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两个单词发音是一样的。英音:/u02ccku0252mplu026au02c8mentri/ 美音: /u02cckɑu02d0mplu026au02c8mentri/


complementaryadj.补充的;补足的;互补的;【生物学】互配(力)的。His personality is complementary to hers. 他的个性与她的互补。complimentaryadj.1.问候的,祝贺的,致敬的;称赞的。2.会说恭维话的,善于辞令的。3.免费赠送的He is too complimentary. 他太客气(会说恭维话)。

余角为什么是complementary angle而补角要是supplementary


peau seche dry skin是什么意思?


The Olympic flame ,torch and relay draw on a history going back to the ancient Olympic games.



前者是 你真丢人。后者是 为你感到 丢人(羞愧)。

welcome everyone to todays auction】翻译


请问”搏奕论 (game theory)”的内容是说什么的?

博弈论(Game Theory),有时也称为对策论,或者博弈论,应用数学的一个分支 目前在生物学,经济学,国际关系,计算机科学 政治学,军事战略和其他很多学科都有广泛的应用。主要研究公式化了的激励结构(游戏或者博弈(Game))间的相互作用。是研究具有斗争或竞争性质现象的数学理论和方法。也是运筹学的一个重要学科。 博弈论考虑游戏中的个体的预测行为和实际行为,并研究它们的优化策略。 表面上不同的相互作用可能表现出相似的激励结构(incentive structure),所以他们是同一个游戏的特例。其中一个有名有趣的应用例子是囚徒困境(Prisoner"s dilemma)。 具有竞争或对抗性质的行为成为博弈行为。在这类行为中,参加斗争或竞争的各方各自具有不同的目标或利益。为了达到各自的目标和利益,各方必须考虑对手的各种可能的行动方案,并力图选取对自己最为有利或最为合理的方案。比如日常生活中的下棋,打牌等。博弈论就是研究博弈行为中斗争各方是否存在着最合理的行为方案,以及如何找到这个合理的行为方案的数学理论和方法。 生物学家使用博弈理论来理解和预测演化(论)的某些结果。例如,John Maynard Smith 和Gee R. Price 在1973年发表于《自然》杂志上的论文中提出的「evolutionarily stable strategy」的这个概念就是使用了博弈理论。还可以参见演化博弈理论(evolutionary game theory)和行为生态学(behavioral ecology)。 博弈论也应用于数学的其他分支,如概率,统计和线性规划等。 [详细可到zh. *** /w/index?title=%E5%8D%9A%E5%BC%88%E8%AE%BA&variant=zh-hant]



有一首英文歌,里面有一句every什么什么sunshine的。是什么歌啊?不是you are my shine.


英语演讲稿5篇,七年级上学期水平,不少于50词。 Thank you very much!

1 A Day in The LifeI am busy with my study.In the moring,I go to bed at six o"clock.And than ,I do moring exercises at six thirty.And I eat my breakfast at six forty-five.After that,I go to school at seven .I have five classes in the moring .I usually have math,Chinese,English,science and P.E.There are three classes in the afternoon.After school,I usually play basketball.I am tired every day .I think I need some rest . 2 Last summer, I spent my holiday in Haikou. Haikou is a very beautiful city. It is the capital city of Hainan. The air is humid and very fresh. I liked the blue sky with clouds and the green coconut tree. We went to the seaside, the sea is so beautiful, shining with sunlight. I went swimming in the sea with my parents, all of us had enjoyed ourselves when we were swimming. I love this summer holiday. The experience of travelling in Haikou will always be in my mind. 3 My dream job Everyone has a dream job.Me too. When I grow up,I"m going to be a reporter .Because Ithink it"s exciting and I will meet a lot of interesting people. Iwill work in Beijing.Because it"s a beautiful city. I"going to write articles for newspapers.And I think I will make a lot of money.Then I will buy a big house for my parents.And I will travel the woeld.I like to do many things. Let me share a few. 4 My Good Life In my good life, I want to eat some more food. I want to go to the moon. On the moon, we will have supper. From the moon, we will go to the sun by a rocket. In the world I want to go to my grandma and grandpa"s house. I play with my brother. My aunt and uncle will go around the world. I want to see at the wide grassland. I want to go to the sea to see the dolphins and the crabapples. And I like seafood very much, too. 5 My hobbies I have many hobbies. I like video games. Computer games are cool,too. I could play them all day. I like collecting cards. I play games with them. I trade them with my friends. Also,I like sports. I like being outdoors. I love fresh air and sunshine. Bike riding is fun. Rollerblading is neat. Swimming is my favorite. In addition,I like to draw pictures. I like to read comics. But please don"t tell my parents. Furthermore, I like music. I like to sing songs. I"m learning to play an instrument. Of course, I enjoy learning English. I like speaking with foreigners. I love watching Disney cartoons. There is more I like to do. There is more I can say. I"ll save it for another day

white house history


All I Could Do Is Cry的翻译是什么啊?谢谢啊~



订货周期(Or bfb der cycle time/Ordering Cycle),也称为订货间隔期(delivery lead time)、交货间隔期、提前期 一个 客户 从发出订单到收到货物的时间,称为订货提前期; 而对于供货方,这段时间称为订货周期。 这是购销双方对同一时间的不同称呼。满意请采纳

delivery lead time 对应FOB和CIF哪个时间点

lead time 和FOB,CIF没有关系的。

Delivery Team Leader是什么意思


交货期到底是 Lead time 还是 Delivery time


请问delivery time 和 delivery lead time 的区别?

delivery time 传送时间,交货时间,引渡时间,流出时间,交割期 lead [li:d] vt. 领导,率领,领先;引导,带领;搀,牵;致使,诱使,影响;过,使某人过vi. 领导

lead time和delivery time有什么区别?

delivery time 和 lead time的区别:1、概念不同: lead time意为生产周期,即从客户下单订货到企业完成订单交货的时间,这是一个持续性过程。交货时间以合同签订的贸易术语规定的风险和货物转移时间计,严格意义是这么算的,但实际操作中往往都会把在途运输时间也计算在内。比如说THE LEAD TIME FOR 1 ,000 PCS IS 30 DAYS.delivery time意为发货时间,这是一个短暂性的时间点。严格意义上讲,delivery time是指货物发运的具体日期,如果在途时间应该用shipping cycle time。比如说THE DELIEVERY TIME IS 30 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF YOUR DEPOSIT AND CONFIRMATION OF SAMPLES.2、针对视角不同:通常来说,买方常用 lead time,Lead time 是买方考量订单履行的一般时间,一般来说都是固定的,买方考量的是订单的履行周期。而 Delivery time 一般从卖方的角度考虑,而在实际备料,生产,检验等一系列过程中,会出现各种生产计划变动,意外推迟交货的可能。所以时间不会固定,可能提前也可能延迟。3、侧重点不同:Lead time 通常是使用于订单未成交前的贸易条件之一来考量。而 Delivery time 则通常偏向于订单达成之后,且根据实际情况变动,偏重某个时间点,到某天可以交货发运。参考资料百度百科-交期参考资料百度百科-前置时间

Delivery Time和Lead time有什么区别

delivery time 和 lead time具体区别如下:一、具体含义不同。1、Lead Time指“前置时间”简称L/T,指“前置时间”——指从下订单到供应商交货所间隔的时间,也可以理解为“生产周期”或“研制周期”。LT一般以天数或小时计算,如LeadTime:60 calendar days/交货期:60个历日。2、Delivery Time指“交货时间”简称D/T,指“交货时间”或“送货时间”或“交付时间”——交货到指定地点的时间,一般指交货日期,不等于装船日,是一个时间点,如:DeliveryTime: 2015-11-25。Delivery是传送、投递、交付的意思。“交货时间”强调的是交货。其实DeliveryTime也可以理解为送货、派送的时间——就是单纯的送货或派送,并不强调交货(货物所有权和风险的转移)。二、使用对象不同。从买方的视角来看,常用 lead time,而从卖方的视角,则多用 delivery time。如卖方会经常这么说:Delivery time: 60 days 或 Delivery time: 30 April, 2016. (而一般不说 lead time: 30 April, 2016. )这意味着如果你现在下单,60天之后,可以发货。Lead time 通常为买方考量的订单履行的一般时间,通常来说是固定的,Buyer 考量订单的履行周期。而 Delivery time 是从卖方的角度来考虑的,在实际备料,生产,检验等一系列过程中,会出现各种生产计划变动,意外推迟交货的可能。因此 delivery time 也经常被 shorten 或 extend。三、使用的时间(订单进度)不同。Lead time 通常用于未成交前的贸易条件之一来考量,时间是固定的一段时间,代表从下单到交货需要的周期;交货周期以合同签订的贸易术语规定的风险和货物转移时间计,严格意义上是这么算的,但实际操作中往往都会把在途运输时间也计算在内。而 Delivery time 则通常偏向于订单达成之后,且根据实际情况变动,偏重某个时间点,到某天可以交货发运。严格意义上讲,delivery time是指货物发运的具体日期。扩展资料:通过例句或许更能明白二者的差别。一、关于Delivery Time的例句:1、Quality and Deliver Time Management through Purchasing Agreement透过采购合约进行品质与交期管理2、At the same time, if the price or delivery time of any change, then we will contact with you.同时,如果在价格或交货时间方面有任何变化的话,我们会与你们联系。3、Our business philosophy: rigorous scientific quality management, rapid and timely delivery time, enthusiasm and meticulous customer service.我们的经营理念:严格科学的质量管理,迅速及时的交货时间,热情细致的客户服务。二、关于lead time的例句:1、Quick responsiveness of a supply chain has been accepted as a key to success, which is determined by the lead time between stages.快速反应能力取决于供应链各环节间的提前期,快速反应的核心思想就是缩短提前期。2、In many practical situations, lead time can be reduced by adding an additional crashing cost, in other words, it is controllable.在实际生产中,常常可通过增加成本缩短提前期,即提前期是可控的;3、The reorder point should cover the average material requirements expected during the replenishment lead time.重采购点能够覆盖一般的物料需求,使其满足在货期提前之内。

Delivery Time和Lead Time的区别是什么?

delivery time 和 lead time的区别:1、概念不同: lead time意为生产周期,即从客户下单订货到企业完成订单交货的时间,这是一个持续性过程。交货时间以合同签订的贸易术语规定的风险和货物转移时间计,严格意义是这么算的,但实际操作中往往都会把在途运输时间也计算在内。比如说THE LEAD TIME FOR 1 ,000 PCS IS 30 DAYS.delivery time意为发货时间,这是一个短暂性的时间点。严格意义上讲,delivery time是指货物发运的具体日期,如果在途时间应该用shipping cycle time。比如说THE DELIEVERY TIME IS 30 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF YOUR DEPOSIT AND CONFIRMATION OF SAMPLES.2、针对视角不同:通常来说,买方常用 lead time,Lead time 是买方考量订单履行的一般时间,一般来说都是固定的,买方考量的是订单的履行周期。而 Delivery time 一般从卖方的角度考虑,而在实际备料,生产,检验等一系列过程中,会出现各种生产计划变动,意外推迟交货的可能。所以时间不会固定,可能提前也可能延迟。3、侧重点不同:Lead time 通常是使用于订单未成交前的贸易条件之一来考量。而 Delivery time 则通常偏向于订单达成之后,且根据实际情况变动,偏重某个时间点,到某天可以交货发运。参考资料百度百科-交期参考资料百度百科-前置时间

lead time和delivery time有什么区别吗?

delivery time 和 lead time具体区别如下:一、具体含义不同。1、Lead Time指“前置时间”简称L/T,指“前置时间”——指从下订单到供应商交货所间隔的时间,也可以理解为“生产周期”或“研制周期”。LT一般以天数或小时计算,如LeadTime:60 calendar days/交货期:60个历日。2、Delivery Time指“交货时间”简称D/T,指“交货时间”或“送货时间”或“交付时间”——交货到指定地点的时间,一般指交货日期,不等于装船日,是一个时间点,如:DeliveryTime: 2015-11-25。Delivery是传送、投递、交付的意思。“交货时间”强调的是交货。其实DeliveryTime也可以理解为送货、派送的时间——就是单纯的送货或派送,并不强调交货(货物所有权和风险的转移)。二、使用对象不同。从买方的视角来看,常用 lead time,而从卖方的视角,则多用 delivery time。如卖方会经常这么说:Delivery time: 60 days 或 Delivery time: 30 April, 2016. (而一般不说 lead time: 30 April, 2016. )这意味着如果你现在下单,60天之后,可以发货。Lead time 通常为买方考量的订单履行的一般时间,通常来说是固定的,Buyer 考量订单的履行周期。而 Delivery time 是从卖方的角度来考虑的,在实际备料,生产,检验等一系列过程中,会出现各种生产计划变动,意外推迟交货的可能。因此 delivery time 也经常被 shorten 或 extend。三、使用的时间(订单进度)不同。Lead time 通常用于未成交前的贸易条件之一来考量,时间是固定的一段时间,代表从下单到交货需要的周期;交货周期以合同签订的贸易术语规定的风险和货物转移时间计,严格意义上是这么算的,但实际操作中往往都会把在途运输时间也计算在内。而 Delivery time 则通常偏向于订单达成之后,且根据实际情况变动,偏重某个时间点,到某天可以交货发运。严格意义上讲,delivery time是指货物发运的具体日期。扩展资料:通过例句或许更能明白二者的差别。一、关于Delivery Time的例句:1、Quality and Deliver Time Management through Purchasing Agreement透过采购合约进行品质与交期管理2、At the same time, if the price or delivery time of any change, then we will contact with you.同时,如果在价格或交货时间方面有任何变化的话,我们会与你们联系。3、Our business philosophy: rigorous scientific quality management, rapid and timely delivery time, enthusiasm and meticulous customer service.我们的经营理念:严格科学的质量管理,迅速及时的交货时间,热情细致的客户服务。二、关于lead time的例句:1、Quick responsiveness of a supply chain has been accepted as a key to success, which is determined by the lead time between stages.快速反应能力取决于供应链各环节间的提前期,快速反应的核心思想就是缩短提前期。2、In many practical situations, lead time can be reduced by adding an additional crashing cost, in other words, it is controllable.在实际生产中,常常可通过增加成本缩短提前期,即提前期是可控的;3、The reorder point should cover the average material requirements expected during the replenishment lead time.重采购点能够覆盖一般的物料需求,使其满足在货期提前之内。

delivery time和lead time有什么区别?

lead time 是总的生产时间delivery time 是运送时间

在外贸上的lead time 和delivery time 有区别吗

有的,lead time 指交货期,僻如交货期大约为20天,而DEL TIME指的是交货时间,具体到日期,僻如,9月23号之前,

什么是delivery lead time


交货期到底是 Lead time 还是 Delivery time

date of delivery英 [deit u0254v diu02c8livu0259ri] 美 [det u028cv du026au02c8lu026avu0259ri] 交货日,交货日期双语例句全部 date of delivery delivery period1从而保证了产品的质量和交货期。So as to ensure the product quality and delivery. 2你得到规定的交货期了吗?Did you get the defined delivery time? delivery period英 [diu02c8livu0259ri u02c8piu0259riu0259d] 美 [du026au02c8lu026avu0259ri u02c8pu026ariu0259d] 交付期限,交货期双语例句全部 交付期限 交货期1This mechanism also includes other levers such as delivery period, the way of payment. 另外,协调机制还包括其它一些杠杆,比如交货期和付款方式等。2Actual time of your order confirmation is important to determine the exact production and delivery period. 订单的实际确认时间决定具体的生产和发货时间。希望对你有帮助~

在外贸上的lead time 和delivery time 有区别吗


imsorrydontleaveme l want是什么歌?

歌名是:《Love is Gone》。《Love is Gone》是Dylan Matthew演唱的一首歌曲,收录在《Love Is Gone (Acoustic)》中。这首歌曲表达的意思是,如果说爱一个人的话,就要主动一些,不要害怕。因为真正的爱是不在乎结果的,哪怕对方拒绝了你,你也能够以另外一种身份继续守护在他的身边。真正的爱是想看着对方幸福,而不是因为自己将他占有在身边,让他失去自由。歌曲歌词:Don"t go tonight今夜请别离去Stay here one more time再为我驻足一次Remind me what it"s like时刻提醒着我曾经的美好And let"s fall in love one more time就让我们再次坠入爱河I need you now by my side此刻我需要你的陪伴It tears me up when you turn me down你的拒绝让我的心支离破碎I"m begging please, just stick around我祈求着你,请别离去I"m sorry, don"t leave me, I want you here with me抱歉,请不要离开我,此刻我只想你陪着我I know that your love is gone尽管我明白你的爱已经消逝殆尽I can"t breathe, I"m so weak, I know this isn"t easy我无法呼吸,脆弱不堪,我知道接受事实的不易Don"t tell me that your love is gone别亲口对我说你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽Don"t tell me that your love is gone请别亲口对我说你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽I"m sorry, don"t leave me, I want you here with me抱歉,请不要离开我,此刻我只想你陪着我I know that your love is gone尽管我明白你的爱已经消逝殆尽I can"t breathe, I"m so weak, I know this isn"t easy我无法呼吸,脆弱不堪,我知道接受事实的不易Don"t tell me that your love is gone别亲口对我说你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽I can"t breathe, I"m so weak, I know this isn"t easy我无法呼吸,脆弱不堪,我知道接受事实的不易Don"t tell me that your love is gone别亲口对我说你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽

imsorrydontleaveme l want是什么歌?

imsorrydontleaveme l want歌曲是《Love Is Gone》,是美国DJ组合Slander演唱的歌曲。歌词:Don"t go tonight今夜请别离去Stay here one more time再为我驻足一次Remind me what it"s like时刻提醒着我曾经的美好And let"s fall in love one more time就让我们再次坠入爱河I need you now by my side此刻我需要你的陪伴It tears me up when you turn me down你的拒绝让我的心支离破碎I"m begging please, just stick around我祈求着你,请别离去I"m sorry, don"t leave me, I want you here with me抱歉,请不要离开我,此刻我只想你陪着我I know that your love is gone尽管我明白你的爱已经消逝殆尽I can"t breathe, I"m so weak, I know this isn"t easy我无法呼吸,脆弱不堪,我知道接受事实的不易Don"t tell me that your love is gone别亲口对我说你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽Don"t tell me that your love is gone请别亲口对我说你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽I"m sorry, don"t leave me, I want you here with me抱歉,请不要离开我,此刻我只想你陪着我I know that your love is gone尽管我明白你的爱已经消逝殆尽I can"t breathe, I"m so weak, I know this isn"t easy我无法呼吸,脆弱不堪,我知道接受事实的不易Don"t tell me that your love is gone别亲口对我说你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽I can"t breathe, I"m so weak, I know this isn"t easy我无法呼吸,脆弱不堪,我知道接受事实的不易Don"t tell me that your love is gone别亲口对我说你的爱已经消失殆尽That your love is gone你的爱已经消失殆尽其实《Love is Gone》原版是一首电音,当初很多人都非常喜欢听,但后来出了这个抒情版以后很多人都觉得,抒情版更不错,只能说这首歌的创作确实很无敌,不管用什么样的方式去演绎,都能取得很不错的效果。

皇后乐队主唱佛莱迪·摩克瑞的女友Mary Austin如果不离开他,他之后的生活会不会不同?




im sorry dont leave me


急!!!!!! Authory 是什么意思



Primary author和第一作者(First Author)虽然概念不同,但在我国学术界,这两个概念通常是指同一回事,即论文中排名最靠前的作者。第一作者通常是对论文研究做出最大贡献的作者,被认为是论文研究的主要负责人,对论文研究的设计、实验、分析和撰写都做出了重要的贡献。

查理兹·塞隆( Charlize Theron .....Mary Embrey)曾主演过那些电影了?注:是指出道到现在为止的.

百度百科有 很全的

let me try是什么意思


有一首歌的歌词一部分是let me cry,let me try,是一个女生唱的,声音很甜美

a little love

求一首歌,歌词有 let me try

我最喜欢一句话呀Just do it我最喜欢一句话呀 Let me tryJust do it Let me try Let me tryJust do it Let me try Let me try

盐和避难所Salt and Sanctuary什么职业最好 八大职业属性分析




歌词中有let me are try 是一首很嗨的歌,酒吧ktv经常放我忘了歌名。

歌曲:let me try歌手:hope partlow 专辑:who we are • 搜索"let me try"mp3 ... don"t come around here to rescue me too soon ... let me fall just one time ... let me try ... 查看完整歌词>> 歌曲:let me try歌手:王缇 专辑:hello katy • 搜索"let me try"LRC歌词• 搜索"let me try"mp3 [ti:let me try][ar:王缇][al:hello katy]let me try let me high never stop 不要停王缇- let me try 快乐的人请用身体打节拍let me try let me high 要用信心努力把一切打败要跟着节拍 never stop 不要停下来时间你们快不能够留白思绪像大海随时溢出来绚丽的舞台信心找出来用力向下踩和从前说bye-bye音乐那么high 跟着我摇摆甩掉你烦恼快乐很精彩和我一起try 让伤痛释怀把头甩一甩everything"s gonna be allright,go!LRC歌词来自:http://www.51lrc.com/asp/lrc.asp?id=20070825gJEFWP歌曲:let me try again歌手:frank sinatra • 搜索"let me try again"mp3 ... let me try againlet me try again... 查看完整歌词>> 歌曲:try me歌手:o.a.r. 专辑:all sides • 搜索"try me"LRC歌词• 搜索"try me"mp3 [ti:try me][ar:o.a.r.][al:all sides][by:lk歌词组kevinboul][00:-2.00]o.a.r.- try me[00:-1.00]lyrics by lk歌词组 rock兄队 kevin boulit"s been such a long dayfollowed by long nightssit here by myselfbut it just don"t feel alrightyou"ve been talking to meeveryone talking at me liketry mei"ll let you live, i"ll let you breathetry mei"ll pick you up and make you believeyou"re surrounded and scared, ain"t ya?nobody"s there for youunder it all they don"t shine the way you dobut you"re tangled up ineverything wrong for youcome on back to meand i will make it be the oneeveryone talking at yaeveryone coming at ya liketry mei"ll let you live, i"ll let you breathetry mei"ll pick you up and make you believetry mei"ll let you live, i"ll let you breathetry mei"ll pick you up and make you believei know it"s been such a long timeand i still don"t let you ini know it feels like a long timebut you"re never coming back againare you ever coming back again?it"s been such a long dayfollowed by long nightssit here by myselfand it just don"t feel so righttry mei"ll let you live, i"ll let you breathetry mei"ll pick you up and make you believetry mei"ll let you live, i"ll let you breathetry mei"ll pick you up and make you believetry mei"ll let you live, i"ll let you breathetry mei"ll pick you up and make you believe try metry mei"ll let you live, i"ll let you breathei"ll pick you up and make you believe lyrics by lk group kevin boulLRC歌词来自:http://lrc.aspxp.net/lrc.asp?id=260263&id1=235054&t=lrc&ac=dl歌曲:try me歌手:robi draco rosa • 搜索"try me"mp3 try memove beside me... and you can"t let go... 查看完整歌词>> 歌曲:try me歌手:bone thugs-n-harmon 专辑:faces of death • 搜索"try me"mp3 try me, if you feelin" lucky and you think you wanna fuck with me, come on.[niggas on the thugline, thugline, thugline.... heard you woofin"--yeah, we heard em"--let us see them nuts.... 查看完整歌词>> 歌曲:try me歌手:bone thugs n harmon 专辑:faces of death • 搜索"try me"mp3 try me, if you feelin" lucky and you think you wanna fuck with me, come on.[niggas on the thugline, thugline, thugline.... heard you woofin"--yeah, we heard em"--let us see them nuts.... 查看完整歌词>> 歌曲:let me go home歌手:camera obscura 专辑:underachievers plea • 搜索"let me go home"mp3 ... until the blue-eyed girl decides to let me go homelet me go home... 查看完整歌词>> 歌曲:let me let go歌手:七年级生电视原声大 专辑:七年级生电视原声大 • 搜索"let me let go"LRC歌词• 搜索"let me let go"mp3 [ti:let me let go][ar:七年级生电视原声大碟][al:七年级生电视原声大碟]let me let go - faith kingi thought it was over, babywe said our goodbyesbut i can"t go a day without your facegoin" through my mindin fact, not a single minutepasses without you in ityour voice, your touch, memories of your loveare with me all of the timelet me let go, babylet me let goif this is for the bestwhy are you still in my heartare you still in my soullet me let goi talked to you the other daylooks like you make your escapeyou put us behind, no matter how i tryi can"t do the samelet me let go, babylet me let goit just isn"t righti"ve been two thousand milesdown a dead-end roadlet me let go, darlin", won"t youi just gotta know, yeahif this is for the bestwhy are you still in my heartare you still in my soullet me let gothe lights of this strange city are shinin"but they don"t hold no fascination for mei try to find the bright side, babybut everywhere i lookeverywhere i turnyou"re all i seelet me, let me let go, baby, won"t youlet me let goit just isn"t righti"ve been two thousand milesdown a dead-end roadoh, let me let go, darlin", won"t youi just gotta knowif this is for the bestwhy are you still in my heartyeah, you"re still in my soul, let me let golet me let go, let me let go飞叶歌词网http: www.feiyes.net 欢迎您的光临!LRC歌词来自:http://lrc.aspxp.net/lrc.asp?id=43627&id1=268&t=lrc&ac=dl歌曲:let me be歌手:britney spears 专辑:britney • 搜索"let me be"LRC歌词• 搜索"let me be"mp3 [ti:let me be][ar:britney spears][al:i"m a slave 4 u]you try to read meyou try to figure outyou try to breathe mebut you can"t blow me outyou try to feel mebut i"m so out of touchi won"t be fallingyou won"t have to pick me upsorry if i sound confusedi don"t feel the way like you dobut i won"t turn aroundbut i won"t turn aroundyou think i might act out but i won"tthink that i might have doubts but i don"tno insecuritieswon"t you just let me, let me bethink that you know me now, but you don"tthink that i can"t stand on my ownain"t my philosophywon"t you just let me, let me betrust in my instinctstrust that i know what"s rightthese are the reasonsthat keep you up at night (at night)tell me "go slow"- this is my flow"cos you don"t know,know what i knowlet me tell you how it feelsbaby it"s time that you see me for realsorry if i sound confusedi don"t feel the way like you dobut i won"t turn aroundbut i won"t turn aroundyou think i might act out but i won"tthink that i might have doubts but i don"tno insecuritieswon"t you just let me,let me bethink that you know me now,but you don"tthink that i can"t stand on my ownain"t my philosophywon"t you just let me,let me betrust that i know,this is my showletting you know,gotta go the way i gotrust that i know,this is my showletting you know,gotta go the way i goyou think i might act out but i won"tthink that i might have doubts but i don"tno insecuritieswon"t you just let me,let me bethink that you know me now,but you don"tthink that i can"t stand on my ownain"t my philosophywon"t you just let me,let me beyou think i might act out but i won"tthink that i might have doubts but i don"tno insecurities (no insecurities)won"t you just let me,let me bethink that you know me now,but you don"tthink that i can"t stand on my ownain"t my philosophywon"t you just let me,let me behttp: lrc.bzmtv.com你可以去看看http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=150994944&lf=2&rn=10&word=let+me+try&lm=-1

有首女声版的英文歌,有句歌词叫let me cry let me smile 的歌叫什么名字?

冯曦妤 - a little love

let me try为什么用me


everyday normal guy 2想表达什么


I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,let me be alone again.

歌词我真希望雨停下来。让我无望地哭泣, 让我再次孤身单影。

英文歌词中找女声英文歌,高潮Time will never give me one more try.

Millennium - Time试听:http://www.56.com/u71/v_Mzc3NzIyNjE.html下载:http://cgi.music.soso.com/fcgi-bin/m.q?w=Millennium++-+Time&p=1&source=1&t=0

Rory Gallagher的《Let Me In》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me In歌手:Rory Gallagher专辑:Against The GrainGriffin House - Let Me InShe"s out of my leagueAnd that"s the kind of girl I needI am the underdogBut I"m about to take the leadYou can"t worry about the othersThey can"t turn my headAnd when I"m with another I wish it was you instead.I"m not trying to force itBut I"ve got one thing on my mindI"m not going anywhere soonI"m on a mission baby I"ve got the timeLet me in, might as well be with youLet me in, I know how to make you miss me.I got what you needNo hesitation when I bringI"m your manIt"s a promise and a ringI got a secret for you, if you promise not to tellSometimes you feel a little closer to heaven when you raise a little hell.Never give up on desireYou know how long I"ve waited aroundYou"re only adding fuel to the fireI won"t be leaving till I wear you outLet me in, I have got your numberLet me in, We"re not getting any youngerYou ain"t got worry about the othersThey could never be this realAnd even if you"re with another you"ll remember how I feelLet me in, knock it out with just one touchLet me in, I"m not asking for too muchI know how to make you miss meYou"ll feel it when you kiss meYou"ll feel it with meYou"ll feel it with meKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/9324588


problem和worry的区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同problem:英 ["pru0252blu0259m]     美 ["prɑu02d0blu0259m]。    worry:英 ["wu028cri]     美 ["wu025cu02d0ri]。    2、意思不同problem:n. 问题;难题;习题;adj. 成问题的;难对付的。worry:vt. 撕咬;使烦恼;使焦虑;vi. 担心;发愁;n. 担心;烦恼;忧虑。3、用法不同problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。worry的基本意思是“(使)困扰,(使)烦恼”,指不停地非难、刺激以致破坏某人平静的心境或使其感到绝望或受挫,强调企图或效果。worry也可表示“担心,为…发愁”。

有一个首歌,伴奏是一个女的唱的,好像是Every day........,请问这是什么歌啊?

☆Troy&Gabriella Everyday☆Once in a lifetime 生命的一次Means there"s no second chance 意味着没有第二次So I believe that you and me 所以我相信你和我Should grab it while we can 应该在可以的时候抓紧它Make it last forever And never give it back It"s our turn And I"m loving where we"re at 我爱着我们所在的地方Because this moment"s really all we have 因为这一刻是我们拥有的Everyday,of our lives 每一天,我们的生活Wanna find you there 想找到你Wanna hold on tight 想抓紧Gonna run 得跑While we"re young 在我们年轻的时候And keep the faith 保持这信念Everyday 每一天From right now 从现在起Gonna use our voices and scream out loud 得用我们的声音大声叫出来Take my hand 接着我的手Together we will celebrate 我们一起庆祝Celebrate 庆祝Oh,everyday 哦每一天They say that you should follow 他们说你应该跟着And chase down what you dream 追赶着你的梦But if you get lost and lose yourself 如果你迷路或迷失了自己What does is really mean? 那是什么意思No matter where we"re going 我们去哪没什么关系It starts from where we are 从我们在的地方开始There"s more to life when we listen to our hearts生命会更亮丽如果我们听我们的心 And because of you 因为你I"ve got the strength to start 我有开始的体力Yeah,yeah,yeah! YEAH YEAH YEAHEveryday,of our lives 生命的每一天Wanna find you there 想找到你Wanna hold on tight 想抓紧Gonna run 得走While we"re young 在我们年轻的时候And keep the faith 保持这信念Everyday 每一天From right now 从现在开始Gonna use our voices and scream out loud 得用我们的声音大声喊出来Take my hand 接着我的手Together we will celebrate 一起我们会庆祝Oh,everyday 每一天We"re taking it back We"re doing it here 我们正在做Together! 一起It"s better like that 那样好很多And stronger now 和更强壮Than ever! 从来没有的We"re not gonna lose 我们不会迷失"Cause we get to choose 因为我们可以选择That"s how it"s gonna be!这是它将成为的 Everyday 每一天Of our lives 我们的生命Wanna find you there想找到你 Wanna hold on tight 想抓紧Gonna run 得走While we"re young 在我们年轻的时候And keep the faith 保持这信念Keep the faith保持这信念! 下面的上面都有,麻烦自己看了Everyday,of our lives Wanna find you there Wanna hold on tight Gonna run While we"re young And keep the faith Everyday From right now Gonna use our voices and scream out loud Take my hand Together we will celebrate Everyday! breaking free song:Gabrilla&Tory music... T:We"re soarin", flyin" 我们飞舞 翱翔 There"s not a star in heaven 没有什么天堂星辰 That we can"t reach 是我们不能触到的 G:If we"re trying 如果我们尝试 So we"re breaking free 所以我们解脱了 T:You know the world can see us 你知道世界所看见我们 In a way that"s different than who we are 是截然不同的我们 G:Creating space between us 在我们之间创造缝隙 "till we"re separate hearts 直到我们的心分开 Both:But your faith it gives me strength 但是你的信仰给了我力量 Strength to believe 相信的力量 T:We"e breakin" free 我们解脱了 G:We"re soarin" 我们飞舞 T:Flyin" 翱翔 Both:There"s not a star in heaven 没有什么天堂星辰 That we can"t reach 是我们不能触到的 T:If we"re trying 如果我们尝试 Both:Yeah, we"re breaking free 我们解脱了 T:Oh, we"re breakin" free 我们解脱了 G:Ohhhh T:Can you feel it building 你可以感觉到它吗 Like a wave the ocean just can"t control 就像一股无法控制的海洋 G:Connected by a feeling 相连的感觉 Both:Ohhh, in our very souls 我们的灵魂 Rising "till it lifts us up 我们起来了 So every one can see 直到每个人都可以看见 T:We"re breakin" free 我们解脱 G:We"re soarin" 我们飞舞 T:Flyin" 翱翔 Both:There"s not a star in heaven 没有什么天堂星辰 That we can"t reach 是我们不能触到的 T:If we"re trying 如果我们尝试 Both:Yeah we"re breaking free 我们解脱了 Ohhhh G:runnin" 奔跑 T:Climbin" 攀越 To get to that place 为了到达那 Both:To be all that we can be 去达成我们可以达成的一切 T:Now"s the time 就是现在 Both:So we"re breaking free 所以我们解脱了 T:We"re breaking free 我们解脱了 Both:Ohhh, yeah T:More than hope 比希望更多 More than faith 比信念更多 G:This is true 这是真的 This is fate 这是命运 And together 能在一起 Both:We see it comin" 我们看见它来临 T:More than you 比你更多 More than me 比我更多 G:Not a want, but a need 不是想 而是需要 Both:Both of us breakin" free 我们两人解脱了 G:Soarin" 飞舞 T:Flyin" 翱翔 Both:There"s not a star in heaven 没有什么天堂星辰 That we can"t reach 是我们不能触到的 If we"re trying 如果我们尝试 T:Yeah we"re breaking free 我们解脱了 G:Breaking free 解脱 G:We"re runnin" 我们奔跑 T:Ohhhh, climbin" 攀爬 Both:To get to the place 为了到达那个地方 To be all that we can be 去达成我们可以达成的一切 Now"s the time 就是现在 T:Now"s the time 就是现在 G:So we"re breaking free 所以我们解脱了 T:Ohhh, we"re breaking free 我们解脱了 G:Ohhhh Both:You know the world can see us 你知道世界所看见我们 In a way that"s different than who we are 是截然不同的我们 赞同0| 评论 2011-5-6 14:59 热心柴禾妞 | 一级 ar:bon jovi]bon jovi - everydayi used to be the kind of guywho"d never let you look insidei"d smile when i was cryingi had nothing but a life to loosethought i had a lot to proofin my life, there"s no denyinggoodbye to all my yesterdaysgoodbye, so long, i"m on my wayi"ve had enough of cryin"bleedin", sweatin", dyin"hear me when i saygonna live my life everydayi"m gonna touch the skyi spread these wings and flyingi ain"t here to playi"m gonna live my life everydaychange, everybody"s feeling strangenever gonna be the samemakes you wonder how the world keeps turninglife, learning how to live my lifelearning how to pick my fightstake my shots while i"m still burninggoodbye to all those rainy nightsgoodbye, so long, i"m moving oneveryday hit the wheeli just made myself a deal there ain"t nothing gonna get in my wayeverydaygoodbye, so long, i"m moving oni, oh i, oh i,i"m gonna live my life everydayi (gonna touch the sky),oh i (spread these wings and fly),oh ii"m gonna live my life everydayend 希望对你有帮助,祝你好运!lucky(*^__^*) 嘻嘻

求Alan Jakson的《shes gone country》歌词?

She"s been playin" in a room on the StripFor ten years in VegasEvery night she looks in the mirrorAnd she only agesShe"s been readin" about Nashville and allThe records that everybody"s buyin"Says "I"m a simple girl myselfGrew up on Long Island"So she packs her bags to try to her handSays this might be my last chanceShe"s gone country, look at them bootsShe"s gone country, back to her rootsShe"s gone country, a new kind of suitShe"s gone country, here she comesWell the folk scene is deadBut he"s holdin" out in the villageHe"s been writin" songs speakin" outAgainst wealth and privilegeHe says "I dont believe in moneyBut a man could make him a killin""Cause some of that stuff don"t soundMuch different than DylanI hear down there it"s changed you seeThey"re not as backward as they used to beHe"s gone country, look at them bootsHe"s gone country, back to his rootsHe"s gone country, a new kind of suitHe"s gone country, here he comesWell, he commutes to LABut he"s got a house in the valleyBut the bills are pilin" upAnd the pop scene just ain"t on the rallyAnd he says "Honey I"m a serious composerSchooled in voice and compositionBut with the crime and the smog these daysThis ain"t no place for childrenLord it sounds so easy it shouldn"t take longBe back in the money in no time at all"He"s gone country, look at them bootsHe"s gone country, backt to his rootsHe"s gone country, a new kind of suitHe"s gone country, here he comesYeah he"s gone country, a new kind of walkHe"s gone country, a new kind of talkHe"s gone country, look at them bootsHe"s gone country, oh back to his rootsHe"s gone countryHe"s gone countryEverybody"s gone countryYeah we"ve gone countryThe whole world"s gone country

以 What I do every day 为题,写一篇小短文

July 5, 2009: Rather than write a new blog, I thought I"d add to this one. It"s a new day and new info about another day. Today is Sunday. Since the 4th of July, the national holiday, is on a Saturday this year, tomorrow with be a paid holiday for government workers, those who work in banks, colleges, and some businesses. So, for many people, the weekend has yet to end! Sheila is not working tomorrow, but the doctor she works for works a Tuesday through Saturday week. As a result, she is off every Monday! Several doctors work in that office, so it will be open. But it is unusual for a doctor"s office. Why? They take emergency patients much like a hospital emergency room. This is why they are open tomorrow (a holiday for some doctors) and why they are open on Saturday. Because they are open on Saturday, I went to that office last year when three dogs attacked and bit me! It saved me a trip to the emergency room at the hospital because I could get treatment there on a weekend. So, what did we do today? First, we slept late! We didn"t wake up until 8:30 a.m. I wanted to write some on my book, but instead I got on Skype and spoke with one of my Chinese friends for about an hour. I often check it at 7:30 a.m. (8:30 pm China time), but had slept late. Sheila left at 9 a.m. to help prepare some children"s program stuff at her church. I stayed home and at 9:30 ate breakfast. I spent some time on email and played with the kittens a little while. At about 10:30 a.m., I decided to take a nap! I didn"t sleep long, but I was asleep in the bed with the two unnamed kittens. Sheila loved it when she came home to see me asleep with two kittens in our bed!After a small lunch, Sheila wanted to go to visit Paul and Teresa (Teresa"s her sister). We watched a great movie on VCR tape, called "The Notebook". While I enjoyed the movie, I couldn"t help but thinking "I should be writing my book, I could write something as good as this movie!" After my experience this summer, if my new book sells well, I may do more and more writing and write more books. We shall see what life brings my way! After watching one movie, the girls (Sheila and Teresa) decided we would watch a second movie. I didn"t like it nearly as well. After the movie we had cake and ice cream because Paul"s birthday is tomorrow. Since Teresa works tomorrow, we celebrated the birthday today!It was almost 7 pm when we got home. Paul and Teresa only live five miles away (8 km). I had forgotten we needed a gallon of milk, so I drove over to the grocery store and picked one up. With a sandwhich supper at the relative"s house, we don"t really want supper. Sheila"s spent the rest of the evening watching TV and I"ve spent an hour writing another 400 words on my book. That"s about it. We will sleep soon!June 26, 2009: Someone asked me about what do I do everyday.I am retired from the US Forest Service. But I retired early so I do not have all my retirement income yet. I plan on working several more years. I have the same health insurance options as the US Congrss and Obama and a small annuity to pay for it. So that is good.For the past 18 months I have helped Sheila, my wife, care for her mother in her mother"s home until she became too sick for us to continue home care.Now, I am starting to study for nursing school. I will return to school August 24 and become a nurse. My wife is already a nurse. I have a degree in Zoology and a master"s in Botany. When I worked for the US government, I worked as a botanist and ecologist. Small towns have no jobs for botanists, so I will return to school to get new training.Each day I try to write some on my book. I am writing a fictional book. It is about US Forest Service firefighters. As a botanist for the US Forest Service I sometimes worked as a firefighter. I spent about 18 months total, usually two weeks at a time, fighting fires. If you want to read a chapter, I will send one to you. Just ask! I want to make the reader of the book smell the smoke, feel the energy, taste the fire camp food, feel like they slept on the ground for two weeks as a fire fighter, and feel the ache of working a fire 15 hours in a day for a two week assignment.Aside from that, because I"m not working right now, Sheila calls me her "house hubby" (a male version of housewife!). I do the dishes and usually prepare the meals because Sheila is the one who is working now. I do the laundry and help with the house cleaning. Yesterday I mowed the grass. I walked five miles for exercise (about 8 kilometers). Today I want to do some volunteer work. I hope to use my gasoline powered "weedeater" and cut the weeds on a half mile of hiking trail at one of the nearby lakes. The trail is on government land. I want to spend a little time studying Chinese! I try to study something every day so I can master the language.My parents stayed young at heart. They had nine children. My father, Richard, lived 1914 to 1999; my mother 1919 -2006. My father was a carpenter. My mother taught school for a couple years, but mostly worked as a mother!!! She liked to read. At one time, she had read every book in the Franklin, North Carolina library or a few thousand books. She read 10-12 books a week. Maybe that is why I am a writer? The friend asked me "What aboat your children?(Is it a private question?)" If a question is too private I will answer in a private message, so ask me anything you like. We have five children. My first wife and I had two children. My wife has three children. We had both had the unfortunate experience of divorce. In 1994, my first wife died of cancer. Sheila"s first husband is in poor health and not expected to live very long. So, today I usually say "we have five children". I knew Sheila when we were children. One day I called her on the phone. She was not home. I left a message and said "hi, this is Phil Hyatt, I have not seen you in 17 year and I will be a town for a couple hours. Do you want to talk to me?" She said when she got the message "my fingers flew to the phone". Eighteen months later we got married! We are very happy!!! As for our children, they are all in their 30"s. Sheila"s twin girls, Sonya and Donya, are the oldest, followed a few years later by her son Shane. Then, my son Simon was born followed by my daughter, Elicia. But I avoid the "her"s" and "my" words, because we have five children!!! Donya has two daughters, Simon has a daughter, and Elicia has three boys and a girl. Shane"s girlfriend also has a son who calls us his grandparents (no biological relationship). Relationships get complicated! So we have seven biological grandchildren. The oldest is 11 years old.

LOVE Story的歌词...英文

歌曲:love story 歌手:taylor swift taylor swift - love storywe were both young when i first saw youi close my eyes and the flashback startsi"m standing there on a balcony in summer airsee the lights, see the party, the ballgownssee you make your way to the crowdand say hello, little did i knowthat you were romeo, you were throwing pebblesand my daddy said,"stay away from juliet!"and i was crying on the staircasebegging you please don"t goand i said,"romeo, take me somewhere we can be alonei"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is runyou"ll be the prince and i"ll be the princessit"s a love story, baby, just say yes"so i sneak out to the garden to see youwe keep quiet,"cause we"re dead if they knewso close your eyes, escape this town for a little while"cause you were romeo, i was a scarlet letterand my daddy said,"stay away from juliet!"but you were everything to mei was begging you please don"t goand i said,"romeo, take me somewhere we can be alonei"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is runyou"ll be the prince and i"ll be the princessit"s a love story, baby, just say yesromeo, save me, they"re trying to tell me how to feelthis love is difficult, but it"s realdon"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this messit"s a love story, baby, just say yes"i got tired of waiting,wondering if you were ever coming aroundmy faith in you was fading,when i met you on the outskirts of townand i said,"romeo, save me, i"ve been feeling so alonei keep waiting for you but you never comeis this in my head, i don"t know what to think"he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ringand said,"marry me, juliet, you"ll never have to be alonei love you and that"s all i really knowi talked to your dad, go pick out a white dressit"s a love story, baby, just say yes"we were both young when i first saw you

Forever Night Shade Mary 歌词

歌曲名:Forever Night Shade Mary歌手:Parachute专辑:Latin Playboys〖Forever And Always〗〖Parachute〗〖The Way It Was〗〖Lyric Edited By MichaelG〗She"s sitting at the tableThe hour"s getting laterHe was supposed to be hereShe"s sure he would"ve calledShe waits a little longerThere"s no one in the drivewayNo one"s said they"ve seen him"Why, is something wrong?"She looks back to the windowSuddenly the phone ringsA voice says, "Something"s happened."That she should come right nowHer mind goes to DecemberShe thinks of when he asked herHe bent down on his knee firstAnd he said...I want you foreverForever and alwaysThrough the good and the bad and the uglyWe"ll grow old togetherForever and alwaysShe pulls up to the entranceShe walks right to the front deskThey lead her down a million hallsA maze that"s never endingThey talk about what happenedBut she can barely hear themShe tries to keep a straight faceAs she walks into the roomShe sits by his bedsideHolds his hand too tightThey talk about the kidsThey"re gonna haveAnd the good lifeThe house on the hillsideWhere they would...StayStay there foreverForever and alwaysThrough the good and the bad and the uglyWe"ll grow old togetherAnd always rememberWhether rich or for poor or for betterWe"ll still love each otherForever and alwaysThen she gets an ideaAnd calls in the nursesBrings up the chaplainAnd he says a couple versesShe borrows some ringsFrom the couple next doorEverybody"s laughingAs the tears fall on the floorShe looks into his eyesAnd she says...I want you foreverForever and alwaysThrough the good and the bad and the uglyWe"ll grow old togetherAnd always rememberWhether happy or sad or whateverWe"ll still love each otherForever and alwaysForever and alwaysForever and alwaysShe finishes the vowsBut the beeps are getting too slowHis voice is almost too lowAs he says...I"ll love you foreverForever and alwaysPlease just rememberEven if I"m not thereI"ll always love youForever and alwaysThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/796985

Bryan Adams的《Oxygen》 歌词

歌曲名:Oxygen歌手:Bryan Adams专辑:11Bryan Adams--Oxygenukoo.net 孤独的小贝制作My hands are shakingheart skips a beatI can"t focus,I can"t speakI"ve gone underwaterI am going in deepI need you around babe !Oxygen ! every momentOxygen everyday,I can"t live without it,don"t take it awayI need to breathe you in,like OxygenLosing cohesion,I am losing my mindI"m trying to resist it,stay out of the lineit"s like i"m drownin"in the deepest seai need ya around meOxygen ! every momentOxygen,everydayi can"t live without it nodon"t take it awayi need to breath you inlike Oxygenmy pulse racin"my heads in a spini need to see you darlin"cuz you"re my oxygenOxygen ! every momentOxygen , everydayi can"t live without itdon"t take it awayi need to breath you inover and over againlike OxygenOxygen ! every momentOxygen everyday,i need to breath you inOxygen ! every momentOxygen , everydaylike Oxygenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1802153


你好啊,不完全正确。正确的句子应为"Peter felt sorry for carelessly breaking the cup."望采纳答案哦

hang in there,for the glory of the horde!



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Everything But You 歌词

歌曲名:Everything But You歌手:Duke Ellington Quartet专辑:Duke"S Big FourBrian McFadden--Everything But Youukoo.net 孤独的小贝制作since you left,things have changedI got all the things I said would come my wayI got paid got accoladesNow you barely recognise the life I"ve madeI thought you wanted what I wantedYou left me, left me wanting youNow I"ve got nothing I"ve got nothingIf I"ve got everything but youWe had someting that I"ve been missingSince I"ve got everything, everything but youEverything,eveything but youYou know I got so muchBut nothing"s worth enough to put a price on usI thought you wanted what I wantedYou left me , left me wanting youNow I"ve got nothing I"ve got nothingIf I"ve got everything but youWe had someting that I"ve been missingSince I"ve got everything, everything but youEverything,eveything but youEverything,eveything but youNow I"ve got nothing I"ve got nothingIf I"ve got everything but youWe had someting that I"ve been missingSince I"ve got everything, everything but youYou know I got so muchNothing"s worth enoughTo put a price on ushttp://music.baidu.com/song/7541073

Everything But You 歌词

歌曲名:Everything But You歌手:Sarah Vaughan专辑:Duke Ellington Songbook, Vol. 2Brian McFadden--Everything But Youukoo.net 孤独的小贝制作since you left,things have changedI got all the things I said would come my wayI got paid got accoladesNow you barely recognise the life I"ve madeI thought you wanted what I wantedYou left me, left me wanting youNow I"ve got nothing I"ve got nothingIf I"ve got everything but youWe had someting that I"ve been missingSince I"ve got everything, everything but youEverything,eveything but youYou know I got so muchBut nothing"s worth enough to put a price on usI thought you wanted what I wantedYou left me , left me wanting youNow I"ve got nothing I"ve got nothingIf I"ve got everything but youWe had someting that I"ve been missingSince I"ve got everything, everything but youEverything,eveything but youEverything,eveything but youNow I"ve got nothing I"ve got nothingIf I"ve got everything but youWe had someting that I"ve been missingSince I"ve got everything, everything but youYou know I got so muchNothing"s worth enoughTo put a price on ushttp://music.baidu.com/song/10297341

求一篇Every profession produces its own best.三分钟的演讲稿

Recently it is reported that 1500 postgraduate students from different prestigious universities complete fiercely for 30 vacancies that is provided by a pork chain store company in Guangzhou with an annual salary of 80,000 yuan. Having been shocked by it, I begin to fall in deep thoughts. Why? Why do they have to do that? Will we face with the same situation in the immediate future?Somehow, I begin to see the daylight. Nowadays, the whole world is being hit strongly by the economic crisis. That is to say, the employment situation we are facing with is becoming much more serious than ever before. Maybe the government will do something to relieve this problem. However, it is quite tough a problem. Or more exactly, we canu2019t change this solid truth immediately. So where is the way?However, we can try to solve the problem in another way. Why they fall into this bad situation is partly that they donu2019t realize that the world is changing in every hour, every minute, even every second! In other words, we canu2019t just sit there waiting jobs come to us or do anything else meaninglessness. We have to seize the day, to improve ourselves in every possible way, to make useful man out of we boys and girls, etc. Only in this way can we change this situation, I think. Maybe it will turn out to our advantage!On the other hand, there is not a job considered the best one! We canu2019t divide them into two groups subjectively—the good one and the bad one! As we all know that every profession produces its own topmost master ! We have to change our values as the world is turning around and around. Values in the past totally do not make sense at this moment. Although working in a pork chain store company is not to your liking, we have to do that. That is why I insist that we students have to advance with the times. We should set a whole-new value of employment instead of sitting, waiting, and complaining, etc. Nevertheless, you can choose another effective way in order to get rid of this problem. In my humble opinion, we can try starting our own business, though it is a little bit harder.All in all, whether it is the right way to rid of this serious employment situation depends on us, not the government, not the employers. In this sense, we should make every effort to improve ourselves, to update our values with the times. Where is the way? It is beneath our feet! Just keep trying! Youu2019ll not know whether it is good or not if you donu2019t give it a try!

like this,try this 可以怎么解释?


taylor swift Love Story的中文歌词

Love Story-Taylor SwiftWe were both young when I first saw youI close my eyes and the flashback startsI"m standing there on a balcony in summer airSee the lights, see the party, the ball gownsSee you make your way through the crowdAnd say hello, little did I knowThat you were Romeo, you were throwing pebblesAnd my daddy said stay away from JulietAnd I was crying on the staircase, begging you please don"t goAnd I saidRomeo take me somewhere we can be aloneI"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is runYou"ll be the prince and I"ll be this princessIt"s a love storyBaby, just say yesSo I sneak out to the garden to see youWe keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knewSo close your eyes, escape this town for a little whileOh, oh, oh"Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letterAnd my daddy said stay away from JulietBut you were everything to me, I was begging you please don"t goAnd I saidRomeo take me somewhere we can be aloneI"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is runYou"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princessIt"s a love storyBaby, just say yesRomeo save me try to tell me how it feelsthis might be stupid boy, but its so realDon"t be afraid now we"ll get out of this messIt"s a love storyBaby, just say yesI got tired of waiting wondering if you were ever coming aroundmy faith in you is betterWhen I met you on the outskirts of townAnd I saidRomeo save me ive been feeling so aloneIll keep waiting for you but you never comeIs this in my head, I don"t know what to thinkhe fell to the ground and pulled out a ringAnd saidMarry me Juliet you"ll never have to be aloneI love you and that"s all I really knowI talked to your dad you"ll pick out a white dressIt"s a love storyBaby, just say yesOh, oh, ohWe were both young when I first saw you

求taylor swift的love story的中文谐音歌词

为为不欧丝样 问耐分儿搜U 爱扣漏丝买爱丝 安得the浮拉西八克丝达啊此 爱门丝单顶there on 呢八肯你 洒门儿air

亲们,求Super Junior的Santa U Are The One(with HENRY)中文歌词

Super Junior - Santa U Are The One (圭贤)You come around to every child in the world 你探访世界上每一个孩子 (始源)Always in time you"re never late every year 你每一年都很准时从不迟到 (丽旭)How does it feel to work,everyone"s off,no one to help you 工作感觉如何,每个人都休息,没有人帮助你 (晟敏)how do you reach us all,it"s for sure,no one does it better 你怎么联系到我们大家,肯定没有人比你做的更好 (全体)Christmas is finally here 圣诞终于到来了 It"s time to celebrate 是时候庆祝了 Cuz you make a better world Year after year 因为你让世界一年比一年更好 Soon you"ll be on your way 很快你就会上路 Spreading joy everywhere 把快乐传递到每个角落 There"s no one like you 没有人像你一样 (晟敏)Santa U are the one 圣诞老人你是唯一 (东海)You creep through the chimnies at night,that"s right 你在夜晚从烟囱滑下,那样很对 (圭贤)And you always know who has been naughty or nice 你总是知道谁淘气谁很乖 (henry)How does it feel to work,everyone"s off,no one to help you 工作感觉如何,每个人都休息,没有人帮助你 (艺声)how do you reach us all,it"s for sure,no one does it better 你怎么联系到我们大家,肯定没有人比你做的更好 (全体)Christmas is finally here 圣诞终于到来了 It"s time to celebrate 是时候庆祝了 Cuz you make a better world Year after year 因为你让世界一年比一年更好 Soon you"ll be on your way 很快你就会上路 Spreading joy everywhere 把快乐传递到每个角落 There"s no one like you 没有人像你一样 (东海)Santa U are the one 圣诞老人你是唯一 Thank you,Santa,thank you (东海U are the one) 谢谢你圣诞老人,谢谢你 你是唯一 Don"t go,Santa, Don"t go (银赫U are the one) 不要走圣诞老人,不要走 你是唯一 Thank you,Santa,thank you (利特U are the one) 谢谢你圣诞老人,谢谢你 你是唯一 Don"t go,Santa, Don"t go (银赫U are the one) 不要走圣诞老人,不要走 你是唯一 (丽旭)I hope you enjoy this song 我希望你享受这首歌 (艺声)It is a gift from everyone 他给每个人礼物 (圭贤)Thank you for all that you have done 谢谢你们所做的一切 (全体)Christmas is finally here 圣诞终于到来了 It"s time to celebrate 是时候庆祝了 Cuz you make a better world Year after year 因为你让世界一年比一年更好 Soon you"ll be on your way 很快你就会上路 Spreading joy everywhere 把快乐传递到每个角落 There"s no one like you 没有人像你一样 (利特)Santa U are the one 圣诞老人你是唯一 (全体)Christmas is finally here 圣诞终于到来了 It"s time to celebrate 是时候庆祝了 Cuz you make a better world Year after year 因为你让世界一年比一年更好 Soon you"ll be on your way 很快你就会上路 Spreading joy everywhere 把快乐传递到每个角落 There"s no one like you 没有人像你一样 Santa U are the one 圣诞老人你是唯一 (丽旭)U are the one (Santa U are the one) 你是唯一 圣诞老人你是唯一 (艺声)U are the one (Santa U are the one) 你是唯一 圣诞老人你是唯一 (始源)U are the one (I say) U are the one 你是唯一 我说 你是唯一


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Mac中Library目录在10.6.7系统之后默认隐藏的,要想找到此文件夹有如下几种方法:1. 用命令可以使其显示:在终端中执行命令:chflags nohidden ~/Library 可显示资源库文件夹如想隐藏,可以在终端中执行命令:chflags hidden ~/Library隐藏2. 在Finder菜单中的偏好设置中设置在Finder菜单中的偏好设置中选择边栏,勾选上设备中的硬盘。再打开Finder,Finder的左边栏会有设备显示,在这里可以找到用户下的资源库也可以找到系统下的资源库文件目录了。想要隐藏,去掉Finder偏好设置中边栏选项设备中的硬盘勾选或着直接在Finder的左边栏上设备出悬浮鼠标会出现隐藏,直接隐藏即可。

try again smile again韩文版歌词

Try again,Smile again - CNBLUEub204uad70uac00uc758 uc2dcuc120uc774 ub204uad70uac00uc758 uc678uce68uc774 ub0b4 ub540uc758 uc774uc720ub97c ub290ub07cuac8cud574ub110ub824uc9c4 uba54ubaa8 uc18duc5d0uc11c uc775uc219ud55c uc74cuc545uc18duc5d0uc11c ub0b4 uc0b6uc758 uc774uc720ub97c ub290ub07cuace4ud574ud654ub824ud55c ub124uc628 ubd88ube5b ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 ub0b4uac90 ubb34uc758ubbf8ud574uc838ub0a1uc740 uae30ud0c0uc640 ub178ub798ud560 uc218 uc788ub294 ud76cub9dduc774 uc788uc796uc544 I am gonna Try again Try again Back againub3ccuc544uac08ub798 ucc98uc74cuc758 uadf8 ub9c8uc74cuc73cub85cSmile again Smile again Back againub0a0uc544uac00 ub0a0 uc774ub04c uba3c uacf3uc744 ubcf4uba70 ub204uad70uac00uc758 ub208 uc18duc5d0 ub204uad70uac00uc758 ub9d8 uc18duc5d0 ub0b4 ub540uc758 uc774uc720uac00 uc804ud574uc9c0uae38uc218ub9ceuc740 ub9ccub0a8uc18duc5d0uc11c uadf8 ud754ud55c ucd94uc5b5uc18duc5d0uc11c ub0b4 uc0b6uc758 uc774uc720ub97c uc0dduac01ud574ubd10uc18cubc15ud55c uac00ub85cub4f1ub3c4 ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 uac19uc740 uc870uba85uc77cuac70uc57cub098uc5d0uac90 uadf8uc800 ub0b4 uafc8uacfc uc0acub791uc744 ub178ub798ud560 uc218 uc788ub2e4uba74 I am gonna Try again Try again Back againub3ccuc544uac08ub798 ucc98uc74cuc758 uadf8 ub9c8uc74cuc73cub85cSmile again Smile again Back againub0a0uc544uac00 ub0a0 uc774ub04c uba3c uacf3uc744 ubcf4uba70 I am gonna Smile again Smile again Back againuc790uc720ub86duac8c ud750ub974ub294 uc800 uac15uc744 ubcf4uba70Smile again Smile again Back againuc6c3uc744ub798 ub0a0 uc774ub04c uc800 uba3c uacf3 ubcf4uba70 Try again Try again Back againub3ccuc544uac08ub798 ucc98uc74cuc758 uadf8 ub9c8uc74cuc73cub85cSmile again Smile again Back again ub0a0uc544uac00 ub0a0 uc774ub04c uba3c uacf3uc744 ubcf4uba70【很高兴可以帮到你忙】O(∩_∩)O~【如有问题请追问或hi我】【满意请及时采纳我的答案!最好再点一下“赞同”】【谢谢!!!】

CNblue的Try again, Smile again的中文歌词!!!

貌似这首歌是英文。。。出处 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjM1NTY1ODQ0.html CNBLUE 3RD SUNGLE JAPANRE-MAINTENANCE01.Try again,Smail againMore ,Bigger halls and alums.Don"t lose my first intention.I never lose myself everyday.More,bigger home and bling-blings we got more concentration.I never lose myself everyday.I can get pressures at times.But I am strong,and I try to sing all night.I don"t like same songs,and I don"t like same sounds.I just love to try all night.I"m gonna Try again Try again,Back again Try it all nightI never give up forever.Try again Try again Back again.Time to tryI want to try to show all night.More,bigger car and concert.Don"t lose my big passion.I never lose myself everyday.More bigger world and listeners We do more gig in many nation.I never lose myself everyday.I can get pressures at times.But I am strong,and I try to sing all night.I don"t like same songs,and I don"t like same sounds.But I am strong,and I try to sing all night.I don"t like same songs,and I don"t like same sounds.I just love to try all night.I"m gonna Try again Try again,Back again Try it all nightI never give up forever.Try again Try again Back again.Time to tryI want to try to show all night.Try it all night,all night...I"m gonna Smile again Smile again Back again Smile all night.I"ll never cry forever.Smile again Smile again Back again.Time to smile I want to try to smile all night.Try again Try again,Back again Try it all nightI never give up forever.Try again Try again Back againTime to try I want to try to show all night.CNBLUE 3RD SUNGLE JAPANRE-MAINTENANCE01.Try again,Smail again 我不是英语通,你放谷歌里自己翻译好啦!

请问一下 try again ,smile again 什么意思 ?????


look at noticeboard library

答案:B.考查动词.句意:他们会看在图书馆的布告栏吗?look看,表示动作,不及物动词,后通常跟介词at.watch观看,电视,电影,戏剧等.结合语境"他们会看在图书馆的布告栏吗?",看布告,应该用look at.答案是B.


on的用法:.on( events [, selector ] [, data ], handler(eventObject) )描述: 在选定的元素上绑定一个或多个事件处理函数。events类型: String一个或多个空格分隔的事件类型和可选的命名空间,或仅仅是命名空间,比如"click", "keydown.myPlugin", 或者 ".myPlugin"。selector类型: String一个选择器字符串,用于过滤出被选中的元素中能触发事件的后代元素。如果选择器是 null 或者忽略了该选择器,那么被选中的元素总是能触发事件。data类型: Anything当一个事件被触发时,要传递给事件处理函数的event.data。handler(eventObject)类型: Function()事件被触发时,执行的函数。若该函数只是要执行return false的话,那么该参数位置可以直接简写成 false。.on()方法事件处理程序到当前选定的jQuery对象中的元素。在jQuery 1.7中,.on()方法 提供绑定事件处理的所有功能。要删除的.on()绑定的事件,使用.off()。要绑定一个事件,并且只运行一次,然后删除自己, 使用.one()

memory英语作文50字 急快 关于记忆的

If does not have the memory,we will then bee are written in water the thing.From the future looked that saw then can be a deathly stillness.But the so-called present,passes along with its one minute one second place,also will never to return vanishes during the past.The knowledge which and the skill produced based on the past were impossible to exist,in our life in fact the incessancy carries on,and causes us to turn today this appearance learning activity not to be impossible to exist 孩子.你真是极其非常之懒啊.

Cry Me A River (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

Cry Me A River演唱:Michael Buble整理:fai1492Now you say you"re lonelyYou cry the long night throughWell, you can cry me a riverCry me a riverI cried a river over youNow you say you"re sorryFor being so untrueWell, you can cry me a rivercry me a riverI cried a river over youYou drove me, nearly drove me, out of my headWhile you never shed a tearRemember, I remember, all that you saidYou told me love was too plebeianTold me you were through with me andNow you say you love meWell, just to prove you dowhy dont you cry me a riverCry me a rivercause i cry a river over youover youNow you say you love meWell, just to prove you doCome on and cry me a riverCry me a riverI cried a river over youI cried a river over youI cried a rivernow you can ture cried me a rivercried me a riverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2543261


Look after your things.翻译中文:看好你的东西.

急找一首经典英文歌, 里面有句词唱"turn around to see me cry"

turn around—turn around是这个吗?
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