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电流互感器的倍率怎么算?Primary 400A 5/3.75/VA Conductor 1T class0.5 Secondary 5A 50/60HZ 660V

2023-08-10 02:42:45
















2023-08-07 02:38:502


conductor美 [ku0259n"du028cktu025a]n. 导体;售票员;领导者;管理人Wood is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. 木头是热和电的不良导体。
2023-08-07 02:38:592


你好!导体conductor 英[ku0259nu02c8du028cktu0259(r)] 美[ku0259nu02c8du028cktu025a] n. 售票员; <电>导体; (乐队) 指挥; 导管(套管的一种); [例句]At Opera North he will be in harness with Paul Daniel, the conductor appointed music director last year.在北方歌剧公司,他将和去年指挥指定的音乐总监保罗·丹尼尔通力合作。
2023-08-07 02:39:081


2023-08-07 02:39:392


2023-08-07 02:39:474

conductor是什么意思 解释conductor的含义和用法?

2023-08-07 02:39:552


2023-08-07 02:40:069


2023-08-07 02:40:533


防雷的模块上的吧 60KA是 下面两个电流中的一个 额定放电电流Isn:给保护器施加波形为8/20μs的标准雷电波冲击10次时,保护器所耐受的最大冲击电流峰值.   最大放电电流Imax:给保护器施加波形为8/20μs的标准雷电波冲击1次时,保护器所耐受的最大冲击电流峰值. 8/20μs是标准雷电波的波形
2023-08-07 02:41:141


英语中表示人的职业、身份的名词大多数是以-er结尾的。如teacher,worker,waiter,singer,writer等。但也有少数是以-or结尾的。如inventor,visitor等。对于这类词的拼写,初学者往往容易弄混。九年制义务教育英语教科书中出现的以-or结尾的名词有conductor(列车员,售票员),doctor(医生),inventor(发明家),motor(马达),tractor(拖拉机)和vis-itor(参观者,访问者)等6个。我们可以发挥想象力把这6个单词串成一句话来帮助记忆。The inventor asked the two visitors,the doctor and theconductor,to visit the tractor and the motor car.发明家请医生和售票员两名参观者参观拖拉机和汽车。(B)在统编初中英语课本中共出现6个以-or结尾的名词。它们是castor(蓖麻),conductor(列车员),doctor(医生,大夫),mirror(镜子),monitor(班长),professor(教授)。同学们在拼写这些单词时往往容易与以-er结尾的名词混淆。我们只要记住下面两句话就没有问题了。①Our monitor asked the conductor to send for a doctor to save the professor.我们的班长请列车员找大夫去救教授。②The mirror is covered with castor oil.镜子上面有蓖麻油。
2023-08-07 02:41:221


conductor:火车站的Ticket inspectors :电影院的
2023-08-07 02:41:423


b==there is not a conductor that / which does not resist the flow of the electrical charges.每个导管都会导电there Is no boy but likes football==there is no boy who doesn"t like football.每个男孩都喜欢足球。
2023-08-07 02:41:502


一位母亲和她的年轻女孩上车,然后坐下来。公共汽车售票员来到他们的票。妈妈说:"给我一张票去纽约。"并提供美元的指挥。售票员看了几分钟的小女孩和她,然后说"多大年纪? 你,年轻的女士"母亲想要说话,但售票员停止她,和那个姑娘说,"我四岁的时候在家里,而两个半月的公共汽车和火车。"母亲带半美元出她的包,并使导体。售票员给她半张票。
2023-08-07 02:42:001

乐队指挥 英文

乐队指挥的英文为conductor。乐队指挥是一个乐团中的灵魂人物,他拥有无限的权力,往往可以控制整首曲子呈现的速度及演出的效果;最重要的是他要有激发乐团成员最佳潜能的责任。指挥家一站上指挥台, 面对着由上百位演奏者组成的交响乐团, 俨然有君临天下的威风。乐师们乃至于所有的观众目光都集中在他的手势上。此时他操纵著这个至高无上的音乐媒体:一个现代交响乐团。因为这是一组指挥无法亲自一一演练的乐器, 他必须凭藉著高超的沟通语法, 让乐团发出他心目中理想的乐音。在排练一部即将演出的作品之前, 指挥自己得先对乐谱了解得滚瓜烂熟。他对乐曲的分句、力度的平衡必须完全了若指掌。换句话说,他一定得先精确的判定这部作品应当发出什么样的声音、如何形成整体, 以及如何将乐谱上的音符转为动人的激情。乐队指挥的具体工作分三个阶段:第一阶段是总谱的准备。对作品进行深入、细致的研究和分析,标注,并形成自己的处理。第二阶段是排练准备。乐队指挥要根据乐队的情况、作品的难易程度制定排练计划。第三阶段就是排练阶段。这是指挥工作的中心,分为抄谱、个别练习、集体试奏、分声部练习、合排、连排、细排等步骤,一个指挥的绝大部分工作都在这个阶段中完成。
2023-08-07 02:42:071

train conductor是什么意思

2023-08-07 02:42:342


导体(conductor)是指电阻率很小且易于传导电流的物质。导体中存在大量可自由移动的带电粒子称为载流子。在外电场作用下,载流子作定向运动,形成明显的电流。 金属是最常见的一类导体。金属原子最外层的价电子很容易挣脱原子核的束缚,而成为自由电子,留下的正离子(原子实)形成规则的点阵。金属中自由电子的浓度很大,所以金属导体的电导率通常比其他导体材料的大。金属导体的电阻率一般随温度降低而减小。在极低温度下,某些金属与合金的电阻率将消失而转化为超导体”。
2023-08-07 02:42:421

新概念50 said the conductor 和 the conductor said区别

1. said the conductor为直接引语放于前时而引起的倒装,当直接引语放于前时,主谓应实行倒装。如:“I helped my mother clean the house just now.”, said the girl.2. the conductor said 为直接引语放于后,主谓不倒装,为正常语序。如:The girl said, “I helped my mother clean the house just now.”3. said the conductor suddenly 为副词“suddenly”修饰动词“said”,译喂“突然地”,无影响,起修饰、补充说明的作用。
2023-08-07 02:42:521


2023-08-07 02:43:111


基本句型主语+不及物动词1 . 1919年,在北京爆发了“五四”运动(the May Fourth Movement)2 . 这个盒子重5斤.(kilo)3 . 五年前我住在北京.4 . 在过去十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。 主语+及物动词+宾语昨晚我写了一封信。我父亲能流利的说英语。(fluently)你介意我开窗户吗?你们必须在两周之内看完那些书。他指出我的作文中的错误。point out,composition我们必训派人去请医生。你在工作中可以依靠他。写完作文后,我们必须检查一遍。go over 主语+系动词+表语我的兄弟是大学生。这本书是关于美国历史的书。他的工作是在幼儿园里找看儿童。nursery他失业了。树叶已经变黄了。这个报告听起来很健康。十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。pianist孩子们,请保持安静。 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语奶奶昨晚给我们讲了一个有趣的故事。请把那本字典地给我好吗?dictionary我父亲已经给我买了一辆新自行车。我替你叫辆出租车好吗?这个学期我已经给父母写过三封信了。他把车票给列车员看。conductor 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补我们大家都认为他是城实的。conductor我们把小偷释放了。set...free他叫我们参加做游戏。我要你把真相告诉我。每天早晨,我们都听到他大声朗读英语。那可怕的声音把孩子们吓坏了。make...frightened他每个月理一次发。我们要是学校变得跟美丽。 Basic sentence pattern subject + intransitive verb 1.1919 years, in Beijing, the outbreak of the "54" campaign (the May Fourth Movement) 2. The box weight 5 kg. (Kilo) 3. Five years ago I lived in Beijing. 4. In the past decade, my hometown has changed. Subject + transitive verb + object I wrote a letter last night. My father could speak English fluently. (Fluently) Do you mind if I have the window? You have to read in those two weeks the book. He pointed out my errors in writing. point out, composition We will send for training doctors. You can rely on his work. Finished writing, we must check again. go over Subject + linking verb + predicative My brother is a university student. This book is a book on the history of the United States. His job is to look at the kindergarten children to find. nursery He lost their jobs. Yellowing of the leaves already. This report sounds very healthy. 15-year-old he became a famous pianist. pianist Children, please keep quiet. Subject + transitive verb + indirect object + direct object Last night she told us an interesting story. Please send it to the dictionary for me please? dictionary My father has bought me a new bike. I called a taxi for you, please? This semester I have already written to the parents of three letters. He look at tickets to the conductor. conductor Subject + transitive verb + object + pin up We all think he is the real city. conductor We released the thief. set ... free He told us to do to participate in the game. I want you to tell me the truth. Every morning, we heard him read aloud in English. That terrible sound frightened the children. make ... frightened He first made a month rationale. If we become with the beauty school.
2023-08-07 02:43:181

there is a bus ________in the bus.(conduct)

2023-08-07 02:43:283

The bus is empty ( )the driver and the conductor.A.except B.except for

except for 后面加名词而except后面加句子
2023-08-07 02:43:364

He did invent the lightning conductor中为什么用do+动原,是什么语法?

2023-08-07 02:43:465


2023-08-07 02:45:472


doctor 医生actor 男演员visitor 拜访者sailor 水手translator 翻译professor 教授editor 编辑
2023-08-07 02:45:562


防雷的模块上的吧 60KA是 下面两个电流中的一个 额定放电电流Isn:给保护器施加波形为8/20μs的标准雷电波冲击10次时,保护器所耐受的最大冲击电流峰值.   最大放电电流Imax:给保护器施加波形为8/20μs的标准雷电波冲击1次时,保护器所耐受的最大冲击电流峰值. 8/20μs是标准雷电波的波形
2023-08-07 02:46:291

conductor throught中文意思是什么

2023-08-07 02:47:022


1.He is a man of many talents and interests.2.He is naturally curious about how things operate.3.He always searching for ways to improve.4.He begins the electrocity test with simple equipment.5.Though these tests lead to lots of discoveries of electrocity, actually he didn"t invent it.6.The lightning conductor protects buildings from thunder.7.He is tired of bring the glasses, so he decides to invent a new kind.8.This kind of glasses can see things both far and near.9.Joyce wants to encourage classmates to read famous novels.10.Every boy in the town was happy on Saturday morning, except Tom Sawyer.
2023-08-07 02:47:112


问题一:表示职业的英语单词有几十个,分别是什么 教师 teacher 医生doctor 男演员 actor 女演员actress 农民peasant 工人worker 清洁工cleaner 文员clerk 销售员sale *** an 助理assistant 编辑editor 艺术家artist 电工electrician 出纳员cashier 会计accountant 护士nurse 翻译员translator 厨师chef 网管webmaster 司机driver 搬运工carrier 快递员dispatcher 保安guardian 服务员waiter 保姆babysitter 发型师hairdresser 设计师designer 望采纳,谢谢! 问题二:关于职业的英语单词有哪些 教师 teacher 医生doctor 男演员 actor 女演员actress 农民peasant 工人worker 清洁工cleaner 文员clerk 销售员sale *** an 助理assistant 编辑editor 艺术家artist 电工electrician 出纳员cashier 会计accountant 护士nurse 翻译员translator 厨师chef 网管webmaster 司机driver 搬运工carrier 快递员dispatcher 保安guardian 服务员waiter 保姆bab鸡sitter 发型师hairdresser 设计师designer 亲,这些够吗? 问题三:他们的职业的英语单词是什么 their occupation 问题四:(职业,工作)的英语单词怎么写? 职业:occupation 比较正式 工作: work或者job 问题五:英语中有哪些职业的单词? pilot 驾驶员 simultaneous 同时译员 publisher 出版人员 graphic designer 美术设计员 delivery boy 送报员 secretary 秘书 policeman 警察 journalist 记者 editor 编辑 interpreter 通译者 director 导演 talent 星探 actor 男演员 actress 女演员 photographer 摄影师 producer 制片人 scholar 学者 translator 翻译家 novelist 小说家 playwright 剧作家 linguist 语言学家 botanist 植物学家 economist 经济学家 chemist 化学家 scientist 科学家 philosopher 哲学家 politician 政治学家 physicist 物理学家 astropologist 人类学家 archaeologist 考古学家 geologist 地质学家 expert on folklore 民俗学家 mathematician 数学家 biologist 生物学家 zoologist 动物学家 statistician 统计学家 physiologist 生理学家 geologist : 地质学家 futurologist 未来学家 artists 艺术家 painter 画家 musician 音乐家 poser 作曲家 singer 歌唱家 designer 设计家 sculptor 雕刻家 designer 服装设计师 fashion coordinator 时装调配师 dres *** aker 女装裁剪师 cutter 裁剪师 sewer 裁缝师 tailor 西装师傅 beautician 美容师 model 模特 ballerina 芭蕾舞星 detective 刑警 firefigher消防人员 chief of police 警察局长 taxi driver 出租车司机 clerk 店员 mailman 邮差 newspaper boy 报童 bootblack 擦鞋童 poet 诗人 copywriter 撰稿人 newscaster 新闻评论人 milkman 送奶人 merchant 商人 florist 卖花人 baker 面包师 greengrocer 菜贩 fish-monger 鱼贩 butcher 肉贩 shoe-maker 鞋匠 saleswoman 女店员 stewardess 空中小姐 conductor 车长 station agent 站长 porter 行李夫 car mechanic 汽车修理师 architect 建筑师 civil planner 城市设计师 civil engineer 土木技师 druggist, chemist, pharmacist 药剂师 guide 导游 oil supplier 加油工 (public) health nurse 保健护士 dentist 牙科医生 supervisor 监工 forman 工头 doctor 医生 nurse 护士 Nurserymaid保姆 receptionist 接待员 typist 打字员 key puncher 电脑操作员 stenographer 速记员 telephone operator 电话接线员 programmer 电脑程序员 syst......>> 问题六:关于职业的英文单词 WORKER 工人 LABOURER 劳动者 PHYSICAL LABOURER体力劳动者 MENTAL WORKER 脑力劳动者 SKILLED WORKER 熟练工人 UNSKILLED WORKER 非熟练工人 STEEL WORKER 钢铁工人 TEXTILE WORKER 纺织工人 MINER 矿工 MECHANIC 机工,技工 DRIVER 汽车司机 ENGINE DRIVER 火车司机 ELECTRICIAN 电工,电气技师 SAILOR 水手 GARDENER 园丁,花匠,菜农 FORGER 锻工 TURNER 车工,镟工 FITTER 装配钳工 CASTER 铸工 FOUNDRY WORKER 铸造工人,翻砂工人 PAINTER 油漆工 PLUMBER 管子工 BRICKLAYER 砌砖工 CARPENTER 木匠,木工(尢指粗木工) JOINER 细木工 SANITATION WORKER 环卫工人,清洁工 SWITCHMAN 扳道工 CHEF 主厨 COOK 厨师 SALESMAN 男售货员,男推销员 SALESWOMAN 女售货员,女推销员 COPPERSMITH 铜匠,铜器制造人 BLACKSMITH 铁匠,锻工 MILLER 铣工 PLANER 刨工 WELDER 焊工 PRINTER 印刷工人 SHIP-BUILDER 造船工人 PORTER 搬运行李工人 DOCKER 码头工人,船坞工人 STEVEDORE 码头工人,装卸工 LONGSHOREMAN 码头搬运工人 DRILLER 钻控工,打眼工 BUILDER 建筑工人 MESON 石匠 TAILOR 裁缝,缝工,成衣工 SPINNER 纺纱工 DYER染工 TEMPORARY WORKER 临时工 PROBATIONER 试用人员,练习生 ENGINEER 工程师,技师 DESIGNER 设计师 DOCTOR 医生,医帅,大夫 PILOT 驾驶员,飞行员,领航员, STEWARDESS 空中小姐 CAPTAIN 船长,机长 PROFESSOR 教授 LECTURER 讲师 TEACHER 教师 PRESIDENT 大学校长,大学院长,总统,董事长 HEADMASTER 中小学的男校长 HEADMISTRESS 中小学的女校长 ARTIST 艺术家,美术家 PAINTER 画家 MUSICIAN 音乐家 VIOLINIST 小提琴手 PIANIST 钢琴家 SINGER 歌唱家 SONGSTER 歌手 DECORATOR 室内装饰师 SPORTSMAN 运动家,运动员 COACH 教练 REEREE 足球等的裁判员 SCOREKEEPER 记分员 LAWYER 律师 BUSINESSMAN 实业家,商人 TRADESMAN 零售商人,小商人 PEDLAR 小贩,商贩 FARMER 农民 WEATHERMAN 气象员 VETERIANARIAN 兽医 BEE-KEEPER / APIARISE 养蜂人,养蜂家 FISHERMAN 渔民,捕鱼人...>>
2023-08-07 02:47:191

剖析 Aeron IPC 实现

最近玩了一下 Aeron ,主要用了其中的 IPC 通信功能,总的感觉封装的很好,用起来很方便,所以花了点儿时间研究了一下内部实现,简单做个笔记。 至于 UDP 通信和 archive、cluster 高级特性没有尝试,本文不涉及。 在 《Aeron Cookbook》 中有一个很清晰的架构图: 这张图画的很好,但是对应的是 UDP 通信的场景,至于 IPC 通信的场景实际上没那么复杂,所以我简化了一下: 在 IPC 通信的场景下: 要理解两个 Conductor 之间的交互实现,首先得理解 cnc.dat 文件。 cnc 全称是 command and control(命令与控制),顾名思义通过这个文件实现管理操作。 这里需要关注两个部分: [to-driver Buffer] 和 [to-clients Buffer]。 Client 通过 [to-driver Buffer] 这个“通道”向 Driver 发送命令;Driver 通过 [to-clients Buffer] 这个“通道”向 Client 回复命令或者通知。 [to-driver Buffer] 这个“通道”的封装是 ManyToOneRingBuffer,也就是一个环形缓冲区。Many To One,也就是多个 Client 可以并发写入,但是只有一个 Driver 读取。 [to-clients Buffer] 这个“通道”是个广播的“通道”,所以在 Driver 这里的封装是 BroadcastTransmitter,在 Client 这里的封装是 BroadcastReceiver。 这个 BroadcastTransmitter 并不保证消息可靠交付,但是 [to-driver Buffer] 与 [to-clients Buffer] 一问一答,偶尔附加些通知的用法,基本也不会丢数据。 至于这个“一问一答”如何关联,实际上很简单,每一个命令里都一个唯一的 correlationId,对应的回复里也会有这个信息,所以通过这个唯一的 id 就能匹配请求与响应。 correlationId 通过 RingBuffer 尾部的 CORRELATION_COUNTER 生成,保证唯一性。 Driver Conductor 在处理完命令后,会更新 RingBuffer 尾部的 CONSUMER_HEARTBEAT,客户端可以通过这个心跳时间判断 Media Driver 是否正常。 第一个:并发写入 写入时用了 tryClaim + commit 这个组合,tryClaim 声明一定长度的空间,以供命令写入,对并发问题的解决也在 tryClaim 方法中。 简单来说就是 cas 更新 TAIL_POSITION 字段。 第二个:读取命令 由上面可知,不能简单的通过 TAIL_POSITION 读取命令,实际上 Driver Conductor 是通过 Length 字段是否大于 0 判断的。 这个行为是在 commit 操作时保证的,首先在 Length 字段写入负的长度,然后再写入接下来的 Type 和 Encoded Message,最后再在 Length 字段写入正的长度,此时就能保证读取到完整的命令。 第三个:写入线程异常 有上面可知,命令的写入不是原子性的,存在命令写了一半,写入线程异常的可能性,如果 Length 字段一直是负值,那么将会持续阻塞 Driver Conductor 的读取。 解决这个问题的方法也很简单:Driver Conductor 会在超时时间后主动 unblock,也就是识别跳过异常的区域。 [to-clients Buffer] 这个广播的逻辑就更简单了,因为写入是单线程的,所以没有并发的场景需要处理。 第一个:识别消息是否被覆盖 Driver Conductor 在写入消息(以及更新 TAIL_COUNTER 和 LATEST_COUNTER)之前会首先更新 TAIL_INTENT_COUNTER。Client Conductor 在消费之前首先会校验当前读的 cursor(本地缓存)是否落后于 TAIL_INTENT_COUNTER。当然这里没有加锁,是个乐观的策略。 上面两张图已经展示了 addPublication 和 addSubscription 的交互过程,下面看一下具体的发布订阅关系。 在进入具体的发布订阅逻辑之前,我们先看一下 logbuffer 的结构: 整个用于数据传输的共享内存分为了三个 Term,三个 Term 轮换使用,分为 active、dirty 和 clean 三个状态。( AeronCookbook 中有个动画演示 ) 具体到实现中,Term 的轮换是通过 Log Meta Data 中的 Active Term Count 完成的,active 的 Term 索引是 (Active Term Count % 3),轮换就是个自增操作。 另外 Log Meta Data 中的 Tail Counter # 指示当前的写入位置。 这个 Counter 分为两部分,高 32 位是 termId,通过 termId 可以计算出本 Term 的起始位置,低 32 为是 Term 中的最对偏移量。 由于 termId 是 32 位的,可想而知是可能溢出的,这就限制了单个 logbuffer 写“过”的最大数据量为 termBufferLength * (1L << 31)。 具体到发表的逻辑,Aeron 提供了支持并发的 ConcurrentPublication 封装,也提供了单线程的 ExclusivePublication 封装,可想而知支持并发会有一些性能损失。 跟第 2 节的 ManyToOneRingBuffer 一样,Publication 也提供了 offer 和 tryClaim+commit 两套 API,只是 Client Conductor 仅用了 tryClaim+commit,所以上面没有介绍 offer,在这里也不看 offer,原因是通过 tryClaim+commit 更容易理解其本质。 先看一下 ExclusivePublication 的实现,先理解主干逻辑,再理解并发控制比较容易。 这里有个背压的阈值,也就是 pub-lmt,这个值是在 Driver Conductor 中维护的,简而言之就是消费的位置加上 termWindowLength。这个 logbuffer 可以理解为 ManyToManyRingBuffer,所以在控制写入位置上会更复杂,需要一个独立的协调者(也就是 Driver Conductor),这跟第 2 节 ManyToOneRingBuffer 的处理方式是不同的。 接下来的主干逻辑就很直观了,首先找到待写的 term,然后调用 ExclusiveTermAppender 的 claim 方法。这里的逻辑与 ManyToOneRingBuffer 一脉相承,更新 Tail Counter,然后写入 header,并且 length 字段先写入一个负值,等到 commit 时再写入正值。 但是也有本 Term 剩余空间不够的情况,此时填充一个 PADDING_FRAME,然后返回 -1。 最后就是更新本地位置变量,如果返回 -1,那就是需要轮换 Term 了,具体操作就是更新 Active Term Count,以及对应的 Tail Counter #。 对于并发的 ConcurrentPublication 场景,主干逻辑的是一样的,需要保证线程安全的地方有两个: 第一个:写入线程异常 跟 2.1 节的情况一样,logbuffer 也存在写入一半,线程异常的可能性。此时依赖 Driver Conductor 这个协调者根据超时时间来做 unblock 操作。 由第 2 节的图可知,在消费之前,Conductor 的交互上有两步: 也就是说,订阅客户端的 Image 对应着具体的共享内存主体 IpcPublication,核心的读取逻辑也在 Image 中。 通过 position 就能计算出 term index,以及该 term 中的位置偏移,有了这两个信息就可以读取数据了。 读取的逻辑与 ManyToOneRingBuffer 也是一脉相承,通过 Length 字段是否大于 0 判断是否有消息。
2023-08-07 02:47:261

艺康斯 the conductor rca怎么样

艺康斯 the conductor rca总的看是相当不错的。艺康斯的线材虽然不同系列有一定区别,但这个品牌整体来说走的是细腻耐听,在同价位线材中属于均衡平均,偏向于好听和耐听线路。至于兄台所说的哪种程度,毕竟不知现在兄台期望值和现在声音的情况所以很难量化能提高到何种程度.。音质的好坏不单单看一个线材。
2023-08-07 02:47:362

如何看待 Nike 在科比退役时推出的广告 The Conductor

2023-08-07 02:47:541

如何看待 Nike 在科比退役时推出的广告 The Conductor

2023-08-07 02:48:011

conductor through

一次侧:200A 5/3.75VA(一次额定200A的电流;额定负载5VA,轻载时3.75VA) 砸数:1砸(该互感器是一次侧穿心式) 精度:0.5(等级) 二次侧:5A 50/60HZ 660V -------- 倍率是40,来源:2000A/5A= 40
2023-08-07 02:48:111


2023-08-07 02:48:202


2023-08-07 02:48:281

Allegro 16.5中PCB设置层叠结构,添加层后type只有dielectric一个选项

2023-08-07 02:48:351


2023-08-07 02:48:5813


初二英语阅读理解答案   下面是我为大家提供的初二的英语阅读理解练习以及答案,有兴趣的`朋友可以阅读学习一下哦!   第一篇:   One day he went on a long way alone. Before he left home,his wife said,Now you have all these things. You need them on your way. Take care of your things on the way.He went to the station. He bought a ticket and got on the train with it.   About an hour later,the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said,Will you please show me your ticket?The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets but he could not find it. He was very worried. I cant find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train,said the old man.   I think you are right. I believe you bought a ticket. All right,you dont have to buy another ticket,said the conductor kindly. But the old man still(仍然) looked worried and said sadly,You dont know why Im worried. If I dont find my ticket,I cant remember my station. Where am I going?   1. The old man bought a ticket _______.   A. after he got on the train   B. before he got on the train   C. when the conductor told him to buy one   D. when he found he had no ticket with him   2. About an hour later,the conductor began _______.   A. to buy the tickets   B. to look for the tickets   C. to check(检查) the tickets   D. to show the tickets   3. The conductor told the old man that he didnt need to buy another ticket because _________.   A. the man was very old   B. he thought the old man had no money with him   C. the old man showed him the ticket   D. he believed the old man   4. The old man still looked worried because _________.   A. he couldnt get on the train.   B. he lost his ticket and a lot of money   C. he thought his wife would get angry with him   D. he forgot where he was going   5. Which of the following(下列) is right?   A. The old man went on the trip with his wife   B. The old man didnt find his ticket   C. The conductor was also an old man   D. The old man had to buy another ticket   第二篇:   The story happened during the Second World War(战争).An old man lived in a small town of Germany. He had three sons and they all worked in the same factory where he had worked. After the war had begun , his sons were all made to join the army one after another and they all died in the frights . The old man was very sad . he didnu2019t have enough food and was often hungry . And nobody helped him and he didnu2019t know how to go in living .   It was a very cold winter night . The old man couldnu2019t go to sleep . He had been hungry for two days and it was so cold in his room that ice could be seen . He had to get up and begun to run in the room until he lay down on the ground. The next morning he had to beg from door to door. He had been to a lot of cities and knew a lot.   Once he came to a village , but the villages were all poor and couldnu2019t give him anything . He was too hungry to go to another village . He thought hard and found a way . He came to a police station and called out , “Hitler is a foolish pig (希特勒是蠢猪)!"   Out came an old policeman at once . He took the old man into a room , gave him some bread and a cup of tea . Then he said , “Donu2019t say in our village , sir !”   “Iu2019m sorry, sir.” Said the old man . “I donu2019t know itu2019s Hitleru2019s hometown .”   “No, no , sir.” The policeman said in a hurry. “Itu2019s pigu2019s hometown !”   1. The old man was ___________.   A. a German B. a French   C. an Australian D. an Englishman   2. The old man was sad because ________.   A. his three sons all died during the war   B. His three sons had to join the army   C. He had no food or clothes   D. He lived in the small town alone   3. The old man got up and ran in his room to ________.   A. keep healthy   B. Forget he was sad and hungry   C. Make him warm   D. Find a way to forget he was hungry   4. The old man shouted outside the police station because______   A. he hated Hitler very much   B. he hoped the policeman could help him   C. he wanted to make the policemen angry   D. he thought the he would be given some food in prison (监狱)   5. Which statement is true?   A. The old policeman hated Hitler , too   B. The old policeman found that the old man his best friend   C. The old policeman would send the old man in prison   D. The old policeman liked Hitler better than pigs   第三篇:   Long, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move form place to place over the land, hunting animals for food.   No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grow it.   People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came to work in the villages. These villages grew very big. When machines appeared(出现), life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities grew very big.   Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why?   1. The best title(题目)of the text should be ___.   A. Cities or Villages B. Back to Towns   C. How Cities Grew D. People and Animals   2. The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to(指的是) ___.   A. villages B. animals C. cities D. people   3. When factories were built, ___.   A. more people live near the factories   B. people began to live in the factories   C. many people began to work in villages   D. many machines appeared in big factories   4. We can learn from the text that ___.   A. people like to work only in big cities   B. some people don"t like to live in big cities   C. there will be no small towns in the future(将来)   D. it is better to live in cities than in villages   5. In what order did people do the following things?   A. Worked in villages B. Lived near the factories.   C. Learned to grow food. D. Built factories.   E. Began to live near each other.   A. d, b, a, e, c B. e, a, c, d, b,   C. c, e, a, d, b D. a. c. d. e. b   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   第一篇:B C D D B   第二篇:A A C D A   第三篇:1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C ;
2023-08-07 02:49:251


2023-08-07 02:49:392

电流互感器的倍率怎么算?Primary 400A 5/3.75/VA Conductor 1T class0.5 Secondary 5A 50/60HZ 660V

2023-08-07 02:50:092


2023-08-07 02:50:183

新概念二 第50课课文

Lesson 50 Taken for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the country, but I don"t like losing my way. I went on an excursion recently, but my trip took me longer than I expected. "I"m going to Woodford Green," I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, "but I don"t know where it is." "I"ll tell you where to get off." answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus stopped. Looking round, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. "You"ll have to get off here," the conductor said. "This is as far as we go." "Is this Woodford Green?" I asked. "Oh dear," said the conductor suddenly. "I forgot to put you off." "It doesn"t matter," I said. "I"ll get off here." "We"re going back now," said the conductor. "Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus," I answered. 【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★ride n. 旅行 trip(出差性的)旅行 travel(周游世界性的)旅行 journey(陆地上的)旅行 flight(空中)旅行 voyage(海上)旅行 tour 游玩 sightseeing 观光游 ride v. 骑(车),骑(马) ★excursion n. 远足 excursion n.游玩,郊游(近距离的) weekend"s excursion ★conductor n. 售票员 ★view n. 景色 sight n.景色,视线,视野 in one"s view = in one"s opinion 就某人看来 view n. 景色(主观性较强) sight n.景色;视线,视野(强调客观) 参考译文 我喜欢在乡间旅行,但却不愿意迷路.最近我作了一次短途旅行,但这次旅行所花费的时间比我预计的要长. “我要去伍德福德草地,”我一上车就对售票员说,“但我不知道它在那儿.” “我来告诉您在哪儿下车,”售票员回答说. 我坐在汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光.过了一些时候,车停了.我环视了一下身旁,惊奇地发现车里就只剩我一个乘客了. “您得在这里下车,”售票员说,“我们的车就到此为止了.” “这里是伍德福德草地吗?”我问道. “哎呀,”售票员突然说,“我忘了让您下车了.” “没关系,”我说,“我就在这儿下吧.” “我们现在要返回去,”售票员说. “好吧,既然如此,我还是留在车上吧.”我回答说. 【课文讲解】 love doing/like doing 强调一种习惯,喜欢做某事 I love my brother,but I don"t like his girlfriend. I love having dinner with you,but I don"t like paying for dinner. go on an excursion = have an excursion take 花费 take sb.some time Eg.: My trip took me a long time. it 形式主语 it takes sb.some time to do sth. it takes sb.some time that... Eg.: It took me a month to learn book 2. sb.spend some time doing sth. Eg.:I spent a month learning English. sb.spend some time on sth. 金钱上的花费 cost,pay for sth. than I expected [口语化]比我所预料的 The quesion is easier than I expected. You are greater than I expected. You are more beaufiful than I expected. You are better than I expected. than I thought 比我原以为的 The holiday took you longer than I expected. The English class took me longer than I thought. where it is/注意单纯连读 get on the bus 上车 get off the bus 下车 I will tell you where you can(should)get off. I will tell you where to get off 语法结构: 特殊疑问词 + to + 动词原型 可用来取代宾语从句 How can I get there? Can you tell me how I can get there? Can you tell me how to get there? Can you tell me how I should do? Can you tell me what to do? I don"t know which to choose. I wonder when to have a meeting. Exercise 1. Did you find out____the pie out of oven? take B.have taken C.when to take D.pile up find out发现 pie 馅饼 oven 火炉 take sth.out of 取出来 Answer : C Did you find out when we could (can) take the pie out of oven? in the front of/in front of the 特指,范围 in the front of 前者属于后者的范围 in front of 前者不属于后者的范围 The teacher stands in the front of the classroom. The teacher stands in front of the students. to 表目的 get a good view of...欣赏……的美景 I stood at the window to get a good view of the city. after some time = after a time looking round 现在分词或过去分词做状语,那么这个动作必然与主句主语相关 1.非谓语动词做状语,这个动作必然于主句主语相关; -ing 与主句主语构成主动关系 -ed 与主句主语构成被动关系 to do 与主句主语构成目的关系 2.如果非谓语动词做定语,只与被修饰词相关,与主语无关; passing plain 路过的飞机 ploughed field 耕过的地 3. 如果 -ing/-ed 做宾补,与宾语有关 I find the door locked. I realized with a shock that... I do sth.with an excitement. with+n. 表示状语 that 引导宾语从句 left 放在被修饰词之后 as far as we go 我们能够走的一样远 This is as far as I can do. as far as + 从句: 最大程度的,最大限度的 as far as we go = we couldn"t go any more. I can"t bear (it any more.) It was more than I oculd bear. This is as far as I bear. This is as far as I can understand. This is as far as I can afford. oh dear 欧,天呐 forget to do 忘记去做某事 forget doing 忘记已经做了什么事 I forget to shut the door. I forget shutting the door. put put off the meeting/put off the appointment 表示推迟,延期 put off adv. = remind do 表示提醒 put 推脱,敷衍 My son always asks me to take him up,I always put him off. We"re going back now.我们马上就要回去 in that case 如果那样的话 in this case 如果这样的话 prefer do do sth. 宁可做某事 prefer to do...rather than...宁可.也不... 总结: love doing/like doing 喜欢做某事 sth.take sb.some time 花费时间做某事 It takes sb.some time to do sth./It take sb.some time that... than I expected 比预料的…… as far as + 句子:表示最大限度的,最大程度的 1. 非谓语动词做状语,这个动作必然与主句主语有关; -ing与主句主语构成主动关系 -ed 与主句主语构成被动关系 to do 与主句主语构成目的关系 2. 如果非谓语动词做宾语,只与被修饰词相关,与主语无关; passing plane 路过的飞机 ploughed field 耕过的地 3. 如果-ing/-ed做宾补,与宾语有关 语法结构:特殊疑问词 + to + 动词原型 可用来取代宾语从句 How can I get there? Can you tell me how I can get there? Can you tell me how to get there? Can you tell me how to begin a letter? in that case 如果那样的话 in this case 如果这样的话 累!加油哦!
2023-08-07 02:50:271

有哪位大侠知道日本多次签证的备注栏有GT CONDUCTOR是什么意思啊?多谢!

2023-08-07 02:50:341


参与的电影:《 James Bond"s Greatest Hits 》 (2006) ...Himself《马达加斯加/狂野大自然 Madagascar 》 (2005) ...composer: theme Born Free《 Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic 》 (2003) ...《 Dances with Wolves: The Creation of an Epic 》 (2003) ...Himself《 James Bond: A BAFTA Tribute 》 (2002) ...Himself《 The Making of "Zulu": Roll of Honour 》 (2002) ...《 Best Ever Bond 》 (2002) ...Himself《 Andere tijden de vergeten James Bond 》 (2002) ...composer: theme music (uncredited)《 Party at the Palace: The Queen"s Concerts, Buckingham Palace 》 (2002) ...(song Goldfinger)《 The Making of "Zulu":...and Snappeth the Spear in Sunder 》 (2002) ...《 Party at the Palace: The Queen"s Concerts, Buckingham Palace 》 (2002) ...composer: song Goldfinger《拦截密码战 Enigma 》 (2001) ...《拦截密码战 Enigma 》 (2001) ...conductor《 The Real Shirley Bassey 》 (2001) ...Himself (interviewee)《 Elizabeth Taylor: A Musical Celebration 》 (2000) ...Himself《 Back to "Somewhere in Time" 》 (2000) ...Himself《 The Music of James Bond 》 (2000) ...Himself《 A Song of Africa 》 (2000) ...《 Inside "From Russia with Love" 》 (2000) ...Himself《 Cubby Broccoli: The Man Behind Bond 》 (2000) ...《 The Music of James Bond 》 (2000) ...still photos provided by《 Back to "Somewhere in Time" 》 (2000) ...《 Harry Saltzman: Showman 》 (2000) ...Himself《 Inside "Diamonds Are Forever" 》 (2000) ...Himself《 A Song of Africa 》 (2000) ...Himself《 John Barry: Licence to Thrill 》 (2000) ...Himself《随心所欲/从心所爱 Playing by Heart 》 (1998) ...《终极密码战 Mercury Rising 》 (1998) ...《终极密码战 Mercury Rising 》 (1998) ...conductor《碧海奇缘 Swept from the Sea 》 (1997) ...《穿越时间之海 Across the Sea of Time 》 (1995) ...《哭泣的大地 Cry, the Beloved Country 》 (1995) ...《真爱一生 Scarlet Letter, The 》 (1995) ...《真爱一生 Scarlet Letter, The 》 (1995) ...conductor《炸弹专家/魔鬼专家/炮弹专家 Specialist, The 》 (1994) ...conductor《炸弹专家/魔鬼专家/炮弹专家 Specialist, The 》 (1994) ...《情深到来生 My Life 》 (1993) ...《桃色交易 Indecent Proposal 》 (1993) ...《桃色交易 Indecent Proposal 》 (1993) ...conductor《第63届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 63rd Annual Academy Awards, The 》 (1991) ...Himself - Best Score Winner《与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves 》 (1990) ...conductor《与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves 》 (1990) ...《化装舞会 Masquerade 》 (1988) ...《007系列:黎明杀机 Living Daylights, The 》 (1987) ...Orchestra Conductor (uncredited)《007系列:黎明杀机 Living Daylights, The 》 (1987) ...《007系列:黎明杀机 Living Daylights, The 》 (1987) ...conductor《 Hearts of Fire 》 (1987) ...《天降神兵 Howard the Duck 》 (1986) ...《金童子 Golden Child, The 》 (1986) ...(songs)《佩姬苏要出嫁/时光倒流未嫁时/帕姬·苏结婚了 Peggy Sue Got Married 》 (1986) ...conductor《佩姬苏要出嫁/时光倒流未嫁时/帕姬·苏结婚了 Peggy Sue Got Married 》 (1986) ...《雷霆杀机/铁金刚勇战大狂魔 View to a Kill, A 》 (1985) ...《雷霆杀机/铁金刚勇战大狂魔 View to a Kill, A 》 (1985) ...conductor《走出非洲/远离非洲/非洲之旅 Out of Africa 》 (1985) ...《走出非洲/远离非洲/非洲之旅 Out of Africa 》 (1985) ...conductor《血网边缘 Jagged Edge 》 (1985) ...conductor《血网边缘 Jagged Edge 》 (1985) ...《直到九月 Until September 》 (1984) ...《棉花俱乐部 Cotton Club, The 》 (1984) ...《棉花俱乐部 Cotton Club, The 》 (1984) supervisor《危险的情人 Mike"s Murder 》 (1984) ...《金海豹 Golden Seal, The 》 (1983) ...《东游记 High Road to China 》 (1983) ...《007系列:八爪女 Octopussy 》 (1983) ...《007系列:八爪女 Octopussy 》 (1983) ...conductor《搞(口野)神探汉密特 Hammett 》 (1982) ...《搞(口野)神探汉密特 Hammett 》 (1982) ...conductor《大审判 Verdict, The 》 (1982) ...(from Lion in Winter, The (1968))《红伶劫 Frances 》 (1982) ...《体热 Body Heat 》 (1981) ...conductor《体热 Body Heat 》 (1981) ...《血盟兄弟 Legend of the Lone Ranger, The 》 (1981) ...《真正朋友 Inside Moves 》 (1980) ...《恩深情更深 Touched by Love 》 (1980) ...《冲出地狱海 Raise the Titanic 》 (1980) ...《时光倒流七十年 Somewhere in Time 》 (1980) ...conductor《 Murder by Phone 》 (1980) ...《师弟出马 Shi di chu ma 》 (1980) ...(uncredited) (Chinese version)《迷离夜合花 Night Games 》 (1980) ...《时光倒流七十年 Somewhere in Time 》 (1980) ...《 Corn Is Green, The 》 (1979) ...《007之登月计划 Moonraker 》 (1979) ...《汉诺瓦街 Hanover Street 》 (1979) ...《黑洞 Black Hole, The 》 (1979) ...《 Starcrash 》 (1979) ...《死亡游戏 Game of Death 》 (1978) ...《死亡游戏 Game of Death 》 (1978) producer (uncredited)《贝丝 Betsy, The 》 (1978) ...《第一次性接触 First Love 》 (1977) ...《肯尼迪--失落的英雄 Young Joe, the Forgotten Kennedy 》 (1977) ...《深深深 Deep, The 》 (1977) ...《 Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years 》 (1977) ...《合家欢 Gathering, The 》 (1977) ...《 White Buffalo, The 》 (1977) ...《铁金刚大战女魔星 Sporting Chance 》 (1976) ...(The Persuaders theme)《金刚 King Kong 》 (1976) ...conductor《金刚 King Kong 》 (1976) ...《罗宾汉与玛莉安 Robin and Marian 》 (1976) ...《蝗虫之日 Day of the Locust, The 》 (1975) ...conductor《蝗虫之日 Day of the Locust, The 》 (1975) ...《废墟中的爱情 Love Among the Ruins 》 (1975) ...《勇气 Dove, The 》 (1974) ...《铁金刚大战金枪客 Man with the Golden Gun, The 》 (1974) ...《铁金刚大战金枪客 Man with the Golden Gun, The 》 (1974) arranger《激情 Tamarind Seed, The 》 (1974) ...conductor《激情 Tamarind Seed, The 》 (1974) ...《傀儡家庭 Doll"s House, A 》 (1973) ...《玻璃动物园 Glass Menagerie, The 》 (1973) ...《猛龙过江 The Way of the Dragon》 (1972) ...(uncredited)《爱丽斯漫游仙境 Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland 》 (1972) ...《与我同行 Follow Me! 》 (1972) ...《与我同行 Follow Me! 》 (1972) ...conductor《英宫恨 Mary, Queen of Scots 》 (1971) ...《小姐弟荒原历险 Walkabout 》 (1971) ...《大风云 Last Valley, The 》 (1971) ...conductor《大风云 Last Valley, The 》 (1971) ...《007系列:永远的钻石 Diamonds Are Forever 》 (1971) arranger《007系列:永远的钻石 Diamonds Are Forever 》 (1971) ...《新战海浮生 Murphy"s War 》 (1971) ...(main themes)《 They Might Be Giants 》 (1971) ...《 The Persuaders! 》 (1971) ...composer: theme music (24 episodes, 1971-1972)《 Monte Walsh 》 (1970) ...《午夜牛郎 Midnight Cowboy 》 (1969) ...《午夜牛郎 Midnight Cowboy 》 (1969) supervisor《 Appointment, The 》 (1969) ...(theme: foreign version)《女皇密使 On Her Majesty"s Secret Service 》 (1969) ...《女皇密使 On Her Majesty"s Secret Service 》 (1969) arranger《冬狮 Lion in Winter, The 》 (1968) ...《冬狮 Lion in Winter, The 》 (1968) ...conductor《富贵浮云 Boom 》 (1968) ...《 Deadfall 》 (1968) ...Symphony Conductor《 Deadfall 》 (1968) ...《芳菲何处 Petulia 》 (1968) ...《芳菲何处 Petulia 》 (1968) ...conductor《疯狂世家 Whisperers, The 》 (1967) ...《007系列:雷霆谷 You Only Live Twice 》 (1967) ...《007系列:雷霆谷 You Only Live Twice 》 (1967) arranger《凯德警长 Chase, The 》 (1966) ...《凯德警长 Chase, The 》 (1966) ...conductor《谍海群英会 Quiller Memorandum, The 》 (1966) ...conductor《谍海群英会 Quiller Memorandum, The 》 (1966) ...《狮子与我 Born Free 》 (1966) ...《 Wrong Box, The 》 (1966) ...《诀窍 Knack, The 》 (1965) ...《黑狱枭雄 King Rat 》 (1965) ...《雷霆万钧 Thunderball 》 (1965) ...conductor《雷霆万钧 Thunderball 》 (1965) ...《伊普克雷斯档案 Ipcress File, The 》 (1965) ...
2023-08-07 02:50:531


2023-08-07 02:51:074


I am a general cleaning small conductor我是个大扫除小指挥I am a general cleaning small conductor.我是一个大扫除小指挥.I like house to be cleaned.我喜欢我的家时刻都是干净的.I don"t like my house to be dirty.我不喜欢我的家里很脏.If I saw some places very dirty,I will not very comforable.如果我看见一些地方非常的脏,我将会非常的不舒服.(头皮发麻)In my house gereral cleaning,perhaps I am a conductor for cleaning the house.在我的家里,我是一个喜欢大扫除的人,我喜欢家里的每一处都是干净的.I told my mother cleaning the some dirty corner,and tidied my locker.我告诉我的母亲让我家里的一些角落显得很干净,并且我也会自己整理自己的橱.When I saw every place to be cleaned,I will very comfortable.当我看见每一处都是干净才舒服
2023-08-07 02:51:172

请问ul 1007 22号线 能允许通过的最大电流是多少 有没有一个大概估算的方法

UL1007电子线,电器内部配线,定电压300V,温度范围:-30度-+80度,导体:单股或多股绞合裸铜或镀锡铜线导体,绝缘体:PVC(聚氯乙烯)导体大小从32AWG-16AWG 导体截面积从0.03平方到1.3平方,具体电流3A左右,这个没有一个估算方法。但有些电流、线规对应表格可以作为参考。
2023-08-07 02:51:264

what use is a conductor

这里是一个句式:a is to b what c is to d.
2023-08-07 02:51:341


很难 不会
2023-08-07 02:51:456


There were so many people died of electricity,so we should use the electricity very carefully,it is really dangerous if you do not take care about the electricity.First,we should know which things are conductor,and be careful of the conductor when you near from electricity,the bodies of people are also a conductor,and including water,we mustn"t touch the bnc connector plugs(插销) when our hands are wet,and do not touch the electrical wire when it broken,it is important to take care of our life from electricity,that"s all we should know.Or we could learn more about the safety of electricity.
2023-08-07 02:51:591