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inquiry和query 两者的区别是什么 ?

query 现多用于计算机领域,表示“查询”inquiry 为“质询”,“询问”,用于较为正式的场合。

Delphi Query控件使用

Delphi Query控件使用 一、Query控件的Open方法和ExecSQL方法。这两个方法都可以实现执行SQL语句,如果这条SQL语句将返回一个结果集即select语句等,必须使用Open方法,如果不返回一个结果集即insert语句等,则要使用ExecSQL方法。例如: 上述的例子中,Query1所执行的SQL语句将返回一个结果集,因此必须用Open方法;而Query2所执行的是一条删除表记录语句,不返回结果集,因此用ExecSQL方法。 第二点是:如果Query控件用Open方法执行SQL语句,并且所用的SQL语句访问的是一张或几张频繁使用的表,在执行完SQL语句后,一定要调用SQL的FetchAll方法,能大大地减少死锁发生的概率。例如: 在上述的例子中,如果AA是一张被频繁访问的表,在对这个表执行这一条select语句的同时,如果恰好有其他人对这张表执行删除或更新操作,便有可能发生死锁。Query1.FetchAll这条语句实现的功能是释放加在表AA上的锁,这样死锁的发生概率可以大大减少。避免死锁,对我们将来进行大型数据库开发尤为重要。"



“android query ”模糊查询怎么使用?

关于Android中 Cursor 的query加入模糊查询的条件,有如下方式:x0dx0a1.使用这种query方法%号前不能加",以下为示例代码:x0dx0aCursor c_test = mDatabase.query(tab_name, new String[]{tab_field02}, tab_field02+" LIKE ? ",x0dx0anew String[] { "%" + str[0] + "%" }, null, null, null);x0dx0ax0dx0a2.使用这种query方法%号前必须加",以下为示例代码 :x0dx0aCursor c_test=mDatabase.query(tab_name, new String[]{tab_field02},tab_field02+" like "%" + str[0] + "%"", null, null, null, null);x0dx0ax0dx0a3.使用这种方式必须在%号前加" ,以下为示例代码 :x0dx0aString current_sql_sel = "SELECT * FROM "+tab_name +" where "+tab_field02+" like "%"+str[0]+"%"";x0dx0aCursor c_test = mDatabase.rawQuery(current_sql_sel, null);


Book *query(int bookid,int yy,int pp,int nn )//查找图书 { for (int i=0;i<=top;i++) if (book[i].getno()==bookid &&book[i].gettag()==0) { return &book[i]; } return NULL; } 你的函数实现都在这里。。。




SQLiteDatabase 给我提供的方法很不实用,还是建议楼主自己写sql语句,参数想怎么传都可以x0dx0a例如:Cursor c = db.rawQuery("select * from user where username=? and password = ?",x0dx0anew Stirng[]{"用户名","密码"});x0dx0ax0dx0a如果你非要调用SQLiteDatabase的query方法,那可以这样x0dx0adb.query("表名", new String[]{"字段1,字段2"}, "条件1=? and 条件2=?", new String[]{"条件1的值,条件2的值"},null,null,null)




query有质疑的嫌疑,尤其是当问询人怀疑所得的资讯不正确、有误等再次发问时,还有其会被用在特定的词汇中,比如计算机数据库sql中的q就用的query。inquiry表示询问,资讯一些列问题,甚至一些问责性的调查(官方上的说法 调查)也用inquiry。




inquiry 可用在很正式的场合,如司法审讯,还能表示业务方面的咨询、普通的疑问等。用作名词query 一般表示查询,质问,是名词。




query ["kwiəri]n. 疑问,质问;疑问号vt. 询问;对表示疑问vi. 询问;表示怀疑按照读音 把 单词 拆开q-u-e-ry背 能记牢例句:Deal with daily customer query;解答每日的客户疑问;



we slao made a very big snowman together



query[英]["kwu026au0259ru026a][美][u02c8kwu026ari]n.问题; 疑问; 询问; 问号; vt.质疑,对…表示疑问; vi.询问; 表示怀疑; 第三人称单数:queries过去分词:queried复数:queries现在进行时:querying过去式:queried例句:1.It gives you logical recommendations as you type the search query. 在你输入搜索查询时,它提供相关的合理建议。

query是什么意思中文 query是什么意思

1、query英[u02c8kwu026au0259ri]美[u02c8kwu026ari]。 2、n.疑问; 询问; 问号; 3、v.怀疑; 表示疑虑; 询问; 4、[例句]Its got a number you can ring to query your bill.这上面有一个号码,您可以打电话查询您的账单。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:queries 复数:queries 现在分词:querying 过去式:queried 过去分词:queried.


第一步:打开OFIICE安装程序这时候由于你安装过所以系统默认第一个“添加或删除功能”--下一步第二步:自定义安装 注“打勾上 选择应用程序的高级自定义”一定要打勾---下一步第三步:高级自定义 注:拉动滚动条到最下面“office 工具”--点击展开+号---拉动找到“office query” --点击office query前面三角号--从本机运行全部程序---更新 ---漳州天心软件 QQ:471438206


query()函数在SQL Server 2008数据库中用于向数据库发出查询请求,以获取数据库中满足特定条件的数据。它可以用于查询单表中的数据,也可以用于查询多个表中的数据。

The Big Bang Theory 歌词

歌曲名:The Big Bang Theory歌手:Parliament专辑:GloryhallastoopidOur whole universe was in a hot dense state,Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...The Earth began to cool,The autotrophs began to drool,Neanderthals developed tools,We built a wall (we built the pyramids),Math, science, history, unravelling the mysteries,That all started with the big bang!"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.A fraction of a second and the elements were made.The bipeds stood up straight,The dinosaurs all met their fate,They tried to leap but they were lateAnd they all died (they froze their asses off)The oceans and pangeaSee ya, wouldn"t wanna be yaSet in motion by the same big bang!It all started with the big BANG!It"s expanding ever outward but one dayIt will cause the stars to go the other way,Collapsing ever inward, we won"t be here, it wont be hurtOur best and brightest figure that it"ll make an even bigger bang!Australopithecus would really have been sick of usDebating out while here they"re catching deer (we"re catching viruses)Religion or astronomy, Encarta, DeuteronomyIt all started with the big bang!Music and mythology, Einstein and astrologyIt all started with the big bang!It all started with the big BANG!http://music.baidu.com/song/7770010



query inquest区别

query:n. 查询; 询问; 疑问; 问号; v. 询问; 怀疑; 表示疑虑; inquest:n. 死因审理; 验尸; 勘验; (对失败的事进行的)讨论。


query是查询的意思,相关步骤如下:一丶指定待查询用户的登录名。二丶指定待查询会话的名称。三丶指定待查询会话的 ID。四丶指定要查询的终端服务器。否则使用当前终端服务器。




SQLiteDatabase 给我提供的方法很不实用,还是建议楼主自己写sql语句,参数想怎么传都可以例如:Cursor c = db.rawQuery("select * from user where username=? and password = ?",new Stirng[]{"用户名","密码"});如果你非要调用SQLiteDatabase的query方法,那可以这样db.query("表名", new String[]{"字段1,字段2"}, "条件1=? and 条件2=?", new String[]{"条件1的值,条件2的值"},null,null,null)

java query所以方法



1、导入jQuery所对应的js包,然后引入路径2、一切jQuery都以$(function(){ // do something});3、在function中进行操作






1)使用Query的子类,,直接实例化一个对外:[java] view plaincopy在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片01.searcher.search( new TermQuery(new Term("contents","java")), 10); 以下语句结构更为清晰[java] view plaincopy在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片01.Term term= new Term("contents","java"); 02.TermQuery tq = new TermQuery(term); 03.searcher.search(tq , 10); 此外,即为在contents域中搜索包括java的文档。 (2)使用QueryParser的parse()方法,对所传入的搜索关键词汇进行解释,并返回query对象。[java] view plaincopy在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片01.QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_48, "contents",new SimpleAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_48)); 02.Query query = null; 03.try { 04. query = parser.parse("java"); 05.} catch (ParseException e) { 06. e.printStackTrace(); 07.} 08.TopDocs docs = searcher.search(query, 10); 以上语句创建一个QueryParser,其默认搜索域为contents,然后将搜索词汇转化为Query对象。 如果指定QueryParser的默认搜索域为全部?如何指定一个Query的搜索域?二、TermQuery1、创建方式上述快速入门中使用的就是TermQuery。2、适用范围(1)直接使用TermQuery,不对搜索词作任何的分析,包括大小写都不作转换,而使用QueryParser,则可以根据Analyzer的类型作分析。(2)TermQuery适合使用于完全匹配的搜索,如搜索id号,二维码,姓名等。三、BooleanQuery1、创建方式(1)使用Booleanwww.hnnedu.comQuery多个搜索条件组成BooleanQuey对象,以后补充例子。(2)使用QueryParser对于一个QueryParser,若其未指定是何种逻辑操作,则其将默认为Operator.OR。因此,若搜索 java web,则其会认为java OR web。而对于中文,使用StandartAnalyzer分析器时,会将每个字作为一个词汇。如搜索“学习”,则搜索“学 OR 习”。因此,为指定搜索“学习”或者"java web"等,必须显示指定逻辑操作为Operator.AND。[java] view plaincopy在CODE上查看代码片派生到我的代码片01.QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_48, "contents", 02. new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_48)); 03.parser.setDefaultOperator(Operator.AND); 04.Query query = parser.parse(term); 2、适用范围 (1)BooleanQuery方式,由于需要将搜索内容生成多个Query对象,再进行逻辑组合,因此,只适用于根据多个搜索条件进行搜索的情形。如:

Excel query的使用?

步骤1 单击“汇总”工作表中任意单元格“数据”选项卡“获取外部数据”组中的“自其他来源”按钮,在下拉菜单中选择“来自Microsoft Query”选项,弹出“选择数据源”对话框,在“数据库”列表框中选择“Excel File*”选项“确定”按钮。■图11-79 Microsoft Query界面步骤2 如图11-80所示,弹出“选择工作簿”对话框,在“驱动器”下拉列表中选择D盘,在“目录”列表框中选择“用户名数据透视表大全第11章”文件夹,在“数据库名”列表框中选择“疑难187.xlsx”文件,单击“确定”按钮。步骤3 在弹出的“查询向导-选择列”对话框中,单击“选项”按钮,弹出“表选项”对话框,同时勾选“表”“视图”“系统表”“同义词”复选框“确定”按钮,返回“查询向导—选择列”对话框,选中“2月$”表“>”按钮,将“2月$”工作表数据的列字段添加到“查询结果中的列”列表框下一步


结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称SQL,结构化查询语言是一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统;sql 语句就是对数据库进行操作的一种语言。

SQL 语句里出现QUERY 是什么意思,具体见下边语句





执行sql语句啊。比如:在php里,有这样一句$sql="select * from users"; mysql_query($sql)的作用就是执行$sql这条查询。


安装完整版本吧 [基础应用] Excel提示Microsoft Query尚未安装,是为什么? http://www.exceltip.net/thread-203-1-1-41613.html麻烦采纳,谢谢!


adoquery.first;while not adoquery.eof dobeginshowmessage(adoquery.Fieldbyname("字段名").AsString);//通过不同列名列移动adoquery.next;//行移动end;adoquery.first;while not adoquery.eof dobeginshowmessage(adoquery.Fields[0].AsString);//通过不同索引列移动adoquery.next;//行移动end;


query有质疑的嫌疑,尤其是当问询人怀疑所得的资讯不正确、有误等再次发问时,还有其会被用在特定的词汇中,比如计算机数据库sql中的q就用的query。inquiry表示询问,资讯一些列问题,甚至一些问责性的调查(官方上的说法 调查)也用inquiry。



路由传参 query 和 params

vue路由传参分为两种情况: 一、query和params传参的区别: 1、query传参显示参数,params传参不显示参数,params相对于query来说较安全一点。 2、取值方法也有不同:query取值:this.$route.query.XXX || this.$route.params.xxx 3、query传值页面刷新数据还在,而params传值页面数据消失。 二、各自写法: query 组件写法(help.vue): 方式一: 方式二: 接受写法(home.vue) 页面渲染(home.vue):query参数赋值到data:组件写法(about.vue):方式二: 路由写法:接受写法:页面渲染:

mysql 中query是什么意思

我想你应该想说的是mysql_query(),而你说的query应该是框架中自己封装的,应该就是mysql中的mysql_query(),我们公司的框架就是。mysql_query() 函数执行一条 MySQL 查询。语法:mysql_query(query,connection),query 必需。规定要发送的 SQL 查询。注释:查询字符串不应以分号结束。 connection 可选。规定 SQL 连接标识符。如果未规定,则使用上一个打开的连接。


query和jquery区别如下,jQuery:就是JavaScript库的一种,免费的,所以才学jQuery,很多优点 *,JavaScript把一些浏览器兼容性的代码或者是常用的函数封装在一个js,jQuery里面的 j代表的是JavaScript。


problem与question都作"问题"解, 但problem的问题,亦即"难题"需要著于解决; question的问题则需要"回答"; problem通常与动词pose,present(作"构成"解),solve,tackle,settle(作"解决"解)等连用; question常与动词answer,ask,raise等连用。 例如: What""s the problem? 到底是什么问题。(或你们在争论什么?) What""s the question? 你问的是什么问题? query:对问题的疑惑,质疑 n. 疑问,疑问号,质问 v. 问 例句: 1. The minister was queried about his plans for the industry. 有人向部长提出了工业计划问题。 2. Your interesting report raises several important queries. 你的精彩报告引出了几个重要问题。


query,是一个英文单词,它有名词和动词两种用法。当它作为名词时,意思为疑问,问题,举个例子:What are their responses to your query?意思为:他们对你问题的回复是什么?当它作为动词时,是以及物动词的形式出现,含义为提问、质问、怀疑,有一种批判性的质疑的含义在里面。例如:A few students queried their masks.意思为:一些学生对他们的分数表示怀疑。与query有类似含义的单词还有question、suspect、inquiry等单词,他们都有质疑、提出疑问的意思。





Please tell us a story I have a lot work to do Please look at the picture 句子结构


请问一首英文歌歌词第一句是“This is a story”,它的名字是什么?

SING THE STORY Sing the story of the glory in stable cold and dark came the miracle wonderful miracle the Redeemer of us all Sing the story of the glory in stable cold and dark came the miracle wonderful miracle the Redeemer of us all Bleak the night as we come to worship you, Guard us on our way Hard the road as we bring our gifts to you help us on we pray Shining like silver the stars in the sky point us to Bethlehem Streaming from heaven the angels on high point us to Bethlehem Sing the story of the glory in stable cold and dark came the miracle wonderful miracle the Redeemer of us all sing the story of the glory in stable cold and dark came the miracle wonderful miracle the Redeemer of us all Bleak the night as we try to follow you Guard us on our way Hard the road as we bring our lives to you Help us on we pray Shining like silver the stars in the sky point us to Bethlehem Streaming from heaven the angels on high point us to Bethlehem Sing the story of the glory in stable cold and dark came the miracle wonderful miracle the Redeemer of us all Sing the story of the glory in stable cold and dark came the miracle wonderful miracle the Redeemer of us all Sing the story The wonderful miracle Sing the glory of love evermore.参考资料:yahoo group-Angelvoices

iread a story

I read a story.it is an interesting story.

telling a story是什么意思

telling a story【讲故事】He would tell a story about a patient, full of subtlety and depth. 他爱讲有关他的病人的故事, 十分微妙而深刻.


My father told a story at lunch.例子:I am pretty serious about what I said at lunch. 我午餐时说的话是非常认真的。《外研社英语同义词辨析词典》The atmosphere at lunch was relaxed. 午餐时的气氛是轻松的。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

儿童英语故事-A Story of Cinnabar

英文:   In ancient China, most people were very superstitious. They didn"t visit a doctor but went for a necromancer when they were sick. At that time the doctors couldn"t treat mania and withdrawal but the necromancer did. So, people preferred the necromancer to doctor.   There lived a scholar who also was familiar with medicine. He thought carefully about the necromancer, “They just draw magic figures and intoned chant. How can they treat disease? There must be something in it.” So he had a plan with his wife to find the secret of the necromancer.   One day, the scholar"s wife went for a necromancer and told him that her husband had been caught mania.   The necromancer went to the scholar"s house immediately. With hair in disarray and face in dust, the scholar was mentally deranged and crying out, “Aha, I"m from the heaven to expel the evils for you ……” 译文:朱砂的故事 01   早先,人们迷信。许多人有了病不求医,常去找主士。有一种癫狂病,当时的医生都没法治;可这病遇到方士,却治一个好一个。因此,人们更是“信巫不信医”了。   有个秀才懂几分医术,他暗自琢磨;“方士只会画符念咒、装神弄鬼,怎么会真能治病呢?这里准有名堂。”于是,他跟妻子商量了一个办法,想探出方士的秘密。   这天,秀才媳妇去找方士,说他丈夫得了癫狂病。   方士急忙来到秀才家,只见秀才披头散发、满脸泥污,躺在地上正说疯话呢:“呔,我是玉皇大帝的女婿,老丈人让我统天兵天将下凡,扫荡妖魔鬼怪……”

英语问题what a story

这是种赞扬的表达方式。可以翻译成 这个故事真棒! 不能翻成多么具有戏剧性。what a suprise! 好大的惊喜!

listening to a story 和listening a story 那个对呀?

listening to a story 正确,listen 不及物动词

talk a story 对吗

不对应该是tell a story

quite a story 意为什么?


Can you()me a story?

这里用read或tell都可以。翻译: 您能给我读(讲)一个故事吗?

用tell sb. a. story造句


tell a story的中文意思


she told me a story

选择B,a two-story wooden house,一栋两层的木屋. two-story,是由两个词组成的表示一定数量的形容词,每个词都要用原形. 更多例子: 一个8岁的男孩:an eight-year-old boy.

给200分 A story in my family 的作文。12点前。在线等

The sun is shining brightly out of my window. I can feel the sunbeam come straight from my eyes to my heart. But there is no warmth. I"m still really cold. After the first remedy, I never feel any better. Everyone warned me not to move anywhere. Even a little cut may deprive my life. “My honey,” Mommy said to me with manful spirit in her eyes. “Please go on, you"re strong enough, you"re brave enough to live on!” “Don"t worry,” I smiled, “I"m Ok, Mommy, I"ll never give up.” Mommy smiled as return after hearing my words. But how can I go on? I am the biggest criminal in my family! It"s I who have spent each penny in my family which was made yb my parents for their whole lives. It"s my blood cancer that made my parents become old overnight, but they still have to smile and encourage me though they"re being killed by the much more sorrow than I am. How can I still live in this family? How can I still live in the world? In fact, we have had no money to pay for the second remedy. I don"t know why I have to be paid so much to keep the little time in my life. It"s really unnecessary. Severe pain is killing me. I want to stop. I don"t want to be the criminal. I don"t want to leave the world with an empty family and hopeless parents. I don"t want to be the heavy burden of my family of my world in my last days. I suddenly feel the wall coming to me. All is black. I passed out again. I don"t know how many times I pass out and revive. I hope, I wish this is the last time.A familiar song comes to my clear mind:“Mama, you gave life to me,turned a baby into a lady;Mama, all I have to offer was a guarantee of you loving me…Good-bye is the saddest word I"ve ever heard,Good-bye is the last time I can hold you near.Someday you"ll say that word and I will cry,It will break my heart to hear you say good-bye.Till we meet again, until than good-bye.” I don"t know if I"m still alive. But I"m sure I could see the drops of tears coming from Mommy"s eyes and she is smiling. She said to me: “ Baby, I know you"re leaving, I know I can"t stop you from leaving me. Take care of yourself whether you"re in the human world or not. I will always- love – you!”

a story about friendship课文翻译


tell a story是什么意思

tell a story : 讲故事

关於a story about e lectricity 的作文

My name is Michael. I want to tell you a story about myself. When I graduated from china university of Mining and technology in 2006.After that, I was employed by founder software, work as Net engineer in the past 11 months; I learn much knowledge about visual studio 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 etc. It"s very helpful to my new job. Now, I was employed by VaconCN, My position is IT website engineer. I think I can do this job very well, at the same time; it"s a challenge to me. I can learn something which I did not know. I like to play badminton. I play it Xinghai Coliseum Every weekend. It"s very interesting. And also, I like go to KTV with my friend, I like Ben john. I think his best song which is named “it is my life”. When I headed it, this song concert blew me away. Michael Fang

what a story?怎么翻译?


同义句句型转换,每空一词。 小题1:Don’t waste the old things.Try to reuse them.It’s________ _____

小题1:wasteful to小题2:word with 小题3:get better小题4:makes mess小题5:gave up 试题分析:小题1:根据上文,可知本句指的是,仍旧旧的东西是浪费的,应该常识回收利用他们。结合语境可知填形容词wasteful to,做某事是浪费的。小题2:根据上文,可知本句指的是,你想和我说句话吗?短语have a word with和……说句话,故填:word with 小题3:根据上文,可知本句指的是,如果你学习再努力一点,你的英语就会更好。故填get better,变得更好。小题4:根据上文,可知本句指的是,猴王把天宫的每个房间都弄得乱七八糟。结合语境可知本句描述的是客观性的动作,故用一般现在时态。主语猴王是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用单数,make后面可以接形容词作宾语补足语,故填:makes mess,使变得混乱。小题5:根据上文,可知本句指的是,我的父亲放弃吸烟了。结合语境可知本句描述的是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时态。故填gave up,放弃。

l,ll tell() a story括号里面填什么?


It is very wasteful后面加什么?

it is very wasteful这里的it是形式主语,后面应该跟to do或者一个句子来当实际的主语

i will tell you a story.改为同义句

i want to tell you a story I am going to tell you a story.



heis telling me a story为什么tell要加ing?

现在进行时态 助动词be +动词ing形式He is telling me a story.他正在告诉我故事。

their teacher told them a story yesterday.

What did their teacher tell them yesterday?

the teacher is telling a story

The teacher tells her student a story every week 用every week 的话,原句的现在进行时要改成一般现在时

Can someone write a story about 180 words? pls?

----------One Night Stand---------- It was just for one night;that night was Jan 3rd being a Sunday.All in the past tense please.Briefly Mary the female student aged 17 came to Long Island with her part time job Bosses for dinner.at night They wanted to bring her to mainland China Queen"s Bay at Snake Estuary China District Zone.She believed it was a local country festival dance. ---Boarding the ferry luxuary launch yatch they went to the arranged pier to the King"s Peace Hotel near Communist Home.In private cars As it drived through the suburbs--towns she met some good female students together.They patiently encouraged tried to spot her for a Combatants-country dance show and got some prizes and tickets rewarded. ---She was drunken when stopped among the Uncle groups. Description of strange places were the trport cafe trport cars cellar cafes that she did not know had existed but excited.Suddenly she found a trained doggie-poppy "Google" releasing some choloform fumes to her body yet the doggie did not frighten her only feeling sleepy on bed of the kindergarten playgroup space.Seeing the dog likely to bitten the men acpanied her she was sexually assualted.Yet three ladies were with her at that time and place with some good food.. ---As soon as she waked up everyone was looking at her in a dim light;but was embarrassed enough.Because she saw some familiar faces from local Councillors assisstant executive officers and security officers who were looking at her on bed. The local police had driven her home rapidly due to o similiar news-incidents happened along at the same time and place of boarding !!!!!Having heard them explaining which she recollected on her way back her eye-impression as she got out of car was her hometown seen through the eyes of the local police as it seemed from their reflection. ---It was the trip of a lifetime yet pending.upon conclusion .of the story.(320 words.)


can情态动词,后跟动词原形讲故事,撒谎用tellI can tell a story.我会讲故事。

用tell sb. a. story造句

in the class teacher tell a story for us.

l write a story什么意思中文翻译


a story within a story 名词解释

A story within a story.意思是:故事中的故事。



关于《a story changed my life》的作文

I will tell you a story that changed my life.It is a very ordinary story, but thinking about it will reveal lots of ideas.A friend of mine is teaching Tai Che.She has been teaching Tai Che for the last 6 years, and now she is a professional teacher and earn enough money by just teaching Tai Che.She was introduced to the Tai Che by a coincidence.10 years ago she went to a dance class.But the class was canceled or she forget the time, and she didn"t find the dance class, but she found a class for Tai Che.She was interested to know what is Tai Che, and after few years she ended up teaching Tai Che.The moral of the story is: there are lots of abundance in the universe around us, but we should be ready to accept it.
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