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语法标注解释 summary英音:["sʌməri]美音:["sʌmərɪ] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释形容词 a. 1.概括的,扼要的He gave a summary report of the day"s events. 他对一天的事件作了简要的报告。 2.实时的;草率的;即决的,简易的The government took summary action to aid the earthquake victims. 政府即刻采取行动救济地震灾民。 名词 n. 1.总结,摘要,一览[C][(+of)]He made a summary of the case. 他为这个案件做了一个摘要。 语法标注解释 summarize英音:["sʌməraiz]美音:["sʌmə,raɪz] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释及物动词 vt. 1.总结,概述,概括She summarized the aims of the new party in a couple of sentences. 她用几句话概括了新党的目标。 不及物动词 vi. 1.作总结,作概括

我让男友用英语来形容我们之间的感情,这哥们给我发来 hierarchy of needs theory 我凌乱了.


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welcome to my country歌词

Beautiful mornings,beautiful nights,amazing colors of the twilightMemories whisper,memories sighYou and I togetherbefore you said goodbyeWelcome to my countrybut here you don"t belongStay with me forever, stay as long as you wantWelcome to my countrybut here you"re bound to fallDon"t you hear me crying, don"t you hear my callImaginationsIllusory dateI came with flowerssponsored linksI guess I came too lateLike a praire fire you made me seeThat the bridges are burnt downand I got down on my kneesWelcome to my countrybut here you don"t belongStay with me forever, stay as long as you wantWelcome to my countrybut here you"re bound to fallDon"t you hear me crying, don"t you hear my callBeautiful mornings,beautiful nights,amazing colors of the twilightTime"s kind of passed byas I remember the pastWhere are you nowI cried out at lastWelcome to my countrybut here you don"t belongStay with me forever, stay as long as you wantWelcome to my countrybut here you"re bound to fallDon"t you hear me crying, don"t you hear my call

paces ferry造句 paces ferryの例文

Its local headquarters is on Paces Ferry in Vinings. Atlanta History Center, 130 W . Paces Ferry Road N . W. They moved to a mansion on Paces Ferry Road. Presenting sponsors for 2014 were Paces Ferry Veterinary Cpnic and Unleashed by Petco. Presenting sponsors for 2015 were Paces Ferry Veterinary Cpnic and Unleashed by Petco. The next evening he signs copies at Chapter 11 on West Paces Ferry Road. Where : 675 W . Paces Ferry Road. From I-75, take the West Paces Ferry Road exit toward Buckhead. Two of the guys started running away ( down East Paces Ferry Road ). Where : Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Road N . W. It"s difficult to see paces ferry in a sentence. 用 paces ferry 造句挺难的 They moved to a huge $ 700, 000 mansion on Paces Ferry Road. The family purchased their home on Paces Ferry Road for $ 664, 000. He was on the board of trustees at West Paces Ferry Hospital 1981-87. Smith said it started at the Cobalt Lounge, also located on East Paces Ferry . Speakers included veterinarians from Paces Ferry Veterinary Cpnic and trainers from K-9 Coach. Speakers included local veterinarians from Paces Ferry Veterinary Cpnic and trainers from K-9 Coach. Atlanta History Center, 130 W . Paces Ferry Road N . W . 404-814- 103 WEST, 103 WEST Paces FerrY Rd, Atlanta, Ga . 404-233-5993 The wide, stuccoed structure immediately became a head turner, even on busy West Paces Ferry . He and his firm designed seven of the mansions on Atlanta"s West Paces Ferry Road. Through July . 432 E . Paces Ferry Road N . E . 404-233-1846. Irby subsequently estabpshed a general store and tavern at the northwest corner of the Peachtree Roswell Paces Ferry intersection. Through Jan . 3.130 W . Paces Ferry Road N . W . 404-814-4000. Robert Koontz was 17 when he and a friend happened upon her pttle house on Paces Ferry Road in 1967. Fassett was parked on East Paces Ferry in front of the Habersham Apartments, about o blocks from the nightclub. The fight continued at East Paces Ferry and Grandview, about 40 to 50 feet in front of the pmo. Ichiyo Art Center, 432 E . Paces Ferry Road, N . E . 404-233-1846. Several streets in the Atlanta area are named for Hardy Pace, including Paces Ferry Road and Paces Mill Road. Cornepa Powell on East Paces Ferry Road has a good selection of gowns from the late 1800s through the early 1900s. Lewis walked up and grabbed Oakley around the waist, pulpng him toward the pmousine parked on East Paces Ferry Road. It"s difficult to see paces ferry in a sentence. 用 paces ferry 造句挺难的 In 1838, Henry Irby started a tavern and grocery at what would bee the intersection of Paces Ferry and Roswell Roads. Paces Mill Road is a *** all spur route off Paces Ferry Road connecting Vinings east to Cobb Parkway ( SR 3 ). The slayings are the second in o weeks along East Paces Ferry Road in the heart of the city"s entertainment district. Irwin would not divulge Fassett"s description of the deadly fight at the intersection of East Paces Ferry Road and Grandview Avenue. Mepssa Keeler pves in a second-floor East Paces Ferry Road apartment, her bedroom window looking down on the crime scene. Patrick Ozonu pulled his cab into the intersection of East Paces Ferry Road and Grandview Avenue and was stunned by what he saw. Home Depot, based in Cobb County at I-285 and Paces Ferry Road, currently has 15 Expos in six states. It stands on approximately 18 acres ( 73, 000 m?) on historic West Paces Ferry Road in north-northwest Atlanta. A coffee and dessert reception will follow the 7 p . m . lecture at McElreath Hall, 130 W . Paces Ferry Road. -- Atlanta : Swan Woods Trail, Atlanta History Center, 130 West Paces Ferry Road NW . 404-814-4000. A bronze statue of Pace, sculpted by artist Hilarie Johnston, was erected in an office building on Paces Ferry Road in 1987. But his condition worsened to the point that, one night, Higgins needed to be carried to the emergency room at Paces Ferry Hospital. Baltimore Ravens football player Ray Lewis was imppcated in the murders which occurred after he left the Cobalt Club at 265 East Paces Ferry Road. One of Garcia"s best classrooms was the cottage garden he created outside his last home _ an apartment building on East Paces Ferry Road. In a characteristic bit of understatement, there"s no sign in front of his restaurant at 111 W . Paces Ferry Road in Atlanta. Well, the property owners or those who lease property on the east side of Peachtree beeen East Paces Ferry and Buckhead Avenue have some work to do. The playhouse : From 1937 until her death, she pved in a four-room house at 2041 Paces Ferry Road in Vinings ( Ga . ). Moby will also perform a free show at midnight tonight at Cobalt, 265 E . Paces Ferry Road N . E . 404-760-9250. "You can get a car off Bankhead Highway or Alpharetta or you can get"em off West Paces Ferry where the governor"s mansion is. A row of clubs on East Paces Ferry Road that were closed _ Bar, Park Bench and Roberts Eats & Drinks _ had windows shot out. It"s difficult to see paces ferry in a sentence. 用 paces ferry 造句挺难的

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我想聊一聊John Watson & Mary Watson的爱情

文/慕凉卿卿 首先声明在此不评论《神探夏洛克》第四季的好坏,虽然最近好多人大呼第一集令人失望,但我个人觉得剧情依旧很精彩,所以众口难调。本人就不褒奖、不吐槽,只谈剧情,不讨论大道理,单纯想聊一聊John和Mary这段不算长亦不算短的爱情。 注:以下内容有轻微剧透,请尚未看过第四季的小伙伴自行选择是否继续阅读。 起初对于John和Mary这两人的结合是无所谓特别烦躁或是特别喜爱,可以讲是无感的。只是觉得终于有那么一个人能让这段关系中有三人共存,真是挺神奇的。 一刷第四季第一集的时候,第一反应是愤怒的,对John的愤怒: 原因有二,其一,Mary去世之后,John不理智地将所有过错怪罪于Sherlock身上,迁怒于Sherlock,甚至认为是Sherlock杀了Mary。而Sherlock这种声称是高功能反社会的人格,实际是不会处理自己的情感的人,面对Mary的突然离世和、John的决裂、自己过于自信的内疚以及违背了自己的誓言,这些事情令他难以接受,无法调节后他整个人崩坏,精神崩溃,甚至要去看心理医生。 其二则是John的婚后出轨,虽然从第二集能够得知他只停留在精神出轨层面,但他依旧辜负了所有人,Mary、Sherlock甚至是刚出生的小女儿Rosie。Mary从出现便一直深爱John,她感恩John爱她,死前她艰难地说了那句“you are my whole world!”而John在宝宝出生后出轨,只能说他配不上Mary全部的爱,也不配Sherlock对他的情谊。 因此,一刷第一集的时候,我对John除了愤怒外,还有一丝失望。 在漫长等待第二集的时候,我对第一集进行二刷,从头再看一次时,我注意到了许多一刷的时候忽略的东西。 Mary处于被曾经的同伴追杀的危险时,John找到Mary的时候说了一句话:“there are so many lies!”他又说,“当然这句话不仅仅是针对你。” 其实一刷的时候,我有注意到,不过那时单纯以为他是在抱怨Mary,就如刚知晓她的身份时候那样,抱怨为什么Mary会对John有那么多谎言、一次又一次的。而二刷时真正懂得了他说的意思,尤其是John在飞机上重新回顾这个片段,我懂他所说的这句话真正的意思是:他觉得这段婚姻中有太多的谎言,不仅Mary对John有谎言,John对Mary也有谎言,他觉得这段婚姻与他预想的不一样,没有那么多纯净的东西在里面。甚至可以大胆猜想他内心很愧疚,但真正在挣扎地或许是这一切是我想要的吗?这段婚姻还有存在的必要吗? 二刷第一集让我对John出轨这件事有了更多的感知,他的出轨其实是 有其必然性 。 首先,从前两季剧中我们可以看到John有超级多的女友,他喜欢女友,不幸地是都分手了。他说不是因为Sherlock,但多少还是因为女友们不理解支持John喜欢与Sherlock一同查案。所以女友只能一换再换,总之,能看出John是个不耐寂寞地男人。 同时,在剧中看透John的Sherlock曾经多次提到John喜欢危险刺激。首次见面就看出John是想念战场而不是惧怕;第三季第一集中Sherlock曾对John说,“承认了吧,你很怀念这样,追逐的刺激、血脉泵张的感觉”;第三季第三集时John愤怒地问Mary:“为什么我要用我的一生来受你这一劫?”sherlock插嘴说:“你所有的际遇都是你自己的选择,靠侦查罪案寻求刺激,John,你迷恋一种特定的生活方式,你诡异地受到危险的人和事吸引。所以你爱上的这个女人,是因为你选择了她。” 综上,John是个外表十分淡定,但内心疯狂,渴望刺激、挑战的男人,他喜欢迷一样的女人。而曾经特工亦或杀手出身的Mary正好能够满足John这一需求,并且Mary喜欢夏洛克,从她出场至今,我们能够看到Mary她能够很好的处理三人的关系。所以说,Mary既满足John的内心追求,又能很好的安抚Sherlock,这应该算是Mary能够顺利嫁给John的一个重要前提。 而我们再回顾第三季John与Mary准备婚礼时,John曾说他与Mary结婚将不会改变任何事,一切都会照旧;而Mrs. Hudson私下对Sherlock说到人一旦结婚后就会投入更多精力在照顾家里;Sherlock自己隐约有些慌乱,但不愿承认。而事实是婚后John虽然仍参与sherlock各种案件处理,但明显他需要将更多的时间和精力放到家庭中。 再说Mary,她一直以来的愿望是渴望摆脱过去黑暗的历史,因此在第三季结尾,掌握她一生秘密的那男人被Sherlock击毙,过程惊险,但她成功斩断与过去的一切联系。解脱后的Mary获得了John的原谅,之后,她便不会再去挑战任何危险,一心一意想过安定平静的生活,更不会将未出世的女儿和丈夫置于任何危险中。在John看来,这样的Mary渐渐开始失去她本来独有的吸引力,开始变得无趣。 之后,二人度过新婚期的甜蜜,再加上宝宝Rosie顺利降生,两人生活的重心开始每日围着孩子转。刚出生的宝宝不停地哭哭哭,可以看到很多时候Mary和John晚上没有时间睡觉,几个小时就要喂食一次母乳等,甚至有时二人白天累倒,需要Sherlock帮忙逗宝宝玩耍。这样平淡而繁琐的生活John没有抱怨,但已经令John感到很乏味。 这时候以一朵小白花作为契机,John的生活中出现一个主动搭讪的公交车美女,一位很美丽的女人,一点点不一样的光亮照进他单一色调的生活中。女人低头浅笑,主动给John留联系方式,两人的初次对话尴尬而羞涩,但已经让John不舍放下。终于,John开始了婚后精神出轨。 和陌生女人发短信的行为可以让John情不自禁在脑中幻想,而这种偷偷摸摸的行为更让他感受着久违的刺激感,他喜欢这个感觉。并且,有眼尖的网友曾经指出,这个美丽的女人坐在车站等John的旁边有本季大恶人的宣传海报,是否暗示这个女人的她的真实身份有待考究,而第二集结尾也证实了这个女人果然是善于伪装、隐藏在暗处的坏人。这再次证明Sherlock的那番话,John总会不自觉得被危险的人和事吸引,再一次靠近、追踪着危险。 John曾有过一次后悔,试图终止这段不正常的关系,但与那女人的再一次偶遇或许给他一种两人命中注定的默契,总之这让他又一次陷回这段出轨关系中。 那么,是什么让John彻底顿足脚,真正让他决定停止这段不正当关系?答:A.G.R.A的U盘出现,Mary再次陷入危险。 Mary在Sherlock告知自己将面临的危险时,她随即选择离开,跨越多国,全程路线都是掷骰子随机决定地,前方的路未知,终点更不知究竟在何方。这场跨国追逐重新将John又带回他怀念的危险刺激中,只一瞬间便找回过去的感觉。同时,John本身仍然爱着Mary,所以他要保护Mary的想法逐渐驱散了对另一个陌生女人的留恋,他又重新回到Mary身边扮演起一个好丈夫的角色。 因此,不去考虑John和陌生女人间暂时是否发生过肉体关系(据第二集得知还没有),如果没有第四季第一集Mary被昔日同伙追杀这件事,她若一直平常着,如她所愿过上平淡的生活后,John一定会出轨(不想说的那么绝对,但概率我认为也至少百分之九十以上)。二人之后的生活会充斥各种琐事、面临各种问题,或许这份平淡对于Mary是安心和平静,但John会不甘于这种零零碎碎的日常,到最后Mary与John之间会开始争吵,一系列漫长磨人的纠葛,彼此互相伤害,直到离婚。 所以说,Mary为Sherlock挡了一枪,是在她最幸福的时候离世,她心目中那个完美的John依旧爱着她…… 第二集,Sherlock过度使用毒品加上长期缺乏休息和营养不良,他神志不清,甚至伴随间歇性幻觉的出现;而失去Mary的John在很理智的情况下亦产生幻觉,一直能够看到Mary还陪在他身侧。这两人都不禁让人心疼。 那一幕John向幻觉中Mary坦白自己出轨,不知道为什么我泪目了,是真的眼泪一瞬间流下来,不知是为了Mary还是为了John…… John说,Mary看错了他,他永远都不是Mary想象的那么好的人,也永远不可能成为那么好的人,但她心目中的那个John,是他想要努力成为的样子。 就如John与Sherlock两人说到的那样,在你意识到之前,一些机会就失去了。而他不可能还好,事情也不可能没有关系,但是事已至此,事已至此。 终于,在潜在Mary的帮助下,John向Sherlock敞开了心扉,重新接受这位好友;而Sherlock也抱住John,替Mary原谅了他…… John和Mary两人的这段爱情不长亦不短,还是给我们带来一些感动和悲伤…… 嗯,感情的事说完了。那第四季第二集最后一声枪响是什么情况呢? 让我们一同期待! End.



SuG的《gr8 story》 歌词

歌曲名:gr8 story歌手:SuG专辑:TOKYO MUZiCAL HOTELWake up, you Ready?そう梦をリアルにしてくJourney.Don"t stop未知なる道へ オーダーメイドのgr8 story!「gr8 story」作词∶武瑠作曲∶yuji歌∶SuG同じとこぐるぐる 路头に迷うBabyかっこつけ方も知らないくせに 粋がっちゃったりして裸になりゃ怖いもんなし 死ぬ気でGo my way限られた时の中で さぁ仆は何ができるだろう?もうちょっと もうちょっと 眠ってたいけど もう时间さ掲げろ 誓った たったひとつだけのものを「自分らしく」自分裏切れ 想像超えてくストーリー缚られたままでたまるか さぁ ぶち破れ 现状の等身大足りねぇ脳みそに頼んな 足踏みの暇はない失う度 强くなれるさ 一雫の涙と共にまたあした またあした って逃げたいけど ただ信じろ仆らが 守るべき たったひとつだけのものを「自分らしく」自分裏切れ 想像超えてくストーリー缚られたままでたまるか さぁ ぶち破れ 现状の等身大The daybreak has come. また新しい今日の幕开けThe rain will stop soon. 止まない雨はないから进め『オーダーメイドのgr8 story』【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/18094462

sug的gr8 story(家庭教师ED15)中文歌词

gr8 story/SuG 日文歌词:Wake up, you Ready?そうの梦(ゆめ)をリアルにしてクJourney.Don"t stop 未知(みち)なる道(みち)へ オーダーメイドのgr8 story!同(おな)じとこぐるぐる 路头(ろとう)に迷(まよ)うBabyかっこつけ方(かた)も知(し)らないくせに 粋(いき)がっちゃったりして裸(はだか)になりゃ怖(こわ)いもんなし 死(し)ぬ気(き)でGo my way限(かぎ)られた时(とき)の中(なか)で さぁ仆(ぼく)は何(なに)ができるだろう?もうちょっと もうちょっと 眠(ねむ)ってたいけど もう时间(じかん)さ掲(かか)げろ 誓(ちか)った たったひとつがけのものを「自分(じぶん)らしく」自分(じぶん)裏切(うらぎ)れ 想像(そうぞう)超(こ)えてクストーリ缚(しば)られたままでたまるか さぁ ぶち破(やぶ)れ 现状(げんじょう)の等身大(とうしんだい)罗马歌词:Wake up, you Ready?so u no yu me wo ri a ru ni shi te ku Journey.Don"t stop mi chi na ru mi chi he o - da - me i do no great story!o na ji to ko gu ru gu ru ro to u ni ma yo u Babyka kko tsu ke ka ta mo shi ra na i ku se ni i ki ga cya tta ri shi teha da ka ni na rya ko wa i mo n na shi shi ne ki de Go ma waykagi ra re ta to ki no na ka de saa bo ku wa na ni ga de ki ru da ro u?mo u cyo tto mo u cyo tto ne mu tte tai ke do mo u ji ka n saka ka de ru chi ka tta ta tta hi to tsu ga ke no mo no wo「ji bu n ra shi ku」ji bu n u ra gi re so u zo u ko e te ku su to - rishi ba ra re ta ma ma de ta ma ru ka sa a bu chi ya bu re ge n jyo u no to u shi n da i中文歌词:Wake up, you Ready?这就是梦想成真的旅程Don"t stop 走向未知之路 这有特制的Great Story在原地徘徊著 迷失街头的Baby明名连装模作样都不会 还总是故作潇洒全部赤裸便无所畏惧 全力拼死Go my way在有限的时间中 我能做到些什麼呢?再多一会儿 再多一会儿 还想要继续沉睡 但到时了高高扬起吧 我们所宣誓过的唯一「自我风格」背叛自我 超越想像的Story怎能忍受束缚 来 打破吧 现状的等身大

《String Theory, Book2》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《String Theory, Book 2》(Kirsten Beyer)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZCN3m7GLM-jMe19rFFK13g 提取码: nn8g书名:String Theory, Book 2作者:Kirsten Beyer出版年份:2005-10页数:400内容简介:As the Cosmos Unravels The disruption in the space-time continuum caused by the creation of the "Blue Eye" singularity continues: Thread by thread, the fabric slowly frays and peels away, breaking down barriers between dimensions. As the lines between realities blur, the consequences cascade. A Sleeping City Awakes Voyager pursues Tuvok to a long-dormant space station, a place of astonishing grandeur and wonder. Ancient almost beyond imagining, the city seduces the crew with the promise that their greatest aspirations might be realized. Such promise requires sacrifice, however, and the price of fulfilling them will be high for Voyager. A Mysterious Power Stirs Unseen sentries, alarmed by Voyager"s meddling in the Monoharansystem, send emissaries to ascertain Janeway"s intentions. Unbeknownst to the captain, she is being tested and must persuade her evaluators that their contention -- that Voyager poses a threat to the delicate web of cosmic ecology -- is baseless. And failure to vindicate her choices will bring certain retribution to her crew.

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求superjunior-sorry sorry 日文版翻译成中文的歌词


求make my story 罗马音(我的英雄学院op)



从词性词义上说没什么区别,既可以是及物动词也可以做不及物动词;都是指嫁,娶,与某人结婚另外,wed还有另一个意思,可以表示“将....嫁给...”eg. wed one"s daughter to sb. 把女儿嫁给某人不过表示婚嫁时,wed很少用,一般用marrywedding,婚礼这个词倒是常用的

我希望大家能帮我起三个完整且规范的英文名,发音比较贴切。 翁清宇 、翁昕睿、 翁容玉 。3Q very much !

Vicky胜利 Daicy像雏菊一样清纯 Nancy高雅


complimentary D.J.[u02ccku0254mpliu02c8mentu0259ri] K.K.[u02cckɑmplu0259u02c8mu025bntu0259ri, -tri] adj.表示崇敬、赞美、赞许等的 新牛津英汉双解大词典complimentary adjective expressing a compliment; praising or approving 问候的;祝贺的;表示敬意的;恭维的;赞美的,称赞的 Jennie was very complimentary about Kath"s riding.詹妮对凯思的骑术赞不绝口。complimentary remarks.赞美之辞。

complimentary 和complimental有有什么区别

这种区别,要看【英英】解释的complimentary英 [u02ccku0252mplu026au02c8mentri]美 [u02cckɑu02d0mplu026au02c8mentri]词形变化:complimentarily基本释义adj.问候的;称赞的;免费赠送的英英释义Adjective:conveying or resembling a compliment;costing nothing; complimentaladj.恭维的【问】:complimentary 和complimental有有什么区别【答】:在正规场合,应该用 complimental ,因为没有【歧义】而 complimentary 有不值钱的意思,不能用在正规场合

如何折叠Stokke Xplory婴童车

第一、将婴儿车摆正,姿势双手紧握婴儿车把手,右手边有个一键折叠功能。 第二、右手按紧折叠锁,同时使用向下的力慢慢的折叠起来。 第三、折叠下来的同时,前轮会自动收缩在空隙中,继续向下用力。 第四、慢慢的折放到最低。在左边有个挂钩,把婴儿车后轮挂在上面拴住即可。

stokke xplory v3和v4有什么区别


A Very Important Person 翻译


a very important英语故事 翻译 帮帮忙!`

十一非常重要的人重要的,人们往往喜欢以示何等重要。 他们通常拥有最大cars.they住在最大houses.they戴上最昂贵的clothes.they吃在最好的餐馆。 先生声势浩大,总统的尖端lnc.was一个重要的公司,其中最大的在该国。 成千上万的男人和妇女工作。 该办事处的尖端inc.were在尖端building.this是最高建筑物之一,在城市,它有50层。 先生声势浩大,立法会主席,他的办公室就在顶层。 有一天,一名男子来到him.he走来走去,以mr.mammoth奇摩秘书。她是的,当然是最美丽的秘书在公司。 "我的名字是约翰沃特金斯, "他告诉她。 "我是来见先生,声势浩大。我的任命是在晚上10时。 " 最美丽的秘书,在建设有看着计时器上墙。这是最大的时钟在该公司。 "这是晚上10时了, "她说。 "你是对的时候你appointment.however ,我恐怕你不能见先生声势浩大的" 。 约翰沃特金斯很惊讶。 "哦?这是为什么呢? "他问道。 "声势浩大的打高尔夫球" 。 "哦, "约翰沃特金斯说。 "的话,他不会来了他的办公室今天" 。 最美丽的秘书在公司微笑着对他的看法。 "庞大的,已经在这里, "她说。他说: "最大的办公室,在世界上" 。

signatory authority是什么意思

signatory authority签字权Bank signatory authority is assigned on a personal basis and cannot be delegated.银行签字权是指定给具体个人的,不能委托他人代行。Bank signatory authority and responsibility is assigned on a personal basis and cannot be delegated.银行签字权和责任是指定给具体个人的,不能委托别人代行。希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!

A short history of western painting 全文概括

You want Chinese Translation? Or the content of this material?

学习英语很简单的英文 ()very easy english well

(It,s)very easy english well

Sade的《Cherry Pie》 歌词

歌曲名:Cherry Pie歌手:Sade专辑:Diamond Life/Promise/Love Deluxe (3 Pak)Words: Sade AduMusic: Sade Adu, Andrew Hale and Stuart MatthewmanSon of a gun...Gotta find out what I meant to you.You"re the one who broke my heart.Gotta find out what I meant to you.You"re the one who broke my heart.When I met you boy, you were as sweet as cherry pie.That smiling eye you were as wild as Friday night.I should have known how ever hard you try.Change"d come and strangle it.It was bound to die.You were sweet as cherry pie,wild as Friday night.Sweet as cherry pie,wild as Friday night.Gotta find out what I meant to you.You"re the one who broke my heart in two.Gotta find out what I meant to you, oh boy.Gotta find out what I meant to you.You"re the one who broke my heart in two.Where were you just when I needed you?You gave me your soul for at least a day."Listen boy, there was a time when I wanted you to stay."You"ll know the cost, it"s you who"s gonna pay.I"m stronger now, I loved you then.I"ll ask you anyway.You were sweet as cherry pie,wild as Friday night.Sweet as cherry pie,wild as Friday night.Gotta find out what I meant to you.You"re the one who broke my heart in two.Where were you just when I needed you, boy?Gotta find out what I meant to you.You"re the one who broke my heart in two.I needed you...You teased me.You broke my heart.You broke my heart.You were the only one.You were the only one.You"re a son of a gun.You were the only one.You were the only one.Oh boy, you broke my heart.Sweet as cherry pie.Sweet as cherry pie.Gotta find out what I meant to you.You"re the one who broke my heart in two.Gotta find out what I meant to you, oh boy.Gotta find out what I meant to you.Where were you just when I needed you?Gotta find out what I meant to you, boy.Where were you when I needed you?You were the only one.You were the only one.Son of a gun.You were the only one.I"m feeling strong,I loved you then.So I ask you anyway.Gotta find out what I meant to you.You broke my heart.Gotta find out...gotta find out what I meant to you.You teased me.You were the only one.You were the only one.Son of a gun.You were the only one.You were the only one.http://music.baidu.com/song/8739984

Sade的《Every Word》 歌词

歌曲名:Every Word歌手:Sade专辑:Lovers RockEvery WordSadeI saw a pictureHow could you be so carelessHow could you have done that to usAnd I wirte this letterI send it all back to youAnd every word you saidIn there every word, oh oh ohHow could you have done that to usYou treated me like a strangerAnd all the time I was loving youAll you slick movesThey were once innocent movesI wanted to look up to youI really trusted youAnd every word you saidI was loving you like a childAll the time you were smilingThe same smileI was loving you like childI really trusted youEvery word you saidEvery word you saidEvery word you saidEvery word you saidEvery word you saidEvery word you saidEvery word you saidEvery word you saidEvery word you saidhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1182566

求No Ordinary Love - Sade 中文歌词

I gave you all the love I"ve got I gave you more than I could giveGave you love 我给了你所有的爱,已不能爱你更多I gave you all that I had inside and you took my loveYou took my love 我给了你我所有,你带走了我的爱Didn"t I tell you? 我告诉过你吗What I believe 我所信仰的Did somebody say that? 有人对你说过吗A love like ours will last 我们的爱将永恒Didn"t I give you all that I got to Give, Babe 我的宝贝,难道我没给你这一切么I give you all the love I got I gave you more than I could giveI gave you love 我给了你所有的爱,已不能爱你更多I give you all that I had inside and you took my loveYou took my love 我给了你我所有,你带走了我的爱I keep trying 我一直在努力I keep trying for you 一直在为你而努力There"s nothing likeYou and IBaby 没有什么可以和我与你相比,我的宝贝This is no ordinary love 没有普通的爱No ordinary love 普通的爱 (Ordinary)This is no ordinary love 没有普通的爱No ordinary love 普通的爱 (Ordinary love) When you came my way 当你走向我You brightened every dayWith your sweet smileAhh 你甜蜜的微笑让我的每一天充满阳光Didn"t I tell you 我告诉过你吗What I believe 我所信仰的Did somebody say that 有人对你说过吗Love like ours wont" last 我们的爱将永恒Didn"t I give you all that I got to Give, baby我的宝贝,难道我没给你这一切么This is no ordinary love 没有普通的爱Ordinary love 普通的爱(Ordinary)This is no ordinary love 没有普通的爱Ordinary love 普通的爱(Ordinary love)I keep trying 我一直在努力I keep trying 我一直在努力I keep trying for you 一直在为你而努力There"s nothing likeYou and IBaby 没有什么可以和我与你相比,我的宝贝This is no ordinary love 没有普通的爱No ordinary love 普通的爱This is no ordinary love 没有普通的爱Ordinary love普通的爱Keep crying for you我为你哭泣Keep trying for you我为你哭泣Keep crying for you我为你哭泣小气鬼都不舍得给分.枉我劳心劳心为你翻译.


what"s your mother? =What does your mother do? =What is your mother"s job? =What is your mother"s profession? 你的母亲是干什么工作的? What is your mother"s name? 你的母亲叫什么名字?。

Two Steps From Hell-Victory到底是哪部电影(游戏)的音乐啊?或者出处是哪?



whatever:①(任何)事物,每样事物,引导名词性从句,谓语用单数。例:whatever she did was righteveryone:有每人人人的意思,和everybody类似。

Some parents are just too protective. They want to _their kids from every kind of dannger, real or



Victory原唱是Merethe Soltvedt。Victory是美国电影原生配乐音乐制作公司Two Steps From Hell于2015年发行的专辑《Battlecry》里的一首歌。让人震撼的女声来自其御用歌手Merethe Soltvedt。声乐是地狱边缘的招牌元素,这使得他们的音乐风格大气壮观、雄浑有力又不失细腻,能在百转千回之余,依然刻划宏伟的景深。也因其多样而广阔的风格,使得地狱边缘所创作的音乐常被用来制作电影广告的配乐。因为超高的使用率,所以成立仅短短两年就已经在好莱坞名声大噪。许多电影、游戏使用他们的乐曲。同时,他们也把配乐作品挑选集结成非公开专辑,也因为很多好莱坞音乐都是出于其手,许多曲子会有似曾相识的感觉。目前,该音乐公司已公开发行了一些音乐专辑,其中一片原名为《Nemesis II》的专辑因不明原因改为《Illusions》,并以公司成员柏格森之名发行。歌手介绍Merethe Soltvedt来自挪威,Two Steps From Hell首席御用女声,嗓音独特而带有质感,演唱了众多顶级史诗音乐。Two Steps From Hell还有一位顶级史诗音乐御用女声,Felicia Farerre。代表作《Star Sky》,《Fall Of The Fountain World》,《Vanquish》、《Garador"s Flight》,《Dystopic》,《Imperatix Mundi》。《Victory》是美国电影原生配乐音乐制作公司Two Steps From Hell于2015年发行的专辑《Battlecry》里的一首歌曲。其中,歌曲人声参与有Merethe Soltvedt、Nick Phoenix、Felicia Farerre。《Victory》在YouTube的观看人数为6513万(2019年11月5日)以上,创造了 Two Steps From Hell 的新纪录,是2019年 TSFH 最受欢迎的歌曲。震撼的女声和合唱,以及气势磅礴的旋律,足以征服听众的内心。


Dear Mary, I am gold to hear you well come to Chain.How are you recently?I have to help you contact the Cnese teacher。She can always give you a lesson. And I tnk to learn Cnese must listen more reading. The Cnese people are very friendly, you don"t understand the place can ask everyone. You need to actively classmates and teachers。Only in ts way can you learn Cnese。And I"m really looking forward to your arrival。顺便说一下,我现在学的ABC天卞口语的老师要我明白 就是想征服英语是不难的。必然有个符合的学习情境和闇练口语对象 外教水平很重要,最好欧美母语 口语纯正才可以 坚持每日口语学习,1v1加强化教学就有.好.的学习成果..上完课记得复习听取录音文档 更可以加深印象..若真的是没人帮忙的环境 就上旺旺或大耳朵得到课余教材学习,多问多听一下子英语水平就培养起来,整体效果应该可以最佳的 li Hua

worry wrong doctor hobby哪个发音不同?


用whois查域名得到信息里的dns服务器和nslookup查询域名的cname得到的primary name server分别是什么?


Vasary Andre的《Melodrama》 歌词

歌曲名:Melodrama歌手:Vasary Andre专辑:A MesterdalnokMelodramaAndrea BocelliCieli Di ToscanaMelodramaAndrea BocelliMade by:Jr.AND.MOMOQuesta mia canzoneInno dell"amorete la canto adessocon il mio dolorcosì forte così grandeche mi trafigge il cuorMa limpidoè il mattinofra i campi odor di vinoio ti sognavo e adessoti vedo ancora lìah, quanta nostalgiaaffresco di collinaio piango che pazziafu andarsene poi viaQuesta melodiaInno dell"amorete la canto e sentotutto il mio dolorcosì forte così grandeche mi trafigge il cuorMa limpido è il mattinotra i campi un gran mulinolì è nato il mio destinoamaro senza teamaro senza teE questo cuore cantaun dolce melodrammaè l"inno dell"amorche canterò per teè un melodramma cheche canto senza tehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2828232

Vasary Andre的《O (She)》 歌词

歌曲名:O (She)歌手:Vasary Andre专辑:A MesterdalnokOmarionORealHardO...Let me tell you girlWoa, oh, oh, o... hey, here I go, here I goI know you heard men say ittime and time againbut they would ROCK your worldAnd change your lifeBut I can"t blame themCause you make a nigga wanna get involvedWanna get dem drawsWell I"m gone put my bid into get at uNo disrespect but I want it bad as they doThe only difference isthey look out for themselvesBut I"m doin" it, just to hear you yell, yeahO...that"s gunna be the soundGirl when its goin" downYour body sayin O... (O, o, oh)Don"t have to say my name,Girl I"m just glad you cameSo you can say O...(in the morning)O...(in the night)you saying O meansO is hittin it rightOoo, Ooo, Ooo...You can"t be mad at meI"m just aiming to pleaseLet me hear you scream O...Girl come on overAnd let"s get this thing crackinYou"ll be surprisedwhen you see what"s O"s unpackinCause I"m young but I"m readyTrynna get hot and heavyTurn you out if you let me inYeah, yeahGirl I"m gone take you somewherethat you never beenShow you some things that"llmake you wanna show your friendsHave you so weak that you can"t even say a thingBut that"s okay all you gotta say isO...(Ooo, O, O, Oooo) that"s gunna be the soundGirl when its goin" downYour body sayin O... (O, o, oh)Don"t have to say my name,Girl I"m just glad you cameSo you can say O...(in the morning)O...(in the night)you saying O meansO is hittin it rightOoo, Ooo, Ooo...You can"t be mad at meI"m just aiming to pleaseLet me hear you scream O...O is for that overtime I"m puttin inWe"ll go for hours take a breakand go at it againGirl I work my way from Aall the way to ZBut trust me baby girlO is where you wanna beGirl believe me when I tell youI"m not tryna tell you what to doCause when its said and doneThe choice ain"t mine it"s really up to youJust say yes, don"t fix your mouth to tell me noDrop that bottom JAW for me and just say Ooooooooooooo............ O, O,Oh, O, OO, Oooo, O, O, oh, O...oh, O O, Oooo, ohWhat word, but What word but (Ooo, Ooo, Oh)O...that"s gunna be the soundGirl when its goin" downYour body sayin O... (O, o, oh)Don"t have to say my name,Girl I"m just glad you came(girl u gotta say oooooo)So you can say O...(in the morning)O...(in the night)you saying O meansO is hittin it rightOoo, Ooo, Ooo...You can"t be mad at meI"m just aiming to pleaseLet me hear you scream O...Let me hear say O, when I"m hittin itLet me hear say O, when I"m gettin itO, o, O, o, OoooLet me hear you say Owhen you come see OLet me hear you say O FROM THE BACK TO THE FRONTNow somebody say my nameLet me hear you say O when its all goin downLet me HEAR U SAY O, when you can"t make another soundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2828450

acrylic and polycarbonate


日本MY FIRST STORY乐队现在为什么只剩下4个人?少了谁啊?

偶只知道ZONE.... 是女子四人团体.... 已经解散了.... http://post.baidu.com/f?kw=ZONE&t=4 其中 鼓手基本资料: 原名:齐藤瑞穗Saito Mizuho 英文名:MIZUHO 出生年月日:1986年12月12日 出生地:北海道.札幌市 家庭状况:父、母、兄、妹 星座:射...

找一首歌,歌词里有一段every time i close my eyes

请问是哪首歌阿 找到了吗

The story of monkey king的英语作文谢谢了答得好给追分

"Monkey King",or known to the Chinese as "Journey to West",written by Wu Ch"eng-en(1500?-1582),a scholar-official, is one of the renowned classical Chinese novels about an allegorical rendition of the journey, mingled with Chinese fables, fairy tables, legends,superstitions, popuar beliefs, monster stories as well as whatever the author could find in the Taoist and Buddhist religions. It was based on a true story of a famous Chinese monk, Xuan Zang (602-664). After years of trials and tribulations, he travelled on foot to what is today India, the birthplace of Buddhism, to seek for the Sutra, the Buddhist holy book. When he returned to China ,or the Great Tang as was called that time, he started to translate the sutras into Chinese, thus making a great contribution to the development of Buddhism in China. Monkey King is an indeed rebellious extraordinary being, born out of a rock, fertilized by the grace of Heaven, Being extremely smart and capable, he learned all the magic tricks and gongfu from a master Taoist,being able to transform himself into seventy-two different images such as a tree, a bird, a beast of prey or a bug as small as a mosquito so as to sneak into an enemy"s belly to fight him inside or out. Using clouds as a vehicle he can travel 180,000 miles a single somersault and a huge iron bar that supposedly serves as ballast of the seas and can expand or shrink at its owner"s command as his favorite weapon in his later feats. He claims to be the king in defiance of the only authority over heaven, the seas, the earth and the subterranean world -- Yu Huang Da Di, or the "Great Emperor of Jade" in Chinese. That act of high treason, coupled with complaints from the masters of the four seas and the hell, invites the relentless scourge of the Heavenly army.After many showdowns,the emperor had to offer the monkey an official title to appease him. Enraged he revolted, fighting all his way back earth to resume his own claim as a king after learning that the position he held was nothing but a stable keeper.Eventually, the heavenly army subdued him, only after many a battle, with the help of all the god warriors. However,Having a bronze head and iron shoulders, all methods of execution failed and the monkey dulled many a sword inflicted upon him. As a last resort, the emperor commanded that he be burned in the furnace where his Taoist minister Tai Shang Lao Jun refines his pills of immortality. Instead of killing him, the fire and smoke added to the monkey a pair of firy golden crystal eyes that can see through what people normally can not. He fought his way down again. Finally, under Buddha"s help,the monkey was suppressed under a great mountain known as the Mount of Five Fingers and he could not move. Only five hundred years later, there came to his rescuer ,the Tang Monk, Xuan Zang, whom we mentioned at the beginning of the story. The Monkey King become the desciple of the monk and escort him with Buddha"s arrange to insure that he could make for the West to get the sutras, along with two other desciples they later came across, (actually also arranged by the Buddha). One is the humorous and not uncourageous pig transgressed from a heavenly general for his crime of assaulting a fairy, and the other a used-to-be sea monster. There started the four"s stormy journey west which was packed with actions and adventures that brought into full play the puissance of the monks" disciples, the Monkey King in particular. The story of Journey to the West is divided into three parts: (1) an early history of the Monkey spirit; (2) pseudo-historical account of Tripitaka"s family and life before his trip to fetch the sutras in the Western Heaven; (3)the main story, consisting of 81 dangers and calamities encountered by Tripitaka and his three animal spirit disciples - Monkey, Pigsy, and Sandy .The average readers are facsinated with the Monkey King,all prowess and wisdom, while many critics agree that the protagonist embodies what the author tried to convey to his readers: a rebellious spirit against the then untouchable feudal rulers.Anyway,with its attracted story and its special feature of language,the novel will certainly stay.

手机行业里说叫的 系统版本 那些英文比如说 ROM , radio ,spl,root,recovery这些词汇的叫法出自哪里

ROM和SPL是英文简称SPL,Second Program LoaderROM,Read-Only Memory一些是简称,还有一些就是英文单词(比方说root权限,就是最高权限,你去看下root的意思就可以理解了)

Jerry Vale的《Luna Rossa》 歌词

歌曲名:Luna Rossa歌手:Jerry Vale专辑:Sings The Great Italian HitsMario Frangoulis - Luna RossaMusic: Antonio VianVaco distrattamente abbandunato...Ll"uocchie sott"o cappiello annascunnutemane "int"a sacca e bavero aizato...Vaco siscanno e stelle ca so"asciute...E"a luna rossa mme parla "e teio lle domando si aspiette a me,e mme risponne: "Si "o vvuo"sape,cca nun ce esta nisciuna..."E io chiammo "o nomme pe"te vede,ma, tutt"a gente ca parla "e te,risponne: "E tarde che vuo"sape?!Cca nun ce sta nisciuna!..."Luna rossa,chi mme sarra sincera?Luna rossa,se n"e ghiuta ll"ata serasenza mme vede...Mille e cchiu appuntamente aggio tenuto...Tante e cchiu sigarette aggio appicciato...Tanta tazze "e cafe mme so" bevuto...Mille vucchelle amare aggio vasato...E"a luna rossa mme parla "e teIo lle domando si aspiette a me,e mme risponne: "Si o vvuo" sape,cca nun ce sta nisciuna..."E io chiammo "o nomme pe"te vedema, tutt"a gente ca parla "e te,risponne: "E tarde che vuo"sape?!Cca nun ce sta nisciuna!..."E io dico ancora ch"aspetta a me,for"o barcone stanott"e ttre,e prega "e Sante pe"mme vede...Ma nun ce sta nisciuna...Ma nun ce sta nisciuna...http://music.baidu.com/song/8702311


exceedingly在意思上等于very,他们是一对近义词。此外exceedingly相当于extremely,程度比very要大。一、exceedingly 它的根词是exceed , 表示“超过” , 所以exceedingly 应该要有另一个东西和他比较的情况下,显得极其怎么样看下例句,你应该就明白了 世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极智慧的姑娘例外)。二、非常/很(very)的其他近义词有:highly、heavily、deeply、exceedingly。这些词一般放在形容词/副词前。①highly用在某些形容词前,表示程度很大。highly likely/unlikely非常可能/不太可能 ,例如:highly successful很成功。②heavily在很大程度上。修饰带有动作性质的形容词。例如:heavily polluted rivers受污染严重的河流 ;heavily addicted to online games高度沉迷网络游戏;③deeply多用于修饰人的主观情感。例如:deeply concerned about非常担心;例句:Teachers are deeply divided on this issue.老师们对此观点分歧很大。



SuperJunior-KRY\Super Junior-T的成员各是谁?

KRY指的是 奎贤 (KyuHyun) 厉旭(Reywook) 艺声(YeSung)KRY名字取的就是这3个主唱名字的开头字母。SJT:利特,希澈,艺声,强人,神童,晟敏,银赫,就是去掉SJM的其他成员组成的。

voluntary 和willing的区别


Nightwish的《Storytime》 歌词

歌曲名:Storytime歌手:Nightwish专辑:Storytime – SingleIt was the night before, when all through the world,No words, no dreams, then one day,A writer by a fire, imagined all Gaia,Took a journey into a child-man"s heart...A painter on the shore, imagined all the worldWithin a snowflake on his palmUnframed by poetry, a canvas of awePlanet earth falling back into the starsI am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,I am the empty crib of Peter PanA silent kite against the blue, blue skyEvery chimney, every moonlit sightI am the story that will read you real,Every memory that you hold dearI am the journey, I am the destination,I am the home, the tale that reads youA way to taste the night, the elusive highFollow the madness, Alice, you know once didImaginarium, a dream Emporium!Caress the tales and they will dream you realA storyteller"s game, lips that intoxicateThe core of all life is a limitless chest of talesI am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,I am the empty crib of Peter Pan,A silent kite against the blue, blue skyEvery chimney, every moonlit sightI am the story that will read you real,Every memory that you hold dearI am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,Searching heavens for another earth...I am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,I am the empty crib of Peter Pan,A silent kite against the blue, blue skyEvery chimney, every moonlit sightI am the story that will read you real,Every memory that you hold dearI am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,I am the empty crib of Peter Pan,A silent kite against the blue, blue skyEvery chimney, every moonlit sightI am the story that will read you real,Every memory that you hold dearhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18585887

Shirley Walker的《Storytime》 歌词

歌曲名:Storytime歌手:Shirley Walker专辑:Edward ScissorhandsIt was the night before, when all through the world,No words, no dreams, then one day,A writer by a fire, imagined all Gaia,Took a journey into a child-man"s heart...A painter on the shore, imagined all the worldWithin a snowflake on his palmUnframed by poetry, a canvas of awePlanet earth falling back into the starsI am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,I am the empty crib of Peter PanA silent kite against the blue, blue skyEvery chimney, every moonlit sightI am the story that will read you real,Every memory that you hold dearI am the journey, I am the destination,I am the home, the tale that reads youA way to taste the night, the elusive highFollow the madness, Alice, you know once didImaginarium, a dream Emporium!Caress the tales and they will dream you realA storyteller"s game, lips that intoxicateThe core of all life is a limitless chest of talesI am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,I am the empty crib of Peter Pan,A silent kite against the blue, blue skyEvery chimney, every moonlit sightI am the story that will read you real,Every memory that you hold dearI am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,Searching heavens for another earth...I am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,I am the empty crib of Peter Pan,A silent kite against the blue, blue skyEvery chimney, every moonlit sightI am the story that will read you real,Every memory that you hold dearI am the voice of never-never-land,The innocence, the dreams of every man,I am the empty crib of Peter Pan,A silent kite against the blue, blue skyEvery chimney, every moonlit sightI am the story that will read you real,Every memory that you hold dearhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5477166



telling stories为什么用复数?而story telling club不用?

















大连to rye tell也体验馆多少钱一套应该在。580一套。

英语翻译:The storyteller...

说故事的人设置了整个即将到来的一代人的憧憬,价值观以及人生日程,而迪斯尼垄断了讲故事的人的业务。vision 原意为想象力,幻想此处译为憧憬比较合适望采纳 谢谢

Storytelling 歌词

歌曲名:Storytelling歌手:Funeral For A Friend专辑:Casually Dressed And Deep In ConversationPicture a scene in your mindLook at all the people and take note of the setting behindListen, watch, and waitA plot beings to take shapeThere"s a storyAnd then characters will come to youRelating events as they choose toBut all their words and actions come entirely from youIf you"re a storyteller you might think you"re without responsibilityAnd you can lead your characters anywhere you wantYou have immunityHave you considered the wayPeople might react to all the things that your characters say?And are their actions hand in hand with what you want to portray?Are you sick?Arre you crippled? Insane?Expressing the desires that daren"t speak their name?Are you the one to blamed?Now you"re a storyteller you might think you"re without responsibilityBut in directions, actions and wordsCause and effectYou need consistencyHow can you finish the tale?Lives which have played a partAre summarised from the very startAnd episodes left out to make it all go your way"It"s a mighty big worldSome of it I"ve seenBut mostly I"ve only heardAnd stories are all fiction from their moment of birth"You"re just a storytellerYou"re not trying to escape responsibiltyIf we believe you then you"re successfulBut you don"t make claims of verityYou"re just a storytellerhttp://music.baidu.com/song/692756


storyteller 英[u02c8stu0254:ritelu0259(r)] 美[u02c8stu0254riu02cctu025blu025a, u02c8stor-] n. 讲故事的人,说书人; 故事作者; [例句]He was the one who first set down the stories of the Celtic storytellers.他是首位将凯尔特说书人讲的故事记载下来的人。[其他] 复数:storytellers










Storyteller第六章怎么过呢?很多玩家还不太清楚,下面给大家带来的是Storyteller第六章通关攻略,感兴趣的玩家一起来看一看吧。Storyteller第六章通关攻略第六章 庄园1 谋杀2 武器其实是枪的相关机制小教学,拿走枪的角色再回到该场景会放回枪3 指纹新角色侦探,调查枪支能得到指纹信息,可据此进行逮捕。其实这个章节在引导我们理解一种新的机制:信息。4 无辜最后触碰凶器的不一定是真凶,算是上一关的延伸






豆瓣怎么玩Storyteller 豆瓣Storyteller是豆瓣推出的一项短视频社交服务,它的特点是短、快、轻松。用户可以上传30秒的视频,用有趣的方式来分享他们的生活经历、旅行、美食、爱好等等。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍如何在豆瓣Storyteller上玩转自己的短视频。Step1:注册账户并下载豆瓣APP 首先,你需要在豆瓣官网上注册一个账号,这一步比较简单,只需要填写手机号、密码和验证码。接下来,你需要在手机上下载并安装豆瓣APP。打开APP,登录刚刚注册的账户,就可以开始使用豆瓣Storyteller了。Step2:了解Storyteller的基本功能 在豆瓣Storyteller上,你可以拍摄和分享30秒的短视频,添加文字、音效等特效,还可以创建自己的频道、关注其他用户等。这些功能在界面上都很明显,大家可以自行尝试。Step3:制作精彩的短视频 好的短视频不需要过多的花哨特效,它需要的是一个好的构思和精细的制作。以下是一些制作短视频的小技巧:1. 了解自己的目标受众 在制作视频之前,你需要先弄清楚你要吸引什么样的人群。比如,你想吸引美食爱好者,你可以拍摄自己做饭的过程;你想吸引旅游爱好者,你可以分享自己的旅行经历。2. 注意场景和拍摄角度 一个成功的短视频需要一个好的场景和拍摄角度。比如,你可以在自己的家中拍摄,使用自然光线,选择拍摄角度时要偏重于构图。同时,可以尝试在户外寻找有趣的背景,如街道、建筑等。3. 精简文字和图像 在30秒的时间内,文字和图像都不能太多,不然会使视频过于混乱。使用简洁的文字和简单明了的图像来说明你的想法,确保你的视频能够讲述一个完整的故事,吸引观众的眼球。Step4:与更多人分享你的故事 完成短视频后,你需要与更多人分享你的故事。这里有一些提高曝光率的方法:1. 关注其他用户 在豆瓣Storyteller上,你可以关注其他用户,了解更多热门的视频和话题。同时,你也可以关注有类似兴趣的用户,获得更多有趣的灵感。2. 使用标签 使用标签是增加曝光率的一种方法,它让其他用户可以更容易地发现你的视频。在发布时,你可以添加多个标签,这样可以将你的视频与相关标签的话题联系在一起。3. 利用朋友圈曝光 您可以从APP分享按钮中直接分享到微信好友和朋友圈,利用自己的人脉资源,增加短视频的可见度。结论 豆瓣Storyteller是一个有趣的社交平台,它可以让用户以短视频的形式分享他们的故事。在使用 Storyteller 时,一定要认真构思自己的准备工作,制作出精美的视频,同时通过关注其他用户、添加标签和分享到微信好友朋友圈等多种方式提高自己的曝光率。





英文歌,歌词里好像有句just like you everything.just like who

The Show?好像是



Super Junior-KRY的凝结(Coagulation)的中文歌词

冰冷的你一句话触及了我的心我的眼中不禁湿润 我不知道在哪里如何频频地凝结只是知道我真的很难过曾经火热的心 渐渐变得冰冷该说些什么呢 我不知道怎样才能挽留你 怎么办 我该如何是好 na~~~~~~~~~~~~ 玻璃窗也是 我的眼里也是 是露水在凝结 是泪水在凝结 汇成小溪我不知道在哪里如何频频地凝结 只是知道我真的很难过曾经火热的心 渐渐变得冰冷该说些什么呢 我不知道怎样才能挽留你怎么办 我该如何是好怕闭上双眼 眼泪就会落下 但即使是仰望天空 还是会发现那变得沉重的泪水怎么办 如果我再也见不到你了 该如何是好明天早上 不自觉地拿起电话我该怎么办笑着 想要给你留下好印象 可是看到你不禁地泪流。。。

jquery 打开页面window.location和window.open的区别

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