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  英国的学制短、名校多,想要成功申请英国留学,其实并不是一件容易的事情。在许多方面都得下功夫,下面和我一起来看看英国留学ESSAY书写技巧及误区。    首先来看看书写技巧。    一、做到语言规范。   1、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在各个学历阶段英语学习的情况。单词拼写错误是否明显,用词的选择是否恰当,句式上是否仍带有Chinglish的痕迹,从整个语篇来看是否具有英式思维。   2、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在撰写论文时的思路逻辑。语言使用规范不仅包括字词句的使用,还有句段和逻辑,以及文体文风。不同的论文能看出不同的写作思路、论证方法,有的是先提出问题,最后下结论,有的是在文章开头就给出自己要论证的观点,然后铺开陈述和论证。   3、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生上课是否有听导师的要求和标准。有的导师在上课时已给出了模板,和相应的要求,如果使用不规范,导师会生气的。    二、语言规范写作技巧。   1、基础层面。如果将毕业论文比作宏伟大厦,字词句就是奠基石,是基础了,所以强烈建议学生在平常上课和学习,甚至生活中都要不断地积累学习英语,摆脱母语思维的方式,在与人交流、思考问题、论文写作的时候不要再讲汉语作为过渡了。平时多看英文文献,要记得做笔记积累,多学多思多练笔。   2、搭建结构。在开题报告和提纲的帮助下,将要用的资料,包括文献和自己整理的笔记按照提纲上的顺序放好。写之前和写作中都要理清头绪,想好论证的结构,中心明确,详略得当。   3、形成文风。根据课程的性质和选题来体现自己的风格,也体现文章的风格,这一层是相当难的,也可称作修改润色阶段,力求专业。    接着来看看书写误区。    切记不能撒谎!   注意前后语境与逻辑要对的上号。招考官都不是傻子,如果你Essay上写着自己小时候家里很穷,而简历上的高中却是一所贵族学校,你觉得招生老师会怎么想?如果你的写作能力够厉害,完全可以把普通的经历写的活色生香。所以,提高自己的写作能力才是王道!    切忌词藻过于华丽   把Essay 写的漂亮点本无可厚非,但是如果你用的词太生僻,以至于招生老师还要去查字典才知道是什么意思的话,就不太好了。生僻词不一定显得高级,合适的就是最好的。   英国有位新闻学教授就曾公开表示他十分讨厌“utilize”这个词,明明“use”就能表达的,何必要用“utilize”呢。   写文章的时候永远都要记住:“Don"t use a 10-cent word when a five-cent word will do.”    不要打官腔   很多留学生朋友可能都有这样的感受,写Essay时的自己和平常的自己似乎不太一样,常常不自觉的就打起了官腔。比如在Essay里你可能会写:“The indication of her rhetorical strategy…”,而在现实生活中,你会直接说:“Her style of persuasion…”哪一种看起来更像是一名20岁的年轻人会说的话?招生老师希望听到的是你的声音,你的表达,not someone else.不让你打官腔,不是说你可以在自己的essay里随意使用网络语言,这点也要注意。    不要用鸡毛蒜皮的例子证明大道理   从小事入手,但不要写鸡毛蒜皮的事儿。    不要罗列自己的成就   在Essay中罗列自己的成就是非常危险的行为。一篇Essay的字数限制只有500+,并不算多。如果你把这些宝贵的字数用来写枯燥的成就,无疑等于降低自己被录取的胜算。你的GPA成绩和课外活动情况都在简历上写明了,无需在Essay上重复说明。如果说简历是一副简笔画的话,那么Essay就是上色的过程。Essay的目的是让招生老师更深入的了解你,可千万不要絮絮叨叨没完没了,要节约资源又能表现完全。机会不可浪费哦。     最后来看看参考范文。   In English law the law making power lies with the parliament. However judges also make law by way of judicial pronouncement. Under the English legal system it is deemed that the decisions given by higher courts are binding on the lower courts. This principle is famously known as 'stare decisis' which means to stand by previously decided cases. The importance of this principle is that courts are bound to follow previously decided cases specially if the decision is given by a higher court. For e.g. the Court of Appeal is bound to follow the decision given by the UK Supreme Court (previously House of Lords).   It can also be said that nowadays judicial precedent has been laid down in such a manner that it will be more easier for judges to interpret the law and also to stay on the path of precedent which is now flexible enough to give judges the room to give fair and just judgment according to the demand of time.   All decisions at least create a persuasive precedent, the degree of persuasiveness depends on the position of the court in the legal hierarchy. For e.g. precedents from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council is not binding since the Committee is not part of the normal hierarchy of courts in UK (because the Committee is comprised of up to 9 of the most senior judges, Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (or Law Lords)) r sources of persuasive precedents include courts in foreign countries, for example, the decision in (Eliason v. Henshaw).   Obiter dicta have formed law in many cases for example, in (Central London Property Trust Ltd. v. High Trees House Ltd) and Pinnel's Case.   There are three main reasons why persuasive precedents are not binding:   The first is that the doctrine of precedent in similar cases should be treated in the same way. This restriction does not apply with persuasive precedents.   The second is that there are a huge bulk of persuasive precedents, and it would be impracticable to follow them.   The third is that persuasive precedents are frequently not considered per curiam as ratio decidendi and even when they are, they are not usually considered. Therefore there is a greater risk that they will be considered ill and thus may be bad law.   Only points of law are binding. For example, in (Qualcast v. Haynes), it was decided that the 'precedent' that employers who failed to give instructions on the use of protective clothing were de facto negligent, was a question of fact and therefore not binding.   There are two main theories of precedent. The first of these is the declaratory theory, which states that the common law does not change - in each case the law is merely re-stated but not added to - the judges are declaring the law on the basis of past decisions.   The realistic theory is that they do - all principles must originally come from somewhere, and the abstraction of old principles is the creation of ne


salience音节划分:sau25aaliu25aaent英 ["seu026alju0259ns] 美 [u02c8seliu0259ns, u02c8selju0259ns]n. 突出,特点双语例句1. Through 36 sufferersufferer s verification, the curative effect salience.经36例患者的验证, 疗效显著.来自互联网2. Verb salience is found to be significantly associated with the simple past variation.结果发现,动词突显度与一般过去时变异有显著密切的联系.来自互联网3. But the decline in salience of health and education precedes the downturn: It"started in 2002.但是开始于2002年的对于医疗和教育的关注的衰退却早于总体的下降.来自互联网4. Conclusion: combination of Chinese and Western medicine ratio pure Western medicine treatment the effect salience.结论: 中西医结合治疗比单纯西医治疗效果显著.来自互联网5. Its strength seems to relate to the evolutionary salience of the item in question.这个效应的效力可能与这些物品的进化凸显性有关.来自互联网


本义是:敬礼。在网络用语是意思是:调侃式的敬礼。重点词汇:salute英[su0259'lu:t]释义:n.致敬,欢迎;敬礼vt.行礼致敬,欢迎vi.致意,打招呼;行礼[复数:salutes;第三人称单数:salutes;现在分词:saluting;过去式:saluted;过去分词:saluted]短语:Royal Salute皇家礼炮;苏格兰威士忌;皇室礼炮;品牌皇家礼炮词语辨析:address,greet,salute,hail,welcome这些动词均有“欢迎、致敬,致意,招呼”之意。1、address侧重打招呼的方式或指所使用的称谓。2、greet常指友好而热诚地欢迎。3、salute正式用词,指用敬礼、亲吻或挥帽等动作向他人致意或问候,尤指以某种礼节欢迎某人。4、hail主要指怀着敬意欢迎某人,侧重欢快轻松和嘈杂。也指隔得较远的高声招呼。5、welcome多指热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。

求Taylor safe and sound MP3下载原链接已发送邮箱 请查收

safe and sound的歌词

Safe and Sound ---Shane NicholsonYou know all the truth could be A big opportunity and you wanna disappearYou always won"t let you slip in the mindYou throw it in the tide and fireYou wanna disappearWere fitting prime time cost to cost You sleep in dogs do walking dogsEveryone gets paper-thinerEverything is perceivedUnder the sun love then burn all the ground tMaybe little hope you safe and soundBaby will all be happy againThe febris thing seems to be out of controlWho"s in the heart and search out the Thor Just keep a Thor , safe and soundYou know all the way could be A big opportunity we wanna disappearYou don"t have to play the part Love as every plastic cardEveryone gets everything and all goes out of styleUnder the sun love then all burnt the groundMaybe will hope you be safe and sound Baby will all be happy again The febris thing seems to be out of controlLosing the heart and search out the ThorJust keep a Thor, safe and sound althoughSafe and sound although]Under the sun love then all burn the groundMaybe will hope you be safe and soundBaby will all be happy againThe febris thing seems to be out of controlLosing the heart and search out the ThorJust keep a Thor, safe and sound although!Safe and sound although!Safe and sound although!

safe and sound中文歌词是什么意思


求safe and sound(taylorswift) 歌词

词:Taylor Swift 曲:Taylor Swift, Joy Williams, John Paul White & T Bone Burnett, Joy Williams, John Paul White & I remember tears streaming down your face When I said, Ill never let you go When all those shadows almost killed your light I remember you said, Dont leave me here alone But all thats dead and gone and passed tonight Just close your eyes The sun is going down Youll be alright No one can hurt you now Come morning light You and Ill be safe and sound Dont you dare look out your window darling Everythings on fire The war outside our door keeps raging on Hold onto this lullaby Even when the musics gone Just close your eyes The sun is going down Youll be alright No one can hurt you now Come morning light You and Ill be safe and sound Just close your eyes Youll be alright Come morning light, You and Ill be safe and sound...

求Jessica 郑秀妍love me the same 英文歌词!

郑秀妍LOVE ME THE SAME歌词翻译我懂你的心意I know your heart不会再追问了Will not ask again在这个世界上除了你的爱In this world except your love我也别无他求I also hope请变成星光Please become starlight将我照亮吧Will I light it upI know I knowKnow I know I我知道 我明白I know I know现在我们就要开始吗Are we going to start now时间流逝Time lapse会变得更加艰难Will become even more difficult那亲爱的 你是否会依然爱我Will you still love me就算到了世界上Even in the world只剩下我们的那时Except for our time.你是否会依然爱我Will you still love me我看你望着我I see you look at me你不是说想要拥抱吗Don"t you say you want to hug你还在做什么What are you doing现在不应该那样啊It shouldn"t be that way.坦率一点吧To open up a little.别开玩笑了Don"t make fun of it.因为我无法这样下去Because I can"t go on like this.坦诚告诉我吧Tell me frankly你想归属何处无法再这样下去了Where do you want to be, you can"t go on like this anymore现在这一瞬间Now this moment我想要倾听I want to listen你的心声Your voice告诉我你看到了什么Tell me what you see.时间流逝Time lapse会变得更加艰难Will become even more difficult那亲爱的 你是否会依然爱我Will you still love me

Safe and Sound歌词

Safe & SoundTaylor Swift featuring The Civil WarsI remember tears streaming down your face我记得泪水顺着你的脸颊流下when I said, I"ll never let you go当我说我将永不放开你的手When all those shadows almost killed your light当所有的阴影几乎挡住了你的光亮I remember you said, don"t leave me here alone我记得你说过:“别把我一个人扔下。”But all that"s dead and gone and passed tonight但这一切都在今晚化作尘埃Just close your eyes只需闭上你的眼睛the sun is going down太阳已西沉You"ll be alright你会没事的no one can hurt you now如今没有人能伤害你了Come morning light当明日晨光初现You and I"ll be safe and sound我们都将安然无恙Don"t you dare look out your window darling亲爱的,你害怕看到窗外吧everything"s on fire一切都在燃烧The war outside our door keeps raging on门外的战争仍在激烈的进行hold onto this lullaby牢牢记得我为你唱的这只摇篮曲even when the music"s gone即使音乐已经停止Just close your eyes只需闭上你的眼睛the sun is going down太阳已西沉You"ll be alright你会没事的no one can hurt you now如今没有人能伤害你了Come morning light当明日晨光初现You and I"ll be safe and sound我们都将安然无恙Just close your eyes只需闭上你的眼睛You"ll be alright你会没事的Come morning light,当明日晨光初现You and I"ll be safe and sound我们都将安然无恙

I say, you listen to 作文

She can do it, once kept talking for several hours, and stood and said, said with a smile, said affectionately. She can also let the people around him began to speak, no matter you more wooden and timid, she has a way to let you speak. Someone said her question is the world"s most gentle one. Time is long, even the love study Chinese students will be attracted to her class. One student, just go to her class. Because just to a new place, a bit absent-minded in class. She was on the composition, the stage when it comes to details. She said: "for example, the new students of natural hair black and pure, to say the black like satin, smooth like a waterfall." Everybody looked that new classmate hair together, new students face is red, slightly heart immediately back to the classroom. She casually continued: "can you look at me, tell me about some of my characteristics? Don"t compliment me." Everyone laugh. The new students to get the chance to speak. She encouraged, said: "I just said you hair, some features. You can say I now look, you can how, more initiative." The classmates and laughed. Relaxed and lively atmosphere, new students will not be afraid, she resolutely say: "teacher, your eyes are red mole, round, like a red bean in there, with a soft glow." She said loudly, "good". The new students gradually found that have a common preferences, their class is particularly fond of Chinese subject, which is closely related to her way of teaching. The year is my new classmate. Later, had the opportunity to work with her and asked her to learn the art of teaching. One year, the school to consider her quick retire, not to give her arrangement, just let her responsible for grade subjects of research. She was very angry. That is my first time to see her angry. She said: "don"t have a class, what can teach to grind?" The school had to continue to let her lecture. In this way, she has been working in the pulpit the first line. Teaching for decades, there is no lack of students a lesson, never sent to the student had been a fire. Finally, she retired from the platform. She can"t speak now, however, often a person sit for a long time. Someone asked her, she also ignore. The doctor said she is cerebral infarction, brain 80% chaos. I don"t want to believe that a person who is good at the language, and its charm is a language, language will be lost. Maybe she is tired, once have a chance to rest, just want to enjoy. Waiting for her to rest well, good. Can I face her, calling, "teacher", she was sitting in her wheelchair, head slightly low, no response. My tears pouring out. Her family"s table there are a number of middle school Chinese textbook, doctor"s advice is stimulation of props. I opened a book, gently said to her: "teacher, before, I listen to you for many years. Today, me, you listen to." She had no reaction, keep the original profile sitting, sculpture. "Her hair is natural pure, black like satin, smooth like a waterfall." "Your eyes are red mole, round, like a red bean in there, with a soft glow." Her head slightly up, facial expressions have the slight change, seems to be the best efforts, her lip trembling in a weak voice said: "good!"

女生唱的节奏感很强英文舞曲,歌词第一句里有you can to say youcall me

wrap me in plastic

8.Do you __ me? I sat next to you on the train to

8.Do you __ me? I sat next to you on the train 填: see 看得见。勤学好问 天天进步!

火锅用英语怎么说 How to say hot pot in English?

作为一种中国特色美食,火锅在世界各地也有着广泛的传播和受众。在欧美等地,火锅也被称为“Chinese hot pot”,即“中国火锅”,以此强调其独特的文化背景和来自中国的美食特色。火锅的种类也十分丰富,例如四川的麻辣火锅、重庆的火锅、云南的过桥米线火锅、广东的海鲜火锅等等,每一种火锅都有着不同的口味和特点,吸引了众多的美食爱好者前来品尝。火锅,是中国传统的饮食文化之一,也是一种特殊的烹饪方式。火锅以锅为器皿,将各种肉类、蔬菜、豆制品等食材放入锅中煮熟食用,同时还有各种调料和蘸料,口感鲜美,风味独特。那么,火锅用英语怎么说呢?火锅的种类也十分丰富,例如四川的麻辣火锅、重庆的火锅、云南的过桥米线火锅、广东的海鲜火锅等等,每一种火锅都有着不同的口味和特点,吸引了众多的美食爱好者前来品尝。

the same to you 和 you too的区别


thank you,same to you什么意思


“same to you”是什么意思?

same to you中文释义:彼此彼此;你也一样;同样祝福你英文发音:[seu026am tu ju]例句:If it"s all the same to you, I"d rather work at home如果对你来说没什么差别,我宁愿在家中工作。【词汇解析】same英文发音:[seu026am]中文释义:adj. 相同的;同一的;上述的(通常与the连用);无变化的pron. 同样的事物或人(通常与the连用)adv. 同样地(通常与the连用)例句:I mean, it"s a relationship, the same as a marriage is a relationship.我是说,这是一种关系,跟婚姻是一种关系一样。扩展资料same to you的近义词:1、as with you中文释义:如同你,和你一样例句:As with many technological revolutions, you are unlikely to be aware of it就像诸多的技术革命一样,你可能不太会注意到它。2、the same as yours中文释义:和你一样例句:My dictionary is the same as yours, but different from his.我的字典和你的一样,但和他的不同。

求大神!一首英文歌,女声,挺嗨的,歌词大概是baby your 哇say


dota imba-test时是否有刷新rousan的指令




写一篇关于沙龙(salon service)的英文文章。

My working place was Located in the heart of XXXX, XXXX Is the place to go for the ultimate pampering treatments. All services are administered by licensed professionals only. The company was established in 1999 with only 6 spaces at the beginning. After a decade of continuous efforts, we are able to make it one of the largest salons in Burwood. We are now developing various styles to satisfy contemporary youths need. We are targeting mainly on young people and becoming the indicator of latest hair styles on sophisticated trend. We at XXXX are committed to excellence in the art of hairdressing. We are passionately delicate to providing clients with the highest level of skills and products in an enjoyable friendly salon environment. Types of organizational customers Internal customers who use products or service provided by the organization and belong to the organization. External customers who use products or services or services provided by the organization but come from outside the organization Direct customers who deal directly with an organization. Indirect customers who use an organization"s product or service but have no direct involvement with the organization. I will need to research and access the needs of my entire customer, both inside and outside the organization. When planning, I will need to take into account the quality, costs and delivery times agreed with my customer There are five common customer service research techniques used in the workplace to gather customer service related data. These are: 1. Direct observation 2. Survey questionnaires 3. Interviews 4. Focus groups, and 5. Case studies. I will use these techniques to gather information about what my customer needs, as well as how they perceive whether me and my team are meeting those needs. Meeting customer needs Delivering great service relies on meeting customer"s needs. Let"s look at how we can use the information we have about customers and their needs to develop a service plan. The service objectives the first step in planning is to determine my goals or objectives. The customer service objective will determine the level of customer service to be delivered. There are four level of service: 1. Basic 2. Expected 3. Desired 4. Sensational While we might like to aim for "sensational" service all the time, we know that service at this level comes with a cost, for example staff training and additional resources The cycle of service The definition of "moment of truth" is : "an episode in which a customer comes into contact with an aspect of the organization, however remote, thereby has an opportunity to form an impression." A moment of truth of truth can be a face-to-face contact, a telephone contact or an electronic contact. The important point about a moment of truth is that it is a critical factor in building the relationship between customers and organizations. Moments of truth allow the customer to make a judgment about the quality of customer service offered by an organization and therefore develop a personal view of what they think about the organization. A moment of truth with" basic" customer service can therefore color a customer"s view of the whole organization. Customers don"t consciously look for moments of truth—what they want is to have their needs met. You can meet these needs by going through a whole process from beginning to end –a cycle of service. Start Moment of truth Moment of truth Finish Moment of truth Cycle of service example Let"s relate the cycle of service to the simple example of going to the movies. The cycle begins at some identifiable point of customer experience, such as seeing an advertisement for the film or talking to a friend who recommends it. What does the customer experience? Arriving at the theatre, finding a parking place, standing in line to buy tickets, and waiting in line to enter the theatre are just some of them. As I trace the experiences of the customer such as visiting the rest room, standing in line for refreshments, and searching for a seat, you begin to realize that the experience of visiting a cinema includes much more than just sitting in a seat watching a movie. We can say that each part of the customer"s experience is a moment of truth for the organization. Each point on the cycle of service has an impact on the customer---not just the final service of seeing a movie. If the movie itself is enjoyable but the place is dirty, parking is a problem, the theatre is located in a dangerous neighborhood, or noisy patrons interfere with the enjoyment of the other customers, the theatre will be perceived as having a service quality problem. The customer came to the theatre to see a movie but also experienced some less desirable things. Some customers will complain about the dirt and the noisy patrons, but other customers will simply never return to that cinema. For each experience the customer has in the cycle of service, the customer consciously or unconsciously rates the experience as satisfactory, unsatisfactory or superior. This assessment will determine whether the customer will use the service again or choose to go elsewhere. Taking a holistic approach to interactions with customers, we can help to deliver customer service that will meet or exceed customers" needs. Managing service problems You can also use the cycle of service to help you identify problems matching service delivery to customers" needs, and to develop options for improved service. Focus first on what customer needs may not be being met during the interaction, and then on what your team can do to meet those needs. Generally problems are related to: * Lack of flexibility in service delivery * Need for training of staff * Lack of communication among team members * Lack of communication from management * No clear direction or collaborative goal setting * Ignoring customer feedback. All of these problems are within your control, at least to some degree. What is customer service? Customer service is a simple concept. It is where an organization or supplier meets the needs of a customer as efficiently and courteously as possible. Excellent customer service keeps your customers satisfied and happy to give you repeat business. Experts agree that the key steps to delivering quality customer service are: Determining customer needs Meeting customer needs Monitoring service and solving problems. There are six steps to creating a strategy for good customer service: 1. Identify your customers. 2. Determine the customers" needs and expectations. 3. Develop a plan to provide service that meets or exceeds customers" expectations. 4. Implement the plan. 5. Establish an evaluation program. 6. Evaluate progress and continue to improve the strategy. There are five steps to providing excellent customer service: 1. Treat your customers with respect. 2. Listen to your customers 3. Work with your customers to determine their needs. 4. Meet the needs of your customers. 5. Provide your customer with a friendly atmosphere. Customer service is only as good as the customers say it is. And customers only rate service as ‘good" if their needs are being met. Follow these steps and you will develop loyal customers who are more likely to come back. This approach will also establish ongoing business relationships. Features that make up customer service Dimension Description Access Approachability, ease of contact Responsibility Willingness to keep customers happy and provide prompt service Courtesy Politeness, respect, consideration, friendliness Reliability Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately Security Freedom from danger, risk or doubt Communication Keeping customers informed, in a language they can understand; listening to customer Understanding Making an effort to know customers and their needs Tangibles Appearance of physical facilities equipment, personnel and communication Credibility Trustworthiness, believability, honesty of service provider Competence Possession of the required skills and knowledge to perform the service There is an assumption that organizations know who their customers are. Yet this may not be as obvious as we first believe.求采纳

ian van dahl的《Satisfy Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Satisfy Me歌手:ian van dahl专辑:aceYou always know just what to doYou satisfy meYou always know just what to sayYou satisfy meBefore you I was blindYou opened up my mindAnd now with you it feels so rightYou satisfy meAnd now with you I feel so safeYou satisfy meAnd from now on you"ll be mineUntil the end of timeDon"t need no wordsTo know that you"re mineI see your faceYou make me smileWhen I"m with you I feel so highDon"t need no wordsTo know that you"re mineI see your faceYou make me smileWhen I"m with you I feel so highYou"ll always be the only oneYou satisfy meYou"ll always be the only one I loveYou satisfy meBefore you I was blindYou opened up my mindAnd everyday I want you moreYou satisfy meAnd every night I need your toughYou satisfy meFrom now on you"ll be mineUntil the end of timeDon"t need no wordsTo know that you"re mineI see your face you make me smileWhen I am with you I feel so highDon"t need no wordsTo know that you"re mineI see your face you make me smileWhen I am with you I feel so high

帮我写一篇英语作文题目 how to save time

Now most of the students are like to do the homework until the last minute,it not only waste time,the work quality is not high. In my opinion,we can save time by the following means: First,make good preparations.Write down yourto-do list and arrange the things in order of importance.For example,beforeyou go shopping,a shopping list will help you to buy things quickly. Second,change the way you work and liveeffectively.Learn new skills and methods to solve problems. Third,record the time you spend on a certainmatter.Keep for at least a month.Find your habit in time-consuming and improveit. Many people say that time is money,But a *** y view,I think time is even more valuable than money.Time can cause moneywhile money can"t cause time!Famous writer Lu Xun has said that wasting others"time is a kind of murdering.He meant the time is very precious.I really agreewith him,because as for us,time is precious for us to study.If we save everysecond,we can learn more in the same long time,maybe an hour or a day.But howto save time?Well,first I think we should make a plan before we do everything.So that you needn"t spend much time thinking what to do next.And it"s aimportant thing that we must know the right ways of doing things.When we haveexcellent skills,we will spend less time finishing doing things.That"s how wecan save time.And never forget:It depends on whether you realize the time isimportant or not.The time is just so precious,and we are supposed to save it.

帮我写一篇英语作文题目 how to save time?

Now most of the students are like to do the homework until the last minute,it not only waste time,the work quality is not high. In my opinion,we can save time by the following means: First,make good preparations.Write down yourto-do list and arrange the things in order of importance.For example,beforeyou go shopping,a shopping list will help you to buy things quickly. Second,change the way you work and liveeffectively.Learn new skills and methods to solve problems. Third,record the time you spend on a certainmatter.Keep for at least a month.Find your habit in time-consuming and improveit. Many people say that time is money,But a *** y view,I think time is even more valuable than money.Time can cause moneywhile money can"t cause time!Famous writer Lu Xun has said that wasting others"time is a kind of murdering.He meant the time is very precious.I really agreewith him,because as for us,time is precious for us to study.If we save everysecond,we can learn more in the same long time,maybe an hour or a day.But howto save time?Well,first I think we should make a plan before we do everything.So that you needn"t spend much time thinking what to do next.And it"s aimportant thing that we must know the right ways of doing things.When we haveexcellent skills,we will spend less time finishing doing things.That"s how wecan save time.And never forget:It depends on whether you realize the time isimportant or not.The time is just so precious,and we are supposed to save it.,1,帮我写一篇英语作文题目 how to save time 要求80词 内容包括时间的意义和重要性 还有节省时间的好方法

happy anniversary,是什么意思

happy anniversary 周年纪念快乐

10th anniversary是什么意思

10th anniversary第十周年(庆典)双语对照例句:1.But as it celebrates the 10th anniversary of accession, beijing faces growing criticismfrom trade partners and investors who say progress has stalled. 但在中国庆祝入世10周年之际,中国政府却面临着越来越多来自贸易伙伴和投资者的批评,他们表示,这一进程已陷入停滞。2.Since it opened to the public sept. 12, following the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks,more than 1 million people have visited the memorial plaza at the world trade center,officials announced thursday. 恐怖袭击的十周年纪念活动后的9月12日国家纪念博物馆对公众开放.根据官方周四发布的数据至今为止已逾100万人参观了世贸中心遗址的纪念广场.

10th anniversary是什么意思

10周年纪念 。

Almost every culture in the world celebrates New Year,but not every one does it the same way.





HRP的催化反应需要底物过氧化氢(H2O2)和供氢体(DH2)。供氢体多为无色的还原型染料,通过反应可生成有色的氧化型染料(D)。酶促反应的过程如下:HRPDH2+H2O2────→D+2H2O供氢体的种类很多,形成的产物特点不一。DAB(3.3-二氨基联苯胺)的反应产物为不溶性沉淀物,并有电子密度,故适宜于做免疫酶染色或电镜观察。5AS(5-氨基水杨酸)早期曾用于ELISA,但其溶解度不够大,且空白孔不易控制到无色,现已很少应用。OT(邻联甲苯胺)的特点是能产生鲜艳的蓝绿色产物且灵敏度较高,但反应中受温度影响较大,而且由于产物不稳定,需要在短时间内进行测定。目前用得较广泛和较满意的供氢体是:OPD(邻苯二胺)和TMB(四甲基联苯胺)。前者形成的产物为深桔黄色或棕色,后者产物为蓝绿色,二者的可溶性均好,在避光处颜色稳定,空白可近于无色,灵敏度上据报道后者比前者可高4倍以上。另外,还有一种供氢体称ABTS[2, 2"-边氮基-双(3-乙基苯并噻吡咯啉-6磺酸)],其反应产物呈蓝绿色,且灵敏度和稳定性均好。尤其是在致癌的潜在可能性方面,ABTS与TMB皆是值得被优选的供氢体。

暮光之城 里Rosalie Hale 她没有变成吸血鬼以前发生什么事情




求JAY-Z的说唱say hallo的歌词

I wanna talk to the ladies tonightAbout situation I"m pretty sure y"all be able to relate toTrust meToday I"m not feelin prettySee I"m feeling quite uglyHavin one of this daysWhen I cant make up the ??So don"t even look at meSee I don"t wanna hear your problemCause I"m having some of my ownI know it was not your faultThat I"m feelin downI just wanna be left aloneDown I"m now in depressionI think the worst of everythingBlige Mary JMy low was back and seekingAnd my close don"t feelNow aint that a bitchGot an attitude and I aint talkin to youWon"t to you if the shoe fillI don"t care what you think about meI don"t need you cry around meI don"t nedd it, no noPMSGo through something in nightsIs the some at day I don"t need to understand Where I"m coming from tonightSee I"m feelin messinTold you, you would be able to late tonightHallo was back he sayPMSI"m fulled stressed I want y"all to hear what I"m sayinPMS, PMS, PMSUnderstand what I"m sayin tonightUnderstand where I"m comin fromFeelin really bitch yeahAnd I don"t feel like be a nice to nobodyDon"t feel like smilin noDon"t feel like smilin no noSee I already know that I"m talkinPMSAnd I don"t need you to remind meSee cause PMSIs takin no all right nowif you understand, understand where I"m comin fromSing along, PMSThis is the worst part of everythingThe worst part of being a woman is PMSGive me a brake, give me a brakeCause I don"t wanna have to set it on tonight

sam ran under the sun。在中文里什么意思



disapproving的意思是不满的,反对的;不赞成(disapprove的现在分词)。一、近义词和反义词1、近义词:unfavorable;unfavourable。2、反义词:favorable;favourable。二、联想词disapproval:不赞同,反对;disapprove:不赞成;approving:满意的;dismissive:轻视的,轻蔑的,鄙视的;resentful:感到愤恨的,表示愤恨的,憎恨的;displeasure:不快,不悦,生气;approve:批准;judgmental:审判的。三、英语例句1、I made it clear right from the outset that I disapproved.从一开始我就明确地说我不赞成。2、They were conscious that he disapproved.他们意识到他不赞成。3、People disapprove of the company he keeps.人们不赞成他与那些人交往。4、Animal conservationists disapprove of experimenting on animals.动物保护主义者不赞成用动物做试验。5、She disapproves of unmarried couples living together.她反对未婚男女同居。


corridor 是指在房屋内部的走廊,用于连接各个房间;其用法及意义和hallway差不多. From the main entrance you go through the corridor,and you can reach the elevator passage 一般指普通的通道,普通的走廊,一般较长.


corridor 是指在房屋内部的走廊,用于连接各个房间;其用法及意义和hallway差不多. From the main entrance you go through the corridor,and you can reach the elevator passage 一般指普通的通道,普通的走廊,一般较长.

求轻音少女Dont say “lazy”、ふわふわ时间、Cagayake!Girls、Sweet Bitter Beauty Song的中文和罗马音




马来西亚和蒙古 英文简写是什么(3个字母)?例如美国是USA




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Robin Hood (Live -Sahara Casino) (24-Bit Remastering) (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Robin Hood (Live -Sahara Casino) (24-Bit Remastering) (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:Louis Prima And Keely Smith专辑:Live From Las VegasAmaral - Robin HoodCuando tocaba en los bares un borracho me decía"En las cenizas del fracaso está la sabiduría".La piedra filosofal que yo busqué cada díaY aún no he podido encontrar,Tal vez porque ya no exista.Cuando dormía en los parquesUn arcángel venía a protegerme de noche,A espantar a la policía.No sé lo que pasó,Si estaba escrito o no,Si fue su culpa o la mía.Pero mi ángel cayó,Igual que yo caí en cada vicio que me descubría.La diferencia entre él y yo,Es que yo aún sigo con vida.Siempre tenía un plan,Hablaba de escapar robando un barco del puerto.Si le hubiera dejado hubiera reventadoLa caja fuerte de un bancoCreyendo en delirios de Robin Hood.Delirios de Robin Hood…




个人认为,SAM比较好,多通道,可以改名,直观和sequoia 12的区别







都是一个公司,但是前者要比后者高级。看描述Sequoia是MAGIX的旗舰产品,属于广电级。拥有最高的处理精度,售价在欧元2500。2万人民币左右。德国的许多唱片公司也还是在使用Sequoia录混。Sequoia 12主要新特性:在电平技术上做了很大升级,支持所有目前的广播标准界面使用了新的docking概念,用户可以通过简单的拖拽操作来管理打开的窗口新的macro宏功能,可自创快捷键实现一系列的功能)可进行音轨级别的频谱编辑,在录音的同时快速消除噪音自动ducking功能适合广播时候让背景音乐避让人声录音的同时就可以导出,节省大量时间新的VCA编组提供更灵活的调音台通路设置支持64位内置Independence Sampler Workstation,带有70GB的素材,上百种采样乐器

sads的《SILLY》 歌词

歌曲名:SILLY歌手:sads专辑:Lesson 2(ジャケットB)「SILLY」作词∶清春作曲∶清春歌∶sadsMy nerve is freezingShe"s beneath, beneath my kneesMy love deceivingShe"s beneath me, begging pleaseMy nerve is teasingI"ll be dealing, dealing needFuck off and leave meLeave me to my evil peaceFuck it! Shame!Vice in your eyes, my teddy junkieLike a dirty sprite, my slutty ponyGet ready, saddle up!Let"s go let it outunder the moonlight, silly sillyLet"s bone in our clothesunder the moonlight, filly fillyHey girl, follow me,feeling the moonlight, silly sillyHey bitch, hurry up,riding the moonlight, filly fillyFuck it! Shame!Honey, lick it faster, you funny bunnyYou chase my D.N.A, wailing, howlingGet ready, saddle up!Let"s go let it outunder the moonlight, silly sillyLet"s bone in our clothesunder the moonlight, filly fillyHey girl, follow me,feeling the moonlight, silly sillyHey bitch, hurry up,riding the moonlight, filly fillyFuck it! Shame!【 おわり 】

crunchy-chewy-salty-sweet bite英语翻译


r usa g可以组成什么单词?

r usa g可以组成单词sugar,中文意思是“糖”。

crunchy-chewy-salty-sweet bite英语翻译


英语高手进,这句话对嘛?Operating Employee leaving in SAP after they resigned.

Keying the resigned information in SAP after employee leaving. Check the staff list in SAP for employee who taking long leave and on pregnant shift.

He is said to have resigned 。为什么是to have resigned?

你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!be said to do sth固定搭配, 意思是:据说...这里用了have done,说明是现在完成时,have done sth这句话的意思是:据说他已经辞职了

Saturday Night 歌词

歌曲名:Saturday Night歌手:Jessica Mauboy专辑:Get "Em GirlsJessica Mauboy ft. Ludacris - Saturday NightJ-MilliAnd you know whoLuda!I got my cup filled upAll the way to the brim, brim, brim, brimBlack on black CadillacWith the custom trim, trim, trim, trimSmoke fillin" up my lungsAnd I"m blowin" blubble, blubble, blubble, bubblesIt"s Saturday nightLet"s get in trouble, trouble, trouble, troubleSo its about to go downMe and my girls bout to run this townSo where we"re planning to goDon"t matter cause we gonna take controlNow we got the hair doneGot the pink and whites, and we"re offGonna see wha-what the fellas are likeGot the top drop down on the DB9Pushing 90 on the freewaySo we gonna make good timeYeah, we gonna ride, ride, rideOn a Saturday nightAll the girls they just hatingBecause they know we that type"Bout to get it poppin""Bout to take your spotlightSo we ride, we rideOn this Saturday nightWe on, we on fireWe go, we go higherWe ride, we ride flyer than you(We ride, we ride)We on, we on fireWe go, we go higherWe ride, we ride flyer than you(We ride, we ride)They go with high heel shoesMe and my girls rockin" Jimmy ChoosThey think that Benzels funWe roll out like we"re the girl James BondNow we got the hair doneGot the pink and whites, and we"re offGonna see wha-what the fellas are likeGot the top drop down on the DB9Pushing 90 on the freewaySo we gonna make good timeIf we ride, we goAnd we rock, we rollAnd we pop, lock, and I drop the topI hit a switch and the whip go lowAnd my mission for tonightIs just to get into some actionWake up tomorrow morningAnd not even know what happened

oracle argus safety 认证适合做什么工作

Oracle safet广泛用于各大药企的药物警戒工作




前言 有的时候,我们要通过对系统的cpu负载等性能数值的查看,来判排查系统产生某种故障(经常死机或者运行速度突然变慢)的原因。但是,简单的top,uptime,w等命令只可以查看当前的负载,而无法查看过去的某一时间段的cpu的负载情况。 下面就介绍一个用于性能分析的命令,其可以用于查看过去的某一时间段的cpu的负载情况(系统性能)。 查看某一时间段的cpu使用情况,请直接跳到第七节。 一、sar概念 sysstat是Linux 系统中的常用工具包,而sar 是 Linux中sysstat工具包中的用于监控Linux系统性能的工具之一。 sysstat 工具包中包含两种类型的工具:即时查看工具(iostat、mpstat、sar);累计统计工具(sar) 因此sar命令,又叫做系统活动情况报告。不仅可以实时查看服务器的性能,还可以做累计统计。 二、sar可监控的范围 文件的读写情况 系统调用的使用情况 磁盘I/O使用情况 CPU的使用统计 内存使用状况 进程活动 IPC有关的活动 三、sar命令使用环境 sar命令使用格式: sar+ 命令行选项(可选) + 间隔时间(可选) + 次数(可选) 常用来判断一个系统瓶颈问题 查询CPU可用 sar -u 和 sar -q 等来查看查询内存可用 sar -B、sar -r 和 sar -W 等来查看查询io可用 sar -b、sar -u 和 sar -d 等来查看 四、sar命令累计统计的实现过程 系统会通过调用 /usr/lib64/sa/ 中的三个工具(sa1 sa2 sadc)来实现,周期地记录当时的系统性能的信息的功能。 sa1 :收集并将每天的系统性能的信息写入一个二进制的文件中,它是sadc的前端程序 sa2 :收集每天的系统活跃的信息并写入总结性的文件中,其作为 sar的前端程序 sadc :收集系统的动态数据的数据并写入一个二进制的文件中,其作为 sar 工具的后端 五、sar的日志 sar是由有类似日志切割的功能的,它会依据/etc/cron.d/sysstat中的计划任务,将日志放入/var/log/sa/中 注:日志为二进制文件,不可使用more、less、vim工具查看,必须使用sar或sadf 可以根据需求修改该计划任务 如要查看某一时间段的服务器的性能的其中一个方法就是:使用sar命令,查看当天的日志文件 sar -f /var/log/sa/sa15 [root@    lib64]#sar-f/var/log/sa/sa15Linux3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64(ops-node7)07/15/2018_x86_64_(24CPU)12:00:01AMCPU%user%nice%system%iowait%steal%idle12:10:01AMall1.350.000.850.120.0097.6712:20:01AMall1.320.000.860.110.0097.7112:30:02AMall1.370.000.870.110.0097.6512:40:01AMall1.320.000.910.110.0097.6612:50:01AMall1.350.000.890.110.0097.6501:00:01AMall1.360.000.870.110.0097.6601:10:01AMall1.360.000.850.110.0097.6801:20:01AMall1.350.000.890.100.0097.6601:30:01AMall1.320.000.890.110.0097.6801:40:01AMall1.290.000.950.110.0097.6501:50:01AMall1.350.000.880.120.0097.6402:00:01AMall1.340.000.880.110.0097.6802:10:01AMall1.330.000.900.110.0097.6502:20:01AMall1.360.000.870.120.0097.6502:30:01AMall1.350.000.850.120.0097.6802:40:01AMall1.410.000.920.120.0097.5602:50:01AMall1.570.000.950.130.0097.3503:00:01AMall4.210.000.810.160.0094.8103:10:01AMall2.500.000.870.130.0096.5003:20:01AMall1.370.000.870.120.0097.6503:30:01AMall1.360.000.950.130.0097.5603:40:01AMall1.480.000.970.240.0097.3003:50:01AMall1.350.010.910.130.0097.6004:00:01AMall1.390.000.950.190.0097.4704:10:01AMall1.360.000.990.130.0097.52 注意: sar查看性能或其日志时,使用的12/24小时制;日志的切割是昨天晚上12点到今天12点为一天;默认只保留一个月的日志 六、sar命令参数及输出项详解 【1】格式 用法:sar + 选项 + 时间间隔(可选) + 次数 (可选) interval: 取样周期,单位是秒count:取样次数,默认值为1options:命令行选项 【2】常用选项 -A          所有报告的总和-B          输出内存页面的统计信息-b          输出I/O和传送速率的统计信息-C          输出进程统计信息及每秒创建的进程数-d          输出每一个块设备的活动信息-H          输出交换空间利用率信息-h          输出帮助信息-p          输出友好设备名字,以方便查看,常与-d和-n参数结合使用-q          输出进程队列长度和系统平均负载状态统计信息-R          输出内存页面的统计信息-r          输出内存和交换空间的统计信息-S          输出交换空间利用率信息-t          读取 /var/log/sa/下的某日志的数据时显示其中记录的原始时间-u          输出整体CPU使用情况的统计信息-V          输出版本信息-v          输出内核表状况统计信息(inode、文件和其他内核表的统计信息)-W          输出系统交换的统计信息-w          输出任务创建与系统转换统计信息-y          输出终端设备的活动信息-----------I          输出指定中断的统计信息,后方可加参数{...|SUM|ALL|XALL}  ...          指定中断号SUM          指定输出每秒接收到的中断总数ALL          指定输出前16个中断XALL        指定输出全部的中断信息-----------P          输出指定的部分的CPU的统计信息,后方可加参数{cpu|ALL}cpu          指定cpuALL          输出单个和整体cpu的统计数据-----------n          输出网络设备(网卡)状态统计信息,后方可加参数{DEV|EDEV|NFS|NFSD|SOCK|ALL}    DEV          输出网络设备的统计信息EDEV        输出网络设备的错误统计信息NFS          输出NFS客户端的活动统计信息NFSD        输出NFS服务器的活动统计信息SOCK        输出网络套接字的使用统计信息ALL          输出所有类型的网络活动统计信息-----------f          从文件中读取数据信息。一般读取sar日志,也可读取-o选项生成的文件,后方要加文件名-o          将sar的输出信息保存到文件中,后方要加文件名-i          指定间隔时长,单位为秒-s          指定输出统计数据的起始时间(格式为hh:mm:ss;例如01:00:00)  -e          指定输出统计数据的截至时间,通常与-S选项连用。无数值时默认为18:00:00(格式为hh:mm:ss;例如09:00:00) 【3】输出项 <1>cpu的输出 sar -u %usr              CPU在用户模式下,执行进程的时间百分比 %nice              CPU在用户模式下,用于nice操作,所占用CPU总时间的百分比 %system            CPU处在系统模式(内核态)下,执行进程的时间百分比 %iowait            CPU用于等待I/O操作完成(等待输入输出完成),占用CPU总时间的百分比 %steal            管理程序为另一个虚拟进程提供服务而等待虚拟CPU的百分比%idle              CPU空闲时间百分比 注意: 如果%iowait的值过高,表示硬盘存在I/O瓶颈 如果%idle值高,表示CPU较空闲如果%idle 的值高但系统响应慢时,有可能是 CPU 等待分配内存,此时应加大内存容量 如果%idle 的值持续低于10,则系统的 CPU 处理能力相对较低,表明系统中最需要解决的资源是 CPU <2>I/O和传送速率输出 sar -b tps                每秒向磁盘设备请求数据的次数,包括读、写请求,其为rtps与wtps的和。每一次IO下发后会先将多个请求合并为一个I/O磁盘请求,这里tps指请求合并后的请求计数rtps              每秒向磁盘设备的读请求次数 wtps              每秒向磁盘设备的写请求次数 bread/s            每秒钟从物理设备读入的数据量,单位为 块/s bwrtn/s            每秒钟向物理设备写入的数据量,单位为 块/s <3>设备使用情况输出 sar -d DEV                磁盘设备,加上用参数-p可以打印出sda等磁盘设备名称;如不加参数-p,设备则显示为dev253-0等tps                每秒向磁盘设备请求数据的次数,包括读、写请求,其为rtps与wtps的和。每一次IO下发后会先将多个请求合并为一个I/O磁盘请求,这里tps指请求合并后的请求计数rd_sec/s          每秒读扇区的次数wr_sec/s          每秒写扇区的次数avgrq-sz          平均每次设备I/O操作的数据大小(扇区)avgqu-sz          磁盘请求队列的平均长度await              从请求磁盘到系统处理完,每次请求的平均消耗时间,包括请求队列等待时间(单位是毫秒)svctm              系统处理每次请求的平均时间,不包括在请求队列中消耗的时间%util              I/O请求占CPU的百分比 <4>网络设备统计信息输出 sar -n EDEV IFACE              网络设备名rxpck/s            每秒接收的包数量txpck/s            每秒传输的包数量rxbyt/s            每秒接收的字节数(单位为byte)txbyt/s            每秒传输的字节数(单位为byte)rxkB/s            每秒收的数据量(单位为kB)txkB/s            每秒发的数据量(单位为kB)rxcmp/s            每秒接收压缩包的数量txcmp/s            每秒传输压缩包的数量rxmcst/s          每秒接收的多播(multicast)包的总数排查网络设备故障 <5>网络设备故障信息输出 EDEV |egrep ‘eth0|IFACE" (本次指定了网卡etho0,可填入其他网卡) IFACE网络设备名rxerr/s每秒接收的坏包数量txerr/s传输包时每秒发生错误的数量coll/s传输包时每秒发生冲突的数量rxdrop/s接收包时,每秒丢弃的包的数量(缺乏缓存导致)txdrop/s传输包时,每秒丢弃的包的数量(缺乏缓存导致)txcarr/s传输包时,每秒发生的传输错误的数量rxfram/s接收包时,每秒发生帧校验错误的数量rxfifo/s接收包时,每秒钟缓冲区溢出错误的数量txfifo/s传输包时,每秒钟缓冲区溢出错误的数量 <6>内存分页状态输出 sar -B pgpgin/s每秒从磁盘空间或交换空间置换到内存的字节数(单位为KB)pgpgout/s每秒从内存置换到磁盘空间或交换空间的字节数(单位为KB)fault/s每秒钟系统产生的缺页数(主缺页加次缺页)majflt/s每秒钟产生的主缺页数pgfree/s每秒被放入空闲队列中的页个数pgscank/s每秒被kswapd扫描的页个数pgscand/s每秒直接被扫描的页个数pgsteal/s每秒钟从cache中被清除来满足内存需要的页个数%vmeff每秒清除的页占总扫描页的百分比 <7>进程队列长度和平均负载状态输出 sar -q runq-sz          运行队列的长度,等待运行的进程数量 plist-sz        进程列表中进程和线程的数量 ldavg-1          最后1分钟的系统平均负载 ldavg-5          过去5分钟的系统平均负载 ldavg-15        过去15分钟的系统平均负载 <8>内存和交换空间状态输出 sar -r kbmemfree空闲的内存数量(单位为KB)kbmemused已使用的内存数量,不包含内核使用的内存(单位为KB)%memused已使用内存的百分数kbbuffers内核缓冲区buffer,使用的内存数量(单位为KB)kbcached内核高速缓存cache数据使用的内存数量(单位为KB)kbcommit保证当前系统所需要的内存,即为了确保不溢出而需要的内存(RAM+swap)%commitkbcommit与所有内存总量的百分比 <9>系统交换活动信息输出 sar -W pswpin/s          每秒系统换入的交换页面数量 pswpout/s          每秒系统换出的交换页面数量 七、sar使用实例-查看某一时间段的情况 <1>查看凌晨1点到3点的cpu sar -s 01:00:00 -e 03:00:00 <2>查看凌晨1点到3点的系统的平均负载 若要看某时间段其他性能,加上对应选项 sar -s 01:00:00 -e 03:00:00 -q <3>查看本月3号的cpu 注意: 该操作需要去查看sar的日志(第五节已经介绍一次) 默认只保存一个月的 sar查看性能或其日志时,注意自己的使用的是12还是24小时制 日志的切割是昨天晚上12点到今天12点为一天 cd/var/log/sa/sar -f sa03

过去分词做名词谓语动词用单数还是复数,The disabled做主语,谓语动词用单数还是复数?





do it yourselfas soon as possibleat the same time

USA Patriat Act 是美国的什么法案

美国爱国者法案美国爱国者法案(USA PATRIOT Act)是2001年10月26日由美国总统乔治·沃克·布希签署颁布的国会法案(Act of Congress)。正式的名称为「Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001」,中文意义为「使用适当之手段来阻止或避免恐怖主义以团结并强化美国的法律」,取英文原名的首字缩写成为「USA PATRIOT Act」,而「patriot」也是英语中「爱国者」之意。这个法案以防止恐怖主义的目的扩张了美国警察机关的权限。根据法案的内容,警察机关有权搜索电话、电子邮件通讯、医疗、财务和其他种类的记录;减少对於美国本土外国情报单位的限制;扩张美国财政部长的权限以控制、管理金融方面的流通活动,特别是针对与外国人士或政治体有关的金融活动;并加强警察和移民管理单位对於居留、驱逐被怀疑与恐怖主义有关的外籍人士的权力。这个法案也延伸了恐怖主义的定义,包括国内恐怖主义,扩大了警察机关可管理的活动范围。


估计是你所在的公司准备上SAP了,SAP的概念很多,希望你自己能多多学习!WM是指仓管管理(warehouse management),MM指的是物料管理(materials management)。



Saori Nagano 永野沙绪理 RQ中的RQ什么意思?

RQ:1. “人气”的拼音缩写?即可作名词也可作形容词:如RQ作家即人气作家;在讨论很热的帖子里回rq就是纯水了。2. Race Queen的英文缩写赛车女郎3. 某些输入法程序输入rq会显示日期4. 呼吸商(respiratory quotient,RQ) 亦称呼吸系数。植物一定时间内呼吸释放二氧化碳对吸收分子氧的体积比或摩尔数比。5.侦查机某一系列无人侦察机军方编号6.无盘虚拟磁盘软件锐起的拼音RuiQi的第一个字母组合RQ,一种无盘虚拟磁盘软件7. 无线通信  RxQuality 语音质量 无线通信专业术语8. 机票常识  RQ表示“候补”,机票候补状,有空位才能登机。9.网络用语  RQ也是“ren qi”的意思。10.瑞琪的简称  摩尔庄园里的骑士团团长瑞琪的简称   详见词条瑞琪11.理商(RQ)  理性智商 ;12.责商  RQ是责商(Responsibility Quotient)的意思,也就是责任商数的意思,就是自我责任行为的掌控能力13.人际关系商  Relationship Quotient (人际关系商)的缩写,是评价人际关系质量的指数。

维切尔·林赛(Vachel Lindsay)的诗

The Dandelion 蒲公英——维切尔·林赛(Vachel Lindsay)Oh Dandelion,rich and haudhty, 噢富丽高傲的蒲公英King of village flowers! 乡村群芳之王Each day is coronation, 每天都在加冕You have nohumble hours。 从未臣服于人I like to see you bring a troop 喜看你统领大军To beat the blue-grass spears, 把六月禾击溃To scorn the lawn-mower that 并蔑视刈草机would be 那所向披靡的大剪Like fate‘s triumphant shears。 你的黄色头颅被砍了Your yellow heads arte cut away, 你的王朝似乎终结It seems your reign is o"er, 然而中午你就漾起了By noon you raise a sea of stars 一片比以前更黄更灿烂的星海More golden than befor。




注意:本文不会把所有知识点都写一遍,并不适合纯新手阅读 首先 Redux 是一种状态管理方案,本身和react并没有什么联系,redux也可以结合其他框架来用。 react-redux 是基于react的一种状态管理实现,他不像vuex那样直接内置在create-react-app里,需要自己去安装。 react-redux有三个重要概念,分别是:store,action,reducer。。store就是存储全局数据状态的仓库。像这样: 需要注意的是,state是 只读的 ,意味着我们不能 initState.xxx1 = "233" 这样去修改store里的数据。 其实,工作的项目里,仓库并不是放在store.js里,store.js里一般是做一些创建store,注册saga的操作,state一般是放在具体模块的reducer.js里(一个模块应该有action.js,reducer.js,saga.js三个文件) 2.action。 上文说了,state是只读的,所以我们只能通过派发action的方式修改store里的数据。 派发action这个说法我一直觉得很拗口,其实就是dispatch action的直译。 action包含两部分:type和payload。 type其实就是action的标识,一个常量的字符串,用来说明这个action是干嘛的,比如说 type:"GET_USERNAME" ,说明这个action是用来获取username的,payload就是参数了,就是调用api需要的参数。 注意:action是派发给store的。 3.reducer。 reducer接收一个state和action,返回一个state。 store在接收到action之后会把action和当前的state传给reducer,然后reducer根据action的type去判断执行什么样的操作,然后返回一个新的state给store,比如: return {...state,name:"接口获取到的username"} 。 工作流程图如下: 这个流程还是蛮好懂的,接下来我们来说下reducer要注意的地方。(这里牵扯到我们为什么还要用redux-saga) reducer必须是一个 纯函数 纯函数是指一个函数的返回结果只依赖于该函数传入的参数,而不能产生 副作用 副作用是指异步操作,DOM操作等... 好的,没明白是吧,说人话,reducer里是不能进行异步请求的!我们在工作中肯定会调用接口异步获取数据的,这样的话只靠react-redux是无法满足我们的需求的,而redux-saga就是来解决这个问题的。 如果你熟悉vuex,就知道vuex里有mutation和action,其中mutation提交更新数据的方法,只能是同步的,而action中就可以包含异步操作了,而且action提交的是mutation。 mutation和action的关系就近似于reducer和saga的关系:saga里调用接口获取到数据之后再提交action给reducer,最终返回新的state给store的还是reducer。 saga包含watch-saga函数和worker-saga函数,watch-saga用于监听系统派发出来的action,watch-saga一旦监听到了某个action就执行对应的worker-saga,worker-saga里进行异步操作(调用接口请求数据等),拿到数据之后派发第二个action给store,store再把state和action给reducer(至此就和无saga时的流程一样了)。 加入了saga,工作流程发生了变化: 我们注意到工作流中的action有两个,可以理解为第一个action是给watch-saga的,第二个action时异步操作完之后worker-saga给store的。 加入saga后的工作流程如下:


雪莉Shirley-蓝Blen.SACD发烧人声歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接: 提取码:snfj资源介绍:雪莉Shirley-蓝Blen.SACD发烧人声   


你扮演Sasquatch驾驶高尔夫球车。Sneaky Sasquatch Mac是一款名叫捣蛋大脚怪,又名鬼鬼祟祟的大脚怪的搞怪冒险游戏。Sneaky Sasquatch Mac版游戏非常的简单,玩家在游戏中扮演的是一个野人,您需要在游戏中进行来回的接送,不然很容易被活活的饿死的。捣蛋大脚怪 Mac版游戏画风非常的可爱卡通。关于《鬼鬼祟祟的大脚怪 Sneaky Sasquatch》的信息知之甚少,除了它是一个古怪的冒险游戏,你扮演Sasquatch驾驶高尔夫球车。 由一个名为RAC7的两人团队创作,它看起来与开发人员以前的作品很像,就是简单的接送的游戏体验。




火车上选择坐,最好进蛇院。Sneaky Sasquatch Mac是一款名叫捣蛋大脚怪,又名鬼鬼祟祟的大脚怪的搞怪冒险游戏。Sneaky Sasquatch Mac版游戏非常的简单,玩家在游戏中扮演的是一个野人,您需要在游戏中进行来回的接送,不然很容易被活活的饿死的。捣蛋大脚怪 Mac版游戏画风非常的可爱卡通。关于《鬼鬼祟祟的大脚怪 Sneaky Sasquatch》的信息知之甚少,除了它是一个古怪的冒险游戏,你扮演Sasquatch驾驶高尔夫球车。 由一个名为RAC7的两人团队创作,它看起来与开发人员以前的作品很像,就是简单的接送的游戏体验。

这是一个小游戏 i saw her standing here ,里面写的独白都是英文,求翻译...


sneaky sasquatch银行2楼电梯怎么进

本关有三个手持霰弹枪的保安(分别位于银行前面的街道、银行后门和会议室),不过只要你不硬来(拿手枪、触发警报或者偷办公室用品)他们是不会主动进攻的。所以就有了两种流派,强盗流(干掉保安,不过风险比较大)和神偷流(不留一点痕迹,需要时间把握)。Sneaky Sasquatch是一款十分休闲和减压的冒险探索游戏,游戏以丛林为背景,为大脚怪的怪物,你需要在人类不知道的情况下,进行减压式破话,还可以收集更多的物资作为自己的储备。

sneaky sasquatch攻略?


San Francisco的歌词

san francisco[三番市] 【阿甘正传】主题曲 歌手:scott mckenzie if you"re going to san francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair if you"re going to san francisco you"re gonna meet some gentle people there for those who come to san francisco summertime will be a love-in there in the streets of san francisco gentle people with flowers in their hair all across the nation such a strange vibration people in motion there"s a whole generation with a new explanation people in motion people in motion for those who come to san francisco be sure to wear some flowers in your hair f you come to san francisco summertime will be a love-in there if you come to san francisco summertime will be a love-in there

San Francisco 歌词

歌曲名:San Francisco歌手:黄莺莺专辑:If We Are Only FriendsJill Sobule - San FranciscoShe shuts the door behind me,waits for me to get undressedShe ask if I need water,I can barely understand herI think she asked me what I doand I said that I"m a singerShe laughs and claps her handsAnd then she beginsAnd she sings:"I like to go to San FranciscoI like to goPut flowers in my hairI like to go to San FranciscoI like to meetSome people there"She looks just like a sparrow,but she"s strong just like a wrestlerShe kneads and pulls and climbs on topIt hurts, but I will try to take itAsk her if she"s ever beenBeen to San FranciscoShe tells me that she can"t leaveThey won"t let her leaveShe sings:"I like to go to San FranciscoI like to goPut flowers in my hairI like to go to San FranciscoI like to meetSome people there"And in Golden Gate ParkShe"ll throw a FrisbeeShe"ll bring a dogAnd she"ll meet a boyAnd they"ll fall in loveAnd she"ll feel so freeStill walk on his backWonder "bout the place I"m inand how they treat the girlsI know that it"s legitimateBut still it makes me wonderShe gets up to leaveAnd I put back on my clothesI tip her well, she bows to meI really hope one day she gets to go"...To San FranciscoI like to goPut flowers in my hairI like to go to San FranciscoI like to meetSome people there" (Some people there)


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