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passion is momentary;love is enduring.什么意思


3d vary 透明玻璃材质怎么调啊





n. variation v. varied


variety、vary、varied、various的区别就在于词性不同,它们都是“vary”(使变化,改变,偏离)这个单词变化来的。 1、variety的英式读法是[v"rati];美式读法是[v"rati]。作名词意思有多样;种类;多样化;杂耍。 2、various的英式读法是["veris];美式读法是["veris]。作形容词意思是各种各样的。 3、vary的英式读法是["veri];美式读法是["veri]。作动词意思有改变;变化;使多样化。 4、varied的英式读法是["verid];美式读法是["verid]。是动词vary的过去式和过去分词,作形容词意思是各种各样的。 扩展资料 一、单词用法v. (动词) 1、vary的基本意思是“变化”“改变”“不同”,指事物或其一部分暂时地或反复地变化,从而使事物各部分呈现不同外貌和特点,着重指由于环境等不同而产生或引起的`显而多见的一个或一系列的变化。有时可指偏离常规或惯例。 2、vary可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 如:This pile of apples vary in size. 这堆苹果大小不一。 This variety of dog is very useful for hunting. 这种狗对狩猎很有用 The subject may be viewed in various ways. 这问题可以从不同的方面加以考虑。


vary的名词是variation。variation读音:英[u02ccveu0259riu02c8eu026au0283n],美[u02ccveriu02c8eu026au0283n]。释义:n.变化,变更,变动;[生物]变异,变种;变奏曲。变形:复数variations。短语:first variation数初级变分。magnetic variation磁偏角。solar variation太阳变化。Variation Margin追加保证金。genetic variation遗传变异;基因变异。variation的例句1、Modern violins had a greater variation,a larger differential.现代小提琴有更大的变化,更大的差异。2、This variation shows up in the trees growth rings.这种变化表现在树木的年轮中。3、The subspecies Acinonyx jubatus guttatus may also have been a variation due to a recessive gene.亚种猎豹也可能是一种隐性基因变异。4、Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.货币的兑换率始终波动。5、We call this variation the density differential.我们称这种变数为密度微分。


vary英 [ˈveəri] 美 [ˈveri] vi. 变化; 不同,偏离; [生]变异;vt. 使不同; 使多样化; [音乐]变奏;过去式: varied 过去分词: varied 现在分词: varying 第三人称单数: varies改变英文:change; alter; transform; turn fashion ;

英语 vary 和 change有什么区别?

change当名词时是变化,零钱,调换,钟乐,当动词时是及物动词,1,(使)改变,(使)变化.2,兑换(钱钞).3,替换,更换.vary是不及物动词,1,变化,有不同,呈差异.2,使不同,更改,改变,修改change alter vary都含“改变”的意...

单词vary 什么意思??

vary: [vu025bu0259ri]v.变化,改变,不同,违反[副词varyingly][过去式varied过去分词varied现在分词varying第三人称单数varies]例句与用法1. Thesizeoftheapplesvaried.那些苹果大小不同。2. Shevariedherdressasfashionchanges.她的衣着随着潮流而变化。


vary是: 改变,使多样化 ,变化,不同,违反的意思。


vary的各种形式分别是:第三人称单数varies、现在分词varying、过去式varied、过去分词varied、名词variability、副词varyingly、形容词variousvary释义:v.(使)不同,(使)呈现差异;(根据情况而)变化,改变;改变,使……变化;变奏【名】(Vary)(英、法、罗、柬)瓦里(人名)用法:1.在只能作表语的形容词前不能用very,而要使用其他的词。如:I"m wide awake.(不能说very awake)我是完全清醒的。2.在过去分词用作谓语动词时不可和very连用,要用much、very much或quite等说明程度。3.现在分词一般不能和very连用,要用much、quite或其他词,Very只可和已转用为形容词的现在分词连用。例如:very interesting(很有趣),very exciting(非常令人兴奋)等。词语辨析:turn,change,modify,convert,,vary这组词都有“变化,改变”的意思,其区别是:turn指外形、颜色、气味、性质等方面的变化,比change更通俗。change指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同。modify强调起限定作用的变化或变更。指细小的变化,常含“缓和、降调”的意味。convert指进行全部或局部改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变。vary暗示不规则或断断续续地变。











step up love story是什么意思?


exaggeratory , exaggerative ,exaggerated和exaggerating区别

exaggeratory言过其实的,比较少用exaggerative夸张的,夸大的e.g.He affects an exaggerative way of speaking.他说话老爱夸张。exaggerated夸大的,言过其实的,夸张的/exaggerate过去分词形式e.g.Don"t use such exaggerated phrase.别用这样夸大其词的语言吧。exaggerating用来形容物,夸张的某物/动词exaggerate的现在分词形式e.g.You are exaggerating the difficulties. 你把困难夸大了.




您好,一般的万能遥控器面板上面都有一个设置键或者有个不容易被察觉的小洞,先从设置键开始说起。(1)按下设置键直到遥控的指示灯亮起,松开。 再按一下面板上的返回键或者是回复键,松开。 接着按音量加号键,按一下松一下,直到屏幕上显示出音量大小显示,此时立刻松开按键。 重启。 OK!!!! 如果按加号键不行就尝试着按减号键,操作相同。。。(2)如果面板上没有设置键,尝试在面板上找个小洞,一定有个小洞,不易察觉,如果面板上没有则可以尝试拆开遥控器,前提是你能装的回来。找到小洞,用牙签摁一下那个小洞,重启就能使用了。不行就多尝试几次,90%以上的OK。







factory 翻译成中文



阿普利亚的摩托车牌子。Aprilia(阿普利亚) 是世界知名的意大利摩托车品牌,1962年诞生于的意大利威尼斯。诞生之初生产自行车起步,于1975年正始开始生产摩托车,2000年意大利两家著名摩托车厂Laverda和Moto Guzzi加盟Aprilia,4年后Aprilia并入欧洲最大摩托车集团Piaggio。摩托车,由汽油机驱动,靠手把操纵前轮转向的两轮或三轮车,轻便灵活,行驶迅速,广泛用于巡逻、客货运输等,也用作体育运动器械。从大的方向上来说,摩托车分为街车,公路赛摩托车,越野摩托车,巡航车,旅行车等。







Sara Bareilles的《Fairytale》 歌词

歌曲名:Fairytale歌手:Sara Bareilles专辑:Little VoiceFairytaleSara BareillesCinderella"s on her bedroom floor She"s got a Crush on the guy at the liquor store Cause Mr. Charming don"t come home anymore And she forgets why she came here Sleeping Beauty"s in a foul mood For shame she says None for you dear prince, i"m tired today I"d rather sleep my whole life away than have you keep me from dreamingCause i don"t care for you fairytales You"re so worried bout the maiden though you know She"s only waiting on the next best thingSnow White is doing dishes again cause What else can you do With seven itty-bitty men? Sends them to bed and calls up a friend Says will you meet me at midnight? The tall blonde lets out a cry of despair says Would have cut it myself if i knew men could climb hair I"ll have to find another tower somewhere andkeep away from the windowsCause i don"t care for you fairytales You"re so worried bout the maiden though you know She"s only waiting on the next best thingOnce upon a time in a faraway kingdom Man made up a story said that i should believe him Go and tell your white knight that he"s handsome in hindsight But i don"t want the next best thing So i sing and hold my head down andi break these walls round me Can"t take no more of your fairytale loveCause i don"t care for you fairytales You"re so worried bout the maiden though you know She"s only waiting on the next best thing I don"t care I don"t care Worry bout the maiden though you know She"s only waiting spent the whole lifebeing graded on the sanctity of patience and a dumb Appreciation But the story needs some mending and a better happy ending Cause i don"t want the next best thing No no i don"t want the next best thinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/1276048


factory翻译中文是工厂的意思。factory作为名词是工厂、制造厂、代理店的意思。相关例句:A chocolate factory will be built in one year, which makes all the children excited一年之内将会修建一座巧克力工厂,这让孩子们激动坏了。His high earning comes from his car factory他的高收入来自于他的汽车制造厂。


factory翻译中文是工厂的意思。factory作为名词是工厂、制造厂、代理店的意思。相关例句:A chocolate factory will be built in one year, which makes all the children excited一年之内将会修建一座巧克力工厂,这让孩子们激动坏了。His high earning comes from his car factory他的高收入来自于他的汽车制造厂。

who knows me understand my need ,i am a mystery to he who knows me not!



factory翻译中文是工厂的意思。factory作为名词是工厂、制造厂、代理店的意思。相关例句:A chocolate factory will be built in one year, which makes all the children excited一年之内将会修建一座巧克力工厂,这让孩子们激动坏了。His high earning comes from his car factory他的高收入来自于他的汽车制造厂。

factory 翻译成中文



是的,英国音和美国音. 英国音是按照factory的读音,而美国音则是按照factry的读音.

manufactory 和factory有什么区别,分别在哪些场合使用?

factory, 工场,厂房;另有其他工场的用字 plant, 通常 factory 里有不同的 plant纺织厂, 碾米厂通常用 mill e.g. textile mill. rice mill机械厂也常用 works (通常用复数) e.g. loom works,(Toyoda Automatic Loom Works) motor works (Bavarian Motor Works, BMW)需要较多手工的常用 shop, e.g. tooling shop, die shop晶圆(wafer)制造厂用 fabrication, 但通常只称 fabmanufacturer 是制造者,可以使制造厂,或是制造人




名词 N



【factory 中文】秒懂英文「factory」的意思!

factory 中文 意思是指「工厂,制造厂」的意思,factory 的名词复数为factories。factory 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出factory的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.factory 工厂,制造厂 (名词) factory当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「工厂,制造厂」的意思。 factory相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例: a car factory 汽车工厂 a shoe factory 制鞋工厂 a textile factory 纺织厂 a factory worker 工厂工人 a factory manager 工厂经理 factory相关英文例句: 例:He works for a car factory. 他替一家汽车工厂工作。 例:This factory produces 1000 cars every year. 该工厂每年生产1000辆汽车。 factory, factory 中文, factory 中文意思, factory 中文的意思, factory 中文解释, factory 意思, factory 用法, factory 翻译, 英文 factory

if i take real slowly if i try real hard什么歌

这首歌是美剧《复仇》的插曲《For You 》,中英文歌词歌名:For You演唱:Angus & Julia StoneIf I talk real slowly, if I try real hard 如果我慢慢的述说 将一路的艰难娓娓道来To make my point dear, that you have my heart 亲爱的 当我将这些重点说完後 我的真心就是你的 Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know我要说了 这些就是我要告诉你的If you love me with all of your heart 如果你的内心也一样爱我If you love me, I"ll make you a star in my universe 如果你爱我 我会将你当成我宇宙里的星光You"ll never have to go to work 你将不用再为俗事烦恼You"ll spend every day 你只需要花点时间Shining your light my way 将你的星光撒在我将前往的路上If I talk real slowly, if I hold your hand 如果我慢慢的述说 将一路的艰难娓娓道来If you look real closely my love 如果你是这麼的靠近我的爱You might understand 那麼你就会完全的明白Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know Here I go, I"ll tell you what you already know我要说了 这些就是我要告诉你的If you love me with all that you are如果你以所有面目来爱我If you love me, I"ll make you a star in my universe如果你这样的爱我,我会把你当做我宇宙中的星星You"ll never have to go to work你再也不用去工作You"ll spend everyday shining your light my way你将每天照亮我前进的路Here I goI"ll tell you what you already knowHere I goI"ll tell you what you already know我要说了 这些就是我要告诉你的If you love me with all that you are如果你以所有面目来爱我If you love me, I"ll make you a star in my universe如果你这样的爱我,我会把你当做我宇宙中的星星You"ll never have to go to work你再也不用去工作You"ll spend everyday shining your light my way你将每天照亮我前进的路

The Jesus And Mary Chain的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:The Jesus And Mary Chain专辑:DarklandsDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7814670

The Jesus And Mary Chain的《Down On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Down On Me歌手:The Jesus And Mary Chain专辑:Original Album SeriesDown On MeThe Jesus And Mary ChainDarklandsDown On Me-The Jesus And Mary Chainsometimes i can fake a smilebut still the world looks down on metwenty five years of growing oldit just hangs infront of mei can"t see or understand whypushing up can drag me downtake my time in everythingit breaks me up if i cant singi cant seei cant touchsometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after metalking fast I"m walking backwardsand my head is in the treesyou can hang this heavy feelinghanging down on mesometimes in the summer sunshinethe sky falls down on mealways in the dead of darkdayssomeone"s after mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/12871488

Cherry Came Too 歌词

歌曲名:Cherry Came Too歌手:The Jesus And Mary Chain专辑:Original Album SeriesAlbum:DarklandsTitle:Cherry Came Toosung by Jimwhen she walks towards mei feel somethingcrawl beneath my skinand all the electric stars are shiningbeneath my skin andcherry takes me to the place abovewith barbed wire kisses and her lovewe"re going where the oceans bluekick the dust and you can come tooin the light of all my darkest morningsthings fall into placeand all the soft orange coloured dawningsfall into place andcherry"s scratching like a grain of sandthe trigger itch in the killer"s handme and cherry are so extrememaking love to the sound of a screamoh cherry honey you got me stuck on a ropeyou got me running aroundwith the fear in my head for youand i want youand i"ll give you my headand all the things it saidand i"ll give you my thoughtsif those things weren"t lostand i"ll give you my soulto beat it with your polei"m going to give you my headyou could kick it deadand i"ll give you my headcome on and kick me deadcome on and push me downcome on and drag me downoh cherry be badcome on and kiss my headhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12871498



she is very smart 这里very是状语吗?或者very smat为表语?状语是



Turn it inside out so I can seeThe part of you that"s driftin" over meAnd when I wake you"re, you never thereBut when I sleep you"re, you everywhereYou everywhereJust tell me, how I got this far?Just tell me, why you"re here? And who you are?"Cause every time I look, you"re never thereAnd every time I sleep, you"re always there"Cause you"re everywhere to meAnd when I close my eyes it"s you I seeYou"re everything I knowThat makes me believeI"m not alone, ooo ooo oooI"m not aloneI recognize the way you make me feelIt"s hard to think that you might not be realI sense it now the water"s getting deepI try to wash the pain away from meAway from me"Cause you"re everywhere to meAnd when I close my eyes it"s you I seeYou"re everything I knowThat makes me believeI"m not alone, ooo oooI"m not aloneI am not aloneWaa ooo, waa ooo, waa ooo, waaAnd when I touch your handIt"s then I understandThe beauty that"s withinIt"s now that we beginYou always light my wayI hope there never comes a day aay aayNo matter where I goI"ll always feel you so"Cause you"re everywhere to meAnd when I close my eyes it"s you I seeYou"re everything I knowThat makes me believeI"m not alone, waa waa ohh yea"Cause you"re everywhere to meAnd when I catch my breathIt"s you I breatheYou"re everything I knowThat makes me believeI"m not alone, waa waa ohhYou"re in everyone I seeSo tell meDo you see me? 把它展现出来让我能看到你的一部分让我神魂颠倒当我想来的时候你永远不会在我身边但当我睡着的时候你却出现在每个地方告诉我我们怎么距离这么远告诉我为什么你为在这里告诉我你到底是谁因为每次当我这正看你的时候你永远不会在这里每次我睡着的时候你总是会出现在我梦中因为你因为你对我来说就是全部当我闭上双眼我能看见你我是我唯一知道的这让我相信我并不孤独我不孤独我辨认出方向你让我感觉到这很难相信你也许并不是真实的我想再能意识到水渐渐变深我尝试清洗伤口(伤痛)远离我当我触摸你的手我就会明白它是多么美丽现在我们就该开始你总是照亮我的道路我希望永远都是这样不论我去向何方我都会感觉到你的存在当我深深的呼吸的时候我也感觉到你的呼吸我存在在我看到的所有人中所以,请告诉我你能看到我吗?

麻烦翻一下这首歌词《my side of the story》

《my side of the story》A cold wind blowsI am shiveringMy body achesAs my heart is breakingWhy is life making me hollowWhy is happiness casting me in the shadows (in the shadows)Hold OnDon"t turn and walk awaySave meAnd I cry these wordsAnd nobody cameI am aloneRunning scaredLosing my way in the darkI tried to get upStand on a prayerBut I keep crashing down hardThis is my side side of the storyOnly my side of the storyNobody caresNobody"s thereNo one will hearMy side of the storyEmptinessIs all around meI try to catch my breathBut I"m barely survivingI can"t go on nowWithout coming undoneThere"s nothing left in meHold onDon"t turn and walk awaySave meAnd I cry these wordsBut nobody cameI am aloneRunning scaredLosing my way in the darkI tried to get upStand on a prayerBut I keep crashing down hardThis is my side side of the storyOnly my burden to bareNobody caresNobody"s thereNo one will [Can"t get this one word]As I fall downAs I"m fallingI cry these wordsAnd nobody cameI"m am aloneRunning scaredLosing my way in the darkI tried to get upStand on a prayerBut I keep crashing down hardThis is my side side of the storyOnly my side of the storyMy side of the storyOnly my burden to bareBut nobody caresNobody"s thereNo one will [I can"t get this word no matter how many times I hear it)Of my side of the story冷风吹我发抖我的身体疼痛正如我的心是打破为什么生活使我空心为什么我的幸福铸造的阴影(在黑暗中)坚持不要反过来就走救救我我哭这些话没有人来我是一个人运行害怕失去我的方式在黑暗中我试图站起来站在祈祷但是,我很难保持崩溃这是我的一方一方的故事只有我身边的故事没有人关心没有人的存在没有人会听到我身边的故事空虚是我周围我试着赶上我的呼吸但我几乎没有幸存我不能现在如果未来撤消没有什么留在我坚持不要反过来就走救救我我哭这些话但是,没有人来我是一个人运行害怕失去我的方式在黑暗中我试图站起来站在祈祷但是,我很难保持崩溃这是我的一方一方的故事只是我的负担,裸没有人关心没有人的存在没有人会[无法获得这个词]正如我倒因为我属于这些话俺哭没有人来我是一个人运行害怕失去我的方式在黑暗中我试图站起来站在祈祷但是,我很难保持崩溃这是我的一方一方的故事只有我身边的故事我身边的故事只是我的负担,裸但是,没有人关心没有人的存在没有人会[我无法完成这个词不管有多少次我听到它)我一边的故事

简单洋气的英文名字女带翻译 Fairy(仙女)

Nebula 星云 gentle(温柔) Disaster.(祸) sake( 清酒 ) Fool. (笨蛋) Enchanting 妩媚 Instinct 初衷 Lovingd(噬心人) Falltohim(沦陷) Healer.(治愈者) Ronin(浪人) Autism 孤独症 Bubble(泡沫) detainment 挽留 Emotional 动情 Read a hell 一念地狱 Enemy宿敌 archer(久遇) indulgence 放纵 sensitive(敏感) memento(念想) evildoer妖孽 maroon栗色 Lolita 洛莉塔 Weirdo(怪人) Chihiro(千寻) Bubble(泡沫) Sickgirl(病态女) Nefarious 罪恶的 Dimples(酒窝) Nil 零 Nervegas 无力的 Nippy 灵巧的 unravel(放手) First sonw (初雪) Release(放生) Fairy(仙女) Brilliant(钻石) Long yearning(久念) casually(随便) Flipped 怦然心动 Iraqis(伊人) notoriety 恶名 Empress.(女王) Nougat 牛乳糖 Camouflage(伪装) Planet 星球 Judicious(识趣) Absurd[荒谬] Dimples(酒窝) Prisoner(囚徒) Indulge(纵容) acolasia(放纵) Fiee(追寻)




peri:名词,妖精;美人。fairy:名词,仙女;(故事中的)小仙人,仙子,小精灵;兔子(男同性恋者)。 形容词,美丽的;优雅的;妖精(一样)的;仙女似的。

翻译提问the scientific interest of American history?




女孩英文名fair fairy哪个正确?


fake love story是什么东西?

fake有假的,伪造的,冒牌的,冒充的意思这里可以理解为 泡沫爱情 或者 白日梦 或者像楼上那样直译成 虚假爱情故事 都可以

fairy nightsong歌词

Dancing a spiral we sing unawareOn faery night wings our songs fill the airMaking a circle of magic and lightWatched silently by the fay of the nightOur hearts full of love and our arms open wideWe hold the key to the faeries delightSong in our hearts belong in the airThe words of our wisdom we bring forth to shareThe songs in the nightAs we dance "round the flameThe Fairy Nightsongs are never the sameThe words from our lips as we sing for the nightImpart to the Fay our hearts truest sightSounds of the forest in sweet harmonyWe give the gift of our song to the faeryDancing a spiral we sing unawareThe faery night wings our song fill the airThe songs in the nightAs we dance "round the flameThe Fairy Nightsongs are never the sameThe words from our lips as we sing for the nightImpart to the Fay our hearts truest sightAhh.....Dancing a spiral we sing unawareOn faery night wings our songs fill the airMaking a circle of magic and lightWatched silently by the fay of the nightThe songs in the nightAs we dance "round the flameThe Fairy Nightsongs are never the sameThe words from our lips as we sing for the nightImpart to the Fay our hearts truest sightOur hearts full of love and our arms open wideWe hold the key to the faeries delightSong in our hearts belong in the airThe words of our wisdom we bring forth to shareThe songs in the nightAs we dance "round the flameThe Fairy Nightsongs are never the sameThe words from our lips as we sing for the nightImpart to the Fay our hearts truest sightSounds of the forest in sweet harmonyWe give the gift of our song to the faeryDancing a spiral we sing unawareThe faery night wings our song fill the air

fairy。 是什么意思。 代表着什么寓意



网页上有,自己查查啊,这个有sweet fairy 还有dairy fairy ,具体是哪个自己根据需要查查啊``


fairy的另一半情侣英文如下:1、reserved(矜持)2、Judicious(识趣)3、Release(放生)4、single(一个人)5、Pursuit(追求)6、detainment(挽留)7、Monstar(简爱)8、nostalgic(念旧)9、archer(久遇)10、dialog(对白)11、Tornado girl(旋风少女)12、starshine(星光)13、Spoony(痴情)14、Chanyelo(暖阳)15、acacia(相思)


如下:1、Witch(女巫)——Master(法师)。2、Princess(公主)——Knight(骑士)。3、Fairy(妖精)——Spirit(精灵)。4、moon(月亮)——sun(太阳)。5、Superficia(浮浅)——Coldwords(言冷)。英文情侣名1、bai﹏Death—du﹏Despair2、flowers — afraid, flowers u266104u2661、Re、member ...3、♀Bad Boy/— ♂Bad Girl/4、Ningning — ? left of summer5、Just for you — Just for me

fairy 是什么意思

. Grape Fairy 葡萄仙子 2. fairy martin 仙岩燕 3. a fairy story 神话故事 4. fairy tale film 童话片 5. a fairy tale 神仙故事 6. fairy becomes incarnate 神仙下凡



13. Mr. Brown learned____about Chinese history. A

答案: C用 a lot 去修饰动词, 如: Thanks a lot. / It rains a lot in summer.翻译:布朗先生学了很多关于中国的历史。*********************************************************祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!*********************************************************




fairy读音发音:英 [_fe_ri]、美 [_feri]。fairy,英语词语,可作名词、形容词,翻译为仙女、小仙子、美丽的、可爱的。例句:The woman I regarded as my fairy godmother was Sybil.She was wonderful to me.被我视为贵人的女子叫西比尔。她待我好极了。




fairy这个英文单词的意思是:仙女、小仙子、小精灵、美丽的、可爱的、仙女似的。 相信不少人在观看英文动画片的时候,经常会看到fairy个英文单词,究竟这个英文单词是什么意思呢?下面让我们共同去了解这个英文单词吧。 详细内容 01 单词音标: 英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] 。 02 He truly is a hairy fairy godmother ! 他真是个多毛的仙女教母啊! Then the good fairy vanished . 然后,好心的仙女消失了。 03 (in stories) a creature like a small person, who has magic powers a good/wicked fairy (故事中的)小仙人,仙子,小精灵 04 see alsotooth fairy 善良的仙子;邪恶的精灵 The snail was the blue-haired fairy "s pet . 这只蜗牛是蓝发仙女的宠物。 05 They thanked the fourth fairy for her gift . 他们感谢第四个仙女送上的礼物。 If you "re isabelle , you think about fairy dust . 如果你是伊莎贝尔,你会想到仙女魔法粉。

请问 fairy 是什么意思啊 ?????????在线等



fai e rui服爱(快念)额瑞

fairy 怎么读

fairy英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] n.仙女;小仙子;小精灵adj.美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的






fairy [英]u02c8feu0259ri [美]u02c8feri n. 仙女;小仙子;小精灵 adj. 美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的 例句及用法1、Why fairy tales are we playing this song?为什么我们这首歌是童话故事?2Many fairy tales about this mountain spread among the local people,hiding huangshan in mystery. 当地流传着不少优美神话故事,为黄山披上了神秘的外衣。3、This is surely a fairy story. 这肯定是一个童话。






fairy 英["feərɪ]美["fɛri]n. 仙女,小精灵;漂亮姑娘adj. 仙女的fairy tale 神话故事,童话;谎言 fairy story 神话;谎言 tooth fairy 牙仙子(是英国童话里的一个仙子) fairy land n. 仙界;仙境 n.仙女,小精灵;漂亮姑娘



fairy怎么读 fairy英文介绍

1、读fairy。 2、读法:英 [u02c8feu0259ri] 美 [u02c8feri] 。 3、释义:n.仙女;小仙子;小精灵adj.美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的。 4、例句:I think I was a fairy my previous life. 我想我前世是个仙女。

fairy godmother是什么意思

fairy godmother .恩人;救星 仙女教母;神仙教母;天使教母例句筛选1."By going to the ball, " said the fairy godmother.“到去球说,”仙女教母。2.The Magical Sapor combines my interests in cooking and dressing up as a fairygodmother into a set of seasoning wands.这个魔法调料盒激起了我做饭的兴趣,让我想装扮成一个带着调料魔杖的神仙教母。

Ordinary Life的歌词 Matthew West唱的

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