10:09:051

escape 造句

he escaped from the prison
2023-06-08 10:09:132


escape[英][u026au02c8skeu026ap][美][u026au02c8skep]v.逃脱; 逃离; 躲过; 泄露; n.逃走; 逃跑工具或方法; 野生种; 泄漏; adj.使逃避困难的; 使规避问题的; 第三人称单数:escapes过去分词:escaped复数:escapes现在进行时:escaping过去式:escaped易混淆单词:ESCAPEEscape 例句:1.How does the world escape from its dire potential economic consequences? 世界如何逃脱中国模式可能带来的可怕的经济后果?
2023-06-08 10:09:311


不及物动词 vi. 1.逃跑;逃脱[(+from)]The soldier escaped from the enemy"s prison. 这个士兵从敌人的监狱里逃了出来。 2.避免[(+from/out of)]He traveled extensively to escape from boredom. 他到处旅游以解烦闷。 3.漏出;流出[(+from/out of)]Gas is escaping from the pipe. 煤气正从管中逸出。 及物动词 vt. 1.逃避;逃脱;避免[+v-ing]We were lucky to escape being punished. 我们很幸运,没有受罚。 He escaped the trials after the war. 战后他逃过了审判。 2.没有被...注意到;被...忘掉The matter has quite escaped my memory. 这件事我完全记不得了。 Her name escapes me. 我记不起她的名字了。 你这样的表达还是看具体环境和习惯的吧,不好说
2023-06-08 10:09:391


我想不起这个单词,The word escaped/escapes me
2023-06-08 10:09:462