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accommodation 是 吃饭+住处而 dormitory 是住处 没吃饭知道了吧 所以这里 不能换因为人除了住 还要吃啊


dormitory 英[u02c8du0254:mu0259tri]美[u02c8du0254:rmu0259tu0254:ri]n. 宿舍(学校等的); 集体寝室; 郊外住宅区(在市内工作的人的);adj. 住宅区的;


dormitory[英][u02c8du0254:mu0259tri][美][u02c8du0254:rmu0259tu0254:ri]n.(学校等的)宿舍; 集体寝室; (在市内工作的人的)郊外住宅区; adj.住宅区的; 复数:dormitories例句:1.Dormitory managers were told not to let him inside. 学生宿舍管理员被告知不要让他入内。2.Finally I decided anything would be better than sitting alone in my dormitory room. 最后我决定无论做点什么都比自己呆在寝室里要好。





98仙剑为什么我下好了每个都提示erroe accessing the system registry后面就是Unexpected error;quitting

1楼的 影澈风§ 说的有理! 你的电脑系统太先进了,你如果更换成WINDOWS 98或着ME的系统,或者WINDOWS 2000以前的,一般来讲都可以吧```

pain is temporary,quitting lasts forever

痛苦是暂时的,放弃才会遗憾终生。 ——兰斯·阿姆斯特朗:美国自行车选手,战胜癌症7次获得环法自行车赛冠军

thuggery coalition这个联盟的实力倾向是怎样的


用最少的时间达到最大的满足 英文怎么说?second try和the second try有什么区别?

With the least amount of time to achieve maximum satisfy


去尝试吧,Try ittry英 [trau026a] 美 [trau026a] vt.& vi.试图,努力;实验;审判;考验n.尝试,实验;[橄]触球,(因触球获得的)向球门踢球的权利

1.努力做某事 2.尝试做某事 3.尝试着努力做某事 英文应该怎么说?(能用到try的用try)

try to do sthtry doing sth try one"s best to do sth. 加油!


尝试的英文短语是try to do. try:v. 尝试; 试; 努力; 试图; 试用; 设法; 想要; 试做; 试验; 审理; 审讯; 审判。 to:prep. 到; 向; 往(某方向或某处); 位于…方向; 到达(某处)。 do:v. (以某种方式)做; 办(某事); 行动; 表现; (问询或谈论时用)进展。 扩展资料   First try to do something that is within your scope.   你先试着做一件自己力所能及的事。   I try to do my job to the best of my ability.   我尽全力做好我的工作。   Try to do without tobacco and alcohol   尽量不要抽烟喝酒。   Don"t try to do everything by yourself.   不要试图自己做每件事。   Try to make do with this spade for now.   这把锹你先对付着用吧。

朋友们帮个忙呗!今天是最后一天了。用英语怎么说?thank you very much。


下面这句话中“a very small proportion”可以替换为“very small proportions”吗?为啥原文不用后者?

proportion搭配单数或不可数名词的时候,用单数。作为比例讲的时候是不可数,用the proportion of作为规模程度的时候,必须用复数

没关系 英文是worry about that 这样对吗



install the only



: The villain in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. It does not seem to be a villain. It is not very



E215 141005 十月的新娘嘉宾:赵正锡、申敏儿

Lizzy is______(nice)as,if not ____(nice)than,Mary. 填空,翻译,尤其是那个as

Lizzy is as nice as,if not nicer than,Mary 如果Lizzy不比Mary更好,至少她们一样好. 这样分析 Lizzy is as nice as(if not nicer than) Mary. 以前的英语老师经常告诉我们,看到前后有逗号的,就用括号括起来不要管它.

Lizzy is______(nice)as,if not ____(nice)than,Mary.

nice: nicer如果说丽兹没有玛丽更好得话,她至少也和玛丽不相上下。

September - Daughtry 歌词翻译

克里斯多特里 - 9月如何去世的时间所有的麻烦,我们当时和所有那些日子,我们在湖边度过了拥有一切浪费了?所有我们作出的承诺,他们一个个消失一样。在所有的事情我还记得夏天从来看起来都一样岁月的流逝,时间也似乎飞往但记忆依然存在。在9月中旬我们还是会发挥出在雨中失去的只是百利现在回想起来就如何可去过这是值得的最终现在,这一切似乎是那么清楚,还有剩下什么都不怕因此,我们提出寻找什么是真正的路现在的日子,只要那年夏天的动议我们到达的东西已经去啊所有的事情我记得夏天从来看起来都一样这一年的去的时间也似乎飞往但记忆依然存在。在9月中旬我们还是会发挥出在雨中失去的只是百利现在回想起来的

儿童节快乐可以说merry children ’s day 吗?

Happy children"s day

英语作文on kindness:my personal story

描写人物的英语作文 成年男人一个身材矮小,身高只有五英尺六英寸的人,他首要任务就是减肥。他是意大利本土人,因为他有深色的头发,橄榄色的皮肤和高挺的鼻子。嘴唇上有一排平整干净的胡子。清澈的眼神与优美的声线相呼应。 A man of small stature, he was only five feet, six inches at the most, and he was somewhat overweight even in his prime. His Italian heritage was evidenced by his dark hair, olive complexion, and strong nose. A neatly trimmed moustache adorned his upper lip. In young years, a cigar frequently protruded from under the dark moustache. Clear blue eyes contrasted nicely with his olive tone. There was a kindness in those eyes, and they always showed his every emotion. 他眼里充满着慈爱,仁慈常常能从他的行为中表现出来。Making him so easy to read.使得他很容易被看透。An easygoing manner acted like a magnet for him, attracting the love and respect of everyone he cameJn contact with, 他性格开朗 ,非常好接触,跟她接触的人,总被他吸引,对他充满爱慕和崇拜之情。 During World War II, his compassionate nature was utilized as a nurse in the Navy and in the Marines. 在二战时期的海军和水手中,他的同情天性表现的跟护士一样Scars on his back were proof of his heroism.他后背的刀伤证明了他的英勇。 He never really spoke much about the war, but he only would tell his favorite story of how he delivered a baby in all that turmoil He married during his stint in the service, and soon a son and a daughter would also share his love. Both of them having dark hair, olive skin, and blue eyes. everyone said how they were the spitting image of him, Oh, how he beamed at that statement. He worked very hard at being a good husband and father. Years passed, and he became a grandfather who was affectionately called papa. His grandchildren adored him and were his constant companions. Going to McDonalds became a weekly outing for them. Bout, alas, the heart that had always given too much Jove grew weaker and weaker. After two heart attacks and a triple by-pass, his loving heart stopped, and he breathed forth his soul into the arms of God. At his funeral mass, the priest spoke of how his success was not stored in banks but in that hearts of those who loved him. From this perspective, he was a most-successfu man and truly died a millionaire. This profile of Bob La Coy is very accurate. I know because he was my Joying father. 有关名人的英语作文  雷锋的事迹Lei Feng was a model(模范) soldier, On December 1 8,1940, he was born in a poor farmer family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province. He didn"t go to school till 1950. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He was often praised for (因…受表扬)his good job. On January 8, 1960, he joined the army.In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and always did good for others. As a result(结果), he became a model soldier. After his death, Chairman Mao called on(号召)the people to "Learn from Comrade Lei Feng". The whole nation were moved by his deeds(事迹). Lei Feng"s spirit will live in our hearts forever关于写姚明的英语作文1. 姚明出生在上海,身高2.25米.2. 9岁开始打篮球,18岁进入国家队,22岁加入NBA打球.3. 爱好:玩电脑游戏4. 对人礼貌友好,是青少年的偶像,也是中国的骄傲.备注:要两个吸引人的题目,两个精彩绝伦的结尾.   Since Yao Ming joined NBA in 2002 , the discussion about if he can be a super star has never been terminated. As we know , Yao is a quite high and strong player in NBA. And depending on his height andweight ,Yao can control the restricted area easily just like O"Neil.  Besides his body , his skills are more comprehensive than othercenters. By this I mean comparing with other same-position players ,  Yao is very successful because he can use more advantages to face different players. In this aspect , Yao has already been a superstar. On the other hand , Only playing well is not enough to make a man become a god. Why people pay more attention on Kobe , James ,Iverson? Those players are not only playing well , but also markmatches with their own signs. They make their matches differ fromothers. Although they may have weaknesses , people still like towatch there performance. So , if Yao can put his feature into matches , it will be soon to get a great achievement.All in all(总之), in my view point(在我看来), Yao has a good future considering his ability and faith.关于刘翔的英语作文My favorite sports star --- Liu XiangLiu Xiang is one of the famous athletes/ players in China. He was born on July 13th, 1983. In his spare time, he likes singing and playing computer games. He is best at 110-metre hurdle in sports. He got the gold medal in 2004 Athens Olympic Games. And in 2006, he set a new world record with the time of 12.88 seconds. He didn"t take part in 2008 Beijing Olympics because of the condition of his wound(伤势).But he got the gold medal in 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. He hopes to to be the winner at 110-metre hurdle in 2012 London Olympic Games. We think that his dream will come true. We are very proud of him. Good luck to him.

求The Voluntary Work that I Perfer to Do作文

Personally speaking , I hold the view that it is not what you have done but what you are willing to do deep down that count . I have once worked as a guide in the Dalian Station , helping passengers to find the entrances and exits and checking tickets when necessary . I treat it as my pleasure , broadening my view ,making friends and receiving thanks , so why not ? I"m planning to organize my own “ Voluntary Group “ this year .We will appear where the notices “ VOLUNTEERS WANTED “ are posted.

do voluntary work与worked part-time的区别?


英语语句到底是按什么样的规律排列的? 例如:Voluntary work is something

要按英语句子结构来翻译。英语中一个个主谓结构构成一个句子,分为主谓,主系表,主谓宾,主谓双宾,主谓宾宾补五种基本句型。这个句子主句部分是Voluntary work is something。you can do是省略了引导词that的定语从句,修饰something。no matter who you are.是状语从句。定语修饰名词或代词,翻译时一般将意思放在名词或代词前,状语从句修饰谓语或整句,翻译时可放在句首或句末。



英语作文it is 形容词 to take part in a voluntary work80词?

It is interesting to take part in a voluntary work. By doing voluntary work, we will be proud of ourselves for helping other people. It is wonderful to give a hand to those people who need help. Moreover, we will gain respect from others for what we have done as a volunteer. Even we do not work for money by offering services to people who are in need, it is still rewarding to participate in volunrary work. Because we feel truly happy with our actions.参加志愿工作是很有趣的。通过做志愿工作,我们会为帮助他人而感到自豪。去帮助那些需要帮助的人那是很棒的事情。此外,我们作为志愿者所做的事情会获到别人的尊重。即使我们不是通过为有需要的人提供服务来挣钱,参加志愿工作仍然是有益的。因为我们对自己的行为感到真正的快乐。

Voluntary work这篇课文mp3


some voluntary work,用不用复数

答案如下。1.主要看你的voluntary work 指的是什么,是一个具体的志愿活动,还是指一类志愿活动。如果是前者,就单数;后者,复数。2.some voluntary work 一些志愿工作。可以这样造句:During this year, many yong men offer to do some voluntary work.在这一年里,许多年轻人主动提出做一些志愿工作。3.英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。

为什么志愿者工作用的是volunteer work而不是voluntary work?

这是用两个名词,前一个修饰后一个的用法,如math teacher

英语voluntary code是什么意思?


求一篇关于voluntary work(志愿工作)的英语文章,好的加分。l

Are You Ready To Be A Volunteer ?There is a new trend that an increasing number of college students are willing to work as volunteers in their spare time . Take my university for instance , many of my classmates have the experience of being volunteers.Dialectically speaking , everything has its both sides . Voluntary work can be beneficial to our society and make our own lives colorful and meaningful to a certain extent , which is also a perfect way for college students to grow up mentally . Honestly , some universities and colleges have a special item of regulation that one should accomplish certain hours" voluntary work before he graduates , so some lazy students are forced to do it for the sake of getting their certificates , my university included . At the same time , the word “ volunteers” loses its real meaning.Personally speaking , I hold the view that it is not what you have done but what you are willing to do deep down that count . I have once worked as a guide in the Dalian Station , helping passengers to find the entrances and exits and checking tickets when necessary . I treat it as my pleasure , broadening my view ,making friends and receiving thanks , so why not ? I"m planning to organize my own “ Voluntary Group “ this year .We will appear where the notices “ VOLUNTEERS WANTED “ are posted.自己写的,当初拿去参赛的文章。

i do some voluntary work at the local hospital

答案voluntary. 考查形容词.根据句意:我在当地医院做一些志愿工作.voluntary是形容词"自愿的,义务的",在句中做定语修饰work.

voluntary settlement是什么意思

voluntary settlement无偿授产安排自动结账主动清算

到底是 Voluntary Work 还是volunteer work

voluntary work

到底是 Voluntary Work 还是volunteer work


志愿军英文用a voluntary army行不行?

可以还可以是Volunteersvoluntary armyvolunteer armyVolunteer Corps

voluntary work课文翻译


Voluntary Work

更新1: 20分 十分急用!! 1. When did you start mitting voluntary work? 2. What was the kind of your first job? 3. How did you find out your first voluntary work? 4. How many times have you been doing volunteer work? 5. What have you learned just from your first experience of being a volunteerer? 6. Why would you carry on doing volunteer after the first experience? 7. Have you ever thought of giving up volunteering? 8. If yes what made you think that? if no how could you stay so strong about your condition? 9. Why did you start volunteering? 10. Do you see yourself differently as a volunteerer when pare to those who are not? 11. What was your most unfettable experience of doing voluntary work? 12. how would you encourage other people to bee volunteering?(should be the final question) 13. So what have you learnt after miting all these voluntary works? 14 How does your family see voluntary works? 15. Have they ever been objecting you? 16. Has anyone around you became a volunteerer because of you? 17. What field of voluntary work you want to do in the future? 18. What and how are the things that learnt from your voluntary work can help you in the future? 19. What is the voluntary work you currently doing? 20. What do you think would be a reason for you to stop volunteering if any? these questions are not in order try to do it yourself. i think if go to past -> present -> future -> encourage people this order will be fine~~ Goodluck~~ 参考: Myself^^

求一篇关于voluntary work(志愿工作)的英语文章,l

Are You Ready To Be A Volunteer ? There is a new trend that an increasing number of college students are willing to work as volunteers in their spare time . Take my university for instance , many of my clas *** ates have the experience of being volunteers. Dialectically speaking , everything has its both sides . Voluntary work can be beneficial to our society and make our own lives colorful and meaningful to a certain extent , which is also a perfect way for college students to grow up mentally . Honestly , some universities and colleges have a special item of regulation that one should acplish certain hours" voluntary work before he graduates , so some lazy students are forced to do it for the sake of getting their certificates , my university included . At the same time , the word “ volunteers” loses its real meaning. Personally speaking , I hold the view that it is not what you have done but what you are willing to do deep down that count . I have once worked as a guide in the Dalian Station , helping passengers to find the entrances and exits and checking tickets when necessary . I treat it as my pleasure , broadening my view ,making friends and receiving thanks , so why not ? I"m planning to organize my own “ Voluntary Group “ this year .We will appear where the notices “ VOLUNTEERS WANTED “ are posted. 自己写的,当初拿去参赛的文章.

英语单词:voluntary 和 volunteer 都有形容词特性 其区别和用法是如何?

volunteer侧重于人,它是n转化成定语的.主要指志愿者,志愿军,志愿人员等volunteer doctorvoluntary 是a.侧重于与志愿者有关的工作,机构,管理等voluntary work

“volunteer ”“voluntary”之间有什么区别?





 2019年6月大学英语六级词汇看图记忆汇总   voluntary adj. 自愿的,主动的,故意的,志愿的,自发的   例句:Joe is very taken up with voluntary work at the moment.   乔目前大部分时间和精力都用在志愿工作上了。   volunteer n. 志愿者,志愿兵 adj. 志愿的,义务的,无偿的 v.自愿   例句:I"ve been doing volunteer work for a community center in order to gain experience.   我在一家社区中心从事志愿服务,以获取经验。   compulsory adj. 必须做的,必修的,被强 迫的,被强制的,义务的   例句:Every one must receive 9 years of compulsory education.   每人必须接受九年的义务教育。   reluctant adj. 不顾的,勉强的,难得到的,难处理的   例句:Jimmy is reluctant to begin, but when he does you should see him go into action.   吉米不愿意开始,但他一旦开始了,你就会看到他干得十分卖力。   impulse n. 推动,刺激,冲动,推动力 vt.推动   例句:On impulse,l picked up the phone and rang my sister in Japan.   我一时心血来潮,拿起话筒就给在日本的妹妹打了个电话。


volunteer 自愿 志愿者 动词和名词都是他


voluntary的英语读音是[u02c8vu0252lu0259ntri]。一、释义1、形容词:自愿的;志愿的;主动的;自告奋勇的;自愿性的;无偿的;义务性的;义务的;自发的;随意的。2、名词:仪式终始曲,即兴曲。二、例句1、Attendance on the course is purely voluntary.听这门课纯粹是自愿的。2、There are many ways in which you can do voluntary work.做志愿工作的方法有很多。3、The agency is voluntary and not run for profit.这个机构是义务性的,不是为了赢利。4、Voluntary recycling efforts have brought some success.自发的回收利用的努力取得了某些成就。5、But having said that,are the voluntary targets going to drive that?但尽管如此,这些自愿性的目标会推动这一进程吗?


voluntary[英]["vu0252lu0259ntru026a][美][u02c8vɑlu0259nu02cctu025bri]adj.自愿的,自发的; 志愿的; 故意的,有意的; [法]无偿的; n.自愿者; 自愿行动; 即兴演奏,自选节目; 自愿地做的工作;

a voluntary activity英语作文

A Voluntary ActivityLast Sunday, our class launched a voluntary activity, the theme of which is to make the city more beautiful and advocate a low-carbon lifestyle. In the morning, we went to plant trees in the suburbs. We worked in cooperation. Some dug holes, some carried and planted trees, and some watered them. In the afternoon, we went to People"s Square to hand out leaflets, raising people"s awareness of environmental protection. Most of the students think highly of the activity, which will surely produce a positive effect on our daily life.As far as I"m concerned, it"s everyone"s duty to protect the environment. As long as there is the possibility of saving our planet, do take action now before it is too late. Low carbon living is surely a way of great significance.

急求英语作文 voluntary activities

Volunteer activities are the volunteers do not accept the voluntary participation of the public activities of remuneration. It is an individual community are of considerable significance. First of all, for the community through these activities can help the weak, for those who really need help to help bring warmth. It can also be large-scale activities to provide greater convenience, to be held smoothly. Just as the Beijing Olympic Games volunteer activities, they guide the approach for the athletes play in venues outside the guide and so on, through the hard work of these volunteers to make a successful Olympic Games held. Volunteer activities reflect the value of volunteers. Volunteers learned through these activities are not a lot of books on the knowledge, get more exercise, which is a personal growth to help. In short, the volunteer activities is very positive, not only helping others and their own happiness. Let us now actively involved in volunteer activities.

voluntary work名词解释?

Voluntar work是志愿工作意思,志愿工作具有志愿性、无偿性、公益性、组织性四大特征。有些人片面地认为从事志愿工作是慈善为怀、乐善好施的表现,把志愿工作看成一种单方面的施予;认为志愿工作只是为了减轻专职人员的工作负担,把志愿者当作"廉价劳动力";认为只有那些不愁衣食及有大量空余时间的人,才有资格或才会参加志愿工作。其实,每个人都有参与社会事务的权利和促进社会进步的能力,同样,每个人都有促进社会繁荣进步的义务及责任。参与志愿工作是表达这种"权利"及"义务"的积极和有效的形式。在服务他人、服务社会的同时,自身得到提高、完善和发展,精神和心灵得到满足,因此,参与志愿工作既是"助人",亦是"自助",既是"乐人",同时也"乐己"。参与志愿工作,

voluntary arrangement是什么意思

voluntary arrangement词典结果voluntary arrangement自愿安排双语对照

英文投稿时,voluntary page charge 是指什么意思?


voluntary work是什么意思


Voluntary work .帮帮忙翻译翻译!

志愿者工作3个青年人自愿在暑假期间做一些志愿者工作。他们写下了如下的报告。我在一家儿童医院里做了些志愿者工作。在那儿的孩子们全都遭受了严重的疾病。我们为他们组织了一次绘画比赛。我遇见了一个叫森迪的女孩。她想画一幅在她家附近公园的画。我到了那儿,为她照了些公园的照片。CIndy使用了这些照片去画她的画。Betty这儿有些没有父母的儿童。我和我的妈妈一起看望了他们中的一些孩子。我们教他们讲故事。这样有助于帮助他们表达自己的感受。一个孩子说道:“我的朋友们都不能理解我的疼痛。”我们和一个叫Vivien的女孩一起度过了一段时光。她的父母们死于一场汽车事故,因此她很难过,也感到很孤独。她需要友情。我的妈妈和我将继续去看望Vivien。 Mark我想要去帮助残疾儿童。他们在走路或行动方面都有困难。我教他们唱歌,因为音乐可以给他们带来欢乐和平静。我遇见了一个叫Tim的男孩。他在一次事故中伤了双腿,但是他非常勇敢。我们需要去帮助像Tim那样的孩子们,并鼓舞他们的精神情绪。在未来的时间里,我将继续去做志愿者工作。 Annie


voluntary【我熬特恩蕊】英 [u02c8vu0252lu0259ntri] 美 [u02c8vɑu02d0lu0259nteri] adj.自愿的;志愿的invitation【因为忒深】英 [u02ccu026anvu026au02c8teu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccu026anvu026au02c8teu026au0283n] n.(口头或书面的)邀请


adj. 自愿的;志愿的;自发的;故意的n. 志愿者;自愿行动近义词autonomous自治的,自主的自发的, willing乐意的自愿的, studied有计划的故意的, designed故意的, intended有意的故意的反义词involuntary非自愿的非故意的无意识的自然而然的;unwilling不乐意的

exo的baby dont cry 、蝴蝶少女、彼得番、韩文音译歌词!给好评!

EXO - Baby Don"t Cry[Baekhyun] Deoneun mangseoriji ma Jebal nae simjangeul geodueo gaGeurae nalkaroulsurok joha Dalbit jochado nuneul gameun bam[D.O] Na anin dareun namjayeotdamyeon Huigeuk anui han gujeorieotdeoramyeonNeoui geu saranggwa bakkun sangcheo modu taewobeoryeo[All] Baby donu2019t cry tonight eodumi geochigo namyeonBaby donu2019t cry tonight eobseotdeon iri doel geoyaMulgeopumi doeneun geoseun nega aniya kkeutnae mollaya haetdeonSo baby donu2019t cry cry nae sarangi neol jikil teni[Suho] Ojik seororeul hyanghaeitneun unmyeongeul jugo badaEotgallil su bakke eobtneun geu mankeum deo saranghaesseumeul nan ara[D.O] When you smile, sun shines [Baekhyun] Eoneoran teuren chae mot dameul challan[D.O] On mame pado chyeo [Suho] Buseojyeo naerijanha oh[All] Baby donu2019t cry tonight pokpungi morachineun bam ([Baekhyun] Woo haneuri muneojil deut)[All] Baby donu2019t cry tonight jogeumeun eoullijanhaNunmulboda challanhi bitnaneun i sungan neoreul bonaeya haetdeonSo baby donu2019t cry cry nae sarangi gieokdoel teni[Chanyeol] Eodukeomkeomhan gotongui geuneul wi ibyeorui munteoge naega muchamhiNeomeojyeodo geumajeodo neol wihaeseoramyeon gamdanghal teniUh daesin nareul julge birok nal moreuneun neoegeDon"t cry tteugeoun nunmulbodan chadichan useumeul boyeojwo baby[D.O] Say no more ([Chanyeol] Baby) [D.O] No more ([Chanyeol] Don"t cry)[Chanyeol] Jebal mangseorijineun marajwo mulgeopumi doel geu challa[D.O] Say no more ([Chanyeol] Baby) [D.O] No more ([Chanyeol] Don"t cry)[Chanyeol] Nunbusin sarameuro nameul su itge charari geu kallo nal taewojwo[D.O] Ne nun soge gadeuk cha oreuneun dalbit woo[Baekhyun] Sori eobsi gotong soge heulleo neomchineun i bam[All] Baby donu2019t cry tonight eodumi geochigo namyeonBaby donu2019t cry tonight eobseotdeon iri doel geoyaMulgeopumi doeneun geoseun nega aniya kkeutnae mollaya haetdeonSo baby donu2019t cry cry nae sarangi neol jikil teni[Baekhyun] Ireun haessari noga naerindaNeoreul darmeun nunbusimi naerinda[Suho] Gireul irheun nae nuneun ijeya cry cry cryEXO - Don"t Gojo-geuman nal-kaetjis neol hyang-han ikkeu-llim nae-ge ttaraora sonjishan geot kataseoaejeorhan nunbit-kwah mu-eonye iyagi gaseume hwehori-ga mo-rachideon geunal bamomyohan geudaeye moseube neokseul nohko hanappunin yeong-honeul ppaetgigokeudaeye momjise wahnjeonhi chwiihaeseo sum shwiineun geotjocha ijeobeorin na-indewahlcheucheoreom sappunhi anja nuneul ttel su eop-seo shiseoni jayeonseure keo-reummada neol ttara-gajanhanal annae-haejwoyeah keudae-ga sal-go i-nneun gose nado hamkke deryeo-gajwooh, sesangye kkeuchirado dwiittara-gal tenibudi nae shiyaeseo beoseonaji marajwo achimi wahdo sarajiji marajwo ohkkumeul kkuneun geo-reum keudaen namani areumda-un nabioh, wo-o-ho-o-ho-o oh yeah- wo-o-ho-o-ho-o yeah wo-o-ho-o-ho-oeodi-seo wah-nneunji eodi-ro ganeunji chinjeorhi yeo-gikkaji majungeul wah-jun neokapareun oreumag kkakkajin jeolbyeokdo keokjeongma mu-eot-do duryeoul geo-shi eopseunineoneun ppomnae uahan jatae o! nan myeoch beonigo banha-gosarangeun ireohke nado moreuge yekodo eobshi bul-shiye chajawahwahlcheucheoreom sappunhi anja nuneul ttel su eop-seo shiseoni jayeonseure keo-reummada neol ttara-gajanha oh nonal annae-haejwoyeah keudae-ga sal-go i-nneun gose nado hamkke deryeo-gajwooh, sesangye kkeuchirado dwiittara-gal tenibudi nae shiyaeseo beoseonaji marajwo achimi wahdo sarajiji marajwo ohkkumeul kkuneun geo-reum keudaen namani areumda-un nabinasseon goseul hemaenda haedo gi-reurirheobeorindaedo nu-guboda sol-jikhan naye mameul ttareul-keoya joyong-hi nune ttyineun momjis kang-ha-go budeureoun nunbitkeobuhal su eom-neun nanikka yeahnal deryeo-gajwo yeah keudae-ga sal-go i-nneun gose nado hamkke deryeo-gajwooh, sesangye kkeuchirado ttara-gal-ke oh nonae shiyaeseo beoseonaji marajwo achimi wahdo sarajiji marajwo ohjo-geumahan sonjis naye gaseumen hwehori-ga chinda wo-o-ho-o-ho-o, wo-o-ho-o-ho-o, wo-o-ho-o-ho-oEXO - Peter Pannalgeun ilgijang meonjireul teoreonae mundeuk pyeolchin got geu seoken haemalgkenaega isseo ahjik neon geudaero yeogi namahisseoitgo ji naetdeon geurimee tteoolla jakeun tteollimee nae mome saemsosahjom seogeulpeukin hae geuttaero doragal su eobneun geneol chajahganda chueokee bonaen tingkeobel ddaranaseodeon Neverlandgeu goseh naega neowa barabomyeo utgo isseonan yeongwonhan neoeui piteopaen geu siganeh meomchun ne namjaseotuljima neomu saranghaesseodeon naeui neoege danyeoganeol manhi goerobhyeotdeon jitgujeun akdang modu mullicheojun gieokee saengsaenghaegeu sunganbuteo neoeui mameul eodgo nanun kiseukkajinae mameun hangsang gureum tago naratjineoneun wendi sinderellaboda yeppeotjigaseum ddwige mandeun dan han saram neol neukkinikka du nunee bitnaneol chajahganda chueokee bonaen tingkeobel ddaranaseodeon Neverlandgeu goseh naega neowa barabomyeo utgo isseonan yeongwonhan neoeui piteopaen geu siganeh meomchun ne namjaseotuljima neomu saranghaesseodeon naeui neoege danyeoga(hamkkehaesseojiman jabgo shipjiman son naemiljiman Oh!neon meoreojyeo ddeonaji ma geuttae naega itjanhah yeoji Oh! eodi isseulkka)bunhongbit gamdoneun eolgul gureum wireul geotneun gibun Baby boo! nae gaseumee dugeungeoryeotdeon geurim gatdeon You!geuttae neoeui nunneun salmyeosi useojyeotdeon geotcheoreom jigeumdo nae maeumeui han kyeone yeollin changmuneh nega narawajundamyeonnae donghwa sok damah non neol yeojeonhi maemdoneun Sweety girl!ahjikdo tteollyeo gaseum hangyeon neo eobneun igoseun oeroun seomnae gieok sok jeokeo non neol jiwojiji anhneun Pretty girl!ahjikdo seolleyeo gaseum hankyeon neo eopneun igoseunsigyeeui taeyeop doneun saee eolmana dallajyeosseulkkaneol sseonaeryeogan majimak han jangeul neomgyeotjiman deoilgeonael yonggiga anna seulpeun geuleun jiwonael geoyauri yaegin kkeutee anil geoyadasi mannabol tenikka


volunteer 自愿参加者,志愿者volunteer doctor 自愿医生voluntary 自愿的voluntary work 自愿的工作.ps: volunteer后面是能加docter的. 其实很简单,volunteer是名词,voluntary是副词.


voluntary 英["vu0252lu0259ntru026a] 美[u02c8vɑlu0259nu02cctu025bri] adj. 自愿的,自发的;志愿的;故意的,有意的;[法]无偿的 n. 自愿者;自愿行动;即兴演奏,自选节目;自愿地做的工作 名词复数:voluntaries [例句]Sanghvi estimates that 75 % of mbas attend the voluntary sessions.赛格威估计,75%的MBA学生会参加自发的研讨会。


自愿的, 可以联想到志愿者volunteer



Harry Belafonte的《Sunflower》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunflower歌手:Harry Belafonte专辑:The Art Of A LegendLow--SunflowerWhen they found your bodyGiant X"s on your eyesWith your half of the ransomYou bought some sweet, sweet, sweetSweet sunflowersAnd gave themTo the nightUnderneath the Star of DavidA hundred years behind my eyesAnd with my half of the ransomI bought some sweet, sweet, sweetSweet sunflowersAnd gave themTo the nightSweet, sweet, sweet, sweet sunflowersSweet, sweet, sweet, sweet sunflowersSweet, sweet, sweet, sweet sunflowersAnd gave themTo the nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/9341100

求《strawberry wine》 ryan adams歌词翻译

纯手工翻译,比较隐晦的歌词,翻了半个小时。我在为我的知道团队努力,望楼主采纳。bryan adams我也很喜欢,听了下这首,没想到这么伤感,跟他平时的风格不大像。不过这首歌词确实有点伤感和沉重。Last night in the street collapsed on itself昨天晚上街道突然坍塌(这段比较隐晦,应该就是喻指开始了狂欢而堕落的生活。这个歌词的大意也是,几个不同的人,沉迷在各自的享受中不能自拔而日渐堕落)In fact, it broke right in two直接分成了两半And I fell in我就掉进了地缝里The strawberry vinesInto a pool of strawberry wine掉进了装满草莓酒的池塘的草莓藤上Strawberry wine and clouds草莓酒和云朵Burning in the desert, surrounded in flowers在沙漠里燃烧着 被鲜花围绕着But the stems broke the armor但是草莓藤割破了盔甲And the morning comes然后就到了清晨Until its all just the same things again一切又都恢复正常了 道路也不再分裂开Oh god,哦 上帝啊Don"t spend too much time on the other side不要花太多时间在地底的另一边(此处喻指‘糜烂颓废的享受和堕落")Let the daylight in,让阳光照进来Before you get old and you cant break out of it别等到你老得出不来(喻指不要一直沉迷于那样的生活)My old friend,我的老朋友啊Cause its getting winter, and if you want any flowers因为寒冬已至,你若想要花朵You gotta get your seeds in就得播种了And I worry about you, why? because you want me to我为什么担心你呢?因为你想让我跟你一起去Can you still have any famous last words你还有什么好的遗言么If you"re nobody somebody nobody knows,若你是个默默无名不为人知的小人物I don"t know我不知道 Somebody go and ask Clair有些人会去问克莱尔She"s been dead twenty years just look at her hair她已经呆呆地盯着自己的头发二十年了Strawberry blonde with curls盯着她那头泛点金色的红卷发She gets hair done then she gossips每天梳好了头发就开始跟酒吧的女侍应八卦With the younger waitress girls at the barThe old Irish rose这朵老去的爱尔兰玫瑰(喻指老去的克莱尔)Drinking strawberry wine喝着草莓酒Until it comes out her nose直到醉的酒都从她鼻子里流出来She spent too much time on the other side,她就是在地底的另一边花费太多时间了啊And she forgot to let the daylight in她忘了让阳光射进来 忘了逃出来Before you get old you"d better break out of it可别等到老的跑不出来呀My old friend,我的老朋友Cause its getting winter and if you want any flowers因为寒冬已至 你若想要花朵You gotta get your seeds in to the ground,就得播种子入大地And I worry about you,我为何担心你Why because you want me too因为你想让我跟你一起啊This fella downtown, he jumped off a bridge有个来自市区的小伙子 从桥上跳下去了He was angry about a letter he received from his friend因为朋友的来信惹恼了他He fell inTo the arms of the most beautiful girls他掉进了那些有史以来世上最美的女子的怀抱里That have ever lived in the history of the worldAnd with nothing left to lose he got screwed他一无所有 他受尽欺凌He sold his apartment before they made him move在大家逼他搬走之前他卖掉了自己的房子Then he jumped straight in然后就直直的跳进了旧金山的海湾To the san Francisco bayNow he lives on Molly"s farm现在他住在茉莉的农场Picking berries all day每天采摘草莓Don"t spend too much time on the other side不要在地底的另一边浪费太多时间Let the daylight in别忘了让阳光照进来Marty was a kid when he learned steal boats马迪学会偷船的时候 还只是个孩子His dad was a deejay on the radio他有一个做DJ的爸爸He fell in可他沉迷于偷船的犯罪生涯To a lifeOf riverboat crimeNow has the man you see in prison现在好了 进来监狱If you want strawberry wine你要是想要草莓酒 Strawberry wine and smokes想要草莓酒和烟卷He sent a letter to his friend他就会给他的朋友写信Explaining one night on coke告诉他们在那个可卡因的夜晚He and Clair他跟克莱尔Jumped in to the strawberry vines掉进了草莓藤里And lord knows you get lost上帝知道 On that strawberry wine他迷失在了草莓酒池Don"t spend too much time on the other side,不要在地底的另一边花费太多时间呀 Let the daylight in记得让日光照进来And imp getting old and I gotta break out of i我日渐衰老 My old friend,我的老朋友啊Cause its getting winter and if I want any flowers因为寒冬已至,我若想要花朵I gotta get those seeds in to the ground,我就得把种子播种给大地And if you worry about me如果你担心我Don"t bother就别再挂念Why?为什么呢 Ill be fine因为我会好好的 Imp just sitting here laughing我会好好的坐在这 Little old me and my一个小老头跟我的草莓酒Strawberry wine坐在这大笑着

MJ的Is It Scary谐音歌词


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Is It Scary 歌词

歌曲名:Is It Scary歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Blood On The Dance Floor/ History In The MixIs It ScaryMichael Jackson There"s a ghost down in the hallThere"s a ghoul beneath the bedNow it"s coming through the wallsNow it"s coming up the stairs There"s a spirit in the darkHear the beating of his heartCan you feel it in the airGhosts be hiding everywhere I"m gonna beExactly what you wanna see It"s you who"s taunting meBecause you"re wanting meTo be the strangerIn the night Am I amusing youBut just confusing meAm I the beast You visualizedAnd if you wanna seeEccentric odditiesI"ll be grotesqueBefore your eyeLet them all materialize Is that scary for you babyAm I scary for you oh boyIs it scary for you babyIs it scary for youYou know the stranger is youIs it scary for you baby There"s a creaking in the floorThere"s a creak behind the doorThere"s a rocking in the chairBut nobody"s sitting thereThere"s a ghastly smell aroundBut nobody to be foundAnd a coffin inlay openWhere restless soul"s spoke I"m gonna beExactly what you gonna see So did you come to meTo see your fantasiesPerformed beforeYour very eyes A haunting ghostly treatThe ghoulish trickeryAnd spirits dancingIn the night But if you came to seeThe truth the purityIt"s here insideA lonely heartSo let the performance start Is that scary for you babyAm I scary for you oh boyAm I scary for you babyAm I scary for you oh boySo tell meIs it scary for you babyTell meSo tell meIs that realism for you big babyAm I scary for youYou know the stranger is youAm I scary for you Masquerade the heartIs the height of hurting soulsJust not what you see of meCan hardly reveal the proofLike a mirror reveals the truthSee the evil one is you Is that scary for you big babyAm I scary for you oh boyAm I scary for you babyAm I scary for you oh boySo tell meAm I scary for you babyAm I scary for you babyIs it scary for you babyAm I scary for you oh boy Wanna talk aboutI wanna talk aboutI don"t wanna talk aboutWanna talk aboutAm I scary for you babyIs it scary for you babyI"m tired of being abusedYou know you"re scaring me tooI see the evil is youIs it scary for you baby boyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9876506

关于secondary logon 服务的开启方法有些疑问 我每次点击自动或手动 在应用以后 启动

启动方法:1.右键点击我的电脑~管理~找到服务和应用程序 - 选择服务 - 在右面窗口找到Secondary Logon双击,启动类型选为自动,然后重新启动电脑或点击左上方的启动命令。2.在“开始/运行”中输入msconfig,打开“系统配置实用程序”对话框,再点开上面的“服务”选项卡,找到“Secondary Logon”,在它的前面打上钩,“确定”后重启系统。 您也可以在 - 控制面板 - 的 -管理工具- 的 - 服务 - 中启用它。3.执行命令如下C:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exe -k netsvcs给与administrator以外的用户分配指定操作权 看重权限的朋友就设置为自动建议:手动


religionary和religious都可以表示"宗教的,有关宗教的", eg. religionary / religious beliefs宗教信仰. 但religious还可以指"人(或行为)笃信宗教的,虔诚的", eg. a very religious man 一个非常虔诚的男人

二次登录服务(Secondary Logon)是什么

SP 52548: 禁用Secondary Logon服务以避免安全漏洞Details: Secondary logon服务(二次登录服务)的进程名是svchost.exe,在WinXP Home/PRO下默认安装的启动类型是自动,没有任何服务依存关系。这个服务对应于用户临时权限分配功能,在多用户使用的计算机上,某些用户因为是非管理员权限,导致某些程序无法执行。为了让没有管理员权限的已经登录用户可以使用这些程序,Microsoft设计了这个功能来分配临时的管理员权限。打开这个服务后,右键点击鼠标选择“运行方式”将会出现对话框,让你选择执行这个程序的用户身份。对多用户环境下的管理员,这确实是方便的功能,不过依然是以安全作为代价的,对单个用户或笔记本电脑用户来说尤其无用而且危险!所以要谨慎使用。

Inquiry Counter-offer Offer Acceptance

【答案】:Inquiry$Offer$Counter-offer$Accep tance

求:printf("%20S %4S %10S %10S ","Name","Sex","Birthdate","Salary");的详细解释?


求Independence The Band Perry的中文歌词 ~~?

The Band Perry, IndependenceWould you walk to the edge of the ocean*Just to fill my jar with sandJust in case I get the notion to let it run through my handLet it run through my handWell, I don"t want the whole world,The sun and moon and all their lightI just want to be the only girl,You love all your life,You love all your lifeWould you catch a couple thousand fireflies, yeah,Put them in a lamp to light my world all dressed up in tux and bow tie and delivered to a lonely girl, to lonely, lonely girlWell, I don"t want the whole world,the sun and moon and all their lightI just want to be the only girl,You love all your life,You love all your lifeLately I"ve been writing desperate love songs, and mostly singing them to the wallYou could be the center piece of my obsession, If would noticed me at allWell, I don"t want the whole world,the sun and moon and all their lifeI just want to be the only girl,You love all your life,You love all your lifeYou love all your life, life, yeah

英语翻译 THE STORY OF AN EYEWITNESS by Jack London 短文翻译

一名目击者的故事作者:Jack London历史上从没有过城市被这么毁灭过.旧金山已经一去不复返了.除了记忆和一些远离市中心的房子,什么都没有留下.商业活动也停止了.工厂、宾馆、宫殿也已经没有了.在地震发生的一个小时...

TCL怎么在“Recovery Mode”模式下恢复出厂设置?

1:关机状态下,【同时】按住 “ 音量+ ”, “关机键”, 进入工程模式)。2:用音量-键,选择 “wipe data/factory reset”, 按 开关键确认。3:选择那个“yes”选项,按开关键确认。4:选择 “wipe cache partition”,按开关键确认。5:选择“root system now”, 按开关键确认。 此时手机会重启,然后就进入出厂时的状态了。

安卓机进入recovery mode什么意思?

“进入recovery mode”意思是“进入恢复模式”,是一种可以对安卓机内部的数据或系统进行修改的模式。Recovery具体介绍:Recovery其字面的意思翻译过来就是“恢复”的意思,在安卓系统里,Recovery模式就如同Windows PE,是一个具有一些很基本功能的临时系统,它所提供的功能不是给用户来使用手机,而是给用户一个临时简易的平台来恢复手机操作系统。Recovery的功能:在官方recovery模式下我们可以对手机进行 恢复出厂设置、格式化手机内部储存、升级官方ZIP格式刷机包(一般只识别update.zip文件);在第三方Recovery下我们除了有官方recovery的全部功能之外,还具有格式化data、system等分区,刷入第三方ZIP格式升级包、补丁包、基带、内核等、还具有备份、恢复整个系统的功能。recovery中文版图解注释:-reboot system now 重启系统-apply sdcard:update.zip 使用SD卡根目录的update.zip更新系统-wipe data/factory reset 清空data分区并恢复出厂设置-wipe cache partition 清空cache分区-install zip from sdcard 从SDcard选择文件更新系统-apply sdcard:update.zip 使用SD卡根目录的update.zip 更新系统-choose zip from sdcard 从SD卡选择zip格式升级包-toggle signature verification 切换签名验证-toggle script asserts 切换升级脚本检查-backup and restore 备份和恢复-Backup 备份-Restore 恢复-Advanced Restore 高级恢复-mounts and storage 挂载和存储-mount /system 挂载/system分区(系统分区)-mount /data 挂载/data分区(数据分区)-mount /cache 挂载/cache分区(缓存分区)-mount /sd-ext 挂载/sd-ext分区(A2SD分区)-format boot 格式化内核分区-format system 格式化系统分区-format data 格式化数据分区-format cache 格式化缓存分区-format sdcard 格式化存储卡-format sd-ext 格式化内存卡SD-mount USB storage 挂载SD卡为U盘模式-advanced 高级-Reboot Recovery 重启Recovery-Wipe Dalvik Cache 清空Dalvik缓存-Wipe Battery Stats 清空电池状态-Report Error 报告错误-Key Test 键位测试-Partition SD Card 对SD卡分区-Fix Permissi** 修复权限

Setup Factory创建安装包时,生成的卸载程序无法运行:invalid mode:archive filename

利用setupfactory的脚本功能自己创建快捷方式添加命令,解决方法如下:1、首先安装完成脚本执行如下命令,生成一个快捷方式,添加命令,如下图所示脚本。Shell.CreateShortcut("%AppFolder%", "卸载 NetManage.exe", "%AppFolder%\uninstall.exe", "/U:.\Uninstall\uninstall.xml", "%AppFolder%", "%AppFolder%\uninstall.exe", 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL, nil, "", START_OPTION_DEFAULT"2、需要注意的如果使用SetupFactory自带的脚本工具添加脚本代码时在target这项如果使用右边的选择框选目标文件的话是没有uninstall.exe文件的因为这个时候setupfactory还没有添加该文件,所以这个你要使用代码添加。3、点击CreateShortcut是这样,如下图所示。4、最后点击on post uninstall标签选项,输入下图命令删除所有问题解决。


1.手机进入应用程序--开发--打开USB调试。2.下载线刷rom包。3.下载刷机工具包odin后解压。4.关机,然后同时按住下音量下键 + HOME键 + 电源键,等待3秒,出现英文界面。按音量上键,进入界面为绿色机器人,此为刷机模式。5.打开odin刷机工具,识别成功在ID:COM处显示黄色,选择对应的刷机包文件。6.选择start(开始)。7.电脑端软件左上角出现绿色进度条为刷机中。8.出现PASS即表示刷机完成。9.手机关机,同时按住(音量上键+HOME键+电源键)5秒左右手机进入3E模式。10.按电源键开机,刷机完成。
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