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take me home和carry me home的区别


take me home country road的中英文歌词

wo ding

country road,take me home 是那部电影插曲


谁能告诉我歌曲country road的歌词?

Take me home country road 歌手:John Denver Take me home country roadWords,Music and Vocals by John DenverAlmost heavenWest VirginiaBlue Ridge MountainShenandoah RiverLife is old thereOlder than the treesYounger than the mountainsGrowing like a breezeCountry road. take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MamaTake me home, country roadsAll my memoriesGather round herMiners LadyStranger to blue waterDark and dustyPainted on the skyMisty taste of moonshineTeardrops in my eyesCountry roads, take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MamaTake me home, country roadsI hear her voice in the morning hoursShe calls meThe radio reminds me of my home far awayAnd driving down the roadI get a feelingThat I should have been homeYesterday,yesterdayCountry roads , take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MamaTake me home,country roadsCountry roads , take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MamaTake me home,country roadsTake me home,country roadsTake me home,country roads

take me home country road 是什么歌曲

Shenandoah 来源于印第安语,意为“Daughter of the Stars” (星星之女),中文译为“山南度”或“山纳多”等,而我更喜欢它的另一个译名——“情人渡”。 这首歌九世纪初起源于密西西比河和密苏里河流域。歌曲讲述了一位商人爱上了印第安族长Shenandoah的女儿。歌曲深受水手们喜欢,于是随着他们的航程传唱开来。十九世纪四十年代前,第一次在美国广为流传。 Shenandoah现在是一条小河的名称,全长40英里,在美国滨州和乔治亚州的阿帕拉契山脉间。因为Shenandoah太有名,整个区域的国家公园也是以“Shenandoah”命名。 Shenandoah那朴实、清晰、情真意切的歌词,把人们带入对田园风光的无限暇想之中…… Shenandoah有多个版本,挪威女歌手Sissel(西赛尔)那舒缓、悠扬、自然的声调,就好象缓缓流淌的河水,在平缓中显出激越,又在抑缓中把眷恋故土、热爱祖国的赤子之心的深沉情感表现的那么深刻。 大自然版的Shenandoah,乐曲从鸟鸣与淙淙的溪水声中开始的,几声小鸟轻啼瞬间便营造出宽阔的音域空间,流水潺潺、鸟叫蛙鸣、钢琴、吉他和大小提琴的美妙弦乐和自然乐韵融合在一起,宛如置身于Shenandoah mountain清晨仙境般的奇景当中。 Shenandoah还有特里萨演奏的大提琴版、四兄弟组合版、男声无伴奏合唱版等等,每个版本都有各自的魅力

“take me home country road”翻译成中文是什么意思?

《乡村路带我回家》(Take Me Home, Country Road)是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)于1971年创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。丹佛是在美国最有名的美国乡村歌手,他甚至超过了在美国比他名气大的多的乡村明星,就是因为这首脍炙人口的《乡村路带我回家》,歌曲旋律轻快,给人描绘了一幅美丽的美国东部西弗吉尼亚风光.

求一首歌,是乡村音乐,有点老了。 有句歌词是”coutry road, take me home


country road 歌词是什么

英、中文歌词如下:Almost heavenWest VirginiaBlue Ridge MountainsShenandoah RiverLife is old thereOlder than the treesYounger than the mountainsGrowing like a breezeCountry road(s) take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain Momma Take me home country road(s)All my memories gather round herMiner"s LadyStranger to blue waterDark and dustyPainted on the skyMisty taste of moon shineTear drops in my eyesCountry roads take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MommaTake me home country road(s)I hear her voice in the morning hoursShe calls meThe radio reminds me of my homeFar awayAnd driving down the roadI get a feeling that I should have been home yesterdayYesterdayCountry road(s) take me homeTo the place I belongWest VirginiaMountain MommaTake me home country road(s)Take me home country road(s)乡村路带我回家天堂般的西弗吉尼亚州 高高的蓝岭山脉滚滚流淌的谢南多亚河 生命古老犹如森林,比群山年轻 犹如吹来的一阵清风 乡村路带我回家吧 到我生长的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,乡村的路 我所有的思念,都萦绕着她 矿山女人,久别了故乡的河川 黑雾浓云,涂抹在空中月色暗淡,两眼饱含泪水 乡村路带我回家吧 到我生长的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,乡村的路 早晨我听见她的声音,在呼唤着我 收音机让我想起了家乡在遥远的地方 沿着公路急驶,我有一个感觉 就像昨天刚刚回到家里一样 乡村路带我回家吧 到我生长的地方 西弗吉尼亚,大山妈妈 带我回家吧,乡村的路带我回家吧,乡村的路 

take me home country road 约翰丹弗创作这首歌的背景

  John Denver 是美国著名的乡村音乐歌手,有一次在酒吧里听到他的歌,特别是这首take me home,country roads.他的歌把我领进了乡村音乐,并被它深深吸引,乡村音乐节奏明快、流畅,有很强的感染力,希望你们也来认识一下John Denver,体验乡村音乐的魅力。  John Denver简介:  约翰.丹佛于1943年生于美国西南部的新墨西哥州,曾经学习建筑专业。1971年,他放弃学业,潜心从事乡村歌曲的创作与演唱。起初受到别人的嘲笑,但他始终不为所动。终于在1971年以一曲《Take Me Home, Country road》(《乡路送我回家》)一跃成名为著名乡村音乐歌星。丹佛演唱的歌曲大部分都是自己创作的,著名的曲目有《Take Me Home Country Road》、《Rocky Mountain High(高高洛基山)》、《Sunshine On My Shoulders(阳光照在我肩上)》、《A Wild Heart Looking For Home(浪子心渴望家园)》、《Trail Of Tears(泪痕)》 以及《African Sunrise(非洲的黎明)》都是美国乡村歌曲与摇滚风格相结合的典范。20年来,丹佛的创作屡屡不绝,他为美国帆船“星条旗”号获胜作歌,还为中国之行创作了歌曲《(Shanghai"s Breeze)上海的微风》。1979年元月,约翰.丹佛在华盛顿肯尼迪文化中心为当时访美的老邓演唱了他的拿手曲目。  和许多乡村歌手一样,丹佛也是经常一把吉它随身到处巡回演唱,歌曲多以吉它伴奏,演唱自如,常有即兴变化。丹佛的嗓音自然明快而无矫揉做作。他演唱的内容多为歌唱纯真的爱情、美好的理想、抒发怀乡之情或是带有哲理性的社会歌曲。约翰.丹佛至今已获得21次金唱片奖和4 次白金唱片奖,他也是中国观众最为熟悉的美国乡村歌手之一。不幸的是,在我们编辑此光盘即将完成时,丹佛已离我们而去,1997年10月他在一次飞行中不幸坠机遇难。  Take Me Home Country Road  Almost heaven  West Virginia  Blue Ridge Mountain  Shenandoah River  Life is old there  Older than the trees  Younger than the mountains  Growing like a breeze  Country road. take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home, country roads  All my memories  Gather round her  Miners Lady  Stranger to blue water  Dark and dusty  Painted on the sky  Misty taste of moonshine  Teardrops in my eyes  Country roads, take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home, country roads  I hear her voice in the morning hours  She calls me  The radio reminds me of my home far away  And driving down the road  I get a feeling  That I should have been home  Yesterday,yesterday  Country roads , take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home,country roads  Country roads , take me home  To the place I belong  West Virginia  Mountain Mama  Take me home,country roads  Take me home,country roads  Take me home,country roads  就像是天堂,西维吉尼亚州  有蓝色山脊的群山和雪纳杜河  在那儿生命是古老的,比森林更古老  但比山脉年轻  像风一样自在的成长  乡村小路,带我回家  回到我属於的地方  就是西维吉尼亚州——山脉之母  带我回家,乡村小路  我所有的回忆都围绕著她———  矿工的淑女、蓝色河流的陌生人、  涂满了黑与灰的天空  和朦胧的月光  泪水在我眼眶中打转  清晨时分,我听到她呼唤我的声音  广播节目提醒我家还很远  在开车的路上,我有一种感觉  我早该回到家的怀抱

Take Me Home Country Road 歌词

应该是blowing like a breeze如一阵微风吹过

Try,try,try and never say die 什么意思

Try,try,try and never say die 尝试,尝试,尝试,永不言败 麻烦采纳,谢谢!

英语Memory Stamps怎么翻译?

memory stamps翻译为:记忆的邮票



angry 和 angrily 用法

I"m angryhe said angrily看出来了么一个形容词 一个副词


《十二怒汉》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UKCzTbirDKqEOqUTjrwj2g 提取码:dtq6导演: 西德尼·吕美特编剧: 雷金纳德·罗斯主演: 亨利·方达 / 马丁·鲍尔萨姆 / 约翰·菲德勒 / 李·科布 / E.G.马绍尔 / 杰克·克卢格曼 / 爱德华·宾斯 / 杰克·瓦尔登 / 约瑟夫·史威尼 / 埃德·贝格利 / 乔治·沃斯科维奇 / 罗伯特·韦伯类型: 剧情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1957-04-13(美国)片长: 96 分钟又名: 12怒汉一个在贫民窟长大的18岁少年因为涉嫌杀害自己的父亲被告上法庭,证人言之凿凿,各方面的证据都对他极为不利。十二个不同职业的人组成了这个案件的陪审团,他们要在休息室达成一致的意见,裁定少年是否有罪,如果罪名成立,少年将会被判处死刑。

The bird was angry,(改成一般疑问句)

Was the bird angry ?

angry 和 angrily 用法 angry 和 angrily 用法

angry形容词,跟在系动词be之后,常用作形容名词.例如:Lily is quite angry.an angry bird angrily 副词,用于形容动词.例如:He left the classroom angrily.


angry mother bird愤怒的鸟妈妈

【求助】VOF中cell zone condition 以及 boundary condition如何设置!!!


raw cell 和 primary macrophage的区别

区别是raw cell指的是原始细胞例句1.Study on potential carcinogenicity of raw and drinking water in cell transformationassay 细胞转化试验研究源水及饮用水的潜在致癌性2.Semi-quantative RT-PCR was used to determine the effect of PrG on mRNAexpression of COX-1 and COX-2 in RAW murine macrophage cell line stimulated by LPS. 半定量RT-PCR法检测PrG对LPS刺激的Raw小鼠巨噬细胞COX-1、COX-2mRNA表达的影响。 primary macrophage指的是原始巨噬细胞例句1.These suggest that dexamethasone inhibition of CSE expression is through different mechanisms in primary macrophages and macrophage cell line and the mechanism of action of glucocorticoid on CSE expression might be related to cell types. 提示糖皮质激素可能通过不同的机制抑制原代巨噬细胞和巨噬细胞系的CSE表达,GCs对CSE表达的调节机制可能具有细胞特异性。2.Primary Study on the Action of Genome DNA of Mycobacterium Bovis-BacilleCalmette-Guerin for Macrophage Activation in Mice 卡介苗菌基因组DNA对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞激活效应的初步研究

watery essence什么意思

watery essence水分多的本质watery[英][u02c8wu0254:tu0259ri][美][u02c8wɑ:tu0259ri]adj.含水的,水分多的; 水一般的; 无味的; 有雨意的; 例句:1.One tradition suggests he was imprisoned in genoa"s palazzo san giorgio, shown here in watery reflection. 还有一种说法是他被监禁在热那亚的san giorgio宫殿里,就是图片水里倒影的这个地方。

Very hot中文什么意思


求:marry with marry to marry sb.在句子中的用法!

marry表示“与某人结婚”时可做及物动词或不及物动词,所以是可以直接跟宾语的:marry sb而不加with也就是说用marry with sb来表示结婚,这是错误的marry sb to sb意为“将某人嫁给某人”,可见这个动作的执行者一般不是结婚人自己,多用为“父母将女儿嫁给一位男士”,如:Mr. Lee will marry his daughter to a teacher.李先生将会把女儿嫁给一位教师。marry with是一种比喻用法,类比于男性与女性的结合,所以它的意思是“使(某事物)与另事物结合”,结构为marry sth with sth(with也可换为and),如:She marries wit and/with scholarship in her writing. 她的写作中融合了智慧和学识.

get married和marry的区别

marry既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为"结婚;嫁;娶;与......结婚"等。常见用法如下: 一、marry sb表示"嫁给某人;与......结婚"。 二、be/get married to sb表示"与某人结婚"。 三、marry sb to sb表示"父母把女儿嫁给某人"或"为儿子娶媳妇"。 四、marry作不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰。 五、marry 一般不与介词with 连用。 六、若问某某是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用be / get married的形式,相当于系表结构。marry sb. 同某人结婚 marry one and other 主持某人和另一个人的婚礼 marry 不及物动词,结婚的意思 marry in 通过结婚成为家庭的一员 marry off sb. 把某人嫁出去 marry up 联合 married 已婚的she married a soldiershe married a doctor in 2000they have been married for a year.


marry单词y变i,加age后缀变名词。解析:根据英语语法规则,动词词尾的y在变名词时y变i,表示"状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称“,变名词加age, 所以marry变名词为marriage。marriage一、含义:n. 结婚;婚姻;紧密结合。二、用法:marriage的基本意思是“结婚”,也可指“婚姻状况”,即在法律上和精神上男女两性结合的一种生活形式。既可用作可数名词,又可用作不可数名词。引申可作“合并”解。marriage也可作“婚礼”解,是可数名词。It was a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage.得知她结婚是件令人惊喜的事。近义词:match一、含义:n. 对手;火柴;比赛;配偶;般配的人。v. 相配;和...相配;相一致;较量。二、用法:match的基本意思是“比赛,竞赛”,多指网球、足球、高尔夫球等运动项目的比赛,主要用于英式英语,是可数名词。match也可指“对手”或力量、能力等能相抗衡的“敌手”,用于单数形式,其后多与介词for连用。I am no match for her when it comes to language.在语言能力方面我根本不是她的对手。

get married是不是marry的意思?

get married和marry的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.get married意思:结婚2.marry意思:嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲二、用法不同1.get married用法:基本意思是“男婚女嫁”,指(使)男子和女子成为夫妻的行为或状态。还可表示家长、亲朋或牧师等为新人主持婚礼。引申可用于其他事物的“结合”“融合”。2.marry用法:用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,宾语可以是职业称谓、人种、他国公民等,其前须加不定冠词a,用于比喻时也可以money等作宾语。可用于被动结构。三、侧重点不同1.get married侧重点:get married表示结婚,是指结婚的动作,get在这里是联系动词,表示状态的变化或动作的开始,变得怎么样,你本来没结婚,现在结婚了,就叫get married。2.marry侧重点:marry本身是及物动词,和某人结婚,娶或嫁谁,可以用marry

get married和marry的区别

get married 直译:变成结了婚的。用法:They will get married. 他们将与结婚。marry 与。。结婚。用法:Will you marry me?

get married是不是marry的意思

get married和marry的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.get married意思:结婚2.marry意思:嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲二、用法不同1.get married用法:基本意思是“男婚女嫁”,指(使)男子和女子成为夫妻的行为或状态。还可表示家长、亲朋或牧师等为新人主持婚礼。引申可用于其他事物的“结合”“融合”。2.marry用法:用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,宾语可以是职业称谓、人种、他国公民等,其前须加不定冠词a,用于比喻时也可以money等作宾语。可用于被动结构。三、侧重点不同1.get married侧重点:get married表示结婚,是指结婚的动作,get在这里是联系动词,表示状态的变化或动作的开始,变得怎么样,你本来没结婚,现在结婚了,就叫get married。2.marry侧重点:marry本身是及物动词,和某人结婚,娶或嫁谁,可以用marry

marry和be/get married to的用法有何不同?

marry *** .to *** .,be/get married to *** .这二个词组都与marry有关,但在不同语境中所的含义不同.marry是及稳操胜券动词,后面直接接宾语,但它是短暂性动词,在完成时态中不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用.如:He married his daughter to a writer"s son.他把自己的女儿嫁给一位作家的儿子.be/get married to *** .这个词表示marry所处的状态,可以用于完成时态,同时也可与一段时间连用.如:They got married last April; they"ve been married for a year.他们去年四月结婚,至今已有一年了.


marriage是名词 married是动词的过去式或是形容词,意思是结婚的,marry是动词


作为词组不用大写;如果是写在句子首部就要大写。merry christmas!译为:圣诞快乐!重点词汇:1、merry:adj. 愉快的;微醉的;嬉戏作乐的n. 甜樱桃2、Christmas:n. 圣诞节;圣诞节期间扩展资料:merry的用法:1、marry sb表示”嫁给某人;与某人结婚“。2、marry作不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰。3、marry 一般不与介词with 连用。若问某某是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用be / get married的形式,getmarried 是动词性词组不及物。相当于系表结构。

carry on 与hold on都有‘坚持’的意思,有区别吗?


marry和be married to有什么区别?

marry既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意为"结婚;嫁;娶;与…结婚”等.常见用法如下:1、marry sb表示"嫁给某人;与…结婚".2、be/get married to sb表示"与某人结婚

marry 和be/get married to 的用法有什么不同?

Marry wants to marry to whom she loves.Marry wants to get married to whom she loves.区别就是下面的长一点,一般marry和get married to都表动作可以替换,而be married to可以表状态。虽然一般beget done是表被动的,但be/get married to 不是表被动的,与marry 意思一样。相似用法的词有gone ,drunk,hidden,prepared等

get married和marry的区别是什么?

get married和marry的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.get married意思:结婚2.marry意思:嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲二、用法不同1.get married用法:基本意思是“男婚女嫁”,指(使)男子和女子成为夫妻的行为或状态。还可表示家长、亲朋或牧师等为新人主持婚礼。引申可用于其他事物的“结合”“融合”。2.marry用法:用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,宾语可以是职业称谓、人种、他国公民等,其前须加不定冠词a,用于比喻时也可以money等作宾语。可用于被动结构。三、侧重点不同1.get married侧重点:get married表示结婚,是指结婚的动作,get在这里是联系动词,表示状态的变化或动作的开始,变得怎么样,你本来没结婚,现在结婚了,就叫get married。2.marry侧重点:marry本身是及物动词,和某人结婚,娶或嫁谁,可以用marry

get married和marry的区别是什么?

get married和marry的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.get married意思:结婚2.marry意思:嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲二、用法不同1.get married用法:基本意思是“男婚女嫁”,指(使)男子和女子成为夫妻的行为或状态。还可表示家长、亲朋或牧师等为新人主持婚礼。引申可用于其他事物的“结合”“融合”。2.marry用法:用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,宾语可以是职业称谓、人种、他国公民等,其前须加不定冠词a,用于比喻时也可以money等作宾语。可用于被动结构。三、侧重点不同1.get married侧重点:get married表示结婚,是指结婚的动作,get在这里是联系动词,表示状态的变化或动作的开始,变得怎么样,你本来没结婚,现在结婚了,就叫get married。2.marry侧重点:marry本身是及物动词,和某人结婚,娶或嫁谁,可以用marry sb的意思,希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

get married 和 marry区分

get married 词组不及物,后面不能加宾语。marry 是及物动词,后面加宾语。get married表示结婚了的状态。等于be married相当于系动词+过去分词的结构。已结婚是got married.

marry的用法请问 他们今早上结婚了可不可以说They married this morning

当然可以,这个married是marry的过去式 marry *** :嫁给某人 marry *** to *** :把..嫁给... be married :已婚的 get married :结婚


不可以因为marry 是及物动词如He managed her ten years ago.

get married和marry的区别

get married和marry的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.get married意思:结婚2.marry意思:嫁;娶;为…主持婚礼;操办婚礼;把…嫁给;为…娶亲二、用法不同1.get married用法:基本意思是“男婚女嫁”,指(使)男子和女子成为夫妻的行为或状态。还可表示家长、亲朋或牧师等为新人主持婚礼。引申可用于其他事物的“结合”“融合”。2.marry用法:用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,宾语可以是职业称谓、人种、他国公民等,其前须加不定冠词a,用于比喻时也可以money等作宾语。可用于被动结构。三、侧重点不同1.get married侧重点:get married表示结婚,是指结婚的动作,get在这里是联系动词,表示状态的变化或动作的开始,变得怎么样,你本来没结婚,现在结婚了,就叫get married。2.marry侧重点:marry本身是及物动词,和某人结婚,娶或嫁谁,可以用marry

【英语】marry sb.和marry to sb.有什么区别? 如题,

marry一词可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词,作及物动词时可以直接接宾语,如:John married Mary last year.译为:约罕去年娶了玛利. 但marry作不及物动词时不能接宾语,而且一般情况下在系表结构中使用,表示结婚的状态,可接一段时间的状语.如: John has been married to Mary for two years.译成:约罕与玛利结婚两年了.


Her father married herto a poor man. 常见用法如下: 一、marry *** 表示嫁给某人;与.结婚.例如: John married Mary last week.上星期约翰和玛丽结婚了. 二、be/get married to *** 表示与某人结婚.例如: Jane was married to a doctor last month.上个月简和一位医生结婚了. Rose got married to a teacher.罗斯和一位教师结婚了. 三、marry *** to *** 表示父母把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇.例如: She married her daughter to a busines *** an.她把女儿嫁给了一位商人. 四、marry作不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰.例如: She married very early.她很早就结婚了. 五、marry 一般不与介词with 连用.例如: 她和一位英国人结了婚. 【误】She married with an Englishman. 【正】She married an Englishman. 【正】She was / got married to an Englishman. 六、若问某某是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用be / get married的形式,相当于系表结构.例如: 你结婚了吗? 【误】 Do you marry?/ Have you married? 【正】 Are you married?/ Have you got married?


marriage:名词 n. 1.结婚,婚姻[U][C] We have just heard of his marriage to an heiress. 我们刚刚听说他与一位女继承人结了婚. 2.婚姻生活[U][(+with)] 3.结婚典礼[C] The marriage will take place in May. 婚礼将于五月举行. 4.紧密结合[C] The marriage of words and melody in that song was unusually effective. 那首歌里词与曲配 married:形容词 a. 1.已婚的,有配偶的 Is she married? 她结婚了吗? 2.婚姻的;夫妇的 Her married life was exceptionally happy. 她的婚后生活十分幸福. 3.密切结合的 marry:及物动词 vt. 1.娶;嫁,和...结婚 He is going to marry Jane. 他将与简结婚. 2.(牧师等)为...证婚 3.把(女儿等)嫁出[(+off)][(+to)] 不及物动词 vi. 1.结婚 He didn"t marry until he was fifty. 他直到五十岁才结婚.


marry sb.和某人结婚您说的句子没问题。


01 与结婚to sb marry sb 谁和谁结婚。 02 使结婚to He married his daughter to a businessman. 他把女儿嫁给了一位商人。 03 为…主持婚礼 They found a talkable man to married them. 他们找了个健谈的人为他们主持婚礼。 04 使… 结合with marry A with B 05 不及物动词 结婚 He married very happily. 他幸福的结婚了。

英语问题,marry的用法,有marry with吗,比如she marries with him

要么是get married with 要么直接就用marry

你好,我想知道marry (结婚)的用法,比如: 我们结婚了,怎么说?或者: 我和他结婚姻了,怎么说?


marry 和be/get married to 的用法有什么不同?



非延续性get married,marry sb,get married to sb,eg.Tom and Mary got married.Tom married Mary.Mary married Tom.Tom got married to Mary.etc.延续性be married (to) sbeg.Tom has been married to Mary for 5 years.

电影阿甘正传中,阿甘穿越美国时的歌曲叫什么? (歌里有句Runnin`dry那个)

I don"t know where I"m runnin"now 我不知道跑到了何处




marry 是动词,结婚married 是形容词,结了婚的所以 1 是过去时,2 是现在完成时die 是动词,死dead 是形容词,死的所以,3 是过去时,4 是现在完成时


marry vt.娶, 嫁, 和...结婚marry sb.和某人结婚

i frequently go to bed hungry, hungry在句子做什么成分

宾补吧意思就是我经常饿着肚子上床睡觉有的时候也不要弄的太清楚,大概知道是这样就行了就是一个形容词反映go to bed 时候的状态


短语:marry sb和be married to sb


get married, 指”结婚”的具体动作, I"m very keen to know when they got married我很想知道他们何时结婚的 marry也指”结婚”的具体动作,也可以是”和(一个人)结婚. She soon married an army man and left home她不久和一个军官结了婚。并离开了家 be married,是指主语所处的状况, 是和离婚相对而言的. I am married, not a single man anymore. 我结婚了, 再也不是单身汉了. 在你的选项中, C是正确的, 因为后面半句是过去时态.D错误的原因是因为marry如果不及物动词的话, 强调的是具体结婚的动作, They married in their twenties. 他们是二十多岁结的婚(动作发生在”他们二十几岁”的时候. ) 而根据你给的句子, 是SHE已经处于be married 这样一种身份和状况.




marry sbmarry sb to sb marry sth and/to/with sthmarry money marry into sthmarry sb off (to sb)marry sth up (with sth)


to marry sb.

marry和be/get married to的用法有何不同?

marry sb. to sb., be/get married to sb. 这二个词组都与marry有关,但在不同语境中所的含义不同。 marry是及稳操胜券动词,后面直接接宾语,但它是短暂性动词,在完成时态中不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。如: He married his daughter to a writer"s son. 他把自己的女儿嫁给一位作家的儿子。 be/get married to sb.这个词表示marry所处的状态,可以用于完成时态,同时也可与一段时间连用。如: They got married last April; they"ve been married for a year. 他们去年四月结婚,至今已有一年了。记得采纳啊


marry sb to sb短语,意思为“把某人嫁给某人” be/get married to sb短语,意思为“与某人结婚” 例如:John has been married to Mary for two years.约罕与玛利结婚两年了 其中marry作不及物动词时不能接宾语,而且一般情况下在系表结构中使用,表示结婚的状态,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰.



gp handle pr with exceptional approval,delivery po and handle payment什么意

gp handle pr with exceptional approval,delivery po and handle payment 可以这样翻译:GP处理公关与特殊的批准,交货PO和处理付款特殊审批GP处理PR,PO和处理付款交货特殊审批GP处理PR,PO和办理付款交货特殊审批GP处理公关,交付订单和处理付款特殊审批GP处理PR,PO和处理付款交付

Gary Burton的《Syndrome》 歌词

歌曲名:Syndrome歌手:Gary Burton专辑:GenerationsChoColat - SyndromeOh Yeah~

Walmart Factory ID 什么意思

Walmart沃尔玛(世界连锁零售企业)ID是英文IDentity的缩写,身份标识号码的意思 应该是说沃尔玛工厂的标识号码吧

Everything (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Everything (Lp Version)歌手:Drown专辑:Hold On To The HollowEverything3rd CoastIntro Rap3rd Coast,style luxuriousso fresh and gloriousdon"t know if you"ve heard of useast coast,west coast,3rd coast3rd Coast,style luxuriousso fresh and gloriousdon"t know if you"ve heard of useast coast,west coast,3rd coastwhenever love seems awaycome and find my unityI wanna get live againwont you com and play my gamehad to know your namelet the music set you freetell you how I feellet the music take awayyou are my everythingso come and fly with meyou are my everythingyou bring the joy in meyou are my everythingso come and fly with meyou are my everythingyou bring the joy in mesweet girl can I call your nameplease girl can you do the samethis world ain"t nothing changedcause in the life you"re my everything girldon"t stop no time to wasteno one can take your placeone love that"s all it takescause in this life you"re my everythinglets flow flow down the coast atop speed like a roller coasterno girl no time to wastedon"t bump ya breaks we getting closerlet"s ride turn the beat up blastone time this love you knowwe gonna passseems like we just meant to begirl can"t you see you me everything righthad to know your namelet the music set you freetell you how I feellet the music take awayyou are my everythingso come and fly with meyou are my everythingyou bring the joy in meInterlude you are my everything(so cool cool with you)so come and fly with me(let"s fly way up high com on)you are my everything(everything is just cool with you)you bring the joy in me(let"s fly come on)raise it up ‘cause tonight"s the nightwanna groove to the party tonightbring it on ‘cause tonight"s the nightand you know that we do it alrightraise it up ‘cause tonight"s the nightlet"s groove to the party tonightbring it on ‘cause tonight"s the nightand you know that we do it alrightyou are my everythingso come and fly with meyou are my everythingyou bring the joy in meyou are my everythingso come and fly with meyou are my everythingyou bring the joy in meyou are my everythingYou are my everythingYou are my everythingYou are my everythinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/997167




固件&Rom固件、刷固件固件是指固化的软件,英文为firmware,它是把某个系统程序写入到特定的硬件系统中的flashROM。手机固件相当于手机的系统,刷新固件就相当于刷系统。不同的手机对应不同的固件,在刷固件前应该充分了解当前固件和所刷固件的优点缺点和兼容性, 并做好充分的准备。固件版本是指官方发布的固件的版本号!里面包含了应用部分的更新和基带部分的更新,官方新固件的推出的主要目的是为了修复已往固件中存在的BUG以及优化相关性能。ROM(包)智能手机配置中的ROM指的是EEProm(电擦除可写只读存储器)类似于计算机的硬盘,手机里能存多少东西就看他的容量了。底包+更新包统称为一个ROM包。一般分为两大类,一种是出自手机制造商官方的原版ROM,特点是稳定,功能上随厂商定制而各有不同;另一种是开发爱好者利用官方发布的源代码自主编译的原生ROM,特点是根据用户具体需求进行调整,使ROM更符合不同地区用户的使用习惯。bin和rom的关系bin文件是一个完整的手机内存卡的映像。其中包括 bootloader ,内核,system,recover,radio,cache,data....ROM是统称,有时可以指bin文件,但大多数时候是指的system+data.一般我们更换recover,用recover更新第三方的system.所以,我们解包ROM的时候能看到system和data目录。一般美化,优化,界面图形,软件删减等变化,可以通过刷ROM实现!如果是手机信号的修改,内核的变动,甚至是bootloader的更新,那就要刷bin来解决了!RecoveryRecovery是刷机时我们摁home键+开机键之后进入的那个界面(工程模式),在这个界面中可以直接用SD卡上zip文件的ROM升级系统或者备份系统,老版本的Recovery只有三个选项,无法备份系统,而且只能用update.zip这个文件名的文件升级不能用任何文件名的zip文件升级。但在现在几乎所有机型中的Recovery都已是新版本,因此已经没有了那么多的限制,并且还多出了很多选项可以操作。进入Recovery模式后会看到7个选项,分别是:[Home+Back]reboot system now \重启[Alt+S]apply sdcard:update.zip \安装SD卡里的update.zip文件[Alt+A]apply any zip from sd \安装SD卡里的任意zip文件[Alt+W]wipe data/factory reset \清除数据[Alt+B]nandroid v2.2 backup \备份[Alt+R]restore latest backup \恢复最后的备份[Alt+F]repair ext filesystems \修复ROOTRoot是什么Root权限跟我们在Windows系统下的Administrator权限可以理解成一个概念。在Unix系统(如AIX、BSD等)和类UNIX系统(如Debian、Redhat、Ubuntu等各个发行版的Linux)中,系统的超级用户一般命名为root。root是系统中唯一的超级用户,具有系统中所有的权限,如启动或停止一个进程,删除或增加用户,增加或者禁用硬件等等。由于Android系统是基于Linux产生的,因此root也自然成为Android系统的最高权限。该账户拥有整个系统至高无上的权利,系统中的所有对象他都可以操作。只有拥有了这个权限我们才可以将原版操作系统刷成其它改版自制系统,使用各种需要root权限的软件,修改系统文件个性化手机等等。例如像ROOT Explorer(系统文件管理)和Task Manager(进程管理)、Shootme(手机截图)、钛备份、Marketenable(查看各国付费软件)这样的软件,因为这些软件将访问的系统区域经常需要更多授权,所以没有ROOT权限的话,系统会则会提示你权限被禁止。但是为了手机的安全性和稳定性,防止用户误操作导致崩溃,系统默认是没有开启root权限的,这就需要我们来进行获取。取得root就是取得Android手机的最高控制权,很类似Symbian系统上的XX(破解)。Root后也有一些问题,例如Root后会失去保修(有办法弥补),无法使用系统中的官方升级(但可以通过下载刷机包升级)。虽然获取Root有一定的弊端,但对于Android而言利大于弊,还是有很多好处的能丰富你的手机功能,使它更强大。哪些人群需要获得手机的ROOT权限?1.Hacker,我喜欢对系统进行Hacking2.开发人员,命令行控制设备是必须的3.是普通用户,但一些特殊软件我安装不了,要求ROOT权限4.一个软件超级体验狂,每天不下载50个应用程序尝试晚上就睡不着。Android手机自带存储空间太小,所以要将软件装到SD卡上5.买Android就是为了自己定制系统的,不然早就入手iPhone了哪些人群是不需要ROOT权限?1.我是电脑白痴,我不懂任何命令行和sdk的东西。我希望能随着HTC官方的升级而自动更新(OTA),不想每次更新都要刷一下机器2.我一年也下不了10个软件,Android手机自带的商务功能完全够我用了,不想折腾手机如何获取root权限说道获取root权限,很多朋友都会觉得太高级了,这个要怎么做呢?可以通过连接PC刷入文件或者简单地使用适合自己Android手机的一键root软件就可以实现了APP2SD什么是app2sd?Android手机的软件为了安全性和稳定性都是默认安装到手机内存中的,但毕竟手机的内存是有限的,因此后期的部分2.1ROM和2.2ROM有了app2sd的功能。其实说白了app2sd就是将应用程序装在在存储卡上。我们都知道Google的Android系统是基于Linux的,因此普通的原始存储卡的Fat格式是不会被识别的,那么我们就需要将存储卡分成Linux系统可以识别的ext2、ext3或ext4格式,然后再用链接命令把这个分区映射成一个系统文件夹system/sd,这样就可以把所有的软件装到这个“文件夹”,这就是整个app2sd的过程。但app2sd有一个很重要的前提是你的ROM要支持并开启app2sd功能。如何app2sd?app2sd其实很简单,前面我们说过首先要选择好一个支持app2sd的ROM(所有2.2版或部分支持app2sd的2.1版),然后我们现在电脑上对SD卡分区,然后再刷ROM就可以,因为所以支持app2sd的ROM都是被默认的。使用魔术分区大师、Acronis Disk等普通电脑分区软件就能够实现存储卡分区。因为SD卡的分区与电脑硬盘分区是一样的,只需用读卡器将SD卡插入电脑,然后按照电脑硬盘的分区方法将SD卡当作一个磁盘进行分区即可。但最新版的Recovery中也具有了分区的功能。但在电脑上分区,可以在保留SD卡中原始数据的前提下进行分区,并且操作界面简单,这种方式适合新手和SD卡中已有数据的朋友采用;在手机上用Recovery自带的分区功能,也比较方便快捷,但SD卡中的原始数据不会被保留,因此这种方式比较适合新SD卡分区。


My favourite story, My favourite story is called "Shrek". It is a fantasy story about an ogre who appears to be a fat and green monster. No one likes him until one day he met a donkey. The donkey was annoying but he liked Shrek. Shrek lives in a swamp, by himself, but then, Lord Farquaad has taken it. Shrek was furious and went to Lord Farquaad. He complained but there was no use.Lord Farquaad has always wanted to be the King, but to be one he needs to have a Queen. He wanted the Princess who is trapped in a tower, guarded by a fierce dragon. He wasnt brave enough to save her, so he made a deal with Shrek. Lord Farquaad said, if Shrek saves the Princess, then he could get his swamp back. Shrek agrees and sets off his journey with Donkey. Shrek did save the Princess and surprisingly, when the sun sets, the Princess turns into an ogre. Shrek and Princess loves each other and so does Donkey and the Dragon. It has a happy ending. Shrek is a trilogy and is a great fantasy to read and watch!

My favourite story.

My favourite storyI know many interesting stories from books. My favourite story is about the tortoise and the hare. One day, a hare and a tortoise had a race.The hare was sure he would win, so he took a rest on the way. He was proud and careless. The slow but careful tortoise won the race at last. The story tells us, Slow and steady wins the race.翻译我最喜欢的故事我从书中知道许多有趣的故事。我最喜欢的故事是关于乌龟和兔子的。一天,兔子和乌龟进行一场比赛。兔子确信他会赢,所以他在路上休息了一会儿。他既骄傲又粗心。那只缓慢但小心的乌龟最终赢得了比赛。这个故事告诉我们,稳扎稳打才能赢得比赛。

求英语作文 my favourite story

I don,t know

以my life story为题的英语作文

When I was younger,I went through an thing which influnce me deeply.One day,I went to school as usual.All of a sudden,I heard a voice crying.I knew there were something wrong.So I walked towards the direction of the voice.Then I found a child and his mother wandered off.My heart full of compassion.So I decided to help him find his mother,and I took him to the police station nearby.Then I went to school in a hurry,but when I arrived,I found Iu2019m still late.After my teacheru2019s preaching,I went back to the classroom.I was so upset.In the afternoon, my teacher asked me go out,he said he had wronged me.And then I saw the childu2019s mother,she thanked me a lot,and I smiled shyly.After the thing,I feel very happy to do good things,and I believe that “give cake and ale to perfect soul”.

My favorite story英语作文带翻译

My favorite storyI love reading and I have read many books. My favorite story is Cinderella.The characters(人物) in the story are Cinderella(灰姑娘), her stepmother, two stepsisters, a fairy godmother and a prince. The story is about a beautiful girl, who with the help of the fairy godmother, was able to go to the ball(舞会). There, she fell in love with the prince, got married and lived happily ever after. This is my favorite story because it is interesting and it teaches us to be kind and not to be wicked like the stepmother and the two stepsisters. There are many fascinating(吸引人的) and colorful pictures too in the book.I admire(钦佩) Cinderella very much for she is a kind and beautiful girl who had never done anything bad to anyone.译文如下:我最喜欢的故事我喜欢阅读,我读过许多书,我最喜欢的故事是《灰姑娘》。故事中的人物有灰姑娘,她的继母,她的两个姐姐,巫婆和王子。这个故事讲的是一个漂亮的女孩,她在巫婆帮助下去参加了舞会。在那里,她深深爱上了王子,并且与王子结了婚,婚后他们幸福的生活着。这就是我最喜欢的故事,它不仅有e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333335336434趣,而且它还教育我们要善良,不要像她的继母和两个姐姐那样恶毒。书中有许多吸引人的地方还有许多彩色的图片。我很钦佩灰姑娘,因为她是一个善良、美丽的女孩,她从没做过任何坏事。

My Favourite Story英语作文

My Favourite Story I can never forget the story my mother told me when I was young.It"s about the conversation between a fox and a crow.The fox wanted to get the meat in the crow"s mouth.So he said a lot of beautiful words to the crow.On hearing these words,crow became very happy.He opened his mouth and the meat fell onto the ground.The fox got the meat easily.This is all about my favourite story.

My favourite story的作文

My favorite storyBy Marie (Canada)I love reading and I have read many books. My favorite story is Cinderella.The characters(人物) in the story are Cinderella(灰姑娘), her stepmother, two stepsisters, a fairy godmother and a prince. The story is about a beautiful girl, who with the help of the fairy godmother, was able to go to the ball(舞会). There, she fell in love with the prince, got married and lived happily ever after. This is my favorite story because it is interesting and it teaches us to be kind and not to be wicked like the stepmother and the two stepsisters. There are many fascinating(吸引人的) and colorful pictures too in the book.I admire(钦佩) Cinderella very much for she is a kind and beautiful girl who had never done anything bad to anyone.译文如下:我最喜欢的故事我喜欢阅读,我读过许多书,我最喜欢的故事是《灰姑娘》。故事中的人物有灰姑娘,她的继母,她的两个姐姐,巫婆和王子。这个故事讲的是一个漂亮的女孩,她在巫婆帮助下去参加了舞会。在那里,她深深爱上了王子,并且与王子结了婚,婚后他们幸福的生活着。这就是我最喜欢的故事,它不仅有趣,而且它还教育我们要善良,不要像她的继母和两个姐姐那样恶毒。书中有许多吸引人的地方还有许多彩色的图片。我很钦佩灰姑娘,因为她是一个善良、美丽的女孩,她从没做过任何坏事。

my favourite story是什么意思?

My favorite storyI love reading and I have read many books. My favorite story is Cinderella.The characters(人物) in the story are Cinderella(灰姑娘), her stepmother, two stepsisters, a fairy godmother and a prince. The story is about a beautiful girl, who with the help of the fairy godmother, was able to go to the ball(舞会). There, she fell in love with the prince, got married and lived happily ever after. This is my favorite story because it is interesting and it teaches us to be kind and not to be wicked like the stepmother and the two stepsisters. There are many fascinating(吸引人的) and colorful pictures too in the book.I admire(钦佩) Cinderella very much for she is a kind and beautiful girl who had never done anything bad to anyone.译文如下:我最喜欢的故事我喜欢阅读,我读过许多书,我最喜欢的故事是《灰姑娘》。故事中的人物有灰姑娘,她的继母,她的两个姐姐,巫婆和王子。这个故事讲的是一个漂亮的女孩,她在巫婆帮助下去参加了舞会。在那里,她深深爱上了王子,并且与王子结了婚,婚后他们幸福的生活着。这就是我最喜欢的故事,它不仅有e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333335336434趣,而且它还教育我们要善良,不要像她的继母和两个姐姐那样恶毒。书中有许多吸引人的地方还有许多彩色的图片。我很钦佩灰姑娘,因为她是一个善良、美丽的女孩,她从没做过任何坏事。

My favourite story的翻译是:

My favorite story 我最喜欢的故事

My happy story英语作文

On New Year"s Eve, we got together at my grandparents" home. We had a big dinner with 10 courses. However, the whole chicken, whole duck and the pork leg were not touched. My grandparents said that they would have finished those first when they were young. Obviously, times had changed. We just picked some delicious seafood. After dinner, I went outside with my cousins. We lit fireworks and firecracker. The dark sky became colorful. We shouted and jumped when we saw the fireworks shooting into the sky and exploded into leaves and flowers, gold, red, green or purple. Some of my cousins held the firecrackers in their hands and lit them and then threw them up. The firecrackers cracked up in the sky and made all of us laugh heartily.We played and played until midnight. At that time, all the kids lit their fireworks and firecrackers at the same time. The whole sky was lit up in a moment and happy noise made whole neighborhood very high with excitement. What a great evening!


My favourite story,My favourite story is called "Shrek". It is a fantasy story about an ogre who appears to be a fat and green monster. No one likes him until one day he met a donkey. The donkey was annoying but he liked Shrek. Shrek lives in a swamp, by himself, but then, Lord Farquaad has taken it. Shrek was furious and went to Lord Farquaad. He complained but there was no use.Lord Farquaad has always wanted to be the King, but to be one he needs to have a Queen. He wanted the Princess who is trapped in a tower, guarded by a fierce dragon. He wasnt brave enough to save her, so he made a deal with Shrek.Lord Farquaad said, if Shrek saves the Princess, then he could get his swamp back. Shrek agrees and sets off his journey with Donkey. Shrek did save the Princess and surprisingly, when the sun sets, the Princess turns into an ogre. Shrek and Princess loves each other and so does Donkey and the Dragon. It has a happy ending. Shrek is a trilogy and is a great fantasy to read and watch!

My name story. 我名字的故事英语作文?

请记住我的名字和带给你的故事,英语是:Please remember my name and my story that I give to you.句子解释:remember 英[rɪˈmembə(r)] 美[rɪˈmɛmbɚ] vt. 记得; 牢记; vt. 记着; 纪念; 回想起; 送钱[礼物]给…; [例句]You wouldn"t remember me. I was in another group你不会记得我。我那时在另外一组。name 英[neɪm] 美[nem] n. 名字; 名声; 有…名称的; 著名的人物; vt. 确定; 决定; 给…取名; 说出…的名字; adj. 著名的; 据以取名; [例句]My mother insisted on naming me Horace.我母亲坚持给我取名叫霍勒斯。story 英[ˈstɔ:ri] 美[ˈstɔri, ˈstori] n. 故事,传说; 历史,沿革; 内情; 传记; vt. 用历史故事画装饰; 讲…的故事; 把…作为故事讲述; vi. 说谎; [例句]The second story in the book is titled "The Scholar"书中的第二个故事题为《学者》。
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