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网上摘录,仅供参考:Safety品牌Pramet品牌刀具介绍时间:2014-06-09 来源:企业摘要:镗刀刀片,精镗刀片,世界上最小的镗刀片,内孔刀片,磨制刀片Safety,是法国一家具有80多年历史的切削刀具公司,要了解safety,建议先了解一下法兰西民族的文化。具备自由联想和浪漫情怀的法兰西民族精神彻底的体现在safety的产品上面。冷冰冰的切削刀具,如果你仔细去理解他们的设计,显得如此的大胆,如此的豪迈热情,让你感觉到它的温度和体内奔涌的热血。Pramet,地处捷克偏僻的小山村。它的产品和它的地理 位置一样,低调的很少人知道。捷克人的憨厚,本分,实在如同它的产品以及包装一样。不会给你一眼炫目的体验,甚至看过之后容易没有任何的印象。这就是Pramet,平凡的看了十眼也会不记得。如果一但去使用,你会刮目相待。这两个截然不同风格的两个切削刀具公司于2013年,因为瑞典SANDVIK集团的原因,被合并一起经营。按照我们中国传统的说法,差异巨大的个体结合后,必然诞生超一流的后辈。我们也期待safety&pramet给我们不一样的感受,为我们带来价值。Safety位于法国,因为空中客车这个超级大客户是他们邻居的原因,所以,Safety在不锈钢,耐热合金,高温合金铣削,车削方面非常有特色。刀具界有一句名言就诞生于空中客车公司在使用SAFETY刀具后:“SAFETY刀具让我睡的更香”。Pramet位于捷克,因为前苏联的原因,他们在重切削方面,比如火车,造船那是独树一帜!从客户反馈的情况来看,也让我们从另外一个侧面或者说另外一个角度了解刀具产品,了解刀具公司。SAFETY在最后一刀方面,让我很放心。精加工,保证尺寸的稳定性和表面质量,非你莫属。PRAMET在金属去除率方面,让我很满意司。重切削,节省了大量的机床时间。这些都是客户的视角,客户的语言。我们的客户是最有发言权的,所以,循着客户的意愿,和大家探讨一下最后一刀的事情,最后一刀一般就说的精加工,就以镗刀为例,内孔镗刀要获得很好的表面光洁度,镗刀刀片的选择要正确才行,而且更重要的是,尺寸稳定或者说尺寸一致性经常让我们的客户头痛。我们目前的客户总是被陷在CCMT0602 ,CCMT09T3,TCMT1102,TCMT16T3这几款刀片里面打转转。今天的SAFETY帮你一展眉笑,世界上最小的磨制镗刀片:WCGX020102FL-JZ KX2最小镗孔直径达到5.8.刃口磨削成型,良好的断削控制,刀片周边精磨成型,定位精确。 WCGX020102FL-JZ NTB10金属陶瓷刀片,用于加工钢件类产品,获得超高的光洁度。能轻易达到闪闪发亮的表面,可以说晶晶亮,也是亮晶晶。EPGX050202FL-JZ KX2,这款刀片会让你鹤立鸡群,把你丢在万马奔腾当中,我也一眼能认出来,0.2的超小R角。让切削非常轻快,即使悬深很长的孔,也能轻松面对。孔口和尾端一致的表面质量和尺寸精度让你震撼。 CPGX060202FL-JZ KX2 CPGX060204FL-JR KX2 CPGX080304FL-JR KX2TPGX090202FL-JZ KX2TPGX090204FL-JQ NTB10TPGX110204FL-JQ KXTPGX16T304FL-JR NTB10如果以上这些让你有点眼熟的规格型号,会给你带来不一样的感觉。我们把镗刀刀片最美的字眼往上套。相信你会个个满意。 R角丰富多彩,让你的选择更简单。抛光的前角,让切削更轻快,没有震刀的担忧。锋利的刃口,让表面光洁度超高,高到亮晶晶。磨制的切削刃口,让断削可以控制,镗刀片,选择从此更简单,更少的库存,更快的交货。




以下是关于safety 的 5 条造句:Safety is the top priority in this construction project.(安全是这个建筑项目的首要任务。)Always wear a helmet for your own safety when riding a bike.(骑自行车时,为了自己的安全一定要戴上头盔。)The company has implemented strict safety measures to ensure the well-being of its employees.(公司已经实施了严格的安全措施,以确保员工的健康和安全。)The safety of the passengers is the responsibility of the airline company.(乘客的安全是航空公司的责任。)It"s important to follow safety guidelines when handling hazardous materials in the laboratory.(在实验室处理危险物质时,遵循安全指南非常重要。)


safety 英音:["seifti] 美音:["seftu026a] 名词 n. 1.安全,平安[U]The children were led to a place of safety. 孩子们被带到一个安全的地方。 Measures must be taken to insure traffic safety. 必须采取措施保证交通安全。 2.安全设施[C]3.【棒】安打[C]

safety是什么意思 详解safety的含义和应用场景?

安全是指一个人或物体没有受到任何伤害或损失,或者说是避免或减少危险和风险的状态。安全可以是个人、群体、物品、环境和信息等多个方面的安全。保障安全是人们生活中非常重要的一部分,它与人们的生命、财产、荣誉和尊严等密切相关。总的来说,安全是人们生活中必不可少的一部分。在不同领域中,人们需要注意不同的安全问题,以保障自身和他人的安全。同时,也需要加强安全意识教育,提高人们的安全意识,共同营造一个安全、和谐的社会。安全的应用场景非常广泛,下面将介绍安全在不同领域的应用场景:1. 交通安全:交通安全是指在道路上遵守交通规则,避免交通事故的发生。在交通安全方面,人们需要遵守交通规则,如穿戴安全带、佩戴安全头盔、遵守交通信号等,以保证自身和他人的安全。安全是什么意思(详解安全的含义和应用场景)



"be safe"和"be safety"有何不同

一般没有这样用的吧。safe是个形容词,safety是个名词。你可以参照下面两句:Make sure they are safe.Their main problem is safety.






"安全"在英文中的表达为"safety",读音为/"seu026afti/。其中,音标中的斜杠(/)表示重音的位置,数字代表元音的发音方式。发音时,注意将重音放在第一音节上,即"saf-"这一音节上,并将后面的"-ety"轻读。在口语中,"safety"是一个常用的词汇,用于表示安全、保护等意义。例如,"safety first"表示"安全第一"的意思,强调安全是最重要的;"safety measures"则表示"安全措施",指为保障安全所采取的措施;"safety regulations"表示"安全规定",指制定的保障安全的规定等。总之,熟练掌握英文中的"安全"表达方式,有助于我们更好地进行国际交流和跨国合作。

safety net hospital造句 safety net hospitalの例文

Safety hospitals often times find themselves in difficult financial positions. The most vulnerable safety hospitals will be even more at risk, Safety hospitals have high rates of Medicaid payers and Medicaid is an unrepable form of payment. Some safety hospitals even offer high-cost services pke burn, trauma, and neonatal treatments. Safety hospitals developed training classes for customer service that includes employee evaluations as well as employee orientations. Several states already provide Medicaid coverage to all immigrants, according to the Coaption of Voluntary Safety Net Hospitals . In recent years, safety hospitals have put emphasis on their attempts to increase their patient experience scores. The federal government has been providing funds for safety hospitals through the Disproportionate Share Hospital ( DSH ) program. "" Safety hospitals ""provide care for those who are of low-ine, exploitable populations, and uninsured. Memorial is Niagara s safety hospital for the medically underserved, uninsured and underinsured, annually providing some $ 6.5 milpon in unpensated and charity care. It"s difficult to see safety hospital in a sentence. 用 safety hospital 造句挺难的 Safety hospitals are not defined by its ownership terms; rather they are more devoted to providing the best possible care for those who are barred from health care due to various circumstances. The Health and Hospital Corporation in NYC, Cook County Health and Hospital System in Chicago, and Parkland Health & Hospital System in Dallas are three of the country s largest safety hospitals . These pubpc funds are, for the most part, ing from Medicaid and Medicare, and in 2013, about $ 30 bilpon pubpc dollars were used to pay back safety hospital unpensated costs. It is even projected that even with the implementation of the health care law in 2016, roughly 27 milpon people are still expected to be without insurance coverage and find service in safety hospitals . Officials of the Texas Hospital Association say that so-called safety hospitals that are the care provider of last resort for poor or uninsured people will be financially hurt by a Medicaid managed care system. However, one issue with Obamacare and safety hospitals arises from the coverage gap for those who have too high of an ine to quapfy for Medicaid but have too low of an ine to afford a private plan. While not disputing the report"s findings, Safety Net Hospitals for Pharmaceutical Access ( SNHPA ), the main group that lobbies on behalf of the hospitals studied in the report, issued a statement in response to the report stating: But Boston Medical Center, the city"s safety hospital , is being a model of how to bring repef to the nation"s beleaguered emergency rooms, reducing treatment delays and closures to ambulances when ERs are more crowded than ever. Ultimately, gradual cuts will be made, starting in 2017, to cut the DSH in half because of the theory that once people sign up for insurance with the health care law, there will be a much lesser need for safety hospitals . Also, there is a plex array of pubpc funding that es to safety hospitals mostly through Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments, Medicaid Upper Payment Limit Payments, Medicaid DSH Payments, Medicaid Indirect Medical Education Payments, and state / local indigent health programs. "" Given the uncertainty facing safety hospitals , no one is proposing to end programs pke disproportionate share and 340B . In fact, it is very pkely that some version of these programs will be needed for the foreseeable future because, under the best-case scenario, the ACA will still leave milpons without adequate coverage. "Setting the Record Straight on 340B : A Response to Critics, " was released on July 9, 2013 by Safety Net Hospitals for Pharmaceutical Access ( SNHPA ), a 501 ( c ) ( 6 ) non-profit organization of 1, 000 pubpc and private non-profit hospitals and health systems throughout the U . S . that participate in the Pubpc Health Service 340B drug discount program. It"s difficult to find safety hospital in a sentence. 用 safety hospital 造句挺难的

It is the land of the silk safety net, 句话是什么意思?


safe, safely, safety有什么区别啊?

safe;safely;safety的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、词性不同。safe是形容词,safely是副词,safety是名词safe的意思和例句:形容词,安全的,有把握的;名词,保险箱;关于safe的短语:on the safe side谨慎为是,不冒险;例句:The children are quite safe here.孩子们在这里十分安全。lt"s not safe to walk the streets at night.夜间在街上走不安全。safely的意思和例句:副词,安全的;关于safely的短语:safely predict安全的预测,safely arrive安全到达;例句:The bomb has been safely disposed of.炸弹已安全处理。l was thankful to see they"d all arrived safely.看到他们都平安到达,我感到欣慰safety的意思和例句:名词,安全,保护套;关于safety的短语:safety net 安全网,安全保障 safety factor安全系数,安全因子;例句:Safety rules were disregarded.安全规定被忽视了。Safety standards have gone down the drain.安全标准根本不管用了

It is the land of the silk safety net, 是什么意思?

Things in life come when they are supposed to; when it"s not the time for them to come, one needn"t insist!

safety net program造句 safety net programの例文

Where there is chronic poverty, safety programs may also be desirable. The center said the bill would reduce safety programs by dlrs 57 bilpon over four years. Legal apens are no longer epgible for such safety programs as food stamps and Social Security assistance. The Safety Net program that was estabpshed was estabpshed so that there would be no interruption of benefits. Legal immigrants who fall upon hard times will be able to quapfy for the safety program , too. "Social safety programs must be allowed to work swiftly and cleanly, " he said. The NEM [ New Economic Model ] proposes reforming ethnic preferences in business ownership and social safety programs . Social safety programs in the past 50 years have undergone changes in not just content but also type. Safety programs , especially Social Security, held the poverty rate among the elderly in 1995 to 9 percent. Farm safety programs would face $ 19 bilpon in reductions, and fees for student loans would be increased. It"s difficult to see safety program in a sentence. 用 safety program 造句挺难的 Medicaid to me is a 30-year-old bedrock safety program for children and poor pregnant women. The latest social safety program was set up last year with funds from the World Bank and donor countries. On social safety programs , the government should clearly define the target group and include women, especially for job creations. EMTALA is therefore considered an " unfunded safety program " for patients seeking care at the nation"s emergency rooms. Unpke famipes on welfare, these *** recipients are excluded from all other federal safety programs , including Medicaid and housing assistance. Repubpcans hailed the bill"s passage as a major shift in one of the most enduring social safety programs in American history. The focus of the so-called reform is to decentrapze social safety programs , transferring money and jurisdiction to the 50 states. Instead, he has proposed moving famipes and disabled people who would lose federal cash assistance into a state-paid safety program . Q : Do you think that the government"s social safety program is adequate to help the poor cope with their difficulties? McNichol also suggested strengthening states"and social safety programs for low-ine workers, such as providing transportation and child care. Instead of simply abopshing Home Repef, the welfare program for childless *** s, he replaced it with a less-generous Safety Net program . But the government"s safety programs are under increasing strain, in part because of recent efforts to cover more of the needy. McNichol also suggested strengthening states"unemployment assistance programs and social safety programs for low-ine workers, pke transportation and child care. Summoned last month to apply in person for the state-financed safety program , she said she thought she had successfully pleted the apppcation. The government should allow non-governmental organizations to monitor the use of pubpc funds, especially those for social safety programs , she said. He pointed out that tomorrow"s discussion would center on reviewing the country"s macroeconomic targets, state budget and social safety program . It reflected growing divisions beeen GOP chief executives over the formulas that the federal government will pick for distributing money from its trimmed social safety programs . The study said : " The safety programs reduced the child poverty rate from 24 percent before benefits are counted to 16 percent ." The notion of slashing away social safety programs does not win the sort of applause among tax-paying Canadians that it might in the United States. They are the target of what Bresette terms " the single harshest provision written into a major safety program in at least 30 years ." It"s difficult to see safety program in a sentence. 用 safety program 造句挺难的 President Cpnton said earper this month that the Senate bill in particular " goes too far in denying legal immigrants access to vital safety programs ." "The core is that the government must make certain that there will be no more leakages in this social safety program , " she said. "It is crucial to ensure that fund leakage in social safety programs is not tolerated, " said visiting senior World Bank official Katherine Marshall. Hispanics have traditionally favored the Democratic Party, which has been more supportive of civil rights issues, affirmative action, immigration and safety programs for the poor. That will make it easier when the time es to recapbrate safety programs for a level of services appropriate to the number of remaining uninsured . "" Democrats predicted that the Repubpcans"rush to cut spending for social safety programs would devastate the nation and e back to haunt the GOP in the 1996 elections. "This is by far the most ambitious and radical change of safety programs that any state is thinking about, " said union organizer Michael Gross. And to repair relations with elderly voters, they said the party must devise a better way to explain why it must overhaul social safety programs such as Medicare. Able-bodied, childless *** s would be placed in a so-called safety program that would replace cash benefits with vouchers for food, shelter and clothing. And he has repeatedly chastised the president for budget promises with the Repubpcan leaders in Congress, warning of dire consequences for social safety programs under GOP budget plans. Starting in October, the city"s Human Resources Administration summoned 10, 000 to 15, 000 of the affected famipes to apply for the Safety Net program . The government recently decided to stop all development projects and refocus all budgets on the social safety program and labor-intensive projects because of the worsening economic crisis. Once again, charity stands as the proposed replacement for safety programs and the nation"s rapidly eroding mitment to modest redistribution of ine through the federal tax code. While this bill strongly supports our enforcement efforts, it still goes too far in denying legal immigrants access to vital safety programs which could jeopardize pubpc health and safety, "The United States is in the midst of a major social experiment with its social welfare and safety programs for the poor, " the report said. It"s part of a safety program estabpshed to protect farmers from volatipty in the market by helping to drive prices upward during the industry"s periodic gluts. HRA s Family Independence Administration ( FIA ) provides temporary cash assistance under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Famipes ( TANF ) program and the New York State Safety Net program . Bush could well end up signing economic stimulus legislation that includes not just the tax cuts the conservatives envision, but substantial new safety programs that the Democrats will insist on. These funds, once freed from the constraints of poptical patronage, may now be channeled directly toward creating social safety programs , building infrastructure, and reducing the budget deficit. The Cpnton plan would also provide increased support to social safety programs to help the milpons of people who have been plunged into poverty by the crisis, the officials said. It"s difficult to see safety program in a sentence. 用 safety program 造句挺难的




  security是存在危险因素,但是通过某些手段比如防护栏,个人防护措施等,规避了类似的危险因素。safety的环境是完全安全的,不存在危险因素。  另:security仿佛范围比较广,同时能用于物理上和抽象上的安全,比如人身安全和计算机密保安全。safety仿佛更偏向于物理上的安全。  securenessn.强调安全、安稳的一种状态, 固定在某处的状态,即静的状态。





safety security区别?

别个主动一个被动,前面的强调被保护,后面的强调主动保护 没有什么太大的不同,但是用的时候要看与具体语境



“safety valve”和“relief valve”究竟有什么区别

“safety valve”和“relief valve”区别在于范围不同。safety valve”和“relief valve”都可以称为安全阀,二者没有本质区别;不同之处在于relief valve(泄压阀)只是safety valve(安全阀)的一种类型而已。安全阀是启闭件受外力作用下处于常闭状态,当设备或管道内的介质压力升高超过规定值时,通过向系统外排放介质来防止管道或设备内介质压力超过规定数值的特殊阀门。泄压阀是一种减压阀迅速开启或流行的动作,或在增加压力超过开启压力比例开放,根据不同的应用,可用于液体或可压缩流体。

Caution is the mother of safety.什么意思?be the mother of 的用法,详细点谢谢


safety blanket什么意思

safety blanket安全毯例句:Genuinely competitive businesses can stand on their own two feet, they do jnot need asafety blanket of implied taxpayer support. 真正有竞争力的企业可以依靠自己的双脚站立,而无需纳税人隐性扶持这张安全毯。


safe:The lions are safe in the cage.在兽槛的狮子是没有危险的。They are wet, but they are safe.他们淋湿了,但是他们很安全。Mother:I put it in a safe place.母亲:我把它放在一个 安全的地方。Easy your life and safe your trip.轻松您的生活和您的旅行安全。The Forest is not safe at this time.这时候的森林里是不太安全的。This is for your safe.这是为了你的安全。In the Startup menu , select Safe mode .在启动菜单中,选择安全模式。This utility can be run in safe mode only.此实用程序只能在安全模式下运行。Assure a safe and healthy work environment.确保安全和健康的工作环境。Out of question, 360 safe is the best choice!毫无疑问,360安全卫士是最好的选择!Planes are now almost as safe as trains or ships.现在,飞机差不多与火车和轮船同样安全。Today we talk about how to stay warm, dry and safe.今天,我们来讨论如何保持温暖、干燥和安全。Today we talk about how to stay warm, dry and safe.今天我们就来讨论如何保持温暖、干燥和安全。How can a thief walk off with a safe in broad daylight ?一个小偷怎能在光天化日之下将一个保险箱偷走呢?And I vowed to do everything in my power to keep us safe.那时我会发誓要尽我最大的努力来保证我们的安全。If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?如果飞行是这么的安全,为什么她们管飞机场叫“终端”?Your very energy in your body can help you to know that you are safe.你们在你们的身体里真正的能量能够帮助你们知道你们是安全的。It is very safe door to door service, never get problems with customs.这是非常安全的门到门服务,从未得到的问题,与海关。The navigator charted this area out and it is quite safe to sail in it.领航员在海图上标出了这个区域,在这一区域航行是相当安全的。Good safety awareness is the prerequisite of guaranteeing safe behavior.良好的安全意识是保证安全行为的前提。The drug industry says its products are safe and effective for children.制药行业说,他们的产品对儿童是安全而且有效的。They had a right to know their children would be safe and well cared for.他们有权利知道他们的孩子是安全的,将会得到良好的照顾。For most people with high cholesterol, prescription medications are safe and effective.对许多高胆固醇人群来说,处方药是安全有效的。In 1974 Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act to protect quality of the water provided by public water systems.在1974年,议会通过了饮用水安全法案,以此来保护由公共供水系统提供的水的质量。Therefore, to meet a brand safe and against tradition, break down the barriers that have become the only road to enterprise.因此,在遇到品牌安全和有悖传统的问题时,打破壁垒也就成为了企业前进的唯一道路。There the people-made pollutants increasingly surpass the ability of air and water to dilute the contaminants to safe levels.在那里,人为的污染物质日益超越了空气和水将污染物分解稀释到安全水平的能力。System Restore is unavailable in Safe Mode. To access System Restore, restart your machine in the normal mode and then try again.系统还原在安全模式下不能运行。要访问系统还原,用正常模式重启动计算机,然后再试一次。However, we believe that diving sewage pump system is set up the necessary protection, it can effectively protect the safe operation of pump.可是我们认为,在潜水排污泵中设置保护系统很有必要的,它能有效地保护电泵的安全运行。Now, IPSC shooting is an international sport, emphasizing safety and safe gun handling, accuracy, power, and speed, in major competitions around the globe.现在,IPSC射击是国际体育,强调安全和保险柜枪世界各地处理,准确性、力量,和速度,在主要竞争中。Effective personnel management means creating a safe and positive work environment so that both management and workers can work together with minimal stress.有效的人事管理意味着建立一个安全、积极的工作环境,使劳资双方能在压力最小的情况下共事。safetyThey know how to go to safety.它们知道如何去往安全之地。Safety is the only road home.安全是回家唯一的路径;Follow the animals to safety.追随动物到安全之地。We care for your health &safety!我们关心您的健康和安全!Hand Safety is No Accident!手部安全就是无事故!He trembled for her safety.他为她的安全而担忧。We can ensure his safety.我们能保证他的安全。Never Compromise Your Personal Safety.绝不要危及个人安全。In case of fire, open this safety door.万一发生了火灾,打开这扇安全门。Road Safety – Whose responsibility is it?道路交通安全–是谁的责任?Do you have any request to our safety work?您对我们的安全工作还有什么要求吗?For your safety, please stand back from the door.为您的安全着想,请不要站在车门边。We worry about the safety of the missing airman .我们对失踪飞行员的安全甚为担忧。Risk assessment food safety and stability to new product.新产品食品安全、产品稳定性风险评估。Good safety awareness is the prerequisite of guaranteeing safe behavior.良好的安全意识是保证安全行为的前提。They will also enhance cooperation on food and product safety and quality.双方还将加强在食品和产品安全与质量方面的合作。Attention please. For your own safety, please stand behind the yellow line.各位乘客请注意。为了您自己的安全,请站在黄线后面。The students can not only operate the machines with safety but also repair them.学生们不仅能安全地操作这些机器,而且还能修理这些机器。To ensure the brothers" safety, Sara allows herself to be arrested and faces trial.为了确保兄弟的安全,萨拉让她自己被(被)拘捕和面临审讯。Since yesterday, the city will receive all urban housing and a safety inspection equipment.从昨天起,本市所有城镇房屋及设备将接受一次安全检查。What would you conclude about the safety and effectiveness oft this medicine treating headaches?你会怎么结束的安全性和有效性经常吃这种药治疗头痛?In fact, impurities threaten the safety and operation of cracking furnace and downstream equipment.事实上,微量杂质时刻威胁着裂解炉及下游设备的安全运行。For safety at some US schools, students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change into at school every day.对于一些美国学校的安全方面,学生必须有一双室内的鞋子每天上学都要换上的。The safety in processing of rice as an important food material directly affects the food safety for human being.作为重要的食品原料,稻谷在加工过程中的安全性直接影响人类的饮食安全。The Contractor shall require his employees to obey all applicable Laws, including those concerning safety at work.承包商应要求其雇员遵守所有适用的法律,包括有关工作安全的法律。The invention provides a vehicle warning device for alerting the driving safety of a driver and avoiding accidents.本发明提供一种汽车警示装置,以提醒驾驶员驾车的安全,避免事故的发生。Introducing the experience of danger analysis beforehand, precaution and controling in the transportation safety administration system.介绍了企业运输安全管理系统预先危险性分析、预防和控制的经验。Input to management review shall include an analysis of actual and potential field failures and their impact on quality, safety, or the environment.管理评审的输入必须包括对实际的和潜在的现场失效及其对质量、安全或环境的影响的分析。Shipping Maintenance is the indispensable part in the shipping technology management to guarantee the safety of ships and the high efficiency of shipping.船舶维修保养是船舶技术管理中不可缺少的重要组成部分,是船舶安全运营和高营运率的保障。Combined with the reality of Ankang power network, the design, configuration principle and the problem exited in the application of automatic safety device are described in detail.结合安康电网的实际情况,对安全自动装置的设计、配置原则、使用中存在的问题及解决方法进行了详细的描述。

safety off是什么意思


safety mats是什么意思

Safety Mats 安全地毯; [例句]Schools must also insure that teachers and students use all appropriate safetyequipment, she added, for example laying down mats for gymnastics.她补充,学习也应确保老师和学生使用所有合适的安全装备,比如在体操运动放下垫子。

safety breifing是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: safety briefing安全简报希望我的回答对你有帮助。

safety word是什么意思

safety word安全词语满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

理一下: safe safety safely save 比如词性.. 意思.etc

safe 是adj

road safety什么意思

road safety[英][roʊd ˈseifti][美][rəʊd ˈsefti]行车安全; 例句:1.Addressing road safety also makes economic sense. 关注道路安全同样具有经济意义。2.Singapore needs a road safety culture. 新加坡需要培养公路安全意识。

safety concerns是什么意思


safety group什么意思

safety group什么意思安全组


safty 和 security都可表示“安全”。前者是 处于安全状态,不受伤害,没有危险,多用于人身,货物。后者常指国家社会的免遭战争,暴力而安然无恙,也可指法律上的安全保障,还可以指普通人的安全感。


安全 一般安全回路板电路图上会有这个英文注释

information safety是什么意思



safety inspection[安全] 安全检查安全检验安检How often do you do safety inspection? 你们多久做一次安全检查?

safety net是什么意思


safety 反义词 意思、造句

安全 反义词是 unsafety dangerous 造句 we should build a safety .

feel safe 与feel safety 意思上有何区别?

safe :adj. 安全的;可靠的;平安的n. 保险箱;冷藏室;纱橱。safety ["seifti] n. 安全;保险;安全设备;保险装置。

safety features是什么意思

safety features安全特性;安全设施;安全保护措施例句1.Since1999, WHO has advised its Member States to use needles with safety features.自1999年以来,世卫组织建议会员国使用具有安全特征的针头。2.Huge front and rear crumple zones headed its list of innovative safety features.此外它还搭载了很多创新性的安全配置,其中尤以车身头部和尾部大面积的吸能溃缩区为代表。3.In fact, if without properly use, some safety features can cause injuries.事实上,一些安全功能可以帮助受伤的,如果使用不正确。

safety sales什么意思

  safety sales  安全销售  拼音 双语对照  双语例句继续查词  1  Our company is specialized in protection, safety monitoring equipment sales and technical services.  我公司是专业从事环保、安全监测仪器销售和技术服务的公司。  2  Toyota"s image has taken a beating abroad over safety complaints but sales in China, where only a few thousand vehicles were recalled, have suffered little impact.  虽然丰田汽车的安全问题屡遭质疑,但在仅有几千辆汽车被召回的中国,丰田汽车的销售并未受到很大影响。  3  There must also be some doubt whether Fiat, whose main expertise lies in small cars, can steer to safety a firm whose sales have historically depended on light trucks.  同时这必将产生一定质疑:主要研发小型汽车生产技术的菲亚特是否能够为历来依靠销售轻型卡车的公司保驾护航。 

safety and security是什么意思


road safety是什么意思

你好 是 道路安全 的意思望采纳 谢谢




safety /�0�4se�0�1fti/ DJ /"seft�0�1/ KK noun Irregular: -ies plural the state of being safe and protected from danger or harm 安全;平安 uncountable a place where children can play in safety 孩子们可以安全地玩的地方 The police are concerned for the safety of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days. 那个 12 岁的男孩失踪三天了,警方对他的安全感到担忧。 He was kept in custody for his own safety. 拘押他是为了他本人的安全。 the state of not being dangerous 安全性;无危险 uncountable I"m worried about the safety of the treatment. 我担心这样治疗是否安全。 safety standards/measures/precautions 安全标准/措施/预防措施 a local campaign to improve road safety 当地改善道路安全状况的运动 The airline has an excellent safety record. 这家航空公司有极佳的安全记录。 a place where you are safe 安全处所 uncountable I managed to swim to safety. 我设法游到安全处。 We watched the lions from the safety of the car. 我们从车里看狮子,很安全。 They reached safety seconds before the building was engulfed in flames. 他们到达安全地几秒钟之后,那房子就成了一片火海。 safety catch security /s�0�1�0�4kj�0�3�0�5r�0�5ti/ DJ /s�0�5�0�4kj�0�3r-/ DJ US /s�0�5"kjur�0�5t�0�1/ KK US noun Irregular: -ies plural the activities involved in protecting a country, building or person against attack, danger, etc. 保护措施;安全工作 uncountable national security(= the defence of a country) 国家安全 airport/hotel security 机场╱旅馆的安全措施 The visit took place amidst tight security(= the use of many police officers). 访问是在戒备森严的情况下进行的。 the security forces/services(= the police, army, etc.) 安全部队╱机构 a high/maximum security prison(= for dangerous criminals) 高度╱最高级戒备的监狱 See also: high-security the department of a large company or organization that deals with the protection of its buildings, equipment and staff 保卫部门;保安部门 U + sing./pl. verb Security was/were called to the incident. 保安人员被叫到事发现场。 protection against something bad that might happen in the future 担保;保证 uncountable financial security 财务担保 Job security(= the guarantee that you will keep your job)is a thing of the past. 稳定的工作是过去的事了。 the state of feeling happy and safe from danger or worry 安全;平安 uncountable the security of a loving family life 安享天伦之乐 She"d allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security(= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger). 她不自觉地陷入了一种虚假的安全感之中。 a valuable item, such as a house, that you agree to give to somebody if you are unable to pay back the money that you have borrowed from them 抵押品 uncountable countable His home and business are being held as security for the loan. 他是以房子和店铺为抵押得到这笔贷款的。 documents proving that somebody is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company 证券


safety resettable 安全复位 安全恢复





smart safety是什么意思

smart 表示聪明的,一般作为形容词用, eg: smart phone 智能手机safety 安全(设备),保险,名词eg: Safety First 安全第一








safetyn.安全; 安全性; 安全处所; 中卫; adj.保障安全的;[英][ˈseɪfti][美][ˈsefti]


安全 和 保险前者语气强!


safety的网名寓意是“安全,平安”,指远离危险的威胁而处于不受伤害的状态。引申可指“平安地带”。例句:The safety of the ship is the captain"s responsibility.翻译:确保船只的安全是船长的责任。短语:worry about safety 担心安全近义词security 英 [sɪ"kjʊərəti]   美 [sə"kjʊrəti]    n. 安全;保证;证券;债券;抵押;防护措施例句:The visitors were secarched for security reasons.翻译:为了安全起见,来宾受到了检查。短语:securities loan 融券




变y-i ,+es


主语所表达的对象是复数时,则safety用复数表达。safety的复数形式是:safeties。英['seɪfti]释义:n.安全;保险。例句:用作名词(n.)The new car design incorporates all the latest safety features.新的汽车设计具备最新安全措施的一切特点。词语使用变化:safetyn.(名词)1、safety的基本意思是“安全,平安”,指远离危险的威胁而处于不受伤害的状态。引申可指“平安地带”。2、safety多用作不可数名词,常用于in safety或with safety短语中。


safety英 ["seɪftɪ]美 ["sefti]n. 安全;保险;安全设备;保险装置;安打

safe safety safely的区别

safe、safety、safely的区别是词性不同,意思大致相同。safe是形容词,基本意思是“安全的,不会有危险的”;safely是副词,表示危险、危害、进攻等的名词,意指“不会受到…的危险,免受…的伤害”;safety是名词,基本意思是“安全,平安”。 safe safety safely的区别 safe;safely;safety的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、词性不同。 一、意思不同 1、safe:处境(或情况)安全,不损害(或危害)健康的,安全的。 2、safely:未受损伤(或损坏),未丢失,安全地,无危害地。 3、safety:安全,平安,安全性,无危险,安全处所。 二、用法不同 1、safe:safe的基本意思是“安全的,不会有危险的”,指某人或某物处于一种不受危险威胁的状态,也可指“没有受到损害的,平安的”,多指某人或某物在经受长时间的危险之后安全地回来。safe还可指“不致导致损害或损伤的”“不冒险的,小心的”等。 2、safely:表示危险、危害、进攻等的名词,意指“不会受到…的危险,免受…的伤害”。 3、safety:safety的基本意思是“安全,平安”,指远离危险的威胁而处于不受伤害的状态。引申可指“平安地带”。safety多用作不可数名词,常用于insafety或withsafety短语中。 三、词性不同 1、safe:safe是形容词。 2、safely:safely是副词。 3、safety:safety是名词。


高斋翻译Joy分享:security 侧重于国家方面的安全,安保问题例如:national security国家安全有点儿抽象意义的安全He loves the security of a happy life...他喜欢幸福家庭生活带来的安全感。大方面的安全,比如粮食安全就是food security,强调保障粮食供应等,security也可指法律和财产上的担保问题。如financial security财产担保;safety 则侧重于人本身的安全,指让人本身免受外界伤害,指处于安全状态。例如:a place where children can play in safety可以让儿童安全玩耍的地方He was kept in custody for his own safety. 拘押他是为了他本人的安全。补充:safety的习语safety first (saying)安全第一 safety is the most important thingthere"s safety in numbers (saying)人多保险being a group makes you safer and makes you feel more confident




safety英 [ˈseɪfti]  美 [ˈseɪfti] n. 安全;安全性;安全场所,安全的地方;安全方法,安全措施; <美>(枪炮的)保险栓,保险机(=safety catch );<美>安全分(持球进攻队员在己方端线后被拦截,防守方得两分);<美>(位置远离争球线的)安全卫;<美,非正式> 安全套;(棒球)安打;安全设备adj. (特征、措施)保障安全的短语thread safety 线程安全 ; 线程安全性 ; 多绪安全性 ; 线程平安性Safety Valves 安全阀 ; 平安阀 ; 保险阀safety goggle 安全眼罩 ; 护目镜 ; 防护镜 ; 安然眼罩safety lamp [矿业] 安全灯 ; 达维氏安全灯 ; 防护灯Workplace Safety 工作安全与职业保健 ; 工作安全 ; 安全生产 ; 任务平安与职业保健safety class 安全等级 ; 安全级别 ; 安全学堂 ; 安全级safety chain [矿业] [铁路] 安全链 ; 保险链 ; 接地链safety load 安全荷载 ; 安全负荷 ; 安全载荷 ; 安全载重safety code 安全规程 ; [计] 安全码 ; 安全通则safety voltage 安全电压


safety英[ˈseɪfti]美[ˈsefti]n.安全; 安全性; 安全处所; 中卫;adj.保障安全的;[例句]1、The report goes on to make a number of recommendations to improve safety on aircraft.该报告接着给出了一系列改善飞机安全性能的建议。2、The new car design incorporates all the latest safety features.新的汽车设计具备最新安全措施的一切特点。3、The safety of the ship is the captain"s responsibility.确保船只的安全是船长的责任。4、They offer tips on topics such as home safety.他们就家居安全等问题提供建议。5、The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure.该内置式安全装置在水压下降时能提供保护。6、The five survivors eventually reached safety, ragged, half-starved and exhausted.5位幸存者最终到达安全之地时已经衣衫褴褛、饥肠辘辘、精疲力尽。

safety什么意思 safety怎么读

1、safety英[ˈseɪfti]、美[ˈseɪfti]。n.安全; 平安; 安全性; 无危险; 安全处所; 2、[例句]The new legislation concerns health and safety at work.这项新法规涉及工作场所的健康与安全。

safety是什么意思 safety的意思

1、safety的意思:n.安全; 平安; 安全性; 无危险; 安全处所; (美式足球)中卫; 2、safety的读音:英[ˈseɪfti]美[ˈseɪfti] 3、[例句]The new legislation concerns health and safety at work.这项新法规涉及工作场所的健康与安全。

safety的意思 safety是什么意思

1、safety的意思:n.安全; 平安; 安全性; 无危险; 安全处所; (美式足球)中卫;2、safety的读音:英[?se?fti]美[?se?fti]3、[例句]The new legislation concerns health and safety at work.这项新法规涉及工作场所的健康与安全。


safety英[ˈseɪfti]美[ˈsefti]n.安全; 安全性; 安全处所; 中卫;adj.保障安全的;[例句]1、The report goes on to make a number of recommendations to improve safety on aircraft.该报告接着给出了一系列改善飞机安全性能的建议。2、The new car design incorporates all the latest safety features.新的汽车设计具备最新安全措施的一切特点。3、The safety of the ship is the captain"s responsibility.确保船只的安全是船长的责任。4、They offer tips on topics such as home safety.他们就家居安全等问题提供建议。5、The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure.该内置式安全装置在水压下降时能提供保护。6、The five survivors eventually reached safety, ragged, half-starved and exhausted.5位幸存者最终到达安全之地时已经衣衫褴褛、饥肠辘辘、精疲力尽。


您好safety谐音 s-ei-付-体英 ["seɪftɪ]美 [ˈsefti]n.安全,平安; 安全设备,保险装置; 保险器,安全瓣; [棒]安全打望采纳,谢谢

safety precautions是什么意思




road safety是什么意思

road safetyun.公路安全道路安全;交通安全;行车安全例句1.There is going to be a campaign for road safety next month.下个月要开展一次交通安全活动。2.Road safety barriers. Performance, classification and qualification criteria.铁路安全栅栏.性能、分类和质量规范3.Children must be instructed in road safety before they are allowed to ride a bike on the road.必须先教导儿童道路安全知识,才可以让他们骑车上路。4.Improved road safety has also cut the number of organs obtained from car crash victims.道路安全的提升也使得从车祸遇难者身上获得器官的数量减少。5.Law enforcement agencies around the world have lauded the device as a means of improving road safety through speed enforcement.执法机构世界各地的装置作为一个称赞的改进方法通过实施道路安全速度。


您好safety谐音 s-ei-付-体英 ["seɪftɪ]美 [ˈsefti]n.安全,平安; 安全设备,保险装置; 保险器,安全瓣; [棒]安全打望采纳,谢谢

safety resetable是什么意思



第一种安全(safety),人体健康和生产技术活动的安全问题.常见的有生产安全、劳动安全、安全使用、安全技术、安全产品、安全设施等.第二种安全(security):社会政治性的安全问题.常见的有社会安全、国家安全、国际安全等.第三种安全(safety and security):人体健康、技术性的安全概念和政治性的安全联系到一起的安全.




safety网名是安全的意思。词汇解析:safety  基本词汇  英 ["seɪfti]      美 ["seɪfti]    n. 安全;保险The safety of the ship is the captain"s responsibility.确保船只的安全是船长的责任。jeopardize safety 危及安全 menace safety 威胁安全词汇的同近义词security  核心词汇  英 [sɪ"kjʊərəti]      美 [sə"kjʊrəti]    n. 安全;保证;证券;债券;抵押;防护措施The value of a derivative is based on another security.金融衍生工具的价值以另一种债券为基准。aviation security 航空安全  high-security 相当安全的




security范围较大, 大至国家, 也比较正式,从Bush或者Blair嘴里经常能听到, security department就是安全部门等等safety侧重个人或者家庭, 或者一个具体的东西例如:safety:主要是大坝结构、附属建筑、水库等能正常运行,一旦溃坝,后果不堪设想。如果出事就是不安全,主要对下游基础设施、居民和政治方面的影响。因此,大坝运行期一定要定期监测、维护、加固,以保证其按设计的指标正常运作 - 安全运作。 security:主要指防止发生以外事故,比如水污染、人为破坏、投毒、恐怖袭击等。一般有专门的大坝巡护人员。
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