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Temporary Internet Fileslow是什么级别的文件夹?

在dos模式下,也就是windows命令窗口进入目录Microsoft Windows XP [版本 5.1.2600](C) 版权所有 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>cdC:>cd C:UsersKeyBoxingAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesC:>dir/ah/ad/aw 回车,里面什么东西都能看到,

Temporary Internet Files里什么也没Content.IE5也找不到是怎么会事


在Temporary Internet Files临时文件夹中有001.part等文件删除不了

.part文件一般是使用电驴未下载完的文件,看看是不是再用电驴下载 啊?

求解决"Temporary Internet Files"文件夹没有缓存文件的问题.win7系统.


WIN7系统中,C盘下Temporary Internet FilesContent.IE5文件怎么删除、IE如何设置?



  复制代码 代码如下:   $(window.parent.document).find("#Frm_Main").attr("src",url);   使用jquery操作iframe   1 内容里有两个ifame   <iframe id="leftiframe"...   <iframe id="mainiframe..   leftiframe中jQuery改变mainiframe的src代码:   $("#mainframe",parent.document.body).attr("src"," ")   2 如果内容里面有一个ID为mainiframe的.ifame   ifame包含一个someID   you want to get this content   得到someID的内容   $("#mainiframe").contents().find("someID").html() html 或者 $("#mainiframe").contains()().find("someID").text()值   2 如上面所示   leftiframe中的jQuery操作mainiframe的内容someID的内容   $("#mainframe",parent.document.body).contents().find("someID").html()或者 $("#mainframe",parent.document.body).contents().find("someID").val()

C盘里Temporary Internet Files文件夹内的是什么文件,可以删除吗


为什么我的电脑Temporary Internet Files 缓存文件夹是空的


win8系统怎么找不到Temporary Internet Files和INetCache文件夹

这个是Windows中临时文件夹。 具体的文件路径由于Internet选项中的设置不同而各不相同,一般系统可能存放三个地方 1、C:Documents and SettingsclarkLocal SettingsTemporary Internet Files 2、C:WINDOWSTemporary Internet Files 3、D:Temporary Internet Files

怎么自动清除Temporary Internet Files里的文件

如果你在网络上进行任何操作,如看图、浏览网页、播放flash,那么这些临时文件就会被存放在C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator(用户名)Local SettingsTemporary Internet Files下,这里的临时文件的作用就是下次你再看相同的网页资源的时候,这些资源打开的时间就会比以前短很多,因为这时浏览只要从临时文件夹中直接加载这些已经缓冲过的文件就可以了。上网时会产生临时文件,包括历史记录、临时缓存文件等信息都属于系统垃圾的一部分,常对这些垃圾文件进行清理可以提高浏览速度。1.手动直接删除Windows XP系统安装盘下“Documents and Settings你的帐户名Local SettingsTemporary Internet Files”文件夹中的所有文件也能达到清除临时文件的目的,这里是IE默认的临时缓冲文件存储目录,可以在“Internet选项”→“设置”→“移动文件夹”下选择其它的目录来改变默认的存放路径,以方便清理操作。除此之外,用超级兔子、super cleaner等清理软件也可以定期清理IE。2.使用第三方工具自动删除Windows XP系统安装盘下“Documents and Settings你的帐户名Local SettingsTemporary Internet Files”文件夹中的所有文件。下载瑞星卡卡助手打开“隐私保护”进行“清理上网痕迹”的设置,打开---设置---勾选启用卡卡工具条--保存---打开任意网页--点瑞星卡卡助手--痕迹自动清理--勾选清理内容即可在关闭IE时自动清理。

请问victory或victoria 怎么作名字?对男生还是女生讲的?


为什么Temporary Internet Files里有的文件看不到啊?

Temporary Internet Files,其默认为只读,我们无法对里面的文件进行改动(如文件名、文件属性)或自行加入其它文件进去,但可进行删除操作;系统默认设置下是隐藏的,我们得设置显示隐藏文件才能看到它,但即使我们将它设置为非隐藏文件夹,...

temporary internet files这个文件夹在C盘的哪里?

C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal Settings

IE缓存文件夹Temporary Internet Files中怎么查看Content.IE5文件夹


Temporary Internet Files这个文件不显示?


windows下 Temporary Internet Filescontent.mso 这是一个文件还是文件夹?打开之后里面有很多word文件

Content.MSO是缓存的Office文件的文件夹。和 IE 无关。Content.mso文件夹是当Office程序(Word, Excel, PPT)首次缓存被标识为来自Internet安全区域的临时文件时创建的。简单来说,是Office缓存的Internet临时文件,不是浏览器缓存的。

Windows7网络临时文件夹(Temporary Internet Files)在哪?

建议你用鲁大师或者360 很清晰的找到临时文件

temporary internet files文件夹占了80多G 怎么办

打开 IE 浏览器,点击右上角的的齿轮图标,选择“Internet选项”,在“常规”选项卡上,点击“浏览历史记录”右面的“设置”按钮,在“网站数据设置”里面将“使用的磁盘空间”减小到100MB,按确定返回。以后Temporary Internet Files文件夹就不会再增大了。

为什么Temporary Internet Files里面是空的,而属性却显示有将近2个G的大小?

因为有些更深次的系统文件是不显示的。你在C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemporary Internet Filescontent.IE5 看看有没有文件。你直接在ie的Internet选项中点删除,就能够删掉临时文件。

C盘里Temporary Internet Files怎么删除


在C盘的Temporary Internet Files 打开东西时电脑说会令系统不安全,怎么不安全?


我的Temporary Internet Files文件夹太大,怎么回事啊

在IE浏览器的窗口输入 C:Documents and Settings你自己的用户名Local SettingsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5删除里面所有的文件就行了

系统的Temporary Internet Files清空问题

1、看看Temporary Internet Files占了多少空间,C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet Files,选择该目录点击右键,在弹出菜单中选择“属性”选项,弹出Temporary Internet Files属性窗口 2、用cmd命令进入Temporary Internet Files的隐藏目录,并清空它。首先输入命令:cd AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet Files 并回车,进入Temporary Internet Files目录 3、输入命令:del /s/q/f . 就可以直接删除了

为什么我电脑上的Temporary Internet Files文件夹不见了

TemporaryInternetFiles是windows系统中internet临时文件的存储文件夹,该文件夹位置不同版本系统有所区别,并且支持用户自定义,所以建议采取以下查看方法:  1、启动ie浏览器,点击设置按钮,弹出菜单点击internet选项命令;  2、点击浏览历史记录下的设置按钮;  3、打开对话框中当前位置下即为当前设置的TemporaryInternetFiles文件夹地址。

为什么我电脑上的Temporary Internet Files文件夹不见了


在Android studio创建一个新的项目时出现了library is not specified的错误,应该


idea提示library is not specified 怎么解决


Floetry的《My Apology》 歌词

歌曲名:My Apology歌手:Floetry专辑:Flo"OlogyIf I said that I"m sorryBut I told you I caredWould you ever forgive me?Is there no second chance?I did not mean to hurt youDon"t say I do not careBecause I have to do thisWe could not go back thereI needed to change allit"s all me and I"m sorryyeah I"m sorryBut there"s no other wayHope you"ll be okayI hope too not for you through thisyeah I"m sorryI must say what I thought I would never sayIt"s so far from easymerely fadesI"ve given up on usThis could be a mistakeI needed to change allit"s all me and I"m sorryyeah I"m sorryBut there"s no other wayHope you"ll be okayI hope too not put you through thisyeah I"m sorryI must say what I thought I would never sayIt"s all me and I"m sorryyeah I"m sorryBut there"s no other wayHope you"ll be okayI hope too not put you through thisyeah I"m sorryI must say what I thought I would never sayI"m sorry I"m sorryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7926368

---I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.     ----- Oh, I’m sorry. I __...

C 考查时态。句意:昨天晚上我给你打电话,但是没人接。噢,很抱歉,我当时正在饭馆吃饭。根据题中的时间状语at that time 时过去进行时的语法标志之一,所以选C。

有首韩国歌 拉比拉比拉比噢噢噢噢拉比拉比拉比噢噢噢噢 就是crycrymv里最后那段歌曲 跪求啊 !!!!

T-ara - Lovey-Dovey 我只能跟你说目前这歌曲还没出、搜不到的 T-ara将携手新沙洞老虎发表“Lovey-Dovey”。T-ara即将在11月回归。这次发表的“Lovey-Dovey”是继“Bo Peep Bo Peep”和“Roly-Poly”之后以第三季的概念继续和新沙洞老虎合作。T-ara的“Lovey-Dovey”是爱情行为看起来达到滑稽程度的肉麻甜蜜的意思,流行的电子club音乐再稍微加上一些复古旋律诞生了所有年龄层都没有负担的音乐。除此之外还收录了赵英秀作曲家创作的为你疯狂另一个版本,预计会成为和“Lovey-Dovey”有着180度不同的音乐。另外参与此次专辑制作的勇敢兄弟和姜智源作曲家正在秘密地工作中。另一方面,T-ara在日本oricon上获得了日榜和周榜的一位成为了话题。T-ara准备11月回归的同时也在忙碌地进行日本活动。另外T-ara将于明年1月1日新年开始《Lovey-Dovey》的活动

-----I called you last night, but there was no answer. ------I’m sorry, I _______dinner with my..

C 试题分析:句意:我昨晚给你打电话,但没人接。对不起,我和朋友在外面吃饭了。根据题意可知,吃饭是在打电话的时候,故用过去进行时。所以本题选C。

sorry日语版 罗马音



你听yui的歌吗?她的新歌就是gloria。日语中r的发言为l。“gloria”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典): Glorian.1. 荣耀颂诗;荣光2. 一种丝毛混织品glorian.1. (G-)(基督教)荣耀颂歌2. (神像等身后的)光轮3. 丝毛薄绸“glory”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典): gloryn.1. 光荣,荣誉[U]2. 可夸耀的事;可赞颂的事物[C]3. 壮丽;壮观;灿烂[U]4. 繁荣;昌盛;全盛[U]5. 【宗】(对上帝的)赞美,赞颂[U]6. 【宗】天国的荣光,天福[U]vi.1. 骄傲;自豪[(+in)]2. 狂喜;喜悦[(+in)]



Every Chance I Get的歌词

[Intro: T.I.] Real talk, true story (uh-huh) No nuts, no glory (uh-uh) Y"knowmsayin? (Real talk) Ay dawg (yeah yeah) I"ma tell you like this [Chorus: T.I.] Hey I"m so raw, and I"m so rich And you so flawed niggaz ain"t "bout shit I"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitch Know that I"m gon" ball every chance I get Every chance I get, real talk, no shit Every chance I get, make money on this I"ll take yo" broad, I can fuck yo" bitch Know that I"m gon" ball every chance I get, every chance I get [T.I.] They say it"s lonely at the top, but I don"t feel lonely Got my homies out in Hollywood so I don"t feel phony Ain"t another nigga colder, cribs all over Flash-in-pan, these other rappers catch a number, Coca-Cola I"m exceedin expectations, you barely meetin quota I give it to "em straight, you cut it with baking soda You said I ain"t Zone One, nigga ha, that"s a funny one I"m King like my 3 year-old, Major like my youngest son Got one named Domani, so you know what I"m gettin (guap) Deyjah and Neek-Neek and Messiah like "Daddy, get "em" Got an angel named Leah here to keep me outta prison And my partner Jason Geter to help me see about a billion Listen; Grand Hustle, best respect this vision My records sell about a million, but shit that just the beginnin What with Club Crucial and Grand Hustle film division Multiplication to get the paper, I let the clique do the division Break bread, StreetCred.com makin a killin Plus "A King of Oneself," high fashion, I"m flashin I"m, ready for whatever though, trained to go you better know Put dick up in whoever hoe, let "em know [Chorus] [T.I.] I gotta thank my lucky stars cause it came so far Dope game, rap game, "bout the same so far [ T.I. Lyrics are found on www.songlyrics.com ]Brag about your lil" Benz, nigga that ain"t no car I got some shit in my garage that requires a chauffeur High as gas is, the country at war and people are starvin And I pay a million dollars for Ferrari"s, retarded, huh? Sorry bruh, been a dick that been ballin since it started up Season hoe, get "em all to fuck cause they know this dough stack tall as fuck Nah, it ain"t that I"m rich that they hate so much Least I could do it, not rub it in niggaz face so much So I"m tryin now while I"m rhymin not to brag about the island Or the crib in Hawaii where all the walls slide in House is wide open, we could bring the outside in I think you should hear about it, but fuck it I"ll be quiet I just spit it how I live it homie I don"t be lyin Would it make you feel better if I put my pockets on the die? If I made less money, started to dress bummy Would the haters and the critics have more respect for me? Should I downgrade the crib and the way I live? Now how about I don"t and we just say I did, nigga [Chorus] [Outro: T.I.] Ay say homeboy It"s real talk comin at you live and direct homeboy, you dig that? Heh, you could hate all you want partna I"ma give you somethin to hate on, bitch nigga Ha ha! Grand Hustle, you understand? DJ Toomp you did yo" muh"fuckin thang as usual Ay-hey look, P$C partna, Pimp Squad Click Ay, Big Kuntry you up next homie It"s the king, BITCH! Yeahhhhhh, they say I ain"t Zone One, bitch nigga My grandmama been livin on Center Hill 43 years, hoe-ass nigga You understand that? Nigga come meet me nigga See me nigga! You know? Why niggaz gotta wait "til a nigga got the police watchin you and start kickin that fuck shit, you know? You know how I get down, you know what it was nigga You know you don"t wanna see me, bitch nigga! Yeahhhhhh, AY! [Chorus]

try to do try doing 区别。mean to do mean doing




hilary duff > 的中文歌词?

当我告诉他们你疯了,没人相信我 当我告诉他们你很假,没人相信我 我们出去时你把我当个女皇捧著 你想让每个人看到我们有多相爱 在外人面前你全心呵护我 但当四下无人时 你眼中的温柔消失无踪 你看我的眼神完全不对劲 这次我终於了解了 原来我的生命里有个陌生人 你不是我当初认识的那个人 你敢不敢让他们知道真正的你 如果别人也能像我一样看到这样的你 他们也会以为眼前是个陌生人 我有没有狠心对你过 我是否曾让你怀疑站在你面前的到底是谁? 你让自己呈现出完美的形象 所以当我们之间亮起红灯大家都会怪我 你的计划很成功所以你大可扬长而去 你的秘密得以保全 我们现在的处境 和过去距离甚远 当我想到在你身上浪费的时间 我只想哭




He was by turns devout and obscene, merry and lachrymose . 他时而虔诚时而淫秽,时而欢天喜地,时而凄然泪下。 Ever since me leg was chewed off by the lachrymose leeches 我不得不面对这类事情的发生 Ever since me leg was chewed off by the lachrymose leeches 我不得不面对这类事情的发生 But as unpleasant as lachrymose leeches can be , 悲哀水蛭固然令人讨厌 Ike and i explored every cove and inlet of lake lachrymose , 艾克和我探索了自恐怖之港到悲哀之湖 Lachrymose leeches have six rows 悲哀水蛭有六排非常锋利的牙齿 Maybe if you moved away from lake lachrymose you might feel better 或许你搬离悲哀之湖,会感到好些 As they skimmed their way across the icy surface of lake lachrymose 仍然为他们揭开欧拉夫伯爵的伪装而欢庆 As they skimmed their way across the icy surface of lake lachrymose 仍然为他们揭开欧拉夫伯爵的伪装而欢庆 But i would not be lachrymose : i dashed off the salt drops , and busied myself with preparing breakfast 不过,我不喜欢哭哭啼啼,抹掉带咸味的眼泪,便忙著去准备早餐了。 I suppose catherine fulfilled her project , for the next sentence took up another subject : she waxed lachrymose 我猜想凯瑟琳实现了她的计划,因为下一句说的是另一件事,她伤心起来了。 The best fun was with madame joubert : miss wilson was a poor sickly thing , lachrymose and low - spirited , not worth the trouble of vanquishing , in short ; and mrs . grey was coarse and insensible ; no blow took effect on her 威尔逊小姐是个病弱的可怜虫,情绪低沉,好伤心落泪。总之,不值得费那番劲去征服她。格雷太太又粗俗又麻木,对什么打击都不在乎。

一首韩文歌词 tell me want you love me everynight

every day every night出自歌曲《Is This Love》歌名:Is This Love填词:CORINNE BAILEY RAE谱曲:CORINNE BAILEY RAE演唱:CORINNE BAILEY RAE具体歌词如下:I"m feelin"....I wanna love you, I want to love and treat you right;I wanna love you every day and every night:We"ll be together, with a roof over our heads;To share the shelter in a single bed;Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"?Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"? Wo-o-o-oah!I wanna know - wanna know - wanna know now!I wanna know - wanna know - wanna know now!I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I - I"m willing and able,So I lay my cards on your table!I wanna love you - I wanna love, love and treat - love and treat you right;I wanna love you every day and every night:We"ll be together, with a roof over our heads;We"ll share the shelter, of my single bed;We"ll share the same room, yeah! - for Jah provide the bread.Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"?Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"? Wo-o-o-oh!Is this love - is this love - is this love -Is this love that I"m feelin"?Tell me, if its love, love, love that I"m feelin"?I wanna love you - I wanna love, love and treat - love and treat you right;Is this love that I"m feelin"?Someone tell me if its love, love ...



有首圣诞歌歌词:mery Christmas I give you my heart 叫什么名字来着


求非常好听的英文歌 类似于 cry on my shoulder 这种类型的歌曲

we are the world

Ordinary Differential Equations是什么意思

Ordinary Differential Equations常微分方程;微分方程式;常微分方程组双语例句1. His work remains mathematically in the realm of ordinary differential equations. 他的工作在数学上就停留在常微分方程的范围.2. Methods: The qualitative theories of ordinary differential equations are used. 方法运用常微分方程定性理论进行讨论.3. Higher - order singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations have important applications in Fluid Dynamics. 高阶奇异常微分方程在流体动力学中也有重要的应用.4. Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations. 常微分方程之数值解.5. When solving different ordinary differential equations, we may take the analytical solution or numerical solution. 不同类型的常微方程可以采用解析解法或者数值解法.

(Call Me Baby) (but even never )( it is cazry )有这些歌词 的是什么歌?

应该是call me baby

differential asymmetry什么意思

differential asymmetry 差的不对称asymmetry 英[u02cceu026a"su026amu0259tru026a]美[eu02c8su026amu026atri]n. 不对称;adj. 不对称的,不对等的;[例句]Asymmetry and transactional characteristics are also included as a part of the model.模型还包含了不对称和事务型特性。[其他] 复数:asymmetries


commentary英[u02c8ku0252mu0259ntri]美[u02c8kɑ:mu0259nteri]n.解说词; 评论,评注; 注释,注解; 个人生平传记复数:commentaries形近词:commentate1Specialist sports, such as cricket and golf, often include a lot of sporting jargon in the commentary.像板球和高尔夫这样的专业赛事中,解说词常常会包含许多专业术语。

Vomitory的《The Voyage》 歌词

歌曲名:The Voyage歌手:Vomitory专辑:RedemptionThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oohttp://music.baidu.com/song/19013374

every time you kissed me歌词


“salary packaging”是什么意思?

“salary packaging”直接翻译的意思是“工资牺牲”或“工资交换”,也就是我们经常说的附加福利。Salary,wage和pay辨析1、相同点这三个词都可以表示“工资”,但其含义不同。2、不同点(1)salary是指非体力劳动者所得到的“工资、薪水”,通常按月,有时按季或年计算(Salary is usually paid monthly,sometimes three months or a year,for a job,esp.as for workers of higher skill and rank);(2)wage指简单劳动或体力劳动者所得的“工资、工钱”,通常按周、日等短期计算发给(Wages are paid weekly for a job,esp.as for labourers or workers.),常用复数形式;(3)pay指不论工作性质如何,针对劳动所支付的报酬,它包含salary和wage(s)(pay is paid for a job),为不可数名词。

salary packaging什么意思

工资包装salary packaging




Everyday I Everyday I Everyday I think of you Everyday I Everyday I Everyday I think of you Everyday I won"tEveryday I Everyday I Everyday I think of you Everyday I Everyday I Everyday I think of you Everyday I won"tEveryday I Everyday I Everyday I think of you Everyday I Everyday I Everyday I think of you Everyday I won"t

求坂本龙一的merry christmas歌词?

宇多田光 - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYII give you my heartHold on, let me sign itYour senorita aka your best friendHereby, let it be knownLove like never beforeIm always at your serviceYou just have to holler at meNYC, NYC, woah woahTokyo, Tokyo, woah woahSend it off from the streets to the highestTo the highest, highMP3, MP3, playersWork it out, work it out, hustlerOh, my name got him thereMmm, mmm, mmmYou know whyIm gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightIll see you laterCall me, you know my numberLike Captain PicardIm chilling and flossingIts 7 o clockI issue the warningThats right, were stealing the showDamn right, letting him knowWere sipping chardonnay from 2 PM on our working dayChinga-ling Chinga-ling, woah woahChinga-ling Chinga-ling, woah woahTake me down to the fields where the grass isWhere the glasses lieMP3, MP3, playersWork it out, work it out, hustlerOh, my name got him thereMmm, mmm, mmmYou know whyIm gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightIll see you laterCall me, you know my numberSee I don"t need a freeloaderAhNo, I don"t want a freeloaderIf you want a piece of this stuffGot to give, got to give somethingYou know whyIm gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightIll see you laterCall me, you know my numberYou know whyIm gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightIll see you laterCall me, you know my number

sorry seems to be the hardest word. 中英文对照歌词?拜托各位大神

(sorry seems to be the hardest word)(抱歉似乎是最难的字) What I got to do to make you love me?我有什么使你不爱我吗? What I got to do to make you care?我有什么使你不照顾? What do I do when lightning strikes me?当雷击怎么办呢? And I wake to find that youre not there?随着我觉得youre没有? What I got to go to make you want me?我有什么使你希望我去? What I got to do to be heard?我的观世音菩萨能听到吗? What do I say when its all over?当我说什么都超过它? Sorry seems to be the hardest word.抱歉似乎是最难字. Its sad, so sad它伤心,伤心 Its a sad, sad situation.它的悲哀,悲哀的情况. And its getting more and more absurd.其越来越荒唐. Its sad, so sad它伤心,伤心 Why cant we talk it over?斜面来谈,我们为什么? Oh it seems to me哦看来 That sorry seems to be the hardest word.说抱歉似乎是最难字. What do I do to make you want me?我看你怎么把我想? What I got to do to be heard?我的观世音菩萨能听到吗? What do I say when its all over?当我说什么都超过它? Sorry seems to be the hardest word.抱歉似乎是最难字. Its sad, so sad它伤心,伤心 Its a sad, sad situation.它的悲哀,悲哀的情况. And its getting more and more absurd.其越来越荒唐. Its sad, so sad它伤心,伤心 Why cant we talk it over?斜面来谈,我们为什么? Oh it seems to me哦看来 That sorry seems to be the hardest word.说抱歉似乎是最难字. Yeh.叶菊兰. sorry抱歉 What I got to do to make you love me?我有什么使你不爱我吗? What I got to do to be heard?我的观世音菩萨能听到吗? What do I do when lightning strikes me?当雷击怎么办呢? What have I got to do?我有什么呢? What have I got to do?我有什么呢? When sorry seems to be the hardest word.当抱歉似乎是最难字. 《Guilty》 01 Stand Up 02 Signed Sealed Delivered Im Yours 03 When Summers Gone 04 Bubblin 05 Taste it 06 Guilty 07 Rock the Night 08 Back it Up 09 Breathe Easy 10 Walk Away 11 Where You Want Me 12 Alive 13 I Wanna Know 14 How A Mans Supposed to Change 15 No Goodbyes求采纳

说几个歌词简单好记 简单好唱的英文歌 男的唱 像try 跟im yours差不多的

take me to your heartsinger:迈克尔学摇滚my lovesinger:westlifeI want it that waysinger:Backstreet Boys


I"m yours

求歌名 歌词时我听的 只是大概 like this just box of cherry sometime this will felt was worry dont be

mocca -happy


Dufry去年收入大跌 近日全球最大免税集团Dufry发布财报显示,去年销售额同比大跌71.1%至25.6亿瑞士法郎,其中下滑最严重的是高端香水和美妆业务。截至2月底,该集团已有约1300家门店开始营业。 自从去年10月阿里巴巴宣布与Dufry组建合资企业以来,后者在中国的免税布局全面提速。1月31日,Dufry在海口开设中国第一家离岛免税店,意图分食海南免税市场。开业当天,该店销售额超2351万元,销售免税商品1.5万件,坪效达1.469万元/平。 除了免税大鳄Dufry、中免,新玩家的入局也推动这个行业走出“机场免税店”的限制,向市内、向线上扩张。1月,重庆首个市内免税店开业,成为西南地区首家市内免税店;今年,中免还将在武汉、成都两个新一线城市分别开设市内免税店。与此同时,拿下国内第八张免税经营牌照后,王府井计划在北京环球度假区打造有税和免税一体化的商业综合体,并重点布局北京市场。春节后,招商蛇口也称,与深免签订深化合作意向书,共同推动邮轮免税等业务。 中信建投研报指出,预计2025年国内免税空间突破1500亿元,长期或突破2000亿元,中国将成为全球免税消费大国之一。 腾讯投资乐天 3月12日,日本乐天宣布,向日本邮政、腾讯和沃尔玛出售股权融资22亿美元。受此消息提振,乐天股价大涨,创近五年新高,市值突破2万亿日元(约合183亿美元)。 根据披露协议,乐天将向三家公司以每股1145日元的价格出售总计2.11亿股公司股票,其中日本邮政购买1.31亿股(占公司总股本8.3%),腾讯和沃尔玛将分别持有乐天3.6%和0.8%的股权,交易完成后腾讯将成乐天的第六大股东。 对于三巨头的融资入股,乐天认为,可以通过与腾讯集团等合作提高服务水平,有助于提高乐天集团的竞争力和发展势头。腾讯方面则表示,期待在包括数字 娱乐 和电子商务在内的活动中开展战略合作,共同构建互联网生态系统。 范思哲推出新印花 意大利奢侈品牌范思哲(Versace)在最新发布的2021秋冬系列中,首次采用了全新的印花图案“La Greca”,并广泛应用于服装、手袋、配饰等产品中。这一经典希腊回纹图案,之前也被范思哲运用过,此次经过与品牌标志的重新组合,在新系列中化作立体迷宫,更具几何动感和色彩力。 范思哲最为人熟知的图案是蛇发妖姬“美杜莎”,这个神话人物在西方文化中代表着诱惑。“当我要选一个标志,我想到了古老的神话:美杜莎,凡是爱上她的人,都无法逃离。”范思哲创始人Gianni Versace曾说。在中国,华丽张扬的范思哲服饰,一度是明星街拍的常客,但奢侈品牌最带货的手袋门类,几乎没什么话题度。 这两年奢侈品整体营销环境发生大转变,而印花单品在社交媒体传播的辨识度更高,Dior、Celine、Burberry等,都试图凭借印花营销,复刻LV老花Monogram的传奇。作为一度掉队的“腰部”奢侈品牌,范思哲近年存在感式微,缺乏爆款和话题性,始终没有找到合适的“翻红”路数。2018年被Michael Kors母公司Carpi收购后,范思哲始终表现平平。不过,借助接下来一系列焕新活动,Capri集团首席执行官John Idol预计,该图案能够在未来两年显著提高品牌的辨识度与盈利能力,改善发展轨迹。 苏富比将拍卖“老佛爷”部分物品 拍卖行苏富比表示,将于今年下半年在摩纳哥拍卖“老佛爷”卡尔·拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfeld)住所的物品。之选择摩纳哥作为拍卖地点,是为了“突出拉格菲尔德作为设计师与摩洛哥之间的紧密联系”。他在摩纳哥以及法国等几个国家都置有房产。 2019年2月19日,拉格菲尔德逝世,享年85岁。这位永远墨镜白发、表情严肃的传奇设计师,生前同时执掌Chanel和Fendi两大豪门,并创有同名设计师品牌。他兴趣广泛,同时是狂热的艺术收藏家,在寓所的家装上花费了巨额资金,特别喜欢18世纪的装饰艺术和四柱床,此前在巴黎和伦敦的拍卖会、画廊,购买了大量的家具、雕塑和绘画。2000年,他在佳士得拍卖了自己的大部分藏品,原因是自己厌倦了这种老式的风格。 完美日记母公司推新品牌 完美日记母公司逸仙电商日前推出全新彩妆品牌Pink Bear皮可熊,目标受众群体为年轻女性,主打可爱少女风。其天猫旗舰店将于3月16日开业,目前已上线6款商品,主打平价唇釉。 疫情后逸仙电商加快了并购步伐,并于3月初宣布收购英国高端护肤品牌Eve Lom。目前,逸仙电商拥有6个品牌:完美日记、小奥汀、完子心选、Galénic、Eve Lom和Pink Bear皮可熊。逸仙电商创始人、董事会主席兼CEO黄锦峰曾公开表示,未来逸仙会并购更多的品牌,因为单一品牌、单一品类在面对市场竞争时会受到很大的限制。

Beginning Inventory是什么意思?

  beginning inventory  [英][biˈɡiniŋ /ˈɪnvəntri/][美][bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ ˈɪnvənˌtɔri]  期初存货;  例句:  There was no beginning inventory.  没有期初存货。  The weighted average process costing method averages the costs for the beginning work in the process with the current production.  加权平均法将期初存货的成本加上本期发生的成本平均分摊到单位产品之上。




前者主要指图片、形象的意思,后者主要指一种形象化的描述,意象一、 imagen.影像; 肖像; 概念,意向; 镜像,映像;vt.反映; 想像; 作…的像; 象征; 1.These problems will certainly batter her image. 这些问题当然会当然会破坏她的形象。2.But her image has already become icon. 但是她的形象已经成为一个标志。3.Choose your apology image file. 选择你的道歉图片文件。二、imageryn.比喻,形象化的描述; 意象; 〈集合词〉像,肖像,画像,雕像; 塑像术; 1.A team of european scientists analyzed imagery of a martian fault system from a nasa orbiter. 一个来自美国宇航局的火星轨道器经过欧洲科学家小组分析图像后。2.The imagery is graphic enough. 以下景象描写非常生动。3.Some groups already use some satellite imagery. 有些组织已经使用了一些卫星图片。不懂可追问,望采纳,谢谢~


everything是bigbang的歌,是《number 1》这张专辑里的歌 (转自BBCN) EVERYTHING [5120]Everything… ain"t a thing without you here in my life任何不包含伱的事情对莪来说都不是全部(You sexy hottie you got that body you make things right)(伱性感的热辣的线条伱让一切变得正确)Ain"t a dream…cause the way you hold me hits deep inside不是一个梦…因为伱抱著莪的感觉击中孓莪内心深处(so sweet like honey right on the money blowin" my mind)(像蜂蜜在金钱上一样甜蜜席卷孓莪的脑海)Everyday as I wake I"m whole每天当莪醒来,莪是完整的You got me feelin" so fresh and good to go 伱让莪感觉很清爽,有一个好心情My friends think that I"m crazy yo朋友们说莪疯孓Well, I"m about to get crazy some more好吧,莪大约还会更加疯狂[ALL]Cause every little thing you do turns me on (you turn me on)因为伱做的任何小事都能将莪开启(将莪开启)And everytime you speak you touch my soul (you touch my soul girl)无论何时伱的话语总能触碰到莪的心(伱触碰到莪的心女孩)It"s everybody"s dream to be in love for oh so long (just want your body on my body body)有一段长久的爱情是每个人的梦想(祗希望伱的身体能靠在莪身上身上)Girl anything you need is in these open arms (these open arms girl)女孩,伱想要的都在这为你敞开的怀抱中(这敞开的怀抱中,女孩)We"ll fly together free wherever you want(wherever you want) 莪们将翱翔去任何伱想去的地方Cause you"re my everything(my everything)因为你是莪的一切(莪的一切)Every single thing (every single thing)一切(一切)Everything (oh oh oh oh oh)一切[2205]Let it rain (pour down your love)…让雨丅吧(洒丅伱的爱)Wanna take you on a special joyride想和伱一起驾车兜风(you sexy hottie you got that body you make things right)(伱性感的热辣的身体,伱让一切变得正确)That"s the way… in the mornin" afternoon and the night这就是莪想要的…在早晨下午和晚上(so sweet like honey right on the money blowin" my mind)(像蜂蜜在金钱上一样甜蜜席卷孓莪的脑海)[9710]Everyday as I wake I"m whole每天当莪醒来,莪是完整的You got me feelin" so fresh and good to go 伱让莪感觉很清爽,有一个好心情My friends think that I"m crazy yo朋友们说莪疯孓Well, I"m about to get crazy some more好吧,莪大约还会更加疯狂[ALL]Cause every little thing you do turns me on (you turn me on)因为伱做的任何小事都能将莪开启(将莪开启)And everytime you speak you touch my soul (you touch my soul girl)无论何时伱的话语总能触碰到莪的心(伱触碰到莪的心女孩)It"s everybody"s dream to be in love for oh so long (just want your body on my body body)有一段长久的爱情是每个人的梦想(祗希望伱的身体能靠在莪身上身上)Girl anything you need is in these open arms (these open arms girl)女孩,伱想要的都在这为你敞开的怀抱中(这敞开的怀抱中,女孩)We"ll fly together free wherever you want(wherever you want) 莪们将飞到任何伱想去的地方(任何伱想去的地方)Cause you"re my everything(my everything)因为你是莪的一切(莪的一切)Every single thing (every single thing)一切(一切)Everything (oh oh oh oh oh)一切[TOP]yo yo yo, just me and my honey只有莪和莪的honeyShe"s my one and only她是莪的唯一Baby likes to do her thangBaby喜欢做她的事情…What you talkin" about homie所说的那些事情If you didn"t know me如果伱不知道莪…T-O-P got that bangT-O-P带来这个震撼And it"s bigger更加巨大See me when I shoot lycs pull the trigger看莪当莪开枪拉开扳机Many wanna rock this but they can"t figure很多人希望能憾动这个但他们没有资格What it"s all about no doubt无庸质疑的是Steady dedicated to my girl gotta give a shout对莪的女孩的坚定的给予会令所有人惊讶[GD]yo, that"s word, ya heard she"s mine一句话,她是莪的Every little thing she do so fly她做的任何事都太棒了Specially when she rock the Gucci尤其当她摇动著GucciLookin" mad juicy definitely one of a kind看著疯狂的刺激的确定的那一个(从大T的Rap到这莪翻得是一头雾水啊!)That"s right I"ma be by her side (do or die)是的莪会在她身旁(无论生或死)And I"ma keep it real tight (really tight)莪会让它眞正实现as long as I be the GD只要莪还是GDShe"s gon" be my sweety她是莪的甜心Every single day and night每兲每夜For the rest of our lives在莪们的整个馀生[5120]Baby girl just let your worries go freeBaby girl不要再担忧From here on out we cruisin" in luxury从这里莪们来一次奢侈的旅行[2205]We"re gonna take it to the next century and forever莪们会一直到下个世纪、永远That"s how we roll这是莪们将会做的[ALL]Cause every little thing you do turns me on (you turn me on)因为伱做的任何小事都能将莪开启(将莪开启)And everytime you speak you touch my soul (you touch my soul girl)无论何时伱的话语总能触碰到莪的心(伱触碰到莪的心女孩)It"s everybody"s dream to be in love for oh so long (just want your body on my body body)有一段长久的爱情是每个人的梦想(祗希望伱的身体能靠在莪身上身上)Girl anything you need is in these open arms (these open arms girl)女孩,伱想要的都在这为你敞开的怀抱中(这敞开的怀抱中,女孩)We"ll fly together free wherever you want(wherever you want) 莪们将翱翔去任何伱想去的地方Cause you"re my everything(my everything)因为你是莪的一切(莪的一切)Every single thing (every single thing)一切(一切)Everything (oh oh oh oh oh)(一切)



primary prevention是什么意思

初级预防双语对照词典结果:primary prevention[英][u02c8praimu0259ri pru026au02c8venu0283u0259n][美][u02c8prau026au02ccmu025bri pru026au02c8vu025bnu0283u0259n]一级预防; 以上结果来自金山词霸展开更多词典例句:1.Therefore primary prevention of coronary heart disease is important for protecting heart from remodeling and dysfunction. 高血压的控制和冠心病的一级预防在保护心肌重构和功能方面起重要作用。

KOTOKO的imaginary affair歌词

阳だまりに揺れた白い风you damarini yure ta shiroi kazeおはようの精が窓に降りたohayouno sei ga mado ni ori ta生温いスープ饮み干したら ほらseion i su^pu nomihoshi tara hora新しいシャツ着て出挂けようatarashi i shatsu kite dekake you転がる坂道に不安抱いてkoroga ru sakamichi ni fuan dai teしゃがみ込む背中をshagami komu senaka wo鹎の声が抚でてくhiyodori no koe ga nade tekuここから见える明日を追いかけていたいkokokara mie ru ashita wo oi kaketeitai小さくたって 汚れてたってchiisa kutatte yogore tetatte他にはないhokani hanai远く広がる丘に登りつめた时tooku hiroga ru oka ni nobori tsumeta toki何よりも辉いて仆等を照らし出すからnani yorimo kagayai te bokura wo tera shi dasu kara雨粒に濡れて倾ぐ花amatsubu ni nure te kashigu hanaまるであの时の君のようでmarudeano tokino kun noyoude虹色の伞を差し挂けてみたnijiiro no kasa wo sashi kake temitaまた笑颜を取り戻すといいなmata egao wo tori modosu toiina长过ぎる坂道 空は遥かnagasugi ru sakamichi sora ha harukaすり変わる景色に行き先も见失うけどsuri kawa ru keshiki ni ikisaki mo miushinau kedoここから见える明日にエールを赠ろうkokokara mie ru ashita ni e^ru wo okuro u切なさだって 淋しさだってsetsuna sadatte sabishi sadatte胸の波动mune no hadou降り止まない雨などここにはないからori toma nai ame nadokokonihanaikara仆にだけ颔いてboku nidake unazui teその涙もう拭きなよsono namida mou fuki nayo振り返る坂道furikaeru sakamichi时に泣いたtokini nai ta弱虫な仆等の足迹に花が咲いてたyowamushi na bokura no sokuseki ni hana ga sai tetaここから见える明日の絵日记描こうkokokara mie ru ashita no enikki egako u平凡だって 歪んでたってheibon datte hizun detatteそれが证しsorega shoushi何気ない颜をした朝日に会えたらnanigena i kao woshita asahi ni ae taraそよ风の真似をしてsoyo kaze no mane woshiteこの道歩いてゆこうkono michi arui teyukou中文歌词:清风在阳光闪耀之处吹拂早晨的精灵落在窗边喝完了微温的汤 来吧穿著新的衬杉出发吧抱持著不安 走在崎岖不平的坡道上鹎鸟们的叫声拂过蹲伏的背脊想要去追赶从这里看得到的明天纵使渺小 纵使丢脸已别无所求当我们登上那延展到远方的山丘时胜过一切的闪亮光芒将照耀我们被雨滴打溼而歪斜的花就像那时候的你一般试著撑起七彩颜色的伞若是能取回笑容就好了在漫长的坡道上 天空很遥远虽然在瞬息万变的景色中也会迷失目标对著从这里看得见的明天呼喊吧纵使难受 纵使寂寞这是胸口的鼓动这里没有下不停的雨你只对我点点头把眼泪擦乾吧回顾以往的坡道上懦弱而偶尔哭泣的我们脚印上依然花儿盛开去描绘从这里看得到、明天的绘画日记吧纵使平凡 纵使歪曲那是个证明如果能若无其事地迎接早晨的太阳就模仿著微风在这条路上继续走下去吧


是Cherry Trail 简称 CT 14nm工艺 但是据说性能翻的不多 可能只是bt的14nm版本频率提升或者功耗降低在之后就是Wilow Trail-T 这就是个很牛逼的东西了 各种性能翻很多的 我比较期待这个

Black Swan Luxury Cake 贵吗?大概多少钱?

黑天鹅吧 贵死了

Black Swan Luxury Cake 贵吗?大概多少钱?

黑天鹅吧 贵死了



I CIIMb EVERy mountain 歌名的意思

I CIIMb EVERy mountain我爬每一座山

求西城男孩的try again的歌词~~~~~

歌曲:try again 歌手:westlife 专辑:《westlife》try againhush now don"t you cry there will be a better day i promise you we can work it outbut only if you let me know what"s on your mind baby, i thought it was forever through any kind of weather but some day you will find what your searching for try again never stop believing try again don"t give up on your love stumble and fall its the heart of it all when you fall down (down)just try again so, lie down, let it go hey, you will never be alone i promise you if you can"t fight the feeling (oh yeah)surrender in your heart remember love will set you free baby, i thought it was foreveryou would always be togetherbut some day you will find what you"re searching for try againnever stop believingtry againdon"t give up on your lovestumble and fallits the heart of it allwhen you fall down (down)just try againbaby when a heart is crying its sometimes feels like dying the tear drops fall like rainbaby, i thought it was forever you would always be together but some day you will find what you"re searching fortry againnever stop believingtry againdon"t give up on your love try againnever stop believingtry againdon"t give up on your love stumble and fallits the heart of it allwhen you fall down just try again

布兰妮的everytime 里有一句 “I may have made it rain”是什么意思啊?百思不得其解

I may have made it rain Please forgive me My weakness caused you pain And the song is my sorry我可能已经把事情搞砸了但请你原谅我   如果我曾带给你苦痛那这首歌就是我的道歉 这首歌是布兰妮送给她的第一任男友贾斯汀的,罕见的原创,表达了自己对他的歉意。他们分手后两个人都十分伤心,互相都写了歌送给对方,Britney的everytime&Justin的cry me a river。虽然布兰妮没有承认过是给贾斯汀,但是歌词字里行间里不难看出这首歌真正的含义。

写一篇介绍Oxford English Dictionary的小文章


English Vocabulary In Use 初级(二)

Anna had a baby yesterday. He was born at 1:15 yesterday morning. He weighed 3 kilograms. They"re going to call him John — after John, his grandfather. His grandfather"s birthday is June 16th, too. But he was born in 1957. The baby"s parents were born in 1986. Anna had a baby.( not Anna got a baby .) He/She was born.(not He/She born or He/She is born ) 一月 January 二月 February 三月 March 四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 December call it a day 就此结束 If you do not have a partner, you are single . If you have a husband or wife, you are married . If your husband or wife dies,you are widowed . If you marriage breaks up, you are separated / divorced . (the marriage has Legally the ended) Harry and Sarah got married . They (got) married in 2001. (married without god is more formal) They went on their honeymoon to Italy. They were married for 15 years. 新娘 bride 新郎 bridegroom / groom 伴娘 bridesmaid u2003u2003 maid 女佣 伴郎 groomsman 公公 father-in-law 婆婆 mother-in-law 结婚典礼 wedding ceremony 周年纪念 anniversary 结婚三周年快乐 happy 3rd anniversary 纸婚 paper wedding 1周年 银婚 silver wedding 25周年 金婚 golden wedding 50周年 钻石婚 diamond wedding 60周年 黑寡妇 black widow 漫威 Marvel (令人惊异的人或事) u2003u2003Marvelous / Marvellous adj. 不可思议的;惊人的 Sarah got married to Harry. (Not Sarah got married with Harry ) Then Harry became ill . He died last year. He died of a heart attack. Harry is dead. (Not Harry is died or Harry is death ) obesity 肥胖 diabetes 糖尿病 malnutrition 营养不良 cancer 癌症 malaria 疟疾 sedentary lifestyles 久坐的生活方式 health problems 病 health complaints 病


在 PyQuery 中,可以通过 `.siblings()` 方法获得某个节点的兄弟节点。下面是一个示例,演示如何使用 `.siblings()` 方法获取节点的兄弟节点:```pythonfrom pyquery import PyQuery as pqhtml = """<div id="parent"><div class="sibling">Sibling 1</div><div class="target">Target Node</div><div class="sibling">Sibling 2</div></div>"""doc = pq(html)target_node = doc(".target") # 获取目标节点# 获取目标节点的兄弟节点siblings = target_node.siblings()# 打印兄弟节点的文本内容for sibling in siblings:print(pq(sibling).text())```在这个示例中,我们首先使用 PyQuery 解析了一个 HTML 字符串,并通过 `.siblings()` 方法获取了目标节点 `.target` 的兄弟节点。然后,我们使用一个循环打印了兄弟节点的文本内容。通过调用 `.siblings()` 方法,你可以获取到某个节点的兄弟节点,并进一步对兄弟节点进行操作。

James A.H.Murray oxford english dictionary作者


高一英语必修1翻译the oxford english dictionary



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